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62.66044, 143.66586

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2359c7  No.319717 [Last 50 Posts]

Formerly known as Sinistar 7 and Sector 88. You idiotic motherfuckers calling me a fed and defaming the NW333 can suck a dick you bitches. The schzio faggot whose obsessed with me I'll empty your testicles nigga I swear the fuck. I ain't advertising for you faggots to join neither.

What I'm doing is making it known that we are here, there and everywhere.

Feds don't monitor us if they did I'd be in prison by now. How can you snitch on a leaderless de centralized member less organization?

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2359c7  No.319747

I bet you'd suck a huge cock just to pretend you had a friend

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c6bb96  No.319778


I've been suckin' waffen since I was 13.

Little waffens, big waffens and in between ones.

I have lots of friends ;)

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c6bb96  No.319779

File: 52ec6c00476885a⋯.jpg (146.75 KB, 1280x851, 1280:851, 2371401.jpg)


Me suckin' waffen :)

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b77a5a  No.321182


Fuck with the best, die like the rest.

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e35afd  No.321338



that is not the way

you glow

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31e9fd  No.321450

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2307b8  No.321640



repost nb!

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2f26b5  No.321773


>ell, who do you think you


^ I own cats. It isn't about employment, it's literal.

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7e5003  No.321934


I thought it would be fun.

That’s what I told my friend Mack when I asked her to drive with me from New Orleans to Chicago and back in an electric car.

I’d made long road trips before, surviving popped tires, blown headlights and shredded wheel-well liners in my 2008 Volkswagen

Jetta. I figured driving the brand-new Kia EV6 I’d rented would be a piece of cake.

If, that is, the public-charging infrastructure cooperated. We wouldn’t be the first to test it. Sales of pure and hybrid plug-ins doubled in the U.S. last year to 656,866—over 4% of the total market, according to database EV-volumes. More than half of car buyers say they want their next car to be an EV, according to recent Ernst & Young Global Ltd. data.

By the Numbers

Our reporter’s four-day, three-night EV road trip included many charging stops, little sleep—and less junk food than you might expect

Miles driven: 2,013

Number of charges: 14

Total charging cost: $175

Hours spent waiting to charge: 18

Hours of sleep: 16

Calories of junk food consumed (estimated): 1,465

Giant chicken statues passed: 1


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8ac4e9  No.321953


"they will tell you what happened to them, but they will never say why"

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5e3e12  No.322613

In an unprecedented move, federal officials have signed an agreement to collectively manage the more than 1.3 million acres of Utah's Bears Ears National Monument with five Native American tribes


U.S. Secretary of the Interior

Secretary Deb Haaland

the first Native American to serve as a Cabinet secretary

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f1924e  No.322635

Peter in the Ass Buttplug will be in the lame stream media all next week.

Hide your children.

Wear extra pairs of underwear.

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65e521  No.322793


stalin was the best of the worst.

he executed the (((rats))) who did the holodomor. And then he executed those officers responsible to the red terror.

The biggest problem with authoritarians on any side is that it attracts masocists into positions of unchecked authority. In the USSR case of the holodormor and red terror and all but one of the goulags it was jewish bolsheviks who were more concerned with murdering White Russians than trying to make communism work. I will fault Stalin for a lot of things but not of this purge, they all had it coming.

The nurenburg trials are a more accurate analogy to this J6 kangaroo court. A bunch of lying scumbags charging a group of people for things they never did.

In both trials the witnesses were tortured for months before testifying.

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c489a4  No.322926

does one of these not involved da butt

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18fdec  No.322936


Let me troll in peace.

Trump pardoned this guy. What about me? Kek

I can't even troll in peace.

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c9c4d0  No.323074


In this uber blue state, Trump's endorsement would have been used as a cudgel against his candidate and rally moar rabid libs to get involved in the Governor's race. Trump also didn't want to pick a favorite from two of his guys' camps.

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2b6664  No.323285






Browse All Teachings


A Better Way to Pray

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A Sure Foundation

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Anger Management

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Are You Satisfied with Jesus?

The disciples connected with Jesus through their senses more than their spirit. We need to avoid tha…

As I Have Loved You

Jesus commanded that you love others the way He loves you. Most Christians think that is impossible…

Authority Series

This series shares what every believer needs to know about their authority. Authority and spiritual…

Christian First-Aid Kit

When you're facing a crisis, remember what Jesus said to His disciples in John 14:1, the night befor…

Christian Philosophy

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Christian Survival Kit

This series is a verse-by-verse teaching from John, chapters 14, 15, and 16. These are Jesus' instru…

Church Discipline

In this teaching Andrew gives the Biblical model and definition of church discipline. Through a thor…

Discipleship Evangelism

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Discipleship: The Path to Freedom

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Don't Limit God

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Don't Limit God: Twenty Years Later

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Effortless Change

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Fear of the Lord

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be7527  No.323415


Yes I do, I'm quite clear.

Remember, many come in His name and deceive many.

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48f8b2  No.323781


yooooooooooooooooooooooo, God?!?!?!?!

Look out your window………………..

Earth prayed for milenials, Look at who is ruling the planet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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fcc066  No.323857

elon says what you want him to say. shills amplify it.

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3c8413  No.323876

Fireworks being used against LAPD.

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2b4815  No.325116


2000 or 2001

sugar was less confused….

granulated or powdered

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41c1f7  No.326249

White hats under guise of Biden didn’t give a shit about our individual freedoms and Constitution when millions were forced to choose between their job and vaccine.

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9bcc37  No.326578



He’s white Italian Catholic

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60ebc8  No.327305



Fuckin' Hot Wheels?

I wouldn't trust that guy to tell me the color of the sky.

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6426ce  No.327577

I don't support Q's plan at all. This is fucking bullshit. We want total DECLAS and truth. Not a fake and gay Joe Biden destroying America.

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f374ea  No.327579

Someone told me long ago

There's a calm before the storm

I know, it's been coming for some time

When it's over, so they say

It'll rain a sunny day

I know, shining down like water

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92d4e8  No.328286


You deny wanting silence from those who have a high standard for verification? Shill for silence AND insecurity. You factually want this board worse off, and you glow.

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fed90b  No.328318


If you're lacking a sense then you will develop new ones. Well that illiterate person is just Wise; because of his disability he had to do things the much harder way which he in turn achieved massive Strength and Wisdom but lost a lot of Time. If you're smart you would figure it all out much faster with the minimum required amount of time required suffering because we only have a limited amount of Time. Usually on a job site I'll pick something up and master it within a week or 2, takes others years or decades and they are still slower than me. I'm open-minded enough to understand my own capability and how fast I learn. If you haven't realized your place/rank in the world by the time you're 25 then I dunno I guess you're just not that smart.

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8f7f75  No.329113

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children. .

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves or get murdered.

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8aff51  No.329164


> with a PhD in physics and even she was a goner in terms of innocence.

Education has no bearing on what it does to the mind of person. I was with a chick who was summa cum laud. her grandfather molested her mother…mother wouldn't leave the step father that was molesting her daughters.

knew another chick (didn't date) had an abortion…was equially as fucked up from that if not more cuz she could never move on to have a steady relationship / family etc.

Knew another chikc in E.Europ had 7 abotions ….kinda the same thing as above….i asked her about it and she claimed "social norms" more or less.

>but have been clean for a while now

like this guy >>321773

So proud of you anon.

Be strong in the Lord. And if you path crosses with a chick that has gone through these things, "know" you can't undo it for her. If she's got a high emitional IQ, you can make it work…but don't let yourself get sucked into her hell. set that boundary for your self.

Boundaries are "Self Love" – and that is ok.

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000f3b  No.329277

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45f461  No.329287


i see what you mean.


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8f25e0  No.329906


>lower grade stuff now.


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7b3a00  No.330497

Abp. Viganò: Roe decision is a ‘historic opportunity’ to defend the ‘sanctity of human life’

On June 24, the Supreme Court of the United States of America, overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, healed a constitutional vulnus [wound] and at the same time restored sovereignty to the individual states after almost fifty years.

The decision of the Supreme Court did not overrule the “right to abortion” – as the mainstream narrative claims – but rather it overturned abortion’s “obligatory legalization in all of the States,” returning the power to decide about the “profound moral question of abortion” to “the people and their elected representatives,” from whom Roe v. Wade had removed it, contrary to the dictates of the U.S. Constitution.

Thus the attempt to intimidate the Justices of the Supreme Court, which began with the malicious leak of the draft of the decision by members of the pro-abortion lobby, has failed, just as the rhetoric of death of the Democrat left, fueled by extremist movements and groups financed by George Soros’ Open Society, has also failed. And it is significant to see how violent and intolerant the reaction has been from self-styled liberals, from Barack and Michelle Obama to Hillary Clinton, from Nancy Pelosi to Chuck Schumer, from the Attorney General Merrick Garland to Joe Biden, not to mention the declarations of politicians and heads of state from across the Western world.

On June 24, the Supreme Court of the United States of America, overturning the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, healed a constitutional vulnus [wound] and at the same time restored sovereignty to the individual states after almost fifty years.

The decision of the Supreme Court did not overrule the “right to abortion” – as the mainstream narrative claims – but rather it overturned abortion’s “obligatory legalization in all of the States,” returning the power to decide about the “profound moral question of abortion” to “the people and their elected representatives,” from whom Roe v. Wade had removed it, contrary to the dictates of the U.S. Constitution.

Thus the attempt to intimidate the Justices of the Supreme Court, which began with the malicious leak of the draft of the decision by members of the pro-abortion lobby, has failed, just as the rhetoric of death of the Democrat left, fueled by extremist movements and groups financed by George Soros’ Open Society, has also failed. And it is significant to see how violent and intolerant the reaction has been from self-styled liberals, from Barack and Michelle Obama to Hillary Clinton, from Nancy Pelosi to Chuck Schumer, from the Attorney General Merrick Garland to Joe Biden, not to mention the declarations of politicians and heads of state from across the Western world.

More at: https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/abp-vigano-roe-decision-is-a-historic-opportunity-to-defend-the-sanctity-of-human-life/?utm_source=featured&utm_campaign=catholic

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46eb68  No.330514


today was/is amazing

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0753e1  No.330792

all (((inbreds))) and child rapists are godless creatures to be drowned.

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25a548  No.331600


AFTER the Day of the Lord

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891523  No.331692


If Garland brings an indictment it will be in the Territorial DC. A trial would also be held in DC. We see how the Sussman case turned out.

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da7fd6  No.331866


what number jab was he on. Sad that this is going to be happening more especially with them pushing the jab on younger kids now. Maybe when their kids are dead or at the very least permanently harmed they might rethink some of the shit thoughts they have.

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cf97e1  No.332185

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3569be  No.332469

baker, i hope you're putting these Trump decodes into notables

BO/BVi hope you're crafting a response to my complaints about my entire post history, including dough post, being deleted without cause last night

i'll check back in later today.


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a14fa4  No.332526


Why is trump giving air to anti-White conspiracy theories.

There is no such thing as White supremacists. The biggest bigots just want to be left alone. The freedom of association should be restored so every American can pursue their happiness, not just happiness approved of by short sighted politically correct retards.

Freedom of association is specifically in the constitution. All laws that try to supersede it are unconstitutional, the supreme court can kill them. Access to every white person on the planet at will isn't a human right. Only a control freak slave driver would even want that.

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c33df3  No.332571


It was

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a4fcfe  No.332788


If you stop ip hopping, I´ll stop calling you a retard, just the Obvious AF shill that you are.

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009af8  No.333198

#OTD in 1944, the first U.S. rocket-powered experimental military aircraft, MX-324, was secretly flown at Harper Dry Lake, California.


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526cb6  No.333936


Part 1 – Was January 6th violence A Ukrainian Military Special Operation To destroy Donald Trump?

That question by itself is a mouthful considering the political climate in 2022. Given the secretive nature of a “military spec op” and the degree of difficulty investigating the kind of action where all traces need to point away from the actors, I need to disclose how I got to the place where this question became the only obvious one I can ask.

The following will show circumstantially and logically why this wrinkle in the J6 investigation deserves qualified eyes on it to further and finish or put it to bed once and for all.

If you’ve followed the J6 investigation at all you’re familiar with this image. XRVision’s report on Sergei Dybynyn went viral across media. Directly after the event, I was contacted by XRVison’s CEO Jacob Applebaum to confirm the ID and build Dybynyn’s profile which is all the information known about this man and his motivation at Capitol Hill on January 6th.

As an investigative journalist, it’s not out of the ordinary to be contacted like this. I’ve been contacted on an irregular basis for different types of issues over the years by attorneys, private concerns, groups, companies, and security experts over the years on issues ranging from personal safety to national and international issues.

The single most important point across the board is understanding the limits of the work. There’s a line between investigative journalism or reports, and official criminal investigations.

Crossing that line as a journo could corrupt a criminal investigation. The most obvious way is allowing perps to clean up before criminal investigators have a chance to look at it.

The above lead-in is meant to show how seriously I take these threads of investigation.



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029966  No.334316


Uses an emoji

Wants to be taken seriously

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2bbb62  No.334435


Israel Adesanya Talks Ghislaine Maxwell & Epstein Client List | UFC 276

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f998fa  No.334606




ya I do not have the experience to delve into the boards IP addresses, I can only suspect that these three fuckers are fuckers…of what breed, I can only guess…I can only follow their language and nomenclature…SPOOKS it tells me.

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2884a0  No.334615


>no kill shelters

You’re good people anon. :) So happy He helped you and doggo.

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2006d9  No.334960


Didn't trump out hand billions of dollars to nig-nogs in 2020? Did the nigs stop killing each other yet, or is it dey cultcha?

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9fd498  No.335000


So, who's the real Valiant Thor ? The one shown by Stranges or the one shown by Schneider

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44430f  No.335011

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635fc2  No.335442



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3952cf  No.335471

So Q hit us last night. Good times are back

no one asked about the flash though?

"Shall we play a game"

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549fa8  No.335726


hive itslef has no centre, but yes

i can agree with that statement that the truth is the core (still decentralized in nature)

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61b008  No.335974


random yet intentional

ty made me go wha? too anon

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b084aa  No.336203


Amish have no defense against Commies.

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ad3824  No.336280

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f4da78  No.336300


He didn't win the last one, no reason he'd be the favorite to win the next one. Third place Joe.

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2bbb62  No.337147


>… and guess what anons…. I'm thinking you being targeted (some or all), has ultimately led to the jailing and execution of the most evil people in modern history… for everyone else to live in peace and without fear.


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ebeff4  No.337531

We see them in the brick & mortar stores buying lots of shit most of can't afford!>>335011

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4fb812  No.337719



Did it really take you 4 years to realize that "PAYSER SHIT IS RETARDED"?


The rest of the Anon world doesn't seem to mind AT ALL!

INTHEPAYTRIX is still popular… and of course Karli Q who Q team seems to love almost as much as THIS ANON!


Seriously though…. ITM is not that fucking dumb so PAYSEUR was always a SLIDE.

But why?

Who is ITM Master?

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4a62b2  No.337813

Nightfag here..

Just found out Q posted again (hours ago)

Welcome back Q!

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990af1  No.337852

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745255  No.338357


>on a Tuesday and Thursday schedule


It's a Monday and Wednesday schedule.

This week is Tuesday and Thursday because Monday was that new Juneteenth Fed holiday.

If they extend it into the first week of July as expected, then that will prolly be a Tuesday/Thursday deal as well because of Independence Day.

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b058ae  No.338396

Deep down, we all hate niggers. Some of us just can't admit it to ourselves.

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a36d35  No.338574

Lightning is one of the top three storm-related killers in the United States and the least understood weather phenomena. Learn more about what steps to take to be prepared before disaster strikes: https://ready.marines.mil/Portals/208/Docs/Factsheets/Natural/Thunder_08112015.pdf (Photo: Sgt. Logan Pierce)


Lightning comms still dropping.

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c19da6  No.338682

>hanging from a doorknob


>symbolic association with the key hole

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637954  No.339113


>Q Research General #20906: We must understand the concept of RESEARCH!


>Research Template

Really like this BTW


>How many terminated fetuses managed to get birth certificates?

>What would this imply?

>Voter fraud?

>Welfare fraud?


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b5ebd3  No.339212



Thank you, frens! I brought popcorn! I missed our community so much.

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f82831  No.339417


She went down to the crossroads and sold her soul…..and she aint even a pimple on Robert Johnson's ass.

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b89104  No.339445



To win you must first believe you can win. Anons have many tough jobs to do, but then again, if it wasn't difficult, would anons even be interested?

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47e98e  No.339522


>Giant Sunspot Has Doubled in Size in 24 Hours and It's Pointed at Earth


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9a0e92  No.339563


That a boy..keep it up*

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b795bd  No.339698

Calling Q a psy-op (which it clearly is by definition) in order to keep people complacent is actually a tactic to get people hostile.

If comes have been established why all no trips?

Fuckery afoot

Don't fall for it

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e911e7  No.340666

So is anyone keeping a list of those who were "diagnosed" with COVID?

Maxine Waters

Hillary Clinton

Elizabeth Warren

Adam Schiff

Anthony Fauci

Pretty peculiar list if you ask me…. KEK


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1d06f5  No.340860




Note: Archiving this broadcast, should be explosive, labour are just as bad and politics is in turmoil, anon will give a fuller briefing later. just making notes. right now this was done not because of the sleeze, most of this stuff goes on all the time anyway, this has more to do with stopping Boris from calling a election, the 1922 committee are due to elect and new leader so this only has until next wednesday if the rules will be changed to get rid of Boris !!

pps. Sajid Javid the leaving Health minister gave statement after pmq's. this is worth watching especially the body language of Matt Hancock and the other mp's.

He was staring at Javid like he should be killed. note they cut the feed on this televised pmq's, will track down and post, definitely worth a watch and spreading. those who have followed the covid coverup will know why!!!


LIVE: Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs) - 6 July 2022



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85a08a  No.341281





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e5eac2  No.341470


Qtime Network ★★★, [03.06.22 04:22]

[ Photo ]

List of participants BILDERBERG MEETING 2022 - Washington D.C., 2 June - 5 June 2022

List : https://www.bilderbergmeetings.org/press/press-release/participants



Washington D.C., 2 June - 5 June 2022

Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Former Chairman Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG; Treasurer Bilderberg Meetings


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3de80f  No.342452

So future proves past and we found the keystone.. can see the infiltration of the west of the Nazis.. can see the illusion of democracy … and толко говору русский язык.

Sun’s gonna go pop in a few years .. working on linking new monetary system to compete with old guard..

Realize our federal justice system is broken .. legislature is broken.. the Alinskyites don’t know how to govern.. state secrets .. bloodlines.. sick bastards everywhere .. stupid people consciousness easily controlled .. no religion .. Dogma bad.. not biblical cuz that’s created by the Roman’s Who stole it from the Jews who made up shit to control people on war between a bunch of priest classes .. Islam fake too..

But .. so what?

These fuckers can’t get along .. too much self.. we are not ready .. for the vastness of space.. let alone the reality of oneness and conscious agents.

You are just as much a psyop as Brovary 72nd !

So get to explaining.. or go back to sleep. Tick tock


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27b51c  No.342756


Happy Birthday POTUS Trump!!!

You're my POTUS, you are the only President that I've ever called POTUS. To me it's an endearing term! Love you and God Bless you! Wish I could do more!


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4483ae  No.342821

big Lie contestant with 81 million votes decries absolute constitutional rights

you may not divert into your rights - its about muhHappiness



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93796e  No.342886




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b2ba90  No.342974


Did they finally finish & are now testing the Qbot? Seems that way. This shit is funny AF


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5477c8  No.343354

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727c73  No.343400


Really niqqa?


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52e9c4  No.343429


>Ukraine run by ‘miserable Jews


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700d77  No.343550


>Blocked from posting entering 'trip'. It would appear this board has been COMPROMISED.














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b35e43  No.343837


2 more casualties of the MSM mind rape


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539c67  No.343872


Probably needed his meds adjusted.


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f6c34a  No.344099

wondering if the overturning of Roe v Wade is the start of the Kek offensive.

a spiritual wound has been healed. time to restore the country.


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e911e7  No.344138


Hes so pathetic even lefties know it by now


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d517d2  No.344332


Jesus God wants child rapists drowned.

Jesus God wants the (((inbreds))) to hang themselves.

this is why (((inbreds))) i.e. jews do not 'recognize' Jesus as God.


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56a7c4  No.348339

File: 7deec89f666c2d1⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2020_09_05_16_5….png)

File: 825425e3d0a3ed0⋯.png (2.07 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2020_09_19_11_0….png)

File: dcb84b1ed77aa12⋯.png (2.33 MB, 1440x2560, 9:16, Screenshot_2020_11_14_13_3….png)


> Nightfag here..

> Just found out Q posted again (hours ago)

> Welcome back Q!

Yeah, about that…

Wouldn't you feel more comfortable Twit Twattering?

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56a7c4  No.348340

File: 0f5d86eb1f09efd⋯.png (202.08 KB, 400x248, 50:31, Penisenvius_Waffen.png)




> Penisenvius Waffen

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8c45f8  No.348407



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