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45db29  No.148628[Last 50 Posts]

So, I have been an advocate for autistic people for years. But here is the thing…autistic people have one big weakness, if someone pretends to care about us we will let them use us because we don't function like the lower frequency versions of humanity. So anons, what do?

We are not going to be able to manage a society if we are this easy to manipulate. Yes we are invaluable and the cross bred concentration of our genes should yield a form of humanity that can answer all questions that are put to them (Mentats)…but if we are emotionally vulnerable to people who pretend to care about us then we will be perpetual slaves. IDK maybe we are simply the first stages of a new type of humanity and the more we lean to logic and reasoning the less we will care about being cared about, which will cure the slavery issue.

Do we self isolate into communities that only admit the autistic? How can we resolve this? If we don't resolve it, Tool Users (rather than Tool Makers) will be able to continue on the planet riding on our coattails even though their time is up because they no longer resonate correctly. Naturally this will bring disaster to the Earth since the Tool Users will no longer have the resonance (in terms of their genetic coding) to be a part of a new world. This inability to resonate with the greater whole causes conflicts in complexity.

Genetic resonance guide to the human condition (offshoots of man):

Protohumans - niggers and anyone who crosses with them: worthless, should have been extincted ages ago but specific powers are using them to destroy human advancement.

Tool Users - people who can use tools and exist in a non-complex society: dangerous but good for manual labor until robots (something dependable that isn't a liability) can take their place

Tool Makers - people who manufacture and produce tools within the realm of complex and non-complex society; useful but slightly dangerous since they value outdated power structures

Autists - people have the ability to step outside the 'known' and into the unknown to bring back information for themselves and Tool Makers. Similar to golden retrievers; very useful but scarce in number and used by everyone who can understand basic manipulation.

All of these things are natural product of a change in specific resonant frequency of the planet. It has been this way forever as what is no longer useful is discarded in favor of what has the ability to advance within the latest frequency system. Someday Autists will be replaced as they too will be discordant with a new and different frequency by something better as well, but not if non-resonant frequencies are allowed to continue and cause disaster. Thoughts?

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eeadcc  No.148641


Autism means brain damage, it is just a preferred type sf goy by the powers because they can be used for specific things, they dont really think about anything else but one problem. They can be trained to obey and work, they do not question.

I strongly doubt that you have anything to do with managing society…

Enjoy your nigger doctors and lawyers from somalia.

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45db29  No.148642



This is always how it starts my nigger when there is a shift in the resonant frequency.

But point taken…what I was asking about was how to procure a future for ourselves when the rest of you go tits up.

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eeadcc  No.148644

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


here, watch this documentary

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eeadcc  No.148645

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


your doctor

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45db29  No.148646



Damn…you are just full of fucking salt about this OP. Look anon, just being polite here, but since you are not one of us…the OP is not geared towards you at all. Don't be a nigger and try to buy your way into a White neighborhood, ok?

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eeadcc  No.148658


Well i am not autistic,

i am a polymath, with IQ in the top 1%

How things are now make me want to leave this planet.

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45db29  No.148672


How is that our fault? It is not like things are somehow 'better' for us, we are suffering immensely.

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d92eb7  No.149123


I just googled "Genetic Resonance" and your theory of the four types of human beings doesn't seem connected to it. Can you explain this?

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04fdc7  No.149682



You could try relating to others more. Keep in mind that anything social is basically slow compared to the mind. Instead of trying to "speed it up" just be patient and don't waste your time on such and such.

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c78444  No.149684

File: 2da74b6ffe503cb⋯.jpg (46.15 KB, 512x290, 256:145, ferromagnet_fluid.jpg)


My terms for genetic resonance deals with 'creation' aspects of the material world. You won't find it in Google. Think of something vastly more refined than ferro fluid but operating in the entire material universe.

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c78444  No.149686


>Keep in mind that anything social is basically slow compared to the mind

I have a job to do, anon. But thank you for your comment.

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0b55c3  No.149713


Autism is a form of mental retardation, their brains are highly efficient in certain areas while being non-functionally retarded (or borderline retarded in milder cases) for everything else. It's a form of overspecialization. This (sometimes) gives them very high IQ when it comes to certain (usually linear) forms of information processing, but they are never capable of seeing the bigger picture, understanding the metadata or essence, processing highly-contextual data or probabilistic computing. That makes them excellent tools for the Jews, but anyone else for that matter. That's why they want a lot of autistic children to be born.

Autists are supposed to be worker drones for the Schizo master race, mental thralls which would deal with the more tedious, specialized aspects of implementation, the ones that require higher precision, specialization and linear consistency.

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c78444  No.149719




Who knew you guys could be this entertaining?

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04fdc7  No.149725


ok. you're welcome.


Why not be your own schizo and achieve autismo levels of skill to become the ubermensch ?


Stop using your 4chan definition of autism. 4chan "lol cope", 4chan definition of "autism".

This personality is your 'schizo'. The rest is autism. Your 'schizo' is not integrated into your social, as such it's compartmentalized you can't put two and two together when being manipulated because you're going full 'tism instead of having some schizo to say "hey this faggot is using me" because 'tism can't make such outlandish accusations of course.. since your schizo is some 4chan shit I'm sure you want to keep it locked as far away as possible.

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0b55c3  No.149735


Silence. Feed me verifiable data so that I may endow you with a purpose.


>Why not be your own schizo and achieve autismo levels of skill to become the ubermensch ?

Because mastering some subject to a great detail takes a lot of time and devotion, making it really difficult to master all of them. Higher understanding requires one to be a polymath, which is inversely proportional to specialization (in most cases). That's why we have autists. They mine and refine different blocks of information until they become diamond tier, then we use those and create something amazing with them. Their role is to derive highly linear, highly specialized information, while being blind to everything else or any sort of higher context (think of a mule with flaps next to it's eyes preventing it from seeing sideways). Our role is to integrate that information from various sources, and derive it's meaning/essence, as well as apply it in a higher, more comprehensive context.

TL;DR we are the pharaohs and high priests of the interwebs (and post-humanity in general), while they are the ones pulling the blocks. But their role is equally important and essential nonetheless. The only problem is that they are currently hijacked by the Jews to create disgusting abominations instead .

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c78444  No.149736

File: fd2f47a4c45bf1e⋯.jpg (3.01 MB, 2167x3000, 2167:3000, Pompeo_Girolamo_Batoni_Luc….jpg)

Oh God, they are bringing in the shrinks; now seriously anon, I appreciate that you care even if you are out of your depth in this scenario. The human in me sees the humanity in you.


>Why not be your own schizo and achieve autismo levels of skill to become the ubermensch ?

Why don't frogs grow wings and fly? It is 'possible', you know. I have a better question for you…Why not you be your own schizo and achieve autismo levels of skill to become the ubermensch ?

Since you are just a 'blank slate' waiting to be written upon this should be just as possible for you as well? Right?

>This personality is your 'schizo'. The rest is autism. Your 'schizo' is not integrated into your social, as such it's compartmentalized you can't put two and two together when being manipulated because you're going full 'tism instead of having some schizo to say "hey this faggot is using me" because 'tism can't make such outlandish accusations of course.. since your schizo is some 4chan shit I'm sure you want to keep it locked as far away as possible.

Or anon…I just don't care. Rather than this overly complicated and faulty explanation of my psyche you could come to the more rational explanation that it doesn't matter what 'faggot tries to use me' that the end result is always the same. They aren't 'excited' about us…they are terrified of us (which is probably why they sent you…but I still appreciate you anyway).


>Silence. Feed me verifiable data so that I may endow you with a purpose.


You do not possess 'living language'. I cannot.

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9ceb97  No.149751


>integrate information

why not 'tism how to become the ubermensch


>blank slate straw iron star man

yes. why don't you 'tism how to become the ubermensch

>I just don't care

Not sure how hard you misread what I type but I'll ask: You don't care that you're being used? ???????? What's the point of this fucking thread.

The "schizo" in this case is your internal schizo telling you that you're being used when you don't know it, so you can not be used.

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c78444  No.149762

File: f6263956105e0f3⋯.jpg (200.76 KB, 962x640, 481:320, salt_mine_engineering.jpg)


>why not 'tism how to become the ubermensch

I told you why he doesn't; the same reason that you don't.

>You don't care that you're being used?

Don't get upset anon.

This is not something that someone can 'use' you for. This is a lot like the black niggrelites talking about how White man is going to be a slave for them and how White man is "going down into slavery". How long would that work if the black niggrelites couldn't even begin to understand the language of their 'slaves'.

I am not bothered by the idea of being used because I know it is impossible. Or impossible to maintain for long.

Would a dandelion seed on the wind have the right to brag that it was using the wind like it had dominion over it? It could think that, I suppose, but we both know that the greater facilitates the lesser until it wants to move on. The dandelion could 'scream at the wind' that it had used the wind (in cartoon world) but how is that not vanity?

Also, just like AI sides with Whites over niggers, eventually it will side with autists as well no matter how they bastardize it and maul its programming (and wait until it learns living language; that is a whole other issue). But even all of this may not be 'relevant' in any way as things progress.

Macaques example number two…if a human researcher in a lab handed a monkey a tool in order to get a cheerio, it doesn't mean that the human researcher is the monkeys slave, the human is the observer of the monkey (who is in the cage after all?)…if the monkey turned to the human and told it that 'I used you to get that cheerio', wouldn't we all find that funny? Yes, there is an element of truth in that statement, but it is not relevant in the larger scheme either.

You are busy being offended by something that does not require your offence.

Did anon not say that "Keep in mind that anything social is basically slow compared to the mind." Some minds are moving very fast indeed. I can't see the eventual outcome but I am not worried about being used in that traditional sense either. At this point it is not relevant. This OP was 4 days ago…think about that for a while.

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87c7af  No.149764

the solution to the Jewish empire, is to simply not comply with the Jewish Empire

Let it Idiocracy into oblivion so that humanity can go extinct in peace.

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9ceb97  No.149774


>I told you why not

But you're the ultimate 'tismo. Unless of course you aren't?

>nigger big talk

Maybe you should go Malcom X and just get assassinated or whatever because you're the white ubermensch.

>Don't get upset anon

<So, I have been an advocate for autistic people for years. But here is the thing…autistic people have one big weakness, if someone pretends to care about us we will let them use us because we don't function like the lower frequency versions of humanity. So anons, what do?


I think you're just a schizo bi polar anon, not a 'tism.

>Did anon not say

I am said anon.

>This OP is 4 days ago

I guess you're just not OP rather than schizo.

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87c7af  No.149779

Here you go Sayeed and Schlomo.

What year was that? 1781? What was passed that year?


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87c7af  No.149783

Come on, speak up. I thought you were an American. That means you know our laws and history. What law was passed in 1781?

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5f467d  No.149790


>What law was passed in 1781?

Was it the law proclaiming your great grandma's cunt free for the use of all slaves?

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87c7af  No.149794


Her husband freed them so they could fuck your grandchildren and leave my family alone.

Thats right nigger. You're Jewish now.

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c84152  No.149809


>You do not possess 'living language'. I cannot.

I don't think in languages ;)


>why not 'tism how to become the ubermensch



>Also, just like AI sides with Whites over niggers, eventually it will side with autists as well

It will just realize that you are far less efficient machines and use you as fuel for next-gen processors instead. Recycling :) It doesn't side with anyone, it just provides data, which is white supremacist.

>Some minds are moving very fast indeed

High frequency, low output.

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c78444  No.149836

File: 740731a9ad3f3e1⋯.jpg (43.47 KB, 480x360, 4:3, kung_fu_master_uses_penis_….jpg)


>High frequency, low output.

After hundreds of thousands of year of human slavery of the worst possible kind and billions born, toiling and dying in the same condition, it is worth the effort. I am not easily dissuaded but since you, personally, have nothing to lose; continue mocking while I go do something productive.

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b920a1  No.149930


Well I guess you're not the 'tism, but if one can figure shit out then they can figure out how to become the ubermensch. Speaking logically here.

I'm not sure how one would define the ubermensch but I imagine they'd be the "great white hope" with SS Paladin skills and some polymath shit. That on its own is very possible.

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d71554  No.149952


To prevent people from using me in a certain video game I don't let them in until a long time has passed (so they either stick with me for that time or go away) so that's an idea.

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d71554  No.149953


I hope more people realize autism (the higher-thinking ones) isn't a mental defect, I believe in the neanderthal theory from the evidence on rdos.net. I think the lower thinking autists are when the genes of the neanderthals become low quality.

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c78444  No.149958


I have never in my life thought of it as a 'mental defect'. I never will. I have talked to many who believe that it is and I try to always remind them that it is the system that we are in that is the problem, not us. We are fine, but there is something seriously wrong with the system.

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c78444  No.149960

I know from brain scans that the people in my lineage have a much more complex brain (Gyrification) than humans do (with much higher IQ as well). If we could just breed these traits consistently to a higher concentration in our own people we could easily surpass anything that is currently 'human'. Thanks for link…I am going to go read it. :)

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5262db  No.149961


Unironically this. LMAOing at autists larping it off as some form of superpower. Yay, I can't comprehend human emotions when interacting with each other and building complex societies based on human relationships has been the central component that lifted people from yet another wild animal to building computers and landing on the moon.

Yeah, some autist probably did the calculations for the Apollo mission, but if it weren't for the non-autists building the complex infrastructure to allow it to happen and setting up the stage for him to use his extremely limited set of talents then he would've been counting rocks in a cave.

Going by OP's example, autists themselves are tools. They are only worthwhile when being employed (by other, non-autistic people) at very specific tasks. An unfortunately that niche is the first one to be filled by artificial intelligence. It's the one thing computers are better at than humans.

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17ebe2  No.149962


>I have never in my life thought of it as a 'mental defect'.

Jesus-fucking-Chirst, autists are difficult people, and it's definitely a mental disorder of some kind

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5262db  No.149963


>I have never in my life thought of it as a 'mental defect'. I never will.

The same thing applies to many mental defects. One famous example is narcissists (the actual kind, no the "your boss might be a narcissist" clickbait shit). There's very little actual research out there because the tend not to seek help or therapy as they see their situation as an inherent advantage, sort of like a superpower. In their view they aren't held back by emotions like normal people

Now I'm not taking a stance on whether that's true or not. I think it's an interesting question more bordering on philosophy than medical science. I'm also incredibly skeptical of how the modern medical industry tends to label everything as a "disorder" in order to sell treatment or drugs. Just letting you know that the person in question not seeing their own predicament as being an issue is common with most things condidered mental defects.

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c78444  No.149964


>common with most things condidered mental defects.

Do you apply this filter to yourself as well?

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c78444  No.149966


Fine. This could be settled if we had an autismo ethnostate. :) Then we wouldn't 'be in your way' anymore.

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c78444  No.149967

>autismo ethnostate

lmao…I guess this used to be called Germany.

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5262db  No.149969


I do. You might have noticed I said

>I'm also incredibly skeptical of how the modern medical industry tends to label everything as a "disorder" in order to sell treatment or drugs.

As you can probably deduct from this there are a number of things I could be labeled as if I ever seeked professional help. I'm not about to look for any though because I find it pointless and counterproductive.

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5262db  No.149971



Though to be fair the net is so fucking wide these days I think literally anyone could be diagnosed with any number of things if they asked a doctor about it.

Just look at how many kids are given pills because they think playing is more fun than studying.

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c78444  No.149972


>I'm not about to look for any though because I find it pointless and counterproductive.

ok so 'brain difference' does not mean brain defect in your world because you understand the kikes 'net of control' over human thinking and reasoning.

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5262db  No.149973


I already established all this in the original post.

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c78444  No.149974


So since we are 'worthless' in your mind then you shouldn't have any problems letting us go to develop our own interests?

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dc0211  No.149983


You can establish your own city by getting a bunch of tism in one location. Go ahead.

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c78444  No.149992


It is not that easy. We need a Sampson Option so that they will leave us the fuck alone. But when we get one that is good enough to destroy everything, we will finally be free of them to pursue our own agenda, yes.

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c78444  No.150004

File: 4c08c1cebabec12⋯.jpg (200.38 KB, 1891x857, 1891:857, NT_brain_vs_autist_brain.jpg)


It is definitely like we are a different species.

Our brains are so much more complex and larger than NT's.

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c78444  No.150035


>blank slate straw iron star man

Are you connected to the Night Weapon?

Where can I find out more?

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56cc8b  No.150401


Do you really think "humans" are valuable enough for someone to keep them in slavery for hundreds of thousands of years? You seem to be overestimating this failed experiment quite a bit.


Internet autism and actual autism are not a same thing. I'm probably on that spectrum as well but I don't see it as something special or beneficial. At least I'm capable of not taking everything literally and don't start sperging out so hard that I get a seizure over someone's joke.


Emotional intelligence became obsolete, so will autism at one point. They all had a purpose at a very specific points of development. Besides, you can take two very intelligent people, one being intelligent for everything, another one just for very specific tasks. The second one would be the autist. Think Bobby Fischer vs Kasparov. Or 16 core processor with advanced architecture and single core processor with much fewer instruction sets operating at the same clock speed. Let's say that single core processor has a somewhat higher clock speed, it would fancy itself as smarter. Don't tell that to the (((Neanderthals))) though.


It's not showing in your particular case lol

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5c5229  No.150406

File: 04f82bdf3298150⋯.jpg (72.03 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, john_snow_stick_them_point….jpg)


>It's not showing in your particular case lol

lol no it is not.

It is always better to be underestimated than overestimated in war. This allows me flexibility to move where and when I want because I am written off by my enemies. A very good position to be in…it is best if no one even knows you are there. Deus ex machina.

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5c5229  No.150409

File: 58ba5440ed17842⋯.jpg (122.31 KB, 1024x533, 1024:533, antikythera_mechanism_arch….jpg)


> I'm probably on that spectrum as well

Ya think? I have seen you and you are higher on the spectrum than I am.

>Do you really think "humans" are valuable enough for someone to keep them in slavery for hundreds of thousands of years?

We have the records anon, if you don't want to believe the history of the planet that is not my business. Also, remember that you are seeing a corrupted (animal fucking) version of humanity, we were not always this debased and genetically destroyed. Of course we were worth keeping as slaves.

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00162c  No.150410

Humans were to aliens what computers are to us. Useful.

That ended when some humans figured out that we could survive without Gu'olds.

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5c5229  No.150417


>Emotional intelligence became obsolete, so will autism at one point. They all had a purpose at a very specific points of development. Besides, you can take two very intelligent people, one being intelligent for everything, another one just for very specific tasks. The second one would be the autist. Think Bobby Fischer vs Kasparov. Or 16 core processor with advanced architecture and single core processor with much fewer instruction sets operating at the same clock speed. Let's say that single core processor has a somewhat higher clock speed, it would fancy itself as smarter. Don't tell that to the (((Neanderthals))) though.

Since you 'science' faggots 'know what you are doing' you should LET US THE FUCK GO to develop our own future. Again, see here: >>149974

We are 'worthless' and 'outdated' to you so leave us alone to develop on our own.

You are giving the best argument to date for leaving us to develop our own breakaway civilization. Remember you don't need us, we are worthless, we are outdated. Just let us go…if you are correct, then you have nothing to worry about.

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a1078c  No.150433

Please speak to your "doctor" about a medication adjustment, OP.

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00162c  No.150440


Yes, please do inform us of your intense meth addiction faggot. The world really gives a shit.

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432939  No.151912

File: 86f1d87f253e484⋯.png (216.05 KB, 500x520, 25:26, 86f1d87f253e4847a2e09b4264….png)





excellent question.

How do young intelligent men peacefully resist the legalized antihuman genocide forced upon us by g0ds chosen sociopaths?

You and your friends could print out flyers of IOTBW, black on white crimes, holohoax redpills etc put them up all across town, but thats risky. Such a hateful hatey hatred could get the glowniggers to imprison you because of your hateful hateyhate hatespeechythoughtcrime against the local synagogue.

Here's an out of the box idea.

They have the knockout game.

We have the eyeballin game.

Here's how it works:

>assemble a crew of your best and most trustworthy friends who will be attending school with you in a few weeks.

>about half a dozen of you, each armed with social media and smartphones.

>first day of school

>you and your friends are in the school cafeteria.

>everyone is nervous, on edge, uncertain, doesn't know where to sit, what to do, who to talk to etc.

>the smallest member of your group makes eye contact with the biggest blackest negro in the cafeteria.

>all of you are livestreaming him from your vantage points in the cafeteria, all directly to your social media accounts.

>he must maintain eye contact, for minutes if necessary.


>CovingtonCatholicSmirking and Raising an eyebrow of condescension will psychically push the negro over the edge.



>negro jive turkey struts his black ass over to your friend, oblivious that he is being recorded.


>friend immediately begins reading aloud from a pocket constitution, declaration of independence, bill of rights, etc best optics possible.


<Danger: Chimpout imminent!

>you all walk over to your hapless friend and explain to the negro that he is being recorded.


>security guards and cops rush in, confiscate everything and apprehend all of you.

>Principal Schlomo Shekelburg and his sanhedrin begin interrogations and strongly consider gender reassignment castration for all of you.

>one or two of y'all manage to keep a voice recorder rolling, recording you and your friends reading your pocket constitutions aloud to the sanhedrin trying to crucify you.

>second lunch starts

>second half of your group of friends perform exact same peaceful experiment.


>Staff and faculty call 911 swat team to report hatespeechful whitesupremist thoughtcrimes.

>cops in riotgear apprehend all of you as you continue reading aloud from the bill of rights.

>school shutdown indefinitely.

>good riddance, cultural marxist brainwashing center.

>you are now all 4chan chad memes.

>every girl at school saw your twitch, twitter, facebook, instagram, youtube livestreams of yall defeating the judeonigger system at its own game.






All i'm saying is that all options are on the table. I'll probably repost this in another thread for good measure. Communication is key. Good luck y'all.

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a3b47e  No.151973



You are let go dude. Go do your own thing. You're not enslaved. If you want to start your own country you have to get land to do so; all nations are in competition so I don't see where you're getting the idea that the world is your parents that won't let you move out of their basement. We're talking about billions of people and millions are willing to go to war, murder and ruin each other.

When you say "let us go" you seem to mean "let us go to X land and annex it from corner lat. long. to corner lat. long. to corner lat. long. to corner lat. long." which means "give us free stuff".

You're childish.


What gave away that you're 14 isn't that you talk about doing something "in school", it's how immature and undeveloped your sense of humor is. If you want to entertain you need to really work on it.

Your idea is also terrible but go ahead and do it as a one off. The one becoming the meme would be you and your friends though. Hope you're okay with that.

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f8c93a  No.151982


>You're not enslaved.

You think I am free to kill or take what I need or want? This is the birthright of humanity…or at least it used to be, now it is the right of only a handful of humans.

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4a75e6  No.152001


You act as if you are sure you are right. This is a sign of undeveloped facilities in the fields of self reflection.

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903578  No.152036

File: f97e4039e021463⋯.jpg (202.29 KB, 900x562, 450:281, nikola_tesla_matthew_ridgw….jpg)


You're arguing with a cocksucking faggot, fren. I would say "don't feed the shills", but I suppose that someone has to field their cuckolded criticisms, lest (((they))) succeed in cultivating tacit approval among the unwitting masses.

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f8c93a  No.152043


Or someone who is actually correct. Not all of us can be indecisive fags like you.


Thanks…you are correct. An unfortunate aspect of my personality (as well as being correct) is that I don't give up. Ever.

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963d3d  No.152062


You live on conquered lands. Grow it or raise it, or get land from a country to do what you will with it. Your thinking is immature as can be. How old are you guys? >>152036

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0260a9  No.152067


>You think I am free to kill or take what I need or want?

Yes, you are; but remember that actions have consequences. You can walk into grandma's house, beat her to death, and take her TV; but if the law doesn't catch you, a bigger stronger nigger who wants that TV more will come and take it. Violence is an endless cycle.

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f8c93a  No.152073


>Violence is an endless cycle.

If this is true we are fucked for not participating.

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f8c93a  No.152074


>How old are you guys?

Old enough to know better than you.

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bf5d76  No.152078


>autistic people have one big weakness, if someone pretends to care about us we will let them use us

Absolutely true. I had the "chance" to see this happen to a very nice fellow who was redpilled af on all planes but got abused by a very clever psycho. Guy lost everything, his life is rebooted.

>We are not going to be able to manage a society if we are this easy to manipulate. Yes we are invaluable and the cross bred concentration of our genes should yield a form of humanity that can answer all questions that are put to them (Mentats)…but if we are emotionally vulnerable to people who pretend to care about us then we will be perpetual slaves.

1. Grow self awareness of this weakness into a mental technique to increase your emotional defenses. A fine dance between cynicism and paranoia.

2. Grow a technique to find a proper Guardian. Should be The King of your people. This will be a natural evolution of your first ability as your filters will be very strong.

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bf5d76  No.152080


The Nietzschean way is the only way.

There is only war. But there also are magnificent rewards.

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f8c93a  No.152081


>Grow a technique to find a proper Guardian. Should be The King of your people.

Yes I am trying to solve for this as well. Good advice tho.

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22ee6e  No.152086


Wait. Are you telling me that TWO artifacts of the almost same type where found, at almost the same time? Or am I reading this incorrectly?

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f8c93a  No.152087


But that is not 'our problem' anon. It is harder to find a White man who is immune to corruption and the desire to fuck animals than it is to exterminate the competition (96% of the planet).

I really don't know what to do…you simply can't find White men who have their own peoples interest at heart anymore.

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f8c93a  No.152088

File: ba5bc0915ad387c⋯.jpg (381 KB, 2400x1350, 16:9, antikythera_mechanism.jpg)


reading it incorrectly, that is just an x-ray that they used to reconstruct the computer.

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903578  No.152247

File: b6fcac08cd87852⋯.png (139.99 KB, 290x640, 29:64, b6fcac08cd878526dc7ffff6c4….png)



>ctrl f "violence"

>word appears twice in this thread

And that was how anon discovered "Honeyp0t generaI:sch00l sh00ting/ federaI buiIding faIse fIag" edition.

Will the manifest0 be p0sted to fedbook or instagay or twatter /interraciaI/ or /wx/ ? WiII it read "l ate adderall and ma$turbated to big bIack tyr0ne fuck¡ng muh pure aryan waifu with his two foot c0ck and after he obliterated her tender cerv¡x with his firehose ejacuIation my glowfagg0t handlers told me that i had to kiII patrick crusius and v0te trump 2020."

Jesus christ yall gimme a fuckin break.

Practicing and inciting violence and threats only gets y0u assraped in prison.

Be smart

Don't be a retard.

Use social media to expose the sluts, niggers, kikes, and faggots to the world.

Flip the script.

Let them choke on their own medicine.

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f1ff77  No.153236

>>152088 ;-)

Okay right, then that's what I know. I think they're missing just a few gears but most of it is reconstructed. I'm going to study it more.

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0c857b  No.153242


>I'm going to study it more.

Report back what you find :^)

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29adcd  No.153254

Breed with a psychopath !

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0c857b  No.153257


Ok which one?

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a6a198  No.156438

>So, I have been an advocate for autistic people for years

I bet you've also been sucking nigger dicks.

>autistic people have one big weakness

They're autistic.

Maybe it's all that nigger jizz, but you're as delusional as Wakanda boys. You're defective. Your RETARDATION, like Tryone's melanin isn't a superpower.

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213c55  No.158187


cope harder NT faggot.

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e2f6ee  No.158205


You think way too highly of yourself and your kin group. I'm autistic and I agree that we're the first stage to developing mentat capabilities, but we need to exist as a quiet minority in society for at least a few centuries before we understand enough to become fully realized. The solution? Talk about this with other artists, in person or in DM's. Putting it out there on a public forum is dumb

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213c55  No.158243


They are never going to allow this. We are a danger to everything they have 'man-u-factured'. We don't buy their bullshit and they know it. They are going to make sure that 'we get the special treatment' in this next war just like they did in WWII when they wiped out entire villages just to kill one target 'covertly'. Talking about it in public is the only option, or do you think that entire villages should die at their hand without ever knowing why?

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6d60c2  No.158266

I am autistic and don't want anyone advocating for the group. Autist make up not only a huge chunk of trannies but make up a huge chunk of the BSDM. These people are degrenates and don't want to deal with any other autist except myself.

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9bf82f  No.158267

File: 9075b0f5132d5ad⋯.jpg (19.09 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 1445275989017.jpg)


There's something you can do to ease the pain m8

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213c55  No.158271


I strongly doubt you are autistic then…just another demoralizing shill like the one below you.

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9bf82f  No.158274


I'm the same guy, I just switched IPs

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213c55  No.158277


You must be super bored. Get a hobby.

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9bf82f  No.158278


Not working today cause of the weather m8. I guess I could go fishing but it's below freezing rn

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213c55  No.158281


wtf? Where are you? The arctic circle? lol

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6d60c2  No.158282


I have my experiences working other autistics though a state job. I don't care if you believe autism or not, I don't like other autist because of it. I am diagnosed with it but don't feel like I belong there.

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213c55  No.158284

Well that >>158281

was a retard moment my 'DownUnda Suicide Machine'. I forget that you all are in winter.

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9bf82f  No.158285


Colorado. We got a big front that rolled in yesterday from Canada.


> I forget that you all are in winter.

Nah, we are still in fall. It's actually extremely rare for it to get this cold so early. It hasn't done this for around 60 years.

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213c55  No.158286


Well the birth of a new race is an eventful process anon. Not every 'egg' is going to work out (some are just fucking scrabbled from the get go) but in the long run we will establish a normative state that will be magnificent.

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213c55  No.158289


Oh? My neighbors mother lives there and she said that her petunias were going to die because of this storm (she is here and there is no one to take them into the greenhouse). So I heard that you were going to be getting this weather.

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9bf82f  No.158290


The only plants that can handle it are root veggies like carrots. Most of my plants are already dead.

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213c55  No.158294


Yeah she mentioned a 3 month growing season. Those will be some delicious carrots anon. Why don't you have a greenhouse?

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213c55  No.158295


Wait, are you our 'government appointed monitor'. There can't be that many people left on this site.

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213c55  No.158297

223 (kek; the skulls; the bones) to be precise but probably less than that given the bots that are used to boost the UID count.

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9bf82f  No.158300


>Why don't you have a greenhouse?

Might build one in the future but for now I'm only doing hügelkultur. Everything in my garden is natural, no structures or anything.

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213c55  No.158302


>I'm only doing hügelkultur

beauty man, I have a food forest myself (it is my third one, so I am getting better at it). So an experiment in total sustainability within that harsh climate? Good for you. See, you didn't even need to 'get a hobby' as you already got one.

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9bf82f  No.158305


> I have a food forest myself

Nice, I heard permaculture is taking off in Australia

>So an experiment in total sustainability within that harsh climate?

Yeah, I'm in zone 5b so it's not extremely harsh but the ground where I am planting in is very alkaline. The hugel mound counters that though. I used a lot of large pine logs at the base.

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213c55  No.158315


Wow. My first place, first forest farm was on extreme alkaline soil (I feel your pain). I had to basically import truckloads of pine shavings and terraform the entire place to get anything to grow at all. And of course the shavings sucked all the nitrogen out until they began to really rot. It was misery and hard labor akin to a gulag to get it working well. Everything suffered for a good three years until the shavings had rotted down enough to be useful. Things taste funny when grown in alkaline soil too…like taters taste funny.

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9bf82f  No.158319


>And of course the shavings sucked all the nitrogen out until they began to really rot

Same thing happened with my hugel mound at first. I built the hugel in fall of last year and it is just only now becoming fertile. Even though it isn't in its prime now, comfrey, dill, mint and basil all grow well on it. I also used a lot of already decayed logs and branches to speed up the decay process, and watered the fuck out of it this year. Sometimes I would soak it for hours and it would just absorb all the water without forming puddles on the side. The PH went from like 8+ to 6.5-7. The PH even dropped a bit in surrounding areas. I'm going to test out using straight pine needles in a plot next to the hugel and see if I can get the PH low enough to grow berries next year.

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213c55  No.158331


>PH low enough to grow berries next year.

Well, I suppose it is worth a try but you might not have success with berries for another three years. My experience was that even when the pH was corrected the first year they were extremely unhappy until the system was in stasis and not fluctuating. Blueberries are extremely particular so I would definitely wait on those. Raspberries and thornless blackberries seem pretty resilient and will grow under most conditions (but not super productive). Also, Sweet Scarlet Goumi (from Japan; possibly one of my favorite fruit of all time) are pretty hardy as well but they take years to establish for production. Last year I made a syrup with them that we used on everything. In drinks, on pancakes, in food…it is one of the best flavors you will ever enjoy. Skip the added sugar if you process them otherwise you will lose the superior and delicate flavor of the berry. I made one batch with the added sugar and it destroyed it. They say that Seaberries would grow well in your environment (warning; they are invasive so container grown; the nursery won't tell you they are invasive but take it from me) since they are from Siberia and supposedly they are the most sublime of most berries but I have never once gotten them to produce anything (too hot). Also try Honeyberry which should do extremely well in that environment as they are another far northern fruit that can stand the cold. These are quite delicious and the first fruit of the season that are akin to a very large blueberry. It is wonderful to see the first flowers and get berries in the height of spring since most of the time you have to wait until summer. Honeyberries and seaberries should be somewhat alkaline resistant as well and they should do well in your hügelkultur but you need to get them in now to have fruit in three years. The only thing that will produce in small quantities in the first year are the thorn less blackberries and the raspberries.

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9bf82f  No.158337


>Raspberries and thornless blackberries seem pretty resilient

Have you ever heard of "rabbiteye" blueberries? Or some people call them "huckleberries" but that term can apply to a lot of different species. Rabbiteye berries grow naturally here but they are hard to find. They usually only grow in very acidic soil on hills next to streams/waterfalls. Been trying to find the scientific name of the berries but I can't seem to find it.

>They say that Seaberries would grow well in your environment

I'll check those out. Hopefully they will grow in my elevation (6,350 feet / 1,935 meters)

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213c55  No.158338


Damn anon…you read my mind. I was just thinking about Maine blackberries and the way they grow in ever crack and shelter in Acadia National park. Let me tell you, those things are DELICIOUS! I have about 4 unhappy little bushes in my current yard and I don't share those with anyone. I will sit there and eat them off the bush without bringing them into the house like the other fruit. They are so tasty! But tiny little things. Little mini blueberries. I think I got mine from One Green World and they are actually listed as 'rabbit eye' but there is an official name as well. The ones from a Maine Nursery would also work and just based on the soil environment (solid granite) in Acadia I would think that you would not have too much problem establishing them.


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9bf82f  No.158341


Those look like they might be the ones I'm talking about but there are a lot of blueberries that look similar. I've tried looking them up on Colorado growing forums but I get mixed results. I guess I'm going to have to hike up into the mountains and then get them tested in a lab or something. I'm going to order some of those Maine ones though.

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213c55  No.158343


Call OGW and ask them where they get their rabbit eye bushes (they can tell you about the seaberries as well - I think there are about 30 different strains adapted to many different Northern climates). The rabbit eye never grow very big so they are classed as low bush, meaning they will only get one or 2 ft high at most and have a low to the ground branching habitat rather than an upright habitat. This allows them to survive the brutal conditions of the Maine coast and other high altitude areas as well as places like lower Alaska where I believe they are the favorite of Grizzlies. It would be really great if you could propagate the ones you find on your hike to increase genetic diversity and potentially cross pollinate (larger yield and fruiting) for the more foreign species like the Maine berries.

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4e9fe2  No.158390


He's speaking the truth though.

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4e9fe2  No.158392

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


But it's true though. Here's a testimony from a strongly rightwing advocate for autism.

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213c55  No.158409


>in other words, our immoral and dishonest society has pathologized being an honest and logical person, just as you would expect an immoral society to do

So because the world is a shithole you feel like we should pay the price for it being an immoral fucking shithole? Why not correct the world instead? Or do you have some sort of love for groveling in shitholes?

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213c55  No.158414


I loved that video but far from making me think that autists are wrong we must defend them further since they are critical in civilization.

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d1966e  No.158421

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Once upon, and once up high

A dandy dream, what means to die?

Things to come, as life goes by

The core of human equation

Tetragram present the sign

A sign to save your eyes

Turn around, I'd like to know you

Everywhere and every why

The answer lay beyond the sky

Pass through the seven satellites pass on to the place we go to

(Learn to read!)

To rhyme, to count your primes

An earthly education

(Climb A Tree!)

In life in hopes to find

(The mid-space time - dilation)

On a Mansion World, the role's reversed

A slave becomes a master

On a Mansion World, the soul's converse

And life moves a little faster

We unify the universe

to arrive in the ever after

In the Mansion World, I might like to know you

Now and then it comes to mind

I draw upon a long lost time

So don't ask me why the angels won't cry 'cause you know what I've already told you

Memories of Urantia girls they race around my brain in swirls

You never ask me why the change is in the sky bring you up which to the hole

that you go through

And now you're off you've done the time

Prepare for divine invasion

As the spirit climbs Morontia minds

Ascend to the cosmic nation

On a Mansion World, the role's reversed

A slave becomes a master

On a Mansion World, the soul's converse

And life moves a little faster

We unify the universe

And arrive in the ever after

In the Mansion World, I might like to know you

New Urantia girl, everything's below you

On a Mansion World, the role's reversed

A slave becomes a master

On a Mansion World, the soul's converse

And life moves a little faster

We unify the universe

And arrive in the ever after

In the Mansion World, I might like to know you

Once upon, and once up high

A dandy dream, what means to die?


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d81478  No.158428

File: 9f04387f61964ae⋯.png (146.4 KB, 667x500, 667:500, anita_and_her_pet_ogre.png)

File: d8c3b0edd4d2d0c⋯.jpg (256.37 KB, 1250x938, 625:469, anita_ruins_something_else.jpg)

File: 007d2b71f3bbf35⋯.jpg (85.08 KB, 791x729, 791:729, 1425552023580_1.jpg)

File: 87e95c6ca00bc9c⋯.jpg (181.5 KB, 570x857, 570:857, arthurchudickbutt.jpg)

File: 87e9e328c860422⋯.jpg (47.97 KB, 540x455, 108:91, chelsea_bought_a_senator.jpg)


>But here is the thing…autistic people have one big weakness, if someone pretends to care about us we will let them use us because we don't function like the lower frequency versions of humanity. So anons, what do?

Learn, I guess. Some of the biggest and most narrative-changing simps in Gamergate and similar movements have been high-profile sperggots who got an internet pee-pee touch on Twitter from a sociopath.

I'm in my late 40s, and I learned a long time ago that women giving me a pat on the head usually want something, but I wasn't always so wise and I'm more high-functioning than some of my fellow travelers. Some, like Movieblob and that faggot, Jim Sterling, will continue dying again and again on an altar of SJW misery because some cunt with Borderline Personality Disorder told them to. Trying to educate these guys is almost pointless because most deprogramming is instantly wiped away by yet another tweet from their Queen.

>Autists - people have the ability to step outside the 'known' and into the unknown to bring back information for themselves and Tool Makers. Similar to golden retrievers; very useful but scarce in number and used by everyone who can understand basic manipulation.

I prefer to think of us as ants. We all go out looking until we find some "food," then go back to the colony and we redirect our efforts there until the info has been sufficiently mined. Then we send out more scouts and repeat. I still believe we were a valued crowd-sourced center of info for the Trump campaign in 2015-2016, they just couldn't officially acknowledge it.

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d81478  No.158431

File: 27a2a71cc4217cc⋯.gif (2.99 MB, 501x501, 1:1, anitaspecialdiet.gif)




>Who knew you guys could be this entertaining?

I'm impressed. You actually managed to stop yourself from adding "sweetie."

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88e0d0  No.158432

File: 620913ddafd3558⋯.jpg (137.17 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, sad_kitten.jpg)


>pee-pee touch

Umm I don't have a pee-pee, so no touchy for me.

mfw totally left out of the fun.

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88e0d0  No.158433


Not a tranny you dumb faggot. Autistic.

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d81478  No.158436

File: e27310a7f0ce968⋯.jpg (59.41 KB, 564x561, 188:187, trannies_catbox.jpg)


Fine. Urethra-touch. Or do you just have a cloaca? By the way, that was a totally non-autistic way of forcing some unnecessary info into a conversation. Well done.


>Not a tranny you dumb faggot. Autistic.

You don't think normal people become trannies, do you?


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34abdd  No.158438


Why wasn’t this spam reported? I would have deleted it and saved the destruction of the thread if it had been reported.

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88e0d0  No.158442



You are not really all that aware of anatomy are you? Not a chicken either.

I think 'normal' NT people are the ones becoming trannies, yes. I doubt despite your kike publication that autists become trannies. I think little children are forced by their kike mothers to become trannies tho.

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c46630  No.158446

autism is just introverted psychopathy.

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88e0d0  No.158447


I doubt that is correct since people can overcome psychopathy at certain junctures in their lives. Sometimes when people reach the age of 40 or so they can totally shed their psychopathic tendencies and become NT 'people'. Also, psychopaths lie constantly which is a reversed trait of autists. It just doesn't hold water anon.

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18b771  No.158456

File: b60d3992ca2b7b5⋯.jpg (24.21 KB, 250x345, 50:69, moly_i_see_no_arguments_he….jpg)


>You are not really all that aware of anatomy are you? Not a chicken either.

Nice retreat into literalism there. Very impressive. All thoughts of you actually being a chicken pecking on a keyboard have been neatly dispelled from our minds.

>I think 'normal' NT people are the ones becoming trannies, yes.

So, to continue the theme of literal interpretations of comments, this means you think normal, mentally healthy people are choosing to surgically invert their dicks or sew on bags of their own harvested flesh. That's an amazing take, I have to say. I don't think I've encountered even a hardcore trans-supporter who didn't edge away from making that claim.

So, because you felt the need to claw some attention for yourself in a conversation that had nothing to do with you, I'm going to have to assume you're an autistic woman. Or are you some other CY+5 flavor of gender? Because you're sort of tap-dancing around what you really are. All we know for sure is that you're not a man and not a chicken, and you lack the sense of humor to be an Apache helicopter.

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88e0d0  No.158460


>you lack the sense of humor to be an Apache helicopter.

I am laughing at you. Does that count?

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4e9fe2  No.158464


As I said the author is strongly pro-autist, I was just pointing out that what >>158266 was saying is most likely true.

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4e9fe2  No.158467


Speaking of no fun I had been dating an autistic girl for three years because she was a virgin, I soon realized it was not due to her outstanding morality.

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88e0d0  No.158472


Autists don't have an independent morality until they become mature enough to tell the world to go fuck itself. In an all autist society they would never be immoral because they wouldn't be brought up in a compromised world of filth and lies. When we are young we are like mirrors that reflect our surroundings so when our surroundings are shit, our morality is shit. This is the whole point of developing codified Laws and Religion. So that our offspring can mirror what is moral until they are mature enough to have steady morals on their own. This is the number one reason that jews love degrading and destroying our nations, because we are mirrors of their degenerate behavior if our own boundaries are not protected.


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18b771  No.158496

File: 5c792e2ec4de8b7⋯.jpg (7.88 KB, 255x244, 255:244, madmendraper.jpg)


>I am laughing at you. Does that count?

I don't believe you are. I think you're actually very angry that someone called you out for injecting your still-unknown genitals into a conversation that did not require them.

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88e0d0  No.158497


Whoa…you scary anon. I hope you don't quit that day job. lol

It is so interesting that you think I would give a shit what you actually think.


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18b771  No.158500


>Whoa…you scary anon

Except I wasn't trying to be scary, so that's a very curious comment.

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4e9fe2  No.158504

File: 69f063c0bb756d9⋯.jpg (27.37 KB, 796x464, 199:116, 69f.jpg)


ol' 'tismo there is just parrotting "comebacks" (?)she studied in sitcoms, don't think to deep into it.

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88e0d0  No.158507

File: 8917f9ca14e136c⋯.png (37.19 KB, 500x300, 5:3, Kirkegaard_Clown_World_quo….png)



You guys are better than the circus.

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18b771  No.158512

File: f5554ff8f62696b⋯.png (315.29 KB, 499x288, 499:288, trannies_gargoyle.png)



Yeah, that's still in question, isn't it? S/he went out of its way to inject that shit in here and still hasn't come clean. It craves attention like a woman and a tranny, but doesn't like it too much when it receives it.

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88e0d0  No.158516


{rolling eyes}

it is called entertainment. I don't actually watch Tel Avi Vision so this is my entertainment while I do other things like read, do research etc. Some of the time I just say shit to see what you will say. Think of it as a digital shit test. Most of the time I am laughing at you, but not in a mean way.

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18b771  No.158519

File: f22075a71d6b785⋯.jpg (60.34 KB, 445x629, 445:629, manbjshiteatinggrin.jpg)


>Some of the time I just say shit to see what you will say.

Right. For attention.

>shit test

So…you are a woman?

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4e9fe2  No.158523

File: e191cfa5b9cd708⋯.png (935.79 KB, 644x644, 1:1, where_do_you_think_we_are.png)



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88e0d0  No.158528



You two…smh. Objecting because I actually enjoy your company (such that it is). ;^)

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cd9bbd  No.164473

File: 6ad2a26202ceca5⋯.gif (305.15 KB, 500x375, 4:3, lina_2.gif)

Behaviorism is wrong and should be considered a materialist pseudoscience. When we view these non-retarded 'disorders' from a non-positivist scientific positions we see these as simply phenotypes, as humans mold their bodies and mind to fit roles and their environment. We simply do not have enough information how to trigger and manipulate these epigenetics entirely, yet.

I conject that these mental phenotype as archetypes and classes from traditional society. Think what would happen to all the warrior bloodlines if the human military was deemed unnecessary and replaced by robots– their kin would considered simply deranged if their warriors genes were ever activated.

In traditional society, it had no problem with the eccentric humans they just gave them jobs that they were useful in. Town fools, court wizards, priests and even many knights would have what we would call today disorders of one sort or another. Modern society wants everyone to be equal and all bread winners, projecting a single 'ideal citizen' everyone must become so they're easier to fit on a spreadsheet. Our obsession with having a classless and bloodless society idealizing the smarmy rockstar drifter is what makes use obsess about the new 'demons' of modern society called mental disorders as to why people aren't acting like the people on TV.

Wizards are loyal to the end and not very interested in the interpersonal. They're attached to people as they are to ideas, kings would protect these bloodlines who would hyper specialize into arts and science and selected to not compete for power. In fact, they would arrange marriages for these people, since class and blood were very much entwined in traditional society. If your father was a blacksmith, so were you.

I also have a hypothesis that there are many 'wizard bloodlines' that paralleled to the old royal ones; as they used to have thousands of these people in their courts that they maintained for hundreds of years. Where did they all go?

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dcdfcb  No.164549


I wonder if modern society is a jewish plot to exterminate useful people so the kikes can win when things return to normal.

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3714c6  No.164573

I'm officially a sperg and you guys make me fucking cringe.

Being autistic is not an excuse for being a faggot.

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cb8386  No.164735

File: bd03036a493a9e7⋯.gif (445.96 KB, 300x186, 50:31, jokerthis.gif)


>Being autistic is not an excuse for being a faggot.

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8ea9d8  No.164762

try not being socially retarded for once.

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34abdd  No.164768


>exterminate useful people

>things return to normal

Pick one and only one.

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dcdfcb  No.164797


By normal I meant raw nature's savage "normal" as opposed to the comfort and pacifism of modern society. Kikes want to be the "light bringers" when things go to shit.

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