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838b11  No.317487 [Last 50 Posts]

If you’re crazy enough to think the Biden White House is destroying our country on purpose, you just might be on to something. And no, you’re not crazy. Think of it like The Who, the rock band that while on tour were notorious for trashing luxury hotel rooms as they moved on to the next city. The government takeover didn’t work; so sorry. Most Americans aren’t stupid, thank you.

The Dems realized that the country wasn’t going to “come along peacefully” toward the New Liberal Order. So, rather than allow a full repudiation of “wokeness,” wherein most Americans want to Make America Great Again, the Dems simply want to tear it down, and that means destroying its people as well. How, I ask? Well, with our stockpile of weapons and strategic petroleum reserves being sent overseas, the damage that Joe Biden has inflicted upon U.S. foreign policy all over the globe, the continuing supply chain issues and diminishing diesel oil reserves, and certainly of mention, the wide-open U.S. southern border wherein thousands cross daily and all manner of drugs and criminals flow freely; with such a reckless agenda, it’s clear to see that the Biden administration is intentionally destroying the United States. There can be no other explanation.

The U.S. is deliberately being weakened on the world stage, and in doing so, it is ruining relationships that have endured decades of loyalty. And, if diesel fuel is going to be non-existent, as they say it will be shortly, nothing in this country will move, including all the food and sustenance that fills our grocery stores. Hey! Big rigs burn diesel fuel, don’t they? An overwhelming “many” won’t have even the slightest clue as they go about their daily lives, obliviously tuned-in to social media, entertainment or to whatever their addiction du jour may be. As expansive as the sea, most Americans will be tuned in to their individual “distraction at hand.” It’s so easy to see, that, with “no tears to cry, no feelings left,” as Roger Waters penned, “this species has amused itself to death.” How many will be “amused to death?”

Such are those that will not be prepared for the catastrophe at hand and start to steal from those who have sufficient food for their needs. For those of you not familiar, it’s called emergency preparedness. So, with people frightened at mob violence and desperate to feed themselves, our government will respond as Marie Antoinette once did; with the populace out of food and their options for survival dwindling, conflicts over food supply will begin to erupt and people will be shot. And with our guns and ammunition still in possession, “Marie” will say, “Let them eat bullets.”

And some food for thought; remember when President Trump was impeached for making a phone call to Ukraine asking about Hunter Biden and the Biden crime family’s corruption there? Seems this guy hit the bullseye with one throw of the dart. And with all FJB has done to weaken this nation, isn’t it any wonder they want to destroy it rather than face the rest of their lives in prison? During a time when the United States was stronger, these tyrannists would have been shot to death. Ever wonder why members of congress go into office with meager life savings only to emerge filthy rich only a few years later? Seems these guys always make the best stock investments, even better at Wall Street than Warren Buffet. It’s uncanny how rich the Pelosi’s have become. You should see her stock portfolio. Immaculate.


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11f113  No.317554


You aren't old enough to remember when America was great, because it was only great for about 15 minutes, and that was back in 1776, you stupid uneducated trailer park hillbilly country bumpkin cock sucking piece of garbage

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11f113  No.317555


….. Says the uneducated unemployed moron, as the department of Justice prepares to arrest inbred mouth breathing caveman Trump..

He's about to face federal charges

And all of your bullshit talk about Hunter Biden means absolutely nothing

Literally stupid as shit

At least feces has certain enzymes that can help the planet

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11f113  No.317556


Heres some food for thought :


Seriously.. think about it

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11f113  No.317557

It's hilarious when somebody with so little influence in this world, that they actually think an empty chat room is there global stage where they plan on making a big difference



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838b11  No.317587


LOL. This was simply a copypasta from a CFP comment. You got trolled, even though I agree with this statement 100%. LOL

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838b11  No.317588


We don't have justice in the USSA anymore, it's become a joke.

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97c71b  No.317627


…says the AMAZING GENIUS…..

from his mommy's spare bedroom

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97c71b  No.317628



lol @ you thinking anybody can 'troll me into making the simple observation that they are white trash'

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97c71b  No.317629


I completely disagree about justice

Derek Chauvin is in prison

The 3 MOUTHBREATHING white trash bums from Brunswick Ga are enjoying life sentences in the Georgia department of corrections

And the people you put into the White House in 2016 stood up for their country, and told the truth about your president of choice violating federal law and trying to steal the election and overthrow the United States government…

And Trump will be arrested, most likely before the end of the year…

And when they find you dead on your daughter's sofa, she's going to say "good! Ever since he moved in with us I knew I'd have to throw the sofa out anyway"

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97c71b  No.317630


I would be fascinated to hear you explain exactly what about your existence ISN'T White trash?

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97c71b  No.317631

1: you admit being a WWE fan just like any trailer park country bumpkin piece of white trash

2: you admit thinking The Ropers was quality entertainment, just like any typical white trash idiot

3: you actually think Slim Whitman had talent

4: You eat garbage food

5: you've always purchased the lowest quality items

6: You have always owned crappy pickup trucks instead of a nice car

7: You moved in with your daughter because you screwed your life up so bad

8: You're addicted to alcohol, the drug of choice for white trash

9: You actually voted for a child rapist, sinking he was a genius real estate tycoon

10: your parents never amounted to anything more than you have, which is nothing

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97c71b  No.317632

I think I've covered all the bases there….

If I missed anything, be sure to let me know

Now I would enjoy hearing why you think you AREN'T trailer park trash

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97c71b  No.317634

11: you have no culture and no class

12: you never go to museums or art galleries or expensive restaurants, you've never seen an opera in your life, you've never gone to the symphony… You have absolutely no understanding of art or culture whatsoever

13: you've never owned a tuxedo

14: you are a cheap polyester suit for your wedding

15: your entire wardrobe came from Walmart

16: you know nothing about classical music

17: you've never owned a musical instrument

18: you're approaching the end of your life, and you still never dipped your toes into the pool of culture and class

19: it took you 71 years to actually see your first Jewish person, and you thought it was a wild unimaginable experience, like seeing a space alien, simply because he was gesturing with his hands while he talked on the phone

20: the modern world intimidates you because you simply can't function anymore, and you are angry the world didn't remain stupid and primal, where you could function easier

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97c71b  No.317635

I'm willing to bet you are a cheap ugly Brown polyester suit when you got married

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97c71b  No.317636


That's twice that speech to text misinterpreted it when I said WORE

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97c71b  No.317637

To be quite succinct, it would be hard for anybody to have LESS culture and class than you

But you're not a negro.. you are allegedly White

Any questions, white trash?

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97c71b  No.317639

I really didn't have to mention anything more than YOU ACTUALLY VOTED FOR TRUMP

That's all the proof that's required of your white trash status

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97c71b  No.317640

But don't feel bad.. you're not the only worthless piece of white trash in here

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97c71b  No.317641

JERRY = white trash just like you

The only difference between you and Jerry is he ruined his liver with used syringes, whereas you ruined your liver with disgusting alcohol

And Jerry didn't beg his daughter to please let him sleep on her sofa after destroying the quality of her life throughout her entire childhood

But you both voted for white trash trump, and you both destroyed your livers with stupid white trash behavior

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97c71b  No.317642

You like to pretend that you serve an important purpose….

obviously because you don't serve any purpose whatsoever…

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97c71b  No.317643

You're both cowards….


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97c71b  No.317644

The only purpose you serve is demonstrating HOW TO LIVE LIKE WHITE TRASH

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9cecdf  No.321043



for Olga? yes

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06fdd0  No.321193



our leader, division shill. Read a Q drop for once.

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75b531  No.321197


When a Third Party calls you nazi you don't get to change your name.

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9cecdf  No.321246



Thanks, ActBlue faggot

Shill trying to distract from the Obama lawyers getting buttfucked on live tv

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7eebd5  No.321693




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9de5ba  No.322178




All anon knows is he came up recently in conversation on this board, and anon mentioned how terrible that one movie is. Now he's doing the WH Press thing and using a scripture near and dear to anon. Anon's mind is blown.

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dd2566  No.322256


it's common sense not to build along ANY river

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27ed52  No.322658

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8918bf  No.322796


But you know who IS happy? Every dual citizen Israeli in US government. Oh and the Israelis are also happy. Very happy. Coin says it all kek.

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53b31c  No.322839


* doesn't like Vice?

Welcome to my world.

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3e095c  No.323131


Ukraine was to be Israel 2.0. Original name of "Ukraine" was Khazaria, homeland of the AshkeNAZI Jews.

The same Trident of Khazaria is on the Ukraine flag.

THIS is the real reason why our ZOG is giving Ukraine $50 Billion Dollars, weapons etc.

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27ed52  No.323248


Gangster "government" and "organized religion" in a nutshell.

This is [they're] algorithm since AFAYAC forever: 2 degrees: the laity "useful idiots" and the inner "magic" circle. The 3rd degree is for you - you are cattle. Then they overwhelm by multiplying the number of "clubs" they use on the goyim.

I want to be Amish. But I use force. Adapt, improvise, overcome, works both ways. See Dawkins. See Fritz Perls. See SLA. See Manson Family.

When you believe it, you will see it. Do you see it?

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96d691  No.323261



Seems to be a sky event, yes.

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4f69f2  No.323404


I have seen Video of the Capital Police moving the bike racks themselves !!

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b8edc7  No.323822


Published: June 14, 2022



Military and foreign intelligence agencies have used location data in numerous instances. In one unclassified project, researchers at Mississippi State University used Locate X data to track movements around Russian missile test sites, including those of high-level diplomats. The U.S. Army funded the project and said it showed “good potential use” of the data in the future. It also said that the collection of cell phone data was consistent with Army policy as long as no “personal characteristics” of the phone’s owner were collected (but of course, detailed movements of individuals are actually “personal characteristics”).

Another customer of Locate X is the Iowa Air National Guard, as first reported by Motherboard. Specifically, the Des Moines-based 132d wing—which reportedly conducts “long-endurance coverage” and “dynamic execution of targets” with MQ-9 Reaper drones—purchased a 1-year license to Locate X for $35,000. The air base said the license would be used to “support federal mission requirements overseas,” but did not elaborate further.

Anomaly 6 only has one confirmed federal client: the U.S. Special Operations Command, or SOCOM. In 2020, SOCAFRICA - a division which focuses on the African continent - spent nearly $600,000 on a “commercial telemetry feed” from A6. In March 2021, SOCOM told Vice that the purpose of the contract was to “evaluate” the feasibility of using A6 services in an “overseas operating environment,” and that the government was no longer executing the contract. In September 2021, federal procurement records show that the U.S. Marines’ special operations command, MARSOC, executed another contract for $8,700 for “SME Support” from A6. (SME could stand for Subject Matter Expert, implying that A6 provided training or expertise.)

Finally, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) has confirmed that it, too, works with location data brokers. In a January 2021 memo to Senator Ron Wyden, DIA stated that it “provides funding to another agency” that purchases location data from smartphones on its behalf. The data is global in scope, including devices inside and outside the United States, though the DIA said it segregates U.S. data points into a separate database as it arrives. The U.S. location database can only be queried after a “specific process” involving approval from multiple government agencies, and the DIA stated that permission had been granted five times in the previous two and a half years. The DIA claimed it needs a warrant to access the information. It’s unclear which data broker or brokers the DIA has worked with.


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4b260c  No.323987


>right to safe, legal abortion

No such right exists.

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0db1dd  No.324196


Such an incredible woman with amazing milkies.

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24fde4  No.324275

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280d3c  No.324655

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46da63  No.324663



Just look at thePANICon this niggas face

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129476  No.324991


Here you go slugger, give them a ring,.


Contact Public Affairs

Comm: (202) 685-5275

DSN: 325-5275

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27b903  No.325761


well, ebot got loose

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8a4bb6  No.326385


first person getting fucked file a form 95 on her ass.

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507707  No.326734


Obviously I fucking do, along with many others.

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6283c6  No.326762


Snowball sign?

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db5e4b  No.326973



can float the bake

can't note tho

too lifted

tyvm 4 notes


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6a31d4  No.327307


whose families will be hurt?

who does pompass shill for?

back to square 1, the f'n c_ia again.

ur go-in down pompass

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36a22d  No.327628


Love that pic.

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8a6c79  No.329340

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7a8d63  No.329852



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19de70  No.330117


Garbage that collects in the filter.

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d5cf59  No.330148

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2edc43  No.330247


>what music pisses off the deep-state the most?

Q's final post.

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49f8e4  No.330737



what every you say shill

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0cc6f9  No.330823

It’s not easy.

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ca1bbe  No.330860


This guy thinks "we" would find out after the selection. He missed it. Anyway Twatter is a skittle shitting color revolution psyop self service narc database and ML trainer. The tools who use it and similar data harvesters are giving the globohomos all they need to own them, and too much information about the rest of us. Stick to memes for your own good.

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c12c1d  No.330877

genetics, age reversal. Ukraine STEM CELLS


Servers and emails stored in Ukraine

10K Ukraninas processed at US/Mexico Border if they can sneak refugees, think of who else

search shipping routes and stops enroute between Mex and ODS

Epstein funded covid, transhumanism, 5G and mind control

Did Epstein successfully create a clone?

Was that who went to prison?

Why has he been spotted in…. (new) Mx

if you are in the market for humans, sex slaves, your top 2 markets are Ukraine and Mex

Unabomber was a "time traveler"?, he knew the evil and tried to stop it

Check his victim list, someone only lost some fingers, this person was the pioner in mRNA, name should ring a bell + check others

You know who else came from Ukraine? Epstein (s)

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22c66a  No.331031

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e0d132  No.331392



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58e874  No.332351


If you were handling (from an agency) someone you would not allow them to go on social media and plaster themselves with a FBI hat on. Makes no sense. Regardless of how easily people can get a FBI hat.

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8d55c3  No.332652


we should pay off some debt

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e577c3  No.333223

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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d6bf83  No.333308


>it doesn't always get chronological order right.

8chan never did that

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5702ac  No.333385


[You] have AIDS

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0772cf  No.333414


sigh….so fucking weird.

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61e7ee  No.333578



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826f93  No.334017

Trump attempts at draining the swamp,

The Astonishing Implications of Schedule F



Executive Order on Creating Schedule F In The Excepted Service

Issued on: October 21, 2020


Biden WhiteHouse revoked a number of Trump Executive orders


Section 1. Revocation of Presidential Actions. The following Presidential actions are revoked: Executive Order 13925 of May 28, 2020 (Preventing Online Censorship), Executive Order 13933 of June 26, 2020 (Protecting American Monuments, Memorials, and Statues and Combating Recent Criminal Violence), Executive Order 13934 of July 3, 2020 (Building and Rebuilding Monuments to American Heroes), Executive Order 13964 of December 10, 2020 (Rebranding United States Foreign Assistance To Advance American Influence), Executive Order 13978 of January 18, 2021 (Building the National Garden of American Heroes), and Executive Order 13980 of January 18, 2021 (Protecting Americans From Overcriminalization Through Regulatory Reform).

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7dc794  No.334222


i feel you anon. why does he hate you?

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90285b  No.334347


A Law Repugnant To The Constitution Is Void

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804f7e  No.334447


Depp "won" $10M in actual damages for defamation

Depp "won" $5M in punitive damages for defamation, reduced to statutory max of $350K by Judge

Heard "won" $2M in actual damages for defamation and $0 in punitive damages

The kangaroo court props up the notion of "Justice" in America giving validity to Sussman's acquittal…and the show continues after a commercial break sponsored by your corporate masters; Big Pharma, Big Tech, Big Oil, and Big Brother.

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5d734a  No.334655

What fake news anchor will not be on air tonight?

That’s a solid 11.3 drop right there

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c6e7f8  No.334681



August 23, 2001

McDonald's Hamburgers, a worldwide chain as a purveyor of Coca-Cola, is caught up supposedly in an embezzlement racket.

The Bush Justice Department has focused on an employee of McDonald's long-time marketing adjunct, Simon Marketing, their Chief of Security. The FBI says it involves rigging and siphoning off a purported 13 million dollars from McDonald's prize contests.

Sources in narcotics law enforcement and the field of Federal criminal prosecution contend, however, the true nature of the scandal is being covered up by the George W. Bush Justice Department. Sneering at and hooting at the Bush Justice Department, they tell confidants that they call the U.S. Attorney General "John Ashcan", to signify a continuation, they say, of cover-up artist Janet "Butch" Reno.

Those ahead of the curve say that patriotic Americans must leave their cocoon of denial. Howsoever it has happened, the biggest business in the United States is the distribution of dope principally from Southwest China and Colombia. It exceeds any business you can mention. IBM and General Motors, by comparison, are children's' lemonade stands.

A full understanding of the profound and complex details would convince any reasonable person that what appears to be only the crimes of misappropriation of game prize monies are really an epidemic of corruption that reaches up to America's highest tribunal, the U.S. Supreme Court.

Some background.

The matter revolves, in part, around a Massachusetts-based games promotion firm, Cyrk, Inc., and through a complicated series of mergers and moves, to Simon Worldwide, Inc., and division, Simon Marketing. The founder of Cyrk, a Balkans-linked marine biology professor whose hobby was graphic design, picked a Slavic word for the name of the firm, meaning CIRCUS. Has it become a misleading if not evil three rings of criminality?

The business formed a partnership with Asian trading company, Li & Fung which acquired a one-third interest in the company. This deal gave Cyrk access to the trading company's manufacturing arrangements in Asia. The nature of the business had reputed links that were part of the British opium dynasty, that sought to subjugate China starting in the 19th Century.

Among the reputed links to Simon Marketing are the Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank which financed the opium trade starting more than 150 years ago. In recent years, in a taped interview, the manager of what was the bank's unit in Chicago clearly admitted the same to us.

The bank's parent, Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank Corp., HSBC, was in the process of merging in 1999, with the reputed international criminal banking center, tied to the Russian mafia and Colombia/U.S. dope cartel, Republic National Bank of New York, headed by international gold smuggling tycoon Edmond Safra.

In the midst of the merger dealings, Safra was apparently murdered in his lavish villa in the smugglers' haven of Monaco. The crime against the ailing Safra was blamed, some claim falsely, on one of Safra's male nurses. [See "Murder In the Gold Market"].

pt 26

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2fcdd9  No.334755


trump lost because this is a fucking tight ass MI plan. hard to deal with but derp

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cb5f73  No.336190

The Patriot Front, January 6th & The “Vanilla ISIS” Psyop

Posted on June 12, 2022 AuthorRyan CristiánComment(0)

Welcome to The Daily Wrap Up, a concise show dedicated to bringing you the most relevant independent news, as we see it, from the last 24 hours (6/12/22).

As always, take the information discussed in the video below and research it for yourself, and come to your own conclusions. Anyone telling you what the truth is, or claiming they have the answer, is likely leading you astray, for one reason or another. Stay Vigilant.



Video Source Links (In Chronological Order)












January 6th





Ray Epps




















Patriot Front/The Base


















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79126c  No.336656


Dude… fucking creepy!

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25d2e5  No.336829


Try owning your mistakes, Jimmy Boy.

60 UID's?

Who is attacking and why?

Post the IP's.

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ec87d9  No.336998


>Still gotta be vaxxed, wear a mask, and lick balls to get care at the VA.


fug them.

especially the mask part.


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b81142  No.337232


grrr face

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161bbf  No.338147


>US Secret Service Agents are prepared to testify under oath that Trump did not grab the steering wheel of the presidential SUV

Trump is going to grab America by the steering wheel tho

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9ec384  No.338159

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a02e50  No.338582

MAGA PATRIOTS stand down….not on your life.

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ca063b  No.338948


Did Watkins ever walj this back? Regardless of the source (msm) its kinda hard to say this is legacy media spin when CM sats it himself…

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b953db  No.339064


The cp spam bot posts cp links.

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7fc45e  No.339211

"You've been a BAD boy [NP]."

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b96e4c  No.339697


lol noooooo!!! 4Runners are great vehicles, they can sell for a lot. I have a 2000 tacoma 4x4 6 cylinder I bought for 7500 in 2013. I'm thinking of selling it soon for 10-13k. Keep your 4runner maintained and it will be well more than worth it. I'm thinking of buying one around that year, honestly. But yes, the truck chassis lower ball joints that year are a bit of a pain in the ass to swap. Hammering them out of the knuckle is not fun unless you have an air hammer, sledge, or torch. Did you get an alignment yet?

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200da6  No.339850


i thought they pulled Cominarity just with in the last few weeks so the only thing peopel are getting is the original jab still

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124c06  No.340081


anon detects an autistic talent. snagged that bad boy.

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a34dd1  No.340953




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e03eba  No.341141

not sure TV "prime time" exists anymore

but Jan 6 hearing scheduled Thursday June 9 next week at 8pm EDT


First Open Testimony Before January 6 Committee

After months of closed door investigations, the House January 6 Committee holds its first hearing with public testimony about what transpired-and why-during the assault on the U.S. Capitol.



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5ca99b  No.341307


moomoo comms


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e7238d  No.341484


Maybe you autist. Maybe you genius. Flaw finder does not see past own nose if conceit is modus operandi.


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b32a9c  No.341839


'Fuck the fourth period' is what I used to say when I skipped classes.


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837081  No.341840


Thank you for the reconnaissance anon.


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d119b6  No.342189


speak fer yerself, snowflake


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0d2cc2  No.342659


Pruning is a necessary part of the growth process. We don’t like it, but need it. Better to do it yourself and craft a life you want than to respond to their pruning attempts.


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1306f4  No.342744



This is a Formal Declaration of Invasion



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a8bcbf  No.343155


not even "her"

how creepy


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bdf1f3  No.343204


Shills SEETHING at Boris brushing off latest coup attempt.



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56ae69  No.343317


And yet YOU have not done shit with it.


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14ab1a  No.343488

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35846f  No.343493


only federal agents are allowed to fight

regular citizens are allowed to do nothing other than to accept each and every form of tyranny brought down upon them or else they are "violent extremists"


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6c3568  No.343631

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d0c4ba  No.343705


You are not a man. Why would she want you?


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10ed1f  No.343753


Now all the crazy blue people can migrate back to their crazy blue states. Balance of power restored.


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fbed60  No.343955


With noodle arms and legs.


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979bb1  No.344098


News and Commentary

Could This Be The Real Reason There’s Been An Increase In Mass Shootings? – Dr. Paul Alexander [VIDEO]

If he's right, does that make Fauci & Gates an accessory to murder?

By Zach Heilman

June 3, 2022

Dr. Alexander suggested lockdowns could be the culprit.


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979bb1  No.344246




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14ab1a  No.344299


If you have all the answers already then why ask?


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f8af3a  No.344312


Its electronics, small screwdrivers, careful dissection, cut the bluewire.


play youtube music to cover some & don't talk near computer (on or off)

oh & pull the standby on TV, that red LED on front is a camera (I sh!t you not!)


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923225  No.344506

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5b5d4d  No.344663



Grammar kitty will be back shortly.


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da87a6  No.344827


The "reeeeee" scared this anon and this anon ain't afraid of nothing!


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d006e0  No.345177

Biden Admin Plans to House Migrant Children in NC per Fox.


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594e00  No.345204



>17 x 11 x 3

also checkd those trips


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ae09a0  No.345316


Donald Trump is a baptized Christian


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57a4b9  No.345372

I think you fucked with the wrong one, sir.


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826b34  No.345525

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1cdc8d  No.345550


that's actually really fucked up


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dff295  No.345565


& they arguing amongst theyselves…


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fbed60  No.345573



you should not let others do your thinking


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d128c2  No.345726


Thank God it's coming together.

Flight checks normal.

Updates landing on qanon.pub.


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d85490  No.345757


>Hell, it'll tarnish the whole Q deal. Having some of the most "trusted" voices falling for a ruse is a bad look.

Maybe that was the point. MSM running stories all over all ready that "Q has Returned."


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9b5031  No.345966

Q's Trip coming from USCYBERCOM


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000000  No.353193



> inb4 no it isn't

It IS.

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000000  No.353197


Patriot Act ended end user security and put developers, manufacturers and ISP's under the gubmint boot.

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000000  No.353198


Yesterday the Commemorative Celelebratory Nature of the Patriot Act finally turned 21 and felt more "legal" in its practice of the Drunk-On-Power Stance that seems to only cause a select few to be blissfully unaware of their most obvious Indocrination Intoxication.

They literally buy in to all their own psychobabble too!

> "You Must Like This."

> "And Hate That."

It would behoove anyone desiring to lead a more fulfilling life to learn how the mind works, and to practice thinking for oneself.


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000000  No.353200


>felt more legal

i almost laughed. when that paper was still being debated in the house, judge napalitano was making appearances on cable news at 6 and 10 pm.

he called it "a monster".

he was right.


i almost laughed.

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