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df6607  No.316133 [Last 50 Posts]



Served from here because this won't survive in the wild!

In this short video, police in the Netherlands get busted staging violent protesters in the crowd. The crowd discovers them, and they immediately flee to a nearby police van, get in, and vanish.

I was at Occupy Los Angeles. Far from being a den of leftist hippies, what was really going on there was a bunch of conservatives were protesting the New World order, Soros, and other things similar, it was NOT what the Media presented, it was conservative with strong Christian overtones at first. Squeaky clean to boot, not one piece of trash anywhere.

I got out of there before it was fully infiltrated with leftist types trying to derail it. And during the early days, before it got wrecked, an interesting thing happened - I joined a group (for a day event) that was going to protest the New World Order, GMO's and other things similar. It was a long walk to get to where we were going to do it. And in our group of about 100 people, there was a CIA plant who started throwing punches in the air, and he started screaming at people on a golf course and I NIPPED THAT IN THE BUD. I shouted (and I mean SHOUTED:) that guy is OBVIOUS CIA. He's trying to make us look like crap. Hey everyone, wanna kick his *ss?? He did not leave the group, but that was the last of his antics. He pretended he did not hear it but considering I was only a few feet away . . . . . EVERYONE KNEW.

So if you are ever at one of these events and someone starts causing mayhem, start shouting loudly: HEY EVERYONE!! THAT PERSON RIGHT THERE IS AN UNDERCOVER POS TRYING TO MAKE US LOOK BAD!!! - yes, All Western governments and probably Russia's also do exactly that. Any corrupt government that does not have such things in their playbook is "stupid".

RELATED: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/dutch-farmers-block-food-distribution-centers-bust-undercover-cops-during-protest

[Yes, that government is really so fucking corrupt they are trying to destroy the food supply when there is literally a food supply chain crisis!!]

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df6607  No.316140

bumping legit news

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df6607  No.316181


Anonymous Comments: It is happening within the next 20 years for sure. America is a country more concerned about nigger, women and tranny rights than securing energy resources for the future. You are going to see a breakdown of global trade. You are going to see global wars for resource access. You are going to see mass death and destruction. Preppers were right, actually, preppers are too optimistic for the future that is coming. It isn't just one black swan that you need to prepare for. Everything that CAN go wrong IS going to go wrong: https://video.ploud.jp/w/f3gUvgWaaDWhKinY4cWkYM

The Davos Crowd wants the US destroyed and it is working from within and without our government to achieve that goal. A staunch support of Ukraine fits that thesis perfectly: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/luongo-why-joe-biden-refuses-back-ukraine

Coal Emerges Victorious As Sanctions And Green Policies Backfire On Western World Spectacularly (As Planned): https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/coal-emerges-victorious-sanctions-and-green-policies-backfire-spectacularly

China Is Taking Advantage Of Western Sanctions On Russia (As Planned): https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/China-Is-Taking-Advantage-Of-Western-Sanctions-On-Russia.html

Euro Fiat Currency Is Imploding (As Planned): https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/euro-currency-plunging-against-u-s-dollar

German Industry Is Grinding To A Hault (As Planned): https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/german-industry-is-grinding-to-a-halt

Despotic Comrade Trudeau Is Blackmailing Germany – They won’t get their gas turbine back until they sign a contract for Canadian LNG: https://strangesounds.org/2022/07/trudeau-is-blackmailing-germany-you-wont-get-your-gas-turbine-and-thus-a-very-cold-winter-until-you-sign-a-contract-for-canadian-lng.html

TRANSLATED: Colorian military mobilization in Latin America, in the US doorstep, are being prepared by Russia, Iran, China along with 10 more countries. In this context, they are preparing the "Latin America Zone" which will have its own currency, which will [compete] against the US dollar, according to the new favorite for the Brazilian presidency: https://warnews247.gr/kolosiaia-stratiotiki-kinitopoiisi-sto-katofli-ton-ipa-apo-rosia-kina-iran-alles-10-chores-idryoun-tin-zoni-latinikis-amerikis-me-diko-tis-nomisma/

British authorities warned drivers of "serious disruption" on Monday as protestors seeking relief from high fuel costs used "go-slow" convoys to cause traffic jams on major UK motorways over a wide swath of territory: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/uk-fuel-price-protests-cripple-motorways-go-slow-convoys

Corrupt Despotic Losers Hold Humanity Hostage And Crank Up The Genocide: https://allnewspipeline.com/Expect_Election_Cheating_By_Mail_As_Midterm_Variant_Is_Unleashed_Upon_Us.php

US government funded terrorists and looters In Nigeria…. Nigerian Government has a much better plan: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/nigerian-governor-orders-mass-issuance-gun-permits-counter-murderous-hordes

The Battalion Commander of the Belarusian volunteer regiment was killed by Russian forces in Ukraine’s Lysychansk area, after the regiment allegedly stopped a Russian tank column: https://ciscocertforce.com/2022/07/06/battalion-commander-of-belarusian-volunteer-regiment-dies-fighting-russian-forces-in-ukraine/

Russia's space agency published the coordinates of Western defence headquarters and stealth satellite operators working for Ukraine: https://www.reuters.com/world/russia-publishes-pentagon-coordinates-says-western-satellites-work-our-enemy-2022-06-28/

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df6607  No.316182



How WEF/Davos/UN corrupt despots are exploiting the Ukraine-Russia war to undermine Western economies and freedom: https://www.bitchute.com/video/epG9B3nl0RiC/

United Nations Desires World Starvation For Agenda 21 Subjugation, Bringing Back Slave Labor, Govt-Dependence And Feudalist Economic Takeover: https://www.un.org/en/chronicle/article/benefits-world-hunger

Earlier this month, at Virginia Beach, police observed “many vehicles” using equipment to pump gas from a gas station that had closed down. “Individuals then sell gasoline at a discounted price via a telephone application and operate it on social media. It was determined to have been advertised. In a few days, a few thousand dollars worth of gasoline was stolen from the business,” Virginia Beach Police Station Said in a press release on June 14: https://freewestmedia.com/2022/06/29/americans-stealing-gas-as-prices-soar/

Europe Forced To Pay Even Higher Prices To Fill Gas Storage (As Planned): https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/europe-forced-pay-even-higher-prices-fill-gas-storage

After top EU politician floats gas confiscation scheme, Hungary says it won’t give up their gas reserves (smart move!): https://rmx.news/hungary/after-top-eu-politician-floats-gas-confiscation-scheme-hungary-says-it-wont-give-up-its-gas-reserves/

Supply Chain Chaos Continues Wreaking Havoc in European Auto Stocks (As Planned): https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/supply-chain-chaos-continues-wreaking-havoc-european-auto-stocks

China To Become Preferred Lender Over 'Washington Consensus' Banks as Debt Crisis Grows (As Planned): https://sputniknews.com/20220705/china-to-become-preferred-lender-over-washington-consensus-banks-as-debt-crisis-grows-experts-say-1096991795.html

Norway-Russia Tensions Escalate Over Sanctions Impacting Arctic Islands: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/norway-russia-tensions-escalate-over-sanctions-impacting-arctic-islands

Russia announced that it had destroyed two US-made HIMARS MRLs: https://bulgarianmilitary.com/2022/07/06/russia-announced-that-it-had-destroyed-two-us-made-himars-mrls/

The Ukrainian military has repulsed the enemy assault in the Kharkiv direction and inflicted losses on Russian invaders and forced them to retreat in the Sloviansk and Bakhmut directions: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3523416-ukrainian-army-repels-russian-offensive-in-three-directions.html

A helicopter and a plane belonging to pro-Russian oligarch Viktor Medvedchuk have been handed over to the Ukraine’s Armed Forces, as reported on Wednesday, July 6: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/07/06/helicopter-and-plane-belonging-to-pro-russian-oligarch-medvedchuk-seized-for-ukraine-army/

The front line of Bakhmut/Artemovsk – Soledar-Seversk is currently the main hotspot of the Ukrainian war. The AFU have been preparing their defenses in the city of Seversk and nearby areas weeks before they retreated from Lisichansk. The positions of the Ukrainian military were heavily reinforced with artillery, including foreign-made military equipment supplied by Kiev’s allies. In the city itself there are several heights on the outskirts that will complicate a potential assault. The AFU forces deployed in this area were also reinforced by troops from Lisichansk and other frontlines: https://southfront.org/battle-for-seversk-russian-led-forces-claim-new-victory/

Russia’s parliament has hurriedly passed wartime economic legislation that allows it to take control of the economy during what the Kremlin calls its “special military operation” in Ukraine. Usually, such legislation is reserved for full-scale war having been used by countries during world war II, to enable them to take control of production facilities needed to build the weapons and armaments they needed to defend themselves. Effectively the legislation once enacted will allow the Kremlin to force companies to work for the armed forces, as it will allow them to dictate overtime work in these businesses. It will also the Kremlin to bypass all rules with regard to tendering, enabling the armed forces to purchase weapons and supplies from whoever they want at whatever price they agree: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/07/06/russia-moves-to-full-war-mode-as-parliament-passes-sweeping-wartime-economic-controls/

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380d28  No.316795

dirty tricks bump

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63a0bb  No.317356



Russia’s lower house of parliament approved on Tuesday amendments in the country’s tax code that would slap a windfall tax on Gazprom of the equivalent of $20 billion between September and November: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/russia-hit-gazprom-20-billion-windfall-tax

France Looks To Nationalize Utility Giant EDF: https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/France-Looks-To-Nationalize-Utility-Giant-EDF.html

While puppet Biden has been selling off America's reserve oil to foreign nations, he's been publicly berating oil companies and private gas station owners. The White House has also classified oil producers as unpatriotic: https://townhall.com/tipsheet/katiepavlich/2022/07/05/biden-is-selling-us-reserve-oil-to-foreign-countries-n2609776

▲ The People Crafting US Policy Aren't In America: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/people-crafting-us-policy-arent-america

Western Europe is on suicide watch as virtue signaling nations tore down their fossil fuel infrastructure (and nuclear power plants) to appease the “greenies.” Now, countries like Germany, France and the UK are facing an energy catastrophe as Russia steadily reduces natural gas outflows from pipelines like Nord Stream 1: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-06-western-europe-on-suicide-watch-as-food-energy-collapse-gets-worse.html

Putin stages nuclear drills with intercontinental missiles capable of hitting Britain: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10987905/Putin-stages-nuclear-drills-intercontinental-missiles-capable-hitting-Britain.html

Russia Creating New EMP Nukes That Will Blind Enemy Radar & Satellites On First Strikes: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/russia-new-weapons-based-on-new-physics-u-s-nato-missiles-would-never-leave-their-silos

The DPR People’s Militia supported by the Russian Armed Forces eliminated more than 60 Ukrainian nationalists and destroyed two Uragan and three Grads multiple rocket launchers over the past 24 hours. The press service of the DPR People’s Militia reported this on July 5: http://eu.eot.su/2022/07/05/dpr-peoples-militia-has-eliminated-over-60-ukrainian-neo-nazis-in-one-day/

Ukraine’s Special Operations Forces confirmed the destruction of 30 units of enemy equipment on Snake Island. Abandoned ammunition and vast ruins were discovered: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3523836-destruction-of-30-enemy-equipment-units-on-snake-island-confirmed.html

The Russian military continues to hunt down the artillery of Kiev forces, especially the more advanced howitzers which were recently supplied to Ukraine. On July 6, Russian sources shared footage showing the destruction of a DANA M2 152 mm self-propelled howitzer of Kiev forces near the city of Seversk in the Donbass region. The footage was taken by a drone, which was likely used to coordinate the strike on the howitzer: https://southfront.org/in-video-russian-pinpoint-strike-takes-out-czechoslovakian-dana-m2-howitzer-in-ukraine/

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63a0bb  No.317357



Shove Your Bugs and Bugmen Up Your Ass! Globalism is a cancer and all people in the world should rise up to destroy it: https://www.bitchute.com/video/HyMx5R6fEncw/

Multipolar world order evolving globally, process irreversible says Putin: http://greeknewsondemand.com/2022/07/05/multipolar-world-order-evolving-globally-process-irreversible-putin/

How Putin will participate in G20 summit will depend on state of global affairs: https://tass.com/politics/1476457

Millions Of Barrels From US Emergency Oil Reserve Sent Abroad, Including To China: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/millions-barrels-us-emergency-oil-reserve-sent-abroad-including-china

Netherlands Are On Fire Due To Farm Riots (Because Their Despotic Criminal Governments Are Outlawing Essential Farming Supplies): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m2HYnbs02Vs

European Farmers Are Protesting Destructive, Hostile Theft Of Land: https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/farmers-are-rising-up/

A leaked document reveals that the Rockefeller Foundation planned for food shortages across America as early as 2020 as part of the Great Reset Agenda: http://greeknewsondemand.com/2022/07/01/leaked-memo-reveals-rockefeller-foundation-planned-food-shortages-years-ago/

EU plans to get rid of fossil fuel consumption (watch their economy completely COLLAPSE as planned): https://www.euronews.com/next/2022/07/06/europes-energy-future-the-plan-to-cut-russian-fossil-fuels-and-speed-up-the-green-transiti

Translation: Federal Minister of Economics Robert Habeck spoke out for further economic sanctions against Russia when they appeared in Munich, despite current sanctions not working very well: https://www.sueddeutsche.de/muenchen/muenchen-habeck-russland-sanktionen-1.5616442

▲ MY COMMENT: It's just too obvious and blatant they desire to collapse the European economy! All Russia has to do is get an excuse to do it by cutting off all their oil!!!

Luhansk, another narrative bites the dust w/Larry Johnson: https://www.bitchute.com/video/GNzh7EoxyD4/

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have forced Russian troops to retreat from their positions in the Bakhmut direction, whereas in the Slobozhanshchyna direction, Ukrainian defenders prevented the enemy from advancing to Sosnivka: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3524217-ukraine-army-forces-russians-to-retreat-from-their-positions-in-bakhmut-direction.html

Airfield in Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia, before and after Ukrainian strike on July 3rd. Imagery from July 2, 3 and 4th. Authorities claim "200 Russians killed, multiple fuel and ammo depots destroyed". True or not? Up to you to decide: https://twitter.com/kromark/status/1544644818214739968

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63a0bb  No.317358



UN Deletes Article Celebrating 'Benefits' Of World Hunger After Backlash: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/un-deletes-weird-satirical-article-celebrating-benefits-world-hunger-after-backlash

▲ MY COMMENT: We all know that is their goal, that is why food production facilities are being sabotaged and forced to close down. Why European farmers are now under attack. Why they have slaughtered hundreds of millions of chickens this year out of FEAR of some 'bird flu' too!! That is why they are trying to get us to eat bugs, while they literally sabotage the food supply chain!!! These are all despots, pushing their feudalist 'Great Reset' agenda!!! Here is a mirror image of their censored article:

List of American food production facilities deliberately sabotaged for planned mass starvation, subjugation and social credit score ration roll outs: https://allnewspipeline.com/Alarming_Chart_Shows_Rapid.php

Globalists in the Netherlands are targeting farms to deliberately achieve GLOBAL FAMINE: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-07-globalists-targeting-farms-to-create-world-famine.html

US-funded Metabiota Biological Weapons Labs In Ukraine Were Creating Viruses To Destroy Crops And Large Agricultural Sectors: https://sputniknews.com/20220707/purpose-of-biden-financed-bio-projects-was-to-create-infections-that-damage-agriculture-russian-mod-1097067570.html

Analysis Of Military-Biological Activity Of USA And Its Allies In Ukraine And Other Regions: https://southfront.org/analysis-of-military-biological-activity-of-usa-and-its-allies-in-ukraine-and-other-regions-russian-defence-ministry/

Two Western Leaders And Satanic Monument Annihilated After Russian “Wrath Of God” Warning: https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3970.htm

Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the West of waging a proxy war in Ukraine on Thursday and said that the world should know the war is just beginning, nearly five months after launching the invasion. "Everybody should know that largely speaking, we haven’t even yet started anything in earnest," Putin told parliamentary leaders. "The course of history is unstoppable, and attempts by the collective West to enforce its version of the global order are doomed to fail." https://www.foxnews.com/world/putin-claims-russia-war-ukraine-just-beginning

Climate Change zealots in tears as EU declares fossil fuel to be "green" energy (lol): https://www.brighteon.com/36dab3f2-9258-4241-9a5a-af366c4499ee

▲ MY COMMENT: The so-called "green" "climate" agenda was ALWAYS just a ruse folks. A scam!! The only desire politicians and corporations had was to make you goyim PAY MORE FOR LESS!!! And now that Putin is cutting off the pipelines to Europe!? Putin did exactly what the EU wanted to do to everyone else, only it will hurt the EU's politicians and corporations too, this is the blowback of economic war: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-06-western-europe-on-suicide-watch-as-food-energy-collapse-gets-worse.html

Refreshing: Watch Ronald Regan spend 17 minutes talking to Johnny Carson in 1975. Compare that to the trash we call politicians now: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNmnmdtcdcg

Another Ukrainian S-300 defence system was destroyed by Russian servicemen with modernized Kalashnikov’s machine gun equipped with armour-piercing incendiary cartridges: https://southfront.org/in-video-another-ukrainian-s-300-destroyed-by-russian-kalashnikov-machine-gun/

A Russian missile strike on Odessa oblast wiped out two Harpoon anti-ship missile launchers which were recently supplied by the UK to the Ukrainian military, Lieutenant-General Igor Konashenkov, a spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense, announced on July 8: https://southfront.org/russian-missile-strike-wiped-out-two-harpoon-anti-ship-missile-launchers-in-odessa/

Ukraine’s Armed Forces hit enemy ammunition depot in Nova Kakhovka. "Today, virtually two hours ago, an ammunition depot in Nova Kakhovka was hit. Moreover, according to preliminary information, a traitor, a former policeman who agreed to cooperate with the occupiers, Serhiy Tomka, was killed there [in Nova Kakhovka] yesterday," Serhiy Khlan, member of the Kherson Regional Council, adviser to the Head of the Kherson Regional Military Administration, posted: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3524540-ukraines-armed-forces-hit-enemy-ammunition-depot-in-nova-kakhovka.html

Over two days, the 80th Separate Air Assault Brigade has destroyed a tank company of Russian occupiers in eastern Ukraine. Paratroopers and additional units destroyed 12 Russian tanks: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3524681-paratroopers-destroy-12-russian-tanks-in-eastern-ukraine.html

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63a0bb  No.317359



White House Unveils $400M More In Military Aid To Ukraine, Marking 15th Package: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/white-house-readies-400m-more-military-aid-ukraine-marking-15th-package

Donbass Fighters Address European & US Taxpayers, Showing Trophy Equipment Seized In Lisichansk: https://southfront.org/donbass-fighters-addressed-european-us-taxpayers-showing-trophy-equipment-in-lisichansk/

Russia will increase its gas supplies to Europe if a turbine necessary for Nord Stream 1 that is currently undergoing repair in Canada is returned, Reuters reported on Friday: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/russia-says-it-will-increase-gas-europe-under-one-condition

The West’s Ukraine proxy war against Russia is turning out to be a historical watershed… Russia’s 300-year relationship with the West is rapidly coming to an end… Russia is shifting its attention to the East and Global South… Russia’s gain is the West’s loss: https://rumble.com/v1bj81h-crosstalk-russia-west-split.html

With Russian companies expanding trade routes to ensure the supply of much-needed goods, such as raw materials, to China and India, Russia has turned to “sanctions proof” trade routes, such as the cargo train setting out for India via a new transport corridor along the Caspian Sea basin through Iran: https://rumble.com/v1bkb6v-sanctions-proof-route-kicks-off-connecting-russia-and-india-through-iran.html

Communist Trudeau's Nitrogen Policy Will Decimate Canadian Farming (Planned Mass Starvation Is Their Population Control Goal): https://thecountersignal.com/trudeau-nitrogen-policy-will-decimate-canadian-farming/

Canada has imposed sanctions on 30 citizens of Russia, including, among others, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia, head of the Russian telecommunications watchdog Roskomnadzor, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova, and Interior Ministry spokesperson Irina Volk: https://interfax.com/newsroom/top-stories/81109/

As part of offensive operations, Russian invaders were attempting to gain control over the area of Vuhlehirska Thermal Power Plant, but Ukrainian defenders did not allow them to do so: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3525148-ukraine-army-prevents-russian-invaders-from-taking-control-of-vuhlehirska-tpp.html

The Ukrainian troops again smashed the Russian invaders in Chornobaivka. After the morning strike, explosions are heard — the enemy’s ammunition is detonating. This was reported by speaker for the Odesa regional military administration Serhiy Bratchuk on Telegram: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/7/9/505912/

Ukrainian Colonel Grigory Glushchuk was reportedly killed by Russian forces, as reported on Friday, July 8: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/07/08/breaking-news-ukrainian-colonel-grigory-glushchuk-reportedly-killed-by-russian-forces/

Russia amassing troops on Ukraine border as it prepares another offensive: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/07/09/russia-amassing-troops-on-ukraine-border-as-it-prepares-another-offensive/

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63a0bb  No.317360



JIM STONE COMMENTS: Russia just commissioned the first Belgorod submarine. It carries six multiple warhead ICBM's, plus nuclear powered poseidon torpedoes that can sit on the ocean floor and wait for a mission that involves deploying a nuke, PLUS a special operations midget sub that can probably do extensive "repair work" on undersea internet cables, and more. This is the hottest ticket in the ocean right now. Click the image to view it larger:

▲ A highly modified Oscar II-class nuclear-powered guided-missile submarine, Belgorod is about 600 feet long, has two OK-650V nuclear power plants capable of providing 190 megawatts each, and has an undersea displacement of nearly 24,000 tons, according to GlobalSecurity.org. Belgorod will apparently be the first boat to be armed with the 2M39 Status-6 or "Poseidon" intercontinental nuclear-powered, nuclear-armed autonomous torpedoes, of which it can carry six: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/russias-giant-nuclear-torpedo-carrying-submarine-declared-operational

CORRUPTION: Joe Biden sold nearly ONE MILLION oil barrels from emergency reserves to state-owned Chinese gas giant that Hunter's private equity firm had $1.7B stake in: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10997159/Biden-sold-Strategic-Petroleum-Reserve-Chinese-state-owned-firm-linked-Hunter-Biden.html

Earlier today we wrote that Germany's largest landlord, Vonovia, had taken the unprecedented step of restrictring heating at night, a terrifying preview of what lies in stock for the "most advanced" European nation this winter. Alas, it's going to get worse, much worse. According to the FT, Germany is now rationing hot water, dimming its street lights and shutting down swimming pools as the impact of its energy crunch begins to spread like the proverbial Ice-Nine wave, from industry to offices, leisure centers and residential homes: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/social-peace-great-danger-germany-quietly-shutting-down-energy-crunch-paralyzes-economy

Colorado Govt Takes Over 106 Oil, Gas Wells To Prohibit Energy Companies (note all the strategic attacks against the FOOD and ENERGY sector, this is no coincidence): https://www.msn.com/en-us/money/companies/colorado-takes-over-106-oil-gas-wells-after-crackdown-on-companies/ar-AAZmO0n?ocid=TSHDHP

America, This Is What Is Really Going On… The Government Is Driving You Into Poverty: https://theviolentthru.blogspot.com/2022/07/america-this-is-what-is-really-going.html

A special report about the WAR to take down FOOD and ENERGY in the Western World: https://www.brighteon.com/64baea61-1cdb-4028-94dc-03fc0c39329f

European farmers protest spread to Poland and Italy in huge backlash against the

’ depopulation and starvation schemes: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-08-farmers-protest-spread-poland-italy-backlash-globalism.html

Sanctions imposed on Russian and Belarusian fertilizer producers are akin to weapons of mass destruction in the scale of the damage they will likely cause over the next few years, the founder of chemical giant EuroChem has claimed. “The EU sanctions mean suffering, famine and migration flows for many hundreds of millions of people,” Andrey Melnichenko said in an interview with the Swiss newspaper Die Weltwoche on Thursday: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/07/09/eu-will-be-held-responsible-for-starving-millions-around-the-world/

In addition to the direct impact on California’s 70,000 owner-operators who have seven days to cease long-standing independent businesses, the impact of taking tens of thousands of truck drivers off the road will have devastating repercussions on an already fragile supply chain, increasing costs and worsening runaway inflation. The new law, passed and signed by Democrats, essentially outlaws independent contractors from operating transport trucks in the state of California. When it goes into effect later this week — after the US Supreme Court refused to intervene last week — California will be hit with a “truckpocalypse” shutdown of transportation capacity: https://www.allnewspipeline.com/One_Map_Is_Terrifying.php

MY COMMENT: Western governments in both America and Europe are no doubt setting us up to lose the next world war they intend to drag us all into!!! As you can clearly review within the WAR LOGS, there are literally thousands of examples of economic sabotage and disastrous policy making, some of which more than obviously blatant. At this point I have come to the conclusion that The United States Government and European Union (along with their governments and NATO) are working covertly with China and Russia to bring down the Western World in order to fulfill their "Great Reset". Anyone suggesting otherwise had better read the WAR LOGS in full, because they'd have a whole lot of explaining away to do. Until then I rest my case. Don't fight their fake wars. Be prepared for the worst.

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63a0bb  No.317361



US Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn) met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in the capital city of Kyiv on July 7 to discuss legislation that would assign a terrorism designation to Russia: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/us-senators-meet-ukrainian-president-discuss-designating-russia-state-sponsor

The Biden administration’s move to sell nearly 1 million barrels of oil reserves to China “defies all common sense” and is benefiting US adversaries at the cost of national interests, said Republican lawmakers: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/bidens-selling-oil-reserve-hunter-biden-tied-chinese-firm-impeachable-republicans

The export of crude and fuel is blunting the impact of the moves by US President Joe Biden to lower record pump prices. In a call, Biden on Saturday renewed a call for gasoline suppliers to cut their prices, drawing rightful criticism from Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, because going after mom and pop gas stores merely demonstrates just how clueless the handlers of the senile presidential puppet truly are: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Crude-Oil/Why-Is-The-US-Sending-Its-Emergency-Oil-Reserves-To-China.html

Biden Proposes Raising Oil Prices Even Further By Reducing Offshore Drilling (only 11 leases approved until 2028 WTF!?): https://www.boem.gov/oil-gas-energy/national-program/national-ocs-oil-and-gas-leasing-program-2023-2028

Terrorism Rocks Oklahoma Natural Gas Plant As The War Against American Energy Wages On: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/explosion-rocks-oklahoma-natural-gas-plant

Iran, Russia, and China are gearing up to run a series of major war drills in Latin America in a show of force meant to signal how these militaries can reach the United States. Meanwhile, our southern borders are wide open and our economy is being deliberately wrecked. Speculation has it the US government is secretly working with Russia and China to undermine American interests: https://allnewspipeline.com/A_Red_Dawn_Scenario_May_Be_Fast_Approaching.php

▲ RELATED: Globalist agenda: Wars, famine and digitization to pave way for Great Reset: https://citizens.news/635731.html

Germany is heading for a gas shortage if Russian gas supplies remain as low as they are now, and certain industries would have to be shut down if there is not enough when winter comes, Economy Minister Robert Habeck told Der Spiegel magazine: https://english.alarabiya.net/business/energy/2022/06/24/German-economy-minister-warns-of-industry-shutdown-amid-gas-shortage-Report

The Russo-Ukrainian war put the topic of agriculture and food into the spotlight again. Mines in the Black Sea now threaten wheat exports to the rest of the world, and natural gas, an important raw material for the production of fertilizer, has become a scarce commodity. And all this in a world where the population will soon exceed the 8 billion mark, and where many countries that used to be food exporters have become dependent on imports: https://rmx.news/commentary/the-battle-for-grain/

Saudi Arabia Mulling To Join BRICS Union Amid Global Oil Crisis: https://infobrics.org/post/35866

How war worry is causing stroke cases to spike in Ukraine: https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/07/08/how-war-worry-is-causing-stroke-cases-to-spike-in-ukraine

As war against Ukraine drags on, more Russian men look to avoid military service: https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/more-russian-men-look-avoid-military-service-some-lawyers-rights-groups-say-2022-07-08/

Russian criminals are reportedly being offered financial incentives in addition to having their sentences commuted in exchange for fighting on the front line in Ukraine: https://rmx.news/ukraine/putin-to-pay-russian-convicts-and-expunge-their-criminal-record-to-help-war-effort-in-ukraine/

Russian-backed occupation authorities in Kharkiv Oblast stated that Kharkiv Oblast is an “inalienable part of Russian land,” indicating that the Kremlin likely intends to annex part or all of Kharkiv Oblast. The Russian occupation government in Kharkiv Oblast unveiled a new flag for the occupation regime in Kharkiv Oblast containing the Russian imperial double-headed eagle and symbols from the 18th century Kharkiv coat of arms: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-july-9

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63a0bb  No.317362



MY COMMENT ARCHIVING FROM 8KUN: I was not hiding. The current browser I was using to archive was compromised, and the glownigs running the honeypot exploited it by tagging and then 'blocking' default browser-oriented metadata which was clearly not being spoofed properly. A spook helping run that honeypot site then prohibited any attributed unspoofed metadata from being able to post updates on 8kun. I cannot get into more detail due to OPSEC but for now I have mitigated this threat!!! If somehow this happens again you can find my war updates on Minds.com as well other obscure image boards and pastebins!

In a high-profile exception to its Ukraine war-inspired sanctions regime, Canada will release a Russian turbine to Germany that's necessary for maintaining Russia's Nord Stream 1 natural gas pipeline. As Reuters reports: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/canada-return-repaired-turbines-nord-220518904.html

European populations are bracing for a frigid upcoming winter amid an impending avalanche of high energy costs and emerging inflation. On Sunday French Economy and Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire warned that Russia is poised to totally halt gas supplies to Europe and that people must now prepare: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/french-german-leaders-warn-populations-prepare-total-cut-russian-gas-social-unrest-looms

IT TOOK THE RUSSIA-UKRAINE WAR TO EXPOSE THE SCAM BEHIND "GREEN" ENERGY: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-10-russian-war-ukraine-exposed-scam-green-energy.html

▲ FLASHBACK: How The Ukraine Conflict Is Designed To Benefit Globalists: https://alt-market.us/order-out-of-chaos-how-the-ukraine-conflict-is-designed-to-benefit-globalists/

▲ FLASHBACK: CNN Propagandist Suggests Inflation Is Needed To Achieve Great Reset, Green New Deal, UN Agenda 21: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/cnn-analyst-suggests-inflation-needed-achieve-green-agenda

NATO allies sign accession protocols for Sweden and Finland: http://greeknewsondemand.com/2022/07/10/nato-allies-sign-accession-protocols-for-sweden-and-finland/

The Russian military has destroyed one of the Brimstone precision-guided missile launchers recently supplied to Kiev forces by the UK. On July 10, RIA Novosti released a video showing the destruction of the launcher: https://southfront.org/in-video-russian-strike-destroys-british-brimstone-missile-launcher-of-kiev-forces/

Ukrainian missile and artillery units inflicted heavy damage on the command post of the Russian Guard near Kherson city and destroyed ammunition depots in various districts of Kherson region: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3526170-ukraines-armed-forces-destroy-15-invaders-over-60-equipment-units-in-south.html

In the Sloviansk direction, Ukrainian defenders repulsed enemy attempt to conduct reconnaissance-in-force near the village of Mazanivka, inflicting further losses on the Russian troops. This is stated in the latest report of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine as of 18:00, July 10: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3526147-ukrainian-forces-prevent-enemy-reconnaissance-operation-near-mazanivka.html

Maksym Butkevych, human rights defender, journalist, and co-founder and member of the NGO "Hromadske Radio" is held captive by Russians: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3526196-hromadske-radio-founder-captured-by-russians.html

Russian forces have 'liberated' the settlement of Grigoryevka near Seversk in the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) where a fortified area of the Ukrainian armed forces was situated, Vitaly Kiselev, an aide to the Lugansk People’s Republic (LPR) interior minister, told TASS: https://tass.com/world/1477829

Four months after Russia initially invaded Ukraine, as authorised by the president of Russia Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, retired Australian army general Mick Ryan assesses Russia’s military strategy: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/07/10/retired-army-general-assesses-russias-military-strategy/

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63a0bb  No.317363



MY COMMENT ARCHIVING FROM MINDS: I will no longer be posting on Minds.com! They either deliberately shut off my account access, or some spook compromised the password and changed it! THAT CURRENT ACCOUNT IS NOT ME ANYMORE! I will be moving to another (not to be disclosed) alternative service!!!

A fresh study on the global impact of a nuclear war has concluded that any conflict would plunge the world into darkness, cause temperatures to plummet and wipe out much of the world’s sea life: https://americanmilitarynews.com/2022/07/nuclear-war-would-force-earth-into-little-ice-age-study-shows/

Lavrov scolds G7 leaders, Putin's speech signals the end of neo-liberal world order: https://www.bitchute.com/video/pPcX4vep_Lo/

As Inflation Ravages America, Even Costco Is Raising Food Court Prices: https://www.westernjournal.com/inflation-ravages-america-even-costco-raising-food-court-prices-33/

List of American food production facilities deliberately sabotaged for planned mass starvation, subjugation and social credit score ration roll outs: https://allnewspipeline.com/Alarming_Chart_Shows_Rapid.php

Globalist agenda: Wars, famine and digitization to pave way for Great Reset: https://citizens.news/635731.html

TWO TO TANGO! A large facility in Almelo owned by Picnic, a Bill Gates-funded grocery delivery company that uses electric vehicles, has suddenly caught fire in the dead of night: https://thecountersignal.com/gates-funded-picnic-facility-burnt-to-the-ground/

US Government Fully Compromised & Corrupted, Top Down: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/restoring-america/fairness-justice/media-silent-on-hunter-bidens-russia-prostitute-counterintelligence-scandal

Zelensky Orders Military To Retake Southern Ukraine: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/7/10/506126/

The artillery duel in Ukraine’s east shows no signs of slowing as troops gobble through thousands of 155mm rounds every single day: https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/ukraine-situation-report-3000-155mm-artillery-rounds-being-fired-a-day

Russian forces secured the town of Bohorodychne. Clashes between the AFU and Russian forces continue near Seversk and Dolyna: https://southfront.org/military-situation-in-eastern-ukraine-slavyansk-kramatorsk-region-on-july-11-2022-map-update/

Ukrainian defenders have successfully repelled an enemy assault on Krasnopillia and prevented Russia’s another attempt to conduct an offensive on Marinka, Donetsk Region: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3526329-ukraine-army-repels-enemy-assaults-on-krasnopillia-marinka.html

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63a0bb  No.317364



JIM STONE COMMENTS: There was a huge explosion at a natural gas plant in Oklahoma. UPDATE: THERE HAS BEEN ANONTHER GAS PLANT EXPLOSION IN WALLIS TEXAS. That would indicate both were very important.

▲ MY COMMENT: We all know there is economic sabotage in both America and Europe taking place. First started with bombs and arson attacks against a hundred+ food production facilities all around the country, now they seem to be going after the oil and gas companies too! Coincidence? HELL NO: https://citizens.news/635731.html

The US government continues to drain military stockpile of weapons, many of them advanced long-range missile and artillery systems, by supplying them to Ukraine, but almost as fast as many of them arrive, they are being destroyed by Russian forces (deliberate disarming US military war supplies before the final orchestrated takedown of America): https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-07-11-russia-destroying-advanced-us-weapons-systems-ukraine.html

Israeli government to send new shipment of PPE to Ukraine (why is it taxpayers pay to arm Israel but they won't give up any weapons to help Ukraine?): https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/israel-to-send-new-shipment-of-defensive-equipment-to-ukraine/

China And Russia Plan To Replace US Dollar With BRICS Currencies: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/china-and-russia-want-replace-us-dollar-brics-currencies

China is the main beneficiary of the biggest change in energy trade flows in recent memory as Russia pivots to Asia to sell the oil and coal banned in the West and looks to build another major natural gas pipeline to China. Beijing is not only a willing energy trade partner for Russia, soaking up hundreds of thousands of barrels of crude oil per day unwanted in the West. China is also paying for Russian energy at growing discounts to international benchmarks, which makes its government-managed industry even more competitive than that of the US and its allies, Thomas J. Duesterberg, Senior Fellow at US-based think tank Hudson Institute, writes. “The United States could help its European and Pacific Rim allies, neutralize the growing Chinese opportunity in energy and energy-intensive industries, and contribute to the beleaguered effort of Ukraine to defeat Russian aggression if it treated its oil and gas production industry as part of its modern-day “Arsenal of Democracy” rather than as a pariah that should be slowly phased out,” Duesterberg says: https://www.forbes.com/sites/thomasduesterberg/2022/07/07/historic-shifts-in-russian-energy-flows-bolstering-china/?sh=6ea461b62423

▲ MY COMMENT: Although Duesterberg is correct, that is obviously NOT the plan. The agenda was openly announced by the WEF & Davos crowd to TAKE DOWN THE WESTERN ECONOMY. And that is indeed being done deliberately!

The IEA’s Executive Director Fatih Birol is warning that the global energy crunch could worsen. “The world has never witnessed such a major energy crisis in terms of its depth and its complexity” Fatih Birol said: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/IEA-Chief-Warns-The-Energy-Crisis-Could-Get-Worse.html

Cities across Germany are planning to use sports arenas and exhibition halls as ‘warm up spaces’ this winter to help freezing citizens who are unable to afford skyrocketing energy costs (this is how they'll gulag undesirables and make them "disappear" watch): https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/germany-plans-warm-spaces-response-gas-shortages

Russia offers fast-track citizenship to all Ukrainians (this is another way they'll gulag undesirables and make them "disappear" watch): https://www.rt.com/russia/558783-ukraine-citizens-fast-track-citizenship/

NOTE: Lots of accusations from both Russia and Ukraine blaming each other for war crimes. No one really knows who did what to average citizens. This is just what happens when governments manufacture wars!

Russian Ministry of Defence claims 2,700 foreign mercenaries are fighting for Ukraine, despite Ukraine's estimate of 20,000: https://southfront.org/about-2700-foreign-mercenaries-now-fighting-in-ukraine-russian-mod/

The Russian Defence Ministry published data on the number of foreign volunteer fighters in Ukraine on Tuesday, July 12 and rumours have been circulating on social media that Russian President Vladimir Putin has ordered his Wagner Group mercenaries to pick them off: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/07/12/wagner-group-mercenaries-foreign-volunteer-fighters-ukraine/

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63a0bb  No.317365



The European Union has warned of a (planned) new wave of migration caused by a (manufactured) global food crisis exacerbated by the war in Ukraine. In addition to the food crisis, there is already a massive pull of people wanting to leave Africa, with Europe their favored destination: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/eu-warns-waves-migration-caused-global-food-crisis

▲ FLASHBACK: A special report about the WAR to take down FOOD and ENERGY in the Western World: https://www.brighteon.com/64baea61-1cdb-4028-94dc-03fc0c39329f

Leaked documents prove criminal Western oligarchs are manufacturing food shortages and collapse of the Western economy: https://www.theepochtimes.com/doomsday-document-predicted-food-shortages-two-years-ago_4572321.html

Forget food and energy security, just have some crystal meth goyim: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/leftist-party-germany-wants-give-free-crystal-meth-drug-addicts

Forget high price inflation goyim, just eat toast and drink cheap alcohol: https://www.rt.com/news/558860-austria-chancellor-alcohol-inflation/

Czechia signs energy barter agreement with Germany as Russian gas cut looms: https://rmx.news/czech-republic/czechia-signs-energy-security-agreement-with-germany-as-russian-gas-cut-looms/

February 24 will go down in history not just as the start of the Ukraine war but also as the onset of a new world order. The war has fully exposed weaknesses in the North West half of the world, weaknesses that began emerging more than 50 years ago and that have accelerated over the past generation. At the same time, the war has made the power of the South East bloc of countries, largely developing nations, irrefutably manifest. The only thing in doubt is the precise form the new world order will take. Only time will provide the answer. Major world changes require multiple catalysts: https://kingworldnews.com/ukraine-war-gold-and-the-new-world-order/

A pilot version of Russia's blockchain-based SWIFT analog is ready for testing and can be used in Russian banks, the National Technology Initiative Platform told Sputnik on Monday. The NTI also said that it is impossible to create restrictions or disconnect any country or bank from the new system as every user has the same rights and possibilities: https://sputniknews.com/20220711/russian-blockchain-based-analog-of-swift-ready-for-testing-1097186227.html

Russia gears up for mass production of Sarmat ICBMs: https://www.rt.com/russia/558824-russia-sarmat-icbm-missile-production/

The Russian military has published the names of five people who it identified as British and American citizens on their way to join the Ukrainian forces. It warned that they could be captured and tried as mercenaries or even end up dead if they follow through on their plans: https://www.rt.com/russia/558831-russia-names-foreign-fighters/

Latvia to ramp up defense spending and reintroduce draft over Russia-Ukraine war: https://rmx.news/latvia/latvia-to-ramp-up-defense-spending-and-reintroduce-conscription-over-russian-security-threat/

The use of American HIMARS multiple rocket launchers allowed the Armed Forces of Ukraine to increase the range and accuracy of strikes and, as a result, effectively destroy dozens of command posts of the Russian army and ammunition depots. The occupying troops 'reserves' have drastically decreased, and this situation threatens them with 'slipping' in the combat zone: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/7/13/506428/

The Armed Forces of Ukraine inflicted crushing losses to the Russians during the operation to liberate Snake Island. In particular, they damaged the Admiral Essen frigate: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/7/12/506270/

The north of the Donetsk People’s Republic remains the hottest battlefield in Ukraine. Russian-led forces are slowly approaching the Savyansk-Kramatorsk region in an attempt to surround the Ukrainian grouping. Amid fierce clashes, Russian pressure on Ukrainian forces in Slavyansk from the north is increasing. After prolonged clashes, DPR military officials declared full control of the village of Bogorodichnoe located on the right bank of the Seversky Donets River west of Svyatogorsk. Ukrainian forces were also repelled from their positions in the resort area of the Blue Lakes, in the area of Krasny Liman: https://southfront.org/belorussian-fighters-in-donbass/

Ukraine Military Summary And Analysis 7/12/22: https://rumble.com/v1c1d1r-ukraine.-military-summary-and-analysis-12.07.2022.html

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63a0bb  No.317415

have a NEWS bump!!

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93b343  No.317904

bumping legit news

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2553c8  No.321111


dang it.. i got stuff to do.

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44a3d8  No.321442



Just piss in it then.

Human urine consists of water, urea, inorganic salts, creatinine, ammonia, and pigmented products.

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501557  No.321511


Anon, do you have the video skit of Howard Stern and Sherman Hemsley, playing whoopi n ted?

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aa311a  No.321636



Oh, you're God now?

Get the fuck outta here.

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efb192  No.321752

Welcome back, Q!

You have no idea how much we missed you!

In response to your question.

>"Shall we play a game once more?"

Let's finish the game we started! We cannot survive another year, let alone two of them with this jackass puppet in command and "The Devil" pulling the strings

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a45366  No.322368


Se here

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fa7d62  No.322747


Do the maths. Most likely a one month number. Double digit inflation

Domestic terrorism


Funneling tax dollars into pointless green projects

Cities dying

Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?

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db4180  No.322840




[P] III makes

16 III makes

7 / 3. or John [3:16]

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a1f68d  No.323333

does anyone have Jacinda (australia prim min) walking with that red dress handy? The one with her dick clearly showing?

Trying to show the spouse.

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3681b4  No.323406


Bottom of the 9th, 2 outs, Trump at Plate.

Do it Q

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031e5d  No.323594

Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come thy will be done…..


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f93756  No.323650


>Americans Prepare For $10 Gas

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9a981f  No.323674

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983fed  No.323900



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27843d  No.323923

The Times of Israel


Son of alleged predator rabbi accused of raping one of father’s complainants


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6616ef  No.324203


>he doesn't know about the bird-shaped surveillance drones

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c9245f  No.324343





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c88745  No.324432


> Can't wait for tomorrow…

From June 27 Q Drop 1603

The WORLD will UNITE in this cause (G v E/R v W).

That's one down and one more to go: G v E (Good v Evil)

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3cae5e  No.324554


JUST IN239,416migrants crossed the southwest border into the U.S. in May, the highest monthly number ever recorded.

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873d62  No.325195


Lets see how many times this story changes

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44293e  No.325214

"Omnipotent Together" is what the Morse code reads.

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784ca6  No.325371


Now that the Salt was rotated back even though that would fuck up "Q"'s ability to post again I'm sure that next drop is coming along any minute now.

And those 3 from last night won't be the only ones made for quite some time again.


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7f5993  No.325403


check on the 66 check.

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904aa7  No.325460


Let em post it, who cares, it's the story goin round, we'll see if it' tainted. I hope I am wrong, let em call me faggot moron.

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31a606  No.325543


that is what i was thinking

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f1d897  No.325863

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03b1bc  No.326072

IOG SABBATH DAY - 4/30/2022 - "Jacob & Esau" 2022

Genesis 25:25 KJV

“And the first came out red,

all over like an hairy garment;

and they called his name Esau.”

Genesis 25:30 KJV

“And Esau said to Jacob, Feed me,

with that same red pottage;

for I am faint: therefore was his name

called Edom.”

Esau sold his birthright What a disgrace…


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fee71f  No.326550


most of the processing plants were processing things you would be disgusted to know of what they were feeding us

>Supply Lines changes

ripple effects

it was all garbage and worse

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ef087d  No.326564


>frickin DOLPHINS rigged teh indigenous chinks

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c112b3  No.326874



> Scientists Want to Change the Name Of Monkeypox To Make It ‘Non-Discriminatory’ and ‘Non-Stigmatizing’.

Ok, let’s call it the “DAVOS virus 2.0”

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a7fd5f  No.326938


>found Kim Foxx's office mishandled Jussie Smollett case


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fc1133  No.327147

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8d52f6  No.327297


no, can you prove that?

no logic with that at all.


I know it's been pushed forever.

by CATES and so many others

I believe it's a pernicious fantasy

Just what shills and Trump Haters would want you to think.

It's a feel good fantasy.

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a895d7  No.328768


>In 200-500 years

6000-5782 = 218 yrs left approx b4 the return

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c35a66  No.328843

Who will be the GOPe (Big Club) 2024 candidate:


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11db86  No.329155

Elopn Musk never really defined HOW he would moderate disinformation on the twitter platform in this live capture 'face time' interview: https://youtu.be/FLvTcRrzy20

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6b0ff9  No.329553


Not that it matters, but anon wonders if they ever loved each other.

What a sad, miserable existence.

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7d823e  No.329584


This is not a hamburger WBCN Lunchsong Tom Sandman & Billy West 1980s Classic! David Bowie

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1e75a0  No.330108


you either need to smoke more or stop I'm going to grab a smoke

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c8afae  No.330187



Ask Steve Huffman. He'll probably tell you it tastes like pork.

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09704b  No.330193


























18 U.S. Code

































Prime Time




>it will muh dudie-benny johnson


Godfather III

The Sum of All Fears






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9055cf  No.331584


Right! This means something.

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cd525e  No.331724



Revelations 22

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af228d  No.331943





The Original ‘Antifa’ Was A Jewish Anti-Nazi Militia



Antifa is a terrorist group in the blood-soaked Bolshevik tradition



Putin: First Soviet government was mostly Jewish



Trump's Attacks on Antifa Are Attacks on Jews



Your top 9 Yiddish antifa anthems: a revolutionary playlist



The Yiddish roots of antifa – the anti-fascist movement whose precursors date back at least as far as opposition to the Russian czar – have been well documented. They are also enshrined in a canon of Yiddish antifa songs – songs of resistance, anarchism, revolution, and workers’ rights – that listeners might find eerily resonant and applicable to our present moment.


4 part info graph about the relationship between Antifa, George Soros, ISIS and Israel:





Convicted domestic terrorist Bill Ayers, founder of Weather Underground ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bill_Ayers ) is also an initiator of one of antifa's branches "Refuse Fascism".

Related pic here:


The Communist Directive in 1943 (label obstructionists as "fascists" to turn public opinion against them):


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44140b  No.332335


Blowing my own trumpet, but his is NOTABLE - first CEO going against Trudeau is significant crack … could lead to floodgates opening.

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4e42e5  No.332873


Just asking.

Calm down, anon.

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7e0ad2  No.333135


on no

jfk junkies

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5f4a24  No.333331

Joe seemed in a hurry.

How many seconds was that memorable speech of his?

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a1ed19  No.333370


Don't get lost in the fog.

They framed POTUS as a Putin's puppet for a reason.

POTUS has told us many time that He and Putin talked about the situation.

Do you not recall the media absolutely losing it when they met privately?

Haas consistently said he'd give the details when the time is right.

Even hinted on Hannity the other day that Putin might tell us before he did.

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1d5082  No.333521

Insider Paper


BREAKING: Texas attorney general Ken Paxton says abortion is now illegal in state


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a158ac  No.333550

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606f00  No.333599


Clouds are mostly air. Typical percentages of actual liquid water in clouds (or the equivalent amount of ice) are only about 0.02-0.04%. This is true for puffy white (cumulus) clouds and gray, overcast (stratus) clouds. The thin, hazy clouds high in the sky are composed of ice crystals, are called cirrus, and only have about 0.003% or less

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c55eab  No.333607

“"Sometimes you can almost see the strings that pull’em”… 91 year-old motherinlaw after watching the news!

She then says, “why are they just protesting at conservative justice’s houses?”

Exactly mom! Exactly!

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3cf522  No.333649

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27fc9f  No.333800


Some knew long before this, but only now we realize they knew..

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a2b2a8  No.333912



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f0beca  No.334093

Ukraine vs Russia - Who wins a war of military equipment resupply ?

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643a1a  No.334185

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6fde17  No.334188


part 2 continue

PDJT says the only thing MS-13 understands in toughness, and ICE walks right into their packs and starts swinging.

I really think they want to get rid of our country.

Just 15 months ago we had ended catch-and-release and build 500 miles of beautiful borders wall built to Border Patrol specs.

But right now the Biden admin has blown the border to shreds.

PDJT says he took the aptitude test because they thought he was stupid and he aced the test so now they just say he is a dictator who wants to take over the world.

I don't like it when people call me stupid, I had great heritage, an uncle who was a genius, a father who was a genius.

PDJT says he said let's go Doc Ronny I want to take that damn test.

I took the test and aced it.

Aced means I got every single question right.

I think it should be mandatory for a President to take this test given what is currently going on.

I like the socialist who runs Mexico.

He laughed at me when I said we need 28,000 Mexican soldiers on the border for free.

I said all of the cars that your built after stealing our industry will have a tariff on them come Monday morning.

He said it would be an honor to put 28,000 Mexican soldiers on the border for free.

I've never seen anyone fold like that.

PDJT says he asked Angela how many Chevrolets we have in Berlin?

She said none.

I said you are right, but we have many Mercedes in America.

I got NATO members to pay 400 billion, that is why NATO has money now.

Obama sent blankets and Trump sent the tank-busters.

The very same people who piously claim to be defending democracy are the ones crushing your wages and diluting your vote and handing your country over to millions of illegal aliens, all without your consent.

PDJT says it is determinative, you know what determinative is, millions of totally corrupt votes.

And two lights just went off in the media section.

People don't historically vote from nursing homes very much, because they have other things going on.

But now we find out in Wisconsin that many nursing homes had 100% turnout.

The Biden border crisis is fueling a crime crisis in America.

It is possibly not politically correct to say, but I don't care, our Democrat-run cities are more dangerous than Afghanistan.

I was always torn, do I send in law enforcement or the military, but I decided to let the Democrats run their cities, which is good because they would have called me a dictator.

PDJT says help is on the way, the reign of the corrupt Democrats ends this November.

Our elections are a laughingstock.

Look at France, same day voting all paper ballots.

Democrats fight really dirty, they used COVID to cheat.

That's why I am pleased to introduce a guy who said some bad sh-t about me, as did many others, and ultimately I put that aside, he is tough, smart, a former Marine, a fearless MAGA fighter, JD Vance.

JD Vance says it is time to send people who know what time it is to Washington.

Let me introduce again The President who knows what time it is is, DJT.

PDJT says thank you JD, you get it, thank you.

PDJT says you have to imagine all the liberal tears that will be cried when JD Vance wins on election day.

Also with us tonight, some people are naturals, Max Miller, I am proud of him, he is like, my boy.

Some people wanted my endorsement so badly, then they let you down, like Mitch McConnell.

Paduchik had a nice Polish name, I like him, I like Polish people.

continuing note aggregating

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9dc3f3  No.334337

Happy 4th, ya'll


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fc1391  No.334354


Do not trust the snek to comply. Kill the snek.

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76ab68  No.334472


Still have the beer party in DC or Mars or whatever.

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18d2e9  No.334473


oh, come on…

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8308d0  No.335197

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24c9a7  No.335263



sometimes, when you dumb, you better be quiet.

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27c11b  No.335470




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45e082  No.335540


Aladdin, is an Asshoe

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188216  No.335550

Heard you like to do Research

Here is a great resource for V@X

Public Health and Medical Professionals for Transparency

Four days after the Pfizer vaccine was approved for ages 16+, we submitted a Freedom of Information Act Request to the FDA for all of the data within Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine biological product file. We have now sued the FDA for not releasing the data. Click below for court documents and for productions of Pfizer’s documents from the FDA.


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44a8f0  No.335650

Thank you, Baker!

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3147a1  No.335666


Yep ok, obviously you never listened to his speeches, not rallies. I dont trust you clown

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7bb6b9  No.335813


>do you think they will be so bold next time?


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b774ca  No.335849


shit poster here

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63ba4c  No.336308

4th round of clotshots coming… Mandated by dictator Dan.

Hospital system is shot… Ambulance too… Age care facilities have broken… all essential workers must be clotshotted 4 times.

Those that have seen the worst and know how bad it is, are being forced to take another.

Our health system has been destroyed along with all other essential services.

1 age care facility has 50 patients… 2 staff… an 86 yr old man has to change his 84 yr old wife's nappy.

And worse.

Our government does not represent our people.

The mark of a civilization can be judged by how it treats it's weakest… newborns/kids/helpless and the old…………. Sorry, but we have failed.

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2b3d77  No.336781

'Portal' over white house finally gone.

But plane just flew right over. Isn't that a no-no.?

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d06f8d  No.337038


Bee have

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b98371  No.337144


If it's not your problem then why are you bothering me?

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dbca4a  No.337642


46 is a show.

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8b251a  No.337645



they cheated and won. No longer required.

Omicron was their way to de-escalate their rhetoric and step out.

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83f5bf  No.337685


MP4 Archive Updated

~ 600 Videos

Sample Postings







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8cb301  No.338245


I'll call fake news on this. If soldiers set up a tripwire defense with grenades or mines they would keep well back from the 'ambush' site.

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f5989a  No.338257


#4 for me.

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94ba6c  No.338390

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b77564  No.338393





i understand your pov

judge not lest you will be judged

protip: leave judgement to judges (i know there are corrupt judges)

however there will be a "divine" window time to decide for everyone

if you go for judgement, be sure your conscience is clean

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216049  No.338610


Yes, that's obviously not part of the post. It's called filling in the blanks for the special retards out there that need that.

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63b83f  No.338715


thats good right?!!!!

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b23c2d  No.338931

You. I guess.

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81dd54  No.339047


how do you know he's not in protective custody to keep him safe.

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086cbc  No.339616


I’m sure anons saw the misspelling, he used “rained in” when its supposed to be “reigned in”

Reigned - definition of reigned by The Free Dictionary

reign. ( reɪn) n. 1. (Government, Politics & Diplomacy) the period during which a monarch is the official ruler of a country. 2. a period during which a person or thing is dominant, influential, or powerful: the reign of violence is over. vb ( intr) 3.

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a2a8d1  No.339645


>What “number” you blathering on about?

blathering…. now why the fuck would I even want to keep talking to you. I was with you, fuck you I take my support for you back.

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15d2d7  No.339751


"We are the majority.

We are in the right.

And we will win.



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3b71fc  No.339920


Today on the QClock

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3c73db  No.340585


>Russia was changing The Constitution

:Title-4-Flag &: C.-S.-S.-C.-P.-S.-G-P.-Venue is [re]cogniz[ed] in the Russian-Courts and ALL Courts World-Wide.



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c11fb7  No.340626


He be like, Oh, go on, please.


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7c7e6e  No.340916


yea bro just sit back while satan overruns your country with his nigger army


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8199d2  No.341036


That's our choice, faggot

Don't like it?

Go back


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2a61f4  No.341462


Where can a curious Anon find a copy of this Talmud online?


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627da7  No.341634

Pay attention to which letter is on the backs of the soldiers.

The anime is called "Akira", a 1987 cartoon.



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46cc42  No.341805


Tell anon something that anon does not know now, ROOKIE and/or SHILLY


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8a0c70  No.341880

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c2ce07  No.341905

RIP to lb dipshit shill who spoke too soon.


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ed766e  No.342222


make it mp4, I'lm too old…..


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da7307  No.342333


>Where did the whole “the salt got rotated” originate from?

anons that routunely use tripcodes on 8kun noticing their tripcode had changed

like Triple-A in the notables thread here on /qr/, for example

an anon from the /pen/ board

Doge on the /deepdigs/ board

8bit confirmed

many anons noticed their IP hash had changed (another effect of salt rotation)

it was witnessed anon


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f2bc9d  No.342467


This is what PANIC looks like.


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f0a436  No.342775


Fucking cats stop smoking all my shit


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4806a9  No.343033


Prayers said anon, and what he said…



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fbde5e  No.343373


that's what i was thinking too. too close to elections to being making changes IF the supreme court decides that way



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57390c  No.343444

What do you think the OSS crew will do with the 'Q trip' now?

How many would follow Q's order now?

OSS crew will test it, be aware.


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aba407  No.343478







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06c3ee  No.343887


Who Really Killed Seth Rich?

American Thinker, by Ron Wright

Original Article

Posted By: DW626, 6/3/2022 6:43:03 AM

Who is Seth Rich, and why was he murdered? Many media outlets ignored this unsolved murder in D.C. in July 2016. Those who wrote about this suspicious death were dismissed as conspiracy theorists. Jack Cashill wrote the best summary of Rich’s murder: Unknown assailants gun down the young DNC data analyst at 4 A.M. on a Washington, D.C., street and take nothing. Two weeks later, international man of mystery Julian Assange strongly suggests on Dutch T.V. that Rich was his source for the purloined DNC emails then roiling the Democratic Party.


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e46a97  No.343989




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7d92ce  No.344000

❗️Defense Minister Shoigu’s Monday Report to President Vladimir Putin

▪️5,469 Ukrainian soldiers, 196 armored vehicles and 13 aircraft were destroyed in the last fortnight

▪️Forces involved in the liberation Lugansk should rest to prepare for further engagements

▪️Demining is underway in the city of Lisichansk, LPR

▪️Putin said Russia’s East and West military groups must continue their previously approved military plans

▪️The president announced that Colonel General Lapin, involved in the liberation of Lugansk, would be awarded the “Hero of Russia” title

Subscribe to Uncensored RT @RTnewseu



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cbb387  No.344079



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8cf551  No.344196


Thanks for reminding me..

* added merriam-webster


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79e292  No.344204

Like Jim Watkins said Q is just a fabrication of media matters and the deep state as a bogeyman. Directly from the mouth of Jim in an interview last week.


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110dda  No.344351


>rest upon the mountains of Ararat.”

so much for the local flood BS


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73a3d7  No.345314


>but a gun was found in the car, police says.


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3775a8  No.345394


Is he a spy?

With foreign loyalties?

If only there had been some indicator that he wasn't really from the UK.


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cf4e09  No.345452

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ae54b6  No.345653



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cd2e45  No.345743


That's a man, Anon.


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