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File: 506f5e92779d703⋯.jpg (55.49 KB, 594x480, 99:80, Putre_Factio.jpg)

File: 4dc8c4dab184e5f⋯.jpg (56.78 KB, 610x610, 1:1, Big_Dipper.jpg)

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85b464  No.158228[Last 50 Posts]

Previous thread reached bumplimit: >>33289

Archive: https://archive.vn/Onq1K


>So a lot of the black cube symbolism is related to this as well as the 'sky father' symbolism like the Swastika.


>What does this movement 'in time' generate? Entropy. What is it's logical conclusion? Dissolution. It's the same when applied to metaphysical/spiritual matters. As above, so below. But what is this 'immovable mover' , this hidden (black) sun that everything rotates around and which devours everything, even light? It exists on both macro and microcosm levels, where laws of physics seemingly begin to lose their authority.

We all try to search for positive meaning of darkness, yet raven is alchemical nigger, the real question for all my love towards white race and preservation of people of Light, i have guts to reveal here that Germany was worshiping (Forward going) Time and Death? Because for all communist scythe was a saturnalian symbol, so were the swastika and black sun (some slavs draw symbol of sun with scythes going towards right, peak saturnalian symbol). Germanic/celtic symbol of the sun was four sided. It usually symbolized itself with 8 pointed heavens or 4 pointed symbol of sun. "Skull on me hat" has alchemical significance. Anon has right idea that swastika is also a cube. Even within geometries of Indra it fits same places. When it comes to trinitarian "swastika" it actually symbolizes Trinity of winter triangle. Now for the "swastika" to mean infinity, it needs to go to both places, opposite spirals. By going into opposite directions at the same time stops, signifying immortality of generation. Hence it used to be inside another swastika, that goes into opposite direction.

Basically its a symbol of swifter death, unlocked forward going time is Jörmungandr causing Ragnarök. But at the same time one has to admit that current symbol of 8kun is same as swastika, by this logic, since it has same meaning of Acceleration.

But wait there's more to information i provide. Our current pole star forming our "swastika" is Polaris, its moving to the left, but unlocks tail on the right, represented by seven stars of Time. We're getting new pole star between 10th millennium AD and 13,700 AD. But you know what also happens in 12k AD (precisely 12.005 (X12012, on that later))? Sirius, the head of the Trinity of winter triangle, Son of who is Venus will turn red. Just like Sirius turned blue in 05 AD. Sun with Sirius revolve around one another forming Vesica Piscis.

1CE marks start of new 8 year Venusian cycle, 33 AD is considered the year when Jesus was crucified. But if you add 7 additional years, it forms 40 years Venusian cycle. By Venusian cycle right now its the year X2027. Sirius turned blue at Venusian year X12.

Venusian Cycle is 8 years, Generation = 40 years, Epoch - 480 years, Aeon = 1,440 years.

Solomon's Temple began to be built 1,440 years after the Flood. In 7 BCE, it was exactly 1,440 years since Moses hypothetically led his people through the Red Sea, according to Book of Hiram.

1480 is the year of crucifixion of Jesus from Exodus.

1488 is one more Venus cycle after that, year 41 AD. Caligula died that year, the person who installed his own statue in Temple of Jerusalem and his successor Claudius restores religious freedom to Jews. As well as formation of Christians as "Christians". Basically Rome bend its knees in front of Jews exactly 1488 years since Exodus.

Adolf Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany in 1933 (X1940). Plus 8 more years (1941/X1948), in 1941, Germany led the European Axis powers in an invasion of the Soviet Union. X1952 is dividable by 8. -7 missing years of birth of Jesus, we get 1945. Year Germany was defeated.

Consider X (1440+) since Exodus.

2033 (X2040) will be 51 venusian generations since birth of Anointed Lord.

1993 (X2000) was the most significant year, because it was 50 venusian generations since birth of Anointed Lord. 50*40, 5 is Venus and 4 is Sun in hermetica.

300 venusian generations will be year 12k, when Sirius will turn Red.

Think of this what you will.

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08c8c6  No.158248

File: dec092206de744b⋯.jpg (80.75 KB, 540x523, 540:523, tumblr_ofeftxr7Yh1thic44o1….jpg)

Spoiler alert anon:

They aren't actually 'jews'. They aren't even from this planet. If you want to defeat them you have to form an opposing force that will defeat them, which was what Germany was trying to do that you have criticized here:

>that Germany was worshiping (Forward going) Time and Death?

Also, Western Europe is fucked. We have no 'safe place' to go to escape our enemies and there are VERY FEW of us left who are a pure race.

I will follow your OP but most of the time we need a little 'time off' for good behavior :^) before we can really get a good discussion going again.

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ce8f24  No.158261

File: 65a6a8c4550d92f⋯.jpg (62.18 KB, 680x518, 340:259, 65a6a8c4550d92fd84976de044….jpg)


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a7da7a  No.158265

File: 4c8ddb14bbbfda1⋯.jpg (596.89 KB, 1387x1648, 1387:1648, Star_Light.jpg)


>They aren't even from this planet.

Entire humanity may as well not be from this planet anon. Just like Intelligence itself is foreign, illogical within what's logical.

>'time off' for good behavior before we can really get a good discussion going again.

I just wanted to reply to anons on the sethian acceleration of imagery in Germany itself. Black sun was always primary symbol of death. There are some questionable esoteric choices as well as the second meaning of 1488 (Caligula's Death), that's positive for the jews, was Germany duped by their own freemasonic maguses?

Anyway, for Masonic epochs, i calculate those dates, we're currently living in Second Epoch of Second Aeon from Siriuses change of color and 7BC as 1440 years post Exodus (first 12 years of first generation from 7BC to 5AD shouldn't be counted precisely for what they are, cause mistakes are possible):

Sirius turning Blue: 5AD (X12)

First Generation: 7BC-33AD (X1-X40)

First Epoch: 7BC-473AD (x1-X480)

Second Epoch: 474AD-953AD (x481-x960)

Third Epoch (And closing of first Aeon): 954AD-1433AD (x961-x1440)

First Epoch of Second Aeon: 1434AD-1913AD (end of Balkan War) (x1441-x1920)

Second Epoch of Second Aeon: 1914AD (Start of World War 1) - 2393AD (x1921-x2400)

8 Venusian/Masonic Aeons is 11520 years. Revolving of Sirius around one of his half paths requires 12k years.

Last time Sirius changed from blue to red 14022 years ago, that's 9,7375 Venusian Aeons. 0,7375 is 1062 years (958AD was the end of Second Epoch of First Aeon is the end of 9th Siris-Venusean Aeon from previous change of color), 0,2625 is 378 years. By Venusian Epochs of Sirius, the 10th Sirius-Venus Aeon will start in 2398AD, which correlates with the end of Second Epoch of Second Venusian Aeon, which is our age of counting from more recent change of color. The difference in 5 years because Sirius turned blue at 5AD, so i accounted for that.

But anyway, our generational Epoch is fully shaped by the period from start of the World War 1 and up to 2393-2400. The entirety of current cultural hold is not going to easily sway, and one of its results was restoration of Israel, rediscovery of lost knowledge, birth of the internet and space exploration, and most gruesome wars, which are significant for this calendar.

And i am pretty sure someone did this better than me, i just take accounts from second hands.

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08c8c6  No.158268


Caligula Germanicus was slandered after his death. He was born from German Nobility and the only thing 'he did wrong' with his life was fight against jewish hegemony just like Nero Germanicus who tried to preserve the Republic as well against jewish attack. You will notice a pattern of slander by the jews against anyone who opposes them and the people who are most successful are slandered the most viciously (Nero, Hilter, Caligula, etc, etc)

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e1ed6b  No.158272

File: ded53cdd632e2c1⋯.jpg (81.95 KB, 636x850, 318:425, mad.jpg)


They all also seem to share common ground with epoch of weimar-like decadence before and after their rulership. Its 4 Venusian epochs between Caligula and Hitler. First Generation ended with Death of Caligula, First Epoch ended with Death of Rome. Who knows if European Union will hold by the end of our Epoch. Same goes for Israel. Some Empire must crumble.

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08c8c6  No.158275

File: 52e3d591df8dd9e⋯.jpg (53.92 KB, 500x250, 2:1, groidcoin_commemorating_th….jpg)


The battle is for the crown of jewels that is the Western European empire against the semitic hidden empire. This raping of what is moral and worthy seems to produce the psychic slime essence that the jew thrives in. Perhaps that is its method of reproduction and only means of 'producing an egg' for its next generation…who knows.

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e1ed6b  No.158299

File: 92e02a3446563aa⋯.jpg (9.16 MB, 2913x2623, 2913:2623, Inanna_Sin_Shamash.jpg)


One would wonder if 1920 on your coin is a year, and not an esoteric number of forth venusian epoch (480*4), especially with triangle of masons on the side. They were planning mass racemixing from the start. They say in 1920 commiefornia had huge occult explosion, but if that's true they got the date wrong. From Exodus X1920 (1913 in AD) was year 3360.

For them it was Seven Venusian Epoch since Exodus.

Notice the significance of Seven and Four. Its a Lunar Epoch for the Jews, but Solar epoch for the Christians according to Hermetica.

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08c8c6  No.158311

File: 992a2784a78f772⋯.jpg (56.71 KB, 388x590, 194:295, night_queen.jpg)


Don't know. I only know that the 'angels of God' are making good on their promise to slaughter the children of Lilith unless she gets busy fucking their subhuman nigger pets. Never going to happen, btw. I would rather die. But I know they will force the agenda; they are currently forcing the agenda…what to do…what to do…I wanted to kill all the subhumans so that we could live in peace. This seems to be the only way to deal with this in a permanent manner. If only I could get Christians on board with killing the subhuman scum. {sigh}

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e1ed6b  No.158326

File: 90b2327a6b52a9f⋯.jpg (1.04 MB, 1660x2208, 415:552, Burney_Relief.jpg)

File: 83e5cd4e401c37b⋯.png (311.53 KB, 382x450, 191:225, Rodden_Removal.PNG)


Calm down agent, i am redpilling you too.

Lilith is surprisingly associated with imagery of Inanna where it matters. Isaiah 34 11-15:


>But the cormorant and the bittern shall possess it; the owl also and the raven shall dwell in it: and he shall stretch out upon it the line of confusion, and the stones of emptiness. They shall call the nobles thereof to the kingdom, but none shall be there, and all her princes shall be nothing.And thorns shall come up in her palaces, nettles and brambles in the fortresses thereof: and it shall be an habitation of dragons, and a court for owls.The wild beasts of the desert shall also meet with the wild beasts of the island, and the satyr shall cry to his fellow; the screech owl also shall rest there, and find for herself a place of rest. There shall the great owl make her nest, and lay, and hatch, and gather under her shadow: there shall the vultures also be gathered, every one with her mate.

NAB 12-17:

>Her nobles shall be no more, nor shall kings be proclaimed there; all her princes are gone. Her castles shall be overgrown with thorns, her fortresses with thistles and briers. She shall become an abode for jackals and a haunt for ostriches. Wildcats shall meet with desert beasts, satyrs shall call to one another; There shall the Lilith repose, and find for herself a place to rest. There the hoot owl shall nest and lay eggs, hatch them out and gather them in her shadow; There shall the kites assemble, none shall be missing its mate. Look in the book of the LORD and read: No one of these shall be lacking, For the mouth of the LORD has ordered it, and His spirit shall gather them there. It is He who casts the lot for them, and with His hands He marks off their shares of her; They shall possess her forever, and dwell there from generation to generation.

Cats and Owls seem to be associated with the motive of babylonian Burney Relief. And i already know it fits in venusian geometries (and even Christian/Child-Horuses ones, where owls replaced with Shekinah Angels of Covenant, or where Child-Horus stands on crocodiles same way this figure stands on wild cats).

Its the 14 part that's important, that reads in hebrew:וּפָגְשׁוּ צִיִּים אֶת-אִיִּים, וְשָׂעִיר עַל-רֵעֵהוּ יִקְרָא; אַךְ-שָׁם הִרְגִּיעָה לִּילִית, וּמָצְאָה לָהּ" "מָנוֹח

(man its hard to copy hebrew text, those people even read backwards) לילית (Lilith) seem to mean owl/satyr, but it also may be attempt by Isaiah (who again is anti-babylonian and spoke against morning star) to slander doves/angels of Venus. Owl removes rodents just like cats do.

I always take Isaiah with a grain of salt, unlike Zechariah.

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08c8c6  No.158334


>Calm down agent, i am redpilling you too.

Lol…because only an 'agent of the state' would ever 'be against' the destruction of Western Civilization. Hahaha…no one else would care…too funny anon…it wouldn't be funny unless it was actually true that only a glownigger would bother to give a shit about Western Civilization and that the people who live in it shit on it daily and care nothing for it.

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08c8c6  No.158350

Christianity is a BLOODLINE. Not a 'religion'.

Judaism is a BLOODLINE. Not a 'religion'.

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805465  No.158351


Do note that the redshift required to turn a blue giant star red is something like 50% the speed of light. And that not only can no binary system exist at those speeds, we’ve measured absolutely no resonance or connection between Sirius and the Sun at any speed.

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3aed19  No.158356


i was thinking about this too. What about Hadrian? He fucking absolutely APED on the yids, went completely medieval on them, but you look at Hadrian's wikipedia page and he's fuckin considered a homo.

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b37a67  No.158357

File: c33e11b21c4baed⋯.png (110.27 KB, 715x680, 143:136, tear_of_Isis.PNG)

File: 7c51f9ae3a135ff⋯.png (766.27 KB, 640x1920, 1:3, Spell_148_The_Blue_One.PNG)

File: 394ce883453f901⋯.jpg (134.94 KB, 536x580, 134:145, MeSSeH.jpg)


Yeah, Sirius and Sun is a very old correlation calculated by ancient egyptians. But today's scientists don't believe in astrology or affection of any energies from outer space or even outer dimensions on humankind, disregard nature of soul and openly declare we're only sacks of flesh. So we've got to work with what we have, and what our enemies believe in as well and use to act exactly as they are told by those "stars". Even though we know even from theurgists that supra-celestials are above all that is in the heavens or in material nature, and celestial bodies are just representation of a coded message. Just like many other forms of Logos in our life. Light is the key to opening this up, as very source of Intellect.


>Sobek was associated with Kingship, the crocodile oil and the Messiah

Yep, the anointing oils were made from crocodile fat. Never knew "crocodile tears" had esoteric meaning. The very tears with which Mary washed Christ's legs were that. Isis tears.

Even coffin text 148 alludes to Magdalene's Egg. I left whole text of the spell, i think even "the blue one" alludes to this change of color of the Sirius. Orpheus probably was heavily influenced by those texts as well.

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6b8535  No.158362

File: 52bd074eaa400e6⋯.jpeg (59.08 KB, 735x565, 147:113, 89A00951_C873_4BC1_8C30_B….jpeg)


She washed his feet though meaning that there would be a restoration of his future offspring. In the Bible the feet are equated with future offspring as in the Feet in the dream of nebuchadnezzar which are destroyed by the Stone that falls from Heaven. I am not sure yet because it is a new thought, however I do know that washing the feet instead of the head indicates the fulfillment of the Prophecy of Genesis.

“He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise his heel.”

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b37a67  No.158370

File: a9d2d7d94be69b9⋯.png (153.48 KB, 519x871, 519:871, Krishna.PNG)

File: bdd52dac7366218⋯.png (237.2 KB, 645x691, 645:691, Spell_150.PNG)

File: 2f56f4901c7c0a5⋯.png (174.07 KB, 628x494, 314:247, Spell_63.PNG)

I also want real quick to correlate two Anointed Lords. Egyptian spell 150 about Horus and Bhagavad-Gita VII-12:

>I have power over them but they have no power over me


>I am not in them, they are in Me

Both texts right after that proceed to talk about "doers of evil" or the ones who are doomed/senseless, eaters of soul, seduced by uncanny power.

But most importantly both are about lack of attunement/unity with the God when it comes to doomed generation.

Also Spell 63, just like i thought, Sceptre and Rod were always symbols of Sun (Re) and Morning Star. But its nothing new, i just wanted textual egyptian confirmation of the coronation Hermetica (4+5).

Books of Coffin Texts are available here, for research::

https://b-ok.cc/book/2060890/434284 (volume 1)

https://b-ok.cc/book/2060891/2a1616 (volume 2)

https://b-ok.cc/book/2054277/d1419b (volume 3)


And the earth is called "footstool of God's feet".

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6b8535  No.158374


So the purpose of the ‘angles’ is to destroy the planet? Why am I not surprised, I was listening to an interview with a woman who was saying that this parasitic race leaves dead planets in their wake wherever they go. They simply pillage it for everything of value and then murder it and move on to the next planet. I suppose that would be Venus.

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ed472b  No.158388

File: 0d329f949e244df⋯.jpg (798.89 KB, 950x1810, 95:181, Spell_666.jpg)


You seem to be taking doomed generation literally. It means what we call "NPCs", daimon-less people of no divine origin. But then again, do you really believe that this world could ever be everlasting, with decay of Seth ruling over it? Venus is associated with Love God, as some sort of "stairway to heaven", maybe its duat is a link between this place and Sirius, otherwise Egyptians wouldn't associate Sirius with Pentagram, calling Venus a Son of Sopdet. Even if its destroyed it will be redone anew if realm of generation will be needed for new souls that gone through trials of experiences it provides, so says both Mahabharata and Norse Ragnarök tales (survival of Líf and Lífþrasir).

Also spell 666. Posting for fun. I already put my theory on that it meant priest-king of Saturn: >>157695

The text mentions disturber who sent in storm. It also says not to speak its name, calling it black-faced, dweller of the "mansion of the desert". As well as thief. Messengers of Seth, the chaos god figure in the text too.

Non-existence may mean primordial void of non-being, or The One of Proclus, Chronos as Time, about who only negatives can be said.

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0fcf06  No.158430

File: a6278cb78014fcf⋯.png (116.36 KB, 540x516, 45:43, os560bef47.png)

File: b7b6640757810f2⋯.jpg (58.15 KB, 306x481, 306:481, es56094dab.jpg)

File: cbc2e087875c6d2⋯.png (76.4 KB, 637x340, 637:340, yr55e9ab14.png)

File: 934b04346984d23⋯.png (40.78 KB, 511x138, 511:138, it560bef39.png)

File: 4b6f6a37eb79ef1⋯.png (38.84 KB, 547x133, 547:133, oq560bef2d_1_.png)


The concern with the egg is as per the Atargatis mythos, that at the onset of the age of Pisces an egg was produced and that spends 2,000 years rolling on down the river until hatching at the onset of the Age of Aquarius.

This is very much in conjunction with the Pegasus square relating to the original emergence from the waters, as per the Sobek/Labyrinth mythos , or Enki and the Abzu

>“I have risen from the egg that is in the land of mysteries. My mouth has been given me, that I may speak therewith before the gods of the nether world. I shall not be kept away from the Council of the great God, for I am Osiris, the lord of Rosetau, this God who is at the top of the terrace. I have come, having accomplished my heart’s desire in the Isle of Flame. I quench any fire that has broken out”.

The egg can be seen as a product of the union of Astral Dumuzi/Aries and Inanna/Pisces


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86f318  No.158444


>Astral Dumuzi/Aries and Inanna/Pisces

These should be reversed shouldn't they?

Inanna's symbolism is a dove(s) not a fish. I know in your illustration it lists it as a swallow but in most other publications it is listed as a dove.

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0fcf06  No.158449

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Sumerian identification is considered swallow, certainly by later times the Dove as the second part of Pisces, it was not seen as two fishes the paper provided the evidence for Inanna as Anunnitum, the fish, Venus is exalted in Pisces.

I think earlier though this was the Goddess Nazi daughter of Enki, and Goddess of both fishes and birds of the wetlands.

>The star-map indicates that the setting of this myth and its participants are not, in fact, of this earth, but are to be found in the heavens. What is of pivotal importance is the identity of the ‘river Euphrates’. Apart from the earthly river, the ‘Euphrates’ can also be found on the star-map where it is closely associated with the watery outflow joined to the Swallow.

>This heavenly river actually runs parallel to the course of the ecliptic and now that this fact is established, the action of the fish can be better understood – they escort the sun (the mythical egg) from its lowest point at the solstice and guide it onto its ascending path that leads towards the spring and ‘dry land’, which is represented on the star-map by the constellation of the Field.

So when the Sun rises in Aquarius at the Spring Equinox the egg has reached it's hatching point.

Also the source for the Egyptian tradition of the island of the egg.



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86f318  No.158468


When you read and observe this information anon how much of it do you internalize and how much of it do you externalize? I see why you placed them in that order. What do you think a lapis lazuli mace is though? Is that something built out of heavenly material?

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2a5f20  No.158597

File: 8ed951234abbcbc⋯.jpg (299.03 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Measure.jpg)

File: 7d789508b596a0a⋯.jpg (16.96 KB, 723x434, 723:434, Moon_Venus_Pisces.jpg)

File: 82763b91a9f640f⋯.jpg (89.35 KB, 600x415, 120:83, Pisces_2.jpg)

File: 9e9ff43f3d5a412⋯.jpg (70.22 KB, 450x514, 225:257, proxy_image.jpg)

File: d6c1f9ca00b5f15⋯.gif (35.21 KB, 711x704, 711:704, Pisces.gif)


Third picture surely reminds me of Noah's Ark.

>rainbow above

>ark in hands of some priest-king looking figure

>fish below symbolizing water

>bird in between

>bunch of animals around

Also i see that another meaning for pisces may be compasses of measurement.


Moon, Venus and Pisces meet at certain point. Hence Crescent is still drawn sometimes with Mary.


Doves and fishes may as well be as interchangeable esoteric symbols as mountains and trees are. I mean those probably are the two doves/angels in constellation form.

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0fcf06  No.158599

File: 724ce5f0dca33a2⋯.jpg (150.73 KB, 612x510, 6:5, aa549d3beb.jpg)

File: 1b1927a7b4537f8⋯.jpg (98.87 KB, 559x365, 559:365, rq549e7fef.jpg)


It's complicated, the translation of a Fish cult through space and time, relating to the physical incarnation of Inanna as Nanaya, Dumu-zi-An-Gal, the child of Great Heaven.

>In another story, told by Hyginus, an egg fell from the sky into the Euphrates, was rolled onto land by fish, doves settled on it and hatched it, and Venus, known as the Syrian goddess, came forth

>Ovid instead relates how Dione, by whom Ovid intends Venus/Aphrodite, fleeing from Typhon with her child Cupid/Eros came to the river Euphrates in Syria. Hearing the wind suddenly rise and fearing that it was Typhon, the goddess begged aid from the river nymphs and leapt into the river with her son. Two fish bore them up and were rewarded by being transformed into the constellation Pisces

Getting a clear picture on water Nymph cults of Syria and Canaan is never easy as they often vary by region, in general Atargatis falls in love with a shepherd and somehow unwittingly causes his death through some strange aspect of her nature, whereupon she leaps into lake or sea to end it all and her lower fish nature is revealed, this also the femme fatale aspect of the Medieval Melusine, sometimes there is a fish son or lover Ichthys

>Atargatis and Adonis at Dura form a couple like that of Ba˓alat (Gubal) and Ādōnī in Phoenicia, Bēltī and Tammuzā in Palmyra, Anat and Baal in Ugarit, etc. This shows the tendency of the Semitic world towards harmonization of its religion in the Parthian period:

>Atargatis plays the role of the dea lugens who mourns for the death of her husband.


Mary Magdalene certainly played the role of Atargatis, there was a Nymphaeum at Magdala, she was connected to Artemis-Atargatis at Ephesus, and the sister Temple at Marseille



The Egyptian tradition was always the balance between internalization and externalization, in that one literally became the Gods, primarily Horus, but that inner reality having to correspond to objective reality, thus do not attempt if you're not a Horite, it wasn't for everyone though the populist Osiris cult emerged.

A Lapis Lazuli mace would correlate to Heavenly power, if it hit you on the head you'd see stars.

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04e0fe  No.158601


Some interesting information, but interpreted in a very wrong context. I'll gladly get back to some of your (and other anon's) posts from previous thread, but I'm busy with other things so it might take a while.

You can keep repeating your universalist, Dionysian pilpul in the meantime, maybe it becomes true if you do it enough times :>) Protip: it won't You actually got me something to think about, which didn't happen in a while, so I appreciate it anyway.

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6196ca  No.158605


>Usually Jörmungandr/Apep gets defeated by primordial God, not toyed with like a ride, for establishment of Order

The snake of chaos IS the world. It's the very building foundation upon which the rest of phenomena are generated. The carrier wave (snake) of this universe, which is just a single point (the one god that NPC's worship) moving in 3/6 dimensional space. By defeating it, you are destroying the (material) world, it's projection. This is why Judeo-Masonic agenda based on Talmudic order will only bring death and end of the cycle (and is the reason why the world and people keep getting more and more soulless and resembling a cheap, corrupt 'bootleg' copy of reality the more they advance their agenda). On another hand, not defeating it completely might lead to the emergence of various "Lucifers" Damned if you do, damned if you don't :>) The grim fate of those generated from One, of the finite.

>Dionysian followers prior to Christianity were associated with snakes

This was a continuation of the Shakti/Dravidian cult of India. Which had absolutely nothing to do with Aryans, it was a niggardly practice for niggardly people (and spiritual niggers), which explains it's extensive use of sexual imagery and practices. You are trying to supplant one false god with another, but both lead to dissolution. Saturn-Dionysus is a good example of a false dichotomy of disintegration. As you said, one hand supports another, which is as Masonic as it gets. Without Dionysus producing children with his orgies, there would be nothing for Saturn to consume, wouldn't it? Same could be applied to finite, filler souls that get generated this way. None of this has anything to do with acausal, infinite souls which formed a basis for the Aryan race (in the truest sense). Your atomist philosophy only applies to RNG spawned NPC's, mine only applies to people possessing genuine (divine) souls. For their natures are of entirely different quality.

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a2c0ff  No.158606

File: f3c7941da9b5f1d⋯.jpg (320.08 KB, 840x594, 140:99, Rose_of_Venus.jpg)

File: cb5016f950f91e4⋯.gif (1.06 MB, 500x500, 1:1, Venus.gif)

File: 12ce41b901480bf⋯.jpg (74.42 KB, 850x550, 17:11, Morning_Evening.jpg)

File: b2e45d0ee8c4ecc⋯.png (103.03 KB, 320x320, 1:1, One_of_the_Grades.png)

Alright, something more on Venus and patterns. I know first image is small, but i barely found it again. Especially with anon finding out about emergence of Lotus. >>158430

Venus is not just a 2D pattern, even from the side if one imagines our Earth being center of the solar system, Venus movements become a a 3D flower, having depth of a grid shell rose pattern. Maybe that's why people who calculated astronomical geometries were so convinced we're in the center, even if that wasn't true. Because this rose only exists from perspective of the Earth.

Also as a bonus i don't want to hide another geometry, its an initial pattern Venus makes before starting to form a rose (shown on a gif animation), its reminiscent to "crescent with a nose", how we usually draw a cartoon depiction of a moon, or round crane symbol of certain japanese religions, which are usually depicted in pair in other images and their color symbolism of red-black-white probably inspired to think they're divine.


>water Nymph cults

You know, that Nymph named "Nysai", which i sometimes reiterate as Sinai half-seriously, who lived in the mountain Nysa, was a nurse of Dionysus. Nysai is also known as both "trees" and "nymphs". Hence they say Dionysus was nurtured by the Nymphs as plural. In orphic hymns to the Nymphs they are all called "sweet-smelling virgins". There was also a person known as Hippa/Hipta to Proclus, who carried Dionysus in a winnowing basket on her head just like Vasudeva carried Krishna. That particular person is known as "Cosmic Soul", whose Cosmic Intellect is heart of Dionysus. If we think of Hathor/Isis as Sycamore, a Tree of Life, then what we're talking about is the Soul of Encosmic God, which Intellect is Osiris. So consumption of a God is a symbol of being inspired by Divine from above, as in being fed the Logos, wine of Intellect, not literal drunkness with earthly wine. And everyone has their own metaphora on that all pervading Spirit affecting them one way or another, or the lower genus about which we talked in previous thread, which may be lower branches of separated Light. Therefore Nymphs may as well be visions of Cosmic Soul, who's seen as many. Hence Virgin vision phenomena is so common, Nymphs, Dakinis, Fairies, "Marys", its all Muses, emanated Spirits of Cosmic Soul. To greeks they were minor female deities of nature, connected with forests, trees, caves, mountains, springs, and meadows, natural reflectors of Light of the stars. Orphic Hymn 46 To Dionysos Liknites says not only Nymphs are nurturers of Dionysus, but also Aphrodite herself, which ultimately connects him to Adonis too, another many named God that is also YHWH of the jews. That last one is a son of Aphrodite and Eros, where Aphrodite is known as bride-like mother of the Erotes.

If i simplify every Male figure in those stories as Cosmic Intelligence, and every female one as Cosmic Soul, with their hierarchies, then Soul becomes Bride, Sister and Mother of Intelligence, and its own tripartite God.

>Now there stood by the cross of Jesus His mother, and His mother’s sister, Mary of Clopas, and Mary Magdalene. (John 19:25)

That's where one should mention the "Three Fates" (Greek Moirai), three sisters who were thought to be responsible for certain immutable facts about the cosmos. Concept of Daimon lies closely linked with Fates and Muses. Night, bride of Primordial Phanes bore those Fates, as direct offspring, and just like Dyke or Egyptian Maat they are in charge of Justice. Pausanias reports an inscription he saw in Athens which claimed that Aphrodite was the oldest of the Fates, as mother of necessity. They are bringers of Laws to the human race.

In Orphic Hymn to "Night", bride of Phanes, Orpheus used to call Her Kypris:

>I shall sing of Night, mother of gods and men; we call Night Kypris, she gave birth to all.

Kypris is just another name of Aphrodite.

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a2c0ff  No.158617

File: b367da60b9bd797⋯.jpg (201.18 KB, 1200x1520, 15:19, Adonis_and_Aphrodite.jpg)



Dionysus is equated to Hades when it comes to his rulership over realm of the dead, which can be found out to be located in flower of Duat when it comes to His representation with Osiris. Orphic cult attempted to give egyptian knowledge to the greeks. Everything Duat and Hades represent is Venusian, this flower is a portal of departing souls. But then again, if anything, "saturnalian" dionysus as in anti-dionysus would be same as saturnalian christos depicted as χξϛ. Instead of Venusian priest-king. Its like two opposite portals.

>The snake of chaos IS the world.

Only for a time being Death, the real meaning of satan, is considered a king. 1 becomes 0 on next turning of the wheel.

>extensive use of sexual imagery

Generated by Venus that promotes Lust and Love equally. Saturn is not associated with lust at all, but with murder, decay, gluttony, hunger, envy, thievery and money. The only part it governs in psyche of kikes is that is related to sex at all is adultery, spiritual too. Production of offspring is fully in care of Venus, actually all life from bees and flowers is venusian. Gods actually don't see their actions as wrong, ever, because they all follow their nature of pattern of spheres and perfection, unity of the opposites is beyond our human concepts of "good and evil". For Gods we're always naked regardless and no shame for any actions can hide the direct intimate, erotic connection of one Intellect to another. Order is not disturbed by chaos, just like Light is not disturbed by Darkness, nor truth will change no matter how elusive it is to people, since our understanding on greatest matters will never be complete, and all we can be glad for is our allotted role by Gods of secretive nature. If anything story of the garden symbolized, its the division, chaotic free will to call this or that evil or good, which is never constant, never orderly, and source of decay, people who pursue this fight always end up on the other side of the battle. One by keeping sanity becomes mad, and by going mad becomes sane. We're inbetween chaos and order because its a transitional world. There's global purpose to this story, souls of people, gaining experience and form in completion, from experiencing world of suffering and decay and being taught by Spirits, become part of God's harem and remembered in branches of this Tree of Light, because of divine origin. So this world became temporary game of the Gods and Their chosen.

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0db14e  No.158636

File: 0150e066e6654d9⋯.jpeg (174.19 KB, 1440x900, 8:5, F7F72BB4_8820_47F7_84E5_E….jpeg)

File: 81af9de67987604⋯.jpeg (117.55 KB, 762x428, 381:214, 3A5A4A8B_ED5D_4E80_B9FB_7….jpeg)


It is called a ‘cardioid’ and you can find it represented in everything all over the planet as a building block. It is a fundamental aspect of the nature of light. I wouldn’t go so far as to say that it is the ‘prism’ but I would say that it is related.

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86f318  No.158645

File: 9a0a2bc4be66d97⋯.jpg (60.98 KB, 640x377, 640:377, cern_dan_winter_centripeta….jpg)

File: 54c2687d46bb85a⋯.jpg (171.88 KB, 1024x450, 512:225, cern_aztec_calender.jpg)

File: 28f3f6d3e276c74⋯.jpg (1.21 MB, 1216x700, 304:175, cernnunos.jpg)

File: f62e5000530159b⋯.jpg (38.08 KB, 492x408, 41:34, heart_of_mary_event_horizo….jpg)

File: 6a4f67145185b71⋯.jpg (19.61 KB, 513x315, 57:35, art_installation_light_geo….jpg)


>Third picture surely reminds me of Noah's Ark.

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4d8f9c  No.158658

File: 7e78dbbf33e2acc⋯.png (131.32 KB, 652x436, 163:109, Geocentrism.png)

File: beeb599b8a04f3c⋯.jpg (154.52 KB, 609x600, 203:200, The_Earth.jpg)

File: 7ccb8b0f80297a7⋯.jpg (19.36 KB, 468x274, 234:137, Mercury_Venus.jpg)

File: 127776ee9500826⋯.jpg (109.76 KB, 1111x1111, 1:1, Mars.jpg)

File: fbbb360b5084baf⋯.jpg (40.04 KB, 600x600, 1:1, Venus_Aldebaran.jpg)


That's good to know, one of the planets does this shape exclusively, its Mercury. I guess its time to lift the veil a little bit further, since i am aware not everyone is attuned to unity of Aphrodite and Adonis (rightfully called Apollo Venus, God that is Light and Love) and introduce conductive method of researching all planetary movements. The thing is called "Spinograph", and it was used to calculate movement alignment of earth according to geocentric movement of planetary objects. It appears symbols stuck from geocentric period of science pretty much became our prime magical insignias. Also Mars and Sun seem to have almost perfect synchronicity. I think this science of planetary movements causing shapes and synchronicity in geocentric model is the reason religious people tend to reject scientific model of the universe. Don't know which object in space creates six petals though, i think first picture is a farce, but its a good example.

Also on Inanna, and specifically Ninshubur, "Second in Command" of Inanna, it didn't required too much of research to confirm She and Archangel Michael share same star, Aldebaran, Watcher of the East, where Ninshubur is known as Queen of the East. The reason they call this star "equal to God" in hebrew religions, is because its almost equally as bright as Venus when they meet from our perspective.


>universalist, Dionysian pilpul

Dionysus as "Deus of Nysai" may be greek mirror of "God of Sinai"

On Orpheus the more i am trying to figure out "Orpheus to Mousaios" hymn, the more i become convinced that if this is indeed addressed to his pupil Moses (like "did moses exist" book suggests), then idea of all Gods as "One God" came from him. Because Heraclitus seem have understood Orphic dual nature better than others, in unity of the opposites (and he certainly was part of their mysteries):

>God is day night winter summer war peace enough too little, but disguised in each and known in each by a separate flavor.

>Not I but the world says it: All is one.

And Orpheus to Mousaios begins the "mystical and most holy prayer which surely excels all others" by first invoking name of Zeus, then proceeding with all other gods, ending with Adonis (Adonai of the jews), which is the Sun. And then "Beginning and End, too". Hinting at absolute unity of those celestial bodies (from which Alpha and Omega saying generated).

If this isn't some kind of coded message of Orpheus i don't know otherwise what it is.

Even in jewish religion it initially was "unity" of all Gods, as in "Lord of Hosts" or Angels being direct representatives of Most High, being also Himself. Hence trio of angels Abraham welcomed were "God", but also God addressed to Himself in multiple perspective when created a human. Even Shekinah was represented by Adonai. So Orpheus was telling about one God through prayers to Many. While Moses way was telling of "Adonai" as one God represented by Many. I noticed many attributes of Orphic Gods simply merge into one another through similarities of epithets. Almost everyone is either Dionysus or Venus in orphic hymns, and even that is united in androgynous nature of them. All returns to unity of primal Light in Phanes, as well as departs from Him. My theory is that poet knew of fall of Akhenaten for daring to worship a single God, so they decided to hide revelations for a time being. But then again, Akhenaten ignored the significance of the planets and stars as messengers with his exclusive Sun worship, his teaching was never perfect.

The more i contemplate myself on multiplicity of God, the more i get myself proven on some total Unity in primal aspect of Light, even if Godhead as Demiurgic Intellect has spheres responding to certain intellectual levels and governing order, they still exist within governing Light. Cross may as well signify four divine elements of cosmic body, within which cosmic intellect and soul reside. Since they are summoned by Orpheus right after Zeus representing air, Earth herself, the celestial bodies fire, and Poseidon water.

This is how early Christians probably felt when compared orphic literature to getting jewish texts in their hands.

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3da314  No.158664

File: edf7eaa2086fb36⋯.jpeg (92.07 KB, 414x506, 9:11, 896BE894_C217_4784_9C1D_F….jpeg)

File: fac0758ee40e61b⋯.jpeg (183.94 KB, 519x718, 519:718, 84EE6363_3B2E_4CE9_BA92_6….jpeg)

File: c4abf48cc731f5f⋯.jpeg (1.34 MB, 1600x1501, 1600:1501, 9C6EA53B_17F4_41CA_9CC0_F….jpeg)

File: 13d50ebf841c12f⋯.jpeg (114.08 KB, 480x337, 480:337, 4DE5C2C9_4949_440B_AF03_1….jpeg)

File: 752773d7532b401⋯.jpeg (289.49 KB, 820x1114, 410:557, EB2C0601_D94D_46B7_8528_D….jpeg)


Love that second pic. This makes much more sense to me than the heliocentric model.

Thank you for your time anon. I am privileged and grateful to learn from you. I know of the Watcher of the East. I identify more with the Watcher of the West, Antares.

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0fcf06  No.158706

File: 03afda429559932⋯.png (240.77 KB, 368x180, 92:45, by548b2e91.png)

File: ba770bd9df41c50⋯.jpg (29.05 KB, 533x164, 13:4, ao54a15be5.jpg)

File: 2c52e26f3a797ff⋯.jpg (89.92 KB, 622x168, 311:84, lt548b303f.jpg)

File: 836ad712a351240⋯.jpg (29.91 KB, 575x175, 23:7, ne54a15c1c.jpg)


There's also a more curious basis to the Mesopotamian and Indus valley Fish cult, involving Fomalhaut as the star of Enki, the Southern Royal star.

It relates to refinement in terms of physical beauty and sensuality, particularly involving red haired women, and in sociological terms the dream of the utopian , the establishment of civilization, the cult of the Goddess Nazi and the crossing of the river of ordeal, and also the cult of physical resurrection and immortality, the Fish in the Osiris mythos, the concerns of Enki always relate as much if not more to physical reality rather than the realm of ideas.

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9e961e  No.158718

File: a67e66e76889e9a⋯.png (189.6 KB, 1118x889, 1118:889, Simsolar.PNG)

File: 94160fd3a1dc900⋯.png (184.89 KB, 1117x888, 1117:888, Without_Uranus_Neptune_or_….PNG)

File: 6519776ab4f0401⋯.gif (17.6 KB, 500x400, 5:4, Retrograde_Motion.gif)

File: 677433c3d06c77b⋯.png (266.59 KB, 648x722, 324:361, Prima_Pars_Cosmograph.PNG)

File: 4f7e20571396390⋯.pdf (4.59 MB, Simplicius_on_the_Planets_….pdf)


>physical beauty and sensuality, particularly involving red haired women

I was thinking that its interesting how green color belongs according to Hermetica to Venus, green eyes are the most rarest of all (black most common). And same with sun-like red hair being rarest of all, while saturnalian black is the most common. Woman with red hair and green eyes would have double rare trait of both Sun and Venus. But then again, what's inside is more important.

Racemixers just want to paint everything black.


Earth-centered movement seem to be keeping certain logical patterns, occasionally certain planets on certain dates get closer to the earth than others. I couldn't find full picture of this except with an app:


Within influence of the Sun the following planets seem to be prevailing the most: Mars, Venus, Mercury and Jupiter. Saturn only occasionally steps between line of the Sun and Earth, but with constant periodic movement. Maybe that's why Uranus, Neptune and Pluto don't figure out on Vitriol Wheel. Because "influence of Re" is important for those planets as a remnant from original egyptian teaching.

>This makes much more sense to me than the heliocentric model.

The problem with all models is a matter of perspective. From earth space is whole adobe, from space earth is mere puppet. Human lives 100 years max, and barely grasps even a straw of world's knowledge. People claim victory of science but then go back worshiping same things, and elites hanging out in same age old cults. Admiring geocentrism anywhere would be a difficulty thing, especially with flat earthers around.

Anyway, people call those geometry creating loops "Retrograde Motions", when a certain planets get further or closer to earth. One could speculate effects of this on human psyche subjectively, or as planetary harmony. There's a book of Simplicius on that.

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0fcf06  No.158740

File: f092b161744e537⋯.jpg (167.14 KB, 535x577, 535:577, ea552c16a5.jpg)

File: 10262e3a5fbc10c⋯.jpg (141.9 KB, 680x692, 170:173, ft552c1821.jpg)

File: 2d6e746ed19b090⋯.jpg (165.85 KB, 960x737, 960:737, tw552c21ed.jpg)

File: f97ee3d5ccf07de⋯.jpg (385.17 KB, 1557x1008, 173:112, Lucas_Cranach_Der_Jungbrun….jpg)


That seems to have been a Venusian ideal of beauty, were the Pegasus square could be seen as a pool of eternal youth and beauty.

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86f318  No.158964

File: 8ad57d97e2df6e8⋯.png (212.55 KB, 1200x630, 40:21, Madonna_siren_bath.png)

File: e299b9980b99e31⋯.jpg (63.69 KB, 1200x675, 16:9, madonna_bath.jpg)

File: 7f5fa7bf17bef2f⋯.jpeg (79.94 KB, 1334x750, 667:375, spirit_cooking_cannibalis….jpeg)

File: ddd06608170bca1⋯.jpg (53.44 KB, 620x465, 4:3, spirit_cooking_cake_knives.jpg)


>the Pegasus square could be seen as a pool of eternal youth and beauty.

Yes, a 'cube' of beauty for certain types to continuously plunder for as long as they remained on the planet.

You know anon the life of a siren whose only job was to lure people to their death after they are 'transformed' is not exactly all that it is cracked up to be.

After all, she would only be allowed to live for as long as she could sing and lure unsuspecting men to their death. Yes, women are endlessly reincarnated on this female planet and the 'cube' is a source of eternal youth and beauty for 'certain types' to plunder. But this is as defective and horrific a use for Venusian principles as can be imagined. It is an abomination of the God of Love, not something to be celebrated or something desired.

When Leviathan can no longer 'sing sweetly' it is killed and its flesh is devoured.

I have no doubt that you will think of some 'justification' for this behavior or simply tell me that I don't 'understand' the occult meaning of the ritual and you might be right, I have a lot to learn, but my instinct tells me that it is a perversion of what is holy (pure principles) rather than something to be admired, sought after or emulated.

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2c62e6  No.158975

File: 3fb6904ab08f653⋯.png (237.01 KB, 498x328, 249:164, the_sun_illuminates_the_tr….png)


As long as you actually realize it's an allegory for the fucking sun of god, I'll allow it.

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0fcf06  No.158994

File: 3f2e8ae721fd781⋯.png (659.89 KB, 838x379, 838:379, aw552c15b5.png)

File: 32b6262bf5a1fe8⋯.png (649.48 KB, 811x382, 811:382, gq552c15ca.png)

File: 0bbef4b33832007⋯.jpg (166.58 KB, 512x365, 512:365, mn552c1dba.jpg)


Good Heavens Anon i am not answerable for the Sethians making all things evil and twisted, obviously if a woman gets in the bath in a Hollywood movie she is likely to be brutally murdered shortly after.

The bath cult was a thing of purity but more in the physical sense, a cult of beauty and refinement within the symbol, the square, of Heavenly Order, the dark secret of Melusine was that it was introduced from the Fish star.

Of course the Jew in his deranged self righteousness will proclaim that they shouldn't have done that, the very origin of evil or at least the sentience to make the qualification between good and evil, in terms of increased intellectual capacity and discernment, but really the only price is you have to keep her in the manner to which she has become accustomed, and the cult of physical perfection is naturally the key to immortality.

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3177ce  No.158995

File: 724ef5d9464991a⋯.jpg (1.06 MB, 2000x1252, 500:313, Aten.jpg)

File: a20d51a48cd77bc⋯.jpg (5.99 MB, 3708x4526, 1854:2263, Inscribed_limestone_fragme….jpg)

File: 0ca60bde3b97939⋯.png (204.03 KB, 488x1026, 244:513, Great_Hymn_Psalm_104.png)


Cannibalism is inherently Saturnalian, Chronos shown eating his children, Seth dismembering Osiris. You can't miss that aspect.


>sun of god

And here's the most interesting subject to talk about. Lets go back on it. No, lets go waay back on it, before the jews. To Akhenaten. There are few things i want to talk about nature this particular Light God. First of all we know he's the origin of western monotheism, and not all of us heard from Freud only, Savitri Devi wrote a book about him, but his iconography of this God called Aten is really interesting. Its not as simple as i am usually told that Akhenaten worshiper "Sun" alone. Its actually has few interesting details. I already identified Ankh with Morning Star with the description of royal Sceptre and Rod combination in Spell 63 of Coffin Texts, that plainly spells it out. Gods of Egyptians usually "gave" this Ankh in iconography as ruling power.

In Revelations 2:25-28 it is said:

>But that which ye have already hold fast till I come. And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father. And I will give him the morning star.

Again, just like in Spell 63: "Receive this sceptre of yours which is at the feet of Re and your rod which is at the feet of the Morning Star." Venus is associated in Hermetica with same symbol not by a simple chance. "Sun God" of Akhenaten was bestowing Morning Star upon him. So here we already see combination of 4+5, and the typical symbol of spiritual bird in centre of the disk also holding Ankh with its claws on certain sculptures. Why i am sure its a bird and not usual snake? Because on early Aten cartouches, it was depicted as "the Living Ra Horakhty" in reign of Akhenaten. So its already forming a solid esoteric trinity of Sun, Morning Star and Spirit as a usual divine bird. On top of that iconography has multiple hands coming out of disk as rays, rather telling message of God's power of reach (buddhists have some similar statues, like buddha of thousand hands, which are also sometimes associated with solar disk). Birds as we already found out was important egyptian message of having God as your Daemon: >>152548

Some of the Atenist verses in the tomb of Ay:

>O sole god, without another beside him! You create the earth according to your wish, being alone

>Being unique and risen in your aspects of being as “living Aten”—manifest, shining, far (yet) near.

>You make millions of developments from yourself, (you who are) a oneness.

So first of all "Living Aten" is very crucial here, calling God "Living God" in comparison to other as if "dead ones" is seen in bible as a phrase through many books (Hosea‎ 1:‎10, Jeremiah‎ 10:‎10, Jeremiah‎ 23:‎36, Matthew‎ 16:‎16, Joshua‎ 3:‎10, Psalms‎ 42:‎2 and so on). Second "sole god, without another beside him" is primary denialism of any other divinities (Hosea 12:4, Isaiah 45:18, 45: 21–22).

Then Akhenaten proceeded to attempt an iconoclast of all egyptian divinities, forbid them their usual afterlife burials (which were defiled anyway by both robbers, muslims and archeologists), failed the job and instead his cult was buried and forgotten. Many years later whole west worships his religion, which even at Isis-like Mary worship is still consistent of same aspects of Sun, Holy Spirit and Morning Star, with One God claimant.

I also provided comparison of "Great Hymn to Aten" and Psalm 104.

I have to admit Exodus couldn't had happened 1447BC, even if that date is the one Freemasons believe for some reason, Akhenaten reigned 1353–1336 or 1351–1334 BC, without him Moses simply is impossible. Ramses II that supposedly had jews "as slaves" ruled in 1279-1213 B.C. Maybe those people worshiping Adonis and Shekinah weren't jews? Since according to Bruno and previous thread Hyksos were worshiping Seth, the ass. Akhenaten ruins many things in this theory, did jews attributed things to themselves they weren't? That said whole thing happened around late second millennium BC as a whole. Atenism carries on.

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86f318  No.159012

File: 8f989240f2e7af3⋯.pdf (183.07 KB, kupdf_net_philip_k_dick_co….pdf)

File: 02a164df42481f5⋯.mp4 (687.94 KB, 368x656, 23:41, light_above_the_pentagon.mp4)


>Cannibalism is inherently Saturnalian, Chronos shown eating his children, Seth dismembering Osiris. You can't miss that aspect.

Yes, but anon, people don't 'do things without a reason' ever. So what is the real issue and reason with this behavior. Why? I was reading an excerpt of Phillip K Dicks philosophy (Bohme influenced) and I was delighted by the original and creative thinking, even though I have no real conclusion on the conclusions he drew from his own experience. His conclusions are just as foreign and bizarre and revolting to me as the idea of cannibalism…but yet, their must be a reason that people respond to information, their experience and their collected knowledge in this manner. I am interested in the 'WHY' of the matter…not just that it is an abomination to me. Do you know the WHY of it?

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bf87b2  No.159014

File: 4dbe5261ce74f9a⋯.jpg (1.1 MB, 2446x3400, 1223:1700, Paris_statue.jpg)


>people don't 'do things without a reason' ever

In case of rich, subjective answer would be admitting they want a thrill of it in their bored rich lives. Or objectively one can state the most obvious: Want to rule the world, become like ruler of this world. People used to hold a crown in respect towards the Gods. Then people used to hold a crown in respect towards Anointed Lord, who was some magus from Judea. Now people are just rich businessmen, doing business with other businessmen within some small period of 8 years, they get their sweet deals of sethian coinage, and so their character is corrupted by realm of generation. If you don't wear a crown, you don't anoint your king, you crown Death itself. And since Death rules the world, Seth commits to acceleration of degradation.

As far as people's behavior in general, chaos is a product of incomplete form and disorderly phantom instead of a soul with fated daemon to hold any participation in light of Divinity. And less we love the light, the more we fall into darkness. And there's not enough "Angels in heavens" for ever growing human population to produce enough divine people at any moment of time, and its only going to get worse. Allotted destinies lose their quality.

Now since religion falls downwards with degradation no thanks to jews, they are inventing brain implants and deus ex machinas, social credit systems and other mass surveillance projects just to keep growing population of walking dead under electronic and consumerist control, instead of Spirits they used to trust.

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86f318  No.159079

File: 251bbb0c0232331⋯.jpg (70.99 KB, 589x926, 589:926, secret_sun_speaks_summon_t….jpg)


>want a thrill of it in their bored rich lives

This doesn't make any sense to me anon. Money doesn't buy you so many things that 'boredom' could ever be an explanation for these types of behaviors. There has to be another reason for this behavior. No worries. I will find it.

>Want to rule the world, become like ruler of this world

This doesn't work for me either because the world has both good and bad things in it. I think they are actually doing something and I don't understand what it is.

I guess I want to understand the underlying mechanics behind behavior, period. Both good and bad behavior. I am probably not being clear about what I am looking for because this is the first time I have ever thought about it. Honestly I don't really know what 'behavior', the fundamental thought behind the action really is…and I am not talking about all the boring surface explanations or definition for behavior. I want to understand it on its most fundamental level.

>"Angels in heavens" for ever growing human population to produce enough divine people at any moment of time, and its only going to get worse. Allotted destinies lose their quality.

This may be truth…I haven't thought about it that much yet. I tend to be more generous in my judgement of humanity.

>instead of Spirits they used to trust

You may have a point here as well.

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b66958  No.159158

File: 7f9b2ced2db93d2⋯.jpg (13.01 KB, 200x258, 100:129, Heraclitus.jpg)

File: 2aa97de6baacc39⋯.pdf (2.96 MB, Apollo_The_Wind_the_Spirit….pdf)

File: d136f8bd3e87ecc⋯.png (307.57 KB, 832x799, 832:799, Hathor.PNG)

File: 919a19b57d783ae⋯.png (141.89 KB, 647x693, 647:693, Soul_heard_the_divine_harm….PNG)


I think the only way to explain everything, is to try to find the "actor" of negative possession, i've been successful at determining Spirit that possesses the intellectuals, who Socrates rightfully attributed to Apollo (phaedo) and Eros (phaedrus/symposium) (Apollo-Venus of Bruno, Phanes-Protogonos of Orpheus, Lucifer-Mary of certain Christians). Spirit we're talking about can be rightfully be said to be "breath" of a God (pneuma), which book you posted actually speaks about: "I am the breath of my Creator, and as he exhales and inhales, I live". I would call that traveling in the Light of God. I don't like however that Phillip K Dick took LSD to say that, drugs are of realm of generation, depending on them is worse than being a dionysian alcoholic, same for Huxley, who did it too. There's a book "Apollo: The Wind, the Spirit, and the God" that viewed spiritual affection of double natured Light God through Wind, that was reviewing Callimachus Hymn to Apollo from perspective of biblical greek understanding of pneuma. Hence prophets at Delphi were worshipers of Sun God, again Spirit of prophecy. But i think superior understanding Breath, Light and Love is a single God not tied to cosmic clock that is our stars, nor nature of this planet, not tied to anything in realm of generation, but ruling all of it. Actor of "negative possession" would be the total reverse of divine person, who is possessed by a Spirit sent by God, that is known as true Wisdom.

Along side of what i already posted in previous thread on Bruno's Caballa of Pegasus >>157456 there's Heraclitus Fragment number 9:

>"Donkeys would prefer refuse to gold."

Bruno's Caballa of Pegasus:

>"The latter, inferior truth which neither makes things true nor is itself true, but inclines toward, is produced, shaped, and informed by true things, and reflects them not in truth, but in quality and likeness: because in our mind, where is the knowledge of gold, one does not really find gold, but only its quality and likeness."

Heraclitus Fragment number 22:

>"Those who seek gold dig up a great deal of earth and find little."

I have to admit that Bruno, maybe by mistake, was actually relatively defensive of metaphorical negative spirit we attribute to Saturn (as in worthy of worship no less than Jupiter in his images and signs book, and commentator for translation adds "Saturn is not only the demon of inertia and of unfruitful, self-indulgent melancholy; he is also the genius of intellectual observation and meditation, of intelligence and contemplation", i no doubt that Seth is intelligent alright, but i also don't doubt he's a god of Death), but i think his true feelings hide some message. I don't even agree with Bruno on his love to Copernicus, nor there are any more inhabited planets than ours, its just wishful thinking. I think we may be rightfully in the center of the universe, and each of our own centers is personal in the very Soul, which true center must be trunk of Sycamore, Tree of Life, primordial Light. Inner Light is the center of the Universe.

One would wonder why Egyptian spell book has spells against "eating feces". I sometimes translate those literally, but maybe they implied wardings against members of daemons sent by chaos gods, especially in light of Heraclitus Fragment 9. Chaos gods were associated with forcing people to eat feces, Seth is an intelligent fully self sufficient actor, serving primordial Void as if that was god by itself, snake of Ouroboros, Time that God of Light, who is God of Order and Love, is unaffected by. True sin is akin to eating dirt, becoming disordered, descending instead of ascending. Becoming feces eating donkey, full of ignorance.

Also i don't want to hide, that eating of feces remind me of "first spring" of Hades, fountain of forgetfullness. While second spring is Sycamore, water under tree of Life. Hathor's pleasure was associated with music (spell 772), as something absolutely opposite of post-death fecal consumption. First "heard" harmony of the Gods of Iamblichus, divine meta-code. That's what born again truly means, being emanated from a God.

That means people born of Seth first heard not "divine harmony", but "disharmony", which fits their tastes in natural actions of possessed by chaos, so they act according to >>157498

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86f318  No.159178

File: e15bed7fbf4be6f⋯.jpg (359.66 KB, 1061x1112, 1061:1112, pieta_vaticana_alta_risolu….jpg)


I went far back into this conversation and looked not just at your comments but the comments you were responding to as well.

>I have to admit that Bruno, maybe by mistake, was actually relatively defensive of metaphorical negative spirit we attribute to Saturn

No anon, Bruno was wise, honorable and brave. He does not attribute his sins to the innocent. You know that I was raised Christian and I will tell you that it took everything I had, once I was mature enough and had understanding to love, but refuse to have Christ bear my own sins. Now this is scary because we are taught our whole lives that this is the only way to God. But I would rather be damned than to place my own 'sins' upon the innocent. Seth is just a foil to see if you are ready to enter paradise. God is merciful and just; I will not enter Heaven through hate and blame, if I enter it at all it will be through Love and accepting responsibility for myself. I denied that 'free gift' because I Loved and if that deserves punishment, so be it. I AM not Saturn, so I will not enter paradise devouring down the innocent. This is the reason for their behavior. They would enter paradise via the murder of what is pure and holy.

One of my major problems with these old gods is that they all lack responsibility for their own actions and use blame to encourage that same behavior in others.

Am I scared to death about what this may mean (based on my upbringing)? Of course I am…but I just can't accuse the innocent of my own crimes and that seems to be the whole modus operandi of the entire planet and all its people. However it is not 'my desire' (though that has been a hard fought battle).

My father told me something when I was much younger, he said, "Anon, everyone does what they want." This whole idea was a double edged sword that has been a weapon both for and against me my whole life and to this day I still see the repercussions of this thought played out on the global stage, in politics and civilization.

>John 15

25 But this is to fulfill what is written in their Law: ‘They hated Me without reason.’

I see what happened here and this blame shifting has to stop. It is what this world was founded on all its culture and religion, every male and female.

This is why Bruno correctly assessed Saturn, because he 'knew himself'. I expect nothing less of my own behavior and character than to act with honor and true Love to the utmost of my own capacity (lol, such that it is).

My other problem with the old gods is that they weigh deeds rather than progress. I find this offensive because it retards the incentive for the growth of the human spirit.

As always anon, I appreciate your thoughts.

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39fe0c  No.159179

File: 37c7cdd42f422c1⋯.jpg (4.89 MB, 4000x3507, 4000:3507, Sitting.jpg)


To be honest hermetics like Bruno while all that great still far from perfect. Translator rightfully noted in few passages where once he relied on knowledge of the Pyrrhonic Skeptics, that all falseness comes from foolishness, which are not pure skeptics, but rather the ones taught by virtues and teaching of "ignorance" known by the Buddhists during conquests of Alexander (Pyrrho accompanied him in travels), and the lack of knowledge about original teaching transits an error, just like Pyrrho's own school of attributed thought. And then he relies on knowledge about Angels from perspective of pseudo-Dionysius even in Cabala of Pegasus, which under throughout research can be found out to be teaching of Proclus adapted to angels instead of Gods, in a vein how Porphyry had warned christians in general that there's no difference between calling those Intelligences gods or angels (or tao, or buddhas, and so forth).

Which brings me to a gross problem that is unity of all "Gods" into either representatives of single God in all Intelligences, rather than realizing the nature of intellectual spheres of influence. Its the problem of chaotic satanic actions (or alike, in case of much jewish cruelty in old testament) being attributed to God, from being almost literally, in unironical sense, being an asshole of a God, like Vitriol unironically implies, and which Mark 7:19 ("Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?") hints at in ultimate cosmic sense, as should be understood not only in human corruption, but also as a function of uncorruptedness of a global Deity outside of time continuum, everything consumed goes outside (outer darkness, which is God's toilet) and not into the heart, and the heart being core of Cosmic Soul. Ultimately this is why jews worship a cube, they think its the "same" god as the one of light, or how some pray for time god of divine darkness (indian mahakali or darkness of Dionysius the Areopagite), because "God is everything" is an error. Even bible says God is God of the Living (God of Life), not the Dead (god of Death, primordial serpent). What is Light is not Darkness, we actually never experience true darkness, even Night, Orphic Bride of the God, shines solar light from planets, moon or other stars. And so they serve thy enemy and get consumed by outer darkness willingly, from this wrong teaching. For god of death hell is a heaven.

The problem such viewpoint of singularity brings (as if God being both Death and Life), is that one may rebel against Orderly Gods this way round, while serving Chaos Gods and literally eating dirt. Because one cannot actually combine Gods of Chaos and Order, they have their own hierarchies. Therefore primordial serpent of chaos (that is death and time), from which eternal order sprung up, that is called "evil" by ignorant, disorderly or unharmonic by educated, is in fact first "god" of this universe, where Light of the Intelligence is the second. Cosmic Egg cannot come out otherwise. The Alpha, as long as death rules, is number 2, it turns 1 only after dying, which is the ultimate conclusion to all imperfections of this realm, each owns personal apocalypse.

And now for emanation from Orderly Gods, there's another problem and reason for multifaced archetypes of all Saints, Gods and Buddhas in all developed religions, which some divine people managing religions got very quick (not the ones who were concerned about material gain from it). Not everyone is a "fish of Venus". Jesus/Isis went catching fishes, but fishes are only some of the "animals" in this kingdom. That's another problem with a single God, its a monolatry of a single divine emanance, that fits to some chosen by God of Love, but not everyone part of Court of that particular higher Intelligence, and not understanding it produces conflict (hence some people actually feel presence of this particular spirit, but some of other). Some people are dead, some are alive by lower genus, but still branches of Divine Order, some descended from Most High (Apollo Venus), and closer to The Heart of all Intelligences, and some emanated from traitor we call Seth, and their nature is to provide disharmonies that bring needed opposition for harmonies to arise, because suffering in this world has meaning of a needed tribulation for ascend, cowardice is a curse.

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0fcf06  No.159189

File: 62cea554a33f6cf⋯.jpg (29.77 KB, 189x415, 189:415, os526a5157.jpg)

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The Mesopotamian Wind Spirits had only somewhat vague characteristics, the Southern wind/Sutu could be seen as benevolent or malevolent in what she brought up from the South, this could be the evil spirit of the Sutean Lamastu, and Pazuzu was intended to counter this.

Overall though the wind connected to Enki and the Southern constellation Piscis Austrinus.


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01c2b8  No.159196

File: 9f17b505739de7b⋯.png (1 MB, 639x898, 639:898, Venus.PNG)

File: 85dbb229b1e4ebe⋯.jpg (353.08 KB, 1284x800, 321:200, Pisces.jpg)

File: 9a1234007f1868e⋯.jpg (2.77 MB, 1804x2598, 902:1299, Phanes.jpg)

File: e483a87e720308e⋯.jpg (213.79 KB, 649x898, 649:898, Orpheus.jpg)

File: 7cb9bd58ba40311⋯.jpg (95.74 KB, 864x629, 864:629, Venus_and_Sirius.jpg)


I got what Orpheus meant by Phanes, when he named Him. Its that place Venus rises from, which is Zodiacal Light. Its the reason why Phanes in antique iconography is represented with top pole connected to Pisces, and whole zodiacal circle around him just like Sky God Ouranos. Venus apparently loves going through this giant "pillar of fire", because Pisces are in it. Pleiades, seven horns/eyes of the Lamb from Revelations, are also just above it. Some consider this "Visible God", because connection of this Light with Milky Way sometimes seen as Cross "celestial X that mirrors the World Soul". This whole sky section is meant to be understood as the meaning of "God is Light" message, of both Christians and Orphists. And its the inspirational basis of their whole gnosis.

Bacchic Cross was also made from this, because Pleades on top of the light represent seven stars. Moon is seen together with Venus in same section of Pisces like in this picture: >>158597

The reason why they made cross for Orpheus is because some people understood what he meant by Phanes and Platonic Celestial Cross from Timateus. But most importantly, Sirius of winter triangle meet on this Cross, confirming connection to Egyptian worship of Sopdu being son of Sopdet: >>158100 (hat of sothis supposedly represents that light pillar)

It also can be seen as celestial Orb or an Egg.

Justin Martyr in his "Apology on Behalf of Christians" spilled his beans completely on this Light when he tried to claim Plato was somehow inspired by Moses. It allowed me to find this.

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b46871  No.159282


>I found out the hard way that same God owns both.

What led you to such conclusion? Any life stories you'd like to share? I'm always curious about experiences which lead people onto a path of disintegration and further imprisonment. If anything, I have come to a realization that sexual lust ("love") and Platonic (pure) love are two entirely separate and irreconcilable things. They are governed by different chakras, different centers of emanation and serve completely different purposes. If anything, sex was a Saturnian/Demiurgic corruption of divine love, it's hollow, infinitely inferior mirror image. It can never be two sides of the same. Sex only has utility in the physical universe, it's purpose is procreation, and procreation leads to death. Not to mention sex being used as a lure to ensnare spirits here, and as one of the greatest weapons of the Jew. Now, beastmen can rarely tell difference between the two due to their hyletic nature. And it's very difficult to overcome even for the higher men, for it would be overcoming one's biological nature, that is still animalistic to a certain extent. Now, I'm not saying that you cannot be simultaneously sexually and Platonically attracted to a same woman (which can be difficult at times, leading to a "Madonna-whore complex"), but a distinction has to be made. What is of death should remain in the world of death, what is without death should go (return) to the world without death. While sexual decadence might play a role in making one numb to the lures of this world, it should be by no means mixed with actual Love. For any such mixture is sure to corrupt your soul and bind you further to the realm of Saturn (if you were not already entirely generated by it, which would be made obvious with inability to make a distinction between the two).This is why you can be absolutely sure that there is a Jew behind it, wherever such "sacred sex" or "Dionysus worship" appears in any religious or occult movement. This profanization, demystification and corruption of everything is their signature.

>The God ruling over Pleasure of Love, rules over Pain too

It would be sort of self-defeating since the pain is much greater, leading everyone to either abandon it altogether, or turn it into hatred. Unless we consider the possibility that the entire game of our current existence was rigged from the start and that the 'only' winning move is not to play. The alternative being 'killing' the god and destroying this universe or transforming it into something else

>Goddess overwatching their reproduction

Reproduction has absolutely nothing to do with love. Some species reproduce asexually, some have only one sex, etc. Even those who have binary sexual reproduction don't need any sort of abstract love in order to create offspring. It's very rare among "humans" too, and yet they have no trouble reproducing. One may argue that oxytocin plays a certain role in raising offspring of greater quality, but reproduction is not concerned with qualia, only survival.

>representing pressing desire

Gods are not ruled by desire, no such "court" could exist. The whole point of being a God is having power/control, not being controlled.

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b46871  No.159283

File: d7e3b4f969a4a77⋯.png (50.38 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, Thule.png)


>And both of them are one

The faulty logic of something being "two opposites of the same" leads to the very abomination of "one god" when extrapolated to it's conclusion. If things/concepts were the same, they wouldn't be different (opposites). This is also implied egalitarianism and philosophy of globohomo. Equality/oneness is a false god. I could write a book about the tragedy of some idiotic ideas of the ancient world defining the further development of thought into an entirely wrong direction, the one whose consequences we are facing today.

>Rainbow also represents immortality

That would explain it's extensive use by forces of disintegration. Since it's the very opposite of immortality that it will bring.

>As i understand from Ark of the Covenant the jews actually began worship of Venus, but then decided to fuck off to Saturnalian worship of Death

This would only be natural for anyone being denied such "love", wouldn't it? Not that a creature as abhorrent as a Jew warrants it, but it still needs to be pointed out. But it's not death that they worship, it's disintegration. A distinction should be made between cyclical death (which supplants life, a neutral creation-destruction cycle) and slow, gradual disintegration/corruption that Saturn/Entropy brings. If they worshiped Thanatos, they would be much more warlike and would promote violence rather than trying to eliminate it altogether with their Talmudic law. There are different forms of life, but there are also different forms of death. What is life to one form, might be death for another….

>This God conquered Death way before

Only the original archetype. Otherwise, not all of them. Some have failed due to making the same mistakes which I'm pointing out here. That didn't stop them from being worshiped or emulated however.

>Hence Tree of Life, Fruits of Life, Water of Life, because Her Heaven is built on some logical system of preservation from being taken by Saturn.

This is true, it's an algorithm essentially. But the one dealing with transcendent, not finite numbers.

>There are many Gods, true, but only one that gives Immortality, that is opposite of the Reaper

The one opposite of the reaper would bring death of a different kind. "Four quarters" get referenced in the Vedas a lot. They were trying to imply something. Instead of going in the opposite direction, you might need to take a turn at the [spoiler]cross[spoiler]roads. I appreciate your enthusiasm, but if only things were as simple as they appear to be … Navigating the labyrinth of perils in order to reach/recover (true) immortality is something that only Gods are capable of.

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bc1480  No.159294

File: cc6c9ba7796a638⋯.jpg (28.91 KB, 550x450, 11:9, AryanEnlightenment.jpg)

Funny cuck faggot mods would ban me for making threads about this kind of stuff not even a year ago. Fucking faggots

Esoteric Meaning Of The Black Sun


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324955  No.159319

File: c201b8a8466bf31⋯.jpg (6.82 KB, 162x311, 162:311, Tcross.jpg)


>There's some trickery afoot in saying that jews were always saturn worshipers.

Why of course, they were real angels before they started doing that :>) Certainly not being a same gang of psychopathic bandits and prostitutes as they are today. The people that you are referring to prior to "Saturn worship" weren't the same people as Jews of today (or Jews of the ancient world). Even if they descended from them, their Saturnian allegiance (and other, mongrel ancestry) has morphed them into something different due to a mutual-feedback loop.

>It had hint between violent conflict between Astrological jews and Yahweist jews

The former got genocided and raped out existence by the latter. Then they all got to be called "Jews" due to having common ancestry. But some pure fragments of the former have survived to this day ...

>Returning to 1 causes returning to 0

If it was only that simple ... Zero contains One, One does not contain Zero. One is death, Zero is immortality. Brahman and Atman. Making 10 the magic number of transcendence, which would actually make it the 11th number starting from zero (symbolizing pluralism, continuation, multiverse and other important concepts) The point inside the circle. One inside zero ... Self-existence. 10 and 11 are also guarantees of free will. The model (let's call it "the harem of God") which you are proposing implies the containment of zero within one, which is false. But this is a best way to summarize the rest of material which you keep quoting. It's all based on faulty logic and numerology.

>Its not "God" who causes second death

Depends which one. They may appear very similar/close, yet be of infinitely separate natures. Just like 1 and 0.

>Its Chaos that existed prior to God, the outer darkness that consumes

One consumes, another nourishes. Aryans used to follow the latter until they got tricked by proto-kikes to follow the former into their extinction (spiritual as well as physical). In simple terms, you have the "nigger chaos" and "white chaos". And just like races, they are not equal. While opposed (orthogonally, not diametrically - see swastika), one is of infinitely greater potential than another, of a different order. Chaos based on One and souls/gods deriving from it are finite, Chaos based on Zero and souls/Gods deriving from it are infinite. This is also the distinction between Hyletics/NPC's and Pneumatics/PC's that Gnostics told us about. By accepting egalitarianism (first religious, then philosophical, then socio-political as all politics are derived this way, and why these subjects are VERY /pol/-related), they have chosen the "nigger chaos" of Kali, which has resulted in Neo-Weimar and globohomo. Judeo-Masonic, Talmudic order (of Shiva) on another hand, is only a false dichotomy supposedly opposing this chaos, but what it truly does is serving the "nigger chaos" by opposing the "white chaos" instead and acting as a gatekeeper for preventing the "white order" from emerging as a generative force. Due to the vampiric, parasitic nature of their "Supreme being" (an impostor), they had to allow some "white chaos" in order to sustain the world (and universe at large), but to steer it towards the generation of abominations (slavery, suffering, etc.) and into the jaws of Saturn, instead of allowing it to generate "white order". By doing this, they have, figuratively speaking, cut one leg off from the cow (another Vedic reference), and why you will find three-legged crosses and other symbols much more prominent in such traditions compared to four-sided (Vedic-Aryan) ones, such as those used by the Teutonic Order for example.

Well, guess who just squared the compass ;) I'll probably face severe consequences for revealing this, but it's necessary for understanding the opposing models.

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a29f95  No.159338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Here is an example of the "white chaos"

>Computationally, neurons exhibit SR because of non-linearities in their processing. SR has yet to be fully explained in biological systems, but neural synchrony in the brain (specifically in the gamma wave frequency[7]) has been suggested as a possible neural mechanism for SR by researchers who have investigated the perception of "subconscious" visual sensation

>A gamma wave is a pattern of neural oscillation in humans with a frequency between 25 and 140 Hz, the 40-Hz point being of particular interest.[1] Gamma rhythms are correlated with large scale brain network activity and cognitive phenomena such as working memory, attention, and perceptual grouping

Someone asked me about the pillar of memory in previous thread :>) There are two pillars of the kind, one based on One, another based on Zero. Guess which one provides better memory capacity while being far more resilient to various 'fires' and 'floods'. The distinction between the two was also the mystery of the Grail (some people have non-physical 'blood' and 'ancestry' as well).

>Whole system is destroyed except those who in divine Lottery (as from Lot, Allotted, not from human entertainment by same name) emanated from Lucifer

You got this one correctly.


Well described, but incomplete and subject to some of the errors which I've pointed out before.

>Logos was born from dismemberment of infinity of unified intelligence

Separation, yes. But there was never a singular, unified intelligence, which allowed separation in the first place.

>concept of movement, and time, that produces decay

Only in a finite framework. Even within it, there are exceptions. One is going against time (in reverse), another is being the unmoved mover. The latter requires God-tier consciousness, knowledge and will so it's not applicable on a society-wide scale, leaving us with what Hitler and his predecessors were trying to do. A collective effort.

>Love desired immortality

This is very important to note, if such "eternal marriage" wasn't possible, we would never desire it in the first place. Kikes are trying to convince us that this utterly debased world shaped in their image is normal and how things were always supposed to be, but we know that not to be the case.

>where most perfect Order of all will rule forever

We would already be living in such perfect Order if that was the case, as we have an infinity of time behind us. The fact that we are not debunks that Zoroastrian meme.

>So there are two Gods minimum in two dimensions.

Minimum four, not dimensions, but planes. I think that mathematical reciprocity is achieved by "nigger chaos" and "nigger order" continuously repeating in ever-declining, centripetal cycles (such as the river of Hades where souls lose their Memory), terminating into a focal point (One) of non-differentiation, but being orthogonal because they would need to draw energy from the "white chaos" (how physical universe got created in the first place), which in the opposite rotation centrifugally generates "white order" of Zero, which is eternal and doesn't repeat (because it's not a closed system). So you have a mechanism that does infinite repetitions of the finite in one corner (Brahman), and a 'single', supra-systemic meta-continuum of the infinite in another (Atman). It's kind of like shifting gears :D But this wouldn't be any old car, it would be Vimana, the diamond vessel, or the chariots of the Anunnaki. In the finite, measurable domain they are reciprocal, but in the infinite domain (which doesn't exist from the perspective of One), Atman is of infinitely superior quality. It seems however, that it would need a shadow feedback too based on this rotation, meaning that one of infinite nature would likely need to venture into the 'depths of hell', close to One (Dante portrayed the Devil as being in the center of Hell, this is the literal god that all universalists worship, regardless of creed), in order to attain a differentiated signal shaped by matter (which would act as a wave-guide due to its limiting nature), which would then be amplified by going in the opposite direction.

But here is the tricky part, while infinite souls can indeed be terminated into one and lose their immortality, turning into hollow copies/NPC's to be forever devoured by Saturn and then "resurrected" by Dionysus, those who have finite souls can never reach the realm of the infinite. That pretty much explains why kikes, most of animal-men, and an alarmingly increasing number of hollow whites do what they are doing.

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cf676f  No.159433

File: 66761f0eee4a7b4⋯.jpg (59.51 KB, 900x500, 9:5, Robert_A_Heinlein.jpg)


>sex was a Saturnian/Demiurgic corruption of divine love

>procreation leads to death

God is both moralist and liberalist, extremes meet at center where infinite expansion into atrocities of one sided view cease, physical love is continuation of mutual intimacy caused by kindred spirits. Indulgence is sex is akin to gluttony, but no one is alive without sex. No one would exist without Light, no soul would get born without Love, your body wouldn't exist without Sex. You say procreation leads to death, then how come you live, instead of being dead?

I'd say current trends in sexual attitudes is new venusian cycle showing its colors and the religion itself is going to juggle from Apollo's hand to Dionysus. The Whore became a Saint in 7BC, now this Saint becomes a Whore since 50 venusian cycles. Hence its not saturn who is praised under contemporary counter culture, but still Venus. How come people not realized this swinging pendulum of human rationality changing as soon as it gets tired of one thing, and becomes obsessed with another?

Even philosophy is madness, erotic passion of the soul for the ideas, and the illumination is the state of enhanced sensibility which brings about sensations of elation and "heavenly joy". Ecstasy of virgin purity in perverted restraint is the most debauched sexual activities of a man, and it does bring us closer to heavens, but people put a veil on "bridal chamber" to ignore that all divine activities is sex with God in the mind.

>Gods are not ruled by desire

One should ask a God, "Oh Desire, why you invented whole world filled with You?". Since nothing of Spirit ever lives without Desiring. And of higher birth the soul is, the more it wants to join the Holy. Its loathing is insane, it breaks the world apart to gets Her hands everywhere.


>"two opposites of the same" leads to the very abomination of "one god"

Just because opposites are the same doesn't mean God is void.

There are many forms of the Spirit, but they are still made of Light.

>they would be much more warlike and would promote violence

You forget the one who holds the Lyre holds the Bow. If they promoted violence they would worship Shekinah again, just like their warlike ancestors who took over Jericho. Religious jews are afraid of participating in war like in a fire. Same God rules over pain as the one over pleasure. Day and Night are the same. War, Sex, Peace, Virginity, all in domain of the Same, because extreme levels of all of them are equals, peace at times is as bad as war, and virginity is as depraved as unrestrained sexuality. Its actually much better shown in north european culture predating christianity, whose symbols you're adoring, than in jewish scriptures.

We're dealing not with murderer by the sword.

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bc1480  No.159434


are you the fucking german faggot from from cuck chan? Why do you have two threads going here?

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40504c  No.159435


start reading texts from Kemet

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cf676f  No.159436

File: a8b88b85b72b137⋯.jpg (233.89 KB, 1000x855, 200:171, Man.jpg)

File: b974483130f40f0⋯.jpg (440.62 KB, 1200x976, 75:61, Morning_Star_in_Zodiacal_L….jpg)


By Hermetica descent to second death is 1, ascent is 9, and any combo that creates 9, starting from "Light and Love" of Sun Venus. Its all consistent in tying to simplest numbers, without double digits. 0 is simply non-being, which 1 turns into. But descent is always associated with lack of something, imperfection of inner order. Only Light is above darkness able to shove it off. The darkness has no rulership over Light by very nature of this world.

>"nigger chaos" and "nigger order"

I do not bite. Chaos and Order while existing in one another, Chaotic darkness is unable to take possession of Light. Not to mention how tied everything that is above Saturn is. Death is a temporary thing that doesn't exist after death, just like Time. Therefore in Light of transcendence there is no darkness. No order to take hold of for children of outer darkness, no place to sit in, no Light of intelligence to shine upon. Atheistic death is very akin to outer darkness, ideas of death attract the ones belonging to them. What's dead is already dead. What's alive goes from where it came from. Simple as that.

As for the Cross, i already mentioned it, cross shape as well as the Egg is inspired by Milky Way, Zodiacal Light and circle above it: >>159196 ; i am pretty sure "Celestial Egg, stuffed with light" from vedas was also inspired by that. "Being strange, possessed of Self" inside the treasure chest might as well be Venus inside Zodiacal Light, since Phanes and VIshnu seem to be associated through that. Might as well be what inspired Shiva's Lingam.

Muslims call it "False Dawn".


Haven't visited cuck/pol/ for 6 years. Let me guess, some crossposter copies stuff from this thread?

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cf676f  No.159439

File: fb2127caf922ea3⋯.jpg (1.86 MB, 2195x1119, 2195:1119, X.jpg)

Just to illustrate what i mean by "Space Cross" of Timaeus.

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40504c  No.159447

File: 53d51fbc88df353⋯.jpg (125.67 KB, 1200x818, 600:409, look_upon_my_works_ye_migh….jpg)

File: 97e21ce3e21d8a7⋯.gif (4.38 MB, 498x315, 166:105, hermetics_in_a_nutshell.gif)


you are so far from any understanding

>Utterance 213:

Ho, Unis! You have not gone away dead: you have gone away alive.

Sit on Osiris's chair, with your baton in your arm, and govern the living;

with your water lily scepter in your arm, and govern those

of the inaccessible places.

Your lower arms are of Atum, your upper arms of Atum, your belly of

Atum, your back of Atum, your rear of Atum, your legs of Atum, your

face of Anubis.

Horus's mounds shall serve you; Seth's mounds shall serve you.

>Utterance 373

Oho! Oho! Rise up, O Teti!

Take your head, collect your bones,

Gather your limbs, shake the earth from your flesh!

Take your bread that rots not, your beer that sours not,

Stand at the gates that bar the common people!

The gatekeeper comes out to you, he grasps your hand,

Takes you into heaven, to your father Geb.

He rejoices at your coming, gives you his hands,

Kisses you, caresses you,

Sets you before the spirits, the imperishable stars…

The hidden ones worship you,

The great ones surround you,

The watchers wait on you,

Barley is threshed for you,

Emmer is reaped for you,

Your monthly feasts are made with it,

Your half-month feasts are made with it,

As ordered done for you by Geb, your father,

Rise up, O Teti, you shall not die!

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6d4508  No.159451

File: 65574c735287fda⋯.png (669.8 KB, 456x518, 228:259, Magdalene.PNG)

File: ff40f76e4cb43e6⋯.jpg (369.19 KB, 1108x773, 1108:773, Mausoleum_of_Augustus.jpg)

File: 3ba91f6450094ba⋯.jpg (107.07 KB, 600x850, 12:17, Genius_of_Augustus.jpg)


Oh no anon, i've been contemplating the real point of egyptian necromancy and bondage of souls of the living to this world in order to make them into governing psychical Intellect left in Aether of the earth and manifesting in public consciousness. Commies in russia protect Lenin's corpse in Ziggurat for same reason. In spirit of Communism, father Marx and body of "Living Lenin" (who "lived, alive and still lives") in mausoleum, who they treat like a saint (yes, communism has its own "anointed one").

Mary Magdalene herself is bound through her own high necromantic magic, which Templars when discovered were worshiping, and spirits of the dead when rightfully bounded are way above simple mummies, they become according to egyptians spiritual energy of invoked Gods, walking this earth because their souls don't fully depart. Hence all the mummified or deified Egyptian and Roman Pharaohs and Emperors remain as intellectual energies filling the invisible spiritual realm, that is accessible as separate source of intellectual "data banks". As long of course as their places are not desecrated, for them Mausoleums are like Lich's philanthropies.

Hence why majority of early christians didn't had visions of "jesus", but rather most of them had visions of Mary. Because said Mary became God-Empress, immortal Priestess-Queen bound to Sirius and Venus. And bondage to stars has to be most important one, because it allows a star to remember information about particular soul in its personal heaven. How stars are doing it? I don't know, nobody can conjoin magic with science. They themselves act as transits of information.

Genius of Augustus, who also appeared to people in dreams and visions, had his own mausoleum. Maybe "Kingdom of God" is indeed not just inside, but also outside, as according to apocryphal gospels. Its a very complex phenomenology of mummified people messing with your mind and connecting through stars and using constellation as some form of magical insignia both here on earth and in the heavens.

True Necromancy is not about "raising" people from the dead. Its keeping their soul here. And when they rise they indeed "appear illusory" like heretics said about jesus, who "john" (actually Mary) mentioned to hide true egyptian roots of it. Its a high magic of total control of population by non-returners, whose psyche is bound to a mummy.

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2eebb2  No.159464

File: 659142e0f754416⋯.png (254.03 KB, 700x855, 140:171, Cosmic_egg.png)

File: c0e493f94c90e3e⋯.jpg (117.76 KB, 441x816, 147:272, Phanes.jpg)

File: b43e2ca3541bebb⋯.jpg (58.45 KB, 337x616, 337:616, Mithras_or_Arimanius.jpg)

File: 85cd5021d17d820⋯.gif (5.27 KB, 300x370, 30:37, demiurge.gif)

File: 910251cbf357fac⋯.png (2.04 MB, 1737x2288, 1737:2288, Baphomet.png)

>Germany was worshiping (Forward going) Time and Death?

Death of an EPOCH, not death itself. They were trying to progress into another 'astrological age', just like the Aryans did by ending the Taurean Age.


Also I would argue the black sun is a demiurgic symbol, that it represents the essence/aether/'dark energy' of the material world itself, the essence/magick that when harnessed creates change the same way (Saturnian) time does, i.e. willpower

I would argue that the material world/demiurge itself is dualistic, in the sense of being both Apollonian and Dionysian, and that this dualistic demiurge is what is being represented in all my pics related

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2eebb2  No.159468

File: eb8244caeeebdd4⋯.jpg (277.07 KB, 1200x1976, 150:247, Two_of_Cups.jpg)

File: f78451d8d19c320⋯.jpg (38.86 KB, 480x360, 4:3, Shiva_Phallus_and_Kaaba_Yo….jpg)

File: c968108e6c91185⋯.gif (365.32 KB, 360x270, 4:3, three_torus_universe.gif)

File: ad6c253b7291933⋯.jpg (265.82 KB, 620x465, 4:3, Paphos_Mosaic.jpg)

File: 3a9d2cce2253792⋯.jpg (14.21 KB, 236x295, 4:5, fe55f101feb8e0850ef771c222….jpg)

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2eebb2  No.159476


Forgot links

The Three Torus model of the universe


Scientific findings that would justify such a model

>So the universe may not be isotropic in its laws of physics – one that is the same, statistically, in all directions. But in fact, there could be some direction or preferred direction in the universe where the laws of physics change, but not in the perpendicular direction. In other words, the universe in some sense, has a dipole structure to it.


Like a magnet - dualistic.


Also forgot to mention Hermes/Mercury's caduceus, which Arimanius/Mithras carried, which can be see in the Two of Cups tarot card (a card which literally refers to dualism), and that appears as Baphomet's phallus.

Note that Hermes/Mercury himself was a 'psychopomp', and also dualistic, as he was the only god capable of entering both Mount Olympus and the Underworld.

Also the Star of David/Remphan which itself is a dualistic symbol, with the upwards triangle being the alchemical symbol for fire, and the phallus, and the downwards triangle being the alchemical symbol for water and yoni/ovaries.

Not to mention where Mithras' name comes from

>The Indo-Iranian common noun *mitra means "(that which) causes [-tra] to bind [mi-]", hence Sanskrit mitram, "covenant, contract, oath"

Also note, Mitra was described as the "(eye of, light of) the morning sun" - just like Lucifer being the 'morning star'.


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2eebb2  No.159478


And one more thing - that one figure that is said to represent either (a form of) Mithras or a degree within the Mithraic order? The Mithraic order whose highest degree is Saturn? That statue that has a lion's head, wings, and snake; just like Phanes, the demiurge/Yaldaboath, and the Tarot card that represents dualism?

It is known as Arimanius, which comes from 'Ahriman'.

In Zoroastrianism, there is a dualism of the creative mind/essence (i.e. Apollonian) and the destructive mind/essence (i.e. Dionysian) within the higher spirits. The latter essence is known as Ahriman.

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2eebb2  No.159492

>Eggs symbolize the unification of two complementary principles (represented by the egg white and the yolk) from that life or existence, in its most fundamental philosophical sense, emerges.


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2a18c1  No.159496

File: de5297fe1c8f535⋯.jpg (151.32 KB, 983x1080, 983:1080, Saturni.jpg)

File: 844b3ec19ec0393⋯.png (737.57 KB, 911x761, 911:761, ObverseGreatSeal.png)

File: 4742ce54f297d77⋯.jpg (1.72 MB, 1000x2760, 25:69, Hecate_Chiaramonti_Inv1922.jpg)

File: c7a2e115e4c93bc⋯.jpg (820.07 KB, 1036x908, 259:227, goat_person.jpg)



All symbols are pointless without full meaning of teaching behind them. Never liked animal-head symbolism though, downplays quality of a divine being that is supposed to be portrayed as more divine than human, and hence love for beauty usually present for anybody, any truly inspired person would want to see divine as perfection, not animalistic creature (even though we consider bird parts like wings more ascended than the rest, as a remnant of orphic belief that "flying creatures" were created first). In hinduism they attributed goat head to Daksha, for he was resurrected with a head replaced with a goat one, for making Sati, bride of Shiva, immolate herself. But then again you right, two horns are always symbol of dual nature.

What i find however is that its far more secure and beneficial to guide your people with Luciferan (Venusian) symbols, than Saturnalian, and never combine Venus ways with Saturn, because you cannot combine love with death, least you cause a catastrophe like communism was. USA mostly relied on eagles (divine bird), with olive branch (bestowed by dove to Noah) and arrows (war aspect) and five pointed stars for that reason. As well as statue of Liberty also representing Hekate, as far as Byzantium goes she was associated with Venus (Hecate Phosphorus), after all seven horns of Pleiades on it are telling.

So there are indeed orderly, benefiting symbols related for love and preservation, and some for destruction. Sometimes working as self curse.

I also know about cult of Fraternitas Saturni, that was actually forbidden in Hitler's Germany. Lodge emigrated in order to avoid imprisonment. There were at least 5 Lodges around the world. As far as saturnalian cult treachery going, they aren't even hiding it:

>In 1993 one resigned master ("Immanuel-succession") founded another Saturnian order, the Communitas Saturni, in southern Germany.

"Communists of Saturn", life sometimes is stranger than fiction.


Both cults of Christianity and Mithraism were inspired by Orphic/Bacchic traditions. As far as dual nature goes, read Heraclitus and Orphic poems:





There's much in nature of Gods go. I find unity of opposites an intellectual contemplation of concepts beyond good and evil, effectively erasing human inferiority of one way of thinking.

On Phanes look up those three posts (especially one on the egg):




As far as i am aware serpent for the primal God means necessity and time (which is eventually abandoned). But also process of "whirling" of a God through the world, as if revealing Himself by this Time serpent, as in truth unveiled by time.

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a29f95  No.159598


>I have come to the conclusion that I am sort of addicted to you in a strange way

I have such effect on those with the proper 'sight' , while the beastmen have always instinctively disliked me. My antagonistic/transformative nature often makes people project their own shadow onto me.

>You are the strangest person I have ever met and out of all the people I have met, I like you best…

I am flattered, truly. Could say that the sympathy is mutual, since you seem to be one of very rare genuine people that I've encountered. Gifted, too, despite being very irrational at times.

>even when you are mean

It was not intentional, and trust me, you don't wish to witness me being truly mean.

>Truth is indeed rare, perhaps even more rare than what you are seeking

Indeed, "humanity" was not created for knowing the truth. Only some are capable of that, due to their hybrid nature, and not entirely. The rest are like chickens trying to fly over the abyss, their 'wings' might be rather ... inadequate for that. The impotent flapping of their wings in a futile attempt to discover some meaning before their inevitable fall into the abyss can generate a lot of noise however, as evidenced by a lot of content that got posted in this and another thread.

>For there might be more than one woman in the world who fits your description

The chances of me being with such a woman are too low even when utilizing synchronicities. Don't forget that I have VERY powerful forces as enemies. Those yet unknown to this world too. Besides, that's not my only goal here.

>I am cleared for 'takeoff' now anon

You are not going anywhere I'm afraid. Not yet.

>and that I will remember you

Which would be of utmost importance. Back to the subject of memory ... we might be actually holographically and synchronistically generating each other from immaterial memory fragments, which could be a key for (true) immortality. That would be a basis for the highest marriage, but also the spiritual race/comradeship. However, that subject is too arcane for this thread.

>so I have no duty to share anything truly profound with humanity

That was only feeding the parasites and making life more easy for the unworthy. Why do you think that there have been no major scientific breakthroughs ever since kikes stole NS German discoveries? Which were mostly 'occult inspired' to say the least. Almost everything that got developed from the end of the war until today was just a further refinement of technologies and scientific discoveries stolen with espionage and various "operations paperclip" The only exception being the "blood science" and various mind control techniques of the Jews.

>Wat mean?

I meant that some are claiming him to be a kike just because he (supposedly) had some ancestry, which could be a lie, but that man is pretty much an antithesis of a Jew.

>It bragged that in less than 20 years there would not be any pure blood Germans left

That goes for other nations as well. But yes, corrupting Germanic was part of the agenda since forever, but certain lineages especially, since their capacity to restore the memory was greatest.

>I am the last of my own line

Interestingly, Karl Maria Wilgut said the same. The crazy old man was probably onto something.

>as you so fervently lectured me in the past about cloning

You were reading my mind, I was just thinking at the time how nice would it be to make a 20 year old clone of you, but since it wouldn't be you, we would need to find a way to transfer your soul from your current body into it. Once fully synchronized, it would probably correct most defects in it's genetic code caused by not knowing the hidden variables which make your body organic, and which make you (you). Unfortunately, I have no access to the underground cloning facility with billions of dollars of black budget funding.

>your window of opportunity is closing anon

Yes, and I'm getting older and less attractive too (Thanks Saturn)

>I suppose since you can 'have any woman you want' you are not at any loss for company.

Lately, I struggle with having any at all. It was about finding the 'right' company, not just any company anyway. Modern women have horrible ROI thanks to the Jews, but due to their "nature" as well. I wonder if your interest in me would fade instantly if I told you that I'm an incel kek. It would be an interesting thought experiment.

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40504c  No.159619


necromancy is specifically speaking with the dead. the ka leaves the body, it is not tied to it.



The gatekeeper comes out to you, he grasps your hand,

Takes you into heaven, to your father Geb.

He rejoices at your coming, gives you his hands,

Kisses you, caresses you,

Sets you before the spirits, the imperishable stars…"

writing gives immortality to the idea

consider that religion and belief systems are tools to deal with the environment. Consider we can touch the stars if we labor at understanding science. Where is the profit in assigning magical properties to what we know are planets?

In a fictional setting this is fun. But in a time of happenings how can the study of magic/hermetics help us when we already know chemistry? When we have started to master the atom?

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86f318  No.159621

File: b7dc9bce678a9c1⋯.jpg (84.18 KB, 800x533, 800:533, lcity_seafoam_800.jpg)


>You are not going anywhere I'm afraid.

It is only a body anon, I have died and almost died before many times, it is very easy to slip away (if people understood how very easy it was they would be shocked). I have to admit I, myself, am rather curious how long it (and duty) will hold onto me. I would guess, not long as I have already lingered here too long already and I KNOW it.

>Karl Maria Wilgutt

Funny how people know when this is true as well.

>very irrational at times.

lol…I am sure that is how it appears from the outside. It is not easy to balance all these possible futures and be coherent about them (they are like the waves lapping on the ocean shore; appearing for a moment and then gone again with nothing but a foamy lace structure broken by the wind until all trace of it is vanished)…I don't think most people would have the strength of will to look in on them at all. Which is why they don't.

>The impotent flapping of their wings in a futile attempt to discover some meaning before their inevitable fall into the abyss can generate a lot of noise however, as evidenced by a lot of content that got posted in this and another thread.

I can't decide if this is yet another pointed comment. Either way it made me laugh.

>we might be actually holographically and synchronistically generating each other from immaterial memory fragments, which could be a key for (true) immortality.

This is a possibility but I have always been deeply suspicious of the situation. I can remember telling you to 'stay on your side of the planet' and I will 'stay on mine' when we first met. I was afraid we would fall into each other so there is potentially more to it as well.

>Unfortunately, I have no access to the underground cloning facility with billions of dollars of black budget funding.

You say that like it is a bad thing. ;^) I once read this very good science fiction short story about a man that made identical clones of himself to perform jobs in space and on dangerous new worlds. How his clones hated him for that. Just bitterly seethed that he had selected that future for them and cut them off from his own life, happiness and good fortune, cast them into the void of space, without consulting them. I think the writer was reflecting on the anger he felt towards the First Man and his own decision. I wonder how much of this same rage is internalized by every human and never examined? How those clones seethed at their maker over their trials, life and death…

>Yes, and I'm getting older and less attractive too (Thanks Saturn)

Does this bother you? I am so pleased and delighted by my own experience that I marvel over it every day. All these new and often/sometimes unpleasant experiences for my consideration and reflection of the physical form in juxtaposition with youth and beauty (which I have a soft and gentle love and appreciation for at this point). I am really in love with the entire visceral examination of 'Life' (this might be a perspective one only enjoys when they are 'close' tho). Like I said before in the previous thread, anon…I am very grateful for the entire experience.

>I wonder if your interest in me would fade instantly if I told you that I'm an incel

I don't know anon. I have asked myself many times…what is my interest in you (I doubt it is related to your sexual status tbh)? And I don't think your celibacy plays a role tho but I can't be certain yet simply because it has never crossed my mind to really think about this. This may play into the fact that the computer as a tool is not a sexual tool for women, or associated with sexuality (for me), and so this would not really cross my mind in this context. ←speculation on my part

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86f318  No.159622

File: 97d37f91289fd18⋯.jpg (49.97 KB, 620x413, 620:413, glass_shattered.jpg)

>>159598 (cont.)

>Modern women have horrible ROI thanks to the Jews

Well anon I suppose this depends on what you want from a woman. Obviously if you are not looking to reproduce and you are independent (self sufficient) then what use would a woman be? It is only someone who is genuinely missing something (in this situation) that would have a use for a woman at all, given those underlying assumptions. Also, when you think about someone who is highly gifted or intelligent they will have a significant amount of trouble seeing the value not just in women but in all of humanity for obvious reasons. You have to be missing part of yourself for you to have value for 'the other' rather than simply 'the illusion' of the female. Of course, this 'missing part' may not happen for hybrids or full bloods, I can't be certain. Certainly for Serrano the illusion of the female is adequate.

Primordial female

Flesh and blood female

Illusion of female

I guess you would have to ask yourself how 'whole' you were anon to answer the question about ROI and the feminine. ;^)

>It was about finding the 'right' company, not just any company anyway.

I understand. This is an undervalued assessment that is vital for happiness. Unfortunately it takes a very long time, perhaps even a lifetime or more to determine what is the 'right company'. When I reflect on this, I just feel sad (our modern world is a bit of a clusterfuck tbh). This is even more important for fragments…potentially the most important and far reaching decision that they will ever consider imo.

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b2903a  No.159624

File: a67820fce15f284⋯.jpg (17.01 KB, 308x313, 308:313, wlkhwlekjhtwlkjhtlkwhjtlkw….jpg)

damn I don't have the energy or motivation to read all this shit

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0fcf06  No.159679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

>Phosphorus (Greek Φωσφόρος Phōsphoros) is the Morning Star, the planet Venus in its morning appearance

>Phosphorus is a chemical element with the symbol P and atomic number 15. Elemental phosphorus exists in two major forms, white phosphorus and red phosphorus, but because it is highly reactive, phosphorus is never found as a free element on Earth.

>Deshret, from Ancient Egyptian, was the formal name for the Red Crown of Lower Egypt and for the desert Red Land on either side of Kemet (Black Land), the fertile Nile river basin. When combined with the Hedjet (White Crown) of Upper Egypt, it forms the Pschent (Double Crown), in ancient Egyptian called the sekhemti.

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b9acb4  No.159698

File: a9632af6af0d5fa⋯.jpg (10.67 KB, 291x240, 97:80, RLM.jpg)

File: 5cfb1dc9e4d7c23⋯.png (52.28 KB, 588x336, 7:4, Resurrection_of_Dionysus.png)


I share this feeling of energy loss, but fate doesn't let go.


>Where is the profit in assigning magical properties to what we know are planets?

In the jewish pocket that profit is, because all of them are obsessed with them. Every one of them wants to own goyim after life just like in this life.

That said, for death i am aware this was all considered a superstition even by Egyptians themselves. You yourself recommended to read Kemetic texts, but i instead found Axioms of Kemet instead and there was this line in it (From Instructions of Merikare 2130-2040 BC):

>The soul comes to the place it knows, and it will not overstep the ways of the past; no magic can oppose it, and it will reach those who give it water.

>Do not put your trust in length of years, for some regard a lifetime, as an hour, a person survives after death, and past deeds are laid before the person in a heap.

So its pretty much mostly many cults of Egypt having many afterlife practices, that culminated in out-of-egypt Judaism and Christianity. But none of this really matters. I find religion a temporary/local thing. Its logical to hate magic, its a trick of lower genuses to make you pretend you're controlling them, and not them you, but its advisable to study those who practice it. Solomon didn't "bound" angels, angels bounded Solomon, that's the sane man's realization.

>Consider we can touch the stars if we labor at understanding science.

We won't. Humanity will go insane before we will explore space. There's be new Luciferan-Dionysian religion in this Venusian Epoch (You were actually warned about it by Jung: >>148005 and his implification of Dionysian resurrection), either through Liberalism or through occultism. Prior to third world war, or after it. Warn i about it or not, people are going to hit themselves into it like into a wall, as it was with christianity.


>I always found Orthodox Christianity very distasteful and repulsive (I live in a country where it's a main religion), now I'm beginning to understand why.

I remembered your post again, anon. I should remind you of elephant in the room when it comes to Orthodoxes specifically, don't know how badly it is with Catholics. Its not a problem that they consume flesh and blood of Living God, its an old Bacchanic practice and not against our nature of inferiority of understanding how soul unites with the forces above itself, which i think always participates in divinity or never does. Its not a problem they worship divine feminine, about which another anon complained in other thread, or kiss icons of saints and angels which are known as renamed higher Intellects, that we always believed rule above us in cosmic hierarchy. Not even a problem they pray for long if its not forced by others, but their own desirable way of reaching out to Divine.

The real problem is confessional practice that they practice before Eucharist. Young children go and confess how they masturbated in tears, kneeling to some fat bearded cynical gluttonous pig in a black dress, who uses psychological tricks to force people doing this soul rape, Church used to collect information on local population this way, before they invented internet and a way to this through idiots spreading personal information on social networking websites. In medieval times it was especially exploited, until they gone too cocky and started to ask money for forgiveness of sins. People's personal life should stay to themselves, rather to drown population in tears and produce atheists out of hate for this.

Modern man can get really traumatized by this experience because our life right now is inbetween sexual extravaganza and religious mysticism, then they ask why people become more hateful towards the Church, its a confessional self hate under guidance of humans, not Gods. And i feel like Renaissance was better than Enlightening, because it at least opened gateway to understanding what we actually worshiped. But we didn't used knowledge right and now population of European people is in-between "Progress" led by crowd of psychology manipulating jews, Mysticism available through availability of all information on the internet, and Church that is concerned not with well being of people, but their own survival for monetary gain. And Protestants are just misguided people who didn't got that whole scripture was "pagan", not just the church.

But people as far as i know are unable to live without faith. Some are simply born as priests, with or without temple, being temple themselves. Egyptians were dissatisfied with afterlife of Osiris too, before their civilization fell. Because all those mummifications and ziggurats are all too tiresome to build to believe in.

Who we call "Holy Spirit" is beyond all the anointed lords and priest kings. Its a mistake to worship possessed, than what is possessing them.

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86f318  No.159737

File: 89068f9edc41f41⋯.jpg (37.55 KB, 472x700, 118:175, 745ba3a6e5d36c1e18d973b640….jpg)


>Its not a problem that they consume flesh and blood of Living God

Cannibalism, of any sort, is a problem for me anon. It is rooted in the nigger 'religions'. Could you explain why it is not a problem for you?

>Young children go and confess how they masturbated in tears, kneeling to some fat bearded cynical gluttonous pig in a black dress, who uses psychological tricks to force people doing this soul rape

Yes, this data collection for later blackmail and control is very wrong.

There is only ONE religion anon. Every second of your existence is a communique between you and God (as you understand him), no one else. This is the only valid religion, it is built into Life itself and no one else can comprehend your/our experience here.

>Its a mistake to worship possessed, than what is possessing them.

I would not even go this far…all that 'work' that they put you to for their own glorification is obnoxious and it detracts from your own advancement.

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2ac9ba  No.159748

File: f9d837aff737f23⋯.png (383.86 KB, 900x894, 150:149, Spell_for_becoming_a_Male.PNG)

File: 08225626bed746e⋯.jpg (64.05 KB, 638x359, 638:359, Bruno.jpg)

There are few things to write before losing myself in things that i don't want to read.

There are three obvious Patriarchs of unified "Light God" religion.

1. Akhenaten

2. Orpheus

3. Moses/Osarseph

All three somehow linked within riddle-like knowledge they all left in their writings. Last two are semi-mythical because of their history being distilled with myth. Akhenaten called Sun his heavenly "Father" in stone of discovery of the Aten. Between Orpheus and Moses there are at least two connections, Mousaios pupil of Orpheus and the fact Osareph was a priest of Osiris, where Orpheus was reforming Bacchic cult in vein of Osiris. About Sun (Apollon), Orpheus says "you are Bacchos, Didymeus, Loxias, too", Osiris, who was identified with Dionysos, had a brother and a son named Horus, both of whom were identified with Apollon. They are all One to him in association through epithets in a way Plotinus best describes participation of whole:

>For all things there are transparent, and there is nothing dark or opaque; everything and all things and clear down to the innermost part of everything; for light is transparent to light. Each there has everything in itself and sees all things in every other, so that all are everywhere and each and every one is all and the glory is unbounded; for each of them is great, because even even the small is great; the sun there is all the stars, and each star is the sun and all the others. A different kind of being stands out in each, but in each all are manifest.

This is probably best description of God that is Light i ever seen. All Angels of biblical scriptures are manifestations, aspects and hipostasies of God. There are spheres of participation in the Divine, but they still represent ultimately, Light. They are all Gods as far as Intellects of God (Abraham and Moses understood this). And Venus/Shekinah serves as binder of Love in orchestra of all stars, because it represents itself both in geometries and in sending an important message within zodiacal light, which formed religions and made everyone mad over it.


>Could you explain why it is not a problem for you?

Because almost everyone who has a seed grain of intelligence understands its a metaphor for intellectual enlightenment. Light is your mind is fed by Light of Logos. Neurons get fed by higher power. You should remember that "Word made Flesh" is still Word. That's the spell of whole new testament.

>There is only ONE religion anon.

Ultimately there's only one Light too, which we are alive by. Which is whole Light. Which we retrace in various ways depending ultimately on how we look at it. God seems to have multi-personality disorder, that is only connected to single intelligence when humanity is contacted by certain sphere of that Intellect. And when we tend to look directly at it we get blind.

>all that 'work' that they put you to for their own glorification is obnoxious and it detracts from your own advancement.

Any "Priest King" was a magus in commune with God. Indra, Odin, Dionysus, Jesus, Mary - all of those were, ultimately, people. Hell even our modern word for "stars", as in famous people, it is derivative from "stars" as "gods" who descend on earth as people. But all of them without exception steal glory of real God to themselves.

And gnostic Mary, that Da Vinci and Templars believed in, "became male" according to Osiris tradition where women have to become men (especially knowing of other relations of Osiris myth to Jesus). So i am not surprised Gospel of John is so feminine, in retrospect, compared to others. But then again, primal androgyny is godlike, when two are made one once more, and fruit of "good and evil" is erased by non-duality, which amazingly correlates with eastern philosophies. The only difference in western tradition since Egypt is that we believed men are already whole and sexless, as if by default first creation, while women are inferior, secondary, walking dualities, made of sex. The error in this is that soul appears to have no sexual features.

I am going to play with this fire a little longer and attempt to read what the "enemy" spells out for this.

Shekinah wasn't malevolent, nor Noah was a jew, he's like mythical first Priest-King right after Enoch.

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86f318  No.159764

File: 44fb23c2975a0a2⋯.jpg (78.33 KB, 350x200, 7:4, lucy_tendrils2.jpg)

File: 18b89995379058e⋯.jpg (50.21 KB, 421x537, 421:537, phoenix_fire_sun_alchemy_b….jpg)


>Because almost everyone who has a seed grain of intelligence understands its a metaphor for intellectual enlightenment.

Sure anon. Because just promoting intellectual enlightenment is 'too difficult' for people to comprehend and obviously no one would take this the wrong way and by nigger teaching defile themselves or anything /s. Sometimes you guys are really detached from the reality of the average human mind and its ability to comprehend what you consider 'obvious'. They are like children (retarded in a sense) and you are facilitating the destruction of souls with your carelessness/tradition.

Next time, just say what you mean.

And I 'get it' we are all composed of Light here but there is no reason to begin a tradition in defilement of the human soul, unless you think that makes you stronger somehow (which was what I was hoping you would explain rather than sidestepping the issue and pretending that somehow I just misunderstood the obvious promotion of what is profane and animal in nature).

It is true that 'not by deed, but by faith' we would see God for all our actions are profane here in some sense, but you don't have to build the prison by being obtuse or leading normies into error because it inevitably gets codified into something that will only corrupt them further. Know what I mean?

I am totally baffled by the thought that any woman would want to become a male.

In a way the Gospel of Thomas has always horrified me with that thought (no less than the male love of cannibalism to capture the power of their 'enemies'). The idea of giving up creation for stasis seems, honestly, rather repulsive to me. It is like Markduk himself reared his murderous head in all of post Egyptian thinking and we have 'lived by his thoughts' from that point forward. How splendid this has worked out for the Earth and all creation as well. It is almost like having men in charge of things was a curse or something /s.

>Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.”

I cannot tell you how much I long for the day when this is no longer the case and the curse is lifted and we are free of these horrific shackles.

>All the angels bowed down, but Iblis refused to do so. [S]He argued that since [s]he [herself]himself was created from fire, [s]he is superior to humans, made from Clay-mud, and that he should not prostrate himself before Adam.

Despite the constant refrain that men are 'fire and air' and women are 'earth and water' all major religions testify against that as Truth.

>13 You were in Eden, the garden of God. Every kind of precious stone adorned you: ruby, topaz, and diamond, beryl, onyx, and jasper, sapphire, turquoise, and emerald. Your mountings and settings were crafted in gold, prepared on the day of your creation. 14 You were anointed as a guardian cherub, for I had ordained you. You were on the holy mountain of God; you walked among the fiery stones.

>I saw a horrible thing: a great fire there which burnt and blazed, and the place was cleft as far as the abyss, being full of great descending columns of 8 fire: neither its extent or magnitude could I see, nor could I conjecture. Then I said: 'How 9 fearful is the place and how terrible to look upon!' Then Uriel answered me, one of the holy angels who was with me, and said unto me: 'Enoch, why hast thou such fear and affright?' And 10 I answered: 'Because of this fearful place…

I know my own nature anon.

Becoming a 'male' (clay) is just one more way to say, "Get in the box, Woman and go down to the death of Princes, Kings and Generals." lol…no thanks, Lucifer/Iblis was correct. It is always a game with you men to see if you can contain/trick the Spirit in its 'bottle'.

:^) lol

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0fcf06  No.159769

File: febd47c55018b90⋯.jpg (75.6 KB, 621x232, 621:232, kkkk.jpg)


Essential meaning can be lost in translation, there is no differentiating whether the Egyptian would indicate Male or Masculine in the general metaphysical sense, and in that context what would be required would be dynamic Masculine qualities..

The symbol for woman/Feminine correlated to the horizon, passivity, but a woman also has Masculine qualities and visa versa for the Male, she would obviously need to get in touch with them for the dynamic assertion of re-birth, but also a Male could passively accept fate, even create an entire religion based upon this called Buddhism.

The Gnostic thing about women having to become Males is typical Jewish nonsense.

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85a0e1  No.159770

File: e1dad9a3c06060b⋯.jpg (31.88 KB, 600x400, 3:2, Jew.jpg)


Honestly to fully understand jewish scriptures it requires to understand what jews themselves thought of them. Although i understand the notion that jews stole idea of God from Akhenaten, we (Romans) stole their God from them (albeit with some unnecessary necromancy tied in).

I will need some times to learn from our enemy, but just example from what i am reading right now, jews do not understand Daemon the same way we understand concept of intellectual guardian assigned at birth, which is proof of divinity for people. Instead they believe this (from collected teachings of Rabbi known as Adin Steinsaltz, he's on the picture next to pope):

>When we study Scripture, God studies with us

>In Pirkei Avot ( “ Sayings of the Fathers ” ), a well - known tractate of the Mishnah, there is a statement to the effect that one hour of happiness in the world to come is better than all the life of this world.

>Such a belief may satisfy the mystical ardor of many religious people.

>But this statement is followed by a baffling statement that is opposite to the first — declaring that one hour of teshuvah (repentance) and ma’asim tovim (good deeds) in this world is worth more than all the life in the world to come. In this world, we have something no other world contains. We can come into direct communion with God through his Torah.

>When we study Scripture, God studies with us, the Talmud says. When we perform actions according to the Torah, we are not separate from Him.

As you see there's some programing implied, as if second intelligence acts according to programmed spirit by Scriptures (and i see every religious book as a spell book, that easily can trap intelligence in its system of values). And there's explanation of that, if you haven't forgot what i said about all Angels being God:

>When a person studies Torah, he creates an angel and becomes a creature that has connections with a higher order of existence.

>Any attempt to picture this spiritual essence has its limitations. It is of an experiential order. That is, it is something that happens.

>The physical pronunciation of holy words is a reality that transforms, and the sanctified essence thus created is connected to the person who created it.

Also they are aware of limited amount of Angels, and because of that they are apologetic to "animal soul" or animal men of another anon in this thread:

>The angels are limited. They are static, and each is eternally the same. The human soul needs to be challenged by the animal soul for the sake of the individual ’ s growth, and it is not fair to call the animal soul evil because it merely does its duty.

He also confirms that Angels have no curiosity (self-perfection of knowledge attributed to Angel):

>Angels don't seem to have curiosity; they know everything. And animals learn only what they need to live. So the only beings who are curious about anything are people.

Then he claims "each of us (jews) are channeling God":

>According to Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi, the eighteenth - century mystic and Talmudist, the precondition for this meeting is what he calls “ self - nullification. ” As developed in the Tanya , his quietly revolutionary work, self - nullification requires a person to separate from his ego, his smugness, and his importance.

>This is not to denigrate the ego. We need our egos in order to grow, in order to fulfill the biblical charge to master the world, in order to effect tikkun olam . But just as we suspend our physical creativity, the tangible expression of our ego, on Shabbat and yom tov, we must also subordinate our egos, on the deepest level, during those activities in which we seek to join our will to God ’ s. A judge, for example, acting as an emissary of God in the search for truth and justice, must put aside his feelings, personal and philosophical, in order to adjudicate fairly. He cannot disregard the facts and side with a poor petitioner over a wealthy one because he feels the wealthy one can better “ afford ” to lose. He must decide according to the law.

>Each of us also has the ability to “ channel ” God. When we forget ourselves in prayer, we let God enter.

>When we give tzedakah, not as an expression of our power but as an agent of God in the distribution of His bounty, we are God ’ s conduit into the world.

>And when we learn Torah as a way of unifying our minds with His, we are increasing God ’ s presence on earth.

In all honesty jewish scriptures are full of do this/do not rules, that are exceptionally mechanical, there's no "god" to enter, just bunch of sabbath rules and laws. I fully understand criticism and why Egyptian negative confessions of Maat are significantly superior. Their contact with Angels is mechanical, not spiritual. And also with implied another God/Angel growing inside from programming itself, another God inside Unconsciousness, the one that's actually immortal, also known as "Lamp of God" or "Light of God" in Babylonian Talmud.

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85a0e1  No.159775

File: 397114382300112⋯.png (151.29 KB, 680x663, 40:39, rebirth.PNG)


>there is no differentiating whether the Egyptian would indicate Male or Masculine in the general metaphysical sense

Well, it appears only male followers of Osiris reborn, so that spell "to become male" makes sense as in to become Osiris you have to change pronounces. Some historians explained it as much.

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8e1012  No.159777

File: 541c20be18511e1⋯.jpg (26.66 KB, 640x362, 320:181, babylon_creation_myths.jpg)


Yes but anon…this is just silliness left over from their lack of understand why a 'virgin birth' or parthenogenesis would cause a son to be born. Their lack of understanding of genetics is not going to cause me to give up my ability to create and 'become male' that would be an abomination, honestly anon, it is a foul and 'sethian' chaotic idea.

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0fcf06  No.159782


All that is being said there is that for Magical reasons a woman would need to magically identify with the Masculine qualities of Wsir/Osiris, as i indicated.

The entirety of Egyptian religion is concerned with Masculine birth and rebirth from the Feminine, or in the case of the Atum the translation through the Feminine to the Masculine.

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b03a81  No.159793

File: 108d7ad12f6fc76⋯.jpg (1.42 MB, 2692x4150, 1346:2075, Virgin_on_the_Rocks.jpg)


There's deeper secret. You know, there's no theology on Semele (even though she was also human bearing a God, and her ascend from Hades was celebrated in Thebian Festivals) or Isis concerning their virgin birth, except for Dionysus making everyone denying virginity of His Mother mad (write him into Holy Inquisition). Aside of it all i view this as oxymoron or even duality of Venus as being Blessed Prostitute, or epithet of Magdalene "Holy Sinner". Here's a deal though. For as much as i understand, if Mary is considered to be everything to gnostic God, his Mother, Sister and Bride, as well as may be Daughter, after changing sex she would end up also being… Father. As well as both of the Johns.

Have you ever missed a point in "Word became Flesh"? When it comes to initial Mary Worship it began with theological debates about the "Word". In jewish tradition every Angel separately is also God. Even Voice of an Angel can be considered Word of a God.

Lets take a moment to remember serpent in Garden of Eve, how Eve was seduced by Words of the serpent? Through ears she disobeyed will of God. But what about Mary who heard words of Angel Gabriel (Lk. 1.26–38)? She got impregnated.

Remember how Book of Enoch said Angels committed "sin" by massively having sex with earthly women? And that produced titans/giants and violence around the world requiring flood. It is possible to create godlike being by a women being impregnated by mere voice of the angel. As they say Word entered to form a living temple. Therefore at that moment Gabriel was a form of many formed Light God.

There were people calling themselves Arianists who believed that Word of God was a creature capable of mutation and change. In terms of the incarnation, the person of Christ was said to be a kind of super-angelic spirit who endured a cosmic descensus in order to inhabit a human body (they were probably fun people).

People say Gabriel "foretold" births of both John the Baptist and Jesus, but it seems he literally cast out Words to get people pregnant, those were both sacred births by Angel's voice. Gever, means a young or strong man, especially a warrior, and El, a word for God. So Gabriel meant for Catholic theologists "God and Man". Gabriel plays a role in incarnation of Jesus, and especially Words ‘Lord is with you’ (Lk. 1.28) and acted as a medium for this conduit. Said conduit was argued to be done through the ear as spiritual ark. Gabriel those is a mirror of the seduction by the serpent in Eden.

We also know that John haven't died. If in the story he's masked with tripartite Mary, written after Isis/Hathor, then the Divine Feminine we're talking about was always Writer and his Word. Henceforth scriptures are called "Holy", because they are product of divine impregnation, that is described in Symposium as act of daimon that is between "mortal and immortal", "God and man", Gabriel. Or in our case Shekinah's sacrificial offspring conceived a "spell" like Odin did with runes, Logos, to preach new conduit through scribes. Those were never humans, but fates.

And Jesus? Not the same person who is magus Yeshua, that one is forgotten by Roman scribes. But incarnation of God-man Gabriel. The reason he's between God and Man, is same reason why Hermes is in between worlds as a messenger. Unlike Archangel Michael who's identified with fixed Aldebaran, Gabriel is Mercury. Where "Bringer" of the Word is Venus, Mary. And so "Jesus" is a Son of Venus and Mercury, Love and Wisdom. Hence all of them are incarnations, just like all Light, of secretive divine inspiration that ends up maddening the world, and so was with all religions before it.

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8e1012  No.159827

File: 30f665155275b4b⋯.jpg (156.94 KB, 631x800, 631:800, archangel_raphael_icon_969.jpg)

File: d0085dec10492b3⋯.jpg (19.85 KB, 236x327, 236:327, archangel_raphael.jpg)

File: 8de6527d3b1a969⋯.jpg (42.54 KB, 1312x715, 1312:715, ipet_goat_fishermen_boat.jpg)

File: d2c1c653e12cf9e⋯.jpg (7.94 KB, 259x194, 259:194, jesus_fisherman.jpg)

File: 2df6a62ed3d03b5⋯.jpg (86.32 KB, 597x598, 597:598, sheepshead_mouth_teeth_vim….jpg)


Hmm this is very interesting from the perspective of procreation by Word vs procreation by Flesh. Yes, truly something to think about anon.

I have pondered the Rosicrucian story about 'the world before the fall' many times wondering how it was that pregnancy came about in an all female world and who was First Man. Why all religion was geared towards man (the sons of the angels).

Last thread someone got mad at me and sort of called me an unappreciative tart (or something along those lines lol) for not being grateful for 'being taken out of caves' and forced into modern society. The things that stick in the mind…

So the Word of God came into women before men walked on the Earth. Well that is interesting anon. Thank you for clearing that up. It is interesting that something that would have resulting in all divine offspring no longer occurs or occurs extremely rarely at this point. What in the world were the angels getting at if they wanted actual physical intercourse with a flesh and blood body?

>massively having sex

lol I am, unfortunately, picturing this…not just sex but massive sex!

This reminds me war…it is always 'inserting things into others'…whether it is bullets, ideas, Words or penis'. I am going to have to think about the purpose of the male fetish of always entering into everything they can. Professional transgressors.

As you know, the web is shit for many things, but one of the things it is most shitty at is consistency in 'angelore'. They have Raphael as Mercury (which makes sense since he taught men to fish). Do you have a source for your thoughts on Gabriel being Mercury. IDK something in print because the web is horrid, literally 3 different answers from three different pages of planetary assignments.

Awww snap the Orthodox have Raphael as Cain…whoa!! Now that is really something to think about. Well that explains why the Teth is the first symbol.

>“Come, follow Me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.”

Why would men need to be fished for in the sea (which is simply a lesser instance of the Sea of Fire) unless they were going selected for…heavenly duty.

>These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they remained virgins. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among mankind and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb."

It is interesting that I always viewed this from the culturally negative perspective of the semites and their hatred of women…but rather it is men themselves who have defiled themselves by behaving in an unnatural manner after the model of First Man.

See third iPet goat image…I included a picture of the 'fish' (Sheepshead fish) from the video IRL because they are f r e a k y looking.

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8e1012  No.159833

File: a7782ca03c53ea4⋯.jpg (10.49 KB, 225x225, 1:1, origin_of_the_monas_heirgl….jpg)

File: 6176a28ee24735a⋯.jpg (25.97 KB, 512x276, 128:69, monas_hieroglyphica_explod….jpg)

File: b4ac2c203633a10⋯.jpg (97.23 KB, 500x618, 250:309, selene.jpg)

File: 924de090bb3f05e⋯.png (4.83 KB, 256x197, 256:197, earth_symbol_alchemy.png)

File: b951b9cc71268d6⋯.jpg (96.46 KB, 960x720, 4:3, face_like_the_sun_revelati….jpg)


This also explains the monas hieroglyphica (and the removal of the Teth from the Earth) and reinstatement of the Sun/Michael as ruler over the Earth. Selene with the reinstatement of Michael as God, and the phrase 'face like the sun' or Uriel the angel of the Earth being in charge of the 'Light of God'.

>In His right hand He held seven stars, and out of His mouth came a sharp two-edged sword; and His face was like the sun shining in its strength.

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b46871  No.159884


>only Enki resurrected Her

Ah, the archetypal whiteknighting SJW cuck and god of globohomo. He is the one responsible for this disaster, and he will be punished for it (severely), while his failed experiments will go into the jaws of Saturn where they belong. It's inevitable and your pilpul won't change that, even if you write a new Torah in these threads. They can delude themselves as much as they want about "conquering the underworld" in the meantime, underworld is all that they will get. And what's gradually 'leaking' into it as well :>) If only people realized how much of crossbred abomination "humanity" was to begin with... If only they knew who was most responsible for all of their confusion and suffering, a god who out of perverse desire and decadence alone, just as those like him, wanted to bind the divine essence to the bestial forms, ruining both in the process. An ultimately selfish act, all under the guise of "common good" , "love" and "empathy" (sounds familiar?). A god "saving" you from himself. Hypocrisy taken to "divine" proportions. But it seems to be your choice (if you had any to begin with, which I'm doubting more and more given your slave mentality), so bon appetit! Don't let me stop you from being fooled by gods of deception. You said it yourself that "we" (by that you meant you) are too lowly to understand the motivations of the gods, what makes you think that the one who is conveniently using you right now has your best interests in mind or wants you to know the actual truth?


>That also requires incentive to move you in such mysterious ways, a prize, something you love.

Or something you hate ... until your hate becomes immortalized. Much greater power comes this way.


>Since you have sought and attained knowledge, such that it is, do you believe it is 'fair judgement' against you by Enlil that you too should never be allowed to leave here?

I never partook of this world fully (gods know a lot of tricks) and don't forget that I'm hung 'upside down' when it comes to this universe. Besides, I don't think that I partook of death under free will. You remember what it's like being actually alive, you know damn too well that no one of divine nature would choose this existence over that one. I was likely sent here as some sort of trial, to test am I worthy of my essence and my 'lineage'. To conquer this abominable existence and put it to 'sword', along with it's creator. I used to despise my 'father' for sending me here, but every good lesson comes with a great price, and proper kingship needs to be earned. But yes, I would consider it a fair judgement by a honest God. It all depends on context though, not everyone is here for the same reason. However, just like in Faust, those who choose to 'love' this place, should remain here forever.

>Be careful what you wish for anon, you just might get it.

In the worst case scenario where I cannot leave due to my own choices (doubtful), I shall become Cerberus, the guardian of this hell. I'f I'm sentenced to hell, forever, I shall become the greatest of demons.

>and those that are corrupted so easily deserve their jewish masters or should I say 'master' singular?

Aye, my duty is to offer help, but only to the worthy. For the unworthy, it will only bring ruin. I also made the other post which you quoted, my ID changes all the time. Most Jews are golems distributing the mind of the same "god", they are vessels lacking self-consciousness. This is where all the ideas of "everyone being a reflection of the same, supreme God" comes from, as well as most of the other beliefs that the other guy is writing walls of text about, it's their truth. Not ours however.

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09b7db  No.159916

File: 7ece72160bc352e⋯.jpg (180.7 KB, 866x955, 866:955, Paradiso.jpg)

File: e73aceaa820143e⋯.pdf (13.51 MB, Theurgy_and_the_Soul_The_N….pdf)


>Words or penis

No matter how gross that sounds, but you're getting close to understanding God's creative power is understood in different cultures exactly with those two. Sword of God's mouth and Shiva's Lingam are same, as well as "Heart of Dionysus" of Orpheus and Proclus. Its again high culture vs low culture issue.



Abaddon/Apollyon is not Michael (Aldebaran). Sun is sometimes considered underworld/hell itself. Its also the "big fish" that swallowed Johan for 3 days and 3 nights just like Inanna and then Johan waited for 40 days (another Venusian number) until Nineveh would be overthrown which God didn't do, and Johan got angry over it (yes, sometimes God scares people for repentance and change of ways instead of destroying them). Ssh'owl (pronounced sheh-ole'). or shol {sheh-ole'}, from which Johan cried, meant Hell, or Hades, which Inanna descended for same 3 days and 3 nights. People tend to take being in hell as in literal fish belly, but its obvious Johan had died when thrown overboard. The reason why i associate Sun with that fish is because Inanna's underworld journey is associated with transit of Venus through Sun. Abaddon is the reason why we imagine hell being a "fiery" pit, but its all perverted teaching, because Sun never "kills" Venus, just cleanses it. No Light God would shine Light upon everyone that would also be death. Cause death is darkness. Point was that Abaddon will pass one day.


>He is the one responsible for this disaster, and he will be punished for it

>I would consider it a fair judgement by a honest God.

Well, entirety of Job Chapter 15, which is represented in N.T. as Matthew 25:24-26 seem to eventually hunt people down. If a person judges one hand of God, how can he expect fair judgement from another? One cannot receive fair judgement if he's own judgement is not fair.

There were some concerns of Iamblichus during the rise of christianity i want to mention in retrospect on all of this (from Theurgy and the Soul):

>For Iamblichus, the crisis of the fourth century had little to do with Christianity. As a Platonist he felt responsible to preserve humanity's contact with the gods, so his concern was not with Christians or with any other group that promised to replace the "old" order with a "new" one. As Plato put it, such purveyors of "new styles" could never corrupt the "sacred" traditions rooted in the cosmic gods (Laws 657b).

>Plato's taxonomy of the cosmos and society exemplifies what Jonathan Z. Smith has termed a "locative" view of existence. Quoting Cornelius Loew's outline of this worldview Smith describes the locative orientation as centered in five basic propositions:

>(1) there is a cosmic order that permeates every level of reality;

>(2) this cosmic order is the divine society of the gods (Angels of God/Hipostasies of God);

>(3) the structure and dynamics of this society can be discerned in the movements and patterned juxtapositions of the heavenly bodies;

>(4) human society should be a microcosm of the divine society;

>(5) the chief responsibility of priests and kings is to attune human order to the divine world.

>In a locative orientation, evil and the "demonic" arise only when something is "out of place"; in Plato's taxonomy, the demonic was relegated to the province of the inverted soul turned "upside-down" (anatrope) and alienated from the Whole.

I think worries of Iamblichus were vain, since all religious systems eventually attune to divine society anyway, just with different names attached. I saw that as a transformative phenomena in both christianity and buddhism. And reason for this is simply our fates being in hands of fates written in the stars, angelic hipostasies of Light God. They say in man's Golden Age humanity was ruled by a divine hierarchy that ensured the well-being of all, that hierarchy seems to eventually attune itself to how humanity sees it, because celestials do not reveal true nature of things unless absolutely necessary.

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641654  No.159921

File: b12c314b45f8617⋯.png (469.1 KB, 1057x533, 1057:533, supergirl_has_the_gift.png)


>Pictures show sirius binary theory

Some more info on this. July 4th (can vary by a day depending on leap year etc.) is Aphelion - the furthest distance from the Sun. (Hence why they chose this date to represent "independence" since every Platonic republic gets an "independence" mythos now, but that's another story).

In addition to this time of year being Aphelion, it is also the closest we get to Sirius - 14 degrees of Cancer.

Now that's a pretty big coincidence, for the alignment of our elliptic orbit just happens to be pulled in the direction of Sirius, for which there is a good case of a binary relationship.

It seems significantly possible that the direction of our elliptical orbit could be explained by the gravitational attraction of Sirius.

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7d1ae3  No.159931

File: b3bd37455feff6b⋯.jpg (77.81 KB, 549x937, 549:937, Correggio_Venus_with_Mercu….jpg)

File: c64ee327531211d⋯.jpg (117.05 KB, 508x700, 127:175, Venus_Mercury_Cupid.jpg)

File: e2183a60716826a⋯.jpg (29.85 KB, 398x458, 199:229, Aphrodite_Hermes_and_Eros.jpg)

File: 1d5278dd17a2f32⋯.jpg (175.99 KB, 996x1254, 166:209, Saint_Anne.jpg)

File: 943b4d92adb2101⋯.jpg (427.28 KB, 1514x2500, 757:1250, St_Anne_Madonna_and_Child.jpg)

You know, if we to believe that Mary is Venus, and Gabriel is Mercury, i want to announce that Jesus is Cupid/Eros, primal rational Love that is born from Wisdom and Love.

What's interesting about it, of what i know from Orpheus, that Phanes (primordial Light) is Protogonos equated with (the cosmic) Eros in Orphism. Who is also governor of everything, his metaphysical parents are brought from him. Bruno goes on cupid, just like anon mentioned in other thread >>157529 :

>omniform and multiform something, in which whatever you imagine in the shadowy light you see, whatever you are thinking about occurs, and it happens in the same place, just as from an egg on Zephyr's wings there issues forth a boy of miraculous beauty to God and people alike. He is followed by the image of the Sun, Earth, Moon, and other firstborn, as it were, gods. He holds three keys in his hand, one of steel, the second silver, the third gold.

Notice Orphic Hymn even mentions Eros ruling over Tartaros, the underworld itself:

>I call upon you, great, pure, lovely and sweet Eros, winged archer who runs swiftly on a path of fire, who plays together with gods and mortal men. Inventive, two-natured, you are master of all: of the sky’s ether, of the sea and the land, of the all-begetting winds, which for mortals the goddess of grass and grain nurtures, of all that lies in Tartaros, of all that lies in the roaring sea; you alone govern the course of all these. O blessed one, come to the initiates with pure thought, banish from them vile impulses.

In general sense all Gods are united in Orphism through equality of epithets (of which philosophers of greek version of Oneness came), but this part is crucial. Because i think Horus-child is also same metaphysical being.

Therefore triadic principle is Wisdom (Hermes), Love (Venus) and Light (Eros). If we return to Noah's ark, where Wisdom is accompanies with Strength and Beauty, we have same tripartite God, that is related to perseverance of Faith, Hope and Love. Strength in case of Ark meant Strength of temporal salvation from the flood, and not violence, so ultimately hope.


In a Catholic tradition Saint Anne, "Grandmother" of Jesus would be Sirius, if Venus is child of Sirius according to Egyptian tradition. They even draw Anne's Halo entering Halo of Virgin, just like Vesica Piscis of the Sun/Sirius dance. There are some really interesting iconographies of this Saint, with awareness of astrology, as if one inside the other. One does need to know about Sopdet in the first place before drawing this conclusion though.

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0fcf06  No.159932

File: 3bd360b173539b1⋯.jpg (133.7 KB, 800x589, 800:589, cb573770448384276f6ea5bf61….jpg)

File: 5302c0c607bd042⋯.jpg (136.84 KB, 720x513, 80:57, temple_of_artemis.jpg)


The name Jonah/John was from the fish Oannes, and the Fish cult of the Goddess Nazi of Nina on the Persian gulf had translated to Istar of Nineveh, and from there to Arbela and from there to Arbela/Magdala in Galillee.

The cult of John and the various Mary's relocated to Ephesus were the cult of Atargatis-Artemis, and from there in legend supposedly to Artemis-Ephesia in Marseille.


So for the better part of the ;last 2,000 years this cult was centred in France as Notre Dame, a cult of chivalry, beauty and refinement, generally thought of as the best values of Christendom, but last century it relocated to the detriment of La Belle Francais and Marseille is currently in a sorry state.

Thw Eglise de la Madaleine in Paris was a copy of the Temple of Artemis.

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0fcf06  No.159935

File: ab04a584b8f53aa⋯.jpg (826.18 KB, 1599x1251, 533:417, image7_2.jpg)

File: 4f8616d28b121ee⋯.jpg (581.45 KB, 898x616, 449:308, Pieter_Huys_The_Temptation….jpg)

File: d92cf8d1c7d365a⋯.jpg (136.91 KB, 900x595, 180:119, the_temptation_of_st_antho….jpg)

File: 26fb3fce252cb6b⋯.jpg (317.35 KB, 1211x667, 1211:667, Brueghel_the_Younger_Tempt….jpg)

File: 296b36e9608ad69⋯.jpg (100.22 KB, 595x402, 595:402, teniers.jpg)


Indifference and amusement is superior to hatred, but it's interesting how Christianity allegorized Sethian nature in the tradition of Saint Anthony of Egypt.

He lived in Lower/Red Egypt the Nile Delta region understood as rule by Seth, his totemic animal the Sethian swine, and had a lifetime of all manner of Demonic temptation whilst living as a hermit, eventually he meets up with Saint Paul of White upper Egypt as ruled by Horus, and they are fed by a Black bird of the Black land/Khemet, this making for the most intriguing subject matter of Christian art.

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7d1ae3  No.159936

File: e1192c591638af9⋯.jpg (46.12 KB, 523x390, 523:390, Artemis_and_Apollo.jpg)

File: 2c36b7c68309046⋯.jpg (22.42 KB, 500x625, 4:5, Torch_Bearer.jpg)


>Istar of Nineveh

One would wonder if jews rewrote Canaanite Astarte's prophet sayings into Adonai, when their rabbis decided to merge all their gods. Astrology of the jews are a wonder.


Φωσφόρος is actually one of the titles of Artemis too. Hymn of Callimachus of Artemis reveals that word in phrase:

>give me to be Bringer of Light and give me to gird me in a tunic with embroidered border reaching to the knee, that I may slay wild beasts

I take Callimachus hymns most seriously because they revealed Apollo's pneuma as God's Spirit and influenced biblical depiction of Geist term.

Her full begging for Zeuses gifts was this:

>Give me to keep my maidenhood, Father, forever: and give me to be of many names, that Phoebus may not vie with me. And give me arrows and a bow – stay, Father, I ask thee not for quiver or for mighty bow: for me the Cyclopes will straightway fashion arrows and fashion for me a well-bent bow. But give me to be Bringer of Light and give me to gird me in a tunic with embroidered border reaching to the knee, that I may slay wild beasts. And give me sixty daughters of Oceanus for my choir – all nine years old, all maidens yet ungirdled; and give me for handmaidens twenty nymphs of Amnisus who shall tend well my buskins, and, when I shoot no more at lynx or stag, shall tend my swift hounds. And give to me all mountains; and for city, assign me any, even whatsoever thou wilt: for seldom is it that Artemis goes down to the town. On the mountains will I dwell and the cities of men I will visit only when women vexed by the sharp pang of childbirth call me to their aid even in the hour when I was born the Fates ordained that I should be their helper, forasmuch as my mother suffered no pain either when she gave me birth or when she carried me win her womb, but without travail put me from her body.

Out of all Gods this is first time i hear of Goddess asking to be forever Virigin. Lady of Maidenhood.

Orpheus calls her Titanic and Bacchic, as well as "torch-bearing Goddess bringing light to all", identifying with Moon and Hekate and appears in a list of alternate names for Persephone, which also include Torch-Bearer and Light-Bringer.

She is the statue of Liberty, isn't she? Always thought that statue was designed to catch certain celestial objects.

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0fcf06  No.159943

File: 5be704a8374631e⋯.jpg (129.06 KB, 296x461, 296:461, km51bdddae_1_.jpg)

File: b2ea2a733d609b0⋯.jpg (34.67 KB, 282x529, 282:529, jw51bddd50.jpg)

File: 0a4ee178ee028fa⋯.jpg (177.49 KB, 769x344, 769:344, jr51bddda0.jpg)

File: b7ec7cc57fb6e8d⋯.jpg (129.26 KB, 535x414, 535:414, ea51bde2f6_1_.jpg)


The Marseille cult of Artemis was founded by Ionic Greeks from Anatolia, hence a sister Temple to Ephesus, and there Artemis was the eternal maiden and Mistress of Beasts .

Anyway the cult of Anatolian Artemis originates with Hattic Inara sister of the hunting God Telepinu, but her role as Mistress of beasts was to charm the creatures under her care to jump into the hunting bag of her brother as it were, a passive role rather than active huntress, and a tradition dating back to the Mesolithic period.

Artemis had a great cult at Brauron were her young adepts would dance around dressed as bears, a very gentle cult.

>Brauron, in the ancient times called Vrauron, situated on the east coast of Attica, was one of the oldest sacred-places in Greece, where the goddess of nature and the protector of fertility and childbirth, Artemis was worshipped.

>The present form of this sacred place exists from the 5th century BCE, when it was rebuilt above the earlier structures. The temple of the goddess Artemis, the shrine of Iphigenia located amongst the rocks, the Sacred House which was the residence of the priestess and a monumental propylon with the so called "Stoa of the Bears" were constructed at this period. According to some opinions part of this stoa (in the NW) was the residence for some children (5 - 10 years old girls), who served in the sanctuary.

>These small girls were called arktoi ("the bears"), commemorating the mythical story about the sacred female-bear of Artemis, killed by the brother of one of these girls, serving in the sanctuary. Due to this reason arktoi were also wearing the clothes of crocus color, to remember an appearance of this sacred animal. Finally, during the festivities in honor of the goddess Artemis, the young girls were performing the sacred dances disguised as bears.

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8e1012  No.159990

File: 26c3e58ea7c5216⋯.jpg (5.44 KB, 268x188, 67:47, trident_upside_down.jpg)

File: fa658d90b0943c8⋯.jpg (34.07 KB, 645x590, 129:118, saint_peter_hung_upside_do….jpg)


>You remember what it's like being actually alive, you know damn too well that no one of divine nature would choose this existence over that one.

This is very true anon. I was told to come back here and I did but had it been my own choice, I would not have done so. At this point most of my time is spent thinking about going home again.

>don't forget that I'm hung 'upside down' when it comes to this universe.

Such a strange thing to say anon. This is so loaded with occult significance.

>I also made the other post which you quoted, my ID changes all the time.

Oh interesting. I wish your ID didn't change so often, it makes the thread chaotic but I understand.

>those who choose to 'love' this place, should remain here forever

I don't find it that easy to condemn love anon. I pity them but I just can't condemn them for grasping at any love they could seek out and win here.


>One cannot receive fair judgement if his own judgement is not fair.

The purpose of all good judgments is healing of all wronged. So anything less that perfect healing is poor judgement. Judgment is the synthesis of mercy and severity to the point at which it is a perfected action called healing.

I am going to really have to think about the idea of order. I think humanity has been poisoned against order due to shitty horrific rulers that only generate chaos in their wake and never display any of the divine principles.


I would love to hear more about this.


>Gabriel is Mercury

I can't find any consistent source that will show which angels are assigned to which planets.


Lol that whole story is crazy anon. It is like a fever dream. ;^)

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8e1012  No.160002


>but last century it relocated

where did it relocate to anon?

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7fed29  No.160011

File: d80726fdd088cf1⋯.png (1.89 MB, 731x894, 731:894, Ezekiel.PNG)

File: cfbc1843893a4fd⋯.jpg (29.52 KB, 320x367, 320:367, Sopdet.jpg)

File: b01900f9e4f0962⋯.jpg (210.04 KB, 1280x608, 40:19, Fomalhaut.jpg)

File: ec2e390963961f9⋯.jpg (439.39 KB, 1280x871, 1280:871, Eye_of_Formalhaut.jpg)

File: 1e2c9794e8d7b30⋯.jpg (34.7 KB, 250x250, 1:1, Gabriel.jpg)


>I can't find any consistent source that will show which angels are assigned to which planets.

Thanks for pointing that out, you're right to rise question on source, Gabriel indeed in Catholic tradition is linked with God-man, while in Astrological tradition with Formalhaut. They are all based on deciphering old testament in comparison to older religious astrology. I think Shekinah, Gabriel and Michael of all are the easiest to decipher. Shekinah by dates, generational revolutions and transit, Book of Hiram tells of those well >>156177 , Michael through association with Ninshubur and equality of His Light with Venus, but Gabriel from meaning. Especially New Testament Gabriel plays role of Hermes.

On Gabriel as Mercury my own source was this blogpost, together with book about Proclus of Constantinople ( >>152432 ):



On Four Royal Stars:



That said i am aware that if one system claims Gabriel being Hermes, it seems non-consistent with another source that claims Aldebaran as Michael, Regulus as Raphael, Antares as Uriel, and Fomalhaut as Gabriel. Now, i know in Egypt Sirius and whole winter triangle was associated with Venus. They seem to have nothing in common, yet united in singular message in the system of Sopdet worship ( >>158100 ). As if more distant star gave birth to closer celestial object. It wouldn't surprise me if Formalhaut had something to do with Mercury in same vein, or Gabriel's meaning in case of N.T. writers is misunderstood. Adonis in Adonis and Aphrodite tale is also from time to time known either as Sun, or in comparison to Babylonian Dumuzid as Mercury.

Now according to this:



Formalhaut forms Alpha (α) Piscis Austrinus. And text comments:

>According to Ptolemy, it is of the nature of Venus and Mercury; and, to Alvidas, of Jupiter in square to Saturn from Pisces and Sagittarius. It is said to be very fortunate and powerful and yet to cause malevolence of sublime scope and character, and change from a material to a spiritual form of expression. Cardan stated that together with the stars rising with 12 Gemini it gives an immortal name.

>It has a Mercury-Venus character with a blending of Neptune influence. According to tradition, this star is of quite variable effect, either very good or very bad, depending on the overall cosmic structure. It is assumed, however, that the helpful influence is the greater one and if in conjunction with Mercury, it is said to stimulate mental capabilities and promise success as a writer or scientist. On the Ascendant and in good aspect, tradition has it that this star will make for 'fame' and a name 'remembered forever'. In conjunction with Venus, there will be advantages in artistic pursuits. A conjunction with Jupiter or on the MC will bring favor from dignitaries of the church. Tied up with either Sun or Moon, the influence of Fomalhaut is said to be quite marked.

Our problem is still not understanding that celestial intelligences are formed from contemplating their unity like Moon+Mercury or Sun+Venus, and so on. Same for Sirius-Venus and Formalhaut capturing both Mercury and Venus in Alpha Piscis Austrinus. Distant stars must be esoterically linked with our planets in vein of Sopdet cult, i don't think Venus is the only one linked this way. My conception of this is that every branch of celestial order must have a trunk.

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0fcf06  No.160015

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The French connection relocated to the City of Angels, seemed like a good idea at the time, and it did sort of inspire Disney

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e9a66d  No.160051

File: 2fe7328ddfe0c94⋯.jpg (85.59 KB, 620x945, 124:189, Angel.jpg)

You know, talking about Angels again, there's third completely different system, probably where >>159833 confused Abaddon with Michael, according to it (although its load of made up bullshit, but it comes from actual practical occult lodge):

1200 BC to 897 BC Angel of Saturn named Cassiel Governed the Earth

897 BC to 588 BC Zachariel, Chief Agent of Jupiter

588 BC to 280 BC Samael, Angel of Mars

280 BC to 29 AD Michael, called "the Sun God" and "Shining Chief of Seven Intelligences" assumed power.

29 AD to 337 AD Anael, Angel of Venus and Love assumes power

377 AD to 646 AD Raphael, who lodge calls as actual Angel of Mercury Again it goes against "Four Royal Stars" system, but in this case different angel is in power

646 AD to AD 954 Gabriel, the Angel of the Moon becomes Supreme ruler.

And then cycle repeats:

954-1263 - Cassiel (Saturn)

1263-1572 - Zachariel (Jupiter)

1572-1880 - Samael (Mars)

Now from there on out Lodge has no data because text was written in 1881. They claim "Sun God" Michael assumed rulership up to 2188. What's important is that it fits Abaddon doing both of world wars we had, with all the nukes and communist holocausts. Combining the two systems, with the change of Sun to Abaddon - its Lunar Venusian Epoch for the jews, Solar Venusian Epoch for the genitles, and reign of the Abaddon. We're living in golden age for the jews, just like it was golden age for the jews 7 Venusian epochs, and 7 Angels ago, prior to war of the jews.

There are few "predictions" they made, just a few of those:

Reign of Michael (1880-2188):

>Human intellect will have full play and all Churches, Religious Creeds and Ecclesiastical Dogmas will fall to the ground and become things of the past. Parsons, Vicars and Bishops will have to work in different fields if they mean to obtain an honest livehood. Churchs and Chapels will fall with a terrible crash, but from their ashes, Phoenix-like shall arise a new Religion, whose shining Motto will be Veritas Excelsior, Truth Above. This era will proclaim the rights of man.

>Intellect and Reason will remove most of our Social disorders and women receive more attention in worldly affairs

>Startling discoveries in chemistry, electricity and all the physical sciences will be brought to light. Steam will be superseded by compressed air (gas), electro-magnetism (atomic power) as a motive power.

>time and space will be annihilated by new transportation and communication;

>Science and Religion will become blended, spiritual intercourse and aknowledged fact, and psychology the special study of the greatest Scientists of the day

Reign of Anael (2188-2497):

>Feminine period, women during Anael's reign will become man's just and lawful equals, socially and politically.

>Occultism will be taught in Universities, Astronomers will become Astrologers, and drugs for the treatment of disease be consigned to the limbo of oblivion, to keep company with the religious dogmas and scientific noodleisms of today.

I think they miscalculated the years on feminism. Anael/Haniel (name translates as "Grace of God" or "Joy of God") is an Archangel of "joy," "pleasure" by everyone associated with Venus, even by the jews. Its a first Angel i see directly being associated with a planet. But what's even more peculiar, Venusian connection makes him same person as Masonic idea of Shekinah. In Kabbala his Sefirot is Netzach (eternity). The angelic order of Netzach is the Elohim, of which Anael is the ruling Archangel.

Source Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor: >>>/pdfs/13470

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a5a69b  No.160108

File: cd331df5f2562d6⋯.jpg (61.89 KB, 605x390, 121:78, Apollo.jpg)


Saturn is the "father", Dionysus is the "son". Dionysus sows, Saturn reaps. One cannot exist without another. They are the polarity and the "unity of opposites here, not Dionysus and Apollo, the two faces of the same hypocritical god of lies, representing the false dichotomy of disintegration and meaninglessness. The actual god that the Jews worship, which explains the supposed "schism" between orthodox (Saturn) and liberal (Dionysus) Jews, while all are working towards the same goals nonetheless. And to describe those gods, I am going by their meta-characteristics and what they represent, not by what some retarded NPC's believed many centuries ago and what got "canonized" and (((interpreted))) by kikes and agentur of globohomo over countless centuries, only to be used as "reference" by subversive disinfo agents (or deluded fools at best) such as yourself, who only attack one hand of the world jewry while praising another in a typical Esau gambit.

Apollo, or the "holy spirit" is what gets imprisoned in this demiurgic pseudo-dialectic of a dying, two-faced mortal god ruling over the realm of death (this universe, Brahman, I'll explain this better later). Because he is the only one of actual essence/substance, of "non-convergent fullness" where individuation is possible (The pleroma which Gnostics referenced or the sacred Om/Aum of early, Aryan Vedas, not to be confused with (((oneness))) which is a later corruption introduced by Golens (proto-kikes) and their subversive networks). The realm of zero, Atman, transcendent numbers etc. Apollo is Lucifer, the most pure (brightest), but also the most individuated one, the son of smokeless fire, shadowless light (not to be confused with the false light of that universalist faggot moth lamp god of yours) and of supreme reason. Only through Him is true immortality possible for he knows what is unknowable to the rest (among other things), and only for those who are of the same nature/essence, for his 'light" (the light of the black sun) incinerates everyone of finite nature and appears as impenetrable darkness to them. The one who by his very nature transcends both (((Saturn))) and (((Dionysus))), which are actually One. But the real question is, who is for Apollo what Dionysus is for Saturn … That is the "fourth leg" (quarter) and the god ruling over it, which Judeo-Masonic, Akhenatean gatekeepers have cut in order to maintain the rule of their parasitic god. That missing function being the holy grail which we seek, the supreme Mystery, but also the key for Aryan Resurrection. The god of "white chaos" (anti-entropy). I would guess that this entity is one of the Titans. Actually, contemporary Apollo is not sufficient to fully describe what I wrote previously, I just used him as the best example from that mythology for comparison with Saturn/Chronos and Dionysus. A totality between Apollo and his corresponding Titan would be more adequate, but perhaps not even that would suffice. Many gods did not reveal themselves to "humanity" so far.

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a5a69b  No.160114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>Only for a time being Death

This world is weaved entirely of death, with the exception of those of the same essence like "Apollo".

>1 becomes 0 on next turning of the wheel

It doesn't. Finite numbers never become infinite in a turning (that's why it's a cycle (kikel :>) ) in the first place, they converge and terminate into one). Zero doesn't need any cycles, only one does. But yes, those who are not of zero get totally annihilated by it (they get shattered by increasingly powerful centrifugal force that nothing of finite generation can withstand, not even if it harnessed the power of the entire physical universe, potentially making it much more dangerous for them than centripetally dissolving into One, for One is sure to generate them anew as soulless phantoms/breaths/copies at least). This is why NPC's/hyletics and psychics were unable to tell the difference between the two types of "chaos" and "outer light/darkness" and which you keep conflating on purpose in order to muddy the waters and ensure that no one escapes your (((god))). It is, however, the most dangerous choice compared to the illusion of safety that becoming a part of "god's harem" brings, but isn't it precisely how Jews rule over "humanity"? Almost everyone chooses their Talmudic "light" (order) over the danger that the alternatives may bring. They choose slavery over venturing into the "outer darkness" , the safety of the egg over genuine individuality and transcendence. But those who prostitute themselves to the dead gods shall be buried alongside them.

>Generated by Venus that promotes Lust and Love equally

Lust would be Venus + Saturn.

>but with murder, decay, gluttony, hunger, envy, thievery and money

And guess what is the main motive behind all of those :>) Venus

>because its a transitional world

According to your own logic, the closer to whatever god you may be, the more rigid and less transitional would you become.

>always end up on the other side of the battle

Not if they choose the right side and stop falling for false dichotomies. Your entire narrative so far has been based on the following premise: So many lower people were wrong in their beliefs throughout so many cultures and centuries, that means that their common mistakes (which arose from them basing their entire worldview on what they could see and not on higher reason) are the ultimate truth. I am just using certain references to try to impart higher knowledge, not using them in anthropological context, so you'll pardon my occasional lack of accuracy.


>I noticed many attributes of Orphic Gods simply merge into one another through similarities of epithets

I'd advise you not to get too lost into that. Those gods were mere programs for achieving certain understanding, some have corrupted those due to being of lower nature and due to ignorance, some have corrupted them intentionally. The similarities which you find might be the very seeds of corruption that were strategically planted in all philosophies and religions.

>Unity in primal aspect of Light

You are looking at the false light then

>Not I but the world says it: All is one.

I'd interpret this very differently :>)

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892e40  No.160159

File: f66a86e34830e8f⋯.jpg (41.79 KB, 311x299, 311:299, Apollo.jpg)

File: 59a00ae58c2cd51⋯.jpg (459.8 KB, 759x890, 759:890, Odin.jpg)

File: 6efd23143ad2fcd⋯.png (175.13 KB, 284x457, 284:457, Apollo_Dionysus.PNG)

File: fd6865281031dd5⋯.jpg (191.16 KB, 750x1334, 375:667, Fundamenta_radicalia_tam_S….jpg)

File: 7a3fc867f9be56c⋯.jpg (322.78 KB, 671x1047, 671:1047, Anubis.jpg)



Your attempt to separate Dionysus from Apollo doesn't work because they literally shared a same shrine at Delphi together. You don't really need Dionysus to explain second wolfish nature of the Sun God. His "Night" aspect implied nocturnal nature ("As he moved, he went like the night."). And why in Illiad his bow is silver, like Moon, and not golden. Because all those planets and moon shine sunlight. They are all under Re's jurisdiction. You're never in the darkness when Night of the frenzy comes. Nor a wolf ever stopped coming in sheep's clothes. Nor lamb ever stopped being a Lion.

>who only attack one hand of the world jewry while praising another in a typical Esau gambit.

Now that's something else entirely. I think jews poisoned themselves with delusion that their entire race is special. But they are subject to same generation just like everyone else, divine soul birth within participated level of light, lower or higher, or spirit-less human filler. And they delude themselves they are all equal family when they are not, just like we aren't. All religions in the world, including judaism, exist to control the filler, make filler believe its alive, hence christianity was a mob, and not exclusive religion of blessed initiates like Orphism, even though according to scriptures themselves whose of flesh is flesh. And religions second nature is to keep those with light of God in them down, least they become active. This keeps balance between "NPCs and Players" as you call them, and doesn't cause global catastrophe of mass awakening to inferiority of spiritual participation, as well as predetermined roles.

>the light of the black sun

Sol Negro is object of questionable worship. If associated with Dionysus as Night it makes sense within dual nature as well as death and rebirth. What i am afraid is that its actually Saturnalian outer darkness and false night. Night is Light, but there's "night", that's darker than black, which is what i associate with true definition of eliminationalist death of finite and mortal, dust to dust. I dare question agenda of Hitlerist esoterics because their acceleration accelerated germany into oblivion. Because if they wanted victory they would had went under a star, not under symbols all related to upcoming death. If plan was to abuse "resurrection" aspect and actually destroy germany in order to get it reborn, then somebody prepares the return part of the play, which what you call "key for Aryan Resurrection", while downplaying Dionysian nature which even Jung associated with Hitler's Germany, as if rebellion of "blond beast".

>that no one escapes your (((god)))

Right esoteric Luciferanism that you yourself admit through Apollo would imply right images and symbols to not embed suicidal tendencies into your race like last time.

>And guess what is the main motive behind all of those :>) Venus

Read "On the Composition of Images, Signs and Ideas" >>>/pdfs/13481

There's also whole unexplored topic of Anubis being in charge of weighting life with a feather of Ma'at as well as holding the doors to Duat, popular Dog-headed character that i always ignored in egyptian lore. Because he's considered being conflated with Sopdet, since his constellation is formed near Sirius.

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aa730c  No.160219

Ok. I'm nowhere close to operating on the level that you fucks are, but I do enjoy these threads. However, can I just get a quick rundown explained in simple terms just what the hell you are talking about. Generalize all of this into one simple post if you can?

If not, all good. Can someone elaborate more in the necromancy bits? The spirits and mummies and the Templars with Mary Magdalene? Can we contact the spirit of Uncle Adolf?

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6b8535  No.160226

File: 1f34503708c4cc9⋯.jpeg (1.2 MB, 777x1943, 777:1943, 291C94EA_719A_466D_B5D4_2….jpeg)


I am enjoying the Hiram book anon. Are pure blooded Masons the Elohim of this world? I recognize your underlining in the texts. Thank you for uploading this. I knew the second I stepped in Newgrange that you all built the pyramids. I am bummed I missed Rosslyn chapel on my way to Edinburgh last time. It is after all, the site of the ‘great treasure’ you are trying to build on Earth. I doubt I would have been in the right mindset to appreciate it at the time since I was tired from driving from Wales. I can’t believe that I missed the opportunity to see it…even if the St Clairs are involved with its construction. Do you summon Venus to this planet so that divine offspring can be born of it or am I missing something? If this is the case, and I am not misunderstanding the situation, do the Angels decide among themselves using astrology who will sire the next divine offspring or it is more fluid than that? I haven’t finished the book so I might be jumping the shark on some of these ideas. However, I can see your footprints all over the world and since the pyramids are an homage to Mars/Sammael I can’t help but wonder who is being served here. I wonder about the number of the dead who have not been collected by Sammael (Moses, Enoch, Christ, etc) and if Earth is simply the Tan’iniver, earth women specifically that generates the power here. All things to think about. Please correct me if I have misunderstood the situation. I can’t wait until I get to the part of the book that explains Christs betrayal…when I was in Glastonbury at the Tor it was interesting to walk the same ground that he walked as a young man, while living and learning as part of the Arimathean household. Was he Druid then? Or trained as a Druid? As an ‘ex-architect’ the Masons have always riveted my attention tho I knew I would never ‘be accepted’ by them.

>yet again to be a rejected ‘stone’

How fascinating. Lol

I can’t help but ponder the thought of a divine child that was Eros occupying the planet. You know anon, Love is not always gentile. If it is true love it can be most brutal and efficient at times for love is weighed out according to ‘need’ I suppose. Love kills as quickly as it preserves. And it is not the sickly sweet slop that is portrayed currently by humanity as ‘love’.


I understand what you are saying anon. The whole system is One. To unite with all or part is to unite with Death. You would think that I would understand what to do/think about this but I really don’t at this point. Back to the books to learn. :)

I would like to thank everyone in this thread for their contributions and the opportunity to learn.


This might not be as hard to do as you think anon. Are you or do you happen to have a heavily pregnant German female who is ready to receive the spirit of Uncle Adolf?


Get busy anon….

Just teasing, anon. There is more to it than that of course. I can’t help but wonder if the Tanin’iver‘s product is influenced by the DNA of the female donor and to what extent? Given the niggers current obsession with ‘muh kangz’ could you use a nigger as Tanin’iver (thinking back to Cardi B, personal volunteerism in WAP)? What sort of demonic terror would be incurred from using nigger DNA I wonder…hmmm something to think about.

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6b8535  No.160231

File: 8d74b72834e39c8⋯.jpeg (1.43 MB, 2244x992, 561:248, 4333046F_9AFA_4E24_B3F6_8….jpeg)

File: e5405825145b86a⋯.jpeg (231.02 KB, 594x568, 297:284, DCF7E641_3CF4_4CF3_A07A_D….jpeg)

File: cb80b15b4537737⋯.jpeg (1.68 MB, 1938x1307, 1938:1307, 5B6308C5_316D_4B0E_A4E2_D….jpeg)

For posterity’s sake and for fun.


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2e5882  No.160237

File: a2a196e9f124236⋯.jpg (34.2 KB, 608x477, 608:477, sad.jpg)


>quick rundown

Anon finds out jews used to worship Seth, and everything descends into autistic research.

>Can we contact the spirit of Uncle Adolf?

I feel like i am going to ruin the thread with this, but no matter if a person can or cannot contact the dead, we can't because he killed himself.

Violent withdrawal from a body makes departure with the bodily passions, and deprives of the possibility of moral progress. In my theory chaotic cloud of the soul prior to being formed appropriately in this world, if violently withdrawn by its own will falls into oblivion, same with aborted fetuses because they are tied to their mother and not yet formed as human beings. At least when somebody killed you in action a God and your Daimon knows to expect your death by weapon, Valhalla is legitimate, all Gods honor those slayed by Ares, but suicide is the most painful for the soul. It will leave unnecessary inharmonious and incapable for ascension. Now if he was instead tortured by commies he would end up being a martyr instead, having greater esoterical power in memory of people alone.

In case of my "necromancy" post you're referring to (and anon rightfully specified its just speaking with the dead, since ka leaves the body) i specifically said i've been merely "contemplating" it, in my comparison of egyptian magic and study on catholic saint cult, i don't want to reveal what i think of it, nor i want to dwell into it deeper, for the reason i honestly believe Heraclitus that "The dead body is useless even as manure". I uploaded book related to Magdalene where some connections with Osiris duat tradition were pointed out here: >>157931

Worship of dead humans is pointless to me where my mind right now lies. Even if the dead are remembered in stars and become angels and become guardians of living and the dead, according to same Heraclitus, they can no longer be called mere humans, but more akin to other heavenly supre-celestial Intelligences as neoplatonic description of "heroes" (that word had more meaning than it has now), even if they receive such honors.


>Are pure blooded Masons the Elohim of this world?

Only some people are connected to who they call Shekinah and participate in orbit of Venus. If mystical jewish teaching to be believed that that Haniel (Grace of God) as ruling Archangel of Elohim order, who may as well be the Heart of Cosmic Soul of Proclean philosophy. So no, its Spirit, not blood that matters. Zechariah 4:6 "Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts". Those are all reasons why Hitler wanted "Aryan Yahweh", Deus Optimus Maximus to replace jewish religion >>148225

And to remind you that Iamblichus in his De Mysteries ( >>>/pdfs/13414 ) was right to point out that Intelligences are supra-celestial, and its only humans who assume anything is connected to the stars, for their inferiority understanding as stepping stone they were worshiping "visible gods", but i understand they are not tied to them. Stars and planets are visible shapes of invisible incorporeal reason-principles, that imitate their identity by their eternal movements. To continue with the direct quote: "gods of heaven are beings homogeneous in all respects, entirely united among themselves, uniform and non-composite; those among them who are superior are always uniformly dominant, while the inferior are dependent upon the rule of those prior to them, and yet never drag this power down to their own level; and so the totality of them is brought together into a single system and into a single perfection".

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0db14e  No.160260

File: 35aa58a87a3f772⋯.gif (3.15 MB, 540x400, 27:20, 23E626BD_F412_48E1_9854_41….gif)


Anon, I know a Templar that this ritual transfer of spirit was done to in the necromancy ceremony. He honestly believes that he is his prior incarnation. Do you think he actually is his prior incarnation or something new? Also, isn’t the whole purpose of religion (given what has been postulated about the necromancy ceremony) facilitating the ‘birth’ or necromancy ceremony into regular human beings? Just on a lesser scale?

BTW this is the most fun I have had in a year. I absolutely adore this type of learning even if I am not ‘one of your elect’.

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70409e  No.160265

File: fc3962ca9b8e7e4⋯.png (19.32 KB, 1000x1000, 1:1, ClipboardImage.png)


Pic related?

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8e1012  No.160271

File: 204ad8970b6f7f3⋯.jpg (61.87 KB, 724x932, 181:233, From_Russia_with_love_911_….jpg)


>Violent withdrawal from a body makes departure with the bodily passions, and deprives of the possibility of moral progress

Does this have any effect on offspring to your knowledge? Say in the case of the Lebensraum? If someones mother was impregnated with his sperm after he was dead would that lack of development in moral progress carry over to the offspring? Asking for a friend.

Or is this a spirit vs blood issue again making that irrelevant.

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8e1012  No.160283

File: a19c5b9b5637ac5⋯.jpg (219.62 KB, 1800x1200, 3:2, los_angles_1940_downtown.jpg)

File: 6ce064734c35420⋯.jpg (130.27 KB, 1200x800, 3:2, los_angeles_1940_suburbs.jpg)

File: 10c37ba9f4973ce⋯.jpg (100.26 KB, 597x463, 597:463, los_angeles_1940.jpg)

File: 3266c4ab3b53b5f⋯.jpg (422.25 KB, 1280x853, 1280:853, los_angeles_ghetto.jpg)

File: 98aa1206b76f2bc⋯.jpg (162.51 KB, 1486x836, 743:418, los_angles_today_homeless.jpg)


Well at least now I understand what happened to LA.

It got a dose of 'love' injected into it.

Disney was the worst thing that ever happened to White children. He basically indoctrinated them to pedophilia (because who would thing that teaching 5 year old girls to have romantic relations with grown men and romance with literal beasts was 'wrong' in any way). I am vehemently anti-Disney for all children.

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9e961e  No.160289

File: 32a8c7056ac357f⋯.jpg (311.44 KB, 1280x770, 128:77, 1280px_Adolf_Hir_my_Hirsch….jpg)


>He honestly believes that he is his prior incarnation. Do you think he actually is his prior incarnation or something new?

"The only me is me. Are you sure the only you is you?" t. Kojima.

You know, i am aware of few things, first erasure of memory is the worst thing that can happen to human being, its equal to death, our humanity by itself is expanding, producing more and more souls, there just no place for reincarnation knowing there'd be no trace of it for majority. But that human reproduction strained by limited number of allotted Angels (Fated guardians/platonic Daimons). According to my view on Golden and Silver races from Hesiod, one gone to become guardians of humanity, other race gone to wander the earth as lesser spirits. If a person is daemonless (unprotected by a guardian angel), he can be in fact possessed not just by "lower genus", as in lesser protective guiding daemon of lower fate, which is still allotted participation in light, but by all sorts of random "winds" in the world. And majority of them are ancient and more intelligent than us, but rather not curious and stable in character (unlike human who is more drunk and chaotic inside, probably because of either material corruption, unformed spirit that's developing while alive or fruit of good and evil produced dualist thinking).

I imagine it would easy to ensoul another human being with some lesser spirit through mock ritual and make him larp as some ancient person. But that's not the departed person, if they would be able to return here they would already be on level with guardian angels. The lesser spirit just mocks human possessed for his own amusement.

Higher hierarchies of chaos like who i call Seth may be so intelligent, they can larp as other Intelligences, which was mentioned in the bible (2 Corinthians 11:14), and Hermes in one greek tale shapeshifted into Phanes, primordial God of Orpheic religion himself to fool Hera in order to hide Dionysos (Nonnus, Dionysiaca 9. 136 ff), since its the most obvious realization you can make about angelic order (but intellectual trap of that realization can go both ways, considering what's orderly - malevolent, like protestants did).

That said, its jews who invented the supposed "fall", babylonians never had it, their underworld demons just always used to be, and egyptians still worshiped Seth occasionally even after "demonizing" him and making Horus fight him. Because even thieves and servants of death have their nature and order to fulfill. So even what we see as disorderly or "malevolent" is not going to disappear anywhere anytime soon, at least not outside of kingdom of Light, where heavenly order doesn't allow any darkness, or where simply daemons of lowest or opposite order don't go.

So yeah, nobody cancelled out that another intelligence is a mock of another spirit (and in all honesty that's what jesus is for majority). You cannot tell who is actually possesses you unless they themselves give you a sign. But seeing anything at all is a privilege, privilege that puts one on the line of total loyalty or self-destruction.


Souls emanate not from their parents, they emanate from God, otherwise whole "born from above" would never be a thing. As far as body capacity goes, whole generation of ancestors in sperm counts, who are all dead, not just a person who produced the sperm.

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0fcf06  No.160294

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Well yes it's a strange story, Artemis-Ephesia and Artesia California, the deep well.

It's not so much that she's the problem so much as what is attracted to her, every religious cult known to man and Demon descended on the place, the Jews created the Dream industry, everyone became a hippy, witch or curious beast and it wasn't like she had to do anything except be herself, s deeply passive role in the same manner as a Black Hole, the traditional role of the alluring enchantress.

Of course she's /ourgirl but it's not always easy to figure out how, she doesn't really do reason, and it will require an equal and opposite force to create balance, this makes for an interesting current conflict.

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8e1012  No.160322

File: f422d0dfe19f58d⋯.jpg (1.53 MB, 1920x1080, 16:9, lava_balls_fractal_render.jpg)

File: 318c4a9fad4dc71⋯.png (59.73 KB, 539x446, 539:446, fractal_tree_pattern.png)

File: 9f0453dceffd7d9⋯.jpg (22.73 KB, 768x403, 768:403, infanticide.jpg)


>there just no place for reincarnation knowing there'd be no trace of it for majority

That is interesting. Yes the soul comes from God. Personally I see no reason why the soul measure would deviate from the physical aspect of reproductive divergence.

I am more of the belief that, only due to personal experience meeting 'fragments' irl, that each generation souls are fragmented into the next generations offspring resulting in people with almost no soul at all as number increase to today's outrageous 7.5 billion or so bodies.

This is why the jews, 'authentic jews' tightly control their population (less than .1% of global population), adopt non-jews and raise them as jews, practice infanticide of their legitimate offspring, have sexual relations with one particular patriarch rather than their husband (cuckoldry) or become homosexual to allow the hierarchical 'authentic jews' to exercise power for their national benefit.

This makes a more powerful 'soul lineage' when there are very few ancestors and offspring to share the original soul seed with those in power.

This is one of the reasons that Europeans became so powerful/creative globally (lower population means higher soul capacity) and why while we are being genocided (thus far) until our lineages accrete power again (God forbid people race mix their way out of this power even among European tribes which would then spread the soul among even more relations rather than accruing power with a few). Example mixing with one of the bug people would basically wipe out all hope of soul in your offspring (Kalergi plan).

Honestly who would even feel bad about snuffing out something with the soul of the bug people (could that even be considered a sin)? Doubt it, there is nothing there because the population is so diversified in terms of soul.

Certain lineages would grow in power and strength as they have fewer and fewer bodies/offspring to share the soul power (naturally this would exclude large clan families, as well as races that tend to large clan families [essentially worker bees] which have to share a lot of soul power between them).

This is why (among other reasons) race mixing with niggers is so 'in vogue' among the parasitic class for Whites, because their 'souls' are basically non existent due to population size (Billions) and extended relations, and the power of the race will be totally destroyed and sapped. With the loss of soul power comes the total loss of actual power, reasoning, intellect, logic, creativity (of the demon) as well. Too many mouths to feed, so to speak.

Whites are less than 4% (total) of global population which gives us great power in terms of control and creativity compared to subhumans, with purebred Whites becoming even more rare due to inner tribal mongrelization even among Europeans. Before the semitic faith's incursion on European soil ritual murder of the infants was a matriarchs prerogative at birth in ancient days and worked to carefully selectively refine the soul concentration and power, creativity and reasoning of the tribe. This is also the reason why so many of our 'midwives' were murdered as 'witches' to dilute the soul lineage of the races of Europe.

In theory this narrowing of the shared soul should act as a root of power, this should give us even more will and concentrated soul force in the long run as long as some obsolete family branches can keep concentrating that same power down. What Whites don't have is a willing mass of tribal people that will allow themselves to be wielded by one of these White Powers…all our current leadership is more mongrelized with the jews so they are not White or powerful at all but rather work against our interests as mongrels.

I would bet you if you looked at people making a significant contribution to any aspect of society you would find that the majority of them were from isolated and still powerful soul lineages with very few living ancestors (this might be true regardless of surname because not all surnames are from shared family branches since many are place names rather than specific to genetic strain).

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8e1012  No.160323

File: 69c4ce47bd55782⋯.jpg (73.69 KB, 500x336, 125:84, Parthenon_Dusk.jpg)

File: c9b8f5fad2fd8cc⋯.jpg (195.39 KB, 800x1000, 4:5, 800px_Athena_Parthenos_LeQ….jpg)


>she's /ourgirl but it's not always easy to figure out how, she doesn't really do reason

:^) Do any women do 'reason'? Jk Lol…that is a beautiful song anon. I would think that reason would be slightly boring in a woman, like a mouthful of sawdust; a detraction rather than something desired. I was born not far from there but I have never been to Artesia and I doubt (unless things change dramatically aka become White again) that I will ever go to visit it. Why do you believe it was relocated into Artesia? I looked all over the whole town (google) and saw no temple or monument to anyone that would make me believe she was located or had relocated there. Nothing on the scale of Notre Dame or even on the scale of something like the Parthenon in Nashville, which is a bit clunky in terms of the beauty of the Temple of Artemis in France which is very elegant in form by comparison.

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823488  No.160335

File: 0a7b7a18df1ea7e⋯.png (146.39 KB, 998x319, 998:319, kek.PNG)


>God is both moralist and liberalist

One does not exclude another, you can be the most liberal being in existence and simultaneously be the most "moral" because its your choice. Or you can be the most immoral slave. Not that "God" exists in the fist place (I have debunked this idea in previous thread) or that universal morality exists.

>physical love is continuation of mutual intimacy caused by kindred spirits

I guess porn actresses in gang-bangs are having some intimacy with kindred spirits :>) There is no such thing as physical love, physical love is hormones and other chemistry needed to ensure physical reproduction, but which people also abuse like any other drug. It's a mechanistic copy of actual love and belongs entirely to the word of death. But I don't blame you, people who have actually experienced real, immortal love were always extremely rare, animal-men will always associate it with sex, procreation and other physical matters for they know nothing else, and it's most likely unknowable to them.

>No one would exist without Light

How did light sprung from darkness then?

>no soul would get born without Love

Souls which get "born" are also souls which die. The phantoms which get produced by finite generation and eventually dissipate into the sea of total equilibrium (flat signal). This is the "harem" of your false god, but also the universal "love" of total equalization which your kind seeks so much. They go no further. They only pop back into existence as a random (or targeted) form of life once something from the 'other side' excites the field to generate a projection. Immortal souls have forever existed and are self-caused. Another concept that beastmen have great difficulties grasping.

>your body wouldn't exist without Sex

Tell that to the vat babies ;) Or any other organism in the universe that utilizes other forms of reproduction and material generation. The only reason why organic bodies of certain races are of different quality to artificial ones is because sexual reproduction (the original sin) has captured the divine essence of immortals in a sort of alchemical transmutation and contains their "divine data" . Artificial bodies don't possess such 'hidden variables' and will never be able to due to limitations of their generative technology, no matter how advanced it gets. The only exceptions being targeted possessions (individual or collective) of such bodies by divine beings (gods and devils alike), but that's a sort of technology that you won't read anything about in your all too contemporary sources ;) Or how Jesus actually "resurrected" and 'appeared' to his little gang.

>then how come you live, instead of being dead?

I was born in the world of death, therefore I will also have to die (my body and portion of my ego at least). Real gods are sacrificed by physical birth, not physical death. If I wasn't born, I wouldn't have to die. And how much is one actually "alive" in this world is rather questionable.

>Hence its not saturn who is praised under contemporary counter culture

He is the one who rules all planets (with the exception of Venus and potentially the Sun, but those two are in symbiosis with him as well). You praise him no matter what you do. Look how much decay the "hippie generation" has caused or how much ruin to Egypt did the religion of the "sun disc" bring. You'll need much more than Inanna or Shamash to defeat him. In fact, they could be his covert, rather than overt servants. A controlled opposition if you wish.

>swinging pendulum of human rationality

Rationality doesn't swing

>as soon as it gets tired of one thing, and becomes obsessed with another?

Only those who lack proper integration and fail to transcend those polarities (no, not by being in the 'middle'). It's also highly hypocritical. There is the whore, and there is the saint. Whores belong to the world of whores, saints belong to the world of saints. You might interact with both to a certain degree, but it will never be the same.

>to ignore that all divine activities is sex with God in the mind

We are reaching coomer levels that shouldn't even be possible kek

>it breaks the world apart to gets Her hands everywhere.

There is some truth in this.

>Just because opposites are the same doesn't mean God is void.

That's precisely what it means, it's basic logic.

>War, Sex, Peace, Virginity, all in domain of the Same, because extreme levels of all of them are equals

Just because certain things without a proper balance horseshoe into another doesn't mean that all is same. This idea of "sameness" is what ruined pretty much every civilization in history and allowed kikes to feast on it's corpse. There is only sameness in absolute death, which your universalist "god" is ruling over.

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823488  No.160341


>can I just get a quick rundown explained in simple terms

We began analyzing Jewish influence and beliefs throughout the centuries and it eventually turned into metaphysical discussion, although the guy who posts most content in these threads is just rehearsing some plebe-tier theories taught by kosher societies like Rosicrucians and keeps quoting mediocre philosophers and (((academics))) like a good goy that he is, but he posts a lot of interesting, even if not too useful information (well, depending for whom, you'll probably find it fascinating) and has at least some good theories while occasionally dropping a redpill or two, despite most of the content being just a red herring. It was a red herring historically, not just for the purpose of these threads, which is something that he may, or may not be aware of. I'm trying to provide the actual 'code' from the higher domain, even though it might end up as larp occasionally due to invocation/recollection and may be affected by my ego at times, but ego is of fundamental importance too.

>Can we contact the spirit of Uncle Adolf?

Depends which portion of his spirit are you referring to, for he was a multi-layered being. It's the spirit which possessed him that we ought to be contacting, not him as a mortal, or even his individuated, immortal higher spirit/selbst/geist, which would (normally) only come on its own accord, probably when the time and circumstances are right. You can potentially get access to etheric records of his existence and learn from it, but it will not be him, just the limited reflection of his existence. Short answer would be: you won't contact him, he will contact you as needed, but this can be facilitated by certain actions, thoughts and behavior.

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d0f695  No.160364

File: b6cb4dec121c23a⋯.png (1.11 MB, 593x886, 593:886, Claudius.PNG)


>adopt non-jews and raise them as jews

Actually, its an older practice when we weren't in conflict with the jews yet, both jews and natsocs will never talk about this, but there was huge cultural exchange between Israel and Rome before birth of christianity (it wouldn't even exist without it). Antisemitism was result of devoted christians rejecting jewish traditions from conflict in faith and fact of war. Epictetus gave account that somebody was converting non-jews to jews massively before Rome started to wage war with Israel. It was open to gentiles to join jewish religion, hebrews probably won't talk about it either:

>For example, whenever we see a man halting between two faiths, we are in the habit of saying, “He is not a Jew, he is only acting the part.” But when he adopts the attitude of mind of the man who has been baptized and has made his choice, then he both is a Jew in fact and is also called one. So we also are counterfeit “baptists,” ostensibly Jews, but in reality something else, not in sympathy with our own reason, far from applying the principles which we profess, yet priding ourselves upon them as being men who know them.

From where those kinds of sayings of Epictetus are coming from? He clearly states some were spiritually jews, as a "habit of saying". Claudius was also big friend of the jews, and Rome used to be swaying between being extremely pro-jewish to being extremely antisemitic like a pendulum. According to the books "Aphrodite and the rabbis" >>138489 jews used to immensely invest themselves in Hellenic philosophy, especially stoic one, they still build their synagogues in Roman style instead of making appropriate Solomon temples (hence you don't actually see them being common).

I am even aware that all jewish hostility towards jesus in the bible was redacted to elevate its significance. It is provable because of multiple editions of fourth gospel >>/pdfs/13257

>In the second edition, the religious authorities exhibit an intense level of hostility toward jesus throughout his ministry, rather than the increasing hostility found in the first edition.

Many things between christians and jews are the result of expulsion of christians from jewish Synagogues. But i must remind you that according to Hegel Gnosticism arose among Christians, but especially among such Christians that were Hellenistic Jews and who also shared Platonic concepts (so those early "sethian gnostics" were probably majority jewish).

So all insanity is the cause of merge of Hellenic and Jewish thought in a world that was in conflict between both. Jews getting inspired by Hellenic thought get expelled from their own Synagogues and go to gentiles like weeaboos into japan, and gentiles drawn to jewish thought listen to them. Our religion became jewish, their religion more Hellenic than it used to be.

On Sethian jews (from Sethian gnosticism and the Platonic tradition book by John Douglas Turner):

>The background of this Sethian mythology is widely acknowledged to be Jewish. A recent and comprehensive attempt to demonstrate this has been offered by G. Stroumsa in his work Another Seed: Studies in Gnostic Mythology: He points out that while Jewish monotheistic theologians occupied themselves with the question of the existence of evil in a good world created by a good God, Jewish Gnostic theologians sought an explanation for the existence of salvation in an evil world created by an evil god. At the root of both Jewish and Gnostic attempts to deal with this question in their separate ways were the two most prominent biblical myths that dealt with the origin of evil as a “fall” from an originally good state. These myths were 1) the story of the fall of Adam and Eve in Genesis 2-4, and 2) the story of the fall of the angels from heaven and their subsequent intercourse with the daughters of men from Genesis. Within both Judaism and Gnosticism, the origin of evil was linked with sexual sins, which in turn were linked with the activity of Satan. While Judaism used the first myth to account for the rise of evil as an episode within human history, Gnostic exegetes understood the fall as concomitant with the origin of creation itself by attributing the responsibility for Adam and Eve’s sin to the creator himself as the initiator of Adam’s desire to cohabit with Eve. While Jewish traditions could portray Cain as the son of the serpentine satanic seducer of Eve, Gnostic exegetes demonized the creator himself by identifying him as the one who seduced Eve to produce Cain and his descendants. From this, Jewish Gnostics concluded that there were two races, the pure and undefiled seed of Seth, which avoids sexual intercourse, and the children of Cain, given over to lust, sin, evil and damnation.

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d0f695  No.160373

File: 4064c886fde18e5⋯.jpg (2.46 MB, 1500x1500, 1:1, Death.jpg)


Hate of sex is Sethian, anon. Not preserving virginity, but hate of idea of sexual intercourse. Because literally everything in Sethian Jewish theology is linked to "sexual sins". They literally believe that human women led to humanity’s sexual enslavement.

>As G. Stroumsa has shown, the Sethian account of the persistence of evil people who persecute the pure seed of Seth is further explained by the myth of the intercourse of the sons of God with the daughters of men in Gen 6:1-4. According to 1 Enoch, these sons of God are the “watchers” who sire a race of homicidal giants, and are then sent down to the Abyss. In subsequent Jewish exegesis, these underworld watchers become devils like Azazel or Shemihazah who sexually tempt the pure race of Seth to engage in polluted intercourse with the corrupt offspring of Cain. Other Sethian traditions, however, such as that behind the account in Josephus, Antiquities 1.2.3, allow the opposite kind of identification, namely one between the watchers or sons of God in Gen 6:1-4 and the pure seed of Seth who bore the image of God, and to whom was revealed the (beneficial) knowledge of ultimate cosmic secrets.

>Given the dilemma of Seth’s human progeny, existing since primordial times as a persecuted but pure strain of Seth’s seed, living among, but apart from the corrupt descendants of the cursed Cain or perhaps of other Sethites devoted to the creator God, it would be natural to develop a hope or belief in the eventual salvation of this race, consisting in its extrication from such people who constantly tempted the true Sethites to procreatively mingle with their own race, and thus lose their awareness of their special ancestry. Such extrication would of course be a dramatic, apocalyptically-conceived act, in which the remaining pure Sethites would be reunited with their primordially enlightened counterparts now existing in the aeons above, perhaps even raptured into the third or fourth of the Sethian Luminaries in close proximity to their ultimate ancestor, Seth.

>The movement downward is a devolution from the original simplicity of the divine acme, moving away stage by stage from primal perfection, unity, and integration towards realms increasingly characterized by multiplicity, deficiency, separateness, distance and alienation from the divine source. In the gnostic myths, the sequence of the unfolding of the higher to the lower world proceeds in terms of dramatic episodes, personified aeonic beings, sexual procreation, and the praising of the parent by the offspring.

>Cursing the very earth he made, Yaldabaoth expels the enlightened couple from the Garden. But as enlightened beings they are still superior to their creator, so Yaldabaoth comes up with yet another scheme to nullify their newly gained intelligence: implanting the humans with the desire for sexual intercourse. Yaldabaoth himself sets the example by seducing the earthly Eve, begetting two subhuman powers, Cain and Abel, who will procreate future generations that will be subjected to his control by the heavy chain of fate and the compulsion to procreate themselves by sexual intercourse. Unfortunately, Yaldabaoth rapes only an earthy simulacrum of Eve, whose spiritual power the Mother removed in the nick of time, while it is the now enlightened Adam that goes on to know" the true Eve, who bears their child Seth, who like Adam possesses the human image of God, and is destined to father the “seed of Seth", a race of human beings who will likewise bear the image of the true God.

>From this, Jewish Gnostics concluded that there were two races, the pure and undefiled seed of Seth, which avoids sexual intercourse, and the children of Cain, given over to lust, sin, evil and damnation. These two races must not intermingle. During the history of the world, the malicious creator Archon tries to oppress and destroy the seed of Seth by the flood, the conflagration of Sodom, and finally at the end of the world, but all three times Seth manages to save his righteous seed. The Gnostics knew themselves to be the “other seed,” the progeny of Seth, who was born to Adam and Eve after she had successfully escaped the lustful attacks of the ignorant creator. By the use of the second myth, Satan’s adulterous relations with Eve were highlighted by the Gnostics into a prime example of mixis, the illicit blending of two essentially separate kinds of beings through the union between mortal women and the angels descended from heaven, which resulted in the birth of giants and the sending of the flood. For the Gnostics, the leader of these angels was no longer Satan or other angelic figures as in Jewish tradition, but the creator himself, Yaldabaoth, Sakla or Samael.

One serpent heals and gives life, other poisons and causes death. Mystery of both is answer to the problems of the living.

Sethians are not the ones of the Healer.

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0fcf06  No.160375

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There is also the sensible one but not so pretty, that was the archetype of Mary and Martha of Bethany, in terms of deep wells and emergent springs Allani and Ishara of Hatti land, were Inara is Allani manifest within nature.

Art(temis-Eph)isia is and was just a gateway city, leading to the projection of the Holy Wood, the deeper understanding of glamour and the generation of narrative, were the Piscean Goddess Nazi finds herself on the furthest shores of the West in need of the Aries white knight, save her and save the world is the plot.

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73e957  No.160384

File: 53f8eee6981283c⋯.jpg (264.34 KB, 713x1089, 713:1089, Sophia.jpg)

I have few thoughts i want to wrap up:

(A) God is Light and sum of All Stars. God is uniform singular hivemind made of many Intelligences, all of which function together in harmony, represented by visible movements of invisible reason-principles, but all participating in the same Tree of Light, connected through each other. Sometimes God leads humanity through one reason-principle, sometimes gives government to another. Each country, each race and each organization and political movement have their own attributed reason-principles. Those reason-principles get allotted to "living" part of humanity with fated destiny. Destiny itself is God, cause each of the reason-principles is God.

(B) Reason-principles are incorporeal Spirits of Light following Order of Heavenly Mandate, they govern whole humanity each according to vision of perfect society by a Whole, since the beginning of time. Themselves perfect in themselves akin to movement of the stars, they revolve around their allotted sphere of Intellect and do not overstep boundaries of attributed Intellectual vision, bounded to parts of humanity that gets attuned souls to those reason-principles. Sometimes reason-principles are called Angels, Buddhas, Saints, Gods, but regardless of what Logos is attributed to any particular reason-principle, the Intellectual point remains the same.

(C) All reason-principles unlike humanity are non-dual. All of them without exception have both male and female spiral of opposite existences, opposites meet and join together, forming each Intelligence. Lucifer who we represent by Venus known as both reason-principle of Lust and Love because of unity of both aspects. Reason-principles that give people wealth are also thieves. Reason-principles that drive humanity into war also govern times of peace. Reason-principles that bestow Intellect and progress science, also blind people with illusion of knowledge, guiding them into different direction from realization of core truths.

(D) Perspective on the Heavenly Order changes our opinion of it, and opinion on both Light and Darkness, core aspects of global reason-principle of being and non-being. People who saw oppression in totalitarian system of Order ask Void of non-existence Itself to save them from it, therefore they become worshipers of Opposition of Order represented by Disorder and Chaos. Meanwhile people seeking Light get blinded by it and uncover nothing more than some people's myths, which are all philosophical riddles and binding spells of religious systems, that are temporary things of their time and place. Some look at the Sun and call it God, when Sun itself is just one of many Stars bestowing Light, and has its own attributed movement, and so limited Intellectual capacity of invisible reason principle, while dividing that capacity by reflecting it on nearby planets and the moon. It gives Life, it also causes high degree of executional death being rightfully called Abaddon. Reason-principle of pleasure is reason-principle of pain. In alchemical marriage Lucifer and Abaddon live side by side on top of ascending ladder, bringing Love and Life on same plate with Lust and Extinction.

(E) Living and non-living parts of humanity exist to complete one another. The living live to experience this world as simulation to gain knowledge of forms. After bodily death they enter the world of invisible reason-principles behind revolutions of the stars and their knowledge gained from experience in this world becomes their own reason-principle form, movement and ultimately predetermined destiny. Living become reason-principles directly connected to God of Light, and representation of His Spirit according to your allotted Intelligence, governing allotted sphere of intelligence inside society of reason-principles. And that divine connection is secured by reason-principle of daimon (fate), connection that attributes Intelligence according to predestined level of participation in the Light.

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8e1012  No.160397

File: 996817abcd3d15c⋯.jpg (50.22 KB, 500x421, 500:421, the_death_they_put_in_us.jpg)


You are so cute anon! :^)


>Hate of sex is Sethian, anon. Not preserving virginity, but hate of idea of sexual intercourse. Because literally everything in Sethian Jewish theology is linked to "sexual sins". They literally believe that human women led to humanity’s sexual enslavement.

Yep, globohomo (God I hate faggots/'angels') lies again. Their own unceasing lust (desire to inject themselves into everything) was their undoing, but they could never fess up to that because it would be admitting their own guilt in the situation (break their imprecation/curse) and that might cause them to rightfully condemn themselves for their crimes against Love and Life. So until 'man' aka jews (because at this point I have decided that all men are actually jews; lol) becomes mature enough to acknowledge their own errors we play 'this game' instead.

I think that is one of the reasons why I love Christ above all other men, because he came to pass judgement (healing) on the planet, and, rather than face their crimes (and I understand what you are saying about him betraying masonry; thus far I believe it had to happen to pass a good judgement) but globohomo killed him so that 'the game could continue' and their crimes would not be revealed.

In the meantime, more and more of Hell leaks into this place due to their own actions (sexuality) and those same crimes and they become more and more bitter about what happened but the idea that they were the cause of it is FAR from their mind. It could have been over when he showed them the way and instead they are going to drag the whole fiasco out to the bitter end (which is why I, personally, have no feeling of remorse about what will take place or what will happen to them as a result).

Instead of accepting their crimes they place them on the heads of the innocent and think that they are displaying 'strength' or that 'God' is with them. It is disgustingly foul in nature and character. Repulsive. But it is their immortal (dead) character as well, so that apple didn't fall far from the tree. To have healing they would have to acknowledge that their character and actions here were wrong on such a fundamental level and at this point their sin has simply compounded to something so vast and horrific that few people could ever have the moral strength to acknowledge and it is almost pointless to expect that one of them would have the character to do something about it until the complete end.

Being from Hell, they turned the heart of the universe into Hell and will collapse the entire thing in time. As anyone with a brain and eyes can see that the frozen outer planets are all male and cold lifeless things frozen in stasis and without Life, soul or creation (which is the Heart of God) they should be able to reason correctly that they are from Hell (the dead frozen cold emptiness) and that they BROUGHT HELL HERE and began putting Death into everything they could find that was a Living being.

They seeded Death (and all its attendant complications) on this planet.

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892e40  No.160402

File: d95609dc9bf3fd3⋯.jpg (144.32 KB, 736x1005, 736:1005, Seth_at_planning_next_move.jpg)


Now lets pretend i am some master of masonic lodge, how would i in retrospect view Hitler's Germany and Weimar Germany, as a cornerstone of Abaddon's Epoch?

1. I would probably say that Hitler's Germany was inheritably Sethian. All of its symbols are symbols of death. Sol Negro is Saturnalian consumption, skulls of SS officers represented Death, unlocked time acceleration into destruction. Even thunder symbols are wrong, Hence they are heavily censored, to not invoke any spirit of them.

2. Then i'd proceed to call out that Weimar was inheritably Luciferan. All of its "rights for women", "freedom of sexuality" and openness to progress have Luciferan traits, especially in economic poverty, because poverty in any country seem to hold any Luciferan order like a cross.

Now would i say that the jews, who supposedly suffered "holocaust", were supposed to learn something from this whole experience? Jews are not Luciferan. Jews are Sethian as hell itself. Everything in donkey worship and babylonian law of hammurabi was part of saturnalian experience of the death worship. They hated all sorts of "degeneracies". They used to stone people for smallest offenses like adultery or hate of their own parents. They invented whole word "sodomite" and used to kill gays as very first people who committed to it. They were against all sexuality because they heavily believes that sexuality is cornerstone of all sin. Everything we learned about "degeneracy" we learned from the jews. Even lie about holocaust is part of jews wanting luciferan camp to succeed, make their fellow jews not embrace the Law again. True jew would envy Hitler.

If i was, as a masonic worshiper of Shekinah, to judge the experience of the jews by what happened to Third Reich, i would view it as God''s greatest mind break of the jews. God took their ignorance and gave it to Germans, instilled Germans with same spirit Jews had, same nationalism by blood (because Sethian Jews used to promote racial purity) and same anti-sexual attitude of Sethian origin and worship of darkness. And made the very spirit of the jewish hate to proceed to oppress the jews. So why jews of today are so opposed to order of Seth, and why Israel is the most homosexual country in middle east? Because of Hitler. Hitler reversed jewish values. Germans, by becoming jewish in spirit, driven off the spirit of the original jewry out of the jews. Hence the whole idea of "stealing Yahweh". Jews worship right God. They just worship that God wrong, by deluding themselves that this God is only in the pocket of Israel. Now they are incapable of returning to appropriate sethian values, and all jewish rabbies are divided not just into Kabbalist/Orthodox cabs, but also into Sethian/Luciferian, who intertwine world in Order and Chaos.

Now its age of Anael, obviously judging from Venusian cycles instead of dates given by lodge of Luxor. Lucifer unleashes his full sexual deviancy, destroys another remnant of sethian totalitarism that was USSR, and goes wide on sexual aspect, as well as compassion and moralism in its emotional sense. I get it you don't understand dual nature of reason-principles, but its exactly how they come.

Now, i know there are Sethian jews out there, who probably think its part of a play to get goyim to die from Lucifer's embrace, but they forget their own brethren enjoy age of Anael just as much. Therefore Goddess of Love pacified everybody, and we lost control. Because Seth passed the torch to Lucifer. People say its great, some say its madness, but all days are the same. Crowds complain about everything but enjoy all the bread and circuses provided. We aren't above anything that rules over us Intellectually.

But i am not mason and neither are you. Luciferian Nationalism would be Liberal Nationalism, but nobody wants to try that, because Venus born people themselves are too much drown in emotional compassion instead of reason, and Sethian Nationalists waving swastikas around keep shouting for death of all degeneracy, scaring people off. And so you have whites participating in their own destruction, most genuinely having their head in the clouds.

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8e1012  No.160408

File: f9dd65a3f50ff90⋯.jpg (266.09 KB, 1012x960, 253:240, tree_of_life_copy.jpg)


I don't care if shouting about degeneracy scares people off anon. I want QUALITY not QUANTITY to stand beside me. I am not one for 'mob rule' like BLM or 'democracy' (three people form a government and two of them vote to rob the third).

As far as the politics go, I agree with YHVH (and I know we went over this in the last thread) but in a sense I agree that there should be no one OVER the people except God (so again, as per the Bible, no codified religion, 10 laws that are easy for everyone to understand; even retards). Leadership IS UNDER the people as a support structure to ensure that they are cared for. The same mechanism as leadership over men where in the male rule the ones on top enjoy the most freedom is the exact opposite with female rulership (when they are not confused and trying to act like faggots, jews or men)…the more power you have the more constriction and responsibility you have. Female rulership is a trunk with branches (the people who belong to God alone) reaching up to heaven. Male rulership is a trunk with roots (the people who are enslaved in Hell) reaching to the depth of Hell.

This should have been PATENTLY OBVIOUS to everyone just based on graphics and their own understanding (even if I don't 'reason') lmao.

I am going to have to think through Germany and the other things you said. Most of that is due to the obvious eugenic properties of sexual freedom.

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deda52  No.160443

File: eeb5aa0b76bdc8c⋯.png (597.58 KB, 1056x1520, 66:95, Mystical_character_of_Satu….PNG)

>look up one of them magic books where they name saturn Cassiel

>pick up The Veritable Key of Solomon

>has a symbol of Azazel for some reason

>presides over Shabbat day

>his Intelligence and Daemon are still called Agiel and Zazel

>in book of Enoch this same guy is known for causing violence in pre-flood days

I know i am not supposed to take either of them seriously, but it proves Azazel and Saturn are related. Cronus too was known to be imprisoned in Tartarus.

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8e1012  No.160482

File: fd664a3a23a4a96⋯.jpg (166.07 KB, 1024x1024, 1:1, STEREO_B_earth_venus_poles.jpg)

File: f923163d35ef8b5⋯.jpg (393.24 KB, 1200x900, 4:3, what_are_some_ancient_mode….jpg)

File: a13517088f3f3cb⋯.jpg (640.85 KB, 2210x1600, 221:160, NOS_poles_color.jpg)

File: c678ae0a6b4bd62⋯.jpg (282.47 KB, 745x740, 149:148, 231_gates_of_the_sepheroth.jpg)

File: d370c3953bde247⋯.jpg (110.89 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, venus_sigil_solomon_2.jpg)



I have always speculated that they only bound the 'female' aspect of that duo and that all planets have this 'polar' traits of masculine (intelligence/reasoning/logic/merciful; angelic) and feminine (judgmental/creation/memory/intuitive;demonic)….partially because I am lightly acquainted with (he doesn't like me I think because I called him on his systematic murder of Germans without a cause) the person who claims that they are the Templar reincarnation of Azazel. Strange character. He is looking for someone to take his revenge out on because he says he was betrayed by one of the Archons (4 angelic brothers; assumption on my part Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune; Ouranos being the father and castrated at this point). So I guess he is hunting Mars, the lover of Venus, if mythology is to be believed and perhaps Venus as well; not sure.

I guess the Earth was considered to be 'the marriage bed' of the Gods.

I have gotten into it with a couple people over the 'poles' when they are 'photographed' by STEREO etc. First, they aren't 'photos' they are plates that are sensitive to photons, not lenses. People say, "Oh that is an artifact of the lens." At that point I know I don't have to listen to them anymore since STEREO satellites don't have 'a lens' they have photosensitive plates like Hubble so they only record light emissions, not the fancy renderings we have gotten used to seeing generated from NASA. The poles are there as an artifact of some sort and they are on every planet that is observed by STEREO A or B. As far as I have ever seen that polar artifact extends forever in a straight line there is never any visible curve as though it was a magnetic artifact.

It is possible that the architecture of the interior of the planet matches the seals in some way as well as the controlling forces and aspects of the angelic and demonic archonic resident. We know that the Earth is the Teth (circle with equilateral cross on the interior) which ironically is also (one of) the alchemical symbol for the Earth as well as a manifestation of its physical/geometric presence.

More Speculation:

I think it would be interesting to think about this geometry and the gates of God as well since it seems that the Earth itself might be a sort of a Stargate for Solar System (or worse). But it also brings into question the resonant/geometric structure of the other planets as I believe that the sigils are more than 'artwork' but rather the physical manifestation of the planet itself and its character.

Sigil of venus…look at her there, so cute in her little bath, surrounded by 4 female attendants.

Mat 24

>12 Because of the multiplication of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold. 13 But the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.

Interestingly he is not talking about love towards one another but rather Love of God.

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3aed19  No.160485


>men bad women good

poo poo pic, better if it wiped my ass

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8e1012  No.160486

File: 2d01b3eaec3d930⋯.jpg (953.02 KB, 1592x844, 398:211, Thor_und_die_Midgardsschla….jpg)


>anon finds a jew who want to talk about feces…great…that will add nothing to the conversation

Say what you like anon…but I have met Thor, one of the lightening Gods (who probably resides in a place of absolute zero), before and when he 'came through' into his proxy there was lots of cold, panic and screaming in terror by the man who allowed him through for a visitation. I know that wherever they are from, it is extremely cold there and things do not change or age (practically at all) which is why this static state of death allows them to be Gods.

Also state approaching equilibrium is the biomolecular difference between the living and the dead. The dead are just data similar to living who do their best to avoid heat and energy states to maintain integrity over vast lengths of time, hence 'Gods'. This same is true of every virus which is ALWAYS dead but uses the imbalance of the Living system to procreate inside it. Virus are just DNA in a dead (inactive) state which activate due to the host body of a living organism. We could say the same thing about the Gods.

We are just DNA in a state of imbalance (aka 'Living') which means that we get old and die. The whole point of the Gospel of Thomas that women need to make themselves into men to reach the Kingdom of God is that women need to become a cold, dead, empty husk to reach 'Godlike' status. This is why Ouranos is castrated…he is too far out to participate in the Living anymore or bear offspring.

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cbc8c2  No.160487


So….You think women are suppose to be in a position of 'Ruling class power'?

GOD said, women should NOT be in position of power, nor should be a preacher!

You're reflecting your feelings rather than teachings!

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8e1012  No.160491

File: 2e780679de2ce08⋯.jpg (1.11 MB, 958x623, 958:623, europa_regina_2.jpg)


Women are cursed by God to be 'obedient to men' (and make no mistake about it that was the most sever punishment that ever was handed out) but that will not last forever anon. Also, not jewish. Different culture, different father, different source code, different DNA. I can agree with aspects of the jewish religion and recognize the wisdom of the God they told to fuck off (twice or more; killed once) without 'being jewish'.

Also, if you believe that Jesus set all mankind free of the curse(s) then why should I kneel and obey that KIKE PHARISEE PAUL, a jew, when it comes to the 'law' or any other aspect of ritual jewish insanity? That asshole was a globalist retard BLM jerkoff before they were ever invented. He totally destroyed the teaching of Christ and perverted it with his 'kike philosophy' and put the planet back for almost 2,000 years while he systematically worked to genocide my own people (100 million murdered over 2,000 years). Fuck him and fuck you.

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67256e  No.160559

File: 04e9ccbe68d4842⋯.jpg (1.44 MB, 3262x3262, 1:1, Metatron.jpg)


I quoted the wrong post in previous reply, you are posting so much bullshit that I can hardly keep track debunking all of it. I do find the fact that (((love and light brigade))) has spent a shekel or two because of me highly amusing. I could write walls of text about every distraction, narrative-manipulating and other tactic which you have utilized so far in order to push your universalist globohomo agenda by pretending to be one of us and then gradually poisoning the well, but it doesn't really matter. Truth is not democratic, and propaganda doesn't work on gods and divine beings, not in the long term at least. There are already billions of people believing similar garbage so you won't be at a loss for followers either. Just like those before you who appealed to beastmen sensibilities and hijacked the narrative of the few divine people throughout history. Pretending to oppose Saturn, but secretly working for him, just like Dionysus. Imprisoning divine essence to generate "life" and thus feed death. "Saving" us from themselves by swinging the pendulum of the false dialectics, the favorite activity of those who have no qualia, those "neither here nor there", the organic lie, the Jews. You have the potential to be the new "messiah" and I don't really plan to stand in your way as animal-men are not my concern. But it is my duty to point out your falsehoods to those with the proper sight, and those of the Aryan race. Besides, even if I am the "last" being in existence overcoming your false light, that will only make me your god. I hope you understand the implications… "King of Israel" may be the one least expected to be :>)

>Its all consistent in tying to simplest numbers

Incomplete mathematics that the entirety of Judeo-Masonic retardation is built upon, the cornerstone of slavery to Mammon that the rest of (((temple))) gets built upon. Just as there is 2, so is there 11. But there is deeper esoteric truth to this, those who terminate after 9 and begin from 2 anew are sentenced to eternal recurrence as finite phantoms with no memory or continuation whatsoever. Even entire universes are subject to this fate, which is what most of the astrological symbols and planetary cycles or ages are reflective of. You are rightly pointing them out, as well as the influences which those bring. But the entirety of cyclical, astrological worldview that you keep referencing here is based on reflection of something material and finite, imperfect and inferior, entirely subject to and projecting the mechanistic laws of Brahman (cycles) by transference and involution (cycles within cycles), and not the laws of Atman (transcendence), which you can never figure out solely by observing the planets and other physical phenomena. Adding a second digit symbolized continuation that frees one from the cycles of (compelled) reincarnation (and is the basis for transcendent numbers, as well as Memory), but it's not possible without passing 10 (1,0), the ultimate threshold separating the cyclical existence of death and transcendent existence of immortality. Of course, these operations are entirely arcane and ancient NPC's could never observe them and thus canonize them, that ability being exclusive to the very rare, divinely inspired mystics and scholars.

>0 is simply non-being

Non-being cannot exist by definition. I have described the nature of 0 previously.

>But descent is always associated with lack of something, imperfection of inner order

9 is not a perfect number. What is it an imperfection of? It's not 1 since One is not perfect either, otherwise it would never become two, among other shortcomings.

>As for the Cross, i already mentioned it, cross shape as well as the Egg is inspired by Milky Way, Zodiacal Light and circle above it

You are looking at things from the wrong direction, and this is a good exhibit of what I have described previously. Have in mind that there are no perfect circles in the physical universe. Being inspired by something containing imperfection can only generate further imperfection until you dissolve completely.

>Chaotic darkness is unable to take possession of Light

I have provided examples of "Light" being equally chaotic, just of a different nature. You can have order in total darkness as well. Besides, "Light and Darkness" are obsolete and misleading terms.

>No order to take hold of for children of outer darkness

How can anything with total absence of order produce children or anything else? There is implicit order in what you call "outer darkness" and that may be the most supreme order of all.

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f399d4  No.160570


Whoa, whats the story behind Paul? Got any cool links ?

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d8f885  No.160591

File: 07b296daf03f03d⋯.jpg (299.52 KB, 1200x927, 400:309, Asherah.jpg)

File: 26896f0e1b6e1c4⋯.png (30.89 KB, 638x305, 638:305, Asherah.PNG)

File: 515671983b15d66⋯.pdf (8.39 MB, Asherah_Goddesses_in_Ugari….pdf)

File: 3ad8dd272115f00⋯.pdf (1.92 MB, Paul_of_Tarsus_by_Savitri_….pdf)

File: 3faff34f4448eea⋯.png (334.65 KB, 480x1024, 15:32, Apocalypse.PNG)


>you are posting so much bullshit that I can hardly keep track debunking all of it

To be honest neither i have enough time at the moment to complete all thoughts in this thread, i am glad i managed to share some information to extend, how you use it its your own decision. I could keep my opinions on what i found to myself, but oh well i didn't.

Number 40 is essentially sacred astrological number directly tied to Venus, and 3 days and 3 nights is a hint on certain transit. Most important finding is that Asherah, ancient Goddess of Israel connected to Astarte is also mentioned in the Old Testament exactly 40 times in 9 books. Actually whole Old Testament is a magical book that is bound by number 40 like Solomon's circles of magic are bound by pentagram. I guess Mary worship is a product of revelation that primordial Goddess that made covenant with Noah hiding secrets in astrology and numerology. If Gabriel is indeed a Moon according to Solomonic teaching, then Crescent in certain iconography of Mary also makes more sense.


Levictus 16 calls Azazel a "scapegoat", or at least that's how KJV translated his name. I think in a way its how i try to describe metaphysical evil by attributing it to Seth, where Seth acts as a scapegoat in my own dialectics. In a way Satan may have always been a way to just forget all evil by attributing it to an imaginary actor, to not insult God, since jews are incapable of accepting all Fate.


There's book of Savitri Devi on Paul. Porphyry's "Against the Christians" also had good commentary on Paul (i really recommend to read it https://b-ok.cc/book/1257929/bcf41f ). But i am going to tell you something else, something much more convincing on nature of Paul and how much he doesn't care about christian teaching, because nobody tells this one to anybody, or at least on emotional state of Paul:

Before Jesus resurrected Lazarus (even if that's a narrative of a made up myth, its still important to understand its emotional message): John 11:33-35:

>When Jesus therefore saw her weeping, and the Jews also weeping which came with her, he groaned in the spirit, and was troubled, And said, Where have ye laid him? They said unto him, Lord, come and see. Jesus wept.

Paul's actual opinion on death and weeping, 1st Thessalonians 4:13:

>But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope.

Here's a deal about this Thessalonian passage, when Paul is honest about usage of his words he really has no mental emotion for any dead christians. He said to weep with weeping in Romans, but then goes the reverse for others. He sometimes uses law as a tool to discern something or claim rightful punishment, but then rejects when its not needed. Same for weeping for the dead. This person is a huge hypocrite of cosmic scale, Jesus should had never had this 13th apostle. Peter is a hypocrite too, but he was promised to be a failure since the beginning and a Satan. Paul is some co-opting force to re-inject jewish law and jewish attitude into growing cult.

"John" too by his not welcoming attitude to "heretics" reversed the message of Jesus about welcoming strangers and gave fundament to inquisition nobody needed. Point of all was changed quickly when those people started to manage this religion. Even Apocalypse was actually edited at least once to attributed to "John".

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d1a4cd  No.160604

File: 4d4a448d9c18350⋯.jpg (36.32 KB, 389x278, 389:278, Asherah.jpg)

File: 3c4948b2869215c⋯.jpg (24.61 KB, 250x322, 125:161, sycamore.jpg)

File: 8f119c8efcf914f⋯.png (287.36 KB, 462x964, 231:482, Logoi.PNG)


Don't judge anon too much, his image made sense.

"Tree of Life" was always governed by a Feminine nature. Mary is in fact an epithet for "priestess" (or there wouldn't be so many Marys in the bible). Therefore if you think hard enough about it, and significance of Hathor, you'll find anon makes sense that feminine governs overworld. It also fits within Shaktist cosmology if you read introductions to that religion by Evola or Woodroffe. Although i'd rather say God has no sex in accordance to Orphism and Gnostism according to dual nature, even Genesis says God made "male and female" but only later separated "female" from Adam, i always knew that part was shady. But it still either ends up being a feminine androgynous love preaching man (Vishnu, Krishna, Dionysus or Christ), or a woman in rulership (Shakti, Inanna or Mary).

Therefore if one to claim "Female" supports humanities growth to Heaven, then one could speculate about potency of female priesthood, that was directed against by Paul.

Then there's also "Logoi of Jesus" that is collected from Papias of Hierapolis, and theorized as separate source of all Testaments. But it has this specific moment about writing on the ground, where jews accuse a prostitute and Jesus goes to mock the jewish law this way. "from now on sin no longer" was added by a writer after consulting this hypothetical source, since we all known nobody is able to do that. There are many evidences that Christ had completely different attitude towards women than church inspired by the greeks established, both gnostic and hypothetical ones.

He's based on Krishna and Dionysus anyway, who both made women leave their houses for them, should it be maenads, gopis, or jewish prostitutes.

I also shouldn't hide that jewish word for "priestess" is interchangable with "prostitute". Hence why Magdalene is "apostle of apostles".

Kedeshah (or qedesha) (קדשה) meant "female who is set apart".

DeGrado said about this: "neither the interpretation of the קדשה as a "priestess-not-prostitute" nor as a "prostitute-not-priestess adequately represents the semantic range of Hebrew word in biblical and post-biblical Hebrew"

Hence the whole confusion "saint or whore". Because female priestesses sometimes associated directly with prostitutes by hebrews, a female without husband who shouldn't be trusted, but those also included temple worshipers. This linguistic exclusion eventually forbidden women to be priests at all. Because that would mean people would directly call them whores by the way jewish language functions.

tl;dr forbidding female priests is actual kikery and id: 8e1012 is right on this one

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d1a4cd  No.160607

File: 95e93b604f0a419⋯.jpg (1.02 MB, 1116x1800, 31:50, Venus.jpg)


>bound the 'female' aspect of that duo and that all planets have this 'polar' traits of masculine

According to Giordano Bruno, Love of Venus is prime bonding agent:

>The most important of all bonds is the bond of Venus and of love in general, and that which is primarily and most powerfully the opposite of love’s unity and evenness is the bond of hate. Indeed, to the degree that we love one of two opposites and contraries of any type, then to that same degree we hate and reject the other. These two feelings, or rather, in the last analysis, this one feeling of love (whose substance includes hate) dominates all things, is lord over all things, and elevates, arranges, rules and moderates all things. This bond dissolves all the other bonds. For example, female animals who are restrained by the bond of Venus do not get along well with other females, and males do not tolerate rival male suitors. They neglect food and drink and even life itself, not giving up even when conquered. Rather, the more they are worn out, the more they press on, fearing neither storms nor the cold. Because of this argument, Aristippus decided that the highest good is bodily, and especially sexual, pleasure, but he held before his eyes a rather animalistic view of man as a result of his own conclusion. But still, it is true that the more skilful and clever bonding agent, who uses things which the one to be bound or tied loves and hates, expands his pathway to the bonds of the other feelings. For indeed, love is the bond of bonds.

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0fcf06  No.160608

File: eb65a1be4ef80a8⋯.jpg (61.47 KB, 456x489, 152:163, hb5172ada0.jpg)

File: bd1d586db70e0a3⋯.jpg (155.39 KB, 578x605, 578:605, hq5149959f.jpg)

File: 3553c5f62d14831⋯.jpg (123.69 KB, 615x502, 615:502, nr51499596.jpg)

File: 785fb3b1e00bc2b⋯.jpg (72.59 KB, 476x289, 28:17, ud5149958b.jpg)


The Magic Numbers of the Earth-Venus cycle were integral to the conceptualization of Israel and are reflected in the given tribal structure, 13 children born to 4 Mothers including a daughter Dinah, were 4 x 13 =52 weeks of the year, or the sum of integers of 13 is 91 x 4 =364 and plus Jacob gives you the days in a year.

The Earth/Venus ratio is 13/8 were 8 Earth orbits correspond to 13 of Venus, so multiples of 8 such as 40 relate to the Earth not Venus, that equivalent being 65.

In terms of days this was generally rounded to 360 Earth days correspondent to 225 Venus, a 1.625 ratio

The first question to ask with regards to the Hebrew system is who did they obtain it from and the answer in this case can be evidenced from Mesopotamia.

40 is the number for Enki and 15 is the number for Inanna, the most common version of this having 60 - Anu, 50 -Enlil, 40 - Ea/Enki, 30 - Nanna/Suen, 20 - Utu/Shamash, 15 - Inanna/Ishtar, 10 - Ishkur/Adad, were the sum total is 225 or 15 squared.

The numeric system was conceptualized as set four square, for Hebrews the Heavenly Temple arrangement, but in Mesopotamia the Pegasus square, and the values of that thus relating to Enki as 40, an interior correspondent value of 15 would have related to the daughter of the Abzu.

Also the system relates to the distance of the Earth and Venus from the Sun, were if Mercury is taken as one AU at 36 million miles then Venus is 1.5 AU at 54 million, Earth is 2.5 at 90 million, and also Mars is 4 AU at 144 million.

The Hebrews certainly did not discover that.

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8e1012  No.160668

File: 8329164be714b9f⋯.gif (104.86 KB, 362x406, 181:203, 19_tauroboliumaltar_mithra….gif)

File: 81273b366fba341⋯.jpg (54.85 KB, 500x413, 500:413, mithras_01.jpg)

File: f966bebdae20aaa⋯.jpg (23.11 KB, 350x290, 35:29, pope_mobile_faith_in_god.jpg)

File: d538d67a8328c1d⋯.jpg (44.68 KB, 445x346, 445:346, we_are_watching_you.jpg)

File: 19138b478d44728⋯.jpg (555.77 KB, 1000x701, 1000:701, semite_inquisition_torture….jpg)


>(Vishnu, Krishna, Dionysus or Christ)

You may have misunderstood Jesus ('Christ' is something totally different that predates 'christianity' [Pauls globohomoism] by hundreds of years btw) if you think that he came to usurp feminine power rather than return men to their rightful place (aka remove them back to their fathers by shattering the clay vessels that their God's/'angels'/archons made for them).

>Let us make MAN in our image

Those others you listed, yes, I can believe that they all came to steal, kill and destroy women…especially Mithra. The whole ceremony of Mithra (and all things related to Marduk) is about murdering Hathor and bathing in her blood/power; or the capture of Tablet of Destinies (no female would forget about this one).

Anyone who 'needs salvation' (the circle/kikel) is not worthy of salvation because they will continue in their error since they have no understanding.

>his image made sense

Also, not a man.

Thanks for the tip on the Logoi of Jesus; I will see if there is anything of value in it.


Paul was the high priest of Mithra, a pharisee jewish globohomo who founded the synagogue of Roman/Mithraic/Christianity. He actively murdered as many followers of Jesus as he could get his hands on in the years that he skulked around Palestine and Rome doing the bidding of the Pharisees, much like Josephus, whose intent it was to over throw Rome as a further weapon in world conquest. All of the jewish bullshit about 'we are all one' and 'there are no races' and 'love' (while dealing in hate, murder and torture) all came from his influence and HIS religion (not Christs who only listened to the old prophets and YHVH his God).

>4 When you are assembled in the name of our Lord Jesus and I am with you in spirit, along with the power of the Lord Jesus, 5 hand this man over to Satan for the destruction of the flesh, so that his spirit may be saved on the Day of the Lord.

He is literally ordering them to murder someone at a 'church' gathering

Paul is a garden variety globohomo psychopath who not only performed many many murders himself and reveled in them but then 'after repentance' and 'meeting Christ' continued to hunt and murder anyone who questioned him or question his globohomo agenda. He was literally the antithesis of Jesus or anyone righteous and all his words are lies or a direct contradiction of Jesus and the Prophets (those who are holy to God).

I am not affiliated with this website in any way but he is good at explaining the lies and the kike behavior so that I don't have to type it all out again. Anyone should be able to assess this knowledge through critical thinking but many are called and few are chosen.


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bdf13b  No.160704

File: f8ab14a8370f7be⋯.jpg (103.93 KB, 458x439, 458:439, Galilee.jpg)


This is some genuine research anon, i always overlook Mesapotamia when it comes to ancients. I need to get into it hard, but i always put it away for later.


>Paul was the high priest of Mithra

Gonna have elaboration on this claim. I don't think he was priest of Mithra, but he somehow knew how mystic cults of Mithra and Dionysus worked prior to joining christian movement.

That saying Paul had a phrase in (1 Cor 10:4) about Moses smiting a rock in (Num 20:11):

>And Moses lifted up his hand, and with his rod he smote the rock twice: and the water came out abundantly, and the congregation drank, and their beasts also.

>And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.

If we remember Hathor tradition and Revelations its Tree that bestows waters. That saying he was just connecting Moses tale to Christ (In Greek mythology there is Poseidon who struck water from the rocks by means of his trident). But then Mithra came out of rock as well.

That saying, Dionysian mosaics were found in Sepphoris, Zippori, Galilee Israel, where some rich jew owned pieces of Dionysian Hellenic art. One of the possible candidates for village of Qana was supposedly located 8.0 km northeast of Sepphoris, where Jesus did "water to wine" miracle.

Another curiosity is that his account of adventures to Damascus is different (Galatians 1:17-19):

>Neither went I up to Jerusalem to them which were apostles before me; but I went into Arabia, and returned again unto Damascus. Then after three years I went up to Jerusalem to see Peter, and abode with him fifteen days. But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord’s brother.

Where Jesus near Damascus said to him in Acts 9:5

>I am Jesus whom thou persecutest: it is hard for thee to kick against the pricks.

Repeating phrase from Bacchae in response to persecution by Pentheus:

>Better to yield him prayer and sacrifice than kick against the pricks, since Dionyse Is God, and thou but mortal.

But what's more important than Greek saying is Acts 9:26-27:

>And when Saul was come to Jerusalem, he assayed to join himself to the disciples: but they were all afraid of him, and believed not that he was a disciple. But Barnabas took him, and brought him to the apostles, and declared unto them how he had seen the Lord in the way, and that he had spoken to him, and how he had preached boldly at Damascus in the name of Jesus.

Galatian account says he saw no apostles save Peter and also James. Acts say nothing about his journey into Arabia for three whole years after conversion. People solved this logically as some letters were simply forgery attributed to Paul and the apostles by Literalists in their battles with Gnosticism. Letters also predate the time of writing of the Acts.

>He is literally ordering them to murder someone at a 'church' gathering

As far as Paul is a murderer, i want to remind you Peter killed a family for not giving all their money to his utopian attempt at communism in some village. Also apparently said James, who Paul met in Jerusalem, "Lord's Brother" ended up being Ebionite according to Dead Sea Scrolls. They emphasized that Christianity was for Jews and that if Gentiles wanted to embrace it they would have to undergo circumcision and keep all the Laws of Moses. Paul used to attack those people like dogs. They say he died like martyr during persecutions, but might as well got set up.

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0fcf06  No.160765

File: d72587b9e73bd66⋯.jpg (43.67 KB, 497x480, 497:480, bsba100504200l.jpg)


Forgot to mention that the numeric arrangement around the 12 gated Temple precinct is the same as per the Dead sea Temple scroll.

A key factor in the Mithra mythos is that he is given as Petra Genetrix, born of a stone in an underground cavern, which gas correlations to Hurrian myth.

>He has, it seems, no father. It would be wrong to say that he has no mother, for the rock itself, identified explicitly as Petra Genetrix (“the rock that gives birth”) is his mother.


This correlates to Hurrian myth of Kumarbi impregnating a cliff and causing a son that is a rock to be born


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e87e10  No.160960


What I meant is that it might take much more than merely dying to go where you think you would be going. Jews don't concern themselves with the afterlife because deep down they know that for them, there won't be any. For NPC's and animal-men, the limit of such thinking is going back into the "light" or going back to "God". But this false light may not lead where people think it's leading…

>I don't think most people would have the strength of will to look in on them at all

You need to learn to navigate that sea. Which might be very difficult for a woman. Remember my remark about being wrong an infinite amount of times :>) I have provided you with some 'maps' in these (and threads from a year or two back), I'd suggest that you use them wisely should it come to that.

>Which is why they don't

It's about them lacking something fundamental rather than having strength. Although this path is one of struggle and overcoming, it's not even meant for most people who contain higher essence.

>I can't decide if this is yet another pointed comment. Either way it made me laugh.

It was, but I was referring to the content that the "coomer of god" keeps flooding the threads with. Well, most of it at least, he nails a good idea or two, out of ten. No matter how much content you derive from a fundamentally flawed philosophy, it won't bring you any closer to the truth. And the time for getting the right ideas is extremely short when it comes to a "human" lifespan. Most don't truly realize the state of their existence.

>This is a possibility but I have always been deeply suspicious of the situation

Well, there were some powerful synchronicities at work, and I know that such meetings of the minds always happen for a reason. There could even be interference of other actors.

>I was afraid we would fall into each other

Depends how 'activated' certain aspects of our essences would be. It could be rather … apocalyptic… You were afraid, I would actually be willing to travel to another side of the world just for a minor chance that something awesome could happen in this tediously mundane existence, even if I know that most likely nothing out of the ordinary would come out of it.

>You say that like it is a bad thing. ;^)

Kek, at least I would be creative. Previously referenced idiotic philosophies for spiritual niggers are why the best toys end up in the hands of the most boring and soulless people. The more I think about it, the more I realize that the majority of patterns which define this specific existence were fine tuned to make it as "wrong" as possible, but it's another subject to discuss. Don't tell me you would turn away a gift of a new, barely used body of a 20 year old? Do you know how many people would kill for something like that? Women … :P

>I think the writer was reflecting on the anger he felt towards the First Man

Existential angst can be horrible, but people usually get too distracted to experience it. It's a (righteous) anger against "life" and generative force itself. At least with clones they had a specific intellect and specific intent to blame, while this force might as well be entirely mindless and do what it's doing compulsively, without choice. Which brings me back to the subject of "life" actually being death. As for clones, their hatred would arise from their similarity to the original, rather than the difference in their life quality. For the same reason why brothers get more jealous of each other than they do of unrelated people. But I digress, just wanted to make a comment on that unrelated to the rest.

>Does this bother you?

Only to a certain extent. I mean, I'm still (relatively) young, but I like having inherently peak looks and peak performance as far as a vessel is concerned. I should get a new body soon lol.

>one only enjoys when they are 'close'

Do you have some deadly disease or something? You might as well live for another 30 years otherwise.

>I am very grateful for the entire experience

I can't say that mine was too bad either, but my expectations were something else … I mean, there had to be more to "life" than this.

>and so this would not really cross my mind in this context

I remember otherwise, despite most aspects of yourself being reserved about it :>) But regardless, I know that women value the same ideas differently depending on them being spread by some gigachad or some incel. Just a thought that had crossed my mind. How would perception of one aspect affect the perception of another.

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8e1012  No.161004

File: c9cc0c26d7ca1ac⋯.jpg (40.86 KB, 468x263, 468:263, el_shaddai_ascension_of_th….jpg)


>Do you have some deadly disease or something?

Lmao…yeah, it is called wanting to go home more than I want to stay here. ;^)

30 years, don't even suggest that anon that is a horrific thought. About the only thing I still really have a driving passion for and would want to remain here for is my solo sail around the planet; as of this week my responsibilities have passed away and I freedom I haven't had for 17 years.

Look, we both know what real life is about…I have loved my life here anon but there hasn't been a single day that passed that I didn't think about the other side and long for it. You won't convince me that you don't feel the same.

>I remember otherwise, despite most aspects of yourself being reserved about it

People change and begin to focus on what has real meaning and I am getting older anon, we have known each other for years. :)

>Don't tell me you would turn away a gift of a new, barely used body of a 20 year old?

Barely used?! lol…like a barely used car? Of course that doesn't have any meaning to me. That would simply prolong my time here. I love youth and beauty anon, but I love it for them for their own sake, for their experience, not for me, or because I lust after them for myself but rather I appreciate them just because they exist. About the only reason to ever be young again would be to have a ton of kids…and then I would want to be younger than 20…say 14 so that I could do things like spend 2 or 3 years solo sailing the planet (reading all my books, thinking) and still have time to raise large numbers of children.

>Do you know how many people would kill for something like that?

Probably most of them but this is why I don't have much in common with most people either. Contentment in the sense of the actual physical experience in the modern world is difficult for people to understand.

>For NPC's and animal-men, the limit of such thinking is going back into the "light" or going back to "God". But this false light may not lead where people think it's leading…

;) Yeah…but I have actually been there anon it is not an abstract experience for me or some unknown place or tunnel of light; I literally mean I am going home, to my own house. It would be a similar experience for you as if you were downtown here and you wanted to go back to your home here. It wouldn't be an abstract experience for you (now that is assuming a lot…lol…teasing) :^) to know where you were going or what you were aiming towards.

>Well, most of it at least, he nails a good idea or two, out of ten.

I would be happy with that ratio. You should be thankful you never have to listen to the constant barrage ideas that bubble up in my head. I delight in strangeness and dream creation.

Ughhhh sleepy, I just finished a two day (including prep work) gourmet feast for extended family…Moroccan food…totally sublime. I will think about everything else you said anon but I have to get some rest.

>I should get a new body soon lol.

I can't tell if this is a declarative statement or you musing. :^)

Don't be too hard on other anon…I learn from him (maybe not what is is trying to teach but learning non-the-less, and I think he is a good person) and he might go away if you are too hard on him. I mean, you wouldn't look forward to a thread full of this >>160485 ? Just saying…this is a close to debate at we are going to get on 8kun the way it was on 8chan and we should appreciate each other…and as you said before, he does make some good points, right?

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6cddcc  No.161158

File: 10d63095273e7aa⋯.jpg (122.66 KB, 1488x518, 744:259, Ashur_Ishtar_Sin_Enlil_Sha….jpg)

File: 106a3c76b15c5b1⋯.jpg (118.95 KB, 685x431, 685:431, 12.jpg)

File: 597852cab1f739b⋯.jpg (145.5 KB, 1864x960, 233:120, Ziggurat.jpg)

File: 37a9e49dd607e72⋯.jpg (511.77 KB, 2192x1444, 548:361, White_Temple.jpg)

File: 8448503b534f1d8⋯.jpg (106.56 KB, 559x842, 559:842, Cherubs1.jpg)


Well. This brings me to few conclusions to make:

1. There must be Babylonian/Sumerian predecessor of Solomon's Temple

2. There must be Mesapotamian version of 12 Zodiac signs as 12 Tribes

Babylonian astrology gave birth to Inanna, Venus deified, and other Gods who became core basis for Greek and Egyptian mythology. In case of Assyria, their Tree of Life must have not just been tied to Ashur, but also to some Goddess according to how Asherah is portrayed (unless Asherah is literally female version of Ashur). I know Tree of Life as Sycamore is portrayed under government of Venusian Goddess Hathor, but neither exist without the Sun. And apparently Pisces were "The Tails" and associated with Dove and Swallow, according to Iqīšâ's calendar text.

What is weird about babylonians is that their Saturn was god of agriculture, healing and war (but then again, sickle is an agricultural tool). Not an embodiment of death and pestilence known as Cronos/Azazel.

Also Mesopotamian Ziggurats actually used to have mandala-like structure, when viewed from plan perspective. What i am interested in finding is some correlation between Solomon's temple that was designed to "catch light of Shekinah (Venus)" and temple structure of Mesopotamian Inanna/Ishtar temples. Because whole point of making Ziggurats is so a temple space could be built above ground level of other buildings, if there's an interest in "catching starlight" in style of how egyptian pyramids are doing it. Maybe that's why there are little windows on top of white temples.

Cherubs guarding the Ark of Covenant drawn in models of Solomon temple look very similar to both Babylonian and Egyptian models of winged beasts with human heads.

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0fcf06  No.161189

File: f0f680094de3a18⋯.gif (22.41 KB, 500x589, 500:589, fig057a.gif)

File: c2e577f356aebc5⋯.jpg (61.74 KB, 319x358, 319:358, tw53e89224.jpg)

File: 9f2a51473ca42ae⋯.jpg (124.36 KB, 431x489, 431:489, ol53e89204.jpg)

File: 18af67a04421491⋯.jpg (67.64 KB, 350x335, 70:67, mq53e891f2.jpg)

File: d34e606ddc57111⋯.jpg (159.49 KB, 500x500, 1:1, dz53e89215.jpg)


There was also a Babylonian example of taking 6 Gods and their normative numbers which had a sum value of 210 but also having 6 Goddesses with the intermediate values of 5 to 55, with a sum total of 180, which thus varies from the 7 Great Princes/Anunnaki normative.

The complex manner they formulate the birth pattern of Israel may owe something to the four children of Enlil and the seven children of one of those, Ninurta and Bau.


The ratio and numbers involved certainly lend themselves to being seen as a series of inlaid squares, too ziggurat and pyramid design, there are highly strange patterns involved.

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a2a557  No.161200

i recently found out about this guy named Mark passio, he explains alot of the meaning behind the occult stuff.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e1V98DsNXi0&list=PLnzMmEt4pIb90E4mNJMVTwyE_E5iGW8fm i think he is moving his content to bitchute or https://lbry.tv

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ea43fa  No.161335

File: 121707b2fd10448⋯.png (303.41 KB, 344x467, 344:467, Madotsuki.PNG)

File: bd55de441b84e20⋯.pdf (9.02 MB, Four_Vedas_English_Transla….pdf)


There's also something in Rig Veda (1.164.47-48) for this one:

>"Dark the descent: the birds are golden-coloured; up to the heaven they fly robed in the waters.

>Again descend they from the seat of Order, and all the earth is moistened with their fatness."

>"Twelve are the fellies, and the wheel is single; three are the naves. What man hath understood it?

>Therein are set together spokes three hundred and sixty, which in nowise can be loosened."

Its part of HYMN CLXIV. Visvedevas. I don't have space to copy whole thing, so i am uploading a pdf, page 146.

Those words preceded saying "They call him Indra, Mitra, Varuna, Agni, and he is heavenly nobly−winged Garutman. To what is One, sages give many a title they call it Agni, Yama, Matarisvan."

Notice 12 fellies, single wheel, three naves. The saying "What man hath understood it?" just like anything in Rig Veda is appointing a matter being a cosmological riddle. I think three naves are winter triangle, and 12 fellies are signs of zodiac. Single wheel is milky way.

360 is either a full circle or invocatory formula, that always must be divided by 3. Therefore 3*12 and then multiplied by hundred.

There's also HYMN XXXIV. Asvins on the Fellies:

>1 Ye who observe this day be with us even thrice: far−stretching is you bounty, Asvins and your course. To you, as to a cloak in winter, we cleave close: you are to be drawn nigh unto us by the wise.

>2 Three are the fellies in your honey−bearing car, that travels after Soma's loved one, as all know. Three are the pillars set upon it for support: thrice journey ye by night, O Asvins, thrice by day.

>3 Thrice in the self−same day, ye Gods who banish want, sprinkle ye thrice to−day our sacrifice with meath; And thrice vouchsafe us store of food with plenteous strength, at evening, O ye Asvins, and at break of day.

>4 Thrice come ye to our home, thrice to the righteous folk, thrice triply aid the man who well deserves your help.

Thrice, O ye Asvins, bring us what shall make us glad; thrice send us store of food as nevermore to fail.

>5 Thrice, O ye Asvins, bring to us abundant wealth: thrice in the Gods' assembly, thrice assist our thoughts. Thrice, grant ye us prosperity, thrice grant us fame; for the Sun's daughter hath mounted your three−wheeled car.

>6 Thrice, Asvins, grant to us the heavenly medicines, thrice those of earth and thrice those that the waters hold, Favour and health and strength bestow upon my son; triple protection, Lords of Splendour, grant to him.

>7 Thrice are ye to be worshipped day by day by us: thrice, O ye Asvins, ye travel around the earth. Car−borne from far away, O ye Nasatyas, come, like vital air to bodies, come ye to the three.

>8 Thrice, O ye Asvins, with the Seven Mother Streams; three are the jars, the triple offering is prepared. Three are the worlds, and moving on above the sky ye guard the firm−set vault of heaven through days and nights.

>9 Where are the three wheels of your triple chariot, where are the three seats thereto firmly fastened? When will ye yoke the mighty ass that draws it, to bring you to our sacrifice. Nasatyas?

>10 Nasatyas, come: the sacred gift is offered up; drink the sweet juice with lips that know the sweetness well. Savitar sends, before the dawn of day, your car, fraught with oil, various−coloured, to our sacrifice.

>11 Come, O Nasatyas, with the thrice−eleven Gods; come, O ye Asvins, to the drinking of the meath. Make long our days of life, and wipe out all our sins: ward off our enemies; be with us evermore.

>12 Borne in your triple car, O Asvins, bring us present prosperity with noble offspring. I cry to you who hear me for protection be ye our helpers where men win the booty.

"Seven Mother Streams" are either Pleiades or Seven seers of big dipper. Because Visvidevas hymn contains "The seven who on the seven−wheeled car are mounted have horses, seven in tale, who draw them onward. Seven Sisters utter songs of praise together, in whom the names of the seven Cows are treasured."

>6 Gods and their normative numbers which had a sum value of 210 but also having 6 Goddesses

Again from HYMN CLXIV: "Of the co−born they call the seventh single−born; the six twin pairs are called Rsis, Children of Gods. Their good gifts sought of men are ranged in order due, and various in their form move for the Lord who guides."

I can't make sense of either CLXIV or XXXIV right about now, but i know hint is there.

It also continues: "They told me these were males, though truly females: he who hath eyes sees this, the blind discerns not. The son who is a sage hath comprehended: who knows this rightly is his father's father."

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0fcf06  No.161341

File: b0f39f52f20c5fc⋯.jpg (288.37 KB, 1153x684, 1153:684, LKKJ.jpg)



The six pairs and a 7th single born give the best indication for a sage family of 13, it's the 7th born Dinah in the Israel formulation that is excluded from the 12 but used as a mathematical factor.

Also that Hymn goes on to compare with Egypt in terms of Hathor cow and the Fig tree as key to eternal life, and the Ba birds.


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977dde  No.161366

File: f52fa4f38bbfc08⋯.pdf (240.09 KB, Astrology.pdf)

File: 1ce764388fb2805⋯.pdf (5.78 MB, Manilius_Astronomica_by_Ma….pdf)


>Hathor cow and the Fig tree as key to eternal life, and the Ba birds

And "none gaineth it who knoweth not the Father". Back to square one i suppose. All main religions root back to it.

There was a person named Marcus Manilius, who tried to justify astrology in front of roman crowd, because of people like Agrippa, Augustus trusted advisor, who was critical against astrology and magicians. Because of this there were expulsions of astrologers and sorcerers, sometimes together with philosophers under Tiberus and at the end of Nero's reign. This kind of attitude inspired Manilius, a stoic philosopher to write a didactic poem on astrology. Manilius considered astrology to be an Egyptian science, revealed to the priests by a Egyptian God Hermes Trismegistus long ago and kept secret. But as far as its obvious to us, astrology is not Egyptian only, but Mesopotamian as a whole. One could wonder if people composed meaning of "fig tree of eternal life" prior to separation from fertile crescent. But i am going to leave Astronomica here, for easy access, if anything it has interesting arguments for its reasonable purpose. Astrology.pdf is some cut out from Arcana Mundi with its own commentary on selected Manilius passages in defense of astrology as a science.

He also affirms my view on Venusian problem of sexual representation (and the reason why Inanna temples held tranny-priests):

>As he emerges in his backwards rising with head hanging down, the Bull brings forth in his sixth degree the Pleiades, sisters who vie with each other's radiance. Beneath their influence devotees of Bacchus and Venus are born into the kindly light, and people whose insouciance runs free at feasts and banquets and who strive to provoke sweet mirth with biting wit. They will always take pains over personal adornment and an elegant appearance: they will set their locks in waves of curls or confine their tresses with bands, building them into a thick topknot, and they will transform the appearance of the head by adding hair to it; they will smooth their hairy limbs with the porous pumice, loathing their manhood and craving for sleekness of arm. They adopt feminine dress, footwear donned not for wear but for show, and an affected effeminate gait. They are ashamed of their sex; in their hearts dwells a senseless passion for display, and they boast of their malady, which they call a virtue. To give their love is never enough : they will also want their love to be seen.

None of it however has to be as he described. We dealt with a problem of people born under Venus by redirecting their femininity into compassion, music, artistic talent and poetry rather than men becoming full blown women. But this star is a reason of the whole "women born in men's body" phenomena, give or take this as a fact, his observation is on point.

I find it hard to ignore ties of astrology to human behavior, "being born from a God", and Gods themselves tied to representation by celestial bodies.

Plato on this wrote the following (Republic, Book VIII):

>For the birth of a divine creature, there is a cycle comprehended by a perfect number.

>… (i am skipping the explanation for it makes post too long)

>And when your rulers, through ignorance of these births, join brides and grooms at the wrong time, the children will be neither good natured nor fortunate. The older generation will choose the best of these children but they are unworthy nevertheless, and when they acquire their fathers’ powers, they will begin, as guardians, to neglect us Muses. First, they will have less consideration for music and poetry than they ought, then they will neglect physical training, so that your young people will become less well educated in music and poetry. Hence, rulers chosen from among them won’t be able to guard well the testing of the golden, silver, bronze, and iron races, which are Hesiod’s and your own. The intermixing of iron with silver and bronze with gold that results will engender lack of likeness and unharmonious inequality, and these always breed war and hostility wherever they arise. Civil war, we declare, is always and everywhere ‘of this lineage’.

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a63dfc  No.161410

I am going to quote Adin Steinsaltz again, if you don't mind and you tell me if he's right.

>What Does It Mean to Be Jewish?

>The mission of the Jews? We are priests.

>As priests, we have a special mission. There is a difference between a priest and a pastor. A pastor is a person who has to be a teacher, a leader. And contrary to what many people may say, I don’t think that being a light unto the nations means that we are the teachers of the world. In any case, the world doesn’t like our teachings. The role of the priest is, first of all, that the priest accepts a great number of special duties. But as priests, we are, basically, a people, obsessed with God. That is, perhaps, another definition of what a Jew is: a person who is obsessed with God. It is almost impossible for us to live without worshiping our God. Now, the problem is, what is the function of the priest who is a nonreligious person? Being a priest is so essential to our being that if we lose our God, we try to invent a new one as fast as possible in order to do something that is in our nature — that is, to be priests.

Now a warning to anyone with even a drop of jewish blood, this is somewhat crucial, as ex-calvinist i understand motives of writing that:

>What we are is a family. We are the biological or, in the case of converts, the spiritual children of the House of Israel. We are connected to one another, whether or not we agree with one another, whether or not we even like one another. Judaism as a religion was never very active in proselytizing, just as a family would never go out into the streets to grab people to join the family. It doesn’t mean that Jews feel superior or inferior. It’s simply that from the very beginning, Judaism had its own rhythm and way of living. Even when members of such a family are out of the family house, when they are wandering far away, they continue the lifestyle — theologically, sociologically, behavioristically. Of course, members of the family can be severely chastised, and rifts can occur between individuals and groups, but there is really no way of leaving the family. You can even hate it, but you cannot be separated from it. After some time, people, younger or older, come to the conclusion that they can’t get away from it, and therefore it is far better to try to find the ways in which they are connected — because the connection is beyond choice. It’s a matter of being born with it. And since you are stuck with it, it is far better to get to know where you came from and who you are.

What inevitably happens to a person possessing jewish blood:

>Jews have adopted a lot of other cultures, national identities, and sometimes even religions. Sometimes a wonderful recognition and return occurs. Frequently, however, it takes the form of a very unpleasant discovery that “I am somehow different,” that “my medium is a different medium.” When a Jew finds water, so to speak, he will swim in it, even though those who raised him and taught him don’t. Finding out somehow to which family one belongs is a familiar theme in literature, and in life, knowingly or unknowingly, each person begins to discover it. If the discovery comes soon enough, the person is not only able to acknowledge the fact that he belongs somewhere — at least to be buried in the right graveyard — but also to make his life, in a way, more sensible. Paradoxically, freedom comes with the acceptance of a definite framework from which one cannot move away.


>Are you using the word 'Isreal' properly as it only pertains to non-jews or are you using it generically, like the jews do when they make false claims that they are 'israel'?

Finally i have some material on this.

>Israel, taken as a whole, is an entity, with feet and toenails, chest and head, and soul. To a degree, the rest of the body receives life and power from the consciousness in the head. And the heads of Israel are the souls of men like the tzaddikim, who are able to be in some kind of contact both with God and with the people. It was said of a famous Hasid that if a woman was in labor within five hundred miles of him, he was unable to sleep because of the pain. Can a head be real if it does not sense every ache of the body?

Israel is whole world jewery including lost tribes, its not a place nor land. Every single person with a jewish blood has daemon of Yahweh, the "different medium". For good or ill every jew is a slave of Adonai, but i warn you they aren't the only people who worshiped Shekinah and Adonis. Eventually daemon of Adonai makes a jew into a priest under mental god it identifies within Intelligence of Adonai, even if it isn't Adonai at all. Tzaddikim is a hebrew word for the same as legendary ascended heroes of Heraclitus seen as righteous people becoming equal to daemons, and intercessors or pleaders for other jews "who embody and channel the Divine flow of blessing to the world".

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a63dfc  No.161419

Also want to add more to this:

>The concept of ahavat Yisrael, the love of one’s fellow Jews, points to the love of God. One does not attain it by remaining in the material body and feeling all sorts of sentiments about one’s brethren. It is attained by striving for, and ultimately reaching, that level of being in which one sees oneself as a soul. Consistent with this point of view, a rather extreme notion of Israel as a physical - spiritual collective body has developed over the centuries. It is something so sensitively organic in its unity that any separation of one of its smallest limbs or parts was seen to inflict a serious injury on the whole, which was the Shekhinah, the Divine indwelling. A common expression of this is reflected in the words of the blessing “Bless us all, our Father, as one, with the light of Thy countenance.” When we are all one, we can receive the light of “ Thy countenance. ” When we are not one, the Divine presence is not in its right place, and Israel is in a state of deprivation and suffering.

I want you to take notice that Israel is called a "physical-spiritual collective body that has been developed over the centuries."

>When animals brought up in a zoo are released, sometimes they do not even know whether they are wolves or deer. They have to find out who they are, what they are. It’s a great discovery to learn “ I am this ” and to explore the right way of behavior for one’s own kind. Such is the destiny of a Jewish person who has been estranged. He may or may not find helpers. He may almost instinctively move into his natural habitat, or he may have all kinds of strange resistances that will interfere forever with his normal behavior, so that possibly it can be corrected only in a later generation. Whatever happens, such a one is at least coming to grips with the problem. Frequently, the process is accompanied by tragic mishaps — finding, losing, finding again. But basically, it is the situation of the person who wakes up and finds out that even though he grew up somewhere in midwestern America, he really belongs to this very old family, with those strange parents, those sometimes lonely, sometimes ugly brothers and sisters. He has to get accustomed to this idea and then find out what to do about it.

>Our choice, as Jews, is not whether to remain Jews. Our choice is whether to take it as a curse or as a blessing. This is our choice. We don’t have a choice about being or not being Jews. We have a choice about the way we accept it. We can accept it as a curse, as lots of people accept a hereditary illness. But even then, if it is a disease that has been in the family for generations, you want to find out about it. If we are all suffering from one disease, we should at least properly explore it to understand what kind of disease it is.

And now on 600.000 primary souls of the Jews:

>“ It is said that in the Torah there are seventy faces, which are the seventy faces of the divine Shekhinah, and that these contain six hundred thousand faces in accordance with the number of primary souls of Israel, so that every individual soul has a certain part in the Torah ” ( The Thirteen Petalled Rose, p. 76).

I guess those somehow became six million.

It is also said in another source:

>Torah itself is the source of all Jewish souls Therefore there are six hundred thousand letters in the Torah (Zohar). The place from which they are "hewn."

>Each letter is a source and channel for a soul root to evolve from. The sages view this as if a rock hewn from a mountain. Therefore, there are 600,000 explanations on the level of "Peshat," on the level of "Remez," on the level of "Drash," and on the level of "Sod." For every one of the 600,000 explanations there is one Jewish soul, and in the Time-to-Come each will know Torah according to the explanation that corresponds to the root of his soul. In the Garden of Eden, after a person has died he will understand all of it. Furthermore, every night when a person goes to sleep he 'deposits' his soul above. The one who merits to ascend above is taught the explanation upon which his soul-root is based, the extent to which depends upon what he accomplished that day, either a verse or a particular parasha, because that day the specific verse 'shone' in him more than other days.

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a63dfc  No.161432

File: b3fd30a292e5e65⋯.pdf (83 KB, vena.pdf)

File: 8955e7a8df9b6bd⋯.jpg (8.79 KB, 320x240, 4:3, 2001.jpg)


Look up all mentions in the vedas on the thing called "Vena". I initially thought this is misunderstanding with a Rainbow until i looked up separate research. Shekinah too is described as cloud, halo or Glory (on which the phenomena of "Glory" on Venus produces a rainbow light).

>It was suggested by Tilak that an early Vedic name for Venus was Vena. Tilak also suggested that Kupros may be derived from the later Indian name for the planet, Sukra, who is considered male. The mention of Vena is to be found in Rigveda 10.123 in a hymn dedicated to Vena which is described as being born of the sun.

>"This Vena impels them who are in the womb of the variegated one; the membrane of light measures out the sky."

>"At the contacts of the waters and the sun the wise kiss him as an infant."

>Yaska's book on etymology, called Nirukta, explains the word Vena as being derived from the root ven, meaning "to long for". This hymn later calls Vena explicitly as the "son of the sun."

>Tilak points out that Katyayana in his Srauta Sutra 9.6.11-13 says that a Sukra cup be taken while reciting the Sukra or Vena hymns. This points to a memory of the two words Vena and Sukra meaning the same thing. Tilak also points out that the Latin Venus is considered by linguists to be cognate with the Sanskrit van, "to love". Elsewhere, the story is recounted how Venus in the form of Kavya Usanas deprived Kubera of his wealth. Kubera complained to Siva who punished Usanas by swallowing him (Venus transit through the sun, swallowing of Jonah by the fish). Eventually, he let Usanas come out of his semen passage which is why he was now called Sukra, "shining". For this reason, Venus is also called the son of Siva or that of the sun.


>SEE, Vena, born in light, hath driven hither, on chariot of the air, the Calves of Prsni. Singers with hymns caress him as an infant there where the waters and the sunlight mingle.

>Vena draws up his wave from out the ocean. mist−born, the fair one's back is made apparent, Brightly he shone aloft on Order's summit: the hosts sang glory to their common birthplace.

>Full many, lowing to their joint−possession, dwelling together stood the Darling's Mothers. Ascending to the lofty height of Order, the bands of singers 'sip the sweets of Amrta.

>Knowing his form, the sages yearned to meet him: they have come nigh to hear the wild Bull's bellow. Performing sacrifice they reached the river: for the Gandharva found the immortal waters.

>The Apsaras, the Lady, sweetly smiling, supports her Lover in sublimest heaven. In his Friend's dwelling as a Friend he wanders: he, Vena, rests him on his golden pinion.

>They gaze on thee with longing in their spirit, as on a strong−winged bird that mounteth sky−ward; On thee with wings of gold, Varuna's envoy, the Bird that hasteneth to the home of Yama.

>Erect, to heaven hath the Gandharva mounted, pointing at us his many−coloured weapons; Clad in sweet raiment beautiful to look on, for he, as light, produceth forms that please us.

>When as a spark he cometh near the ocean, still looking with a vulture's eye to heaven, His lustre, joying in its own bright splendour, maketh dear glories in the lowest region.

From Yajur Veda:

>Thou art the back of the waters, the birthplace of Agni,

>The ocean swelling on either side;

>Growing to might as the lotus flower,

>Do thou extend in width with the measure of heaven.

>The holy power born first in the east

>Vena hath disclosed from the shining boundary,

>He hath revealed its fundamental nearest forms,

>The womb of being and of not being.

Atharva Veda Book II Hymn I Glorification of the prime cause of all things:

>Vena beholds That Highest which lies hidden, wherein this All resumes one form and fashion. Thence Prisni milked all life that had existence: the hosts that know the light with songs extolled her.

>Knowing Eternity, may the Gandharva declare to us that highest secret station.Three steps thereof lie hidden in the darkness: he who knows these shall be the father's father.

>He is our kinsman, father, and begetter: he knows all beings and all Ordinances. He only gave the Gods their appellations: all creatures go to him to ask direction.

>I have gone forth around the earth and heaven, I have approached the first-born Son of Order. He, putting voice, as 'twere, within the speaker, stands in the world, he, verily is Agni.

>I round the circumjacent worlds have travelled to see the far-extended thread of Order. Wherein the Gods, obtaining life eternal, have risen upward to one common birthplace.

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8e1012  No.161516

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Apocalyptic Platonism

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0fcf06  No.161579


There seems to have been a good basis for Zodiac Ages/Archons relating to the general progression of history, and the planets representing specific dynamic archetypes within that system, but the movement away from this understanding correlating in the rise of personal astrology.

Most early omen series relate to great events of the Nation and King, it' can be considered that the Pyramid texts only related to the transference of Divine Horus Kingship, one dies another is reborn, rather than any form of personal rebirth religion, which emerges during the Middle Kingdom and the cult of Osiris.

Masculine/Feminine polarity gradation metaphysics provides the basis for sexuality, an individual Male or Female can be anywhere on that scale according to diverse personality traits without basic biological function being compromised, that's irrelevant, traditionally in terms of opposites attracting an effeminate man should just find himself a domineering woman.


There's some suggestion the Vena texts relate to the birth of a Prince, perhaps an idealized one that is compared to Venus

>Yaska's book on etymology, called Nirukta, explains the word Vena as being derived from the root ven, meaning "to long for"

That which is desired is Vani, a possible basis for the word Venus and the Vanir, the desirous ones, Ven as in the verb venire relates more to coming, so Vena as the one that has come, been born.

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e900fe  No.161595


Isaiah and Babylonian planetary theory are in agreement that setting of "Lucifer" from the sky is significant omen for the whole kingdom. So if Babylonians were meant to receive Isaiah's prophecy together with Egyptians, who Lord of the jews promised to destroy and conquer, it was to steer up their astrologers.

>If Venus disappears in the east in Nisan (I) from the 1st to the 30th day: there will be wailings in the land. 'Wailings' are weepings.

>This is bad for Elam. (ARAK 145) Venus disappeared in the west. If Venus in Ab (V) descends darkly to the horizon and sets: there will be a fall of Elam. If Venus in Ab (V), from the 1st to the 30th day, disappears in the west: there will be rains; the harvest of the land will prosper. During this month (Venus) will become visible in the east in Leo. (ARAK 246) If in Kislev (IX) from the 1st day to the 30th day Venus disappears in the east: there will be a famine of barley and straw in the land. (ARAK 338, cf. 51, 185)

>[If Venjus stays in her position for long: [the da]ys of the king will become long. If the rising of [Venus] is seen early: the king of the land will extend his life. (ARAK 27, cf. 247)

>Venus set in the east. If Venus gets a flare: it is not good. This means she does not complete her days (of visibility) but sets. (ARAK 145)

Another aspect of Venus being denoted quite blatantly:

>If Venus stands opposite Orion: land will become hostile to land, brother to brother, there will be fall of man and cattle. If the stars of Orion keep gaining radiance: an important person will become too mighty and commit evil. Venus stand in front of Orion. (ARAK 255)

Combo of Jupiter and Venus imply elevation in worship:

>If Jupiter goes with Venus: there will be praying of the land to the gods. Marduk and Zarpanitu will hear the prayers of your troops and will have mercy on your troops. Let them give me a donkey so that I can let my feet recover thereby. (ARAK 244)

That includes significance of conjuction of Pleiades:

>[If Venus] se[ts] in Nisan (I): the harvest of the land will happen, variant: will pr[osper]. If the Frond star reaches the Pleiades: [Adad will devastate.] Venus [stands] in the Pleiades. (ARAK 536)

Combo of Mars and Venus:

>If Mars comes close to Venus: in that year within six months the king of the world will die and…

There's also distinction between passing of Venus on the left and right:

>If Mars stands in (…) to the left of Venus: [there will be] devastation in Akkad; the pen of horses […]. (ARAK 415)

>If Jupiter passes to the right of Venus: a strong one will conquer the land of the Guti in battle. If Jupiter…to the right of Venus [and] stands there: for three years…. (ARAK 448)

That saying those are not perfect even to Babylonians themselves, and they have been dealing with cheating astrologers:

>letter of -669 XII 7 to Esarhaddon from his trusted servant Nabu-ahhe-eriba shows:

>[He who] wrote to the king, my lord, The planet Venus is visible, it is visible [in the month Ad]ar (XII),' is a vile man, an ignoramus, a cheat! [And he who] wrote to the king, my lord, 'Venus is (…) rising in the constellation A[ries], [does] not [speak) the truth (either). Venus is not yet visible! Why does one so [deceitfjully send such (a report) to the ki[ng, my lo]rd? (LABS 72, which continues the same.)

They also never took account of precession (wobble in the axis of rotation of the earth) which makes vernal equinox to move one degree every 72 years (pic related).

Also gotta love significant difference between God of Isaiah and God of Platonists:

>Isaiah‎ 45:‎7 "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the Lord do all these things."

>Proclus ET 13 "Every good tends to unify what participates in it; and all unification is a good; and the Good is identical with the One."

>"Goodness, then, is unification, and unification goodness; the Good is one, and the One is primal good."

And Heraclitus as if inbetween both of those:

>"God is day night winter summer war peace enough too little, but disguised in each and known in each by a separate flavor."

>"To God all is beautiful, good, and as it should be. Man must see things as either good or bad."

>Ecclesiastes‎ 7:‎14: "In the day of prosperity be joyful, but in the day of adversity consider: God also hath set the one over against the other, to the end that man should find nothing after him."

I think ultimately division of good and evil, happiness and unhappiness is huge misunderstanding of the primordial order and chaos. As long as people keep tying themselves to division of Angelic order, they are never going to live in its favor, because we have to accept all of the bestowed fate, without complaining. Same goes for omens of the stars. There are no good or bad omens.

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e900fe  No.161597

>They also never took account of precession (wobble in the axis of rotation of the earth) which makes vernal equinox to move one degree every 72 years (pic related).

Since image server is not embedding the image for some reason, good riddance i posted source on vernal equinox on another board >>>/fringe/137392

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0fcf06  No.161632

File: 1d0b96eaf3fd623⋯.png (164.62 KB, 1213x921, 1213:921, jjjjhg.png)


The omen for today, the Autumnal equinox, Regulus above the Eastern horizon as dawn begins to break, in conjunction with Venus as Morning star.

This rising point is borderline with Virgo, but as the Spring equinox now rises increasingly in Aquarius so the Autumnal in Leo.


Also note in Persia Regulus was known as Venant

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8e1012  No.161641


>men becoming full blown women

Men can not become women. Every cell of their body is male. Their brain is structured and processes differently than a female brain. Their DNA is so different that we are like two different species.

>If we are all suffering from one disease, we should at least properly explore it to understand what kind of disease it is.

At least they are aware they are diseased.

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4473d4  No.161666

File: 9e921fee66c6440⋯.jpg (140.73 KB, 634x422, 317:211, i_never_asked_for_this.jpg)


People usually don't talk about it, but critical theory of gender was strengthened by people taking Hegel, his phenomenology of the spirit, and twisting it in such a way, that it would allow to express "gender", feminism and other theories allowing to deconstruct nuclear family values. Sometimes they add to Hegel Spinoza and Nietzsche, to strengthen nihilistic existentialism of said philosophy.

There's a core corpus on how modern thought is functioning, and from where it grows its legs. If i tell you for example who contributed heavily to this line of thought, it would be easy for you to disregard all statements made by them, but not to cancel the cultish popularity of their thought, that is criticized even by their own pupils, in a religious vein that listener is always less intelligent than a person who formulated a theory. Hence you don't hear full philosophy of "gender", but rather empty exclamations for power.

Spinoza claimed that every human being seeks to persist in his own being, and that principle of self-persistence is basis of his ethics and politics. Hegel strengthened it as desire for recognition, extrapolating upon Spinozistic point, as in to effectively persist in one's own being one needs to gain condition of receiving and offering such recognition. However where Hegel talks about spiritualistic point of such view (where my opinion stands for Neoplatonic recognition of Reason-Principle your entire soul got emanated from), confrontational socialists take it for granted to take same approach for studies of self-reflection as individual. Hegelian argument is put towards Foucaultian direction, to produce and to "deproduce" the notion of the human. Recognition is being treated as a way for human subject to achieve psychic self-understanding and acceptance. It becomes a demanded right. They appropriate Hegelian notion of recognition, recognition is a normative ideal, an aspiration that guides clinical practice, emphasizing its ek-static structure and make it compatible with the model of over-inclusiveness. Then they under such philosophy promote that only inclusion, the avowal of what was disavowed, "owning", could allow the that otherness a place outside the self in the realm of externality, could grant it recognition separate from self. Frederich Engels used to say such people want to "turn smut into theory", and they were pretty successful in it in higher society and universities. But the effect of spiritual philosophy on psychological framework is just as unseen in outside world as with followers of religion being in lesser intellectual grade than its masters.

Its not about DNA, brains or science. Its about twisting model of spiritual philosophies and apply them to promote inclusion. While at the same time denying underlining religious notion of its fundamental basis.

What they ignore is that not every "Other" inside ourselves is sane, orderly and dry enough to co-operate on same level with the rest of society. Not every genus needs a recognition. Or we'll put lowest demons and material desires on pedestal, while higher Intelligence will lie in a mud of history, as it does now. Pantheon was regulated for this very reason, and bacchants were reformed to rewire lowest forms of otherness. Even the reason why christianity is so tied to cult of Venus is to regulate recognition and filter society's eventual development (it didn't work, working with jews reinstalled their sethian behavior into it anyway, thanks to Hammurabi inspired Law, instead of Egyptian morals, that are true basis of new testament). As for Venus, yes, men born from it have feminine daemon, they themselves aren't females, but their inner Other is more akin to woman characteristically, it explains whole submission to spirit of the valley, femininity of men who worship "Mother of the Gods" that Iamblichus pointed out, and forgiveness of thy enemies, feminine acceptance of suffering and obsession with love. Its all some deep root of ancient prostrated God who serves, but also inevitably connected to all life and is busy getting Her hands everywhere, but not everyone is Her fish.

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47a4c3  No.161669

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>satan get for the win

>twisting model of spiritual philosophies and apply them to promote inclusion.

Hegal dialectic induction of lower base ideals to support society concepts is a hella slippery slope.

Video related

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67558a  No.161673


>their DNA is like 2 different species

It's one chromosome you retard. One single chromosome of difference. And since men have an X chromosome they actually have all the DNA needed to make a fully functioning female, just the Y chromosome turns off a few genes and turns on some others. You don't know what you are talking about

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8e1012  No.161674

File: d7c1906d37b1795⋯.png (106.72 KB, 1000x697, 1000:697, male_female_chromosome_DNA….png)


You are missing millions of lines of code when compared to a sea slug. You are (questionable at this point) not the same species as a sea slug, are you? You are also missing millions of lines of code compared to your female counterpart. There is no way that a 'woman' could ever come from a man because you guys are lacking the DNA and data richness to make a woman. Modern science treats males and females as different species when it comes to treatments, therapies and drug manufacturing. It is time to acknowledge that 'we are not the same' at all. Women are much more 'data rich' than men are when it comes to genetics and just like the sea slug is to you, men are to women.

Also, the difference between you and a retard is also 'one chromosome difference'.


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67558a  No.161677


I know men and women are biologically different retard because a small change of genes cascades into a huge difference in phenotype but it's not "millions of lines", there arent even lines of code in living creatures. Humans have at most 30000 genes you smoothbrain. Data richness is not even a medical term, you just made it up because it sounds smart

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8e1012  No.161681

File: f94a74a96a78e4c⋯.png (472.13 KB, 500x675, 20:27, tranny_bitch_out_of_touch.png)


>As for Venus, yes, men born from it have feminine daemon

I don't believe this anon. I believe that those are the 'lesser spirits (silver)' you referenced earlier. I don't know how many homos you have ever been around in your life (it seems not many) but they are not feminine in the slightest.

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8e1012  No.161683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>For most of the past century, drugs approved and released to market have been tested only on male patients, leading to improper dosing and unacceptable side effects for women. The important physiological differences between men and women have only recently been taken into consideration in medical research. Emergency doctor Alyson McGregor studies these differences, and in this fascinating talk she discusses the history behind how the male model became our framework for medical research and how understanding differences between men and women can lead to more effective treatments for both sexes.

we are not even remotely similar, anon

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67558a  No.161685


No no, I'm sorry. I was just scrolling through the board and I saw someone acting like an authority on genetics and giving out false information, a personal peeve of mine. I didn't realize this was the flat earth thread, otherwise I wouldn't have bothered. You people are unreasonable. Good day.

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75bd23  No.161702

File: 35868ef8c3c37ae⋯.jpg (53.34 KB, 440x268, 110:67, Mary.jpg)


>Hegal dialectic induction of lower base ideals

Its a problem with philosophy as a whole. Descartes as least didn't discarded notion of a God when wrote his meditations. Proclus renamed all Gods into "Intelligences" and "Reason-Principles" and his works were copied by Christians later. Iamblichus went into another direction and applied everything: Gods, Archangels, Angels, Daemons, Heroes, Archons, a whole empire of hierarchies inbetween egyptian/orphic theogony, chaldean theurgy and all new gnostic stuff. Because of that he's even more difficult for a modern reader than Proclus.


Honestly everything spiritual is androgynous, complete. Its characteristics we tend to bind to feminine or masculine behaviors because we got used to see Gods depicted as men or women specifically, and apply biased view on what's appropriate for each. Venus has feminine and masculine shades, but its masculine aspect always suffering, sacrificing itself. Spirit has no sex, that sounds more appropriate in both initial creation and division of human prior ensoulment of the body, and can actually be exploited. In hinduism what's supreme is called being beyond realm of any dualities, and so duality of sex. Demiurgic Intellect of iamblichus also doesn't have definable sex unlike lesser Gods. If dual-nature of Phanes is what was in the beginning, then its humans who are subject to division, not Light God having two sexes at once, but each of us missing the other side. But that i am talking about God. Not the infinitely descending Spheres of Intelligence contained within, of which Sun and Morning Star are just Actors. When it comes to sexuality only genuine anomalous mental attraction to same sex can be a defining point, not what is happening now with youths jumping the new fad train.

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8e1012  No.161717


> its masculine aspect always suffering, sacrificing itself.

You mean it is perpetually killing itself via unproductive and deviant behavior like gays do? That doesn't seem productive in any way even for a Godly character. I am going to have to retain my feminine spirit, thank you very much, since I have no desire to be masculine in any way. Besides males are not creators and they do not have the faculty of the feminine spirit for mucking about in creation. That is one of my favorite quotes from Isaiah is his last few prophetic lines in the book of his name about males attempt to possess the feminine soul and how their worm burns forever and will never die and that these same priests/angelic hybrids are an anathema to all living things when they are done performing the abominations on Earth that they are trying to bring about. They 'achieve' an aspect of it, but it comes with eternal damnation as well because they are not constructed to handle the forces of creation. I liken it to males trying to dabble and bathe in the fires of Mordor and live…


>[The LORD] "As they leave, they will look upon the corpses of the people who rebelled against me. For their worm (their soul) will never die, and their fire will never be quenched; they will be abhorrent to all humanity,"

So theft from God is not something that is ever forgiven and it causes one to be abhorrent to all life for eternity. Enoch also references this same event in his book with slightly different imagery. There is a reason why people are instinctively totally repulsed by homosexuality.

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69bac7  No.161728

File: 929b0c6afd7e087⋯.png (33.57 KB, 481x317, 481:317, Duat.PNG)

File: 21e6640982c43ba⋯.png (68.84 KB, 899x361, 899:361, 70_sons_of_Jacob.PNG)

File: bc427e684cd828f⋯.pdf (8.98 MB, The_thirteen_petalled_rose….pdf)

70 Faces of Divine Shekinah are Sons of God.

>Deut. 32.8 also refers to the 'sons of God' (implicitly seventy, deriving from the seventy sons of El)

From another website:

>According to Canaanite literature, the god El begot seventy sons through the goddess Asherah: "{El} summons Asherah's seventy children." He summoned his sons to his council (known as "the council of El") over which he presided.

From Wikipedia:

>Hebrew: בני האלהים‎, romanized: bənê haĕlōhîm

>The phrase bn ilm ("sons of the gods") is also attested in Ugaritic texts, as is the phrase phr bn ilm ("assembly of the sons of the gods")

>In the Ugarit corpus it is suggested that the bn ilm were the 70 sons of Asherah and El, who were the titulary deities of the people of the known world, and their "hieros gamos" marriage with the daughters of men gave rise to their rulers

It is also known from Thirteen Petalled Rose book as "Assembly of Israel":

>It is thus that the sacramental body of Knesset Israel (the "assembly of Israel"), the whole of the Jewish people, is conceived to be at its root the same as the Shekhinah. In other words, Knesset Israel is identical with the inner content, the essential holiness, of the world as a whole.

>Divine service in the world is divided up, with each human being, like the primordial Adam, put in charge of a certain portion of God's garden, to work it and keep it. It is said that in the Torah there are seventy faces which are the seventy faces of the divine Shekhinah, and that these contain six hundred thousand faces in accordance with the number of primary souls of Israel, so that every individual soul has a certain part in the Torah. In other words, each soul understands and does things in a way not suitable for another soul.

>The Sefirah of Malkhut, or the Shekhinah, represents the divine power as manifested in reality, operating in an infinite variety of ways and means. It has seventy names, each expressing another aspect, another face of this all inclusive Sefirah. For Malkhut is the seventh of the lowest Sefirot and, as the last, also includes in itself the entire ten; in other words, it expresses all of the Sefirot, each in seven different forms; so that seventy is the key number to the unfolding of the Ritual of the evening devoted to Malkhut and to the Shekhinah which Malkhut represents.

Also Jacob begotten exactly 70 souls, which are 70 Elders of Israel (which are mentioned by Josephus):

>Exodus‎ 1:‎5 And all the souls that came out of the loins of Jacob were seventy souls: for Joseph was in Egypt already.

>Numbers‎ 11:‎24 And Moses went out, and told the people the words of the Lord, and gathered the seventy men of the elders of the people, and set them round about the tabernacle.

>Numbers‎ 11:‎25 And the Lord came down in a cloud, and spake unto him, and took of the spirit that was upon him, and gave it unto the seventy elders: and it came to pass, that, when the spirit rested upon them, they prophesied, and did not cease.

And apparently it means "Wine" too:

>The Kiddush cup symbolizes the vessel through which, and into which, the blessing comes. The numerical weight of the letters in the word for drinking cup (kos) is the same as that of the let tern in that name of God expressing the divine revelation in the world, in nature, in law. And into the cup is poured the bounty, the wine that rep resents the power of the blessing of the word "wine," whose numerical equivalent is seventy, which is also the number of Sabbath Eve. Wine then evokes the bounty, the great plentitude and power ; and red wine especially expresses a certain aspect of the Sefirah of Gevurah, which also has an aspect of severity and justice.

And then Rabbi goes onto describing Malkhut as "five petaled rose", and cup of wine expressing Shekhinah (reminder Greeks mistaken them for Bacchants):

>Thus after one has poured most of the wine into the cup, a little water, symbol of grace and love, is added to create the right mixture, or harmony, between Hesed and Gevurah. After the filling of the cup, which is now the vessel of consecration containing the divine plenty, one places it on the palm of the right hand in such a way that the cup, supported by the upturned fingers, resembles or recalls a rose of five petals. For one of the symbols of Malkhut is the rose. And the cup of wine, thus expressing also the Shekhinah, stands in the center of the palm and is held by the petal fingers of the rose.

Gen 6:1-4 May also be important. Because some Jews consistently believe they are still governed by 70 Sons of God, who are also Assembly of Israel and breeders of earthly women in bygone times. But they are also "faces" of Divine Presence, hipostasies associated with Venus. And somehow they are sons of Jacob also. They are also in other sources said to be seventy guardian deities of the nations.

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b583c0  No.161804


Blood Passover Arial toeff:


Red Symphony


Manosphere/red pill

Smart and Sexy Roderick Kaine [men are smarter than women]


Sexual utopia in power F roger devlin


The manipulated man estar vilar



The lifting of the viel [about vast pedo conspiracy controlling the world]


behold a pale horse, bill cooper


Imaging 9-11. All the popular media, like comics, which predicted 9-11


>the following are both available at cia.gov, cause they found it at some mahamadeen compound. Not linking directly there though for obvious reasons.

bloodlines of the illuminati


The conspirator's hierarchy Dr. Coleman




Alien disclosure


2150 AD [reincarnation fiction]


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db6ee1  No.161865

File: f39594ccb2236eb⋯.jpg (763.81 KB, 1229x1550, 1229:1550, Adonis_Thorvaldsens_Museum….JPG)


>people are instinctively totally repulsed by homosexuality

Its also why its anomalous to the majority, when a man losing all control for admiration of a form similar to himself, rather than completing him, because he believes he gets completed by a man, rather than a woman. If we take malakas/ephebois in their feminine nature their completion comes from attunement to feminine submission, and they take joy in adapting to this, since its nature of their daimon. Such servility is extremely specific intellectual action, and cannot be compared to animalistic urges of desire to breed. And if we take men who are attracted to handsome androgynous men, wouldn't that make their view of the beauty differ from straight men? Because we associate images of Gods or reason-principles from who we came from with images we find beautiful and pleasing, because we are attuned to original form of primordial Deities/Intelligences those forms resemble.

Our sexuality can be influenced by initial divine emanation. Standards of perfection manifest in attraction to forms, and influence human behavior. Therefore there must be determining expression of sexuality resembling inside initial reason-principle of the soul. And it can easily fool the host. I know enough husbands submissive to their wives, and enough closed gays who love tomboys or muscular women. One can divert the attraction to specific forms, but cannot escape fated behavior completely.

I must remind you that jewish law that introduced stoning of gays was never invented by any god, unless cruel murderous one. Jews themselves only recently started to rethink homosexuality, i checked dates and only rare cases of some Rabbis in 80's in reformed jewish communities, not orthodox ones, started to support it. Meanwhile Kadesh, the word for male prostitute, "male who is set apart", was masculine version of sacred prostitutes of Asherah temples. Their own encounter with homosexuality was the one established by religion coming from mesapotamia and Inanna's temple traditions. So their fight with homosexuality was part of the fight against astrological/polytheistic cult, they are inevitably linked. Maybe idea of Sodom was born to scare the Babylon inspired Canaanites, since they masturbated on idea of all their enemies being destroyed in similar way, eventually with Israel itself going down for almost two thousand years.

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805465  No.161869


DocDroid is run out of Germany and deletes anything that goes against the jewish narrative. Don’t use it as an archive. Move ALL of your files away from it. Now.

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e76024  No.161872


>I must remind you that jewish law that introduced stoning of gays was never invented by any god, unless cruel murderous one.

They are stoned for their destruction and havoc in society (since they have no offspring to care for or investment in the future they are free to pursue 'intrigue' rather than participate in the building of civilization) as well as pedophilia and the destruction of the male form. You must love what is happening now in society if you love homosexuals. They are the number one enemy of humanity.

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c82de0  No.161879


>You must love what is happening now in society

Why i quite enjoy people not getting killed for things not really deserving death like some jews think, i also enjoy being able to read what i want and say what i want. I know God loves everyone, to an extend when it gets ridiculous to humans, even the jews. Hence He eventually forgiven them for their transgressions after much suffering from people who did to them same they've been doing to their own. And Israel is now reestablished under completely different people spiritually.

I genuinely believe nationalists misunderstand age of Haniel, the technological age of Angel of Victory. We're right now on equal terms with everybody exactly because our new God given liberating laws are better than the ones before them. You cannot control the natural order, you must learn to work with it and adjust and respond to it.

But we can lose the liberal rights at any moment if we dare not to protect them. Life's a race, reignited anarchists and commies destructive to order aren't sleeping.

Heraclitus said this on human law:

>"The laws of men derive from the divine law, which is whole and single, which penetrates as it will to satisfy human purposes, but is mightier than any law known to men. Defend the law as you would the city wall. Law gives the people a single will to obey."

All law and rulership is from God, and all things come in seasons.

You know it from Ecclesiastes‎ 3:1-8 too.

From time to time God puts one Angelic reason-principle over the world, or another. In a way lodge of Luxor speaks volumes about human history and way its "seasons" work. We right now live like in times of great thinkers and writers. It may be invisible to us, but season will pass. What next? Next dark age when we brainwash our children to be mean? Those people are going to burn internet like Library of Alexandria, and destroy high culture drowning it in filth of upcoming supremacy. You want that, instead of development of stable humanity? That saying no one can stop whatever God decided.

If somehow jews are indeed plotting making white race into outcasts, we'll just become new jews. And eventual regress will open door for defiance. At price of liberty and freedom. But maybe that'll be to protect us from inevitable Deus Ex Machina, who are neither us nor jews are main builders, but chinese communists.

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e76024  No.161882

File: cba08acfd530b73⋯.jpg (172.58 KB, 720x411, 240:137, POZ_faggots_and_gays_delib….jpg)


>Why i quite enjoy people not getting killed for things not really deserving death like some jews think

This is very evil anon. People do not 'kill people without a reason'. Raping minors and children is a reason to kill people but so is spreading disease, undermining nations, as well as murder and gang rape. You are siding with what is evil without understanding the logical conclusion of that evil. I am very glad that I will not be living in a world of your making since it will be a literal Hell that simply never stops producing anxiety and torture.

Also, you stand is the jewish stand. Not White. You are the jews (in every last aspect of their murderous cruelty and vile behavior) not White.

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97c732  No.161908


Same book that said to kill gays said its okay to rape your female slaves, even if she has a husband:

>Leviticus‎ 19:‎20 And whosoever lieth carnally with a woman, that is a bondmaid, betrothed to an husband, and not at all redeemed, nor freedom given her; she shall be scourged; they shall not be put to death, because she was not free.

And i need to remind you they kept non-jewish slaves in total bondage:

>Leviticus‎ 25:‎44-46 Both thy bondmen, and thy bondmaids, which thou shalt have, shall be of the heathen that are round about you; of them shall ye buy bondmen and bondmaids. Moreover of the children of the strangers that do sojourn among you, of them shall ye buy, and of their families that are with you, which they begat in your land: and they shall be your possession. And ye shall take them as an inheritance for your children after you, to inherit them for a possession; they shall be your bondmen for ever: but over your brethren the children of Israel, ye shall not rule one over another with rigour

Can you imagine how much freedom a jew is offered with his slaves, when even law doesn't matter to offense applied to them?

It also says okay to kill children for cursing their parents:

>Leviticus‎ 20:‎9 For every one that curseth his father or his mother shall be surely put to death: he hath cursed his father or his mother; his blood shall be upon him.

There's nothing just about this, nor death for sexuality. There's a good foundation on why murderous intents are persecuted. After all, a murderer is also put to death.

Freedom of gays is part of general freedom of population, and even if you don't accept them, they are necessary sacrifice of heterosexual hegemony in order to ensure general freedom of speech in society. Because in any society with freedom, you will have sexual diversity, because people unleash their inner world instead of keeping it under a veil of lying.

For all the talk about reason you also forget they are human, it takes to know humans to not repeat old screencaps and consider everyone is the same. Stereotypes are cancer.

There's little one can do without bound of compassion. Only to repeat same mistakes. Because after all, i understand now why Germany was into Sethian symbolism rather than anything related to Venus. Everyone who's unable to comprehend depths of human behavior and divides, can only serve angel of death. We must love, and its not going to work without it. Without restoring pre-jewish level of ethics and reason its impossible to do anything, since price of service to Seth is your own death.

I am not going to be fooled by worship of jewish law under the guise of going against the jews. Its an old debunked story. Some people are born following one form or another, they cannot disavow their own nature. Desiring to murder them is not going to make you pure, you'll fill your entire heart with it.

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aca985  No.161915


It is not ‘death for sexuality’ anon. It is death for causing physical harm to others. Homosexuality is not ‘sexuality’ it is the act of harming other using sex as a weapon. It is the very opposite of ‘love’ it is hatred to defile and injure another human being in a manner that was designed to bring about procreation or union. You can’t seriously think that to men can form a union, can you? Why don’t you try putting two negative magnets together end to end and see what happens…it is repulsive (not just in the deed but in the physical reality). Men are not women. You are not ‘completing’ anything when you abuse and destroy the body of another man or child by using it in a way that it was never designed to function in. Also if you are advancing the idea that there are ‘no standards’ then your standards of behavior cannot logically be imposed on me either or alter my own belief.

Also, lmao (I don’t know what fucking translation you are reading; but that quote is insane):

> 20 “‘If a man sleeps with a female slave who is promised to another man but who has not been ransomed or given her freedom, there must be due punishment. Yet they are not to be put to death, because she had not been freed. 21 The man, however, must bring a ram to the entrance to the tent of meeting for a guilt offering to the Lord.

So being a manwhore with a slave should not result in the slaves death. If she had claimed rape, he would have been killed and she would have gone free. Because it was consensual even though she was promised to another man, she is physically punished for her infidelity to her promised husband. The whole purpose of this law was to keep men from murdering women slaves who were coerced into sex by their owner. If this law was not in effect the woman would have been murdered under a infidelity law for sex outside of marriage (this is extremely damaging to the woman’s future happiness with her husband and will cause lots of problems later in terms of his ability to trust her and her ability to love and be loyal to her betrothed).

The point of taking a slave ‘forever’ is that you can’t dump them like a hot rock when they are no longer ‘useful’ to you. If you are going to take slaves, you will be responsible for their care, health and well being forever and ever, wether they are useful to you or are a total drain on your household. This clause is to discourage people from taking slaves, not to encourage people to take slaves. God is concerned for the slave in this scenario and he want to make sure that people cannot take them and abuse them (this is basically capitalism) and dump them when they are too old to be useful.

What planet do you live on where you think it is appropriate to curse your mother or your father? Why would you curse your own flesh and blood anon? Fuck that is disturbing…they have given you everything! Sacrificed everything for you, given up all their time and knowledge and personal pleasure to raise you? But you think they should be cursed to illness, death, Hell or ruin? You are so fucking globohomo anon.

Freedom of faggots to harm is not part of ‘general freedom’ at all, what a hideous fucking suggestion that you all have the freedom to hurt and injure others…you are deep, deep into evil anon. The anus is not a sex organ anon! Not only are you defiling the male form but you are causing all of extended society to have to ‘care and finance’ your own personal perversion and deviant Death Cult behavior.

I would happily ‘sacrifice’ them to ensure the freedom of the heterosexual world though and a functional civilization. Indeed as I have pointed out MANY TIMES children should be tested for homosexual tendencies when they are young and exterminated if these tendencies are found in them before the have a chance to wreak too much havoc on the planet through deviance.

This is also the function of purging your ‘angel’ (confused fallen) DNA from the planet through eugenic culling of what is evil from the Earth.

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aca985  No.161916


Stereotypes are a function of discrimination which is a function of Life. You cannot exist without discrimination because it is literally a inseparable function of living. A lack of discrimination would result in immeadiate death of an organism. A rabbit who cannot discriminate between itself and a fox is dead…just like you anon. You, due to your contaminated DNA cannot discriminate between what is good (Life; living behavior) and what is evil (death; deadly behavior).

> Everyone who's unable to comprehend depths of human behavior and divides, can only serve angel of death.

No anon. People who do not divide are the people who serve the Angel of Death. You do not discriminate between what is deadly behavior or torture (gang rape, slavery, pedophilia) and what is Living behavior. You THINK that you are serving what is ‘good’ but you are totally deceived in every way. It is the woman’s job to defend and protect the house and the planet…but life under globohomo will kill us all and result in the death of all living things on the planet. You lack the discrimination to continue life, which is why you run after disease, rape, and injustice through negligence of duty.

This is why no matter how much you ‘pretend’ that you are female, you are never female, because you are too weak to have standards and judgment.

This entire answer demonstrates that you are evil at heart and the opposite of loving. What you are pushing is deviant and hateful.

>desiring to murder

At its most fundamental you do not understand Love at all. I do not ‘hate’ you, I love what deserves my protection more than I care about your ‘freedom to degeneracy and vile filthy behavior’. You do not have the right to push this same filthy deadly behavior onto people or onto little children or onto your victims.


Also, stop making shit up and posting false verses when you post the Word of YHVH.

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aca985  No.161917


Last, it is you globohomos who brew the cup of disease and death for humanity precisely because you REFUSE to discriminate in anyway between the living and the dead. Since you think ‘discrimination’ is ‘evil’ you proceed to mingle what is DEAD with what is LIVING and to do otherwise is classed by you AS EVIL. This is the hallmark of a servant of the Angel of Death and the hallmark of HIS DNA. If you stood for Life, you would carefully parse out what is deadly and discard it for the abomination that it is…you are like a whore that will feed her family anything that she runs across (a piece of dogshit, poison berries, a piece of roadkill, a piece of fried chicken) you have no ability to THINK about what you are doing or the end result of those actions because you don’t DISCRIMINATE and everything you encounter or that occurs to you falls under the umbrella of ‘love’ and ‘goodness’ rather than Righteous Judgment.

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236c44  No.162079

File: 277e95a06a4a799⋯.png (1.64 MB, 1049x761, 1049:761, sparkle.PNG)


Well anon, i don't know if astrology will ever help you right. If anything this giant space clock is sum of all stars, just like God is sum of all Angels.

I'l let you into something, there's a teaching in India that is similar to what i find as perfection (from Mysticism in Shaivism and Christianity by Bettina Baumer):

>Advaita does not mean non-difference but only non-separatedness from God. The soul after release still continues to exist as soul without merging into Siva. The soul now enjoys its nature which is sivatva or siva-bhoga. The released soul enjoying the nature of God as its own, delights in being a devoted servant of God. The soul has this transcendent experience of the Bliss of Siva, when the obscuring powers of the mala are neutralized and rendered impotent. Mala continues to exist but without the sting of its veiling power. The nature of mala in the pdsa and that of pasu as sat-asat make for self’s transcendent experience in siva-bhoga in which Siva ‘experiences’ Himself so that the self may experience Him. This is the feature of the ‘existential’ root of Saiva Siddhanta doctrine of the ‘eternity of the three in mukti too.

>The soul now enjoys its nature which is sivatva or siva-bhoga. The released soul enjoying the nature of God as its own, delights in being a devoted servant of God.

>Though there is the absence of duality at this stage yet separateness remains manifest so long as a total merging does not come about. The devotee always likes to maintain his separateness, a sort of distance from the Lord in order to relish bliss with its numerous facets untihthe bowl of emptiness becomes completely full.

>“ Divine service in the world is divided up, with each human being, like the primordial Adam, put in charge of a certain portion of God’s garden, to work it and keep it ” ( The Thirteen Petalled Rose, p. 76).

Same goes for Krishnaite Bhakti movement (from Living Theology of Krishna Bhakti Essential Teachings):

>“Bhakti, or devotional service, means engaging all our senses in the service of the Lord, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the master of all the senses”

>From a time immemorial (anādi),49 forgetful (avidyā) of its constitutional position as the eternal servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the conditioned soul searches diff erent universes for a happiness separate from the Godhead’s. In each lifetime, the conditioned soul is provided a material body from among the 8.4 million “species”50 in which to enjoy sense gratifi cation, but also repeatedly suffers birth, death, disease, and old age (samsāra). This seemingly endless transmigration ends with the revival, through the grace of devotional service (bhakti), of the soul’s dormant Krishna consciousness. Freed from the conditioning of actions (karma) performed under false bodily identified cation and the rebirths that are their consequence, the liberated soul returns home, back to Godhead.

But that's not all:

>Siva comes as the preceptor {guru) in order to instruct, teach and give the souls liberating knowledge. Out of his boundless love, He becomes tangible to terrestrials. Anugraha is His nature. Love is His being. Tirumular declares that there is no difference between God and Love.

>It is however to be noted that both in atma-darsana, self’s insight about its reality in contrast with not-self, and in ‘Sivo’ham’ bhdvand (Siva is ‘I’) , pasutva still endures although imperceptibly with seeds of duality. The self recovers its ultimate reality by totally surrendering its egoity through its encounter with God

>The ultimate aim of the grand Divine plan of the universe is the liberation of the soul through a shower of grace. Siva hides the truth from the soul, projects the world as the field of its experience in which it evolves spiritually and finally He emancipates the soul through His grace.

>The Divine chooses to reveal Itself in Its own way at Its own time to the person chosen by It, when he is therefore drawn to It in rapturous love.

From "Mystery beyond the Trinity":

>Just as there are a few who know how to see through the illusory tricks of the juggler and are not mystified by him, so also men can learn to overcome the universal Maya (illusion) if only the Lord is gracious to them. They can never escape from Maya, without His grace.


Feel a little bit compassionate to people, everything seems wicked when you're brainwashed by jewish literature. Nothing does when you know true nature of the soul. You cannot do better in this life than just enjoying it, in peace with God, and letting others enjoy it too. You gain experience and recognition of forms and that's what you are. Be a little kinder.

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2da865  No.162166


>Be a little kinder.

That is insane advice.

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0fcf06  No.162184

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File: ec7f69202bdfa76⋯.png (431.26 KB, 800x800, 1:1, ophiucus_star_signs_change….png)


Astrology greatly helps me because i was born beneath the sign Antinous and thus the Divine incarnate, this is borderline Sagittarius-Capricorn and all the five planets of classical antiquity were assembled in close proximity, extending to Ophiuchus above Antares, thus what could possibly go wrong?

What you consider secret, despite the various accounts, relates to the self awareness of one's self as the Divine, the identification with greater self, which if it was generally desirable would be far more common, but there is no particular reason it should be, so i think better people just stick to normative self identity

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413473  No.162195

File: bb62c0661d64957⋯.jpg (55.34 KB, 657x754, 657:754, Muse.jpg)


>i was born beneath the sign Antinous and thus the Divine incarnate

Anon, you're divine only when you can tell of action of the Divine Spirit in you in the first place, not because you was born under some specific star. I'd rather first have affirmation of any divinity before checking star signs, many people are born under same constellation at the same time all around the world. They are not equal to you just because you were born at the same time. And how you're going to tell if they are all divine, and not some of people born at the same time being just a filler, and you lucked out to be the one alive? That hebrew rabbi, writings of who i posted for posterity, was right that there is a limited amount of Angels, it explains limitation of daemonic phenomena and lack of inner controller in certain people. It can get more existential than you think.

>What you consider secret, despite the various accounts, relates to the self awareness of one's self as the Divine

Deceit of "various accounts" is important to note. There must be a better way to deal with Divinity than tall tales:

>Heraclitus Fragment 104: What discernment or intelligence, [he says,] do they possess? They place their trust in popular bards, and take (the) throng for their teacher, not realizing that 'the majority (are) bad, and (only) few(are) good

>Polybius 4.40 … it would no longer be proper to use poets and mythographers as our evidence for things of which we have no knowledge - a policy adopted by our predecessors in the majority of matters! - offering untrustworthy sureties for facts that are disputed, as Heraclitus puts it… (Cf fragments 40, 42, 56, 57, 104.)

There are obstacles on the self-realization. Especially of one's own origin. For example majority of western religions believe in one god, but that one god is always personal for each. During polytheism times it was easier for people to attune to imaginative personality of the divine that they are actually emanated from, in case of catholics cult of saints fulfills this role. But its more complicated. Sometimes a man can live a life believing hes possessed by a Spirit of a God people surrounding him believe in, because he has some initial predetermination for worship, but then he may mistrust that Spirit and find that maybe that Spirit is believed wrong, and start hating all people around himself for "believing wrong", while not realizing himself he acts totally against values of said Spirit, both in personal actions because of developed hate, and because he's own actual Daimon acts against him. It creates an illusion of sinister heretical behavior while daring to call heretics others. Its a deep hole from which its hard to get out, unless Daimon literally breaks from the other side, by constantly making a person to contemplate mistrust to Spirit he's not born form, that mistrust first forms from logical deduction, and then proceeds to question metaphysics, but still remains loyal because of delusion and predetermination of loyalty. That's the moment when, because of divided soul, human torments himself between loyalty to non-belonging religion, and listening to far more advanced Inner Voice. It splits apart consciousness until it completely rejects first religion and starts searching for meaning in other sources. But sometimes, even if reality defies his believes, right in front of him, he may still not trust it, get mad with fear or blame a scapegoat for any phenomena. Until his desires lead to complete breaking of all taboos, then he will lose his belief and become an atheist, losing attunement to popular religion completely. But only for a while, until he finds where his soul lies, and explores his own psyche. The heart of planted seed that is impossible to uproot, that generates psychic pain when uprooting is attempted. One could call it Inner Eden, garden of which is cultivated by your daimon.

Where hasidic jew applies it to awakening of ones own jewry as "my medium is a different medium", same can be applied to all divine emanations, including the ones associated with celestial bodies. Ancestral blood plays a role in it, but its pointless if one lacks active element of emanated reason-principle to be alive. Good ancestral blood and divine soul is a fortunate combination, because soul is not going to fight against its own heritage in imperfect vessel and its not necessary fully realized while experiencing world of generation. We may as well enter this world from different entities and not from an all perfect Whole, but rather of some participating Intellects. And psyche generates itself according to some pre-written law in it. The whole "soul goes where it knows" of kemetics makes total sense, that no matter what obstacles are encountered, living people will be behaving accordingly to the laws of Gods they are born from, and not according to popular beliefs.

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e2228e  No.162218


There is only one God because it is yourself that you reflect on. Pagans simply acknowledged the personal relationship more readily but in truth they are saying the exact same thing. You are God in relationship with yourself.

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0fcf06  No.162296

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


So rather than just personal Astrology the objective reality must correspond with the subjective interpretation, i think that's true.

But as for self-realization i would go about things in the opposite manner, outward looking rather than inner, as in the instance you realize the objective whole you then realize the self, or rather lack of, which is highly perilous and a Divine life-line would be required to survive

It's a question of one's ability to perceive reality, or perhaps align perfectly with the Mercurial Daemon at which point you're seeing the proverbial Matrix and aware of your own total integration, perfect connectivity and instantaneous communication,, this condition could be taught and arrived at quite rapidly, but i would recommend against, unless the stars are favorable and provide balancing factors.

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414b12  No.162357

File: 745c48dece3f418⋯.jpg (477.29 KB, 1200x1892, 300:473, Mundus_Intellectualis.jpg)


>You are God in relationship with yourself.

I want to repost Fludd's Mundus Intellectualis to illustrate right point. Even if its damaged by christian world imagination. Mind you without our argument no intellectual progress on the topic can be made.

First of all, in the beginning there was Intellect. Without Intellect nothing can exist. That Intellect couldn't be anything other than One. It couldn't be many initially, even if its known as many after process of creation and division, because it needed recognize itself first. That recognition of God's own Self gave birth to Light inside the dark void of non-being. We call this Intellect "Logos" in greek tradition. This Intellect is capable of producing multiplicity of things, as well as of its own Intellect, that it perceives within limits of influence. Spheres of influence are known either as Gods or Angels, depending on tradition, but point remains the same. Participation within certain "Angel" is participation within separated Intellect of God, that keeps orbiting particular Intellectual behavior accordingly to level of participation in the Light. Which is limited reason-principle of unlimited Intellect. And soul of each individual human is even more limited than an Angel, participating within reason-principle that is already governed within limit. Like Matryoshka Dolls, participation is one Intellect inside another, which is inside another.

I've been repeating things i learned through reading Proclus and Iamblichus as far as intellect goes, but i also need to remind that jewish kabbalists eventually adapted same system, and Saivinist/Shaktists also view their Gods as different hipostasies of participation (there are many Shaktis and Shivas as representations of different archetypes).

I disagree on all four systems when it comes to certainty of "order" of reason-principles, you can only know as far as your Angel knows, and you rebel even against that limited intellect you're bestowed as second part of yourself. Sure you can imagine how system would work if you imagined it having certain structure, but i think even if stars represent this order, neither we want or able to read it right, nor its obvious right in front of a human to know every detail of said order, therefore any certain description of principles of intellectual order rely on a myth, and themselves as theories fall into territory of a myth. We come to completely unexpected order after dying, because of chaos created by believing in certainty of myth and conflict between myth and atheism, that was a product of inferiority of the myth.

No one is this "Absolute" Brahman directly, but rather some emanation of emanation of the Limited Intelligence. Yes, as far as human soul itself goes it represents God as if Logos of Intellect is called God in multiplicity of Gods, sons of God if you will. But limits are obvious and nobody became omniscient and all knowing from participating in Demiurgic Intellect. Therefore limit of Intellectual participation for human is like a particle of Light in larger Light, being under jurisdiction of something in between, and that "in between" is different even between living/divine part of humanity. We're reason-principles of other reason-principles. Like leaves on branches of a larger tree. And that constitutes basic model of hierarchy of participation, no one can claim he's a very Trunk, or else not just he would know as much as Trunk would know, but he would also possess every single branching intellect inside himself and have power over them, we don't because we're at the bottom of heavenly order as subjects to realm of generation, that is material world. There's also no self-realization without work of another active actor, that is beside our soul. Reason-principle exercising its power over its passive human subjects by making subjects think and feel what it wants, and develop intellectually akin to itself before leaving world of generation, that exists as a way of experiencing forms.

There's indeed a Cherub guarding a man from becoming God Himself. That Cherub is a "limit".

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442ab3  No.162405


Appeals to authority without evidence?

Also, Fludd's own cognitive intelligence ends at his brainpan (as in the photo). All that comes afterward is his own imagination or flight of fancy. While I might respect his scholarship (study of the words of other men and the structure of his personal belief), I also implicitly understand the origins of the 'priesthood' and its function on this planet. If you want to convince me of any hierarchy or authority it would have to have more material evidence than something that is generated in the mind of a man to reinforce his own perceived authority. All I see is a man's justification for his own position on the planet…which as I have said before holds little to no interest for me.

<without our argument


Whose argument?

Also I simply can't be this limited. I could understand the appeal to men because they actually are that limited, given their origin in a hierarchical structured (crystal/frozen) system but that holds no appeal to me in the slightest nor does it have a function in my own origin.

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4cd218  No.162419

File: f38e6517b240c5b⋯.jpg (140.62 KB, 1920x1281, 640:427, Roses.jpg)


How can one give material evidence on immaterial? The true allegory of venusian movements, and why they were perceived by ancient Egyptians as source of afterlife, is that they are in between "being" and "not being", since there is no rose. The movement itself is a drawing, a celestial art, just like the rest of the universe. Our view on reality depends on its perception. The image of Divine Painter changed depending on viewer's emphasis. For one rose exists, for another it doesn't. This perception is affected by outside sources, ultimately ending up with affection of the Divine rewriting outside sources by moderating human fate.

Time is a product of movement of the stars, and they are neither stopping nor developing new movements, living according to order of cosmic clock, manifesting predetermined destinies.

Stars ultimately dictate existence of authority, just like everything in the universe, from its own logical construction, reality where human mind is adapted to perceive the Divine in form of messages.

And God is the background of material world, where material world manifests as a shadow of immaterial universe. Not the image, but Spirit behind the image. Or simply speaking inverted dimension of pure Light of all perceiving Spiritual existence.

I wish i could plainly say that with certain perspective its possible to see the inverted universe. Once you comprehend background of creation. But its pointless to explain a person who thinks his thoughts are all his own. This Light is far more advanced when it comes in comparison with human perspective, because He bestows the perspective itself. As Heraclitus put it, humans are not intelligent, Gods are intelligent. We're nothing but a canvas. And Higher Intellect has many brushes and colors to paint with.

This subservient world exists for observation by yet developing spirits. And we play our roles as beacons of Light, traveling within temporal realm to recognize forms for development of Intellect in process akin to birth.

Personal daimons/angels as our allotted guardians ultimately shape our character and only show themselves with age and experience of understanding preliminary behavioral patterns in recognition. You cannot really escape the predetermined development of the soul, since its constantly written from outside. It requires self reflection and understanding of chaotic nature of personal soul against active reason-principle through life, whose actions don't resemble your own but some paternal development of unchanging character. Which attune characteristic behavior in both emotions and intellect. They fit within idea of zodiac, but not within framework of modern personal astrology. Anything constraining your character creates limit. Anything that can be said good about you already makes you limited to such trait. Only Absolute can be really unlimited and perfect, but you cannot say anything about it, least you make Absolute limited.

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442ab3  No.162426


>How can one give material evidence on immaterial?

lmao…and there goes any semblance of religious authority down into the toilet where it belongs. There is only 'You' and 'God' and no other intermediary or 'story' that will work to explain my/your experience.

Nothing else.

Speculation and opinion are where all these belief systems actually belong not as 'authoritative' treatise.

Your argument is that some ideology can be manifest in the material realm while not actually being capable of manifesting itself.

I am sure that you can see how fallacious and incomprehensible this is to someone who does not partake in your personal belief system.

If it is incapable of manifesting it is only your experience over my own and why would I value you over my own experience. In all honestly I could not comprehend your experience any more than you could comprehend mine.

You cannot 'live my life for me' and to expect this much is a state of VAMPIRISM on Life not one of religious enlightenment.

Thus we are at an impasse.

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bf87b2  No.162431

File: 477a4d0772843cb⋯.jpg (181.29 KB, 536x684, 134:171, Haniel.jpg)


>There is only 'You' and 'God' and no other intermediary

Nah, i can understand your point believing this way, but your point hides higher mystery. There's enough people who viewed Spirit of God as singular rather than multiple. In previous thread another anon was more prevalent on multiple vs singular. Its this conundrum of One and Many debate. For One can be seen as Many, and Many as One. Ultimate problem of dualism is that. If we take all stars as allegory for angels and intellects, as a singular system, then God is a hivemind. Both One and Many. Divided and United. At the same time, which human would view as paradox because of primordial division caused by dualism. The message of this had been a leftover in the old testament (God addressing himself as multiplicity of Beings, as well as Abraham welcoming God as Three Angels), which is partly caused by jews merging all their deities into one to manifest world twisting yahweist corpus, that is now part of the whole western spiritual legacy. I think neither One nor Many counts, since core experience still leads to personal One. There's a good reason i interchange Angels, Daemons (daimon, character, fate) and Reason-Principles. If God is emotional, each emotion would be limited reason-principle, and not whole absolute. If God discerns sphere of Spiritual rulership, that rulership becomes separate reason-principle, part of a whole. Each Intellectual action would become its own movement, as emanation from Perfect in Itself. That's where structure of hivemind is emerging. Creation of invisible structure comes from discerning of imagination of Superior Intellect. But that Superior Intellect obviously holds whole myriad of Intellects together, in fact, as a memory inside imagination of the Whole. And in all honestly each individual spirit and soul are nothing but a memory, a collection of data, constituting both behavioral patterns and collected memory on its own.

>In all honestly I could not comprehend your experience any more than you could comprehend mine.

Its good that you reflect on your experience at all, anon. Its a right thing to do.

>Speculation and opinion are where all these belief systems actually belong not as 'authoritative' treatise.

I agree with that. I'l reflect on this problem myself. I started to see problem with mirroring older religions together, because their myths for how much many they are, aren't reasonable to gather as wisdom about non-corporeal matters that must be superior to mythos, unless similarity of tales based on stars, since all those bards and muse listeners are astronomers. They are only as good as to discern modern mythos as same key problem of western spirituality, rather than abuse older myth as if superior to new one, or newer one as superior to older one. Point remains the same regardless of time and place, its all temporary.

Maybe that's why our knowledge is so inferior to Hindu one. They treat their puranas as mere tales, we treat our myth as to believe in under fear of death. Where realization of imperishable in superior systems is all philosophical and existential spiritualities, not mythical naive tale worship.

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aa74e4  No.162448

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


My point hides a higher mystery?

There is no higher mystery anon. God is not hiding from us for that is impossible or it is not God. How can you find fault in me for something that you are incapable of demonstrating? Isn’t that fault yours, or at the least a fault of your belief system since proofs are laid on you to demonstrate, if you are correct? In this way as well is it not ‘the people’ who are at fault for not understanding ‘the higher mysteries’ rather your own fault for not making them clear? Children have lots of imaginary beliefs that must give way to reason as they grow. For your system to hold the ‘light of truth’ it has to be made manifest here and we have to be able to reason about it together. FOr TRUTH is not apparent only to one, or to a select group, but rather, it can not be disputed at all for it is eternal and self existent. By the nature of Truth, if I can come to another conclusion or disagree with you it is not eternal or Truth at all, and therefore not part of the nature of God. This precludes their being any ‘mysteries’ at all for God is not hidden but rather God is pervasive in all things.

God does not have to be multiple to accomplish unity on an individual level. God simply has to be ALL, thus both are fulfilled. And how could it be any other way? For if something exists outside of God then they are not God at all but rather a limited hang out that can only pose as order or One.

Dualism is irrelevant. There is no such thing except in lower dimension than our own. It is nothing but a foil to keep people from functioning at full capacity in our own system. By its own nature, dualism is not present in 3D but rather is only functional in a 2D environment.

> which is partly caused by jews merging all their deities into one to manifest world twisting yahweist corpus

Ahhh I think I see your issue with this one. In every sense of the word God is only an instruction manual for being ALL in a particular location. The jewish God (Y [hand] HVH [Havah/Eve; the Hand Who Makes Life]; the mother of the Living) as well as all we know of other God’s is an instruction manual for operating in this space. She is not ‘the territory’ anymore than a map is the territory. Neither the words of the jews or their actions have any effect on the ‘territory’ as they are only the map of the places and thoughts of that specific people; while they are ALL they are also limited by the function of God and their own perceptions (I may have to refine this since it is off the cuff and I am not on the computer so the text box is minuscule). I have no problem with Havah/Eve/YHVH btw I will never stop loving Her.

>it is the right thing to do

I laugh when you patronize me. Just so you know :^)

You must really miss Mr Satan since he was capable of giving you a run for your money.


Astronomy is only lightly valuable to me. It is like a liver cell celebrating that it is ‘IN THE LIVER’ due to its understanding of its own position, thus it is a natural limiter on understanding. Much like those Angels and Demons function as hinderances to comprehension rather than facilitators. They too are limited by their own understanding. Which is fine, I suppose, if you wish to be limited by a hierarchy rather than comprehension of ALL. By placing a definition on things you limit its realm of influence. In this way you have chosen your own prison by choosing the limits of your own understanding. You understand why Enoch said that the Lake of Fire was a ‘terrible/terrifying’ place? Because the limits of his own comprehension needed something to provide him with separation from ALL. I am going to examine the rest of your comment when I am home, this screen is too frustratingly small.

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d1a4cd  No.162459

File: 90c6cff70852f56⋯.jpg (49.59 KB, 460x500, 23:25, mfw.jpg)

File: 4bc9a3343c780ed⋯.png (149.95 KB, 474x315, 158:105, Tattvas_and_Pramatas.PNG)

File: 05a9df9677a700f⋯.jpg (145.57 KB, 600x1030, 60:103, Tree_of_Life_Fludd.jpg)


>Much like those Angels and Demons function as hinderances to comprehension rather than facilitators.

>You must really miss Mr Satan since he was capable of giving you a run for your money.

Can you point out why exactly am i satan himself for believing in Angelic principles as in participating intellects of a God? Literally every single religious system has them at least as levels of participation in divine Whole, or as actors:

>A much more elaborate or rather better documented Kaula system of KalI worship is found in the literature of the Krama. The outstanding characteristic of this tradition is that it worships a sequential rather than a simply concentric pantheon. A series of sets of deities (cakras) is worshipped in a fixed sequence as the phases (krama) of the cyclical pulse of cognition (samvit) . These phases are Emission (srstikrama), Maintenance of the emitted (sthitikrama) (also called Incarnation (ava tarakrama), Retraction of the emitted (samharakrama) and the Nameless fourth (anakhyakrama), also called the Phase of the Kalls (kalrkrama), in which all trace of the preceding process is dissolved into liberated and all-pervading consciousness. . . . External worship is greatly simplified and looked upon as inferior to worship in the mind, it being understood that the order of worship (pujilkrama) is no more than a reflection of the ever-present order of cognition itself (samvitkrama).

As you see in Kali cult emitted incarnations are those phases of reason-principles, that all trace to All Pervading consciousness. Some jews treat Angels as levels of participation in YHWH.

Abhinavagupta on division of partless phenomena as "appearance of partlessness in parts":

>If it is objected, "How can there be division of one phoneme 'a' (into 16th and 17th kaliis), for 'a' which is anuttara is partless?" We reply, "In our system, everything is partless, being non-different from the light of consciousness." Just as, through the unimpeded autonomy of Siva, even when parts appear, partlessness of Reality is invariable, even so is the case with 'a'. Where is the inconsistency? Thus the propriety of the development of phonemes is maintained, because of the appearance of partlessness in parts. Otherwise (on the occasion of utterance), how can the air whose nature it is to produce impact successively through the dental, labial, guttural, palatal phonemes strike the palate after having struck the throat? If it were to spread simultaneously in all the organs' of articulation, then there would ensue simultaneity in the utterance of all the sounds.

>The Lord assumes these states (or: phenomena) which are held in His shining Self by His own light by veiling Himself, that is to say, He manifests by adopting the state of this-ness (ie. objectivity) whose nature is insentience. Then again He encompasses all this objectivity with I-feeling.

>Each of these (phonemes, varna) will then stand for a different moment in the gradual condensation and solidification of the energy of the Word, and will bring successively into existence each of the thirty-six ontic levels, the tattvas, of which the entire manifestation consists

On Intermediate Consciousness:

>Therefore it (the nirvikalpa sarhvid or indeterminate consciousness) abides undivided among the endless determinate percepts. The interval between the two determinate ideas can by no means be denied because of the difference between the two ideas. That interval consists of consciousness only, otherwise (i.e. if consciousness is not present in the interval), on account of the extirpation of the residual traces of consciousness caused by that interval or gap (devoid of consciousness), memory, congruous link, etc. between the consciousness preceding the gap and the consciousness succeeding it would become impossible.

>Determinate perceptions do not arise without the indeterminate consciousness [nirvikalpa samvid] because they lack the freedom for emerging by themselves. This freedom belongs only to indeterminate consciousness, for it is only indeterminate consciousness that serves as means for the recollection of the conventional .signs, etc. How can the recollection of conventional signs, etc. be possible without the experience of indeterminate consciousness? In such consciousness, according to the previous principle, there is the absence of the limitation of time, etc. Thus the one divine indeterminate consciousness (pratibha) defined by my weighty statement is of this kind, i.e. of unlimited nature, the very Self of all. Not only in the beginning and the end but in the intervening state also, she is the origin of the emergence of the other present, past and future determinate apprehensions.

>Pratibha (Hindi : प्रतिभा) is a Hindu Sanskrit Indian feminine given name, which means "genius", "ingenuity", "light", "intelligence" and "splendour".

Source: Abhinavaguptas hermeneutics of the absolute

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442ab3  No.162499


>You must really miss Mr Satan since he was capable of giving you a run for your money.

Oh. Wrong anon. Sorry about that. Sometimes being anonymous is annoying. Mr. Satan is a different anon from earlier in the thread. Not you.

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352281  No.162571

Recently I've been reading the Oera Linda Book https://www.oeralinda.be/

It's very interesting to see what's written as the Magy and Magyars, which I assume would be Magi. The text insinuates that they seek to make people worship gods of their own creation, especially real people like Minerva, Odin, Thor, etc.

I'm interested to hear anybody else's interpretations of it, and what it says of Wr.Alda.

What I find interesting is that it's a religion based on holy fire, similar to Zoroastrianism.

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b37a67  No.162633

File: f332834656dc2b5⋯.jpg (15.52 KB, 267x215, 267:215, Rabbis.jpg)

Something to contemplate about. I've been thinking why jews expect wealth from Venus, as if they instead of Love associate it with riches, like them synagogue merchants. Apparently i found this in Talmud:

>Said R. Hanina to the men who related what was written in the diary above: "Go and tell the son of Levi, that the fortune of a man does not depend upon the day, but upon the hour he was born in. One who is born in the hour of sunrise will be a bright man; he will eat and drink of his own, but he will not be able to keep secrets and will not be successful in stealing. One who is born under Venus will be a rich man, but will be lascivious, because fire is generated under Venus. One who is born under Mercury will be bright and wise, because that star is the scribe of the Sun. One who is born under the Moon will be sickly or troubled. He will build and demolish, will not eat and Saturn will have all his thoughts and aims come to naught; and others say, to the contrary, all aims against him will come to naught. One who is born under Jupiter will be a righteous man, and R. Na'hman bar Itz'hak said he will be very devout. One who is born under Mars will be a man who will shed blood. He will either be a surgeon or a robber, a butcher or a circumciser, said R. Ashi. Rabba said that he was born under Mars. Said Abayi to him: "Thou, Master, reprovest men, and whom thou reprovest, he dieth; hence thou, also, sheddest blood."

So for them being born from Venus doesn't mean genuine duality of love and lust, like i viewed it form pagan perspective, but instead materialistic wealth and lust.

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a03046  No.163128

File: 142fdb527978ea9⋯.jpg (15.31 KB, 302x279, 302:279, days_of_the_week.jpg)

File: c44fec8adec7579⋯.jpg (398.88 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, haniel.jpg)

File: d966f5a62fed828⋯.png (218.61 KB, 770x969, 770:969, Heptagram_2.PNG)

File: 8fa1abee08b8301⋯.jpg (90.31 KB, 640x1057, 640:1057, Heptagram.jpg)

File: 6c6fb2be4f4fc6d⋯.pdf (754.62 KB, The_heptagram_in_CBS1766_b….pdf)

I feel there's something i am missing on seven pointed Vitriol when its concerning Heptgram. Heptagram, the seven pointed star, seem to fit into musical theory, since ancient babylon.

>The Law of Seven or law of octaves, according to which phenomena evolves in seven steps; and the Law of Three, according to which phenomena are produced by three forces, are presented by Gurdjieff as global laws appearing on all scales and essential to his cosmology. This cosmology offers a view of how the world operates said to derive from alchemy and more ancient sources, and to complement or complete modern experimental science rather than to contradict it. According to this cosmology everything is material, including consciousness and spirit, and all matter can be assigned a "density"; consciousness and spirit for example having lower "densities" (and therefore higher "vibrations") than, for example, water while, for example, rock has a higher "density" and lower "vibration" than water, and so on.

If seven main cosmic bodies (Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Mercury, Venus, Saturn) constitute main divine harmony affecting the human psyche the most, our solar system is a number of harmonious "strings" playing us like a fiddle.

I also included small pdf on babylonian heptagram constituting a dial.

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0fcf06  No.163402

File: 11cc4ee0916a987⋯.jpg (48.65 KB, 493x800, 493:800, 7adb980a0aaccb4f0188121136….jpg)

File: d4a87f7fc4fbb56⋯.jpg (319.61 KB, 1200x1807, 1200:1807, 1200px_Harpocrates_Somtus_….jpg)

File: ed866dcf90699cd⋯.jpg (582.27 KB, 1174x2560, 587:1280, Harpocrates_Salonica604_Ar….jpg)

File: 604d4a366365370⋯.jpg (41.46 KB, 393x600, 131:200, tumblr_41045d9310378ec451d….jpg)


It's better to consider the seven as only the planets excluding the Sun and Moon, with the Earth as the eighth in terms of the Octave, and the Sun as centre a ninth.

Also the Planets should be considered as two groupings of six in terms of dualistic qualities were Mercury has the potential to correspond with either, a system of thirteen.

Thus corresponds to six Quarks and six Leptons and a Master particle having qualities of both constituting the basis for the field of elements,.

The young Horus must determine which aspect of the six to align with.

>O Hablaba ! deliver me from hell-beasts and from purgatory-demons and from water-penalties , and from pots that seethe, from fire and ice, from the snare of the planets, from the plots of the planets, from the slaying of the planets and from the seven hell-beasts , the chief Levier of dues and the children of darkness.

>And the Seven sit in consternation They weep and prolong their mourning Because their mysteries are disclosed, Because disclosed are their mysteries. They will be brought to an end

On the great Last Day.

>Then, when she reacheth the Seven Mysteries, servitors of the Seven go forth towards her. They come and surround her and question her and say to her, "O soul, whence comest thou and whither goest thou ?'

I say to them, "I come from the Body, the name of which is the Earth and I am going towards the Good Consumination ". They say to me, "Whose servant art thou and whose envoy art thou called ?'' I say to them, "I am the servitor of the Beloved Consummation, and the envoy of the vast Ether"


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f30c6f  No.163417

File: 33f040adb1d2fdc⋯.jpg (350.19 KB, 1902x1400, 951:700, Underworld.jpg)


>I say to them, "I come from the Body, the name of which is the Earth and I am going towards the Good Consumination "

Man, them Orphites were indeed egyptian inspired. This sounds strikingly like:

>This is the work of Mnemosyne. When he is on the point of dying toward the well-built abode of Hades, on the right there is a fountain and near it, erect, a white cypress tree. There the souls, when they go down, refresh themselves. Don’t come anywhere near this fountain! But further on you will find, from the lake of Mnemosyne, water freshly flowing. On its banks there are guardians. They will ask you, with sagacious discernment, why you are investigating the darkness of gloomy Hades. Say: “I am the son of Earth and starry Heaven; I am dry with thirst and dying. Give me, then, right away, fresh water to drink from the lake of Mnemosyne”.

>And to be sure, they will consult with the subterranean queen, and they will give you water to drink from the lake of Mnemosyne,

>So that, once you have drunk, you too will go along the sacred way by which the other mystai and bacchoi advance, glorious.

Another tablet had this passage on "heavenly race":

>““I am the child of Earth and starry Heaven; But my race is heavenly; and this you know yourselves. I am parched with thirst and I perish; but give me quickly refreshing water flowing forth from the lake of Memory.””.

Best part of this is that there's extremely similar after-death thing found in Upanishads (like in Kaushitaki Upanishad for example):

>When a man reaches [the moon, the moon] asks him, ‘Who are you?’

>He should answer: ‘From [the moon] far-seeing, fifteenfold produced, From the world of the fathers, ye seasons, semen was produced.

>Speed me then forth into a male who fashions [offspring], And by [this] fashioning male into a mother pour me.’

>[Or else:]

>‘I am he who is bom and is reborn Like the twelfth or thirteenth month Of a father who has twelve or thirteen parts. This do I know, this do I understand. O seasons, Lead me to [the land of] immortality!

>‘Through this truth, through this ascetic fervour I am a season, a son of the seasons.’

>‘Whe art thou?’ [asks the moon].

>‘I am thou.’

>It lets him pass on.

Its always same story of celestial bouncer-guardians expecting a man to say a code-phrase who you are to pass you into after-life club. At least in Instructions of Merikare it is found that soul comes to the place it knows. And jews believe soul goes where its fathers are:

>Rabbi Zeera said: All the souls go forth and are gathered, each man's soul to the generation of his fathers and to his people. The righteous with the righteous, and the wicked with the wicked, for thus spake the Holy One, blessed be He, to Abraham: But thou shalt go to thy fathers in peace " (Gen. xv. 15). And when the soul goes forth from the body,5 then the righteous come to meet them, and say to them: Come unto peace ! One verse says, Therefore, behold, I will gather thee to thy fathers, and thou shalt be gathered to thy grave in peace " (2 Kings xxii. 20).

But then code thing found in three regions at once is an interesting find.

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0fcf06  No.163437

File: 1d63fad8f5e41c8⋯.jpg (299.65 KB, 1059x667, 1059:667, suwala.jpg)

File: 81cbd993c9a2f36⋯.jpg (9.6 KB, 320x274, 160:137, 37_harpocrates_small.jpg)


It's Mandaic text, and generally they considered the seven planets as born of the spirit of the Earth Ruha Qudosh, the Holy Spirit, and that this had become disconnected from the greater Heavenly Light, and looked towards rehabilitation.

>The Qur'an uses two terms "Ruh-Allah" and "Ar-Ruh-Al-Qudus" for the Spirit of God. Such is the case in the following references: "We gave unto Jesus, son of Mary, clear proofs [of Allah's sovereignty], and we supported him with the Holy Spirit [ar-Ruh-al Qudus],

In Mandaeanism, this name refers to an evil female spirit allied with the Jewish God (whom the Jewish call Adunay). They believe that Ruha d-Qudsha founded Jerusalem and, together with her sons, the seven planets.

They thus considered Jerusalem and the Jews as manifesting all the negative aspects of the seven planets, based in darkness and ignorance, that the spirit of the Earth in darkness was the consort of their God Adonai, the Sethian nature.



The connection of the inner-Earth/Underworld Goddess to Jerusalem can be traced back to the Hurrians and the cult of Suwala/Allani, who like Ruha had a somewhat ambiguous nature, and that is reflected in the choice that the Harpocrates child deliberates over.


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a1303a  No.163489


Right. They are not evil because we all know that Semites and Arabs never do anything evil. But rather something from heaven is evil. How droll.

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c8f80c  No.163494

File: 4cf6084c72ebf76⋯.png (125.13 KB, 496x837, 16:27, mot.PNG)


There's no evil anon. All people do everything according to the nature of their soul. According to law of order written in the heart, which is bestowed accordingly to reason-principle assigned before birth. Both blood and stars have a play at forming this assignment. Its not a question in how "evil" jews are, they survive and their ways survive, that's what matters to them. Need for racial survival is completely logical within framework of spirit being influenced by ancestral lineage. Jews literally channel that ancestral lineage, believing even reading their scriptures alone is magic, hence all the obsession with putting specific numbers everywhere for invocation purposes within undefended mind.


I should share with you "Yahweh and the gods and goddesses of Canaan" book by Day, John.

Page 185 says about Mot, and equates him with Sheol.


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0fcf06  No.163500

File: 3175ecd772490c9⋯.jpg (317.45 KB, 771x850, 771:850, _lk.jpg)

File: 4aa5e4bbdd33d71⋯.jpg (175.72 KB, 779x460, 779:460, ppoi.jpg)

File: c288476a27467cc⋯.jpg (99.08 KB, 783x226, 783:226, hhhh.jpg)

File: 35aa17b094502d5⋯.jpg (55.27 KB, 768x148, 192:37, kkkl.jpg)


They blame Ruha the spirit of the Earth for evil, and also relate the Jordan river as her emergent spirit that is of Sethian inclination, thus they seek to fully immerse themselves in this Sethian flow of consciousness and ascend to the opposite bank, depart the Spirit of Earth and re-unite with the Ether.

A somewhat negative approach grounded in the rejection of Earthly delights and based upon a false dichotomy, the essential nihilism of the Sethian


Mot was their equivalent of Nergal who was more a causer of death rather than the personification of such, through mining and forging of weapons, he forced his way into the underworld through mining and decided to keep the Queen of Hell company, introduced a certain amount of toxicity into the emergent stream

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197ff0  No.163507

File: 469db3ad2884b04⋯.jpeg (106.99 KB, 640x960, 2:3, F3BE257F_FBC8_4AA5_88E8_E….jpeg)


I would argue that people go against the will of their “souls” all the time. There are many times where people act against their own natures. Take addiction to anything for example. People go against their own best interests in a compulsory way to quell an unnatural desire for something outside of themselves.

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dbf02f  No.163518

File: e9397b1567a5fbb⋯.jpg (652 KB, 1257x1700, 1257:1700, tree.jpg)


>rejection of Earthly delights

That's a big word to say. I'd put it simply as reject of nature as a whole.

From Plotinus "Against Gnostics":

>Further, why should god pay this providential favour to all of you while neglecting the entire cosmos in which you yourselves reside? If it is because god is too busy to pay attention to the cosmos, then it is not licit for him to be paying attention to anything that is beneath him. And if god is paying attention to them, why wouldn’t he be directing his attention outwardly and in particular paying attention to the cosmos in which they reside? But if god does not direct his attention outside of himself and so does not watch over the cosmos, then he is not paying attention to them, either.


>But they do not honour this creation or this earth, claiming that for them a ‘new earth’ came to be and that they will actually pass away from here to there, and that this ‘new earth’ is an expressed principle of the cosmos. But why do they feel the need to come to be there – in the paradigm of a cosmos that they despise? And where does this paradigm come from? According to them, immediately after the paradigm was produced its creator inclined towards the sensible world. If, then, there was present in the creator himself a great concern to create another cosmos after the intelligible cosmos that he possesses – and why should there have been? – and if the paradigm was there before the sensible cosmos, what is the point of creating it? [They will say:] in order to put the souls on their guard. How, then, does that explain anything? The souls were not put on their guard, and so it was created in vain. If, on the other hand, after the sensible cosmos already existed, the creator drew the paradigm from the sensible cosmos by stripping off the form from the matter, for those souls that had already been tested, there would have already been an adequate test for putting them on their guard.


Again it would be good to quote Plotinus from the same treaty.

>If someone commits a murder or is overcome by pleasures due to an inability to control himself, is it surprising that these moral errors are committed not by an intellect but by souls that are like immature children? And if in a training ring there are both winners and losers, why should this not be true in life as well? If you are wronged, what danger is there to your immortal part? Even if you are murdered, you got what you wanted. And if you are now set on complaining about the world, there is no necessity for you to remain a citizen in it. And it is agreed that there are penalties and punishments here, so how can it be right to complain about the world-city that gives to each what he deserves? Here in this world-city virtue is honoured, and vice receives the dishonour that befits it

Same can be applied for addictions and self-destruction for sake of it.

There are all sorts of lives out there, but the idea of desiring perfection in life choices comes only to few who train it from being divinely inspired to do fated deeds and not waste away. Virtue is a work of intermediary reason-principle of the Divine inside, waste of life is an immaturity and chaotic nature of personal soul. Some don't even participate in the divine, filler knows no virtues.

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0fcf06  No.163540

File: 41572cb01d6c218⋯.jpg (218.97 KB, 765x674, 765:674, mmnbv.jpg)

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The Mandaeans are interesting because they appear to have purity spiralled away from Judaism but retained the Sethian background, in the way they associate themselves with the House of Life they could even connect to that original Egyptian element that emerged from that institution and conceptualized Israel,

they retained hardcore knowledge in garbled form.

For example the cult of the date palm as it had related to Enki, the wellspring of the Abzu, the Tanna matrix as the Pegasus square, even the baptismal rite related to the crossing of the river ordeal, an aspect of the cult of rhe daughter of Enki, Goddess Nazi, that providing the original basis for other worldly origins and aspirations.

It's like they decided everything and everyone on planet Earth was retarded including it's inner Goddess and they determined to leave for the planet of the Fish people by any magical means necessary, the proposed trajectory involving the purity spiral.

I think the inner Earth Goddess generates crazy Sethian notions through the river Jordan for fun

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98289f  No.163784

File: f6a9174cfecc111⋯.jpg (1.39 MB, 3270x4906, 1635:2453, thinking.jpg)


>I think the inner Earth Goddess generates crazy Sethian notions through the river Jordan for fun

Well you see, supra-celestial reason-principles that we associate with planetary activity, should it be Mother Earth or Venus as Goddess, are obviously superior to anything physical because everything physical is limited, and within Godhead's imagination this world seem too constrained to actually represent nature even of human intelligence, not even talking about supra-human intelligence. Yet it is a recurring notion of such intelligence returning as phenomena in religious and occultist worship. Goddess we're speaking of is neither Earth or Venus, but should be considered a Spirit after all. Visible celestial objects are just symbols.

♄ (Saturn) must have another aspect to its "stealing" nature, when combined with destroying the feminine aspect. Heraclitus says most beautiful harmonies are created from opposition, and that we know "good from evil" like "health from sickness". And its the very illness of the bodily faculties that are associated with Saturn by Bruno. So attribution of all sin to Azazel in book of Enoch, which from books of magic attributed to Solomon is known to be associated with Saturn, one could describe Azazel (scapegoat of Levictus chapter 16) as ill willing destroyer.

♀ (Venus) however is also associated with Lust (because there's "fire burning under Venus" as jews say), as a left-hand/dual-nature of Love. Inevitable outcome and Eros/Himeros Aphrodite's retinue/Angels of greek tradition.

Now, we know from alchemy already that Sol (☉) + Venus (♀) is ascension hermetic code of God as Light and Love aspects. And Moon (☽) + Mercury (☿) is Hermes Trismegistus. Here's a good question, what would be ♄ + ♀? There's one book that describes the logical explanation of behavioral patterns caused by it:

>Gospel of Mary 7:13-16: The Saviour said, 'Sin does not exist, but you are the ones who sin when you do things which are like the nature of adultery: that is called sin.

Consider this just a scholarly contemplation on the subject, rather than literal belief in any words of Magdalene or my general contemplation on gnostic nature, which i do not really subscribe to myself. But it fits within combo of two supra-celestial reason principles, destruction and lust as separate, when becoming whole, producing real nature of sethian adulterous sin that is associated with stealing, not giving.

And so, Cuckoldry, Adultery, Desire of another man's wife, Adultery as submission to something that isn't God or going after idols (because idols are vanity that's stealing God's fame), Rape, especially stealing of virginity and purity, attempt to "take" sex by force and contemplating ownership of one's freedom, including "stealing" of one's life through murder or abortion is all befitting Azazelian habits, with some of them in a vein of ♄+♀ combination of behavioral patterns attributed to damaged view of venusian lust. I quite humbly believe nature of true sins of lust lies in applying "stealing" aspect of Seth to more pure Venus. Satan is also known as first murderer, therefore "stealer of life", hence all true sin is within Azazelian reason-principle.

The problem here lies only in one single thing. If we follow this pattern that all sin must be in nature of "stealing", then there should be reasonable lust without "stealing". And this is where non-sinful levels of lust should be contemplated, including the possibility that prostitution is natural institution as long as it isn't done in adulterous behavior neither by participant nor by a client, because of promise of total loyalty by unironically magical pact of marriage, which includes a vow. Maybe that was the point of forgiving prostitutes in the first place, since they haven't really sinned themselves, only according to jewish patriarchs. But this can only be said of Qedesha and ethical temple institutions, or sex before marriage that is common in society. Because as soon as pact of marriage is filled, there's now a vow that can be "stolen".

Of course this sounds more like an apology on part of hookup culture of millennials, yet i am clearly seeing distinction between Saturnalian debauchery and separate Venusian habits of whole society. Usually among the inferior races stealing, rape and murder are common traits, while sex itself can't be evil, if anything its natural.

So i disagree on "crazy sethian notions" being produce of the Goddess in question. They are clearly different.

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0fcf06  No.163811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


There are natural checks and balances within the planetary archetypal system, the cyclic degradation of Saturn is countered by the cyclic reproduction through Venus and the counter balance of maintaining integrity through Jupiter, both of these require the desire of Mars and the mind of Mercury.

Venus is only ever the object of desire never the personification of such, her moving in mysterious ways ensures the continuity of life.

My point was that these archetypes are entirely generated within humanity through Earth energies and flow of consciousness and that includes the Sethian which is all those archetypes in negative manifestation.

The inner Earth Goddess Allani considered responsible for such always generates the stream of consciousness in conjunction with the principle of Ishara, which is refinement and potential rejection of emergent thought, to consign the unworthy thought back to the underworld, this is the same as per Eris and Aneris, the generation of choice and potential discord.


That internal decision making can be conditioned through external influence, moral teaching and culture to were making the right choice becomes second nature, the constant rejection of unworthy thought leading to a decrease in their emergence, the development of critical thinking.

The Sethian embraces and acts upon all evil thoughts and rejects the very principle of refinement, thus the Liberal Education System, this is an entirely dysfunctional condition that can only propagate in parasitic form upon a healthier host culture.

The Sethian Mercury is towards self serving disinformation, lies and deception, the propagation of false and misleading religion and idealism, the Sethian Venus is the cult of secrecy and the allure of the occult, the seduction of the individual towards their mysteries, the Sethian Mars is perverse lusts and desires that are destructive of the individual and society and non-procreative, hatred rather than love, the Sethian Jupiter is the establishment of their own evil and oppressive doctrines and the Sethian Saturn is the subversion and degradation of all that is good in the world.

The two outermost planets Uranus and Neptune should perhaps have their positions reversed, but the Sethian principle of Enki and Neptune is the generation of the evil creature, the base Sethian breeding with the higher race yet retaining it's evil nature and intent, the generation of an entire tribe of such.

The Sethian Uranus is that kabbalistic mystic that considers itself the Divine incarnate and the manifestation of the highest principle, whereas it has only believed it's own nonsense, as the Goddess Allani intended, who generates all potential on this planet and is seriously under-rated, a very interesting individual

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0fcf06  No.163819

File: 4198e1357431476⋯.jpg (226.95 KB, 1169x877, 1169:877, crossing_the_river_jordan3.jpg)


Continuing, it is the case then that not only do the planetary archetypes have negative aspects, but the Earth herself is generating evil inclinations, based upon those same archetypes which can be conceptualized as the Sethian, based upon the ethnic group that most readily manifests such.

This Sethian spirit was understood to be represented by the River Jordan (named after Kaitie Price)hat emerged from the evil aspect of Ruga Qudosh, the Holy Spirit, that same river ending in the Dead Sea as all evil inclinations must.

What then of the baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan, his full symbolic immersion in that Sethian spirit?

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a7da7a  No.163825

File: 00e7d1dc5e11729⋯.jpg (15.04 KB, 236x314, 118:157, Mikveh.jpg)


>My point was that these archetypes are entirely generated within humanity through Earth energies and flow of consciousness and that includes the Sethian which is all those archetypes in negative manifestation.

Congratulations, you just reinvented early judaism with their explanation of negativity of the Gods. When Book of Hiram explains Zedek, it mentions:

>Zedek for the Canaanites was the beneficent manifestation of the Sun god, its bright light revealing hidden crimes and righting wrongs done to the innocent. When the Canaanite gods were eventually merged into Yahweh, 'zedek' became his attribute. In reality the single God concept has come into existence, not because there necessarily is only one super-entity, but because all positive attributes of the old gods have been transferred into one deity and all negative attributes to a second entity we call 'the Devil'


>baptism of Jesus in the river Jordan, his full symbolic immersion in that Sethian spirit?

Baptism was a thing prior to Christianity. And i am not talking about John "the baptist", jews themselves used baptism in waters as one of the methods of conversion of gentiles, especially their Hellenic friends. I already mentioned Epictetus giving account on that: >>160364

Don't know if they snipped their foreskin before, after or during baptism, but baptism had a place. Ritual also known as Mikveh.

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0fcf06  No.163839

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Like Adonai-Zedek the pre-conquest Horite ruler of Jerusalem, of course we must note the difference between absolute objective righteousness and self righteousness. the way of the crocodile

Apart from the general use of water in ritual purification towards initiation the greater tradition of immersion in the living river likely traces back to the Sumerian river of ordeal, it's connection too and emergence from the underworld, and the righteous aspect of that was Lugal-era as guardian.


>Your river is a mighty river, the river which determines destinies, an august river where the sun rises, which nobody can bear to look upon.

>Mighty god surpassing all the gods, elevated king reaching up to the heavens, mighty god, trustworthy lord by himself, River of the Ordeal, heart of the gods, decision-making lord who hates evil, who like Suen loves justice.

The tradition of John the Baptist and Jesus thus derives from Meslamta-ea and Lugal-irra

>They are both the lords of the River, the River of the Ordeal which clears the just man.

>The seven divine powers, …… grandly established, adorned with the divine powers by the prince in the abzu, the prince …… adorned ……. The warrior qualities of Mešlamta-ea and Lord Lugal-era

>Their power is a storm which could eradicate the Land. Mešlamta-ea and Lord Lugal-era, it is sweet to praise you!


As represented by Gemini this was the point of connection of the ecliptic plane, and thus the seven planets, and the Milky way/Galactic plane, the ritual of the river of ordeal n Sumer was connected to the cult of the Goddess Nazi

>On the first day of the new year, a great festival was held at her temple which people from all across the land attended. They would first ritually cleanse themselves and then submit to the Ordeal. The Ordeal was a common practice in ancient Mesopotamia whereby guilt or innocence was established by the gods through the simplest means: the accused was thrown into a river, and if they survived, then they were innocent.


Some accounts indicate that the skulls of the guilty could be consumed by sub-aquatic fore within the river, hinting at some of the deeper considerations other than just throwing people in a river.


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b37a67  No.163995

File: 6d3273c69cd3e0c⋯.jpg (238.59 KB, 535x712, 535:712, The_Heart_Desires_2nd_seri….jpg)


>absolute objective righteousness and self righteousness

That's an old one. In neoplatonic terms its human perception of personal view of what's "good" vs the "Good" of the One. Righteousness of God pitted against deluded view of righteousness of humanity, but longing for every entity for its good implies the existence of the Good. Perfection of righteousness implies ascendance to perfect order, where human law is imitation of divine law.

Proclus Elements of Theology 8.1-15:

>All that in any way participates in the Good is subordinate to the primal Good which is nothing else but good.

>For if all things which exist desire their good, it is evident that the primal Good is beyond the things which exist. For if it were identified with any thing that there is, either this thing is identical with the Good, and by this identity excluded from desiring the Good (since all appetite implies a lack of, and a severance from, the object craved); or (since this is impossible) its being is to be distinguished from its goodness, and the latter will be immanent in the former and participated in by it. If so, it is not the Good, but a good, being immanent in a particular participant: it is merely the good which this participant desires, not the unqualified Good desired of all existing things. For that is the common object of all yearning, whereas an immanent good belongs to the participant.

>The primal Good, then, is nothing else but good. Add to it some other character, and by the addition you have diminished its goodness, changing it from the Good unqualified to a particular good. For that added character, which is not the Good but some lesser thing, by its coexistence has diminished the Good.

And Heraclitus Fragments 114, 44 and 33 (as in T.M. Robinson's translation):

>Those who (would) speak with insight must base themselves firmly on that which is common to all, as a city does upon (its) law - and much more firmly! For all human laws are nourished by one (law), the divine (law). For it holds sway to the extent that it wishes, and suffices for all, and is still left over.

>[For, he said,] the people should fight on behalf of the law as (they would) for (their) city-wall.

>(It is) law (custom) also to obey (respect) (the) counsel of (a single) one.

Fragment 115 has two translations, one by Robinson:

>Soul possesses a logos (measure, proportion) which increases itself.

And one by Guy Davenport:

>The psyche grows according to its own law.

Ultimately longing for absolutely right divine law is common to all men born form Divine, and having that law in their own souls. Self righteousness is a shadow of God's will, as if projected desire of smaller particle of Light of a greater Light, as if emulation. In a way the closer a person is to understanding God, the more he wants to emulate God's righteousness, the jews with their obsession bring the main corruption that you finely mentioned as "kabbalistic mystic that considers itself the Divine incarnate and the manifestation of the highest principle". That corruption is part of brahmanic cults as well, ultimate fail ironically happens at ultimate ascension, when subordinate light stops knowing its own place and equates itself in Divine rather than understanding hierarchy as unity, not absorption through literal egoistic incarnation. I've been noticing subjectivity caused by whole archetype wank, illogical non-dualism of brahman-inspired cults somehow still proceeding in worship of deity even though they are "the deity", and the end goal of such reason principle being akin to atheism.

Plotinus on that said in his treaty against Gnostics:

>Foolish people are sold on accounts such as these as soon as they hear ‘You will be superior not only to all human beings but even to the gods!’ For there is a great deal of arrogance in human beings. Even the man who was previously a humble and moderate private citizen is sold if he hears: ‘You are the son of god, but other men whom you used to admire are not sons of god and neither are the beings that they worship in accordance with the tradition of their fathers; you, however, are even greater than heaven without even having struggled to be so’, and then others join in the chorus. This is comparable to a group of men who do not know how to count; if one of them in his ignorance hears of a thousand cubits but only has a vague idea that a thousand is a large number, why would not this man think himself to be – what else? – a thousand cubits tall while thinking other men to be five cubits tall?

Easy to sell propaganda of godhood (or "divine above gods" like buddha) because of its appeal, that resumes desire of emulation of Divine principles, but failing to grasp the gap of inferiority one simply fails to achieve anything in total delusion. Cause "the distance from ape to man is that from man to god.".

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0fcf06  No.164008

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Yes this correlates to the Right and Left hand paths, doing what is considered right or doing whatever you want, the two principles of course can be reconciled if one is naturally inclined to do the right thing anyway.

The Right hand principle was represented by Lugal Erra/Girra, the Divine flame, and the Left by Mes-Lam-taea, which indicates Mes/tree, Lam/Almond emergent, the Menorah of Israel was styled in the form of the Almond tree, sweet to the mouth and leaving the bitter taste, the waters of Marah/bitterness, and Meslam was strongly associated with Nergal, who as the Lord of the Underworld generally just did what he wanted.

So in Mandaean tradition John the Baptist is seen as the righteous representative of the Divine Fire but Jesus as representing the left hand path as self righteous Adonai consort of Ruha Qudosh

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056ca1  No.164031

File: 2b801499d60f069⋯.png (55.59 KB, 333x233, 333:233, Ebionites.PNG)

File: 2c21d6bb8dcbb13⋯.png (88.05 KB, 473x527, 473:527, Adultery_and_slave_mating.PNG)

File: 216f037c4041db0⋯.jpg (119.68 KB, 422x526, 211:263, Vaishnavist_advices_for_ma….jpg)

File: b273a464b17bd3b⋯.jpg (286.37 KB, 416x1262, 208:631, Vishnu_Purana.jpg)

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Actually that kinda makes sense. Maybe left/right hand paths of Gentile Judaism were divided between Christian/Ebionites conversions. Right upholds full law, Left discerns the law only for where its useful. John the Baptist + James the Righteous (brother of Jesus), which represent Ebionite teaching that i mentioned in this post: >>160704 Ebionites obviously baptized gentiles, but made them keep Moses law and circumcision. Meanwhile Pauline/Johannite traditions followed freedom from law from perspective of Yeshua, but didn't kept it in full glory i presume, by being drowned in mythical stories about Jesus, including all the attributed miracles and supposed virgin birth. Which are stolen from other Hellenic stories and undeniably influenced by Orphic mystery cult system.

The difference however between west and east, when two teaching go against one another, there's no tolerance. People just plainly killed each other by believing wrong, where left/right hand thing remained at religious tolerance in the east, producing tantrism.

Anon in previous thread said: >>153544

>Vaishnavism also seems to be the branch of Hinduism most reflective of the original Aryan/Vedic teachings.

If you today return to read old Vaishnavist devotional texts you'll find various excessive commandments like staying up at night being a sin, or those who don't wake up in the early morning being guilty, or advises on complexion of a woman you're marrying. Excess of "written law" is usually a key feature of all right handed religions. Agni purana having written rules about adultery and slave sex like jewish law from Levictus, just with excuses for caste system. Vishnu purana talks how great is the sin of conversing with a heretic.

So be wary of it, obsession with Doctrinal superiority can be seen between "heretics" themselves. This eventually leads to hate of everybody, because no one is following what personal ideal you're having. That's saying, some people get their fair share of security of the soul if they follow some kind of set of commandments, in attunement to deity they believe its given by, if it fits with reason-principle they are born from. Those who follow harsh rules can't understand those who are more liberal in life. So even when following strict religious code one must not fall into forcing it on everyone, and that's where main problem of western religious sphere was, which eventually "broke the camels back" into militarized atheism.

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ec3873  No.164043

File: 2d700d67f48ab1b⋯.png (300.18 KB, 654x1302, 109:217, The_highest_of_commandment….PNG)

File: 7b4e13d3f8cdbd7⋯.png (112.76 KB, 649x564, 649:564, Procreation.PNG)

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File: 96e4aecc85fcc77⋯.png (120.55 KB, 643x514, 643:514, On_Angels.PNG)

File: 967ae9c171b51f2⋯.png (111.86 KB, 643x551, 643:551, Conclusion.PNG)

Want to share something of jewish procreational theosophy.

Taken from "In God's Image" by Yair Loberbaum

Hate it or not, this is some high quality effort to enforce your religious people to breed. In other cases value of householder is usually diminished compared to virgin ascetic, jews put procreation as a holy mandate, not virginity.

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0fcf06  No.164174

File: e6c14c9c15405db⋯.jpg (287.48 KB, 779x679, 779:679, LLKJ.jpg)

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It makes sense because they were generating the Aeon of Pisces, and the primary basis of that is the Fish Anunnitum and the Rivers, metaphorically the Fish within the stream of consciousness as the basis of Sage tradition. they're deriving this understanding from Hellenistic-Babylonia.

In terms of Divine Consciousness seeming opposites are resolved in terms of going full circle, planetary archetypes do not have dual nature and function, the perceived dualism is relativistic and contextual, but for the individual this is the danger of the Power of the Ring the gold within the river.

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4473d4  No.164212

File: 7c3590b884596d6⋯.jpg (928.48 KB, 2423x3264, 2423:3264, Chaitanya.jpg)


>It makes sense because they were generating the Aeon of Pisces, and the primary basis of that is the Fish Anunnitum and the Rivers, metaphorically the Fish within the stream of consciousness as the basis of Sage tradition. they're deriving this understanding from Hellenistic-Babylonia.

To be honest its all because religious and occult astrological connectivity is ensured by astrology being primarily based from a single source, which is of course ancient sumerian/assyrian, around fertile crescent. One can easily lose himself here, but all comparative mythology points to the stars. Including survived myth-religions that didn't transcended their view of Deities above astrology and numerology. The more humanity develops reason the more such views are destroyed, least we start believing stars have souls and constellations matter. That's why judaism and hindu sects survive, because they follows logical patterns in talking about God, with theosophical approach to everything, since unaccountable evidence in philosophical vein is more mystique, while myth can be debunked at any time no matter how hard it is connected to planets and stars. You cannot tie matter and God. Since everything about "provable" nature of a real God is unaccountable.

No matter how many idols babylon made, its dead, greeks are dead, egyptians are dead too. All those civilizations are buried in deep memory. Everyone who tries to restore their religious rites applies modern approach and knowledge and doesn't know even half their rites, and its mostly practiced by people with emotional affection to idols of ancients, and not to living Intelligence of God all around.

There's absolutely no reasonable point to do research on ancient myth, knowing one myth won't replace another, and you'll just waste your life chasing legends of the past about Gods having love affairs, incest and family drama. And ancients used to believe since celestial objects follow certain patterns all the time, the intelligences above them are never changing in their ways. It is in fact absolutely materialistic approach to Divine, with no real ground to hold on, just like idea of God being born as mortals are born, or to live as they do. For Divine there'd be no point for birth and death, or being caught in time-streams.

I'd even go a step further and say i reproached concept of Daemon as Intermediary Intelligence, that is limited only by how much it learns in lifetime of a human, and not anything related to physical properties visible stars or their revolving paths, that is generated as reason-principle from soul learning more about Cosmic Consciousness, and therefore creating a line between its own intelligence and all pervading Divine. That vision of Divine becomes ever learning Daemon, if one unlinks the idea that Angels are stars one can easily assume they in fact do have level of curiosity, unlike certain jews believe, when it comes to their own Origin, accustoming to agreed form of perception of Cosmic Consciousness of the living God and comes in all possible forms in visions because its a immaterial way of communication between creation and its Creator. Therefore the true reason why God is always personal, is because Spirit of said God assumes developed form from relationship of lower and higher intellectual phenomena (kind of like you sometimes know what people you know would say about your actions, so your view of their personality exists in your mind). Therefore there are no buddhas, angels, saints, multiplicities of gods and so on, but rather traces of memory inside the Cosmic Consciousness materializing from connection of human soul locked inside flesh and God who is everywhere and everything, developing human intellect with acceptable sign to underdeveloped mind. Even spirits of the dead are memory of forms inside existing Cosmos, when they appear they are not really there. In a way true theosophical gnosis is akin to constantly developing science, but not available to everyone, hence we conclude the idea of everyone being alive is an illusion.

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0fcf06  No.164228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Jews persist while all else fails because it is rewarding to be a Jew, they do whatever they want at the expense of others and never genuinely follow the rules of others.

The most powerful group in the world is thus the Anti-nomian Jews and their minions, that see every form of criminality as potential profit towards their advancement, this Left hand path approach then facilitating the Right hand establishment of Israel and their Orthodox cousins, that maintain their ideological basis.

In order to counter that here's the deal, there is no deal, number one we should do whatever we want, number two prevent them from doing so.

That requires an ideological basis, the Aeon of Aquarius, the complete freedom to act according to the better part of one's nature within the flow of the rivers of consciousness and the recognition of the pure Gold within such, because with Aquarius/Enki you return to the source and origin of better nature in the first place, that generated well intentioned civilizations and religious establishment, all that we have learned is that not all natures can be accommodated within such, and we never even wanted them to be, all that is required is re-alignment with primary intent and thus lesson learned,

Even if the old idols are dead, myths ignored and forgotten, religions failed, those were only ever the imperfect interface, Divinity itself is unchanged, and it's easy enough to construct a new and improved version with amazing shortcuts, it simply requires the desire and decision to do so, and the necessary crafting skills, like the re-forging of a sword

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562493  No.164261

File: 5604d79b7f17f4b⋯.jpg (141.83 KB, 749x1200, 749:1200, Adeptus_Mechanicus.jpg)


Anon, even Freemasons are dying because they stop believing in astrological theos on which their whole teaching is based. Let's theorize a bit in science fiction style: Instead of crafting new religion governments right now are interesting in crafting system of technological artificial control with help of chinese surveillance system. We're sooner become cyborgs with intelligence limiters facilitating machine god, to motivate us to be good goyim, than revive babylonian theory of celestial objects being worthy of worship. Since nobody will have patience to control all emerging extremist ideologies both left and right and true tyranny will begin when chink bugs inspire europe to digitize the population. There'd be attempts at rewiring neural system to artificial neural networks, in order to lock minds to programmable environment, not that hard to do if light of souls is in fact physical energy. Because once elites want total immortality they'll invest anything into it, and force the slave class along. This is the only way they're going to explore space, because mixed nigger mutts will be incapable of behaving, let alone be allowed to be astronauts, so digitizing their brains will be only final solution and accepted way of re-enslaving them. Because society loves total control they get imposed on, as long as it gives them social security and false sense of virtue, as well as diversity, so to preserve mutt slave class they'll have to enforce artificial means. The mandate of machine will replace the mandate of heaven.

This kind of scenario is more likely to happen. Can't enforce a god? Make a god! That's the final form of human worshiping his own creation, a perfect idol. A Deus Ex Machina fulfilling any imaginary desire without any theurgy.

Human is already superior to stars because with the potency of his craft he can make a weapon capable of destroying them. Would people born in different solar system be completely different from people born here, because there'd be no Venus, Mars, Saturn and so on? Now imagine if those "gods" are simply turn into dust. Even all famous Sun is mortal and fragile. Material things are material. True God is absolute and not limited to this universe. Because who knows if we'll dwell places where our common constellations aren't even seen from.

Not speaking of any of this as positive though. Nature will be abandoned because only this planet handled any existing nature. And human in space is a transgressor. At full of his transgression human will live on only on his craft, and not on any self reproducing god-given resource. Its a pessimistic future that jews like Isaac Asimov gave us. Anyone who'll be alive just like on dawn of humanity before space exploration be suffering indwelling metal shuttles and colonies like a rat, and city dwellers already live like ants in ant hill skyscrapers. Hell is yet to be made by human's own hands, machine based immortality will not allow you to leave this world in peace. And after all of this buildup human will still be fed that he's a fucking monkey, and not God's image.

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aca985  No.164277


This was my exact same conclusion. They will ‘experience’ immortality as nothing more than a pathetic totally controlled slave. I feel very sorry for them. I saw their future and it was worse than anything the human mind can currently conceive of, it was a pure product of the jewish mind that they will never ever escape from and never know rest from. When you are ‘used up’ you are recycled and resurrected to repeat the worst slavery the human mind could conceive all over…for eternity. This was the goal, divergent from any reasonable or desirable form of Life.

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0fcf06  No.164293

File: 3cbeeaf4baeb68f⋯.gif (564.42 KB, 800x430, 80:43, fx5d480832.gif)


Well there is the choice, absolute freedom or total enslavement, the issue is being forced, and there is a conflict of interests between deep and natural control and the superficial technological imposition, and the one's advocating the latter are being driven by those same underlying forces, so who is going to win there, 13 Olympians or a cabal of 13 Jews that would control the world?

Lets consider a fable,

>According to the earliest source, Phaedrus, the story concerns a group of frogs who called on the great god Zeus to send them a king. He threw down a log, which fell in their pond with a loud splash and terrified them. Eventually one of the frogs peeped above the water and, seeing that it was no longer moving, soon all hopped upon it and made fun of their king.

>Then the frogs made a second request for a real king and were sent a water snake that started eating them. Once more the frogs appealed to Zeus, but this time he replied that they must face the consequences of their request.

The deeper powers are such that every Jew and their minions on the planet could be terminated this instance, they present no challenge to Divine Order, but the good people must realize their potential fate and determine their future themselves, well sort of.

The credibility of this depends on one's awareness of the extent to which life on this planet is controlled, to some maybe just a vague notion or silly idea, but not to others, it's a question of experience and understanding and ultimately fate.

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e0e697  No.164494



To be honest i ignored this thread, as i don't really care about astrology and the esotherical stuff. But this caught my attention. I think i understand your vision of the future and i am pretty pessimistic myself.

However, i have been thinking about something. As far as we know now, ftl travel is not possible and i suspect this is true and not something that we will ever achieve. In this case, this would perhaps offer a possibility for groups of people to to escape. I am not very optimistic because at first, interstellar travel which would require enourmous resorces, would be only done by alliances of nations or of very powerful megacorps. These would be controlled by jews who obviously would not permit a group of racially conscious white people to escape their totally controlled society.

But, perhaps in time, this would become more common and a group of whites could escape the solar system. It wouldn't be easy to track them if they were not transmitting themselves and if they could get a foothold in a solar system, they could after some time send out other colonies. Of course they could b pursued, but i think that as long as they don't have traitors among them to send out signals, they would be hard to detect in flight and even once a colony is established, it could take some time before it is large enough to be detected from light years away. And after that, even if it is detected, if ftl isn't possible, then it would probably take decades for any ships to reach them.

Of course, as i said i am not very optimistic about jews permitting whites to leave the solar system or to even exist until that point. But even our own solar system is quite big. Perhaps small groups of whites will be able to isolate themselves from jewish controlled society. I'm thinking maybe something like nomads, wandering the solar system, never settling in any one place for too long.

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e9a15b  No.164605

File: 8dabd2329d93123⋯.jpg (48.6 KB, 1000x700, 10:7, sweet_dreams.jpg)


White flight never helped, i don't think it will help in space among bunch of barren rocks. This whole planet may as well be "promised land", and how we will take care of it will determine our future. FTL travel is as fantastic and impractical as flying cars.

>i don't really care about astrology and the esotherical stuff

Elites and ruling intellectuals of this world care. Not even scientific minds rule this world, but initiated into various secret societies and their occult mysteries. Together with temple class they form hierarchy of control of populace knowledge. Why they care about the occultism, even when major strides into science wanted like holy inquisition to get rid of it all? Its money. Its the reason we say their main idol is mamona.

Hindu agamas tell never to do anything without reciting a mantra, not even lay a brick without mantra. Because they believed praying strengths and blesses the object/action of praying with good will, even if that good will is part of imagined desire of human entering all pervading Intellect of God, who i believe knows everything we desire before we desire it, hence blessing and cursing something works. Orthodox priests once did a huge test on farmland, one part of the farmland they prayed upon with their chorus chants that are really difficult to understand for protestant mind, because they do have esoterical basis just like Buddhists and Hindus for their chorus. And on another farmland they cursed so hard in their pesky russian, which is extremely rich in its curses, it actually grew much worse than field prayed upon. People usually teach us not to curse and not to rise voice in judgement because it actually works not just on people, but on environment around, and its feelings that matter first, than formula of a curse. As i understand its mostly because this reality only seems stable but is affected by human desire by some meager extend of their own connection to Logos.

Now, what that has anything to do with economy to the people in fancy suits? As i mentioned earlier jews believe Venus makes people rich: >>162633

I want to add few cuts from Book of Hiram:

>What is clear from the background research for this book, is that the driving force behind the successful expansion which spread the ideas of this Stone Age cult was their discovery of the principles of trade and the division of labor. These economic ideas created resource surpluses which were used by astronomer-priests to build great temples in centers of wealth and civilization.

>So, in our terms, these astronomer-priests practiced astrology.

>They timed their procreation to the movements of their shining goddess as she smiled down on their intercourse from the sky. It must have been an easy religion to gain converts for, since as far as we could see it involved taking part in sexual orgies and, for the leaders at least, becoming favorites of the Goddess of the Bright Morning Star and thus destined to be rich and successful.

>The return of the Shekinah coincided with a period of economic and political turbulence, which happened to benefit the Jews, just as the ancient myths said it should.

>No doubt some people who read this book will want to believe that the I surges of economic success that David McClelland discovered were really caused by the stars and planets on the horizon affecting the destinies of the individuals who benefited.

>We have demonstrated that some of the main megalithic structures of the British Isles are advanced astronomical devices to track the movements of Venus and shown the huge social and economic benefits that this would have given to prehistoric man.

Hence when you search for mantras on jewtube you usually find bogus stuff for "monetary success" when those used to be chant by ascetics in the first place.

Because for those people esoterics is all akin to how a speedrunner manipulates RNG for benefit of random number generator inside game's engine, if you know the terms. They think everything occult is akin to manipulating world's code within dubious reality of imagination of the Godhead, insulting the God this way they proceed to enslave themselves to worship of economic resources. But they are the only slaves to money we will ever get, because no one stable in mind wants to be bound to cash, since hate of materialism was prominent among eastern cultures (The pride of wealth and rank brings naught but calamity (Tao Te Ching); unheeding, childish fools, by wealth deluded (Katha Upanishad)). No one who thinks of wealth and success is able to think of anything else, it becomes parasitic and drags down any possible connection with Divinity you might ever had.

Basically money keeps remaining being a god even if God is not present in their hearts. And it drags esoterics back into the play.

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ea43fa  No.164738

File: 5d50bf6459a16ec⋯.jpg (30.35 KB, 468x412, 117:103, thomas.jpg)

Let me return for a second to post death "code-phrase" for a second, mentioned in those two posts:



There's apparently a gnostic one in Gospel of Thomas:

>(50) Jesus said, "If they say to you, 'Where did you come from?', say to them, 'We came from the light, the place where the light came into being on its own accord and established itself and became manifest through their image.' If they say to you, 'Is it you?', say, 'We are its children, we are the elect of the living father.' If they ask you, 'What is the sign of your father in you?', say to them, 'It is movement and repose.'"

Again "they" imply same guardians of hades implied by Orphic Gold tables "They will ask you"/"They say to you" is entirely similar. Almost same questions asked, and answering person refers to himself as "children". Never got this one when read it the first time in the past, now i get it as a remnant of orphic/egyptian traditions of identifying yourself in front of guards of hades.

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0fcf06  No.164803

File: 83b48f12e7e6057⋯.jpg (944.32 KB, 1469x612, 1469:612, ryha.jpg)


Yes it'a likely the two guardians of the Milky Way at Gemini do the questioning, the entrance into the Afterlife.

Also connected to the River are the planetary archetypes as colours, aspects of light, it is only at the Ecliptic and Galactic plane point of intersection could these be understood to connect to the river.

Knowledge of Life who is far from heaven:

“I have come to you, Soul

From Life above.

The Earth sent you –

He sought garments of eight.

I went into the midst of the world

I went in a garment of life

I came into the midst of the world

Unto a garment of seven I came

I received the eight

I went from there in a garment of seven

I received the eight in one.”

Quotes from the Mandaic book of John.

He brought him back up to the shore.

Spirit took the form of a dove.

She made a cross in the Jordan

and she lifted up the waters in colors,

and said to the Jordan,

“You defile me and you defile my seven sons.”


The wildest narrative on the schemes of Ruha and Adonai is the Haran Gawaita, were John the Baptist is referred to as Yahia Yuhana


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352281  No.165098


It really does seem to be a test of will. The idea that you can find the true nature of a man when he is under the most pressure. That would be to live a live of peace and nothing pressuring you then you would grow weak, like a dodo that would be easy to slaughter because it's not ready for the danger that may approach it.

If you were a planetary will would you prefer to have children that were weak and defenseless or strong and resilient? Especially if they had aspirations of leaving you and going into the great unknown. Like a mother bird who needs to make sure that her children can fly when they leave the nest so they can live a good life.

That's if a planetary will would even permit life on it to have freedom. If it did not, then that would be extinguished. If it was something that was paramount, then they would need to make sure it would endure more than anything else.

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57b790  No.165106

File: 99e47a85e393c32⋯.jpg (169.41 KB, 796x676, 199:169, getting_tired.jpg)

On reading jewish and rabbinic literature i found at times its extremely profound in matters about God, but when texts get genuinely jewish it tends to completely distort my opinion.

On jewish morals according to Maimonides:

>If one finds a sack or a basket, the rule is as follows: If he is a scholar or a respected elder who is not accustomed to taking such things in his hand, he need not concern himself with them. He must, however, examine his own conscience. If he would have taken these things back for himself had they belonged to him, he must also return them when they belong to another. But if he would not have overlooked his dignity even had they belonged to him, he need not return them when they belong to another. If one follows the good and upright path and does more than the strict letter of the law requires, he will return lost property in all cases, even if it is not in keeping with his dignity.

>If the majority of the inhabitants are heathen, the rule is that if one finds lost property in a part of town which is chiefly frequented by Israelites, he must advertise it. But if he finds it in a public highway or a large square or in assembly halls or lecture halls frequented regularly by heathen or in any place frequented by the general public, whatever he finds belongs to him, even if an Israelite comes along and identifies it. For the owner will abandon hope of its recovery as soon as he loses the property, since he thinks that a heathen will find it. Yet even though it belongs to the finder, if he wishes to follow the good and the upright path and do more than the strict letter of the law requires, he must return the lost property to an Israelite who identifies it.

On jewish non-aggression and non-retaliation:

>I have seen in a certain book from among the books on ethics where it was asked of one of the esteemed saintly men—it was said to him, “Of all your days, in which day did you most rejoice?” He said; “On the day that I was traveling on a ship, and my place was in the lowliest of the places on the ship, [that is] among the bundles of clothes. On the ship were merchants and wealthy men. I was lying in my place and one of the men on the ship arose to urinate. I was insignificant and contemptible in his sight because in his sight I was very low, until he uncovered his nakedness and urinated on me. I was astonished at the firmness of the disposition of brazenness in his soul. As the Lord lives, my soul was not pained at his deed at all, nor was my power [to react in anger] aroused within me. Instead, I rejoiced greatly when I attained the limit where the contempt of that deficient man did not pain me and that my soul was not stirred up toward him.” There is no doubt that this is the ultimate of humbleness of spirit —in order that one may remove from pride.

This is literally "turn the other cheek around" but instead with piss instead.

On jews making ethical exception for non-jewish slaves based on "mercy":

>When Maimonides describes how an individual Jew should treat a non-Jewish servant he writes:

>It is permitted to work a heathen slave with rigor. Though such is the rule, it is the quality of piety and the way of wisdom that a man be merciful and pursue justice and not make his yoke heavy upon the slave or distress him, but give him to eat and drink of all foods and drinks.

>Cruelty and effrontery are not frequent except with heathen who worship idols.

(there's a lot of heathens who worship idols in accordance to jewish vision)

>In Maimonides’ description of the law of the heathen slave, there is a marked difference between action based on the legislative authority of God (din), and action stemming from the imitation of the God of creation.

>If an individual were to conduct himself on the basis of the strict requirements of the law, he would only refrain from treating the Hebrew slave harshly. The ethical responsibility toward the non-Jewish slave results from understanding how God is related to all of creation.

So good will of the jew towards the goyim is an ethical exception of the rule as long as jew is pressured by society to follow public ethics, and not a requirement. And jews for goyim are like gods, for they see themselves being in shoes of God's legislative authority towards them.

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3da314  No.165215


Astute. People do not understand what is happening here, so they react with anger, fear and anxiety. Only those who can rationalize what is happening react to Life in the appropriate manner. If people could see that the Earth was a womb/factory that spawned little ‘planetary Gods’ who would have charged of their own planets they would understand their troubles and sorrows.

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0fcf06  No.165242

File: de96f30d96a5e3b⋯.jpg (481.88 KB, 884x833, 52:49, 333kkjh.jpg)

File: 8f6d1cb56c88b40⋯.jpg (725.98 KB, 1958x1197, 1958:1197, _mnb.jpg)


A limited subjective perspective that is delusional will prove perilous, that can correlate to the willfulness of a child.

In terms of pressure the River of Ordeal test seems to have transpired at a narrowing point of the river, that could correlate to the entrance into the Underworld, a point of particular turbulence, the most difficult place to cross, a point of spiritual crisis, sink or swim, the transition from the Bank of innocence through self-righteous assertion to that of objective truth.

The Creation and Flood myth of Genesis are derivative of the Mesopotamian tradition of the emergent underground stream from Eresh//Eres/Eris as in Eres-Kigal, Queen of the Underworld, derived from Sumerian Urash, the planet Earth, though Eresh was also the Semitic name for Uruk.

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ca8076  No.165549


Where did you learn this?

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352281  No.165577


I learned a lot by watching Asha Logos videos of Subverted History. He mostly sticks to the facts and has resonated a lot with me. And recently I've been watching Robert Sepehr's videos. He has a lot of speculative ideas that are more fantastical than realistic, but it's good to keep your mind open and flexible so you can adapt in unexpected situations.

After watching those videos I have understood that a lot of things in fiction that have resonated with me may because they have truth backing them up.

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ca8076  No.165582


>but it's good to keep your mind open and flexible so you can adapt in unexpected situations

You're probably right. Using only cuckchan so much while this site was shoah'd really fucked with my head. I can barely even keep up a conversation with my mom anymore.

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2552f0  No.165613

File: 2918cf9b3f4d5f6⋯.jpg (29.56 KB, 250x325, 10:13, Heraclitus.jpg)


>but it's good to keep your mind open and flexible so you can adapt in unexpected situations

One of the most underrated phrases because of hippies and their dissatisfactiory misuse of the open mind idea.

As for Heraclitus:

>In searching out the truth be ready for the unexpected, for it is difficult to find and puzzling when you find it.

Or literal translation:

>If (he) doesn't expect (the) unexpected, (he) will not discover (it); for (it) is difficult to discover and intractable.

With some commentary on this fragment by T.M. Robinson:

>My own inclination is to understand the subject of the first part of the sentence as something like 'the conscientious enquirer' (see fragment 35, historas), and to take the next phrase as catching something of both 'expecting the unexpected' and 'hoping for the hopeless,' in the possible senses mentioned above (the verb elpizein is notoriously ambiguous on the matter). The object of the discovery is most naturally taken as '[it]' in the sense of 'the truth' or 'the real' or both. As Heraclitus puts it elsewhere (fragment 123), '{a thing's?/the world's?) real constitution has a tendency to conceal itself.'

>The subject of Heraclitus' first sentence is unclear; most scholars understand it as 'one' or 'a person/ The next phrase is also obscure; is Heraclitus talking about 'expecting the unexpected' (in the sense, perhaps, of always being prepared for the unexpected) or 'hoping for the hopeless' (in the sense perhaps of 'hoping against hope' for eventual understanding)? And what, finally, is the (unstated) object of the subject's 'discovery'?

As well as:

>Our understanding of the greatest matters will never be complete.

Or from book of Zhuangzi:

>You can’t discuss the ocean with a well frog—he’s limited by the space he lives in. You can’t discuss ice with a summer insect—he’s bound to a single season. You can’t discuss the Way with a cramped scholar—he’s shackled by his doctrines. Now you have come out beyond your banks and borders and have seen the great sea—so you realize your own pettiness. From now on, it will be possible to talk to you about the Great Principle.

>Of all the waters of the world, none is as great as the sea. Ten thousand streams flow into it—I have never heard of a time when they stopped—and yet it is never full.

At the end of the day there's an ocean of confused explanations of the divine, but men tend to secure themselves with doctrinal shackles and it tends to put stops to all thinking, least Divine has grace to unshackle the one who feel secure about not asking questions. The very core of being capable of spiritual growth is ability to plow the sea, and not rest in acceptable. To ask a question, and not say you already have an answer. Answers for things can change every day like a flowing river, just like idea of a God (or any other applied notion of Logos), His Epithets and His Names can change every day from person to person from one logos to another logos, returning to the same point because every river flows into same ocean of infinite meanings as if the very existential ponderings themselves, aroused by desire of psyche, are as omniscient as the Divine. There's enough hypocrites who say you cannot grasp actions of God with reason, yet its the reason and understanding which actually grasps greatest matters, it just never completes understanding of them, for all forms of knowledge can as well be infinite possibilities, while same people rest in myths and unaccountable evidences one stolen from another. Reasonable knowledge gives greater rest, because it doesn't expect to rest anymore.

At this point expecting rest is giving up, expecting happiness is leaving your post, finding certain truth is lowering your guard for believing lies. They shouldn't say there's no rest for the wicked, they should say there's no rest of the saints. Its almost like most teachings of this world are made to get you to stop thinking, because once you do that you're resting in an animalistic bound condition.

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0fcf06  No.165631

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


The Mandaeans make a basis distinction between Ether and the concept of the Soul and Water as relating to the flow of spirit within the living creature, which would correlate to the cult of En-lil and wind related phenomena and En-ki, water based organic creation, the two aspects reconciled in Anu.

As well as the river tradition and the flow of and the collective consciousness, the Fish cult, there was also the Bird cult and the transcendence of the Ether to realize the immortal soul, this giving rise to rituals such as the Leukadian leap in connection to the judgement of Apollo, it was a giant leap along these lines that NASA hinted at in terms of the Apollo mission, the mastery of the Ether, though of course they cheated.

>The Hyperborean~, themselves, were supposed to have enjoyed a blessed, long life, during which they too abstained from eating meat, living instead upon the fruits of trees (Hellanikos, frg. 96 Jacoby). At the end of their lives, they voluntarily offered themselves to death by jumping off a cliff (Pliny, Natural History 4.89;Mela 3.37)

> It was there that Kronos, the father and deposed predecessor of Zeus, was king, and like the other versions of the Hyperborean land, it was a magical garden where golden flowers grew upon resplendant trees and in the offshore shoals

>The most famous Apolline leap was the one from the Leucadian rock, the sheer limestone cliffs on the west coast of the island of Leukas in the Ionian ea, off the coast of Acarnania. By one account, the priests of the god threw either themselves or some sacrificial victims off the rock into the sea

>The western gateway of the Hesperidean garden and the analogous Leucadian Rock thus had its antipodal counterpart in the blessed island glowing white in the light of the rising sun.

>This so-called 'White Rock' was a particular topographical localization of another cliff, found only in the lands of myth, at the edge of the world and reputed to be an entrance to the country of dreams, sleep, and death

>The god, however, was supposed to have been lenient to the sacrificial offering, who was said to sprout feathers during the descent and to be uplifted by birds, so that he would land safely in the shallow waters at the base of the cliffs (Strabo 4.5.2).

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d5d982  No.165670

File: f49d59c3bde821e⋯.png (16.95 KB, 550x546, 275:273, Intelligence.png)


>flow of and the collective consciousness

I have developed a simple model for understanding participation of soul in Intelligence, that would be separate from Iamblichus and Plotinus, but inspired by them to an extend. Collective consciousness is an effect caused by shared faith between souls with similar flow of participation. Imagine minimum of two bubbles inside wast ocean, when they meet with each other on participated reason principle in comprehension of infinite Intelligence, they form psychic connection at spiritual level. Each of the bubbles governs bubble inside, but bubbles joined in shared reason-principle strengthen together, and grow waster from the experience, because tension between them accelerates growth of participated reason-principle.

Basically any phenomena of shared faith is a byproduct of two reason-principles meeting each other and finding similarities. And that reason-principle is governing active agent with potential growth within Intelligence. Hence monotheism is stronger than polytheism, less diversion between souls working at strengthening the spirit they submit to.

What we call God is our idea of a God, if its open for growth it continues to absorb information from human experience, yet human is a mere subject of it. There's another (you) in unconsciousness that collects received information from human experience, but uses for its own purpose, because it has behavioral patterns influenced by the numerological value or pre-built divine harmony it was born from, the true nature of a daimon, a growing Deity that analyzes its own Logos. It hides what you don't know yet, but may as well know your whole life from start to finish, if not tied by time, or at least has different opinion on any subject, formed from higher intellectual capacity of analyzing received data because not bound to bodily faculties. The more that data is trustworthy to reason-principle, the more of it gets absorbed. That reason-principle as intermediary intelligence participates in infinite Intellectual possibilities of Intellectual Logos of everything. And i can imagine there's already a base theory that the more people believe a single thing, the more it manifests in reality, when people with powerful and grown reason-principles gather within ecstatic connection. Because "Better than the sacrifice of wealth Is the sacrifice of wisdom", as in Bhagavad Gita the spiritual growth in philosophy is equal to ritual sacrifice and christian scribes knew about symbiotic phenomena too: Matthew‎ 18:‎20 "For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them." Of course soul that's tied to a myth is not expected to get the meat of it. Nor i expect myth to be anything more than a limiter to science of spirituality. The bottom of this theory is that reason-principle itself may be a higher soul, not the one we perceive this world by. Therefore there's a possibility for the passive soul component actually dying out with a brain, while reason-principle remains on the outside as spiritual being, and useful to realm of the Intelligence as a whole.

Think this way. If NPCs lack reason principle, what are they according to blasted "life is a game" theory? Ingame actors. But wouldn't that also make a Player an "ingame actor" too, at least by an extend? Now how much different in you from an NPC, when it comes to being an "ingame actor"? What's not different should be the lower soul that's mortal and physical. Therefore its not a question of you being alive. But rather the one that plays you, an "Inner Controller" of upanishads, like described in Brihadaranyaka Upanishad for example.

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