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b29c1f  No.331050 [Last 50 Posts]

Yes, you read those names correctly. Those are real people's names. The fact that Adam Baum sounds like Atom Bomb is anything but a mere coincidence. The word "atom" which comes from ancient greece does indeed come from Adam in the book of Genesis. That word bomb also comes from greece and also comes from the word baum which means tree. Ancient greeks had bombs and when they blew them up they looked like little trees, hence the words have sounded the same for thousands of years.

On the day before Christmas in 1991 two Americans walked into the Kremlin together. Upon introducing themselves the soviet translators and leadership became bewildered and with defeat already on their minds they took the opportunity and surrendered to them. Their names were Adam Baum and Roger Blobaum.

Roger Blobaum http://rogerblobaum.com/ is one of the worlds most famous organic activists and he helped create the organic food label with Patrick Leahy back in the early 1990s to save America from a chemical castration conspiracy with roots in the Nixon administration with Henry Kissinger.


“If we do not ban whole classes of chemicals in the next 10 years, we will face a crash in the number of new births,” GMO co-founder Jeremy Grantham said in a letter.

Grantham gained influence as an investor after correctly calling the dotcom bubble in 2000 and the market’s dramatic downturn in 2008.

Grantham ended his letter by warning that major chemical companies could soon be hit by widespread bans on some of their key products.

Roger Blobaum is the dinosaur of 1988. (http://rogerblobaum.com/) There is a clear turning point in the history of the us presidency because of him, which occurred in 1988 but is as worthy a topic of conversation today as ever. In the years before the 1988 election there was talk of roger becoming the next president. Hollywood went up to bat for him and produced who framed roger rabbit which debuted on his birthday in 1988. Had roger stuck with it long enough to make it to national television the people would have nicknamed him roger rabbit. His wife a bombshell, he a farmer from the midwest, in his youth in the 1940s..It is fun for people to talk about who framed roger blobaum.His name is like adam baum only more intense. Roger that, blow the bomb. Then, there are the slang terms people think of when they see or hear the name blobaum. Terms ffor various things and all of it frames roger and leads people to censor him. Thus the book was called who censored roger rabbit. Yet their is a silver lining for roger. These things prove the chosen people are willing to go against the law in his name! Roger changed the way the american jews think in a big way. Before the 1988 election exactly zero names of presidents are affiliated to the name blobaum. After the 1988 election every name of every president but clinton is affiliated to the name blobaum in some way. You dont have to take my word for it either. The proof is already in your mind. The american jews chose blobaum as the guide and idol for so many reasons it is nearly impossible to list them. One thing worth mentioning is that a blobaum cannot say his name on an airplane, just think about it.

1. A bush is like a baum (tree)

2. blobaum has obaum in it

3. trump is like baum

4. biden is on the other side of bourbon as blobaum like burton

I can do this with every president since 1988 and i can do this with zero presidents before 1988. This is because of what roger blobaum did to influence the jews.

Dr. Blobaum also has a cameo in Signs by M Night Shyamalan, and is depicted in various ways in a number of other movies and songs. In Signs Dr. Blobaum has a cameo as Dr. Bimbu in the tin foil hat scene. Bimbu predicts a grim future for the corn farming family with great accuracy to the tin foil hat community. The aliens in Signs are Monsanto and Bayer intent on eradicating humanity from within the corn. The secret to victory in the movie comes from the homeland of the director which is to use water. The use of water to defeat the aliens with is a hint to the viewer to use water to wash their vegetables.

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a0bb4f  No.331948



Another law the Supreme Court gets to strike down. Second Amendment shall not be infringed. People aren't mentally ill till Big Pharma makes them that way. Striking down Roe was just the beginning of hemming in the massive Federal Government overreach.

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1becc3  No.332019


>And evil

Well yeah cause he is

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6c45aa  No.332062

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e50965  No.332189


Not a one.

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bad0b0  No.332296

And I'm gonna pay for this

They're gonna burn me at the stake

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14d1bd  No.332332

Yesss…going to love these vids! He said strong language was "bullshit"

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6c45aa  No.332506


Where are you getting historical data from?

Not to mention, (1) a lot has happened since January. Anons haven’t been thrown many bones. News is pretty quiet. (2) What I said still stands. The decline began long ago. (3) Part of that is obviously Q disappearing, real life getting harder for most people due to inflation and the various dumpster fires, and anons losing hope. We live in dark times. (4) On the flip side, now that truth social is available for all Americans, there has been an exodus of social media fags. I’ve noticed the shitposting has changed in quality, which leads me to my final point. (5) if you have access to historical data can you post the numbers for January 2018? Did it ever occur to you that it might be a good thing for this place to lose some popularity? That it might be good for normie anons to gtfo and go to truth social so we can get back to what it used to be? I’m sure @q on Truth Social and the various namefags there are doing just that. 5D chess, “anon”

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e2fb40  No.332610


This fuckboy thinks red flag laws and weapon bans fucking do anything. DIDN'T WORK IN HIGHLAND PARK!


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629cf1  No.332785


>libshits got deferrals in vietnam

Was Trump a registered Dem. when he got out of the draft because of his bonespurs?

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3b8d99  No.333161

Every time I start speaking freely, BO and Jim lose their fucking mind.

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eb28b6  No.333283

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10425b  No.333711


Ok - from WIKI FWIW:

Ronald Virgil Pelosi (born November 2, 1934) is an American businessman and public figure in San Francisco, California.

Pelosi was born in San Francisco in an Italian-American family on November 2, 1934,[2] and was reared in that city. He has a brother, Paul. He earned a bachelor's degree in American history from Stanford University in 1956, the same year he and Barbara Newsom were married; they divorced in 1977. He was remarried in 1979, to Susan Ferguson. His children were Carolyn and Cynthia (died 1970), Brennan, Matt Pelosi, Laurence (born 1971) and Andrew (born 1981).

>He is the brother-in-law of Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. He is a former uncle-by-marriage of Governor of California Gavin Newsom.

Business exper

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b4a2e0  No.334113


>Uvalde TX getting some serious bank out of this ordeal.

Any evidence? Apparently, the parents of Sandy Hook got their mortgages paid off. Uvalde is getting a new school. Hmm, something wrong with the school so they staged a shooting to have an excuse to replace it at federal expense?

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d488b1  No.334358


>where do you see yourself in 5 years.

Never had a good answer to that one. I asked frens and used the best result from them.

My honest answer wouldn't get me hired. It would be: I see myself micromanaging your ass…

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380dee  No.334940

Meme challenge time. Whatcha got?

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c5302a  No.335024


good point, there can no longer be federal funding since it is a state program. These ideas need to get shot up to the people in charge. Because we could squeeze them out of the abortion tourism easily if we make it a cost issue to murder.

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0e0b84  No.335535



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7e1cd1  No.335583


They always want to send everyone to a therapist and now it looks to me like they cover for therapists too.

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197bb8  No.336309



He’s white Italian Catholic

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8df25b  No.336402

here i am posting on tor, no im not Q.

anyone can post on tor. 0 id doesnt mean anything.

though it is strange Qs return after so long absent is also his first time posting using tor. wonder why he choose to do it that way.

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cf162c  No.336471


Is that you Mrs. Leavitt?

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e9a8b5  No.336513


No not you.

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2fe76b  No.337373



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424442  No.337541



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40734d  No.337664


Verizon keeps offering me $800 for my 4 year old S10+…wonder why?

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9ec205  No.337902


SHould be a pretty unconventional stock market crash at midnight Sunday morning, kek.

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d90fc7  No.338108

It is not like as if these WebM's would imply something. It's just fun, too keep anons mood up and not falling into depression.

I know why shills hate these webM's so much.

Enjoy The WebM Show

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600bd0  No.338534


You have no say what American's become, we have free will, and we are only emulating your thuggish behavior

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743912  No.338537


sound about right

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c1ffab  No.338729


Well then………dig like the old days and show us noobs how it was done grasshopper. Should be easy for a true anon like you right?

We all know you're just a demoralization shill so we won't hold our breath.

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c1d511  No.339030


Young women had that unpainted, healthy hair thing going on back in the 80s

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550cba  No.339110

Gas here went up .16 last night. What the fuck.

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9be24c  No.339231


projection now

have moar sprinkles

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9d5dbc  No.339406


Ghislaine Maxwell claims inmate was paid to ‘strangle her in her sleep’


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66bd7f  No.339418


TYB, skipped a couple numbers - went from 935 to 938 ?

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a59218  No.339474

Some Current Royal Families Will Gone, Some Will Stay Alive

Source, More Info: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

Life is not about money, wealth. In the highest standard, it is about knowledge wisdom and human evolution.

The role of royal families are less important in modern day.

Many royal families in Western Europe will official gone in the public affair !

They are no longer needed in this civilization, especially the one who still some official status in many colony nations such as the UK, France, etc.

If you ask which royal families will allowed to be stay in power.

Then the answer is mostly the one in Asia, especially the Arab nations where their people with their Islam religion are “prefer” those style.

But if the climate and weather change dramatically, then they will gone as well !

The collapse and disappear of certain royal families are needed for human development and evolution in general.

The current UK Queen will be the last one of the UK royal family !

She has very little time left but still have option to choose from.

She must remove and disband the commonwealth nations group within this year 2022 or will die (that is my estimation, could be sooner as early as in July 2022).

I don’t judge history, I only give opinion about modern today world.

Best Regard,

The Savior

Source, More Info: https://humanitywhole.wordpress.com

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835685  No.339710

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1c0b65  No.339877




Columbus (Delaware County outside Columbus OH was 4/23/22)

And it's like the landing approach was orchestrated to point at both of them.

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3b0e07  No.340473




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156266  No.340938


End the (((FED)))

I think it's already ended because in May 2022 the Federal Reserve building in DC has a fence around it.

Time for the Rothschild USURY debt slave takeover of America to end.

There should be fireworks on July 4 over the CLOSED Federal Reserve Bank…which was never "Federal".


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ea5005  No.341910


This meme deserves awards.


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f469b8  No.341979

Groups urge probe of ‘loot box’ on Electronic Arts’ FIFA video game

Consumer advocates on Thursday urged US regulators to investigate video game maker Electronic Arts for the misleading use of a digital “loot box” that “aggressively” urges players to spend more money while playing a popular soccer game.

The groups Fairplay, Center for Digital Democracy and 13 other organizations urged the Federal Trade Commission to probe the EA game “FIFA: Ultimate Team.”



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a43a84  No.342176


PB was Notable



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ee856d  No.342469


>St. Christopher

Christopher was initially called Reprobus. He was a Canaanite, 5 cubits (7.5 feet (2.3 m)) tall and with a fearsome face. While serving the king of Canaan, he took it into his head to go and serve "the greatest king there was". He went to the king who was reputed to be the greatest, but one day he saw the king cross himself at the mention of the devil. On thus learning that the king feared the devil, he departed to look for the devil. He came across a band of marauders, one of whom declared himself to be the devil, so Christopher decided to serve him. But when he saw his new master avoid a wayside cross and found out that the devil feared Christ, he left him and enquired from people where to find Christ. He met a hermit who instructed him in the Christian faith. Christopher asked him how he could serve Christ. When the hermit suggested fasting and prayer, Christopher replied that he was unable to perform that service. The hermit then suggested that because of his size and strength Christopher could serve Christ by assisting people to cross a dangerous river, where they were perishing in the attempt. The hermit promised that this service would be pleasing to Christ.

After Christopher had performed this service for some time, a little child asked him to take him across the river. During the crossing, the river became swollen and the child seemed as heavy as lead, so much that Christopher could scarcely carry him and found himself in great difficulty. When he finally reached the other side, he said to the child: "You have put me in the greatest danger. I do not think the whole world could have been as heavy on my shoulders as you were." The child replied: "You had on your shoulders not only the whole world but Him who made it. I am Christ your king, whom you are serving by this work." The child then vanished.


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8e4a4b  No.342513


* goes to look for 'Seasons in the Bisque' album


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bff51e  No.342552

Koidu Ebola epidemic

Koidu Red Cross

Sierra Leone civil war

Revolutionary United Front

Diamond mining

All of that from just one NIH doc:


Fauci is NIH, right? He knows a thing or two about gain of function

I think they were testing Ebola on these people

Even Gates was in on it


Catching Ebola because they "regularly travel through bat territory to get to the mines"

Just like bat soup for covid-19, but we know covid-19 was man-made now

All while simultaneously raping their land and overtaking their government

But more interesting to me is the fact they included a quote from the novel "Heart of Darkness" in the NIH paper

Why? That's strange to me.

Heart of Darkness has a character referred to as Mistah Kurtz

Mistah Kurtz is used in the May Day ads as the personification of the fall of governments

The ads are an agenda of wars, revolution and violence that just happen to correlate to real world headlines

More on that if interested, not an easy read but worth it imo


They were spreading that shit on purpose

Why would they try to kill off their own mine workers?

Don't get me wrong, it's fucked up to kill off people using Ebola

But why make sure it's in the area of the diamond mine?


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0e2e9b  No.342980


why can't we just clone that guy and make everyone in congress him


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31ecca  No.343062


…And [they] will get fuck nothing and like it.


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7fd452  No.343407


The baker would have a meltdown.

Newfags will wonder why the board moving soooo fast.




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1e23d1  No.343841

Night shift is lit. Ready to rock and roll.


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d27fb1  No.343995

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6d4088  No.345899




You circle-jerk faggots don't know if RRN is fake or not so stop pretending you do.


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c58789  No.349065


>The exact moment when it all made sense

Killroy was here _-* *-_

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