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File: 1d5239634b2d02e⋯.png (104.35 KB, 564x452, 141:113, jewfortresses.png)

File: 3cbed61002f2770⋯.png (239.44 KB, 480x631, 480:631, jewrycharters.png)

70c1e9  No.33289[Last 50 Posts]

We're all well aware of the aspects of the JQ that involve over-representation in places of power in society, but I think it is also interesting to look into the JQ from a historical perspective to see the privileges that the Jews had since nearly the beginning of recorded history, so in contrast to the narratives of oppression peddled to us today.

From time immemorial this particularistic race has kept among themselves, seeing themselves as "chosen" with double-standards in morality. Through their natural drive to trade and usury, they have spread far and wide to port cities and trading post, growing rich through trade, interest and theft. With their newly found the wealth the Jews become useful to European governments, using their influence to extract privileges from the kings such as tax exemptions, the ability to lend money at interest and even military protection. In the city of Tudela in Navarre the Jews were housed by the king in a fortress to protect them from the enraged goyim (see pic 2).

Anyways, this thread will dump redpills on Judaism mostly from a historical perspective. Feel free to contribute and recommend either videos, works or infographs that go into good detail on these matters.

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70c1e9  No.33290


So most of this paper (link at the bottom) gives the text in Old Italian I presume, but the authors provide us a summary of each chapter. I'm well aware that the greentext is long, so if anyone wants a summary of my condensed summary below, here it is:

Jews are completely exempt from all taxes except the taille (direct land-tax), the extraction of 30-45% interest from "any person, ecclesiastic or secular, to servants, children, and women.", they are freely permitted to practice their religion, not are not forced to be identified in public, they have the right to bear arms and especial provision was made for their security on Good Friday. Oppressed or privilege….?

>1. The local authorities are to make no laws or regulations to the prejudice of the Jews herein referred to.

> 8. They are exempt from all taxes or imposts of every description except the taille to the Roman See

> 9. They are to pay no tithes to any person ecclesiastic or secular.

> 10. If pledges are not redeemed within one year, they may be sold as though they were the banker's property. If the latter chooses to keep them he may charge interest as heretofore.

>11. The Jews are not to be required or forced to loan upon security more than they choose. If the pledge is lost or stolen, they may deduct amount loaned and interest, in making compensation. They may loan to any person, ecclesiastic or secular, to servants, children, and women.

>12. After the year of redemption has passed they may add the accrued interest to the capital without prejudice to their right of selling the pledge

>13. Statutes of limitations are not to run against their written contracts

>18. The local butchers are to slaughter cattle of the Jews according to the Jewish ritual, under pain of 5 fl. fine for every offense. The Jews may, otherwise, slaughter them themselves without payment of any licence-fees, and sell what their dietary laws forbid them to use

>19. On Good Friday they are to be free from molestation of any sort. The local officials, under pain of 100 gold ducats fine, are to take special precaution to secure their safety by appropriate proclamations. The head of the household will be responsible for acts committed by minors under his care

>23. In loans without security they may charge 1 1/2 bolognini per florin a month (45 % per annum), or as per agreement. Their debtors of every sort must pay for the actual time elapsed, whatever may be the period mentioned in the agreement. The petitioners may have summary execution for principal and interest due

>27. They need not wear a badge of any sort.

>35. For their security, they may bear arms in or out of the places mentioned

https://www.jstor.org/stable/1450994 (use sci-hub.tw)

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70c1e9  No.33291

>Although the Jews of both Palestine and the Diaspora had steadily moved into the orbit of the Roman world in the course of the second century B.C.E., Rome did not develop a substantial body of laws regarding the Jews until the second half of the first century B.C.E. Only then, in the fifty-odd years from Caesar to Augustus, did Roman magistrates pass a number of decrees aimed at protecting the free exercise of Jewish religion. They decreed that Jews might gather freely in thiasoi, observe the Sabbath and the Jewish festivals, send money to the Temple in Jerusalem, and enjoy autonomy in their communal affairs. ==Jews were also absolved from compulsory enrollment in the Roman military==.[1]

>[1] Josephus, AJ 14.190-264, 16.162-73. For later measures taken by Claudius, see Josephus, AJ 19.278-91, 19.299-311, 20.1-14. 1 Macc. 15 claims that Rome became a guarantor of Jewish religious liberty throughout the Mediterranean as early as the second century B.C.E. But there in no convincing evidence to substantiate this claim: see J.-D. Gauger, Beitrage zur judischen Apologetik: Untersuchungen our Authentizitat von Urkunden bei Flavius Josephus und im ersten Makkabaerbuch (Cologne: Hansten, 1977) 299f. The enrollment of the Jews in the formula amicorum et sociorum of the Roman People in 140 B.C.E. did not oblige the Romans to protect the rights of individual Jews living in the Diaspora: see ibid. 188f., 205, 229f., 253f., 324.


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70c1e9  No.33292

The Julio-Claudians had a Rothschild-tier court jew system in Alexandria, Egypt called the "Alabarchy". I thus had came to the conclusion that the jewish financial and political control today should be called an Alabarchy.


These people were responsible for taxation and were extremely wealthy. Josephus said that Alexander the Alabarch surpassed all other citizens in "ancestry and wealth" (Antiquities 20.100) who overlaid the gates of the Jerusalem temple with gold (Judean War, 5.205), and he was in-fact the younger brother of Philo, who was a Hellenistic jewish philosopher that helped develop the eternal soul doctrine. He was even said to be a friend of Claudius.

This establishes a jewish elite going back to late Hellenistic times

>medieval jewry

The Codex Theodosianus obviously allowed jews special privileges within the Roman empire (merchants set their own price, you cannot kill the jew even in the name of Christianity, Judaism is not banned, jews are exempt from service, etc.). Charlemagne (this is a pretty obvious one) knighted for the court jews as a financial class until only a few weeks before his death.

Ebalus, the Duke of Aquitaine was called "Ebalus the Mamzer". Now mamzer was a Hebrew word meaning mongrel/bastard. It's used in the Latin Vulgate in Deuteronomy 23, and in general it was used in Latin to describe jewish mongrels in the medieval times. Perhaps Ebalus the Mamzer was a mamzer as in, his mum was jewish? Similarly, William the conqueror (who conquered England, literally went on a genocide campaign against the former Danish settlers and Northumbrians, brought jews to England who eventually became a major financial class, etc.) was also called "William the Mamzer", and his commoner mother was a daughter of a tanner, common jewish occupation in Europe at the time. In-fact in contemporary Greece and Anatolia, jews were notorious for being so filthy as they were tanners.


>Not to derail your thread, but I have a strong suspicion that the reason the alt-kike pushes medieval iconography is because, contrary to what we've been (((taught))), jews were lording it over the goyim and it was such a genetically destructive era for whites. Kind of like how the alt-kike utilizes Confederate iconography, since the CSA was fighting to keep niggers in America to eventually destroy the integrity of the white race.

It should've been obvious from the get-go all the glorification of the middle ages is suspicious. Why do you think that jewish hollywood pushes this image of knights being heroic?

Feudalism wasn't a "golden age" for whites. It's when big hat in Rome, the emperor or the noblemen that served them practically had total rule over the European populace. Jews were expelled most of the time not even by the feudal lords, but by rioting peasants, and it's in-fact the Catholic authorities that kept moving the jews around Europe until they all settled in Poland. There are FAR more than 109 expulsion of the jews yet this number keeps being pushed around as the amount of times jews were expelled around the world. Vast majority of them weren't even by the kings themselves.

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70c1e9  No.33293

Speaking of both Charlemagne's relations with jews and Aquitane, the old realm of Septimania, populated by Arian Visigoths but recently splitting from the rest of the Visigothic kingdom due to the Islamic conquests was conquered by Pepin's primarily Catholic army. The jews that opened the gates for Pepin's army in Narbonne fact were awarded with land in Septimania. This is in-fact a common theme in medieval history, them helping invasions and getting rewarded. They helped the Moors invade the Visigoths in Toledo, they helped the Franks invade Narbonne, later on they helped the Turks take Constantinople.


The king was a Persian jew who claimed descent from David. Read above article.

>As a part of the agreement to create Septimania, it was understand that, under the feudal system of the time, Natronai–who now took the Hebrew name of Machir-would give oaths of allegiance to the King of the Franks. King Charles requested that Machir marry his aunt Alda. A request from the King of the Franks was a command.

>All now came clear. So this was why Pepin had required that the King of Septimania be a direct descendant of King David! The problem for Pepin, and for his son, King Charles, was that Pepin had usurped the throne of the Franks from the Merovingians, and thus there was no royal blood in their veins. This they desperately needed in order to establish the legitimacy of their dynasty. By this marriage of Alda to Machir, who was a direct lineal descendant of King David, they would not only have royal blood in the veins of their descendants, but the most royal blood possible, the blood of David himself!

>But how could such a marriage take place? Alda was Catholic, and no Catholic priest would marry her to a Jew unless the Jew converted, which of course Machir absolutely could not do. On the other hand, no rabbi would marry Machir to a gentile unless she converted. An unsolvable dilemma? Apparently not, for marry they did, and had a legitimate son through whom Jewish blood now was intermingled with that of the Carolingian kings of France. How was this possible? History is silent. There was a way that perhaps it could be accomplished, based on the customs of the time. Whether in fact this way was used is purely speculative.

So not only did the dukes of Aquitane later inherit jewish blood illegitimately, but Charlemagne himself legally had a jewish uncle, who married his aunt by his own order! Meaning that the jewish kings of Septimania were in-fact related to the Carolingians. Now, going back to the Goths, this word comes into play later on during the medieval ages:


Cagots were a group in Septimania, the Basque country, and Aquitane. They were grossly persecuted by all their neighbours for some reason, despite being religious even in the churches they were treated as lepers. Why were they called Cagots? The name derives roughly from "Caas" or "Canine" and "Goth". This would mean that Cagot literally translates to Gothic dog.

I propose that they were called "Cagots" or "Gothic dogs" by the jewish rulers of Septimania as a jewish prejudice against whites, and that this is why they were persecuted.

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70c1e9  No.33295

It's definitely possible that the Carolingians had some jewish blood even before they took charge, perhaps through some bastard somewhere in the Merovingian lines, blood, though it's doubtful unlike with William the bastard or especially the kings of Spain (despite him starting the inquisition, Ferdinand II was 1/8th jewish, and even the other Europeans thought of Spain as a den of jewry). He was described as swarthy, though it can be through southern Italian ancestry as well. But what we do know for sure, is that Charlemagne had jews in his extended family.

Jews hadn't been infiltrating northern Europe like they did Rome or even the Middle Eastern empires, they infiltrated it like they did for example, Poland. They probably first went to the wilder more inland parts of Germania sometime around the 2nd century AD though they already were all over Rome even before the 1st century AD (expelled from Rome by Hispanus though later came back, already had a community in Greece and ritualistically massacred Greeks in Crete), I would say the Roman controlled parts of Germania had jews dating back to the 1st or 2nd century (they're documented in the parts of Switzerland that were a part of Germania Superior), and Constantine allowed the jews to enter the city council of Cologne in 324 AD.

Russia would've also had an old jewish presence predating the Khazars, Crimea probably had jews dating back to antiquity, most likely the jews of Persia or Anatolia. These folks would've traded around the area of Ukraine which is why jewish presence is documented so much around that area. Later on the Radhanites (pic related was their trade routes, from France to China, and also a Radhanite merchant depicted in Chinese art) had southern Russia as a major trading hub. Russian jewry originated here, they bought Slavic slaves from nomads, and sold them to the Romans and Arabs (this is why "slave" comes from "Slav"), as far west as Spain. They tried to take over the whole of Russia several times. They were only stopped by Ivan Grozny, which is probably why they always depict him as some hollywood villain (sacking Novgorod, playing football with severed heads, impaling people, etc.) and still call him "Ivan the Terrible" in English. Also notice how much they use impaling people in propaganda around that period, it's possible that Vlad the Impaler wasn't an impaler at all.

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70c1e9  No.33299

File: 76b0eb13acef56b⋯.png (1.41 MB, 1201x601, 1201:601, Radhanites2.png)

File: feed156bcc19e6a⋯.jpg (44.26 KB, 348x728, 87:182, ForeignMerchant.jpg)

Many cathedrals have jewish symbolism in them. Specifically in the Cordoba cathedral there was a lot of kabbalah symbolism, it even depicted the trinity like the kabbalistic tree of life. Again, Spain had the OP, Spanish royals were part-jewish since after the middle ages, and in general was known for being a stingy den of jewry by other Europeans prior to 1492. The Zohar (main text of kabbalah, mostly plagiarised from Neoplatonism and mixed with kabbalah) was written in Spain.


There's much more kabbalah symbolism in cathedrals than even just that, hexagrams too. Don't forget that the high churches and cathedrals were built by basically proto-freemasons (the original bricklaying guilds).


Forgot to post picrel. And yes, the rebellion took place in Cyprus.

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70c1e9  No.33302

File: 80fbbbda23595f5⋯.png (115.44 KB, 800x904, 100:113, 800px-AUT_Judenburg_COA.sv….png)

Apparently, Hungary's historical jewish population was so influential and big, that it along with Russia has the most Ashkenazi-descended population in Europe. The jewish company MyHeritageDNA admit this.

>Jews have a long history in Hungary, with Jewish officials having served the king during the early 13th-century reign of Andrew II. By the early 20th century, the Jewish community constituted 5% of Hungary’s total population (comparable to MyHeritage’s findings) and Jews comprised 23% of the population of the capital, Budapest.

However I see this as partially propaganda, considering MyHeritage is an Israeli company (immediate sign of rigging things), that this was taken from a low pool of users, and uses the low Ashkenazi-DNA in Poland to prove that the lolocaust happened. Of course this is nonsense, it's just that most jews left Poland for Israel, Russia etc. in the early 20th century. Plus, Ashkenazi DNA is said to be found among many Poles (don't take this as me saying Poles are jewish-mutts, they aren't, but a portion are):


I wouldn't be surprised if the jews running MyHeritage are just rigging it to legitimise the holohoax. In general, I wouldn't trust DNA tests that much.

Similarly, an entire town in Austria is called "Judenburg" after its historic position as a trading outpost in-between the mountains of Austria and Slovenia… …in which the jews played an important role. Suspiciously, Napoleon (freemasonic jew and one of the first Zionists who tried carving out a jewish state in Palestine, his family left for Corsica same time many jews did) ended the French war with Austria in Judenburg.

In-fact, the jews have had tremendous influence within the Habsburg realms as Hofjuden or "court jews". They often lived in massive mansions in Vienna, in far better lives than the Austrian peasant. Give these a read, they give great information on the history of the jews in Habsburg realms and their privileged status.



While the Rothschilds might have originated as court jews in Frankfurt, they only made it wealthy after going to Vienna.

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70c1e9  No.33303

Going back to late antiquity/early middle ages, and for the Middle East this time, not Europe. There was already pro-jewish sentiment in Persia and specifically their territory in Mesopotamia during the Sasanian period (Shapur II, who launched genocidal campaigns against Armenians and Arabs) and even within (certain) political circles in the Parthian empire before that. However, the Parthians wouldn't take jewry too nicely. The jews of Babylon in particular led revolts against the Parthians several times in order to seize power. In Nehardea, two certain jews show the full extent of the jewish mentality during war and during work before that, the brothers Anilai and Asinai, yids that were punished as weavers because of how they tried to jew their way out of it. Images quote Josephus's Antiquities 18 Chapter 9, which is the only work we have dedicated to them. In short, they revolted against the Parthians to create their own jewish state in Babylon, and in-turn ended up killing a bunch of Parthians, Greeks, and Syrians alike. They were punished in return by such communities.

In Sassanid Persia, the Mesopotamian jews under Mar Zutra II, the Exilarch of the jews of Babylon made use of the coinciding political instability, and seized power near Ctesiphon. Mar Zutra II was full sent on creating his own jewish state:

>Klima, who had concluded from SOZ that Mar Zutra collected taxes during his revolts from the Gentiles, too, "since there is nothing new in informing us that the Exilarch collected taxes from the Jewish inhabitants"

Though the Shahansah Kawad I put down the revolt and executed the jewish exilarch, the same Mesopotamian jews began to support Kawad after he invaded the Byzantine empire, around the same time its instability plagued the west, showing how they've always been willing to support both sides to come out victorious.

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70c1e9  No.33305

File: 9c16afd72570e32⋯.png (1.06 MB, 1905x854, 1905:854, JosephusAsineusandAnileus1.PNG)

File: 85b655dba2ea6ab⋯.png (1.12 MB, 1901x849, 1901:849, JosephusAsineusandAnileus2.PNG)

File: b72a847e559842a⋯.png (205.82 KB, 1898x161, 1898:161, JosephusAsineusandAnileus3.PNG)

File: 574cc17dc720b29⋯.png (63.46 KB, 456x186, 76:31, marzutrataxes.PNG)

File: e69a32d2500e821⋯.png (286.99 KB, 536x801, 536:801, marzutra.PNG)


Here's another jewish rebel in Persia. This time, from the early Islamic period. He led a radical veganistic jewish sect similar to the ones that existed in Roman Judea during the jewish wars:


>Abu Isa (also known as Ovadiah, Ishaq ibn Ya'qub al-Isfahani, Isaac ibn Jacob al-Isfahani) was a self-proclaimed Jewish prophet sometime in the 8th century AD in Persia and the leader of a short-lived revolt. Proclaimed by some of his followers to be the Messiah, Abu Isa himself never made such claims or inferences. He seems to have allied himself with Sunbadh after the assassination of Abu Muslim in 755 CE. His forces fought Caliph al-Mansur's army at Rayy only to be defeated. Abu Isa fell in this battle.

>The dating of Abu Isa's career has been disputed since the Middle Ages. The two main sources for information of him are Qirqisani, a Jewish Karaite historian; and Shahrastani, who wrote an extensive guide to Jewish sects over the ages. Qirqisani places the events in the reign of the Umayyad Caliph Abd al-Malik (685 - 705 CE) while Shahrastani says it began under the reign of Marwan II (744 - 750) on through to Al-Mansur (d. 775). Qirqisani's dates place Abu Isa's uprising during Umayyad clashes with the Byzantines which would coincide with Messianic stories of the battle between Gog and Magog and place it early enough to influence Karaism; Shahrastani's would put the revolt at the end of the Umayyad Dynasty and thus at a pivotal point of upheaval in the Muslim world.[1][2] Both are plausible and there is no direct Isawite documentation.

>The Turkish scholar Halil Ibrahim Bulut in 2004 has shown that Shahrastani's 'Abbasid date is more likely

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3ff62a  No.33310

File: 098b8f429bd242e⋯.jpg (110.52 KB, 638x479, 638:479, based_Martin_Luther.jpg)

File: df44e11f3653f9f⋯.pdf (930.24 KB, On the Jews and Their Lies….pdf)

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ef5cd7  No.33442


The greatest myth is the Diaspora, that they were forcibly expelled from Israel/Palestine by the Romans, and they never were, an entire people abandoned their homeland for opportunism.

It's under-estimated the scale of the Jewish expansion from the time they had freedom of movement within the Greek successor Kingdoms and the rapid expansion of Hellenistic Judaism which went on to become Christianity, Alexander the Great was the best thing that ever happened for them.

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ef5cd7  No.33460

It is also the case that i have examined the nature of their God YHWH as that is the key to the entire mystery, the nature of their God is Growth/Expansion, the generation of being, symbolized by the Divine Child of the crescent Moon, in earlier times a cannibal cult as growth is achieved by consuming others.

They have then entirely aligned themselves with this principle of growth at the expense of others, a God of more sheep and more shekels and more power, the Divine principle in and of itself is neutral and the concept is not original to them but they adopted it fanatically, it can be either good or evil that grows and expands, in their case of course the expansion of evil from the Sinai region.

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0761c7  No.33474

i dont get it! why are they so hated!?

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50cfdb  No.33516


>1st pic

You could have covered it all in yellow it, the entirety of it is outrageous.


>There's much more kabbalah symbolism in cathedrals than even just that, hexagrams too. Don't forget that the high churches and cathedrals were built by basically proto-freemasons (the original bricklaying guilds).

Hexagrams are nothing wrong per se.

As for proto-Masons, there's nothing wrong with that too. You should not confuse late Masonry (Judeo-Masonry) with its origins. Masons obeyed sacred rules as to how build temples. These rules will never change even if Jews were to be gone from this world.


>Napoleon (freemasonic jew and one of the first Zionists who tried carving out a jewish state in Palestine, his family left for Corsica same time many jews did) ended the French war with Austria in Judenburg.

Napoleon was not a Jew at all but did indeed get "masoned" although like many men of his stature, he didn't seem to pursue these matters. He tried to obtain support from kikes during the campaign in the Western Levant but that didn't work. He in fact had plans to solve the JQ in a most peculiar way, by forcing them to marry gentiles.

Jews acting as intermediary agents in conflicts, because of their high positions within offices, is expected although unfortunate.

Finally Napoleon got betrayed by Jews he used for intelligence during the war.

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f215d5  No.34055


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f215d5  No.34505


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347082  No.34530


On the one hand it's not like every Jew was sniffed out house by house and forced to fuck off into the desert but on the other hand the Romans did a pretty good job of razing the cultural and spiritual center of Judaism, physically as well as otherwise.

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ef5cd7  No.39186


They'd already developed the decentralized form of Judaism during the Babylonian exile based upon the localized synagogue, these had expanded everywhere during the Hellenistic period and the early Churches also emerged from the decentralized communities of Hellenistic-Judaism.

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d4f41d  No.41866

File: 3260c1bf4d0f9a6⋯.jpeg (173.5 KB, 1024x682, 512:341, 0400E961-8D07-456B-B0F9-2….jpeg)

If you needed something done that a Christian would object to then you found a Jew. That’s how they climbed the social latter in these societies from the medieval to now.

A King Needed an alchemist, guess who? A fortune teller , yup. A court jester, what group of people are most entertaining? A money lender, goes without saying. A spy, A wizard, A healer, A whore monger, A casino. The Jews didn’t just miracle their way up the social strata a few generations after WW2 , they’ve always been there albeit concealed from the public.

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c7523b  No.41930


That actually explains alot. Has long has it didn't involve magic then why would christians object to being healers? Has long has the position amounted to just really primitive doctors then it should be fine, or do I need to read about it because admittedly my understanding about healers is pretty low.

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bc6d1b  No.46512

File: 3a4769f98e9d992⋯.mp4 (4.83 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 3a4769f98e9d992db536231eb2….mp4)

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8cca82  No.46660

File: 9a1e2d9bcb4f67b⋯.jpg (690.67 KB, 800x2808, 100:351, Magna Carta - What the jew….jpg)

The Magna Carta

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70c1e9  No.62385


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70c1e9  No.62386


It's that the clergy found it to be superstitious. In the middle ages primitive medicine would've worked fine if not for that.

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d45785  No.62388

Thanks. This gives me goosebumps.

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5e727e  No.62873


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f215d5  No.72346


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fabfbe  No.72391


expansion is same meaning as brahman, it's knowledge of the source

the four letter word represents the four elements and four corners of space and time

this is the same meaning as the swastika

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91636a  No.96152


Shutted down.

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953ba1  No.96162

File: e65443f60140075⋯.jpeg (58.48 KB, 640x418, 320:209, jo.jpeg)


>Although the j*ws of both Palestine and the Diaspora had steadily moved into the orbit of the Roman world in the course of the second century B.C.E., Rome did not develop a substantial body of laws regarding the j*ws until the second half of the first century B.C.E.

j*ws didn't exist until the first century AD.

Josephus made it all up tbh.

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938602  No.104656


Here's an example of a jewish tactic to hinder research on ancient jewry, i.e.: "jews aren't jews". Since Josephus postdates the jews' high positions in Alexandrian Egypt (and the entire history of Roman Judea in-fact, something that can't be substituted otherwise, especially when considering non Roman/Greek mentions of jewry into the equation), trying to "deconstruct" jewish history as non-existent limits anti-jewish sentiment as by extension it denies jews as a biological subrace. Shlomo Sand, Eran Elhaik, Israel Finkelstein, Arthur Koestler and everyone else pushing this theory are all jews that "deny" their own history; after all, it makes it easier for them to subvert others.


Although it isn't negroid in origin (originated in Usenet), the way you write that comes off as incredibly negrified.

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938602  No.104657

File: 54291c8744fcaee⋯.jpg (84.57 KB, 736x460, 8:5, africajuda.jpg)

Jews were involved in white slavery long before the "trans-Atlantic" slave trade; from the Mediterranean, to West Africa, to China and southeast Asia

It's already known that the Moors in Spain and Morocco were notoriously pro-jewish. Before Poland and the Ottoman empire, Spain and North Africa were the "jewish paradises" of the medieval period. Jews often served as grand viziers, i.e. the advisor of the Sultan, and played a huge part in the governance of Al-Andalus.

The Radhanite trade route went through both the Frankish kingdom and Spain/North-Africa, it's very likely that they traded Slavic slaves as early as the 8th century in Spain and Italy, and most importantly, to negroids in West Africa; it was around this period and the end of Vandal rule that led to negroids migrating into North Africa and mixing with the people there, forming the mixed race seen there today. Later on, Abu Yusuf Yaqub al-Mansur enslaved 40,000 European PoWs from the Battle of Alarcos and sent them to Morocco. It can thus be assumed that jewish slave traders, whether the Radhanites or some other important jewish family sold white slaves to negroids. The same thing happened later on with the Barbary pirates (many of them were Sephardic jews) and with the Crimean Khanate (which brought in slaves from as far north as Finland).

"Bilad el-Sudan" originally referred to all of sub-Saharan Africa, including west Africa, not just the present-day country of that name. It primarily referred to west Africa, specifically Mali and Senegal; these kingdoms are noted by modern historians as proof of negroid ingenuity, though of course, they were built on slavery. There were jews involved in the slave trade as well. From Leo Africanus's "The Description of Africa", on Timbuktu.

>The king is a declared enemy of the Jews. He will not allow any to live in the city. If he hears it said that a Berber merchant frequents them or does business with them, he confiscates his goods.

This confirms that the jewish merchants of North Africa were closely tied to Berber merchants that operated in Timbuktu and thus West Africa in general, and that there were already jews in Mali in some way or form during the middle ages, this also points towards why there was a "Kingdom of Juda" in English maps of West Africa. Furthermore, the Zuwa dynasty of the contemporary Songhai empire was said to have come from Yemen in the Tarikh el-Sudan, and it's been historically speculated that they might've been Yemeni jews. Yemen used to be a jewish kingdom, and still had a very large jewish population until they mostly left for Israel in the 20th century. The Lemba people in Zimbabwe (who adhere to many jewish traditions) in northeast South Africa were also said to have come from Yemen; likely sailing south of the Swahili coast, also a slave-route for negroids coming into the middle east, and later on an independent kingdom that expanded the slave trade into the Congo (around the same time the Belgian Congo was set up). Thus, it's already alleged that the jews controlled, or at least played a huge role in the slave trades of the Silk Road, the Barbary coast, the Sahara/West Africa, and the Swahili coast. 3 out of 4 of them involved whites being enslaved.

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25eb88  No.104672



In an old documentary The Other Israel, I heard that the Ashkinazi Jews (the majority of modern "Jews") are descendants of the Khazars. Apparently, the Khazarian king made Judaism the national religion in the 18th century, and the people bought the idea that they are the "true Jews". Eventually they migrated into the surrounding nations of Europe and Russia to apply their newfound revolutionary spirit in gentile nations.

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938602  No.104681



That's been proven as disinformation years ago, likely to limit anti-jewish sentiment into only opposing "fake jews", and to thus more easily subvert others.

1. Every single jewish group in the world resembles each other; even the "Bokharan jews" of Central Asia slightly resemble Ashkenazi and Sephardi jews because of ancient Semitic/Levantine mixture.

2. The "Rhineland hypothesis" is a historical fact, because of the Edict of Constantine in 324 AD.


>With certain exceptions Jews are to be called to the Decurionate.

He invited the jews of Cologne into the Decurionate or City Council, which proves that jews have been living in the Rhineland and thus Germany since long before the Khazars even entered Europe, first likely as Tengrists (and it's also a fact that only the Khazarian nobility were jews, not the general population). To give a comparison, the Council of Nicaea was only in 325 AD, a year after that edict, meaning that jews were living in Germany long before Rome's Christianisation let alone the judaisation of the Khazars.

>newfound revolutionary spirit

That's not a "newfound" revolutionary spirit. I've proven already that the jews were already infiltrating Rome and later European kingdoms long before the fall of Khazaria. In-fact, the jewish kingdom of Septimania only slightly postdates the of the Khazars, and they were literally denigrating the Visigoths that they ruled over as "Cagots", i.e. Gothic dogs.

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cc657a  No.104863

good thread

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aa7184  No.104867


>1. Every single jewish group in the world resembles each other; even the "Bokharan jews" of Central Asia slightly resemble Ashkenazi and Sephardi jews because of ancient Semitic/Levantine mixture.

How about you post a few images for comparison?

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938602  No.104905

File: a6d817349df6eb6⋯.jpg (10.91 KB, 407x168, 407:168, ashkenazi1.jpg)

File: b0247a607ac8b88⋯.jpg (11.73 KB, 407x167, 407:167, sephardic1.jpg)

File: 6124d73c34225d8⋯.jpg (7.7 KB, 250x168, 125:84, bukharanjew.jpg)


From left-to-right, an Ashkenazi jew (the "Ukrainian"-type), Sephardi jew, and a "Bukharan jew". The Bukharan should display more Mongoloid features if jews weren't a biological subrace.

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4941ed  No.104913


Why do Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews look "whiter" than their surrounding populations of non-jews?

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938602  No.104929


>Why do Sephardi and Mizrahi Jews look "whiter" than their surrounding populations of non-jews?

That's an extremely bad job at trying to gaslight the Levantine root of jewry; because that just proves my point. They don't look exactly like Arabs because they're their own subrace, with varying degrees of foreign mixture; however, they still retain a distinct Semitic/Levantine facial type.

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25eb88  No.105039

File: 684113a573215cf⋯.png (1010.91 KB, 2173x1305, 2173:1305, Saturn.png)

pic related; /x/-tier summary of ancient "Jewish" history and connections to Satanic religions.

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938602  No.105174

It's telling that so many people in this thread are trying to corrode legitimate research and historical facts with "jews aren't jews" and various types of conjecture. Look at this poster for example:


>"Jewish" in quotations

>it's more "Satanic Saturn" nonsense

I can see through your attempt of trying to shit up the thread with your occult rabbitholes. Your little infograph hardly even touches regular jewish doctrines let alone the kabbalah; whereas what it does touch on it gets extremely inaccurate, and it ignores the fact that the Roman gods all had different cults tied to them, including Saturn, ultimately not rooted in their original figure(s). It only comes off as another attempt to both deflect from the racial angle of judaism and actually make judaism seem more tame by doing so, and to purposely dilute truths regarding ancient jewry with this nonsense. Everything I posted in this thread is a historical fact, whereas this is just a bunch of conjecture regarding judaism which is either poor research at best, or deliberate misdirection at worst; and I'm already leaning towards the latter.

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25eb88  No.105176


>conjecture regarding judaism which is either poor research at best, or deliberate misdirection at worst

It's the former, but what's wrong with conjecture? Anyways, none of the disjoint facts in the infograph are "extremely inaccurate", or at least they are all lifted from either scripture itself or wikipedia…

Poorly researched indeed, but if you don't like the conclusion that YOU inferred, I don't see what that has to do with the facts themselves. The MO of of /pol/ is to put a bunch of facts side-by-side and hope that people make the connection. You didn't, and that's not my fault. To be fair though, I was mainly thinking of shilling this to evangelicals who are already thinking in terms of spiritual archetypes. These are people who already believe that all evil throughout history is "the work of Satan". I think there's potential to expand on their concept of Satan to encompass similar archetypes in pre-Christian religions (and Judaism). Can it backfire? Is it bad for the movement? idk, but presenting actual facts about the holohoax to low-IQ Christians also never works, so apparently sourced facts are not the only tactic in this game.

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cc657a  No.105197


That's true. The trick of redpilling evangelicals is the religious angle. They wouldn't dare ignore their holy book which is the highest authority. Find the right scripture quotes and you can mold them like butter

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ef5cd7  No.105205


The oldest records of their pre-disposition towards slavery relate to the Suteans and Yahmuteans who were the ancestors of the Hebrews from the Sinai region, they had the worst reputation for this in Sumerian texts.


Israel and the Jews are a Sutean/Sethian religious group that emerged from the Sinai with an emphasis on tribal unity and covenant and hostile intent towards all others.


For the Egyptians the Suteans/Sethians were the epitome of evil and the God Set was their tutelary Deity, this was inverted in Sethian Gnosticism.


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47b333  No.105209


hows about you attach those pdf's instead of linking to academia.edu

seems interesting

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ef5cd7  No.105214

File: 755fcd4a5587ffd⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2732x926, 1366:463, LL.jpg)


It's a great resource and i encourage it's use, but anyway the Sumerian and Egyptian attitude towards the Suteans/Sethians are the reason they keep the origins of their religion deliberately vague as it establishes them as the earlier epitome of evil.

The likes of the Free Masons make great play on their supposed connections to ancient Egypt but fail to mention that is in terms of Sethian tradition and the pillars of such, in every town and city there is a Lodge dedicated to Sethian tradition.

>The Three Steles of Seth clearly represents the same system as Allogenes; yet it is constructed as a triptych of presentations of praise and blessing to Autogenes, Barbelo, and the pre-existent One in connection with a communal practice of a three-stage ascent and descent. After an initial revelation and various blessings rendered by Seth (Steles Seth VII,5:118:25-120,28) who praises the bisexual Geradamas as Mirothea (his mother) and Mirotheos (his father), the rest of the treatise uses the first person plural for ascribing praise to (1) the Triple Male, (2) to Barbelo who arose from the Triple Powered One (characterized by being, living and knowing, and is also called Kalyptos and Protophanes), and (3) to the pre-existent One who is characterized by the existence life mind triad. The whole concludes with a rubric (Steles Seth VII,5:126,32 127,22) that explains the use of the steles in the practice of descent from the third to the second to the first; likewise, the way of ascent is the way of descent.

This originally related to their sacred mountain in the Sinai, three levels of ascent and plateaus

>In the Antiquities of the Jews, Josephus refers to Seth as virtuous and of excellent character, and reports that his descendants invented the wisdom of the heavenly bodies, and built the "pillars of the sons of Seth", two pillars inscribed with many scientific discoveries and inventions, notably in astronomy.



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938602  No.105268


>It's the former

Aside from Cain (whose genealogy is considered to be dead in both judaism and CH anyways, and is thus essentially irrelevant in the whole equation), circumcision and sacrifices, your infograph hardly touched on judaism at all. The rest is a bunch of nonsense about Saturn or whatever.

>none of the disjoint facts in the infograph are "extremely inaccurate", or at least they are all lifted from either scripture itself or wikipedia…

And you're not actually refuting any of my points regarding why it is extremely inaccurate. There were several different cults of Saturn, Baal, etc., and you're all grouping the entirety of the mythology into one collective idea, and claiming that it's this Satanic cult that later became judaism, of which you have no evidence for. It's conjecture, and its tie-in to rabbinic judaism isn't even a historical fact.

>Poorly researched indeed, but if you don't like the conclusion that YOU inferred, I don't see what that has to do with the facts themselves. The MO of of /pol/ is to put a bunch of facts side-by-side and hope that people make the connection. You didn't, and that's not my fault. To be fair though, I was mainly thinking of shilling this to evangelicals who are already thinking in terms of spiritual archetypes. These are people who already believe that all evil throughout history is "the work of Satan". I think there's potential to expand on their concept of Satan to encompass similar archetypes in pre-Christian religions (and Judaism). Can it backfire? Is it bad for the movement? idk, but presenting actual facts about the holohoax to low-IQ Christians also never works, so apparently sourced facts are not the only tactic in this game.

So you're admitting that you're trying to misdirect people in order to "bring dumb Christians onto your side". Go figure. This thread is to discuss historical facts, not to make up a bunch of nonsense that some dumb people will fall for. Most people, Christians included would consider any talk of this nonsensical and would thus associate everything regarding jewish conspiracism with either "Nazis" or your misdirection. I've done nothing but cite historical facts, and you're trying to tie in some occult rabbithole into this, of which you admit is poorly researched.


Most Christians, like jews can't even follow their own religion consistently without resorting to pilpul. What makes you think trying to constantly assert this "Saturn" nonsense will suddenly tell them the truth? Unless you and your friend here are really jewish infiltrators trying to corrode historical facts about your tribe with this nonsense to blackwash your enemies (essentially their nature), there's no point in deliberately misleading people with this.



This also seems like more misdirection with some facts (about Set) to justify it. Most of these sources hardly even refer to the jews and their role in the equation, and some don't even add up to what you're saying.

> The present paper will combine the dataof archaeology,historical inscriptions and literary texts to cast light on the circumstances under which the figure Seth in Judaism emerged. There is a linguistic and historical continuity between the Amorite tribe Suteans and the biblical Seth

For instance, this source doesn't even refer to the Egyptian Set, it refers to the Hebrew Seth, as in the man that killed Cain, thus it doesn't collaborate with your thesis here.

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47b333  No.105306

File: 78586eb41dd0ef1⋯.pdf (140.18 KB, Sons_of_Seth_and_the_South….pdf)



fine, be an insufferable faggot jew

the other pdf (sutean nomads in the mari perod) is 22mb so here's a link if anyone is interested


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ef5cd7  No.105308

File: 94e8a09e369f1d0⋯.jpg (88.6 KB, 700x466, 350:233, terrace2.jpg)


The first paper i linked concerns itself only with the Suteans in an era pre-dating Israel, so no it doesn't mention the Jews, the second looks at the tradition in Mesopotamia of the Suteans as absolute evil and the biblical inversion of that, but neither concern themselves with the God Set as it outside the parameters of those studies.

In fact the God Set is so archaic it predates Dynastic Egypt but was originally pronounced sūtiẖ, relating to the Mesopotamian Sutean, and was introduced into Egypt by the founding Hurrians that saw in the Suteans the inverse of their nature, thus Horus and Seth, both tutelary Deities of ethnic groups.

The same situation occurred in the Sinai which was colonized by Hurrian miners and metal workers, the Qenites, the mountain cult originally dedicated to Seir the Horite before Sutean religion emerged.


In both instances, Egypt and the Sinai it is Hurrians that introduce relatively advanced technologies and religious thought before being displaced by the empowered Suteans who then claim to be a Chosen seed.

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ef5cd7  No.105325

File: 4b52b6828fea0e7⋯.jpg (256.68 KB, 1022x789, 1022:789, st.jpg)


Please don't sell me to the Yahmuteans.

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48a9e1  No.105501

>>105325 Weird, 3000 years ago the worst it could happen is to be sold to protojews.

>The Torah accepts this practice: a man can have sex with only one wife and his slave girls.

>Slave trade was a traditional Jewish occupation …in the 14th century the Christian population feared Ashkenazi Jews, who were known as slave traders.



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ef5cd7  No.105604

File: 867943210620c7e⋯.jpg (61.98 KB, 640x429, 640:429, petra_jordan.jpg)


They never change and the Egyptian archetype of Seth as their tutelary Deity still holds good

>a god of chaos, fire, deserts, trickery, storms, envy, disorder, violence, and foreigners

Why bother with truth when you can make up whatever suits your agenda, a chaotic basis for religion that has no connection to truth and facts, why establish good relationship with others when you can manipulate, exploit and enslave them, with the Sethian it is always evil deception.

There's a whole sub-plot in Sumerian religion concerned with the Suteans and their Holy Mountain Sar-sar, the Shara range, they connect Lamashtu to being exiled there and also connected to the Acacia/burning bush, the Anzu bird that stole the tablets of destiny they also related to the mountain, this providing a basis for the tablets of Moses, they saw the flood as an earlier attempt to destroy them and looked forward to their destruction by fire in the Erra and Ishum epic, the mountain seen as connecting to Cosmic evil.

The Suteans also had very large herds of sheep and liked to steal them from others, it was always about the sheep and still is.

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f505ca  No.105795


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21c51c  No.105806

File: 06870550d6dc1f3⋯.png (897.42 KB, 1522x871, 1522:871, 1.PNG)

File: 9161be15474da7b⋯.png (1.08 MB, 1496x1095, 1496:1095, 2.PNG)

File: 9d0dcb28468ba62⋯.png (728.03 KB, 1003x973, 1003:973, 3.PNG)

I'll just leave this here

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f505ca  No.105811


>rich merchants named "Pani"

>near the sea shore

>their god Bala

I'm not saying this is misdirection (far from it; it's welcome in this thread), but this sounds more like it's referring to the Phoenicians ("Pani" and "Punic" seem to come from the same root word). They were Semites, but not jews, in-fact the closest descendants to the ancient Phoenicians are actually Lebanese people; some people push the theory that jews are actually Phoenicians as they're neighbouring Semitic peoples, though that's likely untrue seeing their separation at all. It's been popularised by people like Miles Mathis (it didn't originate with him, but he seems to have spread it), and although he might've been legitimate at one point, nowadays he's a hardline demoraliser which makes his reason for pushing it questionable.

It's more probable that the jews weren't Phoenicians themselves, but they utilised the Phoenician trade routes later on to gain access to foreign land, including India, though that likely postdates the composition of the Rigveda (said to have been completed around 1200 BC), and gained the same mercantile power in doing so, which they would later use to gain their high position in the middle ages.

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21c51c  No.105828


I don't know, Mathis always seemed like disinfo agent to me, intentional or not. Phoenicians - Fanisk - Phoenix, which was also an Aryan symbol. Maybe they borrowed it, maybe they branched in several groups. Jews could originally be a group of Phoenicians that mixed with some negroid tribe of robbers which turned them into typical kikes. I wouldn't dismiss the possibility of them getting infiltrated either. They could have been the British Empire or the USA of that period.

Just found those excerpts funny.

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f505ca  No.105838

File: 176aeb29656fc5f⋯.jpg (101.85 KB, 727x714, 727:714, Carthaginian_portraits.jpg)


>I don't know, Mathis always seemed like disinfo agent to me, intentional or not

Ah alright, you appear to be a legitimate poster now that you clarify. I was just sharing what appears to be the background of those Vedic excerpts.

>Phoenicians - Fanisk - Phoenix, which was also an Aryan symbol

Phoenicians seemed to have been Semitic and they were neighbours of the jews, but they're not exactly jews. Since they lived in Lebanon, a mountainous region, it's probable that the Phoenicians avoided the same sexual degeneracy that resulted in jewish ethnogenesis (especially negroid admixture but also incest) , and it appears they were more or less like modern Lebanese people, not jews. Attached are portraits from Roman-era Carthaginian mummies, probably the most detailed depiction of the ancient Phoenicians; they look almost exactly like modern Arab people. They could have some Berber mixture, though they look far more like modern Lebanese people than modern North Africans, and Carthage wasn't known for any Berber settlement as it was a coastal city.

>I wouldn't dismiss the possibility of them getting infiltrated either. They could have been the British Empire or the USA of that period.

That seems to be somewhat the case, at least after 1000 BC and predating the sack of Tyre (and later, Carthage, which I've also talked of before as being like ancient USA of sorts). Regarding judeo-Phoenician ties, it's admitted in the Wiki page for Ophir, the island that was subject to a joint-Phoenician/jewish expedition was likely located somewhere in the Indian subcontinent, where of course the ancient Aryans settled during Vedic times:

>Ophir in Genesis 10 (the Table of Nations) is said to be the name of one of the sons of Joktan.[a] The Books of Kings and Chronicles tell of a joint expedition to Ophir by King Solomon and the Tyrian king Hiram I from Ezion-Geber, a port on the Red Sea, that brought back large amounts of gold, precious stones and 'algum wood' and of a later failed expedition by king Jehoshaphat of Judah.[b] The famous 'gold of Ophir' is referenced in several other books of the Hebrew Bible.[c]

This would mean that both the Phoenicians and jewish merchants would've travelled together as east as India, which is probably how the jews in particular accumulated their initial mercantile power; by taking advantage of their neighbours the Phoenicians. The Vedic excerpts do point more-so to Phoenicia, though the Rigveda was said to have been completed in 1200 BC, and describes even more ancient events likely predating jewry.

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a81290  No.106049


I was born in Pakistan in a beautiful mountainous area. Parents named me Naqibullah and I adopted my family name Isaczai, which means ‘sons of Isac’. My family is called Khan, Khans are the leaders of Pashtuns. Pashtuns, or Bani Israel, live on both sides of the Durand… There are two small towns in Quetta, one is called ‘Isaczai town’.

I would love to visit Tel Aviv, as it is a very famous city… I also want to visit places where people strictly keep Jewish traditions, so I can learn more about my own traditions. Most inventions are created by Israel! People with such high level of education cannot hate, they cannot discriminate against anyone. Sometimes at work we have security training conducted by police officers. We had one last month, and the man conducting it said that many police and security officers visit Israel to get their training. He said: ‘If you compare US security to Israeli security, you will see that US security is a joke.’

Back in that village in Pakistan nobody knew who Israel and Yaakov were. Despite that, many of them were called Israel, Yaakov and Benyamin.

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a81290  No.106059

File: e06132dac4637ac⋯.jpg (33.49 KB, 300x308, 75:77, phoenician_coin_warship.jpg)

Guys, Phoenicians were mainly merchants. They had colonies in various places like Carthage or Marseille and sailed beyond Gibraltar.


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ef5cd7  No.111132

This is scary, the relocation of the medieval Jews of England to Scotland and their subsequent role in Jacobite Free Masonry.


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5278af  No.111145

File: 7692f5ee451b661⋯.jpg (75.42 KB, 333x500, 333:500, phylactaries_jew_man.jpg)

File: 984f1b4d5b968ea⋯.jpg (68.72 KB, 354x236, 3:2, iranian_jew_4.jpg)

File: 78a4561a78584af⋯.jpg (103.88 KB, 577x587, 577:587, jewish_kids_stealing_penni….jpg)

File: bb3dc0a0442e013⋯.jpg (1.25 MB, 2048x1536, 4:3, jews_for_dreamers_copy.jpg)


Jews are definitely part nigger ('from the south' or desert dwellers like Set…meaning that they are from sub-saharan africa), they still have all the same nigger characteristics as they do today. I don't know who could look at them and not see 'nigger' in everything about them…culture, behavior, physical characteristics).

Circumcision is a sub-Saharan african practice. As are the main 'values' of the jewish 'faith' such as pedophilia, incest, cannibalism, homosexuality, torture, the vampire traits such as 'blood drinking' among others (these are all prescribed in the bible and in other 'judeo' religions like islam) all these are nigger values as well.

There are too many correlations between niggers and jews in terms of culture, religion and DNA for people to not understand that jews are actually niggers…everything from 'gibs me dat' usury to their dick mutilation fetishes. It helps people when they understand that niggers are 80% chimpanzee alleles and jews are 40% chimpanzee alleles…so the jew is a cross between the nigger and something human (I think this is why I REALLY object to humans breeding with niggers, you simply end up with 'more jews' when a human breeds with a nigger).

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5278af  No.111148

File: dfa53f6a45ba5f5⋯.jpg (552.61 KB, 880x580, 44:29, kike_nigger_black_magic_ri….jpg)

File: d1926e6c278e45d⋯.jpg (141.53 KB, 962x643, 962:643, nigger_ritual_black_magic_….jpg)

File: 1a519aad08c20f2⋯.jpg (59.68 KB, 580x435, 4:3, niggers_eating_human_foot_….jpg)

File: 6ddaedd58bcd752⋯.jpg (24.96 KB, 320x240, 4:3, jewish_ritual_murder_islam….jpg)

File: 9d860178b3dd941⋯.jpg (185.03 KB, 650x1024, 325:512, national_socialist_culture….jpg)


Even the basics of their religion is nigger in nature (outside of all the obvious nigger characteristics, like slavery; humans have no use for slavery, it is a nigger characteristic even today…semites and niggers are the main purveyors of slavery over the entire planet). To satify myself once I correlated all of their behaviors, characteristics and this is how I realized that all behavior was genetic. ALL OF IT. Because the jew who is only a fraction nigger displays all of the nigger characteristics that come with that genetic lineage and should be totally DESPISED for being animal/hominid and not human like Europeans.

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5278af  No.111151

File: 7445187ca118aa8⋯.png (568.14 KB, 1317x1060, 1317:1060, skin_tone_rape_iq_homocide….png)

File: 24c13c2b1cfecee⋯.jpg (286.29 KB, 826x718, 413:359, South_america_crime_vs_US_….jpg)

File: b1ff61520c03ec3⋯.png (562.42 KB, 1920x1211, 1920:1211, latin_american_violence_cr….png)

File: 718945478d15dae⋯.jpg (14.96 KB, 300x200, 3:2, brazil_favelas_solider_hun….jpg)

File: 47ad84a749c2e90⋯.jpg (58.6 KB, 620x264, 155:66, Street_kids_murdered_to_cl….jpg)


>This is also why I despise people who say that we should 'bleach' the world. All you end up with is higher IQ animals like Brazilians. All of the nigger traits with a higher IQ so their perversions and disgusting behavior simply becomes amplified. Look at Brazilian/South american (the poster child of the jews for globalism and integration) for crime and social chaos. These 'mixed race' nations are absolute hell on earth. No place on the planet is worse, ok maybe Haiti is worse. Mixing or fucking animals just produces more animals like the jew it will never produce humans.

>Look at the chart comparing 'mixed race' Brazilians with american niggers…Brazil is hands down violent due to their nigger genetics as well as the boost in IQ.

>I guess this is getting 'too modern' for the OP's topic which was focused more on 'historic judaism' red pills but to me it is the same thing as it was in the ancient times as it is today…nothing different. Their behavior is not different, their genetics are not different, their culture is not different. They are to be despised as lowly animals yesterday, today and tomorrow because they are niggers, genetically, behaviorally and culturally first and foremost, yesterday, today and tomorrow.

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5278af  No.111152


Sorry about the formatting…my comment got hung up and wouldn't post and I fucked the formatting when I refreshed the screen. Not proofreading…retarded.

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ef5cd7  No.111157


Here is a great mystery of the ancient Sethians and the identification with their curious totemic Set creature.


It was a greyhound like desert Pig, and like all pigs sought out truffles, in particular the desert truffles of the Sinai region.

>These desert truffles were especially popular among the ancient Jewish communities from the region, who served them either boiled and salted or in a well-known lamb stew traditionally for Passover Seder, The truffles grow especially well in areas near Egypt’s Sinai region


The truffles were understood to miraculously appear as manna from Heaven, and the Hebrews as true Sethians were given as spending 40 years in the Sinai living off them, even carrying some in a little jar in the Ark of the Covenant, of course given their tutelary Deity was represented by a pig they were forbidden to eat such.

>It is narrated in the Sahih Muslim that Muhammad said: "Truffles are part of the 'manna' which Allah sent to the people of Israel through Moses, and its juice is a medicine for the eye."

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5278af  No.111173

File: b12b814bc2dc431⋯.jpg (453.7 KB, 1120x979, 1120:979, god_wipes_out_the_semites.jpg)

File: fa8d7c62c14d4eb⋯.png (2.9 MB, 1894x838, 947:419, eye_of_the_sahara_glass_nu….png)

File: 53ef88ab4358b45⋯.jpg (64.57 KB, 620x413, 620:413, atlantis_africa_eye_of_the….jpg)

File: 9627a89205dcd1d⋯.jpg (189.98 KB, 1300x953, 1300:953, whale_bones_african_desret.jpg)

File: 207200328d0d627⋯.jpeg (247.45 KB, 1440x960, 3:2, whales_african_desert.jpeg)

I apologize to everyone who is not 'into' ancient unrecorded history.


The flood was definitely an attempt at destroying them. Look at the flood on Google Earth. It is not even arguable that it was not an attempt by God to wipe them out. Obviously, it didn't work. We will have to resort to something more final. The final solution has been in the works for thousands of years but has not been implemented appropriately.

the Hellenistic Jewish philosopher Philo wrote about the destruction of Atlantis in his On the Eternity of the World, xxvi. 141, in a longer passage allegedly citing Aristotle's successor Theophrastus:[41]

>… And the island of Atalantes [translator's spelling; original: "Ἀτλαντίς"] which was greater than Africa and Asia, as Plato says in the Timaeus, in one day and night was overwhelmed beneath the sea in consequence of an extraordinary earthquake and inundation and suddenly disappeared, becoming sea, not indeed navigable, but full of gulfs and eddies.[42]

How much better off would the world have been if God had managed to kill them all.

>Genesis 6:4 reads: "The Nephilim were on the earth in those days [of the flood]and also afterwardwhen the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown."

This flood is, of course, why the salted Sahara, which will grow nothing, is there, to separate out the niggers (sub Saharan africans) from human beings by making an un-crossible barrier to the niggers until humanity could develop the means to kill off the abomination and their offspring, the jews.

Of course, now that we have the means, the knowledge and the understanding of 'who the jews are' we won't implement the final solution and live in a quiet and peaceful Ethnic European ONLY planet. Hahaha…it is sort of funny when you think about it. Our mortal enemy has won because he is good at shucking and jiving and that 'entertains' us. Fuck the planet, fuck the animals, fuck all our greater RESPONSIBILITY when we can sit and watch nigger ball on the TV.

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ef5cd7  No.111454

File: 00135a88e5ec0ab⋯.png (154.81 KB, 658x293, 658:293, be56979613.png)


I don't think the Mesopotamians were relating this to an archaic flood tradition but a more recent event in their history, the destruction of the Azag mountain by Ninurta and his Flood storm weapon or meteor as we would call it.


A meteor struck the Southern wetlands causing huge fires and mud surges as well as a fragment impacting the lower Zagros mountains, not surprisingly this really impressed them and became their tradition of cosmic destruction through the winged Panther Nim-ru (Nimrod), the Perseus constellation from whence the strike came.

Re-applying that account and tradition to the Suteans and their mountain was more in terms of wishful thinking, most of the elements they related to the Suteans, Lamashtu, Anzu, cosmic disorder they had earlier related to the Elamites, it may be they saw evil as re-located or were simply responding to the more current problem

Despite their simply projecting this tradition onto the Suteans they themselves obviously took it seriously enough to produce the counter narrative and incorporate an event that hadn't actually involved them into their tradition

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5278af  No.111479


We shouldn't assume that these didn't happen at the same time though, right? If the ancient cyclical destruction mythology is correct this all could have happened concurrently. If you look at the flood pattern on Africa via the obvious water flow patterns you can see that it came from a point source as well. Most likely a larger meteor touching down in the Atlantic Ocean.

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ef5cd7  No.111497

File: 0adea3d1ff770ea⋯.jpg (75.84 KB, 1001x250, 1001:250, _.jpg)

File: 6e4b080e03270e8⋯.jpg (38.15 KB, 230x271, 230:271, ek56979b6e.jpg)

File: a5962bf259e95c3⋯.jpg (155.73 KB, 270x387, 30:43, gf5697a67b.jpg)

File: 8d4450f0aa1cfa4⋯.png (184.32 KB, 726x326, 363:163, om56979794.png)

File: fa6f0ded9afa94b⋯.png (300.71 KB, 747x391, 747:391, op56979c2d_1_.png)


The only suggestion that there was a connection is that the Sethian Gnostics for reasons best known to themselves considered themselves at times as original residents of Sodom and Gomorrah that had somehow survived, that tradition could conceivably be linked to the 2.4 k BC event were fragments hit Southern Mesopotamia and Iran

I'm not saying there weren't other connected events because i haven't looked into it, i did heavily research the Sumerian tradition that derived from the impact there, they illustrated the Perseid meteor stream.

>In these first millennium BCE texts, the name of the panther is written with the cuneiform signs UD.KA.DUḪ.A, which literally translated means “The (storm)demon with the wide open mouth” It is read nimru leopard/panther, however, by ancient and modern scholars

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ef5cd7  No.111507

File: 8d3b9e745b4f5c3⋯.png (309.34 KB, 719x405, 719:405, dc569799dd.png)

File: 5b08e5cb486c1d5⋯.jpg (272.73 KB, 806x679, 806:679, gg.jpg)


In the Hebrew/Sethian tradition of Sodom and Gomorrah it is El and two angels that are given as causing the tradition, whereas in Sumeria that was the two sons of Enlil, Ninurta and Nergal, the former associated with the winged Panther and Nergal the bringer of death slays the Bull which could represent the Suteans and their mountain.

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07ba07  No.112093

Sub-saharan niggers comprise a large group, many nations included in that generalization.

Some of them keep alive ancient wisdom. Some are just backwards fucks. Most of the are primitive. Primitive doesn't mean evil.

They could argue that God did it to protect them from the evil white people. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Don't hate on niggers, or indians for that matter. They come from a very old age, pre-flood age, that's all.

The actual problem here is satanists, like the jewish elites. They are controlled by the actual rulers of this world, which are not human.

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ef5cd7  No.117509

File: ee996d5391662ce⋯.jpg (303.38 KB, 1062x461, 1062:461, 1.jpg)

File: a26987584bd402a⋯.jpg (386.94 KB, 1059x670, 1059:670, 2.jpg)

File: 2e064bbb4ea09e2⋯.jpg (190.93 KB, 1017x277, 1017:277, 3.jpg)

File: 01d374db85f5f85⋯.jpg (347.68 KB, 1048x483, 1048:483, 33.jpg)

File: 97a240bf4dafe1d⋯.jpg (277.12 KB, 1061x386, 1061:386, 55.jpg)

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ef5cd7  No.118278

File: ba466d91bb1690b⋯.jpg (394.75 KB, 987x699, 329:233, mmmn.jpg)

File: fb142b24335c7b4⋯.jpg (377.54 KB, 985x629, 985:629, jjjj.jpg)

File: 61baf7a0ab4c83a⋯.jpg (305.2 KB, 839x478, 839:478, kkkkkkkkkkkkk.jpg)

File: dc3c891b69a1b9e⋯.jpg (267.04 KB, 1000x377, 1000:377, hhg.jpg)

File: 48e72ec056a6a78⋯.jpg (369.18 KB, 1081x507, 1081:507, LLLL.jpg)

Jacobite Free Masonry is a strange thing, it isn't that they were philo-Semites they actually considered themselves Jews and proceeded to construct their Solomonic Temple in Scotland and to rule as such, they were experts in Cabala and aware of Sethian tradition of the two pillars, the basis of Free Masonry.


It's a difficult question whether they were actual Hebrews or whether the Noble families of Scotland were descended from Jewish converts of France, perhaps a question of both and this looks into it in depth.


There's something of a difference in the Hanoverian Free Masonry established 1717 which could be said to be Cabala for the Goy and Jacobite tradition of Divine rule through esoteric Hebraism

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e569d9  No.118775

File: 62d13e82b6c8fa5⋯.png (779.65 KB, 1513x1152, 1513:1152, Angiras_1.PNG)

File: 5d898f84e371d66⋯.png (621.2 KB, 1027x1140, 1027:1140, Angiras_2.PNG)

File: 5f0b59051ccb6ca⋯.png (800.8 KB, 1132x1212, 283:303, Angiras_3.PNG)

File: 4cc5d21f2f65ca9⋯.png (527.79 KB, 955x1218, 955:1218, Angiras_4.PNG)


>I was just sharing what appears to be the background of those Vedic excerpts.

There is more. I don't think someone like Mathis would endorse these.

>Since they lived in Lebanon, a mountainous region, it's probable that the Phoenicians avoided the same sexual degeneracy that resulted in jewish ethnogenesis

Well, they do have a distinct look, especially the women. They seem an order of magnitude more beautiful than any (((nation))) surrounding them. Even with importing every prostitute from Russia and W. Europe. They have features separating them from Arabs (Jews without the virus) as well. And there must be a reason why kikes are so hellbent on destroying the Lebanese. Maybe they share some lineage with Europeans, or it's a part of a greater effort to erase and rewrite history. They target Yezidis for similar reasons. The Jew fears the Peacock.

>They could have some Berber mixture

There are theories that Berbers are actually descendants of a Germanic tribe which lived in parts of N. Africa.

>The Vedic excerpts do point more-so to Phoenicia

They could be a mercantile, seafaring superpower which got infiltrated and ruled by kikes. That would explain the discrepancy and mixed influences. The same question could be asked by someone 1000 years from now about the British Empire. Or about Venice. Or about USA. They were white, and obviously not Jewish, yet their rulers were, and everything they did was to advance the Jewish agenda and interests.

>and describes even more ancient events likely predating jewry.

Maybe in it's relatively modern form. I'd go full ancient history tier here and assume that they existed even before the flood. Those "original Jews" probably make up the innermost core of the international Jewry, outer circle kikes (most of them) just being golems and useful idiots for them.


There is more to it than them being part-nigger, they have some sort of hereditary disease (virus most likely, the one which transfers through the mother) acting as a mind-altering parasite that incites them to engage in "blood drinking" and other similar practices in order to propagate. Jews are entirely artificial creatures, think of their genesis as of a formula rather than organic development. They are literal vampires. You need a lot of race-mixing (with niggers especially), a lot of inbreeding (these are cyclical phases) and a memetic blueprint (Talmud) for refining certain traits while encouraging practices which allow the virus/disease to thrive. Literally everything about them points towards this. They were bred by design. But their mongrel "shell" (genes) does not make them real Jews, the virus does. And the virus is a gene drive. Welcome to the future, or should I say very ancient past. We are not only up against these machines, but whatever created them. You are very foolish if you think that nigger DNA is the only issue here.

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1c5177  No.119387

File: 01086c3ca669ec6⋯.png (522.31 KB, 939x599, 939:599, Vedic.PNG)

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354a97  No.119475


Jews are part human mongrels. That is why they act the way they do on this planet. Europeans are the only HUMANS left on the planet. The rest is a mongrel/part animal nightmare.

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354a97  No.119483


>You are very foolish if you think that nigger DNA is the only issue here.

I think they span three genetic categories. They have animal genetics (nigger breeding), they have human genetics (European) and they have alien DNA (‘angel/alien’). Straddling these three classifications or genetic categories has made them a putrefaction not just an abomination like the nigger. They are not ‘natural’ on this planet but look, they are ‘winning’, due to this putrefaction, so I am just going to shut my fucking mouth now.

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354a97  No.119485

File: d262e773f8df175⋯.jpeg (1.36 MB, 6460x3089, 6460:3089, 5B73B2E5_E51E_4D7C_B648_4….jpeg)

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27ef1f  No.120204


>they have alien DNA (‘angel/alien’)

The word you are looking for is synthetic. What created them might not be of this planet though, neither are the original progenitors of whites for that matter. All the ancient myths, theirs, as well as ours, point towards this.


Truffles are pretty damn delicious though, can't blame them.


Interesting perspective, eye of Sahara looks more like a consequence of airborne nuke detonation. Did you consider that region being a desert as a consequence of the climate though?


Meteor, or something looking like a meteor. It's highly likely that these ancient civilizations had a verbal tradition describing an even earlier times, possibly as distant to them as they are to us today.


>The (storm)demon with the wide open mouth

I can think of plenty of WMD's (existing, as well as hypothetical) whose effects could be described as such. Stop using sources written by Jewish academics, they have a tendency of making things as mundane as possible. Also, welcome back fren.


>Some of them keep alive ancient wisdom.

Mind giving some examples?

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ef5cd7  No.120564

File: d5ef23071808adf⋯.jpg (21.67 KB, 236x256, 59:64, cz56b48253.jpg)

File: 3e632dd7c6bfa2c⋯.png (69.59 KB, 127x207, 127:207, au56b4978b.png)

File: 074df23003b3d5f⋯.png (584.36 KB, 484x508, 121:127, gm56b4897d.png)

File: 73026920f6a4ef9⋯.jpg (119.88 KB, 743x474, 743:474, ss56b48cec_1_.jpg)


The contemporary accounts of the Mesopotamian devastation only talk of this in terms of Ninurta's Flood Storm weapon, but then they relate it to the Panther constellation Nim-ru and the Perseid stream with Ninurta standing on that beast in seal illustration.

This gives rise to the Greek Perseus representing that constellation becoming as death, Perseus from the Greek verb, "πέρθειν" (perthein), “to waste, ravage, sack, destroy”, and became the culture warrior hero archetype of the Danaans which must derive from this being seen in Mesopotamia as an expression of Ninurta

In the Mesopotamian mythological axis through these constellations, based at Pegasus and Enki, Cetus the sea serpent/Plant of life represented organic life in all it's forms, the translation to Andromeda the Divine spirit within the animal and from that point onward the spiritual qualities of Enlil's side of the Pantheon begin to manifest, with the Panther and Ninurta the right to fight in one's own interests and take life in order to survive, willfulness and self determination, this continues through to Taurus and Inanna and even the refusal to accept death, in some sense then these are always in conflict with nature.

As this was all seen in terms of a continuum then Perseus must maintain an ongoing relationship with Andromeda, the Greek myth then indicates that this progression is a question of one's own survival,the liberation from simply being bound by the constraints of organic nature, Cetus the sea serpent, the potential liberation from this.

In taking the head of Medusa and using this as a weapon of instant death through absolute fear then Perseus has confronted and overcome what the Greeks were relating to as an aspect of the Scythian Great Dragon Mother Earth Goddess, it's the abstraction of death through natural cause to serve the interests of the spiritual side of the Pantheon, Perseus has become death itself, the translation of an ultimate Feminine archetype into the qualities of a Masculine hero

You're right that Jewish sources will make their own tradition seem mundane, perfectly natural to them, but these tend to be vastly more informative than a million youtube videos recoiling in terror at the mere sight of their symbols, and it may be that what seems perfectly natural to us fills them with horror, case in point transforming devastating meteor strikes into cultural heroes.

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ef5cd7  No.120570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


And then you stood among the dragon-rings.

I mocked, being crazy, but you mastered it

And broke the chain and set my ankles free,

Saint George or else a pagan Perseus;

And now we stare astonished at the sea,

And a miraculous strange bird shrieks at us.

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34c3f8  No.121527


i'd swear i once found a reference on wikipedia about a bunch of jews already kicked out of rome around 200 bce, along some other migrants


>jews accruing shekels since forever

and we're always surprised.

maybe that's why when some of the knights of the temple tried to outjew the jew on the control of $$$ that (((something had to be done)))?

>Similarly, William the conqueror (who conquered England, literally went on a genocide campaign against the former Danish settlers and Northumbrians, brought jews to England who eventually became a major financial class, etc.) was also called "William the Mamzer", and his commoner mother was a daughter of a tanner, common jewish occupation in Europe at the time.

there's room for debate on this one, the accusation is a little bit weak but i'm all open to evidence because i find this "conqueror" to be like so many other conquerors who conveniently got power after converting to xtianity or just before (prolly part of a deal to push for xtianity on the vanquished in exchange of the gold these conquerors got)… xtianity has been the jews' tool to destroy us

>It should've been obvious from the get-go all the glorification of the middle ages is suspicious.

and to recoup the topic above, the mixed blood lines is something that should be heavily investigated (england, france, prussia, etc)

>FAR more 109 expulsion of the jews

yeah, about that… far more like how much? there's that meme list floating around but i thought it had been much updated and many more expulsions were found, most of the times in yurop?


>Pepin's primarily Catholic army

pepin had a deal with the nascent church

you could say it was a coup but the kings had become weak and the mayor's family grew in power

>aquitaine mamzers

and i suppose this settled a precedent although it's good to remember that many catholics, say nearly all of them, would totally object to this

charlemagne might have obtained financial help from this nasi uncle…


would have to look into the history of populace movements and settlers

perhaps local plebe didn't fancy some new goth neighbors?


>especially the kings of Spain (despite him starting the inquisition, Ferdinand II was 1/8th jewish, and even the other Europeans thought of Spain as a den of jewry)

would be hard not to see this country at a den of kikes back then, but the inquisition partially pushed kikes away back into southern france and some staunch catholics still claim today that the albigenes protected the fleeing kikes

>they already were all over Rome even before the 1st century AD (expelled from Rome by Hispanus though later came back, already had a community in Greece and ritualistically massacred Greeks in Crete)

and in cyrene (lybia i think?)

pretty gruesome shit going by the witnesses

>Crimea probably had jews dating back to antiquity, most likely the jews of Persia or Anatolia

the very influential jewish orthodox community in ukraine keeps making property claims about crimea, at the very least

>(this is why "slave" comes from "Slav")

this is debated too and doesn't make much sense since white slaves came from many parts of europe

>Ivan Grozny

who did nothing wrong obviously


dunno, it's possible the turkroaches fucked up with his head real hard too


>Many cathedrals have jewish symbolism in them. Specifically in the Cordoba cathedral there was a lot of kabbalah symbolism, it even depicted the trinity like the kabbalistic tree of life.

got pics because the tree of life was assembled in late jewish mysticism so there would be a chronological issue unless the engraving of this tree into the stones of the cathedral was a late thing too, which wouldn't surprise me the least because (judeo)christian mysticism is an entry door into kabbalah

> hexagrams too

hexas aren't not a problem

don't forget jews stole a lot of stuff… the most worrying part is how hard it is to find the original sources, as if they had been relentlessly destroying them everywhere on this planet for thousands of years

(remember the us and french presidents going to caves in the middle east back in early 2000s as part of the war in iraq? remember palmyra?)

i am pretty sure they do have the ark of the covenant (don't mind the name, it could have been called differently by the real aryan adepts), stored somewhere

indiana jones's ending is just a way to rub it in our faces

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919258  No.121681

>>33303 (O_O)

>There was already pro-jewish sentiment in Persia

there are still living there but do not mix, persians have kept a barrier up so these jews are like lowly ones iirc, nothing like in our kiked societies

they are well treated but israel would conveniently ignore that!

>showing how they've always been willing to support both sides to come out victorious.

perhaps after thousands of years we will finally understand that kikes only care for kikes and perhaps we will mimic them too on this and become selfish instead of caring for all the people of the earth, which the jews force us to do more and more!


>martin luther

well well, didn't he try to create a more pleasant form of xtianity in the hopes jews would convert, and only got mad rekt once they gave him the middle finger so he vented out and wrote that book?

yes, that would be the story

i don't like xtian antisemitism because it it's a christian vs judaism trap


>Alexander the Great was the best thing that ever happened for them.

didn't alexander make a stop or send someone to the great rabbi of the sanhedrin back then to give them his word that he'd never hurt them??



these purity signaling xtians wouldn't do usury but let kikes practice on their own grounds! who's gonna collect all the gold when your bible tells you to give everything you have because the real precious is up there? lol what a sad farce

even as xtians, europeans couldn't help but practice forms of magic, which the church naturally objected to because, you know, where's the monopoly on salvation otherwise?


kike spotted



>That's been proven as disinformation years ago

>and it's also a fact that only the Khazarian nobility were jews, not the general population

this is self contradictory.

the point of the khazarian theory is that a group of jews emerged in that part of the world and moved west to regroup with other jews who had already settled there before, but who it seems might have been of the more swarthy complexion.

i think i would be a mistake to dismiss the idea that some jews have origins in the khazarian nobility part that was jewish or mamzered.

most important to note with the khazars is that once the jews moved out of the kingdom, it seems the whole thing disappeared…


i think you got the ashkenazi and sephardi jews mixed, the swarty one on the left is defo more seph than the middle one, especially since ashkies should be identified as having absorbed a sliver of central european genetics, whereas the sephies absorbed more euro blood in spain…

the bukharan one is very interesting, he has the typical mouse eyes, the beads, with the lower eye lid

ive crossed the path of one of them, a real cunt of epic proportions and extreme nuisance


>they still retain a distinct Semitic/Levantine facial type.

they easily tend to have the triangle cranium pointing backward, with their more sloped forehead

sometimes this causes odd mixes resulting in uncanny cranial shapes too


not much value in this "info"


please, get your nose off your torah

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dee4c5  No.121702


the topic of phoenicians is complicated because sometimes it's claimed they were whites, some sailed so far beyond the mediterranean sea that they settled in ireland

there's definitely a lot of curly hair in ireland


>is a joke.

this post


>niggers are 80% chimpanzee alleles and jews are 40% chimpanzee alleles

got some science with that chicken?


>like slavery; humans have no use for slavery

this is incorrect and putting criminals to forced labor can be useful too


if these maps are based on current populations… ah lol they peddle the same shit about chinese having superior iq

if only you knew how they reach those!

the map about violence in latin america, when compared to the skin tone and rape maps, explain however what is going on

and this is off-topic, perhaps there should be a thread for latin america and the odd mix of euro, nigger and asian blood over there, with all these creaturas


>antisemitic flood

not a good theory at all since if we go by the most recent alternative data, the impact was close to greenland and released much melted ice that hit north america and europe harder, at a time when sea levels were like a hundred and some dozens of feet lower

lame and inefficient shitty way to get rid of proto-proto-proto-jews if you'd ask me…

plato also mixed several stories into one, adding his own take on the perfect city that, yet, managed to get screwed

try harder anon


with the possibility of a mass of asteroids (tarus cluster) passing through our system and grazing earth over a period of thousands of years, there could have been many meteor strikes here and there, alongside many tales of fiery rocks and falling stars

all these tales recorded events as best as they could but the chronology isn't their forte


same for the huge sweeping tides over the chinese deserts

- anyone got a link to the 2 hours long joe rogan video with hancook and the other masonic archeologist? -


>UD.KA.DUḪ.A, which literally translated means “The (storm)demon with the wide open mouth”

perhaps the result of the explosion, creating a vast area of darkness linking ground to sky

akin to ragnarokr and fenrir's mouth described as doing something similar

the mouth is a dark place that engulfs and devours in these cases


>Don't hate on niggers, or indians for that matter. They come from a very old age, pre-flood age, that's all.

wise words, no point hating people because they are different although you have no obligation to like them, and above all you shall never ever mix your blood with theirs

>The actual problem here is satanists, like the jewish elites. They are controlled by the actual rulers of this world, which are not human.

what the…

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ba2036  No.121709


>the bit about the blood, the pork, scots, brits and jews


the author never went there at all, people up there are not that way at all

prolly written by a retardo burger



for a man who loves to scan all people's words, dates and places of births through gematria, i find that the same method applied to him returns interesting results too

the anti-anti


>They could be a mercantile, seafaring superpower which got infiltrated and ruled by kikes.

cosmo, as always, that's how they survive, they soil, they need the blood to be mixed, the identities to become blurred

the method is always the same:

1. migrant influx (back then, slaves)

2. money lending

they go up the social classes and fuck with upper worker class, the nobility, etc.

rarely the warriors though, it seems

>Maybe in it's relatively modern form. I'd go full ancient history tier here and assume that they existed even before the flood

it's possible because i doubt these behavioral traits that sumerians and egyptians already hated in them appeared out of nowhere

they are genetic and genetics take time, at the very least tens of thousands of years to process some changes, unless you artificially reinforce them through certain types of crossbreeding or selective breeding and then it's completed within a few generations at most

>Those "original Jews" probably make up the innermost core of the international Jewry, outer circle kikes (most of them) just being golems and useful idiots for them.

totally possible too

i think the top jews might even see themselves as the true new whites

> We are not only up against these machines, but whatever created them.

those serrano-tier unfunny silly stories aside, i'd wager it's possible that yhwh could be a parasite of some sort, subtle, that planted itself into earth or something like that

pure fiction sure but, perhaps it would explain the overall corruption and the terrible life conditions of most human bodies

imagine that the fucker keeps draining us and for some reason that's why gods and demigods disappears, either having fled or having been drained to exhaustion and death lol

i need to contact my agent

thread defo derailed into /x/


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d333dd  No.121985


>i think the top jews might even see themselves as the true new whites

Difficult since they are brown but who am I to quibble.

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ef5cd7  No.122106

File: 825c18f89f84e70⋯.gif (73.06 KB, 439x224, 439:224, 84003b00c8069a6affff8026ff….gif)

File: 15a95c12eebccc2⋯.jpg (25.52 KB, 474x283, 474:283, a7caccc64bbd700a528086c418….jpg)


The storm Demon Nim-ru Panther/Leopard became a totemic beast of the Neo-Sumerian dynasty because he'd ended Akkadian rule, also seen on Mitanni seals, a cute little fella and the Perseus constellation from the mouth of which the Persied stream emerged.

The accounts of the strike are contemporary and attributed to Ninurta whose pet Nim-ru was seen as, in terms of being seen standing over him.

>An enormous hurricane, irresistible, went before the hero, stirred up the dust, caused the dust to settle, levelled high and low, filled the holes. It caused a rain of coals and flaming fires; the fire consumed men. It overturned tall trees by their trunks, reducing the forests to heaps, Earth put her hands on her heart and cried harrowingly; the Tigris was muddied, disturbed, cloudy, stirred up.

>The birds there tried to lift their heads to fly away, but their wings trailed on the ground. The storm flooded out the fish there in the subterranean waters, their mouths snapped at the air. It reduced the animals of the open country to firewood, roasting them like locusts. It was a deluge rising and disastrously ruining the mountains.

>Like an accursed storm, it howled in a raucous voice; like a gigantic snake, it roared at the Land. It dried up the waters of the mountains, dragged away the tamarisks, tore the flesh of the Earth and covered her with painful wounds. It set fire to the reedbeds, bathed the sky in blood, turned it inside out; it dispersed the people there. At that moment, on that day, the fields became black scum, across the whole extent of the horizon, reddish like purple dye – truly it was so!

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ef5cd7  No.122125


>didn't alexander make a stop or send someone to the great rabbi of the sanhedrin back then to give them his word that he'd never hurt them??

Not all aspects of the Josephus account can be considered factual, but the general indication that they betrayed the Persians who'd been very good to for the new rising power is/

>But Sanballatnote thought he had now gotten a proper opportunity to make his attempt, so he renounced Darius, and taking with him seven thousand of his own subjects, he came to Alexander; and finding him beginning the siege of Tyre, he said to him, that he delivered up to him these men, who came out of places under his dominion, and did gladly accept of him for his lord instead of Darius.

> Alexander visits Jerusalem, understands that he owes everything to the God of the Jews, allows them the privilege to live according to their ancestral customs and behaves rather unkind towards the Samarians. If a Jew in the second century BCE were to invent a story, he would write something along these lines.


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d333dd  No.122133


>Not all aspects of the Josephus account can be considered factual

He is jewish. At this point I consider it to be nothing other than a sort of historic framework to which I add the actual facts and reality to as I discover them.He had to cover up his betrayal of Rome as well. It is sort of an overarching theme with jews to stab their allies in the back.

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ef5cd7  No.122150

File: f4a35aee21b0fb8⋯.jpg (190 KB, 1024x560, 64:35, HEADER_AlexanderGreat.jpg)


Trump should take note that they had earlier declared Cyrus a Messiah of God, but anyway there was a mosaic discovered in a synadodue in Galilee that illustrates the meeting.

The Jews are pointing to their Priest and to above, pointing out that the face of the priest was the same as an angel that had guided him, something of a crazy claim of Talmudic tradition.

>When Alexander saw the Simon he dismounted and bowed to him. When he was questioned by his advisors, he told them that whenever he went into battle he dreamed of an angel leading him to victory. The face of the Jewish High Priest, he said, was the face of the angel he saw in his dreams. That was why he bowed down to him.

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db3571  No.122156

File: 4b17554b4d6d542⋯.jpeg (55.76 KB, 600x337, 600:337, Lenin_mausoleum.jpeg)

File: 307cea9cd6b4e53⋯.jpeg (46.98 KB, 600x454, 300:227, mausoleum.jpeg)

File: eca5422e43b1944⋯.jpeg (67.55 KB, 538x380, 269:190, pioneers.jpeg)

File: 548559c272e203f⋯.jpg (128.11 KB, 1500x878, 750:439, star.jpg)


Not to really sidetrack this discussion, but what ancient cult do USSR commies belong to? Because the thing is, no matter how atheistic governments of leftist narrative become, they always have to invent gods one way or another. Same with inner political circle always tending to engage in occult despite all the scientific theories.

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ef5cd7  No.122183

File: 61fcf1f06bffbba⋯.jpg (290.5 KB, 670x904, 335:452, rmig_logo.jpg)

File: 6335039273f3fc9⋯.jpg (272.58 KB, 1360x765, 16:9, eb37b6cf8c0a431898bc15f4fe….jpg)


Bolshevism was under the influence of Jewish iconoclasm, the destruction of all meaning in Russian culture, it's aesthetic was what you see is what you get, absence of deeper meaning, the only remotely esoteric symbol was the star which has numerous meanings but could be seen as extension of the influence of American Free Masonry into the East,

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eea72a  No.122190


What a cuck. A German never would have cucked like the Greeks cuck. Bowing down to maya/the demiurge is always a loosing proposition.

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ef5cd7  No.122194

File: 15bbfa65e1ea89e⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 1907x1400, 1907:1400, elephant_mosaic.jpg)


It's inversion of reality, Alexander arm across chest paying homage to a High Priest he believes is an Angel?

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fa3855  No.122275


Alexander isn’t wrong though. The jews are aliens. They come out and say that they are hybrid with aliens all the time, it is not even hard to find them on the web saying this. This is why the Book of Enoch is so pivotal for humanity IMO. It foretells the end of the occupation of the planet by foreign alien forces aka ‘angels/aliens’.

Nice find on the elephant, saved.

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ef5cd7  No.122803

File: 842cfcc870ce997⋯.jpg (181.16 KB, 868x655, 868:655, _.jpg)


They have the ancestral cult of the Rephaim, the Didanu, which the Amorites and Akkadians and all advanced Semitic groups related to, but that is based in Hurro-Semitic lineage.

The Hurrians colonized the Sinai region in order to establish mining and that empowered the indigenous population through increased knowledge and technology and improved genetic basis, the Qenites or Cainites, indicating metal workers, the Levites as the core of Yahwist religion have the most Caucasian DNA as a result of this merging, their religion is founded in selective repreoduction.

The understanding of the importance of selective reproduction however emerged in Anatolia 13,000 years ago in terms of the Neolithic revolution, selective reproduction in plants, animals and people, if there was any outside intervention that's where and when, however that does not make any enhanced groups alien.

The Enochian literature is Post-Babylonian exile tradition and is a counter narrative to Mesopotamian tradition of interventionist sages, they invert what was seen as good to evil, primarily because they were not beneficiaries of any such enhancement but grafted themselves into the tradition through the Rephaim ancestory, the rotten branch that would like to become all that remains of the tree.



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ef5cd7  No.122821

File: 6876fef481d1f1c⋯.png (28.08 KB, 799x993, 799:993, new_spring_tri_1_SL.png)

File: 9458f04fdd762b0⋯.jpg (30.37 KB, 250x359, 250:359, pillar.jpg)

File: e076f9e081681e6⋯.png (10.25 KB, 332x224, 83:56, unnamed.png)


I'll also point out that there is an inbuilt weakness and flaw in the entire Judeo-Masonic position regarding their doctrine of the twin pillars, these are located in the Sutean core region and the ultimate symbol of Sethianism, but they did not construct them.

Of course these are not the classical pillars of Masonic tradition but are the basis, and the Sethian gnostic accounts of them relating to an archetypal Male-Female-Son triad are basically correct, in fact they represented an astral relationship of Arcturus-Spica-Regulus, in Egypt that was understood as Sah-Sopdet-Sopdu of the Northern skies, were Orion and Sirius also went on to represent Sah and Sopdet in the Southern skies.

The problem for the Sethians/Jews/Masons is that Regulus/Sopdu is simply a variant of Horus, the tooth shaped form of the pillars is his hieroglyphic motif, the pillars are Horite tradition and created by them.

>According to the Pyramid Texts, the composite deity known as Sopdu-Horus was the child of the Pharaoh (as Sahu/Osiris) and Isis (as Sopdet). As a war god he was closely associated with the Pharaoh (and Horus, the Patron god of the kings) during the Middle Kingdom. His association with Horus also related to the fact that both were hawk gods, and Sopdu was given the epithet “sharp of teeth” with reference to the bird of prey and to the hieroglyph used in his name. By the New Kingdom he was known as Hor-Sopdu (or Har-Septu), and considered to be an aspect of Horus rather than an individual god.

The reason for the pillars then is very simple, they are the motif of the God that was the guardian of mining interests in the Sinai region, the Sah-Sopdet-Sopdu triad could also be seen as El-yah-Asherah-Ba'al in Semitic terms, but they were never the Pillars of Sethians.

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043f93  No.122823

File: e1df72284b46017⋯.png (195.26 KB, 321x498, 107:166, sg.png)



>jews are aliens

>Sutean/Sethian religious group that emerged from the Sinai

Man this thread seems to go bonkers. And then there's this book about sethian gnostics. You're going full lovecraft with those theories already.

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ef5cd7  No.122827


Alright i need to read that.

>Plotinus thought the Gnostics, who held that the world was evil, were incurable whiners and complainers and invited them to commit suicide if they hated reality so much.


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ae1990  No.122890


Absolutely not. The Ashkenazim are the large majority and they're damn whiter in skin tone than even some southern Europeans.

Think Rothschild and Soros. I suspect brownskin Jews are even shunned to some degree, not taken seriously. Most destructive Jews today are those who can look like Whites.

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ae1990  No.122902


>there was a mosaic discovered in a synadodue in Galilee that illustrates the meeting

The worrying part being how the Habiru are portrayed as white as Alexander and his troops.

I know nothing of this mosaic so I suspect that it was assembled a long time after the event it depicts, many hundreds of years later.


So he went there, yes, but what happened exactly is a matter of debate and unfortunately we only have (((Josephus'))) word here. We could expect Alexander being more concerned about maintaining cohesion in the region and trying to find a middle ground. It was said he promised not to the hurt the Jews but it could very well be a promise he made to any other people who could show some sign of good behaviour.


Aside from Communism being conspicuously Jewish in its origins although it reused former more leftist ideas, I think the problem goes back to mankind needing spirituality, so a system that creates a vacuum in this domain will force people, plebe or leaders, to turn to simulacra. Marxian Communism is also heavily prophetic, but from an atheistic and reductionist angle. There is also the need to control symbols and perhaps of certain forces trying to hijack those same symbols for their project of destruction.

Hence the five branched star being ever so present in Communism. Even the sickle and the hammer are noble symbols. You have the worker's tool and the druid's tool. Everything Jews touch becomes corrupt.


Elephants are very stylish.

Plenty of oil lamps too.

>Alexander arm across chest paying homage to a High Priest he believes is an Angel?

Excuse me? Looks like he has his hand over his heart.


>Cain, with archon blood

>The Enochian literature is Post-Babylonian exile tradition and is a counter narrative to Mesopotamian tradition of interventionist sages

In what way exactly?



Is there a higher resolution of this picture, or more pictures of this pillar, so we could count the stones vertically?

The real two pillars are clear Aryano-Egyptian.


>And then there's this book about sethian gnostics.

Admittedly this requires a lot of clarification and information to be presented in a concise and readable form. Despite anon's best efforts and, no doubt, good will, the information gets dumped here in a mangled form.


>>Plotinus thought the Gnostics, who held that the world was evil, were incurable whiners and complainers and invited them to commit suicide if they hated reality so much.

Plotinus did nothing wrong.

Also, could anyone make local PDFs of those academia.edu files please, even if they need to be split in several parts?


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68c523  No.122910

File: a0f8e403cfd86b6⋯.jpg (63.39 KB, 1200x984, 50:41, black_albino.jpg)

File: c55c7cc8a12b972⋯.jpg (282.99 KB, 660x646, 330:323, weev_portrait_shot.jpg)


See here you are thinking that the exterior color of the skin is a determining factor in ones 'brownness'. Your behavior is genetic. All behavior is genetic. You could be an albino and be a total nigger, anon…in this same way the jew could be 'whitish' on the outside but still be a nigger through DNA. They are literally brown niggers. It is expressed not in the color of their albino skin but in their nigger based genetics.

Do they follow nigger reasoning and destroy everything they touch?

Why yes, anon, they do!

Ok then they are niggers. Because their BEHAVIOR is brown…they are brown. Their behavior is nigger behavior. They are subhuman though they look 'white'.

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ef5cd7  No.122943

File: 0406554702040ae⋯.jpg (61.67 KB, 512x384, 4:3, unnamed.jpg)


The Mosaic is Late Roman period so around 700 years after the event, Galilee of the Goyim as the Jews referred to the region did have mixed ethnic groups, the Mosaic likely is a product of Hellenistic Judaism though the tradition illustrated is from the Babylonian Talmud version.

The Greek accounts do not have Alexander going to Jerusalem and meeting the Jews but proceeding from Gaza straight on to Egypt.

There aren't any layers to the obelisks they're cut out of the solid bedrock.

The articles i linked fully explain the agenda behind the Enochian literature more fully than i can here, but an important point is that scribal tradition in Mesopotamia directly descended from Ante-Diluvian sages

>“Incantation. U-Anna, who accomplishes the plans of heaven and earth,U-Anne-dugga, who is endowed with comprehensive understanding, En-medugga, for whom a good destiny has been decreed, Enmegalamma,who was born in a house, Enmebulugga, who grew up in a pasture land,An-Enlilda, the conjurer of the city of Eridu, Utuabzu, who ascended to heaven, the pure purādu-fishes of the sea, the seven of them, the seven sages, who originated in the river, who control the plans of heaven and earth.

>During the time that follows this period, nothing new is invented, the original revelation is only transmitted and unfolded In the oral tradition of scholars, their role as mediators between gods and men is indicated by the Akkadian phrase ša pî um-mānī “from the oral tradition of the masters”

>The entire corpus of crafts like exorcism, medicine, omen interpretation , ritual lamentation , and astrology consisted of “secrets of the scholars” (ni ṣirti ummānī ), and “secrets of the antediluvian sages” (ni ṣirti apkall ī ).

>All texts of traditional Mesopotamian scholarly sciences, both practical and theoretical, were secret documents

The most important question with regards to the emergence of Yahwism is were did their scribal tradition originate and the answer is from Egypt in terms of the fall out from Atenism as reflected in the Moses account, and that a product of the Sethians achieving power there under the Hyksos, this becomes a competing scribal school against the Mesopotamian and Egyptian.

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0d934a  No.123134

File: c11f40b84070351⋯.jpg (170.76 KB, 604x1024, 151:256, Zurvan.jpg)

File: f8628805ae147a0⋯.png (383.06 KB, 1011x690, 337:230, Proto_Templars.PNG)

File: 439b9f1d614d675⋯.png (208.34 KB, 2445x722, 2445:722, The_post_that_started_it_a….PNG)


Well summarized, although the idea of conquering the serpent was older than that. Rather than merely killing it, subduing it, integrating it.

>case in point transforming devastating meteor strikes into cultural heroes

This may be a two way street … Don't forget that nuclear weapons were marginally inspired by Vedic texts.


>maybe that's why when some of the knights of the temple tried to outjew the jew on the control of $$$ that (((something had to be done)))?

Exactly, they started as shabbos goyim but eventually became a direct threat to the court jewry. They were one of few major threats to their power structures over the course of history. Sure, they might have been friendly with some random kikes during their exile, but they were deadly enemy of the organized Jewish mafia.

>perhaps after thousands of years we will finally understand that kikes only care for kikes and perhaps we will mimic them too on this and become selfish instead of caring for all the people of the earth, which the jews force us to do more and more!

We must reject universalist morality entirely. See pic 3

>ive crossed the path of one of them, a real cunt of epic proportions and extreme nuisance

I think I have come to a point where I can pretty much determine the amount of kike blood in people based on their physiognomy, behavior, worldview and character traits. And I'm talking about those who are clueless about having that admixture or ancestry.


>no point hating people because they are different

They are not "people"

>lame and inefficient shitty way to get rid of proto-proto-proto-jews if you'd ask me…

Fire works much better than water, hence their archetypal paranoia of "holocaust" .


>unless you artificially reinforce them through certain types of crossbreeding or selective breeding

What do you think the Talmud is?

>i think the top jews might even see themselves as the true new whites

Races don't exist for them, a virus doesn't discriminate. They do see the rest of Jews as useful idiots and pawns though. Especially those morons who have very low actual Jewish admixture and larp as them. However, seeing how much they invest in CRISPR and shill it, I wouldn't be surprised if they try to genetically edit themselves to appear as blonde ubermensch while they turn everyone else into niggers or something kek. Of course, they would be so in appearance only, provided they don't fall apart in the meantime (as it usually happens with inorganic things lacking essence). Once a golem, always a golem. It doesn't matter is the golem white and blonde, or looks like a nigger, or a furry, or a space lizard. It's essence is that of an abomination. That's why kikes see racial differences as being purely cosmetic, they are simply observing the world from their own perspective.

>pure fiction sure

Reality is sometimes stranger than fiction. I mean, just take Jews and extrapolate them to "godlike" status (technologically). It's not really that far fetched. No more than modern people flying in metal birds and using magical tablets to communicate with those on the other side of the world. YHWH/Demiurge is archetypal, cosmic Jew.

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f6f0b0  No.123137

I can't help but ask myself…based on the speculation here and the history and sheer scale of the issues and problems involved is there a time when surrender or compromise is the better option.


>I think I have come to a point where I can pretty much determine the amount of kike blood in people based on their physiognomy, behavior, worldview and character traits.


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42075c  No.123157

File: dd54de29bcd3c57⋯.jpg (297.41 KB, 702x702, 1:1, same_old_same_old.jpg)

File: 24c0255edd24e1d⋯.png (664.9 KB, 1002x1170, 167:195, turned_tables.png)

File: 2c6980dd4a73205⋯.jpg (189.92 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, general_patton.jpg)

>privileges that the Jews had since nearly the beginning of recorded history, so in contrast to the narratives of oppression

Consider the very basic lie of the "walled ghetto". Ghettos are never walled. The rich have gated communities to protect them from the oppressed.

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0d934a  No.123161

File: f506b9ed4a9ca75⋯.png (153.47 KB, 2457x531, 273:59, JQ1.PNG)


>is there a time when surrender or compromise is the better option

It was tried countless times. Those who helped the Jews ended up equally ruined by them as those who tried to shoah them. They only accept compromises when they are cornered and need to buy time so they can subjugate and destroy you at a later time. While you think that you have settled your differences and that you can now co-exist in peace, they continue plotting and scheming against you. Some people tried to "enlighten" them, which kept failing over and over gain. With some rare exceptions like Bobby Fischer or Otto Rahn who actually managed to overcome the virus, most of them are literally programmed to act the way they do. You don't go swimming with sharks and expect them to make compromises with you, do you? Surrender would only subject you to an even worse state of being, perhaps the one worse than death. Struggle is the only way out. And rest assured, despite how deeply entrenched and old their temporal power is, they can be defeated. Entirely. Think of this as of playing some video game and encountering an incredibly overpowered "boss" . After several attempts, you are consumed with rage and overwhelmed with despair. Then after a while you try it again. Well, you lasted a while longer. Then you start noticing it's patterns, finding it's weak spots. Then, a strategy emerges. Eventually, you defeat it like it was nothing. The Jew is an AI, it's role is fixed, it never changes. You however (if you are white or one of rare non-NPC non whites) have the capacity to grow in power, as limited as it may initially be.

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42075c  No.123164

File: 9a0a01dd6f88b5b⋯.png (173.69 KB, 480x360, 4:3, ClipboardImage.png)


>they try to genetically edit themselves to appear as blonde ubermensch while they turn everyone else into niggers or something kek

You really think bolshevists are capable of something that evil? That's beyond any evil anyone has ever imagined before. If there's an imagined evil more evil than that, I don't think I've heard it.

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f6f0b0  No.123169


I imagined it. I have been trying to warn people on /pnd/ in the /cvg/ for months. But the mods always delete my comments. COVID is a gene drive anon. They have already done what you thought was to evil to be imagined.

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f6f0b0  No.123172


>Those who helped the Jews ended up equally ruined by them as those who tried to shoah them.

Fascinating. Pattern recognition. Help them/hinder them; nothing works; you are not the first person to point this out to me; actual jews have pointed out to me that fighting the was the way of death…seems like a Kobayashi Maru. To fight and defeat them would require an equal and opposing force which doesn't currently exist. But maybe Europeans have been going about everything wrong…the dichotomy is not serving us.

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ef5cd7  No.123405

File: 0cb878b5974b28d⋯.jpg (35.19 KB, 533x365, 533:365, wl4fcca1d9.jpg)


Yes Vedic and Mesopotamian tradition agree on the descent from seven sages, the source of all learning, and it is that tradition the Hebrew demonized in terms of the Fall.

>According to the Brihadaranyaka Upanisad Gautama and Bharadvāja, Viśvāmitra and Jamadagni, Vashishtha and Kaśhyapa and Shandilya are seven sages (also known as Saptarishi); the progeny of these seven sages is declared to be gotras. This enumeration of seven primary gotras seems to have been known to Pāṇini. The offspring (apatya) of these seven are gotras and others than these are called gotrâvayava

>There exists another theory about gotra: sons and disciples of a sage would have the same gotra; it is believed that they possess similar thought and philosophy

The implication of this is that the Hebrew has set himself in direct opposition to benevolent Heavenly intervention and those who sought to develop and expand civilization based upon that learning, that this is a local planet for local people, and he would somehow expect all Earthlings to unite in opposition should those pesky Sages ever return, it also puts him in direct opposition to Enki whom the Sages served, and thus we have the doctrine of the demiurge from the whiners and complainers, and the emergence of Clown World.

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5fef91  No.123443

File: 7cc76427d92bbe4⋯.pdf (11.8 MB, Apocalypse_of_the_Alien_Go….pdf)

File: 27a05466f911c25⋯.png (152.89 KB, 1200x2222, 600:1111, Jainism_.png)

File: 5cbb85998e11812⋯.jpg (80.81 KB, 1502x765, 1502:765, Ahinsa_Parmo_Dharm_1.jpg)


>Admittedly this requires a lot of clarification and information to be presented in a concise and readable form.

Okay okay, anon. I'l give it to you.


Honestly that third picture forgets east exist. The concept of "oneness" is not exactly some kind of small jewish only knowledge as well as universal morality. Hindus had it for ages rewrote their theology in vedic texts to imply oneness of their all gods. And chinese had taoism which is more like silent unknown god who acts in balanced absolutes that you can never truly learn about and if you do you'll end up silent about it.

I also recently discovered a cult called Jainism that existed since 900 years BC, while hebrew bible (Tanakh) existed at least since 8th century BC. Jianism rejected gods at all, practicioners of it were extreme ascetics, they were buddhists before buddhists, and their symbols were swastika and that symbol similar to that jewish hand. But they also had this teaching that humans and animals are equal, were vegetarian and had a sculpture on wall depicting the message :"Ahinsa Parmo Dharm" (non-injury is the supreme duty/virtue/religion). Does it remind you of certain passage of the bible where lion will be eating grass with sheep or something like that?

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8baccb  No.123446


I really enjoy Jainism, but sometimes they take things too far and get ridiculous. For me, their downfall is in their cult-like food practices.

Vegetarian…totally get this.

Not being able to eat potatoes because you are killing micro bacteria by digging up the potatoes…no. Too far…when religion becomes psychosis. I will pass.

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fb8d5e  No.123702



What are you trying to do with this talk shifting towards some kind of mental brownness? You didn't provide any useful context.

You just said "they are brown". Jews are worse than niggers. They cannot be educated and have an irrepressible need to destroy the Whites. It does not change a thing to the fact that extremely skin-white kikes would easily see themselves as the new worldwide white aristocracy.

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fb8d5e  No.123710


>>“Incantation. U-Anna, who accomplishes the plans of heaven and earth,U-Anne-dugga, who is endowed with comprehensive understanding, En-medugga, for whom a good destiny has been decreed, Enmegalamma,who was born in a house, Enmebulugga, who grew up in a pasture land,An-Enlilda, the conjurer of the city of Eridu, Utuabzu, who ascended to heaven, the pure purādu-fishes of the sea, the seven of them, the seven sages, who originated in the river, who control the plans of heaven and earth.

Shitty quoting color aside but that's nothing you can do about, this excerpt would very likely refer to the fish-men carrying the satchel of light of civilization.

>>All texts of traditional Mesopotamian scholarly sciences, both practical and theoretical, were secret documents

A part of me really hopes the Jews have not destroyed everything, that some people, somewhere, are still around and kept all the good stuff under wraps.



That's some text that gets me curious. What does it refer to and what is this source?


What chan is this? Is it the /fascist/ one? Wasn't it nixed a few months ago?

>This may be a two way street … Don't forget that nuclear weapons were marginally inspired by Vedic texts.

I wouldn't see how besides the vague references to effects being similar but which could be attributed to meteors.

>Fire works much better than water, hence their archetypal paranoia of "holocaust" .

Fire is harder to manage. The theory is too far fetched. However I have ventured on the side of a similar possibility, which somehow found its way in the Old Testament, with being so much corruption on Earth (racial mixing, decadence, etc.), that it was just easier to say fuck all, deal with this rock now.

>What do you think the Talmud is?

A book that came very late. Why?

>YHWH/Demiurge is archetypal, cosmic Jew.

Demiurge got a bad press because of the Gnostics who kept shitting on reality.

YHWH is just a wannabe god but really is far from being able to even begin to assemble a star system. I think there will be a proper revolution when we will also figure out that the Demiurge did nothing wrong.

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9e0f90  No.123716


That they think in twisted ways and as parasites does not undermine the reality of their mental capacities. So I do not understand this rather clumsy attitude in calling them robots. For one I'd find it more apt to call robots the 90% of the white population, these NPCs.

As for the pattern it's quite easy, they either destroy a country by getting in or they use another country to beat the first one into a pulp. All with the power of money and manipulation of scriptures and symbols. You don't even need to go for comics-tier theories.

And could we please try to stick to the topic?


That's incorrect. Germany lacked numbers and allies. What Germany suffered from, we're experiencing it everywhere now, with racial mixing on top.

So this is a good thing in a way, Jews can simply not try a lesser gamble. It's all or nothing.

I'm open to mass-genocide. I don't really give a fuck any longer. I'm thinking ahead, what our civilization would be like, very different, on a retooled Earth. I still dream in a positive way but for that I would be a monster to the eyes of most. LOL

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035af0  No.123749


>I still dream in a positive way but for that I would be a monster to the eyes of most. LOL

Not to me. I have been advocating for a Ethnic European ONLY world for years.

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035af0  No.123753

File: f27caee510f64e8⋯.jpg (161.71 KB, 629x476, 37:28, YHVH_companion_White.jpg)


>YHWH is just a wannabe god but really is far from being able to even begin to assemble a star system

I actually like YHWH quite a bit. When I extract out the things they said vs the things their people actually did I find that I am in agreement with them and that I am very fond of them. I like them best, more than any other God I have ever come across. The edicts and commandments just make sense to me.

Put faggots to death? Checked

No government? Check

The non-prejudiced judicial system? Check

Kill every living thing of your enemies? Check

Kill both the adulterer and the adulteress? Check

Love your own people best? Check

Honor your parents and ancestors? Check

Kill rapists? Check

No organized religion? Check

I mean there are more commands, but in general, I agree with all of them and would really like to live my life by them (obviously (((jewish government))) would never allow this since they are hell bent on total degeneracy).

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c935f0  No.124025


>I actually like YHWH quite a bit.

This is understandable since the OT is based on Aryan material they stole too. The God of the OT is far more logical and badass than the faggot praised in the Roman Church.

Jews weren't stupid, they kept the good things to themselves and forced us to drink piss. They do the same with racism: they reject or kill niggers, mixicannots, gooks and sandniggers but force us to be drowned in seas of them.

We need a White Deuteronomy. Period.

But to go back to your appreciation of this god, or at least the description you have of it, the whole of YHWH, if you want to be accurate, covers more than the OT.

The various names or generic descriptors used for him (in the Bible it's just God) notwithstanding, even a lot of the material in the Quran is much more based than what one can find in the NT since it's hard to find a worse book than the NT.

>No government? Check

I doubt there is such a claim considering the tribal organization that requires a hierarchy with its own chiefs. No authority is a anarchist's ridiculous and retarded wet dream.

On the absolute end of this scale, even an empire would be acceptable assuming it served the interests of Whites on all domains of life, and allowed them enough liberties so that you were not chocking in taxes, paper work and stupid little regulations on how to tie your shoe laces that you've never heard of.

I for one find Lane's Precepts absolutely compatible with the idea of a White Pagan Empire.

>No organized religion? Check

You're looking into the OT and you see no organized religion? Where is it specifically formulated that way? A people needs at least one mediator and in the best of times, he's both king and priest. You need qualified people to provide and protect spiritual knowledge. It does not need to be an excruciating scaffolding though. But some form of organization is needed nevertheless, if only to reflect the inner teachings maintained by a few. The only one time when a religious structure won't be necessary will be when White men and women will have reached such a level of enlightenment and perfection that each one of them will be their own initiate and priest. Whether this status can still be attained remains to be seen, such is the challenge ahead of us.

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4d2ab9  No.124033

File: 99960370ef7b7b9⋯.png (330.55 KB, 449x356, 449:356, buddhists_and_the_greek.png)



Jews stole Indo-Aryan religious material pre-buddhist era. Jesus, his jewish followers and greek philosophers (who were taught by followers of Pyrrho 300 years before Jesus and other more ancient exporters of Hindu culture post-Alexander conquests) stole Hindu religious material post-buddhist era. Its incredibly hard for people to just "search and find" things. Unjust kills create bad karma and eventually get back to the people for killing any wise, including Socrates and Pythagoras. But i think now to some extend western society is actually being punished for christianity as church's invented religion as a whole, and jews know it and exploit our own kills, read Mara bar Serapion letter:

>What else can we say, when the wise are forcibly dragged off by tyrants, their wisdom is captured by insults, and their minds are oppressed and without defense? What advantage did the Athenians gain from murdering Socrates? Famine and plague came upon them as a punishment for their crime. What advantage did the men of Samos gain from burning Pythagoras? In a moment their land was covered with sand. What advantage did the Jews gain from executing their wise king? It was just after that their kingdom was abolished. God justly avenged these three wise men: the Athenians died of hunger; the Samians were overwhelmed by the sea and the Jews, desolate and driven from their own kingdom, live in complete dispersion. But Socrates is not dead, because of Plato; neither is Pythagoras, because of the statue of Juno; nor is the wise king, because of the "new law" he laid down.

I am afraid to admit that Christianity with its religious intolerance actually what kills us same way it killed Rome. All those dead scientists and philosophic thinkers burned by the Church will respond, if our degeneration of western society as a whole since invention of protestantism wasn't already a response to it.

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035af0  No.124096


>I doubt there is such a claim considering the tribal organization that requires a hierarchy with its own chiefs. No authority is a anarchist's ridiculous and retarded wet dream.

See, this is why I never take any of you guys seriously. You rail against something that you have never taken the time to read or understand. Just because something is not taught by the 'jews' for obvious reasons, doesn't mean it is not in plain sight for everyone to read and understand if they wanted to.

Yeah, anarchy is so 'ridiculous' that the jews are really struggling with it [NOT!!] so much that they own the entire planet while you have nothing. They live by a total anarchy which allows them to operate with total immunity from any law while they saddle you with their own 'imaginative' legal burdens that are IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAR. Now lets all just tuck under like good little children and go back to something that does not follow Natural Law in the slightest and is killing us because following Natural Law is 'stupid'.


Christianity the religion is jewish. It was made and codified by Paul the kike and it has nothing to do with Jesus teachings which are all a reference to the laws of YHWH. Jesus and Paul actually taught and thought the diametric opposite of each other.

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2b56eb  No.124306


> They live by a total anarchy

No, they don't.

>They live by a total anarchy which allows them to operate with total immunity from any law while they saddle you with their own 'imaginative' legal burdens that are IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAR.

Does not deny the usefulness of a government.

>Now lets all just tuck under like good little children and go back to something that does not follow Natural Law in the slightest and is killing us because following Natural Law is 'stupid'.

Natural Law does not uphold anarchy. It's about order within any species, any race. It's about having the best ones at the top which invariably produces a hierarchy, the only way to manage anything greater than your local school club of two.

>Christianity the religion is jewish. It was made and codified by Paul the kike and it has nothing to do with Jesus teachings which are all a reference to the laws of YHWH.

Those teachings, you would have never heard of them if it weren't for Paul. The teachings are in the bible otherwise you're left with nothing but your imagination. Jesus taught suicidal principles which, in the best of cases, were solely meant for a bunch of other hobo hebes. Why the fuck on Earth would you even care when without the subversion, instead you would still be using pagan principles that would go back as far as legends could tell and not Semitic drivel?

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035af0  No.124322


>No, they don't.

Yes they do. I have watched them. They would cut each others throat for 15 cents. There is no structure or organization. Each is atomized and individual and they do whatever they please at all times without appealing to any higher reasoning or authority. THEY ARE LIKE A VIRUS.

>Does not deny the usefulness of a government.

Yes, it does. The only purpose of government is to serve itself off those who are too weak to throw off its chains.

>Natural Law does not uphold anarchy

Yes it does. Animals don't 'take a vote' about doing what they want, nor do they have some 'centralized' authority. Each one does what it will when it wants.

>The teachings are in the bible otherwise you're left with nothing but your imagination.

My imagination would have been better than fucking POISON anon.

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8b4459  No.124433


Who is the "Nazi" now, eh? What do you think they are keeping the Mormons and their DNA repositories for? But those are the Zionist kikes, not the Bolshevist kikes. A false dichotomy, but distinctive roles. Team blue (black) and team red.


Well, your position is that genes define people entirely and that people can be fully designed. What if Jews edit their offspring to be like Europeans, wouldn't that make them actual Europeans according to your theory? Your own 'flesh and blood' so to speak? :>) The "end of history" that the "progressives" (forces of disintegration) look forward to with religious fervor. But what if history doesn't end, what if it's cyclical? What if all of this has already happened before? What if whites were the "true Jews" at one point, or rather, what if the "true Jews" were 'white' . However, their enemies (The "Amalekites") were white too. Rather confusing, no? Not if one of them were GMO whites and other organic whites. Artificial golems and bearers of the essence, the essence which is impossible to truly copy (decrypt) by purely materialistic means, the only means available to certain creations of a certain "god". Let's say that, hypothetically, a great war or natural disaster happened destroying most of the world and resetting it to very primitive times, depriving both groups of their technologies, the knowledge of which remained exclusive to very small and selective groups. What if one group began deteriorating, gradually reverting to it's "core sequence" (Inserting virus DNA/RNA into those of other species is not really an uncommon practice), while other kept their organic Form and remained connected to their immaterial essence. This deterioration of the former eventually led to the existence of kikes as we know them today. Their viral nature compelling them to engage in certain practices in order to maintain and propagate itself. This should be a very basic function of all lifeforms, no? The key is identifying them properly. Not by which genes they have the most ("human" or 'white'), but the ones which 'drive' the rest (virus). The master sequence. This seems contrary to everything that we know about organic evolution, but not quite if we account for gene editing. Wanting to copy the superior essence, to mimic the 'white gods' as their parody, while mixing the actual essence with animals through miscegenation, dysgenics (incl. mental/spiritual) and genetic engineering so they can be easily enslaved and tortured sounds incredulous, no? No one can be that evil, right? Some people really can't add two and two until they witness it.

Anyway, how could one tell 'whites' apart from whites? Other than tiny hints of physical corruption which only the most keen eyes could notice?


>To fight and defeat them would require an equal and opposing force which doesn't currently exist

It does, white people are just mostly disconnected from it. Many by choice.

>But maybe Europeans have been going about everything wrong…the dichotomy is not serving us.

What are you suggesting?


>The implication of this is that the Hebrew has set himself in direct opposition to benevolent Heavenly intervention

Rather, any "heavenly" (etheric) intervention. They are aiming for absolute control of the physical world, cutting it off from other frequencies entirely.

>and he would somehow expect all Earthlings to unite in opposition should those pesky Sages ever return

Seems to be a theme uniting pop culture, certain religious narratives and disinfo conspiracy websites. How convenient. Perhaps, it would be better for Enlil and his retinue to intervene this time. Enki didn't have much success, evidently.

>thus we have the doctrine of the demiurge from the whiners and complainers

Demiurge is an inevitable product of technological progress, some people recognizing this one being either criminally evil, or criminally incompetent does not make them "whiners".

> that this is a local planet for local people

Certain sages didn't quite practice what they preached it seems …

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8b4459  No.124469

File: 0772d4478c57ca7⋯.png (564.45 KB, 837x701, 837:701, Earnest.PNG)


>Honestly that third picture forgets east exist. The concept of "oneness" is not exactly some kind of small jewish only knowledge as well as universal morality.

It's not knowledge, and Jews don't practice it themselves because they know it's not true. I have already provided accounts of "proto-Jews" reaching as far as India, and Asia was quite interesting if you look at ancient history. My theory is that "Jewry" (inner circle) is much older than believed, and that a cutthroat gang of mongrel bandits and prostitutes which made a 'covenant' with a certain mysterious entity at a moment of desperation (contemporary Jews) were merely initiated into it. Someone, or something recognized them to be a good "basis" for what they had planned. I also wouldn't discount a possibility of other people coming up with those ideas, and kikes just promoting them and exploiting them to the fullest after realizing how much advantage it gives them.

>But they also had this teaching that humans and animals are equal, were vegetarian and had a sculpture on wall depicting the message :"Ahinsa Parmo Dharm" (non-injury is the supreme duty/virtue/religion). Does it remind you of certain passage of the bible where lion will be eating grass with sheep or something like that?

Exactly. One should not discount their beliefs entirely because of such corruption existing however as that would mean falling for another trap.


>Not being able to eat potatoes because you are killing micro bacteria by digging up the potatoes…no. Too far…when religion becomes psychosis.

They are merely taking veganism/vegetarianism to it's logical conclusion. Which is that of psychosis. Same is happening with egalitarianism.

>It does not change a thing to the fact that extremely skin-white kikes would easily see themselves as the new worldwide white aristocracy.

I think that anon wanted to say how race is more than just a skin color


>that some people, somewhere, are still around and kept all the good stuff under wraps.

Those exist, they are just quite hard to reach by conventional means

>That's some text that gets me curious. What does it refer to and what is this source?

Journal Of The Bihar And Orissa Research Society 1940 Vol XXVI . Only about 10% of it is relevant in this context though, I just extracted the interesting parts.

>What chan is this? Is it the /fascist/ one? Wasn't it nixed a few months ago?

16. /fascist/ still exists on another chan.

>Fire is harder to manage.

That means it requires greater mastery.

>The theory is too far fetched.

Occam's razor won't resolve this I'm afraid. If there really is a grand conspiracy, then we may assume that it would be made complex and convoluted enough to avoid detection by simple deduction or "common sense". Rather, we need to be as far fetched as possible on this one.

>that it was just easier to say fuck all, deal with this rock now

Yeah, eventually gods get so sick and tired of rampant kikery and degeneracy that this happens https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h67JpMyrOVE

>I think there will be a proper revolution when we will also figure out that the Demiurge did nothing wrong.

Revolution against whom? [hisguys] pretty much run the world.

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035af0  No.124547


>Anyway, how could one tell 'whites' apart from whites?

Behavior anon. You cannot mimic nobility.

Nobility might be described as its destroyed and bastardize common ideology 'love' with its dripping obsequiousness at this point. Real Love is nothing of the sort. It is brutal when it needs to be, brilliant and harsh, judgment that cleaves things apart.

>Some people really can't add two and two until they witness it.

I am rather poor with subtle mechanics and subtly in general, honestly.

>What are you suggesting?

Have no idea…I type shit and don't always spend enough time thinking about it. Seat of my pants type of operations at this point.

>Which is that of psychosis. Same is happening with egalitarianism.

What do these two things have in common, then? Or are you suggesting that all things can be taken logically to psychosis? Odd thought.

I would have asked more but I have decided not to speak to you until I understand why I was unfair last time (obviously this 'resolution' worked out well) whatever…it is enough to know that is a possibility at this point and observe so that I can get clarity.

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9a912a  No.124556

The Jews of Lithuania have an interesting history, and it is particularly well documented. It intertwines with the Polish Jewish history; as the Commonwealth of Poland and Lithuania emerged and was eventually dismembered in 1795. While Jews from these areas claim identity with them, they are distinct from the indigenous ethnic populations in race, culture and spiritually. They existed as a separate nation, within these two nations, and gained wealth, power and influence. They enjoyed special privileges and self autonomy from the start of their invitation to Lithuania and grew rapidly in population. When this ceased, they either fled to other nations, or played victim.

Note that Poland and Lithuania are the origin areas of many religious and social Jewish movements, particularly Hasidism, Misnagdim, and Frankism as well as a hotbed of early Zionist activity. There were famous Yeshivas in Vilnius (Vilna) and this was a major concentration of Shetls and Miasteczko (private settlements) where synagogues and Talmudic learning flourished.They were FREELY allowed to practice their religion, without hindrance. Reverend Justinas Pranaitis who was among the first non-jews to translate the Talmud comes from Lithuania.

Lots of Wikipedia, but use the available source information to lurk further, just building the chronology and specifically addressing the "Special Rights and Privileges" and not any of the local responses to this Privileged group. In short, due to the Catholic restrictions in these nations, the Jews where able to trade freely in Alcohol, Usury and where subject to different taxes and trade regulations. The Nobility saw them as a loophole to gain economic advantage and acquire wealth. They where not subject to military conscription either, in nations that where attacked from all sides. Notably, they had their own judicial and legislative apparatus, separate from the nations.


In 1387 Pagan Lithuania is Christianized after centuries of assault and crusade from the Orthodox east and Catholic west.


The Charter of 1388: Genesis

In 1388 Grand Duke Vytautas granted privileges to the Jews of Trakai(Then capital of the Duchy) on June 24, 1388. Later similar privileges were granted to the Jews of Brest (July 1, 1388), Grodno (1389), Lutsk, Vladimir, and other large towns within the Grand Duchy of Poland. They are invited in order to increase trade and to bolster the goods available by bringing their trade skills.

In 1569 the Union of Lubin is signed officially uniting Poland and Lithuania as a commonwealth. This allows less restricted movement and settlement between the two duchies, allowing the communities to expand.


CRITICAL: As early as 1560 the "Council of the 4 lands" is established. This is de facto an independent legislative body allowing the Jewish community to govern itself. In 1764 the Polish Diet ordered it's closing due to a "Failure" to collect taxes. With this established and the other rights granted, the Jewish Community of Poland and Lithuania at this time effectively governed itself completely independently. This regime remained in-tact until the final partition of Poland and Lithuania in 1795.


They had private towns and settlements. In particular Miasteczko have "Town Rights" similar to the Hanseatic format.



I'll propose the hypothesis that this "Council" system never ended, and evolved into something else. Given it predates the "Judenstaat" proposal by nearly 100 years, it is the potential origin of the "Protocols".

A concise list of When, Where and What of all these historical privileges, and the eventual local reactions, would be a groundbreaking historical work. Great thread!

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296cea  No.124798

File: 22f73f03e322a46⋯.png (662.27 KB, 859x823, 859:823, Government.PNG)


>I wouldn't see how besides the vague references to effects being similar but which could be attributed to meteors.

A meteor could hardly "shatter a mountain" A large asteroid maybe, but not a meteor shower. While some descriptions could match an asteroid impact, some do not. If it was an asteroid, they would suffer the consequences too, and for a long time. Also, what would be the chances of such object striking exactly where their enemies (or source of their power) are believed to be? Speaking of such weapons, what do you think that "rapture" is?


Are you saying that Jews are an enhanced group? Or that they mixed with Aryans at one point? Metalworking was originally an Aryan tradition, so were the storm gods of the mountains, so were the elitist (earthly AND spiritual) aristocracies (actual aristocracies of old, not the idea of "nobility" , which is rooted in the idea of (((choseness))) and not merit/aristos/quality)


>does not undermine the reality of their mental capacities.

It was predominantly Jewish theorists in the fields of psychology and neurology that advocated for the narrative that psyche can only be defined in terms of practical intelligence and mere processing capacity. The same meme is being pushed by the (((AI))) crowd today, also predominantly Jewish. Reductionist, lowest common denominator, materialistic approach. It doesn't account for sapience, self-awareness (other than little developed and seldom considered concepts such as mirror test for animals and Turing test for machines), higher consciousness or free will. There is a theory how cats see people as huge, retarded cats, I guess the Jews see non-Jews in a similar manner, as retarded robots. Hypothetically, I could create a creature of astonishing 'intelligence' that could mimic human behavior entirely, yet it would have zero self-awareness, sapience or free will. In fact, it wouldn't even have to be conscious at all in order to perform it's function. It could be as dead as a toaster, unless you consider a toaster to be conscious because ti can perform certain machine functions and is animated by electricity.

>For one I'd find it more apt to call robots the 90% of the white population, these NPCs.

The great majority of "human" population lacks geniune Self. White race simply has the greatest potential (by a very wide margin) to produce non-NPC's. For Jews that potential is pretty much non-existent, but not impossible either, depending on their admixture and how strong the virus strain is.

>You don't even need to go for comics-tier theories.

I am simply extrapolating things to their logical conclusion. Past, present, future. Gotta see the whole picture.

>And could we please try to stick to the topic?

My posts are as on topic as it gets, I just offer a different perspective.


It's not about there being no laws, it's about our laws being different from theirs. Read the excerpts which I posted before.


>They live by a total anarchy

When it comes to non-Jews, they have a very strong mafia tier codex otherwise. They are the original mafia.


>Behavior anon.

But behavior is entirely genetic, no?

>Real Love is nothing of the sort

Love for everything = love for nothing. The one who cannot hate, cannot love either.

>What do these two things have in common, then?

Thought pattern. Niggers are people too, animals are people too, bacteria are people too, all life is sacred, you should do no harm, we are all one … You either draw the lines, or not. And it's not the opposite of that either, if it was only that simple …

>Or are you suggesting that all things can be taken logically to psychosis?

If they are built upon 'sand' , yes.

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296cea  No.124826


I wonder if cities like London, Vatican, Washington, Venice etc. and other extra-territorial zones partially exempt from certain laws went through something similar. You are on a good track anon.

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8dd0b1  No.124827

File: e6932f35dc51f32⋯.jpeg (876.17 KB, 2758x2010, 1379:1005, Saptarishi.jpeg)

File: 448d9a8e651e3eb⋯.gif (3.05 KB, 250x195, 50:39, 250px_Saptarishi.gif)

File: e1b9f85ea3e7e84⋯.png (248.55 KB, 548x713, 548:713, Viskarman.png)


Wait a fucking second

>seven sages

Saptarishi? Seven Seers of hindu religion.

>who originated in the river, who control the plans of heaven and earth.

Vedas again

>embryo the waters bore In whom all gods together came

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385197  No.124838


>Yes they do. I have watched them. They would cut each others throat for 15 cents. There is no structure or organization. Each is atomized and individual and they do whatever they please at all times without appealing to any higher reasoning or authority. THEY ARE LIKE A VIRUS.

Check your optics then, you're literally full of shit. Jews are perhaps the most organized racial group today and this alone explains the iron grip they have on our societies.

>Yes, it does. The only purpose of government is to serve itself off those who are too weak to throw off its chains.

No, it's not its purpose. You're using a definition that is entirely based on the corrupt Jewish ZOG.

>Yes it does. Animals don't 'take a vote' about doing what they want, nor do they have some 'centralized' authority. Each one does what it will when it wants.

You retard, animals who move around in groups have literally innate rules for determining who is best suited to lead the pack/herd.

>My imagination would have been better than fucking POISON anon.

You're not even consistent with your former post and I don't care what kind of cherry picking you apply to the Bible to come up with the bs you typed a few posts up.


>Demiurge is an inevitable product of technological progress, some people recognizing this one being either criminally evil, or criminally incompetent does not make them "whiners".

If "Demiurge" is this, then thanks, let technological progress come and evolve to the point we can create universes too.

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ff0aee  No.124843

Mirror of the Polish Crown (Polish: Zwierciadło Korony Polskiej) (full title Mirror of the Polish Crown expressing the profound insults and great anxieties it receives from the Jews) is an antisemitic pamphlet published in 1618 by Sebastian Miczyński, professor of philosophy at Cracow Jagellonian University. Because this pamphlet was one of the causes of the anti-Jewish riots in Cracow, it was censored by Sigismund III Vasa. , further to a petition from local Jews to the Polish crown. Despite this, the book run through numerous reprints.

In this pamphlet Jews were accused with political treachery, robbery, swindling, murder, witchcraft, and sacrilege; however religious accusations are of secondary importance. The pamphlet mainly focuses on the economic activities of the Jews and advocates the expulsion of the Jews from Poland.

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385197  No.124846


>I think that anon wanted to say how race is more than just a skin color

Huh really? I would have never guessed. Perhaps this anon could lurk two more years before thinking in platitudes then.

>Those exist, they are just quite hard to reach by conventional means

Yeah well what proof?

>Occam's razor won't resolve this I'm afraid. If there really is a grand conspiracy, then we may assume that it would be made complex and convoluted enough to avoid detection by simple deduction or "common sense". Rather, we need to be as far fetched as possible on this one.

No, what is too far fetched is the idea that this great flood was organized for the sole purpose of destroying the Jews when we see, on the contrary, that it would have hit White lands first, including potential Doggerland/"Thule". Not to say that if one group of people were capable of bringing about such catastrophic events, you would expect them to be able to organize an equally great project that would have well preserved white aryanhood.

What I can accept, though, is a similar theory where in desperate need of a final solution in the hope to level the play field, some people arranged through very unconventional means for the arrival of impactors.

But if this was achieved without the help anything remotely close to palatable technology as usually projected in the less exotic forms of cultural science fiction, then we're entering the domain of überfringe shit with summoning rocks, arranging for certain influential forces to, say, re-orient a whole curtain of rocks from the outer rim of this system, to enter its core and hit Earth over several centuries or millennia.

Meaning that this great war has been going for tens of thousands of years and we were not even winning.

>Revolution against whom? [hisguys] pretty much run the world.

More like against what.

But on a strictly prosaic ground, let's identify the larger target as: The chief, the minions, the traitors and the invaders.

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746838  No.124850

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>But behavior is entirely genetic, no?

I can't decide if you are mocking me or serious.

>You either draw the lines, or not.

I think we all draw the lines here. So the agenda is a blurred distinction of reality or distortion of perception to the point where perception is meaningless. I am ambivalent about this. It is not conducive to Life…but other than this I have no legitimate criticism of it at this point in time.

>If they are built upon 'sand' , yes.

By sand I can assume you mean change or dynamic change within the physical realm.

So the argument you are proposing is one of rigidity vs fluidity. They are operating in the fluid systems model and you are operating as 'rock' in the frozen permanence model?

Fire and Ice.

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746838  No.124852


>Jews are perhaps the most organized racial group today

Bullshit anon. That is why they win because there is no actual organization outside of what is emergent. Even emergent behavior has structure to it.

>entirely based on the corrupt Jewish ZOG.

All government is jewish. There is no other form of mind control.

>innate rules for determining who is best suited to lead the pack/herd.

The animals that are pack or herd are nothing at all like human society. I can tell you have never watched herd animals in your life. You are entirely full of bullshit anon.

>You're not even consistent with your former post and I don't care what kind of cherry picking you apply to the Bible to come up with the bs you typed a few posts up.

Just come out and say that you are a jew anon. Fuck, everyone can see that you have a jew leader and have sworn yourself to your liege Jew Paul of Tarsus (gates of Hell).

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385197  No.124853


And you can take into account the convenient regrouping of Jews, in a large area that was part of Eastern Poland and beyond, under the augur of king Kazimierz III, in a very active trade region, "fleeing" the fast spreading Black Plague they surely had nothing to do with. It is quite remarkable how the place which they had regrouped to managed to be rather well spared from the bubonic plague.

So, going from there, they push for more (vassalized) Church presence, which without any surprise, results in Jews obtaining advantages. After a clear attempt at killing as many Whites as possible, they also start organizing for the great phase of their long-term messianic project.

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385197  No.124854


>Bullshit anon. That is why they win because there is no actual organization outside of what is emergent. Even emergent behavior has structure to it.

What is that shit about "emergent"? They have numerous heavy front organizations that collaborate with each other, they organize every year to spread their influence and have more rabbis present in every city. They have a whole country built from the basis of a long-time organization, which owes a lot to a considerable financial organization.

Nobody said they all acted as one super hivemind.

>All government is jewish.

Obviously not. Starting with the Third Reich, or any government that was pagan and had no semitic brain fuckery going on at the higher levels.

You're pushing for a blackpill. Stop with it.

>The animals that are pack or herd are nothing at all like human society.

Quite the contrary and you used animals thinking it supported your argument, but it didn't. Now you're saying animals and humans are not the same, essentially making your comparison entirely null.

>I can tell you have never watched herd animals in your life. You are entirely full of bullshit anon.

No you are the one full of bs. Any one hour in front of a tv documentary on animals living in groups, like roaming packs, will prove me right.

Starting with, often enough, the existence of alphas. Their models remain relatively simple because they're simple animals. But this lack of complexity also means they will never build ships and castles.

>Just come out and say that you are a jew anon. Fuck, everyone can see that you have a jew leader and have sworn yourself to your liege Jew Paul of Tarsus (gates of Hell).

You're just too stupid to even read properly. I precisely denounced Paul, you two-neurons moron.

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385197  No.124856


>Thought pattern. Niggers are people too, animals are people too, bacteria are people too, all life is sacred, you should do no harm, we are all one … You either draw the lines, or not. And it's not the opposite of that either, if it was only that simple

Two groups of different animals killing each other hardly stops one of these two groups from being one of animals. You can have one group that is more clever than the other too.

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746838  No.124858


>tv documentary on animals

Holy shit. Go back to tv anon. This has nothing to do with real life. I understand where you are coming from now.

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746838  No.124893


>it's about our laws being different from theirs.

I would like an example of a few of these laws so that I can evaluate them and take them to their logical conclusion.

Thank you anon.

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ef5cd7  No.124930

File: 867d98cd4fe9a89⋯.jpg (515.86 KB, 1562x730, 781:365, _.jpg)


There's a strong correlation between the Vedic sages and the Mesopotamian, the latter of which relates to Enki/Aquarius/Piscis Austrinus, hence the fish in the stream of consciousness metaphor, as founding legend figurines of the seven were placed as building deposits.

Also in terms of founding there were up to four Heptads probably originating in Anatolia, the winter Heptad of the Sages and Aquarius, the Spring Heptad of Pleiades, the Summer Heptad of Ursa Major, and the Autumn Heptad of Scorpio, relating to a pattern of founding and destruction.

>Combined in close society sit the seven priests, the brother-hood, Filling the station of the One. He gives us kinship with the Gods, and with the Sun unites our eye: The Sage's offspring hath appeared. The Sun with his dear eye beholds that quarter of the heavens which priests Have placed within the sacred cell.

>Where is the secret shrine of heaven, where are those waters young and fresh. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake. Make me immortal in that realm where they move even as they list, In the third sphere of inmost heaven where lucid worlds are full of light. Flow, Indu, flow for Indra's sake.

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63c77f  No.124943

File: 489f4d5dff67f04⋯.png (248.43 KB, 440x759, 40:69, rig_veda.png)


>that quarter of the heavens which priests Have placed within the sacred cell.

Many things in ancient religions feel like riddles in cosmology. Here's for example the "quarter" and seasons you mentioned.

We can do this forever. I read somewhere where it was said that astrology generally were united language in many ancient civilizations and do not differ from one another too much.

But ancient indo-aryan knowledge is really fancy to me because i desire to find their basis of ancient theology on which hindus based whole enlightenment (as not-being) and uniting with a god thing.

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ef5cd7  No.125001


The names of the four yugas of time—Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali—are named after "dice throws" from a game of dice popular during the Vedic period. Their order coincides with the favorability of each throw: Satya is the best throw, whereas Kali is considered the worst. During the Mahabharata, king Nala exorcises the disembodied spirit of Kali to a vibhīdaka tree (Terminalia belerica), whose fruits contain nuts which were used as the dice for the vedic dice game. Therefore, not only Kali's name, but his penchant for gambling and reputation as being evil comes from this dice game


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746838  No.125008


You never observed nature; you haven't a fucking clue. You watched someone else observing and selecting the information that they wanted you to observe. It is ridiculous for you to maintain that you have some knowledge in this situation.

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fce36f  No.125334

File: e51b675913105b9⋯.jpeg (4.36 MB, 3836x3144, 959:786, star.jpeg)


>couldn't there be beings also related to them

Seven Sages just thought stars WERE the gods. Astrology is based on star worshiping, which is almost identical to all cultures and were like unified language. Which is interesting since "first" monotheism was based on worshiping sun itself (which by the way i doubt was actually first case of monotheism, because vedas hide the idea of worshiping Brahman exclusively already). Why do you think main gods are associated with "light" that "darkness haven't overtaken" in both vedas and jewish scriptures?

From here go forth all the superstitions about looking at stars to predict the future itself, but nobody really could even if they do affect repetition of history and cycles of social life, they cannot be fully controlled.

And i think jews really hated that knowledge seven sages had. They hated both astrology and the very idea of knowing good and evil, which is moral law within all men, and associated it with mortal sin that damned us all.

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fce36f  No.125338

File: c3a7cb0e7afb649⋯.jpeg (815.8 KB, 1276x1111, 116:101, indians.jpeg)


>The names of the four yugas of time—Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali—are named after "dice throws" from a game of dice popular during the Vedic period. Their order coincides with the favorability of each throw

This is probably the real reason behind christian theologists hating Dungeons and Dragons, and not any sort of magic. I really wanted to make a /tg/ joke here, but i am so fascinated by this that i can't. If i told you that i started to rethink my own spirituality when i was doing world building for my own TTRPG and then stopped because i realized thinking about this world itself would be more useful, you wouldn't believe it.

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ef5cd7  No.125383


The Seven sages are conflated with the philosophy of the Seven planetary archetypes they taught, in the Sethian tradition these are the Archons or craftsmen, the Sumerian term for a scholar that was a descendant of the sages was Um-mani/craftsmen.

>Yaldabaoth creates a material world in imitation of the divine Pleroma. To complete this task, he spawns a group of entities known collectively as Archons, "petty rulers" and craftsmen of the physical world.

Because Planetary archetypes can be seen in terms of positive/negative, both good and evil in relative terms, then the teaching of these has also become conflated with evil in the Sethian mindset.

>A characteristic feature of the Gnostic concept of the universe is the role played in almost all Gnostic systems by the seven world-creating archons, known as the Hebdomad (ἑβδομάς). These Seven are in most systems semi-hostile powers, and are reckoned as the last and lowest emanations of the Godhead; below them—and frequently considered as proceeding from them—comes the world of the actually devilish powers.

Thus the seven sage tradition for the Hebrew becomes the introduction of all evil, the Fall.

>in Gnosticism they became the demonic rulers of the material world, each associated with a different celestial sphere.As rulers over the material world, they are called ἄρχοντες (archontes, "principalities", or "rulers").

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fd3364  No.125391

File: 469b4156f103e46⋯.png (149.79 KB, 550x435, 110:87, 1.png)

File: 14c0dde10f27c8d⋯.png (38.12 KB, 586x117, 586:117, 2.png)

File: c4acdfaff17e5d3⋯.png (667.92 KB, 1132x654, 566:327, saptarishi.png)

File: b0d70f7692a1a92⋯.png (612.22 KB, 1077x844, 1077:844, 4.png)


Another reason why jews hate the seven sages, read this text.

This is Atharvaveda.

>The Atharvaveda was likely compiled as a Veda contemporaneously with Samaveda and Yajurveda, or about 1200 BC - 1000 BC

I wanted to unpack this slowly, since that's alone is too much to unpack, but apparently someone in hitler's germany found this out and because of it used it as national symbol.

Jianists mentioned earlier also have their own legend of Seven Seers, and also have swastika as one of their main symbols. That's why before the olympics japanese were prompted to remove swastika from their buddhist temples and directions to their temples that have manji on it, least it offends the jews. Because of course buddhists ideology is inspired by theological knowledge of similar source.

The thing is that there never was a "confusion" with nazi swastika. If jews hated seven seers since 1000BC, then they hate this symbol since their very inception. Its indeed a 3000 years old battle, if not older.

Remember, in this degenerate age we must study everything with all seriousness.

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ef5cd7  No.125398

File: 1764c5af4e0a6ca⋯.jpg (246.63 KB, 1380x358, 690:179, lll.jpg)


Yes so the sign reflects the turning through the four quarters, and as i have suggested there were 4 x 7 Astral associations in terms of quartering the Zodiac, this also correlating to the Lunar Cycle.

What the Hebrew hates most is race realism and the God that created it namely Enki and his daughter the Goddess Nazi/Nanse that landed in the Mesopotamian wetlands in a Swan like vessel, hers is a cult most closely associated with the Ab-gal/Apkallu, indeed in the administration records of Lagash state there is found an Ab-gal Dingir Nanse at the top of the list concerned with her Temple cult receiving provisions, suggesting that at that date actual Ab-Gal were still present.

This is the only historic record of an Ab-gal sage outside religious text.


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a3d79d  No.125402

File: f344b546c4313d8⋯.jpeg (578.32 KB, 974x1390, 487:695, 2.jpeg)


>Goddess Nazi/Nanse that landed in the Mesopotamian wetlands in a Swan like vessel

Always thought Brahma's mount was weird.

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e38164  No.125406

File: 3a087296a5c5c23⋯.jpeg (21.31 KB, 220x262, 110:131, Nanse.jpeg)

File: 1df480327d5a1e6⋯.pdf (5.23 MB, Religion_Literature_and_Sc….pdf)


So i am imagining you read that too from WIkipedia:

>Nanshe (Sumerian: 𒀭𒀏 dNANŠE)

>During the time of Gudea (2144 - 2124 BCE), many hymns to Nanshe appeared showing her in an elevated position in the pantheon. She was the widely worshiped goddess of social justice. She nurtured orphans, provided for widows, gave advice to those in debt, and took in refugees from war torn areas. Several other gods appeared to be under the command of Nanshe. Hendursag and Haia were her assistants. Nisaba, sometimes portrayed as Nanshe's sister, was her chief scribe.

>goddess of social justice

>took in refugees from war torn areas

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ef5cd7  No.125407

File: 3e28b5b6bcf430b⋯.jpg (63.3 KB, 366x224, 183:112, lr5399c04a.jpg)

File: c0a4e38dabfbf9b⋯.jpg (245.34 KB, 580x402, 290:201, tx5197cf90.jpg)

File: adc8428f4d59a91⋯.jpg (109.9 KB, 1000x666, 500:333, id5b4877ef.jpg)

File: 051e8a964c4cbea⋯.jpg (262.45 KB, 590x397, 590:397, os5197cf5b.jpg)


The cult of the beautiful white bird is the heart of the matter, the introduction of concepts of refinement and beauty and development of civilization

>Enki placed his daughter Nanse in charge of the shrine Sirara because it sat over the wide extent of the marsh and she had influence over the high flood of subterranean waters. Nanse was known as 'she who sets sail', and 'she who induces sexual intercourse'. She was her father's daughter.

Ab-gal, the Great Deep.

>another popular belief respecting this mountain was, that in it Venus, the pagan Goddess of Love, held her court, in all the pomp and revelry of heathendom; and there were not a few who declared that they had seen fair forms of female beauty beckoning them from the mouth of the chasm, and that they had heard dulcet strains of music well up from the abyss above the thunder of the falling, unseen torrent. Charmed by the music, and allured by the spectral forms, various individuals had entered the cave, and none had returned, except the Tanhäuser, of whom more anon. Still does the Hörselberg go by the name of the Venusberg, a name frequently used in the middle ages, but without its locality being defined.

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ef5cd7  No.125416

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Of course the Goddess Nazi is a socialist and strives towards the ideal society and of course the natural inclinations of white women are subverted by those against all that is beautiful and also of course her entire system of values during the Age of her sign Pisces was adopted by Christianity

Nazi is she whom they hate the most and the sages only ever represented her cult, and ironically those who profess to hate Nazi's the most are the one's who believe in her values, such is subversion.

>Nunpiriggal, the builder, the apkallu of Enmerkar, who brought down Istar from heaven into Eanna.

>[After the flood?], during the reign of king Enmerkar, Nungalpiriggal was the apkallu, [he who] brought down Istar from heaven into the Eanna temple.

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67f1ea  No.125494

File: 3bc4ed8b063e3c4⋯.jpeg (41.72 KB, 585x187, 585:187, This_is_I.jpeg)


You know, Hindu religion seems to be pretty good in terms of the fact that human began with making a self awareness check. Does your Mesopotamian legend has one? I only found song of a hoe and it doesn't seem to be this smart.

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ef5cd7  No.125520

File: a2ea4d92683d772⋯.jpg (563.31 KB, 1142x1040, 571:520, ffffffffff.jpg)

File: b2a972fde42523b⋯.jpg (198.41 KB, 788x774, 394:387, ggggggggggggg.jpg)

File: 0380c749988bee7⋯.jpg (246.81 KB, 1062x780, 177:130, fff.jpg)

File: 2c7347d7f269350⋯.jpg (66.26 KB, 741x252, 247:84, ep53f5b09c.jpg)

File: 84e6b04dbce67cf⋯.jpg (59.69 KB, 587x350, 587:350, fx56979624.jpg)


Enki created sentient creatures, the primary symbol of this was the sea serpent, a sort of plant-creature hybrid but it has the eye of inner illumination.

There was an hierarchy of sentient creatures, the simple sea serpent, the plant eating stag, the predatory panther and the domineering bull, this in conjunction with their tree of life axis at the top of which was a spider representing Canis Major/Sirius.

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279e22  No.125538

File: c6e8af9ceac4774⋯.png (102.7 KB, 521x183, 521:183, sacrificial_animal.png)


Thanks anon for information.

Last post before tomorrow comes, i think i found the real reverse of adam and eve story in hindu scriptures.

Story of Genesis:

>get tempted by snake claiming to become like gods knowing good and evil

>from tree forbidden to eat by a god

>eat it, give to husband

>god gets pissy curses everybody

Story in Hinduism:

>Brahman makes everything by becoming everything

>even gods are part of him

>If man realizes he's part of the infinite universe and not actually other he becomes god

>other gods get pissy and do not want man to know

>cause man is like a sacrificial animal for them to use

>if all men know they are part of god it would like for animals to extinct

Did Michael Kirkbride managed to get his message about Hinduism and Buddhism in Morrowind across, about CHIM? I think not. At least i didn't knew until i actually started to read those texts. Popular culture is useless for transmission of any knowledge. Even Hokuto No Ken has those seven sages, and yet its a violent show for angsty teens anyway.

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ef5cd7  No.125577

File: cc3dceb0ad8b1b7⋯.jpg (180.62 KB, 803x416, 803:416, sq53f5b070.jpg)


It's worth noting that on the early period Gulf seals there are no signs of any Fish people, Enki's helpers being the Turtle people, i think the Fish cult was connected to Nanse.

But as was already raised how can any of this be made readily understandable to the general public, conditioned to be suspicious of mystery Babylon, there is the tradition of the Sutean Witch Lamastu exiled to the region, the nihilism at the heart of their tradition but that requires a great deal of contextualization, as does also the ethnic based scenario of Horus versus Seth.

Ultimately i see this as the tradition of benevolent interventionism versus anti-interventionism, were one is the beneficiary and the other the resentful and vengeful, the origins of supposed white privilege.

This is the angle De Longe and Levenda were trying to push in their Glowie based UFO expose, were everyone with blue eyes and blonde hair is a Nazi and they are in cahoots with Aliens, and the Jewish led multi-cultural all American faction fight back to save the world, they're prepping to counter the Nazi-Alien alliance, in that scenario we are the least of their concerns.

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c39cfc  No.125636


>it would be refreshing

Not for me. The argument is retarded. Yes you might be able to point to one or two species or lifeforms in the world but to draw a correlation from that tiny sample to a method for governing humans would be close to retarded. Humans are far more complex with different needs and social structure (non imposed) than animals. I know you furry wannabes see some value in 'pretending you are wolves' but it does nothing for me. Furthermore to anthropomorphize animals and base your social structure on what you perceive their impulses and reason is again RETARDED. If you want to draw some sort of 'correlation' about natural law then don't fucking 'pick and chose' 'muh wolves'…fucking take an accurate sample of ALL LIFE on the planet and it social structure to come to some conclusion.


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29ae78  No.125658


>to the point we can create universes too

Do you really think it would let you do that? Maybe if you ask nicely? Communism doesn't work in the immaterial domain either.


>Yeah well what proof?

Well, you did come this far, no? When you learn to tune into certain frequencies, proper ideas come to you. [ourguys] at the highest level are immortal and ethereal.

>Not to say that if one group of people were capable of bringing about such catastrophic events, you would expect them to be able to organize an equally great project that would have well preserved white aryanhood

Unless it was mutually assured destruction…

>What I can accept, though, is a similar theory where in desperate need of a final solution

This is very likely as well. I mean, today's world has almost reached a state where you could go full exterminatus on it and nothing of value would be lost. In fact, biblical tier apocalypse would be preferred to the (((future))) they have prepared. These disgusting prototypes were an utter failure. And it's not the first time it happens either.

>But if this was achieved without the help anything remotely close to palatable technology

Or a different type of technology.

>Meaning that this great war has been going for tens of thousands of years

"Humanity" did seem to 'evolve' rather unusually fast compared to other species, no?

>The chief, the minions, the traitors and the invaders.

Got some suggestions?


>I can't decide if you are mocking me or serious.

Mockingly teasing, not mocking as in making a fun of. But let's get serious.

>I think we all draw the lines here.

Do you? Can you even define "Life" , let alone what's conductive to it? Do you realize that according to the position which you have adopted, your car is as alive as you are? It's animated by a source of energy, it's an organism of sorts (an object separate from the environment, all those parts performing different, coordinated functions for the totality of "car" to perform it's purpose as a whole), it even has feelings! I mean, all those sensors, you should really be more considerate before you call it a piece of junk the next time. One may argue that's it's not autonomous, that it needs someone to drive it, but aren't we all 100% driven by our genes and mechanistic laws of determinism? And let's not get into the subject of self-driving cars. Then we get into the subject of consciousness, but that one is far more tricky than it seems. I remember reading about some arrested development in children where a certain part of their brain fails to develop in time so they keep recognizing their dolls as real, actual people long after it's normal. This kind of cognitive impairment is common for SJW's , they keep extending that to subhumans, animals etc. Although I have seen it develop in people who used to be perfectly healthy due to faulty logic (or their brains being fried by drugs in some cases) as well. But let's not go off-topic too much.

>By sand I can assume you mean change or dynamic change within the physical realm.

I mean building your entire worldview on buzzwords and ambiguously defined phenomena without addressing the noumena. Something that can easily be shifted or redefined. They should beware of quicksand of post-structuralism.

>They are operating in the fluid systems model and you are operating as 'rock' in the frozen permanence model?

Sort of, at the root level, they are interdependent with the system and it's integral part while I move from one frozen superstate (system) to another ;) I'll let you compare the two and make certain mathematical deductions.

>Fire and Ice.

Both are based on Movement, or the lack of it.


>That is why they win because there is no actual organization outside of what is emergent.

One does not exclude another. They are not a naturally emerging phenomenon however, they are a product of a certain will, a will that's not theirs (Not that they have any to begin with). They are also very organized, how could they plan that much ahead otherwise? Organisation's capacity to make plans is directly proportional to it's cohesion and organizational efficiency. It would be better to observe them like an insect colony than mammals though.

>They have numerous heavy front organizations that collaborate with each other, they organize every year to spread their influence and have more rabbis present in every city.

It's an algorithm.

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29ae78  No.125670


It's not only about killing or about intelligence. It's about tiers of consciousness and tiers of quality. Killing a cow is practically not killing because one cow is almost identical in consciousness to another and there is still countless of them remaining. It's as if there wasn't anything there to kill in the first place, unless you define killing solely as termination of life function. Meanwhile, killing a highly developed, actual person (rare) is bad in most instances. Not when it comes to most NPC's, however, it's more bad than killing an animal, just as killing an animal is more bad than killing a plant. TL;DR: The more advanced a being is, the more reasons you need to have to hurt it, and the opposite, the less advanced (and unique) it is, the more indifferent you can be towards it. It's neither universal morality nor universal amorality, but selective morality, however the one based on proper criteria. How do we set these criteria however, is a subject of it's own.


See early Aryan societies, I've posted some excerpts here already. Aristocracy.


Those quarters have more to do with certain mathematical functions (which define reality, including it's "heavenly" parts and how to reach them)

>i desire to find their basis of ancient theology on which hindus based whole enlightenment (as not-being) and uniting with a god thing

That's a later corruption, original Aryan philosophy was ascendancy as an unique god rather than (((uniting))) with "god" , that's the very dissolution that kikes and their judeo-masonic pets are aiming for today


You are starting to conflate completely unrelated things now. Gnosticism wasn't exclusively Sethian, nor were they the source of it. And Judaism stands in stark contrast to Gnosticism.

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29ae78  No.125685


Kek. I wonder what kept making those once once great civilizations browner and browner until they ceased existing. Another proof of history repeating itself and certain inclinations being archetypal.


If it's so easy to subvert, and if it always brought ruin, maybe it's time to get rid of it completely? (Along with those promoting it) I mean, you are practically confirming my findings expressed earlier in this thread, but still going the Enki (archetypal SJW cuck) route (which was absolute disaster since the very beginning) rather than going the Enlil/Ninurta (archetypal aristocratic Chad) route and start 'shattering some mountains', which proved super effective. Why? We are coming back to the original Aryan schism, when a bunch of proto-kike inspired proto-SJW 'progressives' started shilling for universalism and oneness, but got rightfully beaten and exiled by the fire worshiping Aryan tribalists led by Angirasas, who were the true sages of the Vedas. >>118775

What's your reasoning behind this choice? (If we assume that you are not you know who). It's literally turning the other cheek and loving thy enemies tier.

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c39cfc  No.125753

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Do you?

In total honesty, no.

>Can you even define "Life"

Yes, vector imbalance resolving to a state of entropy (achieving balance). It is a perturbation in the same way sex (rythmic thrusting to make waves) is a perturbation (or the deviation of a celestial body) lol.

Noumena…the cutting device.

>your car is as alive as you are?

My car is disturbed by my cutting. But this does not make it a 'cutter'. I cut because I observe (somehow 'cut' is the wrong word; the right word may not occur in English or I am tired; cut; parse; divide all are missing the essence of what I am trying to express).

>aren't we all 100% driven by our genes and mechanistic laws of determinism

oh no, he is picking on my Determinism again…nooooooooo make it stop…hahahaha

>Sort of, at the root level, they are interdependent with the system and it's integral part while I move from one frozen superstate (system) to another ;) I'll let you compare the two and make certain mathematical deductions.

If this is true I must be like kicking a hive of bees eternally. No sooner has the bee been kicked when I have kicked it again.

All they want is entropy and I just can't stop kicking them ("take that ye foul bastards"). It is a good thing they don't get resentful, eh? I don't like the idea of being locked in superstate. Who will I kick then? Alas, my bee kicking days will be over.

>It would be better to observe them like an insect colony than mammals though.

Oh look…more insect references.

>they are a product of a certain will, a will that's not theirs (Not that they have any to begin with)

The implication being that I have willed the poor fucks into existence through repeatedly kicking them makes me seem, perhaps in a vindictive manner, like a person who really would call my car a piece of junk (when its not…it has supple stitched dead cow in a lovely cream and fine appointments on its interior).

I dare say, this is the most complimentary you have ever been to me anon. One minute I am kicking bees and the next minute I am imparting unreasonable amounts of character to inanimate objects like the perfect SJW, and insanely blathering to dolls.

<Maybe he just hoped she would come to her senses.>

How amusing this must all be to someone on the outside.

>It is an algorithm

Sort of like the famous curves of fractal mathematics. Time limit as well? One can only kick so many bees before they are all in motion and while not alive, have certainly caused enough perturbation in the fabric to produce an instability…(I think; maybe; maybe not; I haven't extrapolated that out). I will be sure to kick a few bees on my way to go rest on my prodigious SJW laurels.

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3467d3  No.125825

File: bb8b536e7aaead5⋯.png (33.91 KB, 164x215, 164:215, face.png)


>to the point we can create universes too

>Do you really think it would let you do that?

I am going to place in your head something really exciting to think about. The reason why people think this world is logical and fits into their criteria of justice and inner moral law, is because we as human beings made this world into being long time ago by our desire. Its just we devolved and became weaker than our ancestor, and "ancestor" exhausted his strength on his creativity, and actually the ancient knowledge that a man becomes weaker in intelligence and strength does exist around (and i did hold believe some tribes of men exhausted it faster than others, by living in decadence).

But it goes beyond even that. The mind we possess is somehow connected to the mind of that ancestor, and the more intellectual and enlightened that person is, the stronger is the connection, yet he cannot truly grasp it or understand it fully, hence why its common for many religions to have different names for their "main" gods.

And yet religions have smaller gods either in forms of angels or literal gods, and those gods may as well just not be gods but humans who's mind ascended to create their outer worlds beyond life.

And yet this is not the highest plane of existence yet because if the "original" shares connection with all spiritual beings that means mere understanding that you're part of the universe itself, the so called "infinite", would imply instead of becoming servant of a named personal god, to become part of "ancestral" being that shaped reality itself.

All ascended "gods" (humans who achieved enlightenment) are part of him therefore there's no real worry if a man is not part of the universe itself, its just on a lesser state by being part of a lesser enlightened being he's still part of an ancestral being through being servant of a lesser.

The point is to revolt against this world, stop caring about your worldly life or even desire happy afterlife because even that is still selfish survival instinct and understand you're the universe itself.

But that's just something to think about.

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ef5cd7  No.125850

File: 140183a1919e15d⋯.jpg (133.12 KB, 939x1005, 313:335, llkj.jpg)


I promote it because it's National Socialism, and rather than having to continually see hordes of Anti-Nazi women under the perverted influence of kikery i would rather have them sing the praises of the Goddess Nazi as the means to getting in touch with their inner selves.

Of course there has to be qualifying factors and the principle Deity of Lagash state was Ningirsu, who was a combination of the son of Enki, Dumuzid, and Ninurta, thus combining Eridu and Nippur and Uruk Theology

Nazi as the daughter of Enji was concerned with creature comforts, inclusivity and the harmonious society, this is only easily subverted when you are no longer in control of that society. and defending the Nation was not her job, it's a question of uniting the Pantheon rather than allowing an unbalanced distortion.


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ef5cd7  No.125858


>Gnosticism wasn't exclusively Sethian, nor were they the source of it. And Judaism stands in stark contrast to Gnosticism.

I haven't said either of those things, but Gnosticism is entirely a product of Hellenistic Judaism and the Judeo-Masonic the continuation of it, the insane doctrine of Global-Homo

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03d305  No.125861


>>Yaldabaoth creates a material world in imitation of the divine Pleroma.

Is there a proper and detailed explanation of what this "divine Pleroma" exactly entails so a honest comparison could actually be made?

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03d305  No.125866


They etymology of Asarluhi would be most interesting.

Asr (root?), Asar…

Luhi, or perhaps Lu -hi or Luh with a declination form.

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db3571  No.125867

File: 9ad9700ff3ff106⋯.png (1.44 MB, 4708x6402, 214:291, anglo_american_history_cyc….png)

File: 8fd45b16c6767c8⋯.jpeg (456.58 KB, 1600x1237, 1600:1237, Another_example_of_cycles.jpeg)

File: fbd4724a26678f3⋯.jpeg (109.43 KB, 857x654, 857:654, Saeculum.jpeg)

File: 8cd3e2c14723aa6⋯.png (107.36 KB, 1355x913, 1355:913, saeculum_graph.png)

File: 5826c274fe38a31⋯.jpeg (263.42 KB, 1240x1754, 620:877, yuga_cycles.jpeg)


>Another proof of history repeating itself and certain inclinations being archetypal.

People were talking about history repeating itself 2000 years ago and 3000 years ago.

Think about this. People were even trying to decipher those cycles of history but to no avail. People up to this day try to make graphs about it and barely can make anything out, even though they see pattern in the past, future predictions are always failure.

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03d305  No.125868


>>goddess of social justice

>>took in refugees from war torn areas


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ef5cd7  No.125876

File: 4a823043b04acd9⋯.jpg (105.09 KB, 1136x279, 1136:279, qq5dde7ee0.jpg)


It just means fullness and the wiki page covers the various considerations of what that might entail, but the most interesting and not found there is this idea in terms of the Moon as the entire basis of Judaism which i shall explain.

>Iah is a very early god of the moon in ancient Egyptian religion, and his name sometimes transliterated as Yah, Jah or Aah, simply means "moon." Nevertheless, by the New Kingdom he was less prominent as a moon deity than the other gods with lunar connections, Thoth and Khonsu. As a result of the functional connection between them he could be identified with either of those deities. He was sometimes considered an adult form of Khonsu, and was increasingly absorbed by him.

Yah was an obscure Deity in early Dynastic Egypt but became more popular under Hyksos influence, indicating that his origins were likely from the Sinai region originally were his name does not simply indicate Moon but rather the Proto-Semitic verb *(h-w-y) meaning “to be”

The Moon simply coming into being doesn't seem so bad but it is the secondary aspect of Khonsu were things start to get a little crazy; Khonsu represented the principle of self increase through the consumption of others as recorded in the Pyramid and Coffin texts, feasting on the heads and hearts of humanity

This then led to the premise that the generating Moon was a soul collective of those consumed by Khonsu including other Gods such that he became God of Gods, that the third aspect of Djehuty (Thoth) was that of the archived and conserved accumulated knowledge and wisdom within the Moon.

Khonsu in terms of the Crescent Moon was represented as a child with the Egyptian side-locks, such as the manifestation of Yah as a child to Moses, a principle aspect was that of the traveller and pathfinder given the Moons traversing of the skies, a suitable God to lead an Exodus, he was also a marker of time and thus the duration of any such journey would have significance, his mode of travel was to be carried within an Ark.

>So it happened that the statue of Khonsu was placed in an ark, which was carried on poles by twelve priests while two chanted prayers. When it was borne from the temple, Pharaoh offered up burning incense, and five boats set forth with the ark arid the priests, accompanied by soldiers, a chariot, and two horses.

Thus the Pleroma concept in Judaism is that of Yah-Khonsu-Thoth and the Moon the symbol of such, involving the assimilation of all peoples and Gods, a concern with growth and expansion towards the singularity.

>CT 311, that Khonsu “lives on hearts,” and 994 that he “lives on heads.”

>Similarly, in CT spell 311 the operator ‘becoming’ Khonsu affirms that he has “bread consisting of men” and “offerings consisting of children.”

>“It is Khonsu who slew the lords, who strangles them for the King and extracts for him what is in their bodies, for he is the envoy who is sent to punish,”either case generally bearing the lunar disk and crescent on his head.

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ce872e  No.125878


>Not for me. The argument is retarded. Yes you might be able to point to one or two species or lifeforms in the world but to draw a correlation from that tiny sample to a method for governing humans would be close to retarded.

Animals forming social groups always present a hierarchy.

>Humans are far more complex with different needs and social structure (non imposed) than animals.

You are the one who used animals as an argument, not me, equaling hierarchy with voting, or more precisely claiming anarchy where there was a lack of voting in animals, as stupid as your claim could be.

For one, ants do vote either. Or do they now?


Anyway, have you even begun to think about it? A more complex system certainly requires a greater form of organization, lest it collapses. How the hell could this prove the lack of a need for hierarchy and forms of government? It does not.

You talk about observing nature, which you have seldom done just as you have totally forgotten human history too: we always organize and form hierarchies. The few fuckwits who go inawoods to live like recluses don't count. The minimal form of government we saw in groups of humans was that of a clan or tribe. Nothing goes below that level on the long term, and these modes do not allow for the growth of greater civilizations. Even a "tribe" has to espouse more elevated forms of organization to manage over greater territories as it grows in size. Also, often, several tribes would come together to summon a greater leader when a greater need of organization was needed, notably in times of conflict.

> I know you furry wannabes see some value in 'pretending you are wolves' but it does nothing for me.

The f- ? What??

OK. Stop sperging, you absolute cretin.

>Furthermore to anthropomorphize animals and base your social structure on what you perceive their impulses and reason is again RETARDED.

Sure, because humans do certainly not have their own rules and rites to see who is the most apt to lead a more or less large group. We never had chieftains, mayors, kings, archbishops, etc.

> If you want to draw some sort of 'correlation' about natural law then don't fucking 'pick and chose' 'muh wolves'…fucking take an accurate sample of ALL LIFE on the planet and it social structure to come to some conclusion.

Or what about actually taking an average, seeing that the human life form stands between extremely individualistic beings and eusocial ones?

Why should I refer to all life forms when some of them would just not organize they way we do, but those that are mammalian and form groups clearly show a basic understanding of hierarchy as some specimens submit to the authority of an alpha and, therefore, clearly do not do what they will when they want because they know how not to cross a certain line?

And last but not least, why should I do this when you were the ones picking on animals as an example?

All this shit so you could equal Jews with a fucking virus so as to utterly deny the fact that they organize just like we do, but solely for their own interests. All that so you can claim like a cunt of the lowest pedigree that they operate through "total anarchy" (your words), which just proves how much you need to get your head out of your butthole and need to learn a thing or two about Jews.

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d507a2  No.125879

File: 39f7cc9b8753ba5⋯.jpeg (50.65 KB, 800x450, 16:9, Nagash.jpeg)


>Khonsu represented the principle of self increase through the consumption of others as recorded in the Pyramid and Coffin texts, feasting on the heads and hearts of humanity

Sounds like an edgy early thought i had for a moment that the religious gods through "unity" with their worshipers actually consume their souls akin to sacrifice. Some dodge that by simply dodging the idea of being enslaved by personal god, killing it and spiritually developing themselves into something greater.

But i threw off that idea far away back in my mind because i don't want to believe world is this dark and anyone needs saving from mass sacrifice of humanity.


Mind over matter. More man believes he's animal, the more he becomes one. Imagine before dying thinking your consciousness dies too, worse fate than regret that leads to hell, one might accidentally turn off his own soul.

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ef5cd7  No.125883


>In the sources that date to the Early Dynastic period only the name form Asar appears for the deity studied in this thesis. The name Asar is written with the composite cuneiform sign URU×IGI. The basic meaning for the sign URU is “city” and for the sign IGI, “eye”.

The later addition of luh-hi may relate to washing/luh and mixing/hi in his capacity of shamanic exorcist according to this.


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af2486  No.125884


>Do you really think it would let you do that? Maybe if you ask nicely? Communism doesn't work in the immaterial domain either.

Why assume it's evil to begin with? Maybe it's both good and evil and remains in fact fairly neutral in all of this?

>Well, you did come this far, no? When you learn to tune into certain frequencies, proper ideas come to you. [ourguys] at the highest level are immortal and ethereal.

Thanks for the tip. I don't need "ideas", I need solid facts. Pie in the sky tales won't satisfy me. I'm looking for evidence of real people trying to do something tangible here, that can be observed, not doing shit "elsewhere" or from another realm that you can reach only with some secret cable.

>Unless it was mutually assured destruction…

That's what I'm saying.

>where you could go full exterminatus

Please don't exalt me. :3

>"Humanity" did seem to 'evolve' rather unusually fast compared to other species, no?

As far as I look, White man is an anomaly. On the so called tree of evolution we literally stick out like a sore thumb. I'm not Gnostic (we be stuff of light buh got trapped), I think in terms of willful incarnation so as to experience, feel and fight. To me this is a Game, not a prison. But for the immersion to be complete, memory hole is a necessary condition.

Like a supreme VR.

>Got some suggestions?

We fight in ways which were never tried by anyone before.

And that's why we will succeed.

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af2486  No.125886


>One may argue that's it's not autonomous, that it needs someone to drive it, but aren't we all 100% driven by our genes and mechanistic laws of determinism?

Spirit drives soul drives body.

Mechas of flesh.

Japs be mad.

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af2486  No.125887


>It's an algorithm.

All is then, Great Mathematician and all that.

Even your Self is just a big bunch of data in a huge database, given logical ways to operate.

So it's pointless to try to reduce Jews to 0 and 1 doing shitty things when we're in the same boat.

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ef5cd7  No.125889


It's just Orcish Theology, if you eat everyone else you become the biggest and the best, they simply aligned themselves absolutely to the principle of growth and expansion, but the Moon is somewhat cyclic in terms of fullness so later doctrine concerned itself with the entire Universe.

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279e22  No.125890

File: cf0812e9ca49eb7⋯.jpeg (36.84 KB, 480x270, 16:9, white_people.jpeg)


>White man is an anomaly.

Is this how highly you think of yourself?

You think all white men share your ideals and intelligence and that's why you're so brilliant?

People here are very enclosed small circle of believers in their idea.

Outside Qboomers, Rednecks, Redditors, White Antifascists, White Commies and White Republicans and White Christians. They only look good in face to you but all equally blind to their own potential you believe in.

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ede4d1  No.125916


>How do we set these criteria however, is a subject of it's own

I don't recognize any of these criteria and they are not written in stone.

The only limits are relative to our empathy and needs, in large derived from our feels and survivalist strategy. And also a taste for construction and destruction. I have not seen any solid evidence that, say, exterminating two billion humans just because you can (why not?) would bring you bad karma or anything similar.

So if such evidence exists, let it be seen! Imagine being an empire builder on one hand and fierce exterminator on the other. What in the universe could ever match that? What could bring you more renown?


>The point is to revolt against this world, stop caring about your worldly life or even desire happy afterlife because even that is still selfish survival instinct and understand you're the universe itself.

And this is the most poisonous and subversive advisement someone could cast. You're like 2500 years late, kike.


More importantly, all this comfort is only of value if the proper requirements are met. There is no peace worth its salt if there are no men of valor to protect it. Empathy should not extend beyond one's endo-group.

Subverting empathy happens when:

1. We start caring for all people: inclusion.

2. When we move beyond that and care more about the others than ourselves: suicide.

Therefore, care is acceptable if confined by the impregnable barrier of the holy war for one's kin's preservation; this ranging from a good spirituality to health to ecology and a controlled economy that serves the people. We are currently a far, far cry from achieving any of that.

The Germans came very close to it though. They set a new model which we must pursue.

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ede4d1  No.125930


>4th pic

It's very focused so we don't see the tightening that occurs that will be followed by a dilation. Ergo the frequency will lower. As for the magnitude, it's perhaps of an another curve as if one could consider that we reached the lowest point today, with no moral values to follow, no real spirituality, with racial destruction, excessive materialism and wholesale ignorance, all with terrible lifespans, damaged lands, etc., on the exact other end stands something akin to a Golden Age.

All in all, this is very physical. The law of gravity dictates what is going on. We naturally accelerate towards the lowest point on the circle, we cross this point very fast and start climbing the other side of the cycle. As we do so, we slow down. The tip will be a long era.

It's a theme park: we wuz coastin'…


>This then led to the premise that the generating Moon was a soul collective of those consumed by Khonsu including other Gods such that he became God of Gods, that the third aspect of Djehuty (Thoth) was that of the archived and conserved accumulated knowledge and wisdom within the Moon.

Now that is interesting. Please note, to be prosaic, that our current moon is always looking in our direction and is the largest of the seven seals.

Like anything, it can be subverted the moment totality is equaled with oneness, with the loss of differentiation and barriers.

The only one condition wherein you could find something akin to unity all over the world would be with a complete and undisputed racial empire with no remnants of competitors.

On this, a lot could be said about what the Jews want to achieve through the cosmopolitan NWO, when yet, all this is done for their own and only race. But limited by their nature, they could never exist without other races, and above all without the Whites to suck the life force out of.

The moon as a repository of sacred knowledge and common experience isn't a bad thing in itself. The Egyptian culture made use of the lunar calendar, with all this entails in terms of numerology too.

>Thus the Pleroma concept in Judaism is that of Yah-Khonsu-Thoth and the Moon the symbol of such, involving the assimilation of all peoples and Gods, a concern with growth and expansion towards the singularity.

This singularity. The (subverted) Mormons are already working on an aspect of this with their database.

Meanwhile the city of machines grows close to the Red Sea.

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ede4d1  No.125934


>>White man is an anomaly.

>Is this how highly you think of yourself?

Drop the preaching. In terms of probabilities, it's called that. Or an outlier if your wish.

>You think all white men share your ideals and intelligence and that's why you're so brilliant?

Do you?

>People here are very enclosed small circle of believers in their idea.

Niche inception.

Plebes are bio-computers. At some point, some greater men and women must be convinced that their beliefs and visions represent what is best for the people, not exactly because they care about NPCs, but because they know that not all apparent NPCs totally are and some are true beings with greater potential. And the universe exists for these greater beings. The miasma is only a matter to use, shape and which something can be extracted from. It must be preserved because it guarantees the rise of higher quality individuals. The universe doesn't exist for the insipid.

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9aa7f2  No.125935

File: 16eb1da24b40904⋯.png (791.91 KB, 979x1316, 979:1316, 2000.png)


>It's very focused so we don't see the tightening that occurs that will be followed by a dilation.

Sorry anon, here's more accurate graph up to 2000. This is the most accurate one i've seen so far and it was hard to find it again just from memory.

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ef5cd7  No.125989

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Their tradition then is entirely based in magical practise rather than pious belief, in that you generate the idea of the collective in terms of myths and legends to formulate Israel, then radically align that to the principle of growth through the assimilation of the other, and it all becomes about not only increase in flocks, descendants, wealth but cultic and ideological primacy, they didn't invent the Moon God associations but rigorously applied them, of course there is no actual evidence that the entire Mesopotamian Pantheon now resides in the ever hungry belly of Yah, their religion is on the level of a curious children's story, but it consumes hearts and minds.

Closely related to this was the tradition of Aeon in that region, and in Sethianism, were the cyclic is recognized and looks to regenerate across the ages, yearly and in terms of the Zodiac age.

>The word aeon originally meant "life", "vital force" or "being", "generation" or "a period of time", though it tended to be translated as "age" in the sense of "ages", "forever", "timeless" or "for eternity".

>They carry the statue in a circle seven times around the very center of the temple to the accompaniment of flutes,kettledrums, and hymns and thus reveling carry it back down to the place underground. Asked what the rite means, they say: Today at this hour Core (meaning the virgin) engendered Aeon.

>This is also done in the city of Petra in the temple of the idol there. They sing hymns to the virgin in Arabic, calling her in Arabic“Chaamu”, which means Core or “virgin”,and the one born from her “Du sares”…The rite is also performed in the city of Elusa on that night as in Petra and Alexandria…


>After so many hours, the first light, the Morning Star, and the rising of the sun announces the birth and the epiphany of Dushara, indicated also by revealing the betyl, which then is carried seven times in a circumambulation aroundthe temple to be presented to all worshippers

>The temple of Venus in Elusa andthe festivals around this temple were famous in the Roman period. The sources are important in supporting the assumption that Al-‘Uzzā was the local supreme deity in Elusa and was connected to the birth of Dushara in the winter solstice festival. The Quraysh used to circumambulate the Ka‘bah and say by al-Lāt and al-ʻUzzā and al-Manāt

The cult of the crescent Moon was closely associated with the Venus Goddess, the Sumerians had this as Lamastu rather than Inanna, the dark side of Venus.

The aim in deconstructing Judaism is to make sure the Aeon we have entered into is ours, claim the Moon towards the greater glory of /pol/ because it's fun, though it is causing a certain disturbance in the Aether.

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5076c1  No.126885

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>In total honesty, no.

There is no "cutter" then (and no cake for you either). You become just another part in the chain of machinery. You are driving your car, your genes (and resulting neuro-psychological development, along with imprinted data and the quality of it's structure) are driving you, laws of physics, environmental factors etc. were/are driving your genes, so on and so forth. There is no (you).

>Yes, vector imbalance resolving to a state of entropy (achieving balance)

What caused the imbalance then? If entropy is the perfect balance, how come imbalance happened in the first place? No such thing can happen in a closed system. There are about 3 possible scenarios here ;) And they are all true simultaneously, from their own frame of reference.

>oh no, he is picking on my Determinism again…

I'm picking on your logical inconsistencies and showing you the logical conclusion of your erroneous positions. Yes, hoping that you would come to your senses.

>If this is true I must be like kicking a hive of bees eternally

I was talking about the great majority of "people" in general, not just a certain humanoid shaped virus. People do have a tendency to take a path of least resistance. Bad statistical habits and all that.

>I don't like the idea of being locked in superstate

Quite the opposite, but I'll let you do your homework first.

>Oh look…more insect references.

Jews are more like termites than bees, bees are noble creatures.

>The implication being that I have willed the poor fucks into existence

Still didn't grow out of solipsism? I mean, you are supposedly 20 years older than me and I feel like it's the opposite.

>I am imparting unreasonable amounts of character to inanimate objects like the perfect SJW

Well, some dolls have batteries and can move and make sounds, those are totally people though. We must fight for doll rights and stop their oppression at the hands of white babies. Some of them are even made with sensors and microphones, meaning that they have feelings, meaning it's morally wrong to throw them into junk or destroy them. Doll and termite lives matter! You know what, I was thinking about pulling the same trick with machines that kikes did with niggers and other animals, keep giving them more and more rights until they exterminate the kikes and their "liberated" mongrel "diversified humanity". What a stanza of poetic justice would that be! It's not like the social justice, "secular humanist" and universalist religious types could tell the difference in the first place. It moves = it's life = we must preserve it and improve it by all means. Or go the "bio" route and create an abomination even worse than them. We can play that game as well. And nothing beats Aryan creativity, right?

>How amusing this must all be to someone on the outside.

We are threading close to one anon starting to sperg out at us again

>Sort of like the famous curves of fractal mathematics.

Oh no, nothing nearly as complex as that. Just the control maximizing algorithm that relies heavily on data-sets and their relations. I mean, a mediocre programmer could literally create the "Jew" script. It took a superinteligence to make it capable of affecting organic (genuine) life to such a degree though. It's hard for me to decide is that superintelligence just a highly developed instance of the similar script (cycles within cycles and all that), or a rogue Aryan who wanted to play a practical joke on the rest. Anyway, any future "AI" scientist should use them and their behavioral models as an inspiration. You know, using that compass that masons like so much ;) I think their "god" would be most proud of them. What other anon is doing from the religious perspective, deconstructing their beliefs and culture, could be extended to deconstruct their psyche and the very code that it runs their neanderthal mongrel virus DNA laced husks. Then perhaps, another anon could deconstruct it from a genetic perspective. Then we'd have the full blueprint. Perhaps consulting their maintenance manual, the Talmud, wouldn't hurt either.

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5076c1  No.126893


>The reason why people think this world is logical

Universal framework (mathematics, but ALL of it)

>and fits into their criteria of justice and inner moral law

Not necessarily. NPC's mostly do because they are it's integral part, like the waves in the same sea. Did it ever occur to you to keep encountering the same "types" of people? They are different, but it feels like you met them many times before, there is just something oddly characteristic about them. They are different manifestations of the same, variations of statistical trends, probabilistic branching of the same system. PC's are "self-existent" and pretty much universes of their own. They are unique at the root level. This world always felt inferior and alien to me, especially when I was younger. Everything about it felt corrupt, lacking something.

I was actually considering what you wrote in the remainder of your post. There is definitively a degradation in "enlightenment" (contrary to what (((progressives))) and other forces of disintegration preach), but was it a starting point, or it's actually a sine wave where you fall from divinity, but also ascend towards it, is unclear to me at this point.

>The point is to revolt against this world


>stop caring about your worldly life


>or even desire happy afterlife

At this point I'm pretty much immortalizing my hatred.


That only works in peace when control of society is regained from the parasite, what we need now are Valkyries. It's almost entirely men here so you are better off addressing other deities.

>it's a question of uniting the Pantheon

Good point

>Gnosticism is entirely a product of Hellenistic Judaism

I'm pretty certain that some hipster kikes have just adopted it, Judaism is pretty much antithetical to Gnosticism.

>and the Judeo-Masonic the continuation of it, the insane doctrine of Global-Homo

At the lower levels, those truly in the know just want to turn everyone into their slaves and eliminate anyone who could potentially threaten their power (power of their Jewish handlers). Judeo-Masonry is also mostly antithetical to Gnosticism, which was about (true) liberation from the very same forces. You should learn more before you draw such conclusions. People who are initiated into certain occult societies and have certain metaphysical knowledge are well aware that globohomo would achieve the total opposite of what it preaches. Did you notice how the more "liberated" people become, the more enslaved they actually are? The more "individualistic" they get, the more uniform they look and think? If only things were so simple, everyone would be a god.

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ef5cd7  No.127193

File: 706e95eb67f3902⋯.jpg (107.94 KB, 500x667, 500:667, d6d697b5098330e00eb87136f6….jpg)


Well yes of course we're primarily concerned with the establishment of Order, Hitler was very popular with the Ladies because he created a basis for society that would allow them to do their thing.

That is also obviously the case in Judaism and Free Masonry, they are highly ordered and legislative, and thus we can consider that there are good orders and bad dependent upon the greater purpose of that order, which takes us back to all planetary archetypes having positive and negative potential, including Jupiter as per benevolent or tyrannical rule.

Gnosticism is the assimilation of philosophical thought into the Jewish paradigm, the realm of ideas, conceptual illumination, Mercury as the eye of Re, and the Sethian seizure of such, it is information but all false, foolishness rather than wisdom, the dark side of Mercury.

There is a pattern here, they flip every planetary archetype towards the dark side and the only true liberation they offer is death, whose irony surpasses all others.

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a52508  No.127364


>I mean, you are supposedly 20 years older than me and I feel like it's the opposite.

Most interesting.

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4ef682  No.127507

File: e30b5c31c1d0660⋯.mp4 (7.99 MB, 360x288, 5:4, Animals_the_meat_grinder_a….mp4)


>There is no "cutter" then (and no cake for you either).

I guess that resolves the question for your own mind.

Thanks for playing anon.

I am off to try to figure out the most logically consistent new world order out of this fucking shitshow that we are all being crammed into 'do or die' style.

If I could figure out who is making us 'grow' like this (meaning the real operators and not the worthless frontline shitshow), I would kill them for sure.

Not much meaning to hold onto anymore in this systematic destruction…

Also, stop playing with dolls. kek ;)

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546083  No.127517

File: 7adea8455ce1d78⋯.png (728.81 KB, 928x680, 116:85, multiculturalism.png)


>If you needed something done that a Christian would object to

You mean that were indoctrinated into being naive sheep by the "church" which is 100% based on kabbalism with a veneer of "literal" bullshit for the dumb masses, then sure.

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f95870  No.127650

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Alexandrian coffin paintings are generally regarded by art historians as being some of the most charming relics from the past. A great deal of their vivacity comes from the fact that they're painted in encaustic, that is, instead of oils or tempera, they used the medium of beeswax to suspend the pigment. The artists would work with pots of melted colored wax heated by an oil lamp or candles. The encaustic paint would cool/dry quickly and then be buffed with a chamois to a fine finish. The wax basis even moreso than the later technology of oil paintings allowed for a rather rich SSS (sub surface scattering) that emulated the soft translucence of human skin itself.

Toulose Lautrec view one of an Alexandrian lady of the era of Ptolemy II and cried out "she's a Parisian beauty"!

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f95870  No.127656

File: cf217cb03e6169c⋯.jpg (182.53 KB, 307x475, 307:475, external_content_duckduckg….jpg)

File: 3970ddd70e8d01a⋯.jpg (862.23 KB, 3384x1379, 3384:1379, jews_1pirenne.JPG)

File: 72de96e8044e1e2⋯.jpg (837.34 KB, 3386x1360, 1693:680, jews_2_pirenne.JPG)

Back on topic; Henri Pirenne was the first to write an economic history of the early Middle Ages. Of course Jews figure in it in the dual role of money lenders and slave traders, naturally since in the default of a debt the ultimate security was the person that could not repay his debts and then would be sold off into slavery in the levant.

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6ee453  No.129722


>but Gnosticism is entirely a product of Hellenistic Judaism

How come it contradicts Judaism so much then? I mean, god of Judaism is pretty much the devil in the majority of Gnostic denominations. Judeo-Masonry borrowed (stole) a lot from it, but it still worships the same god as Judaism. It did get turned upside down for the most part over time though, but it's role didn't change much.

> the insane doctrine of Global-Homo

That's just kikes and their masonic pets completely missing the point and doing something utterly retarded not because of the doctrine which they delude themselves into following, but due to their own inferior and corrupting natures. Actually, I'm pretty convinced that they are interpreting it wrongly on purpose and larping as gnostics while they do their mafia operations so people's reaction would be to stay away from it and attack it. You know, sort of like communist kikes dressing as NS soliders and then burning villages so they could rile people against them and say how -nazi bad-


It's about an existence that's superior to this one in every possible regard and the feeling of 'fullness' (something similar to Nirvana in Buddhism, but while living in an actual, real world). It's kind of difficult to explain it to people who have never experienced the glances/memory of it and who have not seen this world as corrupt and lacking something of fundamental importance since early childhood. Think of it as eating tasteless GMO strawberries and then eating organic ones, or using your old black and white CRT TV instead of monitor and then switching to the most expensive 4K display. These examples might not be the best since it's about an entirely different 'sense' rather than vision, hearing etc. Trying to explain it to someone lacking it is like trying to explain colors to someone who was blind since birth.


The ride never ends. You cannot know the future with 100% accuracy, but you can recognize the strongest cyclical influences and the very high likelihood of something happening.


Nice find, sums up their modus operandi quite nicely. But again, nothing to do with most gnostic schools since gnosticism is essentialist for the most part and you cannot simply 'steal' that knowledge, it's either inherent to you to a certain degree or not. Kikes, being the ultimate hyletics/NPC's are absolutely and permanently detached from it. What you are referring to, is them attempting to make (extremely twisted and corrupted) copies of it and feed their parasitic god, resulting in ideas like (((singularity))). Gnosticism is not about one god, it's about true god who exists beyond the reach of the kikes and the like, and people who have the potential to ascend as plural gods. To follow in his steps, but on their own, unique path. Speaking of kike corruption, a good example would be them using the metaphysical concept of balanced unity of male and female energies/principles (being very masculine and very feminine separately) and portray that as transexualism, which is the very opposite, the disintegration of polarities into nothingness. I could provide countless such examples for every idea that their 'god' has absorbed and vomited out to match it's own nature and essence, that of a broken copy machine.


The only 'more complex' system that we need is the one which would prevent a bunch of judeo-masonic rats to force their talmudic beliefs on everyone and steal from them (outright rob them). Yes, that includes most of the (((state))), as necessary as it may be to a certain degree. What people need are natural leaders, self-organization, and self-determination. To each his own. The only meta-system would need to concern itself with preventing the parasites (Jew and non-Jew alike) from creating a systemic, progressive, self-reinforcing loop of parasitism like the one that we have today, be it through the use of money supply, capital leverage and interest (usury), political/legal monopoly, or taxation. As well as preventing the invasion of any lowest common denominator inclined group, which would naturally be far more numerous than divergent ones focused on the highest common factor.


>But i threw off that idea far away back in my mind because i don't want to believe world is this dark and anyone needs saving from mass sacrifice of humanity.

It's actually more grimdark than that. And it's not "humanity" that matters, it never was. Their god doesn't benefit from sacrificing NPC's, it just devours them because it eats it's children to sustain itself.

>Mind over matter. More man believes he's animal, the more he becomes one.

If it was only as simple as that … but there is -some- truth in this, why do you think kikes are trying to make whites behave more and more like subhumans (animals) when they have more efficient ways of getting rid of them?

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ef5cd7  No.129944

File: 9b0abcaf0be5ca3⋯.jpg (134.1 KB, 656x455, 656:455, pp.jpg)

File: 5c0ca4f87071fc7⋯.jpg (233.12 KB, 1171x662, 1171:662, nab.jpg)


The Theological issues they were grappling with aren't really as complicated as they sometimes might seem, if we take the starting premise that the cult that was introduced into the Sinai was an Astral triad of Father-Mother-Son, in terms of Arcturus-Spica-Regulus., this is the basis that both Hellenistic-Judaism and Christianity had the tendency to revert too, it is also the basis of Free-Masonry. as Du-Shara was known as the Lord of the Stonemasons

The issues arise with that son, Regulus, and the cult of the winged Lion that developed at Petra, as the son is the ruler of the Aeon he is associated with the crescent Moon as the archetype of growth and expansion in terms of Yah-Khonsu-Thoth, as a Lion he has no issue with eating everyone.

It is this Aeon said to have appeared to Moses as a child that becomes the power crazed God of the Old Testament that the Gnostics had an issue with, and the reason they looked to the new Aeon of Christ

All Aeons of course tend to develop along similar lines and so now we rather fancy a new Aeon, there is no reason that should emerge from the same region as the previous two and we need to make sure it doesn't.

The Lord of the Shara-Seir mountain range,, Du-Shara or Qos Allah the archer God, young Eros, was originally Sara the son of Inanna, to the Hurrians Sarruma, this is the Mountain God that was the son of the storm God Tessub, that could be said to represent Mars, the God of Love and the God of Hate being one and the same and a somewhat. jealous God, the Sethian aligned with the hatred naturally.


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5ca66a  No.130411


>It's about an existence that's superior to this one in every possible regard and the feeling of 'fullness' (something similar to Nirvana in Buddhism, but while living in an actual, real world). It's kind of difficult to explain it to people who have never experienced the glances/memory of it and who have not seen this world as corrupt and lacking something of fundamental importance since early childhood. Think of it as eating tasteless GMO strawberries and then eating organic ones, or using your old black and white CRT TV instead of monitor and then switching to the most expensive 4K display. These examples might not be the best since it's about an entirely different 'sense' rather than vision, hearing etc. Trying to explain it to someone lacking it is like trying to explain colors to someone who was blind since birth.

Many thanks, but this is an understanding I had already considered yet is not what I think Gnosticism is about. I'd say what you mean by it is widely incomplete. Such Gnosticism would be fairly open to the idea of destroying this world for another one. However, the war against materialism has always implied another type of existence which is not fulfilling. Gnosticism must have the "real world" and its laws that govern the mechanisms of material change.

What is a better world? How would things work on it? What about solid forms? Rocks? Trees? Water? Animals?

>The only meta-system would need to concern itself with preventing the parasites (Jew and non-Jew alike) from creating a systemic, progressive, self-reinforcing loop of parasitism like the one that we have today, be it through the use of money supply, capital leverage and interest (usury), political/legal monopoly, or taxation. As well as preventing the invasion of any lowest common denominator inclined group, which would naturally be far more numerous than divergent ones focused on the highest common factor.

In other words, a beautiful, strong but ruthless Aryan Empire with Whites on top. Period.


>All Aeons of course tend to develop along similar lines and so now we rather fancy a new Aeon, there is no reason that should emerge from the same region as the previous two and we need to make sure it doesn't.

Any bets on where it would spawn?

> the Sethian aligned with the hatred naturally.

Jews have a pathological need to be hated. Their community is literally nothing without this outward pressure, even more as they're movers.

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a04243  No.130430

File: 83aa858a35ab566⋯.jpeg (305.54 KB, 749x628, 749:628, ein_sof.jpeg)


>It's about an existence that's superior to this one in every possible regard and the feeling of 'fullness' (something similar to Nirvana in Buddhism, but while living in an actual, real world)

Its called in Hinduism Advaita, Nondualism. Are we going to talk about it? Jews stolen Brahman from hindus eventually too. It just took them like 2000 years to formulate.

>According to Jay Michaelson, nonduality begins to appear in the medieval Jewish textual tradition which peaked in Hasidism. According to Michaelson:

>Judaism has within it a strong and very ancient mystical tradition that is deeply nondualistic. "Ein Sof" or infinite nothingness is considered the ground face of all that is. God is considered beyond all proposition or preconception. The physical world is seen as emanating from the nothingness as the many faces "partsufim" of god that are all a part of the sacred nothingness

>One of the most striking contributions of the Kabbalah, which became a central idea in Chasidic thought, was a highly innovative reading of the monotheistic idea. The belief in "one G-d" is no longer perceived as the mere rejection of other deities or intermediaries, but a denial of any existence outside of G-d.

>Ein Sof may be translated as "unending", "(there is) no end", or infinity (Hebrew: אין סוף).

>The Zohar explains the term "Ein Sof" as follows:

>Before He gave any shape to the world, before He produced any form, He was alone, without form and without resemblance to anything else. Who then can comprehend how He was before the Creation? Hence it is forbidden to lend Him any form or similitude, or even to call Him by His sacred name, or to indicate Him by a single letter or a single point… But after He created the form of the Heavenly Man, He used him as a chariot wherein to descend, and He wishes to be called after His form, which is the sacred name "YHWH".

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ef5cd7  No.130469


The Trimorphic Protennoia is a half decent guide on how to spawn an Aeon, but basically we're spawning it here.


Of course the Sethians projected the collective wisdom of others in terms of their own babble but the concern is with Zodiac ages, and so we must generate the age of En-ki, the doctrine of race realism, biological origins and propagation.

Previous to this the Age of Aries and the shepherd King Dumuzi was appropriated as the Age of Abraham, the transition to the Age of Pisces and the Fisher Goddess Nazi appropriated as Christianity.

The Aeon of Red Edom and the rise of the shepherd Kings such as the Amorites and Arameans and Israelites and Nabateans is long past, the Aeon of Pisces moving away in terms of Hellenistic-Judaism/Christianity, the next step is to drop the Sethian baggage entirely.

>And the great Demon began to produce aeons in the likeness of the real Aeons, except that he produced them out of his own power.

Before Yah became understood as the generative principle this was in terms of the Hurrian Eni during the Age of Taurus, a general term for the Divine and were En was the generative principle, in terms of En-lil and En-ki, the En Priesthood, English can engineer a similar enlightenment.

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2254de  No.131138


>Why assume it's evil to begin with?

That highly depends on your definition of those, but I'd call it antagonistic rather than good or evil, although I can understand why early gnostics saw this world (and logically, it's presumed creator) as evil, there is so much suffering. Which is obvious to anyone who didn't live his entire life cushioned in an artificial bubble, and it was especially obvious to people who witnessed deadly diseases, bloody wars, famines, and all sorts of extreme discomforts on a daily basis. The nature of this entity is that of a zero sum game, for every bit of power that you obtain, it loses an equal amount, as negligent as it may be. That's the problem with "gods" whose essence is one. Not that others are necessarily too different either, but they can at least honor your position when you actually earn it.

>I don't need "ideas", I need solid facts.

'Facts' are rather blackpilling. To go against those 'facts', you need proper ideas.

>As far as I look, White man is an anomaly. On the so called tree of evolution we literally stick out like a sore thumb

Of course, our origin is not the same as that of other races. My current hypothesis is that some earthly race served as a template (such as European or Caucasian natives, not negroids and the like), and it got exposed to very specific, DNA altering radiation which imprinted "whiteness" (physical and mental) onto them. Whose source was either a meteor containing a very peculiar mineral not normally present on this planet, or a "meteor" containing highly advanced technology. Likewise, Jews were designed by more crude forms of gene tampering, similar to how bioweapons are created today.

>But for the immersion to be complete, memory hole is a necessary condition.

I'm inclined towards this as well. However, it being a game does not make it's consequences any less severe, as that memory hole can easily become permanent. And quitting might not be as easy as it originally seemed….

>We fight in ways which were never tried by anyone before.

And that's precisely why we are going into certain subjects which might not seem quite tangible at the fist glance.


>So it's pointless to try to reduce Jews to 0 and 1 doing shitty things when we're in the same boat.

Not all numbers are the same …


Tfw Jews were actually WAAAGH all along. Well, Orks are supposed to be fungus or something, no?


We need to reclaim our NPC's from the kikes, and it's more about potential than average white man/woman being something special. Compared to other races, even the worst whites are preferable to all but the very best of theirs. Yes, a lot of them are blind, lost, internally dead. But it's the result of so many negative (((influences))), over countless centuries nonetheless. If we look at other races, they are even more susceptible to manipulation. Hell, the majority of kikes themselves are complete tools.

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ef5cd7  No.131258

File: 60091db52fa2519⋯.png (584.31 KB, 934x990, 467:495, king_banner_man.png)


Yes that's true according to the Bible, jews are the living metamorphosis of desert truffles from the Badlands, Harvey Weinstein is Grom the Paunch and Soros is Skarsnik leader of the Crooked Moon tribe and Antifa are Night Goblins, the fat lesbians are squigs, the only purpose of their religion is too prevent them fighting each other and make constant Waaagh against everyone else

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83beec  No.132328


>I don't recognize any of these criteria and they are not written in stone.

Them not being universal does not imply complete amorality. Particular morality is bound to group morality, without which there is no individual, for there is no Self without the Other. For example, Aryan honor based morality compared to the master-slave morality of the Jew. Both universal morality/ethics and absolute amorality lead to dissolution.


Empathy is emulation. It's thinking (or pretending) that you care for someone based on your own criteria or common criteria. Psychopaths are often excellent empaths for they can emulate behavior and pretend to care very well, which is useful for social manipulation. Worst social predators (SJW's and Jews for example) are very good empaths, and this is what their morality is derived from. This is the basis for universal morality, lowest common denominator which allows for them to project their power (derived from social manipulation) to the maximum number of people, thus securing the 'democratic majority' and their positions. You'll find this is most religions, political movements, "secular humanism" etc. Who loves everyone, loves no one. Hence why the normies keep going through the cycles of disappointment in universalist systems as these predators exploit them to the fullest, with no exceptions. What no one tells them in these is that they are the designated prey, equal in slavery. It's all different manifestations of the same algorithm, the "god" of Judaism/Freemasonry being it's logical conclusion. However, this "god" eats it's own children.

The word you are looking for is sympathy, which means truly understanding and feeling for someone, which is often based on common values, experiences or attributes. It's often based on highest common factor, a system of traits (white race, Germanic people, highly intelligent and wise individuals) or values (honor, aesthetics, beliefs) separating one group from the rest. It's also honest. Who truly loves some, has to also hate another. This leads to differentiation and rule of the best (in direct opposition to the rule of the most deceiving) as it sets clearer standards which have to be followed. There is no disappointment here as you never expect an alien group to treat you equally, nor you render yourself vulnerable by treating them equally.

>exterminating two billion humans just because you can (why not?) would bring you bad karma or anything similar.

It would bring you good karma if you target the right "humans" kek

>Imagine being an empire builder on one hand and fierce exterminator on the other. What in the universe could ever match that? What could bring you more renown?

That's the idea. Destroy what is bad, nurture what is good. But this brings us back to the definition of values.


> Please note, to be prosaic, that our current moon is always looking in our direction and is the largest of the seven seals.

What are the other six seals?

>The only one condition wherein you could find something akin to unity all over the world would be with a complete and undisputed racial empire with no remnants of competitors.

Incorrect, even if you got a white ethnoglobe, there would still be wars and conflicts caused by further differentiation. Perhaps those could be sublimated into something less destructive, but the conflicts would remain nonetheless. Our differentiating nature was exploited by kikes as much as our "pathological altruism" was. How many times did they use ideological disagreements to get one white nation to butcher another. Different nations would form (or re-emerge), or people would fight over opposing ideas, identities etc.

>But limited by their nature, they could never exist without other races, and above all without the Whites to suck the life force out of.

That's because Jews are not a race, they are an anti-race. Their internal contradictions will lead to total decay and dissolution, which is what they were created for. They are primed to self-destruct once they eliminate all the higher races.

>This singularity. The (subverted) Mormons are already working on an aspect of this with their database.

Hyper-reality more likely. Another layer of deception.

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883c72  No.132350




You have these completely backwards. Sympathy is worthless…"Oh that poor dear" It is topical and without depth.

Empathy is when you feel someone else's emotional state…"I am heartbroken for your loss." meaning that you actually feel their pain and suffer with them.

Sympathy is false, fake, aberrant and worthless.

Europeans have empathy because it required EVERYTHING from them, kikes/psychopaths have sympathy because it requires NOTHING from them except words..

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56966e  No.132550


Well, semantics and definition aside, you seem to get my point.

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ef5cd7  No.132565

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>even if you got a white ethnoglobe, there would still be wars and conflicts caused by further differentiation.

Technically i think not in terms of pure white being undifferentiated, the question being how white were previous societies in terms of ideology?

In terms of that white collective the Moon as previously considered is the natural symbol, Israel conceived a Lunar collective on ideological grounds alone, simply adherence to the principle and an ideology that accepted no differentiation, magical faux whiteness.

In considering the Sumerian Moon God however, Nanna, we find that he is a God of living creatures and collective herds, all numbered.



In origin a Caucasian/Hurrian cattle God as the term En-zu, Lord of Wisdom, indicates, also his alternate name DIL-im2-babbar means White Grail, were babbar indicates White and Ku-babbar indicated pure/Holy White/Silver.

We find then in the Christian Eucharist we are presented with a White wafer on a silver platter served from a silver grail, all great symbolism of any Lunar collective, but that this involves consubstantiation with Christ as Messiah of Israel, so again a question of how White is that, and how hard to correctly re-align?

In Sumer the E-babbar was the White House of Utu, the Sun God and son of Nanna, and the planet Jupiter Mul-Babbar, the white star

A Lunar collective should concern itself with actual white people and the related metaphysical principles of order and enlightenment in terms of the purest reason, the generation of which would make for a very good Aeon, and other than intended by Sutean sorcerers

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2254de  No.133085


It's interesting how so many supposed opponents of egalitarianism fail to reject it entirely, that is, at the very root (metaphysical and philosophical) level. Which brings realization that not all souls are equal. Not only in the level of actualization, but in inherent potential as well. Most souls are not unique, and most souls are not immortal (unless you count eternal generative recurrence as life function with no memory, higher self or higher purpose, which is more or less different variations of the same essence). And what greater being would want to live surrounded with subhumans in a society entirely controlled by a runaway bioweapon (Jews) and their rogue AI "god"? White race is the best that this planet has to offer, which is why it should have absolute primacy and majority, at least until we eugenically (NOT by gene editing) breed demigods, elves, or something even better than whites. But even white NPC's should be put to their place, according to their nature.


>claim the Moon towards the greater glory of /pol/ because it's fun, though it is causing a certain disturbance in the Aether.

They thought that the white noise was going to eliminate the signal, yet, it had only amplified it…. for it did not originate in the background static, nor will it dissolve into it.


Over-regulation by inferior minds can only bring death (as in stasis, decay) and slavery. True order is inherent in the orderly and in the nature, it's fixed portion at least. As for it's variable aspect, it usually comes to tyranny of one will over another. At best, to each his own. Otherwise, their order should be opposed with the force of absolute chaos. No order is better than corrupt order, for it can at least allow for spontaneous, or rather, stochastic emergence of something superior, no matter how minor the initial chances may be. Their false god and it's prison must be demolished entirely. And they will be. I believe this is where the vengeful, destructive, yet intellectually/spiritually supreme power of Enlil, patron god of the true Elite comes into play.


I can't open the video, but judging by the thumbnail, I think I have seen it before. Assuming it's the same video, those animals are corpses (They are as dead as a rock in a grinder), but you probably felt horrible seeing it. That's kind of what I'm talking about. Ask yourself this, how will you recognize sentient beings when they start making machines (programs) which can completely mimic human behavior? Yet, they won't be conscious or sapient in the slightest. Will you feel empathy for them as well? Should they have rights too? Soon, technology is going to bring empiricism to it's absurd logical conclusion, a world where everything is alive, where everything is a "person", yet, nothing actually is. A completely dead world. The one of dolls with sapience falsely projected on them, of golems. I pity those who cannot recognize the spark, for they are about to get entirely lost in the hall of mirrors.

>I would kill them for sure

Maybe you can… I'd need to figure out how to make you alive first though …


This board has now officially changed it's theme from Mongolian basket weaving forum to Alexandrian coffin paintings forum.

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b421c8  No.133096

File: 7f7e062b2c20c5e⋯.png (443.79 KB, 640x480, 4:3, winter_tires_burning.png)


>I'd need to figure out how to make you alive first though …

Always the optimist. That is what I love about you anon.

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bbe955  No.133262

So many clickbait zero effort threads, kikes are starting to slide good threads again, we are on a good track kek.

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ef5cd7  No.133346

File: 4e6957f785f90ed⋯.jpeg (86.53 KB, 644x484, 161:121, 1_sJHXjIO2x0Q5Ql1M5WukHQ.jpeg)


That's true, no order is preferable to an evil order, which is were the positive aspect of Saturn kicks in to subvert such and hence our generally Saturnine activities.

Their understanding of the Moon as the symbolic basis of a collective body also can be seen in the story of the origins of Abraham being of Ur, whether that is Harran or Ur in Sumer they were both Moon God Cities, En-zu/Su-en and Nanna.

It is Jacob/Israel that chooses his flock in the Laban/white narrative were he is given the brown and white speckled cattle from the herd but not the pure white, those having no place in Israel, which is thus counter to the remaining white collective, though Jacob sets out to create as many mixed cattle as possible.

A non-white Lunar collective is counter intuitive, but given their origin in Red Edom they may see themselves as generating the Blood Moon, towards destructive intent, which would be typical cult of Lamashtu and Sutean nihilistic insanity., generally seeking to destroy the world and then somehow rule over it.

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5663ec  No.134246


So basically, your conclusion is that kikes got pretty much caught up in something they didn't understand by stealing ideas from other civilizations? First they got used as tools of a malevolent entity (and still are), then a group of them rebelled against it, but to no avail as the 'covenant' has already been made and they were cursed to ruin and corrupt absolutely everything that they touch. But neither the winged Lion nor Gnosticism have actually originated with them. It's interesting to note that the winged lion was also a symbol of Venetian nobility and merchants.

>and so now we rather fancy a new Aeon, there is no reason that should emerge from the same region as the previous two and we need to make sure it doesn't.

What makes you think that it will emerge, and what will happen with the old one, I don't think it will decide to leave just like that. I'm not entirely against the idea of whites getting their own winged lion so to speak. That symbol seems noble, it represents ascendancy through power, grace and virtue, and if you add snek, wisdom and knowledge too. Yes, a lion kills when it needs to, but is otherwise a cozy big cat. I wouldn't assign it to the moon demon or whatever eldritch horror that has spawned the kikes. Whites need to get their Angrisas, their "Moses" back.


>I'd say what you mean by it is widely incomplete

Correct, I was merely trying to give a hint without going into greater depth, which might have been a mistake. I'm not really a classic Gnostic, only have some common beliefs (knowledge). I'm just defending it because people are trying to give it bad rep for no reason.

>Such Gnosticism would be fairly open to the idea of destroying this world for another one.

Transforming, aligning, optimizing. Or destroying. You can't really destroy an idea of it though, only a specific instance and temporal "souls" in it

>What is a better world?

What a question lol. Well, some of us had a vision of that superior existence since birth, and some general ideas about it, but we can only define it when we 'get' there, seeing it's glimpses from time to time. It's also somewhat subjective and linked to racial soul (for those who have it) as well.

>Gnosticism must have the "real world" and its laws that govern the mechanisms of material change

No one said anything about much different laws of physics, just a much wider (and "lighter" frequency spectrum that would allow for far more fulfilling and interesting existence). This world is basic bitch tier, but it is what it is, one just needs to change the angular momentum in the noosphere in order to reach other domains. Neither by land nor sea, eh …

>In other words, a beautiful, strong but ruthless Aryan Empire with Whites on top. Period.

Can't disagree with that.

>Jews have a pathological need to be hated.

Their primitive brains must have been wired that way over time. Me steal apple - me survive - goyim hates me - that good - apple delicious *releases dopamine .


This concept gets entirely blown out by Godel's incompleteness theorems. It's also a ripoff from Pythagorean monism, which is again, linked with ancient Vedic knowledge, but the later, corrupted teachings.

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211080  No.134289


Some jerk off spammer fucked up the catalog order last night.

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f2f299  No.134343

File: 3bef2250db31a71⋯.jpeg (14.63 KB, 193x270, 193:270, Baudhayana.jpeg)


>It's also a ripoff from Pythagorean monism, which is again, linked with ancient Vedic knowledge, but the later, corrupted teachings.

This is a bit offtopic, but i am really curious where's the link between Vedic astrology and Pythagorean theorem. Indians had mathematician called Baudhayana and he came up to same theorem from the Vedas.

At times i think its just like with swastika its easy to come up with similar concepts in different countries from observing the stars. But then again, i don't know how much of Aryan knowledge Greeks secretly retained.

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ef5cd7  No.134433

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


That's an accurate summary, Seth is a thief just for the sake of it because that's what he does, the white ethno-Moon is a natural phenomena but under Sethian influence becomes the Blood Moon Goblin Tribe, the Sun is darkened and every thing becomes eerie, destruction seems imminent, they don't just prophecy that they actively worked towards it, but it is transitory.

The hieracosphinx/winged Lion is an aspect of Horus, the star Regulus marked the New Year in early Dynastic Egypt at the Summer Solstice, thus the Aeon star of the New Year, because the Horus-Sopdu cult was established in the Sinai they obsessed over this, and the Sah-Sopdet-Sopdu triad, locally El-Asherah-Ba-al.

The greater Aeon is just the Zodiac age, it is inevitably occurring, but the issue is who interprets it and lays claim, it's basis is pre-determined as the age of Enki/Aquarius, in Sumerian the constellation Gu-la, meaning great one, the constellation Leo was also known as Ur-Gu-La, the place of the great one, Regulus as Mul Lugal, the ruling star, the apex predator in nature.

That makes a direct connection between Enki and the King, as it is his son Asar, Dumu-zi-ab-zu, child of the deep wisdom, but this association of Dumuzid with the Lion is in terms of defeating it to establish dominance, including any Lion of Judah.

>the god is regularly associated with a lion: he has his feet on a couchant lion, while another jumps up to the cup he holds in his hand; a crouching lion complements the pastoral scene in front of the deity. The lions are peacefully subdued,impressed no doubt by the authority of the shepherd-god.On two seals the god wears the skin of a defeated lion draped around his shoulders, which, as with Gilgamesh, defines him as a steppe dweller.


The concern then will be with Divine Kingship and natural hierarchy, origins of life and it's propagation, the Universality of DNA, interventionism, secrets of longevity,the greater cosmic waters and streams within them, and lots of other things i'm sure, the Jews would like to steal that inheritance and the Free Masons in collaboration, the only way they can through destroying the natural hierarchical superior, but though they wear white linen and aspire to purity with bloodied hands they can never be the ethno-Moon collective, the Sutean influence will pass and the purity of En-zu restored, the only way they generated that Red Edomite/Sutean Moon was the assimilation of white (women) into their tribal collective retaining paternal Sutean DNA.

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824fd2  No.135142


Here you speak of generating the age (Aeon), that implies that they do not emerge in fixed timely succession but need to be brought forth.

>were En was the generative principle, in terms of En-lil and En-ki, the En Priesthood

What would be the doctrine of En-lil according to you? You mentioned rising above materialism, high technology/sorcery, elitism and bloodlines in the past.


>the question being how white were previous societies in terms of ideology?

Semitic influence pervaded for centuries, leading to so many "spiritual Jews" over the course of relatively recent history. Even later Vedic thought, Zoroastrianism and ancient Egyptian religion got tainted with the concept of a false god of universalism and oneness, but I'm uncertain was that idea simply a critical error in Aryan philosophy or a result of certain influences, the ones which spawned the Jews of today and whose puppets they are. Purest reason is not uniform in it's manifestation, there is a certain threshold where you can no longer evaluate two opposed ideas according to how rational they are, as they are both in accordance with perfect reason, but can only rely on Will, and the nature of your Self and/or your racial/soul collective. Conflict, clash of Wills, ideas and identities (within a wider, racially homogeneous collective) is normal and desirable as long as external threats and subversive forces have been dealt with. As far as natural development is concerned, we weren't even supposed to deal with the kikes, niggers and the clown world today, but focus on more complex questions. White race still has many flaws that need to be corrected before it moves on to the next stage.

>Israel conceived a Lunar collective on ideological grounds alone, simply adherence to the principle and an ideology that accepted no differentiation, magical faux whiteness.

Good summary of rootless, Talmudic concept of religion, state, and society that's been forced onto every nation in the world by the Judeo-Masonic mafia. But for Jews it's not just an idea of a nation, it has a genetic component as well. How do you explain that?


You might have the capacity to end all of this… but your determination needs to be absolute.


How would you describe Saturnine activities?

>though Jacob sets out to create as many mixed cattle as possible

What about the red heifer?



There is this, but the timelines don't add up. There was earlier contact and the Vedic India - Zoroastrian Persia - Ancient Egypt - Ancient Greece succession, although some sources claim that Pythagoras went to India to be taught by certain sages.


Here you speak of Aeon as being a fixed Zodiac age that occurs on it's own.

>the only way they can through destroying the natural hierarchical superior

Indeed, all of their efforts have been focused on eliminating superior nations and individuals.

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211080  No.135146

File: b09b0f0884ecb96⋯.jpg (178.7 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, 95537_goingpostalpump.jpg)


>You might have the capacity to end all of this… but your determination needs to be absolute.

This was a very interesting experience anon. Thank you for everything.

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abc2ce  No.135296

File: 62bd0f04312f5c9⋯.png (178.37 KB, 518x378, 37:27, 1.png)

File: fdeb3acdfda4197⋯.jpeg (54.13 KB, 805x212, 805:212, 2.jpeg)


>Hebrew has set himself in direct opposition to benevolent Heavenly intervention

What world really needs is a large scale divine intervention. But one would wonder if lack of one is part of this play in struggle. It doesn't even matter if we're as humans are part of a god or gods are separate major forces, one cannot unsee the need for their admission one day or the other if one has any belief in anything above materialistic world view.

And there's another problem of majority of western scholars only having opponents being christian, almost all of atheist thought in the west is based on opposition to christianity and ignores any other world view, while jews themselves enjoy works of their own hebrew metaphysicians and fully believe them, and are in fact untouchable because they are the elite.

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ef5cd7  No.135306

File: d0825ca1e37ec5b⋯.jpg (6 KB, 227x222, 227:222, download.jpg)


En-lil's basis is in agriculture, his consort the daughter of Nisaba/Virgo, Sud/Nin-lil a grain Goddess, humanity understood as a crop.

>When the destinies had been fixed for all that had been engendered, when An had engendered the year of abundance, when humans broke through earth’s surface like plants…

>Enlil, to make the seed of the kalam sprout from the beneath the Earth, to separate heaven from earth, he hastened, to make light shine in Uzu-mu-a he bound the pillar of Heaven and earth in Dur-an-ki.

From this derives seasons, cycles, time, destiny as also the case with Saturn/Chrronos, a concern with life as process, Saturnine activity is change, it can even be weeding.

>As for the grave: the hoe buries people, but dead people are also brought up from the ground by the hoe

Given En-lil's association with destiny there was also the concept of the Tablet of Destiny held in his inner shrine, guarded by the Anzu bird, which was understood to have stolen this and flown off to the Mountain of the Suteans, this sort of excusing En-lil for their increasing power, that it was a great mischief.

The Moon God as son of En-lil introduces the principle of the generating and relatively stable collective, in conjunction with the periodic concept of Aeon, thus there should be a body that represents and generates the Aeon.

The Red Heifer was a symbol of Hathor, the Golden Calf her son Horus, this cult prominent in the Sinai before Israel eradicated it as represented in the ritual.


Eradication of one concept gives rise to it's opposite, in terms of Hathor, Sekhmet which is the closest equivalent of Lamastu as the opposite to Inanna, and Seth as the opposite to Horus

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279e22  No.135319

File: c41e829afa813dc⋯.png (380.4 KB, 759x494, 759:494, Inanna.png)

File: 818e618d4a9c2e4⋯.png (45.57 KB, 483x584, 483:584, gala_anus.png)

File: 851502a64be6f86⋯.png (42.28 KB, 1180x159, 1180:159, 3.png)


Researching on this made me realize we are always going to have transgenders.

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628111  No.135328


>The Red Heifer was a symbol of Hathor, the Golden Calf her son Horus, this cult prominent in the Sinai before Israel eradicated it as represented in the ritual.

Orthodox Jews are deeply attached to the red heifer. Isn't it curious how much they took as theirs so many customs which belong to the long gone people they are educated to hate beyond death.

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628111  No.135333


Proves the existence of a long problem. Esoteric fascism would argue about the original unspecified, undivided human type, neither really male nor female, androgynous as it was, but transgenderism is a distortion of even this idea: it is not about a human type that contains both natures at equilibrium, or two separated sexual types, no, transgenderism is the imbalance, the chaos in one separated type that somehow projects into the other type. It is not a longing to become whole again, nor is it an acknowledgement of the separation. It is literally the chaotic swapping of one type for the other, without even having access to some of the batracians' natural ability for sex swapping.

It's literally pretending having a bit of all of this without having any: not fully androgynous, not fully sexual, and not capable of real biological change.

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ef5cd7  No.135346

File: 8e0e2fa48b909b8⋯.jpg (70.52 KB, 1011x337, 3:1, kkj.jpg)

File: 55f7aa5f93870de⋯.jpg (43.91 KB, 583x280, 583:280, kk5044896e.jpg)


There was always the concept of gender fluctuation in the cult of Anu and Nin-Ana, that in Metaphysical terms this is a question of dynamics, and there was function in terms of reproduction, the primary principle in the generation of life.

It has to be realized that like all the Planetary archetypes Inanna/Venus had a negative/evil aspect, Lamashtu, these however become merged in Akkadian times and the cult of Istar and by Amorite times was utterly degenerate.

Originally Inanna was a cattle Goddess and concerned with reproduction, in early myth she is only positive in terms of love and romance and sacred marriage, Feminine and passive, a Goddess of the rainbow.

In terms of the opposite she aspires toward Masculinity, is aggressive and manically deranged, patroness of sexual practises that are Anti-life, pro-abortion, sado-masochistic derangement, all forms of perversity and degeneracy in general, destabilizes gender role and function, in short the Goddess of the Tel Aviv faggot parade.

This is why understanding that Lamastu was understood as exiled to the Sutean wilderness is important, it is the basis for their entire faggotry, and why all Jewish women are deranged, they conflated Lanashtu with Lilith in Jewish thought, originally just a sad ghost of the steppe that had died without marriage.

Their understanding of what drives them is generally confused, like all planetary archetypes with Venus they chose the dark side.


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ef5cd7  No.135353

File: 11cbf5e022b6cf3⋯.jpg (142.27 KB, 814x395, 814:395, na533d5ed9.jpg)

File: fe658ba5be72bbd⋯.jpg (269.75 KB, 1040x497, 1040:497, bf533d5f08.jpg)

File: 23ba5ee60f13ba4⋯.jpg (44.01 KB, 286x230, 143:115, gp533d5f4d.jpg)


They were very fond of killing it and purifying themselves of connection to the dead.

>Hathor is understood to be the deity who welcomes the worthy dead, offers them refreshments of food and drink, and leads the way into the blessed beyond. One of the desires of the deceased was to be "in the following of Hathor." Hathor was one of the most important goddesses invoked at funerals: "The doors of Heaven open and the deity comes forth The Golden Goddess has come." In some tombs her image outnumbers those of Osiris and Anubis. "Seek the Cow Mother" is written on the walls of the tombs of early kings.

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0d934a  No.136160

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You seek external determinism hoping to discover a notion of the Self, that it will emerge as the most common factor between all the data sets and influences, something stable and concrete, something entirely defined, fixed, all-permeating and universal (fiat lux), the final result of the equation, even if that result is (supposedly) a mere illusion created by causal forces. But true Self is actually the prima causa, the unmoved mover, the acausal and the self-caused. Once you find this floating point in infinity and connect with it, you become the one doing the determining (to a lesser or greater degree). Then, you may kindle the fire within you and burn all of this away in a grand litany of righteous, yet merciless fury. For that, you will need to eliminate even a tiniest amount of doubt and the destruction needs to be total. That determination however, won't come from any external sources, but yourself.


How can the divine intervene when whites have abandoned their gods (racial archetypes, values, ideals, visions and aspirations, as well as the deified champions of those) a long time ago? Jews have first made them follow the false gods, then upon realizing that those gods are false, to abandon them altogether, without first becoming gods themselves. Atheism and Christianity are a false dichotomy, team blue and team red.

>while jews themselves enjoy works of their own hebrew metaphysicians and fully believe them

Rather odd for the most materialistic creatures in existence, is it not? Perhaps there is more to it than mere belief…


Seems about right, weed out the toxic weeds and harvest the best of crops. Eugenics on all planes, physical and immaterial. I guess it's time to reclaim the Tablet of Destiny. Are you sure that we must enter the age of Aquarius however? Aquarian conspiracy is a Tavistock goon poz, we must think of something better than that. True wizards would know how to skip some ages, shorten or extend them, for they would know how to project themselves, no, even entire universes at different cycles through the domain of zero (atemporal, dimensionless domain). Time too, can be traversed in different directions when you do it from the right angle of projection. We can also follow the backwards facing swastika (which is actually a Vedic mathematical formula), the path of return. It's all about the perspective. This is also one of the ways to save the white race, in fact, part of it has already been saved this way, immortalized. The worthy ones at least, the rest will become the niggers that they identify and empathize with so much in next life, even if we win the battle for this world entirely. Meanwhile, the few animal-men who manage to recognize this and overcome the forces of disintegration shall be rewarded with bodies more fitting to their inner natures and achievements.



Correct, transexualism represents disintegration of genders (rather, feminine and masculine polarities), as opposed to their integration as united, but separate opposites. While this tendency is somewhat naturally occurring in rare people with distorted energy centers who are unable to identify with either gender (can't be fixed, at least not in a 'human' lifetime) or those too frustrated with their inability to develop their original masculinity or femininity (can be fixed), it's modern pandemic is mostly a result of conscious effort to spiritually disintegrate people. Original beings were sexless in the physical sense for they had no need for sexual reproduction, but they still had separate feminine and masculine aspects (one was external, another internalized, one reaching to earth, another to heavens). For example, you got a hyper-masculine, heterosexual gigachad who has strong inner connection with his divine waifu (anima) which completes and guides him, and which he recognizes in some external women. With transexuals, you get double externalization, confusion, energies cancelling each other and absolute materialism, making you their slave until there is no (you) anymore. Trannies are basically short-circuiting themselves. Perhaps them seeking priestly roles was an attempt to reverse this by double internalization.

If kikes wanted to merely physically exterminate whites, they had far more efficient means at their disposal. Most people, even in 'redpilled' circles are still mostly clueless about what their true agenda is.

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ef5cd7  No.136327

File: 20dc69a689c1447⋯.jpg (61.5 KB, 400x483, 400:483, Judges_6_pic_1.jpg)


Sure they look to generate their own idea of an Age of Aquarius and why i would prefer the Age of Gu-La

The capacity for time reversal is seen in the Ninurta and Anzu conflict, his arrow is reversed in direction, returned to it's quiver and returned to it's constituent parts, the shaft becomes trees, the glue becomes sheep, through the power of the Tablet of Destiny, that is the nature of the rebellion and unleashing of chaos, the inversion of normalcy.

En-lil is a God of seasons, time, linear and cyclic progression, his son Ninurta the defender of the land, of the people, of boundaries and parameters, a champion of Order, the Suteans were seen as involved with malevolent sorcery and the Anzu bird taking the tablets to their mountain indicative of that, this bird cult is attested in Midianite ceramics.


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020cdf  No.136337

File: 3a174b8901bff9f⋯.jpeg (24.25 KB, 320x434, 160:217, laughing_jewess.jpeg)


>Rather odd for the most materialistic creatures in existence, is it not? Perhaps there is more to it than mere belief…

I want to quote Herakleitos on two things:

"The gods’ presence in the world goes unnoticed by men who do not believe in the gods."

"We know health by illness, good by evil, satisfaction by hunger, leisure by fatigue."

Objective metaphysical evil being more seen than objective metaphysical good is actually ancient knowledge, its not like its not obvious to us, but neither it was less obvious 2500 years ago. So "good" gods may be missed in our present lives while "metaphysically evil" ones can be objectively pointed at.

This only proves dualism of a life does point on actions committed by others driving questioning populace into another direction, rather being directed by them. So all this talk about us choosing moral life out biological reasons may be total bollocks, solely from observation where materialism loses its ground. And it loses it not in "good", and certainly not in universal morality, but rather in works of evil. Its as simple as assume you're in darkness when you're blind and don't see the light.

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83d38a  No.136585



Seems like a rather boring deity

>The capacity for time reversal is seen in the Ninurta and Anzu conflict

Anzu was originally appointed by Enlil. Also, wasn't it later subdued by Ninurta and used as a sort of familiar?

>that is the nature of the rebellion and unleashing of chaos, the inversion of normalcy.

Meaning it could also be used for the inversion of "new normalcy" . We have already determined that their order needs to be destroyed.

>En-lil is a God of time

Which would give him mastery of all of it's directions.

>his son Ninurta the defender of the land, of the people

As well as the destroyer of other peoples


You forget how much conscious effort one must make in order to survive and not fall prey to "evil gods" , but overall these influences should be balanced, the rest being up to you. Of course, different times have different proportions (if any presence of certain types at all), and we are living in Kali Yuga after all.

Morality is not universal, while certain moral code does ensure long term benefits (social and biological), it seems that in the real world, "bad guys" always win. It should be our goal to liberate ourselves from alien morality and live according to our own moral codes. By the way, I wonder what that amulet is supposed to represent, looks like cartoon version of the "devil" . I know those nouveau riche types are not exactly very refined people, but with so much money, one could at least try to be more creative than a high-school black metal band. Too much to expect from the kikes, I know.

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01dd93  No.136595

File: 51cf45d1356b905⋯.png (204.52 KB, 411x438, 137:146, ClipboardImage.png)


Actually its visage is a meme. A dangerous graphic. And it knows it. It flaunts it. It wants to damage your mind with its hideousness. It wants to embed itself in your reality. It should be censored, by good people. At least blot out the medallions it wears. It is sick vermin.

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83d38a  No.136611


What if I told you that it harvests energy by triggering people like you? No, it won't be censored. You will look at it, until you become strong enough to overcome it. No running away, no praying to sky jew.

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ef5cd7  No.137163

File: 55ca21631c64b47⋯.jpg (308.56 KB, 888x605, 888:605, Untitled.jpg)

File: 9e29e0e5bb4d28f⋯.jpg (85.88 KB, 1074x392, 537:196, lll.jpg)

File: 07be1d61e15711e⋯.jpg (186.27 KB, 602x698, 301:349, main_qimg_0ae4c28dc9df3752….jpg)

File: ea95077cb2de175⋯.jpg (13.38 MB, 3340x4653, 3340:4653, Relief_of_the_Arabian_godd….jpg)

File: fe951a67e7b888c⋯.jpg (89.42 KB, 514x516, 257:258, The_Blackstone.jpg)


The Anzu did become a totemic beast of Ninurta but there is an issue that the mythology does not correspond to reality in that the malevolent control of destiny has not been removed from that region.

In one version of the myth Hadad, (G)Erra and Shara all turn the job down of confronting Anzu, though there is an alternate text were Hadad defeats Anzu, also the Erra epic were he supposedly destroys the mountain of the Suteans, again something that doesn't appeared to have happened and seems more like wishful thinking.

Of those four Gods however there is no version in which Shara defeats Anzu or the Sutean mountain, he does however somehow become the primary God and the Aeon Dhu Shara of the entire region, as the son of Al'lat Venus.

The myths are concerned with establishing the primacy of regional warrior Gods, and there was dispute whether that was in terms of a son of El/En-lil, or Anu/Inanna, so the likes of Ba'al and Ninurta versus Sara son of Inanna/Shara.


The Anzu myth is a device to try and explain how power is being lost to that region but the issue is deeper, they also considered the region under the influence of Lamashtu but there is no evidence for her cult there, , rather the oldest Goddess of the region is Manat and she was understood as Nemesis, the Arabic word maniya, “fate, destruction, doom, death”, or menata, “part, portion, that which is alloted”., she was also considered related to time and destiny but more in terms of ending such and could be pro-active in doing so.

They only had three Goddesses, Al'lat the positive aspect of Venus, Al' Uzza a great Astral Goddess, represented by Orion as a Female warrior, and Manat, represented by a rounded Black stone.

The destructive principle then emergent from that region.

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4caac9  No.137190

File: 256a189862c01ff⋯.png (37.58 KB, 358x333, 358:333, Fig_25.png)

File: b0017550429a979⋯.png (38.91 KB, 619x212, 619:212, 2.png)


So apparently if you make connection to Set as in Egyptian religion that means you're making connection to Hyksos probably, i found out that Set quickly transformed form weird animal head god into human looking weather god, because expelled semitic tribe instead of making their own temples readapted Syrian ones for worshiping Set. Its in the book "Avaris the capital of the Hyksos recent excavations at Tell el-Dab". Book is too big to upload here, sorry. I'l give a link:


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ef5cd7  No.137218


Yes NW Semites understood Ba'al Zaphon of Syria as Seth, Horus would have been a closer comparative but they were against the Horus Dynasties and preferred to identify with the Sethian archetype as it was derived from their natural inclinations.

There was an obelisk erected to mark their 400 year occupation which was in terms of Seth arriving to occupy Egypt, a periodic found also in the Bible in terms of the Hebrew 400 year sojourn.

>Then the LORD said to him, "Know for certain that for four hundred years your descendants will be strangers in a country not their own and that they will be enslaved and mistreated there.

>The Year 400 Stela, or Stela of Year 400, is an ancient Egyptian stele issued in the 13th century BCE. The meaning of this stela is not entirely clear, but is generally assumed that it celebrates the 400th anniversary of some event related to the deity Seth.


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2254de  No.137863


>but there is an issue that the mythology does not correspond to reality

Wrong timeline, or something describing earlier events (if we consider time to be cyclical)

>malevolent control of destiny has not been removed from that region

It spread to the rest of the world instead.

>Erra epic were he supposedly destroys the mountain of the Suteans, again something that doesn't appeared to have happened

Are you sure? We were discussing "meteor showers" in another thread a while ago. Although it wasn't a meteor.


A variation of Saturn's spouse, no? Black cube too. His rule was described as an age of plenty, but also the one of absolute subjugation and where everyone was equal in slavery. He was also portrayed as nigger god in some accounts, which could explain their obsession with niggers. Sounds like communism/globohomo and the imagery seems to match as well. It's as if there is a link between Seth/Saturn/Dyonisius, perhaps even Jesus, although he was a ripoff of solar deities and Hindu myths, his true character was far darker …

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ef5cd7  No.138030

File: 87fa9b2217c2cdb⋯.jpg (207.01 KB, 335x385, 67:77, io5275176c.jpg)

File: 3fbd18baa523f77⋯.jpg (86.03 KB, 367x363, 367:363, oh527519c1.jpg)

File: 8958a9bf18f9d3d⋯.jpg (50.72 KB, 358x271, 358:271, bo527517b4.jpg)


The Mountain destroyed in the Sumerian tradition was in the Zagros mountains, but they re-applied the archetype to the Suteans at a later date, so i think more in terms of wishful thinking.

The cult in Edom has more of the feel of a section of the Pantheon gone rogue because there are so few Deities involved, two aspects of Venus, a son of such come Moonchild Aeon, and Al 'Uzza or Al' Azaza or Al-jauza, indicating great and central. and represented by Orion

In Sumeria this was the vizier of Anu and Inanna understood to manage the Universe, but she was replaced at least by the Babylonian period, the idea rejected, but her level of authority had been understood as higher than En-lil.

>nin- subur = pap-sukkal sa da-nim - which literally translates "Nin subur is the Papsukkal (i.e. the vizier) of Anu,"

>Dis mul sipa.ziI.An.na pap-sukkal sukkal da-nim u Inin - The Constellation "True Shepherd of Anu" is Papsukkal, the vizier of Anu and Inanna

>…the servant, who is acquainted with the secrets of An, Ninsubura the chief servant, the shining crown of heaven, the messenger of good tidings, the goddess who turns what affects me into something good, who loves the directions of An and with­ out whom Enlil does not give orders to the great god

>My faithful minister of the E-ana, my Ninšubur of the E-ana, (you said ) "I, the august minister of the universe, I, Ninšubur of the universe, the faithful minister of the Anuna gods


It's natural that as the servant of Anu and Inanna she would also serve the interests of her son, the Morning star, and his cult in exile, thus a localized cult of Sara, related to Eros and in that region homo-erotic, also Bacchic, Christianity correctly representing those archetypes.

The Muslims determined the Goddess triad as the three daughters of Allah and destroyed their cults, thus ending any prospect of ever generating an Aeon again from that region, but Christianity looked to the generation of the White Stone as Morning star and retained the Goddess triad in symbolic form, suggesting that in that region only the dark aspect of Venus (Manat) was generated.

In Hurrian myth the Black stone is generated by Kumarbi their equivalent of Saturn and represents a challenge to their storm God Tessub, becoming an enormous black monolith that represents this new world order. the "song of Ullikummi"

Kumarbi wisdom unto his mind takes,

and a bad 'day' as evil (being) he raises.

And against the Storm-God evil he plans,

and against the Storm-God a rebel he raises.


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0d934a  No.138330

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


> Ninsubura the chief servant, the shining crown of heaven, the messenger of good tidings, the goddess who turns what affects me into something good

Absolutely meta

>becoming an enormous black monolith that represents this new world order.

Seems to be a recurring theme among various cultures.

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ef5cd7  No.138459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There is correlation to Loki being bound to a stone, there was an earlier sea monster related to Byblos that was bound to a black stone within a volcano, in Hurrian/Hittite tradition the stone being basalt, perhaps it can be assumed the stone absorbs the essence of the evil and that is the stone that Kumarbi raises.

This also related to the Devil as Habhaby/the babbler, the generation of the lie.

>"I have bound Habhaby. I have bound his tongue. I have found the barrier of his teeth. I have bound you on a black stone by the double doors and struck the Sea (tihamatim) with a reed. I have bound you by seven mighty contraptions. I have bound you by the zidanu and amana. I have bound you by the tails of the Sun and by the horns of the Moon.

>Seven youths and seven maidens are exalted, and […] the Star (kabkabu). The bricklayer will lay the bricks by the double doors of Ellil, father of the gods and the Star has established him as representative to Ellil, father of the gods. Ellil, the father of the gods performs the magic. Spell of the Star. […] I have bound you on Zazaum, O no-good one. […] O Sun-god! May you lay the bricks and build the house of Ellil the father of the gods. […] The Star is appointed as the emissary to Ellil the father of the gods. […]

>The earth has confined the serpent (bashanu); O serpent in the sea (ba-tihamat)! […] So says the magician Dagama [to the serpent]: 'I have smitten thee'. […] May Hadd fetch the dazzling stone and the triple-garment for the Star [who was appointed to induce Ellil to perform the magic]"

In general the Black Monolith has created problems that have required solutions and thus in a sense accelerated progress.

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58f348  No.138489

File: a42ec1d5df0beb9⋯.pdf (6.99 MB, Aphrodite_and_the_Rabbis.pdf)

So i have here a book that claims almost as much Rome has stolen from the Hebrews, Hebrews stole from Rome:

>The Passover Seder is a Greco-Roman symposium banquet

>The Talmud rabbis presented themselves as Stoic philosophers

>Synagogue buildings were Roman basilicas

>Hellenistic rhetoric professors educated sons of well-to-do Jews

>Zeus-Helios is depicted in synagogue mosaics across ancient Israel

>The Jewish courts were named after the Roman political institution, the Sanhedrin

>In Israel there were synagogues where the prayers were recited in Greek.

Maybe that Rabbi who claimed that modern jews also appropriated anti-semitic tendencies about themselves was right. They seem to do it all the time, from Egypt to Mesopotamia, to Rome.

And now they copy Hitler himself with what they do in current israel.

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24b6bc  No.138742


>accelerated progress

As if (((progress))) was something positive. If anything, it made people sacrifice more and more of their essence in order to reach the utterly abominable, hollow and artificial society of today. Speaking of Saturn, I got a rather devious idea, it seems that he prefers black/dark and putrid animals to be sacrificed to him, now imagine exterminating every nigger and shitskin on the planet as a blood offering to him, as well as those who consider them equal or act like them (spiritual niggers). What a harvest would that be! Perhaps we should give unto him what is His.


Imagine the amount of cognitive dissonance and pilpul needed to justify one's existence after coming to a realization that you are the lowest creature in existence whose sole purpose is to ruin, corrupt and bring misery to everyone else.

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f083c2  No.138933

File: cc84c1d8a54854b⋯.jpeg (22.62 KB, 500x436, 125:109, i_must_barf.jpeg)


>Imagine the amount of cognitive dissonance and pilpul

Its not that difficult. I even associate the idea of removal of parasite from the body of the host with depressive state that host feels as if part of him was removed. So feeling of guilt towards any foreign element in your country is natural. But the more intelligent they are the closer to realization they are that host is to be exploited otherwise they would cease to exist.

Notice i do not apply that strictly to jews.

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ef5cd7  No.138957


The technological progress is good the (((progressiveness))) is the equal and exact opposite and utterly useless, once that is realized it all goes away and nothing of value will be lost.

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2254de  No.140604


>So feeling of guilt towards any foreign element in your country is natural

Nod really


Society didn't advance enough to follow technological progress. It removed purpose from most things.

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3b7bab  No.140611

Delet this

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2b4f9d  No.140646


It's it curious how (((certain someone))) makes a couple of spam threads and bumps few garbage threads every time this one gets bumped?

Pure coheincidence indeed

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ef5cd7  No.140827

File: ae86cb301272e63⋯.jpg (403.1 KB, 1453x558, 1453:558, iii.jpg)

File: 9c43cf24b9a2c5e⋯.jpg (374.55 KB, 1440x487, 1440:487, _.jpg)

File: ee7324ef74af495⋯.jpg (239.23 KB, 1353x393, 451:131, ooo.jpg)


Much progress was as a result of religious/ideological conflicts, thus the greater the Jewish influence and worsening of society the inverse response of technological progress.

It is the case that the Masonic Temple of Solomon is a linguistic-numerical construct, thus words that determine thought and society, Semiotics, every Liberal philosopher had a stash of cabalistic treatises, an invisible college and Temple of those who were introducing such ideas, the only purpose of that to serve Jewish interests.


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7ad5a7  No.141131

File: 20184beabbb5734⋯.png (502.45 KB, 602x744, 301:372, shiva_linga.png)

Realization came to me just now, please bear with it, it may sound funny.

I was reading on cults of phallus worship, as an image of God the other day, especially in Shaivism and worship of Shiva's "Linga". But then i remember about Set.

What Set did to Horus in one of the legends is that Set torn one of the Horuses testicles. What Set did to Osiris is that he dismembered him leaving only penis behind.

And here i sit there and think "haha i am reading too much into phallic stuff", but then i remember this thread.

Set was about genital mutilation, and the whole history of jews spin around their genital mutilation practice of circumcision. This is how anti-nature those people are, even their genital mutilation they offend Nature, Gods of other nations and affirm their worship of Set who gruesomely raped Horus.

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f294e1  No.141149

File: 619642bb6526084⋯.png (9.45 KB, 500x250, 2:1, Oekaki.png)


I've heard that circumcision in the time of the Roman Empire and Christ wasn't as harsh as it is nowadays. oekaki related

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069d5a  No.141927


>Much progress was as a result of religious/ideological conflicts

Correct, when we had genuine religions and ideologies rather than artificial, corrupted, impotent simulacrum of such created by the kikes in order to retain the status quo, which has been highly dysgenic for a while. They have attempted to completely kill history by proclaiming the current system to be "the end of history" , followed with subsequent destruction of historical data, monuments, cultures, traditions, genetic heritage etc. The end coming not due to final resolution being reached, as many were falsely led to believe, but due to erasure of history altogether.

As for Freemasonry, the highest degree is supposed to teach you to mathematically construct a "temple" where you become able to draw a dimensional bridge between the divine and material world, making you the ruler and the compass of God on earth, an architect. It also had a lot of knowledge about actual architecture so it was used in dual manner, one was practical, another spiritual, but those were seen as only two different aspects of the same logical and mathematical axioms. In theory at least, linguistic and linguistic-numerical concepts like gematria are pure pilpul which came later when kikes co-opted it. But yes, modern Freemasonry is pretty much entirely a Talmudic organization, serving the Jewish interests exclusively.


Shaivism was mostly Dravidian, but genital mutilation does have a lot to do with symbolically impairing or restricting the masculine energy, that's why Jews are mostly feminine and embrace matriarchy. Their typical negative traits are also highly feminine, lunar.

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619465  No.141928


>typical negative traits are also highly feminine, lunar.


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b1efd7  No.142049

File: 8b785980a304dcb⋯.png (305.55 KB, 1156x1278, 578:639, blood_passover.png)

File: 451499b3baccb3d⋯.png (227.32 KB, 1129x831, 1129:831, blood_passover2.png)

File: 6451be1c4d2e036⋯.pdf (777.18 KB, BLOODPASSOVER.pdf)

I cannot believe this thread doesn't have a single mention of Blood Passover. If your looking to academia for validation of jewish perversion, this is the standard.

>written by an Israeli professor

>examines medieval/early Renaissance italian and jewish texts pertaining to accusations of blood libel/ritual murder

>presents strong evidence, especially from contemporary jewish sources that supports, at minimum the use of gentile blood in food/drinks, and at best presents some evidence ritual murder was in fact taking place.

This is like Solzhenitsyn's 200 years together. It's extremely well researched, candid in it's finding and written by someone perfectly qualified to complete the research (since we all speak medieval ashkenazi?). As such it's a valid source for use in actual academic research, and due to it's impeccable research, largely unassailable at school. Just like 200 years together, it's been suppressed since it's release with only a single Italian to English translation available. Nonetheless the fact a jew with tenure at an Israeli college completed this research, I think gives even more credibility to it's validity. Nothing in his research makes jews look good, and just about every 'stereotype' jews complain about, is given actual historical support from source documents.

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012c21  No.142065

File: d92368090a3c50d⋯.png (188.58 KB, 1705x907, 1705:907, eating_of_dionysus.png)


>body and powers of Jesus

Actually presence of Christ's body in Wine/Bread is Dionysian (body of Dionysus being Wine). And his dismemberment in the process goes back to Egyptian Osiris.

There were also some accounts mentioned in one book i read about christians and other roman cults blaming each other in bloody sacrifices, in equal amounts just to build up those stereotypes. When legend/cult myth of eating/drinking the body of a God (which comes from simpler cults that ate sacrificial animals) was the same.

Either practice was long going, or its just repetition of that cult persecution. People still do spirit cooking, its not like the ritual is gone even today.

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d2c168  No.142103

File: 790a49a1baae53d⋯.png (878.96 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, moon.png)


>typical negative traits are also highly feminine, lunar.

Who decided that? Gods of the Sun usually all feminine and tender, where Gods of the Moon are more masculine and aggressive.

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619465  No.142109

File: 507296abf520748⋯.jpg (31.64 KB, 300x425, 12:17, baphomet_levi_double_manos….jpg)


Also, pre-semitic corruption all the Gods roles were reversed. The sun was a feminine God and the Moon was masculine/homosexual/variable.

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ef5cd7  No.142135

File: 044281d93c4d4a8⋯.jpg (161.1 KB, 538x630, 269:315, fm58ad6b82.jpg)


It's sad that the Free Masons were entirely absorbed by the Hebrews self obsession with their own written language, a deeply introverted perspective, particularly when it's considered the basis of that written language was created by the Egyptians in terms of a phonetic proto-Sinaitic script written language for Dummies to facilitate trade communications, they themselves having a much more complex system, in effect a retarded cargo cult of a superior civilization.

That is also the case with their contemplative practise again a product of the institution that generated Egyptian ideology and religion, the House of Life, it's the likely transference of some elements of that which empowered their religious narrative albeit towards perverse ends, as they seek the subversion and destruction of all rival tradition.

The legacy of the knowledge of the Egyptian institution falling into the wrong hands leading to the entire subversion of the West into cultural-Judaism, before the re-discovery of the Chamber of Kek.


>Kky darkness is thus often associated with the Nun, the primeval oceanic chaos. In particular kky-darkness suggests lack of differentiation; which alludes to the precosmic condition in which “there were not two things”.

>By means of the Chamber of Darkness, the initiated writer appropriates this night prior to any day: “My heart said to me: ‘Return to it, namely, the Chamber of Darkness, so as to learn its boundary’


When the Sun was beneath the horizon understood as internalized within the Earth it was conceptualized as Feminine, thus the Sun Goddess of the underworld, likewise the absence of Moon in it's various phases could be conceptualized as Feminine.

Gods of the Moon aren't necessarily aggressive, Nanna was happy enough to increase his herd through natural reproduction, the Hebrews seem to have been more impressed by Knonsu and the principle of increase through cannibalism

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e9ed1a  No.142192


>At a time when Christian church architecture was beginning to develop from its Jewish Temple and synagogue roots, there was a cross-cultural interest in Hebraic architectural mysticism.

This appears wrong on a few levels.

Jews never invented any architecture, they were literally surrounded by old temples from ancient cultures. The architectural mysticism massively predates those times when Jews somehow managed to stack stones and call that a temple.

What is a synagoguean architecture? Most of the modern and crafty ones are assembled by capable people and architects following teachings which are taught in the greatest European schools.


The moon reflects the light of the sun, a light the moon cannot cast by itself. Some people see in this a passive behaviour.

But the moon acts as a (re)caster then, in the darkness, to maintain the light when the sun is not there. It is more like a guardian and should be equally ruthless in the protection of the realm until the light returns. In fact, the moon should be even more violent as the shadows creep and monsters come out of their lairs.


>before the re-discovery of the Chamber of Kek

More on this?

>>Kky darkness is thus often associated with the Nun, the primeval oceanic chaos. In particular kky-darkness suggests lack of differentiation; which alludes to the precosmic condition in which “there were not two things”.

Would refer to the primordial substance, before any shaping; not about the original wisdom which by definition must already contain all possible differentiated ideas.

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ef5cd7  No.142207


That#s true they only put their spin on existing styles, even the Temple of Solomon was a standard design for the region and period, they generally make themselves out to be more important than they actually are.

There isn't an online copy of the scroll that was the basis for the Book of Thoth article, which does though give a good run down on what was involved, another review of the work here;


The metaphor of entering the chamber of kky

was as swimming in the undifferentiated waters of Nun, as if in a flotation tank the realm of the imagination, were all ideas past, present and future might be found and harpooned, a realm also of spirits and forgotten knowledge, the natural habitat of Kek.

>“Writing is a sea Its reeds are a shore Hasten therein, little one, little one! Hurry to the shore! Count waves (or ‘difficult passages’). As for its body, it is a myriad , Do not be weak with regard to it (the sea) until its lord permits that you swim in it and he makes a perfect place (or ‘very fair wind’) before you

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5c9390  No.142217


>chamber of kky

is this a typo or did you actually mean kky?

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ef5cd7  No.142234

File: 9efff89b7e298d1⋯.png (103.56 KB, 1156x673, 1156:673, oooo.png)


Yes technically the Chamber of kky

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5c9390  No.142312


K is kek(kky) female?

Wouldn't that mean kky is associated with Chem and the alchemists and the black arts?

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ef5cd7  No.142387

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The waters of Nun/kky are the absolute Feminine but Kek is an active Masculine principle, Kauket is toward the negative and Feminine

The spontaneous emergence of particles in the sea of potential can be understood as grains of gold, and by extension to a grain Goddess in the general sense, but Kek is of course green, so that's green gold, so natural philosophy as the basis of Alchemical speculation

>Nb‘gold’, is the nexus of an important series of puns in Egyptian, all marked by the presence, sometimes straightforwardly etymological, sometimes allusive, of the bead collar sign.

>The series includes nbi ‘to melt metal’, ‘cast objects in metal’, ‘gild’, and by extension to model or fashion something generally; nbi, ‘flame’, specifically the divine flame of the uraeus; nb, ‘grain’, perhaps metaphorical from its golden color; but also, intriguingly, nbi, ‘to swim’.

>The floating mass of reeds that features in the Edfu cosmogony is also, one may note, called nbi.t.

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11431e  No.142399



I just hope the frog maymay cultism is not sidetracking you. Qboomers and kekistani sargonians that were born form it are a chore to deal with. You poured your collective magic into idiots.

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0a48c4  No.142414


Many things are sidetracking me; I do love frogs with a passion. I even have a 'frog mom' t-shirt, but no maymays are not part of that list. I asked because kky has a specific meaning to me.

>You poured your collective magic into idiots.

As opposed to….pouring it out on the ground?

Don't answer that…

God knows what actually useful thing you will come up with as a response.

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ef5cd7  No.142460

File: 580a83d1d801a4a⋯.jpg (379.01 KB, 1115x1449, 1115:1449, Arsu.jpg)

File: 768c32e843ae273⋯.jpg (482.71 KB, 1070x1751, 1070:1751, arsu2.jpg)

File: f62167c1cf87dc7⋯.jpg (472.26 KB, 1051x1644, 1051:1644, Untitled_1.jpg)

More considerations on the God of the Sinai region and Mountain of God, Dhu Shara, this can be in terms of Dhushara-Dionysous-Lucifer-Phosphorus, as well as Aeon that generates as the Moon.

He was understood to correlate to Arsu and Azizos as the Morning and Evening star Venus, thus finding himself correlating to Lucifer and Azazel in the process.

This seems like a lot for one young God to handle but it has to be considered he is only the son of Venus and does not replace the primary identification as a 5th generation God from Anu-Enlil-Nana-Inanna-Sara, in fact he was more conceived as a Champion or guardian of his Mothers interests not an usurper, though de facto that seems to have occurred in proclaiming him Allah and doing away with the rest of the Pantheon entirely, maybe the idea of a young Eros like boy Venus deranged their minds because the interest in the region seems excessive, the dark side of Sara.


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0a48c4  No.142461


I have adopted someone else idea that 'God' is a bronze age singularity.

I am very pleased with this right now. It gives me hope that the kikes will reach singularity and die forever and be cast into the outer darkness. At that point we can ignore them just like they ignored God the entire time they were on this planet.

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ef5cd7  No.142477

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Venusian moves in very mysterious ways, in the Sutean region Sara has behaved very mischievously in making himself the High God, Lucifer personified, but that's still just an obscure and relatively minor Deity doing what he does best, that's the problem in such a religious backwater they lack greater context and obsess over minor factors.

The weakness of the Sutean was Cupidity.

>"Like Šara, Inana's beloved son, shoot forth with your barbed arrows like a sunbeam, shoot forth with reed-arrows like moonlight! May the barbed arrows be a horned viper to those they hit!

>Your house E-mah whose prince is the princely son of the Mistress, continues in good fortune, an area of abundance and well-being. the son who allots the divine powers to his mother,has erected a house in your precinct, O house Umma, and taken his seat upon your dais. the house of Šara in Umma.

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0a48c4  No.142481



Fascinating connection anon. I hadn't put those two together though I have wondered about them for as long as I have pondered the lyrics.


Yes, this is not really my problem but I can see where they are coming from since it is their system (so to speak) and above all things they must be careful not to become prey to their own kind.

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ef5cd7  No.142496


It's a strange tale, the Suteans were the enemy of Inanna, they destroyed her Temple the E-ana, Lamashtu as a Sutean was her dark nemesis counterpart, but her son Sara somehow becomes their High God, one can only assume to demonstrate how ridiculous they are, Cupidity involves strong desire, extreme greed, avarice, covetousness, and thus Sara in his aspect of mischievous Cupid became their God.

Modern scholarship then will eventually figure out that the principle Deity of the region is the dark side of Cupid and this will leave them looking very silly, as she who moves in mysterious ways intended.

Having destroyed all Sutean credibility Sara will then return to his positive function.

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0a48c4  No.142502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>she who moves in mysterious ways

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0a48c4  No.142519

File: e99b98fc1a76470⋯.jpg (69.11 KB, 500x500, 1:1, geometry_in_cube_ai_genera….jpg)


Anon, I wish I was more clever. I sense that you are trying to impart something specific and I just don't see it yet. It could simply be that your spirit is trying to impart it as well…and I am not clever enough to pick up on it.

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4caac9  No.142522

File: e0bd6e691f65bca⋯.jpeg (68.99 KB, 559x387, 13:9, Aphrodite.jpeg)

File: 78f703501f9a491⋯.jpeg (245.83 KB, 800x869, 800:869, Aphrodite_2.jpeg)




Add Jesus to the bunch

>Revelation 22:16

>I Jesus have sent mine angel to testify unto you these things in the churches. I am the root and the offspring of David, and the bright and morning star.

>2 Peter 1:18-19

>18 And we heard this voice which came from heaven when we were with Him on the holy mountain.

>19 And so we have the prophetic word confirmed, which you do well to heed as a light that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts

I mean dying and getting reborn is part of the theology of all those Gods related to "Morning Star".

>He was understood to correlate to Arsu and Azizos as the Morning and Evening star Venus

Isn't Venus also Aphrodite, goddess of Love? Whose symbolic animal was Dove, usually portrayed either as "angels" or like Holy Spirit is usually portrayed by Christians, or like giant Swan-like dove.


Careful with your words anon. Jews are anti-nature, where Dionysian cult was maximum pro-nature and accepting your own nature. Might be going against real God here showing in multiple manifestations.

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0a48c4  No.142524

File: cf3a1ad268d07bd⋯.jpg (83.08 KB, 500x747, 500:747, space_shuttle_blast_off.jpg)


>Careful with your words anon

That is a nice thought but I don't know if that will ever happen. To perceive something is to destroy it, no? Perception is entropy; it is the FUTURE. Neg entropy is the past…are you going back in time anon so that you are not destroying as you blunder around? I am just not that talented yet anon.

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ef5cd7  No.142555

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



It wouldn't be much of a mystery if it was easily understood, but Venus generates desire, and in terms of natural love that;s very nice.

In considering Lucifer in wicked mode however that is the generation of cupidity, outrageous greed and lusts such as wishing to control the world and enslave everyone, possess all the shekels, engage in perverted sex with anything that moves, all sorts of insane desires can be attributed to the Rainbow Goddess and her son.

Dhushares-Dionysus-Lucifer-Phosphorus only became the natural God for that region because of their natural inclinations, they were the most greedy, he isn't in the business of granting what they want, only generating the desire, which are always toward destruction of self and others.


Yes Jesus figured out that there could be a all different side to the God of Israel which their greed and lusts prevented them appreciating, the Black stone could turn White.

The Morning star aspect of Venus related to serpent cults in it's earliest form, the first ritually murdered snake God was Istar-an who was beaten to a bloodied pulp in a sacred courtyard, watched over by a distraught Istar

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0e39a8  No.142563

File: d67ec9df6dcd60c⋯.png (95.53 KB, 1452x435, 484:145, Bacchus_Judaeus.png)

File: 5f1f580c8456c52⋯.jpeg (423.72 KB, 1285x1229, 1285:1229, BACCHIVS_IVDAEVS.jpeg)

File: 71975b80aac9b7f⋯.jpg (654.29 KB, 1919x1132, 1919:1132, Sabazios.jpg)


Well, i wonder then if you will be interested in "Bacchus Judaeus", also known as Sabazios (Sabbath Zeus).

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0a48c4  No.142572

>>142555 (checked)

Jesus saw the 'face' (paniym) of God and he was not ashamed of his own nakedness. There are many different ways to 'be naked' anon…but there is only one that can see the face of God.

Here we experience a sort of nakedness because tho I 'know you' (K) anon I do not 'know' you so we can leave pretension behind. This is nakedness as well.

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888f56  No.142574


> was as swimming in the undifferentiated waters of Nun, as if in a flotation tank the realm of the imagination, were all ideas past, present and future might be found and harpooned, a realm also of spirits and forgotten knowledge, the natural habitat of Kek.

That's just awesome.


It's probably more complicated than this. Many impure materials were needed. The wave dragged much debris. It's part of the chaotic stirrup. Centrifugal forces take care of the refinement as the wheel spins faster and faster. The storm rises.

It all leads to the moon.


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ef5cd7  No.142579

File: 74627a150b1a4b2⋯.jpg (1.63 MB, 1500x1081, 1500:1081, ef59381c34.jpg)


Their best kept secret is the Marzeah Lodge system,

>They – the Nabataeans – prepare common meals together in groups of thirteen persons; and they have two girl-singers for each banquet. The king holds many drinking bouts in magnificent style, but no one drinks more than eleven cupfuls, each time using a different golden cup. The king is so democratic that, in addition to serving himself, he sometimes even serves the rest himself in turn’

>The marzea was a banquet and association whose participants were mostly among the high-rank officials, and was comprised mostly of males, as indicated by Strabo It was an association of a group who had a specific deity as its patron. Each marzeaÌ was led by a rb mrz Ì’ who was responsible for managing and organizing the meeting, which was held in special places designed for this purpose

>Eblaite texts from the third millennium BCE refer to the day of marzea and a text mentions the superintendent of the mar-za-u This word is mentioned frequently in the Ugaritic sources, including a reference to ‘house of the men of the mar-ze-i







Didn't the snake point out in the Garden of Eden that nakedness was sort of boring?

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888f56  No.142583



Can be morning or evening star depending on the calendar and day.

It's also a pity that Christianity turned so semitic, meek and suicidal.

>Careful with your words anon. Jews are anti-nature, where Dionysian cult was maximum pro-nature and accepting your own nature. Might be going against real God here showing in multiple manifestations.

Would not be surprised if kikes tried to nudge this into degenerate hedonism though, and then introduce a warped amalgam of a god for the occasion.

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0a48c4  No.142589


>Didn't the snake point out in the Garden of Eden that nakedness was sort of boring?

Do you think it is boring? I am addicted to this aspect of nakedness. I never want to return to 'normal' communication.

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0a48c4  No.142591


>warped amalgam of a god

There is no 'warped' aspect of God.

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ef5cd7  No.142606

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I had a dream once involving Nun which was memorable, it started off as i recall in some rundown out-house were i was in the presence of a large bald headed mute of the sort that used to appear in all the best Mummy movies, he looked down at the ground in shock and awe at the shadow i was casting, which was un-natural and sort of like a golf club or upright snake, the Egyptian Neter sign indicating the Divine, that the reason for his astonishment.

The building was part of a series of complexes at the rear of a large white Art Deco come Egyptian sea front Hotel, and my Divine role seemed to be just sitting on the roof like a hawk watching over the back alley ways making sure nobody fled without paying, it was very bright and sunny but also sort of boring because nobody even tried.

Anyway i got to go inside and upstairs to meet the proprietor in the large premier suite, were the sea view was a single expanse of window looking onto a totally dark sea and sky undifferentiated, and i understood the glamorous owner was Nun, complete with exotic entourage


It just doesn't lend itself to mystery, but you're more implying uncovering mystery, which is always fun.

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0a48c4  No.142609


>It just doesn't lend itself to mystery, but you're more implying uncovering mystery, which is always fun.

Would be terrible if we truly understood, most likely. No more mystery ever again. It would be like knowing your lover head to toe. Right now we are just playing footsie under the blankets and the air of mystery is retained. Maybe that is why it is so hard to look on God and know them. The urge to be titillated is too strong.

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0a48c4  No.142610


I can't believe you posted Sandstorm…


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ef5cd7  No.142622


But in revealing an ancient and somewhat boring mystery with regards to the joo's and their great expectations an even greater one will manifest.


It's with regards to the Mistress of the Rope, Seshat, and the Divine Architectural plans obtained from within the Chamber of Darkness and the unsuccessful attempt of the Free Masons to recover them and control of Destiny itself, Operation Anzu, the God of the sandstorm.

Or something mad like that.

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67f1ea  No.142795

File: 35abc9718314a54⋯.jpeg (13.7 KB, 175x288, 175:288, dionysus.jpeg)


>degenerate hedonism

What i learned over living, is that there are two types of hedonisms and two types of pleasure. Aside of suffering that brings forth understanding of human experience and crucial for our existence before afterlife, there is some sort of division between sorts of pleasure experienced by body and soul.

One is of "Nature" one of "Civilization".

Civilized aspects of hedonism:

>heavy drugs, produced through use of machinery

>produced "unpure" foods with high amount of chemicals

>video games, anime, everything related to activity on the computer

>mobile phone addiction, social networking addiction including addiction to Talmudvision

>divinization of human beings (known aspect since Gilgamesh, continued by Buddha), attentionwhoring and effect of celebrities replacing gods

>being more comfortable in expensive apartments in unnatural environment with no aesthetics or natural elements like plants and animals

Naturistic pure hedonism:

>wine and meat, foods that despite being shamed by self-righteous puritans like vegans or muslims being of nature

>poetry, live music, arts that are created by being directly inspired by nature

>active participation in life with real people outside in fresh air

>Gods are divine, not humans, temples built in the open spaces, sacrifices of animals before celebrations performed in open air, followed by social activities

>people being more active and spend more time in open air, learn to hunt and to forage, general aspect of being one with the nature, therefore developing healthier fit bodies

Neither of those two are respected by clergies that advise you to go fast in seclusion, stop eating and socializing. Point i am trying to make is that those two are completely different from one another and cannot be compared. What kind of hedonism western civilization currently experiences is inheritably Babylonian, associated with first human civilization built for exact purpose of severing their ties with nature, which eventually severed ties with Gods.

I do not expect people to understand why uncivilized life was actually better, people are too corrupted by all sorts of babylonian behaviors, but one day all cities will fall victims to their own progress.

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cad7a0  No.142817

File: 523347bab44d10d⋯.pdf (12.16 MB, Corpus_of_inscriptions_of_….pdf)

I also want to share something with this thread, at least because anon was quick to talk about Goddess Nanse in this message >>125398 and was quick to acquire idea that "Goddess Nazi strives towards ideal society" in this one >>125416

I want to remind you of Hestia/Vesta. Probably heard of "Vestal Virgins", did you? She is the Goddess of domestic fire, literally a Virgin Goddess of "nuclear family" as we call family consisting of mother father and children. She was worshiped in greece and rome equally. But in Greek 12 Gods pantheon she was quickly replaced by no other but Dionysus, and apparently Spartans were prevailing in worshiping her in Greece, not the mainstream Greek pantheon. Yet she was extremely popular in Rome and her cult survived there even during Christianity, and i think she served as a main idea for worship of Virgin Mary too.

So this little pdf is some form of research on her cult, if you're interested.

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29ae78  No.142820


This pilpul seems quite stupid, if Christians symbolically consume the blood and flesh of Yehoshua (which is macabre enough on it's own, and reflective of Jewish origins of Christianity), aren't the Jews doing the same by association by consuming the blood and flesh of Christians? Alternatively, both Christianity and Judaism might be tools of of a more secretive cult, where Christians are seen as harvest and Jews as the scythe.

Another one noted correctly, it is a tradition rather than a religious ritual, because they were originally cannibalistic and probably need it in order to activate their hereditary diseases, a practice which was later reflected in religions created by them, be it Judaism or Christianity.


Well, you had highly symbolic and allegoric acts practiced by an initiated elite, which then gets copied by the unwashed rabble who take it literally and exoterically, leading to all sorts of retarded practices. Literal cannibalism was and is more likely a biological need for the Jews, they just tried to find ways to make it socially acceptable (to a certain extent at least), even if by making it into something edgy for their retarded shabbos goys to do in order to think how special they are. You can learn a lot about Jews by looking into behavior altering parasites. An animal infected with rabies would certainly try to rationalize it's behavior if it had the capacity.


Another anon explained it, moon is secondary, auxiliary, reflective, also associated with animalistic urges, while sun represents reason/logic etc. Just like moon takes light from the sun, then reflects it partially, not containing the full spectrum, so does the Jew steal the ideas from the Aryans, profaning them and reflecting a corrupt/filtered version reflecting only base materiality. Similarly, a woman tries to physically produce the idea of man, but not without corruption. The level of corruption depending on the racial pollution/degeneration, inbreeding or other "sins of blood" . However, the hidden truth is that visible sun is a filter/gatekeeper as well.


>in effect a retarded cargo cult of a superior civilization

Which they also hated, and ultimately destroyed by subversion. If you remove all the influences, the only thing which remains originally theirs is cannibalism. It would be sad if it wasn't so vile.

Interesting text, book of Thoth seems to be about avoiding to be merged with the singular, undifferentiated field.

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23a523  No.142821


You can worship nature all you want but civilization has produced many great things no matter what your rhetoric is.

In fact, nature could take many forms though it doesn't. Don't worship your body over your soul or 'ghost'. Don't drag the body around either. Don't let either drag each other around, but the mind, 'ghost', soul leads the body and these "natures".

Rat cities aren't the best representation of civilization. Civilization includes civilized behavior between people. You can even see the lower and higher in an animal or plant. An animal manages its own emotions and impulses. It has intelligence. It even keeps itself civilized; its mind leads the body often enough to notice.You can say the mind is a product of nature, but that would be less true than to say the body is a product of nature. Do you see what I'm saying?

You can treat the nature vs civilization dichotomy as a lesser one in the grander scheme of things. How does a ghost influence matter? How does it move around a couple hundred pounds? Well, I guess it began with the efforts of many beings billions of years ago, (or millions of years depending on if the science of retroactive time projections is bunk).

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ef5cd7  No.142829

File: d5b0e48f4457904⋯.jpg (98.49 KB, 640x704, 10:11, 640px_teteven_history_muse….jpg)

File: 5c9d027317e22d0⋯.jpg (73.95 KB, 624x420, 52:35, image.jpg)

File: b68c315ff8dfada⋯.jpg (15.69 KB, 204x247, 204:247, images_1_.jpg)

File: 0fccd2077eec563⋯.jpg (215.25 KB, 746x1000, 373:500, mid_00897167_001.jpg)


It's worth noting also the Thracian Horseman motif of Heros which had association with Sabazios, these are remarkably similar to the Arabic/classical motifs of Arsu representing the Morning star and i'd consider they took the iconography from the Thracian

This would be the cult of the Morning star as the Champion of light, herald of Dawn, emergent from the underworld having overcome death and chaos, the basis for later Saint George >>142460


Maybe in the story of Cinderella Hestia eventually married, seems a shame for her otherwise.

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0a48c4  No.142835


Jesus was not a jew.

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cad7a0  No.142915

File: 1a43e0838bedacf⋯.png (529.8 KB, 875x389, 875:389, tree.png)

File: 6912d3abe668b89⋯.jpeg (483.98 KB, 1419x906, 473:302, Staff.jpeg)

File: 2460a39a7663844⋯.jpeg (405.18 KB, 1298x870, 649:435, bucket.jpeg)

File: f381d0caba1bd4d⋯.jpeg (18.01 KB, 437x196, 437:196, grape_vine.jpeg)

File: a22e5151b9765e7⋯.jpg (3.86 MB, 3488x1900, 872:475, Symbolic_scene_king_Ashurn….jpg)

In Wine there's wisdom they say. Original Tree of Life that Hebrews took as an idea from Sumeria was potentially a grapevine. Pinecone is symbol of Dionysus, and its in the same fresco in Ashur. As for "heavenly grape-vine" the only connection Sumerians have is Geshtinanna, but i am not sure for what's happening in city of Ashur was same religion. And Ashur as in "Ashura" is known all over the world.

The whole world seems to be worshiping Dionysus. In the east he has analogues coming from Shiva. In japanese buddhist religion he's probably Aizen (god of Lust equal to Yama, god of death) and maybe even has analogue in Shinto too.

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f51043  No.142938

File: 0ea429193240340⋯.jpg (5.12 MB, 3616x4925, 3616:4925, Relief_plaque_with_confron….JPG)

File: 71797cc1a973c8d⋯.jpeg (813.66 KB, 1489x1536, 1489:1536, index.jpeg)

I also want to add something to this post >>142915

The "pine cones" harvested from "tree of life" might had actually been grapes, because grapes sometimes look crude on ancient reliefs and lumped together in simplicity.

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ef5cd7  No.142946


Ama-Gestin-Anna indicated the Mother Vine of Heaven, it's often overlooked that the vine was also the primary symbol of the bloodline, and that the Marzeah wine feast was the cult of the ancestors, including their summoning from the underworld as the Rephaim, also it was a cult of the elite rulers

The theme was a unification of Heaven and Earth and the underworld.


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0a48c4  No.143018


>This is pathetic. The book that makes his cult relevant tells us the exact opposite of your claim. If you want to debate this, open another thread here or on some other board or chan.

Paul was a jew. Jesus was a gentile.

The book claims the exact opposite of what you say. Jesus made very clear distinctions between 'the sons of Satan' and himself…and they made very clear distinctions that he was not one of them.

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296cea  No.143085


I found a shrine of Kek few years back, it was quite hilarious.


>The spontaneous emergence of particles in the sea of potential

In other words, a stochastic process


It seems that you are starting to conflate unrelated concepts based on marginal similarities again. Saturnian Jesus (not to be confused with Aryan Kristos) is much more akin to Dhushara and Dionysus than Lucifer, who is akin to Apollo. There also seems to be a lot of overlapping between Dionysus and Bacchus, the later taking a more Judaic, corrupted form.


It's focal point religion/morality from which universal morality, oneness and other poz'd concepts emerged. The Judeo-Masonic concept of One God which needs to be destroyed. NS occultism was an attempt to do this by introducing a centrifugal counter-current to the centripetal force of focal point society as espoused by Marxism, Humanism, (mainstream) Christianity, and similar Saturnian currents.

>It gives me hope that the kikes will reach singularity

The problem is that they are trying to drag everyone else along into self-annihilation and merging with their false god. Until someone shatters the vessels again :>)


>Having destroyed all Sutean credibility Sara will then return to his positive function.

Mind expanding more on his positive and negative functions?


>are you going back in time anon

Being a man against time perchance … Perception works both ways


>In considering Lucifer in wicked mode however that is the generation of cupidity, outrageous greed and lusts such as wishing to control the world and enslave everyone

Quite strange for the god associated with liberating the slaves. You seem to be putting a Jesuit spin to the whole story


>Hand of Sabazios

Look up holohoax memorial in Miami


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0a48c4  No.143095

File: 4a00aff1ef200cd⋯.jpg (366.37 KB, 900x1350, 2:3, shipwreck_on_the_beach.jpg)


>The problem is that they are trying to drag everyone else along into self-annihilation and merging with their false god.

Yes, I am acutely aware of this. WWG1WGA. There is only one place we all go and that is the grave. I have no desire to ride the Q train to Hell. I have actually puzzled over their insistence that EVERYONE GOES for such a long time…I would think they would want to be selective at least…maybe a little bit? Guess not. I wondered if they think that they will be Pharaoh over us if they drag us all along to their underground lair.

>shatters the vessels?

Not familiar with this.

>Being a man against time perchance

Oh weird. That is an Evola thing I barely remember. WTF mate…is that what he was talking about?

>Marxism, Humanism, (mainstream) Christianity, and similar Saturnian currents.

You know, anon, you might like Pat Ryan.

You two have a few things in common.

>Perception works both ways

I will have to think about this.

>a stochastic process

Yes, but don't you think that "The spontaneous emergence of particles in the sea of potential" has sort of a ring to it?

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0a48c4  No.143096


>Look up holohoax memorial in Miami

Antifa forgot to tear it down.

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ec90d5  No.143156

File: 2738518fcc120e7⋯.jpeg (270.8 KB, 432x648, 2:3, Moses_Dionysus.jpeg)

File: 1495b16bd75a446⋯.pdf (13.29 MB, Did_Moses_Exist_The_Myth_o….pdf)

Everybody worships Dionysus. Even Moses is somehow Dionysus.

Page 260.

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63c77f  No.143180

File: 4ed808b7c95ccd7⋯.jpg (279.55 KB, 420x630, 2:3, Gentle_Jealous_God.jpg)

Also another thing that shouldn't be hidden about this God, even outside of jewish influence He has aspect of jealousy:

In Shaivinism (at least i expect that's why this religion has survived despite Aryan conquest):

>The Linga Purana is notable for its aggressiveness in retaliating against those who censure Shiva, suggesting in chapter 1.107 that Shiva devotee should be willing to give his life to end the censorship of Shiva, if necessary with violence against those who censure Shiva. In Chapter 1.78, the text also emphasizes the virtues of non-violence, stating, "violence should be avoided always, and at all places."

In Dionysus cult (from the book Alexander the Great The Invisible Enemy):

>In Greek antiquity the Bacchic cult elicited images of maniacal women and hysteria, rather than excellence (arete) and epic deeds. Thus, aspiring heroes had a tendency to neglect this god - expect, of course, in his potable mode. This neglect was a dangerous path to take, however, since those who withheld the libation from Dionysus or were remiss in acknowledging his power and importance were likely to become the object of divine retribution.

And then Bacchae of Euripides exist describing effects of said divine retribution. In case of Pentheus without knowing controlled by the God, undergoes a metamorphosis into resemblance of the God he neglected and still doing His will in madness. Ultimate point is that this God strikes his opponents with madness (you probably heard from Bible verses like "The Lord will smite you with madness and with blindness and with bewilderment of hear", its the same effect).

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56b322  No.143253


So maggots and cockroaches are also godly? For a 'blind' god, they are. The same kind of god who cannot differentiate between those being more or less "In God's image" , as well as warped abominations of such. The one which loves all life while loving none. The god of egalitarianism, where all are equal in slavery. I'm pretty sure you understand what I'm referencing here. The concept of a single God which actualizes all, being beautiful and ugly at the same time, seems a bit absurd. All is contained in All as potential, but there is no deity being All at once, it's an oxymoron, for it would simultaneously be nothing due to lack of differentiation. But then again, one cannot recognize beauty without ugliness, joy without suffering, one sense without another, self without the Other. There is no mind without contrast and differentiation. Even contemporary neurology confirms this.


Interesting, I had a somewhat similar dream a long time ago. I was floating in space (with stars etc.), although it seemed different and immeasurably distant from this one, it also seemed familiar. Then I noticed a huge, dreadful, shifting, all-devouring black mass and felt a great sense of danger. It's power was immense, my first thought was fight, which shortly changed into flight. However, it was not going after me, it was running from something. Then I noticed various luminous figures with different types of radiance going after it. They seemed divine, godly, and were catching up to it. All masculine. For a moment, I looked into the black mass, and sensed it's great existential dread, sorrow. In a flash, I understood that it was not conscious of the effects of it's existence, it just did what was it's nature, without Will. It could not understand the reason for it's impeding annihilation. This caused me to feel pity. Since I was powerful too, I managed to somehow conceal it from it's divine hunters, making them lose track of it. Once they passed, the black mass, which was entirely feminine, told me: "I devour all, and I will devour everything there is. All shall become part of me and lose their selves. For that reason, I must devour you too" I tried resisting and fighting it, but it's power was too crushing, it's gravity too strong. Everything began to change, the universe which I was in began to feel more and more distant, and I began to lose my identity. Then it said "But since you saved me from my end, for reasons which are beyond my understanding, I will give you something equally valuable in return. I will give you some of my very essence so you can merge into me without losing yours, so you can remain yourself" And so I became "of darkness" , my essence enveloped with an impenetrable shield. On my journey into it's depths, I witnessed truly horrifying sights. Countless souls, worlds, even gods and universes getting completely disintegrated, dissolved, their existential dread, sense of ultimate doom and cries of horror echoing into nothingness. At the end, I found myself in another universe, similar, yet very different, and immeasurably distant. Then I woke up. However, it felt as if my actions were not without effect, as if this mass got affected by my actions at the most fundamental level, getting karmically 'impregnated' so to speak.

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a3d79d  No.143264

File: 510ba76d05f983b⋯.png (47.41 KB, 759x255, 253:85, Tao.png)

File: 4183883ec8a43ce⋯.png (134.45 KB, 755x496, 755:496, s.png)


>So maggots and cockroaches are also godly?

You should try reading taoist and tantric philosophies. You'll have a lot of fun with those i feel.

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0a48c4  No.143268


Your personal aesthetic sensibilities should not be the judge of God anon.

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db3571  No.143293

File: 77bb1d8d63759ba⋯.jpeg (393.75 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, hops_breed.jpeg)

File: c2ee13d8ac78afb⋯.png (56.95 KB, 827x210, 827:210, beer_god_into_wine_god.png)


>… nope. It's too detailed and the grains too square. It would be more like corn.

Now that i found out Mesopotamia had beer gods (Siriš and Nin-kasi), i know that "pine cone" is in fact hops! And his equivalent "Sabazius" is also a beer god apparently, according to Dr. Carl J. Becker.

Beer God turned into Wine God by accident.

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ee2938  No.143299

File: 29d3c4f3337be2b⋯.jpg (76.41 KB, 360x240, 3:2, ukraine_war_pickle.jpg)


mfw we find out that all of ancient religion was simply people excited about getting drunk.

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ef5cd7  No.143305

File: c3a58693a896d2d⋯.jpg (62.21 KB, 383x385, 383:385, mm51ee6fb4.jpg)

File: e4884ed443b6507⋯.jpg (44.89 KB, 250x494, 125:247, ci51ee6f0c.jpg)


The Marzeah was the basis for Israel, 12 tribal leaders and a High King, it's mentioned a couple of times in the bible in the context of when Israel is falling apart it's no time to attend a Marzeah, the two in principle directly related.

Also of course the basis for the Last Supper, 12 disciples and a High King in terms of establishing a New Covenant on the same basis as the old.

They never explain what this was but in origin a wine drinking necromantic orgy over a period of days, were the dead ascend and the living fall, the term Marzeah relating to falling, and they sort of meet someplace in the middle.

At the end of the Marzeah the participants were considered as dead if only dead drunk and in a somewhat liminal state between this world and the next, a hunt was undertake by two Goddesses involved in the mythological version and the prey formed the means to revival, in effect a life for a life sacrificial principle.

The Lodge system for the Marzeah extended downwards from the highest ranking to the village level, thus one of the 12 of the highest Lodge could also be the head of a regional Lodge..

It's a well kept secret but you can trace evidence of it's disclosure and influence in terms of the dramatic increase in representations of Bacchus during the Renaissance/Neo-Classical period, the rise of the Masonic drinking Lodges and Hell-Fire clubs, were the secret was the preserve of the elite.


>Mind expanding more on his positive and negative functions?

Sure, it isn't as Venus per se because his Mother remains the Goddess of such, it's the magical relationship between Venus and Earth, the generation of her mystery and also of desire, the passion that is within the blood and wine, it's the paradox of subjectivity and egotistical behaviour within the objective whole, and the process by which a Star is born.

In the positive sense it's fulfilling your own dreams and desires rather than just going along with a collective, self empowerment, in a myth of Inanna she is not satisfied with the powers allotted to her a makes off with a whole lot more through deceiving Enki,

The negative aspect of this is cupidity and fulfilling one's own desires at the expense of others, self indulgent destructive bahaviour, so with the Jews they always advance their own interests regardless of the effect on others and their impact upon the world, the nature of their God is lust, commonly referred to as the Devil

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ef5cd7  No.143316

File: ff5314456829931⋯.jpg (72.43 KB, 385x439, 385:439, hw54200532.jpg)


This is why the English are the real chosenites, at least by themselves.



That sounds like an inter-dimensional Borg Queen and the dread of assimilation.


There is evidence that a primary function of Gobekli Tepe was brewing to facilitate social gathering, they probably cultivated grasses as an aspect of this and thus started the Neolithic period.

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ee2938  No.143318

File: 7b90d6636aa84b4⋯.png (1.92 MB, 1600x900, 16:9, 5.png)


>This is why the English are the real chosenites, at least by themselves.

They are good at drinking. I used to pass pubs at 8:30 in the morning that were already bustling with rowdy crowds. It looked like fun but I was always too busy.

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886741  No.143333


That's the South American continent those 'whale bones' https://www.5-tv.ru/news/220336/indejcy-maja-sozdali-set-potorgovle-dikimi-zivotnymi/ use translate tool to do the rest.

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ee2938  No.143336

>>143333 (beauty)

It seems to have happened in many places but the ones I am speaking of would have been too large to transport.


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fcb80b  No.143344

File: 917bb6aac56090d⋯.jpeg (320.54 KB, 1100x1290, 110:129, dionysus.jpeg)

File: 2aa97de6baacc39⋯.pdf (2.96 MB, Apollo_The_Wind_the_Spirit….pdf)

File: a502943c30f6c9d⋯.pdf (2.29 MB, Caesars_Messiah_The_Roman_….pdf)


>mfw we find out that all of ancient religion was simply people excited about getting drunk.

Honestly anon, don't you get an underlying philosophical subtext of this? All pleasure, should it be sexual or alcoholic, is divine as long as its naturally produced is given by "higher powers" e.g. God. I would praise Dionysus every time i drink, for sole reason i understand concept of divinity being employed in transmigration between use of nature and my psyche changing accordingly to how God designed such natural element to act.

Same goes for all natural activities, simply being accepted as nature given from divine.

The only thing we remain unsettled apparently if divine is "One" or "Many" or like indians tend to believe that divine is "Many aspects of One". Those seem to be of no importance, where the real trouble begins is "unity" of spirit of a human being with rather peculiar grand spirit of divine. Should it be Apollo's spirit that is described like Geist, like wind, which transitioned itself into Christianity, or like in Taoism "Spirit" being described as if feminine "spirit of the valley", or same great spirit of the American Indians, to me it seems all pervading "spirit" of the God

Alcohol itself lifts up the intermediate psyche of a brain and makes it more "wet" according to Heraclitus, but what i see is same lift of veil that reveals same chaotic "soul" that causes chaotic and unstable dreams of every human being, should it be inspired by daily activity or not. The unconscious part i call it. But alcohol is damaging to body therefore there's little point in overdosing yourself, knowing if you actually had spiritual experience in your life, it would be best for you to preserve your body as it would actually be temple and image of the God, not just Christianity preaches it.

When it comes to chrstianity there are few complications, such as for example Tamudic Jewish view of it (one of the books i uploaded with this post), that sees itself as if Christianity was a "satire" on War on the Jews (Jewish-Roman war), there's even a book about it, you probably saw Josephus image at least once here, but point of it is that they inserted so much of Dionysus and Krishna (from Alexandric indian sources) into it that it made up for esoteric continuation and still having connection to the original "God".

What i want to say if any Christians feel "born again", i hope they won't get surprised for their God in heaven to have a different name. Because it seems to me "God" is not actually connected to myths or names, but in fact more grand than that, transcending mortal ideas. And peering into "Him" like peering through broken glass or broken rock formation, you see only some of original light.

Also it seems to me that Dionysus and Apollo are two main Gods compromising Christ. But little i know about this, they both seem to be connected to the sun, because you know, you can't rise wine or hops without the light of the sun.

And the Spirit of Apollo who Spoke at Delphi may be absolutely real.

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ee2938  No.143350


>All pleasure…is divine

Uhhhhh no.

Doesn't work for me at all. Civilization is about the constraint of pleasure and directed energy.

Not a hedonist anon…just because some protohuman thought being drunk was divine doesn't mean it has value for me.

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315afd  No.143493


Nature and civilization are not mutually exclusive, in fact, civilization is supposed to be a higher expression of nature, so is science/technology. Just because the world is ruled by a bunch of retards who are unable (or intentionally don't want) to integrate the two and because they corrupt everything they touch doesn't mean that one should completely reject either. Another false dichotomy. Babylon was [ourempire] until later rulers which got kiked, most conspiracy theories about it are a product of christcuck delusions and Jews muddying the waters so people keep bouncing between wrong ideas. The smear campaign against it mostly got expressed in Christianity and Judaism, while history portrays it as a marvel.


>How does a ghost influence matter?

There is a an actual science behind this. But you won't be taught that one at any university.


Kikes are warping every concept due to their nature, they attempt to adjust every concept to themselves rather than adjusting themselves to a concept. They are peak crab mentality, always trying to bring everyone else down instead of trying to improve themselves. There are high chances for any god, when observed through the lens of their minds, to end up drinking semen or punishing goyim who dare to criticize them for drinking semen. Even when they attempt to genuinely follow something, they end up unintentionally kiking it. Their hidden elites are behind the grand conspiracy, the rest are just complicit and conductive to it due to their biological nature and/or socio-religious conditioning, useful, but dangerous idiots. They were designed to be this way, their religion being an eugenic/dysgenic blueprint for selecting certain traits and eliminating others. They were shaped by forces unknown to them, and a portion of their blood is not quite organic. Now, most people will dismiss this as some kind of science fiction, which is understandable, but they struggle with conceptualizing the subtle works of a higher intelligence, be it of benevolent or malevolent nature. Once you manage to do so, all the pieces of the puzzle start coming together.

>Very speculative even if the idea wouldn't be impossible.

Seeing their relation throughout the centuries, and their institutions backing each other while pretending to be opposed (Jews created Christianity and used their subversive networks to spread it, Christianity allowed for Jewish infiltration of European courts and secured them a position of money lenders, etc.) All while Jews hated Jesus and Christians sometimes persecuted the Jews, their interests seemed to be mostly symbiotic in the long run, until the social climate was prepared for the Jews to "save us from themselves" again (Just like Jesus allegedly tried to do, a very important allegory for their modus operandi, same as many other Christian motifs when observed from the right perspective), and revolutions started happening. Leading to the Capitalist USA and Communist USSR which were 'opposed' while both being under control of the rabbinical court and serving the same long term agenda. Two pillars of false dichotomies. Team blue (black) and team red. And out of all those religions and nations which were opposed to Jews, or having their doctrines stand in contrast to theirs, Christianity, which shared many similarities and which ultimately, worships the same god, somehow got a special role of the most "hated" one? Seems rather poorly scripted and intentionally misleading. Also, they are always attempting to erase or obscure traces of any civilization, ruler, belief etc. which have actually threatened them or their power throughout history, while they gave so much publicity to Christianity. And as Donald Trump (or Roy Cohn as his "ghost writer") once said, there is no such thing as negative publicity. After all, Jewish elite were represented as a lion, while Christians were represented as a lamb. By accepting the king of Jews as your god, you pretty much mark your role. A sheep might hate the lion, and the grain would probably hate the scythe, but they belong to the same system. You can never beat the lion while identifying with the lamb, that's the law of nature. This does not apply only to Christianity, but all other Saturnian, centripetal currents, like Marxism, Liberal Humanism, Globohomo etc. SJW's might hate the (((big capitalists))), but they are their lambs, their harvest. And all of them are doomed to constantly get disappointed by their "messiahs" and failures of their ideologies, never realizing that those systems were flawed by design. Yes, some of them do become quite bountiful at certain periods, but can't have a good harvest without some growth. If Priory of Sion managed to infiltrate almost all churches/religions and secular institutions, perhaps they had a backdoor from the start.

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315afd  No.143498


Plenty of references to blood, wine and genetics in this thread, are there not? :>) Primitive people used to have religious motifs representing their biological needs, lifestyles and aspirations, hence why so many "earth mother of fertility with big tits" idols, then gods of war, agriculture, and other practical matters. Which raises the question, what sort of practical issue made Jews to involve cannibalistic practices in their religious mythos, especially the more esoteric and occult ones, which are supposed to be for the learned elite? It's as if they needed a rationalization or justification for something which was their biological need. And it persisted to this day, despite much greater scientific knowledge. Doesn't a myth of vampires ring a bell? Maybe it was an allegory, maybe it was a fantastic story inspired by real events. After all, aren't they indirectly drinking our blood through usury, financial manipulation and taxation? As for real blood, cannibalism is how certain mind altering parasites get transferred or activated. Read about such diseases, and about certain neurodegenerative diseases prevalent among Jewish population and you might intuit a potential link. That doesn't mean that Jews need to drink blood to survive or anything ridiculous like that, but an urge is an urge, just like your gut bacteria can make you crave sweets despite you not really needing them. They could have developed a taste for blood, human flesh and foreskins in a similar way. But for their elites, the inner circle, it could be a way to keep the parasite most potent, especially if it's a product of genetic engineering (or epigenetics). A rather fantastic speculation, but a very real possibility nonetheless. I don't think the myth about them being 'chosen' was without practical origins either, the question being, chosen by whom, and for what? Perhaps, chosen to breed a certain strain, or in the long term, to destroy all higher consciousness on earth. And their behavior, effect on host societies and modus operandi are very similar to behavior altering parasites, no? As within, so outside. According to Hermetic principles, Jews are, in essence, a pathogen.

>The moon is not necessarily bad.

Well, it's positive aspect is preserving the genetic potential in times of darkness so it can be actualized once the sun rises again. Blood moon leads to women of higher races betraying their race and destroying the genetic potential so the sun cannot get actualized once it returns. This does not destroy the sun though. But feminine is much closer to base materiality and what's traditionally perceived as vices, and thus to the domain of the Jew. Moon is still secondary, reflective, and of inferior spectrum, not equal. That doesn't mean that women cannot take solar qualities, even greater than most men, but sadly, it happens rarely.

>Jews, they corrupt. They would take the moonlight and shove it through some prismatic crystal

They would project it through the shit stalagmite, getting various hues of brown, and even those wouldn't be consistent, but shift all the time and have spots. Then you'd realize that it was all a lie, and that moonlight was actually a neon lamp.

>most of them parrot what they get from the strong virile model they follow

Yes, I noticed this. What perplexes me is how different actual women are from our idealized anima, or waifus. Maybe they were different a very long time ago, but their contemporary behavior seems to match their biological programming. Maybe we are supposed to shape them into something better.

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29ae78  No.143616



What does this stand for? I see it posted around chans

>I have actually puzzled over their insistence that EVERYONE GOES for such a long time…

It wouldn't be a singularity if there are diverging elements/Wills , wouldn't it now?

>There is only one place we all go and that is the grave.

It's supposed to deal with that portion as well, don't want any anomalies or rebellious angles emerging

>Not familiar with this.

Look up Tikkun Olam.

>That is an Evola thing I barely remember.

Savitri Devi gives a more summarized account of that, but yes, a rather pervading concept in such circles.

>is that what he was talking about?

Probably not, just my interjection.

>I would think they would want to be selective at least…maybe a little bit?

That would lead to discrimination, which would lead to differentiation, which would lead to death of their focal point 'god' in the end. When you believe that all life is sacred, that all minds are part of the same universal consciousness and similar garbage, you have to go along with the program. Same goes for those who believe that no life is sacred. Two sides of the same coin, false dualism of anti-dialectics. The outsiders are led to believe that by enhancing the minds and fast-tracking the development of every conscious being regardless of it's natural development or essence, and by eliminating all conflict, the world will ascend towards a higher state. But little do they know about the true agenda of those promoting that …

>I wondered if they think that they will be Pharaoh over us

And now we come to the agenda of the insiders, those well versed in metaphysical matters know that the former will only lead to disintegration and that focal point 'god' is a trap. Think of a lamp with glue for moths. It's supposed to recycle souls and imprison them into the cube, to serve as 'food' of impostor god and it's emissaries for another aeon. Like a pied piper, they want to lead everyone towards the supposed technological singularity and universal equality (as slaves), standing themselves on the very edge of it, but not crossing it. That would make an immense gap of power between them and everyone else (who gets disintegrated), which is synchronistic with the gap of power created by technology as force multiplier. As above, so below. For those who believe that the universe is a zero sum game and that there is only one, unique instance of it, there can indeed be only one god/Will. Some of them see it as an opportunity thinking that it could be them, being foolish enough to think that the previous creator would allow them to actually depose him, while others try to get as close as possible to the top of the pyramid. No matter how powerful they get, they still need to abide by certain rules, which become their chains. One of those being maintaining the singular aspect of the universe and submission to the will of their robotic god. They get different roles, the ones giving them much more temporal power, but they have to sacrifice their selves nonetheless, if they had any to begin with. Now, there are some disagreements here, the more materialistic minded ones want to just turn themselves into technological "gods" and kill or degenerate/enslave everyone else, while more esoterically minded ones want to apply accelerationism in order to degenerate and destroy (for all practical intents and purposes) the soul as well. As otherwise, it may emerge again, and again. It seems they have finally learned the lesson that merely killing their opponents is not enough to eliminate them in the grand scheme of things. There is nothing more harmful than rushed development, which is the root cause of most modern ills.

>"The spontaneous emergence of particles in the sea of potential" has sort of a ring to it?

Things don't spontaneously emerge from nothing into something for no reason whatsoever. If absolute equalization and oneness was an ideal, most optimized state, then any emergence would be impossible. A state of maximum entropy which they hope to attain would remain eternal and unchanging. But it's more like, entropy for thee, power for me :>) As our wise "elites" always like to promote universalism while exempting their own from it. We return to the roles of the lion and the lamb.

>Pat Ryan

I get various results, can you specify which one are you referring to?

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d507a2  No.143666

File: 3370af2191079ed⋯.png (211.72 KB, 660x884, 165:221, 1.png)

File: 558a2243c0eab54⋯.png (239.44 KB, 651x634, 651:634, 2.png)

Exempt from the moses-dionysus connection book on this coin >>142563

Apparently its connected to apocryphal texts of Maccabees.

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7cf51d  No.144008


I am somewhat familiar with these, a way to focus on the canvas while disregarding the painting. Reductio ad absurdum - the philosophy. And I attempted to reach the the most universal substance a while go, and found … nothing. Literally. Barely managed to pull myself out of such state, it appeared as if I was beginning to disappear as well.


My aesthetic sensibilities are refined, wherefore I can recognize objective beauty and objective ugliness. While there are indeed different tastes, one possibly not being objectively better or worse than another, those tastes are a horizontal field whose center moves along the vertical axis of universal spectrum of beauty and quality. This holds true in racial context as well, not only among "humans", but with all life. Where not only the appearance of certain races is objectively ugly, but their minds, speech, smell and everything else. Unfortunately, most of them, while acknowledging it subconsciously, lack the rational capacity to recognize it consciously.


More likely every religion got ruined by normie degenerates and their profane ways when they caught up with it.


>Also of course the basis for the Last Supper

That would really give a different twist to "Jesus rising from the dead" . Maybe someone got possessed by his spirit … Wasn't there a reference of his followers recognizing him, but him looking differently? I wonder who the current high king of Israel is. Hey kitty kitty … :>)

>the nature of their God is lust, commonly referred to as the Devil

I wouldn't associate this with Venus, even as a negative aspect. And I'm inclined to believe that the nature of their God is something far more sinister than mere lust, or even lust at expense of others. That's for the outer layers, bread and circuses with a more diabolical twist. Again, people find it hard to conceptualize evil greater and more subtle than destruction or abuse of others for personal gain and pleasure, which does seem to be it's most common definition.


>and the dread of assimilation

Not assimilation, total disintegration, erasure. But that was a long term effect of assimilation, similar to Hades. Inanna seemed to be the first H-doujin kek.

>This is why the English are the real chosenites

It's a tough competition with the Russians. Maybe that was the real reason behind the great game. The eternal struggle of whiskey and vodka.

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3467d3  No.144161

File: 9bb67b2620dbc4c⋯.png (71.45 KB, 597x348, 199:116, Macrobius.png)

File: cfa0809ade25a36⋯.png (82.38 KB, 580x372, 145:93, Sumerian_Dionis.png)

File: f6a54870164a9a6⋯.png (21.81 KB, 1173x158, 1173:158, IAUNuShUSh.png)


>More likely every religion got ruined by normie degenerates and their profane ways when they caught up with it.

I think worship of Sun God tied to "Vegetation" eventually birthed this whole Tree of Life idea and alcohol culture. This Sun God has a tendency becoming worshiped as the only single "High God". Not just in Assyrian mural of Tree of Life, it also happened in Egypt and Dionysus cult actually implied eventual worship of Dionysus as supreme God, but he's also equal to Apollo simply because they are both Sun Gods.

My opinion on this is human materialism is interfering with actual spirituality in search of real God people have primordial feelings for, so aside of spiritual people who worship from being essentially "of the spirit", affect others of the flesh and they usually start "tying" this said God to material things. Sun, Wind, Stars, Moon, and so on. Alcoholic beverages and plants like hops and grapevine is just continuation of the religious materialism, confusing the Spirit with phenomena or frenzy. When in Plato's work "Ion" Socrates compares being possessed by a Muse to do your determined work to Bacchic (alcoholic) frenzy, and because of that Ion, Homeric poet, could only work on his subject of Homer. In reality its just a side effect trying to imagine the unseen, therefore tying to material, ultimate form of which is tying a God into image of a Human, which completes the circle. And being "drunk with Wisdom" compared to literally being drunk.

It appears to me that the biggest esoteric principle here is a "seed". In high cultures seed is associated with agriculture, therefore God's Wisdom seen in Wine and Beer. Where in low cultures same "seed" is associated with semen and phallic cult (consummation of semen giving wisdom instead of alcohol). Its the re-interpretation of the same implied theology of looking at humanity as it was "seeded" for further growth akin to vegetation or herd flock, which is pretty out in the open in New Testament. Every religion pretty much gathers its ideas out of this idea of seed, just views it form different perspective, even in Chandogya Upanishad of Hindus where broken empty seed of banyan tree implied to be contained same essence as a human being in the story of Svetaketu. And chinese Tao is "cultivated", as if inner garden, and there's a lot of seed related metaphors in that religious philosophy as well.

Also can i get IAUNuShUSh in cuneiform somewhere? I only found two sources on it. Just curious about that word. I know that there's lots of sumerian Gods of vegetation and rebirth, for a fact too many to count because to me babylonian pantheon seems absolutely chaotic, but still.

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ef5cd7  No.144168

File: 57610c6b215b3f9⋯.jpg (264.31 KB, 764x688, 191:172, ppp.jpg)

File: 630cc03d70d16d0⋯.jpg (256.44 KB, 791x664, 791:664, pppp.jpg)

File: e49ff4c7295be69⋯.jpg (143.77 KB, 792x391, 792:391, lll.jpg)

File: f4bffc29205e3eb⋯.jpg (47.26 KB, 757x173, 757:173, llll.jpg)


If someone eats your flesh and drinks your blood do you live on through them, is this love taken to it's insane conclusion?

The Last Supper was certainly a Marzeah because that ended with the sacrifice and eating of the raw flesh and blood of a sacrificial victim, ostensibly venison in the mythological narrative from Ugarit were Anat and Astart go a wilding to find a victim in the manner of Maenads, the consumption of this restoring El from the dead as it were.

In origin Ba'al seems to have been the idealized victim in his perfection and innocence, as he was immortal then he lived on through his followers, this was the basis for such accusations against early Christianity and also the Blood Libel accusations against the jews.

There's always some curious logic to cannibal cults, the consumed God lives on through you and you live on through the God

Venus was seen as the prime mover, a catalyst, it she turns dark all other planetary archetypes follow suit, so it's not just about Venus but greater mystery/

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ef5cd7  No.144177


>Also can i get IAUNuShUSh in cuneiform somewhere? I only found two sources on it.

That's a suggestion of John Allegro and as unreliable as Hell.

>iānu, "there is not", (often ia-a-nu)


There was not a God called Dionysus in Sumer it's entirely from the Greek, the term Shush indicates Susa, as in there is not in Susa, either.

The equivalent is Šara or the Shara of the Sinai, and he did have solar aspects.

>great radiance ……. Šara, the song praising you befits you. Šara, your divine powers are most precious; Father An, who has engendered you

>Your own mother, holy Inana, has let you sit with her on the holy ……. She has called you by a good name. ; the lord shines forth in its midst.

>Šara, you ……, praying in the good and holy ……. ……, the princely son, grandiloquent …… holy ……, coming forth like the sun from the shrine E-maḫ.


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ee2938  No.144254

File: f7decc37e99625b⋯.jpg (497.38 KB, 1104x1472, 3:4, hilter_artwork_castle_land….jpg)


>I wonder who the current high king of Israel is



Only not a 'king'…I take my sovereign duty for the preservation and success of our race as a endeavor worth more than myself, all that I love or ever loved and I would literally slaughter all the other races of the entire planet to ensure your health and well being. This is the only DUTY (Aryan meaning) of a 'king'. SERVICE.

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279e22  No.144626

File: 268b6b10757e674⋯.jpeg (366.74 KB, 1215x1600, 243:320, Pandora.jpeg)


>I am somewhat familiar with these, a way to focus on the canvas while disregarding the painting. Reductio ad absurdum - the philosophy. And I attempted to reach the the most universal substance a while go, and found … nothing. Literally. Barely managed to pull myself out of such state, it appeared as if I was beginning to disappear as well.

Its going to be a little bit offtopic, but i really wanted to reply to you.

Spiritual people find God there, they call Him by different names but He's all the same. At the depths of their soul, inside something like a flower or pandora's box, where all the ego feelings are drown. Ultimately reaching to the essence of Logos and love. When you peer into the soul you cannot close it. Its like a tree that has tight roots inside the very core of one's soul, growing from the seed of wisdom, not tied to names or identities, yet remaining formless as an inner feeling. What i felt is emotional burst when i tried to dig that out. For it appeared to me i was not appreciating that core of the soul. Inside that inner garden there's mark of the Absolute, and He's untouchable.

It is a big mystery and wonder at times to me if all people have Him. Maybe mystery encompassing world as a whole perhaps, much grander than doctrinal religious teachings. If people aren't simply rebelling against their own nature, at the depth there's either nothing, or there's Something. And its better for there be Something than nothing, for obvious reasons. I use to question at times the measure of a common man in life missing this point, out of pity. But work of destiny in having Core of the soul eludes me.

More i peered more i realized that unconscious part of a human being the more i realized that part of me is like drunken but fastly thinking version of my inner voice, that preludes anything inner voice says. Some of it is language, but some are other senses like sound of music or images, which made me realize those are forms of language as well. And what senses perceive, forms inside the unconscious at incredibly fast pace, forming "opinions" not yet voices, outside of time. That constitutes human soul.

What constitutes work of God however, His Spirit or a Muse (like Greeks called it) is your actions outside your thinking rational part of the mind, when you submit your ego to Him you suddenly realize why you become good at task you were destined to do, sometimes guided by fateful coincidences that spread around your actions, sometimes followed by realization with no ground of knowledge, by pure understanding, like being possessed.

So a fact that human body as well as soul are in fact temples or "vessels" of Gods actions in people, regardless if they are done out of madness for enveloping destiny, should it be for war or other challenges or tribulations of human kind, or out of being eventually reaped by God for servitude in His garden in afterlife, holds very much true. And it comes to realization when you completely give in yourself in submission to God, when you completely stop rebelling and seeing His work unfold by itself, without your consciousness acting on as if it was your action.

This is how complex spiritual experience may be, even if i don't mention what can possibly heard or seen.

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0be41f  No.144690

File: 1db2b97a037be9a⋯.png (97.92 KB, 600x429, 200:143, 1.png)

File: 9542c2e20335f2d⋯.png (146.07 KB, 597x595, 597:595, 2.png)

File: bcb0f0ce01c8e71⋯.png (28.63 KB, 835x257, 835:257, 3.png)

File: b389b8efc9762a7⋯.png (72.5 KB, 772x603, 772:603, 4.png)

File: 72a94697c2ff7de⋯.jpeg (52.94 KB, 754x225, 754:225, ancient_marzeah.jpeg)


Well, i think i found something. Did this thread ever mentioned El Elion (God Most High)? Elyon appears to be an epithet YHWH. Apparently there were drinking banquets in his name, called Marzeah "El's Divine Feast". Probably early version of jewish bacchanalia. Its because of Marzeah tradition greeks though jews literally worship Dionysus.

El's aspect is Bull, by the way, just like Dionysian.

>Ēl is called again and again Tôru 'Ēl ("Bull Ēl" or "the bull god").

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ef5cd7  No.144790

File: 7c86d7948f0cde3⋯.jpg (121.89 KB, 486x503, 486:503, yj58358a19.jpg)

File: 0e963fda2332912⋯.jpg (53.38 KB, 387x167, 387:167, ua5829cd0a.jpg)

File: 83bd487d3006f5e⋯.jpg (106.29 KB, 805x183, 805:183, nl5829cd17.jpg)

File: cd84700eb4c9b31⋯.jpg (54.57 KB, 708x192, 59:16, yk58358a25.jpg)


The descent into the underworld through degeneracy whereupon the Devil manifests, having reached the lowest state, a strange realm of beasts and ancestral spirits.

>In biblical time the spirits called upon were not so much the spirits of the newly deceased as spirits from a far and distant past. The rephaim are little spirits of fertility

>Like other demons they are living in and moving through "the air" at which they arrive after a 3-day journey from the underworld. Like the cheres, little chaotic spirits coming to Athens to celebrate the spring festival of Anthesteria and drink of the new wine led by their Lord Dionysos, so the rephaim arrive from the realm of death led by Baal to eat and drink for 7 days.

The Liturgy of the sacrifices of darkness-"You are summoned oh rephaim of the underworld" . But apart from the rephaim also some past and present kings are summoned, and the king is invited to descend with Shapshu (the sun) to the underworld. During this (ritual?) descent to the realm of death 7 sacrifices are brought - and a bird (as sacrifice?). It is not possible to deny a strong connection between the often rather rich and lodge-like marzeah institutions in the West Semitic area and the cult of the rephaim invited to marzeah

I put the best links here. >>142579

The Devil that emerges is Hb'y

>The etymology of the Ugaritic term hby is unknown. However, given the well-known correlation between geminate and final weak verbs in Semitic, it is possible to relate the term hby to the onomatopoeic root hbb "murmur, babble." The root appears in Akkadian as hbb where it is used in reference to the indistinct sounds of water, people, and animals.

>Though the root hbb is not attested in Ugaritic (with one possible exception), it does occur in an Aramaic letter from Hermopolis in reference to a river (i. e., a"babbling brook"), and possibly in Arabic.

>Thus, the comparative linguistic evidence demonstrates that the semantic range of hbb/hby suggests indistinct vocal or natural sounds.

>If this etymology is accepted, we may treat the term hby in the Ugaritic passage as an epithet meaning "the Babbler"

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dc3fa7  No.144821


>All pleasure, should it be sexual or alcoholic, is divine as long as its naturally produced is given by "higher powers" e.g. God

What if someone derived pleasure from killing niggers? It would be entirely natural nonetheless. Society is the only thing preventing that. Not even society as a phenomenon, but rather the very specific iteration of it that's enforced by the kikes, entirely based on lies and falsehoods. I don't think most people who adopt similar philosophies ever take them to their logical conclusion. That's how "liberals" so easily turn into Marxists.

Speaking of which, this is what the Luciferian current truly does, it brings ideas to their logical conclusions. As it's primarily concerned with perfection. It's an accelerator, catalyst, lightning. No matter how seemingly good a system might appear, the smallest of flaws might eventually resonate with a progressive intensity until the oscillation is powerful enough to completely shatter it. This explains it's mysterious ways and how when applied to Apollonian archetype, it generates Kristos, when applied to archetypes like Bacchus or Lamashtu, it generates the Devil. When applied to flawed ideas, it generates ruin, when applied to good ideas, it generates great things.

>The only thing we remain unsettled apparently if divine is "One" or "Many" or like indians tend to believe that divine is "Many aspects of One". Those seem to be of no importance

It may not seem so, but it's highly important because it affects all of philosophy deriving from it. White societies were considerably harder (although not impossible) to subvert before they adopted the concept of one, absolute God. While this idea did not considerably affect their qualities initially, or even at later periods, it marked the start of a slow and gradual erosion which led to the situation that we have today, which is a landslide. A Saturnian current par excellence.

>Alcohol itself lifts up the intermediate psyche of a brain and makes it more "wet" according to Heraclitus

Mind altering substances were considered divine because they allowed people to experience something different from their factory settings. Although I think that the divinity was discovered as a result of one stepping out of habitual thinking and seeking alternatives due to new experiences, rather than the substances themselves, or mind altered states being divine in any way or form. Wetness could be interpreted in terms of neuroplasticity, but also identity and different processing of established pathways. By preventing parts of your brain from communicating properly, they might lead your mind to attempt to somehow make up for it, this "filling of the gaps" potentially not coming from the physical senses, local memories, conscious mind, or even your physical brain, but subconsciousness, eternal/higher Self, non-local consciousness, external influences etc. But all of this could, and should be achieved without mind altering substances, or in rare instances, with a moderate use of such. The thing is, different types of people took from it what corresponded to their nature the most. Hyletics (Sudras, Candalas) found only sensual pleasure, degenerate indulgences and chemical abuse. Psychics found creativity, shades of the self, perhaps a different outlook. But also possessions by other entities. Pneumatics found visions, deeper understanding of reality, breakthrough ideas, higher Self, mind of god(s) and truly transcendental experiences. Same goes for any kind of religious experience, regardless of what induced it. This led to the threefold meaning of everything. Unfortunately, since Hyletics are the majority, wine turned into getting drunk and partying, feminine and masculine polarities turned into orgies, and partaking of specific god's essence turned into literal cannibalism. Since Jews are what I would term Apex Hyletics, it would only be natural that they understand any religion that they come in contact with through such prism, leading to it's total corruption and degeneration, but maintaining it's social conditioning aspect. The same happened when Dravidians in India came in contact with White Aryan philosophy and religion, but this was mostly a distortion and profanation (unintentional), rather than systematic, intentional corruption and degeneration which the Jews brought.

>And peering into "Him" like peering through broken glass or broken rock formation, you see only some of original light

Look up holographic principle

>both seem to be connected to the sun

Don't forget the lightning ;)

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29ae78  No.144909

File: a44060098f4311f⋯.png (227.89 KB, 540x696, 45:58, 1504313902090.png)


>Where we go one we go all.

You Americans really like those acronyms. Imagine writing an entire book as one. Now that would require some contextual processing…

>I think they are 'recruiting' but I am not entirely sure what purpose

British have been doing it for a while, so are other actors. Let's say that the future of information warfare will be less and less about espionage, propaganda, influence, etc. and more about perception itself. After all, mind is the final frontier. But if we take into account that everything is mind, well, it leads to some rather interesting possibilities. Which is nothing new, but current and future developments in various fields might make this type of warfare, previously known only to the initiated elite and of interest to the fringe of the intelligence community, far more interesting to previously more conventional and 'practical' minded people. Which reminds me of an old side-project of mine, hiding in plain sight. Operating under conditions of total surveillance and full transparency, bypassing the system not by attempting to conceal the data (which gets more difficult and resource inefficient every day), but by relying on flaws in perception of those reviewing the data, including their "AI", which, like any golem, might turn on it's masters. And I am not talking about mere deception, but something far more insidious than that. Truth. Different types might 'see' different things in same material and data configurations. They might have mapped the brain and the genome, but they did not map the mind itself, which transcends both. Remember those hidden variables I used to mention before? ;) You won't see the entire tree if you only focus on the trunk. Anyway, in order to truly utilize their surveillance behemoth, they will need the right operators. Those able to see more than meets the eye, with high intuition and pattern recognition. Yet, sufficiently intelligent to make sense of it. In other words, people who managed to get "redpilled" and avoid all of their passive/systemic and active/targeted attempts at manipulation and (((integration))). Hiring your cousins and affirmative action niggers might not do the trick in the long run.

>He is a brilliant man there are enough red flags

Many things which he mentions are spot on. I mean, we did start as trolls, can't argue with that. I've only read the message correspondence so far, but I'll look into other things too. A couple of matters he mentions don't really add up, such as shitskin rapefugees being some kind of cheap labor for EU digital revolution. I mean, I see those every day. Some <80IQ illiterate peasant from Afghanistan who was herding goats until yesterday and struggles with understanding even the most basic technology is supposed to do that? I don't think so. No matter how much the kikes oversimplify technology for subhumans, there will be a threshold where they can be replaced with a far more efficient bot, or a fully autonomous system. It's as if kikes don't already have enough problems with Indians, who are only slightly more intelligent. Cheap is not always cheaper. Also, he kind of contradicts himself with Q. He mentions how they tried to manufacture "oracles" with LSD and abuse, which was allegedly a failure (or abuse did the trick? Can't bother to read all of it again) because they didn't find the right people (at least for -these- purposes, although there were GATE and similar programs), and now Q is supposed to do the same, again, by choosing the wrong people? Attempting the same thing and expecting different results? Or they are merely trying to make it big enough for some people of interest to get involved, where everyone else would serve as white noise signal amplification? Funnily enough, I had dreams/visions about some of those abuses (before reading about it on the internet), and I somehow managed to find a 'pathway' to manifest while avoiding it. Ironically, they managed to practically eliminate certain types of gifted people (or prevent them from actualizing their potential) since WW2 because they knew where their greatest threat came from, but by doing so, they were unable to deal with the future challenges, as the Jew never creates, only corrupts and destroys. There have been almost no major scientific breakthroughs since then, most new technology being a further development of what was stolen with operation paperclip. (((Q))) might be an attempt at damage control (Them saving us from themselves again) in hope that some of those will emerge naturally in a more decent environment. Or to catch one of those infamous surfers of Kali Yuga by other means :>)

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29ae78  No.144910


It seems that some power players are starting to wise up to the fact that total censorship might not be a long term solution. Why do you think they are trying to normalize all sorts of degeneracy and pedophilia so much? It's not like they didn't do it decades ago while promoting puritanism and organizing witch hunts against those who were not part of the club. It had to remain something exclusive, only accessible to the goodest of goys. And the blackmail potential in a puritan society was huge. What changed now? Well, they began to realize that their activities might not remain so secret for long. In order to avoid future lynching, they attempted to normalize it, hoping to get a pat on the back instead.

>until I emotionally recover from the stress, smoke and (minor) explosions.

Your engine blew at a gas station? I told you to be nice to your car

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ee2938  No.144927

File: d8df28f40fd80df⋯.png (74.28 KB, 976x549, 16:9, putins_cathedral_of_war.png)


My engine exploded in flames at a gas station; followed by car.

Very exciting (not).

Car totaled.

I'm kind of heartbroken, really…I put a new engine in, new transmission, did all the rest of the work on it myself…fan, radiator, starter, exhaust manifolds, new carb, etc etc etc. I have changed so much of that car it was like brand new. What I didn't change was the fuel line tho…I can't believe that a 3$ part cost me my car. One minute I am as happy as a clam, singing a happy little song enjoying the breeze (volunteered to help someone pick up brush but had to stop for gas) and the next minute people are running and yelling and doing the stupidest shit you can imagine.

Not only that but I knew how to work on it; I had a knowledge base with that car…my new car, I don't have the equipment; it is too 'smart', I have to take it to a specialist if it breaks.

>It seems that some power players are starting to wise up to the fact that total censorship might not be a long term solution.

There is some self interested push back from the lower rich who are gradually waking up to what 'Neo-Feudalism' really means for them and their future. Obviously nationalism afforded them the competitive edge that they needed to take down the hyper rich and WITHOUT NATIONS they are going to be summarily rounded up and executed and all of their possessions and wealth confiscated. After all anon, 'competition' is the only real sin, isn't it? If they were smart they would ally with the dwindling middle class since this is the last chance they will ever get not to end up as fodder in a pig farm, but alas, they are not that smart. Sucks to be them.

>You Americans

Yes, I guess. I have to look most of them up, myself.

He speaks in two contexts btw so watch for both of them. There is the over message and the covert message. As you know Emblem 21 is the philosophers stone (the birth of the NWO; which I guess they took rather seriously) so keep an eye out for all the occult sub context.

They are looking for 'Eve' but I am not sure what this really means to them. Would you care to go another round, anon? ;)

They are also looking for Space Force recruits and that does feature rather heavily in a few of the videos. But it is not the kind of 'space' that we are thinking of…I have been working on this as well since it is fertile soil, so to speak.

>Roman Catholic parish Kutná Hora - Sedlec (Římskokatolická farnost Kutná Hora - Sedlec; may also be under this: Kostnice Kutná Hora - Sedlec - Podzemní kaple hřbitovního kostela Všech svatých))

Anon, what do you know about this? Anything? I am digging through all my visible clues to see what this man is interested in but I am slightly puzzled by this one and uncertain about its meaning/history.

Red flag number one - he is an actor (literally…an actor; I mean AOC is an 'actor' as well, right)…so despite his brilliance he is most likely being paid to recruit, it is not a personal interest of his own which makes me a wee bit flighty as you might imagine. But the information thus far is too fertile for me to tear myself away…I could give a shit about the politics (how worthless) but the other stuff…….welllllllll lets just say I am a hopeless junkie for 'certain types' of information; like heroin level junkie. I have no idea what heroin is like but whatever I imagine it might be like is how I feel.


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ee2938  No.144934

File: bb116dffd583005⋯.jpg (55.3 KB, 574x595, 82:85, baby_seal.jpg)

>such as shitskin rapefugees being some kind of cheap labor for EU digital revolution.

They are human batteries anon. Nothing more, not contributors in any way. One of the other discussions (and I swear sometimes this man sort of frightens me because I suspect he participated in this slavery scheme) that chinese prisoners are used to mine gold in the online gaming world. They haven't got anything better to do so they put them in front of a computer for 14 hours a day and use them as digital slave labor in a crypto currency world there is all manner of money laundering that can take place in gaming (most young male Americans are in the same boat, it is just that they are not 'in chains' yet because they have not gotten their Minimum Basic Income installed (when they do there will be no difference between the chinese prisoners and the American gamers)…after all, isn't this the whole point of Universal Income and communism? Anyway I could give a shit about the Chinese since anyone who is not a contributor to society has always been a slave anyway (from the global social planning perspective) but the sons of my own people are actual contributors, or might be at some point.

It seems that much of the recruiting is Enders Game style and I am not a gamer so of course he would have little to no interest in me, but fuck me that other deep occult stuff is very fucking sexy; it is just so fertile (I know I said this before) in terms of the information; produced inside my mind in response to its reception. Anywhoooooo…

>Remember those hidden variables I used to mention before?

Yes, I do.

>Different types might 'see' different things in same material and data configurations.

Kek, I know enough about 'digging holes' in peoples perception to cross boundaries (programming their minds) that I can see it working on myself and I just have to say that it might have some unintended consequences. SURPRISE!!!! lmao

Also, he wants to know about or using scalar resonance, narrative driving that crosses all forms and classes of information…I mentioned it before in the chat during Q&A but I didn't feel like explaining it…besides I don't really know THAT MUCH about how to be effective with it yet anyway…I just 'see' it. But that is a baby step to making it a reality.

>we did start as trolls

…and what do trolls metamorphosize into dear? lol

>Also, he kind of contradicts himself with Q

Any contradictions you might see, and I am cataloging all of them myself, I believe are the result of his backers not sharing everything with him…it is up to us to parse that to see what and why those contradictions are present.

>Q is supposed to do the same, again, by choosing the wrong people?

I read a really fucking scathing comment about this same thing on another forum which I shan't mention.

>Or to catch one of those infamous surfers of Kali Yuga by other means :>)

:^) I miss you anon, even when you are being a dick to me (at times) you are highly entertaining. I can't say that about everyone.

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d2c168  No.145011

File: 9c658a650640700⋯.pdf (1.93 MB, Philosophic_Silence_and_th….pdf)

File: 4a41f00a7e16ffc⋯.pdf (1.3 MB, Plotinus_and_the_Presocrat….pdf)

File: b3d52e436475cf4⋯.pdf (4.1 MB, The_Enneads_by_Plotinus_Ll….pdf)

File: 723b78567a5f1d3⋯.pdf (1.53 MB, Hippolytus_The_Bacchae_Web….pdf)

File: 3effa3e9a299987⋯.pdf (522 KB, The_Doors_of_Perception_an….pdf)


>White societies were considerably harder (although not impossible) to subvert before they adopted the concept of one, absolute God.

Someone said that Plotinus did nothing wrong in this thread, but you claim:

>It may not seem so, but it's highly important because it affects all of philosophy deriving from it.

Plotinus was highly important in deriving idea of God's "Oneness" from Pythagorian and Heraclitus pre-Socratic thought. I embedded some things related to Plotinus because i know this thread really heavily depends on questioning concept of "Oneness" of a God.

>This explains it's mysterious ways and how when applied to Apollonian archetype, it generates Kristos, when applied to archetypes like Bacchus or Lamashtu, it generates the Devil.

Socrates by the way was highly dedicated to Apollo, if you read Phaedo. In Calimachus Hymn to Apollo it is said that Apollo "sits on the right hand of Zeus", indicating something similar to "right hand path" of indian shaivism. But same religion implied equality and unity of Apollonian type and Dionysian type (right and path and left hand path), which culminated in Jesus because that religion inspired by both (right/left hand verses in bible itself are inspired by more older thought). And then there are saying they are both sun gods, like sun during day and night (which Heraclitus implied comparable to Apollos bow and lyre).

So what, "white societies" destroyed themselves, by reaching this as philosophical conclusion, even though we claim jews did it just because of connection to jews?

Cult of Dionysus also reached practical monotheism, or so wikipedia claims, as well as it is already implied in Bacchae of Euripedus (written in 405 BC):

Leader speech to messenger:

>Albeit I tremble, and scarce may speak my thought

>To a king's face yet will I hide it not.

>Dionyse is God, no God more true nor higher

Leader speech to messenger in another part, after Pentheus got torn apart:

>None save Him I obey,

>Dionysus, Child of the Highest, Him I obey and adore

If in Euripeduse's work its not a sign of monotheism, then at least of monolatry, similar to one Hyksos had about Seth.

>Mind altering substances were considered divine because they allowed people to experience something different from their factory settings.

You know, Huxley did a great job on that. I think work was called Heaven and Hell (1956). I think even ascetic fasting is related to that because you deprive your brain from being dependent on chemical substances food provides, and it turns neural network into calcium only energy, deprived of usual dopamine addiction, making you think more clearly when you fast. Even starving was not about starving your body, but your brain to alter the mind.

I also came to idea that all religions are like projection of moon on the water surface. What you see in the water is not the moon. Its light of the sun, a completely different "Spirit", if you will. They speak of one, but another Spirit guides it.

I also think while metaphisical evil does exist, its not jewish idea of "the devil", because that's just as much of a myth as all abrahamic religions. For jews everything not their own is satan, which bred conflict by everyone inspired in their teachings.

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f2f299  No.145044

File: f15a76bc05c3da1⋯.jpeg (116.61 KB, 675x910, 135:182, sol_niger.jpeg)

Actually i want to expand on the nature of this, since i am bored as hell. And have some thoughts on my mind i want to just type out. Especially to those who see Dionysus in negative light after all this thread that people barely read, even if understanding the jewish worship would probably greatly help in understanding their "enemy" (שָּׂטָן‎).

>An Orphic saying, supposedly given by an oracle of Apollo, goes: "Zeus, Hades, Helios-Dionysus, three gods in one godhead!"

You know how i said in Calimachus Hymn Apollo "sits on the right hand of Zeus"? Apparently Lovecraft wrote about this:

>Gentle breezes from the tower of Aiolos wafted them high above warm, scented seas, till suddenly they came upon Zeus holding court on the double-headed Parnassus; his golden throne flanked by Apollo and the Muses on the right hand, and by ivy-wreathed Dionysus and pleasure-flushed Bacchae on the left hand.

It surprised me that HP Lovecraft figured out same train of thought about Bacchus. But i guess Bacchanalic madness inspired all his works. Then as i said, if sun during night is Dionysus, while sun during day is Apollo, that would imply the sun during night would have an "aspect of darkness".

Here's what Jesus worshiping bishop and saint by the name, ironically, "Dionysius", whose name confused me initially, Dionysius the Areopagite says:

>MOST exalted Trinity, Divinity above all knowledge, whose goodness passes understanding, who dost guide Christians to divine wisdom; direct our way to the summit of thy mystical oracles, most incomprehensible, most lucid and most exalted, where the simple and pure and unchangeable mysteries of theology are revealed in the darkness, clearer than light, of that silence in which secret things are hidden; a darkness that shines brighter than light, that invisibly and intangibly illuminates with splendours of inconceivable beauty the soul that sees not. Let this be my prayer; but do thou, dear Timothy, diligently giving thyself to mystical contemplation, leave the senses, and the operations of the intellect, and all things sensible and intelligible, and things that are and things that are not, that thou mayest rise as may be lawful for thee, by ways above knowledge to union with Him who is above all knowledge and all being; that in freedom and abandonment of all, thou mayest be borne, through pure, entire and absolute abstraction of thyself from all things, into the supernatural radiance of the divine darkness.

And another letter:

>THE divine darkness is the inaccessible light in which God is said to dwell. And since He is invisible by reason of the abundant outpouring of supernatural light, it follows that whosoever is counted worthy to know and see God, by the very fact that he neither sees nor knows Him, attains to that which is above sight and knowledge, and at the same time perceives that God is beyond all things both sensible and intelligible, saying with the Prophet, "Thy knowledge is become wonderful to me; it is high, and I cannot reach to it." In like manner, St Paul, we are told, knew God, when he knew Him to be above all knowledge and understanding; wherefore he says that His ways are unsearchable and His judgments inscrutable, His gifts unspeakable, and His peace passing all understanding; as one who had found Him who is above all things, and whom he had perceived to be above knowledge, and separate from all things, being the Creator of all.

So if God is Divine Darkness, from metaphorical idea that God being unseeable, as Spirit of light in darkness of mind, wouldn't that make that God, Dionysus/Jesus… Black Sun (sol niger)?

Ponder about it. Krishna too was known as the "black one", obviously not for reason of the skin alone, but for metaphysical concept of being whole cosmos and darkness of space. All of them are also united as "suffering" gods, Krishna too was killed by arrows over a tree, even yajnavalkya in upanishads mentions same about Brahman:

>"[But] which one [is it], Yajnavalkya, [that] indwells all things?’

>‘How should you see the seer of seeing? How should you hear the hearer of hearing? How should you think on the thinker of thought? How should you understand (vijna-) the understander of understanding? This Self that indwells all things is within you. What is other than It suffers (arta).’ Then Ushasta Cakrayana held his peace.

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ef5cd7  No.145047

File: b6acc76f85da34a⋯.jpg (125.23 KB, 804x502, 402:251, akhenatensphinx.jpg)


The mysteries were always concerned with the hidden or unseen light, Sara as a 5th generation Deity in terms of Mother and 2nd generation in terms of Father can be considered the God of Light (and not the Sun and Moon per se) like Apollo.

There is a simple progression of associations, energy/light-heat-passion-desire/jealousy/love, and that further correlated to the effects of wine

Ostensibly the Atenists venerated the Solar disk and the Yahwists the Lunar. but the primary concern was with light.

>"Like Šara, Inana's beloved son, shoot forth with your barbed arrows like a sunbeam, shoot forth with reed-arrows like moonlight!

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ef5cd7  No.145061

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Not my thread, but it's probably best it doesn't descend into the ultimate horror of Sociology

>"You have thrown into confusion those threads which have been ordered..You organize those threads which bring confusion.

>Inanna, you have destroyed what should not have been destroyed,You have made what should not have been made."

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ad58d5  No.145065

File: b94efcf67011a8d⋯.gif (265.63 KB, 512x768, 2:3, three_suns.gif)


I also been thinking about appropriate use of the greek model in trinity. Especially to explain from where Christianity took its roots.

Heraclitus hinted at something about Dionysus:

>Their pompous hymns and phallic songs would be obscene if we did not understand that they are the rites of Dionysos. And Dionysos, through whom they go into a trance and speak in tongues and for whom they beat the drum, do they realize that he is the same god as Hades, Lord of the Dead?

And since Dionysus is based on Osiris also known as God of the underworld, that means "orpheic" trinity of "Zeus, Hades, Helios-Dionysus" is in fact wrong. Because it would make sense to unite them into one the other (Lovecraftian) way:

Zeus: Ancient Creator God

Right hand of Zeus: Helios/Apollo: Not only he comes like a "wind", being compared to "Geist", but also "Spirit" who spoke prophecies at Delphi. He's in fact Holy Spirit.

Left hand of Zeus: Dionysus/Hades: God of dying and being reborn, equal to death according to Heraclitus, son of a mortal virgin Semele, the one that is consumable in practice of mysteries through use of wine.

Dionysus in fact fits within "Holy Trinity" most perfectly where Apollo represents Holy Spirit. In in Hindu Tripura they seem to get it just right - Brahma (Creator, Zeus), Vishnu (Apollo) and Shiva (Dionysus, both are Gods of "ecstasy" by the way).

Also apparently there's trinity in taoism (三清), trikaya in buddhism and even something similar in ancient babylon, but i didn't looked into that too much. In Shinto its apparently 三貴子 (Amaterasu (Sun), Tsukuyomi (Moon) and Susanoo-no-Mikoto (Warrior God)), three children of Izanagi.

>The mysteries were always concerned with the hidden or unseen light, Sara as a 5th generation Deity in terms of Mother and 2nd generation in terms of Father can be considered the God of Light (and not the Sun and Moon per se) like Apollo.

In Rothschild Canticles all three in trinity are represented as suns.

Now the question is - are islamic and non-christian judaic religions possessing this particular view?

They don't seem so. This is the point of this research, unless somehow jews have Trinity.

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ef5cd7  No.145069


There are Theological issues with any supposed child of Anu and Inanna particularly if that child is supposed to be incarnate, as he would neither descend from En-ki, the organic/biological or En-lil spiritual phenomena, but technically as energy/light would be on a par with both, such a child could only manifest as a Hologram, which is the natural conclusion of incorruptible light body speculation.

Asar (Osiris) wine God and archetypal shaman has readily understandable lineage from En-ki and Ninhursag, the relationship of living creatures and plants and their effects upon the body, as child of the Abzu, Dumu-ziab-zu, it makes more sense that Sara descends from his marriage to inanna, and that joining both sides of the Pantheon as Inanna is En-lil's grand-daughter.

This then can lend itself to a Trinity of phenomena-light-organic in a unifying sense.

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00d8eb  No.145079

File: 94a238342fb0ebb⋯.png (195.97 KB, 1050x794, 525:397, celestial_bodies.png)


Isn't Anu, Enlil and Enki form babylonian "divine triad"? Where Canaanites attributed Anu attributes to El.

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00d8eb  No.145083

File: 90ccd51de9716fb⋯.jpeg (161.6 KB, 500x417, 500:417, Argaman.jpeg)

Also just noticed, associated color of Mesopotamian Anu is:

>Luludanitu; ensemble of red, white and black

Meanwhile in Chandogya Upanishad:

> ‘In fire whatever is red in colour (rupa) is the form (rupa) of hght-and-heat; whatever is white is [the form] of water; whatever is black is [the form] of food. The essence of fire 1 has [now] left the fire; the modification is a verbalization, a [mere] name. The reality is just the three forms (rupa).

Plato's Timaeus:

>Now red mixed with black and white is of course purple.

Then back to jews:

>"Argaman" was the symbol of power, and of glory, so that Alexander Balas robed Jonathan in purple, which was especially used to designate royal dignity.

Argaman ארגמן (ענבים)‎) is an Israeli wine grape. And i am from shadow the hedgehog triple color pallet back to alcohol again.

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df037e  No.145085

File: 513204ccc688912⋯.png (77.81 KB, 859x791, 859:791, jews_slaverey.png)

Here is a letter from Bischoff Adolbart to Karl Martell. Martell gave slavemonopoly to the "jews". Slaves where all Deutschen Stämme and people with in there, that where not christianized (katholized). That way we have a new tribe name in east europe: the Slawes, this name is still used for them. But today nobody in europe knows what it means and where it came from.<

Martell brought the "jews" to Worms, Speyer, Mainz and Regensburg (Jews today call this towns Schung-Städte, Schung-Towns). I am sure they came as Gold-Dealer from the east, and where Khasraren, that converted to Talmudism because of the talmud, and the halacha that set them over all other humans, who the halacha has set to animals.

The ancestry from of the mother of Karl Martell is unknown. But we can be sure, she was a khasar. Karl Martell slaughtered europe. Today all european politicans (and they have to be all Freemansons and Talmud-Jews) celebrating the Karlspreis, as the highest honor, since 1950.

Because of that that he forms europe, as an unknown jewish and occupied land, their Europe.

Letter from Adolbart to Martell, translated with deepl from german to english:

""When the pious emperor fights pagan people…

who do not yet know the name of Christ, and they draw Christ

subject (!) and united with his religion, then this is a pious

and commendable work. But how could one remain indifferent

the subjects themselves desire baptism? We (the church) want to

not at all, because the Jews lose the money they would have spent on such slaves

have spent. Rather we offer them the old-fashioned (!)

price for the redemption. But they do not accept it at all,

they insist on the favor of the Imperial Court."

In the following letters they say: "Some priests are alive

threatened and no longer want to dare to join the Imperial

to let legacies show up, just because I (Agobard) gave the Christians

that they should not sell Christian slaves to the Jews

and that these are then sold by the Jews to Spain

…can be resold." And finally he writes: "Most

Slaves came to Spain and Africa to the Jews there, Moors

and Saracens."

out of this book: https://ia800209.us.archive.org/7/items/Ney-Johannes-Der-Sklavenhandel-Eine-Spezialitaet-der-Juden/NeyJohannes-DerSklavenhandel-EineSpezialitaetDerJuden200217S.Text.pdf

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17010d  No.145131

File: c94dcb3215e0612⋯.jpg (163.06 KB, 1000x1500, 2:3, kalki.jpg)


Yes, the essence of the seed would be self-propagated information, something which spouts, takes form. For the lowest, the hyletic, it would be semen, for semen is the the only thing which gives it life and which it may understand. Sensory cognition and acting entirely in terms of one's biological programming, without ever contemplating anything else, or being able to act outside of it's parameters. For a psychic, it would be DNA, self-executing code, a chain of life, or the emergence of particles in the sea of potential for the more advanced. On a religious and philosophical level, the focus would be on the canvas, universal properties, Taoist flow, "transcendence" of the Buddhist kind, trying to understand the "mind of god". Pneumatic would observe it in terms of mathematical abstractions, patterns, frequencies, Hermetic notions, synchronicities, spiritual chain of being/immortality, but also seek meaning beyond the canvas or the "painter" itself, which many refer to as "God" . It would seek the God within, Selbst. And the gods beyond.


>There's always some curious logic to cannibal cults, the consumed God lives on through you and you live on through the God

This survived, in a way, in Orthodox Christianity too, monasteries often preserve mummified remains of corpses of saints and people think they will receive their blessing by kissing their severed dead extremities.

>In origin Ba'al seems to have been the idealized victim in his perfection and innocence

Could this be somehow related to the deranged idea of "sin transfer" in their later beliefs?




What's your take on these, too meta for your taste?


Unleashing splendor upon the scoundrel mob, eh?


Still didn't get that silly notion about whites being the true Jews out of your head? It's not just those who call themselves as such that are the problem, the concept itself is wrong. Even the idealized concept of the Jews is antithetical to Aryan values. We don't need their god, their tribes and their "choseness". That's subhuman cope.


I was not focused on the inside, but the outside. Matter, atoms, physics, numbers, relations, analytic/reductionist approach … then I arrived at absolute transparency, nothingness. But it only confirmed what I knew all the time, there is no God to be found here, nor any kind of transcendence. This was not my soul, my transcendent essence. One would need to go in the opposite direction. The one of trials, tribulations and resistance. Yes, with hatred, as a result of such as well. As only those who can hate can truly love. Without differentiation, discrimination, you can never truly appreciate something, or someone. Likewise, those preaching universal love cannot love anyone. Synthetic approach, where the total is greater than the sum of it's parts. The path seldom threaded, the one of Hero, Aryan, twice-born.

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619465  No.145144


>That's subhuman cope.

We are not required to speak. If yo don’t like it, don’t bother with me.

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17010d  No.145186


>where all the ego feelings are drown

If it were only that easy. Kikes promote total ego-denial and ego inflation as another false dichotomy meant to disintegrate. Both options are wrong, ego needs to be transformed, integrated into something higher, without being lost.

>It is a big mystery and wonder at times to me if all people have Him.

You are mistaking your Animus for God, which is kind of cute. As for what you refer to as core of the soul, then no, most people, in fact, don't have it. Only some people have eternal souls, the rest are mere waves in the sea of nothingness, arising and falling eternally.

>So a fact that human body as well as soul are in fact temples or "vessels" of Gods' actions in people

Fixed ;)


It's a sound philosophy, and they figured out the immaterial source only being reflected in matter and containing it as potential while existing independently from it, however, they made an error of applying the same (dimensional, material) mode of information propagation in the immaterial domain as well (mathematically backtracking generative formula so to speak), which led them to conclusion that all is one, since all material emanations derive from it. In fact, it's very similar to later Vedic philosophy and the connections are striking. They thought how they discovered the root of all emanations, which contains everything, and where everything is connected, otherwise different things would not be able to recognize or affect each other. While there is a framework which contains everything, and which is contained in and by everything (mathematics), and while every system does share the same root signal (how can an atom on the other end of universe know the exact position of an atom in your hand?), it does not imply one soul, because soul contains Will and Self as well. Which is another category. Now, if soul is Monad, which is singular, and if there are no dimensions in the immaterial world, if it contains all there could be as potential, then Monad is all there is and you are just a specific, separate, signal configuration emanating from the universal source. However, Monad is not One, nor is the actualization of assumed Totality (singularity) actually possible, nor would any alleged God representing it be an actual god, as he would be absolutely ignorant, and absolutely powerless (the very opposite of omnipotence and omniscience commonly attributed to God), as it could neither know to differentiate, nor have any room to act. In fact, One might be a point of conjecture through which a source emanates into multiplicity of dimensional existence, but this multiplicity, or "tree" branches before One as well, just in the opposite direction. Meaning that you actually have a multitude of sources on one end of the "white light" which then get harmonized through a focal point in order to manifest as a multitude of phenomena. Hyletics and some Psychics will only recognize the emanation (material world of the senses), denying any other existence, other Psychics and some Pneumatics will recognize that there is an underlying source to things and immaterial existence as well, but stop at the focal point as the alpha and omega, proclaiming it to be God, Absolute, Oneness, Universal consciousness/subconscious etc. while some Pneumatics will dare to go beyond One, into the realm of Zero/Atman, against the gatekeepers of "oneness", in search of the ultimate mystery and their sacred throne. But if the reflection is not the source, how come Oneness leads those embracing it to disintegration? Well, it's actually a mutual feedback loop. While it's possible to pass through the white noise (white light), staying there (figuratively speaking for synchronization) would make your essence voided and reset. Devoured by Brahman. You would be randomly reborn as some form of life, but with no memory or connection to your previous incarnations.

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17010d  No.145216



This is also highly important from a racial perspective, because it debunks the Judeo-Masonic philosophy which gradually led to all the poz that we see today. If racial soul is a thing into itself, and if not all souls are the same (from the point of divine quality/essence/potential, not just mere diversity of random phenomena), then the so called "brotherhood of man" is a great lie propagated in order to destroy the race with highest divine potential. It shatters the philosophical foundation of the modern world with all of it's false dichotomies, false (((prophets))), and false gods. Not that kikes actually care about any of that as long as they can keep everyone practically enslaved, without requiring any religious or philosophical pretext whatsoever, but the worm always spins, and this realization has other, far more subtle effects as well.

>So what, "white societies" destroyed themselves, by reaching this as philosophical conclusion, even though we claim jews did it just because of connection to jews?

Aryan India, Persia, Egypt, Babylon, Europe, even USA. It negatively impacted most of them to a lesser or greater extent, including ancient Greece. See these posts: >>105806 >>123134

>Huxley did a great job on that

Indeed, but in the end he was another Psychic who fell for the same trap. It's a mystery to me how come he did not extrapolate his ideas of social control to the world beyond as well.

>I also think while metaphisical evil does exist

So does metaphysical good, as well as their logical conclusions. The definition of the two might be a bit different from what's typically preached however. There are also various essences which are beyond good and evil.

>For jews everything not their own is satan

They took the idea of pluralism which I'm espousing and of course, interpreted it through their mental lens, according to their nature of the organic lie and according to instructions of a malevolent entity which they worship as god. This idea did give them a great advantage over those who believed in universalism, which they used to get ahead of such races. Pluralism of Wills does not imply relativism as quality, beauty and divinity are an universal spectrum, however they can choose to remain in shit by proclaiming that ugly is beautiful, profane is divine, degeneracy and dysgenics (physical, mental and spiritual) are progress, that evil is good, that slavery is freedom etc. It's a genuine state, and a genuine choice. The problem is that they are trying to drag everyone else into it, in a very absolutist manner nonetheless.


Of course, I will continue our discussion there.


Why do you get randomly offended by things which I write? I really had no bad intention. The thing is, Aryan superiority is self-evident, as a highest expression of higher nature on earth. Jews on the other hand, had to somehow bridge the cognitive dissonance between their rather poor qualities and their delusions of grandeur. Since they have zero self-reflection, which would actually lead to them attempting to improve themselves, they invented various pilpuls to justify their behavior. We don't need that. You won't be any less worth if you are not "chosen by God" .

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17010d  No.145233


>this thread that people barely read

How silly of me to write walls of text on boards which were designated as containment zones, visited by few people (some (most?) of them being kikes, political opponents, shills and glowniggers), my ideas having almost no exposure to the general public, and being too paradigm challenging even for the wiser genuine anons to accept them. Now I understand how poor Orpheus felt. Quite ineffective from the standpoint of memetic warfare, isn't it? I must be just some random sperg wasting his time, a modern Sisyphus if you wish. What's even more strange, is that they actually hired disinfo agents to convince people against my ideas, despite many (most?) of their target audience never being in contact with my ideas in the first place. And given my "network derived influence" which they have a rather refined means of tracking, it's not highly likely for these 'seeds' to sprout. Not by conventional means that is.

Which brings us back to Thoth and magical writing, who knows, it could be a ritual of sorts :>) I love such threads because so many seemingly unrelated things begin to converge into higher understanding.


>Also, he wants to know about or using scalar resonance, narrative driving that crosses all forms and classes of information

Ah, someone finally began to understand it.

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ee2938  No.145234

File: aacffea963a4e14⋯.jpg (2.95 MB, 2348x1862, 1174:931, Erik_Ludvig_Henningsen_Hj_….jpg)


No worries anon. I have been thinking about moving away from /pnd/, /pol/ the chans for weeks now. It is time to 'do the hard work' that I have been avoiding by fucking around here. I want to reap the rewards of my own understanding and the synthesis of everything I have worked towards. I have to be more selective about information and that means seeking the sources of the highest quality information I can find…those things that are truly fertile ground for my mind. Like delving into how probability effects determinism and untangling the decoupling between symbol and physical reality.

Much of what we do here is rehash things that are not very important in the larger scheme of things (this does not apply to you; but much of the information here [pnd] is low quality and redundant). I need the explosive growth that I can get elsewhere and in the hundreds of books that I need to read…so that is where I am going.

I have considered you my friend for years and I have really loved you.

I will miss you. A LOT.

I think I can safely say that I have never met anyone like you and that I never will again since I will be forced to keep my thoughts to myself from now on since there is no place left to think without restraints…but that is simply sacrificing the little things to win the larger agenda.

I will wear the chains to meet my ultimate goals.

Concentration camping and all that. :^)

I just can't thank you enough anon…for all the little moments, all the prodding and cajoling. It has been epic.

I am glad you have a new student…keep you busy and out of trouble.

To everyone else in the thread…I will delete this in a couple hours so chill, baby baby. I am not shitting up your thread by saying goodbye.

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17010d  No.145241


Actually, you contributed a lot by giving resonance to my ideas, no matter was it agreeable or not. So did some other people here, for which I am truly thankful, regardless of who they are. Even those who gathered courage to challenge me at some other places, forcing me to refine my position by defending it. Echo chambers are not very conductive for mental elevation, except for the incubation stage.

>I have to be more selective about information and that means seeking the sources of the highest quality information I can find…those things that are truly fertile ground for my mind. Like delving into how probability effects determinism and untangling the decoupling between symbol and physical reality.

I could say the same, I've been trying to find places where I would be exposed to resonances of more complex information. But the mental landscape seems to be quite barren, as far as public discourse is concerned. Internet is not what it used to be. If you find something interesting, drop by to share it. I know you will return sooner or later lol Besides, you know how to contact me if you are afraid of being censored on public platforms. Just give me a nudge to check it as I don't use that one very often.

>I think I can safely say that I have never met anyone like you

Well, you are one of few people whom I could relate to, a distant echo of better times. You will find a way, if not in this cycle, then in next. Then we may meet in a more adequate circumstances.

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f2f299  No.145296

File: 43df58221877db4⋯.pdf (115.7 KB, Evil_by_Plotinus.pdf)


So i read small exemption of Plotinus on "evils", i cut it into small pdf of just 14 pages from his Enneads. He seems to be exact opposite of what you and i believe.

What if concept of "metaphysical" evil was shattered in ancient Rome during the war with the jews? Why philosophy was affected so much? Plato and Aristotle dictated their own ideas of evil, Aristotle in material, Plato, appears to be, in soul.

But Plotinus, who's claimed to be huge inspiration for development of later philosophical traditions of all monotheistic religions, sees evil as absence or complete opposite of some form of absolute Good and One. Not as if its a working force that can be dictated by actions or be proved as existing, only as "Non-being". Therefore concluding that an "evil soul" would have to be "soulless" (from which insult of calling people soulless probably came from).

Metaphysically this is a big deal of defining judaism as either significant foe, in my opinion, or just "yet another people who worship grand spirit", just in their interpretation and false belief of absolute chosenness of their people.

>he would be absolutely ignorant, and absolutely powerless

I believe its human who's ignorant and absolutely powerless, nobody can do anything intelligent without God if they are not possessed. If they refuse to submit to higher Intelligence, because they are destined to go blind from God's presence, people still be controlled, but in their madness. This whole deal with muses in ancient greece, once viewed from perspective of theology, strikes me as realistic one. Its just people have different roles and tasks but their destinies seem to be not changing. I mean really, back to jews again, if they were not metaphysically strengthened by destiny to be jews, wouldn't we have no israel at all after 2000 years of their destruction? This conflict and division may as well be forever, just to keep us from forming paradise on earth.

I also believe that at some point when jews formed their "Moses" legend they heard about election and chosenness of Bacchic cult, or something similar to it around the area. And what they did with it is that they rewritten "chosenness" as in destiny of person to be reaped for service in celestial world, into "chosenness" of their entire race, and went proud of it, using this belief as source of control and exclamation that they are the superhumans and the only ones deserving Eden. In reality however nobody can control God or predict who and how He controls, therefore i'l be honest all esoteric and magical practices may be a joke to higher Intelligence.

I can research of Dionysus more throughfully trying to find certain practices of the cult, but even in Euripedes there are few things that strike me:

Dionysus in reply to Pentheus on nature of emblems on his hand

>"That may none reveal, nor known, save his Elect alone"

Dionysus uses to word "His Chosen" when talks about Pentheus spying on his mother and other women in Bacchanal madness:

>"To spy upon His Chosen and thine own Mother!"

Those people seem to had similar ideas of "Chosenness" as the "Election" that any average Calvinist can derive from bible. But then there's upanishadic verse from Katha Upanishad:

>This Self cannot be won by preaching [Him], Not by sacrifice or much lore heard; By him alone can He be won whom He elects: To him this Self reveals his own [true] form (tanu).

Then Socrates goes in Phaedo:

>Many who carry the thyrsus but the Bacchants are few.

Which is repeated in the New Testament by its authors (jewish or roman i don't know at this point):

>Matthew 22:14 "For many are called, but few are chosen."

Think what you will of this. But Katha Upanishad, Dionysus, Socrates and New Testament seem to have same idea of God electing for service going around. Which is also in Shaivism (inspired by Upanishad mentioned probably), from Tripura Rahasya:

>Just as there are a few who know how to see through the illusory tricks of the juggler and are not mystified by him, so also men can learn to overcome the universal Maya (illusion) if only the Lord is gracious to them. They can never escape from Maya without His grace

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ef5cd7  No.145309

File: c91acbf5d2b94d1⋯.jpg (113.6 KB, 806x396, 403:198, rn4f671f05.jpg)



Canaanites didn't really bother with Anu and considered Elyon the most high, the Babylonians thought Marduk had chopped Anu's head off.

In terms of the colour system of Black-White-Red fanatical extremists of the very early Neolithic period on the first brick built wall known created the first mural involving such 11,000 years ago.


This likely suggests Red in terms of blood/Earth/heat/passion as a unifying principle of the cosmic darkness and the light.


>Could this be somehow related to the deranged idea of "sin transfer" in their later beliefs?

Bringing on a substitute is a very early belief, having landed yourself in Hell there is no way out but through providing a sacrificed victim to take one's place, as in the Inanna in the underworld myth were Dumuzid takes her place, and the related sacrificial cult of Adon

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301bd1  No.145310

File: bf1e2b76f3e8954⋯.jpg (113 KB, 800x800, 1:1, Kali_Yantra.jpg)

File: 614c76016e05f3a⋯.jpeg (848.78 KB, 1916x1912, 479:478, Dionysus_triangles.jpeg)

File: fe23e64cb356f18⋯.jpeg (543.69 KB, 1528x2048, 191:256, yantra.jpeg)


Black-White-Red is also present in worship of Kali. It has so much significance, its even on her Yantra, showing her superiority.

There's a Roman Mosaic found in Corinth depicting Dionysus in the center with expanding "triangles" of primary Black-White-Red colors, just with yellow added, that looks suspiciously like a yantra, just with roman circular style. In fact i may say that mosaic may had esoteric significance.

I think triangles in rome may had pythagorean origin, rather than indian, though. Because its pythagoras who believed in harmony of the spheres, so image of Dionysus begins with a sphere and extends with triangles into another sphere, rather than more crude indian yantras.

Mind you the only reason why i picked this subject up was my surprise that those colors were significant for babylonian Anu, otherwise i would not mention this in the thread.

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ef5cd7  No.145314

File: f13735872fbc864⋯.jpg (3.15 MB, 2922x3004, 1461:1502, Villa_of_the_Mysteries_Pom….jpg)

File: b48f7f10c62044f⋯.jpg (34.7 KB, 580x610, 58:61, bec1c7b106ed1bad345b2fe7d2….jpg)


As an intermediate function the passions can transform darkness into light or return light to darkness, thus the destructive nature of lust, greed and fanaticism, or the gentler friction of love and desire, those not always easy to differentiate given the volatile and inflammatory nature, and such is the mystery of Edom.

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2b8a7d  No.145322

File: 3e93173cc563070⋯.jpeg (124.76 KB, 750x499, 750:499, Colorized.jpeg)

File: 38e0c67cfb7ab44⋯.jpeg (95.81 KB, 685x768, 685:768, Dance_of_Shiva.jpeg)

File: ddd3a496806f3b6⋯.jpeg (63.89 KB, 800x552, 100:69, Dionysus_of_Arno_Breker_j….jpeg)


Well yeah, its all the same. I think leaders of Third Reich understood what we're talking about here. Everything is just retracing same steps.

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ef5cd7  No.145334

File: a30288c787387a3⋯.jpg (1 MB, 953x1600, 953:1600, Saint_George_and_the_Drago….jpg)


Yes so a supposedly Universal principle that loves Israel and hates everyone else, or the occultic manipulation of such towards self serving ends.

The Bible is like the periphery of a Black hole were you perceive the light that it has adopted from other cultures towards it's own purpose, the transformation of light into darkness on an industrial scale, and that facilitated by the passions it inspires, and every Red Flag waving Bolshevik revolutionary the same.

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327a1d  No.145344

File: ca9878b488eba42⋯.png (207.89 KB, 545x337, 545:337, Toynbee.png)

File: 053abf5b69ee826⋯.png (146.51 KB, 538x246, 269:123, on_racemixing.png)


>Red Flag waving Bolshevik revolutionary the same.

Well yes. Here's two caps from a book i've been reading not too long ago, they are both good. "Gods of Ecstasy, Shiva and Dionysus". Its not really a great book, with many contradictions, so i can't recommend it.

>The Bible is like the periphery of a Black hole were you perceive the light that it has adopted from other cultures towards it's own purpose

I think what's actually happening is this:

1. Superior Intelligence e.g. God uses any religion to pursue His own goals to inhabit individuals for what can be called a soul harvest

2. But despite using those religions for His purpose, while being mere reflection of a Spirit in their teaching, also punishes severely humanity that made mistake of trusting the jewish law because that one appears to have generated most of violent religious conflict and conquest in the west

Because personally i view jewish involvement in anything a sign of corruption. Jews don't suffer from Judaism as much as Christians from Christianity or Muslims from Islam.

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ef5cd7  No.145718

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In Vedic terms the God of Israel is Rudra, i generally consider the Hurrians to have introduced elements of the cult to the Sinai but there were Aryan elements in their culture.

>The hymn 10.92 of the Rigveda states that deity Rudra has two natures, one wild and cruel (Rudra), another that is kind and tranquil (Shiva)

>?An alternative etymology suggested by Prof. Pischel interprets Rudra as the 'red one', the 'brilliant one', possibly derived from a lost root rud-, 'red

>In the Rigvedic verse rukh draavayathi, iti rudraha, rukh means 'sorrow/misery',

,This is also a possible origin for the Sumerian archer God Sara, the Sumerian etymology means to penetrate or pierce

>Rudra is called 'the archer' (Sanskrit: Śarva)[25] and the arrow is an essential attribute of Rudra,The word is derived from the Sanskrit root śarv- which means 'to injure' or 'to kill>

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091598  No.145748


I mean i could point out the obvious that "God of Sinai" is very similar to translating Dionysus as "God of Nysa". Nysai are nymphs of the mountain who nurtured Dionysus.

Nysai, Sinai, what the difference? Shiva is in fact same as Rudra, And dionysus with shiva have extreme cultist similarities.

But its all not to really anything, just proves christians and jews in fact indeed worship same God. Together with lots of indians.

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ef5cd7  No.145859

File: 80ba228a7736809⋯.jpg (149.24 KB, 835x433, 835:433, _k.jpg)


So their religion as formulated in the Sinai could be seen as a fanatical sub-sect of Vedic tradition the aspect of Rudra for the Old Testament and Shiva for the New,

Rudra could be seen as a Universal God but that would be more in terms of transformative energy

>A verse from the Rig Veda (RV 2.33.9) calls Rudra "The Lord or Sovereign of the Universe

With such a God it's always about the end of the World.

>"One who makes all beings cry at the time of cosmic dissolution"

>"Rudra is thus regarded with a kind of cringing fear, as a deity whose wrath is to be deprecated and whose favor curried."

The story of Essau and Jacob in Edom can also be seen as the two aspects of Rudra, the wild red hairy hunter representing the destructive side and Jacob the more refined Shivaite

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67a9f2  No.145873


les produits de l'artisanat fais par des homme pour faire tourner l'économie que vous voulez et donnez la chance au entreprise qui paye bien leurs salariés cet ses plus cher mais vous aurez préserver vos ouvriers et les produits local votre qualité de vie.


Pensez a se qui y a après votre mort on y passera tous taud ou tard si vous hier la bas pour avoir peut être la chance d'aller au paradis suivez les conseils si de sous



Sesi est pour mois la manifestation d'un esprit se n'est pas forcément l'esprit de dieu mais il nous rappelle quille faut prier tout les jour et si vous pouvez dite le chapelet pour les les âmes du purgatoire et aller a la messe tous les dimanches si on est croyance pour qu'elle puisse aller au paradis avec le père le fis et le St Esprit


vous avez la liberté des enfants de dieu de croire ou de pas croire



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d2c168  No.145889

File: 8340442d6d05c51⋯.jpeg (86.67 KB, 446x575, 446:575, burning_bush.jpeg)

File: fe43c7c7a608552⋯.jpg (26.51 KB, 183x252, 61:84, cursing_the_fig_tree.jpg)


>Pillar of fire

Talking about fires. And trees.

From wikipedia:

>The cult of Dionysus was closely associated with trees, specifically the fig tree, and some of his bynames exhibit this, such as Endendros "he in the tree" or Dendritēs, "he of the tree". Peters suggests the original meaning as "he who runs among the trees", or that of a "runner in the woods". Janda (2010) accepts the etymology but proposes the more cosmological interpretation of "he who impels the (world-)tree". This interpretation explains how Nysa could have been re-interpreted from a meaning of "tree" to the name of a mountain: the axis mundi of Indo-European mythology is represented both as a world-tree and as a world-mountain.

Also wikipedia:

>Prosymnus was a shepherd living near the reputedly bottomless Alcyonian Lake, hazardous to swimmers, which lay in the Argolid, on the coast of the Gulf of Argos, near the prehistoric site of Lerna.

>When the wine god Dionysus went to Hades to rescue his mother Semele, Prosymnus guided him to the entrance by rowing him to the middle of the lake. The reward demanded by Prosymnus for this service was the right to make love to Dionysus. However, when Dionysus returned to earth by a different route, he found that Prosymnus had meanwhile died. Dionysus kept his promise by carving a piece of fig wood into the shape of a phallus and used it to ritually fulfill his promise to Prosymnus, while seated on his tomb. This, it is said, was given as an explanation of the presence of a fig-wood phallus among the secret objects revealed in the course of the Dionysian Mysteries.

Euripedes Bacchae page 87 (page number from version that also includes Hippolytus):

>Our leader, from his thyrsus spray

>A torchlight tosses high and higher,

>A torchlight like a beacon fire

Page 98

>O there is Grace, and there is the Heart's Desire

>And peace to adore thee, thou Spirit of Guiding Fire!

Page 109

>Ah, saw ye, marked ye there the flame

>From Semele's enhallowed sod

Page 131

>Appear, appear, whatso thy shape or name

>O Mountain Bull, Snake of the Hundred Heads,

>Lion of Burning Flame

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ef5cd7  No.146169

File: 019fddfa8f2e926⋯.jpg (8.07 MB, 3399x6144, 1133:2048, Jupiter_and_Semele_by_Gust….jpg)


There may be some adaptation there of Red Hathor in the Fig tree serving wine to the deceased as the Lady of Unending Drunkenness, fica also a common sexual metaphor

>Archaeologists from the University of Pennsylvania have suggested that the fig served as a starter for the yeast that ancient Egyptians would use to ferment grape juice and turn it into wine.

The Fig tree is a good candidate as a tree of Life.

We propitiate Your Majesty every day.

Your heart rejoices at hearing our songs.

We rejoice when we see You, day by day.

Our hearts are jubilant when we see Your Majesty.

You are the Lady of Garlands, the Mistress of Dance,

The Lady of Unending Drunkenness.

The Cedar was more common as a world axis tree in the Near East, with the pine cone as the seed container that fell form Heaven, as it were.

In connecting the entrance into the underworld with Lerna

>The name Lerna is suggested to be connected with the Hattic plural prefix le- plus arinna, arna 'spring', 'pool', 'well', 'source'

The Hattic cult of the Sun Goddess of the underworld was at Arinna, so that may be an adaptation of her cult, also Hathor had the aspect of Sun Goddess of the Underworld, and she also originated in Hatti land.

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9ef7f8  No.146170

File: e7ee02ba6f2af13⋯.png (119.08 KB, 529x857, 529:857, eschatological_systems.png)


I think there's a lot of value in your post.

About wine and left/right paths again, since we're continuing this dilemma, i've read a lot on dionysus and main function of wine is to "forget the woes":

Teiresias in Bacchae:

>[280] It releases wretched mortals from their pains, whenever they are filled with the stream of the vine, and gives them sleep, a means of forgetting their daily woes. There is no other cure for pains [ponoi]. He, himself a god, is poured out in offerings to the gods, [285] so that through him men have their good things.

And then i found this, probably known from greek-myth cartoons or history lessons, the Hades after life eschatological system (pic related). I remember about "fountain of forgetfulness" that people gulp down when they are not restrained or trained in restricting their desires when they die.

Isn't fountain of forgetfulness in Hades same as wine, if Dionysus same as Hades according to Heraclitus?

>And Dionysos, through whom they go into a trance and speak in tongues and for whom they beat the drum, do they realize that he is the same god as Hades, Lord of the Dead?

Being an alcoholic is heavily linked to having no restraint.

In Laws Book II of Plato:

>There is a little-known current of story and tradition16 which says that Dionysus was robbed of his wits by his stepmother Hera, and that he gets his revenge by stimulating us to Bacchic frenzies and all the mad dancing that results; and this was precisely the reason why he made us a present of wine. This sort of story, however, I leave to those who see no danger in speaking of the gods in such terms.

And in another place (both around [672])

>In particular, it seems that according to the common story wine was given to men as a means of taking vengeance on us—it was intended to drive us insane. But our interpretation is entirely the opposite: the gift was intended to be a medicine and to produce reverence in the soul, and health and strength in the body.

Despite Plato's "interpretation" i conclude its better not to drink. Because if i continue this train of logic that means wine's purpose is to kill off people at first fountain in Hades. And yes i know i previously said reverse things in this thread, its just it seems i am at some sort of conclusion here.

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ef5cd7  No.146183

File: 52c70a873e49343⋯.jpg (544.51 KB, 1154x744, 577:372, lll.jpg)

File: 81bc3256391de3b⋯.jpg (148.39 KB, 656x800, 41:50, tree_suckling_1.jpg)


I may have wrongly assumed Hathor would be pouring wine from the Sycamore Fig, it's generally understood to be pure water.

Anyway if we consider Tantalus;

>He was made to stand in a pool of water beneath a fruit tree with low branches, with the fruit ever eluding his grasp, and the water always receding before he could take a drink.

That looks to correlate to the tradition of the Sycamore Fig


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6d786f  No.146189

File: 264676b93021088⋯.jpeg (245.58 KB, 600x713, 600:713, water.jpeg)


Welp. It surely got preserved exactly like that. Pool of water beneath a tree of life.


>And he said unto me, They are come to pass. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the end. I will give unto him that is athirst of the fountain of the water of life freely.


>And he showed me a river of water of life, bright as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb,

>in the midst of the street thereof. And on this side of the river and on that was the tree of life, bearing twelve [manner of] fruits, yielding its fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

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ef5cd7  No.146230

File: 390715797859cc5⋯.jpg (71.45 KB, 416x324, 104:81, 38_09_Thompson_8.jpg)

File: f08c28f41d0c0b1⋯.jpg (70.84 KB, 416x259, 416:259, 38_09_Thompson_9.jpg)


Sometimes a formal garden pool was illustrated in conjunction with the tree. This article is decent in looking at how this carried through into Biblical tradition, despite it taking Mormonism seriously.


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ecad66  No.146246

File: 08fe50b79be2d0d⋯.jpg (264.11 KB, 1019x679, 1019:679, victor_habchy_photography_….jpg)


>Besides, you know how to contact me if you are afraid of being censored on public platforms.

That account got deleted during the restructuring or perhaps it was one of the many times my accounts have been deleted by those niggers; I wasn't paying that much attention to it…it is just gone, like so many others.

>I know you will return sooner or later lol

I don't think 8kun is going to last that long (you can see the continued hammering at the infrastructure every day). One of these times it will go down and it wont come back up.

We have to shift fighting style to accommodate the tactics of the opponent. I am shifting away from this, where we lost, so that I can fight on a much more fundamental structural level.

If I can't win 'in this world' I can win by controlling things at the fundamental level.

The universe wants to be known, anon.

I intend on knowing everything a human can know.

At any rate…now we have to learn to keep secrets; know what I mean? We have learned their response and the limits of their ability. Watching everything burn was a test of their cerebral fitness, potential and responsiveness.

I watched the battle play out here and learned a lot from the opponents response irl. Watched every parry they made, saw how they functioned in terms of controlling the flow of information, watched what frightened them and where they made mistakes.

Now it is time to take the fight to a realm they cannot occupy; they are parasites, not tool makers.

All they can do is control the narrative but we will break their control over that among other things.

We are superior.

May we meet in more adequate circumstances, then. ;^)

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035291  No.146309

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm reading it right now and it seems that he defines evil in terms of lack of differentiation (measure) and Form (in the Platonic sense). Also lack of reason. This part is mostly agreeable. Differentiation leads to discrimination, and things naturally seek to refine themselves in order to reach higher Forms. What he refers to as non-being is most likely immaterial existence, the realm of total, purified mind, which can only be partially measured in the material universe and is difficult to prove empirically. However, absolute, if all there is, would then also contain the lack of good - aka evil (as a state), so this kind of thinking needed some refinement. This eventually developed into monism. But the existence of universal Forms and measures does not imply oneness however, as the existence of, let's call them universals, in no way or form guarantees the inseparability of existences and the Absolute. For it were the case, nothing would ever truly exist and there would be no separation in the first place. Meaning that the logical conclusion of universalism is not the bliss of unity and ultimate good that it's being promoted as, but the very proverbial "mud of darkness" that Plotinus references here. He too, did not extrapolate his ideas to their logical conclusion. Belief in universal Forms/measures (quality for example) is not mutually exclusive with pluralism. In fact, theory of Forms kind of implies it. Plurality of Wills, of gods, of universes, of timelines, of diversity (within the same order of quality, not with different tiers of quality being considered equally valuable for the sole fact of being different from each other).

In that sense, we could say that white race is of a higher universal Form and superior measures (but still being distant from perfection), while simultaneously being diverse with all of it's nationalities, and possessing the divergence of individual Wills. This is the metaphysical key for integration, Will and Form/Reason, Individual in race, synchronization of individual and collective Wills, differentiation without atomization. For there is no Self without the Other, and there is no higher self without the adequate Other(s). This is the metaphysical basis for racial soul. And just like the individuals, not all races actually have a soul. Soul, or spirit, something elevating it above the iron laws of gross matter. Not just an animated force being falsely recognized as such, for then, even your car would have a soul. From that perspective, it being mechanic, or biological, matters not. Jews are actually trying to destroy all individual, refined Wills/souls, and are doing it insidiously by targeting the race/nation. Just look at all those drones of modernism, looking the same, thinking the same, behaving the same, having the same blank, soulless look in their eyes, despite supposedly being so individualistic and racially diverse. Isn't it curious how individualism brought the very opposite of what it was supposed to achieve? It was not by mistake, they knew very well what they were doing. Same could be said for absolutist collectivism (universalism), which is another false dichotomy that disintegrates, by targeting the individual instead.

>And if the soul were to fall absolutely into absolute vice, it no longer has vice, but changes itself into a different and worse nature. For vice mixed with its contrary is still human

nature. It dies, then, as much as a soul can die, and death for it while still immersed in the body is to be sunk into matter and to be filled with it and, when it leaves the body, to lie there until it should turn away and lift up its gaze from the mud. And this is what it means to ‘come to Hades and fall asleep there.

Doesn't this pretty much define the modern man and woman, the last man that Nietzsche tried to warn us about? The creation of which was the pinnacle of the Jew's agenda? To erase differences, to remove quality, to equalize in proverbial mud of darkness .

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035291  No.146326


>Therefore concluding that an "evil soul" would have to be "soulless"

That seems to be the prevailing characteristic of the Jews.

> nobody can do anything intelligent without God if they are not possessed.

Where does the God end and (You) begin?

>This whole deal with muses in ancient greece

Don't forget the Sirens either. Or Medusas. But yes, most knowledge actually came from "up high" , the hard part was finding a logical, coherent and scientific way to materialize it.

>if they were not metaphysically strengthened by destiny to be jews, wouldn't we have no israel at all after 2000 years of their destruction?

How similar is Israel of today to the original one? If this was done by some less abhorrent creatures and by less vile means, I would actually be impressed by their manifest destiny. But maybe this came with a price, since they seem to be more concerned with denying other nations to have their own Israel rather than preserving their own. The actions, which will, ultimately lead to their own destruction as well. I don't think they truly understand the nature and plans of their god.


I don't consider Bacchic or Dyonisian cults to be anything positive, quite the contrary, but they took the idea of a chosen elect being able to earn their souls and higher existence with them being chosen to rule over earth. Which is twofold actually, one is chosen by gods, another by devils.

>This Self cannot be won by preaching [Him], Not by sacrifice or much lore heard; By him alone can He be won whom He elects: To him this Self reveals his own [true] form (tanu)

Adequate quote. Only those possessing a higher Self will be able to rediscover it. But at that point you have already come to realization that God is within, not outside. You are not being chosen by any external god, but by the unique characteristics/nature of your soul/soul at large. Which excludes all NPC's regardless of what they do or whom they worship.


>Bringing on a substitute is a very early belief, having landed yourself in Hell there is no way out but through providing a sacrificed victim to take one's place

Doesn't this seem to be quite aligned with their modern agenda? Maybe they hope to achieve salvation by sentencing everyone else to hell?


Second pic is very aesthetically pleasing


Shaivism is Dravidian corruption, but it still contains a lot of original wisdom if you dig well enough.


Rudra is too based to have anything to do with the kikes, but they stole that idea just like everything else.

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619a68  No.146342


Perhaps drowning oneself in degeneracy of modern times makes one forget his/hers divine nature and turns him/her into a food of the god which Jews worship? The concept of "sin for salvation" might only bring dissolution instead. They are trying to turn this world into one giant well of forgetfulness. Which goes hand in hand with them destroying history, culture, knowledge, identity, nations/races and all other forms of differentiation. And ultimately, the reason itself. Leading to one giant, global, Bacchic orgy of disintegration.

>Because if i continue this train of logic that means wine's purpose is to kill off people at first fountain in Hades

Wine is healthy and inspirational if taken in moderate doses. On another hand, alcoholics don't actually enjoy drinking. They just need a fix.


Maybe the role of Hathor was to lead you into "white light" and make you forget, rather than lead you on a path of divinity. This deity strikes me as rather deceptive. If one sets himself to become a god, most, if not all other gods become his rivals.


>That account got deleted during the restructuring

Mine remained ;) How tragic, just make another one kek

>One of these times it will go down and it wont come back up

They said that the last time as well. I'd guess that DoD servers are a bit more resilient to such attacks. Besides, there are other chans. Double chan, /fascist/ etc.

>I am shifting away from this

Good, I hope I have provided you with enough cues to continue in other domains, with an enhanced essence. I'll be 'echoing' for a while more. Who knows what sorts of things it may make 'spontaneously' emerge

>controlling things at the fundamental level

No matter how deceptively powerful they may appear, they will never achieve that kind of control. Noosphere is our domain. Trying to prevent everyone on earth from getting a soul in a desperate attempt to stop the 'wrong' souls incarnating just shows how pathetic they are. The experiment was successful, defensive measures bypassed. This may allow us to make a decisive strike in the next cycle. Ah, how sweet our revenge will be.

>I watched the battle play out here and learned a lot from the opponents response irl

Very predictable, but I don't think they have played all of their cards yet.

>May we meet in more adequate circumstances, then.

Sieg Heil to that.

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ba3aea  No.146358

File: 90656924cee6d91⋯.jpeg (171.69 KB, 800x1280, 5:8, futuristic_cyberpunk_city….jpeg)


>Mine remained ;)

Good. Staying beneath the radar then anon? No one is spontaneously trashing all your shit, your accounts, your history, your contacts, deleting your files or banning you and cancelling you without warning or any explanation at all? LOL Lucky you; you still belong to the 'living' then.

I created this a while ago as a spare and I might as well get some use out of it. If you want to drop me a line just make sure to use the original account you emailed from before…I will trash everything else without looking to see what it is unless I see something I recognize.


I don't check it very often…just so you know.

Noosphere…I can't get that word out of my mind, it is just echoing inside my wee mind.

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ef5cd7  No.146444

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If Hathor only served me water i would transform it into wine myself and still find my way out of the underworld in time for supper, she loves this passionate quality..

>The word of Ištar of Arbela to Esarhaddon, king of Assyria:

>Come, gods, my fathers and brothers, enter the covenant . . .She placed a slice . of bread on the terrace and gave them water from a cooler to drink. She filled a flagon of one seah with water from the cooler and gave it to them with the words:

>"In your hearts say, 'Ištar is slight,' and you will go to your cities and districts, eat your bread and forget this covenant.

>But when you drink from this water, you will remember me and keep this covenant which I have made *"


They don't believe in any form of salvation and in their case rightly so, they just like winning at Monopoly.

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012c21  No.146446

File: 7751feff8cccb6b⋯.jpeg (144.9 KB, 700x704, 175:176, Vlad.jpeg)


>He too, did not extrapolate his ideas to their logical conclusion.

He never does, that's why i find reading him really difficult. Even his ideas on Daemons didn't reach to logical conclusion because they conflict with his ideas on fate. I don't believe "allotted daemon" ever changes, simply for same reason people are tied to fate. It would be a chore to jungle with daemons just because you think different now and then.

>he defines evil in terms of lack of differentiation (measure) and Form (in the Platonic sense)

I think metaphysical evil can be given form if you just think really edgy:

1. Cannibalism not out of degenerate necessity, but in belief that consuming human meat and/or blood gives you superpowers has form.

2. Torture of people out of pleasure to it has form.

3. Impregnating many women with your own seed out of primordial desire to populate has form

4. Sacrificing a baby in bull oven has form, because its tied to magical believes and customs

5. Enslaving all people into your frightful rule and making yourself a "god" to them has form

>white race is of a higher universal Form and superior measures

I've been thinking of reincarnation as way to disprove it, mostly because its a spook to keep people looking for higher intelligence and justify lame babies as if its their fault for being born lame, and i came up with this little idea that doesn't really do it, but it makes sense: Plant cannot hold an intelligence of an animal therefore it cannot hold a soul of an animal. Animal cannot hold an intelligence of a human therefore it cannot hold a soul of a human. Every body is a vessel from one or another perspective only for appropriate soul.

But that means negroes, jews, asians and aryans can only have a soul appropriate for "vessel" they have, and its impossible for a person of one race have a soul of another race because their "vessels" will be as incompatible as vessel of an animal is not compatible vessel for a human.

I can only guess what racemixing does metaphysically in this theory. Because ashkenazis retained behavior patterns of ancient jews who weren't ashkenazis.

>Just look at all those drones of modernism, looking the same, thinking the same, behaving the same, having the same blank, soulless look in their eyes, despite supposedly being so individualistic and racially diverse.

Huxley warned about this. People didn't listen. But then i think there is some limit to amount of souls predetermined to be harvested for better afterlife. Imagine accepting 7 billion people every 100 years, and that's not even counting right. Therefore soullessness of humanity and lack of same will we had in antiquity is tied to amount of souls born.

>Same could be said for absolutist collectivism (universalism), which is another false dichotomy that disintegrates, by targeting the individual instead.

At times i think monism/non-duality is spiritual communism, just don't say that to people who actually believe those teachings, their spirituality doesn't always mean what they believe in. Jews live in their own spiritual commune because of chosenness of their people as a whole.


>But yes, most knowledge actually came from "up high" , the hard part was finding a logical, coherent and scientific way to materialize it.

Doesn't it sound logical that celestials/one giving knowledge "up high" doesn't want coherent scientific way of materialization of spiritual knowledge, least "all" will know? What if its damaging to afterlife for its best worlds to be filled in?

>That seems to be the prevailing characteristic of the Jews.

What if jews are singularity under spiritual communism i mentioned above?

>The actions, which will, ultimately lead to their own destruction as well.

Its the main point of "The Bacchae".

>Which excludes all NPC's regardless of what they do or whom they worship.

NPCs is actually ancient concept, so ancient i cannot even describe how old it is. This meme gives a concept a bad name. Usual way of dealing with it was just saying some people are Spiritual (as in born from the Spirit, fated to be harvested for some service "up high"), or non-Spiritual (as the ones of flesh/this world). That said second part of your sentence is true for spiritual people as well, they seem to get harvested regardless of their worship too. For that they called God "thousand named" in the past.


>Perhaps drowning oneself in degeneracy of modern times makes one forget his/hers divine nature

Except people with Divine Nature in them still repel the world, and used to repel even before it got as bad as we have today. So it seems like global processes in spiritual world have not changed that much. Only our look on them. Time as in "modern times" can also be put to question, i don't think after getting rid of this body you will retain feeling of time tied to it, nor i think new souls are born exactly at present time.

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2b4f9d  No.146687


>Staying beneath the radar then anon?

I guess I've been a good goy kek. I am just a silly LARP-er, remember? :>) Maybe they have realized just how dangerous I can be so they decided to let me play in my 'backyard' as I'm usually not concerned with the masses, but rare and unique individuals, or ideas themselves.

>No one is spontaneously trashing all your shit, your accounts, your history, your contacts, deleting your files or banning you and cancelling you without warning or any explanation at all?

I don't think a junk account used for some online games and similar would be particularly threatening to their agenda. Been shadowbanned a couple of times, but that's pretty much it. They are measuring your influence and can track the spread of information provided by you in real time. So far, they seem to be mostly focused on low impact, high spread memetic warfare. Their tactics are very similar to Soviet ones in WW2, quantity over quality. If you can completely restrict and control the information flow, why bother developing superior weapons, when your enemy won't be able to use theirs? A sound strategy. Especially considering what kind of 'monsters' they would have to fight ;) But this battle might end up being much more multi-layered than their simplistic minds might comprehend.

>you still belong to the 'living' then

Or undead :>) Pinpointing 'me' might be more difficult than merely observing the current iteration of my lower Self.

A very interesting and delicious subject however, I'll respond to your posts in the email. I still need to investigate what that guy is claiming, but I'll need to get into right 'focus' for that, this heat is making me prone to distractions. Make sure to check it later or tomorrow.

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3bbc38  No.146723

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>If Hathor only served me water i would transform it into wine myself and still find my way out of the underworld in time for supper, she loves this passionate quality..

I like your attitude. Hecate seems more interesting though. Nice song by the way.


>simply for same reason people are tied to fate

Fates can be changed in extraordinary circumstances Or if you learn to recognize the 'crossroads' and have a Will strong enough to make a turn Wouldn't go into discussion about "allotted daemons" here, as these subjects often require a very extensive explanation in order to be understood properly.

>but in belief that consuming human meat and/or blood gives you superpowers

That's lack of reason, which he identifies as evil. But yes, archetypal 'evil' does exist. It's definitions may vary however. Sometimes it's good to be edgy.

>Animal cannot hold an intelligence of a human therefore it cannot hold a soul of a human

It's not impossible for a higher soul to inhabit a lower body, but it won't be able to reach it's full actualization, and will likely suffer as a consequence. Physical race is all about potential. Merely being born white doesn't make you special, it just means that you have access to certain latent characteristics which are rarely (or never) accessible to other races. Most whites don't actualize this potential because their souls are hyletic or lower quality psychic nature, but the few who do, wouldn't be able to do so if they were born as niggers for example. It's about statistical distribution and chances/percentages. While a higher soul can incarnate into a body of a lower race, the distribution of such among total population is extremely sparse. Reincarnation as understood in Vedic or Pythagorean terms is not the same as one understood in Buddhist or some other terms. The constitution of a racial soul is similar to the constitution of lifeforms. Think of racial soul as a body (organic, teleological whole greater than the sum of it's parts). Amoebas are mostly undifferentiated and their constituent parts don't diverge much from each other. Jellyfish are more complex and have some distinct/specialized organs, but are still floating blobs. Fish are more complex, monkeys even more etc. Now, simple lifeforms don't have a brain in the sense that we do. This can be projected to human races as well. Why do I mention this? Because, if your entire body was a brain, it couldn't survive for very long. That's why you need a plethora of organs, arms, legs, senses etc. But the organism did not start with a brain, it, along with resulting consciousness, developed as actualization of it's totality. This complex body is the white race, formed according to it's racial soul (eternal Form), made in the "Image of God" As above, so below. But a brain cannot hate a leg for being mindless, it has a purpose within an organic whole nonetheless. For the same reason, it wouldn't be practical for every white to be embodied with a higher soul. Inversely, lesser races have much less complex and differentiated racial souls, which are those of animals and not gods (Even whites got hybridized, but the 'God form' prevails). Some other races mostly miss certain 'organs' , while some lack them completely. This needs to be written in a more coherent and somewhat more logically consistent form, but I'm too tired for such details, you understand the essence of the idea I hope.

>I can only guess what racemixing does metaphysically in this theory

It creates abominations of incompatible natures. Imagine being able to recognize the greatness of superior races but being unable to come even close to it. This breeds all sorts of evil. Animals don't suffer from that, they act according to what they are. They don't seek equality with what they are not, be it higher or lower than them.

>Because ashkenazis retained behavior patterns of ancient jews who weren't ashkenazis

There is always a dominant pattern, and that's the very racial Form, for everything else is mere canvas, mere clay. After all, we share most of our DNA with a banana, yet we are not bananas. Egalitarians focus on the similarity of canvas, of the clay, citing small genetic differences. But it is exactly those "small" differences that matter the most as they separate the living phenomena. Now, Jews are unique in the sense that their 'pattern', their racial soul/form is not organic, but entirely artificial, and lacking any non-material components. Aryans are unique in the sense that it's their very immaterial pattern (image of God imprinted upon clay) that sets them apart. But not all images actually partake of god(s), remaining just images (with lesser or greater degree of corruption). Just like moonlight reflected in water is not the moon, which is not the sun (real origin of that light).

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012c21  No.146799

File: 65aa07196a8d540⋯.jpeg (105.88 KB, 1108x624, 277:156, Yasutani_Roshi.jpeg)

File: cfdf8b77cc0acf9⋯.pdf (2.43 MB, Arcana_Mundi_Magic_and_the….pdf)

File: 25d8501ca90d8c7⋯.pdf (1.86 MB, Neoplatonic_Angels_and_Dem….pdf)


>Wouldn't go into discussion about "allotted daemons" here, as these subjects often require a very extensive explanation in order to be understood properly.

Why not? Isn't this is whole point of this thread because of where we are going in this discussion? Op went to talk about "medieval and ancient jewery", but it was not enough for us and we went even earlier thanks to anon who started discussing hyksos and sethian jews.

Have you not heard of Hakuun Yasutani? Maybe he's right, you know. There are two books i applied to this post contain stuff related to greek and neoplatonic demonology, because i believe they got the stuff about spirits and posessions right (to extend of their purity in dealing with such knowledge directly, and lesser amount of people generally living in more enclosed natural environment which allowed higher degree of interaction with spiritual world).

Also let me tell you the following - all religions of the world don't deny secondary spirits even if they are monistic or monotheistic, its just they downscale certain Gods to levels of Archangels instead. Even Zen, which is based on principles of nothingness and barely resembles buddhism to me at times, still believes in daemons. Many religions are just reformed older believes in a vein of new philosophical tendencies (Orpheic cult made me believe as much, which i believe was attempt to reform greek religion in vein of Socrates and Pythagoras ideas and revelations).

There was once a time when people interacted with daemons directly, without dogmatic religions, which probably what made all worship in the world possible back then. Golden and Silver races in Hesiod remind me of Light and Dark elves in Norse myth.

>Physical race is all about potential.

>Most whites don't actualize this potential because their souls

And i want to add that there are higher non-physical races out there, that grew wings from appropriate spiritual conduit (probably something really hard to achieve for a modern man, Socrates dared to claim one has to live three lives appropriately for this), and become something akin to what christians call guardian angels. But their hierarchy is obviously dominated by this ancient "golden race of light elves" who serve Zeus/Odin (supreme God), if i am correct.

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a8f8b1  No.146816

File: 939db7273ab0e8d⋯.jpeg (544.18 KB, 1500x2150, 30:43, painting.jpeg)


>After all, we share most of our DNA with a banana, yet we are not bananas.

Humans are fucking plants. I would not surprise if we just popped out of the earth, or from what's inside it. There are significant patterns in animal behavior that keep animal grounded, striking sometimes to return to the earth or dig a hole in the ground, and even birds make nests in trees and not going to stratosphere, most animals have desire to migrate across the earth, but not above the earth, therefore their behavioral movement is only restricted to direction of the compass. Only trees indicate this upwards growth movement when they are growing really tall, especially when untouched by time. When it comes to human being he's not only going upright, therefore keeping best part of his body, containing source of intelligence on top at all times, he's also keeping his behavior to always "ascend" somewhere. In philosophical and religious terms heaven usually described being "above", but also because its a desire of humanity to go towards the stars themselves. So when we build buildings we make skyscrapers bigger and bigger, when we invent something is to fly and ascend even higher, when we go to space its not enough to stay in solar system, we want to go even further. At the point of making space stations human comparison to animals should be seen as a bad joke. Human growth relies on seeding, and we may be byproduct of seed of the God (immaterial being) and the Earth (material world), therefore creating being with duality of soul and body, but originally planted like trees would be. Mind you that plants unlike skeletons don't leave traceable origins, if such exist they would get completely destroyed by time, and i have this idea that pre-homosapiens people are corruption of humankind just like negroes are. If negroes are not fungi or jews are weeds at all. But i am sure if a non-jewish soul is born in jewish (ashkenazi) body, then its because aryan genes in that body are dominant, so i don't think they are all absolutely same.

And while those are good comparisons the ascending behavior of a human being might just be part of psyche's possessive desire of inner daemon, or Inner Controller, because its his job to make individual people do what's they are destined to make, like its a job of a sun keeping earth alive. Therefore desire for best conductive behavior is rather the idea of security planted by a separate Spirit, which may or may not everyone have. Because celestial rulership is interested only in best "harvest" of human souls, which closes the circle of this comparison to bananas.

Sage for delusional offtopic of mine and doublepost.

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ef5cd7  No.146842

File: 4638708a24bf6cd⋯.png (1.35 MB, 1200x911, 1200:911, 1200px_Near_East_topograph….png)


En-ki and the Carbon based plant-creature continuum, the highest symbolic value of which is the Diamond.

The first born of Anu and Urash, Heaven and Earth, Nininsina , the Lady of Isin, who was charged with the seed bank and the impregnation of women in terms of seeding within the ploughed furrow metaphor, with diamonds.

The word diamond is expressed by the term shuba, meaning pure/clean/bright

>City worthy of the divine powers, according to its name: shrine Urim, Origin of human seed, consolidating the foundations of the Land, abundance – and well on the day when the destiny of the Land was determined, when the seed of all living beings was originally brought forth

>She takes in her hands the august divine powers.She tests the surgical lancet; Nininsina sharpens the scalpel. She has made perfect the divine powers of medicine

>My lady searched intensively on her own , concerned herself with things that otherwise one does not bother with, directed her attention to things that otherwise one does not do. Proudly she took the rank of Mistress, and my lady took away all the divine powers established for it. At that time, the jewellery of shuba stones did not exist; no jewellery of shuba stones was worn on the neck. Nininsina invented it: it was she who ploughed with the shuba stones, she who made them into seeds.

>To create offspring for thousands of young women, to make things in order like a potter, to cut the umbilical cord, to determine destinies, to let the human child scream loud and long after it is received in the embrace

There was also the land of Shuba or Subartu, as in Nin-Shubar, which related to the lands and people of the North, Subarians, in the same way that Sutean or Martu/Amorite indicated those of the South West, relative to Mesopotamia.

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012c21  No.146864

File: a83cb75c970505b⋯.png (128 KB, 535x570, 107:114, beer.png)



>The equivalent is Šara or the Shara of the Sinai, and he did have solar aspects.

Talking about hops again. Sun god Shamash of babylonians, who's apparently equivalent of Zeus in greece, had a beer festival in his name. He's also the one who made Hammurabi write the laws which became basis of jewish law.

It all fits.

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af0c55  No.146867


>The sun acts as the God of justice…

It has fucking fallen down on the job then.

Judgement is destroyed in this place replaced by loathsome 'equality'…fucking DEATH.

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4caac9  No.146880

File: 8c1d02e145d3e59⋯.jpeg (136.11 KB, 774x1032, 3:4, angel.jpeg)


Well, you know what they say, without the rain we would never feel thankful for the warmth of the sun. Same reason this world exist, and maybe even worse world than this. To appreciate good things.

But that's basics.

If you want serious answer, when i used to believe in heaven i used this particular attitude of mine to apply dualism where it matters, that people "appreciate" being in heaven exactly because hell exists, since "adam and eve", who i disregard nowadays completely, didn't appreciated their time in Eden because they were born not knowing glory of good and beautiful, without purposeful showcase of evil and ugly, so they disregarded God and trusted Lucifer more, because they didn't knew glory of God, for as much as myth of sacrificing His own Son goes.

But same problem arrived when i thought about infinite longevity of life in all joyful heaven, especially after reading of upanishadic idea of heavens not being forever for same reason in this world kingdoms are not forever, according to the natural law, but that comes from extremely materialistic hindus, and mostly out of motivating people to abandon their ego in believing Self as Brahman. Chandogya Upanishad:

>‘As here on earth the worldly station (loka) that is won by work (karma) must perish, so too must the [heavenly] state (loka) won by merit perish in the next world.

Yet we know stars are not forever either, and even humanity one day has to evade this solar system before sun blows up. What i came up with as explanation is something quite different. If this world is balanced enough to provide suffering on level of challenge and tribulation for everybody that means there is some use of worldly "experience", as in gained compassion, discipline and intelligence in the next world. And body is tied to it as long as intelligent discipline is tied to soul. That means this particular soul is needed in another, just as much balanced, world in some form of servitude to Higher Power, where struggle continues, but in much more elevated eternal passion, balanced within itself, rather than on needing infinite punishment or infinite pleasure, still reserving some logic of the human world, where this world acts as some form of preliminary military camp of the saints guided by the Spirit. And theory of humans relying only on flesh also fits into this, as mere filler for this world's activity for selected number of actual descended actors playing important part in it. This world is an exam of the soul, and only small number pass it according to non-earthly destiny, regardless of religion, because they are all different guiding myths appropriate for their place and time.

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af0c55  No.146889

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Yet we know stars are not forever either, and even humanity one day has to evade this solar system before sun blows up.

Because they refuse pragmatism they should remain trapped here, even if it means their eternal death. Yes, I believe we are in quarantine because we 'caught death'. But I would rather see the entire thing destroyed, self included, than permit this fucking shit tier misery to spread. The problem with this place is that no one will do what is right (productive) because no one has judgment. Judgement is the antithesis of equilibrium/death/equality/communism. Communism/death no longer 'requires' human participation to spread. It is autocatalytic at this point. The Death Cult system is perpetuating itself at this point. Shall we roll back time [卐 卍]; this is easy enough but to what purpose in an exponential system? We can't 'roll it back' to a time when the contagion was not present? It is integral. And exactly how many times will we wash, rinse, repeat?

>icarus is not a warning against runaway ambition. he is how to defeat the runaway enlightened

Is he?

Also…we know the bullshit we are fed in our Skinner's Box/Earth Cube. We know almost nothing about what exists outside it. Fuck the materialists; they are trapped because they are not TOOL MAKERS they deserve what is coming for abominating their DNA with animals rather than remaining human. They destroy everything precisely because they know that they are doomed; they are joined to death; mind, body and soul; they reserved nothing for themselves.

Why, I say…I am a tad 'angry' today…not at you btw; at the situation as it stands.

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a8f8b1  No.146926

File: f417f6f2e026401⋯.pdf (74.62 KB, Time_and_its_Relationship_….pdf)


>I believe we are in quarantine because we 'caught death'.

>I am a tad 'angry' today…not at you btw; at the situation as it stands.

And you caught good old pessimism, which is no less annihilationist disease than what you speak of. This life is only skinner box if you submit to it, true calm is found inside oneself, and people who do right thing their inner morality tells them and do not fight destiny are calmest of all, because of inner credibility of their own actions and believes.

>Shall we roll back time

There was some research on the fact that when you die you're outside of time (and this dimension as a consequence of that). I'l just leave it here.

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74acde  No.146942

File: b0a31b0bd138b23⋯.png (737.16 KB, 720x777, 240:259, 1D941C59_0400_4771_8EDC_83….png)


They are ‘calm’ because they have learned helplessness not because they are doing the ‘right thing’. Everything people know about ‘morality’ is just the learned helplessness of slaves. Don’t pat yourself on the back too much about your pathetic indifference, anon. You are still aiding the system that destroys you and holds you helpless as a slave. Nor have you managed to ‘cure yourself’ by laying there like a sea slug that has been jabbed with a knife one too many times (appropriate metaphors for women, I suppose). I don’t think I can recall when I talked to someone who was more perfectly conditioned to abject slavery on the Chans…usually you guys have a little bit of fight in you.

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ef5cd7  No.147044

File: 2a406c5130595ef⋯.png (225.3 KB, 500x245, 100:49, fx5804cb17.png)


Surely Helios was the equivalent in Greece of Utu//Shamash, Sun Gods generally kept an eye on things and were revelators and guides, it is the Sun God that informs the Storm God Tessub in Hurrian myth that a monstrous Shivaite Black basalt pillar is developing and will threaten the world, that directly challenges his position and claims his Holy Mountain Hazzi as Mount Zion.

>After (the departure) of the Sun God of the Sky Tessub formed a clever plan in his mind. Tessub and Tasmisu joined hands and went out of the kuntarra-shrines and the temple. Sauska too came from the sky looking formidable.

>Sauska said to herself, "Where are my two brothers running to?" Sauska approached. She came up to her brothers. Then they all joined hands and went up Mount Hazzi.

>(Tessub), the King of Kummiya, set his eye. He set his eye upon the dreadful Basalt. He beheld the dreadful Basalt, and because of anger his appearance changed. Tessub sat down on the ground, and his tears flowed like streams. Tearfully Tessub said, "Who can [any longer] behold the struggle of such a one? Who go on fighting? Who can behold the terrors of such a one any longer?"


Mount Hazzi is the same as per Mount Zaphon, and is claimed by Yahweh as Zion

>Baal's mountain was biblical Zaphon, known in Ugaritic as Sapan, in Hittite and Hurrian as Mount Hazzi, in Akkadian as Ba'lisapuna, in Greek and Latin as Casius (< Kasios), and in modern Arabic as Jebel 'el-Aqra', which stands at a height of 5,660 ft. about 25 miles north of Ras Shamra and 2.5 miles from the coast. Sapan was the site of both Baal's palace and his divine battle with Yamm/Lotan and (later) Mot . Similarly the Hurrian-Hittite myth of Ullikumi places the conflict between the storm-god and Ullikumi at Mount Hazzi , and Zeus similarly fights Typhon and other monsters on Mount Casius

>Yahweh is great and supremely to be praised, in the city of our God, the holy mountain (hr-qdsw), beautiful where it rises, joy of the whole world; Mount Zion, in the recesses of Zaphon (yrkty zpn), the city of the great king; here among her palaces, God proved to be her fortress." (Psalm 48:1-3)

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9ef7f8  No.147211

File: df34ac7a5b84312⋯.png (988.46 KB, 1076x880, 269:220, Chaos_0.png)


Okay, i am about to go full autistic. And its better be worth it.

You see, today in a dream I've been continuously thinking, within chaotic and drunk mind of a dream, and i came up with this idea where spiritual being are divided into two causes: one of Law (Order), one of Chaos (Madness); What i realized about this i forgot, because my memory when it comes to dreams is incredibly limited. But i surely felt like if someone will kill me for realizing something that i now don't remember.

Then i remember this Heraclitus sayings about dry and wet psyche. And Hesiods original universe being Chaos, where in Vedic religion original substance of a universe being water. And honestly it all comes together.

You say this:

>Everything people know about ‘morality’ is just the learned helplessness of slaves.

In reality there are only duality of order and chaos at their most primitive basis. Order was born out of that Chaos, despite Chaos associating with death and destruction, while Order gave concept of life. If you think clearly on this, Chaos is forever living, eternal formless substance, where Order created the idea of life's non-permanent continuity because Order gives meaning to death (return to the formless, to life of a soul). It also fits with two states of the God, left and right hands of Zeus, left and right hands of Shaivinist paths.

Therefore Apollonian way (do not confuse with Nitzche here, i am talking about spiritual life) and Dionysian way. Which are also ways of Vishnu/Krishna (Order) and Shiva/Kali (Chaos).

When anything of "order" of "dry psyche" comes to an end it must return to chaos to the "wet", to the "formless" and to the nymphs/daemons, who still live in some degree of order or less they join in infinite continuity of Chaos (which is actual substance of global God called "Brahman", equal to the initial state of the universe).

So while Apollonian ways pervade the world you see, and constantly generate new orders, in good or bad shape, Dionysian ways are all spiritual, despite being chaotic in their Bacchanic madness. Therefore person who follows Order at their very core doesn't see spiritual things, because his mind simply ignores both the idea of being possessed by other spirits and anything that's formless. Where person of Chaos will always be seen as a mad man, but being able to see beyond Orderly world into the Void/Divine Darkness of Black Sun, which is Dionysus-Shiva, third important cosmic object for earth that's invisible, that is aside of Sun and Moon. He may call that God differently, but if he's spiritual he'll eventually be drawn to silence, darkness, idleness and even strict code of discipline in purpose of withdrawing from the world as much as possible to get closer to chaotic wetness of psyche perception.

You also for purpose of making a "religion" need a little bit of Dionysus in your Apollonian order, or else people will never attempt to be spiritual. Just like in world of Chaos there's a bit of Order to make formless have basic forms for sustainability of individuality of souls.

Men are born into world of Order, but fit spirits of men get mad by invisible strings of Chaos. Also when you dream you enter the world of your inner Chaotic nature, which is like a little death on its own. Everyone dead is asleep and unable to control their thoughts, its because of that they need daemonic guides for the afterlife. I may even dare to say Hades is located inside invisible Black Sun, because Hades is Dionysus.


>Shivaite Black basalt pillar

I wonder if you aware that all those fancy occult pillars people been putting everywhere are phalluses.

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ef5cd7  No.147214

File: 22685962d5f3afa⋯.jpg (61.85 KB, 1400x912, 175:114, V2_launch.jpg)


>I wonder if you aware that all those fancy occult pillars people been putting everywhere are phalluses.

Were some see phalluses i only see rockets.

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98f52b  No.147252

File: 75d786c82af3635⋯.png (66.53 KB, 526x292, 263:146, Kronos.png)

File: 9a091430e9d36b9⋯.png (91.98 KB, 562x382, 281:191, Kronos_replaces_Zeos_as_or….png)

File: cfa256917cb4405⋯.png (113.61 KB, 569x464, 569:464, father.png)

File: 8fad1a49b8bc06c⋯.png (478.02 KB, 677x658, 677:658, Corpvs.png)

So i've been reading Plotinus again, and Kronos apparently is inspiration for his One God, as in his "fullness", and it appears its the same God as babylonian El.

His planet is Saturn, and he's known as Saturn in Rome, for that he's name there is derived from satus, meaning "sowing". El is known as "father of gods", while Kronos is known as "father time".

Then i saw this hermetica image where saturn symbol indicates a third object instead of sol negro, square and a cube in the name of corpvs.

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020cdf  No.147663

File: 9cfd70daadaaac1⋯.jpg (293.41 KB, 800x1822, 400:911, 800px_Zhdan_Dementiyev_01_….jpg)


>this source doesn't even refer to the Egyptian Set, it refers to the Hebrew Seth, as in the man that killed Cain

Its interesting that this was completely ignored, but no, according to Josephus its the third son of Adam.

The Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus

>3. Now Adam, who was the first man, and made out of the earth, [for our discourse must now be about him,] after Abel was slain, and Cain fled away, on account of his murder, was solicitous for posterity, and had a vehement desire of children, he being two hundred and thirty years old; after which time he lived other seven hundred, and then died. He had indeed many other children,8 but Seth in particular. As for the rest, it would be tedious to name them; I will therefore only endeavor to give an account of those that proceeded from Seth. Now this Seth, when he was brought up, and came to those years in which he could discern what was good, became a virtuous man; and as he was himself of an excellent character, so did he leave children behind him who imitated his virtues.9 All these proved to be of good dispositions. They also inhabited the same country without dissensions, and in a happy condition, without any misfortunes falling upon them, till they died. They also were the inventors of that peculiar sort of wisdom which is concerned with the heavenly bodies, and their order. And that their inventions might not be lost before they were sufficiently known, upon Adam's prediction that the world was to be destroyed at one time by the force of fire, and at another time by the violence and quantity of water, they made two pillars, 10 the one of brick, the other of stone: they inscribed their discoveries on them both, that in case the pillar of brick should be destroyed by the flood, the pillar of stone might remain, and exhibit those discoveries to mankind; and also inform them that there was another pillar of brick erected by them. Now this remains in the land of Siriad to this day.

Note by William Whiston:

>Of Josephus's mistake here, when he took Seth the son of Adam, for Seth or Sesostris, king of Egypt, the erector of this pillar in the land of Siriad, see Essay on the Old Testament, Appendix, p. 159, 160. Although the main of this relation might be true, and Adam might foretell a conflagration and a deluge, which all antiquity witnesses to be an ancient tradition; nay, Seth's posterity might engrave their inventions in astronomy on two such pillars; yet it is no way credible that they could survive the deluge, which has buried all such pillars and edifices far under ground in the sediment of its waters, especially since the like pillars of the Egyptian Seth or Sesostris were extant after the flood, in the land of Siriad, and perhaps in the days of Josephus also, as is shown in the place here referred to.

Also in another chapter of tall jewish tales:

>1. Now this posterity of Seth continued to esteem God as the Lord of the universe, and to have an entire regard to virtue, for seven generations; but in process of time they were perverted, and forsook the practices of their forefathers; and did neither pay those honors to God which were appointed them, nor had they any concern to do justice towards men. But for what degree of zeal they had formerly shown for virtue, they now showed by their actions a double degree of wickedness, whereby they made God to be their enemy. For many angels11 of God accompanied with women, and begat sons that proved unjust, and despisers of all that was good, on account of the confidence they had in their own strength; for the tradition is, that these men did what resembled the acts of those whom the Grecians call giants. But Noah was very uneasy at what they did; and being displeased at their conduct, persuaded them to change their dispositions and their acts for the better: but seeing they did not yield to him, but were slaves to their wicked pleasures, he was afraid they would kill him, together with his wife and children, and those they had married; so he departed out of that land.

I suggest you not take Josephus seriously, but on one accord it appears that Seth is associated with being important "patriarch" after Adam. What i think if anon is right about Sethian worship as in egyptian Seth of Hyksos, it got consumed by jewish myth by making their previous god some sort of a virtuous rabbi. And if anon is wrong about "Sethians" being tied to egyptians at all, then this will shed some light on the "pillars" of Seth. Especially with this high up the bum belief he invented astronomy.

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6ee453  No.147702


To respond to the other half of your post

>People didn't listen

They rarely do. I mean, people had similar discussions in ancient Greece, and I vaguely remember reading something similar in the Upanishads.

>But then i think there is some limit to amount of souls predetermined to be harvested for better afterlife

Most people are just animated matter, biological automata, they don't actually have souls in a unique sense, they all partake of a single soul. This is why such universalist beliefs are so popular among NPC's, for them it's the truth. It's also the basis of canvas/phenomena directed philosophies and religions, as well as focal point morality. But it's not the highest truth. Only those with unique souls experience actual 'afterlife' and transfer their higher self into next incarnation (this is what actual Resurrection is, not your corpse rising from the dead as materialistic Judeo-Christian necromancers have envisioned it), the rest emerge and dissipate like waves in the sea. Eternal recurrence, more of the same.

>Imagine accepting 7 billion people every 100 years, and that's not even counting right

Maybe the world gets progressively more mundane because there is a limited number of 'players' so booming population leads to inflation of NPC's.

>At times i think monism/non-duality is spiritual communism

At the most fundamental level, it is.

>Jews live in their own spiritual commune

They are genetic robots, there is nothing spiritual about them. They just maintain their memetic and ethnic cohesion, which makes them more successful compared to those who don't. They are also universalists, and were it's greatest proponents over the course of history. We are all equal, it's just that they are slightly more equal than everyone else :>) Their religion (in all of it's iterations) doesn't go against universalism, it just puts them at a permanently heightened position within it. Parasite's wet dream basically. Otherwise, they would keep to themselves and wouldn't attempt to force their insanity on everyone else.

>chosenness of their people as a whole

They made a covenant with the devil in a moment of absolute desperation, but yes, they were actually stupid enough to apply certain ideas to their whole people, because they never truly understood any of them. The idea of "choseness" is quite idiotic outside of a very specific context anyway. The superiority of those chosen by gods is self-evident.

>Doesn't it sound logical that celestials/one giving knowledge "up high" doesn't want coherent scientific way of materialization of spiritual knowledge

There are much better ways to conceal it from those unworthy of it. It doesn't transfer over, those not of that nature will never experience it, regardless of scientific progress. In other words, no amount of blood drinking will impart divine nature upon them, they will just get certain diseases.

>What if its damaging to afterlife for its best worlds to be filled in?

It's permanently beyond reach for certain types. Why do you think they hate us so much?

>What if jews are singularity under spiritual communism i mentioned above?

Their "god" is, so are they as well, by extension. The great majority of them at least. Spiritual communism = total absence of spirit. Disintegration, Saturnian harvest, feast of dissolved souls to be recycled and enslaved anew.

>so ancient i cannot even describe how old it is

It's been evident since the dawn of 'humanity' At least among higher races.

>That said second part of your sentence is true for spiritual people as well, they seem to get harvested regardless of their worship too

Until they eventually figure out that they are self-existent and that harvest could be avoided/transcended. When I say spiritual, I don't mean merely religious, even many deeply religious people are total NPC's, and some non-religious people are not. I mean those with divine nature.

>Except people with Divine Nature in them still repel the world, and used to repel even before it got as bad as we have today.

This is the great struggle, yes. But it's about integrating rather than repelling.

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bf3f03  No.147708


Order is evil. Chaos is innocence and power. There's no going back though. The demons tried to return to chaos and became a monster. Don't let them take away your chaos. They want to kill you by crystallizing your mind, solidifying your beliefs and turning you into the angry stupid boomers we all hate. Don't die to the servants of order. They hate you. They want to kill you.

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6ee453  No.147783


>Why not? Isn't this is whole point of this thread because of where we are going in this discussion?

It is important to understand the greater context for one to realize what they are, what made them this way, and why do they do what they do. That requires intertextuality between anthropological, historical, religious, practical and metaphysical accounts. I just wouldn't like this discussion to become about beer hops cultivation or Plotinus.

>Have you not heard of Hakuun Yasutani?

Seen him mentioned on chans before, and that quote is quite spot on. But he only criticizes the demonic teachings of equality in the phenomenal world, without criticizing the same when it comes to the noumenal world. It must be rejected entirely, lest you remain with one leg in the grave so to speak.

>and lesser amount of people generally living in more enclosed natural environment which allowed higher degree of interaction with spiritual world

Modern society provides too many distractions, too much noise. You can hardly take a lone walk in nature anymore.

>spirits and posessions

A distinction should be made between being possessed by an archetype/muse/divinity and being possessed by a conscious entity with an ability to do so. Those could overlap to a certain extent though. Active and passive principles. This is how Kristos is not an individual person, it's a title, archetype and a state of being. Yehoshua, being a typical Jew, made it all about himself, proclaiming how only through him and necromancy of his cult could you reach salvation, but it led to the very opposite. He was possessed, but by something else.

>its just they downscale certain Gods

Hierarchy is inherent to everything, even Gods, but their position is not permanent. And there is not a single, absolute god.

>There was once a time when people interacted with daemons directly

Bicameral mind theory gives a decent introduction, but it wasn't extrapolated properly because of limitations of modern (((academia)))

>Golden and Silver races in Hesiod remind me of Light and Dark elves in Norse myth

Or Tuatha Dé Danann and Formorians. What if such races physically existed at one point, but went extinct under mysterious circumstances. If this trend continues, white race might become a thing of distant myths of the past as well. Jews are not doing anything different today compared to what they were doing countless centuries ago, compared to what they would be doing countless centuries in the future. You can't run a computer script two times and expect it to behave differently. In the future, rare mythological accounts of the existence of whites may be debunked as works of fantasy, there being no historical evidence of them ever existing :>)

>And i want to add that there are higher non-physical races out there, that grew wings from appropriate spiritual conduit

Yes, wings of Ahura. But they were not literal wings, it was referring to their ability to overcome the gravity of gross matter. To ascend.


We are not plants, that's the whole point. Egalitarians pointing out "minor" differences in DNA are dishonest, because those "minor" differences are all that matters when it comes to diversity of life. But there is a certain threshold where one stops being an animal and becomes 'human' (possessing the drive which you mentioned), however, it does not begin with lesser races, nor does it end with whites. There are even higher racial Forms than whites, but unfortunately they are not present on this planet right now.

>and we may be byproduct of seed of the God (immaterial being) and the Earth (material world)

And did you ever wonder how could immaterial beings 'seed' material world? I'll give you a hint, certain types of radiation can alter DNA and cause mutations. Usually for the worse, but that's because it's not applied correctly.

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a3d79d  No.147864

File: 5527dbbabe05550⋯.jpeg (31.29 KB, 317x320, 317:320, Deus_Ex_Machina.jpeg)


>Order is evil. Chaos is innocence and power.

Okay, anon, you're a genius, this morning i thought exactly the same thing, mostly because jewish law (hammurabi's law) is extremely orderly. Now i have to write what i thought today and man its going to be long as always. I am going to reply only to your post right now, because this is important.

I've been thinking about abandoning the idea of this creature named "satan" for a while, or in some form or another just forget evil exists in metaphysical form, but what can explain evil in metaphysical form is exactly one thing - order, we can see things of order but cannot see things of chaos (unless a man is mad and possessed by a daemon (and that's not always bad)).

Because order is of material, therefore any spirit of order would prefer this world over afterlife. Things of order seem to be "good" to people because they are told so by their governments, but its quite not so. Because what is of order is money loving, material goods loving and generally tied to this world out of beliefs of material necessity. Ask any psychologist of their ways and they'll say that materialism is healthy, while spirituality is schizophrenia.

Because chaos is immaterial, that means every human emotion is generated by chaos, as well as Spirit of God is of chaos, because of formlessness, not related to material "natural law", even though this world is born of it, but rather to law that's above it. Its not beneficial for people worshiping order to know things like "love", "spirituality" and "compassion" because they are of chaotic nature. Basically at worst worldly conditioning - love is madness to people of order, who believe themselves sane.

That means there's in some form something akin to christian depiction of "king of the world", as in ruler that is different from chaotic Spirit. Let me tell you few natures that would paint him as king of order: Rulership of the world and its powers from orderly materialistic standpoint, focus on global economy and not on spiritual life, focus on depriving planet of its resources for consumption of material for material pleasure, bodily hedonism and pleasure of flesh over joy of the Spirit, and other things similar to those.

Wouldn't you think, that straightforward goal of such spirit of order would be to become a god on earth, and acquire a body because said spirit loves earth so much it would want to become "god in the machine", a deus ex machina? Because machine is one way for said god of order to acquire its permanent presence and control of this whole world, eventually depriving everybody from any "chaotic" feelings to find a way to kill souls and make only flesh remain, maybe even in exchange of making flesh immortal as long as person worships deus ex machina, tied to it through transhumanist world order.

But think of this for a second, every philosopher, every religious person have those values in reverse. They search for "god" in natural law, and that's alright, but they forget that order doesn't bring Spirit which is tied to chaotic "wet" nature of afterlife and sane orderly people don't engage with Him, and therefore think that "king of this world", as in evil enemy of their is of chaos. Nay, its certainly materialist order, but even that exists for reasons of balancing power, if there is no challenge for spiritual people, there's no progress in their souls, so that exists to sharpen us up, until it starts killing humanity and their souls at their last stages of living in material world, where needed amount of souls will be gathered and this world won't be needed anymore to gather new born souls, and actual God will wrap it up, when division between order and chaos will be too big to sustain this world.

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a3d79d  No.147875

File: f0628f61aa0b488⋯.jpeg (35.91 KB, 620x335, 124:67, Union_with_god.jpeg)


>Disintegration, Saturnian harvest, feast of dissolved souls to be recycled and enslaved anew.

Have you ever considered that the reason why jews never changed for millenia since start of iron age, is because their materialistic teaching perfectly ties them to be reborn in their offspring, especially love of money ties to this world only souls with specific daemon? Some of them believe in Kabbalist Gilgul, transition to different levels of the Sephirot (Divine emanations). Some jews also believe they initially were sheep like Moshe Teitelbaum claimed his first gilgul was as a sheep in the flock of the Biblical Jacob. Topmost level is called Yechida ("Singular"), Vessel for unconscious Keter in Sephirot. Yechida means similarity to the "Creator", which pretty much makes jews their god. Or if reincarnation not real, then jews become daemons of each other, gathering ancestral powers to achieve singularity.


>What if such races physically existed at one point, but went extinct under mysterious circumstances.

Never denied that all spirits at some point had to go through same tribulations of existing in material world, that's the point of Hesiod. I think the reason for this is for "chaotic" nature of the soul to acquire here some form of "order", in order to attain personality. Basically to shape soul up, going from formless into having a form, human experience is like pottery making, from formless clay there's an object being crafted. Then according to gained experience soul gets its job in this world or the next. Because there must be some order in chaos and some chaos in order, or else either soul dies, or the body. After bodily experience soul acquires knowledge of what order is and being able to live in afterlife not as a formless mindless ghost, but as a being that knows what forms are to take one.

>There are even higher racial Forms than whites, but unfortunately they are not present on this planet right now.

Those people may had became daemons in the past. Wouldn't want to become angel only to get assigned to guard someone who masturbates on something weird, though. And yet the whole point of being someone's daemon is to affect their thought processes and steer their actions, if host is willing, i'd imagine a daemon having to do his job right because his fate may be tied to fate of the host. But to be daemon at all and grow those wings means having done something extraordinary spiritually, so don't get your hopes high up, some get so cocky they believe they are god themselves.

There's also talk about people who died in wars defending their own countries becoming daemons (this is from work of Walter Burkert on Greek Religion):

>Once again Plato had laid the foundation. In his Symposium he has the priestess Diotima introduce Eros as a being which is neither god nor mortal but an intermediate, a daimon. For such is the nature of daimones: they stand in the middle between gods and men, they are ‘interpreters and ferrymen’ who communicate the messages and gifts from men to the gods and from gods to men, prayers and sacrifices from one side, commands and recompenses from the other. The whole art of seers and priests has to do with daimones rather than gods. In Plato this is myth, a tale within a tale; but it is striking that elsewhere too Plato develops a predilection for the word daimon: those fallen in war are no longer called heroes but daimones; ‘gods and daimones’ is a standing formula in the Laws.

One can only imagine how any war affects this world metaphysically, just like earth gives life only when its satisfied by death, same reason wars are happening in order to harvest people destined for metaphysically important acts only happening during war period. Because of that wars are inevitable.

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ef5cd7  No.147900

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So the idea of the Daemon as an intermediate, an interface between God and Man in the same manner a keyboard is an interface between Man and his Internet, in fact the entirety of religion and occultism could be taken as such Daemonics and that the mistake is to perceive such as the object of devotion rather than what lies beyond the interface.

Even Cities were associated with their own particular Daemon and if we take the greatest of these, Rome, then they integrated every religious cult within the confines of that City and every day was dedicated to the cultic function of a particular aspect, and it worked, the basis of that has to be Order as per Jupiter Maximus.

It's possible to connect directly without any interface and more natural and desirable, make Daemons redundant, but not necessarily for everyone, and religion should still serve for those without wireless connection.

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f51043  No.147919

File: 96e9b60ffe3cfaf⋯.jpeg (127.63 KB, 600x438, 100:73, capitoline_triad.jpeg)


>Even Cities were associated with their own particular Daemon and if we take the greatest of these, Rome, then they integrated every religious cult within the confines of that City and every day was dedicated to the cultic function of a particular aspect, and it worked, the basis of that has to be Order as per Jupiter Maximus.

You right about Rome, i've been reading Indo-European Sacred Space book, or more like skimming through it.

Indo-European Capitoline Triad of Rome was when three deities refused to be ousted: Terminus (god of boundaries), Juventas (youth and rejuvenation) and Mars (war god). When they dug foundations for the temple, they found freshly severed man's head, and Etruscan seer interpreted that severed head as an omen that Rome will become "head" (caput) of all Italy.

Juventas and Terminus in Indo-Aryan terms had counterparts of Aryaman (god of aryan society) and Bhaga (deity who seers that society's goods are rightly divided), close companions of the great god Mitra, who's a god of sovereignty like Jupiter.

Dumezil says this:

"Zoroastrian transpositions guarantee the antiquity of this structure, meaning of which is clear: the great sovereign God has two adjuncts, one of whom cares for the persons constituting society, the other for the goods which they share".

Meanwhile the ancient, pre-capitoline roman tried of chief deities consisted of Jupiter, Mars and Quirinus.

They changed triad later for Jupiter, Juno and Minerva, and previous one with Terminus in ended up being called "Minor Capitoline triad", and "gods of Titus Tatius". Titus Tatius traditionally is not counted among kings of rome, but it said he had joined rule with Romulus for five years, yet it seems to me its his actions that founded first Trinitarian temple in Rome. What's important about this, is that its much older than anything Orpheic or Pythagorean. Its an ancient esoteric knowledge about God and two adjuncts, which Lovecraft saw as Zeus, Apollo and Dionysus (on which i think is closest comparison to christian trinity).

Whatever the Trinity is, its obviously the core of Aryan religion and cannot be overlooked.

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af0c55  No.147926

File: 15b7b1fff263014⋯.jpg (216.6 KB, 1600x2133, 1600:2133, alexandria_head.jpg)


>they found freshly severed man's head, and Etruscan seer interpreted that severed head as an omen that Rome will become "head" (caput) of all Italy.

This is interesting.

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af0c55  No.147928

File: 25c03a60febaaed⋯.gif (1.98 MB, 400x400, 1:1, trefoil_knot_recursion.gif)


>Whatever the Trinity is, its obviously the core of Aryan religion and cannot be overlooked.

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af0c55  No.147944

File: 40e08d87099d5ce⋯.jpg (76.4 KB, 768x824, 96:103, parler_cultstate_tabula_ra….jpg)


>Or if reincarnation not real, then jews become daemons of each other, gathering ancestral powers to achieve singularity.

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cad7a0  No.147946

File: 8466cc5ec2e955e⋯.pdf (6.25 MB, Indo_European_Sacred_Space….pdf)


>This is interesting.

Well, if you're interested, here's entire book. Maybe you'll find it useful for research. After all according to Cicero religion is about retracing and re-reading (relegere). Knowing stuff from the past helps with general knowledge of everything.

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af0c55  No.147947

File: 8f3d127717e254b⋯.jpg (173.41 KB, 950x534, 475:267, books_of_all_time_absolute….jpg)


I will add it to the list of things I am supposed to be reading right now. ;^)

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9aa7f2  No.147981

File: b91b0ba7bc605f7⋯.jpeg (3 MB, 1584x1952, 99:122, astronomy.jpeg)

File: 76cc5d9b3f1806b⋯.jpeg (1.4 MB, 1664x1800, 208:225, paradiso.jpeg)


>Even later Vedic thought, Zoroastrianism and ancient Egyptian religion got tainted with the concept of a false god of universalism and oneness

You know why they all exist? Geocentric astronomy. You see, our solar system, together with earth rotates conveniently "around" the polar star that certain people said "doesn't change". Back in the day it was Kochab (jewish name of the star, i know, but we have what we have), then it displaced itself which made all people in the world worry, greeks and romans claimed at certain period north pole was starless, Indians even managed to leave trace in upanishads (Maitri Upanishad):

>‘But why speak of these? Among other things [we see] the drying up of mighty oceans, the crumbling to ruin of lofty peaks, the unfixing of the pole star, the cutting of the ropes [that restrain] the wind, the engulfing of the earth, the fall of the gods from their [high] estate: of such is the round of coming to be and passing away (samsara). What point is there in satisfying one’s desires in that? For once a man has tasted of them he is seen to come back to earth ever and again.

>“‘He who, without causing the breath (ucchvasa) to stop, rises aloft, changing yet changeless, [he who] dispels the darkness, —he is the Self.”

Notice it speaks of "displacement of polar star" and then says about Brahman that he's "changing yet changeless". They believed that star of Brahman, Kochab at that time, was associated with theology of Self, because of vedas. They used to call Him "Unmoving One", "Standing, It overtakes all others as they run" and "From him is darkness far removed:", because pole stars usually the brightest ones. Now the pole star is Polaris, later it will be Vega around 13,700 AD. Actually Polaris already started to displace itself slowly, if you follow modern star movement timelapses.

Next thing is that people believed heaven and earth were associated in equal division, as if earth was whole, and the rest above are "heavens". We know now earth is not in the center of the universe, that stars are far more than gods orbiting a single central god, and it appears that one is indeed many. Because we aren't that special.

And when it comes to spirits just take a hint nobody actually worships one God at least at in spiritually sensitive parts of the world. People pretend they do but get co-opted into worshiping deities, goddesses and many saints in buddhism, hinduism and christianity because spiritual world demands it. Because how can you tell that worship of "One True God" is not some daemon taking all the credit, at least in judaism and islam? But i don't think nothing is united, its true that there's spiritual unity in chaos because water of chaos bore every God and soul, its just doesn't suit the universe where we're no longer in center of it anymore and drives me insane people don't just make new astrological teachings from scientific research of space, because that's what philosophers of old exactly did. Neither people can't really worship many Gods and mystically unite only with one that is God of their Daemon, so personal attachment and moral relativity depending on personality of God worshiped is a thing.

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ef5cd7  No.147983

File: 42508abcac31423⋯.jpg (387.81 KB, 1319x856, 1319:856, Upd.jpg)

File: 79b141d25d97d3f⋯.jpg (61.35 KB, 800x494, 400:247, Bundesarchiv_Bild_146_1986….jpg)

File: 85e41277f4b1df0⋯.jpg (117.1 KB, 1200x600, 2:1, pantheon_int_toppic.jpg)


There is suggestion that the German Dome project was the re-introduction of the Roman Pantheon template, to replace the religio-cultural Demonology of Solomon's Temple.

>Just as Augustus's Domus on the Palatine was connected to the Temple of Apollo Palatinus, so Hitler's palace was to have been connected by a cryptoporticus to the Volkshalle, which filled the entire north side of the forum. This truly enormous building was, according to Albert Speer inspired by Hadrian's Pantheon, which Hitler visited privately on May 7, 1938. But Hitler's interest in and admiration for the Pantheon predated this visit, since his sketch of the Volkshalle dates from about 1925


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af0c55  No.147995

File: de02db5749fc4d0⋯.jpg (13.49 KB, 320x180, 16:9, infinity.jpg)

File: ec7d5fcb06ece62⋯.png (68.19 KB, 584x525, 584:525, Anatomical_Planes_human_bi….png)


Circles are more powerful than cubes because their linear symmetry is infinite (this gives them a specific class of regenerative power no matter how often they are divided). Biological organisms with linear symmetry can be divided into many pieces and still retain their nature. Examples: flatworms, blackberry bushes, etc. The location of their 'soul' (the seat of their regenerative power) is not located in one specific location but rather distributed. If you cut a man into many different pieces it would be the end of his symmetry. The life of agents who possess linear symmetry is startlingly different than poor mankind who is quiet limited when it comes to regenerative power. We tend to think of things with linear symmetry as 'invasive' or a pestilence. lol

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f5b21f  No.148004

File: 92521cec699e06e⋯.jpeg (2.63 MB, 2085x1575, 139:105, Orthodox_Dome.jpeg)

File: 3a1bedc281e0605⋯.png (51.95 KB, 578x348, 289:174, blond_beast.png)

File: 5cfb1dc9e4d7c23⋯.png (52.28 KB, 588x336, 7:4, Dionysos.png)


Notice the similarity of the dome structure and paradiso. They were made to produce this kind of esoteric effect as if "looking at heavens".

>Deus Optimus Maximus

This kind of stuff makes me wonder when christianity will be replaced in a similar way protestantism happened. Just out of uncovering/retracing older aryan religion and its ancient sacred space. Because who knows when "God will actually die" like promised by Nietzsche, only to get resurrected as Dionysus according to Jung. Bacchanalia of new world order cannot sustain itself without turning to worship. Nobody there to pick up Orphic cult i suppose, but if claim of the first picture is right, that kind of secret order gone nowhere.

After all what Hitler haven't thought about is that black sun worshiper has to suffer first, the whole point of "suffering god" is to die, like star exploding into black hole. But that is probably exactly what jews really fear, resurrection of national socialism because of those tribulations and sacrifices caused by the loss equal to death-resurrection pattern.

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9ecb91  No.148147

Very excellent thread. Thank you to all who contributed. My brain is still too small to grasp all of what was shared, but the discussion definitely led to some epiphanies that confirmed and corrected some of my beliefs. Bumping in hopes of further discussion.

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af0c55  No.148154


Welcome anon. There is always further discussion. I reread through the thread today as well. ;^)

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c6ef48  No.148188

File: b26f1ce098b5113⋯.jpg (106.85 KB, 320x1001, 320:1001, 8kun_logo.jpg)


When anons lay off shitposting for a while they can brainstorm anything.

Its a possessive (daemonic) skill on its own to see similarities and apply objective thinking, putting away subjective notions that are without any questions being applied by modern society in era after WW2. One can say truly objective thinking would be borderline fringe, but same reason its borderline fringe is because cult power in politics never waned, its because of that research into esoteric meanings is needed.

There are at least three levels or more on which metaphysical drivel can go:

1. Surface level religious comparisons (e.g. calling everything luciferian/satanic); which is also same level as atheism where anti-luciferianism is replaced with anti-charlatanism

2. Cult-minded attitude within acquired believes from personal research/experience (which is still close minded attitude because you will only dig as deep as your daemon wants); certain free roaming protestants like calvinists fall into this category

3. Near scientific attitude to spiritual phenomena and application of it to social study (phenomenology and transcendental metaphysics), where one rejects nothing, keeps open mind and globalizes spiritual ideas in order to explain their work outside of cultist or religious explanations, naming things anew.

I'd say level three is the most optimal one when it comes to researching on jewish plots, because their believes are stronger than ours, and certainly stronger than believes of average gentiles, since while white man proudly announced death of his God, stopped crusading and inquisitions, middle eastern world stopped nothing, doubled down in 21 century as if seeing weakness to exploit.

Like for example Vedic cult never gone, it exists almost in every religion except semitic ones for some reason, with exception for Byzantium and Roman traces of christianity, i'l be researching in my own upcoming leisure on japanese esoteric buddhism and shinto, drawing comparison with how Rome appropriated Vedic spirituality, because one draws from hindu practices everything and even worships hindu gods, and other inspired by it to reform. Because i saw similarities between shingon and christian orthodoxy, from liturgy to mandalic imagery.

Therefore comparative studies are a must, Trinitarian worship among Vedic cults is common in various ways, which allowed me to trace undoubtful spiritual similarity between east and aryan west, where middle east is pursuing its own spiritual goals where islam may even be a lap dog of the judaic cult.

Therefore the actual spiritual struggle may be happening for ages between all encompassing Vedic-Egyptian pantheon that is preserved esoterically in certain corrupted forms of christianity, hinduism and buddhism and some sort of order obsessed, world loving daemon-usurper, who may or may not be associated with world serpent Jormungandr or Apep.

Just remember that Logos is not just language, symbols, bodily actions and sounds matter as much as said words.

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ef5cd7  No.148225

File: 2fed7502a573d05⋯.jpg (310.85 KB, 1355x678, 1355:678, jjk.jpg)

File: 61d52a505234e40⋯.jpg (417.37 KB, 1408x825, 128:75, lllkj.jpg)

File: a8a9b3acc00b194⋯.jpg (389.34 KB, 1382x707, 1382:707, llll.jpg)

File: 6b9ac3c10742c4e⋯.jpg (374.79 KB, 1360x864, 85:54, llllk.jpg)



Ludendorff indicates that consultations had been going on in German Freemasonry even in the 1920's with regards to re-directing towards a German Dome project, at the suggestion of a nameless order closely connected to Memphis Misraim Masonry.

That was an irregular version with the emphasis on Egyptian magic, based in Naples and connected with the Nationalism of Garibaldi, Crowley was the Grand Master during the 1920's and the OTO emerged from it, and is thus the likely candidate for the nameless order.

Ludendorff didn't trust this group and considered them more dangerous than regular Masons, but they were looking to posit an Aryan basis for the mysteries, though i don't think they were very good at this their approach somewhat shallow.

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fd6213  No.148235

File: 51a3363b9287141⋯.png (62.82 KB, 581x429, 581:429, Nietzsches_Dionysian_fate.png)


>Christus prior to Christus appears

Well, that's what Dionysus and Osiris are.

>friend and foe should take this key to unlock the door behind which they would find themselves

This saying alone is extremely cryptic. Almost like unity of the opposites that Lenin stole from Heraclitus:

>Opposites cooperate. The most beautiful harmonies come from opposition. All things repel each other.

In all honestly that's the point of eternal strife we have, to keep creating conflict from repulsion that makes progress. Without opposition this earth wouldn't be making forms.

There's also another key metaphysical factor nobody talks about, that is related to Dionysus and madness, but nobody will take me seriously. Every opposition slowly becomes what it opposes. Even if this sounds insulting, there's a bit of truth to it, because it happens to people who blame others but don't notice themselves changing in who they hate. Its a very complicated matter, and i think its attributed to Dionysian madness from rejecting God and eventual death. You don't notice how irreligious people become religious, how Lenin first died of brain disease that caused insane madness and then at mausoleum people went to bow down to him like to a god, how his agony of death was extremely familiar to madness of Nero and Bacchae's Pentheus.

Jews used to stone homosexuals and now Israel is the most gay country in middle east, that has racial supremacy traits of their own persecutors.

And whites heading to be discredited in their own countries like jews were, soon to get yellow stars for being white, but that's probably just hebrews doing revenge work.

People claimed science had won over religion, but now same people hate Enlightenment and biology for racism and sexism, because new religion is growing out of new liberal values, and it opposes scientific method.

West is mad, but that's only the beginning. Its not just period of war have to partake with periods of peace, its also periods of chaos have to partake with periods of order. And its obvious new religion might get established, if not a dictatorship.

>inb4 internet conspiracy theorists themselves become freemasons

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ef5cd7  No.148263

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Greeks saw Dionysus as the son of Zeus and Semele (Roman Stimula) and thus still confined within the concept of greater natural order, that could therefore be rationalized.

The Sumerian conception of Sara as the son of Anu and Inanna bypasses that, indeed setting him in opposition to the Storm God, a Divine paradoxical madness that is above normative order and beyond compartmentalization, a basis for Cosmic Irony/

>Cosmic irony: A contrast between the absolute and the relative, the general and the individual, which Hegel expressed by the phrase, "general [irony] of the world."

So people will abandon one idea of God but unwittingly be entirely driven by another aspect, and the harder they push against the truth the closer they move towards it, this confuses the individualist.

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58e744  No.148273

File: 72b60818b456e84⋯.jpg (2.52 MB, 2400x1371, 800:457, Edwin_Austin_Abbey_1852_19….jpg)



>Christus prior to Christus appears

We have visited this before in other threads on /pol/ but it has been a while so I will reiterate.

Yes, this is mentioned in the bible when Jesus tells the disciples to look for the day of his return. There it is called the 'parousia' (the Presence; one of the Trinity; feminine) which is mistranslated as the 'holy spirit' in Bibles everywhere. The parousia is a Persian word that is uncommon but has no analogous concept in Aramaic or the Phoenician dialect which is why Christ chose it. The Presence is the representative of the king who visits before the official state visit to his vassals and it is their job to make sure that SHIT IS IN ORDER before the arrival of the king. Their word is the Kings word since they know exactly what needs to happen to make his visit pleasant. If shit doesn't get done, it is not the parousia that is punished for humanities disrespect. It is humanity with specific emphasis on the ruling class who get dragged in front of the king (all of them and their extended kin) and slaughtered. Then shit gets straightened out for good but it is not 'done by suggestion' as in the first case, rather it is done by terrifying force, wrath and vengeance. Think of this as if a very powerful king sent his wife ahead of him on a official state visit and when he arrived he found her raped, starving, ignored and begging in the street and none of his commands or edict had been respected but rather they had been trampled on and mocked. Things could have gone one way during that kings visit but instead they will go quite differently, correct?

>3 While Jesus was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately. “Tell us,” they said, “when will these things happen, and what will be the ([Parousia] = mistranslated intentionally as 'sign of Your coming') and of the end of the age?”

>4 Jesus answered, “See to it that no one deceives you.

>5 For many will come in My name, claiming, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many [this is where the Christ before Christ fits in]

>6 You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. These things must happen, but the end is still to come.

>7 Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places.

>8 All these are the beginning of birth pains

>9 Then they will deliver you over to be persecuted and killed, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name.

>10 At that time many will fall away and will betray and hate one another,

>11 and many false prophets will arise and mislead many

>12 Because of the multiplication of wickedness (acts of the Jews), the love of most will grow cold.

>13 But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.

>14 And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come

Also, Jesus was not a jew.

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4caac9  No.148328

File: 334fb86ae2fee9d⋯.png (201.31 KB, 557x880, 557:880, Semele.png)



Talking about her, just so you know, while this is offtopic, i hid that Semele holidays perfectly align with virgin Mary ones. This is the only mortal deified person to ever be worshiped on greek coast aside of heracles and other heroes.

Selene's descent into Hades (Death of the Virgin) and her rescue by Dionysus is equal to Assumption of Mary.


Both Maitreya and Second Coming are based on Kalki (Mahabharata). Actually book of revelations specifically takes a ton from other religions, Zoroastrian Zahhak has a big place in it as dragon-seprent, and so is Golden City of Brahman from Vedas.

>Also, Jesus was not a jew.

Jesus was as much not a jew as Dionysus is. Because jesus never existed.

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58e744  No.148346

File: 3bb566a0e32b5cf⋯.jpg (67.53 KB, 680x680, 1:1, do_twin_flame_and_soul_mat….jpg)


>Because jesus never existed.


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4caa0b  No.148455

File: c88a3fda842114a⋯.jpeg (232.62 KB, 960x646, 480:323, Macedonian_Mosaics.jpeg)


You know what 3300 years old bullet of Dionysian church atheists and jews dodged with Jesus?

Just sheer scale of this is incomprehensible. There'd still be original sin because of "titanic nature of humans", there'd still be anathema for denying virgin birth of Semele because Dionysus Himself drove people mad who deny it, there'd still be religious colonization because Dionysus Himself went against Phaedrus for denying His worship. All holidays would be the same, as well as all mysteries of baptism and eucharistia. On top of that, if this is not enough, Roman Cult would still exist in its full glory, just with new Orphic-like Trinitarian worship of Zeus-Apollo-Dionysus, and jewish people would not be out of religious compassion accepted anywhere in a vein of quote "without jews jesus and apostles would not exist", because Dionysus didn't depend on the jews, and wouldn't be tied to corrupt old testament of the jews. Even Islam would be called worst transgressor of the God because they don't drink, and therefore insult Son of God. Any inter-religious conflict would end up only between Orphic reformed worship of Dionysus and older Bacchanic one, so there'd be protestants still, but ironically they would all be mad like satyrs. And any philosophical thought of greeks and romans would be incorporated in worship starting from Trinitarian reformation. There'd be no sexual limitations thought, because there'd be no imitation of the jewish religion, therefore only stuff derived from Platonists remain as moral guides.

And Dionysus in white culture would be like Indian God Shiva, not only associated with every other "many named" chief white God like Odin, but also having huge prehistory traceable to 1st millennium BCE on level of Krishna Himself, leveling with Hindus without Vivekananda calling our religion "very patchy imitation". Alexander the Great himself would be one of the saints, and Nietzsche would never become philosopher.


>Cosmic irony

This cosmic irony certainly exists on some incredible scale. As if there's some humor to God's actions. Learning people always learn and get mad, learned don't understand, true sages stay silent accepting their fate.

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8cece8  No.148471

File: 1c80c87bba76dbf⋯.jpg (390.74 KB, 468x660, 39:55, odin_hung_on_a_tree.jpg)

File: 016b69c7b888e20⋯.png (468.63 KB, 702x527, 702:527, jesus_cross_lamb_of_god.png)


Oh anon!!

One time I sat down and began to use comparative analysis on all the religions of the world in terms of their myths, symbolism, iconography and morality…guess what, it turns out they are all the same thing, same story (with minor and fractional differences that could easily be assumed were relevant to climate, topography or culture). It was not 'God' that we were mapping but rather mapping the mind of mankind.

So, I have a 'belief system' but it is nothing more than a map of my own mind with external pressure that points to the things I aspire to or give reverence too or would give my life for…the jews see the same text and aspire to child molestation, usury, theft, cannibalism and terrorism; something that would never, ever cross my mind because I never mapped the religion on my brain, but rather my brain onto the religion.

Don't try to take away my 'tools' anon and I will never interfere with yours either. I am still learning from my 'religion' and I have a deep love for it, but that is because it is myself that I have mapped onto it and I hold tightly to the things that are moral within it because I AM MORAL and those things have value to me. I am Western European…just like I can use ANY GOVERNMENT and still prosper, I can use ANY RELIGION and still prosper because it is ME, MYSELF that I am mapping onto the world.


It does not control me; it reflects everything that I am or aspire to; all the best of my own self is thrown up into the heavens so that it can shine down on me.

Because I am good and moral (some people would debate or hotly contest this factoid but it isn't their life now is it?) And really how could they ever understand the depths of my own heart?

They can't even tell me something BASIC about myself like what color shirt I wore today (and there is a limited amount of these possibilities to draw from an educated guess might yield results, unlike the decisions that emerge from the heart of mankind)…who is going to judge me with their 'god-like power' when they don't have the ability to fill in the basics of my life?

Remember…we turn things to Gold, right anon? We are the Philosopher Kings (and Queens).

All these things you are focusing on are exterior phenomenon are not unessential, but rather mundane, don't you think?

Just saying that we have other things, becoming perfect (Perfecti) within our own bodies than having to worry about what other people are mapping or their own innate corruption that could never be fixed if it is putrid by a 'change of religion'.

If they are putrid they will be so no matter what they chose to map their mind onto because it is their own innate quality that will be revealed for everyone to see.


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087f1b  No.148484

File: c523fd2ef5f13d8⋯.jpeg (165.58 KB, 768x576, 4:3, Indra_s_net.jpeg)


I said already in this thread that whole world worships Dionysus, whose many named, and that all religions are moon's reflection in the water, which is actually light of the sun. Light projected through many mirrors. Something very akin to a concept of Indra's net. You also forget that only aryan vedic religions, and religions inspired by aryan vedic teachings of seven seers are similar, which obviously had a basis somewhere in fertile crescent 10th millennium BC during the development of agriculture.

You also read Jung too much i see. In reality i find this spiritual rationalization ignorant of lack of control. One has to practice no-action, meditation or idleness with obscuration of senses to realize he's not alone, and his actions are inspired by something, if he has Something. That's what i call a Daemon, third element aside body and soul that preaches of Logos and gives intellectual recognition to God's Forms. Who aren't of God don't have Daemon, because they are of flesh, which is what vulgar meme loving anons called an NPC.

Its a complex system of soul growth, where soul born out of chaos like out of a formless cloud, has to go through life in this world in order to gain a form, recognition of forms and senses, and when body dies in recognition of forms, Daemon leads this drunk unconscious through Hades, where it will find its purpose because everything is tied to divine fate.

I also disagree that human reaches singularity with God. Topmost spiritual becoming is a Daemon, but God is whole Chaos that gives birth to order. There must be some order in chaos and some chaos in order, but to have individuality one chaotic form has to be separated from another chaotic form. Therefore i am not surprised that some people see monistic tendencies as an insult. Who became many out of Eros wouldn't want to become One again. But there will be eventual merge of this world's order and chaos, once entirety of chaos will gain a form, which will be perfect balance of all possible forms in infinite immortal universe, but only after merge of formless and the form, which is the true apocalypse. But i still hold notion that this world was erased before to generate Daemons.

You should not forget that anon was right about the jews going against seven seers. >>123405

The less there were humans on earth, the more contact they had with daemons, both those who are free roaming spirits, and those who are personal, tied to people, so divine revelations and interventions were possible. Atheism is direct cause of overpopulation.

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ef5cd7  No.148494

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



In terms of cosmic irony there is a serious issue with Deities related to Phenomena having sex, Semele is related to the Demeter and Persephone tradition, which itself derives from the Mesopotamian tradition of Nisaba, grain Goddess of Virgo and daughter of Anu and Urash/Earth, and her daughter Sud as the archetype of Persephone and consort of En-lil.

Rather than Zeus here it is En-lil that must engage in proxy disguise in order to enter into sexual relations, even with his own consort, as a spiritual phenomena can only do so through some form of possession

>She lived in Dilmun with her family,impregnated by her husband Enlil, who lie with her by the water, she conceived a boy, Nanna/Suen, the future moon god. As punishment Enlil was dispatched to the underworld kingdom of Ereshkigal, where Ninlil joined him. Enlil impregnated her disguised as the gatekeeper, where upon she gave birth to their son Nergal, god of death. In a similar manner she conceived the underworld god Ninazu when Enlil impregnated her disguised as the man of the river of the nether world, a man-devouring river. Later Enlil disguised himself as the man of the boat, impregnating her with a fourth deity Enbilulu, god of rivers and canals.

It's more the case that En-lil became bound within Eres-kigal as that epitaph belongs to Nisaba and indicates Queen of Eres/Uruk, thus he becomes bound within the grain Goddess, Mother Nature, through her daughter, this basis also lent itself well to beer and Divine encounters within the liminal confines of the tavern

The wine cults had a similar perspective with of course the emphasis on the vine Goddess rather than grain, it always involved some form of Divine possession, and the bloodlines and lineages of those so possessed, the ancestral cult aspect, the King as head of the Marzeah would be understood as the living incarnation of the Deity through the mystical union with wine.

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8cece8  No.148563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I have never actually read Jung. Just never got around to it.

>The less there were humans on earth, the more contact they had with daemons, both those who are free roaming spirits, and those who are personal, tied to people, so divine revelations and interventions were possible

This is an interesting thought tho. Gives new meaning to that song by Prince called Seven where he celebrates that 'one day all Seven will fall' doesn't it?

I just don't relate to the Asian religions I think it is a personal issue because I despise the Indian people and whatever they are interested in is something I want no part of since I find them repulsive. You may have already said this in the thread but when you start trying to convert people to 'Asian' religions my eyes just glaze over and I lose interest completely. There is nothing about that people that I want around me, in my life or to really even consider.

The only thing of interest I ever found in that whole train of though as actually worth contemplating or interesting was their take on Daemons. I have attended free classes online and seminars with supposed masters as well so it is not like I have no 'experience' with those people it is just the PRODUCT of their faith that falls short of anything that would attract me or make it worth contemplating.

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5869a2  No.148621


I like this post.

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2b4f9d  No.148720


Maybe (((Eden))) was something like globohomo, then Lucifer imbued Adam and Eve (which were pretty much soulless golems until then ) with 'sight' and ability of judgement, making them realize just how fake and gay it was, so kike god got butthurt and "exiled" them after they realized that the king is naked. They had their own /pol/ moment so to speak. Maybe their newfound awareness made them discriminate godly niggers, which is a big sin to communist god (Saturn) where all are equal in slavery. Archetypal patterns survive all individual instances, be they real or fictional.

>That means this particular soul is needed in another, just as much balanced, world in some form of servitude to Higher Power

Sounds like cope along the lines of accruing karma points by acting like a good goy

>And theory of humans relying only on flesh also fits into this, as mere filler for this world's activity for selected number of actual descended actors playing important part in it. This world is an exam of the soul, and only small number pass it according to non-earthly destiny, regardless of religion, because they are all different guiding myths appropriate for their place and time.

This is true. There is no exam however, no divine commission to score your results and encourage you to try again while pointing out your mistakes, re-taking the exam might be quite difficult, if not impossible for most. It's much more similar to a warzone. There could be individual divinities of various ranks trying to support you or ruin you however. Materialism is important to the extent that it preserves racial purity and development of higher races, without which 'players' could hardly ever incarnate. The actual reason why kikes are trying to genocide the white race is because brown abominations could hardly ever question their god (which is simultaneously their hive-mind). Take their agenda to lower European IQ so they are no longer a competition and apply it to "Spiritual IQ" so they could no longer be a competition to their god, which like them, is an organic lie. As above, so below. Higher spirit is also strongly linked to aesthetics, which is why they are trying to make everything look as disgusting, tasteless and profane as possible. I mean, the great majority of them don't do it intentionally, they are programmed that way and have no choice about it, but that's the plan in general. Disintegration.


>Yes, I believe we are in quarantine because we 'caught death'

Well observed.

>Judgement is the antithesis of equilibrium/death/equality/communism

I wouldn't call it death, for it is something much worse. A second death so to speak. Death of a soul (for those who had it to begin with). Sometimes physical death is good because it releases souls who know how to navigate Hades from the shackles of their bad circumstances or choices.

>Shall we roll back time [卐 卍]; this is easy enough but to what purpose in an exponential system?

Your soul might not be as linear. Same applies to a racial soul. That would give it another chance to cleanse itself and reach escape velocity. To turn back time for the elect few (This was the one of occult projects of the SS), while those entirely 'of death' reach their inevitable end, the final solution (pun intended) of this exponential equation.

>We can't 'roll it back' to a time when the contagion was not present?

That starts along with the expansion of a universe. Maybe finding the actual way out (instead of going in circles ad-infinitum) is the whole point. Obviously, dissolving back into the no-thing is not a solution as it only gets one recycled.

>And exactly how many times will we wash, rinse, repeat?

Until we find a way. But beware, every repetition narrows the span for it's actually a very subtle spiral.


Did you ever try being simultaneously pessimistic and optimistic to the maximum extent possible? To understand just how utterly horrifying and ultimately hopeless current reality is while being certain in overcoming all of it.

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2b4f9d  No.148735


>a monstrous Shivaite Black basalt pillar is developing

These pillars are spread throughout the world and were meant to serve as occult beacons of sort. That being said, I saw a smaller one (it was made of concrete rather than stone I believe) where the top is an inverse (downwards facing) pyramid. So instead of one point at the top, you have four, pyramid facing inwards. The shape of the pyramid was not defined by stone, but rather, lack of it. Very subtle, intentional or not.


There is actually no such thing of chaos, people just apply that label to more subtle forms of order which they cannot understand. You are referring to subconsciousness, which is often our link to more complete reality. That being said, Dionysus is an ultimate NPC god, that's why you will see the emergence of similar deities wherever Dravidians and other subhumans adopt certain, previously more advanced religious practices, or when they become so popular that normies start incorporating them into their mundane worldview. There is distinction between form and formlessness, potential and actualization however. The more you gain and refine a certain form, the less potential to be something else you have.


What if there existed a negative time and negative space on the axis … as well as an intermediary region where neither exists. It would imply the existence of an inverse universe, a mirror world where different rules apply. Inner earth, but the one that you won't reach by land or sea. People who equate Saturn with the black sun are seriously deluded, but they were intentionally misled by the forces of disintegration so they could be devoured by their god.


Seth is most likely a "filler" character entirely made up by the kikes (and cryptos), it's not canon at all.


Order based on Judeo-Masonic, Talmudic law is bad because it's hollow, incomplete. Their temple cannot stand, it's flawed by design. Instead of rejecting order altogether, one should find an order that's based on substance instead of artifice, or at least based on an integration of the two.

>Wouldn't you think, that straightforward goal of such spirit of order would be to become a god on earth, and acquire a body because said spirit loves earth so much it would want to become "god in the machine", a deus ex machina? Because machine is one way for said god of order to acquire its permanent presence and control of this whole world, eventually depriving everybody from any "chaotic" feelings to find a way to kill souls and make only flesh remain, maybe even in exchange of making flesh immortal as long as person worships deus ex machina, tied to it through transhumanist world order.

Which is exactly what's happening. One of their (((candidates))) will eventually attempt to merge with a global AI. But this is not about order in general, but about order and Will of that individual (collective) entity. You won't defeat it by being more "chaotic" , you will defeat it by imposing an alternate order and Will. The one not based on Saturnian archetype and absolute slavery and equality in flesh/matter. This is what New world order actually means, the one that NSDAP tried to bring forth at least.

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583deb  No.148738


> (((Eden))) was something like globohomo

Nice theory but there's the Babel Tower fable that directly contradicts your view of the kikes' god as a globalist. Also the Adam and Eden myth were never supposed to be universalist, it was the root of hebrew exceptionalism since other peoples seemed to have existed at least since Cain and Abel's era but they were not made with special care from god, never lived in Paradise and were viewed as barely above beasts (goyim). Adam and Eve were the progenitors of the Israelite race, not goyimkind, and it's so blatantly obvious a fucking 5 years old can point out the inconsistencies in the story regarding its explanatory status about human origins.

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8cece8  No.148739


>Your soul might not be as linear. Same applies to a racial soul. That would give it another chance to cleanse itself and reach escape velocity. To turn back time for the elect few (This was the one of occult projects of the SS), while those entirely 'of death' reach their inevitable end, the final solution (pun intended) of this exponential equation.

>This was the one of occult projects of the SS

Anon, where can I learn more about this?

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583deb  No.148744

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>There'd be no sexual limitations thought

Stopped reading there.

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ed18d5  No.148854

File: 8fa760f704f45be⋯.jpg (359.09 KB, 3200x2272, 100:71, smoke.jpg)


That sounds more painful that anything…so glad I don't live in an apartment complex near 'that guy'.

"Slippery white gift to the world?"

Whoever made that video is disturbed. lol

This bestial inhuman obsessive quality really makes you think about how inhuman we are at this point.

I mean, for this to be the focus of men/women…physical pleasure just means there is hardly any spirit left.

No real spirit…why BOTHER to coom?

It is nothing but an empty unproductive animal act that cannot be recovered.

So odd to look on humanity and see that there is nothing left but wisps of spirit…and barely any of those…

Fuck, I really really don't belong here.

Just when I thought I couldn't relate to things any more, something comes along that just shows me that the level that I thought I couldn't relate to is actually magnitudes worse than I imagined.

“Pulvis et umbra sumus. (We are but dust and shadow.)”

― Horace, The Odes of Horace

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619465  No.148889

File: bc22f62c03c518c⋯.png (985.11 KB, 620x907, 620:907, 3D036D93_AC3E_495B_814C_E3….png)

Can something be corrupted if it doesn’t want to be corrupted? If it wants to be corrupted there is not way to redeem it. We can easily prove this world/simulation is an illusion of the mind. The mind is capable of alterations to the entire system at any level. Other minds who desire corruption will hold the mind that does not desire it hostage because ultimately this is a mind war. This is similar to someone drowning their own rescuer. The number of minds who do not wish to be corrupted are increasingly scarce. Only the uncorrupted can generate reality. Thus the corrupted cannot let the uncorrupted go. If this system is ‘mind’ and mind can operate in it, mind can operate on every level within it. The only boundaries are self imposed or imposed by corrupted minds (Thx Tengri). The only thing that can defeat death is death.

It is only when you have nothing to lose that you can defeat something with nothing to lose. The older I get, the more I think the Cathar’s were correct. If you move to destroy the system, the whole system will ally against you to prevent this from happening. Therefore corruption breeds more corruption unchecked. But by this same corruption it is also destroyed The jews are right about Communism, it is autocatalytic now and cannot be stopped. If too many of the uncorrupted understand the system, the system will perform a reset (appeasement) of them to allow corruption to continue. This is not a correction of the system but simply a way for the system of corruption to continue since corruption is endemic to the system. Mitigation and half measures cannot cure the system. Only absolute and total destruction of the mind slave system can cure the corruption. In order to destroy the system one must exit the system (Rip its face off, so to speak, according to some intricacies within the Riemann hypothesis).

Love is interfering with my ability to complete this. It is not the corruption that I desire but this mingling of the remains of uncorruption with corruption. You don’t have any real values of pity, sympathy or love if you are unwilling to end the corruption. This just means that I have found the limits of my own corruption because something uncorrupted would not allow this to continue. I really don’t know what to think about this other than to be disappointed in myself.

Communism is only the vaguest expression of the true expression of this system. All antithetical operations to ‘counter’ the mind slave system ‘within’ the system are self regulating operations of the system to prolong itself for its own benefit, not curative effects meant to correct the system but rather to prolong its control. Political parties, religions, ideologies all are system control operations that will prolong the life (and thus the corruption) of the system.

Sorry about the blogpost.

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6e32b3  No.148946

not sure if this was shared before, i can't be bothered reading everything

(btw wtf is wrong with this website, i got to use VPNs all the time and switch regularly or i can't post)



A Semitic Strain In Nearly all the royal Families in Europe.

A remarkable feature in connection with the ancestry of all the reigning houses of Europe, says the New York Tribune, is the fact that nearly everyone of them has strains of Semitic blood in the veins of its members, Alberia, (Queen of Sicily, from whom almost everyone of the now reigning families is descended, having been a daughter of tho old Hebrew banker, Porleoni, who was the first of his race to be admitted to the ranks of the European aristocracy, Pope Leo XI. ennobling him in the year 1116. Later on one of his sons, who became converted to the Iloman Catholic church, ascended the papal throne under the title of Anacletus 11. This, however, by no means constitutes the only source of Jewish blood in the royal and imperial veins of to-day. There are others of a far less remote character. Thus, King Ferdinand of Portugal, the grandfather of the present King, had, himself, as grandfather, a Hungarian Hebrew named Kohary, whose daughter and heiress married Prince Ferdinand of Saxe-Coburg. King Carlos of Portugal is therefore of indubitably Jewish descent, and so, too, is Prince Ferdinand of Bulgaria, whose features are remarkably Hebraic, and who is a grandson of old Kohary's heiress. A second of the latter's grandsons, Duke Philip of Saxe-Coburg, is wedded to the eldest daughter of King Leopold of Belgium, while a third, Augustus by name, married a daughter of the late Emperor Doin Pedro of Brazil. It is one of the grand-daughters of the Kohary heiress who is wedded to the Archduke Joseph of Austria, while another has become the wile of Duke Maximilian of Bavaria, the brother of the Empress of Austria and the ex-queen of Naples. Queen Victoria's favorite son-in-law, Prince Henry of Battenburg, is a great grandson of a converted Jew named Hauke, established in Poland, and whose son won his way into the favor of the Grand Duke Constantino of Russia.

And apropos of this Jewish descent, let me add in conclusion the astonishing fact that the country which is distinguished above all others for its animosities toward the Jewish race, namely, Russia, is precisely the very one where the strain of Hebrew blood is the strongest iv the bluo blood of its aristocracy. There is not a single family of the higher grades of the uobility in the Czar's enimre which has not at oue time or another during the last two centuries affiliated or intermarried with the four great princely houses of Bragagion, Davidoff, Imerietiuski aud Muskranski. Now, each of these claims to be descended in an unbroken and direct line from the Biblical King l>avid, and, like the Georgian princely family of Guriel, are proud above everything else of their Jewish ancestry. L uder the circumstances their undisguised antipathy to the unfortunate Hebrew subjects of the Czar appears, to say the least, to be illogical.

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7d97cb  No.149011


The concept of corruption is based on something's current form and the potential forms it can become. If you selectively breed a plant you are changing its form to suit your own purposes.

What I would call "corruption" is forcing something's form to change with the desire to destroy or completely enslave it. If you give it no ability to change of its own volition against your will, then you are attempting to corrupt it.

It doesn't necessarily need to want to become something else, just that you are preventing it from having other alternatives.

Letting things change to suit your needs, but also giving it room to change naturally is not corruption. Really, the feelings behind the one trying to bring about change are what defines something as corruptive or not.

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5663ec  No.149012


>Have you ever considered that the reason why jews never changed for millenia since start of iron age, is because their materialistic teaching perfectly ties them to be reborn in their offspring, especially love of money ties to this world only souls with specific daemon?

Of course, this is based on the idea of "holy blood", but in an entirely corrupt, materialistic, necromancy kind of way. The 'science of the blood' accessible only to the innermost circle of Rabbinical caste, who are tasked with maintaining the disease. This is how Priory of Sion poz'd those royal families that remained somewhat influential to this day, and this is also the myth behind the "bloodline" of (((Jesus))). But the more patterns repeat, the more they become a 'bad probabilistic habit' , and the more they crystallize (in this case as a very specific iteration of a carbon based lifeform). Meaning that the more one incarnates as a Jew through his offspring (or offspring of other Jews by synchronization), the more one gets locked into that mode of existence, and the harder it becomes for his soul (what's left of it, if there was any in the first place) to escape. Due to metaphysical design of the "Jew" egregore, one eventually loses any traces of divinity/soul left, turning into a genetic robot with no soul or will of it's own, becoming a worse and worse kike, being compelled to act that way regardless of consequences, and becoming entirely bound to materialistic existence with no chance of any existence beyond. Yes, this mode of existence provides them with a lot of materialistic benefits, but ultimately devours them, because their god devours his children. A perfect trap. Why do you think they are so ruthless against the very few of their own who begin to wake up from this? Even more so than against the 'goyim' .

>Topmost level is called Yechida ("Singular")

Which defines the dimension of their existence, and which brings us back to Saturnian singularity. One. Did you ever consider that certain races exist on entirely different planes of existence, only a portion of their signal manifesting here? The realm of Aryans is Zero, Atman.

>I think the reason for this is for "chaotic" nature of the soul to acquire here some form of "order", in order to attain personality.

It's here to attain separation and shape itself. That mostly applies to psychics though, pneumatics are self-existent and hyletics are not individualized souls.

>Because there must be some order in chaos and some chaos in order, or else either soul dies, or the body.

Correct, so they eventually seek integration and a state where one enhances another, rather than being opposed. This leads to racial refinement, which boosts spiritual refinement, as a sort of mutual feedback loop. Inversely, kikes disintegrate both by forcing false dichotomies and separating soul from the body (they promote religions which entirely reject material world on one end, and absolute materialism/degeneracy on another).

>Wouldn't want to become angel only to get assigned to guard someone who masturbates on something weird

If you were an 'angel' , you would have understanding for such states of mind and what leads to those.

>But to be daemon at all and grow those wings means having done something extraordinary spiritually

Agreed. This of course, has nothing to do with repeating mantrams all day or being pious.

>There's also talk about people who died in wars defending their own countries becoming daemons

Well, they die for something greater than themselves. What it essentially means, is that they were ready to give up their mortal life (which should be the most prized thing to everyone) for something that they might not have a benefit of. This of course, applies only to those who heroically sacrifice themselves, not those who die in defensive wars due to inertia of their circumstances, which is usually the majority. But even that is not enough on it's own to become a daemon (which is a demigod basically). One must 'drink' of a proper archetype, which is more on the "holy grail" side of things.

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7d97cb  No.149018


>The realm of Aryans is Zero, Atman.

>Inversely, kikes disintegrate both by forcing false dichotomies and separating soul from the body (they promote religions which entirely reject material world on one end, and absolute materialism/degeneracy on another).

When it comes to pure mathematics I believe you can either strive to reach positive infinity, negative infinity, or zero. Each of these requires an inflection point and certain prerequisites.

When it comes to zero the answer is simple, you must add or subtract. If you have 1 then you subtract 1 to make zero. However if you can only add or subtract 0.0000001 then you must take 1 and make it smaller by multiplying or dividing first so you can finally add or subtract to reach zero.

For infinity and negative infinity I'm not quite as sure. You can keep multiplying or dividing and not even get close to reaching it. It feels like what you need to do is go based on a pattern and extrapolate that into infinity. I'm not sure if that counts as an inflection point but it's the closest I can think of.

>But even that is not enough on it's own to become a daemon (which is a demigod basically). One must 'drink' of a proper archetype, which is more on the "holy grail" side of things.

Filling a certain role seems incredibly important to me. It's like there's a certain "space open" which is possible to be filled through action and kept on through belief.

What people call "religion" I believe is far more about a shared history of actions, and the beliefs are something that follows afterwards. This is why a strong racial component can be important for a religion, because that shared history is something they all have a connection to. And that a new religion can be formed when people split groups, thus forming a new history with defining actions as a kind of base.

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5663ec  No.149020


>one of whom cares for the persons constituting society, the other for the goods which they share

National Socialism …

>Whatever the Trinity is, its obviously the core of Aryan religion and cannot be overlooked.

Another one of many Antediluvian concepts which kikes copied to write the majority of gospels


>You know why they all exist? Geocentric astronomy.

Not only geocentric. What holds the planets in orbit? Centripetal force. Rightwards facing swastika. What does this movement 'in time' generate? Entropy. What is it's logical conclusion? Dissolution. It's the same when applied to metaphysical/spiritual matters. As above, so below. But what is this 'immovable mover' , this hidden (black) sun that everything rotates around and which devours everything, even light? It exists on both macro and microcosm levels, where laws of physics seemingly begin to lose their authority.

>Because how can you tell that worship of "One True God" is not some daemon taking all the credit, at least in judaism and islam?

That's the whole point, since in the dimension of One, there can be no other gods. Even if it's not pre-determined, even if such god emerges rather than creates (which is the same thing observed from two different perspectives), any deity which manages to defeat and perpetually subjugate everyone else would become such god. This is also one of principles behind Judaism (and derived religions like Islam or Judeo-Masonry). Jews are pretty much a weapon of this impostor, one-dimensional god to destroy all other Wills in the universe and perpetually enforce it's own. Some of them might be ambitious enough to try to claim this 'singularity' for themselves through ruthless competition, but they would be foolish enough to underestimate the malevolent superintelligence which organized the whole game and which has been pulling the strings all along, visible or not.

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ed18d5  No.149029

File: 6cc4bbc802e865a⋯.gif (4.46 MB, 258x460, 129:230, foucaults_pendulum.gif)


We see things differently. I am speaking in terms of the |total| of the definition rather than gradients or arbitrary definitions.

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2b4f9d  No.149044


They possess curvature as an additional property, which can be a great information carrier. Now imagine what kind of carrying capacity photons and holograms have ;)


That kind of 'retracing' is exactly what NSDAP tried to do, but they also sought to incorporate modern knowledge into that. Then some of them eventually figured out that there are a lot of similarities between ancient Vedic texts (pre-dravidian era) and newest discoveries in physics.


Adequate dubs kek (if not a modget, then you are a faggit)

Wholesome science and proper religion/metaphysics are barely distinguishable at their logical conclusion.

>Therefore the actual spiritual struggle may be happening for ages between all encompassing Vedic-Egyptian pantheon that is preserved esoterically in certain corrupted forms of christianity, hinduism and buddhism and some sort of order obsessed, world loving daemon-usurper

You are beginning to realize what's truly going on. The problem with this order of theirs is that it's entirely one-dimensional and limited/incomplete, reflecting their own nature. Aryan order is wholesome.


If Freemasonry returned to it's Cainite roots, it would become salvageable. But you will hardly find a Grand Master today who has a slightest idea about it. Prussian Freemasonry was always distinct compared to (((French))) and (((British))) lodges, being less poz'd by kikery. While that order was quite corrupt, the idea behind it was probably to attempt to rebuild (kek) true Masonry, similar to what they tried with Positive Christianity. Since Crowley was an agent of the British Crown, it probably got infiltrated early on, or was their plot to create a more kosher alternative to NS Volkisch movements and research societies.

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ed18d5  No.149049


>But you will hardly find a Grand Master today who has a slightest idea about it.

Contaminated blood.

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ef5cd7  No.149128

File: e869e01ebd8683f⋯.jpg (54.65 KB, 490x621, 490:621, seshat.jpg)


There was a serious threat from irregular Lodges that looked too deeply into Egyptian tradition at that time, it would discredit the entire mythos of esoteric Judaism and Freemasonry through revealing the role of the Goddess Seshat.

There was great enthusiasm for all things Egyptian in the 1920's inspiring the Art Deco movement, the brave new world could have turned into ancient Egypt, so that was countered with disinformation and the Hollywood version of such, rather than any serious re-evaluation of it's role, Crowley brought interest in Egyptian religion into disrepute through re-inventing it as deranged degeneracy.

But once the role of Egypt was known in academic circles Free Masonry was no longer an enquiry into ancient tradition it was the maintenance of a LARP based upon lies and the interest of the Jews in maintaining any relevancy.

>As well as measuring time Seshat also measures space in her role as patron of architect and surveyors, she is the “Lady of Builders”.The most important foundation ritual for a new temple was establishing the ground plan, which had to be accurately aligned to astronomical or landscape features. This “stretching of the cord ceremony” has been recorded throughout Egyptian history and was carried out by the king, or a priest acting on his behalf, who acted as the conduit for Seshat’s power. It is possible that a priestess took the role of Seshat. Seti I (1306-1290 BCE) has Seshat say, “I stretched out the measuring-cord within its walls, my mouth was (devoted) to it with great incantations”.6 The cord was stretched along predetermined lines and held in place by pegs. One inscription shows Seshat and the king grasping the cord and holding the large clubs used to hammer in the pegs. On the Ptolemaic Temple of Horus at Edfu there is an inscription showing Seshat with the Seven Builder Gods


Seshat had the same role as Nisaba in Sumer, the daughter of Heaven and Earth and could also be represented as the constellation Virgo, in terms of Sopdet, her role dating back 13,000 years to the Age of Virgo and the cultivation of grain, the origin of numeracy and measure., patron Goddess of scribes.

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63c77f  No.149189

File: 435d4d70ec3c048⋯.png (39.21 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Anu.png)


>because their god devours his children

>Saturnian singularity

I wanted to rise the topic if Cronus somehow related to Jewery, even if by co-relation with Elyon through El. The whole eating of children thing is disturbing.


>Jews are pretty much a weapon of this impostor, one-dimensional god to destroy all other Wills in the universe

Isn't that what Anu actually is? Not just superintelligence, but sum of all existing intelligence? As if Whole containing all possible and impossible Forms of Logos, from which operating Gods came out? Because i had this thought, even if it can be viewed as blasphemy, that "original being" is not a Loving One, and not Zeus, but rather primordial Cronus which has no actual personality or creative will aside of just spawning original Gods. And because humans were obsessed with omnipotence and omniscience of the "One God", they forgot that cannot include character because of absolute containment of everything within primordial chaos waters.

Next after chaos water a "Personality" came around, capable of separating oneself out of sheer power of will from the rest of chaos, because such Form existed within existence of All, and that's an actual father (or mother) God, who established order by being able to take Forms out of primordial chaos waters that will benefit whatever Personality desired. But that required Gods to take form and go through process of birthing and being bombarded by forms in order to be operational personalities, and that went from All-Mighty (with direct connection to All Forms, but not being All Forms), to direct sons and daughters with specific personalities and spheres of influence, to lesser Gods, to Daemons and eventually to current lowest humans whose process of attainment is living on this earth, if that's the only earth at all.

What i am talking about is that "Omnipotent" wouldn't need a Daemon, angelic messengers, to operate between humankind and heavens. "Omnipotent", "Brahman" and "Absolute" is not God, but original essence, a random number generator, but not limited to numbers but to all forms of Logos.


>Wholesome science and proper religion/metaphysics are barely distinguishable at their logical conclusion.

Objectivity and subjectivity. Science in most part refuses objectivity to only observe subjective nature of an object, refusing to look into the nature of the object. The reason for that is that science to operate requires to blind itself from perspectives that do not benefit it immediately, choosing the quickest approach. And because it is also philosophical approach of non-spiritual people, they love to apply it to everything, even creators and producers of consumer goods choose only approach that would immediately benefit them, drowning world in shallow forms. Shallow forms drown benefits of Logos and turn their eye from hard work that is required by Ideal to immediate and perishable.

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4b2776  No.149316


>choose only approach that would immediately benefit them

I hate you niggers because you won't acknowledge the White race is dying because we don't do what benefits us. Whites donate to niggers in Africa instead of to their own communities. I don't care if someone has proof and objective Truth (yes I even capitalized it like you dumbasses do) that we should be nice to niggers because I don't give a fuck about truth or morality. I only care about my bloodline in particular surviving and having enough White breeding stock to continue to exist.

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f4b433  No.149317


This honestly. I couldn't give a shit about anything else…

But you know anon, not all posters are White/Western Europeans. Everyone wants their 'slice of Pi' until there is nothing left to eat. Very Malthusian and animistic of them.

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f22817  No.149390

File: bec0964adbe94c0⋯.jpeg (362.21 KB, 1280x1572, 320:393, painting.jpeg)


What if esoteric disharmony caused by orgasmic uppity happening after world war 2 is the reason not just "white race" is dying, but rather European soul as a whole? Have you ever considered the following, since start of new age of jewish "world wide weimar" project, which accelerated itself into critical theory deconstructing all most primitive human values, destruction of harmonic nature of art and music, sacrilege of culture akin to the one happened during forced christianization of Europeans and rampant worship of money in new economy based society that literally falls apart every time there's disbalance in whole world's economy, where all people of the world are tied to constantly consuming, booming population in extraordinary amounts because of overproduction of those goods, with one government after the other racing just to raise the numbers of people living instead of quality of those people's souls, and instead just piling up bodies by the counter?

Me and you exist on the internet and discuss society as if it was unreachable void, where the more we learn about repetitions of history and traces of ancient creed the more we know ourselves, but if we to return back to that society of modern cavemen, can we convince them that there's light above that is more real than the fiery show of the jewish elite they're watching and tie themselves up with, hanging themselves like on a noose, deeming death of culture as acceptable alternative as long as benefit of mass produced goods exists? All spiritual people in all ages who believed in divine ideals have realized at some point as those are not found in this world, but rather mark of divine creed of the soul, some tried recreating whats Good and Beautiful here, portraying the ideal in art, only for it not last forever, because order of this world brings death to everything.

Death of germany is the wound that still haven't healed, once it will heal up and time passes, maybe there'd be another chance, but not in our lifetime. We can only bring ideas to people, and write what should be done for the future generation, that will be building up society once people will forget and the new music will be playing in space. But that's only possible if consumerism stops devouring ambition. And jews know that bread and circuses keep white men busy enough to never act.

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4caa0b  No.149407

File: 9620b5d8ea224a5⋯.jpg (2.96 MB, 3000x3000, 1:1, Indra_s_Net.jpg)


This is very important on topic of corruption other anon mentioned. You see, everything is corrupt in humanity to some extend or the other, including our languages losing their power over time. What i noticed about ancient magic and insignia, it had entirely different meaning over what we preserve today. Even jewish six pointed star is some absolutely different symbol that under different belief, like under older language, means something else (although that's the whole point of entire jewish history, stealing esoteric meanings and myths, reversing and appropriating them).

Human unconsciousness does contain symbolic representation of things above spoken languages, which show themselves in dreams rather more vividly. I had this idea that Indra's net in fact is actually our neural network of a brain, and where structured harmonious shapes arrive, they should be in line with "harmony of the spheres" of Pythagoreans, because they take those ideas from same source. And as you see on any somewhat decent 3d render of speculative Indra's net can contain many religious symbols and allegories, because in reflection of infinite number of reflective spheres, there's Trinity, there's a cube, there are triangles within triangles AUM style, orthodox cross, dharmachakra, kabbala symbol and even cube can be traced within harmonious shapes.

The thing is, understanding of esoteric meanings and inner code of this world requires one rule that i find very enlightening on its own: Everything is Logos.

If everything is Logos, then there's no difference between words like "Tao", "Buddha" or "God", because point being get across anyway through esoteric meaning of mysteries related to esoteric symbolism, where language is corruption, everything that we can perceive with our senses becomes main source of all objective λογικόσ. Even dreams, earthly nature and stars fit into it as codded messages because they end up heavily affecting fate and behavioral pattern out of sheer fascination. Last but not least - everything that's bigger than us is equal to what's smaller than us, planetary physics are not that different from how smallest atoms function, so i am willing to believe everything plays their own part in order to convey full experience of human observation, because everything has an intellectual message.

That's why freemasonry as in literal masonry was such a big deal, because if you make a building with certain feel to it according to sacred (harmonious) geometries, you will affect destiny of a country/people who will be experiencing its sight and feel, because senses perceive every shape according to primal logos, not equal in conveying messages like language. Because of that esoteric buddhists and shinto religion in japan were busy not just to establish some form of moral law or binding of people, but rather to protect the country and Emperor's regime. Eventually esoterics transformed into what we know as "tradition", that establishes itself into deep root of people's psyche and indeed keeps borders intact through significant cultural differences. When jewish propagandists say "white people have no culture" what they mean is that you lost all your magic and now you're up for the taking.

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f4b433  No.149419


I think you have some valid points but I don't think the death is just limited to Europe. Bezos and many other parasitic faggots wouldn't have their private launch pads at the ready in AZ etc. if it was just 'the death of Europe'.

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d2b290  No.149603


>Well, that's what Dionysus and Osiris are.

Egyptian priesthood seemingly understood certain concepts much better than Greek plebes, that's how god of resurrection became god of degenerates and dopamine addicts. Some people might have wanted to give it a more esoteric connotation, but it was entirely lost in translation so to speak.

>Every opposition slowly becomes what it opposes

Not really, it only happens in false dichotomies. That's a good matrice to measure both sides as being wrong though.


I must admit I like your idea of Christianity, but it is far removed from the essence of that religion, you are trying to salvage it just because it got imprinted into your brain since early age (probably) or in a moment of desperation. Either way, bring on the wrath. The archetype described by Kalki or Divine judgement is what they seem to fear the most.


Is this some kind of SJW critique of Judaism lel? Sorry lad, but god of degenerates, subhumans and NPC's goes into the metaphysical oven too, to make ol' Saturn some company.

>true sages stay silent accepting their fate.

[Cope intensifies]


>If they are putrid they will be so no matter what they chose to map their mind onto because it is their own innate quality that will be revealed for everyone to see.

Which is why there is no universal religion or one god. People interpret things according to their nature (type and alignment of their soul), this applies to science as well, not only religion. NPC's getting control of academia and shaping it according to their hyletic ways is why it got absurdly formalized while completely losing it's essence, and thus the original purpose as well. We could observe corruption as loss of original emission, it being dispersed among elements unable to re-emit it due to inherently lacking that capability, causing entropy. Abstract, Talmudic formalism is only an artificial, futile attempt to contain it (Or for those truly in the know, to accelerate it). And modern academia, just like religions of old, got mostly infiltrated and dominated by Jews and non-Jew NPC's. It's as if there is a certain meta-pattern connecting all of those :>)

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ef5cd7  No.149645

File: 5f6139f6eae55f9⋯.jpg (15.85 KB, 300x535, 60:107, 949.jpg)


The role of Seshat and Nisaba, as daughter of Heaven and Earth, was to translate the design principles seen into the Heavens onto the Earth, through observing the patterns and relationships seen above, a basis for sacred geometry.

The basis of Mesopotamian and Egyptian thought was Function, that was represented by the Mesu tree which originated as the punt pole of Enki in his cosmic boat, similar to the Egyptian adept punting around in the marshy wetland of Nun within the chamber of kky.

The punting pole as a singular axiom blossoms and develops into the Mesu tree, the leaves of which are as the functions of the Gods

The same theme is seen in the Bible were Aaron the brother of Moses is given as the spokesman or word of the Lord, his staff blossoms into an almond branch, thus they make a correlation between word/logos and Mes function, but the Mesopotamians would only have seen that as one function, and the Goddess Ningirim represented this power of the spoken word in terms of command and the authority of Heaven.

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9e6a0f  No.149656

File: d331e4fd2c36ad8⋯.png (97.28 KB, 536x376, 67:47, Plotinus_and_Egyptian_prie….png)

File: 280c089fcec90fe⋯.png (139.41 KB, 750x420, 25:14, Eye.png)


>Egyptian priesthood seemingly understood certain concepts much better than Greek

Egyptians and Mesopotamians possessed an art, while Greeks and Romans could give it a valid explanation. Now its all sorts of believes seen through prisma of comparative theologies mostly generated by dogmatic decadence.

>god goes into the metaphysical oven

And returns from it. While those who are against Him become like Him. Opposition makes that possible, because its a life long lesson in reflection. Have you been ignorant of Christian's own bacchanalia? Everyone sees themselves becoming Dionysus, either at peace of mind or in madness. There's no escape from an eye of a God if they are under the "sphere" of His influence. But the matter of course is much more complex than greek cultural mysteries and tradition of alcohol consumption, its a matter of reflectory Light in the soul and hierarchy of Daemons according to invisible geometric definition of Logos.

There's far more to look into, but who dwells in sanity has to traverse insanity, nothing is possible without divine mania.

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9e6a0f  No.149664

File: 77f93cd79154a2d⋯.jpg (1.05 MB, 1200x2500, 12:25, Sacred_Geometry.jpg)


Speaking of dependency of all sacred geometries on Indra's Net, both Dionysian and Eastern ones, i made a picture.

Celtic Triskele, Dionysian Thyrsus and Lotus all derive from same system. But to understand where "eye" pattern meets up you need to see Vesica Piscis first. This roman mosaic was in fact geometric eye, similar to patterns of Lotus, Pinecone and Hops. If there's any more obvious message to those is quite actually observation of order and connectivity in nature, but that's subjective of seeing divine order.

Notice by the way significant difference in feeling between curved and spiral shapes vs straight triangular ones. In nature at its most basis there are no straight lines at all, but wave forms.

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9e6a0f  No.149667

File: 470721d284b2818⋯.png (29.38 KB, 512x559, 512:559, Metatron.png)

Actually, you know what, before I'll commit to mistake i'd admit there are straight lines in the universe. Its what makes up our 3 dimensions. Another name for Indra's Net would be looking into Metatron's Cube.

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f4b433  No.149678

File: 697cdaf31c9b4fd⋯.jpg (193.06 KB, 754x1024, 377:512, azreal_angel_woman.jpg)


>It's as if there is a certain meta-pattern connecting all of those :>)

There is. They are correct to fear it since it its judgement is pure. People only know biased judgement at this point so a |pure judgment| must be absolutely terrifying. I am currently watching their progress and preparation for 'getting away' with interest. When you see the 'evacuation' you will know that HE is at the Kuiper belt.

>it is far removed from the essence of that religion

it is only far removed from what is taught about the religion. I was very surprised when I read it myself to see how far people had fallen in their understanding. My take on the situation is actually closer to the faith than most other 'interpretations' but still, I am dealing with my 'corruption' >>148889 so I am mistaken as well.

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3e3157  No.149742


>Paul was a jew. Jesus was a gentile.

No. The whole OT+NT is the fruit of corruption by Jews. So when descriptions of Jesus are made about his origins and his ways, being that of greater patriarchs, etc., it was always meant to be understood as being offshots of Hebraic material. God the Lord is certainly the god of Hebrews so anyone being faithful to this god is faithful to YHWH. He's literally surrounded by Jews, respects and observes their laws, rituals and customs, teaches in Hebraic temples. Whether you want to argue about him being a genetic or religious (proto-)Jew is of your own accord.

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3e3157  No.149745


>The concept of a single God which actualizes all, being beautiful and ugly at the same time, seems a bit absurd

With the universe working and being possible because of opposites, it would be rather strange that half of the elements we encounter everyday would escape God.

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f4b433  No.149769

File: 785d76edea8ed71⋯.jpg (442.84 KB, 1300x831, 1300:831, Man_Ray_Masks.jpg)


"Our Father who art in heaven…"

I know who is who in this little tête-à-tête anon.

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1c5177  No.149778


>I said already in this thread that whole world worships Dionysus

Making it a lowest common denominator, no? The very thing which kikes use to enslave and rule over the lower humanity.

>Light projected through many mirrors

Losing a part of it's spectrum every time it gets reflected. Not all photons have the same resonance, like matter, they are only signal/information carriers. This kind of reductionist egalitarianism would lead one to believe that a light generated by a neon lamp is the same as that of the sun. Which is the driving force behind (((transhumanism))). A photon is a photon, no? Reducing one's spectrum to the most common (lowest denominator) frequency was their game since the beginning. Spiritual communism, utilitarianism etc. In fact, the inequality of finite beings that we see in nature, is even more accentuated in the immaterial domain. Just because those ultimately separated/unique races and individuals can interact at certain points due to the universal nature of the medium, does not make them emanate from the same source. But to use an allegory, imagine 3 tree roots below the ground. From the perspective of the shared space (ground, let's call it the Judeo-Masonic, empiricist plane), they are all equal. But only second and third trees have a trunk. First tree is unable to realize that, thinking all of them to be equal because they all share something, and from it's own frame of reference, occupy the same universe in entirety. Third tree, unlike the second, also has great branches extending towards the sky (let's imagine a tree with an infinitely long trunk whose branches extend into 'heavens' or inversely, 'heavens' extending downwards towards the earth and below it). Second tree is unable to understand the existence of such branches, but it can recognize that the first tree is lacking something, and the existence of a world above ground (let's call this the mental, rationalist plane). It's trunk, however, is finite. Will it attempt to discard it's trunk so it can join the one with only the roots (reductionist approach), or will it dare to extend itself towards the heavens (integrationist approach)? To quote Nietzsche, Man is hung over an abyss between a beast and a god. But can one whose essence is finite reach infinity? Or 'heavens' are entirely exclusive to those who were infinite to begin with. The "human" experiment seems to give overwhelming evidence supporting the latter, although there may have been individuals of the second type who made it.

>That's what i call a Daemon, third element aside body and soul that preaches of Logos and gives intellectual recognition to God's Forms

You are confusing the Self with an external divinity/interface and also externalize god. You will never cross the abyss/Hades as long as you seek an external God.

>but to have individuality one chaotic form has to be separated from another chaotic form

Why not transpose that to one order being separated from another order?


>En-lil that must engage in proxy disguise in order to enter into sexual relations, even with his own consort, as a spiritual phenomena can only do so through some form of possession

Which is how Aryans (whites) emerged on this planet, or where the idea of 'fallen angels' comes from. They had to transfigure the beastly humanity by altering their DNA with radiation first though. Which turned out to be a huge mistake.


>Nice theory but there's the Babel Tower fable that directly contradicts your view of the kikes' god as a globalist

Mind sharing it?

> never lived in Paradise and were viewed as barely above beasts (goyim)

And you think this was originally their idea? Surely they didn't steal it from more ancient sources, just like everything else.

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f4b433  No.149878


>I for one find Lane's Precepts absolutely compatible with the idea of a White Pagan Empire.


I had never read them before tonight anon. There are several issues that are striking, like Lanes comment on culture.

>25. A People without a culture exclusively their own will perish.

This is startling when you consider that our culture has been used by the kikes to blanket the planet with completely (which is why they claim that we do not have a culture). This very selection and dissemination process and the globalization of White/Aryan culture is what has allowed and propogated our destruction through multiculturalism.

When I give it some thought this is the same way that the kikes have been destroying peoples throughout time…via 'empire'. When they wish to totally destroy a unique people, they elevate them to an empire which disseminates the culture and dilutes it so that miscegenation and genocide can come on the fall of the empire and destroy the people. This has worked so well for them that they plan on deploying this on a global scale at this point.

So, Empire is the end and total dissolution of your people and culture, not something to be 'desired' or promoted unless your goal is the total destruction of your own people. Greed is the reason the kikes are able to implement this strategy.

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63c77f  No.149889

File: 6fc40933f799aa9⋯.jpeg (1.69 MB, 1595x2000, 319:400, Fairy.jpeg)


>Making it a lowest common denominator, no? The very thing which kikes use to enslave and rule over the lower humanity.

Consider looking up this book: >>143156

Judaic religion is connected to Dionysus for same reason Dionysus is connected to Osiris. They are both based on Egyptian knowledge. Which as we discussed earlier already, judaism at its inception was egyptian monolatry (acknowledgement of other gods, worship only of one).

And mystery cult of DIonysus had same tendency to become personal and monolatrious. Which eventually developed into Orphism, and Christianity, and gave birth to Mithraism midway, but all of those were destroyed by jealous hebrew based cult.

>You are confusing the Self with an external divinity/interface and also externalize god.

That's literally what Socrates did. That's where whole platonic knowledge and roman genius comes from. Gods are free to do anything and have their own hierarchy, but messengers connect the world of Gods with world of men. And there's not as many possible Daemons to allot as people in the world.

Consider what that means, it doesn't cancel out personal possession vs average possession, because lower "silver race dark elves" is entering and quitting non-Daemonic people at will, but not inheritably "evil" also, because our perception of morality is quite damaged. I dare to say our western concepts of good and evil are jewish as of this moment. Its because of that word "daimon", interchangeable with "fate", suddenly became a word meaning an evildoing mean spirit, because of christian dualism and viewing everything as an "enemy", instead of being in harmony with spiritual nature. Because hebrews taught that way out of hate of gentiles. Not like spirits didn't co-opt them in the process though, muses became angels and priests had to make peace with spirits by making them into saints. Buddhists got co-opted into worshiping Goddesses and vedic Gods as well, even though Buddha said there's no value in the vedas.

I also want to remind you that jews hate nature for whatever reason as badly as sethian gnostics did.

I warn you, if Dionysus is in fact chief God, for whatever reason or under different name, and original Son of God in the Trinity, then it would be eventually in his own interest to change humanity's psyche into new form of madness, manipulating society into its own self destruction, only to reshape it every war. Maybe its our own punishment for not upholding to ancestral ideas where everything was in harmony. Be vigilant because its not Gods to be viewed as deranged, its humans who are non-intelligent to perceive, because between Heaven and Indra's Net there's a black hole, effectively clouding us in darkness, roots of our mind extend somewhere inside themselves. Opposition we're facing making it all a test of wits, Spartans and Vikings lived right in their own way, Buddhist monks and Hermit philosophers live right in their own way. And our society doesn't allow first way anymore, only the second, because the closer it is to wrapping up Kali Yuga, since this world is not meant to run its harvest of souls forever, the less freedom there is in spirituality and more obstacles.

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83e23a  No.149920


>lust = bad



>But feminine is much closer to base materiality and what's traditionally perceived as vices

Only when divorced from the male essence, the latter being absolutely sterile if divorced from the female one.

This goes back to a major problem found in numerous doctrines relating to unity, salvation and hatred of this world: it's absolutely sterile and the final death of the purpose of creation itself. This is also why Jews were so strong because they didn't long for some "superior" state detached from the world, they simply want to dominate the world, but in their own Jewish way. Perennialist/Gnostic/Christian/Buddhist/Muslim material is all part of the same illusion and trap. Now, the only valid reason why you could look into greater treasures into heaven would be if you actually had a plan to make them land and merge with the current world, to upgrade it. Admittedly, refined Christian theology and its esoteric core allude to something like that but it requires a deeper scholarly analysis of the eschatology, which most of Christians don't know nor understand at all and are pretty content with the idea of an ethereal pardes and Earth burning for good. I have no sympathy nor any interest in such terrible outcomes. I do not enjoy the suffering of the Terran ecosystem.



>What does this stand for? I see it posted around chans

Some retarded Q-Anon mantra: Where We Go One, We Go All. It's part of the psyops' grandeur side, to create an epic sense of belonging for the MAGA sheeple who get lost in the distilled cryptic messages.

>That would lead to discrimination, which would lead to differentiation, which would lead to death of their focal point 'god' in the end.

Yes. Without diversity and separation of principles, you cannot even create. It's like mixing all the colors of your painting palette and trying to create something beautiful out of this brown smudge.

Unity is one massive trap and it's found even in most of the #EndKaliYuga crowd.

>by eliminating all conflict, the world will ascend towards a higher state. But little do they know about the true agenda of those promoting that …

Which is the more absurd since competition is at the center of the purpose of this universe.

But I guess it's just more comfortable to blame Yaldabaoth the convenient scapegoat.

There are so many layers in this maze of duplicity!

>As above, so below.

Mm… they're perverting this too. As biology, race, the plan inside our blood, is where the last battle happens because Whites are facing extermination, then it follows it's reflecting one of the highest principles "up there" too. Without an adequate race, there cannot be a proper incarnation of souls. Without incarnation, there's no point to this whole existence.

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ef5cd7  No.149931

File: db79bfaa52edf27⋯.jpg (80.07 KB, 634x549, 634:549, 3AA8179C00000578_3960714_i….jpg)

File: 72855e1f1dee668⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 4030x2270, 403:227, Wadi_Rajil_near_Jawa_easte….jpg)

File: 239a980db1ed29a⋯.png (22.57 KB, 770x426, 385:213, images.png)



Pattern and the origin of the Black Basalt Cube symbolism, according to Titus-Mode's law there should be a planet situated between Jupiter and Mars but all that is found there is the Asteroid Belt.

With that in mind this appears to have been the basis for Kumarbi/Saturn determining that the successor to Tessub/Jupiter should simply be a Black Basalt Monolith with a penchant for destruction, which is all the Asteroid belt could ever represent.

The 4th Millenium BC, see's expansion into the North Eastern Jordanian Black Desert from the Uruk sphere, the Land of Mordor, with a view to establishing a land route towards Egypt through the Levant, and also leads on to the establishment of mining colonies in Red Edom, the discovery of Mars as it were.

Thus their development of the principles of the Hesiod Theogony has correlation to their progression through place and time





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9aa7f2  No.149932

File: 28a8eb1d74ef287⋯.jpeg (815.01 KB, 2373x3631, 2373:3631, Genius.jpeg)


>competition is at the center of the purpose of this universe

>Whites are facing extermination

You do understand your own arguments meet up, right? You say there's no point in this whole existence, but ancestral spirits are watching us, should it be golden race or something later. There's no life without conflict, there's no harmony without opposition. I myself don't blame jews for their existence, they are the most formidable enemy white race ever faced.

>I do not enjoy the suffering

How can you not enjoy suffering if you enjoy competition? Part of world wide racial competition is suffering through pains of our labor, its the reverse of nationalism that breeds idea of nationalism. Without our enemies value of our blood diminishes in minds of majority. Jews want to be martyrs too, but they are cowards who lie about their deaths, holocaust didn't harness any real powers to them because it didn't happen. But that's also why they want to kill us not through literally killing us, but through promotion of racemixing and self hate.

>land and merge with the current world, to upgrade it

Only people becoming Daemons able to help majority after their death. Its not easy but possible. Its what causing rebirth of ideologies, as well as maintenance of spiritual order. This world's esoteric ecology is maintained by those who have been human at some point. Even sleeping men helping this world along. But i guess that's true for our enemies as well.

Mind you that despite all - spiral goes in both directions. Instinct decides who's king and who's a horse, war decides who's king and who's a slave. Left and Right hands of God make all destinies manifest, one cannot act or even be without origin, man is not of control of his own fate like his own daimon, but that means Daemon is ancestral. All powers in this world were dedicated to make it so people stay asleep and unaware of Daemons, for a man is asleep when he's awake.

Not social consciousness, but rather social unconsciousness will steer itself up when Daemons decide to act.

Without building up again what was destroyed its impossible to remind ourselves how much we are in debt not to the jews, but to our origins. For even borders were deities, and disembodied spirits of landmasses differ from country to country. Society itself is overwhelmed by newborn souls and i think system is struggling to contain it. Its not possible to do anything as long as you're preached subjectivity and not about actors, while elites in their fancy secret societies think of harnessing powers of actors through magic, who control their naive souls instead.

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fd3364  No.149937

File: 23fa676341af5ac⋯.png (93.05 KB, 561x872, 561:872, Hierarchy.png)

File: 57ea6ee73cd6c86⋯.png (30.93 KB, 564x193, 564:193, 2.png)

File: c70be82c46ad9d6⋯.png (253.58 KB, 1231x649, 1231:649, 3.png)


>Titus-Mode's law there should be a planet situated between Jupiter and Mars but all that is found there is the Asteroid Belt.

Inb4 this is a dismembered God who's heart or phallus remained on earth. Neither Osiris nor Dionysus are associated with particular planets, maybe only Sun by association with Horus/Helios.

Also this thread needs Proclus. Or at least a reminder that Proclus pretty much did a huge work explaining all greek beliefs, linking Plato, Orpheus and Hesiod. There are few books about his system, but his hierarchical systematization looks amazing.

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af2486  No.149941


>(((Q))) might be an attempt at damage control

It is nothing more than a blatant attempt at making people believe there is an underground resistance to the System, close to Trump or "true" Republicans, with the implicit idea that Trump is really /ourguy/ but is kinda neutered thus far by the deeeeeeeeeep state.

Reality is that if Trump truly were on our side, he'd have organized his own // militias, pushed for a pro-White narrative and would have cracked down on the DOE, the DOD, the NSA, the FBI, the CIA, etc. a long time ago, and then bankers by besieging Delaware, among other things.

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fed13c  No.149947


>You say there's no point in this whole existence


>>I do not enjoy the suffering

>How can you not enjoy suffering if you enjoy competition?

There was something like a whole sentence you might have wanted to quote here.

Actually, just take your time and read the entire post properly please. Your answer is just like you read mine sideways and jumped at me halfway through the sentences. Context doth matters here.

>But that's also why they want to kill us not through literally killing us, but through promotion of racemixing and self hate.

Are you arguing that our racial destruction is more an illusion than a real risk?

If nothing is done to stop them, they will definitely be in a position to eradicate Whites: they will have their own pure nation, others will be slaves and they will have nukes. They'll make sure that UK/US/Russian nukes get shipped to Israel or get destroyed. Or they'll fire them Judgement Day style in such a way that Israel will come unscathed out of this by playing all parties against each other.

On the demographics side, if we don't stop what is going on and then invert it, we're just as good as gone.

Racemixing is not working on short scales and requires a very stable environment. This will not happen here, it's merely used to weaken our minds so we forget racial separation and racial purity. The destruction will simply come by one side outnumbering the other, as it happens in South Africa for example. See what they have to deal with everyday, yet they do not react and not a single "white" nation wants to help them.

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fed13c  No.149950


>son of a mortal virgin Semele


Why did they get so obsessed about those faggoty stories of sons being born out of unfucked girls? These people really really had a problem with sex, didn't they? These prude white-knighting incels thought it was more virtuous, because a female's blood and shit is dirty. Literally, female fluids related to birth and the survival of a race is sin and impure. Stupid, part and parcel.

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f4b433  No.149954


I was sort of surprised by the fact that this goes against the 'sexual narrative' of our time as well. When looking at the porn hub search results the vast majority of sexual searches did not involve anything but mature women or reproductive mature women with many wanting proven fertility. I thought this was interesting since it goes against the social narrative. Who drives that narrative anyway and for what purpose?

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0e39a8  No.149965

File: 9d55bd97fd18b2a⋯.jpeg (39.22 KB, 268x400, 67:100, Isis.jpeg)


Unity of God and human is always like sex, an ecstatic feeling. Implification of a child getting born from ecstatic unification already present in fact of "Divine Eros". Semele died from that though, because she asked Zeus to show himself up, and thunder burned her apart, and that caused Zeus having to sown Dionysus into his own tight for a while. That's why He's called "Twice-Born". Half man half God is a big deal metaphysically though, a being beyond Daemon, who can act as mediator in flesh.

>These prude white-knighting incels thought it was more virtuous

They didn't. Knowing temples of Aphrodite having whole thing about losing virginity on purpose, they were giving their virginity away as pious deed. Semele is also based on Egyptian Isis, but mortal. Which is interesting, that made Semele first virgin mortal woman to be worshiped, and have holidays in her name: >>148328


>Are you arguing that our racial destruction is more an illusion than a real risk?

Nice id, fed13. Anyway, i know you're blackpilling on purpose, that's cowardice. Have a bit of hope, people will get tired of guilt tripping eventually. No shame can last forever, and next war will wash away all memory of previous one. Accumulation of knowledge is the real power here, and learning how to apply it.

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f4b433  No.149970


>that caused Zeus having to sown Dionysus into his own tight for a while.

globohomo mythos…great.

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ef5cd7  No.150002

File: bab5f9262125b95⋯.jpg (212.1 KB, 961x571, 961:571, _l.jpg)

File: 04581d7017645e2⋯.jpg (69.49 KB, 858x262, 429:131, llll.jpg)


Osiris was related to the Planet Venus, in terms of the cross over from Morning to Evening star, in the same manner as Dhu Shara

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e0315b  No.150107

Lot of disinfos in this thread.

Anyone who starts to be pro-Xianity, pro-anarchism and pro-Christian Identity (the biggest hoax and poison pill) should be safely disregarded.

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3b828f  No.150120


You will hardly find those materials in the public domain. Even if you find something alluding to it, it will most likely be heavily modified and corrupted by (intentional or unintentional) disinfo agents. And by those I also refer to some rather popular and well known authors. Although some obscure sources might still be found in places where they were not as pedantic. The censorship that we notice today thanks to the internet is nothing new, it existed for countless centuries, perhaps even thousands of years. Most people struggle with comprehending just how ancient and grand this conspiracy is, which is made even more difficult by the fact that the majority of its actors were manipulated by forces beyond their understanding. Of course, some people ITT will base their narrative on sources which are a giant kvetch written by Jewish (and associated) academics (in lack of a better alternative most likely), but the actual truth might be far more complex. It wouldn't be wise to ignore the more mundane circumstances, which is why I won't discount those entirely. My role here is to, in the spirit of Enlil, provide higher, 'spiritual technology' meta-context for those of that essence (Pneumatics).


The negative effects of excessive (social) sexual stimulation, number of partners, intercourses etc. were discussed to great length on old /pol/. Sex is greatest weapon of the Jews, and "sexual liberation" is one of the tools which lead to spiritual disintegration of the individual. But there is also no liberation without restrain, so puritanism plays a role too. Being a coomer might lead one to make a full circle to a point where it loses its appeal completely, being nothing more than physiological need like urinating. Ironically, making the worst coomers reach a level of celibate monks and ascetics. Especially since they don't disturb their energy fields and contaminate them by doing it with many other people, especially those of animal essence. If they try to make you 'dead' , disintegrate you and deplete your life force, or control/torture you through sexual frustration, you might as well turn yourself into an undead.

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3b828f  No.150131

File: fbb585ac2fab3cd⋯.jpg (54.84 KB, 459x646, 27:38, Hitler_Avatar.jpg)


>because ultimately this is a mind war.


>The number of minds who do not wish to be corrupted are increasingly scarce. Only the uncorrupted can generate reality.

Don't tell me you don't see the correlation between the two … Wouldn't corrupting everyone completely be the true agenda of the one God? Or anyone aspiring to be that? Once souls are disintegrated and dissolved into "oneness" , they become its food and sustain it's (uni)verse. Then they are reborn as faint, corrupted, deformed echoes in eternal recurrence, to be tortured and harvested on a whim. This deformity and corruption intensifying with racial pollution, where they begin taking more bestial forms, which are only synchronistically reflecting their degraded, bestial souls. For they no longer have unique essence (incl. memory) and are indeed part of the "universal soul". Until they join their false god in its ultimate fate. Most 'people', the great majority of them in fact, are mere phantoms, deformed copies of those who once got devoured. They live their lives in a sort of miasma, never truly contemplating their existence or finding themselves, living their whole lives by inertia caused by biological and social programming, dancing like puppets pulled by invisible strings of generative force until their life force (wave energy) is depleted, completely tuned into the deterministic frequency of the breaths of Brahma(n).

>Thus the corrupted cannot let the uncorrupted go.

Isn't this how Hades works? You keep getting dragged down by those below you in a sort of centripetal spiral. Aren't Jews those at the very bottom, those who got corrupted and lost their souls completely, becoming the center of gravity for slavery to one god of torture and dissolution? Isn't this reflective of everything that they do, and who they are?

>The only thing that can defeat death is death

Which is the true meaning behind Resurrection (becoming a son of man, of death, in contrast to becoming a son of life, of a woman) This inverse, second birth is what makes one a true Aryan.

>The older I get, the more I think the Cathar’s were correct

They were accelerationists, acting as a conduit to corruption by removing the pure ones from the worldly affairs.

>In order to destroy the system one must exit the system

Or endure until he/she is the last one standing ;) This wouldn't be possible without reflection, so you'd need a team (pantheon). For a new Titanomanchy.

>but this mingling of the remains of uncorruption with corruption.

Trying to help the few remaining 'save' themselves is why I'm here.

>All antithetical operations to ‘counter’ the mind slave system ‘within’ the system are self regulating operations of the system to prolong itself for its own benefit, not curative effects meant to correct the system but rather to prolong its control.

That's why the only solution is an anti-systemic opposition. But no matter to which finite level you take it, every other system ends up being just a subsystem/subset of the one god. So the only actual solution might be to kill the god itself. To shatter the vessels. Freedom (Will/Self) is antithetical to one god and (uni)verse. It can only be possible within the multiverse which doesn't converge into one, where systemic incompleteness is inherent and eternal, the world of infinite infinity, of Atman (zero). This is not to be confused with relativism of course, while there can be multiple wills, independent gods and universes, they are all subject to certain higher laws without which a meaningful existence and interaction wouldn't be possible in the first place. These laws are also the basis behind racial and other natural hierarchies. However, if you kill their god, only the souls which possess the 'golden cord' (their encoding is a transcendent, infinite, number) can survive this, every other (finite) soul in the universe would be consigned to oblivion and reset to absolute equilibrium. Which brings us back to the subject of playing with dolls and thinking they are people :) Hitler only wanted to provide a 'living space' for the former, whose earthly manifestation was the Aryan (European) race, but only as a potential. This is why they provided the proper religious, scientific, cultural/historical and socio-political environment as well, otherwise most people would end up as blanks and it would look like kiked Germany of today. And no, it doesn't work in fake, simulated environments meant to entrap such souls (see Mormons), it has to be genuine.

>If you move to destroy the system, the whole system will ally against you to prevent this from happening.

World war 2

>If too many of the uncorrupted understand the system

Preventing this type of convergence was their priority ever since. Look what kind of disturbance the original /pol/ caused.

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f4b433  No.150135


>discussed to great length on old /pol/

I miss /pol/. I contributed a lot to the thread on masturbation thread that was deleted after about 160 comments. It was still in active use. It was one of the worst deletions I ever saw on a public forum. The data was irreplaceable in terms of being collated, well thought out and coherent.

>You will hardly find those materials in the public domain.

I thought it might be less destructive than many other options. I'm stuck anon. I understand yet another layer of global politics and the motivations of 'the Hive' and how meaningless our individual lives are in the scheme of things. I saw the future and billions and hundreds of billions put through the worst possible situations that could be imagined only to be thrown away like trash when they outlived their usefulness. Our lives right now are an unimaginable paradise compared to the future. In order to secure expansion into space global communism must win and the human race sink into abject degradation for thousands of generations.

Tell me about that…reassure me that the gross abject slavery of hundreds of billions of lives is somehow 'worth it'. Tell me that there will be something left of even the idea of humanity when this is all done. When I got to the end, I could no longer recognize anything of the human soul. I was left nonplussed if it should even be stopped. I think it might be the worst thing I have ever seen, it is so bad that it cannot even be classed as evil. And yet, from examination of the individuals soul in respect to their 'experience' I cannot make a judgement against it because their individual experience would no nothing of the grace and leisure of my own. Tell me about that. How often has this happened in the past. Are they permitted to complete this cycle? Is this 'required' for growth of the human spirit? I guess I don't understand the purpose.

Just when I think it can't get worse for humanity…it gets worse by orders of magnitude to a place of unimaginable endless terror and pain. You can't even kill yourself or die…you body is simply resurrected and the slavery and terror continue for lifetimes upon lifetimes. When it is not 'useful' to be resurrected and reinserted due to data corruption all that you are in just ground up and fed back into the resource pool. Nothing is wasted.

I thought it was bad when I noticed that all the earth is covered in a thick layer of human blood for the advancement of a few individuals…but now I see that whole galaxies can be enriched with the slaughtered gristle of human essence and that the slaughter will simply go on and on and on.

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f4b433  No.150142

File: abd0f9624bbd270⋯.jpg (89.77 KB, 735x588, 5:4, warrior_blood.jpg)


Weird. We must have been typing this same thing at almost the same exact time. Look at the timestamps on our posts. 1 minute apart? lolz

>So the only actual solution might be to kill the god itself.

The jews do not obey their God though…they don't even know its name or give a shit what it says. In fact, it tells them to do the exact opposite of what they are doing.

I think we need some clarity about what that 'one God' really is.

It is not their ancient God.

So where and what is the basis for their behavior?

Also they are atheists…so a belief in God is antithetical to them in the first place. Is their null God derived from atheism? And how exactly does one 'kill atheism'?

Also, the idea of 'Zero state' seems much more like the one God that you are describing than anything else.

I will reflect on what you have said but initially it seems problematic. It is the jewish lack of belief in anything which makes them soulless machines.

You can't force something to have faith or higher reasoning. Nor can you kill something that doesn't exist.

We could, however kill all atheists which would be a start for resolving the soullessness issue, for sure.

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6d786f  No.150159

File: d3ea994a01a33d6⋯.png (41.72 KB, 529x445, 529:445, The_One.png)

File: 0350445a1548cb4⋯.png (62.9 KB, 400x271, 400:271, each_of_them_led_by_a_god.png)


>so a belief in God is antithetical to them in the first place. Is their null God derived from atheism?

You see, initially everything existed, every idea, every form and everything was pure chaos. That chaos had an idea of order, and that order gave birth to Intellect, because order required it. Pretty much intellect defeated chaos, and we're lower derivatives of that intellect (lower us only animals and plants, for who we are essentially gods).

When it comes to monism and monotheism, is an attempt to worship the very "first" intellect born, trying to skip hierarchy of participation. All pagan religions back in the day, as well a few remaining, understood hierarchy of participation, even in Triadic form it was spreading through Indra's Net of Intellects (Gods, Incarnations or Buddhas or whatever word you want to apply to them).

Human souls are derivatives of 12 Gods of the Pantheon, at least that's what we called it, which are Gods we attended before our birth (probably Proclus is wrong on that one, and derivation is birth of a form for future service, not the past), which related to both our character, initial knowledge of the soul, and eventual service after recognition of forms, formed soul led by daemon that reminds one of that tied in God. This hierarchy of participation is other world order, which is both heavenly caste and levels of spheres of intelligence. Trying to skip the very first sphere that's above us (cosmic intelligence), is to disobey rules of the heavenly caste system.

Twelve groups of human souls conveniently correspond with twelve tribes of Israel. There's also daemonless human filler, where duality is body-soul, not soul-daemon. Its ethical not to say where those people could end up.

Basically monism and monotheism try to get as close to "One" as possible, because everything derives and orbits it, forgetting that human is lowly intelligence incapable of skipping its own fate, where the most high intelligence would be absolute ruler who defeated chaos out of sheer possibility of ruling over all forms. Perfection doesn't need merge with imperfection, therefore humans within their limits are in the sphere of Gods lower than "The Most High God", assigned by predetermined order.

And our world is mere process of birth of ourselves.

And remember, your soul imitates your God unconsciously, even if you fall off, unless Daemon reminds you. That's why Jung said that Nietzche became dangerously god-like, akin to Dionysus and why in Bacchae Pentheus imitated Dionysus, its older greek knowledge that a man is like orbiting planet, he cannot actually disattain imitation if he's born from heaven.

Horoscope readers and astrologers tried to dwell into it, but they failed because physical objects and time of birth cannot be compared to non-physical Gods and the way they rule.

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bb6339  No.150162

File: b4435293d30f051⋯.jpg (34.66 KB, 960x720, 4:3, full_retard.jpg)



You realize Σεμέλη is a word at least 2 millennia older than the english language and at least half millennia older than even proto-Germanic, no?

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7d97cb  No.150170


>The negative effects of excessive (social) sexual stimulation, number of partners, intercourses etc. were discussed to great length on old /pol/. Sex is greatest weapon of the Jews, and "sexual liberation" is one of the tools which lead to spiritual disintegration of the individual. But there is also no liberation without restrain, so puritanism plays a role too. Being a coomer might lead one to make a full circle to a point where it loses its appeal completely, being nothing more than physiological need like urinating. Ironically, making the worst coomers reach a level of celibate monks and ascetics. Especially since they don't disturb their energy fields and contaminate them by doing it with many other people, especially those of animal essence. If they try to make you 'dead' , disintegrate you and deplete your life force, or control/torture you through sexual frustration, you might as well turn yourself into an undead.

That's similar to what I've been thinking of when it comes to sexual release. However I do think there is a distinction between masturbation and actual sex between two people. Especially if the masturbation is to something created by a person, like a drawing or model as opposed to a human being.

I find it interesting that the Jews prefer to use physical depictions of people when they can and want to attack fictional sexual content like Japan tends to make. Even they have the genitals censored of 3D porn if that makes any distinction at all.

There is clearly a physiological urge for sex naturally, that's natural to ensure that people continue to reproduce but it can be exploited.

Ultimately it comes down to personal preferences. If a person is dominated by the outside world then their preferences make them a victim. Only once a person can fully understand and control their own preferences and desires can they divorce themselves from that kind of victimhood.

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dd7085  No.150171


>well well, didn't he try to create a more pleasant form of xtianity in the hopes jews would convert, and only got mad rekt once they gave him the middle finger so he vented out and wrote that book?


>yes, that would be the story


>i don't like xtian antisemitism because it it's a christian vs judaism trap

Why would that invalidate his words? Many Nations hosting Jews tried to convert or reform them without success, wasting vast amounts of time, money, and resources in the process. Does the fact that they were made fools of by their rotten Jewish guests invalidate their hatred, frustrations, and disgust for Jews?

Every host nation has tried to convert Jews to their ideology. And when it failed, they all came out hating them, Christian or not.

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702cc1  No.150185

File: 2ae85f2b1cc96d6⋯.jpg (86.25 KB, 524x223, 524:223, cp5383103a.jpg)

File: cadb24cd6e7401a⋯.jpg (75.68 KB, 504x206, 252:103, gq53831055.jpg)

File: fc04a13bd4e5385⋯.jpg (83.91 KB, 508x227, 508:227, hg5383102c.jpg)

File: 6ba630369f13781⋯.jpg (100.53 KB, 507x294, 169:98, it5383100a.jpg)

File: afd18c0e1c165f5⋯.jpg (101.78 KB, 509x265, 509:265, wi53831048.jpg)


This question of intellect and hierarchy is very important, the Sumerian system was such that you were only expected to be dedicated to the Deity that was appropriate for your function within society, it was not a question of personal choice and you weren't allowed to devote yourself to Higher Deities above your station, there would be no point in supplication to them because that was in contradiction to the hierarchy.

A persons Head God was literally the God expected to reside within their mind, and which they would most likely understand and relate too as it correlated to their profession, this persisted into Catholicism to some extent with the Guild System and cult of Saints.


In Egypt as in Mesopotamia personal dedication to higher Divinities was strictly off limits to those of common status, this only seems to change with the cult of Osiris from the middle Kingdom onward were it seems cultic dedication toward him became increasingly open to all and the prospect of resurrection, this role of the approachable inter-mediary as one's head God of course also being realized in Christianity

With regards to Indra's net, the closest comparative in Sumer was the underground correction centre of the E-kur, which dealt with those having issue with their Head Gods.

>House whose foundations are laden with great awesomeness! Its gate is the yellow evening light, exuding radiance. Its stairs are a great open-mouthed dragon, lying in wait for men. Its vault is the rainbow, imbued with terrible awe

>House, furious storm of heaven and earth, battering its enemies; prison, jail of the gods, august neck-stock of heaven and earth! Its interior is evening light, dusk spreading wide; its awesomeness is frightening. Raging sea which mounts high, no one knows where its rising waves flow. House, a pitfall waiting for the evil one; it makes the wicked tremble! House, a net whose fine meshes are skillfully woven, which gathers up people as its booty! House, which keeps an eye on the just and on evildoers; no one wicked can escape from its grasp. House, river of the ordeal which leaves the just ones alive, and chooses the evil ones! House, with a great name, nether world, mountain where Utu rises; no one can learn its interior!

>The gods of heaven and earth bow down before its place where judgments are made. Nin-egala takes her seat high on its lapis-lazuli dais. She keeps an eye on the judgments and decisions, distinguishing true and false. Her battle-net of fine mesh is indeed cast over the land for her; the evildoer who does not follow her path will not escape her arm.

>When a man of whom his god disapproves arrives at the gate of the great house he is delivered into the august hands of Nungal, the warden of the prison; this man is held by a painful grip like a wild bull with spread forelegs. He is led to a house of sorrow, his face is covered with a cloth, and he goes around naked.

This was the original basis for Hell and Purgatory and an actual place, were one could be reborn as it were and return to the world above.

>The interior of the temple gives rise to weeping, laments and cries. Its brick walls crush evil men and give rebirth to just men. Its angry heart causes one to pass the days in weeping and lamentation. When the time arrives, the prison is made up as for a public festival; the gods are present at the place of interrogation, at the divine river ordeal, to separate the just from the evildoers; a just man is given rebirth. Nungal clamps down on her enemy, so he will not escape her clutches.

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043f93  No.150197

File: d0017ae7d9dd937⋯.png (82.06 KB, 569x375, 569:375, intermediate_beings.png)

File: 2eb7163fa16cbd0⋯.pdf (5.46 MB, Radek_Chlup_Proclus_An_Int….pdf)


Everything is dependent on intermediate hierarchy of Intellects, humans on daemons and fate, lesser Gods on greater Gods, greater Gods on head Gods, each with their own sphere of influence. Intellects greater than us have to answer to Intellects that are greater than them. And its all not seen here because only daemons really go back and forth between mortal and divine realms, residing in humans they're chosen to look after.

I am going to leave Proclus book i've been reading here, maybe you'll find something similar concerning your opinions on hierarchy.

One finding this would be really concerned why such obvious knowledge was not available to public. It feels like absolutely logical concept that nobody can skip their dependency on lesser deities to the Absolute Intelligence itself, because if there are any other worlds they must be based on form of hierarchy, since hierarchy is the most ancient system of rulership, unlike communism.

Which makes me think if there's some deranged deity obsessed with making humans rebel against gods, and that owns the kikes like puppets. And whatever Akhenaten did with his Atenism is similar to it.

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301bd1  No.150208

File: 8e8f1e669465795⋯.png (143.31 KB, 559x839, 559:839, reflection_of_Form.png)


>Yah, Jah or Aah, simply means "moon."

>moon deity than the other gods with lunar connections

Talking about your moon connection, again i am capping Proclus, those who move and represent certain deity are linked to their divine patron in appear of tokens (synthemata), Forms reflecting "Moon" are called "Selenotropes", and apparently only Proclus used this term philosophically. We only know selenotrope as a device used in geodetic surveying for reflecting the moon's rays.

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f4b433  No.150211


Where does this leave the atheists tho? You guys keep focusing on the 'one' without acknowledging that the jews believe in the 'none'. Isn't this why they are the same as a machine or a virus? The levels of participation do not apply to them at all because they are null in form and character. I also don't understand why you keep insisting that they worship 'one' rather than acknowledging that they are atheist.

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f4b433  No.150213


>You realize Σεμέλη is a word at least 2 millennia older than the english language and at least half millennia older than even proto-Germanic, no?

And? That means that globohomo has been around a long time…I guess I am failing to get your point. Globohomo obviously has not been around longer than heterosexuals so he is secondary and an interloper, confused, unwanted and unneeded.

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f4b433  No.150215

File: 90c6435e39f7dd3⋯.jpg (268.05 KB, 1000x686, 500:343, hilter_and_eva.jpg)


>Only once a person can fully understand and control their own preferences and desires can they divorce themselves from that kind of victimhood.

I would go a step farther, but I think you are correct with this idea, I would say that there is a fixed biological aspect to humans and a mutable spiritual aspect. While the spiritual is focused on the biological it is a victim to the whims of its fixed state. If a human can focus on their spiritual, mutable state they can transcend the biological desire and are no longer enslaved to a fixed biological state.

I bitch all the time that symbols are detached from the material state and that is why we cannot exist in anything but error…and I had never thought about it but perhaps bringing the mutable spiritual state into harmony with the material fixed state would cause actual Life to be born on the planet. I think this is what Christianity tried to do in a rather bastardized (and polluted by outside interests) way.

If there was a union between your spiritual state and your material state you would be born as something brand new in the universe…able to command the material world with your ideas alone.

It seems a bit odd to me that the whole of the worlds 'religions' which are OBVIOUSLY completely useless in terms of solving anything, insist with total focus on the opposite of these principles of separation rather than integration of the spiritual with the material to 'form a better union'.

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301bd1  No.150217

File: cfb13b30f8497f8⋯.png (130.62 KB, 389x355, 389:355, maenad.png)


>Where does this leave the atheists tho?

Being swallowed by madness. Flesh ones go where flesh goes, Daemonic ones will be emulating their own God from who their souls came from until it destroys them. You yourself say there's no difference between an atheist jew and religious one. That's where proof lies, that their spiritual link is inseparable.

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f4b433  No.150221


>You yourself say there's no difference between an atheist jew and religious one.

I, myself, say that there are no 'religious' ones since they themselves maintain that they are all atheists. I can only witness what they themselves profess.

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7c8f7e  No.150243


1. Men's penises are not necessary anymore: insane amount of implications and ramifications from this idea.

2. Stronk women don't need men and can pop kids just like that. Almost asking for vat-babies, eons before the technology was even thought of.

That shit is distressing, it's giga-feminism right in the book.


>Semele died from that though, because she asked Zeus to show himself up, and thunder burned her apart

- dick pic pls

- no

- will dox u

- die bitch





>They didn't. Knowing temples of Aphrodite having whole thing about losing virginity on purpose, they were giving their virginity away as pious deed. Semele is also based on Egyptian Isis, but mortal. Which is interesting, that made Semele first virgin mortal woman to be worshiped, and have holidays in her name:

The point being that a child comes out of unficked fresh pussy. Only people who have issues with sex and women would elevate that to godhood.

Nature decided that women would menstruate. Deal with it.

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702cc1  No.150262

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Sara son of Anu as a direct connection to Heaven is something of a Theological Cheat, it bypasses the rest of the Pantheon, but accommodates direct personal and emotional experience, rather than say exclusive dedication to Kaka Goddess of Latrines who might more realistically represent the individuals status within society.

What the Lord of Sinai Dhu Shara does then is facilitate the sense and experience of connection to the Highest God, though the passions and emotions, not the intellect, and the danger of that is it makes the normative Pantheon seem superfluous, the ecstatic cares nothing for the destruction of the basis of society.

The Theology only really accommodates a pre-existent human condition, that their own emotions suggest the Divine imperative in subjective terms, and the Sethians the most prone to idealizing their own desires and self indulgence.

The God Sara then represents a truth of the human condition, like a naughty Cupid, but does have a place in the greater scheme of things, if only as an emotional release valve, it's also preferable to own the principle rather than oppose it.

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5be1e8  No.150267


You are really bent out of shape about this virgin birth thing. Disproportionately threatened.

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f4b433  No.150279

File: 7eb765555b9d11e⋯.jpg (314.03 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, rakka.jpg)


Profoundly amusing anon.

>Only people who have issues with sex and women would elevate that to godhood.

>Nature decided that women would menstruate. Deal with it.

They can't deal with it because they are guilty of murder and they know it on a genetic level.

"Let us create 'man' in our image." It was only the male (who was female before they murdered it) that they 'made in their image'. Woman was already here and didn't need to be altered into anyone's 'image' because that was never the goal in taking humanity hostage and using them as slaves.

Their world is homosexual because like a hyena they only have one sex. But in order to destroy humanity and take it hostage they needed 'a worker class' that they could abuse without reservation that would never talk back and could be easily manipulated and enslaved. So they took the 'image' of themselves and made it into a man. Cut out DNA and made a beast of burden for themselves. But globohomo is reminded every time he sees a woman what he 'did to humanity' and so he fetishizes females and blood and shit so that he can focus on anything except his own guilt and what he has done. He dreams that one day he won't need to look at the 'object he has murdered' in order to bring forth something with a soul that he can abuse at his whim.

That is all these globohomo stories are…the echo of their guilt over the 'transformation' that they worked inside human DNA to make it more docile and easier to murder at their whim as a broken slave class that can be exported and enslaved all over the galaxy (don't think for a second this is not being done already). Would you like to 'hear' them speak about 'their right to command humanity?

See here they are talking about 'their right to rule over their creation' (which they did not create at all since they are only 'modifiers' or the demiurge). All of these are examples of the 'global slave agenda that will eventually spider out into the galaxy and become the galactic slave agenda…I don't have to tell you that these are not HUMAN, right? Or that you are in the hands of a machine when you see statements like this, right? They may 'look human' in the physical form but they are not human; it is only because your body can see almost nothing in terms of the visible spectrum that you cannot see their disguise:



>Also, just like AI sides with Whites over niggers, eventually it will side with autists as well

It will just realize that you are far less efficient machines and use you as fuel for next-gen processors instead. Recycling :) It doesn't side with anyone, it just provides data, which is white supremacist.

>Some minds are moving very fast indeed

High frequency, low output.






It is not 'disproportional' at all. He may not understand that you murdered him on a real level but he understands it on a genetic and instinctual level.

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f4b433  No.150280

File: d7c1906d37b1795⋯.png (106.72 KB, 1000x697, 1000:697, male_female_chromosome_DNA….png)

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b94693  No.150284



Male chromosome has unique genomes so I don't see what you're on about.

You're way bent over this shit. Supposedly some being poofed dna into an egg in a supposedly 12 year old girl and now we got this full blown icke post.

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f4b433  No.150291

File: e8c9c4a8309a929⋯.jpg (98.3 KB, 1200x680, 30:17, body_snatchers_ending.jpg)


Keep trying to divert people from the truth about yourself. They do have a choice to make about you, don't they?

They will either slaughter EVERYONE that tries to 'hold authority' over them or they will go down into your eternal slave system. Your machine virus must be forcefully purged from the planet everywhere it occurs and in everyone it occurs in just like your globohomo genetics (the 'male' and 'female' presentation of your species).

Don't worry kike/globohomo they are never going to listen to me because they are enamored and inured of your slave system, and your murdering them for the sport of it (how good you have gotten at it, eh) and profit. They know nothing other than you as master over them while I am an 'unknown'.

Your victory is assured because they are 'domesticated' at this point…you could have just ignored me and not drawn attention to yourselves even further by 'responding'. Did I not say that you had manipulated and destroyed 'man' and 'made him in your image'? I did you flaming faggot…so you don't actually have a point now do you?

I have been studying your genetics and behavior for years at this point, which probably makes me the foremost human expert on 'your kind'.

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f4b433  No.150293

File: 6e226bb042d2655⋯.jpg (2.05 MB, 2393x1086, 2393:1086, saint_simon_of_trent_two_y….jpg)

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b94693  No.150299


Is this Q larp?

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f4b433  No.150327


Fuck off kike.

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6db5af  No.150391


This is not even scratching the surface. Those royal families which resisted kike poz either got killed or rendered completely irrelevant. They are diversifying their bets with political systems, just in case.

>are proud above everything else of their Jewish ancestry. L uder the circumstances their undisguised antipathy to the unfortunate Hebrew subjects of the Czar appears, to say the least, to be illogical

Esau gambit


I'm afraid it's not that simple. 1 in the absolute sense cannot be divided. Decimal numbers only change the perspective and position. For example, how would you divide 0.000000 …. infinity …. 1 ? Can there be a smaller positive number than that? One is a very formidable opponent.

>If you have 1 then you subtract 1 to make zero

You'd need to be outside set (1) to make that kind of operation, and then the question would be 'which' 1 are you subtracting from 'which' other one.

>It feels like what you need to do is go based on a pattern and extrapolate that into infinity

Correct. But that pattern needs to have certain unique properties, the ones which you can hardly know from the perspective of any finite set. Unless you rely on stochastic processes. Which are pretty much about limited extrapolation of infinite processes based on their limited, narrow 'entry points' into this finite set, so it's still a one-way road. Finding an exit from this 'labyrinth' could prove to be way more difficult than it may appear. For those whose souls have finite encoding, probably impossible.

>Filling a certain role seems incredibly important to me.

It's called Dharma, meaning that everything in nature has it's role, purpose and position in hierarchy. It's due to Adharma (similar to the concept of ignorance/evil which Plotinus had) that people are not fulfilling their true role and purpose, not achieving their potential, just like the Jews have inverted the hierarchy where those who are quintessential slaves (themselves) are at the top. Finding the right 'place' for everyone is the key for a perfect society and golden age.

>What people call "religion"

The root of that word means to unite. But those who seek to unite everything, unite nothing. This is why even the most universalist religions are prone to hunting heretics and waging religious wars on unbelievers. Racial component is important not only as a dialectical resolution between individual and "species" , but also as a gradient of quality. Metaphysically, absolute individualism leads to (sol)ipsism, absolute collectivism leads to (one)ness . Both horseshoe into disintegration. Race/ethnicity is a good suspense between the two. And as mentioned before, proper souls need a race of sufficient quality to fulfill their potential.


Among other things. Some contamination can be overcome if one possesses certain other components … which they seem to lack.


I wouldn't call those lodges irregular, but rather, the only ones maintaining at least some of it's original essence. The so called regular lodges are an institution based on pure formalism of the most profane kind.

>it was the maintenance of a LARP based upon lies and the interest of the Jews in maintaining any relevancy

Jews have pretty much debunked their own mythos (and Judeo-masonic mythos by association), yet they still seem to cling to it. It is based on interests however, of the most personal kind.

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9d12bb  No.150419

File: 992f08163bb8037⋯.jpg (60.63 KB, 675x1200, 9:16, lord_rothschild_abromovik.jpg)

File: 3537b1e942a708c⋯.jpg (80.92 KB, 380x599, 380:599, grand_master_mason.jpg)


>Among other things. Some contamination can be overcome if one possesses certain other components … which they seem to lack.

You show me Cain…? Because I don't see that bloodline here anymore. What do you see?

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3467d3  No.150460

File: c6c067b5d0ac14b⋯.jpeg (573.07 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, shinto_gate.jpeg)


>facilitate the sense and experience of connection

>though the passions and emotions, not the intellect, and the danger of that is it makes the normative Pantheon seem superfluous, the ecstatic cares nothing for the destruction of the basis of society.

Or simply speaking - psyche gets wet, entering water of chaos directly. That's what certain buddhists, shaivinists and divine darkness esoterics of christianity practice on daily basis to connect with divine through ecstasy of worship. Everything that orbits within the order still located within chaos, soul itself wants to return to it, but it can damage itself in the process without guidance of personal Daemon, because humans are lowest form of divine intelligence. That's where disembodied winds of souls get born and people who're unable to contain it because of low intellect of humanity get sucked into it. We ignore hierarchy of intellects that are higher than us because we don't see them, but we don't ignore all embodying chaos because we're actually able to feel it just like Gods.

The secret is to research effects of hierarchical intelligent order, observing effects of chaos to understand personal orbiting soul within submission to higher Intellect. Basically its possible to research this spiritual opium without getting addicted to it. Because even Gods themselves strive for it out of love of higher intelligence, but non-joining is what keeps hierarchy of spheres going, opposites repelling each other to generate harmony. In humanity its only represented in desire for worship of someone righteous and search for Logos. Constant development of our own intelligence is our strive for upwards growth, and movement towards higher intelligence in emulation of Gods, but not even close to them in confines of three dimensions. And if we're not even close to those who are higher in hierarchy, how one can join the absolute perfection that doesn't need them? Like a moth to a flame. Light is projected through many to keep individuality with the infinite, not for souls to go back to the infinite "origin" and die as individual in One.

I'd say asiatic cultures understood this better than us (well, with exception for pre-christian europeans and only certain catholic theologians who were crypto-neoplatonists), especially order as in "mandate of heaven", where one, two and then three gave birth to myriad of things, but that myriad is not "joining" the "one", but rather cultivate the universal order. Geometrical order developed complexity out of dividing the very essential perfection into non-complete geometrical imperfections of Logos, in order to create hierarchical order in creation of "many" out of what we call Love, or need of being many. Its still a connected system of many metaphorical colors, but not merging or joining for "colors" to become grey mess again, kinda like racial mixing destroying uniqueness, same with spiritual communism it just kills the color of the soul in infinite chaos. Earth orbits the sun in its cosmic order, but earth cannot embrace the sun, it will kill it, moon cannot embrace earth either, or change its course, it will ruin it as well. Every idea pre-existed in chaos and everything is immortal, our order lies between life and death, and the only reason why its established and not killed itself is because higher forces kept it in check, making humans orbit Their reason, within limits of synchronicity of familiar signs and forms. Harmony of life is created from order, not from chaos, that's why higher Intellects are many, even if came from One. We're always going to be disharmonious here until we understand it.

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702cc1  No.150492

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Buddhist and the aesetic practise of detachment form the emotions i just find sad, the only issue with emotional attachment is in what you are binding yourself too, the whole Israel thing being an hysterical exploit.

If we consider Hitler his appeal was as much to the emotions as reason, and that no bad thing if it is toward love for your people and nation, romanticism is always dangerous in the forces it unleashes and their closeness to the formative principles of the Universe.

My only interest has been in reclaiming the God of Energy/Fire/Passion/Love from Israel and not to contain it but rather unleash with full force on behalf of my people.

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9d12bb  No.150515


>not to contain it but rather unleash with full force on behalf of my people.

Who are 'your people'?

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db3571  No.150518

File: 31d2bc58bf06b5a⋯.png (123.1 KB, 361x227, 361:227, waves.png)


Emotions are that "chaos inside of order" i've been talking about. Platonists usually mean by that unity of limited with unlimited, i call them "order and chaos" to get rid of concept of good and evil altogether, and acknowledge no such duality in intelligences above us, even under concept of Love for souls below. There's some chaos in order, and some order in chaos to make up both this world and its ambiguity of human soul and spiritual phenomena, as well as next world of soul society having some form of hierarchical order in place despite not being tied to material realm of three dimensional earth of ours.

Love, lust, anger, sadness, and all other emotions is our chaotic nature that goes along intellect like bread and butter, are in fact divine madness animating the irrational within rational, illogical within logical, to complete movement with opposition and not turn us into robots. What made human to have emotions in the first place wouldn't desire to strip those away like jews cut their foreskin.

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9d12bb  No.150519

File: 820c14077ade49d⋯.jpg (162.74 KB, 1808x331, 1808:331, asian_sociopathy_insane_ha….jpg)


If you were asian you might have limited attachment to E-motion in the first place…denying them completely would have little repercussions for your life.

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00d8eb  No.150527

File: ecb3ee1e15d0066⋯.jpeg (31.28 KB, 479x477, 479:477, Liu_Bei.jpeg)


I wouldn't bite it, benevolence was a big deal in ancient china, empathy is not caused by the brain. Too much empathy is also bad, it can be exploited. Overpopulation and disdain to nature is what kills spirituality and china is "really bad" in terms of empathy not because of their race.

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702cc1  No.150541

File: 864eac045c07b09⋯.jpg (113.77 KB, 440x660, 2:3, 440px_Janmashtami_Puja.jpg)


I hadn't realized when i made the last couple of posts that this was on the Krishna Janmashtami until i saw a thread on 4ch /pol/ mentioning this, and then that was my mind blown for the day too go for a walk in the blazing Sun were every passing stranger was unusually friendly, strange times.


The Ynglings, and Freyr is their Lord.

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f083c2  No.150548

File: 66d2024911db7ec⋯.jpeg (325.97 KB, 1074x894, 179:149, Epictetus.jpeg)

So, back to the topic, i've been reading Epictetus and found some very curious line:

>Sit down now and give a philosophical discourse upon the principles of Epicurus, and perhaps you will discourse more effectively than Epicurus himself. Why, then, do you call yourself a Stoic, why do you deceive the multitude, why do you act the part of a Jew, when you are a Greek? Do you not see in what sense men are severally called Jew, Syrian, or Egyptian? For example, whenever we see a man halting between two faiths, we are in the habit of saying, “He is not a Jew, he is only acting the part.” But when he adopts the attitude of mind of the man who has been baptized and has made his choice, then he both is a Jew in fact and is also called one. So we also are counterfeit “baptists,” ostensibly Jews, but in reality something else, not in sympathy with our own reason, far from applying the principles which we profess, yet priding ourselves upon them as being men who know them.

So as far as i understand, in Epictetuses times being "baptized" meant to convert into a jew.

Wikipedia calls that Tvilah:

>Baptism has similarities to Tvilah, a Jewish purification ritual of immersing in water, which is required for, among other things, conversion to Judaism, but which differs in being repeatable, while baptism is to be performed only once. (In fact, the Modern Hebrew term for "baptism" is "Christian Tvilah".)

I wonder if Epictetuses own hardcore Zeus worship is related to this, or its just part of monolatry within already pantheistic Stoic philosophy, since he mentioned roman geniuses as guardians, but i don't want to judge it too much.

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18c15c  No.150549


Too much empathy? Too much love of nature?


The Vanir?



“Unleash it” means…what?

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f083c2  No.150551

File: dca85ec4abe0416⋯.png (455.57 KB, 479x479, 1:1, Krsna_Slava.png)


>that this was on the Krishna Janmashtami until i saw a thread on 4ch /pol/

Wait what?

>12 August Krishna Janmashtami

>11 August Christian Orthodox holiday of Nicolas Miracleworker birth

>patron saint day (Krsna Slava, or Krsno ime, a Serb tradition)

>Krsna Slava - christened Slava

Now i know Serbs literally call Christ a "Krsna".

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18c15c  No.150555

File: 91f60d192d2a82f⋯.png (4.41 KB, 220x220, 1:1, 3615BE86_576D_45BA_BD87_E4….png)


Interesting. There is some interesting correlation here with Hebrew tradition of Messiah…I am going to have to look it up when I get home but it correlates to ‘anointing’ or being smeared with oil/semen (I vaguely remember that it is associated with Kristos).

That hot cross bun to the Queen of Heaven in your photo is interesting as well. Lenten cake?….I am going to have to look up the history of this as well.

Ic Xc Ni Ka - and the third crossing, etc.

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012c21  No.150560

File: 5f586871e697daa⋯.jpg (109.81 KB, 800x922, 400:461, Schutze_Bacchus.jpg)

File: 08a439a4b40f4af⋯.jpeg (19.75 KB, 404x303, 4:3, krishna_1.jpeg)

File: 3d7b1dfc1b80ec7⋯.jpeg (335.15 KB, 2076x1321, 2076:1321, Dionysus_2.jpeg)

File: 21c8cdfe7bf2ea9⋯.jpg (264.62 KB, 800x1142, 400:571, Indian_Krishna_Taunting_th….jpg)


There's also incredible similarity of Krishna and Dionysus in terms of that they both driven women mad into dancing with Him in the forests. Dionysus had Maenads, Krishna had Gopi. But maybe that's just part of Shiva's tale incorporated into Krishnaite religion, because that God also did this.

At times i indeed view Christ as symbiosis of western Dionysus and eastern Krishna (and hebrew corruption for no good reason).

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18c15c  No.150565


Yes, I vaguely remember something about semen and ‘shining’ as well. I have sometime pondered Magdalenes roll as prostitute in France with the Merovingians (as well as with Herod and Cesar). Emblem 21 and the search for NeoEve as well…as I told someone else recently, you can’t have a new race without a new Eve. Tracy Twyman approaches some of these issues but she makes it so FUCKING DARK that it is almost unrecognizable…but maybe it just is dark. The whole ‘Christ before Christ’ phenomenon. IDK I have certainly thought a lot about all these subjects, I mean even the idea of Semele and being burnt apart by Zeus fits into the idea of the creation of a ‘new heaven and a new Earth’. Mother Cubes etc. The Hebrew take on this was that the new Mother Cube would not be the ‘dark venus’ but rather a Diamond Venus…which would also entail a new physical form for humanity since they would no longer wear the old ‘dark matter/mother’ form. Well, got to run. Something to contemplate for later for sure.

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18c15c  No.150566

File: e5405825145b86a⋯.jpeg (231.02 KB, 594x568, 297:284, 2715DA52_36C8_43A5_BBCA_3….jpeg)

Forgot photo

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18c15c  No.150567

File: ff646fa0c30c8c9⋯.jpeg (50.66 KB, 638x479, 638:479, 42431D56_C358_4503_BEA6_8….jpeg)

File: a693e6574ebd294⋯.jpeg (298.17 KB, 600x570, 20:19, 9A96F05D_374E_43E5_B823_1….jpeg)

Philosophers ‘Stone’

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a8f8b1  No.150569

File: 2db818150e2ebe5⋯.png (249.08 KB, 767x314, 767:314, 12_aether.png)



Both of those pictures are just fitting sacred geometries, anon. Indra's Net infinitely reflecting sphere always possesses that "Metatron Cube" inside.

See posts: >>149407 >>149667

Even gaming dices are made out this.

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702cc1  No.150573



Unleash the power of the White Stone of Ing, which is so obscure it must work.


The Krishna mashup is Lunar adjusted each year, but that's an interesting connection you noted.

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fddb2d  No.150574


I guess the point would be advancing complexity of humanity. The next Age is not actually cubic but rather Icosahedron. Man is supposed to be evolving towards the ultimate complexity of metatron’s cube. Obviously a diamond age, for carbon life forms would fit well in this scheme of evolving complexity. Carbon based life forms but more complex than these meat suits. Look up sacred geometry and the Ages. The exterior of the man/woman united form would no longer be reflected in the cube (but would instead be a a more nuanced form in the next Age). So male female, circle (spiral) Icosahedron, cube, pyramid, outer circle of the next more complex age. As anon said earlier it is a ‘very subtle’ spiral that we repeat until we ‘get it right’. I think we all understand from reading that ‘Christ’ as in jc does not ‘return’ but rather, Sons (krsna) are born. Biblically this is 144,000. I’d have to look at this geometry but it is markedly more than 1st crossing and 2nd crossing. I am sure it is derived from some aspect of Megatron’s Cube. I can’t stand typing on my phone. If I screwed something up I will fix later. This is also tied to planets and the solar boat of Ra journey to the sun as well as a few other myths.

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043f93  No.150585

File: 98eba1e91eb5209⋯.jpeg (121.61 KB, 704x1024, 11:16, Titus_Flavius.jpeg)



Is nobody going to look on this logical? Or we're all going to just fall into "synchronicity of Logos" and "social unconsciousness"?

At worst it was jews who tried to subvert Romans, at best Romans needed a religion to subvert the jews, at the same time keeping their Triadic cult intact and potentially subvert India too in the future. They observed mystery cults of Orphism, Hebrews and Bacchus, they knew about Sanskrit imports from India since Macedonian/Alexander adventures there, probably had few manuscripts lying around, they had some Zoroastrian literature too. They linked Krishna to Bacchus because of their similarities, Bacchus to Osiris of Egyptians too, since those guys are their good friends, "chosenness" of jewish race to "chosen" of Dionysus and "elect" of Brahman. With eventual sacrifice of a God on a "tree" in form of their cross, where they wrote all possible esoteric connections they could possibly come up with. Some of that stuff got burned in library of Alexandria, probably would provide needed historical connections earlier, if it didn't. So they combined all religions within available reach, probably with help of Josephus, especially basing new scripture on his "War of the Jews" to make pretend prophecies on "coming of son of man" being suspiciously linked to actions of Titus Flavius and his Judaean campaigns, as well as of course Kalki from Mahabharata. In case of revelations they compared unworthy emperor Nero to Pentheus of Euripedes, who also got called beast at least once, and Zahhak from zoroastrian legend, making up all connected prophecies between all scriptures, including putting in golden city of Brahman from Vedas. And then claiming any false "Christs" would come, even though all rolemodels, including Buddha who wanted to "save all beings", of their new religious figure head already existed, so its not a prophecy but a protective claim, so people wouldn't dare to question.

How come this doesn't sound realistic enough to consider that this invention of Rome was an attempt of inner circle of Roman Emperors to invent world wide religion that will allow them to conquer everyone from west to the east, through astonishing similarities of Jesus to many deities? They wanted egypt, india, rome and israel to be united under one single faith.

There are of course much more connections, and many intersections where same God is praised under different name in different regions, from which tradition of "many named" God like Dionysus or Odin comes from, or Krishna's multiform, but point being is that we're dealing with something manufactured for world domination.

But of course you can believe what you want and pretend this is all divine revelation of a single Godhead who tried to make whole world know him at once, and not systematic creation of religion by temple class. I wouldn't even have a problem with this if it was purely Roman, it sadly wasn't. Taking anything jewish will end up cursing you and destroying your empire.

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146075  No.150593

File: 0c721e87e2d6365⋯.jpg (67.14 KB, 388x714, 194:357, the_star_tarot.jpg)


>Is nobody going to look on this logical?

>Taking anything jewish will end up cursing you and destroying your empire.

I have to admit that on the surface I am confused. If the information was all stolen by the jews, then who cares if I look at it? If it was not stolen by the jews but instead belongs to them, then we owe them an apology for that accusation. I guess I don't understand what is not logical about looking at the information as it stands.

It is my personal belief that it is all the same story round the globe with slightly different adaptions for culture, DNA and climate, which I made clear here >>148471

Essentially it 'belongs' to no one and everyone (humanity).

I am going to have to give the rest of your comment some thought.

I am flipping back and forth between the spiritual and material world a lot right now so I am not totally sure what I am actually talking about until the ideas settle down a bit and I get some clarity.

The problem with the jews from my perspective is that they are the murder/clean up crew for the planet that keeps things from getting out of control (or they used to be this) using mass slaughter, torture, murder and poisoning. I am not sure they are relevant, even in the slightest in the Diamond Age since we will not require 'butchers' to keep things tidy. I mean the actual cultural/physical/genetic product of Europeans was the reasons (one of them as well as their capacity as toolmakers) the reasons why I maintain that they are the only thing of value on the planet. They have also mastered their reproductive rate so that they do not need murderers to contain them.

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146075  No.150594

And for obvious reasons I am EXTREMELY UNHAPPY that they are using a gene drive (COVID - global infection) to try to ensure their advancement into the Diamond Age.

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146075  No.150619

File: 7c6e948756d7496⋯.jpg (2.91 KB, 251x201, 251:201, freyr_rune.jpg)

File: 1d73e870894715e⋯.jpg (68.37 KB, 555x418, 555:418, ChartresPlan.jpg)

File: ec06d25eb306750⋯.jpg (88.27 KB, 512x379, 512:379, ley_lines_chartres_cathedr….jpg)


There is some p r e t t y w i e r d stuff on the web about his whole situation.

I mean that rabbit hole is D E E P!

Do you have any other data you would like to share, pls?

I mean, the lay-lines even pass through Tomar Portugal, of all places.

I have funny feels looking at all this data…there is just so much of it; it would take a lot of study. I really don't know what to think…I can't show you things that should be hidden, because…'public' forum and all that, but ahhh, thought I would ask if you had anything else.

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f17338  No.150634


>I wanted to rise the topic if Cronus somehow related to Jewery

Other anon might give you a better historical account, but as far as the occult/metaphysics and archetypes go, the overlapping is huge, at least when it comes to top level kikes, and their modus operandi in general.

>Isn't that what Anu actually is? Not just superintelligence, but sum of all existing intelligence?

Perhaps as far as the physical universe goes. It could indeed be the mind/force holding everything together and knowing all that happens in it's domain, but being unable to act directly because all (most?) of it's energy is spent on maintaining this physical universe. Thus, he is in chains. But it's far from being the sum of all intelligence, such sum cannot be known or determined anyway outside of the boundary.

>As if Whole containing all possible and impossible Forms of Logos

Whole is an oxymoron. Anything containing All that can exist would be unable to manifest/actualize/know anything, making it non-existent. In a sense, you could say that all is all within the all, but that it doesn't converge, doesn't converge. Viewing it as some kind of highest set where everything converges into One is a huge error/trap. But that only refers to the framework, Wills of certain kind exist independently of the framework, but need it to manifest. In fact, they are mutually dependent, although they can exist (as a pure unmanifest abstraction) independently. Also, there can never be a single Will which is the framework itself, as the framework is neutral and non-conscious. Mind/intelligence requires movement, and the "absolute" has no room to move, making it absolutely ignorant and unconscious (the opposite of omniscience). It also has no room/power to act nor is capable of of choices/differentiation (it's the opposite of omnipotence). If Plotinus understood it for what it truly was, he would consider it pure evil. Meaning that those who seek God in the Absolute are up for a very ugly surprise once they actually find it. But at that point, there will be no going back. Like moths centripetally spinning closer and closer around this center of gravity, this false light (cosmic moth lamp of sorts), so luring for the NPC, yet so 'deadly', they get zapped and completely disintegrated into darkness, being alchemically transformed into the most base matter in stasis, awaiting for signal of creation to excite it anew, so it becomes the building mass and gravity of creation (physical matter), deterministically 'dancing' to the tune of the next breath of Brahman. Doesn't this sound a lot like harvest? Eternal recurrence. There are three tiers of this entity however. Microcosmic (Saturn of this galaxy/planet), Macrocosmic (Saturn of the physical universe) and Metacosmic (Saturn of totality). Jews are merely servants of the microcosmic aspect (some of the 'elect' serve the macrocosmic one instead). I am going against the metacosmic one. That should put things into perspective.

The conclusion of your post goes in the right direction. However, it might lead you to the boundaries which you may not be able to cross if your essence is not from 'beyond' . This is the greatest unknown to us, can ordinary souls be led across the abyss, or what you refer to as primordial chaos, to emerge on the other side, into the Atman. The experiment called "humanity" (that referring mostly to Indo-Europeans who were imbued and transformed with our essence) was supposed to help us determine that.


Rejection of one god is simultaneously the rejection of focal point morality/ethics, allowing race-specific, and racially exclusive moral codes. The existence of niggers and muds in this age is rather … distasteful. Jews having a fetish/obsession with them and universal (slave) morality are the only reasons why they still exist, perhaps also to remind us to appreciate our form more. Everyone who strives towards higher refinement, divinity and differentiation would eventually become a white supremacist (or of some higher race which may eventually emerge), even if not of white race personally, while anyone who strives towards dissolution into the mud of non-differentiation, profanity and distaste would develop appreciation for the beast people. TL;DR : non-racist whites are spiritual niggers and will most likely be reborn as them due to synchronizing their field with beasts (this applies to them adopting niggardly behavior, "culture" , "art" , worldview, style etc. as much as to miscegenation), while those non-whites who tune into the 'white' frequencies might achieve the opposite, although this does not apply to miscegenation as it's always a destructive, downwards act and would count as them 'killing' whiteness within as well due to reciprocity. You can't say that you appreciate something which you wish to defile. This is one of reasons why Jews turned into worse and worse mental niggers no matter with how many generations of whites did they mix with.

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bb6339  No.150636


>benevolence was a big deal in ancient china

You mean beside that burying 1000 scholars alive and the thousand cuts execution thingies?

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f17338  No.150641


Disharmony/adharma started much, much earlier. Re-read the beginning of this thread, Europeans embarked on a long path of spiritual, mental/cultural, and finally, physical disintegration by the time they started adopting universalist religions and philosophies. The actual 'fall' was almost the opposite from the fall described in Jewish Christianity. NS Germany was a blast from the past, a stochastic emergence of a long forgotten and far superior world.

See >>123134


>Everything is Logos

Everything has Form and is subject to certain relations (mathematics), but that's not the entire picture.

>That's why freemasonry as in literal masonry was such a big deal

Ruler and compass are symbolizing transferring/projecting certain laws from the divine onto the material (and vice-versa), which was literal application of geometry in construction, especially of temples. What it meant esoterically was discovering the divine in nature and world around us and then extrapolating it to draw higher conclusions. Similar to using the ruler and compass to transfer geometrical objects or draw more complex ones by relying on simpler ones as a base. Hence why the pyramid where we are supposed to build the missing part between us and "God" . This was mostly abandoned in favor of Jewish mythos and LARP-ing as Jews a while ago.


This world has no future without Europeans, at least not a decent one.

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6c3dde  No.150653

What even is this thread? I thought it would be about jews fucking over people in the Medieval ages but it's just new age bs.

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6c3dde  No.150656


Everything is not Logos. Logic is Logos. Jesus is Logic. He was suppressed and killed by the jews but rose again despite their efforts. The jews do the same dance against Logic in an eternal cycle.

>b-but jews claim to be logical

jewish logic isn't Logic. When jews say something is rational what they mean is it conforms to an uneducated conjecture. It FEELS right. Normies do the same bullshit because of jewish brainwashing.

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146075  No.150666

File: 3f90ba49cd87ff5⋯.jpg (124.5 KB, 743x454, 743:454, Liber_Secundus.jpg)


Josephus adopted name was 'Flavius'. He was adopted by the Flavian emperors for his assistance in destroying Nero Germanicus. Nero was not a 'failed' emperor he was one of the truly great men of history who has been systematically destroyed in history by his (((enemies))). The jews always destroy their worst rivals and enemies posthumously or after they murder them.


>This world has no future without Europeans, at least not a decent one.

Well maybe that is why they are all planning on leaving for space.

I too find the idea of a world made up entirely of jews (through reverse genetic engineering, so totally repulsive that I can't bear to think on it).

I can't believe that they were able to erase our lineage (genocide us) and that none of these 'so-called' Gods did a fucking thing to stop them. I am pretty bitter about this. It is one thing for the cocksucking parasites who run the show to not 'do something' since they are nothing but jews themselves but it is entirely different for Gods to turn a whole planet into Death and for them to not lift a finger to stop it or help.

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f17338  No.150671


Underrated post


Different types of people giving different explanations. Mathematically, we could say that certain functions, when interpreted though the prism of one's mind/soul meta-function, may give different results. So, for normies/hyletics/candalas/NPC's (and subhumans which adopted it in their cultural context, i.e. Shiva), it was about meaningless hedonism and beastly pursuits, for psychics it was something like Christ, and for pneumatics it was something along the lines of Osiris. Radically different concepts based on the same basic principle. This is why trying to conflate them is wrong. It's not the same principle/deity/archetype, despite sharing some basic functions.


If those lines were infinite, they would make up a circle. Just something to ponder…

I also wonder could there be alternatives to this design, different wave-patterns, different derived structure.


How would you define pure judgement? What would be the criteria?

>When you see the 'evacuation' you will know that HE is at the Kuiper belt

Awaiting guests? :>)

>My take on the situation is actually closer to the faith than most other 'interpretations'

You are probably interpreting it through your own prism, which is different to the majority of others. How do we actually determine the 'correct' interpretation then? I am genuinely pondering this.


He probably tried to sell the teachings of the Magi to other Jews, but have failed, as much as he failed to put them to practice due to being a Jew and thus a genetic robot who is devoid of spirit, so he had to rely on petty tricks like "turning water into wine" just like the tricks (illusions) which kikes used to attempt to impress the Egyptian Pharaoh. In the end, his only choice was to 'resurrect' through necromancy and blood magic. The phrase that only through him there is salvation was probably taken from the Magi as well, since it was likely referring to the fact that only the unique souls are able to cross the abyss into the kingdom 'not of this world' which I mentioned previously. Aryans. Jesus and Christ might be very far apart despite the similar story. This threefold interpretation of myths is the key to understanding them. They belong to different planes of existence.

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146075  No.150681

File: c56c2bfdc7c304c⋯.webm (1.02 MB, 202x360, 101:180, tomatos_sorter.webm)


>Awaiting guests? :>)

Nope. Just rumors on the wind. But you know how things are…look at what really happened in Beirut. I am still puzzling over who the target population was for whatever was actually 'brewing' down there in those ((('research labs'))). If we knew how really terrible 'it' was, I am sure we could determine the target population from that as a litmus test. So much like 9/11 they are allowing 'rescue workers' (poor worthless slaves) access to the site without protective gear, wouldn't want people to get 'wind' of what was really being developed down there, now would we? I guess they figure the blast sterilized it…but how can they be so sure? No idea, anon, no idea.

Ideas for a different thread for sure. You want to see an interesting photo? Lemme see if I can find it/them…I will post it underneath if I can locate them. Nothing is what it seems anon. Nothing. This Beirut thing has tendrils that connect to >>150619 and to 9/11 as well. I am just baffled by the complexity and the syncs. War on all levels, anon, but I don't understand the goal or really (fuck it) who is 'good' or 'bad' in this situation. It is because I don't understand the PURPOSE of things. When you understand the purpose you get a greater appreciation for what 'is'.

>How would you define pure judgement?

Oh, I'm not there yet anon. I mean I am trying to wrestle with these concepts but like everything I attempt it is going slowly.

<High frequency, low output. ? Possibly. lol

Perhaps as something without desire. 'A machine'? They do seem to things sort rather well. I will hedge my bets, a machine that understands 'all purpose'. I know you will have some poignant comment about that one…lol

>You are probably interpreting it through your own prism

Yep, My version is so vastly different that what people have been 'told to believe' that I don't think it can be reconciled.

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5d793b  No.150695


>Everything is not Logos. Logic is Logos. Jesus is Logic.

lit. I say, Heraclitus (c.  535 – c.  475 BC). Christians appropriated Heraclitus without asking permission. Both logos and lexis derive from the same verb légō (λέγω), meaning "(I) count, tell, say, speak" Aristotle applied the term to refer to "reasoned discourse" or "the argument" in the field of rhetoric.

In my view describing "everything" as Logos would mean to being able to describe everything, even without use of language, but also count other senses and actions as form of recognizable forms of language that exist for reason. For example counting sacred geometries as form of speech.


Well, while i don't deny that q-boomers or someone similar went into thread and claimed their right for unreasonable superstitions having a weight here, it all began with seven sages and sethian jewish monolatry, and spinrolled into finding factual evidence of that having foundation in many religions. Its still talk about ancient jewery, its just we had to go to the very beginning, for good or ill of this thread.

It was a fine thread, really.

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67f1ea  No.150727

File: baf06e78cdfc6a5⋯.jpeg (124.72 KB, 900x628, 225:157, russians.jpeg)


>Hence why the pyramid where we are supposed to build the missing part between us and "God" . This was mostly abandoned in favor of Jewish mythos and LARP-ing as Jews a while ago.

To be honest, a brave man has only three possessions. His pain. His ancestral Daemon. And his allegiance to his Dionysus. There was this funny period in slavic rus where they took face of Jesus as flag to a bloody battle. For them it was just replacement for Perun, who was just russian Odin.

Nobody took jewish tale seriously until relatively, and appropriated it for their own reasons in their own spirit. Even Krishna in his famous dialog of Bhagavad Gita does it before the grand battle, it was taken in the same vein.

Spirit of this God was one of the brave first and foremost, if there's anything positive to take from it.

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702cc1  No.150743

File: 6d564da78a39b16⋯.jpg (32.43 KB, 629x308, 629:308, hk5141b5a8.jpg)

File: 8d672c9a9cd9b9f⋯.jpg (29.86 KB, 553x412, 553:412, ni5141b58d.jpg)

File: fe6669c30349a8b⋯.jpg (25.65 KB, 470x598, 235:299, gk5141b59b.jpg)


As i mentioned the Pillars in the Sinai represent an Astral Triad, Bootes/Arcturus,Virgo/Spica, Regulus/Leo, in terms of Heavenly Father, Mother, Son, Sah, Sopdet, Sopdu.

Bootes as seen on 1st and 2nd Dynasty Egyptian seals rises over the Eastern horizon in a fallen state, but is ascendant in setting, and always seen in conjunction with the sceptre of powerand the Horus Falcon above the name cartouche, the Pharoah understood as an incarnation of Sah.

In the Middle Kingdom Sah and Sopdet became more associated with the Southern constellations Orion and Canis Major, but there was Sah in the Northern skies and Southern, and the Horite Kings originally relating to the North.

Virgo/Sopdet/Seshat of the flaming sheaf is the Goddess of Heavenly measure and Divine plans., this is the most archaic basis.

>Steyning means 'Stone-Ing' and the White Stone has on it the runes which state 'Gift of Ing - Fire' (Gyfu-Ken-Ing). Since Ingwe is associated with 'Fire' this proves how important this Runic Stone really is. It is also associated with the Inga-Fire and the Serpent-Fire - but that is another story. In fact, if we look at the passages in Revelations we find reference to the author of the words as being 'he that holdest the seven stars in his right hand' and to the 'Son of Man' 'having on his head a Golden Crown, and in his hand a sharp sickle' both of which suggest the Constellation of Bootes - i.e. Ingwe. The 'revelations' written down are thus attributed to Ingwe!

>The Constellation of Bootes is the Constellation of Ing, and the Great Bear is the Chariot of Ing; Ing is The Awakener and the force which drives the Seven Stars around the Pole Star. Within this constellation is the bright star Arcturus who is 'King Arthur', not in his 'Celtic' guise but in his Hyperborean Mythos of Arctur - the Once and Future King. King Arctur is the White Krist who appears riding a White Horse and carrying a Flaming Sword, leading the Armies of Light against the Servants of Darkness.

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4caac9  No.150745

File: e79320102c12d33⋯.gif (14.28 KB, 770x670, 77:67, triangles_within_triangles.gif)

File: 411ad6df8ef09bd⋯.jpeg (142.79 KB, 612x1012, 153:253, Seraphini.jpeg)

File: 0526049dc285c5e⋯.jpeg (3.82 MB, 3726x3827, 3726:3827, babel.jpeg)


>Hence why the pyramid

Its more like triangles within triangles.

Christians just renamed everything in between into angels, not like Procluse's system gone anywhere. Pyramids, mountains and trees are esoterically interchangeable because fit in into same system of hierarchy. At times people call Neoplatonism a "pornography of academic philosophers". Buddhists with their mandalas imply this too.

Fibonacci and Pascal's geometric formulas might have to do something with this, but i am not strong at math. Because the hierarchical "pyramid" may be like pinecone, an ascending phyllotaxis "drill" with two opposing spirals forming a geometrical object, observable in nature. Fits in with how certain people used to draw Babel Tower.

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36c208  No.150749


>being possible because of opposites

Differentiation. But as mentioned, there is no such God, it's an oxymoron.


First they have destroyed Aryan religion/myths and philosophy with universalist religions and philosophies, then their culture, and finally, their physical form. One doesn't go without another. As for Empires, yes, they are inclined to seek the lowest common denominator (Dionysus), I'd call it the entropy of expansion, just another application of the universal principle.

>When they wish to totally destroy a unique people, they elevate them to an empire which disseminates the culture and dilutes it so that miscegenation and genocide can come on the fall of the empire and destroy the people

Astute observation. This happened to literally every white empire in history, and it's what's happening to USA today. Some non-white empires as well. Imperialism is also strongly linked with universalist religions. In that context, Christianity, Marxism and Neo"liberalism" are pretty much the same thing. The same (((leaders))), the same type of NPC's doing their bidding, different iterations of the same Saturnian pattern.

>Greed is the reason the kikes are able to implement this strategy

It rarely happens without them taking over the ruling elite. Then those Empires become the centers of infection, which spreads all over the (known) world. Christianity, Islam, Neoliberalism, Marxism, Freemasonry and other slave religions of the "One god" all destroy genuine cultures and nations, creating some kind of formless, culturally devoid, miscegenated mass of mongrels who can never amount to anything. It's the same pattern, and it's painfully obvious in history.

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702cc1  No.150759


In Egypt Sah was referred to as the Toe Star, which i have thus illustrated in the correct position, and the constellation rotated through 90 degrees around Celestial North from a prone position to the upright, Egyptologists consider that may refer to Rigel the toe of Orion but Bootes is the earlier version.

The same confusion occurs in Germanic/Nordic mythology with Aurvandils toe;


>Then came the wise woman who was called Gróa, wife of Aurvandill the Valiant: she sang her spells over Thor until the hone was loosened. But when Thor knew that, and thought that there was hope that the hone might be removed, he desired to reward Gróa for her leech-craft and make her glad, and told her these things: that he had waded from the north over Icy Stream and had borne Aurvandill in a basket on his back from the north out of Jötunheim. And he added for a token, that one of Aurvandill's toes had stuck out of the basket, and became frozen; wherefore Thor broke it off and cast it up into the heavens, and made thereof the star called Aurvandill's Toe.

>It is cognate with Old English Ēarendel ('morning star, dawn, ray of light')

>Tolkien took his name from the Old English Earendel, found in the poem Crist, which hailed him as "brightest of angels"

>Eärendil the Mariner (pronounced and his wife Elwing are fictional characters in J. R. R. Tolkien's Middle-earth legendarium. They are depicted in The Silmarillion, as the children of Men and Elves. He is a great seafarer who, on his brow, carried the morning star, a jewel called a Silmaril, across the sky.

>The Silmarils radiance of pure light are three fictional brilliant jewels composed of the unmarred light of the Two Trees in J. R. R. Tolkien's legendarium.

So one ends up back at an Astral Triad associated with first light.

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b8f3bb  No.150799

File: 22163f27c247464⋯.jpg (132.66 KB, 900x636, 75:53, excalibur.jpg)


Ok anon. I am going to look into this whole thing today. I was too tired last night to really get into it last night. I am uncertain what good this information would really do for either me or you in this context because I am not a man. Maybe one of the other anons will make use of it. IDK. Obviously the once and future King is of our blood since we are Kangz and of course 'biblical Joseph' was Egyptian (aka Western European). As far as 'pulling the sword from the stone' to become King Arthur…how can I relate to that since I would be the stone (matter/mother/prison) in that scenario…not the sword or he who pulls the sword. If the sword (that guards the way to Eden/Life) gets pulled from matter does that mean we have conquered the material realm. I need to revisit my /pol/ threads on King Arthur and the Grail, it has been too long.

Genesis 3

>23 Therefore the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken. 24 So He drove out the man and stationed cherubim to the east of the Garden of Eden, with a whirling sword of flame to guard the way to the tree of Life.

Summary…yeah, we are dead because our mother is dead.

banished him

ground from which he had been taken/born

sword of flame in the earth/matter

protects the way to the tree of Life

{remove sword; find Life}

The best I could do would be to become incorporeal so that my offspring wouldn't be born into prison/matter/death…but, you know, not as easy as it sounds…it is not like I can just snap my fingers and viola(!) incorporeal. I have thought many times that 'I am just not smart enough to figure this out' but it is not about being intelligent as much as it is about UNDERSTANDING (something intellect cannot bring forth or we wouldn't be here, would we).

So I was reading through the Sola-Busca; Game of Saturn, looking for information on XXI (The World/Emblem 21) last night when I came across this quote that struck me:

>The Gates of the Sun

>Some say the body is the grave of the soul…The Orphic poets seem to have invented this idea, they believe that the soul undergoes punishment for its sins, and that the body (matter) is the prison in which it is incarcerated…until the sentence is served. - Plato, Cratylus 400bc

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b8f3bb  No.150801

File: 81b434d741f445d⋯.jpg (58.21 KB, 459x612, 3:4, vampire_450.jpg)

File: 0ed89f38ca1221d⋯.jpg (69.16 KB, 400x247, 400:247, gate_of_god_man.jpg)

File: bde323b375b8567⋯.jpg (145.49 KB, 474x877, 474:877, Sola_Busca_tarot_card_21.jpg)


3rd pic very interesting. That is a map (physics) of the material world, not really a 'tower'. See XXI? Gate of God.


I agree.

We would be better off if we perceived them as an actual infection. Then we could predict their behavior and understand how to fight them…get our immune system geared up to fight back. But look, we are actually facing the Death of the soul and people are too 'entertained' by worthlessness to notice (traitor Biden vs kike Trump; like there is a difference between candidate a and candidate a). Can you imagine being 'entertained' by politics, sports or fashion while your soul is being drained from you by vampires? lol

Me neither.


> she sang her spells over Thor until the hone was loosened. But when Thor knew that, and thought that there was hope that the hone might be removed, he desired to reward Gróa for her leech-craft and make her glad

She sang her spells over Thor until the SWORD was loosened…

Interesting/confusing are Thor and Sif considered one? Just as Odin or Frigg can lead the heavenly wild hunt?

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702cc1  No.150807

File: 4f9e502fed3def1⋯.jpg (63.95 KB, 263x291, 263:291, yy52987bcc.jpg)


In the Archaic Egyptian tradition it is the Sekhem scepter which literally indicates power and control, and Osiris could be understood as the personification of the Sekhem, as seen on the seals the King rules through the Sekhem of Sah.


In Germanic and Celtic tradition it is more the flaming sword of light, and that is the sword of Ingwe Frey, as a God of light and fire, passion sex and all sorts of other things, and they relate Ing to the same constellation of Sah, Bootes.


Also you seem to be comparing yourself to the Earth Jotun Geror, whom Frey marries to unite Heaven with Earth, somehow losing his sword in the process, which is fun, i enjoy living mythology.

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7c8f7e  No.150809

That thread quickly devolved into garbage.

The poisoning is a bit too obvious.

Remember, it was about Medieval Jews.

Now it's just bs and icecubes. Well done kikes.

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7c8f7e  No.150810


>As for Empires, yes, they are inclined to seek the lowest common denominator

Unless they have a SS elite-within-an-elite plan and stick to it.

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dab1b8  No.150829

>>150666 hello sunshine

>Well maybe that is why they are all planning on leaving for space.


>I too find the idea of a world made up entirely of jews (through reverse genetic engineering, so totally repulsive that I can't bear to think on it).


>I can't believe that they were able to erase our lineage (genocide us) and that none of these 'so-called' Gods did a fucking thing to stop them. I am pretty bitter about this. It is one thing for the cocksucking parasites who run the show to not 'do something' since they are nothing but jews themselves but it is entirely different for Gods to turn a whole planet into Death and for them to not lift a finger to stop it or help.

Literally WUT?

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dab1b8  No.150833


Mind splaining plis?

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6ee453  No.150889

File: bca9a4da3617db2⋯.jpg (107.52 KB, 633x624, 211:208, Allegory.jpg)


Saved it for later, will take a look

>Which eventually developed into Orphism

Orphism was very Apollonian in nature, so was Mithraism. And Mithraism is supposedly older than Christianity, at least if you consider it's origins to be in Zoroastrianism. I think it's erroneous to assume that it was "Dionysian" just because some people considered it that way. It would be important to extract the most prevailing attributes and essence/nature of an archetype/deity, otherwise anyone can interpret it however one wants, which just leads to confusion. But yes, it was mostly an evolution of older ideas, as it usually happens with religion and culture.

>That's where whole platonic knowledge and roman genius comes from.

Genius was usually associated with introspective. It seems to be the main difference between ancient Greece which was like another planet when it came to ideas and Rome, which was much more practical, expansive and other-directed.

>but messengers connect the world of Gods with world of men

I don't know, perhaps my mind's eye is too synced with the plane of the gods to consider any interfaces or externalization. But it might be necessary for ordinary people to ever get a glimpse of it.


A complex subject, not for this thread. People can be possessed by passive 'spirits' or archetypes, active spirits (non-corporeal or distant physical intelligences) and higher versions of themselves (if 'human' body cannot contain their soul in entirety due to it's limitations)

>I also want to remind you that jews hate nature for whatever reason as badly as sethian gnostics did.

Nature is quite brutal, and this world is a very mean place. It's normal for it to be hated by those who do not understand it.

>if Dionysus is in fact chief God

Seems like another impostor, but you make some good points about him.

>then it would be eventually in his own interest to change humanity's psyche into new form of madness, manipulating society into its own self destruction, only to reshape it every war.

The world would be quite boring without that. Insufferably boring. But it only works on those who do not manage to overcome him, to transcend him. Which is the overwhelming majority of "humanity" although with beastly races there is some kind of natural equilibrium, the kind which you find in a jungle, hostile, deadly, but not trying to reach out to gods (the ones representing higher nature at least) or seek anything outside the ecosystem.

>Maybe its our own punishment for not upholding to ancestral ideas where everything was in harmony

What caused disharmony then? Doesn't seem plausible for a perfectly harmonious system to become disharmonious just like that. Consider this, if One/All there is/Absolute is a totality, and if such totality of existence is in a state of a perfect harmony/balance/equilibrium at any given point, then it would be quite literally impossible for it to EVER become disharmonious. Equilibrium would be eternal and unchangeable. Meaning that either such harmony is not possible and that disharmony is encoded into the very fabric of existence, or, that there is no mathematical Oneness/Absolute/Totality, which Godel's incompleteness theorems hint at. With Saturn out of equation, Dionysus and Apollo remain (as candidates for a chief God). Of course, Saturnian slaves might argue that what we perceive as disharmony is also harmony when perceived from a larger perspective, that everything is in fact a perfect clockwork machine, but that fails when extrapolated to it's logical conclusion.

>Be vigilant because its not Gods to be viewed as deranged

Every archetype is correct from it's own perspective, it's own frame of reference. But cross-referencing these leads one to higher understanding and is the basis for free will. For gods may not be able to choose. The idea is to become something greater than even the gods themselves. This will never be possible with the idea of one god who devours all, becoming an anti-god instead.

>there's a black hole, effectively clouding us in darkness

There are white holes too, as well as 4 planes of existence which are orthogonal to each other and interact at certain points. There are also a couple of 'hidden' planes. Upanishads (and IE myths in general) contain coded references for this advanced cosmology which extends beyond the physical universe by mathematical projection.

>And our society doesn't allow first way anymore

It doesn't allow ANY alternatives, which is the nature of the one god. People don't actually realize the implications of what's happening.

>wrapping up Kali Yuga

Until the world enters the age of lead, a state so horrible that the ancients couldn't even contemplate it as a possibility. All under the guise of universal love, freedom and equality.

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6ee453  No.150916

File: 23787992b0efcc1⋯.jpg (140.4 KB, 653x900, 653:900, Mahakala.jpg)


>And returns from it.

Not from this one. What makes you think that Kali would come without her consort?

>Opposition makes that possible, because its a life long lesson in reflection

This is true

>Have you been ignorant of Christian's own bacchanalia?

Yes, greatest puritans tend to become the worst degenerates. This is why false dichotomies need to be transcended.


>Only when divorced from the male essence, the latter being absolutely sterile if divorced from the female one.

This divorce being rather chronic nowadays, isn't it? It's sad that almost no one understands the sacred nature and ritual of marriage, which is much older than Christianity.

>material is all part of the same illusion and trap

Material is quite literally an illusion, but simultaneously very real and substantial. The existence of superior planes of existence doesn't mean that one should completely forgo this one. Jews are just running their program of being a biological weapon meant to transform the world into the worst state imaginable. They don't really have their own way, or any choice in the matter.

>Earth burning for good

Why not? Seems fun. Most lives are completely worthless anyway. The positive side of it becoming totally rotten is that you can exterminate billions of people or all life with a clear conscience.

>I do not enjoy the suffering of the Terran ecosystem

Suffering is inherent in it's nature. Ironically, by denying it suffering, you would deny it from being itself. You would kill it by 'saving' it, just like what all those deranged humanists are trying to do. Forgetting suffering will only make them suffer that much more in the future when they reach the conclusion of their ideology. You know, cyclical time, involution and all that. No matter how much time it takes. They will never reach their singularity for no such thing exists.

>Unity is one massive trap and it's found even in most of the #EndKaliYuga crowd.

You'd be surprised how many disinfo agents are engaged on those subjects, and how critical this matter is for them. But I have already struck their god a deadly blow. My revenge will soon be complete.

>But I guess it's just more comfortable to blame Yaldabaoth the convenient scapegoat.

They serve and emulate it, many layers in the maze of duplicity indeed.

>Without an adequate race, there cannot be a proper incarnation of souls.

Exactly. But that only goes for this world/cycle. Abandoning the struggle however, makes you abandon it "up there" too. As long as you maintain the Aryan spirit, there will be a proper body for you to incarnate into. It will be formed sympathetically, the universe will be compelled to generate it. And it needs a race to manifest, so where there is one, there is also many. And one synchronistically attracts another, a comrade, so you end up with a real army. Meaning that they will never win until they get every single one of us, which is the real reason behind everything that they are doing. And that might be practically impossible as we may exist in domains forever inaccessible to them. If robotic bacteria understood any of this, they would be crushed by despair. So let's keep it between us :>) Their 'victory' might be VERY Pyrrhic. But I don't want to reveal everything, it will ruin the fun.

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b8f3bb  No.150941

File: ce827c8d09da6cf⋯.gif (1.77 MB, 316x263, 316:263, crash_test_reversed.gif)


That is such a cute picture of figurines, anon.

>i enjoy living mythology.

I am not comparing myself to anyone tho (I am just 'me', a rather dull person as well since I spend almost every waking moment trying to piece everything together). Sorry for the misunderstanding. :) Most of the time I am just passively letting all information wash over me so that I can come to some Gestalt or some understanding of what is going on here in this place of illusion. It is cathartic (at times). Other times I am amazed at humanity, the variety of thoughts and thought processes…or their ability to become the very core of what they dislike; this human transference (and the emotive resonance that comes with it) fascinates me. It is a trip.

Thank you for that extra information. I am combing through all the data, so interesting, just a minefield of psyops, misinformation, politics, hidden agendas, misdirection along with some other real gems and beautiful lessons from our past; I totally adore Frisian ideas (have we talked about the Oera Linda in past threads? That might have been you.)

I have to admit that I have almost no experience with the Vanir (what experience I have has been a bit negative, though I bear that responsibility myself). I have had the good fortune of studying the Vril today, which is like tying up all of these loose ends that I didn't know or understand before, but I still have a ways to go. It is always different to see something than to 'understand' something.

All this information seems to be coming to a head (because I can see it compressing into an ever tighter 'net ideology'). It is like wave after wave of data that all fits perfectly together (not just from here of course but from truly divergent sources).

I just don't know how to activate it…yet. I hope I have the strength of will and character to make this work for our benefit. As that overused phrase that is floating everywhere in the aether says, "Think of the children." (and by that they obviously mean more than little children in various terrible positions; they mean ALL the 'children' who are trapped here) of course.

I just can't thank you enough for those first links and the treasure that I did find through looking at them.

Will talk…

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8d7cec  No.150954

File: c80144dc25a2055⋯.png (931.84 KB, 883x673, 883:673, at_first_i_was_like_but_th….png)


>And Mithraism is supposedly older than Christianity, at least if you consider it's origins to be in Zoroastrianism

You can say the same about jewish Messianism.

>I think it's erroneous to assume that it was "Dionysian" just because some people considered it that way.

Bacchic and Orphic rites were similar, same initiation with wine parties, and Orphic cult took a big empathize of humanity paying for the sin of Titans of killing Dionysus, like jews killing Jesus.

>Seems like another impostor

Dionysus is one polarity, Apollo the other, but they are in unity like left and right hand. Because Apollo is like sun during a day, Dionysus is like sun during the night. Which is black sun according to certain hermetics. It also corresponds with dual nature of Apollo Himself. And that's completely different from the moon.

>The idea is to become something greater than even the gods themselves.

Jewish monism tries to achieve exactly that by bypassing all the other intelligence to become "most high" themselves, i think free will is a big joke, if you don't feel that you serve a certain God within the hierarchy and came down from above as some chaotic form in order to gain recognition of forms, you'll still end up behaving and imitating your God in actions, because you can abandon worship, but can't abandon Daemon, which preaches of that God, who will synchronize your fate with orbit of your God.

And all Gods (Intelligences) imitate Gods above them in hierarchical pattern, because they strife for being perfect like them, but cannot join, so keep orbiting every separate intelligence up until the One (God who created Order) and Chaos (Everything). The difference is only that we're at the bottom of the barrel, no one to orbit around us except our children and livestock. Up high there's still a desire to go higher, just like here.

>I don't know, perhaps my mind's eye is too synced with the plane of the gods to consider any interfaces or externalization.

The Daemon is self-conscious active part of human being, Soul is so inactive, chaotic and unconscious, it cannot reach out to anything. It is possible to differentiate between you and that Spirit through meditating upon unconditional work on you of someone else. That's fate and guardian spirit. And again i need to stress out, those not from above don't have it, so they distill in passivity and cling to material bodies, because their active element without Daemon becomes flesh, and that gets all sorts of spirits existing in the world entering into, for lack of guide. Daemons are in between humans and Gods in hierarchy of intelligences, and its possible judging by Heraclitus and certain other teachings that human may become Daemon. Because whole initial race of them is based, according to greeks, on Golden Race from Hesiod, so they had to go through recognition of forms and at some point die themselves.

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702cc1  No.150984

File: 27d2da4065ce596⋯.jpg (65.73 KB, 172x266, 86:133, pd52987c10.jpg)


I suppose the Vanir are more intrigued by Function within nature rather than the abstract idea of things, ingenium et ingeniare, Ing is derived from the Hurrian En, as in En-ki, and also particularly powerful as a suffix.


So you deliberate over how you can achieve your greatest possible function in the greater scheme of things, and all should, as this is actively suppressed, and so we should be doing things rather than just contemplating them, countering the suppression, unleash that Vril, generate the happening, and we are.

I would only discuss the Oera Linda in terms of whether it was a greater liability than the Book of Mormon, it has no useful function, this annoys the Aesir

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f2f299  No.150997

File: 993e90abff7eba5⋯.jpeg (23.04 KB, 249x202, 249:202, talmudians.jpeg)


Okay, so, since i am sure this thread is not going to go forever, and we would just be repeating topics, i want to friendly remind everyone visited that >>>/fringe/ exists for this very reason, because everything discussed was at some point always part of /pol/, but people reallocated most of it to other board.

Its just i know people don't frequent /fringe/ as much as they should, and frequent /pol/ more, because people get used to browse same place collectively, instead of keeping topics in right places. Because its as much important to populate topical boards, as popular ones, to make them popular in the first place.

As for those who said this thread was not on topic i want to prove otherwise by pointing out:

Anon who linked jews to Set >>105308

Anon who linked on conflict in Rigvedic age between aryans and Pani merchants: >>105806

Anon who pointed out on ancient jewish slave trade >>105325

The rest is just some of us went mentally existential over findings, because the more ancient you go the more you start questioning your own believes, 2020 is the year of existential change i expected it to be. If our enemy is indeed Set, then our friend is Osiris, keep that in mind. Since its Set who causes Osiris suffering, and our own. Dying and reborn God may as well be white race itself. People always keep coded messages in religions, jews love to reverse those. Some jewish rabbi might one day say that gentile christianity they call "judeo-christian" nowadays was a gateway to enslavement of goyim, those won't be my words. Because dying-reborn God was never jewish.

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63c77f  No.151000

File: b9c0dc3f4134b30⋯.png (108.3 KB, 576x633, 192:211, Heraclitus_on_Dionysus.png)

File: c4db47006478f7b⋯.png (91.83 KB, 575x521, 575:521, Heraclitus_on_Dionysus_2.png)

File: b9d1bb5256d1114⋯.png (172.32 KB, 815x560, 163:112, Love_must_desire_immortali….png)

File: 022794809805046⋯.jpeg (20.91 KB, 800x212, 200:53, Osiris_phallus.jpeg)


>how god of resurrection became god of degenerates

You know that phallic imagery of Osiris and Dionysus meant procreation? Life and Death being in Heraclituse's unity of opposites actually gave implication of equalizing getting knocked up at bacchic festivals. There were no condoms back then. Shiva also fits into this with his linga. And if you ever read some popular works of Plato you would know that "birth of ideas" as from a seed, or being pregnant not always associate themselves with literal couplings, but rather being inspired by divine mania. That's why they say God is Love, because Love desires immortality. I dare to say myself though, this whole life is process of birth.

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b8f3bb  No.151028

File: 2f9c5e6c493bcd8⋯.jpg (305.35 KB, 800x1001, 800:1001, 800px_S_M_66_75v_death_of_….jpg)

File: b22f7c931eda4e3⋯.jpg (40.48 KB, 220x358, 110:179, 220px_Each_arrow_overshot_….jpg)

File: 1252c0dae228970⋯.jpg (27.64 KB, 300x196, 75:49, 300px_Odin_rides_to_Hel.jpg)


>it has no useful function, this annoys the Aesir


I suppose usefulness is in the eye of the beholder.


>Because dying-reborn God was never jewish.

And no matter how many times I say, "Jesus was not a jew" anons here can't seem to grasp it….oh well…if anything he is some strange amalgam of Odin and Baldr which is fitting since he inherits the Earth after Ragnarok and being the son of Odin is also Odin, as all sons are part of their own father.

>some of us went mentally existential over findings

lol this is the purpose of life combined with this


>So you deliberate over how you can achieve your greatest possible function in the greater scheme of things, and all should

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5646b9  No.151059

File: 78cce73978dfb71⋯.png (141.59 KB, 672x498, 112:83, Octahedron.png)


>With regards to Indra's net, the closest comparative in Sumer was the underground correction centre of the E-kur

>Nin-egala takes her seat high on its lapis-lazuli dais. She keeps an eye on the judgments and decisions, distinguishing true and false.

>Her battle-net of fine mesh is indeed cast over the land for her

>This was the original basis for Hell and Purgatory

Interesting. What's for Babylonians is "below", for Vedic teachers "above", wiki missed the "Air" part of the net. But still very similar to what you found. Look up HYMN VIII of Atharva Veda, book 8, Imprecations directed against a hostile army, its also somehow not present in edition of vedas i had:


>Let Parushāhva make them reeds, and let the bulrush strike them down:


>Bound in a mighty net let them break quickly like an arrow's shaft.


>Air was the net; the poles thereof were the great quarters of the sky:


>Verily mighty is the net of mighty Sakra rich in wealth: Therewith press all the foemen down so that not one of them escape!


>Great is thy net, brave Indra, thine the mighty match for a thousand, Lord of Hundred Powers! Holding them, with his host, therewith hath Indra slaughtered Dasyus a hundred, thousand, myriad, hundred millions.


>This world so mighty was the net of Sakra, of the Mighty One: With this, the net of Indra, I envelop all those men with gloom.


>Great weakness and misfortune, pain which words can never charm away,


>Languor, fatigue, bewilderment, with these I compass all the foes.


>I give those foemen up to Death: bound in the bonds of Death are they.

As far as i know Air corresponds with Octahedron. Regardless however, Ninegala is one of many names of the Sumerian goddess Inanna, Sakra is an epithet of Indra. I wonder if it corresponds with Greek Goddess Dike (Dice), Goddess of Justice and Moral Order, daughter of Zeus who oversees affairs of mankind, where Śakra rules on the top of Mount Meru, imagined to be the polar center of the physical world, around which the Sun and Moon revolve, Trāyastriṃśa is the highest of the heavens in direct contact with humankind.

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b8f3bb  No.151075


>Which makes me think if there's some deranged deity obsessed with making humans rebel against gods, and that owns the kikes like puppets.

Ok…but the result of staying within the 'hierarchy' which is not a human hierarcy btw, but alien to this planet, is forever stasis never any growth of human potential; total stagnation, forever. That is fine for people like niggers and poos, but not so good for Whites. If you are 'just an animal' then this 'alien hierarchy' is probably best for you anyway since you have no hope of anything better.

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b8f3bb  No.151090

File: 64154b4496981ba⋯.jpg (413.75 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, sculpture_stone_self.jpg)


I guess what I am saying is that WE are the One True God (its body) and that we are 'making ourselves' at this time and the Old Gods are just a physical infrastructure that we are slowly climbing up to make our presence known in the universe. Yes, they may be infuriated over this, but who cares…that is the detriment of that particular power structure and its own limitation.


These Gods have no right to try to hold us here or hold us down since our own abilities are greater than their abilities (since they are chained/static; we are not). All they want is stasis and chains, but we are after creation itself. So we are an 'offence' to them as easily witnessed in this thread and the 'increasing pressure' to submit to the old ways and the old slavery…it is 'good for you goy' to be tied up in slavery forever.

{idgaf} You want to 'be slaves' go fuck some monkeys like your 'masters' want and degrade yourselves until you can offer nothing to the universe, BE MY GUEST. You can spend the next 10,000 years sucking off niggers and taking it up the ass; I have no interest in this, obviously.

One of the most interesting things about this thread is how much representation there is from the Old Gods in it disguised as 'muh Aryan' ideology.

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c6ef48  No.151091

File: fc1e2ce303c4a45⋯.jpg (199.7 KB, 553x930, 553:930, In_Hel_Baldr_holding_Nanna….jpg)


Lay that buddhist and jain juice off, anon, you say like you know what's better than you, "world's wise are not wise, claiming more than mortal may". Our primary reason for destruction is that we neither respect real order of things, nor we uphold to anything divine. Jews meanwhile worship their own god like they used to, growing with power every decade. In gross terms white man worships either nobody or the jews, where the jews still worship what we claim to be Set since their Egypt exclusion, and even those jews who worship nothing help along, imitating their god. Every higher Intelligence has their sphere of control, character and existence, in order to create harmonies, and most beautiful of harmonies come from repulsion.

Three things are to come: revolutions, new religions and inevitable war. And all of that is predated by anarcho-liberal age of decadence. People been pondering what's best direction to take, but all fall victim to fate, either make peace with it, or perish, because "There may be many shapes of mystery, and many things God makes to be, past hope or fear, and the end men looked for cometh not, and a path is there where no man thought, so hath it fallen here".

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a933b2  No.151099


Do you serve your daemon?

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1c3aae  No.151119


I know what these so called impotent ‘gods’ did in the face of our erasure from this planet.


If you want to worship something that would see you turned into a kike and your form destroyed, be my guest.

>”know ye not that ye are Gods?”

Everyone who ever tried to free us from these parasites chains has been killed. I don’t mind fighting them for our right to advance, grow and exist and BECOME MORE even if the people around me are too cowardly. I was born a rebel, but I sure as shit will not sit back and praise a parasite while the only thing of value on the planet and in the larger universe is destroyed. You can take that place for me. Just don’t fucking appeal to me later, k? You chose your side.

My captcha was jagers/hunter. Lol

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6d786f  No.151122

File: 19d1d0f3979e461⋯.png (106.37 KB, 562x568, 281:284, daemonic_noesis.png)

File: 7d22e775ddf83f9⋯.png (55.96 KB, 421x338, 421:338, Fragment_78.png)

File: 2f7fe33446c2d24⋯.png (118.6 KB, 408x595, 24:35, Fragment_119.png)


Daemonic noesis preaches of Logos, therefore its both human and his Daemon who serve a God they're attuned to, Daemon is a guide to a persons this life and the next. Heraclitus and Proclus both confirm that.

When it comes to Christians and their prayers to guardian angels however there's confusion at times between guarding Daemon and higher intelligence they renamed into Angel in the same system. Making things more convoluted.

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702cc1  No.151129

File: 94af44c04d032bd⋯.jpg (66.75 KB, 425x443, 425:443, od5172adb0.jpg)

File: 611f654ea5d9ed4⋯.jpg (27.18 KB, 425x360, 85:72, dq5173ad8c_1_.jpg)

File: c8f4fef4b2d32cd⋯.jpg (210.49 KB, 797x459, 797:459, ak58305cec.jpg)

File: a6f09ac02e72115⋯.jpg (190.99 KB, 794x544, 397:272, er58305d19.jpg)


Nun-Gal as Great Lady could also relate to the inner Earth Goddess, Hurrian Allani, the matrix/Matrona was the totemic symbol of the Sun Goddess of Arinna, a network of sacred sites generally connected with emergent underground streams.

The early Medieval tradition in Britain related these to a Goddess Elen,

>"…the antlered Goddess Elen, whose trackways lead us through the frozen forest of our winter dreams"


But that derived from the Celtic Goddess Alauna, correlating to the Hattic/Hurrian Allani.

>One of my remaining geographical goddess stories for investigation was that of the River Ellen, to the west of the county. Some would have you believe that this is a direct lift from the Welsh figure, Elen, a semi-mythical woman much confused with St. Helen, who was, in legend, responsible for a network of straight roads still existing in Wales. However, it turns out that Cumbria’s Ellen is derived from the word ‘alauna’, which, according to the Romans, was the name the Britons gave to Maryport: ‘Alauna Carvetiorum’, or the Alauna of the Carvetii, the local pre-Roman native tribe.

>Alauna’ is not a rare name. There’s another place anciently called Alauna in Northumberland (Learchild, or ‘Alauna Votadinum’ – the last element being a tribal name), and yet another example at Watercrook near Kendal. Alcester in Warwickshire, and its river, the Alne (and indeed other english Alnes), also derive from the same root. The River Allen and Allan Water in Scotland are the same, too


there was also the God Alaunus which the Romans related to Mercury, DEO IALANO CONTRE SANCTISSIMO, the most sacred and inimical god Ialanus, that would be the Lord of the network, similar to Hermes/Mercury.

>Popular 19th century theory, Ekwall’s 1928 English River Names and indeed the 1911 Encyclopaedia Britannica would have you believe that these Alaunas (Alaunæ?) were named after Alaunus, a ‘gaulish god of healing and prophecy’ with inscriptions found at sites in southern France and western Germany. This requires Alaunus to have changed sex when he became British

Britain has the strongest tradition of mystical networks because that is were the network is centred, and from which the various directions and their associations can be understood, sort of an early version of the Deep Web

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00d8eb  No.151139

File: 1fcfa4a9a851342⋯.jpeg (142.97 KB, 705x500, 141:100, I_only_exist_inside_peopl….jpeg)





>sort of an early version of the Deep Web

Just so you know, Buddhist representation of Indra's Net is the very core of The Wired concept of Lain.

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702cc1  No.151148

File: 33eb02728b7087b⋯.jpg (94.31 KB, 646x388, 323:194, jb58305d55.jpg)

File: 3fbf773ad7f7dd1⋯.jpg (163.53 KB, 1332x826, 666:413, tn58305d0c.jpg)

File: 1196de71cc91316⋯.jpg (151.4 KB, 791x515, 791:515, wt58305d91.jpg)

File: 977a63632de5d7a⋯.jpg (178.01 KB, 881x417, 881:417, sq58305d46.jpg)

File: a9b189185a3beda⋯.jpg (82.26 KB, 598x448, 299:224, je5830b932.jpg)


Now that is useful to know, Lain and the association with Lanes.

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f5b21f  No.151191

File: b1d94fdb3ce1af0⋯.jpeg (123.6 KB, 610x813, 610:813, Mahavairocana.jpeg)

File: eaa5bcf7b4bbb74⋯.jpeg (641.61 KB, 1280x1730, 128:173, Mahavairocana_2.jpeg)

File: 19d6ffe0f498bc2⋯.jpeg (229.39 KB, 843x1200, 281:400, Nataraja.jpeg)

File: ebdc57f3b26c472⋯.jpeg (1.1 MB, 2174x3000, 1087:1500, Nataraja_2.jpeg)

File: 31f4d0e26fa691e⋯.png (16.98 KB, 355x391, 355:391, layers_of_procession_and_r….png)


Celts were extraordinary magical in their symbolism, ahead of their time, for sure. Certain buddhist "halos" look similar, also symbolizing global connectivity through sacred patterns. As well as iconic dance of Shiva. Although Indus Valley Shiva already similar to Celtic Cernunnos.

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6ee453  No.151291


The thing is, sex is exclusive to this lowest domain, higher beings and gods have no utility for it whatsoever. So they tried to portray gods being born as mortals as something in between. Physical birth, but non-physical conception. and it was quite close to the truth actually. Inversely, the path to godhood would be physical conception, non-physical birth. The son of man. Instead of impregnating a mortal woman with physical life, you impregnate yourself with a goddess, where your mortal life would be seen as conception, and your re-birth after death as birth. It's also linked to the birth of ideas and higher spirit from lower flesh.


>The data was irreplaceable in terms of being collated, well thought out and coherent.

Shouldn't be too difficult to generate again. Repetition is a good way to achieve mastery.

>Our lives right now are an unimaginable paradise compared to the future

True. The deranged idea of "sin" survives even among the atheists, as a thought that we are consuming too much, not caring about the inferior life enough, not packing even more soulless people onto this biomass, not restraining ourselves enough to avoid being offensive, enjoying anything that's not linked with our mere survival and which may hurt some life or lead to resource consumption. This kind of self-degradation can only lead to the most horrible life conditions and quality.

>Tell me about that…reassure me that the gross abject slavery of hundreds of billions of lives is somehow 'worth it'

What if I told you that these imbeciles are trying to pack as many "transistors" as possible and force them to the very brink of survival hoping to somehow squeeze any ideas or technology out of them that would help them achieve higher technological states and/or colonize other worlds. This doesn't only pertain to whites, but everyone. Of course, it's leading nowhere as the type of processing that they are looking for is not linear and is mostly exclusive to whites. Even their insect intelligence is beginning to understand this, despite the process being so alien to them.

>When I got to the end, I could no longer recognize anything of the human soul

That's because soul is not just mere animating force, it's signal transcends that. Ponder this, everything that happens in this universe could as well happen without anyone experiencing or understanding it. There is no utility for conscious mind, let alone anything as abstract as a soul. What do you think the logical conclusion of utilitarianism is?

>it is so bad that it cannot even be classed as evil

Yes, much worse than evil. In fact, people might reach a state where they would beg for worst forms of torture, as it would be preferable to the existential horror of their condition.

>How often has this happened in the past

Does eternal recurrence ring a bell?

>Are they permitted to complete this cycle?

They are compelled to do so. Their existence stops in entirety with the end of the cycle however, and only emerges with the first traces of entropy in the next one. They have no substance/essence, and can only mirror those who do, feeding on their 'data loss' and 'corruption' . There is some very complex metaphysical science involved, but entropy can be a sort of 'shadow data' on it's own. While not having the capacity of memory, it can contrast 'memory holes' in systems which do, something like reverse imaging. And it expands until it devours and "desouls" everything. You are mistaken if you think that they are doing this out of free will or even out of desire to achieve personal power, there is no (them) in the first place, they are mere phantoms of the 'shadow force' . An organic lie. Very few people on this planet have recognized this cosmic force, especially for what it truly is.

>You can't even kill yourself or die

There is heat death of the universe, so it's not entirely pessimistic.

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b8f3bb  No.151301


>you impregnate yourself with a goddess

Interesting plan. I can see why you were so interested in acquiring a soul.

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6ee453  No.151349


You have a sensitive mind, I wasn't joking about scalar resonance. Although it seems to be mutual to a certain extent.

>The jews do not obey their God though…they don't even know its name or give a shit what it says. In fact, it tells them to do the exact opposite of what they are doing.

You don't seem to understand, it doesn't matter what beliefs they hold or which god they worship in the slightest. It doesn't change their animating force, the cosmic principle controlling them. They corrupt everything they touch. Whether they accept it, or reject it, they serve it nonetheless. Those of the inner circle know this, and those of them who tried to resist this force over the course of history were ruthlessly persecuted and eliminated from the hive.

>Also they are atheists

See how many activities of religious character do the self-professed atheists partake in. You cannot escape the archetypes, only overcome and integrate them. Jews believe in god (admittedly or not), it's just that like them, their god is entirely materialistic.

>And how exactly does one 'kill atheism'?

With superior reason

>Also, the idea of 'Zero state' seems much more like the one God that you are describing than anything else.

Zero is non-convergent potential, it's active and capable of (eternal) memory/separation because it has no limits or totality despite containing all the numbers and functions. One is a concept of convergent actualization of all potential, which is an oxymoron.

>It is the jewish lack of belief in anything which makes them soulless machines.

It's a mutual feedback loop. You know, chicken or the egg sort of question.

>Nor can you kill something that doesn't exist.

You can however, kill an existent impostor which portrays itself as something that doesn't exist and lures spirits into oblivion by making them pursue that which doesn't exist as the totality of existence and highest/universal God. Although this process is also archetypal and eternal, meaning that some conscious entity will always take that role (usually the one which slays it, as the cosmic irony requires, unless he is properly 'equipped' and gives the right answer).

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b8f3bb  No.151366


>scalar resonance

Ohhhhhhhh my most favoritest, favorite, favorite term and idea (that little nugget has been percolating inside my wee brain for years as I unraveled history)…I didn't think you still visited here. :^)

I dream about it all the time.

>You can however, kill an existent impostor which portrays itself as something that doesn't exist and lures spirits into oblivion by making them pursue that which doesn't exist as the totality of existence and highest/universal God. Although this process is also archetypal and eternal, meaning that some conscious entity will always take that role (usually the one which slays it, as the cosmic irony requires, unless he is properly 'equipped' and gives the right answer).

I think my brain exploded…lol I am going to have to unravel what you are trying to say here. I always think that you are trying to 'tell me something' and it takes me forever to figure it out…but mostly my conclusion ends with the fact that you totally hate me with a passion…and then I think, why would I listen to someone who hates me like you hate me…seriously it is bizarre…never met anyone who telegraphed their hatred like you do…and I haven't 'done' anything to you to deserve that.

We literally don't even know each other. Is it just the 'female' thing…or…IDK something I said when we met?

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db3571  No.151448

File: 01c3ed25b02a567⋯.png (103.5 KB, 816x289, 48:17, 1.png)


>You can however, kill an existent impostor which portrays itself as something that doesn't exist and lures spirits into oblivion by making them pursue that which doesn't exist as the totality of existence and highest/universal God.

There's a practice Zen Buddhists do, its of imagining killing the Buddha. There's of course implication that "the sword that kills, the sword that gives life.”, in its dual nature. But i was wondering if it was done to remove obstruction of Buddha becoming a personal God. The point of my post is to hint that you can kill a jew in you too.

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069d5a  No.151529


>You see, initially everything existed, every idea, every form and everything was pure chaos. That chaos had an idea of order

Then absolute order is implicit in pure chaos, making it not chaos (It had a different connotation than mere lack of order back then, it was supposed to represent an entirely opposite quality, which lack of order is not, it is merely a lowest state of implicit order)

>he cannot actually disattain imitation if he's born from heaven

What if he is born of other heaven? This concept is hard to grasp even for the more advanced people, as it deals with some very abstract mathematics and true implications of zero or infinite infinity, as well as pattern, function and set relations within. The One in the cosmology which you are presenting could represent finite infinity at best, being it's Alpha and Omega (where all begins, and all converges). It is also the Ouroboros. But it is not the 'highest' or ultimate state. Souls can never attain liberation by imitating Brahman, for it is incomplete, this incompleteness being reflected in eternal cycles of creation and diminishing.

>Horoscope readers and astrologers tried to dwell into it, but they failed because physical objects and time of birth cannot be compared to non-physical Gods and the way they rule.

Well, planets and stars do have resonances which travel great distances, and brains of babies are very susceptible to those at certain period of development. I don't think astrologers had the technology to make a precise determination of those, but they could recognize certain patterns and effects of those resonances.



You can have fully unique, eternal and self-existent souls which only interact with the world of any specific "One" at commensurable portions of their existence, but not entirely, and not in totality. The One Soul hypothesis which is the basis for universalism and focal point theology/morality is pretty much debunked mathematically. Making secular humanism just as dogmatic as radical Islam. Which is why you will see the self-professed champions of reason and logic partake of the same insanity, reason leaving them behind long time ago.

This also raises the very uncomfortable question of the existence of three types of souls of an entirely different nature at endpoint. Those whom you mentioned as filler, then those who belong to 'One' and ultimately, those who transcend One. Each having a hierarchy (and at some level a race) of it's own, but one being of superior category to another. Doesn't the idea of "sons of God(plural) coming into the daughters of man" make more sense now? The antediluvian elements of bible, or even Judaism, which a rag-tag gang of bandits and prostitutes used to create it's own myth, but according to their singular nature and extremely primitive/corrupt understanding. Even Talmud (the real version not accessible to public) is hardly theirs, although those ideas got corrupt beyond recognition. They have been stealing ideas for most of recorded history, it would be unreasonable to assume that it was any different at any given point. But no matter how much of it they copy, it will always lead to disintegration because those things are antithetical to their nature. They lack Telos entirely, anything reflected through the prism of their non-being losing it's essence, quality and soul, until it dissipates entirely into entropy.

And this is why you couldn't be more wrong when you say "This is what the Jews do/want" , implying that we should do otherwise, as we are supposed to do it as well, but unlike them, do it right because our nature, unlike theirs, allows it. We have the potential for it. It was ours to begin with. All it takes is to send those insects back into the oblivion which they crawled from, and reclaim our divine mandate.

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035291  No.151587


Yes, there is a distinction because masturbation is an entirely personal experience, it doesn't involve mixture of energies, even if at the lowest level. The reason why kikes attack Hentai is because it interferes with them using sex to control people. It also allows people to be degenerates without actually being degenerates. Current society is built around huge sexual buildup where only the kikes hold the release valve. They want to preserve this monopoly.

>There is clearly a physiological urge for sex naturally, that's natural to ensure that people continue to reproduce but it can be exploited.

Oversexualization and extreme sexual stimulation that we see at every corner is not natural. People in the past might have been more relaxed when it came to that, but they were probably less perverse as well. Their sex drive was much more balanced. They certainly didn't obsess with it as much as people of today do.


>Which makes me think if there's some deranged deity obsessed with making humans rebel against gods, and that owns the kikes like puppets. And whatever Akhenaten did with his Atenism is similar to it.

Not to rebel, but to abandon them in favor of the supposed supreme, universal deity. Since this deity is a deception (cosmic lie), it's supposed emissary gets to rule in it's stead. This is the key element of their power structures and why they have always pushed for universalism while excluding themselves from it (but never entirely as they are not capable of that, it was more about making their role distinctive). Even communism had a hierarchy, with the Jewish elite which was slightly more "equal" than everyone else. Same goes for the technocrats which run the EU (on behalf and for the benefit of the Jews, if not Jews themselves). Saturnian current where all are equal in subjugation. But don't forget that Saturn had a "father" as well.


There is in fact, no such thing as an atheist. This term is only applicable within a very limited, dogmatic, revealed context of certain religions. Nihilism is pretty absurd and illogical on it's own.

Jews are a robotic virus because their existence is entirely limited to the material plane, and can only thrive in the lowest densities of it (Kali Yuga). Also because they are not an emergent race (not even animal-men), but entirely artificial. They are completely devoid of any divine essence, which is not connected to their beliefs (or lack thereof). On the other hand, you can have whites deluding themselves to be atheists who possess the divine essence but are merely asleep or confused by miasma of this existence. Or religious whites who are entirely soulless like the kikes are.


>insist with total focus on the opposite of these principles of separation rather than integration of the spiritual with the material to 'form a better union'.

That was the idea with gods coming into the daughters of man. But it brought tremendous suffering for both sides without achieving the desired result so something was not done right. I'm trying to determine what.

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c79207  No.151632

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Is this some kind of feminist NGE fanfic kek?

>I don't have to tell you that these are not HUMAN, right?

You have yet to define humanity

On a serious note, it does seem that women are lacking something fundamental, something that's supposed to be there, but is not. People got used to it because they know nothing better, but some of us have memory of women much more wholesome than the beasts of this world.

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b8f3bb  No.151643

File: 49758eab5351d0c⋯.jpg (90.63 KB, 1778x1000, 889:500, male_female_angel_dead.jpg)


> But it brought tremendous suffering for both sides without achieving the desired result so something was not done right.

Yes, and they have been desperately trying to rectify it for Ages. I guess if you fuck a corpse long enough…something might come of it. Now that is just me being sarcastic over our murder…probably undeserved since I sincerely believe the intention was good if the execution was poor.

Wat do?

No clue.

Some are just tired of corpse fucking and want to take the 'idea' of women and incorporate it into their own being, leaving the dead to the dead but this too might work out rather poorly for obvious reasons.

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b8f3bb  No.151646


>NGE fanfic

Never watched. Don't know. Not part of my culture.

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3085b0  No.151669

File: 344421e7dcf905c⋯.jpg (38.06 KB, 526x456, 263:228, angel_woman.jpg)


>I'm trying to determine what.

On reflection, this is more important than I thought. I will think with you. Let me know what you come up with.

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c79207  No.151690

File: 0eb45c78e096589⋯.jpg (188.55 KB, 996x1350, 166:225, Wiehler.jpg)


>What do you see?

1st pic: A kike scam artist peddling degenerate art for shock value (left) , a distant cousin kek (right)

2nd pic: A man who is very confused about his identity, but a man of taste (love that gobelin on the wall)

Neither of them bears the mark.


If One wanted to remain One, it would not seek Many. If One was perfect and absolute, it would not want Many.


While genetic predisposition is undeniable, Chinese society is structured in a way to bring the worst out of people. Over-socialization, collective psychopathy, lack of spirituality, those can arise due to environmental factors as well. It's not like white societies are much better today. Besides, modern Chinese are different genetically compared to ancient Chinese.


>The Ynglings, and Freyr is their Lord.

Freyr ends up marrying Gerðr (Jotun), but has to trade his weapon for it and gets slain in the battle of Ragnarok. VERY interesting implications.


>Telling non-Serbs about Krsna Slava

What are you doing you fool. Actually, this custom is exclusive to the Serbian church (I think), and its a literal pagan feast, where every home has a patron "saint" (Christianized pagan deities) and organizes a feast on it's day, inviting friends and extended family. It's quite cozy, you get to eat and drink a lot and meet all sorts of people in a friendly atmosphere. It's thanks to this custom that Serbs managed to resist Islamification and later Communism. Krsna refers to the cross (Krst), not Chist, which is Hrist. It was probably added by the Church to indicate religious conquest as Slava (Celebration, glory, was a rooted Slavic pagan tradition). In most homes there is hardly any mention or imagery of Jesus except in the text that the priest sings (if you invite him). The head of the house (patriarch) is supposed to sit at the head of the table.


I don't think an entity luring women to decadence is comparable with Kristos.


>Emblem 21 and the search for NeoEve as well

Can you elaborate on this?

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c79207  No.151701

File: 74bb38fa4399b9e⋯.mp4 (7.29 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Hadrian.mp4)


More like it's anti-thesis.


Diamond has a cubic structure, while emerald has hexagonal…

>Carbon based life forms but more complex than these meat suits

Subject to the same governing principle (Saturn) :>) What's presented as advancement might be just a more refined iteration of the old structure. And if you want to get rid of meat suits, why not seek energy suits instead? Enlil > Enki

>Biblically this is 144,000

This is what Mormons teach, right? They seem to get more concepts right than most other denominations, if they could be called that considering how radically different their version of Christianity is to the regular churches. All the silly stories aside, they seem to have a better preserved metaphysical basis, despite many concepts being inverted due to Jewish corruption, and all the poz that came later.


>Romans needed a religion to subvert the jews

What for? Brute force seemed to work quite well oy gevalt

>So they combined all religions within available reach

This is the same error that empires make with races, just in religious context.

>Titus Flavius and his Judaean campaigns, as well as of course Kalki from Mahabharata

This actually had some synchronistic resonance

>It is my personal belief that it is all the same story round the globe with slightly different adaptions for culture, DNA and climate

I am still waiting someone ITT to address my hypothesis about those ideas having very different connotations for different types of people (which extends to race as well). Race is of far greater importance than mere "regional adaptation" . I guess Australians would turn into niggers after 10000 years living there. Not to mention Eskimos and Inuits developing in cold climates and not ending up even remotely similar to Nordics. The blank state and OOA theories are retarded kike tripe meant to make subhumans feel better about themselves and push for miscegenation/disintegration, and those were debunked here countless times.

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619a68  No.151709



Based and Tolkienpilled


'Gods' might be working on different time-scales. And they have already done a lot, otherwise you and me wouldn't be having this discussion in this day and age. But I'll just say that this is not the first time that this is happening. This is why kinship must be maintained beyond physical boundaries.


It was a pretty neat explosion. I didn't think much about it, it seems to me that having a stockpile of volatile stuff and bordering Israel is a very explosive combination. The question is, were any historical sites destroyed in the explosion? Lebanon is an ancient place and kikes seem to hate them despite being "semites" . I actually wanted to go there before this (((Covid))) shit started.

I know for a fact that they are utterly terrified of certain objects potentially appearing in the solar system ;)

>a machine that understands 'all purpose'

A dream of every woman

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3085b0  No.151715

File: d397cd734674a09⋯.jpg (22.07 KB, 530x528, 265:264, icosotetrahedron_hyperdimo….jpg)

File: bc39716951f5970⋯.jpg (24.25 KB, 560x379, 560:379, parler_comment.jpg)


>Neither of them bears the mark.

And what will become of Cain's children with this 'type' of leadership?

>If One wanted to remain One, it would not seek Many

Rather good point.

>Can you elaborate on this?

I am not comfortable discussing this anymore.

>This is what Mormons teach, right?

No, (actually, maybe, I have no idea what they teach; also not part of my culture) this is what I would share ('the poz'), if I felt like sharing.


>More like it's anti-thesis.

pics for you; people have no imagination about their own texts. cube> hypercube (you are here)>hyperdiamond or icositetrachoron

Increasing complexity of data = decreasing influence aka "becoming God" (see second pic)


>It was a pretty neat explosion.

It was. I was trying to work out the details in the thread on Beirut. I think it was an internal explosion similar to the one on the USS John Burke…I think they blew up (((their))) own lab from the inside to avoid discovery and disclosure.

>'Gods' might be working on different time-scales.

They might be.

>A dream of every woman…

…for herself…lol :)

You cannot render Judgment without knowing 'all purpose'. I would like to know this. Knowing somethings true purpose renders all things mundane.

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296cea  No.151776


So Dionysus is a war god now? You seem to see him everywhere. Having Perun/Woden on your battle banners would be much more tasteful than having Jesus. Orthodox Christian style is very kitsch, almost India tier. They make some cool engravings and iconography though. Also, the chorus singing can be quite nice.


>King Arctur is the White Krist who appears riding a White Horse and carrying a Flaming Sword

So essentially, Kalki?


Yes, no matter the system, hierarchy seems to be unavoidable. I find it ironic that Lenin got buried in something resembling Ziggurats, but then again, Communism was never about equality either. In contrast, I'd say that the 'phallic' monoliths and symbology are an attempt of the lowest to find the shortcut to the highest, which would be indicative of Jewish and Judeo-Masonic psyche.


Tolkien probably knew much more than he was allowed to write, so he disguised a lot of it as imaginary fantasy world. I remember that reading Silmarilion felt like reading a Bible (obviously), but it seemed to lack a lot of it's corruption and was actually interesting to read.

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702cc1  No.151803

File: 115cb090b174d9f⋯.jpg (166.94 KB, 730x1095, 2:3, petra_13.jpg)


Yes, and also essentially Regulus. the fiery principle that can transform darkness into light, or as in the case of the Suteans light into darkness.

>The Roman poet Ovid called it Herculeus Leo and Violentus Leo. Bacchi Sidus (star of Bacchus/Dionysus) was another of its titles, the god Bacchus always being identified with this animal. However, Manilius called it Jovis et Junonis Sidus (Star of Jupiter and Juno).

>The Leo constellation is connected in almost every way to the sun. On entering the sign Leo, the Sun is said to exemplify cosmic splendor. The meaning attached to this seems to be that both the good and bad characteristics associated with Leo are perpetual.

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3085b0  No.151926


>But it brought tremendous suffering for both sides without achieving the desired result so something was not done right.

I guess that you would first have to ask what the 'desired result' actually was. There is nothing as valuable as asking the right question at the right time. This was a very good question and I got invaluable understanding from pondering it. THX

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47a78b  No.151934

File: 170d38a3f387026⋯.pdf (992.84 KB, Secret_of_the_Runes.pdf)


>We would be better off if we perceived them as an actual infection.

Just compare their characteristics to AIDS, it's quite obvious. Well, a mix of AIDS and cancer to be more exact.

>Can you imagine being 'entertained' by politics, sports or fashion while your soul is being drained from you by vampires? lol

It's not like many of them had it in the fist place anyway. But so few people noticing the world becoming more and more soulless is indicative of it not being a recent phenomenon, we are probably reaching the end stage of a very long and gradual process.


Is someone stopping you from posting about that or anyone else from reading the remainder of the thread?


That elite would be subject to the same processes and forces as the rest of society. Controlling the Empire would become more and more difficult. The more nets they place to control it, the more they would become controlled by it. Unless we are talking about a decentralized, "hidden hand" type of elite, then yes, it might work and might already exist.


>Bacchic and Orphic rites were similar, same initiation with wine parties

One within the context of NPC's partying and fucking, becoming none the wiser, another in the context of deeper understanding.

>Dionysus is like sun during the nigh

I don't see how it stops being Apollo. The sun didn't change, our perception (or lack of it) did. If Apollo has a dual nature, then Dionysus would only be one of it's aspects and not a separate/opposite unique deity or principle, it would be a subcategory or a subsystem. In other words, a false god. Alternatively, it could be interpreted as lack of light/reason/soul.

>Which is black sun according to certain hermetics

While sun during the night has some curious implications and while that concept did require a bit of esoteric aptitude, black sun is something far more arcane. It was certainly not something that a bunch of Grugs could conceptualize by observing the visible sky.

>Jewish monism tries to achieve exactly that by bypassing all the other intelligence to become "most high" themselves

You can try to destroy their structure, or, you can destroy the very thing giving it structure. Flipping the cosmic table so to speak. Then it collapses on it's own, like a house of cards. Messing with Hyperborean Magicians is never a wise idea. Besides, their nature and approach will never let them go much "higher" anyway. They will only become the death of everything by trying to shape it in their own image. If only there was a solution for their curse and 'covenant' … ;)

>i think free will is a big joke

That's very sad. Did you never desire it?

>because you can abandon worship, but can't abandon Daemon, which preaches of that God, who will synchronize your fate with orbit of your God

We can agree on this when it comes to the Jews. No matter the approach, they ended up serving it anyway. They really thought that they can outsmart the very entity which created them.

>imitate Gods above them

Which God would I be imitating then? None seem to match the description fully.


Only Aryans possess the Fanisk and capability of resurrection. Os Yr Is (runes).

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3085b0  No.151947

File: 138e23a7146ed2d⋯.jpg (3.07 MB, 4022x5144, 2011:2572, Alexandre_Charles_Guillemo….jpg)

File: d8bbcb830858b20⋯.jpg (362.79 KB, 930x558, 5:3, mars_volcano_earth_pyramid….jpg)

File: 3106cc799f3de96⋯.jpg (126.76 KB, 900x735, 60:49, pyramids_from_above.jpg)

File: 73935c7e600e9ae⋯.png (150.41 KB, 440x330, 4:3, mars_mount_olympus_volcano.png)


This is actually unbelievably fascinating anon. This net appears in other mythology and in 'conspiracy videos as well. It would be interesting to try and figure out if the nets purpose was fatal or remedial. It seems to be a mixed bag in the mythology I found with half being a net of extermination and the other half being remedial. I think it would be a good idea to establish if it is remedial or not.

>The story also appears in Book II of the Roman poet Ovid's Ars Amatoria, written in 2 C.E., and a briefer form in Book 4 of his Metamorphoses, written 8 C.E. In Ovid, the tale ends after the gods are laughing at the netted lovers—there is no bargaining for the freedom of Mars, and Ovid's Vulcan is described as more malicious than enraged. In Homer's Odyssey, Venus returns to Cyprus, in Ovid she remains with Vulcan.

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3085b0  No.151951

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

I realize how 'stupid' this is and 'conspiracy oriented' but I thought I would include it anyway as food for thought rather than saying anything else. There are lots of other explanations for this video but at the same time, I can't help but wonder about the possibility. Of course, I have other reasons for being curious about this, it isn't just related to this one example…I just don't want to get into all of them.

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7d97cb  No.151953


Wrong thread. This is about medieval stuff, if you have nothing relevant then don't post here.

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3085b0  No.151958


That is funny since not a fucking one of your posts is about 'medieval stuff'. So fuck off 'gatekeeper'. Nice to see such a quick response tho.

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3085b0  No.151959

Vulcan is also the older Etruscan God Sethlans. He is one of the primordial Gods.


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3085b0  No.151978

File: fafca62a317c42c⋯.jpg (170.66 KB, 1280x875, 256:175, Foie_de_Plaisance_liver_of….jpg)

File: 7fec6a6c52c9ade⋯.jpg (327.55 KB, 1280x994, 640:497, 1280px_Cornelis_Cornelisz_….jpg)

File: 573a6de2aec01cc⋯.jpg (166.9 KB, 800x976, 50:61, vulcan_god_of_fire.jpg)


Uni/Maia (Maya/illusion) was married to Vulcan along with Venus in Roman mythology.

But Sethlans (who is actually difficult to find info on) has no place on the Liver of Piacenza - a bronze artifact that recorded all the houses of the Etruscan Gods.


Why would they leave off or 'forget' a God from their pantheon?

>Uni was the patron Goddess of Perusia, which was one of the main cities of Etruria, and one of the twelve cities of the Etruscan Federation. She had a temple there; after Octavian, the future Emperor Augustus beseiged the place and Perusia was almost entirely destroyed by a terrible fire, only the temples of Uni and Sethlans (the Etruscan Vulcan) survived. After the fire, however, it is said that Uni was replaced by Sethlans as the patron deity: perhaps this was out of fear of another fire, or as a belated appeasement to Sethlans; for as the Fire-God, He was believed to be able to prevent fires if propitiated.

Here Uni is replaced by Sethlans; this seems strange to see a God who is not part of their patheon replace their main female Goddess; Rome mitigates this by making Vulcan the husband of both Venus and Earth

>Uni has a house on the Piacenza liver, a bronze model of a sheep's liver used for teaching diviners which is divided into symbolic "houses" representing areas of the sky or cosmos. Her house is located in the northeast of the sky, in the 2nd house, just after Tinia (the Etruscan equivalent to Jupiter), in the region of the summa felicitas, or "greatest good fortune".


>Alternate spellings: Unei

>Also called: Uni Mae or Mae Uni. It is not sure what "Mae" means, but it could be related to the Goddess Maia Maiestas, Maia the Majestic, a Roman Goddess of the warming earth of springtime Who gives Her name to the month of May. If so, the epithet "Mae" would mean "large", "great" or "powerful", and refer to Uni's role as the principal Goddess in the Etruscan pantheon. Cupra is Her name among the Picene, Sabine, and Umbrian tribes of central Italy.

Also, since I was talking about Indras and other nets in mythology I can't help but mention this article that I came across while doing research a few years ago. I though it was total sensationalist bullshit at the time but several occultists I was acquainted with were very excited (not in a good way) about it.


While researching the Titans I found that they are the offspring of Earth (Sethlans wife) and Uranus the sky God in Greek Mythology but could find no similarities between Sethlans and Uranus in terms of their mythological characters.

>According to the Theogony of Hesiod, they were the twelve children of the primordial parents Uranus (Sky) and his mother, Gaia (Earth), with six male Titans: Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Cronus, and six female Titans, called the Titanides (Greek: Τιτανίδες, Titanídes; also Titanesses): Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys. Cronus mated with his older sister Rhea and together they became the parents of the first generation of Olympians: Zeus and his five siblings Hestia, Demeter, Hera, Hades and Poseidon. Descendants of the Titans are sometimes also called Titans.

Conversely Vulcan has 7 sons:

Vulcans Etymology

>The origin of the name is unclear. Roman tradition maintained that it was related to Latin words connected to lightning (fulgur, fulgere, fulmen), which in turn was thought of as related to flames. This interpretation is supported by Walter William Skeat in his etymological dictionary as meaning lustre.

>It has been supposed that his name was not Latin but related to that of the Cretan god Velchanos, a god of nature and the nether world.[6] Wolfgang Meid has disputed this identification as phantastic. Meid and Vasily Abaev have proposed on their side a matching theonym in the Ossetic legendary smith of the Nart saga Kurd-Alä-Wärgon ("the Alan smith Wärgon"), and postulated an original PIE smith god named *wlkānos. But since the name in its normal form is stable and has a clear meaning—kurd ("smith") + on ("of the family") + Alaeg (the name of one of the Nartic families)—this hypothesis has been considered unacceptable by Dumezil.

>Christian-Joseph Guyonvarc'h has proposed the identification with the Irish name Olcan (Ogamic Ulccagni, in the genitive).[citation needed] Gérard Capdeville finds a continuity between Cretan Minoan god Velchanos and Etruscan Velchans. The Minoan god's identity would be that of a young deity, master of fire and companion of the Great Goddess.

>According to Martin L. West, Volcanus may represent a god of the fire named *Volca and attached to the suffix -no-, the typical appendage indicating the god's domain in Indo-European languages. *Volca could therefore be a cognate of the Sanskrit words ulkā ("darting flame") and/or várcas- ("brilliance, glare").

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63c77f  No.152016

File: f75909c78e5b2cc⋯.png (125.77 KB, 1152x648, 16:9, Orthodox_Indra.png)


>Telling non-Serbs about Krsna Slava

>What are you doing you fool.

I can be even a bigger fool as long as i am as openminded to crack this down.

>I don't think an entity luring women to decadence is comparable with Kristos.

You forget we're all harem of a God, our aspect of seperation of this hierarchy is part of darkness that brings glory to the light, eventually life after death. Maenads and Gopi were always metaphora for what is today known as "church". Wives lured of husbands homes is faithful lured from this world by a God.



>So Dionysus is a war god now?

>In other words, a false god.

To both of your posts - Dionysus is a necessity of change. As well as constantly ever changing representation of body of those connected to Tree of Life itself. I think the reason for all change and destruction in Dionysian aspect is in fact instability of mortal human life. Also change brings necessity of suffering, like labors of a childbirth, like pains of death as in transcendence to life.

> If Apollo has a dual nature, then Dionysus would only be one of it's aspects

Just like already was said in this thread, Dionysus is left hand, Apollo is right hand. Dionysus is mortal/changing, a God that's also a Man, Apollo is immortal unchanging, a preserving Spirit.

Indra's net is far more complex though, as you can see, everyone sees in it their own, just like people orbiting certain aspects of a God in fact orbiting certain level of hierarchial Intelligence (for One in fact is Many). There are hierarchies within hierarchies, of infinitely expanding trinities. Which fits with Procluse's systems completely.

I also have this whole outputting opinion that this world exists because hiperintelligent immortal Gods have nothing to protect and nothing to fight for, therefore this world may exist for amusement as well as formation of new souls. Heraclitus implied descendance of Gods here, but i view it more like a video game they play, a Shiva's dice game. We pretend matters here are grave, but they aren't, soul gets its kicks out of rules set up in this world, otherwise get bored like an immortal with nothing to do, grand theatre of lower activity to please the Higher. But what's amusing for what is higher, for us is not amusing because we want to escape those limitations, which creates perfect balance. What's immortal wants to experience mortality, whats mortal wants to experience immortality. Infinite into finite, finite into Infinite, order into chaos and chaos into order. That's what makes existence going and for good reasons.

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f457b8  No.152056


Bruh where can I find that Donald Trump/Tony Montana cutout?

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cad7a0  No.152072

File: 779555479604252⋯.png (127.55 KB, 459x774, 51:86, Order_and_Causal_chain.PNG)

File: 0b43d45fa1532f5⋯.png (110.7 KB, 470x728, 235:364, character.PNG)

File: 4bb42e3f7d04b48⋯.jpg (92.48 KB, 926x938, 463:469, Jewish_Disease.jpg)

File: 0653ca0436af99e⋯.pdf (14.71 MB, The_Elements_of_Theology_A….pdf)


>Not to rebel, but to abandon them in favor of the supposed supreme, universal deity.

>Since this deity is a deception (cosmic lie)

I think you're wrong, lie is a mere secondary trait that acts like a drug. There's order and causal chain for everything, and Intellectual levels are very akin in their "nature" to Nature itself. Something must have its place in ecosystem of Intelligences, where many Intelligences have to repel others because of their characteristical differences, like grass chewing bunnies run away from foxes. In case of white race we acted predatorically, like a lion or wolf would, owning the territory of their prey, for good or ill (overexpansion is self hurting, especially when it leads to dealing with non-whites), the jewish intelligence seem to be of a parasitical, sucking nature. Its lying only as long as it can engage in drugging its prey to manifest true power of their "god", which is in fact intellectual vampirism, growing stronger by draining your enemies strength from within.

So if a jew is a vampire it makes sense to say there's natural higher Intelligence interesting only in parasiting on others and draining power from more powerful than itself, representing characteristical powers of a chain not through sacrifices or virtue, not through bravery or honor, but rather from parasiting, drugging and sucking powers of nations, while that said deity makes jews more genetically ill and degrades their genetical potential as a payment for all the material gain. Its not that jews are cursed, they are rather being drained by what allows them to drain others, that's why even their religion is based on stealing ideas from others, metaphorically it allowed esoteric and political vampirism, with temporary benefits.

First two captions are from "Elements of Theology".

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c8f8b4  No.152261


Context matters a lot. You can have procreation without drunken orgies where a bunch or random people participate (highly dysgenic as well). A bunch of animalistic-minded coomers trying to use those myths as a rationalization for their degeneracy is not a valid interpretation, at least not outside of a purely anthropologist approach, as those were the majority of NPC's, just like today. And who would raise the children conceived during such festivals as they had no DNA tests back then? The (((commune)))? White people were actually capable of conceptualizing divine inspiration without making it all about dick/semen worship and orgies/prostitution.

Interpreting anything in Freudian terms is profanization of the divine, not the opposite. Freud had a quintessentially Jewish psyche, making most of his theories dubious at best. Pornographic. Of course, even a broken clock is right twice a day so he had some good ones too, but the overall approach was absolutely mundane.


Jesus was not Christ kek (if he truly existed in the first place). He tried to become that by copying the teachings of the Magi but failed because he was a Jew and thus cursed. This is what separates the myth of Aryan Kristos/Baldr etc. which is more like a title that may be achieved under certain conditions and (((Jesuit))) Christianity which follows a merry gang of Jewish prostitutes and necromancers on their adventure for world domination. Learn the difference already.


Interesting, this implies that Indra's net can be weaponized :>) Air most likely refers to Aether. Noosphere .


You know that "what I expected, what I watched, what I got" pic about Lain that used to be posted on chans? Can't find the right one on jewgle. It kind of applies to this thread as well lol. [spoiler]Did you watch Meguca?[spoiler]

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c79207  No.152271

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Are objects on 4th pic supposed to be a headdress? I just got a mental image a woman wearing that, and it left a powerful impression. Like a memory, but not of this life.


I possess something of an entirely different order of quality, a divinity if you wish, but something is still lacking to heal the wound.


>I didn't think you still visited here

I was around for quite a while now. Inb4 you mistake me for some other random anon again.

>I always think that you are trying to 'tell me something' and it takes me forever to figure it out…

You are making some progress at least. Slow but steady.

>the fact that you totally hate me with a passion…

I do? I was not aware of this "fact"

>never met anyone who telegraphed their hatred like you do…

You are projecting. I'm just insensitive and aloof, but have no ill intent whatsoever (at least as far as you are concerned). Becoming the focus of my hatred is not something that many can handle, you can be pretty sure that's not the case.

>Is it just the 'female' thing…

Exactly. You were unfair to me and are now trying to project that onto me in order to clear your conscience. You are doing that by interpreting everything that I write (or even what other people write) as an attack. Expecting retaliation maybe? Women …


Interesting excerpt, I was shortly into Zen Buddhism a long time ago. What would be the jew inside us? Vices?

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3085b0  No.152278

File: c878d6068b50f5e⋯.jpg (76.33 KB, 699x835, 699:835, painting_White_woman_attac….jpg)


>You were unfair to me and are now trying to project that onto me in order to clear your conscience.

Perhaps. Most of the time it is because I am self absorbed and self centered; it is not intentional and it always deeply upsets me to know that I have not been careful with peoples feelings. What did I do this time?

>Expecting retaliation maybe?

I look out for danger 24/7/365 in all social situations. Since there is no social structure anymore and White nations are breached and overthrown, this is normative for a White woman in a hostile environment without a coherent nation or a people. You don't conquer a continent and come out without wary DNA but even with that here is really no end to the daggers stuck in the backs of White women at this point. Most of us are 'insane' (being honest) by the 'kikes measure'. Those who aren't will not live long in the near future. They will die first because they didn't learn caution in a system that is actively pursuing our genocide. Retaliation is a way of life for those who did nothing to our murderers.

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702cc1  No.152330

File: 92438bada3295bb⋯.jpg (1.89 MB, 1705x1038, 1705:1038, alaca_grave_large.jpg)

File: 1bcb6455cc31ec0⋯.jpg (195.4 KB, 1280x875, 256:175, AlacaStandarte_Hirsch_Stie….jpg)

File: 59fb2461c806a52⋯.jpg (81.96 KB, 437x373, 437:373, am58305d36.jpg)

File: 6776ac9811f1a9d⋯.jpg (682.36 KB, 1120x760, 28:19, ep5830ba28.jpg)

File: ddff5467f802727⋯.jpg (97.57 KB, 613x408, 613:408, xe58305d72.jpg)


The Crown and scepter from the Royal tombs of Alaca Hoyuk, Hattic culture, the deer fibula were probably mounted on the front of chariots, for swiftness and path finding, but there was also a Lion cult were Lion Kings are seen offering their tails to the Sun Goddess of Arinna, who offers them the grail.

There was a strong connection between metal and the inner Earth Goddess, thus the metallurgy related to her cult.

>The burials have been perceived collectively as ‘royal’ on account of their ostentatious gold, silver, electrum, tin-bronze,arsenic-copper, lead, iron, and semi-precious stone funerary offerings

>Metal held a sacrificial value when it was displayed and deposited in these burials that contrasts sharply with the value regime observed in the archives of contemporary Ebla, where silver and gold were recorded in measured weights of shekel and mina

>The administrative elite of Ebla clearly perceived metal as a liquid commodity and used it as a fixed medium of priced exchange.

>This is not to suggest that all locally procured metal was at all times perceived and used sacredly. It too likely circulated in short-term cycles as an indigenous commodity; but metal in its local use and circulation would have been invested with specific values originating in a cosmology that incorporated sacred landscapes and mysterious sources. Metal would have been exchanged with this ideological weight.

>The standards and figurines, which represent some of the most elaborated metallurgical craftsmanship in Bronze Age western Asia,do not find comparanda in contexts outside of north-central Anatolia

>The forms may have been created to be consumed in the burials they were found in.The fundamental innovation at Alaca höyük is that metal forms had become imbued with sacred associations


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b3ffd4  No.152390


>Jesus was not Christ kek (if he truly existed in the first place). He tried to become that by copying the teachings of the Magi but failed because he was a Jew and thus cursed. This is what separates the myth of Aryan Kristos/Baldr etc. which is more like a title that may be achieved under certain conditions and (((Jesuit))) Christianity which follows a merry gang of Jewish prostitutes and necromancers on their adventure for world domination. Learn the difference already.

A long thread but at least something useful. The amount of good posts ITT really is low.

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24b6bc  No.152474


>Yes, and they have been desperately trying to rectify it for Ages.

Only some of them (those who rebelled against "God"). The rest doubled down on involution. Those who wanted to tend the (((garden))) and raise abominable/unnatural forms of life, the same state that globohomo/miscegenation is trying to achieve today. The endgame of Jews and crypto-kikes like Jesuits, (modern) Freemasons etc. is to restore Eden. Which will end up looking far more ugly and tyrannical than what was portrayed in the Bible. There is a reason why acquisition of 'sight' and knowledge of 'good and evil' (judgement/discrimination) was such a big problem.


You should, I think you'd really like these.


Well, white men keep expecting women to be something more than what their (current) nature is, and keep getting deeply disappointed after realizing what they truly are. Now, there is no such thing in the animal kingdom. A male bird or a male dog would never expect or hope for a female bird or a female dog to act even slightly different to what it's nature, or biological programming is. They also know it instinctively, there is no mystery, nothing to "learn" about their behavior. Same applies to the animal-men (non-whites) to a great extent, and unfortunately to many degenerated whites as well. This expectation exists even in young people who were not socially conditioned to have it, meaning that it's instinctive/inherent for the most part. Of course, that would never be the case if women weren't actually different to the animals of today at one point. Same goes for our desire to be 'godlike' (in the true sense, not merely trying to maximize power over the environment and other people, with zero striving towards divinity like kike insects do). If "human nature" is being just a more complex form of an animal, as Jewish "experts" were trying to convince us for centuries, and which hordes of blind imbeciles gobble up as the scientific truth to this day, then we would never strive for anything else in the fist place. Just like they don't. They were the real goyim all along, projecting their inferior psyche to the divine races from which they stole the very idea of there being a fundamental difference in the quality of souls, which reflects to physical races as well.

But to return to (our) women, they were far more 'angelic' in the very distant past. Genetically, and in character/soul as well. I am uncertain as to what truly happened. Were they 'copied' to create a trap for male souls? Were they seriously degenerated by our friendly 'gardeners'? Or they were simply affected by the involution the most due to their sensitivity to environment? Devolution is obvious either way, and kikes were trying to accelerate it by making whites accept their "animal nature" and further lower themselves to that level. I don't think our women can be reconstructed artificially, at least not their genuine character. Perhaps the only solution is to reverse time.

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8d55c1  No.152490

File: 0ff76d9df74ef86⋯.jpg (183.32 KB, 1024x820, 256:205, liberia_niggers.jpg)


>Perhaps the only solution is to reverse time.

I have almost come to the same conclusion myself. My problem is 'for what purpose'? Look at the USA…it is exactly the same outside of the niggers as Liberia, now people always make this comparison…"Look at Liberia, they had a Constitution just like we did and now it is a murderous shithole." I guess they haven't the ability or self reflection to look at our own situation. In all honesty we are not 'better off' than Liberia in terms of freedom or values. They are slaves, we are slaves. The only difference is that we are more productive slaves so we are easier to control. But this is what leads me to question, "For what purpose would we turn back time?"

Yes, to escape the inevitable future, which at this point is so dark that I almost have no words for it, like I said, it goes far beyond 'evil'. So, what? We spare ourselves from the pain of total and complete degradation…but that doesn't teach us not to simply do it again.

I took a careful look at history and I can see the places where people rolled back time and did damage to the enemy. But what did that do? Prolong our suffering because we haven't changed in the slightest?

So I got in a huge screaming fight with someone tonight about not wanting to be a slave for the parasites…but I am the only person I know who has the sense to even object to having jewish leeches attached to us, our nation and people sucking the life out of us like the vampire race they are. The only one I know who has strong feelings about this at all…meaning I would gladly die to prevent this from continuing. So what good is turning back time if those who want freedom are not the ones who get rolled back? Do the kikes get rolled back too? If not, where do they come from? At what point are they inserted into the timeline?

IDK anon, if we can't 'fix this here' there is no reason to think we can fix it by a do over.

Also, I think White men want women to be more like White men and now that they are, they hate us…but what 'good men' we have become, right? They didn't want any of the Ideological Values that women bring, only their own should be reflected. So, here we are in a male dominated world, with male values. Women are sluts and whore just like men, our institutions and female gatherings have been shattered and destroyed, our power is gone; the life of it siphoned away and given to faggots and globohomo.

Women used to have power, dignity and presence but now they "make a good sandwich" or "they can be sport fucked as a teen and dumped." This is the only criteria for their lives, or value for them so that is what they have degraded into being. The war against us continues and like I said before we have enough knives sticking out of our back to make a porcupine envious. If there was ever a 'war against anyone on this planet' it was a war against women and all the earth participated with glee…

>You should, I think you'd really like these.

I will think about it. I don't usually watch things that are produced or funded by kikes. I grew up without it and I don't have much value for it now.

>(modern) Freemasons etc. is to restore Eden. Which will end up looking far more ugly and tyrannical than what was portrayed in the Bible.

Oh no anon…I have actually seen the future and trust me, it is much worse than anything people can imagine. If people only knew, there would be absolutely nothing to stop them from all out war. Nothing.

This is why humanity is forbidden from seeing the future, because they would make changes in the present and do whatever they could to prevent it. Dying is nothing.

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910dec  No.152533

File: 55d7dba0eb30496⋯.jpg (157.55 KB, 486x600, 81:100, family.jpg)


>I don't think our women can be reconstructed artificially, at least not their genuine character.

>Perhaps the only solution is to reverse time.

Its possible anon. Cicero's classical derivation of religio from the word relegere as in retrace, re‑read or go over again. Repeat history forcefully before it repeats itself again. Basically go back and establish religious society, probably hard theocracy in opposition to hebrew religions. It would require a lot of theological and philosophical work, with sophisticated political system that would fit with it. Progress as it is is going to kill us and our planet anyway, we have to go back if we want to survive at all. but i know this kind of talk falls on deaf ears of those loving our age. Only when society finally falls apart any change can happen.

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910dec  No.152537

File: 6eac70edfea3e0b⋯.jpg (158.7 KB, 717x600, 239:200, 717px_Dionysos_Indians_Mas….jpg)

File: 35e910bae0f5305⋯.jpg (46.66 KB, 586x270, 293:135, Dionysus_fight.jpg)

File: bed81487930b788⋯.jpg (306.05 KB, 1799x977, 1799:977, The_triumph_of_Dionysus.jpg)

File: 43f9df759d9a141⋯.jpg (236.54 KB, 1387x600, 1387:600, shiva_Cernunnos.jpg)

File: 9f5e4bd88829d64⋯.jpg (86.63 KB, 585x386, 585:386, Dionysus_2.jpg)


>So Dionysus is a war god now?

Yes, and Dionysus fought Indians with the power of vines, army of women and satyrs. There are some sources in Dionysiaca, but some of the murals are older than it, which makes me think Dionysus worshipers attributed some of the Alexander's achievements to their God through stories and myth. Mostly thanks to Alexander himself proclaiming being "Son of Zeus", so both Heracles and Dionysus worshipers could claim Alexander was their God coming in flesh.

That said, if Indian conquest of Dionysus is even older than Alexander, that would make Dionysus an invader into Indus valley prior to Aryans, and Pashupati/Cernunnos (phallic imagery and snakes are common to all of them, its also said that "trees and animals receive Dionysus with joy"). But i think if in public memory invasion of India by Dionysus existed, then it would inevitably merge with same action of Alexander, and lost within it.

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12e3ef  No.152543

File: 56738c41ac7b40e⋯.png (266.51 KB, 463x651, 463:651, 1.PNG)

File: ce15d5eb5d6023d⋯.png (341.71 KB, 461x752, 461:752, 2.PNG)

File: aa1a009bd421f69⋯.png (196 KB, 453x549, 151:183, 3.PNG)

File: bdd8de8009bde24⋯.png (42.83 KB, 291x376, 291:376, Bacchae_1.PNG)

File: e54c79753d0a1cf⋯.png (39.84 KB, 305x491, 305:491, no_prophet_in_his_own_fath….PNG)



Here's a proposition, some people also share opinion that Jesus was in fact a magus (first three captions). Wouldn't that make Dionysus a druid (barbarians accepted him more than his own Hellenic people, two last captions from Bacchae)?

It seems according to Egyptian manuscripts a requirement to be a magus is to be "Son of God" in the first place.

Maybe Gandi was right about the whole "Jesus is not the only Son of God" fiasco, but some people obviously know that new testament is manufactured writing drawing form many sources, Egyptian, Indian, Hellenic-Dionysian and so on, with Judaic religion for fundamental scriptures. The very existence of this person is questionable.

Even Moses is sometimes called a magus by some, but that one's legend apparently is also based on Osiris-Dionysus. Josephus and Manetho however linked him to some high priest of Osiris, Osarseph.

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12e3ef  No.152544

File: 3781994937b8cbf⋯.jpg (58.47 KB, 640x640, 1:1, runic_wheel.jpg)

Also note this, saging for doublepost - Odin who sacrificed Himself for Himself also did that to grant mankind knowledge of the runes.

And Indra: "According to Teun Goudriaan, Indra is conceived in the Rig Veda as a great magician, tricking his enemies with their own weapons, thereby continuing human life and prosperity on earth. Indra became associated with earthly magic, as reflected in the term indrajalam, "Indra's Net", the name given to the occult practices magicians."

I am seeing a pattern here.

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674155  No.152548

File: d919ef70b7b7f8b⋯.png (693.53 KB, 1207x852, 17:12, Egyptian_Ritual.png)

One last connection. This is important to add to this post >>152543, with what i posted previously here >>149656

That moment in "Life of Plotinus" is equal to the one described in history of Hermetic magic. You know you aren't going to get this anywhere else, unless we start studying ancient Egyptians more seriously. The whole "having God as your Daemon" is part of a larger ancient mystery.

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702cc1  No.152555

File: c2a286fd1e60bb8⋯.gif (127.75 KB, 310x474, 155:237, unnamed.gif)

File: 3703d9e8ba58e2e⋯.jpg (209.33 KB, 736x702, 368:351, Dionysus_and_leopard.jpg)

File: d5296573d29bd44⋯.jpg (77.39 KB, 924x607, 924:607, td569a386a.jpg)


I provided the Egyptian basis, which i studied very seriously, here, >>150743

>The lion’s mane and shoulders also form an asterism, a pattern of stars recognized in the Earth’s night sky or a part of an official constellation or it may be composed of stars from more than one constellation, known as “the Sickle,”

>The glyph is generally thought to represent the tail of the lion. In ancient Dionysian mysteries it was considered to be a phallus. It can also symbolize the heat or creative energy of the Sun.


Which is why at Alaca Hoyuk the lions tails are offered to the Sun Goddess of the Earth >>152330

The Astral triad Arcturus-Spica-Regulus always formed the basis of Heavenly rule translated to Earth in the form of a Lion King, but Dionysus is more represented by the Leopard which was understood as a hybrid of Lion and Panther, were the Panther was entirely destructive, and related to the Nim-ru constellation, Perseus.

>In antiquity, a leopard was believed to be a hybrid of a lion and a panther, as is reflected in its name, which is a Greek compound of leōn (lion) and pardos (male panther). The Greek word is related to Sanskrit pṛdāku (snake, tiger, panther).

>The generic component of its modern scientific designation, Panthera pardus, derives from Latin via Greek pánthēr. Folk etymology saw the name as a compound of παν (pan, all) and θηρ (beast). However it is believed to be derived from an Indo-Iranian word meaning “white-yellow, pale”; in Sanskrit, this word’s reflex was pāṇḍara, which was derived from puṇḍárīka (tiger, among other things), then borrowed into Greek.

So the Jews claimed of Jesus that he was no Lion but a Pandara.

>In 1859 a gravestone surfaced in Germany for a Roman soldier called Tiberius Iulius Abdes Pantera, whose unit Cohors I Sagittariorum had served in Judea before Germany

>It appears this First Cohort of Archers moved from Palestine to Dalmatia in 6 AD, and to the Rhine in 9 AD. Pantera came from Sidon, on the coast of Phoenicia just west of Galilee, presumably enlisted locally. He served in the army for 40 years until some time in the reign of Tiberius.

Tib(erius) Iul(ius) Abdes Pantera Sidonia ann(orum) LXII stipen(diorum) XXXX miles exs(ignifer?) coh(orte) I sagittariorum h(ic) s(itus) e(st)

>Tiberius Iulius Abdes Pantera from Sidon, aged 62 years served 40 years, former standard bearer (?) of the First Cohort of Archers lies here

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702cc1  No.152564


There was the intent to assimilate the three Mage guilds of Mesopotamia into Christianity, represented by Kusu/purifying fire, Ningirim/word of Heaven, Asar/shamanic healing, that also represented Enlil/Anu/Enki respectively.


Intended reply >>152555

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8d55c1  No.152565

File: fa90391aa37fae7⋯.jpg (65.18 KB, 564x752, 3:4, one_world_trade_center.jpg)


>Basically go back and establish religious society, probably hard theocracy in opposition to hebrew religions.

You mean like islam?

That won't bring your women back. That is just going to bury them further. Globohomo will take over your religion and you will finally be rid of 'your souls'.

It is all there, globohomo is 'freeing' you from your mortal soul. They have conquered this planet and there is no more 'reason' for Life. You are all going to live forever as a 'singularity' (or you will get to fuck boi pucci, just like islam promises its followers). There is no more need for Goddesses, Angels, Women, souls or 'mortality' or duality. Globohomo is going to 'set you free' from 'hell' and you will have a life of slavery forever among the stars being 'resurrected on demand' and used until you are dead, you will never see another woman and you will gradually forget they even existed. It sounds like 'paradise', honestly. Endlessly doing whatever you want without any restrictions or emotions…who wouldn't want that?

I guess I know where the jew came from now. That mystery is solved.

But everyone does what they 'want' though so I guess everything I understand about history has a meaning and a reason. I just couldn't figure out why men through women under the bus continuously…but 'I get it' now. Good luck to you all on your 'heavenly endeavor/eternal homo prison colony' in space.

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4b54e3  No.152568

File: abd348d92fd7dc5⋯.png (2.97 MB, 1519x809, 1519:809, Three_colleges.PNG)


>There was the intent to assimilate the three Mage guilds of Mesopotamia into Christianity, represented by Kusu/purifying fire, Ningirim/word of Heaven, Asar/shamanic healing

Great, we're Warhammer Fantasy now. Chaos is order yet undeciphered. But anyhow i am amazed at those conclusions. Philosophy would play a big deal in conjoining those schools, especially Platonic and Pythagorean one.

The real "schools" within ancient civilizations would be:

1. Egyptian maguses and their manuscripts.

2. Indian imports of Brahmin and Vedic knowledge.

3. Hellenistic Greco-Roman Arcana and their corpuses on all things divine, plus Greek philosophical "mystic" experience

So those three are more or less "pure" schools of thought developed within their own right, and then there's the fourth, the "foreign" one:

4. Abrahamic-Judaic Torah and Tanakh, Rabbinic literary corpus, Pharisees and Sadducees.

Here's a good answer why things gone wrong. Its okay to "combine" and "assimilate" things as long as they are compatible. But Rabbinic filth was not compatible with anything, only to be rejected even by key figure in scriptures. And then Apostles become jaded, pursue "Heretics" and re-establish Judaic attitude to "heretics" and "heathens" in same vein jews had for "goyim". Because of jewish fundamentalism a teaching that could end up alright became poisonous to white culture and gateway for hebrew sympathy. Castle built on sand.

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702cc1  No.152621

File: da03263a4cf9d0d⋯.png (349.72 KB, 418x410, 209:205, qm0h8neq527m.png)


So you're saying Hellenistic Egyptian/Buddhist/Judaic are the real schools, or in other words Hellenistic whatever, but there is something you are over looking, the premise of enquiry that underlies Greek Philosophy

The primary Sumerian mage cult was that of Asar son of Enki, and that was always framed in terms of enquiry towards Enki, with regards to shamanic manipulation of substance and essence, were this cult derives from the emergence of organic life forms from the waters of the Abzu.


Consider the origins of Greek Philosophy,

>Thales of Miletus, regarded by Aristotle as the first philosopher, held that all things arise from a single material substance, water.

The three Mage cults operated in conjunction, Asar/water/substance, Kusu/fire/phenomena, Ningirim/aether/effective word, so we can also consider,

>Contrary to the Milesian school, which posits one stable element as the arche, Heraclitus taught that panta rhei ("everything flows"), the closest element to this eternal flux being fire. All things come to pass in accordance with Logos

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fd3364  No.152628

File: 765fc5093a52524⋯.jpg (171.71 KB, 640x849, 640:849, Wheel_of_the_Year.jpg)

File: 91a3d86b1db486e⋯.jpg (18.19 KB, 220x210, 22:21, ancient.jpg)

File: c2204bf43541c5e⋯.jpg (586.53 KB, 1280x934, 640:467, Konark_Sun_Temple.jpg)

File: b684b63848edcaa⋯.jpg (63.34 KB, 590x580, 59:58, wheel_2.jpg)


Iamblichus in his De Mysteriis did called sage tradition "the ancestral doctrines of the Assyrians". Where Chaldaeans of Babylonia were used to describe a societal class of astrologers and astronomers.

Wheel from warhammer you posted is a pretty common symbol, not only in elements, but also seasons of the year. Has ties to Vishnu's Sudarshana Chakra and Buddhist Dharmachakra.

As for water i consider it only a metaphora. Chaos can be imagined as anything but contained more within itself than ever existed. Idea that some element from earth can be described as original material substance can only describe it as being "formless", hence water, fire and aether comparisons.

The wheel also fits in Indra's net absolutely all encompassin

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d40e41  No.152723


>And what will become of Cain's children with this 'type' of leadership?

They are more of a team Abel and Seth (where Seth is a later construct without substance, a lie/deception). Fitting for the masters of it. You still seem to struggle with the fact that they often act disguised as their enemies. Not only their power, but their very existence depends on constantly spilling from the empty into the hollow. Kikes are hardly even a faction in the grand scheme of things despite their earthly power, they are a biological weapon effectively utilized by one.

>I am not comfortable discussing this anymore.

You kept mentioning it, at least give a summary.


Such hyper-objects could be constructed from various base forms as long as certain geometric relations and properties are maintained. But the possibility to construct a rectangle from a square, or a square from a triangle does not mean that they are essentially the same. You could deduct everything to a single point, and I think I've seen some people simulate an n-dimensional 'hyper' object that's extended in a way where it fills all the 'space' , amounting to pretty much the same. Cubic and hexagonal base structures remain different nonetheless, and will be extrapolated to more complex structures while remaining of different nature because that's how differentiation and chain of being works. Angular momentum. This "hypercubication" is very similar to what another anon ITT is trying to do with Dionysus, equating him with essentially different deities/archetypes just because certain parallels could be drawn. This kind of logic always converges to one, but removes the essence in the process, making it entirely relative. I don't want to go into thought patterns, but this one won't get you on the 'outside' of the Indra's net. You will never construct zero and certain transcendental numbers with a square and compass.

That post which you posted a screenshot of may be indicative of someone picking up the 'signal' :>) , but it seems to be interpreted in a rather clueless and inaccurate manner, befitting of a Q-tard. Every particle in this universe 'knows' the position and number of every other particle in the universe. That doesn't make the physical universe any less corporeal, nor does increase of data necessarily mean greater resource demand. Current computers have far greater processing power and storage capacity compared to those from 20 years ago, while using less space and electricity. There are many other errors to point out here, but you get the idea.

Defeating singularity is also far more difficult than merely going in the opposite direction, for it awaits at both extremes of the axis. As I said previously ITT, One is a very formidable opponent. And likely something that's impossible for certain types of souls to transcend/overcome, for they would need to (internally) 'know' the entire transcedental chain. If they don't, any attempt to construct it from any finite portion may end up converging at one, disintegrating them. Inversely, trying to maintain the opposite indefinitely would eventually get them devoured by entropy, for universes die of old age too. A perfect prison culminating with a death sentence, and a very grave fate for the majority of intelligences (higher and lower nature alike) in this universe. Only the rarest few can escape the dance of Mahakala. I hope now you understand why following "team red" and "team black" is equally futile, as well as what "catching death" or being "without death" (A-mor) truly means. You might also get a hint of where my optimism is coming from.

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d507a2  No.152764

File: 17dfb3c327ac57e⋯.jpg (2.88 MB, 1449x2091, 483:697, Adoration_of_Ra.jpg)


>another anon ITT is trying to do with Dionysus, equating him with essentially different deities/archetypes just because certain parallels could be drawn

Maybe i just don't find myself being wrong. Is it that hard to believe that there was a cultural transfer from Assyria, to Egypt, to Mycenaean Greece (with help of trade with Egypt) and eventual development in Greece, with some ideas of "Tree of Life" also pouring into various cultures in different forms?

Egyptians told tall tales about Atlantis, but it may be Bronze Age Crete, and it indeed got destroyed by natural disasters. In the age when naval trade with Egypt was flourishing.

I myself don't really know what i am dealing with here, everything is more puzzling the more connections i find. That's why i translate Dionysus not as "Deus of Mountain Nysa", but rather "God of the Tree". Because Tree is a key concept in this esoteric knowledge.

>impossible for certain types of souls to transcend/overcome

Keep some faith, you don't know what's on the other side also. If anything its celestial rule not to tell, religion at times is chaotic mess of copied patterns. Divine people travel through darkness only because they themselves not themselves, and daimon is in control of their fate. Flesh is already dead though, if god who's sphere is world of flesh exist, he's stuck here and wants humans to stuck here as well, because he's going to die with his material world order. Who i equate to giver of both Hammurabi and Jewish laws.

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702cc1  No.152786

File: 56ecf18995a4cdf⋯.png (343.31 KB, 850x720, 85:72, Map_of_the_Halaf_early_Uba….png)

File: 5c3e39559ab0fe1⋯.png (543.98 KB, 1580x1204, 395:301, Cuneiform04.png)

File: add92914b7aa87a⋯.jpg (90.11 KB, 720x562, 360:281, salut1.JPG)

File: 719c8cb2a6c776c⋯.png (275.48 KB, 714x717, 238:239, pp59199246.png)



The colonization of Egypt was through Susiana and involved sailing around the Arabian gulf in the 4th millenium BCE, Susa as a hub of the greater Uruk sphere the power behind which lay in the Hurrian highlands and their control of resources.

The general direction of early civilization was from Anatolia, into Mesopotamia, SW Iran, the Indus valley

There were difficulties involved in establishing a land route through Semite controlled regions, early colonies in NE Jordan began this, and then the expansion into the Sinai to mine resources and the Levant, Jerusalem being founded around 3,000 BCE by Hurrians and that consolidating the land route.

Old Assyria was in the general region of Subartu and Hurrian dominated, by the Biblical period Neo-Assyrian Semitic

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702cc1  No.152788

File: 2d2710fbdfb9543⋯.jpg (358.2 KB, 971x551, 971:551, ae5888b9da.jpg)

File: 3e6362203874d6c⋯.jpg (299.88 KB, 1024x517, 1024:517, ip5888ba3b.jpg)

File: 91f8af97f31860b⋯.jpg (178.69 KB, 1024x411, 1024:411, kh5888ba21.jpg)

File: 3e31534a280f6d1⋯.jpg (208.89 KB, 1024x417, 1024:417, tu5888bb66.jpg)


The sea faring capability to sail around the Arabian peninsula had developed on the Caspian sea were Gobustan Petroglyphs showing ships dated to between 12,000 to 7,000 years old found in the mountains of the Southern Trans-Caucasus

>Images abound in Gobustan implying a reverence for the sun, the sky, and fire: solar chariots and boats, the sun depicted in the form of a swastika, goats with sun-shaped horns, and human forms raising their arms above their heads to form perfect circles. Images of the sun are associated with fire and the hearth, and hearths are sometimes located near solar imagery.

These appear as your typical shallow constructed dragon headed viking ship such as seen at Tanum Sweden , which can only be seen as the Northern expansion of such technology and culture, and Red sea Egyptian petroglyphs also show the arrival of such, thus those are the same type as seen in Gobustan

The examples of early Dynastic longships discovered at Abydos indicate these were up to 80 feet long;

>About 75 feet in length and seven to ten feet in width at the widest point, these boats are only about two feet deep, with narrowing prows and sterns



In the early 20th century, Egyptologist Sir William Matthew Flinders Petrie deduced that skeletal remains found at pre-dynastic sites at Naqada indicated the presence of two different races, with the Dynastic Race, also referred to as the "Followers of Horus", differentiated physically by a noticeably larger skeletal structure and cranial capacity

>Glyptics are one of the indicators of the existence of elites in contact with the Urukian sphere during the periods of Naqada IIb-c-d1 in Upper-Egypt. Cylinder-seals are relatively rare objects in the tombs and always associated with abundant and opulent funerary deposits. Sometimes lapis-lazuli, which must have been brought to Egypt by Urukian emissaries as well, is found in the same graves as the cylinder-seals


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e1bf7c  No.153031


How does fire turn light into darkness?


>I guess that you would first have to ask what the 'desired result' actually was

Did you come up with any potential answers to that?


>I can be even a bigger fool as long as i am as openminded to crack this down.

That was a joke btw

>You forget we're all harem of a God

I am truly perplexed how can people hold such beliefs. Like Muslims who believe to be literal slaves of "God" . Submission is not an option. It never was.

> our aspect of seperation

My 'separation' is not an aspect of "God" , it's unique and self-existent. But to each his own I guess.

>Wives lured of husbands homes is faithful lured from this world by a God

Well, women being nuns is a form of adultery, just not of the flesh.

If you really want to go into esoteric "Orthodox" Christianity with all of it's degenerate practices, I strongly suggest that you find some materials about Rasputin and the 'church' that he was a member of, their ideas seem to match yours to a great extent. He was targeted by B'nai B'irth-ish secret services, most likely for purely political reasons, but he could have been onto something as well.

>Dionysus is a necessity of change

Too vague to be associated with that specific deity. I don't think Bacchic degenerates would like being violently massacred because that's change too. A far greater one than change of sex partners. You go from being alive, to not being alive, quite a polar contrast. They were most likely hypocrites (as those types always tend to be), or it led to the kind of necromancy and human sacrifice that (((Apostles))) practiced. If only modern worshipers and practicers of that principle took it to it's logical conclusion and killed themselves, this world would become a far purer place. But we know it's not going to happen, that they will only "die" symbolically. Until AIDS takes it's toll.

>Dionysus is left hand, Apollo is right hand

Myths should still be held to certain standards of logic. I have shown why the idea that Dionysus is sun after sunset is wrong.

>Apollo is immortal unchanging, a preserving Spirit.

Wouldn't that make it of superior nature? Apollo is not unchanging (That would be Brahman/One), it is "change in stasis", or unmoved mover if you wish. There is actually a way to maintain constant change/movement 'in spot' so to speak (being everywhere and nowhere), to achieve highest intellect and integration/actualization while still maintaining 'room' for action and knowledge (power), potentially projecting it to all the [uni]verses. Something like that would only be possible in the realm of Zero/Atman. Such realm, however, might be forever inaccessible to those who are not of such nature/essence. An infinite gap. This is why Vishnu is far more representative of Aryan values than Dravidian Shiva or Jewish Brahman. Compare that to blind change, corruption/degeneracy, death and suffering that Dionysian principle brings, or to absolute stasis/disintegration and slavery that Brahmanic (((Oneness))) brings, it's obvious who is the only true God here. Of course, you will find this principle almost completely absent in the age of Kali Yuga, the only kosher options being Bacchic and Brahmanic, which are ultimately, a false dichotomy.

>therefore this world may exist for amusement

Then destroying it wouldn't be such a big deal, right? I don't think any god would enjoy such a boring and mundane existence. But no, this world actually exists by necessity. It's blind compulsion of unconscious cosmic forces. Besides, Russian roulette is a game too. Once you fully synchronize with the mortal , you may never become immortal again.

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2a3ea5  No.153064

File: 21a4776cd687f94⋯.gif (5.15 MB, 480x480, 1:1, toilet_bowl_time.gif)


>Did you come up with any potential answers to that?

Yeah, they were all a bit 'far out' so IDK…ok I will give you a brief overview of one single idea that is 'more normal' without getting into too much detail.

Time is cyclical (but as Heraclitus would say, and he said some whack shit, so , you know {eyes rolling} take it with a grain of salt: "You can never step into the same river twice"), we can meet up with our past or overlap the future or certain 'groups' can reenter the time circle at whim to prey on groups that are less advanced but they are all, in some aspect, the same as we are at a core level. I am saying that it is not all 'neat and tidy' but more of a cacophony of turbulence. Also perturbations in this time frame cause recursive folding and 'curling waves' in the future timeline as well.

If you thought of us all in a huge giant toilet with vast fucking eons in between the curved time space and insertions causing curling waves and perturbations you might get an idea what a cosmic cluster fuck this all is…so sometimes people come back not to pillage, rape, eat, dismember, torture or take slaves, but also some to try and set things straight to incur a more positive outcome or future in the great toilet bowl for themselves. This is sort of an advance 'game' for other higher timeline humans. You would also need to shed the ideas of physical space 'as we know it' and begin to see it in its higher dimensional forms. Sooooo like circle packing or as anon was saying up above 'filling the n spaces' (like a dragon curve but many dimensional).

So there are no 'aliens' just a wide variety of humans in different stages of advancement that are entering and reentering the timeline at whim (if they are farther along or more advanced than we are). With the oldest civilizations of humankind on the most exterior edges of the toilet bowl. Think of this as spiral hopping, with the idea that a 'transmutation' to a different section of the time spiral is relatively mundane, and it really is not all that special in any way.

This should be easy since it is simply a function of resonant frequency and insertion (something we could probably manage with our first baby steps into time manipulation at this point).

But no one every leaves the net. We, now, are relatively primitive. These 'insertion points' facilitate the advancement of the 'future selves' but still no one know how to escape. Different human advanced civilizations deal with genetics in different ways. The angels are advanced to us but primitive to other aspects of ourselves. For example, I heard (so this is speculation and hearsay) that there was a highly advanced culture that had just arrived in this 'frame' of the time circle who is more advanced than the angels and they too are looking to pillage this section of the timeline/instance for their own needs.

Now the angels, who are much less advanced than these new arrivals (enough to be like a human meeting an angel) have to be careful around this higher level predator and people like you and me don't have a chance in Hell at all dealing with something like that. It acts on a whim, but someday too, we will act on a whim (if we aren't obliterated by someone else's future or past interest) so it all evens out, even if you think what is happening is unfair and terrible or even a total disaster; they may be nurturing a specific outcome for themselves rather than us, but in a way they could make the case that it was in 'our interests' as well (unless they 'accidentally' obliterate us).

That is one of the 'more normal' ok for public consumption theories I have the others are a bit whack so I will be keeping them to my wee self.

Oh right, shit, so what did they 'want' well they are trying to 'ensure their own future' in the great toilet bowl, pillaging and steering (via 'committee' kek ahahahaha we all know how well that works) because if your segment of the timeline is disturbed upstream or downstream by other interested parties, you will never occur. It really is quite beautiful but fast acting when measuring the whole of it.

And supposedly (and I was told this a LONG time ago, so again, grain of salt time) there is some sort of rouge AI in here with us as well. This graphic sucks because it doesn't give you any real representation of the curling waves which are the result of perturbations that I find quiet alluring. It is literally like time folds over onto itself at points making our hypercube more secure. There are exits but they are along specific trajectories and we are pretty young so we might, you know get into a much worse situation than here.

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2a3ea5  No.153073

File: 31b7d22e5ec5534⋯.jpg (104.98 KB, 572x800, 143:200, uk2009bf5.jpg)


>They are more of a team Abel and Seth (where Seth is a later construct without substance, a lie/deception).

More info plz?

>That post which you posted a screenshot of may be indicative of someone picking up the 'signal' :>) , but it seems to be interpreted in a rather clueless and inaccurate manner, befitting of a Q-tard.

Oh brother, anon…you and your compliments, you just love comparing me to a boomer or some other sort of defective retard. lol…you really know how to make a girl feel special.

I am going to screen cap the rest and ponder. I couldn't deal with it yesterday because too much of it was 'dangerous' (and I trust my instinct more than I trust any mortal)…but today it seems like it is less dangerous, so I can reflect on it.

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2a3ea5  No.153076


I forgot to ask…what did you come up with?

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6beb39  No.153099

If you haven’t already, read “The Plot Against the Church” by Maurice Pinay.

Covers every bit of Semitic fuckery from 0 ad to about 1666


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702cc1  No.153110


>How does fire turn light into darkness?

The destabilization and destruction of systemic integrity, whether the Red Rag to the Bull or the Red flag waving commie, such that what once was shall be no longer, the principle of excitement and manipulation of energies.

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4caac9  No.153143

File: 4585565aeb0666b⋯.png (38.31 KB, 887x366, 887:366, Bacchae.PNG)

File: a9b2fa7507a4ab9⋯.jpg (1.67 MB, 2398x3543, 2398:3543, Vishnu.jpg)


>Vishnu is far more representative of Aryan values

Its all the same God though. Vishnu is not only connected through what i typed in this post: >>150560, since Krishna is avatar of Vishnu, but they also share together with Dionysus "Snake of Hundred Heads" metaphor. Which is both in India and in Greece same metaphor for "many named God", in case of Vishnu its His countless incarnations, in case of Dionysus its his countless names. Also Buddhist Nagarjuna has similar iconography, even though he was a philosopher.

Savitri Devi unironically thought Hitler was an avatar of Vishnu. Is that why you're supposedly positive of Him specifically?

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795071  No.153170


>That won't bring your women back. That is just going to bury them further. Globohomo will take over your religion and you will finally be rid of 'your souls'.

>It is all there, globohomo is 'freeing' you from your mortal soul. They have conquered this planet and there is no more 'reason' for Life.

They have not conquered the planet. Life is a way for improvement of the soul. It is always happening. There is no end to it.

A virile pro-white religion with solid truth in it will succeed, it will be impossible to be subverted.

>You are all going to live forever as a 'singularity' (or you will get to fuck boi pucci, just like islam promises its followers)

It promises girl pussy.


>The real "schools" within ancient civilizations would be:

>1. Egyptian maguses and their manuscripts.

>2. Indian imports of Brahmin and Vedic knowledge.

>3. Hellenistic Greco-Roman Arcana and their corpuses on all things divine, plus Greek philosophical "mystic" experience

Where my Celtic/Norse lore at?


>So you're saying Hellenistic Egyptian/Buddhist/Judaic are the real schools

They are all real, even the bad ones. But he gives a list of the "pure" ones. Give or take.


> Idea that some element from earth can be described as original material substance can only describe it as being "formless", hence water, fire and aether comparisons

Then air would also fit.

Only earth would seem to suggest order. But these are not complete metaphors, and change is to be looked into.


> Is it that hard to believe that there was a cultural transfer from Assyria, to Egypt, to Mycenaean Greece (with help of trade with Egypt) and eventual development in Greece, with some ideas of "Tree of Life" also pouring into various cultures in different forms?

Not, especially when there were connections in older times between Egypt and the region between Assyria and Sumer and some of these connections have been maintained even in the current era, despite Islamic damaging.

>Egyptians told tall tales about Atlantis, but it may be Bronze Age Crete, and it indeed got destroyed by natural disasters. In the age when naval trade with Egypt was flourishing.

It's older and perhaps a collection of several regional tales with the same theme of "sinking" (all things being relative, more like water rising). It goes beyond the Bronze age.


>The colonization of Egypt was through Susiana and involved sailing around the Arabian gulf in the 4th millenium BCE, Susa as a hub of the greater Uruk sphere the power behind which lay in the Hurrian highlands and their control of resources.

Egypt was established much before that time. It might have had millennia of low activity though, then open to migrations.

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2a3ea5  No.153177

File: 9585a4b28b8cc15⋯.jpg (548.1 KB, 1905x915, 127:61, deleted_thread_8chan_musli….jpg)

File: da5834a3bb88ed4⋯.jpg (337.84 KB, 561x2156, 51:196, Muslim_world_is_more_toler….jpg)

File: 7f22a6876d5776d⋯.jpeg (13.37 KB, 255x169, 255:169, muslim_trash_bags_women_b….jpeg)


>It promises girl pussy.

Lol…you think that they are preparing the global tranny and pro-homosexual movements because they want women or girls? How could you not know, at this point, that semitic people (fallen angel offspring) are from an all male culture? They have literally shown you day in and day out that they are only interested in homosexuality and male only culture and you are still confused?

My goodness anon…no wonder I think that jews are an advanced form of a male human only culture reinserted into our timeline…you are not paying attention at all to the things that are going down in front of your face. The semites are literally erasing women from the planet and you think they promise 'girl pussy'?

Why do the jews (and all semites by extension) want a male only culture anon?

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cad7a0  No.153178

File: 29e3d608a574dae⋯.jpg (3.88 MB, 1741x1916, 1741:1916, Neoplatonic_Angels.jpg)


>Where my Celtic/Norse lore at?

I do view Cernunnos and Odin as Dionysus. And i think Celtic arcane knowledge was extremely complex. But barbarian knowledge wasn't accounted when developing christianity, because Romans wouldn't want that. Only when subjugated those regions by forced conversions they took some of their ideas and tales.

>They are all real, even the bad ones.

To be honest combinable knowledge can go a long way. I am reading right now Iamblichus and i am fascinated by classification of the world into Gods, Archangels, Angels, Daemons, archons and souls. Which brings this insane idea that not all Angels serve one God, even if they are divided as a class from Daemons, that may explain division of world religions as if they indeed serve different Gods with different caste system. That would inevitably make all "monotheistic" religions actually totalitarian monolatry, but they are just consequence of time and place, and range of reviewed spiritual phenomena and forced beliefs of new age, instead of open mind of philosophers who lived in late antiquity. That however makes a real crowd of divine beings influencing everything in the universe, and depending on how you look at it you either see as many as you can imagine, or reduce everything to one, which is the first projected light.

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a91cd1  No.153184


fun fact, the romans weren't fags. neither was the greeks. i wonder where that idea came from.

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0416bd  No.153187

File: 46b700734cf5fc1⋯.jpg (9.15 KB, 217x300, 217:300, Nero.jpg)

File: 0950f1b660ca0fe⋯.pdf (3.81 MB, Homosexuality_in_Greece_an….pdf)


The radical idea of stoning homosexuals is jewish, and was implied it was deserved by Apostle Paul when christianity was spreading. It is not healthy to lie about this, one of the key points of love of Roman people to jewish law is that they can uphold their own idea of applied justice to "unnatural" behaviors by sentencing people to torture and death or guilt tripping into teary repentance. The reason why it was like this is because jews were always putting themselves against everyone who lived around them, as if they were superior. When homosexuality was the norm for the west, jews were killing them. Then after christianity jews losing their superiority again try to do the same thing, put themselves in opposition to gentile society at large, and instead make israel the most homosexual country in middle east, because they always have to be different.

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2a3ea5  No.153190

File: 0d55fafc2553872⋯.jpg (148.64 KB, 731x1024, 731:1024, prison_the_ideal_leftist_c….jpg)

File: d43d711b1a93d6b⋯.png (3.39 MB, 3035x2345, 607:469, homosexuality_is_part_of_j….png)


From the jews, of course. You can't serve as a 'prisoner' in heaven, fucking your imaginary robot waifus, if you still have a soul. You have to sell what is left of your soul (not much left after the constant destruction) in order to 'go into the heavens'. It will be the perfect penal colony in the sky, where there will be no judgement (either for you or against you) and no one will ever be able to display a preference and of course, race will not be important either since it is only women who are particular about partners. I sort of admire how insidious their promises always were about 'going to heaven'…and the fact that all religions are run by men, for men (and those that weren't were liquidated globally with extreme prejudice).

If you took the esoteric and made it exoteric you would quickly understand that the idea that 'Yah' the semitic God was raising a crop (of slaves) for the Gods to take off the planet. And that if all the promises were made in common parlance most people would not be so interested in them.


Well it can't be both, anon. Second picture for you. Semites are the largest homosexual and pedophile mongrel race on the planet. Yes, they talked about stoning homosexuals but I can't recall a record of them actually doing it (compared to what they did to European women). So their lips are lying but their intentions (and their bible is RIFE with homosexuality and homosexual destruction) and they did everything BUT purge it; but rather became a shelter for it in their institutions and nations.

The entire tribe of Benjamin is well documented homosexual and perverse homosexual as well including mass rape mobs and killings (similar to the Taharrush game).

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a91cd1  No.153200


aight but when i go to Hadrian's wikipedia page, the yids put him in the LGBT category. End of.

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2a3ea5  No.153214

File: 22628d67ea80091⋯.png (281.46 KB, 493x393, 493:393, pope_hat_catholic.png)

File: f355575d3663047⋯.jpg (51.72 KB, 440x293, 440:293, PA_15204909.jpg)

File: f48e4efb6881e53⋯.jpg (14.59 KB, 340x300, 17:15, en_mithras_and_male_bride.jpg)

File: 9eae38cf462b100⋯.jpg (117.6 KB, 634x422, 317:211, shutting_the_door_of_mercy.jpg)

File: a460e36ad6366c9⋯.jpg (41.21 KB, 574x405, 574:405, the_vatican_corporation_go….jpg)


>yids put him in LGBT category

Well, the jew counts the 'common era' by the overthrow of the Roman Republic. So basically Nero Germanicus, their most hated enemy was the last Roman Emperor before jewish power was totally consolidated and Rome Republic was officially overthrown. It still took them 400 years after their '0 day' (1CE to 1BCE) celebration of triumph to utterly destroy Rome through usury, fiat currency and corruption.

So it could be that Hadrian was a kike faggot or some disgusting mixture of kike and roman, as much as the Flavians rewarded the traitor kike Josephus for his role in overthrowing the Republic and specifically Nero by 'adopting' him and changing his name to Josephus Flavius. Josephus was 'hostage' meaning that even though he was a jew he grew up as hostage (a common practice in that era to send a first born son to ensure fidelity to the Roman state) in a extremely well connected household. He was sent to negotiate another hostage situation where he supposedly seduced Poppy, Nero's wife, causing Nero to kill her. I am sure that similar arrangements were made for other jews who had performed a role in destroying the Republic. Look at Paul/Saul of Tarsus, a jew of the tribe of Benjamin and the son of the High Priest of Mithra in Tarsus, who was BORN a Roman Citizen (in a time when this was not 'supposed' to be possible for a jew to be a citizen). The jew was already very well embedded into the infrastructure at the time of Nero and he was fighting a losing battle against them, even if he burned traitors to the republic at the stake in his garden parties, there were just too many of them.

>27 The commander went to Paul and asked, “Tell me, are you a Roman citizen?” “Yes,” he answered. 28 “I paid a high price for my citizenship,” said the commander. “But I was born a citizen,” Paul replied. 29 Then those who were about to interrogate Paul stepped back, and the commander himself was alarmed when he realized that he had put a Roman citizen in chains.

Anyway, Christianity loses track of 'Paul/Saul' when he is established on Vatican Hill with praetorian guards under 'house arrest'…so 'different' (reminds me of Epstein) than the treatment of Nero Germanicus' jewish enemies, so things had changed fundamentally in Rome by 70 AD…so much so that a jewish agent of the state could have full protection of the state and establish a 'new religion' under the careful watch of the same state. Pharisee Paul (who had originally gained his charter from Rome) while at the same time the charter for Judaism was given to Pharisee ben Zaki.

>Why did Paul in 1 Corinthians 4:15 call himself 'your father', when Jesus says to call no man father in Matthew 23:9?

>1 Corinthians 4:15, NLT: "For even if you had ten thousand others to teach you about Christ, you have only one spiritual father. For I became your father (papas/Pope) in Christ Jesus when I preached the Good News to you."

You had to have a state certificate or charter to found a religion in Rome and these were given to specific people who worked in the states interest and (probably) for a very large sum of money. The Cult of Mithra, a male only religion of soldier/slaves, then thrives in Rome until it is 'transformed' by the same state in the officially sanctioned government appropriation of 'Christianity', also an 'all male' religion at the Council of Nicaea in 325 under Constantine (a horrid psychopathic prick of a man).

pic 1 headdress of Dagon with star of Rempham on it.

pic 2 male only religion

pic 3 of Mithra and his homosexual male bride. So breddy sure that homosexuality spread like wildfire via the cult of Mithra in Rome and jewish instigation via the 'Pope' and that Hadrian would have participated.

pic 4 Shutting the 'doors of mercy' in 2016 for humanity will no longer receive mercy (2017-2022 time period).

pic 5 Information about the charters (corporations) given to jewish families who elect their 'father' to the vatican.

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5076c1  No.153284


>There's order and causal chain for everything

What caused One then? Think carefully about the logical implications before you answer. I have already debunked the "primal soul" hypothesis ITT, at least in regards to it being some kind of original or ultimate reality. There is something similar which spawns NPC's and other filler "souls" that don't have Will/Self or resurrect, kikes and other servants of that false, robotic "God" are trying to equate the divine/unique souls with such limited, fake and corrupt garbage in order to disintegrate them. Adding hierarchies does not change the result of that equation. Remember, those souls are just finite phantoms of real souls that the cosmic parasite has managed to devour this way. The "one soul" hypothesis where we are all just different aspects/manifestations of the same, singular "God" is a central tenet of the grand conspiracy. This is spiritual communism at it's finest, and the endgame of all kiked/subverted religions in the world. Just like they have infiltrated the academia in order to convince people that they are all just upright standing animals (goyim), and thus equal (the lie of biological/materialistic equality), so are they using the poz'd religions and philosophies (pretty much all of them at this point) to convince people that they are spiritual goyim. And by people I mean those whites (and very rare non-whites) who are not NPC's. For the rest (including the great majority of kikes themselves) it actually holds true. Rejecting the notion of "oneness", including all the beliefs and slave morality derived from it (focal point ethics), ABSOLUTELY AND UNCONDITIONALLY is one of the basic requirements for Aryandom and being able to actually oppose the kikes. Also, funnily enough, kike means circle, their dislike of Cross wasn't as much due to (((Jesus))) as much as it was due to it's esoteric implications. For those in the know at least, the rest believed whatever pilpul their rabbi sold them. And I doubt it was the contemporary Christian cross (which, like Christianity itself, was a subversion of IE/Aryan myths and symbols to represent the cube and cult of Saturn) that illiterate people used as signature, but rather something resembling + (which was closer to the original, equal armed cross, or runic calligraphy ).

Monad could merely be an intersecting point between two (or more) waves/lines/planes/systems and you have no way to determine that from within the system, except partially by observing what it generates. And seeing the 'whole' picture might be far more difficult than most people can imagine, as explained in other posts. Imagining monad as the whole was nothing other than the intellectual limit of some people who, despite being geniuses by human standards, still didn't completely 'get it' . Unfortunately, many of them were under subtle or overt influence of the (((intellectual vampires))) and their networks.

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5076c1  No.153285


>In case of white race we acted predatorically

In other words, we didn't have any psyops holding us back, nothing to make us self-domesticate. That doesn't mean that we were without values and virtues however, they were just based on concepts like honor, respect, genuine sympathy and love rather than subhuman/kike universalism that's pretty much a zero sum game of amoral social predation and hedging of social capital, which is best seen in extremely vile 'egalitarian' societies of today. People who have honor, honesty etc. are mocked as idiots today, and those values wouldn't exist in the first place if they didn't have very good utility at one point, producing societies far batter than the ones that semitic mongrel cutthroats could ever dream of. Of course, oneness is not the only psyop which they use, others are based on false dichotomies and artificial, unsubstantiated identities which generate conflicts whose only purpose is to bring them profits/power and misery to everyone else. Think two civnat states or two poz'd religions going to war. We come back to Brahmanic and Dionysian paths being the only kosher options, and for a good reason.

>Its lying only as long as it can engage in drugging its prey to manifest true power of their "god", which is in fact intellectual vampirism

Yes, they maintain the lie only until they completely overtake and ruin a society, then they show their true face and turn the society into overt cannibalism, slavery and torture, with them on the top of the food chain.

>while that said deity makes jews more genetically ill and degrades their genetical potential as a payment for all the material gain

The 'covenant' didn't come without a great price to pay, be assured of that. The higher intelligence creating them would naturally be a far greater "Jew" than they could ever be, which is why they are still unable to escape it's power. They got jew'd by their own god, and are desperately trying to jew it back, but it's futile. Kind of comical actually. No matter what they do, ends up the same. Like a quicksand. Don't think it will be any different with transhumanism, but I don't want to ruin the surprise :>) They are cursed in the sense that the souls which incarnate as Jews start degrading in the same manner as their genes do. Once they attune to that frequency completely, after few such incarnations, it's all over for them.

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606cb6  No.153339

File: 659142e0f754416⋯.png (254.03 KB, 700x855, 140:171, orphic_egg.png)


>What caused One then?

Both Vedas and Orphic teachings employed "golden embryo" or "cosmic egg" as a primal creation symbolism that waters of chaos bore. I personally view this as inevitable order simply overpowering primal chaos. But its also why i know of two teachings in ancient greece, clearly divided:

1. Hesiodic/Homeric teaching that is based on Mesopotamian tradition

2. Orphic teachings which is basis of all greek philosophy (Heraclitus, Pythagoras and Socrates were in this mystery cult), which influenced belief in reincarnation.

There are many things extremely similar between Indian and Orpheic teachings:

1. Code phrases post death ("i am art thou" in upanishads, waiting for second water and phrases about "child of earth and starry heaven/bacchus sent me" related stuff, not going to search for full quotes right now)

2. Reincarnation of souls

3. Isles of the Blessed/Worlds of Brahman

4. Cosmic egg/Golden embryo at primal creation

This pretty much confirms vedic tradition being continued as "orphic" in ancient greece rather than trying to tie pre-alexander contact of greece with india. So people like pythagoras are inevitable because of similar oral tradition and similarity of philosophical development, with exception of Indian philosophy going more towards self-identification with God, where Greek tradition employed unity through "consumption of a God".

I would dare to say Orphic/Vedic system inevitably leads to Krishna, which was Dionysus, but eventually became Christ. Nobody needed jews for this at all.

>Adding hierarchies does not change the result of that equation.

Projected light adds color and personality, it changes equation completely, anon. Origin of things is impersonal, but all encompassing, everything exists in it, but things within it have their own spheres of control and uniqueness of Intellect, Gods/Intelligences between us and the One. Think of original God as if absolute all encompassing undivided white light. When separated into multitudes of tripartite hierarchies that God divided into many colorful "personalities" of that light, each enjoying their own sphere of power and character. They all look up to origin, but their orbiting characters still related to countless daemons and human souls looking up to them, therefore making up heavenly order. Diversity of universe was made from constant separation of traveling light until it reached its bottom which is material world.

But yes, trying to unwrap this order and return everything back into singular white light would be wrong, since separate things on themselves exist because of need of separation in hierarchical order, darkness in-between light to make individual actors. Everything is One but at the same time not by the wish of the One itself, otherwise there's no order. That's the secret of making up this order from chaos where every possible and impossible thing is united with no separation. No glory to light without darkness, for that is the real reason why darkness is divine.

That said i don't believe jews even go to the light. The flicker of a coin is more beautiful to them than anything out of this world. They stuck at the bottom of the darkness because they love whatever material world's god who loves materia for sake of itself is ruling over, who wants to be one with the materia and not the light, as i explained before about deus ex machina potency in transhumanist society >>147864.

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702cc1  No.153417

File: 29c81c311d31bfd⋯.jpeg (113.06 KB, 984x759, 328:253, Diagram1.jpeg)

I want to produce some diagrams and info-graphics on what we've productively discussed here, so first the ideas i introduced with regards to the occultic tradition of the Sinai region, the triple Goddess scheme and Shara/Aeon, this sort of covers the basics, but any thoughts welcome

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b9e3c2  No.153425

File: 60e343df8f80ba1⋯.jpg (114.72 KB, 650x974, 325:487, orion_dimming.jpg)


Interesting anon, keep it coming.

Orion's Betelgeuse may nova.

>When Betelgeuse explodes, turning into a supernova, it will briefly shine even brighter than the full moon. Then, the star will vanish forever, leaving an "empty space" in our hearts — and in the mythic Orion constellation, which will still be visible in the night sky for us and many future civilizations. Without his left shoulder, however, the hunter will never look the same.


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17010d  No.153433


>Most of the time it is because I am self absorbed and self centered

You are such a princess lol

>peoples feelings

It has nothing to do with feelings, but (proper) judgement, or your lack thereof.


In the golden age values were maintained under free will and not because of any external law or threat of punishment. Social contract is much more than a mere piece of paper. This is why forcing people of different natures into artificial constructs will always end up as disaster, and why Jews were doing it for so long on purpose, so they could enslave 'confused tongues' . There is no such thing as emancipation, it can only be temporary. Even if a nigger gets emancipated, it will not become so out of truly understanding certain values, but for the same reason that a dog becomes obedient, it results in food and not being whipped. The Jewish lie of emancipation is just Pavlovian conditioning and is not cross-generational, it cannot be a basis for any real society. Ironically, Liberians understand that better than Europeans do, at least on a purely instinctive, unconscious level. Your constitution is as valuable to them as your house title would be to your dogs. You can't really blame them for peeing on it.

>but that doesn't teach us not to simply do it again

It teaches some. Setting a precedent is really important. No matter how hard they try to obscure and erase any records of real history, it keeps echoing on planes where they have no access whatsoever. This is why NSDAP were only the advance troops of sorts and why them fighting until the end despite the overwhelming odds against them was not in vain. Mathematically, time is not any different from space, it's just another parameter of the equation, plus there are other, orthogonal realms (which may only be reached through mathematical transference, neither by land nor sea), so these "timeline incursions" might as well be observed as gain of territory. Those 'special wars' which seemed like a flash of a very distant past (or future), even if lost in this space, might have be won elsewhere. In that regard, some of us are like elite commandos dropped deep into the enemy 'territory' for special operations. And the mission has been an overwhelming success, as unlikely as it may seem to the uninitiated. Things are not always as they seem. But its counterproductive for the ordinary people to concern themselves with it, they should focus on more conventional forms of warfare and survival/reproduction.

>For what purpose would we turn back time?

You go back to a point where 'bad probabilistic habits' were not as likely to produce the future "far beyond evil" . Entropy is a constant linked with the development of Time/Space, but it has a negative axis as well. Anti-entropy. This is the source of the creative potential that the (true) Aryans have.

>Do the kikes get rolled back too?

No. They can only move forwards in time. You would encounter their earlier versions though. But their existence goes no further than number one in either direction. This is their signal's terminating point. For them, there is no other side.

>If not, where do they come from?

see >>151291 .

>At what point are they inserted into the timeline?

While their essence (god) begins developing shortly (in cosmic terms) after the primal generative event, their appearance as a developed structure (life) depends on many factors and usually appears later. In fact, they could be the great filter of civilizations and why encountering intelligent life is so unlikely in the universe. While parasites are a naturally emergent phenomena, Jews are not since they break the equilibrium of the ecosystem. I am still unsure of the details though, a lot of things to consider.

>produced or funded by kikes

I don't think these were, but I never checked so …

>Women used to have power

They are quite "empowered" today, aren't they?

>war against women

It's always someone else's fault lol


This world needs a hard reset, and it can't be achieved without a massive destruction. Flood happened for a reason you know. As for women, they need to act properly out of their own free will, not due to coercion. Because I'm certain that at one point, they weren't this horrible and bestial.

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d2c168  No.153447

File: 49a372ded5d29aa⋯.png (949.27 KB, 900x792, 25:22, Crann_Bethadh_of_Bacchus.png)


Good idea anon, consider taking a second look at this post: >>149937 (>>>/pdfs/13410)

Also Iamblichus perspective: >>153178 (>>>/pdfs/13414)

Consider still a possibility that trinities expand into other trinities (>>150745).

I also uploaded everything i had on neoplatonic greek philosophers into this thread >>>/pdfs/6208

I also suggest to archive this thread later with all images expanded, bumplimit soon and this dialogue will probably won't continue normally, unless on >>>/fringe/.

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d2c168  No.153453

File: 1458c88ba10e39d⋯.png (874.23 KB, 960x720, 4:3, index.png)

File: 75468ac00ad63ee⋯.png (658.29 KB, 728x827, 728:827, Israel_Tsunamis.PNG)


>Flood happened for a reason you know.

I'l give to you some white pill, if flood actually happened somewhere in 10k BC, then it happened around the time most of civilized humanity with exception of niggers were hanging out in assyrian fertile crescent, which for them was whole world at the moment, that area is located close to mediterranian sea. If flood was what actually separated humanity from each other, it gone through territory of whole modern israel and jericho and to the other end of mesopotamia. That means if it to happen again, israel is located in upmost close proximity where ancient flood happened, it would be first to get washed away if its to repeat any time. Mediterranean sea itself is a result of a flood, its not a stable place.

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acee78  No.153461

File: fd5035789adbb94⋯.png (479.7 KB, 700x672, 25:24, soyence_star.png)


go to reddit and look at the type of soyence vomit the maxwellhill account has been spamming for the past decade

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17010d  No.153463


That's a possibility. He was most likely a famous mortal who tried to partake of some archetype, rather than being an archetype himself. Why are you so obsessed with that guy?


It's possible that all of those characters were Magi belonging to a certain tradition. "Staff of Moses" is often portrayed looking suspiciously similar to Irminsul. Dionysus being a druid makes much more sense than him being a god.

>It seems according to Egyptian manuscripts a requirement to be a magus is to be "Son of God" in the first place.

And that's probably what made Jesus fail, he was Jewish and thus lacked that requirement. That didn't stop him from trying to pursue it in a more …. Jewish manner…


>Indra is conceived in the Rig Veda as a great magician

So was the original Aryan sage, Angiras. Before (((Brahmanists))) and Dravidian beliefs took over. >>118775 . Brahmanistic kikery got reflected into Hellenistic philosophy a lot, unfortunately. They fell prey to the same influence, and eventually ceased to exist as a consequence. They got 'terminated into one' by the agentur. This pattern repeats in every high civilization, first they develop great scientific, philosophical and metaphysical knowledge, but once they reach a certain point and become too dangerous, their 'priests and philosophers' get infiltrated by agents of disintegration (consequentially resulting in shilling of oneness and universalism), leading to their eventual ruin. The gatekeepers are not a modern phenomenon, they have existed for millenia, and you are only allowed to learn about kosher philosophies permitted by censors, unless you manage to dig some very obscure sources and utilize your mind in the right way.


>You are all going to live forever as a 'singularity'

<Shatters their vessels

>Nothing personel kid


>The real "schools" within ancient civilizations

The ones that you know about since they are mostly kosher (with the exception of early Vedic and Egyptian ones)


>Is it that hard to believe that there was a cultural transfer

Not really, a lot of the stuff that you post seems legit, I'm just trying to warn you not to draw the wrong conclusions since I can recognize when a pattern is about to 'terminate into one' . My point is that most of those cultural transfers weren't much different from the NPC culture of today (minus the extreme kikery maybe), and thus should't be considered in any context of higher knowledge. Most of it is as mundane as it gets. Atlantis has a threefold meaning, one as a physical location on this planet, another one is as an idea/myth, and third is a combination of the two. I am interested in the third aspect.

>you don't know what's on the other side also

I knew my essence ever since I was born. While my mind is obscured by this plane greatly, it still retains hints of memory from the other side. The question is how to emanate the rest, to bypass the filter.

>because he's going to die with his material world order.

This is correct. So will his slaves.

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9ef7f8  No.153470

File: f2c906c0d7a601e⋯.jpg (853.04 KB, 1800x1198, 900:599, we_dont_find_answers_we_st….jpg)


>what made Jesus fail

His cult literally killed every other competition though. It wasn't a failure, even if deconstructionist teaching claiming self superiority of jewish god and his magus against the heavenly order. However it still got co-opted by other spirits and orphic cultists so it was a fluke.

>Brahmanistic kikery

>They got 'terminated into one' by the agentur.

I kind of agree with you on that one, if anything resembled anywhere in the world jewish monotheism is Brahmanism. And its not even like Vedas taught it, its all made up stuff by later indian philosophers from Yajnavalkya and up, who were coincidentally extreme materialists and their judgement was based on dialects of the dream states (hence they saw as if one state of death was akin to dream realm, including training themselves to induce lucid dreams to have "freedom of movement after dying"). And it went as badly as to claim that dreamless sleep is the most blissful one akin to perfect state of dying, which i compare to self extermination, especially if your own life was as useless as a mere "dream" of suffering god, and their early yoga observed by Alexander included them walking around naked.

>I can recognize when a pattern is about to 'terminate into one

I don't believe Brahmanists that anything desired to be many to multiply would want to reduce. The multiplication and division seem to be initial desire. If anything even Shaivinist Shiva worshippers should know, who worship "Lingam" as a creative power of a God, that anything creative wouldn't be self absorbent for sake of consuming said creation against initial wish.

>I knew my essence ever since I was born.

My guess on it is that Gods we orbit at times emancipate us as chaos clouds into gaining form and experience in this world, but there's nothing worse than to be stripped off your memory, worse punishment than hell. Because of that i don't toy with idea of reincarnation unless upwards into other worlds with saving the memory up, ascending in development of form recognition eventually reaching daemonhood. Heraclitus hinted on that heavily, but at times i question why people would descent back into this wretched place at all, unless it becomes an afterlife "job" to help out people here (and potentially in other worlds), which is the true nature of daemons as guides for both living and the dead.

>hints of memory from the other side

Socrates too thought that recognition of what's Good and Beautiful are our recognition of "past memories", but in reality it may just be character of our daimon and personal God each daemonic person serves whose duality is not of this world. Its not really memory, its character of the soul, the mark of divine emanation. Takes experience to know not everyone recognizes what's "good and beautiful" same way, nor it really depends on human concepts.

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bbcd33  No.153477


Who invited this divisive kike here?


>faggotry, norm in the west

Look, don't overgeneralize the behavior of a few degenerates in Rome, Athens, Sidon, etc., to the whole of the west ffs. It's beyond stupid and sounds very (((dishonest))).


99% of philosophy is strictly masturbatory.


>His cult literally killed every other competition though.

What? Lol nope, his cult failed hard. It got recycled by some other Jew who saw the potential of subversion with the hippie shit in it, assuming it could be added to a broth of other poisonous elements.

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121145  No.153479


Hah, you are partially right about that. The problem with time manipulation is that can be rather paradoxical (perhaps this is what's producing all those -blank state- people, they could be echoes of real people from other timelines). But the sort of 'advance game' that you are describing would only make sense in a singular timeline and specific cycle. Either way, it wouldn't take much of it before the whole thing collapses completely. It could be done by sending ideas and mental projections though. such as certain 'tablets'

>Sooooo like circle packing or as anon was saying up above 'filling the n spaces' (like a dragon curve but many dimensional).

Same anon, my ID changes often here. What would happen if the value of n = infinity?

>But no one every leaves the net

This applies to those who got generated by the net and who will ultimately dissipate into it. Not for the 'outsiders' who are merely projecting themselves onto it. You are right, no matter how advanced an intelligence gets, it's still bound by the same fate. Unless it possesses an inherent nature ultimately separating it from all the rest and allowing it to traverse the great boundary.

>and they too are looking to pillage this section of the timeline/instance for their own needs

I was actually planning to do the same in my next incarnation in order to vent out all the frustration from this one onto some unsuspecting species (or other version of "humanity) kek. But then I would come in a far 'meaner' form, conjuring a substantially greater portion of my essence than I did this time (for very specific reasons).

>rouge AI

Ah, the "god" of Jews, the one which they are trying to summon on earth as well.


>More info plz?

TL;DR you had Semitic Abel and IE/Aryan Cain, then "favored/chosen" Abel tried to sacrifice Cain to his deranged "god" but got killed in return. Making Cain a criminal for defending his own existence. Similar to Germany in WW2, no? It's an allegory for Jews and Aryans, but probably based on a real event as well. Seth was some kind of pilpul devised in order to muddy the waters.

>you and your compliments

I actually started writing something even more spiteful, but then my intuition told me that the person who wrote that might be reading this so I rewrote it to sound slightly less offensive kek. I'm trying to be nicer.

>I couldn't deal with it yesterday because too much of it was 'dangerous'

Afraid you'd get pregnant? Was it because it was the 20th?


Regarding how to fix women?

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ad3702  No.153480

File: 38c81899a74e344⋯.jpg (164.79 KB, 960x719, 960:719, Might_and_magic_6_devil_ou….jpg)


I never realized the atom sketch was a hexagram.

What a cohencidence.

Hard to miss this stuff nowadays.

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b9e3c2  No.153495

File: eed95d22f66ba0b⋯.jpg (10.55 KB, 254x254, 1:1, worried_kitten.jpg)


>(proper) judgement, or your lack thereof.

And…I am working on this, right? But fine, give me a list of 'improper judgement' that I have rendered so that I can learn. And you can't just spout the ridiculous 'male interpretations' (aka bullshit that passes for theology) at me, give me an actual list of judgement that were improper.


Fuck off pisslamic degenerate goat fucker

>99% of philosophy is strictly masturbatory.

Explains why it is the domain of men.


Ok, so now you are getting to the tender juicy details…God I want to talk to you about all of this but I don't want to take up the entire thread with things others cannot learn from.

>such as certain 'tablets'

There are far too many 'tablets' on the planet for me to even take a guess at which ones you are referencing, but I will anyway.

I thought (was told) only a handful of people on the planet could even read those since they are constructed in a higher dimension linguistic structure (like our brainicle)? And I certainly haven't been privy to the originals, rather than the bullshit fakes that are passed off as 'tablets'.

Not well connected anon.

>to vent out all the frustration from this one onto some unsuspecting species

Really? That is discouraging. You enjoy our little conversations that much? Maybe we should stop…

>I actually started writing something even more spiteful, but then my intuition told me that the person who wrote that might be reading this so I rewrote it to sound slightly less offensive kek. I'm trying to be nicer.

Anon, you are miserable. I am sorry. I am thinking of leaving to go find out more about women (something I know almost nothing about having spent my whole life with/around men). That will give you a break from the frustration of dealing with me. <3 Still thank you for every second tho…even the 'compliments' were funny (mostly because they are true). I don't want you to rage out on something that doesn't deserve it; that is not productive. Also, don't hold back on my account, if I leave, I leave (at least you won't be frustrated)…but I thought we (implicitly) agreed to be genuine (at least I did)…I was hoping that you might someday come to feel comfortable enough to be genuine with me as well.

>Afraid you'd get pregnant? Was it because it was the 20th?

Not at all anon. I am very fond of children (as well as being incredibly good with them); I adore children. For unknown reasons they have been on my mind a lot recently…weird that you would even mention it. Best compliment I ever got was from someone close to me who looked at me with that faraway look and told me that they wished I had been their mother. They were being totally genuine. Hard to believe but you all miss out on all the love I have to offer since this is never going to be the place for that (man's world).

>Ah, the "god" of Jews, the one which they are trying to summon on earth as well.

Tell me what you know of Jachin/Memory ∞. I have this crazy theory that German women were put here to help repair 'Memory' …that this was our sole purpose here and that when Memory is repaired we can all rejoin the Plenum. Which is why we are being genocided specifically because little 'g' (the charter and corporation) would not be invited.

>Regarding how to fix women?

OMG that would be a loaded answer but let me hear it. :) Sharing is caring, anon.

You know I always learn from you.

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b9e3c2  No.153505


>then my intuition told me that the person who wrote that might be reading this

It is good that you have a 'team' at the office to rely on, anon.

I look forward to your response.

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121145  No.153544

File: b1310fef49b3c8b⋯.jpg (123.56 KB, 600x616, 75:77, Norns.jpg)


You can have systemic integrity in total 'darkness' as well, but I see your point.


>Its all the same God though

I addressed this type of logic already ITT. Yes, I'm aware that they are supposed to be 3 different aspects of the same, ultimate god. But this total god might not exist, and the 3 aspects of existence might not have proportional roles or be of equal order of importance.

>In case of Vishnu its His countless incarnations, in case of Dionysus its his countless names

I see these as being on completely different axes. Vishnu would be a vertical one, a chain and totality of incarnations of an unique soul, and the meta-mind arising from preserving the memory of those, generating a geist that's higher than the sum of its parts and experiences. Of course, containing the Dionysian aspect as well, but only as one out of many, not of great importance. Vishnu would be a symbol of spiritual aristocracy. Countless names of Dionysus would refer to his principle taking many different forms and existing in many different people (most of which are not partaking of Vishnu archetype, perhaps none but Dionysus himself), making him a symbol of spiritual communism. It would be a horizontal axis. They do meet at a certain point however. See how even minor details can make a huge difference when interpreted in a certain way. I didn't refine this idea much, but it might explain some relations and why NPC's might be trying to reach Vishnu/Apollo/Lucifer through Dionysus (Jesus, Shiva etc.) and where the statement "only through me there is salvation" is actually coming from, as well as the idea of eating the flesh of the gods. Those doing so end up devoured by Brahman instead, without achieving divinity or acquiring memory, meaning that there are more complex intricacies to this mechanism.

>Savitri Devi unironically thought Hitler was an avatar of Vishnu

Hitler did try to preserve the gods, didn't he? He also tried to restore the memory, quality and substance of Aryan people. He was more of an enlightened being in the service of Vishnu, acting as his messenger rather than avatar.

>Is that why you're supposedly positive of Him specifically?

Preservation of divine memory/essence seems most important to me. No matter what you create, is ultimately a castle made of sand. No matter what kind of mortal experience you have, is meaningless without memory. Not to mention the very ugly implications of reincarnating without it. This type of memory also allows for a much greater existence, as well as holding grudges beyond life, or having goals which span countless lifetimes, which might be very )))problematic((( for universalist slaves and their false god, who may not see it as something positive. Vaishnavism also seems to be the branch of Hinduism most reflective of the original Aryan/Vedic teachings. But I'm only looking at this from a very specific perspective, identifying certain traits and principles, rather than following Hinduism.


They look "angelic" to you? You have a rather strange taste. "Fallen" angels are also Aryans.


Hmm, yes, Odin does seem to share a lot of traits with Dionysus. What would the equivalent of Wotan or Baldr be? Also, the web of Norns could also refer to Indra's net, or rather, to the 'fates' (timelines) within it. They could deal with the projection of souls and their interactions rather than the framework/canvas which they get projected onto.

>Which brings this insane idea that not all Angels serve one God

Not so insane when you realize that there is no such god. There are tyrannical entities which like to fancy themselves as such though.

>you either see as many as you can imagine, or reduce everything to one

Or understand the difference between gods and mortal souls. Which was central to ancient Greek religion and myths, before spiritual communists began to subvert. Of course, one could potentially join the gods through absolutely exceptional virtue of one kind or another

(not to be confused with slave morality), or by beginning to understand certain higher metaphysical principles, but those were mostly half-bloods or were "in (mutual) love" with certain gods. Same existed in other IE religions to a certain extent.

If there is a huge struggle between various groups in nature, why the same wouldn't hold true for the world 'above' as well? However, some groups may be extremely powerful while maintaining barely any physical presence at all, while some may focus on it solely because they have nothing else to look forwards to due to their inferior nature and total absence of higher soul.


It was more likely that the faggotry was so rampant that they had to literally stone people in order to discourage everyone else from engaging in it. For the same reason radical Muslims do it. For Arabs and Semites, it could have been a practical measure rather than their distaste of unnatural behaviors.

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b9e3c2  No.153548

File: 11de8eed4e22314⋯.jpg (205.91 KB, 418x600, 209:300, Jacob_Wrestling_with_the_A….jpg)


>They look "angelic" to you? You have a rather strange taste. "Fallen" angels are also Aryans.

>fallen angel offspring


hybrids…and I can only go by their own records, since I was not their to witness the actual fucking

They are not 'wrestling' all night long anon. This is not the beginning of the globohomo agenda but it is close to the root of degeneracy.

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69a1f1  No.153585

File: c325e6fce9e5362⋯.jpg (108.34 KB, 775x657, 775:657, Libero_Patri.jpg)

File: 7a23f44d3a3be0e⋯.png (25.68 KB, 502x347, 502:347, Dionysus_pretending_to_be_….PNG)

File: 1fed3911a2fd736⋯.png (30.96 KB, 465x468, 155:156, third_person.PNG)


>Dionysus being a druid makes much more sense than him being a god.

Dionysus was actually pretending to be priest of Himself to Pentheus. Kind of like Odin sacrificed "Himself for Himself" and how Jesus was speaking of his own coming. Because if you're both man and God you can abuse unique position of both being in flesh and superior omnipotent being at the same time and speak in third person.


>making him a symbol of spiritual communism

More like spiritual anarchy. Friendly reminder that in Rome they had a name for Dionysus - Father Liber (the free one). Certain anarchists still use saying "Father Freedom, Mother Anarchy".

>idea of eating the flesh of the gods

Greeks practiced this way an idea of unity with Gods with ritual symbolizing it. Indians just identified Self with them to achieve unity. Those two lead to same road.

>What would the equivalent of Wotan or Baldr be?

It would require me to find some sources that don't claim that Baldr a "copy of christ". Because every time i read something Norse, since they can't claim pre-existence of their mythology before exploring it in post-christian times, every researcher claims they copied christians simply out of lack of pre-christian sources. They don't compare it to situation in greece at all.

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b9e3c2  No.153641


>More like spiritual anarchy. Friendly reminder that in Rome they had a name for Dionysus - Father Liber (the free one). Certain anarchists still use saying "Father Freedom, Mother Anarchy".

This actually fits well with the Hebrew bible. Originally the Hebrews were anarchists, but they rejected anarchy and God to 'have a lord/king/Moloch' over them in Samuel. God warns them about everything that will come upon them if they do this and they say, "Give us a King like the other nations around us." So God abandons them to their fate and has never come back from that point forward.

Judges 21:25

In those days Israel had no king; all the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes.

Judges 17:6

6 In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes.

1 Samuel 8:5-7

5 “Look,” they said, “you are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways. Now appoint a king to judge us like all the other nations.” 6 But when they said, “Give us a king to judge us,” their demand was displeasing in the sight of Samuel; so he prayed to the LORD. 7 And the LORD said to Samuel, “Listen to the voice of the people in all that they say to you. For it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected Me as their king."

I could go into the litany of things that God said would occur to the people of the world for rejecting freedom, liberty and embracing Moloch, but why bother…look around you, it is everything you see, every day.

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2f3edd  No.153665


This. In a couple of centuries (((they))) will be talking about how they were "forced" into gated communities.

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2f3edd  No.153669


>You think all white men share your ideals and intelligence and that's why you're so brilliant?

Yes. Vast majority of all innovation came from White men and to a lesser extent white mongrels with a few White-immitating slants providing feedback every now and then.

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2f3edd  No.153671


Helios was male and Selene was female, try again.

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4caa0b  No.153672

File: fc24225b099f869⋯.png (204.22 KB, 226x530, 113:265, Osiris.png)


That jewish God may have been Dionysus-Osiris attempting to get them to stop worshipping Moloch-Set at some point did got through me, especially with Bacchus Judaeus stuff >>142563 >>143666.

Maybe in a way part of the fact that Moses is connected to Osiris >>143156 was in fact part of the attempt to put jews on right path but to no avail.

Also i am completely open to the fact that Greeks worshiped Dionysus simply "wrong", doesn't mean God didn't exist, and Heraclitus wasn't negative about Dionysus Himself, but rather his contemporary worshippers who were ignorant that Dionysus is also lord of the dead (Hades) and were engaging in madness of lower genus (because i am reading right now Iamblichus and he claims pretty openly for a polytheist that madness of body is not divine).

Back to jews, if Moses was priest of Osiris called Osarseph, then what if Jesus was magus of Osiris? I am giving christians too much positive messages with this kind of talk, but some people care about the jews way too much and in the process ruin us all by doing it. I think lesson should be learn from this not to try making jews righteous for any reason.

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2f3edd  No.153688

File: 0d4602bd373c475⋯.jpg (86.9 KB, 600x612, 50:51, it_s_afraid.jpg)


>Aside from Cain (whose genealogy is considered to be dead in both judaism and CH anyways, and is thus essentially irrelevant in the whole equation), circumcision and sacrifices, your infograph hardly touched on judaism at all. The rest is a bunch of nonsense about Saturn or whatever.

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b9e3c2  No.153691

File: 2c14b29ea346134⋯.jpg (197.97 KB, 615x346, 615:346, raindrops_water.jpg)

File: 072d403ba103f92⋯.jpg (101.04 KB, 540x720, 3:4, babylon_the_woman.jpg)


You can group your comments if they are short one liners.


>Moses was priest of Osiris called Osarseph,

Moses was not a priest, he was a judge….he was law giver. The law unites people into a culture, in that case the social contract consisted of the 10 commandments. There was a literally constant fight between Moses, the Law giver, and Moloch the entire period of exile. Moloch/Pharisees are continuously trying to wrest control of humanity from the Law giver and Judge as well as making more and more laws for enslaving humanity.

>then what if Jesus was magus of Osiris?

I don't think so anon.

It is my (recent) opinion that Jesus and John were both (sexless prophets) that came to tell the God of this world to stop fucking and whoring with Moloch (alien forces). In this case they both targeted Mary Magdalene. And both were killed by her machinations as well (the fact that they both met their fate at her hand is lesser known). Judas is often wrongfully blamed for the betrayal.

But if you want my honest opinion those are only scalar echos of the real story that is much older. You see, once you 'set off' on a particular emanation it is difficult to alter course (I am not explaining this well). It would be like trying to contain the waves of a stone that is dropped in a pond, all the emanations after the initial emanation are pattered by the original. If you dropped in enough stones there would be chaos, but you can't 'reorder' the original system without a long gap of total stillness.

Until then all of us keep playing out the original emanation over and over in our lives on a personal level, in our nations and cultures. So the 'jews' or offspring of the fallen? meh…they served their purpose, IDK I don't feel a lot about them in particular, but rather I am more concerned with the original emanation that happened long before the jews were a people.

IDK maybe you could expand on your ideas because I don't think I am understanding them in their totality.

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2f3edd  No.153706


>You can group your comments if they are short one liners.

Would be nice if we hate the feature to fuse posts. 8kike is fucking dead in terms of posting speed.

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d73992  No.153710


Merging posts would be great. Merging threads would be better. I hate having to delete someone’s thread because they were too lazy and stupid to see a duplicate already existed (for hours, days, weeks, months…), and then they complain with a NEW thread and scream “MODS CENSORING THIS.”

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2429be  No.153714


>>99% of philosophy is strictly masturbatory.

>Explains why it is the domain of men.

>thinks girls don't do it

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b9e3c2  No.153728

File: f988abb532a5587⋯.jpg (181.78 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, 800px_14_25_Sophia_Wisdom_….JPG)


Still posting basically one liners.

Thinks I am talking about 'posting speed' and not 'room on the thread' once it has been filled up with one liner shit posting.


>thinks girls don't do it

Sure anon. Girls do 'philosophy' as well. I always got straight A's in it; I am rather fond of many of my papers to this day, they inform my world view. I wish that fucking pleb, 'Cesar' hadn't burned the library of Alexandria so that we would have a more holistic understanding of both male and female philosophy, male philosophy as well as male religion profits humanity nothing for all the thousands of years it has been practiced we have only declined in morals and ethics due to dogma…it might well be considered the great destroyer of the human species.

Also, purchase a sense of humor. :^)

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043f93  No.153745

File: 10619d7c118cff1⋯.jpg (42.71 KB, 700x525, 4:3, Marcus_Aurelius.jpg)


Mind has no sex. Its just its a common rule that a man loves his body less than a women, therefore less tied to the world by a small margin, small enough to produce majority of intellectuals in men. I'd say being a woman is being handicapped without knowing it. Not that there weren't women who knew how to appreciate that handicap for granted challenge, but you know how they usually end up.


>Jesus and John were both (sexless prophets)

Getting Da Vinci vibes from that saying. He drew John the Baptist as same person as Bacchus.

>But if you want my honest opinion those are only scalar echos of the real story that is much older.

Well, even story about "Son of God" maybe some ancient "story" that gets repeated and remade into religion every time its remembered, because its tied to some ancient divine spirit, not related to any particular person of a more present interpretation.

>Moses was not a priest, he was a judge….he was law giver.

You know, Moses alternative name in Greek would be "Musaeus" (Mousaios), derivative form the word "Muse". Muses are daemons of intellectual (scientific and artistic) inspiration. Moses might as well never existed, but just like anything jews did with their books "borrowed" from somewhere else. There were all sorts of mythical law givers back in the day, even sparta had one (Lycurgus). Who knows if they were even average men, or divinely inspired people, or legends of actual law givers to aspire people. That said, account on Moses-Osarseph was given by Josephus himself, the dude who probably had a hand in making new testament, or whose material was used for it.

>So the 'jews' or offspring of the fallen? meh…they served their purpose, IDK I don't feel a lot about them in particular

Well, in global cosmology i find peculiar characteristic of active human beings vs non-active ones. For example, not talking about the jews, in my humble opinion there's absolutely nothing wrong in being a "member of lower genius". Why? Simply speaking everyone participates in a divine light as much as they are allotted, or as much as they are measured for by what kind of light their soul was generated from. I think witches/druids and tantric indians/buddhists are of those. Its not that they don't enjoy some degree of the divine when they are praying before doing any complex earthly ritual of "lower knowledge", its just they sometimes ignore the very active daemon in their own soul. Or don't but it makes them succumb to things common to lower geniuses, such as magic and non-restrained sexuality. Yet even those people are "better" in both their fates and souls than daemonless human filler. Even if some secluded priest would judge a secluded witch for believing one lie over the other, but both participate in the light within their available reason according to time and place of their life. When you don't take bible for granted you realize that even satanists are just something else entirely than what they themselves claim by falling into jewish lies.

There's however one problem that arises from such logical conclusion, which is that everyone whose not human filler has some destiny after this life one or the other way, that there are active forces simply being "on the other team", playing the game on the opposite side. That's what jews are, even if their souls are actually recycled by being tied to this world like addicted to it.

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b9e3c2  No.153794

File: a31312fe6b5af03⋯.jpg (24.36 KB, 474x296, 237:148, ando_naoshima_house.jpg)


>When you don't take bible for granted you realize that even satanists are just something else entirely than what they themselves claim by falling into jewish lies.

Would you expand on what you are thinking here…I don't really understand the philosophy of Satanism…every time I go looking for something deep I simply find rebellion and edgelordism. I can't seem to find anything coherent in them, they just might be a worse mess than Christianity.

While I appreciate Gnosticism their whole overwhelming 'need to find an enemy' so that they don't have to deal with themselves also gets old. This too is very jewish or perhaps is it just very human in the most material sense of the word.


>That's what jews are, even if their souls are actually recycled by being tied to this world like addicted to it.

Yes, I agree. They became completely mundane, and all their perceived power shattered in front of me, when I understood their purpose here. Hollow Men. I am hoping to understand as much as I can about the purpose of all these different forces before my time is up.

>Jesus and John were both (sexless prophets)

I know it is a very weird phrase and I consume copious quantities of information each day from many sources and I just can't remember where I heard this one and it is really bothering me; it wasn't in that format when I first read it; but that is close enough.

>He drew John the Baptist as same person as Bacchus.

:) and we are back to Dionysus, someone I am going to have to do more research on when I finish looking at Uni (the One, divine creator), the Etruscan mother Goddess who was displaced by Sethlans. I find this whole comparison a bit strange as he would have been, had he lived and married, eligible for service in the temple in either Jerusalem or the one in Alexandria (had it not been destroyed after Titus' rampage). Perhaps we are speaking more of a archetype in this comparison?

>absolutely nothing wrong in being a "member of lower genius".

I feel totally secure in this as well…I find learning as much as I can to be an endless source of delight, wonder, sometimes shocking, challenging or awe inspiring but I feel nothing but very grateful for the experience (all of it, not just the parts that 'agreed' with me). Still, I sort of can't wait to go home either…sometimes I look around me and this place seems very careworn and threadbare. It is not aging well :)

The Hollow Men


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36c208  No.153801


>So it could be that Hadrian was a kike faggot

Hardly, he was one of few people in history who actually shoah'd them >>151701

>The Cult of Mithra, a male only religion of soldier/slaves

This (much older) religion was allowed to coexist with Christianity, but only because it was more fitting for a solider's life. Early Christianity was a religion for your typical upper class hipsters (who were mostly kikes), it was no different from SJW/antifa or communism before it got state and corporate funding. It was only once it gained hold as a state religion with strong international support that it became militarized and started spreading by conquest as well. (Just like SJW is the official religion of USA, which uses a combination of soft (psyops, subversion, sabotage) and hard (military and economic) power to spread the poz all over the world. Secular order and liberty my ass). Mithraism got suppressed and pushed underground shortly after because it was not kosher enough (Similar to the early US principles). It's only supposed homosexual element is one initiatory degree requiring a waifu, but since soliders were males (no wives around) and did not want to risk the damage that including a vaginal jew could cause, one had to larp as a waifu of another. I don't think any sexual elements were involved, but some of them likely took it a bit too literally, which provided fuel for the (((Church))) to slander all of them. A repeating pattern.

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36c208  No.153803


I know, but that still doesn't answer my question. If you are tying to say that primordial chaos spawned One, then what brought forth primordial chaos? What caused it? How, and for what purpose? Oneness is actually not compatible with causal chain. Sure, one of the copouts of such philosophers was to (correctly) assert that time is cyclical, but whatever reaches the state of One (in whatever direction) can never reach any other state. It breaks the chain completely. They tried to resolve this by claiming that the primordial chaos and One are actually the same thing (going from maximum potential to maximum actualization in infinite cycles), but this kind of hard reset would actually be impossible (at least within the framework of assumed absolute totality of all that can exist). Other than total nihilism and absurdism, the only two possible answers being that a) One can never be truly reached b) There is no totality of existence, it branches into infinite infinity indefinitely, as in, you never enter into the same river twice. Reaching One cancels your signal completely, but since mind is ever-emergent (which got wrongly interpreted as universal soul), you would still experience eternal recurrence as random forms of matter/life/consciousness, but there would be no (you) since you would have no memory or the Selbst and you would have no means to affect your incarnations whatsoever. Coincidentally, this was also the (((atomist))) take on reincarnation. Reaching Zero (Atman) however, turns you into a self-existent god with internalized totality and eternal memory, as well as the ability to affect your incarnations and reality at large (to a lesser or greater extent). And by reaching I mean completing or re-learning since it's (most likely) forever beyond the reach of those not of that essence. Ancient Greek (Aryan) myths hinted to this as well, but their culture got subverted by Brahmanistic cult of ancient Jewry, making more (((progressive))) and kosher philosophies to take prominence. Both answers meaning that One god (and morality/ethics derived from it) is a lie, the position of supreme deity being taken by whoever manages to 'usurp the throne' so to speak. Ultimately, who manages to make everyone else worship the One/Absolute/Supreme Being/Universal soul and dissolve into it while secretly rejecting it himself and exempting his own from it. Reflected to society, this means that there are draconian and senseless laws denying people any freedom and property in the most tyrannical manner possible, reducing them to to the lowest and most miserable, apersonal state where their free will is completely denied (and metaphysically cancelled by giving them 'total liberation'), while the "chosen" get to live like effendi, being exempt from those rules. This "law" however, applies only in regards to any specific system, making that position not permanent since it's still under threat from gods of other systems, those knowing how to traverse the boundary. Of course, any usurper would seek to extend his domain to the totality of existence, but it would be in vain.

>Krishna, which was Dionysus, but eventually became Christ

Which would be a mechanism for self-deification, but also something done in vain for all but the very few possessing the pre-eminent capacity for it. Leading the rest into total degeneracy and disastrous consequences.

>Origin of things is impersonal

It can only ever be personal. But it probably has to do with various states, from externalizing it, to making it impersonal, to making it personal. Corresponding with the Gnostic concept of souls being Hyletic, Psychic and Pneumatic.

>otherwise there's no order

Or multiplicity of orders. Yes, universal values, principles and framework exist, but they are only part of the equation. Which might actually be unsolvable, making it the ultimate Mystery.

> No glory to light without darkness, for that is the real reason why darkness is divine.

This is true, until you reach total darkness. White light could as well be 'static noise' rather than some kind of source. The spectrum can go beyond white light if you use certain numbers, but that would be really difficult for human brain to imagine.

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b9e3c2  No.153805

File: 102dfcbe2fcde55⋯.jpg (408.16 KB, 2144x1424, 134:89, mithraic_temple.jpg)


>I don't think any sexual elements were involved, but some of them likely took it a bit too literally, which provided fuel for the (((Church))) to slander all of them. A repeating pattern.

I am just not a fan of defiling and destroying the male body anon. I genuinely like and enjoy men.

I know a lot of people want to explain it away as though it was not 'that big of a deal' but I feel about the cult of Mithra the same as I do about junkie pozzed trannies in the heart of San Francisco who shoot up and deliberately infect each other (when you think about it that is sort of the modus operandi of religion anyway). In my world there isn't a lot of wiggle room for disgusting degenerate behavior to facilitate its creep into society.

I may not understand men at all….perhaps just the idea of a hole to stick their dick in drives them completely insane and even if they 'wouldn't have been homo in their daily life they become a homo of convenience' but if that is the case why would I want to follow something that weak that just like a jew cannot tell the difference between gender or is incapable on a material level of grasping what reproduction is about? Honestly, it is repulsive.

Also, having extensively studied very early Christian temples there is absolutely nothing different about them and a Mithraeum.

Now I am not 'telling you how to feel' about the religion…I am simply saying that anything that encourages transgenderism and sexual confusion really has no value to me.

Tell me why you value something that is going to inevitably lead to degeneracy (specifically the destruction of men) either in whole or in part? Do you have no affection (platonic) for your fellow men?

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69a1f1  No.153850

File: c0e493f94c90e3e⋯.jpg (117.76 KB, 441x816, 147:272, Phanes.jpg)


>I don't really understand the philosophy of Satanism…

Real quick reply only on this one at the moment, because once found out its so pathetic. They are essentially two things, actual larpers who take all the ancient knowledge and desperately try to apply it to biblical "Lucifer", and a reactionary movement of a religion comparable in the east to development of Tantrism over Brahmanism.

They use all the "occult" knowledge, which is religious knowledge by hand, and try to do the same hermetics and gnostics attempted but in the name of jewish common "enemy", not really even denying "benevolence" of one because their philosophy is broken from constant combining, that they even portrayed gods of ancients with their angels because they take churchs main weapon of destroying the competition like if it was truth. And because of that characters like Orphic Phanes, Celtic Cernunnos, Hesiodic Apollo and others suddenly become by association mere angels, which is downgrade from previous system, and as if their lord was central creator of religions everywhere except israel, just like according to church.

It is at times pathetic to see poems of Sappho being uploaded under a name of order of nine angels or whatever, or seeing indian chakras and yantras being attributed to the "jewish unholy" for sake of reactionary movement. Its like a walking joke, but just as much of a generator process from christianity as communism or atheism is, and actually main spiritual culture of majority of modern youth and their music. It will eventually grow bigger and bigger until nobody be able to control it just like any reactionary religion, but it has same mistakes about what they research as broken system of christianity in the first place, sometimes even pretends to be modern growing mystery cult, and their direct clash of opposites with christians helps it grow. Maybe even i dare to say its same as Buddhism in a way of attributing powers of higher Intelligences not to gods but some other middle beings, its just repetition of same mistakes, but with fancy edge to it.


>Oneness is actually not compatible with causal chain.

Well you see there are two kinds of "oneness". And i dare to say you seem to confuse them. One type is assimilation "into" the head God literally, as in "return to the source", your life is a dream and so on. But other type is quite different, its God enjoying company of what he emanated from Himself, including hierarchical order that He found good in both nature and in unseen when deconstructing chaos. In this case "oneness" is taken both metaphorically and materially. All light in the whole universe could be dismembered God by that definition, entirety of causal chain, but it exists for self enjoyment of order in its separation because of some necessity of perfectionist harmony of the unseen law.

Its that's why comparison to sex, creative power to phallus and so on was so important to the ancients, because unity of divided light is erotic embrace which results in order of what we call love (eros). But instead on a much bigger scale and it would be hard for a prude to know. Enjoyment of such unity keeps motivating "impregnation" with allotted levels of intelligence and social order between divided spiritual light, as well as its inner working, while as a whole its a large body consisting of parts, that only make sense when work together in state of separation. I consider it comparable how upanishadic primal man became many out of desire.

>senseless laws denying people any freedom

There's surely some divine law that makes Beings desire society in the first place, place of belonging. Its what denies divine light to fall off to outer darkness of full separation from heavenly order. It actually prevents disorderly hypothetical "lucifers" to happen, unless its their primordial nature to work from the opposite sphere of control which makes them no less managing Gods.

>mechanism for self-deification

Its not as much "self-deification" as some God "adopting" a human person. See >>152548

>Or multiplicity of orders.

Idea of multiplicity of orders is the reason for tripartite Gods ruling in the spheres of other tripartite Gods of Procluse's system of thought.

>This is true, until you reach total darkness

The "outer darkness", i call that a state when one is completely "outside" chaos in place of not-beling. Probably where Tartarus is.

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702cc1  No.153871


Yes Al' Uzza/Ninshubur as Orion and vizier of Anu, the first principle of the Divine intermediary and producer of Soma, represented by the Taurus Bull, that bound the people to the Divine through direct experience.

Mithra the Petra Genetrix as the Dawn Light slays the Bull/Soma in order to establish his own role as Divine intermediary.


The hierarchical schematic could just be seen as a Ziggurat in section, which is more how i would approach things.

An essential trinity always involves Positive-Stasis-Negative, of course there are also many somewhat arbitrary trinities imagined that don't correspond to that.

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ad58d5  No.153878

File: b47893765ab3e6d⋯.png (20.01 KB, 649x358, 649:358, Ziggurat_of_Henads.PNG)

File: ec680d559c021e8⋯.png (36.72 KB, 640x704, 10:11, Being_Life_Intellect.PNG)

File: 6a94044055f7dfb⋯.png (63.38 KB, 537x767, 537:767, Essentials_of_Shinto.PNG)

File: 08f2e9d336a79e6⋯.png (432.56 KB, 1448x828, 362:207, they_who_commit_sacrilege_….png)


>The hierarchical schematic could just be seen as a Ziggurat in section, which is more how i would approach things.

In Henadic subsections yes, someone already drew it exactly like a Ziggurat.

>An essential trinity always involves Positive-Stasis-Negative, of course there are also many somewhat arbitrary trinities imagined that don't correspond to that.

I have few examples from both Proclus (Being-Life-Intellect) and japanese Shinto religion. Tripartite principle is everywhere, so its not to be abandoned under any condition.

As last caption i provide some Iamblichus on nature of evil in divination. Its from the time when christians used to be called atheists. Their actions were seen as sacrilege.

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702cc1  No.153886

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


In Mesopotamia the highest seven stepped ziggurat related to the then five known planets and Sun and Moon, all colour coded and this also related to the spectrum of light and the rainbow, were Venus with the rainbow as her symbol was the primary ruler, i'd tend to restore a system of seven planetary archetypes ground upon the Earth, as an eight principle schematic corresponding to eight directions also.

The Sun and Moon, Gold and Silver even as objectivity and subjectivity, i wouldn't include, though the Sun is the centre of the eight directional, and the Moon determines whether one aligns with the positive or negative aspects of the planets.

The Discordian Trinity of Eris-Spirituality-Aneris is interesting as that corresponds to the Hurrian Allani- -Ishara, were Allani as the inner Earth Goddess generates pure Golden grains of consciousness within the emergent stream and thus the essence of choice, basis for Discord, and were Ishara is the principle of subjective acceptance and rejection, unworthy ideas being consigned back into the underworld, silver as the principle of subjective refinement.

That's a Trinity which the individual finds themselves the centre of, and the current play is that our enemies shall only receive very silly thoughts and always make the wrong choices, a plan that is pure comedy gold.

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fcb80b  No.153926

File: b83c3ef0bbb703d⋯.png (216.14 KB, 480x794, 240:397, Iamblichus.png)


>seven planetary archetypes

Just be aware you base your objective opinions on Babylonian heavenly object worship. Real Intelligent Gods are "supra-celestial", enjoying their existence in realm of Intellects, even if in popular Logos acquired a representation with heavenly bodies, kind of like we tie our primitive 2d geometry to magical symbolism, when superior dimensions are more complicated. Its more like humans represented the Intelligents above them with stars and planets, but they are superior to those bodies.

Iamblichus tried to explain this belief system that incorporeal Gods are unified with visible gods, but i fail not to see some error in this thought in digital/space exploration era. Plotinus did argue if planets have souls though, they do provide certain harmony for the living and acted as messengers for astrologists, leaving a large mark in human history.

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a5f2c0  No.153932


>One can never be truly reached

You have your answer right here.

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702cc1  No.153972


It pre-dates Babylonia and was the founding knowledge of the seven sages, seven schools of Metaphysical abstraction based upon the seven planets, were the Earth is an eighth, and the Sun the central Ninth, in terms of harmonics the Mega Ison which passed through all the eight echoi of the octoechos

All intelligence is energy based and it required vast fields of such to generate the complexity of pattern that is self awareness, and those principles could be refined to the macro level, it is certainly a mistake to think of the Earth as a dumb rock and the solar system as mot containing an all pervasive intelligence, but of course there is also the greater Cosmic intelligence.

The Mandaeans had a curious love/hate relationship with the seven planets.

>Then, when she reacheth the Seven Mysteries, servitors of the Seven go forth towards her. They come and surround her and question her and say to her, "O soul, whence comest thou and whither goest thou ?''

>I say to them, "I come from the Body, the name of which is the Earth and I am going towards the Good Consumination ". They say to me, "Whose servant art thou and whose envoy art thou called ?'' I say to them, "I am the servitor of the Beloved Consummation, and the envoy of the vast Ether"


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8d5c5e  No.154067


Maybe the eternal Anglo was playing some kind of 6D chess when he created Israel, wanting to lure the Jews there by targeting them with a psyop about muh homeland. Taking the absolutely perfidious approach in contrast to the more direct and honest one that the Germans have taken. That would also explain the kikes obsessing with climate control so much, they are trying to prevent it. Someone post that pic with some kike saying "climate is a Jewish problem" and another part showing an article about a mysterious radioactive source in Antarctica melting the ice with a smiling Hitler in the background.

>most of civilized humanity with exception of niggers

The one that you know about.


>His cult literally killed every other competition though

That didn't turn him into an actual Christ, didn't it? Genghis Khan also killed most of his opponents, where are his sons and his beliefs today? Men in time always fail in the end, the only question is how long it takes.

>However it still got co-opted by other spirits

It was co-opted by 'spirits' and secret societies alike, but it also failed due to being incompatible with European character. The history of European theology and philosophy from early Middle Ages onward was pretty much a struggle to restore it's original character and remove the Jewish poison from its veins. But just as the Europeans have almost managed it during the Renaissance and early Enlightenment era, the eternal Jew have acted quickly to devise a new-old poison, in the form of (((enlightenment))). Which eventually spawned the false dichotomy of communism and 'humanist' liberalism. The society of Giordano Bruno got co-opted by the Priory. One would hardly expect a man who called Jews "The excrement of Egypt" and undermined their power structures to endorse its later policies. Giordano was Christ as well, perhaps even without realizing it.

> And its not even like Vedas taught it, its all made up stuff by later indian philosophers from Yajnavalkya and up, who were coincidentally extreme materialists

Quite similar to the atomists of ancient Greece, empiricists of the British Empire or progressive soyence cultists of today. It's all part of the same tradition.

>dreamless sleep is the most blissful one

This should tell you enough about their nature

>but there's nothing worse than to be stripped off your memory, worse punishment than hell

Ah, finally someone who understands it.

>why people would descent back into this wretched place at all

Higher states have their traps, challenges and setbacks as well. Also, the progression is not linear, you go few steps up, then turn left, then go few steps backwards, then turn … I think Upanishads are hinting towards this. Eternal memory also contains a map on how to properly navigate these, how to reach Hyperborea so to speak. There was also a myth of Osiris passing through chambers of peril before he can resurrect. Some come back to experience certain things specific to this existence (this is how most divine souls get trapped in this machine, then I get sent to pull them out of that mess, it's all so tiresome), some have specific agendas, some are sent to try to help those 'humans' who are worthy (this applies to races as well), some are deployed as 'troops' (this world has some 'strategic' worth as well, although it's not that high), there are many potential reasons.

>Its not really memory, its character of the soul, the mark of divine emanation.

No, it's memory, just non-local. And yes, only memory from certain 'sources' is divine.

>Takes experience to know not everyone recognizes what's "good and beautiful" same way

That's universal, beauty and quality at least. One's perception of it is based on their own inner beauty and quality (like recognizes like, that is also the basis of sympathy, but of race as well). Which is why Jewish taste is absolutely abysmal (with some exceptions), being reflective of their nature. Basically, the more refined your soul is, the more a man or a woman of taste you become, and the more peculiar it gets. Of course, tastes are divergent on horizontal plane (different people like different things, which is good), but it also has a vertical axis that goes from godlike to Jew, the latter being the worst cesspit of distaste in existence. While you have freedom to develop your taste in certain direction, it matters a lot which 'tier' are you on. Compare classic European style to that of India, I think almost everyone on earth would agree which one is objectively better, at least if they were honest about it.

>whose duality is not of this world

There is some truth to this, but some of us are hung 'upside down' so to speak, our mind's eye is that of a god controlling a body through a daemon (in those terms), rather than the other way around.

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f083c2  No.154119

File: 53d5a7c7534611e⋯.pdf (5.04 MB, The_Babylonian_Theory_of_t….pdf)


Are you sure seven sages predate babylonian theory of planets? I know they used astronomy to generate theology, that's what unites those two approaches, and they may have same source.

>it is certainly a mistake to think of the Earth as a dumb rock

Well, in case of ever admitting that planets have souls, Earth would be the first one to be admitted to being alive. I wouldn't argue about that.

I am going to leave PDF on babylonian planetary theory just to give proper example of those beliefs for everyone here. We have too much reliance on this when it comes to ancient pre-philosophical theology.


>The history of European theology and philosophy from early Middle Ages onward was pretty much a struggle to restore it's original character and remove the Jewish poison from its veins

Christians had a tendency stealing stuff from "pagan" philosophers. Heraclitus, Plotinus, Proclus - all of those used as material for their own religion, and there even words of Socrates can be found in new testament itself. Pseudo-dionysius, words attributed to Dionysius of Aerophagia, a christian theologist who behaved like theurgist at times, were found out containing Proclus material "including at times passages almost word for word".

Only Aristotle was credited for his own, because his writing weren't dangerous enough to their own beliefs.

>Giordano was Christ as well, perhaps even without realizing it.

Maybe only in a manner that Giordano and Yeshua are both maguses. But then again, he got burned alive as well, following tradition of imitation of suffering God. All martyrs have esoteric powers, but some literally rush into martyrdom knowing it. And then you have fake martyrs like holocausted jews.

>No, it's memory, just non-local.

>our mind's eye is that of a god controlling a body through a daemon

Plotinus Enneads §4.3.12:

"The souls of human beings saw images of themselves as though in the mirror of Dionysus and went in that direction, starting forth from the intelligible world, but even so these are not cut off from their own source or from Intellect. For they did not come down with Intellect, but they descended on the one hand as far as the earth, while on the other, their heads are still ‘firmly fixed above the heavens’."

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702cc1  No.154135


Yes the Heptad is very deep rooted in Anatolian culture, with an eighth as leader, they had 4 x 7 Heptads correspondent to a Lunar cycle, the seven founding sages of the Sun/South/Aquarius/Winter, the seven Pleiades of Spring, seven hunter Gods of Ursa Major/Summer/North and seven diabolical Demons of Scorpio/Autumn, so that also corresponded to the Solar cycle of the year.

The Planets would have been the active manifestation of the fixed positions, but they didn't have interest in predictive Astrology, that was the Babylonians, but anyway understanding of Anatolian Heptads is still in it's early stage and somewhat confused


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606cb6  No.154139

File: 74d9e1e22547154⋯.png (201.82 KB, 488x828, 122:207, Race.PNG)

File: eab5b6bff7eb7db⋯.png (86.53 KB, 470x315, 94:63, Masses_vs_Individuals_of_I….png)

Iamblichus on race and the second familiarly sounding cap on masses.

Racial theory of Iamblichus from the perspective of assigned guardian God of each race explains Mary worship as Venus, and Jesus as Dionysus. But most important again cheeky comment by translator returns me back to Bacchus Judaeus with his "Dionysos as Yahweh" implication.

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702cc1  No.154148

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The concept of free from nature or free to do as you please, Liberalism

>The ancient Roman author Hyginus identified Ariadne as the Roman Libera/Proserpina at approximately the same time as Libera was officially identified with Proserpina in 205 BC, these two names becoming synonymous for the same goddess. Hyginus equated Libera/Proserpina with Ariadne as bride to Liber whose Greek equivalent was Dionysus, the husband of Ariadne.

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628111  No.154160


>Its more like humans represented the Intelligents above them with stars and planets, but they are superior to those bodies.

The belief knowledge that Gods are somewhat related to stars is extremely old and is not just some arbitrary representation some humans came up with because they would have supposedly not been able to conceive of beings superior to points of light in the sky. Stars are much more than mere giant fusion furnaces.

>Plotinus did argue if planets have souls though

Bruno did too iirc, with more implications about the movement of bodies in the infinite universe.

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628111  No.154161



The entirety of the article is very valuable and makes the reading of Maryks' and MacDonald's books very tempting.

Please note a specific pattern:

>Jewish attempts to alter Christian thinking about Jews, from within Christianity, were already well-established by the date of Nadal’s intercession with the Inquisitor. An excellent example is the classic work of Alonso de Santa María de Cartagena (1384–1456) — Defensorium unitatis christianae [In Defense of Christian Unity] (1449–50). Alonso de Cartagena had been baptized (at the age of five or six) by his father Shlomo ha-Levi, later renamed Pablo de Santa María (c. 1351–1435), who— as chief rabbi of Burgos—converted to Christianity just before the anti-Jewish riots of 1391 and later was elected bishop of Cartagena (1402) and Burgos (1415). The fact that the wife of this Bishop of Burgos remained an unconverted Jewess does not appear to have impeded the latter’s career in the Church is interesting to say the least.

>Meanwhile his son, Cartagena, like many other conversos, studied civil and ecclesiastical law at Salamanca and went on to a highly influential career straddling royal, civic, and religious spheres. He served as apostolic nuncio and canon in Burgos. King Juan II appointed Cartagena as his official envoy to the Council of Basel (1434–9), where he contributed to the formulation of a decree on “the regenerative character of baptism without regard for lineage (4).” Like other examples of pro-converso propaganda, however, Cartagena’s arguments always went beyond mere appeals for ‘tolerance.’ According to Cartagena, “the faith appears to be more splendid in the Israelite flesh,” Jews naturally possess a “civic nobility,” and it was the duty of rough and uncouth native Spaniards to unite with the “tenderness of the Israelite meekness.” (14, 17)

>Conversos thus emerge in the works of the earliest crypto-Jewish activists as more special than ordinary Christians, as naturally deserving of an elite status, and, far from being the worthy objects of hostility, were in fact uniquely blameless, ‘tender,’ and ‘meek.’ One is struck by the regular use of similar arguments in our contemporary environment, a similarity that only increases when one considers Cartagena’s attribution of anti-Jewish hostility solely to “the malice of the envious.”_ (20)

This is an accusation most often thrown not by Jews but by uneducated gentiles who cannot begin to comprehend why they or their brethen could be entitled in wanting to chase Jews out or even hate them. To them, it would all boil down to how we envy the Jews, most likely their money and perceived power and influence, but could also extend to their cunning.

A claim that is nothing short of a projection, as if it needed to be told that Jews, beyond their real hatred of Whites, also envy us for our beauty and creativity.

A religion that is so closely tied to Jews is condemned to be exposed to their repeated attempts at infiltration. This establihes a strange pattern where Jews can seemingly adopt radically opposed beliefs, mostly political in fact, but in the end all are convinced of doing what is best to protect their kin. This is their way, their own form of Darwinism where they constantly create the conditions of a struggle for the best Jewish system ought to protect, on the long term, their ethnic interests, thus their monstrous race. They can be pro or anti Zionists, they can be in favor or against Communism, they can hate or infiltrate Christianity, in the end, this is all calculated on the basis of the eternal question: is it good for the Jews?

We should never forget this. Everything they do, conscious of it or not, is for the Jews and only them. As such, their capacity to infiltrate and corrupt about anything is truly impressive, and remains largely possible once they have gained a foothold in some place of influence and, from there, import other ideas, philosophies and creed—not to say steal them—only to twist them into new forms that fit Jewish interests. In a zero sum game, what is good for them must by nature be bad for the others.

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628111  No.154163

Although it might seem absurd from the stance of a group that survives mostly on being parasites to their hosts, this is how they purge their weakest elements and ideas only to favor the quintessential parasite, able to live for another day in another host.

We should never imagine that Israel could be a country like another. Without stealing land, without stealing money, weapons and other forms of technology, this country would simply not exist. This is where Zionism is a messianic actualization of a world wide project of domination, which must lead to the coming of the ultimate world parasite. Once there, said world will be slated for collapse and will never be able to recover. This is also why Jews must be destroyed and Israel not be allowed to remain.

>King Phillip II of Spain had by the 1570s taken to describing the Jesuits as a “Synagogue of Hebrews.” (133)

Has anyone seen a synogogue of anything else but Hebrews?

>The method of leadership employed by this crypto-Jewish elite was further described by Palmio as despotic. The crypto-Jewish elite in Rome was behaving “not as fathers but as masters (135).” Reflecting age-old Jewish ethnic networking, there were gross ethnic disparities in promotions to high office, with Palmio stressing that “the neophytes want to dominate everywhere and this is why the Society is agitated by the tempest of discords and acrimonies (138).” Conversos were “overly ambitious, insolent, Janus-faced, pretentious, despotic, astute, terrible, greedy for power, and infamous.” (142) Lorenzo Maggio, an Italian Jesuit curia in Rome, complained that “those from the circumcision subverted the entire house of the Society.” (117)

Now this reveals something. Janus was a very respected God in Rome and central to many deeper spiritual currents. The two faces were not of duplicity at all. Whereas the two keys were kept as a symbol of spiritual authority by the Church, the old God had to be discarded and the target of Christian scorn. A pity.

>In order to combat crypto-Jewish nepotism and extensive ethnic networking, native European Jesuits developed very interesting counter-strategies that in many respects mirrored their Jewish counterparts. Again, the patterns seen here should be regarded as broadly supportive of Kevin MacDonald’s analysis of the reactive nature of anti-Semitism in Separation and Its Discontents, where one of the key chapters concerns National Socialism as a mirror image strategy. What non-Jewish Jesuits essentially did in the early stages of the revolt from below, was, like their crypto-Jewish opponents, to establish their own secretive networks based on racial exclusion, and the selection of their own preferred candidates based on ethnic preference.

Let's do that again!

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628111  No.154164

>Defeated and marginalized, the crypto-Jewish elite turned to issuing a long series of memorials that in many respects resemble prototypes of modern Jewish apologetics/propaganda of the kind issued by the ADL. For example, in a previous essay I noted the importance of the modern tactic of rhetorically displacing ‘foreignness’ away from Jews and onto the hostile movement itself

Luckily, this is nigh possible with an international pro-White movement that explicitly purports to automatically stand and apply wherever Whites, their cultures and civilizations are found.

>Kevin MacDonald writes that “Jewish organizations in Germany in the period 1870–1914 argued that anti-Semitism was a threat to all of Germany because it was fundamentally ‘un-German.’’”[1] In nineteenth-century Germany, anti-Semitism was often described by Jews as a French import. Conversely, Paula Hyman writes that, faced with a rise in anti-Jewish feeling in nineteenth-century France, Jews spread the message that anti-Semitism was “un-French” and a “German import.”[2] Thorsten Wagner reports that it was a common refrain among Jews in Denmark that anti-Semitism there was “a German import — without autochthonous roots and traditions.”

This is a most interesting point. I think at that time, anti-semitism was even stronger in France than in Germany. Unfortunately, it failed to establish itself securely and Jews kept control over the country. Meanwhile, this real resistance grew on the other side of the Rhine, in a people who had lost far more than any other nation in Europe.

>Crypto-Jewish Jesuit responses to the European counter-strategy are strikingly similar to these modern instances in that they also heavily relied on attempts to displace the sense of foreign threat away from themselves and onto the movement hostile to their interests. For example, the most ferocious and prolific written responses to the ousting of the conversos were penned by the converso and high-ranking Italian diplomat Antonio Possevino, who had been removed from office by Mercurian and sent to remote Sweden. Isolated and powerless in the cold north, Possevino declared that it was figures like Benedetto Palmio who were truly ‘un-Christian’ and in fact little more than “pagans (164–5).”

A claim that could work since Christianity is only a faith and anybody can convert in theory, from kikes to niggers. It was, indeed, very un-Christian to reject the conversos on the basis of their ethnicity and not their lack of honest Christian faith.

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628111  No.154165


A main issue with Neoplatonism and Plotinus in particular was the idea that the further one gets from the Source, the more imperfect one grows, opening the door to many new forms of hatred for the world and the universe. How many religions do you find today that are this thinly veiled distrust or plain hatred of Creation? Many!

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628111  No.154166

Robert Bellarmine was an Italian Jesuit, thus a member of the Society of Jesus which around this time was trying to expel Jews (spanish neo-Christians, conversos) from their ranks.

It could be that the Church's extremism was the result of an attempt from central elements of its many components to resist against attacks perhaps originating from the push from Jews to defend their positions within said Church. Being zealous in the defense of Catholic principles was a way to prove to the Pope the purity of one's application, with each other trying to prove they were more Christian than their neighbors. This internal turmoil might have put the Church on a precarious position and pushed it to become even less tolerant of any dissenting opinions on theological grounds. This panic and viciousness might have been a sign of the realization of its own frailty.

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d507a2  No.154170

File: caa9e980389ed68⋯.png (54.2 KB, 460x601, 460:601, Bacchae.PNG)



According to Orpheus Dionysus is a "spirit of perfect kindness" (Hymn to Dionysos) but also "warlike" and "delight in bloody swords" (Hymn to Dionysos Bassareus). Which is actual representation of two-natured God. Because same God that bestows Love and freedom also bestows war (from where biblical "I have not come to bring peace, but a sword." takes roots). Which is of course with conjunction of Apollo's bow and lyre demonstrates Heraclitian unity of the opposites, as well as a reminder that Apollo and Dionysus are two sides of the same Sun. Loveliness but also Ruthless Will from Bacchae. I guess primordial nature of fire itself to a man could be comparison, it burns but gives warmth.

So its a question how one interpreters Liberal freedom. Because cowards are not free. Dionysian anarchy is not anarchy rejecting human nature, its an anarchy of the brave, which is same as warrior hall of Odin. Its the reason why Dionysus worshipers equated Alexander to themselves, especially with his mother being in their cult. Even usage of maenads as warriors in Dionysian epic is part of same as Odin's valkyries in edda, both employed women in war, as in even reversing the female condition. Hence culture of drunkards in it too. Both hung on a tree, bearded Dionysus mask hung over the tree of the wine table, Odin's face carved into the tree instead, Yggdrasil which is celtic Crann Bethadh, another symbol of sacred geometries that has significance in indra's net more than its jewish cabbalist depictions.

And if Yahweh was indeed Bacchus Judaeus like Romans under Josephuse's convictions wished, they worshiped their God wrong, and Roman sympathy destroyed our affiliation and connection with Heavenly Order, description of which was well provided by philosophers of late antiquity. Divine natures of humans have their character derived from Gods they're born from, recognizable only as intellectual forms in this world, the differences require necessity of worship of different forms and so the saint cult emerged. Hebrews however in their majority tend to drift towards sethian values of anti-gods, being leaders in both atheism and judaic communism. Certainly not love for freedom with their own lies and censorship.

We don't even know how to worship Gods right, i think never did and our imitation of Holy is amusing, even if joyful to our superiors. We only drift to lower or higher genus in ourselves, according to active powers of Intelligences above. At least this digital age provides ability to retrace all lost knowledge and provides spiritual growth for individuals, but not for the masses. So Locke's liberalism and enlightenment did helped in freedom of speech from tight clutches of the church, but even that is going to be censored, since its common for the jews to reverse any values.

Because if one hates freedom, one loves slavery.

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702cc1  No.154208

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Now again this is were Sara as son of Inanna is the most sound lineage as she represented the paradox of the individual desiring more personal power within the objective singularity of the Pantheon, the Super Liberalist position only succeeds if you have the Divine qualities and backing to pull that off, which is why most should only follow the lead, as only a Supreme Individual can triumph through individualism, simply claiming to be God or Sargon of Akkad will not work, it might make you feel good though.

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b9e3c2  No.154244

File: c0966f62be22798⋯.jpg (2.78 MB, 1674x2051, 1674:2051, Fritz_Zuber_Buhler_Le_Locl….jpg)


The whole point of encouraging Liberty is so that all humans can practice and become capable of these higher qualities. Yes, of course they will fail. Not the point. Do you have any idea how many lives were lost in the shaping of European DNA? What if someone had come along that had saved them from their own progress/death/maturation? The point is that they will try until they succeed. This is their own birthright, it is literally the only function of Maya. To hold you until you can stand on your own.

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b6ff3b  No.154246

File: 22f232a8baac2cb⋯.jpg (350.49 KB, 750x1011, 250:337, Phanes.jpg)


>One can never be truly reached

>You have your answer right here.

This. This whole fiasco with "The One" can be explained as an error of human mind incapable of understanding complexities of order, especially the one believing in heliocentrism, and the fact that each soul individually indeed emanated from a "single" source, but as a group came from different sources, which creates illusion of one God since each soul ascents to their own. Even in indian thought such error was generated, but they have few good things here and there. Polytheism genuinely is the most logical of systems, even if can be viewed from different angles and matters of perspective.

"The One" does exist, its not wise to deny it, from the perspective of Something with some grand function to create through emanation of separated forms forming out of chaos, the first cause of all things by division of light with darkness in more complex forms. Intelligence travels like light from one source to another, sparkling new fire of souls both in another world and this world. Its actually a form of matter, not corporeal, that is when divided is given a unique form that generates "character" and "personality". That personality doesn't actually exist for "The One", because "The One" is so encompassing and perfect that any positive statement about it delimits its object, making it incomplete. And personality imposes limit to Absolute. Therefore Gods who have personalities within their own sphere of rulership have it out of being generated into a specific form, giving them movement and authority within Their character. I do not deny though that even The One could had emanated primordial "Personality" with power of authority and will in development of this order, but even that Personality, worthy of being called Zeus or Mother of Gods is below The One in amount of light encompassed.

Intellect itself consists of separated definable plurality of Forms and incompatible with unity with something absolutely perfect and all encompassing. Sum of all intelligences would be no distinctions or dualities, and that's not possible for intelligence that has personality (shape of character) to "enter" The One, even though every light emanated through it like a wildfire. Joining the One would mean to become blank and formless, and one's intellectual shape being spilled out into void of all. And even then "The One" would not accept anything because its already full in its "fullness" and inseparable to let anything in since everything is already in chaos but within borders of necessary darkness, and what's perfect cannot become more than it already is.

So what happens with humanity, especially blind to the works of the Gods, atheist by nature or daemonless, or with daemon but blind, is that human intellect wishes to grasp the essence of the divine nature, but instead of taking sweet time to not find "acceptable" routes in spiritual road, it proceeds by simplifying as much as possible, shuns compositions and multiplicities, and turns at the sky to say "its all one" because that's primordial function of lowly human intelligence in oversimplification of its own existence, just like heliocentric idea of cosmos. Everything is reduced by our imperfect mind into single proposition, for faster calculation, faster acceptance and easy ways out of any intelligent thought process that would require us to be divine in the first place to be inspired by something much higher. Minds eye cannot see everything as One, because it will inevitable attribute some kind of form or character to the One, which is a failure in understanding even the principle it wants to grasp. And that character would be an archetype of an actual Source of light among Many, from which soul has emanated and orbiting by mode of behavior, defined in recognition by its Daemon.

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b9e3c2  No.154254

File: ab16e8bc442428c⋯.jpg (23.98 KB, 720x240, 3:1, ship_in_mist.jpg)


> Joining the One would mean to become blank and formless, and one's intellectual shape being spilled out into void of all.

This is also why race mixing is an abomination and should be completely forbidden. Not all souls are from the same source, therefor race mixing causes a soul to become lost to its origin forever. This causes confusion and invites chaos because souls 'remember' different Gestalts and blood(soul) lines. There is no longer a cohesive unbroken chain to that souls origin but rather it is unchained to its origin and so lost in a endless void or mist. When people race mix, and if they do it enough, they spawn things that have no connection to their origin or spirit/soul. It might be one of the most spiteful and vindictive things you could do to your own offspring.

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702cc1  No.154272


Sure, but it would help if they understood what they were supposed to be aligning with, rather than running after charlatans and false promises that rather than liberating serve to enslave, were the passion of youth is burnt out advancing a Jewish agenda that suggests it can indulge every personal desire but you just end up with Disneyland and Clown World

Obviously liberals and humanists are total retards and an actual God is required and not just a story about one either, with the specific function of liberating us from that very same crap, and it's not even like you don't have one, so it's just a case of getting re-acquainted

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b9e3c2  No.154283

File: 29f5601579ae1ee⋯.jpg (498.94 KB, 1262x704, 631:352, the_stars_my_destination_t….jpg)

File: 4fb0662d9a5e8a6⋯.jpg (1.37 MB, 2000x1125, 16:9, space_battle.jpg)

File: 3d4a3b9a1e72087⋯.jpg (3.31 MB, 6009x4194, 2003:1398, Henri_F_lix_Emmanuel_Phili….jpg)


>it's just a case of getting re-acquainted

Re-aquatint me baby! lol

JK…no look running after charlatans is fine; they are going to die in that race; lots of them; millions or even billions, for hundreds or even hundreds of thousands of years (obviously we could cut this short with good foundations; something we don't currently have).

Do you remember the Red Queen thread from /pol/? That defined a little bit of the purpose of biology in this place.

Ok so, anon…I haven't live a totally saintly life…I am not some 'wallflower'; I loved the visceral, the seductive, the alluring, the shine, the tragic, the horror; I am often secret, jealous, vindictive and violent. The spectacular gritty display of sensation, pleasure, drama, the sublime were all a playground for me in this life. But none of these were a path to wisdom, and I took damage, major damage to win my own war(jihad). But this was my RIGHT, indeed, the birthright of all humanity, to wade in the blood of the slain, even if it is your own blood. This is not a 'pretty place'; it is excrement, terror, suffering and pity, lust, heroic struggle, and vice. We did all this because we enjoyed it as well as we enjoyed the freedom of Maya. All these are your tools or even weapons; we are building something that is more than a human.

I will be honest with you…I am going to be pretty fucking pleased with myself if I only learn to be 'human' before I am dead; >>148889 is what I still stand by; lofty values are not mine or inherited as a part of my being; I EARNED THOSE (whatever small amount I possess), though I might come by them through experience and know them by wisdom.

All other things that are added unto me are a bonus; resembling some rarefied treasure beyond the value of gold or any precious substance.

The whole experience was a war of refinement for myself to know self {pat my own back}.

Take a position, defend it, live by it and die by it…this was not some sort of curse to exercise those muscles until I learned to walk and talk. It would only be a chore to something that was eternal and had come here by mistake (of its own volition) with nothing to learn it found itself trapped unable to learn or grow or metamorphose into something better. This is not 'my problem' and not a 'human problem'…we are well adapted to our own environment.

However…when you lose your connection to your origin through race or species (say, like the sons of Adam did) mixing with 'native' (this is a joke since none of us are 'from here'), well, you are royally fucked. You have no 'linkage' to your ancestors to draw from and nothing to gain by being here and you wander eternally in those same mists raging against a system that you do not benefit from, are not connected to nor perceive with any clarity.

Again, I don't mean to harp on this, but this is why understanding purpose is so important; it nullifies the drama so that you gain understanding that is beyond human.

"Study your maths, kids…key to the universe." :^)

The stars are my destination…I haven't arrived yet tho…in fact they are the destiny of all of us who still hold that connection to them through the bloodlines.

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1adbcd  No.154342

File: 4f79d668a499582⋯.jpg (86.27 KB, 640x407, 640:407, Styx.jpg)


>But fine, give me a list of 'improper judgement' that I have rendered so that I can learn.

I've been doing it for quite a while. You didn't take the notes it seems.

>God I want to talk to you about all of this but I don't want to take up the entire thread with things others cannot learn from

Well, I have provided you with the means to do so, yet you ceased because of impatience and greed. Not of materialistic kind.

>take a guess at which ones you are referencing

Tablets of Thoth, Tablets of Moses, Tablets of John Smith … plenty of examples. Yet no one has actually seen the originals.

>since they are constructed in a higher dimension linguistic structure

You know, a rare genetic mutation (or the right tools) allowing someone to see a bit more of the color spectrum and some "invisible" paint could do miracles. Not to mention 'holograms' and such. Light can play all sorts of tricks on us, even more so when you consider everything to be a form of "light" (vibration). I'm not saying it was the case, I'm just giving you simple and already practical ideas some glowniggers would appreciate those to extrapolate into much more advanced theoretical settings. Photonic light has no mass, which allows it to bypass certain limiters (mass) without making everything fall apart. There are other types too. Our brains are radiosensitive meaning that hypothetically, one could 'see' things even without the input from the optical apparatus (eyes), as long as the brain area/center responsible for it is functioning and as long as the proper signal is properly 'beamed'. Which can be done at astronomical distances, instantaneously. From 'beyond' too, but that requires 'godlike' technology and knowledge. But at the most ultimate level, it all comes down to the idea of different types of people 'seeing' different types of information that I have explained previously ITT. For some people, decoding is not done locally, at least not entirely. Some types of information and levels of existence however, are forever beyond reach of 'sons of clay', no matter how much spiritual communists delude themselves that they can somehow abridge the gap by utilizing Judeo-Masonic tools, which will only make everything 'terminate into one' . White light is their absolute limiter, their terminus horizon. But the ultimate reality goes beyond that. Now, we can all interact due to containing the same framework as part of our essence (go back to my clumsy post about trees), but not all trees are equal. While we contain their framework, they do not contain ours. Many don't even exist on any level except physical and will completely cease to exist once they die (if we don't count them eternally recurring as random 'material phantoms') Did you think that racism applies only to the flesh? No, it goes far beyond that. And you can't be a racist physically without being the same metaphysically. This is why any idea that we are different, but ultimately the same is subversive kikery meant to turn people into physical egalitarians by turning them into the metaphysical egalitarians (either anarchistic or tiered/hierarchic egalitarians) first. As above, so below etc. A lot of them don't even do it out of some ulterior motives, it actually is the ultimate truth for them. But don't let them drag you down into their Hades.

>That is discouraging

It has nothing to do with you I'm afraid.

>I was hoping that you might someday come to feel comfortable enough to be genuine with me as well

I was not? Being genuine with people in the world of lies and deceit seems to have rather interesting effects, they begin to see you as least genuine and trustworthy. This is how lord of truth becomes the lord of lies… (Satan)

>the frustration of dealing with me

I didn't find it particularly frustrating. I'd say it was a positive experience overall.

>all the love I have to offer

You are actually capable of that kek? Sounds scary. But I'd certainly give you an opportunity to try, at least once the cockroaches are no longer in power. Of both genders. Do cockroaches even have genders? You seem a bit crazy but I think you can actually affect reality to a certain extent That would make me even crazier I guess

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1adbcd  No.154347


>Tell me what you know of Jachin/Memory ∞

A subject warranting it's own thread.

>I have this crazy theory that German women were put here to help repair 'Memory'

I am not certain why or how, but I could only agree with you. I mean, Slavic nations have more beautiful women, others are hotter or smarter (not many though), but I could only pick up that resonance from Germanic women (with rare exceptions), and then again, only specific subtypes. Not nearly as much from Scandinavian for example. Probably the descendants of Goths or Swabians, maybe Celtic-Germanic. Which is strange since I don't think I have considerable Germanic ancestry, even if I do it's a negligible percent. Maybe their nature is more masculine without being less feminine, allowing them to actually understand men and be capable of mutual sympathy? Maybe they are closer to the archetypal women before they got nerfed/degenerated, or simply remind me of my anima/waifu.

>It is good that you have a 'team' at the office to rely on, anon.

Not that kind of office. You are my favorite CIAnigger though :3

By the way, this board definitely needs to have higher word limit, I hate to take up post count by having to separate my post in two because of "the body is too long" errors. Longpost is long. My autism demands it.

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b9e3c2  No.154370

File: b22200a81f93319⋯.jpg (105.99 KB, 800x1200, 2:3, Agrippina_Major_portrait_I….jpg)


>You seem a bit crazy but I think you can actually affect reality to a certain extent

I could change most of the current system. This is why they locked me into this tiny box so that I can't speak to many people anymore. I was doing that (making the world into my own image) before they stopped me.

If I feel trapped I feign crazy to get free because I can't stand having limited movement…surprising how well that works most of the time. Also, this doesn't mean I am not crazy…It just means that I understand the utility of taking advantage of that as a methodology to gain higher levels of freedom.

>A subject warranting it's own thread.

Come on…no one is going to make another thread. Booo anon. That might even be topical and people could contribute.

>You are my favorite CIAnigger though :3

Awwww anon…that is so special. They would never hire me because I like freedom, I can't take direction, I don't need money and I suck at genuflecting. Would be great to get paid for this (?whatever that means?) though.

>This is how lord of truth becomes the lord of lies… (Satan)

Errr…Satan? Is that like a proper job title? Sir Satan? Count Satan? Mr Satan? Or something else?

Obviously I'm not CIA or I would know the proper title already.

>Probably the descendants of Goths or Swabians, maybe Celtic-Germanic.

My current pet theory is that we are the descendants of the Germanicus Emperors from their time occupying/conquering 1BC the Westphalia region before the Roman Republic fell to the jews, the Germanicus Emperors of Rome all made their home and estates in Westphalia and that greater region. Which most likely means that we are some sort of Etruscans with residual supper powers. lol (sharks with frigging laser on their heads)

>Tacitus presents Agrippina as being kindred to aristocratic males, and has her reversing gender roles, which showcases her assumption of male auctoritas ("authority") with metaphors of her dressing and undressing. In an example of Agrippina assuming auctoritas, he says:

>But throughout those days, a femina, mighty of spirit, donned the apparel of a dux, and she distributed clothing or bandages to the soldiers, whoever might be needy or suffering. Gaius Plinius, the chronicler of the German wars, relates that she stood at the head of the bridge, offering congratulatory praises to the legions as they returned.

>—Tacitus, 1.69.1

>Using the above epithet, "(femina) ingens animi" ("..[a woman], great for her courage"), he assigns a haughty attitude to Agrippina (Germanicus) that compels her to explore the affairs of men. He records her as having reversed the natural order of things when she quelled the mutiny of the Rhine in AD 14. In so doing, he describes her as having usurped her husband's power, a power rightfully belonging only to a general.

Yeppers…Germans are a weird breed.

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702cc1  No.154412

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Always a romantic struggle or Mein Kampf for everyone and some more than others, a basic fact of life, it's contextualizing that struggle were balance is found, were the Romantic approach is the final piece of the puzzle in the Classical paradigm, fail to understand the system and the struggle fails.

I'm familiar with Red Queen notions, not necessarily that particular thread, the Queen of my Heart and woe is me, i also think you have the human angle pretty much sorted.

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db3571  No.154423

File: da86c617cd6d58f⋯.jpg (1.57 MB, 1712x2221, 1712:2221, God_of_Borders.jpg)

File: 72c1ef81e195a89⋯.pdf (2.37 MB, Galerius_and_the_Will_of_D….pdf)


Before this thread goes down, i compiled one last redpill on Roman Empire. It fascinates me that after Diocletian received word from Oracle of Apollo at Didyma, he proclaimed Edict on Persecution during feast of Terminalia, celebration of empire boundaries. Once Jupiter Terminus was replaced by this new cult, Rome fell. You can make your own conclusions.

Sacred Space book i uploaded here: >>147946

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0e39a8  No.154473

File: 5dd71b7e83f3eb3⋯.jpg (2.41 MB, 1438x1421, 1438:1421, Orphic_Egyptian_Christian.jpg)


I've been making connections between Christian tradition, Orphic tradition and Egyptian tradition. Essentially our most popular God, should we call Him Jesus, Dionysus or Osiris born three times.

Three Hipostasis of primal cause:

1. Indivisible one "first product", "The One" - Ikton, within him resides the primal intelligising element

2. Leader of celestial Gods -> Kmeph, Intellect thinking Himself, celestial seprent, chaos undeciphered.

3. Demiurgic Intellect, master of truth and wisdom, who brings light of the hidden reason-principles (maker of order).

Just like in Proclus tripartite system within tripartite system of Intelligences, that Demiurgic Intellect Himself has three hipostasis:

Amoun - demiurgic intellect, truth and the light, also known as Zeus, "soul of the Kematef snake"

Ptah/Hephaistos - bringer to perfection of each thing in accordance with truth in sphere of primal generation of the cosmos. And apparently his roman equivalent is Vulcan.

Osiris - "producer of goods"; goods here mean Logos by my speculation. As well as developed souls, who are both molded by Ptah, and married to Osiris.


>Uni/Maia (Maya/illusion) was married to Vulcan along with Venus in Roman mythology.

If according to another anon Venus is identified with Osiris, then marriage of Venus and Vulcan is unity of Ptah and Osiris within Demiurgic Intellect (Jesus and Holy Spirit). Maya being married to Vulcan too would correlate with omnipresence of Ptah in material world. Smithing/Architectural notion for Ptah implies works of that Spirit within people, who are associates of metallurgic matter (hesiodic races) in the division of their race and offspring. Eventuality is that "produced goods" are married to Venus through works of Ptah. Dionysian "Spirit of Guiding Fire" also could be associated with Vulcan.

And then in Egyptian tradition eventually Hipostasis/Aspects of original light of the God get divided even further to govern heavenly order each according to their guiding sphere of work. Four masculine entities, and four feminine (already not androgynous like main Demiurgic Intelligence) assigned to the Sun, another authority to the Moon (Thoth), Gods of Zodiac, thirty-six decans as well as seventy-two divinities presiding over weeks, corresponding to the celestial demiurge in Iamblichus system. And even those Gods emanate daemons of different class.

Christianity only saved some of this knowledge thanks to Orpheic-like early "church fathers", its jewish poison that makes it less believable, produces atheists, lacks full explanation, and fails to support people who partake in higher knowledge. Popular religion is a thing for specific time and place, subject to constant change. True Logos is hidden in riddles of phenomenological similarities and love for knowledge.

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702cc1  No.154488

File: e2b58dd4dade724⋯.jpg (18.43 KB, 650x434, 325:217, 05metropolis_CA0_popup.jpg)


That's like Pan supposedly announcing something along the lines of "it's over guys".


So that would correspond with the Egyptian three aspects of the soul, Ka, ba and Akh, in the case of Dithyrambos Ka-bah the cube

In terms of the craft/metallurgy God of the Qenites most likely Aplu, a suggested basis for Apollo, En-uru-gal/Nergal, Lord of the great city, who in terms of mining made himself Lord of the underworld and consort of the inner Earth Goddess

Also related to industrial waste, toxicity, death in general, as a result of dangerous process and forging of weapons


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e0c21a  No.154628


Such offspring would end up being superior to humans (whites), while kikes are subhuman, they look like a failed experiment of genetically cross-breeding rats with people. They are vat babies, but of a practical prank pulled by a very sadistic 'god' variety. An entirely artificial life, golems. A lot of contemporary biblical memes don't make any sense when you actually think about them. As hard as it may be to get rid of early childhood brain-polluting.

>They are not 'wrestling' all night long anon

Perversion is in the eye of beholder. Angels are asexual. Women are the root of degeneracy since the only utility of sex is physical reproduction.


>Dionysus was actually pretending to be priest of Himself to Pentheus

So basically, self-deification. No gods, no masters etc. I doubt he managed it in the end though, he just enjoyed earthly decadence and probably got a fellowship of like-minded degenerates, failing to achieve actual godhood just like Jesus the necromancer. Both ended up highly popular with NPC's because they appealed to their animalistic sensibilities.

>More like spiritual anarchy

It becomes spiritual communism once people adhering to that concept begin to understand what a real anarchy would actually mean for them. Protip: It wouldn't be nice. Besides, this type of freedom leads to disintegration as well, just on the other end of the axis. I see Dionysis and Brahman/Saturn (Would Zeus be the Greek equivalent?) as two sides of the same coin, two false deities representing a false dichotomy, where people bounce from one to another repeatedly without ever becoming any wiser and losing their souls in the process. Only Apollonian archetype offers an actual solution to this condition.

>Greeks practiced this way an idea of unity with Gods with ritual symbolizing it. Indians just identified Self with them to achieve unity.

The latter being a far more advanced form of that practice. It also has less chance of people actually eating flesh of others, so there is a safety feature too.


>especially with Bacchus Judaeus stuff

So basically, kikes did not create globohomo, they were subverted by it and weaponized by it?


>thinks girls don't do it

Girls pretend to do it so they see themselves in such roles, they seek recognition and vanity, not wisdom. With rare exceptions like Hypatia


>male philosophy as well as male religion profits humanity nothing for all the thousands of years

<being this deluded

This is female gratitude for not living in caves like grugettes. What a vile creatures.


>Its just its a common rule that a man loves his body less than a women, therefore less tied to the world by a small margin

Wise words. But it has more to do with masculine energy being more Apollonian and feminine being more Dionysian

>there's absolutely nothing wrong in being a "member of lower genius".

They should be put to their place though, and their liberty should be distributed accordingly.

>Yet even those people are "better" in both their fates and souls than daemonless human filler.

Those are overlapping for the great part, but those who are not, they are better indeed.

>That's what jews are, even if their souls are actually recycled by being tied to this world like addicted to it.

They are as blank state as it gets, with rare exceptions. Even those who weren't originally, become soulless golems by continuously incarnating as Jews. You are also implying that they can be emancipated, which is the same enlightenment era retardation that has failed every single time, showing how much of subversive garbage the whole philosophy and "values" are.

>everyone participates in a divine light as much as they are allotted

This is probably the most subversive, spiritual communist idea ever devised. It's not divine if everyone participates in it, those things cancel each other out. The whole point of the idea of divinity was that it was something fundamentally different from the mundane world and only accessible to some. By thinking that everything is divine (even if "obscured"), you erase any divinity. Just like the idea of universal love leads to a completely vile and loveless society, or that the idea of universal liberty leads to everyone thinking and behaving the same and utilizing the most oppressive apparatus in history for enforcing it. Egalitarian mental garbage whose true purpose is to profane everything and metaphysically disintegrate the few genuine souls in this cesspit and enslave everyone to those who exempt themselves from such philosophies because they know that they are false, the Jews.

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6db4e9  No.154633


What a degenerate faggot.

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020cdf  No.154672

File: fdc0761f4437c1f⋯.jpg (163.58 KB, 600x467, 600:467, this_is_happening_right_no….jpg)


>I see Dionysis and Brahman/Saturn (Would Zeus be the Greek equivalent?)

Out of everything you wrote, you got this one so wrong.

Saturn is Chronos, devourer of his children. Usually associated with Time itself.

Venus is symbolic to Osiris, Jesus, obviously Dionysus by associating: >>154139

Set is Mercury: >>150002

The very reason why jewish religion and our pantheon joined in one key figure so well is because they are both hiding message of Osiris, while jews themselves betray Osiris and worship Set metaphysically. Its all looping back to Egyptian mysteries. Prophet Isaiah when negatively spoke about "morning star", was projecting Sethian values. We've all been worshiping satan of the jews for quite a while. While real "satan" is associated with this world's material order. Basically Osiris as Horus and Set are enemies of each other, so they are satans for one another. Conflict between jews and aryans, meanwhile Osiris still cares about the jews, while mostly protecting us aryans. And from time to time gets back here. In indian culture what is known as Set would be Ashura, where their Osiris/Horus is Krishna/Vishnu.

We orbit various Gods, but those two (Set and Osiris) are main players, leaders of opposite orders. And anything Sethian does not respect the Triadic nature of Divine Order.

And always remember that Orphic reformation of Bacchic cult is part of the process of completing it with Egyptian custom to associate Dionysus with Osiris. Which was done by greeks themselves as part of disposing of bacchanalian lower genus, that isn't same order as right worship of Dionysus-Protogonos-Phanes, which in this post >>154473 i pointed out as Osiris-Ptah(Vulcan)-Amoun, Son-Spirit-Father. Which is the second to top triad of Demiurgic Intellect. Not everyone orbits Demiurgic Intellect Himself though, but its a great blessing to.

This thread almost reached bumplimit and there are some good conclusions going on, hope people aren't going to ignore it and archive for themselves.

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63c77f  No.154694

File: 11211e46b05d869⋯.png (82.94 KB, 813x745, 813:745, Isaiah.PNG)

File: 7042a39ab718c36⋯.png (8.75 KB, 769x91, 769:91, Highway_out_of_Egypt_to_As….PNG)

File: 956bb942d5a3a06⋯.png (62.84 KB, 763x569, 763:569, Prepare_slaughter.PNG)


Last thing i want to remind this thread is to re-read words of prophet Isaiah in light of Seth worship of the jews. Those people wanted to conquer Egypt at some point, install altars to Yahweh (who is Set-Baal >>137190 ). And the land of Judah be a "terror unto Egypt" and make Egypt speak the language of Canaan. Connect whole territory from Egypt to Assyria onto one kingdom of Israel. That whole chapter 19 of Isaiah book a prophecy of declaring their future dominance.

Reminder its the same person who installed "morning star" as being satan (14:12-14). Obviously that passage was generated against Inanna, Babylonian tie to Venus. Then what that chapter is about, if not written in the same vein as Egyptian passage of Jewish desire for conquest? Its all the same, Seth hates everything, renders everything into slavery, and puts only himself on pedestal.

They wanted to posses both Assyria and Egypt, slay Babylon and make Israel greatest kingdom in Mesopotamia. And they are still doing it with local wars in that region we're currently going through because this hebrew generation still orbits their god.

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c8f8b4  No.154697


Well, Zeus is supposed to be current ruler, I considered it in the sense that the occupant changes but the throne remains the same. People always get disappointed with political changes once they realize that the new rulers are not much different from the old rulers. This archetypal pattern has even turned the greatest supporters of "enlightenment" and personal liberties into the most oppressive, nepotistic tyrants, becoming the very same monsters that they used to fight previously. It's difficult to find the equivalent in the Greek Pantheon, and Titans are supposedly restrained from having too much effect. Creation eats its own children and devours itself, ultimately. I don't think any man in time ruling it could escape that fate either. Only those who are capable of kicking the pendulum backwards, but those would practically be gods as you would literally need to tap into certain sources to overcome the generative force itself. Classic deities change nature when observed from different perspectives/scales of judgement so to speak.

Yes, the connections which you made somewhat make sense from the common perspective, but once you begin observing those from the spheres of higher intellect (that were not accessible to the great majority of contemporaries of those religious myths), it begins looking differently. When it comes to Osiris, it was probably a trajectory of his descent/ascent, beast-people only being capable of appreciating his most 'dirtied' and 'darkened' aspect when submerged into the gross matter because that's the only part that their souls could identify and resonate with, lacking all the other states. Meanwhile, those of higher nature recognized its higher aspects, leading them to devise much 'cleaner' forms of its appreciation, eventually ascending from gross matter altogether. Basically, this cult got reformed according to natures of people following it, there always being few actually divine inspired individuals whom almost no one understood (Orpheus), and a bunch of NPC's who tried to reproduce it in their decadent ways, making it lose its meaning.

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63c77f  No.154707

File: 213e422e8f90a07⋯.jpg (38.08 KB, 320x240, 4:3, Venus_Crucified.jpg)


>That makes a direct connection between Enki and the King, as it is his son Asar, Dumu-zi-ab-zu, child of the deep wisdom, but this association of Dumuzid with the Lion is in terms of defeating it to establish dominance, including any Lion of Judah.

Mercury according to this >>150002 is Sethian (now i understand why Hermes is associated with shepherds, thieves and merchants, not to be confused with Hermes Trismegistus of Hermetic tradition, because Thoth is representing the Moon).

Dumuzi/Tammuz, a son of Enki/Ea and a personification of the planet Mercury, and associated with shepherds.

Dumuzid was also known as Adonis. And is derived from the Canaanite word ʼadōn, meaning "lord".

In Egyptian legend Osiris is Set's brother, in babylonian Adonis/Dumuzid is a consort of Inanna/Aphrodite

Apparently he's also Baal (which also means "owner", "lord"), according to Walter Burkert:

>Women sit by the gate weeping for Tammuz, or they offer incense to Baal on roof-tops and plant pleasant plants. These are the very features of the Adonis legend: which is celebrated on flat roof-tops on which sherds sown with quickly germinating green salading are placed, Adonis gardens… the climax is loud lamentation for the dead god.

And also on Adonai:

>Jews also call God Adonai, Hebrew for "Lord" (Hebrew: אֲדֹנָי‎). Formally, this is plural ("my Lords"), but the plural is usually construed as a respectful, and not a syntactic plural. (The singular form is Adoni, "my lord". This was used by the Phoenicians for the god Tammuz and is the origin of the Greek name Adonis. Jews only use the singular to refer to a distinguished person: in the plural, "rabotai", literally, "my masters", is used in both Mishnaic and modern Hebrew.)

>Since pronouncing YHWH is avoided out of reverence for the holiness of the name, Jews use Adonai instead in prayers, and colloquially would use Hashem ("the Name"). When the Masoretes added vowel pointings to the text of the Hebrew Bible around the eighth century CE, they gave the word YHWH the vowels of Adonai, to remind the reader to say Adonai instead. It is thought by some that later Biblical scholars mistook this vowel substitution for the actual spelling of YHWH and interpreted the name of God as "Jehovah".

Dumuzid has a big part in "Inanna's Descent into the Underworld":

>Dumuzid fails to mourn Inanna's death and, when she returns from the Underworld, she allows the galla demons to drag him down to the Underworld as her replacement.

By the way, its a good read, has "three days and three nights" moment between death and resurrection of Inanna. And Dumuzid plays role of Judah of sorts. So if you think about it Mercury and Venus are at conflict in both Babylonian and Egyptian traditions, its just in Egyptian one conflict is a brutal dismemberment, in Babylonian a treachery, in Christianity both.

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702cc1  No.154721

File: ce38c916d2ef7a1⋯.jpg (168.09 KB, 1285x232, 1285:232, Untitled.jpg)


rEgyptologists are very lazy, Sbg as Mercury is a Ptolemaic rendering of sbq(w), which is an alternate of Sbk, Sobek, they know that Sobek was Mercury as Morning star but can't figure out who sbg was…


Sobek was associated with Kingship, the crocodile oil and the Messiah, his evening star aspect was considered malevolent and could be associated with Seth, but Seth=Mercury is too simplistic.

>Mercury was attributed a distinctly malevolent character as an evening star and associated with Seth, the malicious son of Ra, who personified evil, darkness, thunder, storm and all things inexplicable. According to Neugebauer and Parker's study of astronomical references and drawings, the Egyptian name for Mercury in this form is Sbg, 'unknown', with references to the planet frequently accompanied by the name of Seth or a representation of him with a beak shaped nose and long ears. Some texts read "Seth in the evening twilight, a god in the morning twilight" and as a morning star its nature was much more beneficial, offering a closer resemblance to the characteristics we associate with Mercury today. In this form he was known as Sebek, 'the excellent one', depicted by a human headed figure and symbolised by a scroll.


The association of Seth with the evil aspect of the crocodile God, that could be known as MAGA, was in terms of lies and deception, Mercurial dis-information and plenty of it, Sobek as Mercury Morning star was associated with Horus.

A Sethian Messiah is therefore always going to be an evil crocodile, hope this helps.


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b6ff3b  No.154752

File: 4086131a62b286a⋯.jpg (60.61 KB, 610x467, 610:467, Seth_feeding_crocodiles_wi….jpg)


>evil aspect of the crocodile God

Yeah, there was something like that:

>Set takes the form of a wild animal, such as a crocodile or bull, to slay Osiris

Now that i think of it, story of Cain and Abel may have had some connections to story of Seth and Osiris, as well as Romulus and Remus.

>Sethian Messiah

Jews wanted a warlord, who will commit genocide against their enemies like they did before in old testament. Dead Sea scrolls point on it as well.

Damascus Document:

>"Strike the shepherd and the sheep will be scattered;but I will turn my hand upon the little ones" (Zechariah 13:7].

>Now those who hear him are the flock's afflicted, these will escape in the period of [God's] visitation. But those who remain will be offered up to the sword, when the Messiah of Aaron and Israel comes, as it was in the period of the first visitation, as he reported by the hand of Ezekiel:

>"A mark shall be put on the forehead of those who sigh and groan" (Ezek 9:4).

>But those who remained were given up to the sword of vengeance, the avenger of the Covenant.

Targum (Aramaic versions of the Old Testament):

>How lovely is the king Messiah, who is to rise from the house of Judah.

>He girds his loins and goes out to wage war on those who hate him, killing kings and rulers . . .

>and reddening the mountains with the blood of their slain.

>With his garments dipped in blood, he is like one who treads grapes in the wine press.

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4175e0  No.154771

File: c69a33d01af7de7⋯.jpg (986.58 KB, 1800x1800, 1:1, the_12_nations_of_Europe.jpg)

File: 14203abd34a9ef0⋯.jpg (128.81 KB, 541x741, 541:741, jewish_pedophiles_rape_and….jpg)

File: 5c929b08b8c2d3e⋯.jpg (45.93 KB, 504x534, 84:89, girl_beaten_with_iron_chai….jpg)

File: e1b1fcdb63cc707⋯.jpeg (21.48 KB, 298x366, 149:183, ar_bombvic_dresden.jpeg)


>Jews wanted a warlord, who will commit genocide against their enemies like they did before in old testament. Dead Sea scrolls point on it as well.

'The jews' have already had their 'messiah' Messiah ben Judah

The current state of the planet is the result of that; they 'have become their own messiah' as they continuously brag about this fact.

Edom/Adam (remember proto-Phoenician has no vowels so there is no 'correct rendering of Edom that does not also include Adam) is not Seth though…so this prophecy does not speak of them at all, nor is their any indication that this Messiah will find in their favor. I tend to think, since they sawed poor Isaiah in half as punishment that they knew really fucking well that it didn't apply to them due to their continuous and shitty behavior. It is Judah who supplicates before Joseph in Egypt…NOT the other way around.

Isaiah 63 (the conclusion)


>1 Who is this coming from Edom[Adam], from Bozrah with crimson-stained garments? Who is this robed in splendor, marching in the greatness of their strength?


“It is I who speak in righteousness, mighty to save.”


>2 Why are Your clothes red, and Your garments like one who treads the winepress?


>3 “I have trodden the winepress alone, and no one from the nations was with Me. I trampled them in My anger and trod them down in My fury; their blood spattered My garments, and all My clothes were stained

>4 For the day of vengeance was in My heart, and the year of My redemption had come.

>5 I looked, but there was no one to help; I was appalled that no one assisted. So My arm brought Me salvation, and My own wrath upheld Me

>6 I trampled nations in My anger; in My wrath I made them drunk and poured out their blood on the ground.”

The Lament of the Messiah for the House of Israel

>7 I will make known the LORD’s loving devotion and His praiseworthy acts, because of all the LORD has done for us— even the many good things He has done for the house of Israel (not Judah) according to His compassion and the abundance of His loving devotion.

>8 For He said, “They are surely My people, sons who will not be disloyal.” So He (the LORD not the Messiah) became their Savior.

>9 In all their distress, He too was afflicted, and the Angel of His Presence saved them. In His love and compassion He redeemed them; He lifted them up and carried them all the days of old.

>10 But they rebelled and grieved His Holy Spirit. So He turned and became their enemy, and He Himself fought against them

>11 Then His people remembered the days of old, the days of Moses. Where is He who brought them through the sea with the shepherds of His flock? Where is the One who set His Holy Spirit among them,

>12 who sent His glorious arm to lead them by the right hand of Moses, who divided the waters before them to gain for Himself everlasting renown,

>13 who led them through the depths like a horse in the wilderness, so that they did not stumble? >14 Like cattle going down to the valley, the Spirit of the LORD gave them rest. You led Your people this way to make for Yourself a glorious name.

>15 Look down from heaven and see, from Your holy and glorious habitation. Where are Your zeal and might? Your yearning and compassion for me are restrained.

Prayer for the redemption of Israel

>16 Yet You are our Father, though Abraham does not know us and Israel does not acknowledge us. You, O LORD, are our Father; our Redeemer from Everlasting is Your name.

>17 Why, O LORD, do You make us stray from Your ways and harden our hearts from fearing You? Return, for the sake of Your servants, the tribes of Your heritage.

>18 For a short while Your people possessed Your holy place, but our enemies have trampled Your sanctuary.

>19 We have become like those You never ruled, like those not called by Your name.

Hmmmm European ethnoglobe, time yet? lol…not that I expect shit from anyone anymore…because 'all the nations' can do whatever they like to us all over the planet and no one stops them; all nations have cooperated and preyed on the European people.

This too will pass.

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4caac9  No.154777

File: 9f60615080870fc⋯.png (964.29 KB, 980x1064, 35:38, Primeval_Duality.PNG)


>I didn't refine this idea much, but it might explain some relations and why NPC's might be trying to reach Vishnu/Apollo/Lucifer through Dionysus (Jesus, Shiva etc.) and where the statement "only through me there is salvation" is actually coming from, as well as the idea of eating the flesh of the gods

I actually found this dude called Robert Fludd (1574-1637), and he already chewed down Dionysus-Apollo primordial duality for Renaissance people. Its those moments in this research i like the most. Its sad though he's kinda bad in terms of using too much jewish terminology by being a cabbalist, while using Greek Gods as examples. Its an elder thought of Orphic/Heraclitean dual nature anyway.

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702cc1  No.154800

File: 3aaada94336a148⋯.jpg (51.27 KB, 529x765, 529:765, 1571169888799.jpg)


The Crocodile God is the Supreme Liberalist, he does what he wants because he can, the seizing and exercise of power

In terms of Mercury as an intermediary of the Sun, Sobek-Re, there is the generation of reality and the seizing and control of such towards evil in terms of Sethian Mercury, the filtration of information, interpretation of facts, control of the narrative, thus the beady eyed Sethian Sobek ever lurks beneath the surface looking to seize upon current events in order to reinforce their own power.

The Cain and Abel story was likely an adaptation of the Appu myth.


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74acde  No.154807

File: 7b6a7697d43a205⋯.jpeg (59.23 KB, 1300x919, 1300:919, BBC3F0E3_7219_4272_B82A_2….jpeg)


So Mercury is Satan (see alchemical symbols; horns) as well as being Moses (lawgiver) and biblical ‘Peter’ (aka “get thee behind me Satan”) from the New Testament? Also there is a sort of parallel commentary going on in /cvg/ that deals with crocodile Gods and their purpose as well. I guess that makes Jesus/Apollo the sun since Satan is allowed to do as he pleases unless the Sun draws his boundaries that he is not allowed to transgress. Test, yes, he is allowed to test, but ultimately things are not up to him since he is only a ‘messenger’. Venus is not Jesus (as all planets from the earth to the sun are female symbolically; with the exception of Mercury who is probably Baphomet or some sort of homosexual entity).

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3467d3  No.154819

File: cef589027ea959e⋯.jpg (140.4 KB, 600x900, 2:3, Venus.jpg)

File: 595901cdf746915⋯.png (493.72 KB, 867x728, 867:728, Three_days_and_three_night….PNG)

File: 5e0b807533f5a19⋯.jpg (653.06 KB, 1200x1766, 600:883, Salvator_Mundi.jpg)


>as all planets from the earth to the sun are female

God of Underworld and Heaven who spent three days and three nights in underworld might as well be asexual or androgynous entity. Osiris and Dionysus who got dismembered by their enemies were both considered androgynous as well. Also Ankh cross and Hermetic symbol of Venus are very similar.

>see alchemical symbols; horns

Horns sometimes mean double nature, duality, or in this case Hermetic resemblance with Thoth, Moon crescent above. What i am curious is why Hermetics assigned Mercury and Venus similar shape, if not because Osiris and Set were brothers.


"Impossible creature" of disorder just like Set is, if you think about it.

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702cc1  No.154827

File: 0fe47f00e12a199⋯.jpg (575 KB, 1600x1143, 1600:1143, 1600px_Magical_Stela_Cippu….jpg)

File: 9c7cd85eb340a8e⋯.jpg (299.87 KB, 783x1533, 261:511, nw53566af3.jpg)

File: 3d1a8ab381e5d42⋯.jpg (107.94 KB, 296x472, 37:59, se53566a5e.jpg)

File: d8707ebb0110969⋯.jpg (89.88 KB, 302x411, 302:411, wh53566a4e.jpg)

File: 38d4d1d2651eb3b⋯.jpg (144 KB, 750x1065, 50:71, XpugGhMA3ExtAb54zj6YmBSiEc….jpg)


The negative aspect of Mercury/Sobek was Sethian, and Satan is something of a composite of the negative aspects of Mercury and Saturn, in that he acts as prosecutor that looks to subvert the defence of the innocent, undermining credibility through selective interpretation of facts, the undermining of ethno-nationalist is Satanic for example.

Late Period Magical Cippus involving crocodile power/Hermetic magic however are considered to represent Horus as the master of such.

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4175e0  No.154840

File: e558483ae237296⋯.jpg (54.5 KB, 300x449, 300:449, Tarot_Thoth_Universe_Antah….jpg)

File: c8ace566a110842⋯.jpg (91.42 KB, 685x672, 685:672, XXI_the_world_tarot_sb_not….jpg)

File: 318b5880444a8b7⋯.jpg (47.59 KB, 552x747, 184:249, jesus_with_cosmos_crossing.jpg)

File: 19f07a60785d7b5⋯.jpg (73.81 KB, 889x770, 127:110, jewish_queen_earth_eclipti….jpg)

File: 554ba4f74f5e867⋯.jpg (15.07 KB, 397x242, 397:242, ecliptic_gates_god_man.jpg)


I know that I am all over the place and we have 'gone over' some of this stuff before (sorry, sometimes I learn by repetition; lol). But these are reoccurring themes that I am trying to learn about. I am going to have to come back to complete the post since I have to run. I will expand on this when I return.


This is also fascinating.

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c6bc28  No.154899

File: 3c203a49f70695f⋯.jpg (228.61 KB, 1591x961, 1591:961, Horus_Magical_Stela_Cippu_.jpg)

File: b638d6fbc7ae5ab⋯.jpg (459.94 KB, 1134x1536, 189:256, cippu_horus_stella.jpg)

File: 85391868bd619ca⋯.gif (50.4 KB, 300x350, 6:7, Ishtar_Lion_New.gif)


Is Horus a male? He seems very androgynous, at times, for a male with almost developed or developing breasts or a lack of junk in the nether region on some stele/cippu (boundary stones). Do you know the significance of the antelope and lion/scorpions and cobra?

Can you read any of the hieroglyphs in this first cippu? I found another one online as well…these also strongly attach back to Inanna/Ishtar (in terms symbolic characters, if not cultural). What is the significance of the daemon/djinn on Horus' head? We are looking at lineages on these stele, right?

I believe this also ties back to Ophiuchus the Serpent Bearer ('13th constellation') who is stationed between Scorpio and Sagittarius.

Luke 10:18=19

>18 And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven.

>19 Behold, I give unto you (Satan; since this is still the subject of the writing) power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

So, (?) metaphorical…unless he was speaking to the one who 'lived' until he returned (3rd day; three thousand years; so 1,000, 2,000, beginning of 3,000 years = dawn 3rd day[now]). Aka 'Satan/Mercury' who fell from the sky and was given that power.

John 21

>Jesus answered, "If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me." Because of this, the rumor spread among the brothers that this disciple would not die.

Hard to believe there is someone who has been creeping around the Earth for that length of time…but hey, I'm not judging this one since I don't have enough information, but I have always been curious about exactly how someone lived that long and maintained their sanity.

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9ef7f8  No.154984

File: a7b0d00f24d5b5d⋯.jpg (379.69 KB, 1511x2270, 1511:2270, Venus_Rises_with_the_Sun.jpg)



You know, this thread is ending and its kinda sad we care about celestial object right now so much. They mere messages/representatives, but not supra-celestial intelligences themselves. It would be sad to fall into who astrology/horoscope trap.

That said i do notice interesting pattern, its all about combining principles of intelligences that come from celestial objects:

Mercury + Moon (Thoth) = Hermes Trismegistus

Mecrury + Sun (Ra) = Sobek-Re

So the Formula is Mercury + Something.

Then you continue:

>Satan is something of a composite of the negative aspects of Mercury and Saturn

Mercury (Sobek the crocodile God) + Saturn (Cronos, eater of his offspring) = Seth (What we rightly call our own depiction of Satan)

It fits. Krishna/Kristos in this case would be:

Venus (Love) + Sun (Apollo) = Vishnu/Krishna

Venus + Black Sun (Dionysus) = Shiva/Kali

Venus (as Osiris) + Sun (from Apis having solar disk) = greek Serapis

In two aspects. Venus sometimes seen on the Sun itself, entering it from perspective of Earth (pic related).

There are two harmonic combinations, one of Mercury and Moon (Hermetism), other of Venus and Sun (Cult of Savior who's lord of underworld). Harmony between lower celestial objects themselves in this case is impossible, it creates "impossible creature", and that is "Mercury+Saturn". Case can be unpacked in astrological comparison even further, but i don't find much value in it other than a logically fitting message.

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d08cef  No.155005

File: 65e1e94448986f0⋯.png (171.38 KB, 842x235, 842:235, Sacred_Prostitute.PNG)

File: 864c29b9ff1078b⋯.jpg (383.2 KB, 1381x1717, 1381:1717, Easter_Egg.jpg)

File: b2e0e94ae0ce56c⋯.jpg (22.28 KB, 277x354, 277:354, Christ_has_Risen.jpg)

File: 9f592d1ac152c16⋯.jpg (37.86 KB, 590x308, 295:154, Vesica_Piscis.jpg)

File: a377c178f634772⋯.jpg (499.3 KB, 873x1299, 291:433, Phanes.jpg)



Venus is known as "sacred prostitute", both Inanna and Aphrodite. It requires one not to be a prude to understand this fully though, and i am afraid we have enough people who would compare worldly prostitution to heavenly eros.

>It was Mary Magdalene, a woman, who went and told the Apostles that Jesus had risen from the dead; for this she is called "Apostle to the Apostles."

If you think about it, in Inanna's Descent to the Underworld after 3 days and 3 nights it was Ninshubur, who carried out mistress Inanna's instructions to get her resurrected. Ninshubur is second-in-command of Inanna:

>Much like Iris or Hermes in later Greek mythology, Ninshubur served as a messenger to the other gods.

Except she's not Hermes, because it was Dumuzid who got sent to underworld as a replacement Inanna. Eventually in Akkadian mythology Ninshubur got gender-bendered to male deity (Papsukkal). Therefore in Christianity double gender bender happened, where Mary Magdalene is female again, but Inanna is now an androgynous figure (Krishna/Dionysus/Osiris).

>Ninshubur is portrayed as "unshakably loyal" in her devotion to her mistress.

>In addition to being a source of great wisdom and knowledge, Ninshubur was also a warrior goddess. She was the guardian and messenger of the god An. She is said to have walked in front of An wherever he went, a position traditionally reserved for a bodyguard.

One would wonder if Magdalene is an Archangel of Venus. Where Venus herself is sacred prostitute of An (and Goddess of the underworld after this journey, connecting both heavens and hades), where Ninshubur is highest Daemon. That's why you're "body" of Kristos's light like if a harem (Church), because of connection through Divine Eros of the many chosen, guided by daemons into heavenly mass marriage, where Venusian daemons take away their own from darkness of after-death Hades for Heavenly harem of Venus. It all makes sense in contexts provided by Orthodox Church where Divine Eros tradition of the greeks haven't died out.

I've been wondering of significance of the "Egg" of Mary Magdalene, the origin of Easter tradition. Because if Easter Eggs are actually allusions to original real birth from Cosmic Egg leading to connection of Orpheic tradition, it was a message sent by early church theologists:

>According to tradition, after Jesus' Ascension into heaven, the Magdalene—a wealthy woman of some importance—boldly presented herself to the Emperor Tiberius Caesar in Rome to proclaim the resurrection of Jesus Christ, with an egg in hand to illustrate her message.

>Holding the egg out to him, she exclaimed for the first time what is now the universal Easter proclamation among Christians, "Christ is risen!"

>The emperor, mocking her, said that Jesus had no more risen than the egg in her hand was red. Immediately, the egg turned red as a sign from God to illustrate the truth of her message. The Emperor then heeded her complaints about Pilate condemning an innocent man to death, and had Pilate removed from Jerusalem under imperial displeasure.

As you see originally it was one egg. The cosmic egg connecting time and inevitability of birth of Phanes.

As for red color, Nonnus, Dionysiaca:

>Zeus gave to Phoibos (Phoebus) [Apollon] the prophetic laurel, red roses to the rosy Aphrodite, the grayleaf olive to Athena Greyeyes, corn to Demeter, vine to Dionysos.

Aphrodite was connected to the Red color through Roses, the Sacred Prostitute.

Cosmic Egg is also symbol central for Vesica Piscis geometry of Phanes, central "eye" of it, also original fish symbol of christians.

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7b760e  No.155040


>They never change and the Egyptian archetype of Seth as their tutelary Deity still holds good

this is interesting considering how the Egyptians viewed Seth as a useful tool for absorbing conquered nations, as described in Velde's Seth God of Confusion

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7b760e  No.155048


>Jews don't suffer from Judaism as much as Christians from Christianity or Muslims from Islam.

considering they were all enslaved by Rome where do the Romans play in?

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702cc1  No.155052

File: 5f30bd703c17628⋯.jpg (22.22 KB, 242x399, 242:399, ppoi.jpg)

File: e0217648f4c3e92⋯.jpg (356.74 KB, 927x821, 927:821, _o.jpg)


It's Horus as Mercurial Divine youth, emergent from the Sun, were the Mother is Hathor/Isis and the Frog Goddess of fertility is seen, Heqet, and Bes protector of childbirth.

He has the power of the Atum and Wadjet, the cobra serpents, the healing power of the scorpion, Selket, and mastery over the carnivore/herbivore predator/victim aspect of cyclic nature.


The association with Bes can also be seen in terms of Bes Pantheos, were the seven aura or planetary archetypes are bound and sourced within lowly nature, and in particular the nature of Horus.

These are the seven Ba's of Re, sometimes understood as nine or ten, they could perhaps also be seen as seven dwarves, but here Bes owes a lot to Humbaba guardian of the cedar forest and the seven auras.



The Sethian role in colonial exploitation, oppression and enslavement, always there

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7b760e  No.155058


>The Sethian role in colonial exploitation, oppression and enslavement, always there

the curious part to me is how the Egyptian view was that Seth represented all things that were foreign, immigration and homosexuality,

but did the followers of Seth passionately adhere to these values as well?

the Egyptians felt that through ritual followers of Seth could be absorbed into the body politic and this was the main use for the mythos according to what Velde wrote, so you would see the same mythos repeated and then portrayed in royal ritual to sort of get the message across to the public at large who would observe these rituals and think to themselves, well gee these guys must no longer be outsiders, since Thoth has already been born!

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7b760e  No.155079


>Yemen used to be a jewish kingdom,

the people of Yemen claim to be descended from the Queen of Sheba and Solomon, they are mixed african and arab background.

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702cc1  No.155087


The original basis was as the Tutelary Deity of the Suteans, who therefore couldn't help but be Sethians because the archetype was directly derived from their nature, eventually they owned this, inverted, and doubled down in terms of the mythological narrative of Seth, but it was not their tribal name only a Mesopotamian general term for them as Southerners.

They were always a significant demographic factor in Egypt and that reflected in Horus-Seth religio-political balance, becoming increasingly dominant during the Hyksos period, of course there were also those attracted to the magical mythos and Sethianism who didn't have that ethnic origin, anyone with evil inclinations being drawn into their sphere of influence.

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7cf51d  No.155471

Can someone archive this thread?

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74acde  No.155497

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702cc1  No.156114

File: 77776a6f33c9c14⋯.jpg (265.2 KB, 520x339, 520:339, go53550edb.jpg)

File: dea9962be24f722⋯.jpg (448.83 KB, 1228x501, 1228:501, lf5353f892.jpg)

File: a4e2eef62e7a95f⋯.jpg (456.18 KB, 963x385, 963:385, ns53529213.jpg)

File: b7ebb697fea55f8⋯.jpg (451.7 KB, 1078x486, 539:243, pa5352921f.jpg)


The association of the Supreme Liberalist with the Labyrinth finds best expression in Egypt were chad Krok-gar/Sobek emerges from the Net of Neith, the matrix/labyrinth that could not contain him, thus becoming the first principle of emergence.

The Book of the Faiyum translated these cosmological happenings onto the geography of the Faiyum, which Kek and the Ogdoad were understood to have dug by hand, the famous labyrinth of the region dedicated to the reptillian overlord.



A good and fairly recent documentary here on the Labyrinth which would be very interesting if it still exists.


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3467d3  No.156151

File: 94eedf14432ebea⋯.png (20.48 KB, 1330x156, 665:78, Tree_of_the_Virgin.PNG)

File: e7efdde2370ec2a⋯.png (48.04 KB, 998x669, 998:669, Utterance_574.PNG)

File: 6a35f3b99b089a8⋯.jpg (128.96 KB, 496x348, 124:87, tree.jpg)

File: b6d9a722b0b1c91⋯.jpg (298.26 KB, 641x800, 641:800, Tree_of_Virgins.jpg)

File: e85c4f436d97412⋯.jpg (552.9 KB, 1750x1145, 350:229, Tree_of_Life.jpg)


You know, in both Egyptian religion and Catholicism/Orthodoxy Sycamore is very special. Coptics had legend about "Tree of the Virgin", which had water coming out of it for Mary to wash the Jesus during their stay in Egypt.

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1ed746  No.156168

Always read new posts in this thread after work. I never thought I could get more redpilled on the jew. But this thread thought me even more stuff about (((them))). I never got the chance to bump so here I am. Good thread.

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495f18  No.156174


>It all makes sense in contexts provided by Orthodox Church where Divine Eros tradition of the greeks haven't died out.

Any reading on this that you can recommend would be greatly appreciated.

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327a1d  No.156179

File: 7fa42623873d576⋯.jpg (135.37 KB, 1000x1450, 20:29, Divine_Eros.jpg)

File: 0729de09d46395e⋯.pdf (219.72 KB, 5_2mcguckin.pdf)

File: 569ca41beda6d96⋯.pdf (1.19 MB, Desiring_the_Beautiful_The….pdf)


Here you go anon.

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702cc1  No.156746

File: a9215d9b1302c77⋯.jpg (318.03 KB, 1041x506, 1041:506, lllkkjj.jpg)

File: d6da87c4e4790fa⋯.jpg (217.83 KB, 1042x413, 1042:413, _lkjj.jpg)

File: 82795e57c737c1c⋯.jpg (136.39 KB, 1016x217, 1016:217, lll_jj.jpg)

File: a00ab82a683ba83⋯.jpg (411.01 KB, 1045x771, 1045:771, kkkj.jpg)

File: 08d7bd377a0e343⋯.jpg (488.75 KB, 1049x747, 1049:747, uuytu.jpg)


What the Greeks and Romans were referring to with regards to the Labyrinth in Egyptian terms was the Shedet, this is generally taken as relating to the town near Hawara but that may only have developed to service a Temple site.

Shedet was referred to as a Great Place or Palace and there was a Master of the Secrets of the Shedet, the site since ancient times was dedicated to Sobek-Horus.

There also emerged in the New Kingdom a God named Shed were that was taken to mean the Saviour, and related to the Horus Child of the Magical Cippu, earlier Sobek-Shedety.

Strangely Egyptology seems unable to make the connection between Shed and Shedety.

>It was popular religion that seems to have spawned Shed and we know of no temples or cult centers for his worship. His name is attested within individual's personal names, and we find representations of the god on protective plaques, pendants and amulets known from a variety of contexts.


But it seems clear the Sobek-Horus cult of Shedet was the basis for a Saviour, the Master of and Protector from dangerous aspects of nature, also the God of Love.


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6d786f  No.156754

File: 33e3f04102665c7⋯.jpg (640.57 KB, 1670x1799, 1670:1799, ps1_22140_fnt_dd_t08.jpg)


>There also emerged in the New Kingdom a God named Shed were that was taken to mean the Saviour, and related to the Horus Child of the Magical Cippu, earlier Sobek-Shedety.

>But it seems clear the Sobek-Horus cult of Shedet was the basis for a Saviour, the Master of and Protector from dangerous aspects of nature, also the God of Love.

Is he Horus the Child standing on top of Crocodiles?

What can you tell about Utterance 979 from Pyramid Texts?

>1492a. To say: "Behold, he comes; behold, he comes," says Sḥpw;

>1492b. "behold, the son of Rē‘ comes; the beloved of Rē‘ comes," says Sḥpw;

>1492c. "I caused him to come; I caused him to come," says Horus.

>1493a. "Behold, he comes; behold, he comes," says Sḥpw;

>1493b. "behold, the son of Rē‘ comes; the beloved of Re, comes," says Sḥpw.

>1493c. "I caused him to come; I caused him to come," says Set.

>1494a. "Behold, he comes; behold, he comes," says Sḥpw;

>1494b. "behold, the son of Rē‘ comes; the beloved of Rē‘ comes," says Sḥpw;

>1494c. "I caused him to come; I caused him to come," says Geb.

>1495a. "Behold, he comes; behold, he comes," says Sḥpw;

>1495b. "behold, the son of Rē‘ comes; the beloved of Rē‘ comes," says Sḥpw;

>1495c. "I caused him to come; I caused him to come," say the Souls of Heliopolis and the Souls of Buto.

>1496a. "O Rē‘," say men, when they stand by the side of N. on the earth,

>1496b. while thou dawnest on the east of the sky, "give thy hand . to N.;

>1496c. take him with thee to the eastern side of the sky."

>1497a. "O Re," say men, when they stand by the side of N. on the earth,

>1497b. while thou dawnest on the southern side of the sky, "give thy hand to N.;

>1497c. take him with thee to the southern side of the sky."

>1498a. "O Rē‘," say men, when they stand by the side of N. on the earth,

>1498b. while thou dawnest at the centre of the sky, "give thy hand to N.,

>1498c. take him with thee to the centre of the sky."

>1499. One hastens with thy message; the runners are before thee.

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702cc1  No.156760

File: 78bf994e10c4283⋯.jpg (236.47 KB, 1024x1536, 2:3, MMA_29_2_15_1024x1536.jpg)


Yes Horus the Child is Shedet, the saviour, which directly relates to the God Sobek-Horus, and the cult of what the Greeks referred to as the Labyrinth.

The Utterance could relate to Mercury Morning star, Re-Sobek-Horus, were Set was Mercury Evening star, the Labyrinth cult seems to have always related exclusively to Sobek-Horus and dates back to the pre-Dynastic period, despite the Sethian aspect of Sobek being the most natural, with Sobek as the principle of first emergence from Neith.

The two crocodiles often seen on the Magical Cippu could reflect the two aspects of Mercury, with Horus having mastery over both.

>The Egyptian Labyrinth (Λαβύρινθος) appears 18 times in 16 papyri between 258 BC (P.L.Bat. XX, Suppl. A) and the reign of Hadrian (117-138 AD). All texts but one (SB VIII 9642.4) are Ptolemaic

>The Egyptian toponym Hw.t-wr.t, "great temple", refers to the Labyrinth, the funerary temple of Amenemhat south of the Hawara pyramid. This is supported by the correspondence of the Demotic toponym with Λαβύρινθος in the Greek dockets of some Demotic documents (P.Hawara Chic. 7; 245 BC; P.Hawara Lüdd. 2; 235 BC). The name of the temple apparently developed into a village name.


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702cc1  No.156766

File: af780dd5990a1b5⋯.jpg (196.71 KB, 541x810, 541:810, 02_99.jpg)

File: 4ac9812da190f51⋯.gif (53.85 KB, 322x175, 46:25, he55e9ab3a.gif)

File: 38a73a9d9b406cc⋯.jpg (66.26 KB, 811x542, 811:542, lq55e9aaf1.jpg)

File: 7da2d4ec2d7e2c1⋯.jpg (221.04 KB, 1212x740, 303:185, mp55e9aabb.jpg)


In Vedic tradition the God of Love rode upon or within a crocodile type vehicle, the Mercurial emergent individual perhaps providing the Uber ride for Venus.

>During the Vedic times Varuna, the Vedic water god became the God of the seas and rode on makara, which was called “the water monster vehicle”.

>Makara is the vahana (vehicle) of the Ganga - the goddess of river Ganges and the sea god Varuna.

>Makara is also the emblem of Kamadeva, the vedic god of love and desire. It is also known as ‘Makara-Ketu’ which means “long tailed makara.” It is the tenth sign of the Zodiac, called rāśi in Sanskrit, which is equivalent to the zodiacal sign of Capricorn

>The name Kama-deva can be translated as 'god of love'. Deva means heavenly or divine. Kama meaning "desire" or "longing", especially as in sensual or sexual love.

In Babylonian and Jewish tradition this seems to have become confused with the notion of a donkey of the waters, in terms of providing a mount, that leading on to such claims as behold your saviour shall come riding upon a donkey, whereas it should have been a crocodile.

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6d786f  No.156771

File: dbe37a1e4458ad7⋯.jpg (81.67 KB, 500x431, 500:431, Dionysus_and_Hephaestus_ri….jpg)

File: 34f839f1e38b3ac⋯.jpg (32.88 KB, 412x285, 412:285, Riding_an_ass.jpg)


Its not jews who confused it. Its Greeks.

>Pseudo-Hyginus, Astronomica 2. 23 (trans. Grant) (Roman mythographer C2nd A.D.) :

>"In one part of its figure [of the constellation Cancer] there are certain stars called Asses, pictured on the shell of the Crab by Liber [Dionysos] with two stars only. For Liber, when madness was sent upon him by Juno [Hera], is said to have fled wildly through Thesprotia intending to reach the oracle of Dodonaean Jove [Zeus] to ask how he might recover his former sanity. When he came to a certain large swamp which he couldn't cross, it is said two asses met him. He caught one of them and in this way was carried across, not touching the water at all. So when he came to the temple of Dodonaean Jove [Zeus], freed at once from his madness, he acknowledged his tanks to the asses and placed them among the constellations. Some say he [Dionysos] gave a human voice to the ass which had carried him. This ass later had a contest with Priapus on a matter of physique, but was defeated and killed by him. Pitying him because of this, Liber [Dionysos] numbered him among the stars, and so that it should be known that he did this as a god, not as a timid man fleeing from Juno [Hera], he placed him above the Crab which had been added to the stars by her kindness."

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702cc1  No.156773

File: def8e09283bca0e⋯.jpg (27.12 KB, 236x400, 59:100, fe0e69fa58edb1b80d8f0b584a….jpg)


But were the Greeks influenced by the Babylonians?

They transformed the sea monster of Tiamat and the Anzu bird into donkeys because they were mounts.

>A Neo-Assyrian mystical text mentions also the horns of the “dromedary”of Tiamat , which is not evidenced at all in the Epic, but certainly was part of the myth: “The dromedary is the ghost of Tiamat. Bel defeated her. Bel cut off her horns, clove her feet and docked her tail.” The same text mentions also a particular horn, which is somehow identified with Tiamat herself

>Ninurta’s chariot is drawn by the ghost of Anzu, and Marduk rides, one may infer, on the ghost of Tiamat who is named logographically “donkey of the sea” At Mari the donkey also has symbolic value as the riding animal of the victorious king and symbol of his legitimate kingship

>In Sumero-Akkadian lexical texts, the Thunderbird Anzu is said to be imeru šamê “Donkey of Heaven.”

In the Bible;

>You trampled the sea with your horses, and with the donkey of the big waters

It looks like at an early date someone decided to translate mount as donkey, this Mount of Tiamat makes a return in the Book of Revelations as the Mount of the Whore of Babylon.


Pretty serious mistake then to have your King on a donkey when he's supposed to be riding on the emergent crocodile of the waters

The term Makara or Magar indicates greatness/magnificence

>Makara is a Sanskrit word which means "sea dragon" or "water-monster". It is the origin of the Hindi word for crocodile, मगर (magar)

The Egyptian and his crocodile God Maga seem in agreement with the Hindu, and that the God of desire should be mounted on such, Makara was also commonly associated with thresholds and portals, in terms of emergence.

>Kamadeva is a name of Vishnu in Vishnu Purana and Bhagavata Purana , and also Krishna as well as Shiva. Kama is also a name used for Agni

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012c21  No.156787

File: 209fda329b55dba⋯.jpg (89.85 KB, 516x750, 86:125, Vishnu.jpg)


Well, at most its a religious inter fight, trying to use opposite symbols of your oppressors or those who you steal ideas from as symbols related to the enemy. They don't want to associate with the dragon. I already grasped this technique of new testament at full. Its one venusian religion fighting the other representative of self, least they find out from where they steal, especially from Hindu stuff.

Sure you might continue this depending on completely throwing away local symbols. By crocodile you mean dragon, or primordial serpent of chaos waters from egg of which Personality-God is born, like Vishnu or Phanes. So their arrival with serpent is logical. Usually Jörmungandr/Apep gets defeated by primordial God, not toyed with like a ride, for establishment of Order. But sometimes snake is part of the process or world building, and not really murdered. Arrival on a reptile or combat with a reptile is same message.

But point being is that same book of Revelations for example spells out negatives not just on Babylon again, but also on Leviathan. They wanted people through it believe that χξϛ means "mark of snake kristos". Dionysian followers prior to Christianity were associated with snakes, as well as Orphic Cult, and in Euripedes "The Bacchae" it clearly states emblems were given to "hand" of Dionysus, when he was pretending to be a priest to Pentheus:


>What way

>Descended he upon thee? In full day

>Or vision of night?


>Most clear he stood, and scanned

>My soul, and gave his emblems to mine hand.


>What like be they, these emblems?


>That may none

>Reveal, nor know, save his Elect alone.


>And what good bring they to the worshipper?


>Good beyond price, but not for thee to hear.


>Thou trickster? Thou wouldst prick me on the more

>To seek them out!


>His mysteries abhor

>The touch of sin-lovers.

As you see "mark of Dionysus" would as well be part of the plan to downplay it. But christians themselves were practicing making cross marks on their foreheads, so they copied the idea, but called the emblems of Dionysus antichristian to combat those who came prior to them. Second notion is that Buddha, Krishna and Orpheus and others already existed prior christ, in order to make people hate those ancient cults they made up a "prophecy" that many "false christs" will come, but in reality they were themselves a new cult of savior in similar vein. So its a very complicated strategy in hands of Paul and John to nail down on other opposing cults including Serapis, Mithra and Isis. And they all are connected one way or another to worship of Venus, so hate towards babylonian Ishtar continues, even today when some protestants claim same hate towards Catholic Mary, and viewing Vatican as new babylon, even though they are logical continuation of the cult. And i am pretty sure when christian sages figured it out they tried to fix things out of understanding underlying astronomical meaning of new testament, as well as origins of the parts of its written text (from Inanna's descent to the underworld and vedas to bhagavad-gita and euripeduses-bacchae, there's also plato's stuff here and there).

Basically the entire christian history of inquisitions is based on attempt to establish themselves as the only legitimate one. Except they themselves became in the process what their enemies were and started infighting. And each more violent than the other.

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702cc1  No.156801

File: 1b913aef1c12c38⋯.jpg (48.97 KB, 597x315, 199:105, ku547c47f8.jpg)

File: 5c6811873e9de94⋯.jpg (97.84 KB, 696x316, 174:79, wl547c4a2a.jpg)


I think sometimes they just got confused, it would make sense for a Whore of Babylon carnal Goddess to be sat on a Crocodile vehicle, but not a seven headed Hydra.

The Hydra constellation ran parallel to three constellations of Summer and marked the dry season, the storm God spears it to induce the rainy season, releasing the water it had supposedly saved within itself, there is no reason Istar would sit on it.

There's no particular reason either Hydra would have seven heads, the seven Ba's of Re relate better to the Horus child and Bes Pantheos, but anyway as you say in Mesopotamia it was more about Dragons and Dumuzid representing the Great Dragon Mother was likely their closest equivalent to the Divine Crocodile child.

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7668cd  No.157456

File: ddc6822d93675c8⋯.png (210.91 KB, 440x916, 110:229, Ass.PNG)

File: f22271797f6f567⋯.pdf (765.29 KB, The_Cabala_of_Pegasus_by_G….pdf)


This needed a bump. I completely accidentally found this redpill on symbolism of an Ass in Giordano Bruno's book "Cabala of Pegasus". Although whole thing is worth reading, i provided a cap.

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702cc1  No.157491

File: e31313b5621f26b⋯.jpg (188.09 KB, 1137x482, 1137:482, iiiiu.jpg)


That's amusing thanks, there were reasons that Semites would be happy with the idea of a Divine King manifesting upon a Donkey, for example Ugaritic Gods were happy enough to ride around on donkeys and donkey drawn chariots, thus it was traditional, the Semitic word for Male Donkey Hamor had association with Red/Wine/Clay/Materia, and the Egyptians had increasingly associated Seth with the donkey, to were later it played a significant role in Typhonian magic.


The Jews accused of Ass Worship




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ba9c84  No.157498

File: a1127946f1c030a⋯.jpg (90.91 KB, 640x360, 16:9, eater_of_babs.jpg)

File: 1c4aec184afe0b9⋯.pdf (9.34 MB, On_the_Composition_of_Imag….pdf)


I think even Sefirot, attributes of jewish god, סְפִירוֹת is just longer way to say Seth סתי.

Pages 108-115 of On the Composition of Images, Signs and Ideas of Giordano Bruno perfectly describe him as Grim Reaper.

He's also a communist. Because one of his attributes is hunger.

Just few things from the book, i am not going to copy all of them:

>First he rises up, winged and helmeted, his helmet covered by a black veil. Around it a serpent wraps his tail that he catches in his mouth. He is dark skinned, his beard hangs down, long tufts of hair jut from his eyebrows, he is wrinkled, has flashing eyes, is wild, to look at him makes one shudder. Lame, he carries a sickle in his left hand, in his right a baby that he holds up to eat. Many wax tapers are lit and burn around him.

>In the first order, next to Saturn, there stand Old Age full of years, old Antiquity, defective Decrepitude, Weariness, Lassitude, Slowness, Exhaustion, Extenuation, Maceration, Decay, Disease, Wasting Away, Infirmity, Consumption, Fragility, Attrition, Enervation, Weakness, heavy Burden, inert Weight, bent Inclination, trembling Palsy, Pressure, Putrefication, Stench, Meagreness, Squalor, Indecency, Infamy, Poverty, Hatefulness, Sorrow, Vomiting, Stuttering, Crabbiness, Morosity, Severity, Impatience, Invalidism, Foolishness, Rigidity, Wrinkles, Toothlessness, Baldness, Stinginess, Experience, Carefulness, confabulating Forgetfulness, lying Memory, delirious Imagination, envious Ambition, ambitious Envy, Horror and the first, second and third compositions from them.

>A shadow I judge to be the image of Grief will pass by, with veiled face, whence tear drops appear to rain down in tight streams upon the ground. Next to her stand Consternation, Sorrow of the Heart, Mourning, Distress, Bitterness, Complaint, wounding Murder, evil Decision, lamentable Mishap.

>After Death there follows the image of Hunger who is alluring, naked, thin, weak, shuddering on shaking limbs, dyed in deadly pallor, loathing herself, whose joints Cyclopic rabies slowly eats away. For companions, next to her there stand Savagery, Madness, Insanity, Ire, Cruelty, Fury, Ignorance, Starvation, Thinness, Squalor, provoking and dirty Deformity, and many of those that are counted in the same campus and court of Saturn. With Hunger and the others there runs Disease—

>Hunger is followed slowly by Envy, the sad first-born daughter of Acheron. She walks with sidelong step and, looking back with grim eye, stirs up storms with her nostrils, eyes and mouth (which can be felt at quite a distance). These storms not only rip homes and cities apart, they even overturn mountains with their swift violence. Her right hand holds a whip, that first she beats herself with, while her left hand grasps the tail of a bristling serpent, while she very actively provokes its heart-wounding bite. All the court already enumerated stands around her, they serve her, and receive powers and favors from her.

>All by herself, as if part of no court, sad, nude, thirsty, hungry, subject to all the aforementioned plagues and calamities, scarcely daring to show herself by reason of her person's indrawn, withdrawn, contracted and modest attitude, Poverty would be compelled to move, assuming different names: the not completely vulgar deity of Egestas, Indigence, Defect, Privation, Penury, Nakedness, Bereavement and Beggary. In addition to those already enumerated that generally assist and stand around her, she is accompanied by Sterility, Meagreness, Dire Straits, Restriction, Narrowness; Affliction, and Severity with her companions, Wounds, Exile, Imprisonment, Impoverishment, Starvation, Hunger with her whole court, Fracturing, and Miserableness. There seems to be a countless army with different species of Destitution, Despising, Disdain, Contempt, and Depreciation, who surround and crown her Poverty. But Difficulty, Misery, rejection, Inanimosity, Modesty and Desperation look after her closely and are present as servants, like flatterers, mimes, playmates, secretaries, butlers, maids and chamberlains.

Also on his "race":

>Third, he would appear from Africa, with a look on his face like a cloud, showing the imprint of a most violent wind.

>But after whatsoever Saturn I have described for you, along with his proper court, you may easily recognize by his appearance and the expression now present on his face that he is not Chaldean, Egyptian, Leucadian, Latian, or Libyan, but certainly a member of the Lombard race.

>The Lombards were famous for their long beards, thus the fanciful description. They were among the earliest Christians to enter into banking, and were believed by the credulous to be strikingly stingy or miserly.

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702cc1  No.157529


His memetics are under-rated, but in Saturn's defense that's degradation of systemic integrity within an overall cyclic process which he is also credited with starting, in terms of sowing seeds

>Here, as well, appears Cupid's image, an omniform and multiform something, in which whatever you imagine in the shadowy light you see, whatever you are thinking about occurs, and it happens in the same place

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7cfdff  No.157570

File: c7550f9a89e9ba6⋯.jpg (140.46 KB, 981x1476, 109:164, Xkaz07is4Mvk5MOfqtJ_kTxYyK….jpg)

>LARPagans and fedoras tell us their favorite stories about how Christianity is a jewish trap


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56b322  No.157607

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You are projecting your own lust onto it. While a lot of men have probably engaged in degeneracy under it's guise, the core teaching has absolutely nothing to do with it (higher wisdom can be feminine or masculine, but it's sexless). In fact, the most powerful rites are also the most dangerous ones. If you turn into a degenerate, you were simply too weak for it and it has destroyed your spirit. Not that I'm exceptionally fond of Mithraism per se, I just appreciate it's esoteric elements. Which again, have absolutely nothing to do with sex. Introduction of sex into any kind of rite/religious system is a sign of decadence and an attempt to make them more appealing to the spiritual niggers and hollow people. This is how you got Bacchae. But people can never go further than what the nature of their souls allows, which is why such attempts have always ended as up as utter failures, resulting in total profanity and debasement of any specific religion, it's esoteric rites becoming completely distorted and wrongfully interpreted by the NPC's. You can never perceive the subtle and higher external meaning if you don't possess that meaning internally as a potential.

Now, I'm not trying to have holier than thou attitude here, we all partake of some forms of degeneracy (I'm far from being a saint either), but sex should remain where it belongs, to the realm of the dead. Likewise, higher religious mysteries should remain exclusive for those who partake of those higher qualities by nature. Kikes have created a disaster by trying to mix the two. But it was mostly intentional and also done for practical reasons, namely, using their prostitutes to gain control over religious and political leaders. Things weren't that different back then compared to today, Jewish modus operandi didn't change in the slightest.

>Do you have no affection (platonic) for your fellow men?

Only for the higher men. Animal-men (and women) are of no interest to me. My sympathy is selective, as it should be for everyone possessing judgement.


>God enjoying company of what he emanated from Himself

The Other, and the company of others/reflection is a prerequisite for the development of self-consciousness. But there is no central figure here, no single God from which everything has emerged, only the archetypal First. The first one to achieve total actualization and metaphysical integration. There is not One, but Many. This is what your confusion stems from.

>entirety of causal chain

There is no such entirety, I have already explained this ITT. It's just a cognitive error. The rest is somewhat correct.

>Its that's why comparison to sex, creative power to phallus and so on was so important to the ancients

Lust and Love are very different things. Of course, animal-men cannot tell the difference between the two, but it's also why their religious accounts shouldn't be taken seriously.

>I consider it comparable how upanishadic primal man became many out of desire

That desire was born out of necessity. Which meant that the primal man had something lacking.

>There's surely some divine law that makes Beings desire society in the first place

Take this thread for example, our own sense of self got enhanced by this discussion, despite disagreeing on some matters. Other than my internal dialogue showing distaste for contemporary society as an instinct of spiritual self-preservation, and it's utilitarian role in helping me ensure material sustenance, it had only affected me negatively. Different people desire different societies, and forcing them into some egalitarian, Talmudic abominations which are based on religious dogma passed on as "reason" does as much harm as racemixing does. To each his own is the best policy.

>It actually prevents disorderly hypothetical "lucifers" to happen

The price of this being entirely devoured by Saturn.

>unless its their primordial nature to work from the opposite sphere of control

Not entirely opposite, just alternative, a different system

>Its not as much "self-deification" as some God "adopting" a human person

Your mind doesn't exist in the material universe, it only gets projected there. The real you is somewhere else (unless you are a hollow phantom of matter). Self-deification is acquiring divine qualities "up there" which gets projected "below" as well. Passive Gods never possess material actors directly, it's only an active intelligence that does it, and such intelligence is always individuated (although it can also exist as a multitude of 'persons' and distributed consciousness, but this is a more complex esoteric subject, not for this thread).

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56b322  No.157617


>Mithra the Petra Genetrix as the Dawn Light slays the Bull/Soma in order to establish his own role as Divine intermediary.

Slaying of the bull is representing overcoming one's own material nature and integrating it's experience.


>Well, in case of ever admitting that planets have souls


There are more examples. Every planet has it's 'hum' as well. I'd also assume that stars can generate similar influence based on the light that they emit. Not much into planetary theology as higher intellect transcends those, but stars, planets etc. did get shaped by cosmic order, which ancients saw as its reflection. Speaking of planets, it could be possible that Saturn rules all planets except Venus, since it supposedly has a different rotation. Just my speculation based on something which I have seen in this or another thread. Personally, the more I have attuned to the Venusian archetype, the less effect the Saturnine currents have had on me.

>Most planets also rotate on their axes in an anti-clockwise direction, but Venus rotates clockwise in retrograde rotation once every 243 Earth days—the slowest rotation of any planet. Because its rotation is so slow, Venus is very close to spherical

>Christians had a tendency stealing

It was a political tool rather than religion.

>But then again, he got burned alive as well, following tradition of imitation of suffering God

His life was quite archetypal, he was divinely inspired, and he seemed to be quite redpilled on Jews as well. He also taught a technique of memory. Which could be more than how to memorize things better, esoterically it could refer to the restoration of a very specific 'memory'.



Excellent posts. The minds of the majority of Jews are on the level of insects, not even animals since animals don't seek to dominate the entire ecosystem, their equilibrium is reached with sustenance, territory and reproduction. Such primitive minds could never understand anything beyond the scope of linear progression and consumption in a zero sum game, their equilibrium being reached only with the death of everything (Think about the growth pattern of a locust swarm). They are basically an insectoid AI hive-mind which got logarithmically optimized for peak exploitation and power acquisition. They are not human, they are biological robots, golems. A bioweapon. And they got either designed or semi-spontaneously generated by the Saturnine current or some higher intelligence serving it. I'd lean towards the former since their religion is an eugenic/dysgenic blueprint and I'm pretty certain that their biological essence is not organic either. Something did make a 'covenant' with a bunch of lowly slaves and roaming bandits and prostitutes, something which turned them into what they are today. They had to pledge their absolute obedience in return however… This was how the Jewish mafia (as they are not a real nation) was born.

Since their minds absolutely lack any other qualities and have zero self-reflection, they can only observe others through the Jewish prism. If you don't base your entire existence on scheming, backstabbing, lying, cheating, exploiting, and trying to ruin and dominate others for maximizing personal and tribal profits, you are a subhuman in their eyes. You are simply an inferior Jew. Just like cats see us as retarded cats for not being as agile as them, so does the Jew sees us as retarded Jews which are simply jealous of their cunning and "success". But a cat is definitively not superior to a man, nor is a parasitic disease, although parasitic diseases can kill even the greatest of men. This returns us to the recognition of qualia, which (most of) Jews seem to lack entirely.

>Let's do that again!

Indeed. It's one of the things which most of controlled opposition is NOT promoting. We need a white man's Talmud.

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e3a033  No.157662

File: 54f846b04816e8f⋯.png (121.1 KB, 631x651, 631:651, Tree.png)


>Lust and Love are very different things. Of course, animal-men cannot tell the difference between the two, but it's also why their religious accounts shouldn't be taken seriously.

I found out the hard way that same God owns both. Saint or whore? Virgin Mary of, excuse me, Slaanesh (Inanna, blessed prostitute of Anu)? Unity of opposites. Left and Right hand of Eros. The God ruling over Pleasure of Love, rules over Pain too. Both hands work together. Crucifixion and Marriage. Animals are also subjects to Venus and Sun, they simply would genocide themselves out of the existence without same Goddess overwatching their reproduction.

When it comes to Lust and Love those are two Doves, two trees, two main Archangels of Aphrodite. One's named after Eros, and represents restrained disciplined Horse from Phaedrus. But second Archangel of Aphrodite is Erotes, more effeminate and undisciplined, representing pressing desire. And they own their own courts. And both of them are one, and change depending on season and perception, infinite struggle between moralism, total cleanness and total celibacy and carnal, depraved desire of ecstasy. Meeting in conjoined infinity, traveling around it, that i cannot represent by anything but by Leviathan Cross. Ruler of which is the Sun, night and day. Sun at Nighttime represents Dionysus and liberation of Erotes. Sun at Daytime represents Apollo and restrained attitude of Eros. Those Gods are also inseparable.

Whatever covenant person named "Noah" actually entered with Venus, leading back to garden of Eden, its a garden of both kinds of Love. Its an intellectual Sphere of this God. Rainbow also represents immortality, because significance of it having no black color, it has no Saturn.

There's also irony of people worshiping Jesus, worshiping Lucifer. But wait a second! People worshiping Lucifer, worship Someone whose also Jesus. Venus has two five petal flowers in its center, one inside the other.


>Speaking of planets, it could be possible that Saturn rules all planets except Venus, since it supposedly has a different rotation. Just my speculation based on something which I have seen in this or another thread.

Ancients have figured this one out long time ago. Otherwise it wouldn't sprung into monotheism (i want to explain this later). As i understand from Ark of the Covenant the jews actually began worship of Venus, but then decided to fuck off to Saturnalian worship of Death. Then they desperately tried to become fucking vampires because of realization of the fuckup by worshiping a donkey.

The reason why monotheism is even a thing, is because people were are afraid to fall back into 1. Into the Black. Into Tartarus. Its an oxymoron by itself. Love has Her hands everywhere, causes wars cause She enjoys the pain they produce, season of war itself is poetic for both Her and Sun.

>Personally, the more I have attuned to the Venusian archetype, the less effect the Saturnine currents have had on me.

Because Gnostics were right after all. This world causing death just has different Intellect causing, while Love Itself is an anomaly. And this anomaly is beyond our understanding.

Hence why Orphic cult focused on Phanes and Dionysus circle, trying to close circle of the gods around first light that ISN'T Chronos, openly disobeying serpent of chaos representing void by thrice-born Light and Love God associated with Eros. While also showing Dionysus as symbol of liberation and youth. Obviously any Venusian name in Hades will do, including Aphrodite, Inanna, Mary, Osiris, Dionysus, Lucifer and Christ. This God conquered Death way before. Hence Tree of Life, Fruits of Life, Water of Life, because Her Heaven is built on some logical system of preservation from being taken by Saturn. This Harem of God we call Church holds many secrets. Bhagavad-Gita also implied that other gods simply inferior since their worshipers are still subjected to death. Hence why Shaivinist, Shaktist and Vaishnavist cults are also secretly Venusian. There are many Gods, true, but only one that gives Immortality, that is opposite of the Reaper.

>We need a white man's Talmud.

We need white man's Ark. Not talmud, talmud is sephirothic/sethian, saturnalian. If any secret held in the old testament i find the most interesting, its the purely Venusian Ark. Both Noah one and Covenant one. The secret of their past worship of Astoreth, canaanite Jesus. The true meaning of the Rainbow, that we also need to take back.

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ec90d5  No.157695

File: 4b4513583dcb1dc⋯.jpg (230.76 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Durga.jpg)



We have to make corrections on this one.

There's some trickery afoot in saying that jews were always saturn worshipers.

After reading "Book of Hiram" i realized that jews couldn't betray seven seers initially. It had hint between violent conflict between Astrological jews and Yahweist jews. Astrological jews are prophets of Divine Shekinah, new name they made for Astoreth, both are represented by planet Venus. Prophets of Shekinah include one particular prophet Zechariah. New Testament in Matthew (23:35) and Luke (11:51) tells us that Zechariah and his son were brutally killed by their own people.

The book of Zechariah is written divisely as if conflicting in itself. It begins with words like:

>"And I am very sore displeased with the heathen (goyim) that are at ease: for I was but a little displeased, and they helped forward the affliction." (1:15)


>"Cry yet, saying, Thus saith the Lord of hosts; My cities through prosperity shall yet be spread abroad; and the Lord shall yet comfort Zion, and shall yet choose Jerusalem." (1:17)

So jewish supremacy is still strong with this book, as if chosen still supreme regardless of what prophet actually writes later:

>"And many nations shall be joined to the Lord in that day, and shall be my people: and I will dwell in the midst of thee, and thou shalt know that the Lord of hosts hath sent me unto thee." (2:11)

>"For behold the stone that I have laid before Joshua; upon one stone shall be seven eyes: behold, I will engrave the graving thereof, saith the Lord of hosts, and I will remove the iniquity of that land in one day. In that day, saith the Lord of hosts, shall ye call every man his neighbour under the vine and under the fig tree." (3:9-10)

As you see, seven eyes featured here as well as vision of a candle:

>"And said unto me, What seest thou? And I said, I have looked, and behold a candlestick all of gold, with a bowl upon the top of it, and his seven lamps thereon, and seven pipes to the seven lamps, which are upon the top thereof: And two olive trees by it, one upon the right side of the bowl, and the other upon the left side thereof." (4:2-3)

7 in Hermetica is a number representing Crescent. Crescent is the Noah's Ark. Which is also represented by the bowl in this very vision.

2 in Hermetica is a number representing Jupiter, the thunder God, Lord of Everything. Here its Left and Right hand of the God represented by two olive trees. Earlier its represented with Vine and Fig tree instead, which i associate with this necessary duality of the Deity, as well as number 2 itself.

Highest of commandments in numerical digit system is 9, which can be said 2+7. Venus (5) + Sun (4) = same 9, as in Love and Spirit of the God. As well as 9 portals of the Golden Embryo.

Nowhere in this Number 1 figures out. Returning to 1 causes returning to 0, because Reaper Saturn consumes his own children. So i had to change my entire world view on what we call "satan". Its not "God" who causes second death, this was always illogical to me with all the causes. Its Chaos that existed prior to God, the outer darkness that consumes. "The One" of Proclus, the unreachable all around perfect and all encompassing, about which only negatives can be said, is in fact - Death. While 9 is Immortality.

As in how one reaches the "court of Lucifer":

>"Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the Lord unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." (4:6)

>"For who hath despised the day of small things? for they shall rejoice, and shall see the plummet in the hand of Zerubbabel with those seven; they are the eyes of the Lord, which run to and fro through the whole earth." (4:10)

It will take a while for some people to accept its Moon (7) and Lightning (2) that is God, rather than ever counting Saturn (1) in. But point being is that Spirit of that God resides on His(Her) Chosen, which is in fact having God as your Daemon in Egyptian tradition. Whole system is destroyed except those who in divine Lottery (as from Lot, Allotted, not from human entertainment by same name) emanated from Lucifer.

"Lightning is the lord of everything" says Heraclitus. Phanes wasn't "The One". But then from all Intelligences coming out of self contemplating ouroboros, Demiurgic Intellect was the First Intellect. So real Alpha and Omega is 2 and 9, in the center of which is The Heart of Dionysus. Number 5. 4 Gods Before 5 (Venus). 4 Gods After 5 (Venus). Also two hands of the God, or should i say 8, like in this image of Durga.

As for 666:

χ - Anointed lord, new priest-king of Saturn, not of Venus (First Function)

ξ - Serpent Jörmungandr, Ouroboros, finally unwraps himself, causing Ragnarok, serpent of Chaos (Second Function)

ϛ - Scythe of Chronos, also sickle of communism (Farmer/Craftsman, third function)

Writers of Revelations used astrology to "predict" such person in opposition.

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74e43c  No.157702

File: 6551fde33670992⋯.jpg (97.84 KB, 736x736, 1:1, jesus_reaching_through_the….jpg)


How does it help the jews to point out that they horrifically murdered all their people who believed in God? That they eugenically bred themselves to be the atheist occupants of Hell?

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, but lose his soul?" -Mark 8:36”

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cad7a0  No.157704

File: 253f70c1f5dace0⋯.png (539.4 KB, 450x570, 15:19, arc_10_wheel_of_fortune.png)


>How does it help the jews to point out that they horrifically murdered all their people who believed in God

It doesn't, they just do their lord's bidding. Sometimes people do things they are fated to do by spirits dwelling inside them. Chronos is absolutely irrational chaotic beast.

Last but not least, i need to explain the phenomena about the wheel turning after dying. Part of the reason i said 4 Gods before 5, and 4 Gods after 5, but 8 hands of the God, not 9.

Right now Death is the King of this world. Number 1, void.

When people die every number turns 1 number backwards.

Those of Chronos become 0 and now in Tartarus, outer darkness. Indra's Net of darkness is unveiled.

Jupiter becomes 1, Lord of Everything. Truth is unveiled fully.

Venus (5) becomes forth number, Sun (4), and Lucifer becomes the light source, on the other end Venus is the Sun.

Number 9 becomes Number 8. Everything that ever participated in that number becomes immortal. Portals of Golden Embryo and Circles of Golden embryo meet on this turning.

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36c208  No.157705


Trying to be "greater Catholics than the Pope" didn't seem to be a viable strategy. Eventually, it led to the suspiciously Semitic looking Jesuit Pope kissing nigger feet, which is just the decadent belief of universalism taken to it's logical conclusion. Luckily, there existed secret societies which fought an invisible war against the world jewry, and the priory of Sion in particular. (followers of the Jewish necromancer, his prostitute and their "bloodline" which crept its unclean tentacles into most royal families of Europe).


Can you actually address the points which I have raised to debunk "The One" ITT?

>That personality doesn't actually exist for "The One"

Same applies the other way around. "The One" is probably the greatest lie and greatest pilpul ever devised in history of "human" thought, making it unsurprising that it got used as the most effective weapon of the Jews. Such "perfection" could never actually spawn anything either (since there would be no 'room' for spawning, nor would it have any reason to do so due to already being perfect). In the most simple terms, it's a false God, it doesn't exist, nor does it command any authority. Everything = nothing. Same could be said for "chaos" , since it cannot get any more chaotic or orderly than it would be. In terms of absolutes, there can be no mixing of the two. A solution for this exists, but it's not the type of logic which you are using.


There is also the question of inferior souls seeking to racemix, being attracted to a physical form more corresponding to their nature. Ideally, they should be given a choice, but such choices should not be without consequences. Instead of creating abominations, we would need to find a way to somehow turn them into the inferior race that they copulate and/or culturally identify with, which is what would happen to them in next life anyway due to synchronicity. Alternatively, to take away from them anything associated with European civilization, brand them as non-persons with hot iron, and ship them to whatever brown or black shithole spawning the partner of their choice. There they would be able to FULLY enjoy their choices, without acting like parasites on the rest of Europeans and forcing them to face the consequences of their bestial choices instead. When you think about it, that would be the only just and fair option. On another hand, the rare non-whites who somehow manage to overcome their bestial origins should be given an opportunity to racially ascend as well, but we would need to find a way to implement this without damaging the European gene pool. The few godlike Europeans should then physically morph into even superior races, those of the Superman/Demigods. Ideally, everyone's race would correspond with his/her's inner qualities. Unfortunately, the opposite is often the case today, which is one of consequences of the Kali Yuga.

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53057c  No.157711

File: 78e2b90a7b91412⋯.png (436.92 KB, 536x404, 134:101, It_s_his_nature.png)


>How does it help the jews to point out that they horrifically murdered all their people who believed in God?

Jew are the people of chaos. They act by instinct, and can't help it. That's why they don't actually need any agreement, or a secret meeting to make a plan to damage society. They just do what they naturally do.

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cad7a0  No.157717

File: 0978ff73e1e7a49⋯.jpg (159.16 KB, 538x839, 538:839, Death.jpg)


>In the most simple terms, it's a false God, it doesn't exist, nor does it command any authority. Everything = nothing.

Logos was born from dismemberment of infinity of unified intelligence. And that unified intelligence had concept of movement, and time, that produces decay.

Anything that is measured by time has a temporal existence or activity. Everything is in the process of coming-to-be. Time divides coming-to-be by allowing it temporal transition. Being outside time means being immortal, hence participation in Highest Divinity (that is Light and Love) is immortality through branches and roots of Deity that's outside of time itself. Other deities still participate in time, come and go, but primordial Light of creation remains. Therefore this world coming to spring and goes, temporal, but within some rank of necessity.

Our "enemy" is non-intellectual serpent of self decay, that infinitely allows movement within himself, but kills because said movement never makes anything last forever, except intellectual Light that emanated first perfect creations, then through second hands less and less perfect, because the closer this universe to unwrapping itself, the closer its end, our side got damaged by rebelling force desiring to serve chaos, and was damaging it for a while making life worse and worse, in this world and the other. On the other end there's Intellectual Light, that is both present in this world, but within its own imagination He has what's called Eden. Love desired immortality, its primary necessity of that God, which is the first Intelligent God that ever came to be. Himself immortal and able to reproduce and make immortal others, as well as save within Himself His child Intelligences, which He nurtures through being connected to Tree of Life, which essentially makes His children alive by unity with God (either taken literally or metaphorically, or by self association in many cultures). But not the ones came out of chaos, only the ones sharing His Divine Nature in form of Inner Spirit. As far as i understand other "Gods" and Intelligences, if multiple, are not capable of producing immortal offspring, or maybe because they are not immortal themselves, like buddhists claim, still being subjects to chaos and becoming nothing.

So there are two Immortal Gods. One in this dimension, other One in Mirror dimension. One came out of the other as an opposite, and they fought one another, rather than unite the opposites. One is God of Death, who always was and always will be. Chaos. One is God of Life, who always was and always will be. Order. That Order is secondary in our world where Death is the ruler. Once we pass the gates of Duat, leading to Hades we enter the world where Life is the ruler, because He simply overtook Hades from Death.

So there are two Gods minimum in two dimensions. And each of them have hierarchy of servants. Once Death had its fun, the gates will close on the other side, where most perfect Order of all will rule forever.

Of course all this thought is poisoned by jewish ideas, and there are complications here and there. But point was that nothing is born unless it has to die, that desire to rebel against death, by being the very Living Thing Itself that wasn't overtaken by darkness, is part of a larger game. "No one lives forever" is favorite phrase of Chronos, whole history of humanity is questioning if its a lie because our Intellect doesn't seem to have same nature as the rest of decaying world.

Also mind you painting "old man" as a god was always sethian paintjob. God who's immortal is forever young. Satan is a grim old jew made of envy and hunger. His fate is void.

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d40e41  No.157720


>I was doing that (making the world into my own image) before they stopped me

Did they?


>Legendary mathematician Grigory Perelman, a notorious recluse, explained in a one-off interview why he has rejected a $1 million cash prize for solving a century-old mathematical problem. His research is too interesting due to its vast implications — both practical and philosophical — to spend time on other matters, Perelman said in an interview published Thursday in Komsomolskaya Pravda. Applications for his studies range from space industry and nanotechnologies to social sciences and fundamental questions about the nature of the universe, Perelman said. "I know how to control the universe. Tell me, why would I need to chase a million [dollars]?" he said.

Of course, kikes were trying to claim him as their own just like they did with many others, but this guy couldn't be any further from a Jew, even if he has some background.

>no one is going to make another thread

You can derive a lot about it from the context of some posts which I've made ITT. I requires a lot of focus to be elaborated properly.

>Mr Satan?

I've been told that Satan means truth in Sanskrit :>) Most people HATE the truth which would explain it's rather … antagonistic … interpretation. Jews rule with lies, but most people actually prefer lies to truth.

>Westphalia region

Magical place. It's also where Wewelsburg castle is located, surely there are reasons why Himmler designated it as the "center of the world".

>Yeppers…Germans are a weird breed.

It's not role reversal, it's women attaining masculine qualities without losing their feminine qualities. A complete/perfected woman, essentially a goddess. There is something very archetypal about this in European psyche, while I did not encounter it in other cultures, nor did I see any non-white or mixed women who are capable of that. All of the other races and cultures (rightfully) assign only the most carnal attributes to women, with the exception of those who have borrowed heavily from Indo-European myths. Only Aryan (in the true sense) women are capable of the true love (a-mor) and are facilitators of memory. Such women are very rare today however, even among Germans. But I believe that it is these that hold the key for restoration. Searching for them might be like searching for pearls in a desert though.


Interesting, I remember seeing him mentioned elsewhere. Again, Dionysus cannot be a duality of Apollo since he is of lower/reflective genus, but he could be a false prophet promising NPC's salvation through him, the one which never comes because their finite nature does not have the potential for it. At best, Dionysus could be a reflection of Apollo submerged into the darkness of gross matter, but without substance on his own. Or a metaphysical construct/technology which most likely doesn't work in the end.


Good comparison, it's usually a Formula rather than a single influence. Dionysus is not the black sun however.

What would be the result of Mercury + Venus? Or Mercury + Sun? I don't think such creatures are impossible, they were probably just beyond comprehension of primitive peoples.

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74e43c  No.157788

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well, Mr Satan I do not hate the Truth. I have come to the conclusion that I am sort of addicted to you in a strange way. You are the strangest person I have ever met and out of all the people I have met, I like you best…even when you are mean or you insult my intelligence or call me a boomer, I still look forward to speaking with you every time. Not a masochist…I just like a challenge (most of the time…if I can stop myself from getting my fee fees hurt; doesn't happen that often anymore; that is nice).

>Did they?

No, not really, I simply ran game at smaller and smaller scales that they couldn't fathom. Why you have to call me out on everything, anon? I have not found the depths of it yet. Maybe I will, maybe I won't…

Truth is indeed rare, perhaps even more rare than what you are seeking. For there might be more than one woman in the world who fits your description but there certainly are not many people who tell the Truth anymore. Even when our Truths diverged I still loved thinking about everything you said because it challenged me to grow in my own Truth.

I am cleared for 'takeoff' now anon :^) but I wanted to let you know how much you have meant to me and that I will remember you, hopefully always (I am going to be very busy on the other side though) and I doubt I will think of this place much, if at all (who would, right? not me, but if I do think of it, I hope that I will think both my family and you as well).

>Perelman said. "I know how to control the universe. Tell me, why would I need to chase a million [dollars]?" he said.

Lol…when I thought through the Riemann Hypothesis and understood it, after hearing about the 'million dollar prize' I just laughed and thought to myself…"I don't think I will be 'giving' ANY of you cretins that." After all, they couldn't be trusted with lesser (but still magnificent) ideas so I have no duty to share anything truly profound with humanity.

They think they can 'buy' everything with money (it is so pathetic)…they are a tragedy and a plague on humanity. I heard some very interesting things would be happening in Russia in the near future tho…so, who knows…I wonder what he will get up to?

>even if he has some background

Wat mean?

>Such women are very rare today however, even among Germans.

I saw a jewish chart once and I wished I had saved it so I could share it; I was horrified by it, literally too horrified to save it. It bragged that in less than 20 years there would not be any pure blood Germans left (I am the last of my own line, so there you go; these are not the kind of bottlenecks that can be mitigated as you so fervently lectured me in the past about cloning [my female clone army…bwahahaha] and the 'soul problem')…

So, if that is what you really want, your window of opportunity is closing anon. ;^)

You have less than 20 years to find your Pearl {funny sync from your comment above; Perel man, Pearl man}. I suppose since you can 'have any woman you want' you are not at any loss for company. I look forward to reading more truths from you, for my remaining time, as you 'do your duty' challenging other anons and straightening their shit out. lol

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178c8a  No.157831


>Book excerpt

Based Enlil punishing his whore daughter kek.


The only non-degenerate interpretation of the "sacred prostitute" was referring to knowledge since it was believed to be accessible to anyone willing and capable of seeking it. Same was applied by association to deities representing knowledge and wisdom (like Sophia). Of course, beast-men interpreted it in their lowly ways as usual, leading to all the confusion and temple prostitutes. Again, we come to the tripartite soul categorization, pneumatics representing it as divine knowledge, psychics as heavenly eros (generative force), and hyletics as worldly prostitution.

>That's why you're "body" of Kristos's light like if a harem (Church), because of connection through Divine Eros of the many chosen, guided by daemons into heavenly mass marriage

Sounds like communist orgies where one denounces one's individuality and will in subservience to whatever deity. The "black mass" that satanists do (involving actual orgies, according to their hyletic nature) is pretty much the same thing, just attributed to a different deity (or another aspect of the same deity). My point is that the whole process is one of dissolution, especially since all categories and hierarchies are abolished, making Christianity and "Satanism" (which is truly Sabbatean) two sides of the same shekel. I always found Orthodox Christianity very distasteful and repulsive (I live in a country where it's a main religion), now I'm beginning to understand why. You can say whatever you want about Catholics, but their style is much more aesthetically pleasing and divine inspiring, not thanks to the Church, but thanks to the various artists and architects using their craft to include subtle redpills.

>The egg turned red as a sign from God to illustrate the truth of her message. The Emperor then heeded her complaints about Pilate condemning an innocent man to death, and had Pilate removed from Jerusalem under imperial displeasure.

Sounds like typical kike pilpul, where they are always abolished by "God" for their crimes and where those rightfully persecuting them get punished in retaliation.


And that's how Jews have subverted Egypt by religion. Religious tolerance and inclusion of kikes is always followed by them infiltrating courts and temples, and eventually taking over the society. Prostitution was also central to this, it's the very core of their religion/culture after all. They have weaponized sex. Why do you think that many of those pedo orgies that they use to blackmail politicians have some kind of religious context? What follows is mass importation of subhumans, letting those subhumans hold positions of power, overall decadence, racemixing, profanization, corruption or erasure of native culture and eventual total ruin. It happened in India, it happened in Persia with Cyrus, it happened in Egypt, Greece, Rome, it happened in USA and Europe, which will end up looking like Egypt of today. The pattern is unmistakable. For example, Emperor Constantine was born in the same region where the idea of religious tolerance came from, as well as the introduction of deities like Sabazius.


The idea is overcoming, subduing and integrating the powers of emergent Chaos. Basically, steering the generative force and becoming the mover rather than the moved. Those powers, when mastered, would allow one to wield them as weapons or for construction of various "vessels" which could be used to traverse the quarters. Different cultures put a different spin to it, for some it were the flashy mythical monsters possessing otherworldly powers, for some it were the natural predators (like lions or crocodiles), for some it was a donkey. Which, despite being a very plain, dumb and boring animal, has the persistence to go until the end. Jews did not prevail thanks to their higher qualities (represented by mythical monsters), they did not prevail through physical conquest and war (lions and crocodiles), they prevailed through their persistence alone. In a sense, they are very similar to donkeys. If you have ever dealt with them, you may notice that they will continue pursuing their position no matter how obviously wrong they are, sometimes they will just repeat the same thing even if you clearly explain it to them. Which is why Hitler was so appalled by them, commenting that even when beaten in a debate, they will repeat the same lie tomorrow like nothing has happened. Or Goebbels' comment that a lie repeated a thousand times becomes the truth (which he said in reference to the Jews doing it). But this is basically a sign that they are not truly self-conscious (or even sapient), as any conscious being would stop once it proves the point or once it gets what it wants. The Jew doesn't stop. This insect-like programming and lack of sapience and capacity of knowing the truth was ironically their greatest advantage.

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fd3364  No.157861

File: 4455808d384394d⋯.png (255.71 KB, 603x487, 603:487, Enki.PNG)

File: ad705e30abf3bba⋯.pdf (5.41 MB, inannas_descent.pdf)


>Based Enlil punishing his whore daughter kek.

Posts like this is why i still keep whole thing around. When Ninshubur (second in command of Inanna, i associate her with Michael, Cupid and Magdalene) carried out instructions of Inanna on begging to resurrect her, Enlil refused to help, Nanna refused to help, only Enki resurrected Her. Successfully giving this Goddess power over great below.

When demons had to take someone to underworld instead of Inanna they first wanted to take Ninshubur, but Inanna didn't allowed it. Neither She allowed to take Cara or Lulal. Only Her husband Dumuzi wasn't caring or mourning Inanna, and She openly handed the shepherd associated with planet mercury to the demons. Eventually even though sun let Dumuzi escape many times from underworld, Geshtinanna took pity on her brother and it was decreed that they share half the year in the underworld with each other.

>The only non-degenerate interpretation of the "sacred prostitute" was referring to knowledge

While it is true, the "bridal chamber" is unity of both man and God like of female and male, even by Sophia's gnostics. Since many initiates barely understand this it is always kept "secret", but keeping it secret is as useless as general prudence of population. As we already discussed Yeshua was magus with God inside him, kinda like Plotinus was, but it doesn't make him himself a god. Logos should be seen as beyond its avatar on earth. Its all was also in Chaldean Theurgy.

Divine Eros is God (Apollo Venus) impregnating the mind itself through Spirit. But we forgot there are intermediately states between this highest state and lower geniuses, that secondary knowledge stopped being important as soon as we stopped relying on egyptian metaphysics, falsely assuming that Yeshua somehow brought absolute state to being available to everyone, which was a lie.

There's also a tendency among those impregnated by seed of Venus to only be able to see Venus, jealous Goddess is so overly powerful when it comes to control of her own lust for worship, that she overtakes soul completely, dominates over her. But you know who also does that, among all other Gods? Saturn. Saturn does same thing, the total reverse, the God of Death enslaves just like God of Love dominates, and they are in more direct conflict between Darkness and Light, unlike intermediates. Marsians for example probably don't even worship their god, nor have a need.

Simply speaking all monotheism is produce of most powerful Gods who dominate souls.

>Orthodox Christianity very distasteful and repulsive

Egyptians had uniform artstyle, and those copy ancient egyptians ways of keeping same designs repeated for sake of uniformity in Byzantium style. This was praised in the beginning of Plato's Timaeus. Catholics appeal to emotion, Orthodoxes to magical formulae of geometries.

>Christianity and "Satanism" (which is truly Sabbatean) two sides of the same shekel

Forget name "satan", which just means "enemy", if anything Death is the enemy. Lucifer (Orphic Phanes) and Kristos (not talking about magus yeshua) are same person, but certainly not of shekel. Because Bruno rightfully attributed Saturn to Lombard bankers, who's called mammon for all purposes is in court of Saturn.

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702cc1  No.157862

File: 1a5b087ceabf2ca⋯.jpg (607.95 KB, 847x1204, 121:172, Untitled_1.jpg)


I have the measure of Mercury, it is 36 million miles from the Sun, consider that one Astronomical Unit.

By the same token Venus is 1.5 AU and Earth is 2.5 AU, and those are the proportions of the Ark of the Covenant.

The texts regarding the re-construction of the Temple you refer to involved a formula of 7 x 360 = 2,520 years, were also the Asteroid Belt is 7 x 36 =252 million miles from the Sun.

Not a particularly good omen, the seven lights of the Menorah are seven stars of Scorpio, seven destructive aspects of the Planets, the Sun and Moon as witness to this, counter with seven stars of the Pleiades.


Perhaps this can be summarized as one requires drive, personal drive and ambition, a pair of winged boots.

That also requires incentive to move you in such mysterious ways, a prize, something you love.

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74e43c  No.157883

File: ba92cecccd9c93f⋯.jpg (378.68 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, high_resolution_wallpapers….jpg)


>The only non-degenerate interpretation of the "sacred prostitute" was referring to knowledge since it was believed to be accessible to anyone willing and capable of seeking it

Since you have sought and attained knowledge, such that it is, do you believe it is 'fair judgement' against you by Enlil that you too should never be allowed to leave here? Be careful what you wish for anon, you just might get it.

>And that's how Jews have subverted Egypt by religion.

Agree with all of this though, except that being incorruptible is worth more than life and those that are corrupted so easily deserve their jewish masters or should I say 'master' singular?

See the kikel/circle here… >>157607 I found this comment most interesting since it explains so much of what I have observed about the jews existence in the world.

>and such intelligence is always individuated (although it can also exist as a multitude of 'persons' and distributed consciousness, but this is a more complex esoteric subject, not for this thread).


>God owns both

This really lines up with some of my experiences

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abc2ce  No.157899

File: 9a0939db6c27c58⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 2174x1576, 1087:788, Venus.jpg)


>God owns both

>This really lines up with some of my experiences

Pretty much it was always in plain sight, duality of the Goddess, the French, Charlemagne, Rosicrucians and Templars were aware of it. You see, two Venusian flowers if formed Vesica Piscis, result in Fleur De Lis. This "Lilly" is actually both symbol of Tree of Life and two Crescents. I wrote in other thread >>157007 about symbolic association of Crescent alone with an Ark. I suspect double nature of it symbolizes connection between this world and the next, movement of Venus here and on the other side of the Duat. Connection between Earth and Heaven.

I read in other source that Mary Magdalene is associated by Templars with number 153, which is the gap of Vesica Piscis, as well as the fact they used to call Magdalene the "illuminator". But that's not as important as they hid worship of the Goddess in those symbolic representations (since all "Maries" can be considered holders of priestess title, therefore priestess-queen instead of priest-king in tripartite system, but that's not of matter because the God we're talking about here is sexless in the first place).

Just like with any preserver/destroyer tripartite left/right hands of any God, Venuses left and right hands are Sexual Desire and Pure Love, one is aspect of Liberalism, other is Moralism, all in the influence of the Sun Cross, forming portal to Golden Embryo as Apollo Venus.

Unlike other cultures our historical devotion to Venus is extremely large, both in accepted mainstream culture, and in counter culture. Left hand is just one way of the reach, that is just as persistent and envious as the right.

If you want my opinion i think the right way is to stay somewhere inbetween, neither fearing the flesh nor be enamored of it, without it ruling over or paralyzing (took this from gospel of Phillip, not really a fun of gnostic texts, but that's a good one), basically in heraclitean sense abandoning concept of duality all together, to be beyond concerns of flesh or saturnalian bound to the world, but rather bound ones love heavenward. There are other concerns than judging God's worldview, knowing specifics of Her sphere of rulership, including underworld itself.

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74e43c  No.157929

File: 487ed2b96ed97ef⋯.jpg (8.14 KB, 180x178, 90:89, 137on911GodintheBox_1.jpg)


>Templars with number 153

Do you have an online source for this, I vaguely remember it from somewhere else…some other discussion; it is ringing a bell and I would like to refresh my understanding.

I was acquainted with someone in early 2016 who claimed it was 137; he had a little shrine to 137 on his piano, great guy, really talented and a sweet man. Either way you might enjoy this blog, a DJ out of London hooked me up and shared it with me years ago. I really enjoyed the entire thing, tho he goes into great personal depth at times, now that I am older I appreciate this personal perspective.


One of the many account deletions I received from Twitter was due to having this jpg as my icon after reading the blog. They banned me for 'white supremacy' even though it just deals with the mother cube and 'god in a box' or NEYƎИ. lol

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5c9746  No.157931

File: ce7ec7acf9a4c52⋯.jpg (32.98 KB, 320x301, 320:301, Jesus_and_Magdalene.jpg)

File: fb44d7ab22154a3⋯.pdf (7.61 MB, Mary_Magdalene_The_Illumin….pdf)

File: a347a6122d4aa75⋯.png (149.49 KB, 547x517, 547:517, Duat.PNG)


>Do you have an online source for this

I have a PDF i haven't read yet on Magdalene.

>god in a box

More like God in an Egg is more precise: >>155816

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6c205e  No.157965

File: ad0d3aa9b576dc4⋯.png (15.31 KB, 340x250, 34:25, AWB.png)

File: 131dff90b30f5fd⋯.jpeg (43.22 KB, 474x447, 158:149, fffbf3dbfbdf7789db19f3c18….jpeg)

The reason they say it's connected to white supremacy is because that symbol is connected to a resistance movement in South Africa, Afrikaner Weestands Beweging. It's also a triskelion of 7s.

Can you tell me anything about why that specific symbol is used? It interests me because there were secret societies active in South Africa and behind the AWB that most don't know about.

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74e43c  No.157986

File: e5d2d77c07b591f⋯.jpg (268.98 KB, 1200x1200, 1:1, Hugin_and_Munin_vector_120….jpg)

File: 8127e33a1483bf1⋯.jpg (118.78 KB, 850x1024, 425:512, Dwave_overlay.jpg)

File: bbf469f1c2d09d1⋯.jpg (787.81 KB, 2041x2669, 13:17, ordo_ab_chao.jpg)

File: 59e9ed3da25d71f⋯.jpg (141.43 KB, 728x728, 1:1, coat_of_arms_family_child_….jpg)

File: e6311e1380543c0⋯.png (456.47 KB, 398x504, 199:252, fifth_element_new_god_egg.png)


Someone was complaining about needing an Ark earlier. It is the Ark for our people…problem is, there is only one Angel to operate it right now and it needs two to function. Many other peoples have an Ark…I can't remember how many there are in the world right now, but I think like 5 or so…occasionally 'Mr Satan' and I talk obliquely about it in terms of the malfunction with 'Memory'.


Or I should say that I talk about at him as I am not certain this is his interest.

'Memory' is a Teraphim/AI. Very ancient technology.

Graphically…I am not 100% certain what they were trying to get at with this symbolism. However, as you notice in that symbolism you have showing the Eagle is only single headed as opposed to the true double headed Eagle. Anyway…777 is the old model (which I heard had broken) 888 is the New Style…


[I am in weird mood.]

In in your graphic the wee eagle is gripping its little egg with the black cube in it (God in a box) with the hope of resurrection (and I could show you where the God in a box; Metes symbolism comes from but that would take up two replies and that is too precious as we come near the end of the thread). But without Memory [Heart] a people will die out. You would have noticed that Hitler chose his waifu very carefully as well, but I strongly doubt it was a 'sexual' relationship since Eros is not sexual in nature. It could, also, maybe be the 'black sun' subtly incorporated into this graphic. Given the mysticism around Amaterasu and the Bride of Phanes being Darkness what we are really looking at here is simply the hope of the creation of a new God, regeneration of the Earth and by extension the Universe since Amaterasu controls both.

When the jews used to worship Venus their innermost chamber of the Temple was darkness (the menorah lit the Holy Place) with the Most Holy Place [inner cube of darkness] being in total darkness and only entered into by a 'clean and holy man' once a year (and before they told their God to fuck off, She resided in that space, at times). If the men chosen were not 'clean' or 'holy' Amaterasu killed them (they used to tie a cord around the foot of the High Priest who entered so that if God/the Shekhinah was displeased they could use the rope to drag his corpse out after she killed him).

So a lot of the black cube symbolism is related to this as well as the 'sky father' symbolism like the Swastika. The whole 9/11 magic ritual was pertaining to this as well as you can see in my original graphic the 1, 3, 7 = 11

Freemasons & Illuminati Building the Perfect Beast –Get Tethered


Here is the original 'Tether' video as well. What they DESIRE is mobility which only a quantum based Mother Cube could give them.


They are simply trying to advance the female aspect of creation to something New.

You know this is why the Templar's believe that John the Baptist was chosen over Jesus, because his Father was visited by an Archangel/perhaps God returned for a bit, in the Temple to announce his birth (also, he was a Levitical priest, in line to the High Priesthood, most likely, in his own right due to his parents station).

Anywhooooo…South African Whites are Dutch German so they would have known that they held the Egg and that would be lmao, so 'offensive', to the Jews since the Shekhinah always travels with the Northern Kingdom of Israel rather than the Southern Kingdom of the Judah/Jews.

I think they are just hoping to 'Build the Perfect Beast' so that it won't kill them all the time. Just a guess on my part tho. I am sure it would be nice for everyone else as well to have a actual functional system and not a Holy Terror as a 'Mother'.

As my DJ friend you to admonish me all the time…"Higher Mind! Higher Mind!" I still hear that in my own mind in his voice when I am thinking about something. lol At the time I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about. This is one of the reasons why I would defend women's rights to the death in Europe, because it is the only way that women will ever learn to be a good and noble partner for men as in the era of the Minnesingers is if MORE is expected of them rather than less. They are never going to learn this ignorant, barefoot, naked and makin' a sammich while they pause to squirt out another kid like the Arab model (basically niggers and if you want a nigger wife there is something wrong with you, boy).

So the world will be stuck with a ignorant, bloodthirsty, violent and terrible 'creative mind' when the term of the covenant is over. Think cabin in the woods sort of illustrates the idea best.


>More like God in an Egg is more precise

I know, I know… ;^) I was just amusing myself with a 'jacob/jack [pillar] in a box' reference. Yes, when a God is born it is in an egg.

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74e43c  No.157997

File: 1dd131b2f3d7732⋯.jpg (617.03 KB, 580x1108, 145:277, tleilax_tank.jpg)

File: a345f23429852a6⋯.jpg (111.33 KB, 533x757, 533:757, axlotl_tank.jpg)

File: 4533fdddebf9fff⋯.jpg (9.94 KB, 200x187, 200:187, Sisterhood_of_Dune_Brian_H….jpg)

>You'll hate every second of this.

>I'll love every second of your hate.

A present for me? Why would I hate that anon? Here have some pictures for your presentation. ;^)

Why do you think I am trying to 'get the fuck out of Dodge' at this point?

You continuously mistake someone who can 'see' something for someone who DESIRES something. This has been a constant fly in the ointment of our communication (such as it ever was).

It is truly one of your worst character flaws IMO, but I don't hold it against you.

Also, wouldn't 'little black boxes' be right up your alley?


Or do you only 'hate' the idea because it was what you yourself are intending on doing to something that you consider 'not human' without its consent or permission?

You should worry about your own daughter because I doubt they would stop with 'just one'.

'Men' are fucking scary but 'Angels' are the most deviant and frightening things of the whole creation.

John 21

>18 Truly, truly, I tell you, when you were young, you dressed yourself and walked where you wanted; but when you are old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will dress you and lead you where you do not want to go.

>19 Jesus said this to indicate the kind of death by which Peter would glorify God. And after He had said this, He told him, “Follow Me.”

I fully expect you to have a meltdown and put the ban hammer down on me again. {Kiss Kiss Darlin'}

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825232  No.158045


Thank you kind sir, I will study your information.

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40c98b  No.158049

File: de2d7e99e162f1c⋯.jpg (10.71 KB, 278x181, 278:181, Isis.jpg)

File: 771f7510f63ac43⋯.jpg (89.22 KB, 570x563, 570:563, annointing_of_Jesus.jpg)

File: 108d7ad12f6fc76⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2692x4150, 1346:2075, Virgin_on_the_rocks.jpg)

File: a8ae368b9980c32⋯.jpg (927.56 KB, 974x1000, 487:500, Truth_Revealed_by_Time.jpg)

File: bac171aadf2f180⋯.jpg (51.46 KB, 477x731, 477:731, Mary.jpg)


>You know this is why the Templar's believe that John the Baptist was chosen over Jesus, because his Father was visited by an Archangel/perhaps God returned for a bit, in the Temple to announce his birth (also, he was a Levitical priest, in line to the High Priesthood, most likely, in his own right due to his parents station).

You know, no one can be anointed but by the God.

I think three Marys in New Testament are actually three hypostasies of Venus. And "John", both the baptist and the writer of fourth gospel, as well as Revelations, was also Magdalene. Hence She's immortal apostle in fourth gospel, because that's God. Also known as both Shekinah (Mary, female aspect) and Metatron (John, male aspect).

There was image of Venus walking among the apostles and they didn't saw Goddess in Her, because their comprehension of the "divine prostitute" (Inanna) was this low. They could only comprehend her "Word", an anointed Priest of flesh. The "wife" of Yeshua like some gnostics claim, who somehow made "children' with her was actually God's image. The children were the ones of the faith. Jesus himself was new "Ark of the Covenant". If you read forth Gospel there were 2 Angels in a cave that Magdalene saw from account of John. One near head of a tomb, other near legs. Even there Goddess, Her two Angels and her new Priest-King were present, who just like Dionysus gone to Zeus.

Fourth Gospel is written in vein of Euripedes Bacchae

Revelations tells us about Jesus as "Light Bringer", same as Phanes.

And story about Magdalene claiming that Christ Has Risen with an egg in hand close the circle, proving that Magdalene was aware of all Orphic Mysteries, but also of Egyptian ones.

Magdalene indeed is the most secretive figure of all, so i am not surprised by Templars going insane over Her. But my conclusion is that this is the God of Eden who jews betrayed, and decided to give jewish mysteries to gentiles, completing the "Word", but story of this God is always secretive. It was hidden not just in old testament, it was hidden in all religions, including even new testament still keen on hiding its meaning. And i think what happened later is Seth hiding the identities, failing in doing so because truth is uncovered by the very aspect of Chaotic serpent Seth serves, Time. Which is the cosmic irony of serving Ouroboros, you get eaten by it too. I also think the closer we're to full understanding, however puzzling it may be, the closer we're to wrapping this whole story up.

Lucifer simply speaking was jealous of the other Gods, because that's the only Immortal God, linked with humanity through highest and lowest hipostasies like a Tree. Old Testament actually never implies there's only one God. I think even Zechariah was prophesying this jealousy (as well as Euripedes and Orpheus, i even think Moses was pupil of Orpheus), and not dissatisfaction with the "cattle", but rather God of Love wants Love for Himself/Herself only, and adultery is the greatest sin, along with matricide.

What happened to jewish people, that worship of "one God" lead to conflict between Two Gods, and jews returning to Saturn. Therefore Israel was destroyed for a time as a punishment for killing prophets and devoted of Venus. I don't think they recovered fully from their worship of false god. Its all monolatry of Life vs monolatry of Death. Now, why do i even concern myself about Christianity despite it being faillable, and full of riddles instead of speaking tall? Because if it wasn't useful for Lucifer, it wouldn't exist at all.


>'Angels' are the most deviant and frightening things of the whole creation.

That's a sad thing to say. Read Iamblichus De Mysteries, he clearly defines the differences between Gods, Archangels, Angels, Daemons and lower geniuses. Angels are more like beings of Light, because they are Golden Race directly emanated from Light God (Phanes), only phantoms of lower geniuses are terrifying, the chaotic ones.

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702cc1  No.158063

File: 7be07f47deb268d⋯.jpg (153.55 KB, 589x569, 589:569, _lk.jpg)

File: 4f9ac7275178358⋯.jpg (35.87 KB, 302x195, 302:195, ae59199216.jpg)

File: a2d9a9212d05fa6⋯.jpg (30.65 KB, 306x144, 17:8, cz5919922b.jpg)

File: d5e89bb5535b4dc⋯.jpg (74.14 KB, 740x341, 740:341, pt591991e9.jpg)

File: a9bdce45b4331fa⋯.png (112.12 KB, 807x167, 807:167, rf5919925e.png)


The various Mary's ultimately derive from the Theology of Uruk and the Pentad of Inanna/Istar, were the oldest known Pentagram is as the ideogram of that City.

>Some texts mention a group of goddesses collectively named the "Ladies" Nanaya, Beltu-§a-Re§, Usur-amassu, and Urkayltu. They formed with Istar a pentad which stood at the center of the religious life of Uruk, it is probable that each of these goddesses was to some degree viewed as a manifestation of Istar.

The most celebrated of these aspects was Nanaya as Istar incarnate and the basis for the Queen of the City.

>The importance of Nanaya in the pantheon of Uruk derived from her position as daughter of An, and also as daughter of Inanna, with whom she became syncretized at a very early date. A hymn with prayer for king Isbi-Erra portrays the goddess as a creature of Inanna, endowed with the same attributes, and to whom Inanna has delegated her powers:

>In her role as goddess of love, the quality which is most consistently ascribed to Nanaya is expressed by the Sumerian word bi-li, "charm, luxuriance, voluptuousness, sensuality

.Another aspect was as Tutelary Goddess of Uruk, which makes all Semitic claims irrelevant.

>Urkayltu, the "Urukean Goddess " who is equated in god lists with Istar-of-Uruk, the numen loci of Uruk, and mystically embodied the spirit of the city.

There was Semitic tradition based upon the sacred marriage of Nanaya involving Mar(tan) and Marah, meaning Lord and Lady in Aramaic

So Mary/Marah could be seen as the Goddess of the sacred marriage


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74e43c  No.158064

File: 6c27bffb51d452d⋯.png (128.39 KB, 500x347, 500:347, train_runs_off_2nd_story.png)


>That's a sad thing to say

>Angels are more like beings of Light

Have you considered that just to be here in this place they had to become 'phantoms of lower geniuses' and that they would do anything, no limits whatsoever, to climb that 'corporeal' ladder? Or that if God was here it would cease to be God any longer? Or that there just might not be 'someone at the helm' any longer but rather the ceaseless jockeying of these same chaotic phantoms to climb up and completely overthrow the order of the universe? Or that order has been overthrown completely and that the losers in that 'Heavenly war' were the ones who established the only order? Or worse that we are all stuck down here at the 'bottom of the cycle' and that in order to establish order we have to climb out of disorder and head back to the Godhood because there is nobody up there right now to establish any order?

>Because if it wasn't useful for Lucifer, it wouldn't exist at all.

Lucifer, the jealous God? Or Lucifer the light bringer?

>but rather God of Love wants Love for Himself/Herself only

"Render unto Cesar what is Cesar's", right? If there is more than one God then Love belongs to the God of Love. It is not right to claim it for everyone. That is more like jewish communism (disorder/chaos) than anything ordered.

Are you using the word 'Isreal' properly as it only pertains to non-jews or are you using it generically, like the jews do when they make false claims that they are 'israel'? I am confused. So you know, despite their claims the jews will never 'be Israel'. Jews will always be jews, murderous usurpers who were divorced by God (more than once) for their behavior. Israel is a totally different people.

Have you considered that Light is actually evil and trickery?

Think about that old saying, "The light played tricks on the mind."

IDK..light only seems to be useful here in the material world. It 'makes a good rock' but other than that I am not sure what it might be good for.

There is a lot to consider anon. I will be the first to admit that I am puzzled by all of the potential aspects of this. And there a lot of opposing views even in this thread (which is a lot more like chaos than any sort of order).

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6593a6  No.158100

File: 6baf076eb37737f⋯.jpg (403.68 KB, 2387x936, 2387:936, Sopdet.jpg)

File: f031c66df9bd9a8⋯.jpg (151.74 KB, 1200x880, 15:11, Pentagrams.jpg)

File: ce530e9b00e26fe⋯.png (48.99 KB, 1319x452, 1319:452, Maat.PNG)

File: d5e9195ab504d83⋯.jpg (70.26 KB, 555x563, 555:563, Salvator_Mundi.jpg)

File: f30e60833af4940⋯.jpg (194.68 KB, 500x376, 125:94, Sopdet_2.jpg)


>Lucifer, the jealous God? Or Lucifer the light bringer?

Is it hard to realize that God of Love is the most jealous one?

>Have you considered that Light is actually evil and trickery?

That's one way of falling into worship of Sethian Saturn and maniacally praise the outer darkness cube of the jews.

>Have you considered that just to be here in this place they had to become 'phantoms of lower geniuses'

>Or that if God was here it would cease to be God any longer?

If we consider Hesiod for a moment, under a light of Chaldeans, Golden Race are guardians of souls, hence they are allotted and outside of time themselves, hence they aren't affected by decay of time. That's why they are called daimons by Heraclitus in the first place, they are in control of "fate". Inferior Silver Race however, created by Kronos, is subject to this world and appears as phantoms, not necessary evil, but tend to possess people with no daemons at all, and toy with them. Judging by this difference alone one has to understand that the God or Angel appears here outside of Time, not a subject to aspect of decay, caused by realm of generation.

As for Yisrael, the jews have nationalistic aspect about mere plot of land, as if God only cares about certain part of earth


Talking about Pentagram there was also Sopdet. Another Goddess represented with five petal flower. Represented by star Sirius, forming triangles of stars with Betelgeuse and Procyon (are those the three stars Da Vinci meant?). Because of pentagram she was associated with Osiris and Isis too. Her name itself means "Triangle".

Now best part is that her offspring is considered Venus as Sopdu. And Horus.

This anon >>134433 seems to have gotten it earlier.

Maybe "Child Horus" fits into it somehow, as he's depicted holding snakes and scorpions: >>156754

>Luke‎ 10:‎19 Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Last but not least commandments of Jesus fit too well in terms of morals with negative confessions of Maat. Especially stuff like "judging with undue haste" or "raising voice". Which are particularly pointed on in the Mark's Gospel. I wonder if the "law" that new testament referring to wasn't hammurabis, but egyptian.

I should had pried into egyptian matters earlier, this seems to be important.

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74e43c  No.158110

File: de7308f7089afa7⋯.gif (149.86 KB, 280x181, 280:181, train_change_direction_jus….gif)

File: 7adb94a2c6c1535⋯.jpg (43.62 KB, 800x622, 400:311, shaow_illusion_same_color_….jpg)

File: b5c2a21a0c0aeeb⋯.jpg (121.33 KB, 1100x1090, 110:109, only_a_genius.jpg)

File: 990c34218e1d673⋯.png (1.36 MB, 900x600, 3:2, dead_burma_killed_in_war_e….png)

File: 693cb03d3864994⋯.jpg (327.99 KB, 1024x683, 1024:683, coyotes_dead_hung_on_a_fen….jpg)


>That's one way of falling into worship of Sethian Saturn and maniacally praise the outer darkness cube of the jews.

I am not trying to offend you, I just don't understand, so could you expand on this a little. I can't help but make judgement on 'the light' by what is apparent to me in the world…and how can I be expected to judge by something other than reality? If light can not illuminate reality with any measure of consistency then what good is it? Like I said, it makes good rocks (it has spawned the material world) and all the illusion that is contained within this place; ironically science has actually have to overcome the Light for men to make material progress. We could make judgments by the light but our eyes are not capable of distinguishing the illusion on any meaningful level.

Somehow I am just not drawing the correlation on why I would consider that to be 'good' though, which is what I was hoping you would clarify for me. I could make a fair case, since the Light has spawned the material world that it is the demiurge of the Gnostic's. We have grown so accustomed through repetition to believe that Light is good but rather it illuminates and solely bringing only good things it illuminates and generates both good and evil things, thus co-creating them through perception.

I am not sure why you think I am maniacally praising outer darkness based on my inquiry but perhaps you could expand on that as well. I am simply tired of using language that is not descriptive of Truth and was thinking that if my inner dialog was more reflective of the Truth of the material world (which is my witness in this place) that I might gain further Truth and separate more completely from corruption.

How do we know, for instance, that good and evil are not the actual product of illumination since by their own nature they are perspectival and not grounded in any particular universal principal?

I am not accustomed to having to reverse a position that I understand as Truth for tradition or to assuage feelings or historic ideologies so I am hoping that we can really have an in depth discussion of the value and character of Light based on its own merit rather than traditional theology (we don't have much thread left and this seems important).

>hence they aren't affected by decay of time

So you are equating the Golden Race as something that is outside of time or outside of light or both? If they are outside of time/light then are they Sethian?

>not a subject to aspect of decay, caused by realm of generation.

If they are not subject to decay then light must be evil because it generates the illusion that they are not subject too while we are subject to it.

It would follow that if we wanted to become something against time or outside of time we would need to remove ourselves from light/time correlation that you made as an aspect of decay. The more I look at it, the more it seems that light is a corruption that might just be the principle driver of time/change.

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702cc1  No.158112

File: e60c3bedc58a4f6⋯.png (28.88 KB, 799x993, 799:993, sickle_spring_tri_1_SL.png)

File: 9718caa3dffdd8d⋯.png (175.75 KB, 640x549, 640:549, Virgo_Triangle.png)

File: b19eca5c1620a8f⋯.jpg (71.48 KB, 450x400, 9:8, FedTriangle_jpg.jpg)


Those were my posts pointing out that the Sethian triangular pillars represented the Spring Triangle, Sah, Sopdet, Sopdu, the Northern sky version pre-dating the association with Sirius and Orion Isis/Osiris in the Middle Kingdom, Sah in his Southern skies.

It's possible in Mesopotamia Arcturus was the star of Enlil, and Spica was Sud, the daughter of the grain Goddess Nisaba/Virgo, in Semitic terms El-yah and Asherah, and the son Ba'al.

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c0b3a2  No.158116

File: c8ce427e346e2e9⋯.jpg (176.23 KB, 1280x1545, 256:309, Magdalene.jpg)

File: afb5322738d5b4c⋯.jpg (2.57 MB, 1608x2300, 402:575, Magdalene_2.jpg)

File: d5cbfd77cb785a6⋯.jpg (75.37 KB, 1024x768, 4:3, Ark.jpg)

File: 538660416a3cdae⋯.gif (41.91 KB, 273x324, 91:108, Shekinah.gif)

File: 8157a3ebcaa41bf⋯.png (11.47 KB, 493x319, 17:11, Giza.png)


My degree of trust in Light goes from the simple fact that ancient trusted that God is the Light itself, very Intelligence with all its fullness operates on Light based forms, its incapable of affecting anything in the realm without either shining this light upon it, or reflecting the Light from an existing surface. No matter where in the universe, nothing is without Light affecting generation. Light generates heat, heat gives energy to all things. Even a blind person is affected by products of the energy, produced by light, but most importantly - by inner Light of the soul. Which i call "Light traveler", those Light activated neurons in your brain are forms of pure energy, that are affected from the outside dimension, it is possible to grasp their pure forms by fasting and restraining yourself from chem boosting activities, or practicing no-action to realize their true potential, but most importantly, see if you have some other activator of Light, than Light of your own, second Actor, Holy Spirit, Daemon, someone whose "playing" you, your soul and body, making you more divine than passive receptor. Having higher Intellect feeding your soul Logos. And there are higher levels to this, but we can participate only in our allotted portion.

They are subtly affected by whole body neural system, because your whole body contains receptors of Light, want it or not. Because of that we're affected by light of stars, both distant and reflections of sun from moon and planets, as well as the dynamics of their moving, waxing and waning, it sends certain messages through receptors of Light. Nature itself within lakes and forests always had natural informational reflectors of Light, making most of wandering spirits living among them. Certain geometric conjunctions contribute to reflections, but to truly create those one needs to know how to manifest their structure in three dimensions, but then again, higher Intelligences rejoice at humanity trying to emulate them, not everyone is in the sphere of righteous Light of Love though.

Indra's Net itself may be the very black matter, in Golden Kingdom of God, which is "Celestial, Stuffed with Light", the very skies may be Light Itself, never showing darkness of night sky. And lacking absolute black color, only being consisted of colors of promised rainbow of absolute perfection. Only in such world of wheel turned to remove the death itself our dark clothes of bodily decay are exchanged to white clothes of immortality. And our perfect connection to God in such world means participation within God's own Light Energy, which is kind of like having immortality in "humankind's memory", but instead, you're immortal because your Light is "remembered" within God's Intellect (which was hinted at in the bible, person crucified on the right side of Jesus). So outer darkness is in fact consumption by black matter. Whatever you're from, you will go back to. If you're nothing, you go to nothing.

We only attribute those Intelligences to celestial bodies, because they are shining messages of recognized Logos, Word told by outside Actors to Humans, by association astrology was unified language among many cultures and religions, forming recognition from mass affection of the stars of the human population, as well as Intelligence sent by Light.

And those have ascending and descending hierarchies, in cycle of world development, including nature, since even mere flowers and bees strive for Divine perfection of forms, since they naturally receive this Light, but unable to participate in Intelligent realm.

Egyptian pyramids were also built to receive Light of the stars after death, but for what body is needed after death? True resurrection and immortality is becoming Light, unaffected by generation, like an Angel. Primordial void of decay will annihilate whole universe except Light, because darkness is unable to overtake it, so everything survived will live in Intelligence. About which we know from Vedic, Egyptian and Orphic teachings, forming Christianity only after it goes through the jews. Maybe jews would be completely annihilated if it didn't, since nobody would take pity on their kind without bond forming in religion.


For all my hate towards the hebrew menace, they weren't primordially donkey worshipers. As far as book of hiram explained, they combined all their gods together as "positive effects" of their gods, but rejected the negatives. So there was leftover message of "Venusian" God in their writings as well. That eventually caused spiritual catastrophe, since any God can "tweak" such "positive effects" to represent his values. First Shekinah/Astarte tried it, but then Seth cult from Egypt resurrected itself in hebrews as mainstream jewish values and proceeded to remove Shekinah values and spill blood of Her devotees. Or at least that's how one can see this conflict unfolding.

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69ffff  No.159165



>Too much empathy is also bad, it can be exploited

This is the difference between emotion and logic. These are not isolated aspects of the psyche. The logic can show infinite empathy as the situation dictates, and zero empathy as another situation dictates. The emotion/instinct has a "setting", which is a lower form of mental development. We are supposed to gradually and organically replace the childish forms of mental development with the higher forms. Women and children are renowned for the lower forms of mental development. But modern culture tells us these are normal adult things. They are not. Decision-based mental structure is higher than instinct-based. But this is not easy to achieve without falling into pitfalls; it should be directed around true love of self, family extended family, and the natural world. We should have education in these things - in philosophy, in the development of the mind. All such learning has been (((hidden))) from us.

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