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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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355b08  No.346529

White people will never have this level of self-awareness and that is why you will be replaced.

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d2e3aa  No.346542


Nobody's replacing white people

They're simply obsolete

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4f6bd4  No.346549

File: c51c9d9fc10b1d2⋯.jpg (552.18 KB, 968x1212, 242:303, Screenshot_20191211_164243….jpg)


I think you're going to need some problem solving Europeans are most qualified for pretty soon.

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cf3c3f  No.346632


lol stfu, boring dude with no woman in his bed.

you don't even qualify as a 'man', let alone 'white'

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cf3c3f  No.346633


you've got SO MANY little unoriginal theories…

but can't even find ONE woman who'll be seen in the same room as you

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