Ever wonder why Nebraska is known by the majority of America as a “flyover state?” In this post you can read about the main reason why.
“For those that believe, no explanation is necessary. For those that do not, no explanation will suffice.”
Nebraska has a very serious social problem. At the flagship University of Nebraska in the state’s capitol there is an entrenched two-faced Neo-Nazi Conspiracy with roots in the Civil Rights Era.
Yeah, you read that right. It’s also very vast, widespread, and its right in everyone’s face.
The current adminstrators of the school will deny this is true. As I’m sure a man like Tom Osbourne will, too. But they are being untruthful when they deny it. Some of them are being deceitful intentionally. Some are just ignorant. Either way, they are spreading a falsehood.
The truth is that the blackshirts at the university are a fascist group. The shortest route to conviction? The name. Just google the word blackshirts and fascist groups appear on the page along with the university’s football team. Also, the flag serves as clear and convincing evidence that they are tied to the fascist blackshirts of history, while the fact that they were founded in the very politically turbulent year 1964 serves as evidence that the naming was politically motivated (most things were politically motivated in that time period).
If the shared name and the year isnt enough just look at the flag and compare it to the flags of the fascist blackshirts of history. The school’s flag is black and uses a skull and cross bones just like the fascists of history. The flag has the same basic qualities as the fascist groups. I go into the details below.
Let me be clear: the Blackshirts at the Univeristy of Nebraska are the Blackshirts of history and their weapon is corn which is also their final solution for the class and race problem.