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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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8b6804  No.320484 [Last 50 Posts]

One-hundred and ninety five Republicans have voted against a House bill codifying the right to contraceptives into federal law.

The Right to Contraception Act passed the Democrat-controlled House 228-195 on Thursday, and it now faces an uncertain future in the Senate. The bill affirms an individual’s right to access and use contraceptive methods, health care providers’ right to prescribe them, and allows for the Justice Department and individuals harmed by the refusal of contraceptives to seek legal recourse.

The right of married couples to buy and use contraceptives was established by the 1965 supreme court case Griswold v. Connecticut. The understanding of that decision subsequently has been expanded to include unmarried individuals.


theoneamerican muslimizesitself

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4709aa  No.320532


>1965 supreme court case

Pure cooincidence this is the same year the demographics act was passed, flooding the united states with non-whites.

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e8c023  No.320720


Islam has never had a problem with contraception. Don't drag Muslims into this buffoonery. This is 100% Christian fascism.

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dd82d5  No.321359

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e70862  No.321536



everything looking a bit nervous

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3579a4  No.321787









The Supreme Court Thursday ruled 6-3 that New York’s regulations that made it difficult to obtain a license to carry a concealed handgun were unconstitutionally restrictive, and that it should be easier to obtain such a license.

The existing standard required an applicant to show "proper cause" for seeking a license, and allowed New York officials to exercise discretion in determining whether a person has shown a good enough reason for needing to carry a firearm. Stating that one wished to protect themselves or their property was not enough.

"In this case, petitioners and respondents agree that ordinary, law-abiding citizens have a similar right to carry handguns publicly for their self-defense. We too agree, and now hold, consistent with Heller and McDonald, that the Second and Fourteenth Amendments protect an individual’s right to carry a handgun for self-defense outside the home," Justice Clarence Thomas wrote in the Court's opinion, referencing two previous gun cases. "Because the State of New York issues public-carry licenses only when an applicant demonstrates a special need for self-defense, we conclude that the State’s licensing regime violates the Constitution."

Thomas noted that the state statute does not define what "proper cause" means, and that courts had ruled that the standard was met by people who showed a "special need for self-protection."


"This ‘special need’ standard is demanding," Thomas wrote. "For example, living or working in an area ‘noted for criminal activity’ does not suffice."

In 43 other states, Thomas noted, authorities are required to issue licenses to applicants who meet certain requirements, and officials do not have discretion to say no due to what they believe is an insufficient need.

In a concurring opinion, Justice Brett Kavanaugh noted that Thursday's ruling does not prohibit states from setting requirements to obtain a carry license, and that it "addresses only the unusual discretionary licensing regimes[.]"

The case, New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. v. Bruen, was the first major gun rights case before the Supreme Court in more than a decade. In the majority opinion, Thomas referenced 2010's McDonald v. City of Chicago and 2008's D.C. v. Heller in his reasoning for Thursday's ruling

"As we stated in Heller and repeated in McDonald, ‘individual self-defense is ‘the central component’ of the Second Amendment right,’" the justice cited. He also referenced how Heller made clear that restrictions on carrying guns in "sensitive places" is permissible, and how New York was wrong for arguing that it's law was merely doing just that.

"[W]e do think respondents err in their attempt to characterize New York’s proper-cause requirement as a ‘sensitive-place’ law," Thomas wrote, explaining that New York viewed "sensitive places" as anywhere "where people typically congregate and where law-enforcement and other public-safety professionals are presumptively available."


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dc35da  No.322035


"To Hell with them." We will ignore it. Right, Maxine?

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674af3  No.322053

Q Research anons can't critical code to save America if their life's depended on it.

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767ba6  No.322255

give up, liz, you're on your way out

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0ba906  No.322306


the day when your ancestors fried kids.

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6aca2a  No.322871


show us your man boobies please or gtfo

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05a359  No.323570

Filtered shill, circa 2022 (colorized)

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77ec78  No.323574



How can someone so magnificent be wasting their time here?

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5c3f20  No.323685


>stop talking like a nigger

Lighten up bitch…it ain't a dick, don't take it so hard.

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66609a  No.323696

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/25/2022 14:08:50

Truth Social: 108539447248882475

Join me tonight in ILLINOIS—LIVE at 8:00PM EDT on @RSBN, @NewsMax, @OAN, @realamericasvoice, and Donald J. Trump @rumble among others. Big crowd! rumble.com/v19jim1-live-presid



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c1431c  No.323848


>why can't they say planefag?



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1ba13e  No.323964


Doesn't appear to have taken off 82-8000 only showing in history when it arrived Madrid.

SAM384 C-32A 98-0002 departed a short while ago.

Just for keks OLGA41 KC-135 tanker over Florida.

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d97533  No.324050

TOR posting got fixed last week.

Q posts from TOR.??

Come on guys, let's see what the rally holds for clues.

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5066c4  No.324379


The secret to the best lasagna.

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3ea9fe  No.324737

Let America Vote Again

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4da6fa  No.324886


mRNA Death Toll, [03.06.22 10:53]

[ Video ]

"These Aren't Normal Cancers" - Doctors All Over the World Are Noticing That "Something Is Wrong"

Florida physician: "I've seen five kidney cancers in young patients. I usually see one kidney cancer every decade of my practice."

Chief of Oncology at a major hospital: "In young people, I'll see maybe one astrocytoma brain cancer a year. I've seen five after the boosters rolled out in the last month."

Another physician: "My 21-year-old son got the booster. Now he has a salivary gland cancer."

Family physician from Ireland: "I have seen the weirdest cancers after the shot rollout."

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5c03dd  No.324941


Q said let there be memes

anon posted how to

And i did make my 1st meme.

And there she is

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6c9359  No.324977


>your shit is weak

Which part?

Because from my vantage point, your inability to specify actually reinforces my argument and makes you look foolish.

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8cd6ba  No.325045


Context? What was happening at that point?

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207c45  No.325146


Blah blah blah. I'm fake news for asking some questions and bringing up reality? No one here can guarantee Q and Trump wasn't a coordinated psy-op, it was all about Planning the Trust so you would Trust the plan. I've already accepted Jesus in my heart and I'm telling you what I decided to write, Jesus didn't stop me and I don't feel guilt.

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cb69eb  No.325429



Is this a marker?

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6f50da  No.325784


>Trump hangs out with Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffery Epstein


>Trump refuses to prosecute Hillary Clinton


>Trump hires Deep State Ruby Ridge Bill Barr


>Trump bows to Israel and does anything and everything for them


>Trump gives bajillion of dollars to Big Pharma to fast track death injections and demands you take them


>Trump tells a bunch of people who think he walks on water to go take a walk to capitol where the lid of the biggest honey pot in the history of America is about to pop off


>Trump bans one of the biggest antivaxxers off his freedom of speech platform


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6fafec  No.326184


I've seen it as low as 3 UID's

even glowies take time off

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0f7ff7  No.326416



muh blah blah blah.

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a621e5  No.326471

How we win.

i. shitpost

ii. meme

iii. sleep (optional)

iv. repeat

v. never leave

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b7511d  No.326571


IT is quicksaved all the time, second after second

human after human wakes up and shows mercy to the world(humankind) like for a little child for stupid mistakes

awakening is global

the gift of breath and hearbeat would be taken from us all if not people like you

there will come a time that they will beg (you) for mercy


saved, thank you

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cae287  No.327470


tard and announcing it

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0f7ff7  No.327558

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292d82  No.327611


Shut up bonehead. The game has been rigged.

True Capitalism is still the fairest economy and the one most compatible with a free republic.

The problem we have is that the game has been rigged by the elites and the central banks.

Next time you come on this board and spout off your little boy socialist dreams, do your fuckin' homework first retard.

We are awake and you're playin' in the big leagues now. Fuck off.


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3e50bd  No.327759


But that isn't the only thing they're trying to get through this time.


they've already put their foot in the door a long time ago.

They've been chipping away at 2A for decades.

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39f701  No.327849


That would be absolutely vile and I can totally see it being rampant.

You would get to control the black vote so easily that way too, considering

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8723a2  No.327968


This is an Underwater Mongolian Basket Weaving forum. What were you expecting?

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90b6c2  No.328294

Ghislaine Maxwell sentenced to 20 years in prison for sex trafficking crimes

Maxwell’s attorneys had pushed for leniency after 60-year-old was convicted in US in December of five of the six charges she faced


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873a64  No.328424

Biden Throws Zelensky Under The Bus: Ukraine Leader 'Brushed Off' Invasion Warnings

President Joe Biden on Friday told a donors conference in Los Angeles, California on the sidelines of the Summit of the Americas that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky brushed aside US warnings saying a Russian invasion of Ukraine was imminent. He described the situation ahead of the Feb.24 invasion and his communications with Zelensky, according to The Associated Press:

"Nothing like this has happened since World War II. I know a lot of people thought I was maybe exaggerating," Biden said, according to the outlet. He added the US had data that showed Russian President Vladimir Putin was going to invade.

"There was no doubt," Biden continued. "And Zelenskyy didn't want to hear it."

In his latest remarks, Biden admitted that the possibility of Putin launching a full-scale invasion may have seemed far-fetched at the time, acknowledging, "I understand why they didn’t want to hear it."

Top Ukrainian officials in the days and weeks prior to the invasion had pushed back against Washington, blaming the repeat warnings from US intelligence agencies for sowing "panic".

At that time, Zelensky had even personally told Biden to "calm down the messaging" on the invasion fears. Rarely does US intelligence take its classified assessments public in order to preemptively warn of action it predicts will occur. This highly unusual public stance also fueled widespread skepticism of the constant invasion warnings from the administration even among longtime Russia experts and observers. It has since been revealed in recent testimony by US Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines that Biden had taken the rare step of declassifying intelligence related to the prepared invasion in order to convince skeptical allies that it was likely going to happen.

Down to the last days before the invasion, there was hope among many Western officials of an "off ramp" that might quickly de-escalate the situation amid the Russian and Belarusian troop build-up along Ukraine's eastern and northern borders. Indeed this "off-ramp" might have come in the form of Ukraine and its backers pledging that the ex-Soviet state would never join NATO.

Many weeks after the invasion, Zelensky revealed in damning statements issued during an interview with CNN's Fareed Zakaria that all during the Russian troop build-up crisis, NATO leadership was pushing him to hold a firm public line that Ukraine is seeking NATO membership.


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cc17e5  No.328533



You ladies were obviously not around when Q posted.

Lurk moar and STFU newfags

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50aa26  No.328631



Loretta Lynch

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9a36df  No.328647


>With that ridiculous hair the press seceetary reminds me of a fry guy kek

Big ol' McKek on that one.

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39f701  No.328780


where does that traitor live?

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e86eaf  No.328898



Handoff Confirmed?

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06f12a  No.329131


Fuck you. Crimes shouldn't be swept under the rug because someone might react badly.

If this stands, I should rob a bank because if they prosecute me, the other people might not want to put money in insecure banks.

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918acb  No.329388

All on Biden's watch.

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039850  No.329405

I want a blow up doll of Moloch so I can fuck him in the ass live-streaming

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acd9d7  No.329409


Well. They did a shitty job with the 3d modeling then.

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a8861e  No.329512

When one of these fucktards walks in front of a bus…

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1c45c5  No.329630

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bd0c3e  No.329828

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1feabc  No.329884


Satan's getting his ass kicked

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d44980  No.330384

West Point graduates sign letter challenging leadership of military academy

The former military officers worry that their alma mater has embraced "woke" teachings that will undermine the mission of the institution.

Several retired U.S. military officers signed a letter written by "Concerned Graduates of West Point and The Long Gray Line," which objects to mandatory vaccinations, CRT instruction, progressivism and other "woke" sentiments in the military academy.

"We wanted to challenge the leadership of the Academy and the Defense Dept on their WOKE actions, CRT, Diversity training and the other discrepancies in the Academy," retired Army Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely, told the Epoch Times.

"We found it pervasive at the Naval and Air Force Academies so we knew it was directed from the highest levels of our Military Leadership. We all want the Military to get back on track to training and leading our Armed Forces to secure America and it's Citizens," he said.

The letter, titled, "Declaration of Betrayal of West Point And the Long Gray Line," requests from the academy information in a number of areas including a justification for the mandatory COVID-19 vaccination of cadets and an explanation for reaching so-called "Critical Race Theory" at West Point.

In addition to other information, the letter also demands to know why some civilian faculty members have been permitted to become involved with political activism, violating the "long-standing policy of the Academy and Army Regulations."

And it questions the institution's "exclusive reliance upon radical progressive guest speakers to address the Corps of Cadets."

"This practice results in prejudiced political activism on the part of the Staff and Faculty in violation of Army Regulation," reads the letter.

The signees, who include a number of military officers, say they have witnessed and been informed of a modern rejection of the principles of the military academy that could ultimately endanger the institution's core and original mission to "educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career or professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army."


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8df275  No.330680

2) Remember that infamous video of Ukrainian MIL burning documents RIGHT IN FRONT of the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense building in Kyiv, Ukraine? On 02/24/22 THE SAME DAY OF THE DECREE FROM ZELENSKY.

Yup. The MSM broadcasted a video of Ukrainian MIL destroying evidence of Ukrainian State involvement with HUNTER BIDEN’S BIOLAB in Ukraine, right as Russia was beginning its missile strikes.

You guys… we caught them all. We caught them in broad daylight on MSM. Check it out.

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8b6804  No.331057

GOP don't like copper IUD.

They are a form of abortion.

Everything else is ok

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8b6804  No.331059

File: aeab55b08889e99⋯.jpg (99.75 KB, 599x900, 599:900, stern_old_granny_303986.jpg)

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668a82  No.331332


Why so sensitive? kek

Jesus had something to say about those who like to walk around in flowing robes and be greeted with respect in the marketplaces.

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825ecf  No.331714



That's your cue to tune out

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8cb6e0  No.332657

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d3db65  No.332676



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3e77de  No.332885


Holy fuck, that image goes hard

Mind if I screenshot?

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98dfe9  No.333332

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1d7aa9  No.333656


oh. i dont read the notables. idc what some random anon thinks is notable

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c0c9e8  No.333667


These pics look like Picasso AI

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b0dab6  No.333754


not sure where that profile stuff came from..

URL cleaned up.


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3e7c45  No.334330



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d26d3c  No.334396


>Is anyone betting on Q's predictions in sports?

Please don't get the D5 anons involved. Let them sleep.

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92422f  No.334413


Haha…that'll come in handy if she has to testify during Danchenko's trial kek.

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9e05db  No.334997


>so sensitive - my my


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1cfab7  No.335356

Donald J. Trump/ @realDonaldTrump

06/25/2022 21:42:05

Truth Social: 108541229521104937


06/25/2022 20:13:08

Truth Social: 108540879749296645

President Trump: “I will protect the 2nd Amendment, and nobody has protected it like me."

Donald J. Trump reTruthed…


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d8f202  No.335679


CC to the local sheriff with a question.

What kind of bugs you wanna eat, and when are you owning nothing and being happy.

If it's banter we can spread word to ignore it and prosecute those harmed by it.

If it's real however it's a globalist civil war.

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09eb53  No.335982


This didn't age well.

The "good guys" turned out to be the Military Industrial Complex who created the diseases, the toxic injections, and is controlling the MSM, the courts, the inflation, the smuggling, and the puppet show.

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ba5b9d  No.335991


Brandon is the one that says My fellow americans because trump will never return to twitter

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7a6044  No.336265


harris should get one of her eyes. perhaps dr. jill too?

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e359ed  No.336396



>You shouldn't do them anyway.

And I never will.

Like I will never wear a mask, inject the gene-tonics or put the lotion on my skin.

Just saying I was expected to, as they said: It's the official recommendations, so why would I not?

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c92127  No.336528


i already sent my kids, small world got them and then disney got what was left. ukraine is like disney pretending to be a country. i started playing your hunger games years ago and you are too weak and pathetic to survive.

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9d7f70  No.336557


https://archive.is/oEmbt – “The Gun Lobby’s Jewish Enemies List”

The National Rifle Association compiled a list of its enemies and it reads like a Jewish who’s who list. The list, prepared by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action includes 506 individuals, organizations, media outlets and corporations that “have lent monetary, grassroots or some other type of direct support to anti-gun organizations.”

The groups listed by the NRA as enemies of the gun-rights cause could easily populate a Conference of Presidents meeting room. They include major Jewish national organizations, including the Anti Defamation League, American Jewish Committee, B’nai B’rith, and the Jewish Labor Committee; two major Jewish women organizations: Hadassah and National Council of Jewish Women; and the Central Conference of American Rabbis, which is the Reform movement’s rabbinical arm.

Reform Jews, the list suggests, are among the NRA’s worst adversaries. The list includes not only their national rabbinical group but also names specifically the Union for Reform Judaism’s former president Eric Yoffie and David Saperstein, director of the group’s Religious Action Center, as individuals fighting for gun control laws.



"Jewish politicians lead chorus calling for tighter gun laws"

16 December 2012


"Anti-Semitic fliers blame US Jewish lawmakers for gun control"

22 March 2018



"The NRA will fall. It's inevitable"

"Just look at the demographics."

The 1965 Immigration Act (the result of 20 years of Jewish activism, lobbying and proactive political agitation), which destroyed US demographics:


Anti-White gun grab:



Neil Steinberg's article called "Why restrict child porn but not guns?"



Neil Steinberg is unsurprisingly, a Jew:



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36f083  No.336576


Q plainly stated he was a liar

"Disinformation necessary"

Who is cooperating with the J6 "Unselect" committee?

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09522d  No.336654



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4311e0  No.336782

Bill Barr Tells Congress He Was Not Interested in Investigating ANY Ballot Trafficking in the 2020 Election — And Laughed About Openly During Testimony

Day II of the January 6 Democrat Party Show Trial was held on Monday morning following their ratings bust on opening night.

The January 6 hearings that aired in primetime last Thursday took in less viewers than a normal night of television.

On Monday they went back to their daytime slot.

During their sham one-sided hearing the Jan. 6 Committee shared their interview with former AG Bill Barr who was seen laughing hysterically when he was asked about the evidence of voter fraud presented by “2000 Mules” during his pre-recorded testimony at the Jan 6 show trial.

Bill Barr: “Uh, the election was not stolen by fraud. And I haven’t seen anything since the election that changes my mind on that, including the ‘2000 Mules’ movie. (laughing) In a nutshell. the GBI[Georgia Bureau of Investigation] was unimpressed with it and I was similarly unimpressed with it because I was holding my fire on that see what the photographic evidence was. I thought, well hell, if they have a lot of photographs of the same person dumping a lot of ballots in different boxes, that’s hard to explain. So I wanted to see what the photographic evidence was. The cellphone data is singularly unimpressive. Basically, if you take 2 million cellphones and figure out where they are physically in a big city like Atlanta or wherever, by definition, you’re going to find many hundreds of them that have passed by and spent time in the vicinity these boxes. And the premise that if you go by five boxes or whatever it was, that that’s a mule, is indefensible.”

How much you want to bet that Bill Barr never saw “2000 Mules”?

Clearly, Bill Barr was not interested in looking at any instances of ballot trafficking.

And Bill Barr clearly does not understand the law or is not interested in following the law. Ballot trafficking is illegal in Georgia. The movie and dozens of clips released since the movie show dozens of ballot traffickers dumping hundreds of ballots into Georgia drop boxes.

If Barr was serious about upholding the law he would have investigated each case of ballot trafficking released in the film and after the film.

On October 29, in Detroit, a US Postal worker can be seen making 4 trips to the Liberty Center satellite voting center in Detroit. The final trip was made in a private vehicle. Although the people making the deliveries are not the same, the number on the front of the US Post Office vehicle is the same!


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aba86a  No.336809


>no space

No T

No Elon



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c91d99  No.336868

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f08661  No.337055


that too

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aba86a  No.337122


I wasn't the one that required the tests be done, anon. Otherwise I wouldn't have even bothered.

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d43ae1  No.337222


CNN asks WH's Brian Deese what he'd tell Americans who can't afford to pay high gas prices for months/years if military analysts project the Russia-Ukraine war to go so long

Notes progress but also: "this is about the future of the liberal world order and we have to stand firm"

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db6629  No.337255


Moccasins are a thing.

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41a038  No.337314


>Rehoboth Beach

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f682fa  No.337628

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/04/2022 21:12:12

Truth Social: 108422203467357780


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7a6f83  No.337694


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6d93c8  No.337867


Vol. 44 No. 12 · 23 June 2022

A Piece of Pizza and a Beer

Deborah Friedell

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7160 words

The Family Roe: An American Story

by Joshua Prager.

Norton, 655 pp., £25, September 2021, 978 0 393 24771 8

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738443  No.338152

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f320aa  No.338165

"Pop Propaganda, Utah Update, and more" ft Dani Katz 6/7/22

The Dani Katz interview (I had never heard of her) was pretty great, despite the seemingly-unfitting name. It's @ roughly 27:00-101:00.

I mean, where has SHE been? Highly recommend watching her. Nothing I didn't already know… more of a "preach it, girl," which I wasn't really expecting from the way the interview started out.

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a6f125  No.338496


Please and TY!

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8fbd64  No.338589

Pelosi: Inside maneuvering can only take you so far. Outside mobilization makes all the difference in the world.

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390811  No.339465

This could go either way, but I fucking love it

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ab40a8  No.339712


> when he's off camera.

Is that even a thing?

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6c537e  No.339782


hmm, I'm not familiar with this monty python scene…..

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936459  No.339843


switching gears to Pompeo = C EYE A now?


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34948b  No.340852

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08ea76  No.341184


Probably Monroe.


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b9638a  No.341351

Is Francis too pooped to Pope?


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7e39ac  No.341447

So when nothing happens again are we all going to admit that these Republicans in office 100% of them are corrupt. I mean you should know this by now any way. But they all hear the rumors and know the stories even we dont hear. They keep their pedo mouths shut. Fuck em all. Matt Gaetz and his contents of the Biden laptop but did nothing. They are all pieces of shit


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315b2c  No.341458



Yes I felt that,I felt my insides getting warm


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2d7cbd  No.341459

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c278f4  No.341799

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45b822  No.341990


i never had an opinion of him until he said "screw your freedoms" re: vaccination.

Fucking ungrateful immigrant. Hope he gets shipped back to Austria when this is all over.


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361fba  No.342238


We've got a problem and it ain't guns, that's for sure.


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e7ecec  No.342345


>how many 'anons'(?) still are engaged in politricks and voting.

Ok “anon”


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2c1989  No.342360


The "Q" box in the background is from QVC. An airman's granny has a TV shopping habit. It's not a secret squirrel message.


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d7a1f4  No.342556

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94972e  No.342682

Before 1933, homosexual acts were illegal in Germany under Paragraph 175 of the German Criminal Code. The law was not consistently enforced, however, and a thriving gay culture existed in German cities. After the Nazi takeover in 1933, the first homosexual movement's infrastructure of clubs, organizations, and publications was shut down. After the Röhm purge in 1934, persecuting homosexuals became a priority of the Nazi police state. A 1935 revision of Paragraph 175 made it easier to bring criminal charges for homosexual acts, leading to a large increase in arrests and convictions. Persecution peaked in the years prior to World War II and was extended to areas annexed by Germany, including Austria, the Czech lands, and Alsace–Lorraine.

The Nazi regime considered the elimination of all manifestations of homosexuality in Germany one of its goals.


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d79e0f  No.342851


ISIS was supposed to be given a nuclear weapon, which would justify World War 3, but Trump put a stop to it.

However, the Jew still hasn't come to justice.


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14e0ca  No.342881


Patrick Howley, everyone. Hi Patrick! Was the $ worth it?


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ffe2c5  No.343103

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ca761d  No.343315


Newspaper on the wall


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7e04eb  No.343414


he's pretty


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eabb4e  No.343489


>If there are no favourable results then I'm out of here and other Anons should reconsider what they're doing with their time

You should give less fucks about what anons do with their time.

Also, you are free to leave any time you want. No need to stick around for the glory and pain.


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9cfd95  No.343583


that was quick if correct


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330802  No.343830


The CETIM also requests the Colombian government to comply with its duty to grant respect and protection of human rights in Colombia, in particular labor and trade union rights and the freedom of peaceful association, and to take, urgently, all necessary measures so as to guarantee the security and physical integrity of Sinaltrainal’s trade unionists. We appeal in particular the government of Colombia to put an end to Coca Cola’s permanent attacks against human rights in Colombia and to guarantee justice and redress for the victims of its activities.

The CETIM requests the Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial Summary or Arbitrary Executions and the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Freedom of Peaceful Assembly and Association to monitor this case closely and to pay a visit to Colombia.

Further, the CETIM requests the Human Rights Council to create an intergovernmental working group with the mandate to develop a binding international treaty in order to monitor transnational corporations and to guarantee access to justice for the victims of their activities.

1. This declaration has been drafted in collaboration with SINALTRAINAL-Colombia.

2. with its head office in Atlanta, Georgia.

3. Other franchises such as Bebidas y Alimentos de Urabá were created.

4.For example, the company has been criticized for importing sugar products, raw materials and supplies to the detriment of national producers, for consuming huge amounts of water for years, for dumping waste into water sources, and it has been even fined for polluting wetlands and emitting huge quantities of greenhouse gas. Moreover, it refuses to respond to requests from Sinaltrainal to commit itself to reducing carbon dioxide emissions (See http://www.prensaverde.org.co/prensa01.php?mncr=1&sbmn=1&ppc=1&ppf=1&codnot=11000476, http://www.salvacionagropecuaria.net/gaseosa%20importa%20azucar%20del%20brasil.htm, and http://www.eltiempo.com/archivo/documento/MAM-2510753). Coca Cola products have been denounced for containing substances that are dangerous to health and cause damage to the youth population. Josh Gold, Coca Cola spokesman, announced that the brominated vegetable oil (BVO) used in beverages such as Fanta, Powerade and others such as citric-flavoured beverages, would be removed and replaced by sucrose acetate isobutyrate. In the USA it was agreed that sugary products would be removed from schools, but in Colombia the company has not taken into account Sinaltrainal's request to enact such an agreement there in order to protect children’s health (See http://www.telesurtv.net/articulos/2014/05/06/coca-cola-retira-aceite-vegetal-bromado-de-sus-bebidas-3399.html and http://www.eluniversal.com.mx/notas/686248.html).

5. Among others, Luis Javier Correa (its president), Efrain Guerrero, Luis Eduardo Garcia, Efrain Surmay and Alfredo Porras.

pt 5


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10f974  No.344067

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