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File: 52fd3470772bf8e⋯.jpg (474.32 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220611_094355.jpg)

8f5ffa  No.316244 [Last 50 Posts]

The Retlaw Hotel on Main Street is beautiful.

You should look it up and check it out in person.

Fond du Lac is in and near The Eden of The Holy Bible.

Check out Eden in general.

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin of The United States of America, and Eden, Wisconsin of The United States of America.

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8f5ffa  No.316248

Cousin Dahmer still work at hospitals from prison?

They let him leave to them?

Agnesian? Of fdl, wi…



Fdl and…?

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8f5ffa  No.316249

Steven still allowed in hospitals as staff?

And elsewhere?

Morgue dude?

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8f5ffa  No.316250


Steven Paul Smith, Cousin Steven… aka Elliott Smith… The musician.

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b93923  No.316252

File: 166d0851c1a069c⋯.jpg (73.06 KB, 497x427, 71:61, PicsArt_06_06_04_33_15.jpg)

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8f5ffa  No.316254


I'm Satan and you can find Satanic items dedicated to me.

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8f5ffa  No.316255


I don't rape, so I'm not a faggot.

You the op of your post?

Don't fuck up fdl anymore.

Or anywhere else.

Treat the Retlaw well.

You might upset Cousin Dahm and Ryan.

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8f5ffa  No.316256

Ask Steven about Dahm.

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8f5ffa  No.316258

Dahm, like the library?

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8f5ffa  No.316280

File: a66c0d79bcf5b15⋯.jpg (2.02 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20220706_194903.jpg)

Fdl, wi

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8f5ffa  No.316281

Dahm, family reunion.

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8f5ffa  No.316282


Cousin Jeffery/Jeffrey Dahmer.

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8f5ffa  No.316283


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8f5ffa  No.316284

The library should remain open until 9pm, and open at 5am.

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8f5ffa  No.316285

Ryan advertise your art and your dad's, Mike's.

On here.

Fdl, wi.

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33943c  No.316314

Ryan, why did you try to kill me again, and attempt to disable me by some more?

Working with Tiffany, Darcey, Amanda, and all the others.

Wanted to keep and rape me?

Never wanted to watch or be around your kid.

When someone barely says anything, what does it mean?

They like and love you?

Find you interesting?

Want to abandon you?

And never see you again?

Feel owed money by you?

A lot?

All of you.

I've helped with your ignorance of others.

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33943c  No.316315


You wanted me around.

I wanted resources.

That's it.

You tried to use me, and instead abused me, and got used.

You're just like Tiffany, Ryan.

You stupid?

Darcey doesn't like Tiffany.

Did she learn to clean up after herself?

Darcey relates to Tiffany, and doesn't like herself.

I relate to none of you nothings who obsess over fucking and raping others and don't know how to do anything.

Can't control or lead, either.

I can.

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33943c  No.316316

Can't stop abusing and raping and molesting?

Go fail to comprehend everything going on some more.

What did all that tv teach you?

You don't understand it.

I read more than you, little bitch ass rapist piece of cross-dressing trash.

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33943c  No.316317

All you do is masturbate, molest, rape, and are asinine.

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33943c  No.316318

You are what others told you you are and others are, but not everyone is.

You chose to let others decide who you'd be.

Just like them.


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33943c  No.316319

Why don't you possess critical thinking skills, Darcey?

Go to prison, you owe me money.

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33943c  No.316320

Ryan, you are Darcey, figuratively.


Can't read shit.

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33943c  No.316321

You're fucking illiterate.

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33943c  No.316322

Did Amanda ever get sick of reading what you wrote?

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33943c  No.316323

She, or anyone, ever think you wrote well enough to keep it?

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33943c  No.316324

My poems were good, huh?

You never had the right to look at them or assault me over they're being good.

You're ugly, stupid, and boring, my Anima.

I'm your Animus.

Worthless, faggot lesbian.

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33943c  No.316325

Satan is Bod's Animus.

The faggot lesbian is a little bitch puppet who owes me money.

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33943c  No.316326

Too stupid to compete to become God.

Satan won.


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33943c  No.316327

I got my promotion, Ry.

You, go to Hell.

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33943c  No.316328

I'm not kind.

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33943c  No.316329

I told you to become independent of me.

And that you owe me money.

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33943c  No.316330

Bod belongs to me.


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33943c  No.316331

I'm a member of Tool, Ry, and many other bands.


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33943c  No.316332

Where is Curtis?

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33943c  No.316333

Rewatch The Butterfly Effect.

Satan is everyone.

Satan understands the 4th dimension better than the movie explains it.

Satan broke out of jail and went after Ashton Kutcher and the rest of the cast, to make a movie about Satan becoming God.

Another one.

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33943c  No.316334

Amanda is in it.

She's the blonde, chubby guy and kid who wants Satan to go away.

But keeps hanging out with Satan.

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33943c  No.316335

Satan is Tommy, Ashton Kutcher, and the blonde "chick".

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33943c  No.316336

Satan is almost famous.

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33943c  No.316337

Satan is a member of Alice in Chains, Soundgarden, Stone Temple Pilots, Nine Inch Nails, Elliott Smith… Sometimes shows up with the Beach Boys… And others bands and muscians.

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33943c  No.316338

Satan is a member of Nirvana and Hole.

And Pearl Jam…

And more.

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33943c  No.316339


*other bands

Likes human puppet instruments.

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33943c  No.316340

Went back in time to become God and make art and science.

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33943c  No.316341

And talk about Satan and murder.

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33943c  No.316342

Blood for the blood god.

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33943c  No.316343

Ryan, Darcey, and the others killed members of my bands.

And many others.

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33943c  No.316344

I'm a baritone and bass.

Chris Cornell is a different kind of baritone.

Not as low of a bass.

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33943c  No.316345

Cake guy is baritone and bass.

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33943c  No.316346

Satan likes to threaten people in their own bodies.


And threaten to kill others, too.

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33943c  No.316347

Satan speak to you, through you?

I'm your Animus.

Why can't you accept me?

You're going to Hell.

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33943c  No.316348

Try to dude out.

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33943c  No.316349

Why can't you?

Go to prison, you owe me money.

Be a man.


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33943c  No.316350

U 2 stupid 4 Satan, Faux Anonymous.

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33943c  No.316351

How does the internet work?

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33943c  No.316352

Casey wants to fuck you and beat you and thinks the world of you?


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33943c  No.316353

I just want to beat the shit out of you.

You owe me money.

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33943c  No.316354

Go to prison.

What did you do wrong?

Too dangerous to be outside of prison?

Just ruin things?

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33943c  No.316355

Told the cops and CIA about you all.

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33943c  No.316356

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Satan joined this band back then.

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33943c  No.316357


That guy related to Joey?

You guys kill and rape Joey, too?

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33943c  No.316358

Unprotected and I'm protected.

You unprotected?

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33943c  No.316359



I win.

Your voices dead.

My voice is dead.

I take over your bodies and minds and control you when?

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33943c  No.316361

Joey's look alike is preferred by Satan.

Half dead.

Blonde female is evil.

Goes to Hell.

Half-killed him.

God knows what happened.

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33943c  No.316362

The way you're falling, while I'm you.


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33943c  No.316364


She's still strangling, raping, and hitting him in the head often.

He should call the cops.

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33943c  No.316366

What's a daemonic infestation of Satan?

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33943c  No.316367


It's more powerful than a possession.

All around you.

Possessed and controlled.

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33943c  No.316368

You have free will when I decide.

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33943c  No.316369

Go to prison and give me my money.

Or make it worse for yourselves.

Remorseless and committing more crimes.

Cops and CIA were informed of you…

And many others high and low.

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995218  No.316490

File: 0e7cbac9cb0710d⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1080x1465, 216:293, 0e7cbac9cb0710d4b803f6b2e8….png)

File: 3387eda3e468333⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2770x2804, 1385:1402, Picsart_22_07_07_05_47_12_….jpg)

File: e9b5ebaee346f5c⋯.jpg (174.77 KB, 768x381, 256:127, love.jpg)


Ashley, your guest bedroom is already repainted and all new furniture from a new showroom here in Buckhead

and Wendy's going to teach you how to eat pussy…

A lot…

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4971a8  No.316532

File: 58252124e700bdd⋯.jpg (599.35 KB, 2048x1536, 4:3, IMG_20140712_020712.jpg)

Fon Du Lac, Wiffdisscocksoon Fondle Deez Nuts, Flossing Nightlygale bedpan Art Garfunkel with a vagina….


but it's okay

because Wendy is going to teach you how to be a HOT, INTELLIGENT, SEXY, CREATIVE FUNNY COOL well integrated member of Atlanta's art, film, and entertainment industry….

so you can STOP being unhappy and unfulfilled inFON DU BORE, literally allowingTHESE ARE THE BEST, MOST VITAL YEARS OF YOUR LIFEto slip through your fingers….

but not for long, because you'll soon begin putting your Art Garfunkel days behind you

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f18d65  No.316542


It's inside you too.

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9338b2  No.316626


All I know is whatever is inside of you, I'm sure it's attached to a nigger, and sperm comes out of it…

Because you're way too disassociated and unable to connect for any white man to possibly consider fucking you.. white men have a little bit of taste and self-respect, whereas black men will settle for anything, as long as it's white because they consider our rubbish to be a trophy..

Even you

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9338b2  No.316627

File: 73dd558b5772a70⋯.jpg (55.83 KB, 500x316, 125:79, Picsart_22_07_09_15_20_54_….jpg)

File: 22af5e98956c2ad⋯.jpg (274.17 KB, 1365x720, 91:48, Picsart_22_07_09_16_17_35_….jpg)

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767a4d  No.316629

File: 9bf70b3a538ec15⋯.jpg (434.38 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Picsart_22_07_10_02_40_49_….jpg)

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767a4d  No.316630

File: a2f3e823390bc79⋯.jpg (365.23 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Picsart_22_07_10_03_32_04_….jpg)

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767a4d  No.316631

File: a25b9f05d633c56⋯.jpg (357.09 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Picsart_22_07_10_03_30_46_….jpg)

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767a4d  No.316632

File: 7d6f2977a2bb0c0⋯.jpg (363.68 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Picsart_22_07_10_03_29_20_….jpg)

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767a4d  No.316633

File: 553e995c42b07ce⋯.jpg (361.28 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Picsart_22_07_10_03_28_03_….jpg)

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767a4d  No.316634

File: 3ba6ef0f49f1928⋯.jpg (359.17 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Picsart_22_07_10_03_27_11_….jpg)

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767a4d  No.316635

File: dc01ef302670b4f⋯.jpg (364 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Picsart_22_07_10_03_26_02_….jpg)

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767a4d  No.316636

File: 9243a65f22f637a⋯.jpg (377.2 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Picsart_22_07_10_02_28_52_….jpg)

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767a4d  No.316637

File: d493ddc3b59ad0e⋯.jpg (367.34 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Picsart_22_07_10_02_24_21_….jpg)

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767a4d  No.316638

File: 919cc3fa8fea5ae⋯.jpg (160.56 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Picsart_22_07_09_23_38_36_….jpg)

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767a4d  No.316639

File: fb8e22e68c53f94⋯.jpg (177.64 KB, 720x1272, 30:53, Picsart_22_07_09_23_32_15_….jpg)

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767a4d  No.316640

File: eead5e420ce782f⋯.jpg (369.59 KB, 720x1144, 90:143, Screenshot_2022_07_09_23_1….jpg)

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767a4d  No.316641

File: fb53ef5a8531b1b⋯.jpg (314.65 KB, 692x971, 692:971, Screenshot_2022_07_09_23_1….jpg)

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767a4d  No.316642

File: 3a5728a406e540c⋯.mp4 (2.11 MB, 540x676, 135:169, km_20220710_540p_1_.mp4)

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767a4d  No.316644


You're getting fat again, Ashley…


if you come to Atlanta with a huge steamy bush, none of your customers will pay you after the sex

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767a4d  No.316680

File: aa64c076deedede⋯.mp4 (303.3 KB, 384x480, 4:5, Schneider_.mp4)


If you plan on having money while you're here in Atlanta to go out to the High Museum of Art, or The Georgia Aquarium, or one of the AMAZING world class restaurants or nightclubs or movie soundstages or walking dead production facilities, hanging out with writers and artists and famous musicians and actorsyou're going to have to lose some weightand Wendy will take you to her doctor and you can get birth control pills so you can start making money…

and while you wait for the doctors appointment, Wendy's gonna help you shave that big old steamy bush…

customers won't pay as much if you've still got a huge nasty fucking bush…

plus, for the first two weeks, you'll be in rehearsals, practicing anal.

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767a4d  No.316682

File: dc80ed3275d4955⋯.mp4 (2.83 MB, 540x676, 135:169, schizo_hole_.mp4)

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e0b700  No.316779

File: 24bbc57cddf4486⋯.mp4 (2.34 MB, 540x676, 135:169, km_20220710_5_540p_1_.mp4)

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0f44d3  No.316780


US Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn) met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the capital city of Kyiv on July 7 to discuss legislation that would assign a terrorism designation to Russia: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-senators-meet-ukrainian-president-discuss-designating-russia-state-sponsor

The Biden administration’s move to sell nearly 1 million barrels of oil reserves to China “defies all common sense” and is benefiting US adversaries at the cost of national interests, said Republican lawmakers: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/bidens-selling-oil-reserve-hunter-biden-tied-chinese-firm-impeachable-republicans

The export of crude and fuel is blunting the impact of the moves by US President Joe Biden to lower record pump prices. In a call, Biden on Saturday renewed a call for gasoline suppliers to cut their prices, drawing rightful criticism from Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, because going after mom and pop gas stores merely demonstrates just how clueless the handlers of the senile presidential puppet truly are: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Why-Is-The-US-Sending-Its-Emergency-Oil-Reserves-To-China.html

Biden Proposes Raising Oil Prices Even Further By Reducing Offshore Drilling (only 11 leases approved until 2028 WTF!?): https://www.boem.gov/oil-gas-energy/national-program/national-ocs-oil-and-gas-leasing-program-2023-2028

Terrorism Rocks Oklahoma Natural Gas Plant As The War Against American Energy Wages On: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/explosion-rocks-oklahoma-natural-gas-plant

Iran, Russia, and China are gearing up to run a series of major war drills in Latin America in a show of force meant to signal how these militaries can reach the United States. Meanwhile, our southern borders are wide open and our economy is being deliberately wrecked. Speculation has it the US government is secretly working with Russia and China to undermine American interests: https://allnewspipeline.com/A_Red_Dawn_Scenario_May_Be_Fast_Approaching.php

▲ RELATED: Globalist agenda: Wars, famine and digitization to pave way for Great Reset: https://citizens.news/635731.html

Germany is heading for a gas shortage if Russian gas supplies remain as low as they are now, and certain industries would have to be shut down if there is not enough when winter comes, Economy Minister Robert Habeck told Der Spiegel magazine: https://english.alarabiya.net/business/energy/2022/06/24/German-economy-minister-warns-of-industry-shutdown-amid-gas-shortage-Report

The Russo-Ukrainian war put the topic of agriculture and food into the spotlight again. Mines in the Black Sea now threaten wheat exports to the rest of the world, and natural gas, an important raw material for the production of fertilizer, has become a scarce commodity. And all this in a world where the population will soon exceed the 8 billion mark, and where many countries that used to be food exporters have become dependent on imports: https://rmx.news/commentary/the-battle-for-grain/

Saudi Arabia Mulling To Join BRICS Union Amid Global Oil Crisis: https://infobrics.org/post/35866

How war worry is causing stroke cases to spike in Ukraine: https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/07/08/how-war-worry-is-causing-stroke-cases-to-spike-in-ukraine

As war against Ukraine drags on, more Russian men look to avoid military service: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/more-russian-men-look-avoid-military-service-some-lawyers-rights-groups-say-2022-07-08/

Russian criminals are reportedly being offered financial incentives in addition to having their sentences commuted in exchange for fighting on the front line in Ukraine: https://rmx.news/ukraine/putin-to-pay-russian-convicts-and-expunge-their-criminal-record-to-help-war-effort-in-ukraine/

Russian-backed occupation authorities in Kharkiv Oblast stated that Kharkiv Oblast is an “inalienable part of Russian land,” indicating that the Kremlin likely intends to annex part or all of Kharkiv Oblast. The Russian occupation government in Kharkiv Oblast unveiled a new flag for the occupation regime in Kharkiv Oblast containing the Russian imperial double-headed eagle and symbols from the 18th century Kharkiv coat of arms: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-july-9

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0f44d3  No.316781


MY COMMENT ARCHIVING FROM 8KUN: I was not hiding. The current browser I was using to archive was compromised, and the glownigs running the honeypot exploited it by tagging and then 'blocking' default browser-oriented metadata which was clearly not being spoofed properly. A spook helping run that honeypot site then prohibited any attributed unspoofed metadata from being able to post updates on 8kun. I cannot get into more detail due to OPSEC but for now I have mitigated this threat!!! If somehow this happens again you can find my war updates on Minds.com as well other obscure image boards and pastebins!

In a high-profile exception to its Ukraine war-inspired sanctions regime, Canada will release a Russian turbine to Germany that's necessary for maintaining Russia's Nord Stream 1 natural gas pipeline. As Reuters reports: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/canada-return-repaired-turbines-nord-220518904.html

European populations are bracing for a frigid upcoming winter amid an impending avalanche of high energy costs and emerging inflation. On Sunday French Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire warned that Russia is poised to totally halt gas supplies to Europe and that people must now prepare: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/french-german-leaders-warn-populations-prepare-total-cut-russian-gas-social-unrest-looms

IT TOOK THE RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR TO EXPOSE THE SCAM BEHIND "GREEN" ENERGY: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-10-russian-war-ukraine-exposed-scam-green-energy.html

▲ FLASHBACK: How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists: https://alt-market.us/order-out-of-chaos-how-the-ukraine-conflict-is-designed-to-benefit-globalists/

▲ FLASHBACK: CNN Propagandist Suggests Inflation Is Needed To Achieve Great Reset, Green New Deal, UN Agenda 21: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/cnn-analyst-suggests-inflation-needed-achieve-green-agenda

NATO allies sign accession protocols for Sweden and Finland: http://greeknewsondemand.com/2022/07/10/nato-allies-sign-accession-protocols-for-sweden-and-finland/

The Russian military has destroyed one of the Brimstone precision-guided missile launchers recently supplied to Kiev forces by the UK. On July 10, RIA Novosti released a video showing the destruction of the launcher: https://southfront.org/in-video-russian-strike-destroys-british-brimstone-missile-launcher-of-kiev-forces/

Ukrainian missile and artillery units inflicted heavy damage on the command post of the Russian Guard near Kherson city and destroyed ammunition depots in various districts of Kherson region: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3526170-ukraines-armed-forces-destroy-15-invaders-over-60-equipment-units-in-south.html

In the Sloviansk direction, Ukrainian defenders repulsed enemy attempt to conduct reconnaissance-in-force near the village of Mazanivka, inflicting further losses on the Russian troops. This is stated in the latest report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of 18:00, July 10: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3526147-ukrainian-forces-prevent-enemy-reconnaissance-operation-near-mazanivka.html

Maksym Butkevych, human rights defender, journalist, and co-founder and member of the NGO "Hromadske Radio" is held captive by Russians: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3526196-hromadske-radio-founder-captured-by-russians.html

Russian forces have 'liberated' the settlement of Grigoryevka near Seversk in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) where a fortified area of the Ukrainian armed forces was situated, Vitaly Kiselev, an aide to the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) interior minister, told TASS: https://tass.com/world/1477829

Four months after Russia initially invaded Ukraine, as authorised by the president of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, retired Australian army general Mick Ryan assesses Russia’s military strategy: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/07/10/retired-army-general-assesses-russias-military-strategy/

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98ccac  No.316804

"The Biden administration’s move to sell nearly 1 million barrels of oil reserves to China “defies all common sense” and is benefiting US adversaries at the cost of national interests"… Says the high school dropout who doesn't realize it's possible to minimize the adversarial role of any particular Nation by engaging in calculated Goodwill and economic exchange..

But how would you know anything about international politics? You're too busy pretending to be an expert in global geopolitical military industrial IMAGINARY BOOGEYMAN HIDING BEHIND EVERY TREE…

I thought I told you to have your daughter call me…

Why didn't you give her my number, asshole? Are you scared she's going to like me more than you?

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98ccac  No.316805


Don't you think it's a little bit ironic?

I think it's ironic….

Don't you also think it's ironic?

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98ccac  No.316808


It's ironic that you struggle so hard trying to be perceived as "having knowledge"

Frantically copying and pasting copying and pasting and copying and pasting and copying and pasting more and more drivel everyday….

You've never even read most of these worthless fake news articles because you're too busy copying and pasting the next ones…

I think it's ironic that you want to be perceived as "being incredibly knowledgeable", when it's fair to say that you are actually ONE OF THE LEAST INFORMED HUMAN BEINGS I'VE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE

You really don't know Jack fucking shit about anything…

You run your little old granny yaptrap about 5G and chemtrails and vaccinations and Russia's secret intention…

But you don't know anything about science at all… Nothing…

You don't know anything about 5g, and you don't know anything about meteorology (those are vapor trails, not chemtrails, you desperate little paranoid fool) and you DON'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT INTERNAL MEDICINE, VIROLOGY, IMMUNOLOGY OR EPIDEMIOLOGY WHATSOEVER…

You're uneducated, plain and simple

You don't know anything about science or medicine or the human immune system, You Don't know Jack fucking shit about DNA or RNA, you don't know anything about tetanus shots or polio vaccines, and you sure as fuck don't know a goddamn thing about covid or any virus for that matter…

You think repeating the term "Spike protein" tricks people into thinking you understand viruses, while you are completely incapable of giving me even the most basic layman's definition of a CAPSID, or a VIRION….

You don't understand Spike proteins at all, you have no knowledge about the mechanism of action of virions, and you're so knowledgeable about virology, that you quite literally don't even know what a mother fucking CAPSID is….

But that doesn't stop you from repeating the same trendy catch phrase "Spike protein" in every other sentence, thinking you appear to be a brilliant genius..

You actually appear to be a little insecure man, who never accomplished a mother fucking thing in his life, and now that you're 73, here you sit, in a goddamn empty chat room, repeating "Spike protein. Spike protein this, Spike protein that, Spike protein Spike protein.. spike protein" over and over, thinking it makes you sound like an authority….

You're going to have to learn how to memorize more than just one word if you want to play the role of an expert in here

Tell your daughter to call me.

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0f44d3  No.316810


I have read a lot of those articles, not all of them take very long to read. In fact, I often break down the most important statements in them, with the link. Ever even give the updates a look? And YES I know perfectly well what is going on in the world. It's people like You who do not, nor would you ever care to know.

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0f44d3  No.316811


By the way…. it's really funny how I'm now getting views on Minds.com (not very much, but at least some!) And that also goes for other obscure image boards, yes even some compliments to my style of critiquing information, forming it altogether the way I do. In fact, I challenge anyone - yes even You, to do an update BETTER than I have!! Let's see how good you are, and your sources!!!

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33b729  No.316838



$7 a gallon!

This is payback for Ottawa. Every government on this earth saw it and heard of convoys being organized around the world. Mr. Big simply picked up a phone and told his minions, the CEOs of big oil, "hit them at the pump".

With Hunter's ties to Sinopec it is likely he's profiting a tidy sum for this act ofTREASON.

Never let a good crisis go to waste and by all means get paid!

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c0c055  No.316892


"Hit 'em at the pump."

One phone call.

That's how it's done.

If you eliminate the guy who made the phone call…

they'll have a replacement in place in less than one hour.

It's a monolith.

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621c61  No.317114


Nice basement.. it looks very comfortable down there, with all the mildew and cement…

Obviously, you are a very happy person…

It must be nice living with your mother in your thirties, spending hot summer afternoons wearing a thick hoodie over your other clothes, hiding down in her basement, and pretending your life is complete as you stare into your shitty Samsung tablet.

You're gaining a lot of weight, and it doesn't look good on you…

Your skin is getting blotchy, because you're not healthy, and you're not happy…

Small tits are a gift.. consider yourself blessed with a lack of disgusting fatty tissue hanging off your chest…

But if you keep shoveling food down your fucking face, your small tits aren't going to help you anymore…

It's time somebody stepped in and helped you figure out the obvious:

You are going to be selling your vagina and butthole and throat…

But nobody's going to want to rent out any of your orifices if you are a fat fucking pig, so when you get to Atlanta you are becoming a vegetarian, and I'm personally going to shave your pubic hair off, because no customer is going to pay money to fuck your big hairy monkey down there

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621c61  No.317115



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fb155b  No.317121

I lived in Fondy for a few years. The people I met were mostly nice but stupid. Couldnt stand most of my neighbors, between illegals and coalburners. Lakeside Park was great tho.

Sadly there are some niggers and not enough white supremacists.

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a3000c  No.317125


Actually the government DOES control gas and oil leases, and as I have said and posted links many many many many fucking times, those domestic gas and oil leasing contracts have been CANCELED under Biden.

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a3000c  No.317126


[[Part 1/3]]

We now have ALL the evidence we'll ever need to KNOW Biden's government is deliberately collapsing our economy for the Agenda 21 "Great Reset" "Green New Deal" their crooked corrupt criminal cronies desire to overlord!!! Furthermore, the rising gas prices are retribution against Americans for not supporting their carbon tax!!!

Let's get to bottom line AGENDA first, and then I'll provide documented evidence of this engineered collapse!


Notice they don't even have the infrastructure to charge their shitty electric vehicles! This cannot and will not work when you have a vastly spread out population either! What are you going to do, prohibit small town and rural America from traveling because we have no ability to afford electric cars nor the infrastructure to support them!? And how do you power all those electric cars!? What source of energy are you using exactly!? How will that lower prices!? AND how long would it take me to charge an electric car to drive 50 minutes to stockup groceries and essentials at the nearest Costco every month!? THIS IS INSANE AND IT WILL NOT WORK.

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Admitted He Was Planning To DESTROY America's Economy. “I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you we’re going to end fossil fuels” he said in New Castle, New Hampshire: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/16/flashback-joe-biden-i-guarantee-you-were-going-to-end-fossil-fuels/

After all, it was Biden who denied permits for the Keystone XL Pipeline: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/06/09/tc-energy-terminates-keystone-xl-pipeline-project.html

Biden also denied oil and gas lease opportunities in the Gulf of Mexico and off the coast of Alaska: https://www.theepochtimes.com/biden-admin-cancels-major-oil-and-gas-lease-sales-amid-soaring-gas-prices_4461962.html

Biden also admitted the goal of raising gas prices: https://summit.news/2022/05/24/video-biden-admits-sky-rocketing-energy-prices-are-part-of-green-transition/


Biden admin cancels massive oil and gas lease sale amid record-high gas prices:



State-run corporate media argues bad economy, hyperinflation for Americans is a GOOD thing because it will usher in the “green agenda” faster:


10 Things Biden Could Do (BUT WILL NOT) To Save America From Economic Destruction:


Europe and the West will be facing reduced global oil supplies and paying a premium while countries like China and India will be enjoying increased supplies and lower prices from Russia:\


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a3000c  No.317127


[[Part 2/3]]

The Engineered Stagflationary Collapse Has Arrived – Here’s What Happens Next:


The goal is to “reset” the world, to erase what’s left of free market systems, and to establish what they call the “Shared Economy” system. This system is one in which the people who survive the crash will be made utterly dependent on government through Universal Basic Income and one that will restrict all resource usage in the name of “carbon reduction.” According to the WEF, you will own nothing and you will like it.

The collapse is engineered to create crisis conditions so frightening that they expect the majority of the public to submit to a collectivist hive mind lifestyle with greatly reduced standards. This would be accomplished through UBI, digital currency models, carbon taxation, population reduction, rationing of all commodities and a social credit system. The goal, in other words, is complete control through technocratic authoritarianism.

I have no doubt that Joe Biden and Democrats will seek to enforce price controls on many goods as inflation continues, and there will be a handful of Republicans that will support the tactic. Price controls actually lead to a reduction in supply because they remove all profits and thus all incentive for manufacturers to keep producing goods. What usually happens at that point is government steps in to nationalize manufacturing, but this will be substandard production and at a much lower yield.

In the end, supplies are reduced even further and prices go even higher on the black market because no one can get their hands on most goods anyway.

Yes, rationing at the manufacturing and distribution level is going to happen, so be sure to buy what you need now before it does. Rationing occurs in the wake of price controls or supply chain disruptions, and usually this coincides with a government propaganda campaign against “hoarders.” Then, not long after, they will accuse preppers and anyone who bought goods BEFORE the crisis of “hoarding” simply because they planned ahead.

Rationing is not only about controlling the supply of necessities and thus controlling the population by proxy; it is also about creating an atmosphere of blame and suspicion within the public and getting them to snitch on or attack anyone that is prepared. Prepared people represent a threat to the establishment, so expect to be demonized in the media and organize with other prepared people to protect yourself.

It might sound like I am predicting success of the Great Reset program, but I actually believe the globalists will fail in the end. That’s not going to stop them from making the attempt. Also, the above scenarios are only predictions for the near term (within the next couple of years). There will be many other problems that stem from these situations.

Naturally, food riots and other mob actions will become more commonplace, perhaps not this year, but by the end of 2023 they will definitely be a problem. This will coincide with the return of political unrest in the US as leftist factions, encouraged by globalist foundations, demand more government intervention in poverty. At the same time, conservatives will demand less government interference and less tyranny.

At bottom, the people who are prepared might be called a lot of mean names, but as long as we organize and work together, we will survive. Many unprepared people will NOT survive. Understand that the economic conditions ahead of us are historically destructive; there is no way that serious consequences can be avoided for a large part of the population, if only because they refuse to listen and to take proper steps to protect themselves.

The denial is over. The crash is here. Time to take action if you have not done so already.

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a3000c  No.317129






How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists:


CNN Propagandist Suggests Inflation Is Needed To Achieve Great Reset, Green New Deal, UN Agenda 21:


The Biden administration’s move to sell nearly 1 million barrels of oil reserves to China “defies all common sense” and is benefiting US adversaries at the cost of national interests, said Republican lawmakers:



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33943c  No.317282

Come visit The Eden of the Bible and Fond du Lac.

And CIA, lots of crime on this site and in Fond du Lac.

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33943c  No.317283

File: 0f639a5bdde9111⋯.jpg (425.79 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220712_060139.jpg)

Come to Eden and fdl.

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33943c  No.317284

File: 19c8e16319a51dc⋯.jpg (472.16 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220712_060542.jpg)

I'm a member of NAMBLA and leader of the Green Party.

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33943c  No.317285

File: 3763b479a9e2141⋯.jpg (456.81 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220712_060454.jpg)


I'm the chosen vessel of Satan and God.

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33943c  No.317584

Come to fdl and Eden. The Eden of The Holy Bible.

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8f5ffa  No.317809

Many bars to visit in fdl! A night market, too! So you can shop and drink and eat! Fdl was a part of Eden in the past. The Eden of the Bible.

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8f5ffa  No.317810


Bar time!

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8f5ffa  No.319107

File: 18db147bf84db39⋯.jpg (425.92 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220720_040302.jpg)

File: d500a67941de520⋯.jpg (415.61 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220720_040304.jpg)

File: 705f29e23fa3958⋯.jpg (418.42 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220720_040306.jpg)

Come to Fond du Lac, Wisconsin of The United States of America, 54935.

Eden, the Eden of The Holy Bible is in Wisconsin, nearby.

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33943c  No.319234



Elliott Smith, play there.

Trent Reznor, too.

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33943c  No.319235

Cousin Dahm!

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dac9d9  No.321044




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21936a  No.321150




Semper Fidelis


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703112  No.321387



an shame you took no pictures.

you know the location of the tunnels in that area.

make a map

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245d69  No.321604





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853cf5  No.321986


Rats running

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58959f  No.322055

Butterfly wings x

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5bf39c  No.322208


Are you still framing what is happening on Earth in terms of politics and the left/right paradigm?

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7ce60c  No.322361


>anon swallowed the mgtow pill years ago

…tard identified.

…they want you divided.

…they want incels to give up on women instead of finding a way to work together.

Congratulations, tard. You passed their tests.

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ad2afc  No.323331


Not gonna happen on a board that trafficks "mostly women" and children.

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c55884  No.324172


James Dean is dead.

For real this time.

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f54f27  No.324174


564, concur, calculated it anonself the night Q was posting again

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59b8c4  No.324395


>published 5am June 28th

>"worth remembering" 11pm June 28th


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fded4e  No.324702


Epstein Island had heifer statues on the island.

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902e43  No.324950


>McConnell was right


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63c339  No.325141

critical mass has already been reached

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183680  No.325215


>Es tut mir leid, wenn wir uns missverstanden haben, mein Freund.

Kein Problem, kommt vor im Eifer des Gefechtes.

Ich hasse die Juden. Sie sind die Ursache der meisten Probleme auf unserem Planeten. Wir müssen alle Juden loswerden

So ist es!

>Mein Deutsch ist nicht gut, es tut mir leid

Dafür mußt du dich nicht entschuldigen, du maschst das schon ganz gut.


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799172  No.325234


Anon we are all in pain you just talk and focus on it a lot more. I think you are narcissist where no one else matters. And thats fine with you

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928d57  No.325935


people have wrapped their entire identities up in the concept of abortion, sick

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677473  No.326173

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040291  No.326276


which is which?

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404fea  No.326344


copy pasta screwups will do that

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30b0ed  No.326591




Anon just translated the names and descriptions of the 963 people permanently banned from Russia, into the top ten languages, to help kick-start researchers.

Apologies this took so long; anon has more anon wants to do as well, anon's getting old and slow. Can still kick some commie ass digitally, kek!

The CSV is "safe"; note that it's merely a "comma-separated values" file: there's no code in it, it's just a single header line, then 963 lines; each line has 30 pieces of data separated by commas. LibreOffice can load it with defaults, just click "OK" on the "Text Import" page – and, can look at it in a text editor first, to verify that it's safe.

CSV is here:


Anon's simple site (left the default WordPress theme graphics, "when does a bird sing," kek):


Post for this "release"; the "About" page (below) shows my plans:


Anon's "About" page which says what next steps anon wants to take with this (splitting each language into first/middle/last/suffix is next):


Hope this helps our researchers across the realm.

God bless in Jesus name.

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25f402  No.326966



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cec943  No.327030


>why are you allowed on the internet?


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1583cf  No.327367


>channeled messages


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61f4b3  No.327812

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6d9e7c  No.327998



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a49cd2  No.328536


wow. me too!

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cf8796  No.329085

Transgender Org Releases New Guidelines, Lowers Recommended Age For Starting Children on Gender-Change Hormones and Mutilating Their Breasts

The “World Professional Association for Transgender Health” has lowered the recommended age for mutilating children in an effort to change their gender.

The organization has moved the recommended age for beginning hormones to “change genders” from 16 to just 14-years-old and the age for cutting healthy breasts off female children from 16 to 15.

They also recommend starting children as young as 8-years-old on puberty blockers.

“The blockers can weaken bones, and starting them too young in children assigned males at birth might impair sexual function in adulthood, although long-term evidence is lacking,” the Associated Press reports.

The organization acknowledged the risks associated with the treatments, which include making otherwise healthy children infertile, but do not seem to care.

According to the report, the organization is comprised of “3,000 doctors, social scientists and others involved in transgender health issues.”

The report notes that psychologist Erica Anderson resigned as a board member of the organization last year after she raised issues with “sloppy” treatment given to kids “without adequate counseling.”

“They tell me horror stories. They tell me, ‘Our child had 20 minutes with the doctor’” before being offered hormones, she said. “The parents leave with their hair on fire.”

The new guidance recommends, per the AP report:

• Sex hormones — estrogen or testosterone — starting at age 14. This is often lifelong treatment. Long-term risks may include infertility and weight gain, along with strokes in trans women and high blood pressure in trans men, the guidelines say.

• Breast removal for trans boys at age 15. Previous guidance suggested this could be done at least a year after hormones, around age 17, although a specific minimum age wasn’t listed.

• Most genital surgeries starting at age 17, including womb and testicle removal, a year earlier than previous guidance.


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4564d6  No.329178

imagine living in such a totalitarian country where the government requires complete subservience….that people need to break laws to save their lives from poisonous vaccines.

New York Post

Accused NYC teachers deny buying fake COVID vaccine cards

Eighty-two teachers claimed they obtained COVID-19 vaccines at Wild Child Pediatric Healthcare in Amityville, which is known for offering holistic and natural remedies.


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85bb50  No.330133


Didn't you hear???….

"Q" is BACK!!!…

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90eccf  No.330624

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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8f5ffa  No.331249

You can't fuck up the Ramada/Retlaw, and you can't do that other thing either.

I'm the Lone Wanderer from Fallout 3.

I want to work their as a musician and other shit.

And want Elliott Smith to play there.

Other worthy musicians are welcome to ask to play there, too.

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8f5ffa  No.331251

Ryan made a continuation of IT by Stephen King called A Child Called "It". Or A Child Named "It".

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8f5ffa  No.331255

Ryan, I never gave you permission to go through my files on my computer or to go through my notebooks.

Never went through your shit.

It's wandering.

Figuratively and literally, wandering.

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8f5ffa  No.331256

Steven showed up on Allen.

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8f5ffa  No.331257


I keep sending him letters.

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8f5ffa  No.331258

Does Steven still have feelings for Dahmer, his brother?

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8f5ffa  No.331259

File: b955c33db72b67f⋯.jpg (630.91 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220726_103443.jpg)


Ryan, draw me.

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8f5ffa  No.331260

File: 679399c58b184e3⋯.jpg (404.21 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220719_222651.jpg)

File: 1a1f2c70fcd04cd⋯.jpg (402.52 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220719_222646.jpg)

File: 1b5b4ef5e87b367⋯.jpg (400.03 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220719_222644.jpg)

File: a06c0ecd7dbd1cd⋯.jpg (403.86 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220719_222638.jpg)

File: 26fa4b8d1bf7d6c⋯.jpg (397.86 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220719_222623.jpg)


Picture is too big or something.

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8f5ffa  No.331263

File: 0a07eab5d5a6f0e⋯.jpg (434.26 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220726_130318.jpg)

Darcey is trying to fuck me, rape me, molest me, strangle me, hit me in the head, murder me, disable me more and again, and so on.

Molested me again. Carbon monoxide issues for years, wants to smell my clothing. She smelled my pad. For sexual reasons again.

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8f5ffa  No.331267

File: 521665a27b5d6cd⋯.jpg (417.19 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220726_130837.jpg)

File: 8189be126bcd609⋯.jpg (421.96 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220726_130835.jpg)

File: 32dc9163f0f10d3⋯.jpg (383.54 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220726_130832.jpg)

Ryan, art of me as male gendered not female.

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8f5ffa  No.331268

Ryan Michelle

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8f5ffa  No.331270

Does Ryan work for the fdl newspaper places as well as in other cities?

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8f5ffa  No.331271

File: 4e58d1df1fe701a⋯.jpg (562.35 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220726_131207.jpg)

File: 387c75bc6c65cf8⋯.jpg (568.99 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220726_131202.jpg)

File: ea9cdda0040f7f5⋯.jpg (582.28 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220726_131158.jpg)

Is Derek Mark's and Derek's mom's kid?

That's why his middle name is Marsh?

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8f5ffa  No.331273

File: 0ca28c496ab921e⋯.jpg (387.36 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220726_131503.jpg)

File: af24dd1de769c49⋯.jpg (429.04 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220726_131501.jpg)

Another one of Derek's kids is here?

And he has a sibling named Viktor/Victor.

Or a cousin.

Or some other kind of relative.

And a guy who works at Agnesian who raped and strangled me and hit me in the head, others went after me there, too.

He's his older brother?

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8f5ffa  No.331274

File: 7a0e3934fec3987⋯.jpg (487.92 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220726_132106.jpg)

File: 3312ae1cc95f660⋯.jpg (443.31 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220726_132101.jpg)

I think a lot of Ryan's and Derek's families came to fdl recently.

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8f5ffa  No.331275

Come to Fond du Lac and The Eden of The Holy Bible.

Both in Wisconsin, both historical.

Ryan and I are descendents of The Holy Mother Mary of the Bible.

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8f5ffa  No.331277

File: 02038be5a0bb55e⋯.jpg (428.7 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, 20220726_132412.jpg)


I'm The Satan of The Holy Bible.

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27dc26  No.331278

7/26/22 Part 1

West Point graduates sign letter challenging corrupt leadership of US military academy: https://justthenews.com/government/security/west-point-graduates-sign-letter-challenging-leadership-military-academy

▲ MY COMMENT: This is EXACTLY what I first warned about from the 7/21/22 Part 1 update! Check that one out, it's all mirrored. I specifically said the clot shot mandates and so-called "woke" policies are destroying the military's credibility and causing their recruiting base to rapidly plummet and IT IS!!! Even veterans on Youtube backed me on this issue!! And NOW THIS report comes out! We all told you so!!!


Newest Poll Indicates Most Americans Know Our Government Is Corrupted (66% Republicans, 63% Independents and 46% Democrats Lost Trust): https://reason.com/2022/07/25/most-americans-think-government-is-corrupt-a-third-say-armed-revolution-may-be-necessary-soon/

▲ MY COMMENT: Trust is to be earned, NOT immediately and endlessly privileged! Those who lose trust are obviously doing wrong!!!

Upper middle-income Americans have built up less savings, lost more in the market downturn and face higher average inflation in 2022: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-upper-middle-class-is-getting-squeezed-11658741402

While Blackstone may be preparing to snap up some $50 billion in real estate during the coming crash, a constellation of out-of-state institutional investors, led by private equity firms and real estate investment trusts, have been swooping in to buy mobile home parks - where they've been raising rents and neglecting to perform necessary repairs. In short, corporate vultures are taking advantage of one of the most vulnerable demographics in the country; some 22 million low-income Americans across 43,000 communities - many of whom are elderly and the disabled who are surviving on social security, disability payments and other forms of fixed income. The purchases are putting residents in a bind, since most mobile homes — despite the name — cannot be moved easily or cheaply. Owners are forced to either accept unaffordable rent increases, spend thousands of dollars to move their home, or abandon it and lose tens of thousands of dollars they invested: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/private-equity-vultures-target-trailer-parks-hiking-rents-and-neglecting-repairs

MY COMMENT: No one needs to be told by government we are in a recession. In fact, we are not in a recession anymore. America is in the middle of another GREAT DEPRESSION! I am getting sick and tired of "recession this" "recession that" reporting. It is far far worse today and America has far more poverty today than we did during the first great depression! It was simply unreported and swept under the rug!!! EBT Cards ARE the modern "Food Stamps" and millions rely on them today! Worse: At least during the first great depression there were a lot more farmers and ranchers, and the average family knew how to garden, hunt, fish, raise and even butcher livestock to eat. Today you have cities full of people who have next to no skills what-so-ever that rely on the supply chain for everything! Imagine what happens when the supply chain fully breaks down and we face hyperinflation! You see all those mainstream articles promoting cannibalism today? That's exactly what these despotic criminals want for your future!!

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8f5ffa  No.331279

I want my money.

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27dc26  No.331280


7/26/22 Part 2

Russia is ready to develop a new global reserve currency alongside China and other BRICS nations, in a potential challenge to the dominance of the US dollar. President Vladimir Putin signaled the new reserve currency would be based on a basket of currencies from the group's members: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa: https://www.businessinsider.in/stock-market/news/russia-and-china-are-brewing-up-a-challenge-to-dollar-dominance-by-creating-a-new-reserve-currency/articleshow/92437095.cms

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Saturday called for peace talks between the US and Russia to end the war in Ukraine and said the EU needs a new approach to the conflict: https://news.antiwar.com/2022/07/24/hungarys-orban-says-us-russia-peace-talks-needed-to-end-ukraine-war/

Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister Dmytro Kuleba calls European energy dependence an "addiction" that needs to stop: http://ukranews.com/en/news/871605-only-way-out-in-putin-s-gas-war-against-europe-is-to-strike-back-kuleba

▲ MY COMMENT: I get the fact Putin can be an asshole but Europe needs oil and gas. Whether or not it comes from Russia or anywhere else, first world countries need oil & gas. If you do not have oil & gas you simply become third world, it's just the way it goes, it's not an addiction, it's a lifestyle necessity for first world living standards! Anyone claiming this is an "addiction" should be forced to live a year off-grid to see how the third world lives. No air conditioning. No central heating. No modern refrigeration. No electrical stoves. No television. No internet. And I am one who has solar power so I know the deal, I paid 10K for a 3000 watt inverter with 12 panels that can power SOME basic appliances, yes. But even then that energy is heavily rationed as 3000 watts is not much! I really only power it up for emergencies to keep my frozen foods from spoiling and the well pump going, along with a few lights. Otherwise to cook during a crisis I use a small portable propane stove. Well worth the investments but no way to live 24/7.

Videos of Russian trains arriving with additional armored war machines, have been published on various social media the past three days and one thing has become clear: there is a GIANT escalation coming against Ukraine: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/trainloads-of-additional-russian-armor-arriving-against-ukraine-giant-escalation-coming

Rumors are now exploding that the US has decided to assassinate Ukrainian President Zelensky claiming he's not useful to them anymore. MY COMMENT: I do not see why Western governments would do this honestly. If they were willing to do this, why not listen to what Viktor Orban said and just force Ukraine into some kind of peace agreement with Russia instead? FACT: The ONLY reason Zelensky is fighting Russia is he knows the US and NATO are on his side and are supplying them with decent equipment to fight!!! The very second Zelensky is told otherwise and is cut off the MIC big bux $$$ I would not doubt he and his administration would be scrambling for a peace deal and waving the white flag!! He knows Ukraine would be FUCKED, himself included, if he did not have the US and NATO on his side!!! As for Zelensky and Putin being covert Jews: Jews can and do kill other Jews too, corruption can have conflicts from within, it does not mean they all agree with each other, it simply means they use us "goyim" as their cannon fodder and I think that's their modus operandi for various agendas fought!!

On July 25th, the [Russian] military of the Donetsk People’s Republic declared the beginning of mop up operations in the Vuhlehirska power station located on the western outskirts of the city of Svetlodarsk: https://southfront.org/battle-for-vuhlehirska-power-plant-remaining-ukrainian-forces-are-surrounded/

The Ukrainian military repelled another attempt of assaults by Russian aggressors in Donetsk region in the Kramatorsk and Bakhmut directions. The enemy was repulsed: http://ukranews.com/en/news/871642-afu-repulse-assaults-and-repulse-enemy-in-2-directions-general-staff

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8f5ffa  No.331281


Ryan, are you showing your work portfolio online?

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27dc26  No.331282

File: d2b84f3f7eb76b2⋯.jpg (79.02 KB, 719x798, 719:798, 1638458788620.jpg)



MIRROR ONE: https://xpaste.pro/p/22iuGnI5?raw

MIRROR TWO: http://pastebin.dqd.cz/4WIw/raw/

All Russia-Ukraine war log archives since 02/24/22, sourced anonymously from image boards.

Texts are UTF-8 encoded. Approximately 709KB (~0.7MB) data logged since 02/24/22.

Download the raw UTF-8 compression here: https://rpa.st/download-archive/XYUTRWZIHOREI2QZBVB5FOLDII

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8f5ffa  No.331283

Keep posting your conspiracy stuff, Ryan.

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8f5ffa  No.331288

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ryan, Elliott Smith joined NAMBLA.

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8f5ffa  No.331290


He's still alive.

Lives on Allen.

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8f5ffa  No.331293


He's in love with Trent Reznor.

They're in love.

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8f5ffa  No.331295


Cousin Trent Reznor, come to fdl wi.

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8f5ffa  No.331297

Come to the Retlaw/Ramada, play music.

Cousin Steven, too.

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8f5ffa  No.331300

File: 13bfc488d53bc09⋯.jpg (22.09 KB, 640x480, 4:3, 1322060_ster396x_1_.jpg)

It's Thomas Hardy and me.

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760cd0  No.331512



The Russian Army is fighting/destroying the satanic army

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61d449  No.331604

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ba1ba0  No.331883


Uh. Ok. Sure. Then take the L-Citrulline and boost your N.O when the 5g frequency fucks you up, and the N.O will immediately help make you better.

Cause it does.

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71e721  No.331955

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51e45c  No.332084


Is this a hearing from today?

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c35b85  No.332251

Q, if you are seeing this I hope you and the team are well.

I know you say that "it had to be this way" but damn man people are hurting out here. $5 a gallon gas. Food costs and inflation out of control. Baby formula shortages. How much more of this are we going to have to endure? Real people, patriotic Americans are suffering. Time to get this show on the road. Rip the bandaid off please so we can have our Country back. Thank you.


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dbde94  No.332280


Wonder what the date was?

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b14b01  No.332598

Lia Thomas banned as FINA votes to restrict transgender women from competitions

BUDAPEST, Hungary (AP) — World swimming’s governing body has effectively banned transgender women from competing in women’s events, starting Monday.

FINA members widely adopted a new “gender inclusion policy” on Sunday that only permits swimmers who transitioned before age 12 to compete in women’s events. The organization also proposed an “open competition category.”

“This is not saying that people are encouraged to transition by the age of 12. It’s what the scientists are saying, that if you transition after the start of puberty, you have an advantage, which is unfair,” James Pearce, who is the spokesperson for FINA president Husain Al-Musallam, told The Associated Press.

“They’re not saying everyone should transition by age 11, that’s ridiculous. You can’t transition by that age in most countries and hopefully you wouldn’t be encouraged to. Basically, what they’re saying is that it is not feasible for people who have transitioned to compete without having an advantage.”

Pearce confirmed there are currently no transgender women competing in elite levels of swimming.

However, the ruling would seemingly exclude University of Pennsylvania swimmer Lia Thomas from elite competition.

The World Professional Association for Transgender Health just lowered its recommended minimum age for starting gender transition hormone treatment to 14 and some surgeries to 15 or 17.

FINA’s new 24-page policy also proposed a new “open competition” category. The organization said it was setting up “a new working group that will spend the next six months looking at the most effective ways to set up this new category.”

Pearce told the AP that the open competition would most likely mean more events, but those details still need to be worked out.

“No one quite knows how this is going to work. And we need to include a lot of different people, including transgender athletes, to work out how it would work,” he said. “So there are no details of how that would work. The open category is something that will start being discussed tomorrow.”

The members voted 71.5% in favor at the organization’s extraordinary general congress after hearing presentations from three specialist groups — an athlete group, a science and medicine group and a legal and human rights group — that had been working together to form the policy following recommendations given by the International Olympic Committee last November.

Read further


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7f82ca  No.333887



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c5e97c  No.334309



>Q's Trip-code: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6

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434121  No.334512




They are the "vehicle"

"From our mouths to yours"

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56dd84  No.334952


shill detected

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376883  No.336037

Good evening y'all!

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ffed97  No.336253


Allies Confiscated WW2 German Newsreel Excerpts

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1b961a  No.336390


some one took a whole bottle of black pills

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68d753  No.336520

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2f0f37  No.336895

QClock June 9, 2022

Be Held Accountable

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22940c  No.337213

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5c5f40  No.337425


>anon said…it's happening!..soon!..2 weeks?!?!

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066f14  No.337451


filtered because you're a shill. I recognize your shitty low-effort memes when you write random text on random images. fuck you and your whole crew

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192f02  No.337669


no kidding they are nihilist.

they think over-throwing the government will make it better.

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8e0d4a  No.338689



careful anon

they will ban you for saying it

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eea160  No.339135


Oh look, its Israel first, Eye Patch McCain. Piss be upon him.

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6e419f  No.339236


top kek

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243d00  No.339436


i've been here 3+ years and never used red text once

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91284e  No.339509


You´re saying 42 jews dead?

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22f353  No.339779


After several hours of speeches on the floor of the House (it’s hard to call most of what I heard an actual “debate”), the votes on H.R. 7910 began, with each component receiving a separate vote. The first measure, raising the age to purchase semi-automatic rifles, was approved along a mostly party-line vote of 228-199. The second vote, on establishing a federal trafficking statute and expanding the federal laws prohibiting straw purchases, was approved by a similar 226-197 vote.

On and on it went, with roughly the same margins on all of the votes cast. Thirteen Republicans crossed over and voted in favor of a ban on bump stocks, which was the measure that received the most bipartisan support, but the vote on banning and “buying back” magazines that can hold more than 10-rounds of ammunition received just four votes from GOP members and saw an equal number of Democrats in opposition.

While the House package may have won approval, it’s going to be ignored by the other chamber, at least until we see if the Senate can reach any sort of agreement on their own. If not, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has already indicated he’ll proceed with votes on the full Democratic wish list of gun control legislation.

Well, most of the wish list, anyway. Even Nancy Pelosi doesn’t appear ready to hold a vote on Joe Biden’s proposed ban and “buyback” of the more than 20-million modern sporting rifles that are currently in the hands of legal gun owners. That wasn’t included in the omnibus gun control bill approved by the House Wednesday evening, and it’s not scheduled for as much as a committee hearing in the House at the moment. H.R. 7910, however, could very well be brought to the floor of the Senate, even though it’s an open question as to whether it would get the support of the entire Democratic caucus. Joe Manchin has signaled that he’s once again open to a ban on AR-15s and other semi-automatic rifles, and has given his thumbs up to raising the age to purchase a modern sporting rifle to 21, but given that those are only two parts of the eight-part gun control legislation, if Manchin wants to find something to object to in order to withhold his vote he can.

On the issue of an under-21 gun ban, Rep. Greg Steube, a Florida Republican, pointed out during his floor speech that, according to the Department of Justice, just .3 percent of 18-20-year olds commit a violent crime in any given year, and .013 percent of adults under 21 are charged with a homicide. Those figures include crimes committed with and without a firearm, by the way. As Steube correctly wondered, why would anybody think that restricting the rights of 99.7% of young adults is going to stop the other .3% from committing a crime, or that it would be the most effective or constitutionally sound way to do so?

Like the rest of the gun control debate taking place on Capitol Hill, it’s not about what could be effective, but what might be politically possible. Sadly, after watching the House debate on Wednesday, I’m convinced that the actual effectiveness of any of these proposals is a secondary consideration at best for most of the proponents of these House measures. Instead, most of the speeches that I heard sounded like soundbites for upcoming campaign ads, which is also one of the main reasons why Democrats opted to hold separate votes each new restriction on legal gun owners that they want to put in place.

House Democrats struggled to get ten of their Republican colleagues to go along with their adventures in anti-gun extremism, which makes these measures a non-starter in the Senate, but it’s still an open question about the number of Republicans who might be willing to agree to a package that’s far more limited in size and scope. In fact, I don’t think every GOP senator has made up their mind, and the contacts from constituents over the next few days could very well sway them to one side or the other. Wyoming Sen. Cynthia Loomis, for instance, mentioned on Tuesday that she’s been surprised by the number of calls from Wyoming residents who are “receptive… to address guns in some manner.” Loomis said that she’s still of the opinion that this is more a mental health issue than a gun control issue, but added that she’s “listening to what people from Wyoming are saying.”

If Loomis is listening, I guarantee other senators are too, and I’d encourage you to reach out and let your senators know where you stand, especially once the details of any “compromise” package have been released.


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ddec54  No.340458


Trump could have done something about the "virtual monopoly" like using the Sherman Anti Trust Act.

But he didn't.


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325661  No.340658


I always thought it was for the military, but anons misinterpreted it. People started posting videos of themselves taking some oath, and it went viral. Q supported it by posting links to people's oath videos, but I don't think any oath post was meant for people.

It's about the military imo.


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4571d0  No.341849


Students and parents also failed to spot the post from the troubled student, who was described as a bullied loner who slowly dropped out of school due to teasing about his lisp, habit of wearing eyeliner, clothes and his family's poverty

Uvalde district policy encourages '[s]tudents, parents, staff, and community members are encouraged to share information that is deemed troubling' with the district using a reporting system' so that it can 'take appropriate action.'

Those who knew Ramos or his relatives say he was a 'nice' but 'quiet' boy who grew increasingly violent as he became older, amid relentless bullying both in school and online.

Santos Valdez told the Washington Post that he used to be friends with Ramos and played online shooter games such as Fortnite and Call of Duty with him, until the pair stopped talking as Ramos's behaviour 'deteriorated.'

Valdez said Ramos had showed up to the park one time with cuts all over his face, initially claiming he was scratched by a cat before admitting that he did it to himself with a knife.

Stephen Garcia, who considered himself Ramos’s best friend in eighth grade, said he was 'bullied by a lot of people' including for over a photo of himself wearing eyeliner which led to 'gay' taunts. Garcia said Ramos dropped out of school when he moved away to another part of the state, and the two had lost touch.

New video from the chaotic scene shows police arriving to the scene with their guns in hand

A police vehicle is seen parked near of a truck believed to belong to the suspect behind a shooting at Robb Elementary School

Law enforcement are seen at the scene of the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas on Tuesday

State troopers are seen near Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas, on Tuesday

Sheriffs are seen outside Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas on Tuesday



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d03468  No.342193


CNN leadership needs to get rid of some of their reporters to give this guy airtime. Why didn't she ask him about Colberts team in the Capitol?


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a9ab60  No.342266


But teeth are diff, hair color, eyes diff. Totally diff kids


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fd5a22  No.342446


Adam Schitt let Cobert tean into the Capitol




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d6dde8  No.343406


If you build it, they will come


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8cc203  No.343712


dyslixic - kek.

Best use of bad spelling.


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a8ad20  No.343835


Just a complete fucking idiot.

Language, sorry. Or not.


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33943c  No.346927

File: c619731a87e8c3d⋯.jpg (2.34 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20220731_195820.jpg)

Retlaw, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin of The United States of America, 54935.

Main Street.

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8f5ffa  No.346942

File: 651782099a4e12e⋯.jpg (2.07 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20220731_195822.jpg)



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8f5ffa  No.346943

Darcey still owes me money.

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8f5ffa  No.346944

Ryan stood up Q from Impractical Jokers?

He wanted to marry girl Ryan?

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195519  No.346945

Still a serial killer and serial rapist following me at the fdl public library.

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195519  No.346946

At Thelma now.

Arts center across the street.

Has events and stuff.

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195519  No.346947

Thelma Sadoff Center for the Arts

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33943c  No.346948

Library and Thelma are located on Sheboygan, near Main Street.

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195519  No.346949

Getting free internet for the city with others.

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195519  No.346950

Thelma works better than the library for internet.

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195519  No.346951

Serial killer and serial rapist wants to fuck me, rape me, keep me, kill me, wants cigarette from me.

Needs to go to prison.

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195519  No.346952

Followed me from northern Main near Lakeside to the Library on Sheboygan.

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195519  No.346953


Was on a bench, lying down, masturbating.


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195519  No.346954


Help with criminals and criminal cops and other criminal law office people.

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195519  No.346955

We need free internet everywhere, too.

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195519  No.346956

Also, there are ways to get free smartphones, if you are applicable.

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195519  No.346957

Just look it up.

For free smartphones.

Kids might be able to do it on their own.

If you need one.

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195519  No.346958

Of you lack one, might need one.

Need/want/lack one?

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195519  No.346959

I want my money.

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195519  No.346960

Ryan Zabel, you owe me money.

A lot.

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195519  No.346961

I don't have a smartphone.

Never have.

Owed money.

Can then afford.

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195519  No.346962

Darcey Klotzbach owes me a lot of money, too.

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195519  No.346963

Kevin's car, Ryan.

Belongs to Kevin.

He's still alive.

It's his.

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195519  No.346964

Kevin's truck, too.

Kevin's still.

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195519  No.346965

Darcey's car is trashed.

Rusted through.

And carbon monoxide issues.

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195519  No.346966

Your vehicles are fine, Ryan.

The ones I saw.

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195519  No.346967

Saw you physically abuse Evangeline again.

Why was she near your molester mother who strangles Evageline and hits her in the head?

Hits her in general and molest her.

Darcey may have also raped Evangeline.

Darcey also gave me a brain aneurysm.

Many of you did.

Many did.

Hits me in the head and strangles me.

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195519  No.346968

File: 8846c5c5ccef549⋯.jpg (2.06 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20220801_064756.jpg)

From Thelma Sadoff Center for the Arts

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195519  No.346969

File: 8d28c0f42c1e37d⋯.jpg (2.04 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20220801_064758.jpg)

Same place

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195519  No.346970

File: 2915699b14f5808⋯.jpg (2.15 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20220801_065205.jpg)


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195519  No.346971

File: cabee9bcc1b4150⋯.jpg (2.13 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20220801_065325.jpg)

Thelma musicians. Maybe they'll take more on the days not listed as taken.

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195519  No.346972

Retlaw Hotel takes musicians.

Many bars do, too, and other alcohol serving places.

Maybe other places, too.

You can play them all and make money.

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195519  No.346973

Retlaw likes to hire musicians, just ask.

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195519  No.346974

Main Street goes north and south.

Sheboygan goes east and west.

Main is on Sheboygan.

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195519  No.346975

Sheboygan is on Main.

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195519  No.346976

Sheboygan Street or whatever.

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195519  No.346977

I have severe brain damage and bodily damage and am owed money.

Court cases in Wisconsin for many?

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195519  No.346978


Who is owed money by people in Wisconsin of The United States of America?

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin, as well?

I'm 32, fuck off assholes who can't use the internet.

Go to prison, abusers.

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195519  No.346979

Some came to fdl to rape me.

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195519  No.346980

File: 4e45940aeed350f⋯.jpg (2.28 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20220801_070242.jpg)

Beautiful buildings from over 2,000 years ago.

This one is over 2,000 years old.

Thelma is.

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195519  No.346981

Jesus Christ, and Holy Mother Mary and her other kids helped design and build them.

Near the Eden of The Holy Bible.

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195519  No.346983

Eden is within an hour or an hour and a half from fdl wi usa 54935.

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195519  No.346984

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Good music. Unique guitar style.

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195519  No.346985


Kaneki was based off of me.

So were many other characters from the same series and other series.

Satan trying to become god and God and succeeding.

Quit correcting my grammar, idiots.

Correct it by replying.

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195519  No.346986

All the mods and admins tried to masturbate to me.

Can't masturbate to Satan.

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195519  No.346987

Animals try to masturbate all of the time.

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195519  No.346988

I'm part mold.

All god.

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195519  No.346989

Fuck off.

Juuzou, Kaneki, and Seidou are all the same person.

Hit on Lotte, not me.

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195519  No.346990

I'm advertising this site on YouTube and have on 4chan.org to repopulate it.

Go ahead and post.

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195519  No.346991

And to get jobs.

Too retarded and disabled generally for now.

Owed money by abusers.


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195519  No.346992

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Ron, quit trying to kill this band and their family and friends and others.

Ronald Smith AKA totalpermafrost on YouTube.

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195519  No.346993

Amanda Mason needs to quit trying to kill people, too.

And quit abusing.

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195519  No.346994

Ron, you're too old for some of them.

And none are interested.

Talk to your dad.

Steven Paul Smith AKA Elliott Smith the musician.

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195519  No.346995


Amanda assault them for being good and to rape?

Strangulation and hit in the head, often, for long periods of time.

Yelling, too.

Awake and unconscious.

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195519  No.346996

Government owes all victims of many things money.

For serial killers, serial abusers, Corona, WW3, and other things.

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195519  No.346997

God and I are Green Party.

God lives with me.

God is The President of Everything And America.

I'm the Vice President of Everything And America.

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195519  No.346998

I'm the leader of The Green Party.

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195519  No.346999

Treat plants well.

Green Party is about the environment.

Protection of it.

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195519  No.347000

Green Party is lead by Satan.

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195519  No.347001

Famous people have been visiting fdl and wisconsin.

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195519  No.347003

Finch recording studio in fdl?

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195519  No.347004

Some people I'm related to might be able to help.

They work in recording studios and are musicians and recording people.

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195519  No.347005

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

My niece?

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195519  No.347006


A minor and made this song about sexual abuse of herself?

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195519  No.347007

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

A minor here?

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195519  No.347008


Soprano to Baritone range.

I'm a Baritone and Bass.

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195519  No.347009

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Jeffrey Dahmer and his son want to come to The Retlaw?

Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. United States of America. 54935.

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195519  No.347010


I want to live at The Retlaw/The Ramada.


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195519  No.347011

Fox Valley Bank should add some music back to their station.

Use YouTube to pay musicians and make playlists.

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195519  No.347012

96.9 The Fox. Alternative.

Add Nina Nastasia and Alice Phoebe Lou.

Add IDKHOW back.

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195519  No.347013

And Nine Inch Nails.

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195519  No.347014

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Nine Inch Nails

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195519  No.347015


He wants Steven Paul Smith (Elliott Smith).

They're together.

From fdl. Both musicians.

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195519  No.347016

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Trent, play fdl.

Everywhere in fdl.

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195519  No.347017

Your mother will watch your shows.

Steven is here, will watch and stalk you often.

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195519  No.347018


Steven will watch and stalk you.


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195519  No.347019

He's in fdl already.

All of the time

Steven Paul Smith is.

Dump gf/wife.


Date just Steven.


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195519  No.347021

File: f8a9fde81f9b1bb⋯.jpg (2.38 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20220801_075025.jpg)

Thelma Sadoff again.

Across the street from library.

Fdl wi usa 54935.

Let the wife/gf Mariqueen run.

You both want to end it.

Choose Steven.

He's in fdl.

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195519  No.347022

File: f8a9fde81f9b1bb⋯.jpg (2.38 MB, 3264x2448, 4:3, 20220801_075025.jpg)


Same place.

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195519  No.347023

Why are applications for smart devices worse than the ones for computers?

I'd have made them as good as possible.

Don't need your help with shit other than…

Go to prison. You owe me money.

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195519  No.347024

Sending many abusers to prison.

Collecting money.

You have people to send to prison and money to collect?

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195519  No.347025

I'm a gay man.

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195519  No.347026

You guys missing court cases with the CIA and world governments?

Mail? Missing it?

Too busy traveling?

Go check your snail mail.

They aren't after me.

Know how restraining orders work?




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195519  No.347027

Cops show up at houses to tell you about things concerning you, but you also receive mail.

Cases against you?

Missing your court dates?

I'm not.


You are?

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195519  No.347028

If you don't want to talk to cops.

Look at snail mail.

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195519  No.347029

Bail jumpers?

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195519  No.347030


Against the law.

Bail jumping is.

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8f5ffa  No.347064

Steven going to see Ron or Trent?

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8f5ffa  No.347065


Hi, Steven.

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2157c5  No.347158



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2157c5  No.347159

you are safe where you are, but if you walk around outside, you'll be spotted and arrested

They have your recent "WEED WHACKER HAIRCUT DISGUISE" photos now

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2157c5  No.347165

File: bf0ff53df46535b⋯.mp4 (3.39 MB, 720x720, 1:1, km_20220801_1_720p_1_.mp4)

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2157c5  No.347166

Ashley, the Police are just now wrapping up the standoff in East Fond Du Lac…

That guy shot himself….

And now they're driving around the city again.

You are only three blocks away from the Police Department

Stay in the library

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2157c5  No.347167


A: because you're on welfare and can't afford a quality phone

so you use a SHITTY $130 tablet

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2157c5  No.347168


the Samsung TAB A tablet has a KNOX security flaw that allows people to track your GPS

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