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File: 10e5c0af07a22d8⋯.gif (409.45 KB, 499x374, 499:374, cb28422d8fc23f38f130117f6e….gif)

d7a31b  No.347093

Kids should be fat.

Many have more lipids on their bodies than their kids, and underfeed them.

Who all belongs in prison?

How many generally sexually, physically, psychologically, and financially abuse their kids?

Been victimized by it all my life.

How many of you do that to kids and others?

Do I care about some kids, and dislike you assholes who belong in prison?

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d7a31b  No.347095

Darcey needs to give me $100 for my birthday.

Ryan Zabel.

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d7a31b  No.347097

I'm still not fat.

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d7a31b  No.347098

Evangeline can talk, Ryan.

Relatively well.

Give her to Cynthia.

Tiffany and you and Darcey and her brothers sexually, physically, psychologically, and financially abuse her.

Benny might, too.

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d7a31b  No.347099

Ryan, I'm a law specialist.

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d7a31b  No.347100

I studied psychology and the occult.

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d7a31b  No.347101

Ethics, philosophy, and some other things, too.

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d7a31b  No.347102

I'm a CIAA and Law Specialist.

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d7a31b  No.347103

I'm also the Vice President of America.

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d7a31b  No.347104


And Everything.

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d7a31b  No.347105


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d7a31b  No.347107

I'm Vice President of America And Everything.

And Leader of the Green Party.

Yeah, studied English.

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d7a31b  No.347108

God is The President of America And Everything, and a member of the Green Party.

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d7a31b  No.347109

I can break spoons with ice cream that is too cold.

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d7a31b  No.347110






That's Satan the Bard.

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d7a31b  No.347111

I'm a Godist.

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d7a31b  No.347112

I'm a Multiversal Law Specialist.

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d7a31b  No.347113

I'm trying to help fdl with many things.

The environment, tourism, crimes, so on.

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d7a31b  No.347114

Hey, it's Curtis.

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d7a31b  No.347115

Curtis Michael.

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d7a31b  No.347117

Curtis Michael Smith.

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d7a31b  No.347118

File: 8ee9cf848388be7⋯.jpg (83.2 KB, 881x588, 881:588, 8ee9cf848388be771186102489….jpg)

Hey, Ryan.

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d7a31b  No.347119

Kids are hungry.

Need more food to grow faster and so on.

To be better in many ways.

To have better lives.

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d7a31b  No.347120

Food becomes what?

Lipids become what?

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d7a31b  No.347121

More food makes you bigger.

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d7a31b  No.347122

I've grown.

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d7a31b  No.347123


I'm large.

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d7a31b  No.347124

Darcey broke my right leg.

Then she tried to break my shins and did.

Both of them.

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d7a31b  No.347127

Evangeline may have had things broken.

May have had an aneurysm, too.

Showed me a picture of her brain exploding.

Right side, too.

Strangulation and strike to the head?

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d7a31b  No.347130

File: 05cb2b56679a9f4⋯.gif (111.25 KB, 300x100, 3:1, 1575501698222.gif)

My cousin.

Steven's kid?

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d7a31b  No.347137

Dahmer have relatives waiting for him?

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d7a31b  No.347139

How many kids has Amanda hit on online?

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d7a31b  No.347140


And you other guys?

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d7a31b  No.347141

Steven make a lot, too?

Dahmer get raped into a lot of kids?

And fuck whomever?

Trent Reznor have many kids?

Ryan have many kids?

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d7a31b  No.347142

I keep finding relatives.

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d7a31b  No.347143

Chicks keep hitting on me.

Thinking I'm into chicks.

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d7a31b  No.347144

Butch Vig was attractive.

What did people do to him?

Looks abused.

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d7a31b  No.347145


Strangled and hit in the head.

Steven Paul, their mother, and their grandmother abuse him? Nirvana and others? God can help him with the list. More abusers still.

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d7a31b  No.347146

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Cousin Nina and Cousin Butch.

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d7a31b  No.347148


Steve is Jimmy?

God can help more than me.

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ea7202  No.347153


Stay at the library. Do not leave

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ea7202  No.347154

File: 18db147bf84db39⋯.jpg (425.92 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 18db147bf84db3906e673610a1….jpg)




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ea7202  No.347155

If you leave the library, they're going to spot you walking.

Stay at the library

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ea7202  No.347156

The Fond du Lac Police department is dealing with a very serious emergency as we speak.. perhaps you already know what's happening..

So they won't be coming to look for you at the library

Your safest if you stay there and ride the Wi-Fi on your Samsung tablet

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ea7202  No.347157

The shift Commander told me they are inundated with this emergency thing that you know about.. something big happening right now, and it has nothing to do with you

But if you leave the library they'll probably see you walking down the street and they're definitely looking for you right now so you're safest if you just stay at the library until this afternoon

Then you can turn yourself in later today

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ea7202  No.347169

File: 901a57e9f9b1f4d⋯.gif (253.95 KB, 376x480, 47:60, Picsart_22_08_01_13_58_04_….gif)

File: 2a97dc90a00e0e1⋯.gif (302.09 KB, 376x480, 47:60, Picsart_22_08_01_13_59_40_….gif)


this is a genetic anomaly

I suspect it has something to do with her psychosis, a congenital causation…

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1954e2  No.347184

File: 0b30a3009c5126a⋯.jpg (179.03 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_2022_08_01_11_1….jpg)

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