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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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1087f5  No.318970

Killcen once again demonstrated his emotional instability and inability to control his behavior and paranoia earlier today when he claimed there was a terrorist attack on the power grid at Hoover dam..

And as always, HE WAS COMPLETELY WRONG… It didn't even affect the power grid at all, it was just one transformer blowing up, which is actually very common.

The fire was out within 30 minutes, and nobody was injured, and there was no foul play…

Transformers explode when they get power surges, or due to wiring problems.

When I was a kid I watched a transformer explode on the top of the telephone pole outside our house in Atlanta…

For no reason.. out of the blue..

KABOOM !! The transformer blew up and oil came running down the telephone pole on fire

It happens….

Killcen has paranoid schizophrenia, where he continually has to convince himself there's a mysterious conspiratorial plot against him somehow…

And now he's going to refuse to admit he was wrong

Because he doesn't have the balls to admit when he's wrong


He's never been right not even one time

So he won't admit he was wrong

But he will drink himself to sleep tonight, frustrated that there's not a conspiracy happening

He's only got 78 more days to live and then he's having the stroke

And he desperately wants to see a conspiracy before he dies in October

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1087f5  No.318972

He's going to come in here and insist he's right


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1087f5  No.318973

File: 0a70b33214945d5⋯.jpg (179.85 KB, 719x596, 719:596, Screenshot_2022_07_19_21_1….jpg)

File: 4d84a135f14ba65⋯.jpg (227.27 KB, 719x642, 719:642, Screenshot_2022_07_19_21_1….jpg)

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1087f5  No.318983



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3fa297  No.318990

>it was not terrorist attack


terrorists from outer space in machine form that look like cars

you are contradicting yourself Opie

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1eb365  No.319029

TRANSFORMERS: chatbots in this guy

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663e61  No.319041


is "female schizophrenia" a real jewish sickness?

Does it exist? Can men suffer from "female schizophrenia"?

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