Geoengineering Warfare is Linked to Agenda 21
David Icke discusses weather manipulation as a tool of the United Nations, Agenda-21 to displace populations and bankrupt independent farmers — to reduce global populations by placing control of all food and water resources into the hands of giant New World Order corporations like Monsanto.
The 2016 catastrophic flood in Louisiana is the most recent example of Agenda-21 tactics along with the ongoing drought and related wildfires in California and the western States of North America.
The trademark of government sponsored false flag terror events since 9/11 is when the vast technological resources of government agencies somehow fail to forecast a predictable catastrophic event – in this case it was a thousand year flood of biblical proportions that was missed by NOAA, the National Weather Service and the wizards at the Weather Channel.
We now know that the ability to relocate weather systems with electromagnetic weapons and skies seeded with conductive aerosols is the key to the creation of artificial global warming, to deliberately increase surface temperatures and melt arctic ice.
We must act now to stop deployment of these eco-weapons in order to restore a “natural” global climate — return rainfall to the forces of nature and to stop the melting of the arctic ice by covert deployment of aerosol chemicals and electromagnetic directed energies.