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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 631088315291a0a⋯.jpg (139.78 KB, 800x449, 800:449, such_is.jpg)

d97b19  No.317154 [Last 50 Posts]


So it's becoming more clear than ever before spooks are running 8kun and this site IS A HONEYPOT. And honestly I knew it was a while ago but did not care about it, I don't post anything illegal. All I wish to do is archive news. Real Solid News! HOWEVER…. as of recently, I have been under some STEALTHY ONLINE ATTACKS!!! This is not ordinary average 'run-of-the-mill' hackers, "ha I hacked your files and stole stuff!" Oh no no no… this is alternative sites and accounts I post on going down COMPLETELY! Passwords changing to accounts. 404'd accounts. 8kun re-directing my browser to spam sites!! I'm talking NSA-level glowfuckers messing around with almost anything I try posing: specifically the Russia-Ukraine war logs!!! And folks I got some OPSEC skills, so someone is pulling out some heavy fucking arsenal now!! I've even seen some older pastebin archives go down too!! Folks, here's what this means, I'm going to be BLUNT. They're trying to erase history, they're trying to CONTROL NARRATIVES. They're angry some outsider like me is telling it LIKE IT IS, and is archiving it all. I've seen some attacks in my day but today it is really getting spooky!!! For those who care to preserve history: BACKUP EVERYTHING. Have it all hard-copied and stored OFFLINE too!! And I mean multiple copies!! Faraday cage that info too!!! Anyway, yes looks like an Empire of Lies is waging war on TRUTH.

Pic in OP just for some humor.

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d97b19  No.317156



Go offline.

Set your system cleaner to 35x gutmann encryption wipe before bedtime (this takes a while):


RAM cleaned

MFT entries cleaned

USN entries cleaned

$LogFile entries cleaned

free harddrive sectors cleaned

%Recycle Bin% cleaned

.sqlite browser caches cleaned

.sqlite-shm browser caches cleaned

.sqlite-wal browser caches cleaned

.json browser caches cleaned

.log browser caches cleaned

CryptnetUrl caches cleaned

system registry caches cleaned

system PREFETCH caches cleaned


Reboot lastest fresh copy of operating system.


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7a948d  No.317278


>cries about having all his shit breached by NSA

>advises other people to follow the same 'security protocol' that got you hacked

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795d51  No.317294


It's not my computer that got hacked. I have no "password managers" or anything sensitive stored on my operating system either. I'm far ahead when it comes to OPSEC. The fact is other sites I seem to post on tend to get compromised or the content gets shut down. And yes I use a lot of entropy as far as long passwords (which I always write down on paper or simply memorize). Always use temp disposable emails to register the accounts too (not sure if those are compromised, maybe they're being run by spooks?) Nope, everything I posted above is what I did last night, just added security measures. It's what I did not mention that really counted. I'll be alright, I just have to find better sites to start posting on.

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a732f3  No.317309

File: 03af814ee914faf⋯.jpg (34.91 KB, 350x500, 7:10, Keep_Calm_Killcen.jpg)


I've been trying to tell you for a long time that the fuckery on da interwebz has been ramping up to astronomical levels.

Much more so lately.

The whole fucking internet is a honeypot now; especially social media apps, any smartphone browsers or apps, and most websites that Centralized Control disapproves of. You happen to only really like the sites they hate, and you implement measures likely to notice their datamining tools, and be hassled by them, forced to go around them, etc… You, like many of us, are annoyed; but it is not You Personally they are after. It is data they are gathering on EVERYBODY, and you just happen to be in a certain category of folks they're gathering certain data on. Certainly not more important data than any other worthless data. You aren't important at all. Maintaining Power & Control is all that is important to them. That, and having dirt gathered to use on folks to control them, and how they use their time & energy…

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37e9b3  No.317317


Well they won't get much from this machine I use now. Any computer I use for legit use does not touch news sites, especially sites like these!! And neither are connected to the same network or VPNs. I isolate my activities for a reason.

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5ccd62  No.317546

Send email please

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97ff6b  No.317589


That's one thing I NEVER DO when registering to social media sites, like Minds or Bitchute. I never give my real email. I will always use a temp disposable email address, over VPN.

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5ccd62  No.317594


Send a temp disposable email address

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97ff6b  No.317597



Here you go, just to let you know, TONS of darknet sites out there allow you to generate fake disposable email accounts in a matter of minutes, no personal info needed at all. You can literally register to all kinds of services that way. The only thing is, once you exit the email "service" from the site the account is terminated and no longer exists.

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d66413  No.317605

Bullshit Obama is not the president anymore

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7c50e6  No.317638


> Bullshit Obama is not the president anymore

Many would differ with you on that opinion'''

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5ccd62  No.317793


Check the email

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739443  No.321212



"biden commits $200 billion"

he is the broke guy that is always going to buy a round at the bar

if you will give him the money

how soon until countries won't take his checks and ask for gold

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70f1d2  No.321540







Now fuck you I would fill up tomorrow faggot is all I am saying

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12f270  No.321657



Then who's this? Dog the bounty hunter?

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411f4d  No.321803


Greek Army Motto - I'm Right Behind You Brother

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c4de6b  No.322360


NSA: where are the Polly pics?

Reason: Science

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2cacf5  No.322530


biden, biden, and dr jill, the most amazing people on Earth.

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a841d7  No.322854


>The Universe is weird…

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f69d7c  No.323221

Birds will sing.

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726f9a  No.323683


have u noticed yet, how gods voice sounds like (You)

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84c34d  No.323731


next time don't shop the corner of the wall plate on top of his hat

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9ed310  No.323841


>Perfect in what they do.

True and in her care, perfect in her beauty too!!!

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537063  No.323957


Fear is useful, globohomo is being eaten alive by and losing sleep over it.

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e4f5f2  No.324570


moral of the story

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379167  No.324874


fukn neph

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d5e1f3  No.324981

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b7b33a  No.325051


>What is at stake?


>Who has control?




>Who was surprised?


>Who will be surprised?


>Use your logic.


>Can emotions be used to influence decisions?


>How do you control emotion?

>by some1

>Define 'Plant'.

>3. a person placed in a group as a spy or informer

Example: "we thought he was a CIA plant spreading disinformation"

>How do you insert a plant?


>Can emotions be used to insert a plant?


>Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?

>some1 who used emotion to be planted?

>Trust the plan.

whoa, what happens tomorw/today? kek

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a5bb2d  No.325951


Frank Agnelli or something similar was his name. He desired an acting career. If I recall he has an IMDB profile same same as Floyd’s friend/coworker they found guilty for his murder.

How and by who were his transportation expenses paid?

How many other “mostly peaceful protest” did he attend during the “summer of love”?

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cfd966  No.326044



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af1b78  No.326145


I'm not a mason , you're a blind accuser.

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5d19bf  No.326497



Who runs the fed in England the almost dead queen or the roths?

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9af186  No.326614

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1927ce  No.326637

Does anyone else prefer a toned, slim, shapely butt, rather than a big fat ass?

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8053ed  No.326792


>Q is using a 10 character passcode

You know this for sure? You have his password?

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29b097  No.326963


"I don't want special treatment from anyone, I just want the same opportunities as my fellow female athletes"

Transgender cyclist Emily Bridges answers criticism from those who say she shouldn't be competing in women's events

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76c688  No.327069



4-year delta in 4 days.

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a0d41a  No.327588


Ain't one. Faggot is a fake. Should really just fuck the hell off.

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7be8cb  No.327681


D.O.A.R.'s Mad

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740d7c  No.328001

Now watch all the faggots who pissed off flood back in

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fec488  No.328117


>Mornin' Ralph. A fine cup of your Independence Day Covfefe please.

Hopefully Liberty Blend will do

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242994  No.328313


There is another way.

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bd8383  No.328457


>five mindless boobs

you must be gay

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333683  No.328671


the mailbox is silent, like the "Y" in milk

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8fb495  No.328742

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95ec36  No.328865



going to repost full notes parts 1 - 2 -3 . still waiting for rally note taker to finish his notes to add to part 3 !!


PDJT Rally Delaware, OH

23 APR 2022

[PDJT walks on stage, throwing red hats, with his hair glowing in the Ohio sunshine]

[Huge USA chant]

I want to say a very big Hello, Ohio.

Together we are going to end Crazy Nancy's political career, she is crazy as a bedbug.

When she loses she'll be out of there so fast.

For decades your state was ruthlessly betrayed by corrupt special interests.

Right now our country is going to Hell.

I got gas for cars down to 1.87 a gallon.

PDJT says we were going to leave Afghanistan with dignity.

I spoke to Abdul, we didn't lose a single soldier in 18 months.

Third world nations have better borders than we do right now.

Last month 127 different countries were represented by illegal aliens coming into our country.

They are emptying out their prisons and sending them here.

We had virtually no inflation, now inflation is costing the average family 6000 additional dollars a year, bigger than any tax.

PDJT says we had 160 million people working, now, people aren't going back to work.

We are now the laughingstock of every country in the world.

They may not have liked me, but they respected us, and at a level of respect that hadn't been seen for decades, now they won't even return Biden's phone calls.

We had tremendous success with COVID with therapeutics and Operation Warp Speed.

PDJT says they do a lousy job except for public relations in cooperation with the Fake News.

In the last year more people died under Biden than did under Trump.

The USMCA is such a good deal for us that Mexico and Canada want to renegotiate.

We saved the Steel industry, and we saved the washing machine industry.

I sat down with the Whirlpool people and we put tariffs on South Korea and China who were dumping washing machines into our country.

The chairman of Whirlpool cried when I saved their industry with two weeks left.

I had a regulation that let you have as much water as you need.

PDJT says we do have a water problem, we have too much water.

I want to take good care of my hair, these new regulations were not allowing enough water to flow from the shower.

I won't talk about the third element in the bathroom.

The fact is the election was rigged and stolen and now our country is going to Hell.

We now have a President who is shaking hands with the air and taking orders from the Easter Bunny.

You know the Easter Bunny was a political operative.

He did a good job, actually, we should hire that guy.

PDJT says if you want to keep America in a death spiral you must absolutely go out and vote for the radical Democrats.

If you want a country that is Great, Again, Again, you have to vote for America First Republicans.

Biden and the socialists have done to our country what our worst enemies would never have dreamed of.

We walk on liquid gold and they want us to buy from Venezuela, who has a dictator who is pushing everyone out but himself and about thirty people.

1 1/2 years ago we were energy independent, and today we are begging OPEC as well as Russia.

PDJT says they are trying to replace COVID hysteria with climate hysteria.

They want the masks on and the mail-in ballots for the election.

They don't use the term global warming anymore because it was cooling down so they use the term climate change now.

People who want open borders are either stupid or hate our country.

They have sided with the drug cartels, where the money is so big, there is something more going on here.


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a6bf52  No.329097


the a sithical love of orangemanbad rates along nickwhores projections - take no mind of acshual events when you can lie ass backwards for a debugging

satanist witches screeching reeeeee

baby killers for democracy

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594348  No.329148


NSA: where are the Polly pics?

Reason: Science

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16e5bb  No.329326

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3cc6f5  No.329549

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/30/2022 12:35:52

Truth Social: 108567393253869871


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dff2bf  No.330138



that broad

things that don't even try to look credible

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73d1f2  No.330220


>Chelsea Handler

says the dumb cunt who likes to get pissed in her face in public… fuck off

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447b13  No.330491



Kirsch gets an oven pass

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1a63dc  No.331768


Maybe that pigeon got him.

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e78502  No.332037

💉Lasting protection of omicron-specific Covid vaccine could pave way for annual boosters.

Manufacturer Moderna hails data showing jab targeting dominant variant is as effective as initial vaccine but over longer period


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d6983b  No.332544

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f07c34  No.332723


If I were to say America Winning, would this bother you?

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dd3a52  No.332926






What is wrong with you?! Give the respect Baker deserves and filter yourselves! FFS

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918152  No.332950


SOund logic, but given the BK attempt, I'd feel moar safe getting it out there ASAP.

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07ad99  No.333148

Eric Greitens, very bad look posting that ad

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828c1c  No.333916


Democrats worried more about abortion than who fucked a 10 year old.

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f757c0  No.334043


70's were great

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e9cefc  No.334191


Pray “Thy will be done” to calm yourself. Your beloved dog still senses your fear. Comfort him with your calming presence.

Asking angels to surround you.

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59dc6c  No.334245


He's prolly red text shill.

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f8b20f  No.334678

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e10838  No.334771

Open Web Platform: Hopes & Fears - 2013 SXSW Music, Film + Interactive Festival

AUSTIN, TX - MARCH 09: Scientist Tim Berners-Lee speaks onstage at the Open Web Platform: Hopes & Fears during the 2013 SXSW Music, Film + Interactive Festival at Austin Convention Center on March 9, 2013 in Austin, Texas. (Photo by Amy E. Price/Getty Images for SXSW)


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6b979e  No.335283


Values and traditions…Your whole family kills women.. What about your girlfriend..Lets talk about Her

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c83589  No.335397

Obama babies everywhere

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bd83f8  No.335401



Reality is hard to swallow.

DO YOU KNOW the market price for a fetus?

Correlation of market price & days old of fetus/baby?

As age (days) increases so does the value?


D's block 'born alive' bill?

Planned Parenthood political donations?

What party?

Do you believe this has anything to do w/ a Woman's Right to Choose?

Welcome to the Real World.

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d4ef66  No.335614

poor choices in fiber

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02c383  No.335775

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ddb9b4  No.335797


lern to filter

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86b93b  No.335846



That needs to be set up on a big screen/truck setup, outside congress and played on a loop

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c45b4f  No.336206

what do dem leaders want?

why release prisoners?

what will happen to Neighborhoods?

Vote out all dem leaders and RINOs also, ty


Army Rangers SMOKED Some Crips in 1989…


May 26, 2022

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5dd9e4  No.337011

Alright fk ya's I'll end the fed then. I've been trying to do that the whole time while you were finger bangin each other in ya matrix.

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031f16  No.337146


He was raping his niece that sent her and sister in law/wifey to a headshrinker. Anons did digs on this years ago. Sick fucking criminals. Fuck off faggot.

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c1b05d  No.337243


>Steve Cohen eats Kentucky Fried Chicken at Barr hearing

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5fce08  No.338500

Kim Kardashian advocated for Eli Torres, dad to Texas shooting victim

"Eli Torres is an inmate at a federal prison in Kentucky for a gang-related drug-trafficking offense"

What a coincidence for Kim.K.


What percentage of the Uvalde,Texas population was or is incarcerated?

What percentage are known gang members, foreign or domestic?

Was the shooting a gang turf war spillover?

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608933  No.338735


I have been sourceing for the LAST % OR MORE BREADS (you) refuse to look at it so NOW YOU can do you own fucking research, go back and look at the breads or start here:






This last link hints of JFK jr's existence…fuck you all if you continue to ignore all that is happening around you.

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735661  No.338966



Composition of the Board

Members of the Executive Board and Term of Office

The Executive Board is composed of 34 persons who are technically qualified in the field of health, each designated by a Member State that has been elected to serve by the World Health Assembly. Member States are elected for three-year terms.

The affiliations appear in the style and the language used by the corresponding member of the Board.


BOTSWANA (2020-2023)

Dr Edwin Dikoloti

Minister of Health and Wellness


ETHIOPIA (2022-2025)

Dr Lia Tadesse Gebremedhin

Minister of Health

Addis Abeba

GHANA (2020-2023)

Mr Kwaku Agyeman-Manu

Minister for Health


GUINEA-BISSAU (2020-2023)

Dr Agostinha Mbarco Ndumba

Director General, Prevention and Health Promotion

Ministry of Public Health


MADAGASCAR (2020-2023)

Professeur Zely Arivelo Randriamanantany

Ministre de la Santé publique


RWANDA (2021-2024)

Dr Daniel Ngamije Madandi

Minister of Health


SENEGAL (2022-2025)

Docteur Marie Khémesse Ngom Ndiaye

Directeur général de la Santé, Ministère de la Santé et de l’Action sociale


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31d4f6  No.338997

America, You’ve Been Played 🇺🇸🍊


https://twitter.com/AmericaPlayed1/status/1517843857655873539Without a shadow of a doubt.

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71a3ae  No.339017


And then the shill baker ip hops to tell itself it isn't really a fucking wanker…(again)

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33a046  No.339057


>after one thousand litres of oil caught alight

more burning oil?


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f09c8d  No.339948

THEY Divide.

WE Conquer.

Anticipated – human nature.

Anticipated – interruptions by others.

Matlock meant to become PUBLIC.


CM – thank you for IDEN VERIFICATION.

CM – how can a secure ‘read only’ board be set up whereby the message can be safely delivered?

If a board was created, you verified IDEN, and control was w/ you/us, that would eliminate confusion as to IDEN/AUTH correct?

No mod management – only info dumps.

Fact-finding, archiving, discussion, etc. can then be done on a designated ‘follow up’ board.

Message is all that matters.


Time is severely limited.


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f85163  No.340049


Amen, anon.

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e8265b  No.340066


Remember, Q exposed the criminal crap of the bad guys. Over and over he did. We knew about Perkins Coie back in November of 2017. And if this is a LARP, why is the place shilled so badly?

No LARP. We're still exposing evil.

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9ec732  No.340097




Irrelevant. ⬆️

You may have missed the point.

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ed94ce  No.340788







Q only has a HP Pavillion at his dispsal with 32G of Ram and maybe an AMD Ryzen quad core.

There is no way that Q could get back into his account and maintain the same trip code.



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7320d1  No.342049


>DART stopped deleting

probably taking a FAP break


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60cacc  No.342339


ignorant assertion


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d58b8b  No.342623

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c8ed9e  No.342678

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to kill itself instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent them from raping more children.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever 'know' being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves or get murdered.

kill all dogs as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles to be drowned.

No children in the city as the city is strictly for adults!


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2fce88  No.342780

The dark ones have been channeling higher dimensional negative entities for guidance on how to best enslave us.

Throughout history they told us "Channeling is evil" so that we would not channel our higher dimensional brothers and sisters.

To this day they still channel dark entities and get advice on their negative path.

What we did not understand, they told us to fear it.

We listened and trusted them.

Those days are OVER


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e21242  No.343059


Let me guess you think KJV is authorized by God?


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021435  No.343223




At least I challenge the evil of many people of many different backgrounds equally.


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668629  No.343245







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3e665e  No.343455


Interesting…that came to my mind as well.


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734096  No.343510

“Pfizer received initial FDA BLA license on 8/23/2021 for its COVID-19 vaccine for use in individuals 16 and older (COMIRNATY). [snip] These NDCs will NOT be manufactured.

Only NDCs for the subsequently BLA approved tris-sucrose formulation will be produced.”

Subsequent means after.

So now there is the original EUA jab (1), the phony Comirnaty ghost jab to trick people and force military jabs (2) and a 3rd BLA approved tris-sucrose formulation?

What is this Tris-sucrose version???


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d4c87c  No.343581




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37c900  No.343719



the water. watch it.


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5604f2  No.344088


>Food shortage coming on those fuckers will eat you!


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29c67b  No.345137


Many brains are fragile


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db8ab3  No.345325

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.


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ed94ce  No.345511


Dafuq you dafuq'ng anon

Gregory Phillips face comparison analysis needed

Dig Meme PRAY repeat

We are now onDIG


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8555b3  No.345518


How can they be sure unless a biologist wrote this?


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b9a7d8  No.345861


>Always use external HDD

Nah, I'll just use 8" floppies.


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