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62.66044, 143.66586

File: 7f0d94a68d1acbc⋯.png (1.77 MB, 1453x1080, 1453:1080, NYC_still_1.png)

File: e625b8d2d23a1bb⋯.mp4 (11.47 MB, 532x300, 133:75, NYC_Flag_Wave_only_8kun.mp4)

File: 38551189f6f0a54⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1396x1080, 349:270, NYC_still_2.png)

4bb9a4  No.315924 [Last 50 Posts]

Karl Purple has done it again! And now the group has grown to 3!



Will he be the Fuhrer of the White race next!?

HIGH QUALITY VIDEO LINK: https://secretagentwars.com/wp-content/uploads/Manual_Upload_2/NYC_Flag_Wave_only.mp4

MEETUP PROMOTION VIDEO WITH TALK DURING MOMENTS LEADING UP TO THE FLAG WAVE: https://secretagentwars.com/wp-content/uploads/Manual_Upload_2/NYC_Flag_Wave_Meetup_Promotion.mp4

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17c46c  No.315928

File: 691481376acf9d5⋯.mp4 (1.36 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Meet_Karl_Purple_04.mp4)


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17c46c  No.315929

File: a528e692d247fb4⋯.mp4 (3.33 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Meet_Karl_Purple_05.mp4)

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17c46c  No.315930

File: 5b5ddf3964ab12e⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Meet_Karl_Purple_02.mp4)

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17c46c  No.315931

File: 9bfabd00b0a75e0⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Meet_Karl_Purple_03.mp4)


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17c46c  No.315932

File: c827c4bfd77e6d2⋯.jpg (273.4 KB, 1280x1233, 1280:1233, Picsart_22_07_04_03_15_00_….jpg)

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17c46c  No.315933

File: b03f4ed5ecfa121⋯.png (417.31 KB, 806x1045, 806:1045, Picsart_22_07_03_21_28_02_….png)

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17c46c  No.315934

File: 84a90aed3cd844f⋯.jpg (288.4 KB, 1200x1500, 4:5, Picsart_22_07_03_21_18_52_….jpg)

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17c46c  No.315935



Forget the fact that we are all married with children and have had hundreds of thousands of real life experiences interacting with other human beings…

DRAG QUEEN finally learned how to talk to a human in real life instead of on a zoom meeting…

He's 33 years old, and this was THE FIRST TIME he's ever interacted with somebody

And he was so excited, that he BOLDLY ADVERTISED IT IN BOLD PRINT

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17c46c  No.315936

Overwhelmed by his own self-perceptions of his laughable inadequacy, the awkward misfit who digs through his mother's drawers looking for drag queen fashions and face masks is so desperate for attention and friendship, THAT HE THOUGHT HAVING TWO PEOPLE MEET HIM IN REAL LIFE SUDDENLY MADE HIM "MR POPULAR" HAHAHAHAHAHA



QUALIFICATIONS : he just had his first real life conversation with another human being, face to face.. he's ready to take over the world now


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17c46c  No.315937

File: bf7165d4590adae⋯.jpg (195.34 KB, 720x1074, 120:179, Picsart_22_07_03_19_17_31_….jpg)

You don't need to rent out a glued on mustache anymore, because now you can just use those two losers pubic hairs

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17c46c  No.315938

File: f4717939c2b09b9⋯.jpg (306.53 KB, 1440x720, 2:1, Screenshot_2022_07_05_07_0….jpg)


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17c46c  No.315939


that means the 'GROUP' was previously 'ONLY ONE'…. just YOU…. but one person doesn't constitute a 'group'….

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17c46c  No.315940


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17c46c  No.315941


why aren't THEY wearing purple?

One of them is wearing an olive sports jacket his mother bought him two years ago before he started gaining more weight again…

That Green jacket would indicate his allegiance to a different FÜHRER….

Apparently, he's not very impressed with you because you couldn't talk him into wearing purple to show he believes in you

The other coward is wearing a tourist's I LOVE NY Tshirt




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17c46c  No.315942


Your 'group' cannot grow into 3 people, because it wasn't a group yet….

the correct description would have been "my singular flamboyant dragshow failed, when THE OTHER TWO GUYS DIDNT EVEN COLOR COORDINATE"

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17c46c  No.315943

File: ca29745d7689fb9⋯.jpg (378.42 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_2022_07_05_07_1….jpg)

Uhhhhh……. hahahaha !!!



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17c46c  No.315944

File: aabe1c364d3124d⋯.jpg (248.58 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_2022_07_05_07_1….jpg)



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17c46c  No.315945

File: 39f07b783026a31⋯.jpg (220.71 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_2022_07_05_07_3….jpg)


he's the only one who's NOT HIDING HIS FACE

so HE is the one we want to elect as führer!!

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17c46c  No.315946


I can't help but notice that your TWO "BUDDIES" AREN'T IN /PND/ TODAY


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17c46c  No.315947



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17c46c  No.315948



They're obviouslynot"members", because they're not color coordinated with you

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17c46c  No.315949


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17c46c  No.315950

File: f2e760b37621c55⋯.png (514.01 KB, 1396x1080, 349:270, Picsart_22_07_05_07_53_54_….png)


Obviously the guy on the left is the only one who could even stand half a chance in a fight….

The guy on the right has a little bit of weight on him, so he's more capable than you are when it comes to defending himself…

And then there's the SHORT GUY IN THE MIDDLE….

The little man dressed in purple.. unable to defend himself in a fist fight….

even the big guy is completely out of shape… Look at his stomach!! LOL maybe you guys should consider working out or going on a diet?



Even though he isn't muscular, and he's got a big fat soft stomach, he's the only one who could stand half a chance in a fight…

The one in the middle and the one on the right need to start "worshiping worshipping" the BIG ONE….

you're a LITTLE MAN, so you can't be the leader….

You need to stand on a step ladder next time

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17c46c  No.315951

File: 064415586617888⋯.jpg (56.82 KB, 720x720, 1:1, Picsart_22_07_05_08_05_42_….jpg)


Ask your mother if she can buy you one of the brand new LITTLE FÜHRER™ STEPLADDERS at Home Depot

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17c46c  No.315952

File: 77675f3ffe040f8⋯.png (539.36 KB, 898x1080, 449:540, Picsart_22_07_05_08_14_14_….png)


I just realized you would be a perfect spokesperson for their corporation

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17c46c  No.315953

File: 6b1d6620d410352⋯.png (416.53 KB, 1080x898, 540:449, Picsart_22_07_05_08_26_11_….png)

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17c46c  No.315954

File: 32a14623295c45e⋯.png (523.7 KB, 1396x1080, 349:270, Picsart_22_07_05_07_57_09_….png)

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17c46c  No.315955

File: 0883123a5d836d7⋯.png (508.81 KB, 1396x1080, 349:270, Picsart_22_07_05_08_52_39_….png)



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17c46c  No.315956

File: 4b8313f113d00be⋯.jpg (396.69 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_2022_07_05_08_5….jpg)

Wow!… the LITTLE MAN™ in the middle has no muscles…. He's short, and he's got arms like a little boy…


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17c46c  No.315957

File: afdec690de33162⋯.png (484.39 KB, 1396x1080, 349:270, Picsart_22_07_05_09_05_49_….png)


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17c46c  No.315958

File: 8e951b4eaebb2d2⋯.jpg (160.66 KB, 720x1184, 45:74, Picsart_22_07_05_09_12_02_….jpg)


Who's the little sissy in the middle?

That flagpole seems to be winning the war

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17c46c  No.315959


That flagpole seems to be kicking his ass!!

The other two guys could easily lift that flagpole….

Apparently, the one in the middle simply doesn't have any muscles in his skinny little arms…

Now I understand why his neck is so skinny

He's a little man

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17c46c  No.315960

File: f153d16b2865d8d⋯.png (728.86 KB, 1396x1080, 349:270, Picsart_22_07_05_09_15_54_….png)




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17c46c  No.315961

File: bcf063c92030859⋯.png (757.97 KB, 1396x1080, 349:270, Picsart_22_07_05_09_22_14_….png)

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9213de  No.316018

=="Karl Purple does WHAT again??!!!"=

makes 3 non-friend desperate losers?





Because when you "did it again", you would now have three imaginary Friends

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70c683  No.316028



Dude, I hung out with 20+ people this fourth and we were drinking TONS of whiskey, vodka and gin. Blowing Diablo mortars into the air. Blowing off kegs. Blowing off quarter sticks and handcrafted m80s. Drunk as fuck!

No one gives a shit about you going to New York to join some fag show with your swastikas.

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9213de  No.316035



you don't have three imaginary Friends

you only have TWO imaginary friends

We are old in here, all of us have been married, had kids, had tons of real life friends, been in fights, won fights, lost fights, made friends, lost friends, had girlfriends, broke up with girlfriends, we've done our careers already….


Q: do you have ANY idea how ridiculous you look?

A man in his 30s who thinks 'finally interacting with another human' is something you'd announce in public


you're bragging about FINALLY attaining the level of a 13 year old!!!

that's NOT "doing it again"

…..that's never having done it before…


nobody is impressed

you should've outgrown this ADHD

social incompetence when you were 11

honestly ?..

you never should've been

This awkward and inexperienced


Because you are demonstrating an awkward, uncomfortable, amateur hour level of inexperience that most children never go through, because we all learned how to interact with others back in kindergarten..

There's absolutely no excuse for being at this level of naivete and social oblivion at your age… And you certainly shouldn't be BRAGGING about finally manipulating one or two humans into pretending they like you.


(You're making a fool out of yourself, again and again)

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9decdb  No.316036



… I'm old as fuck, okay? I've got grown adult kids, and these days it's just me and my wife and our cats we rescued, and we take it easy these days…

We don't give a flying fuck about the 4th of ANYTHING…

we are past the party days of old ….

but FUCK YEAH!!!!

Hell Fucking Yes, Dude !!!

Back when I was 12, I began partying hard with my buddies, back before so many young guys seem to have Asperger's or autism.. and I'm not talking about an internet chat room culture trendy catchphrase… I'm talking about real autism, and inability to communicate and connect with people effectively…

And that's what I think I see going on here..

I see one of the most awkward, completely oblivious fruit of the loom purple sideshows of laughable incompetence and social inadequacy, fueled by an inability to connect with others effectively…

That's the only reason a 33-year-old man would suddenly start BRAGGING that he found two people on earth willing to stand next to him for a couple seconds…

He had to get a photograph of the even



dude…. By the time I was 13, I was hanging out at college parties at UGA, a 13-year-old kid getting drunk and partying and taking LSD with UGA Juniors and sophomores and seniors…

We partied so hard !! Of course I don't have to explain to you, because you know how men behave when we were Young and we are wild and free and partying…..

Literally thousands of memories in my head of the most unlikely crazy stories, (and the PUSSY, too !!! do not forget the pussy)

but I've gained and lost HUNDREDS of close personal friends, best buddies became distant memories after one of us started dating a different chick, and we grew apart, then I'd get married but one of my buddies got divorced, but the other buddy started banging a rich snobby girl, so the other buddies all partied and laughed and argued and fought and went to funerals and we all had kids and on and on and on and on and on and on…

The way DUDES party ..

the good times

or the rough times

or the times we thought we'd be dead

Or the times we somehow survived

Or the laughter

Or the camaraderie

Or the arguing

The drunken hangovers

we've loved

we've lost

we've won

we've failed

we've succeeded only to fail

and learned how to accept failure


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9decdb  No.316037


however, if I divorce this current wife for any reason…..


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9decdb  No.316038

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Are those the ARYAN BIKERS ?

you're a popular little man, aren't you?

you're a God damn SOCIAL BUTTERFLY, aren't you?

"SIR", WHAT ?!!!!

*purpleclown* "SIR, YES SIR!!!"

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9decdb  No.316039



dude…. My father actually WAS a Drill Instructor in the Marines…

I'd LOVE to punch you in the diaphragm, scumbag

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9decdb  No.316040


(And I'm not making threats, and I'm not acting like a tough guy)

A simple two-part statement :

1: my father was quite literally a Marine drill instructor at Parris Island and camp Pendleton, who was BORN FOR THAT JOB, and he was never mean or abusive to us at all, but back when things were different, and I was a kid, my brothers and I watched my father BEAT THE EVER LIVING DOGSHIT out of several people

2: if I ever had an opportunity to do it, I would actually get a kick out of putting you in your place once and for all, with one quick rock solid hammer fist right beneath where your rib cage begins, knocking the air out of you by NAILING YOUR DIAPHRAGM … I don't think I could pass up the opportunity to watch your face.

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9decdb  No.316041

File: fbd8ca473d9828f⋯.jpg (98.86 KB, 1019x680, 1019:680, Picsart_22_07_05_20_16_56_….jpg)


Isn't the Biggest Guy the same ARYAN BIKER that fucked your asshole loose in your pirnub videos?

He sure looks like the same guy to me…

well, he's WAY bigger than you ..

so after I knock the air out of you, I'd turn to him and smile…..

because he'd bust out laughing

even though he's got an IQ of 72

but he'd idolize me for punching you so hard, that you doubled over, dropped to your knees, and struggled to inhale

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9decdb  No.316042

File: 113a29287174289⋯.jpg (16.69 KB, 428x240, 107:60, Meet_Karl_Purple_05_0971.jpg)

it IS him….. isn't it ?

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9decdb  No.316043

File: 5cfb0582d95c973⋯.mp4 (720.07 KB, 214x360, 107:180, 5cfb0582d95c9734ff39320d8f….mp4)

You FÜHRERS™ are all alike, huh?

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9decdb  No.316044

File: a528e692d247fb4⋯.mp4 (3.33 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Meet_Karl_Purple_05.mp4)


You all pretend to be crusaders against degeneracy….

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9decdb  No.316045

File: 9bfabd00b0a75e0⋯.mp4 (1.47 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Meet_Karl_Purple_03.mp4)

But you are such an awkward lonely misfit, that you'll ride the first Dick who pretends they acknowledge your existence

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9decdb  No.316046

So you rode THAT MUCH COCK…

And still haven't managed to make a real friend…

too stupid to even make $15 out of the deal

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149e88  No.316048

File: c94b43a50c12837⋯.mp4 (10.64 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, km_20220527_1_720p_8_02.mp4)

Yep… you're just like oldSKETCH PADDERSON™, the walking disposable Doodle pad….

be dances like a 4 year old girl

and fucks like one, too

And fights like one, as well

you're both SO DESPERATE for a friend

you'll become the woman

just to keep them from leaving

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149e88  No.316049

File: 5b5ddf3964ab12e⋯.mp4 (1.05 MB, 428x240, 107:60, Meet_Karl_Purple_02.mp4)

Every Führer's The Same These Days, right?

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149e88  No.316051

File: 0860f1e4a23542f⋯.jpg (105.95 KB, 720x932, 180:233, Picsart_22_07_05_11_54_53_….jpg)

Basically, you're just like Sketch™

a "dancing" queen

(that's not dancing)

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149e88  No.316052

File: 90f9e96f45d17ff⋯.jpg (293.18 KB, 720x1440, 1:2, Screenshot_2022_07_05_00_4….jpg)

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149e88  No.316062

File: c6124992843b4f7⋯.jpg (105.66 KB, 720x926, 360:463, Picsart_22_07_05_21_01_17_….jpg)



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149e88  No.316063

File: 7a791ac9a300cfa⋯.jpg (84.22 KB, 720x926, 360:463, Picsart_22_07_05_21_04_51_….jpg)


I've NEVER glued a fake moustache to my face…. never…..

you look ABSURD

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149e88  No.316064

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

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12d1bd  No.316067

q your hands are stained purps.

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d07a29  No.316068

File: 39062077231c957⋯.png (598.04 KB, 1396x1080, 349:270, Picsart_22_07_05_21_31_17_….png)


Q : If you're 33 years old, and you actually wanted a photograph to prove you have stood next to somebody for a couple seconds… AND BRAG THAT YOU "ACTUALLY HAVE REAL LIFE FRIENDS", exactly where have you been since you completed you 8 years old?

Did the Foster Family keep you in a little Metal Box?

Now I finally realized why your parents gave you away for adoption

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70443d  No.316069

File: fc18f30955f99b2⋯.jpg (208.19 KB, 1002x967, 1002:967, frens.jpg)


Man, I understand your humor, but can you just do it without the gay porn. Please man, I like your material mostly by just hate seeing that.


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d07a29  No.316070

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I'm not voting for you. You're the smallest weakest one out of The Three stooges….

I'm voting for the guy with glasses..

The one who's wearing the correct colors

It looks like the tall bald-headed curly moron out of your three stooge sideshow is your boyfriend, the one who blows loads in your rectum…

So it looks like the guy with the glasses has my vote !! SORRY !!


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12d1bd  No.316071


ill stand with you, in a pic that can be related. want a proton photoshoops masquerade?

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12d1bd  No.316072


or irl?

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d07a29  No.316074

File: 6847129b3b6a244⋯.jpg (23.75 KB, 663x123, 221:41, Picsart_22_07_05_21_09_20_….jpg)








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70443d  No.316075

File: d6540bc284eb3e5⋯.gif (3.24 MB, 343x498, 343:498, CAT_LICK.gif)



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d07a29  No.316077


Let me hook up with you in real life.. I'd be honored..

You are an international Man of intrigue, a secret agent who mysteriously appears in times square, Mr popular, standing next to the two biggest losers I've seen in my life…

So certainly you can afford to hook up in Atlanta, right? Come take video and photographs of you and I standing together drinking a beer in Atlanta

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d07a29  No.316078


For a minute, I thought the cat had glued a cheap fake mustache to its upper lip as well

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d07a29  No.316079



You three guys are best friends

Through thick and thin, they've

had your back, throughout the

entire duration of the 12 minutes

Why don't you bring your two buddies down to Atlanta, and let's have a little bit of fun FOR CHARITY, a just for fun boxing match, three of you against one of me, with no gloves, no boxing ring, just the three of you against ONE of me… in the parking lot behind a nightclub in Atlanta, and all the proceeds will benefit children with cancer at St Jude hospital in Memphis Tennessee

Just for fun

No holds barred

No rules

And no weapons

You could get pictures of you three big tough Neo-Nazi lifelong buddies, the best of friends, who know each other better than you know yourselves….. Videos of the three of you beating the shit out of me

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d07a29  No.316081


Just for fun…..


Not one at a time…


Get to attack me

At the same time…

It will be a lot of fun and will be helping sick children with cancer at St Jude's children's hospital in Memphis Tennessee

It's a win-win for everybody involved

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12d1bd  No.316082


oh im a 3rd that was a not to be another, as you know.

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70443d  No.316083

hEY. Why hate on a man for being celebratory that he got some people IRL to chill with?

When I finally get a girlfriend, I am going to lose my mind. Maybe if I grow this meetup into something big, girls will be impressed. Do you think any girl would like me, before taking off my mask? I do not trust anyone, so not even these meetup bros have seen me without it.

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d07a29  No.316084

File: e0e7d18c3e3690e⋯.mp4 (1.71 MB, 524x480, 131:120, Neander_the_Nigger_.mp4)

Just one catch :

The loser has to perform oral sex on NEANDER THE NIGGER™

If I lose the fight, I have to immediately get on my knees while NEANDER unzips his nigger pants….

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70443d  No.316085

File: 18677ebdb00313c⋯.png (444.1 KB, 1000x622, 500:311, join.png)


HEY MAN. Can you stop with the homosexual stuff? Please

btw, Are you ever going to come back to the telegram channel?

I thought we were going somewhere with making a theme song and all that. I still have it saved. Some good ideas.

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d07a29  No.316086



Q: why did it take you 33 years to reach this point?

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d07a29  No.316087

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d07a29  No.316088


Can you upload the song now?

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d07a29  No.316089

I lost the song when a hard drive sized up

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d07a29  No.316090

Seized* up

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d07a29  No.316091


Plus, I've been busy with a portrait I'm painting for a high paying client

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d07a29  No.316092

a portrait of his 2 kids

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70443d  No.316093

File: 2f8a26d851b5b6f⋯.png (457.74 KB, 772x588, 193:147, Screenshot_2021_10_18_2017….png)


I will have to dig it out. Give me some time. But can you please PLEASE just chill out and have some regular conversation. At least with me and on my threads?

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d07a29  No.316094

and YES, you'll definitely go crazy once she throws that pussy down…. Trust me

That will NEVER happen like this

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d07a29  No.316095


Lol maybe

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70443d  No.316096


I found it. Go on telegram and I will send it to you there.

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d07a29  No.316097

(This is where you're finally supposed to realize THERE ARE THREE OLD MEN IN HERE WHO CAN TEACH YOU HOW TO DO IT RIGHT)

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d07a29  No.316098


I don't have telegram anymore

I'm self contained in here

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d07a29  No.316099

See, THIS is my spider hole, and I'm a trapdoor spider

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d07a29  No.316100

This place is disguised as a Neo-Nazi white supremacist board…

It may have been one at one time, but not anymore

Now it's the officialhave three older experienced men with children your age watch your techniquesboard

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d07a29  No.316101

And just like any trapdoor spider.. I'll sit here totally still……. waiting…… waiting

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70443d  No.316102


Alright. Can you at least just verify what the audios are about, so that I know it is actually the same person who made them

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d07a29  No.316103

And when I see one come stumbling in here after being banned from 4chan (it's always the exact same story) thinking this was a second version of /pol/…..

I'm going to hold him to the criteria me and the other two old dudes in here grew up by

Because claiming superiority doesn't mean anything.. demonstrating superiority is the only way anyone will believe it

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d07a29  No.316105

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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d07a29  No.316106

It went "ladies and gentlemen"

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d07a29  No.316107

File: d80b0fa48d8a96b⋯.png (1.1 MB, 976x2300, 244:575, PicsArt_12_26_06_33_22.png)


Trust me….

It's me

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d07a29  No.316108

File: 600f074db1d3325⋯.jpg (87.12 KB, 719x398, 719:398, Screenshot_2022_07_05_22_2….jpg)

Lol @ a successful free speech platform hahaha

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008eb3  No.316109

File: 50b89eef61fdbe3⋯.jpg (149.93 KB, 1024x614, 512:307, PicsArt_06_22_12_31_47.jpg)

File: bd4dea880d67f7c⋯.jpg (1.33 MB, 2643x1982, 2643:1982, PicsArt_06_03_09_36_25.jpg)


> I'm going to hold him to the criteria me and the other two old dudes in here grew up by

Assumes anyone in here is "grown up".


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70443d  No.316110


Can you verify what you telegram username was, or the profile picture on it that I disliked so much? I want to verify it is the same person before I do the work of uploading these audio files to some file sharing site

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70443d  No.316111


Uh oh. Fake Neptune alert?

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d07a29  No.316112

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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70c683  No.316113


MIRROR ONE: https://pasted.cf/view/raw/5e217752

MIRROR TWO: http://pastebin.zsites.ca/view/raw/0e58cc41

UTF-8 COMPRESSION: https://rpa.st/download-archive/FEV5EW3XORUAYXMOA3P4VBICJ4

TEMP FAIL SAFE: https://tmpfiles.org/dl/338354/russia-ukraineofficialwarblog.7z

UPDATED: This UTF-8 now contains the original dates most war updates were posted to /freedomzine/ & /pnd/ which began 02/24/22.

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d07a29  No.316115

File: 133ceec78b1686d⋯.png (4.95 MB, 2125x3042, 2125:3042, PicsArt_12_20_02_47_50.png)

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d07a29  No.316117

File: 225136815b24aaa⋯.png (5.01 MB, 2125x3042, 2125:3042, Picsart_22_07_05_23_10_06_….png)


When you asked me earlier to keep creating more imagery of naked men, were you thinking something along the lines of this?

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70c683  No.316118


Jackal's Russia-Ukraine War Coverage (Part 3): https://www.bitchute.com/video/GCB2K0DMkaHN/

Jackal's Russia-Ukraine War Coverage (Part 2): https://www.bitchute.com/video/wBseI5ZnfAsq/

Jackal's Russia-Ukraine War Coverage (Part 1): https://www.bitchute.com/video/NdZiJ72Gxvlj/

President Vladimir Putin signed a decree Thursday ordering the transfer of the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project in Far East Russia to a new domestic operator in response to “unfriendly” Western sanctions and threats to Russia’s national interests and economic security. Foreign investors will be required to apply to retain their existing shares in the new limited liability company within a month, according to the decree. The Russian government will then decide whether to allow foreign shareholders to keep their stake. If they are rejected, the government will sell the foreign shareholder’s stake and keep the proceeds in the shareholder’s special account: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/07/01/putin-replaces-sakhalin-2-energy-project-operator-with-new-domestic-entity-a78173

Rationing Has Already Started In Europe As The Entire Globe Plunges Into A Horrific Economic Nightmare: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/rationing-has-already-started-europe-entire-globe-plunges-horrific-economic-nightmare

UPDATE ▲ Europe Economic Collapse Happening: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/natural-gas-soars-700-becoming-040106114.html

Biden's Fascist EPA Takes Aim at America's Largest Oil Field, Threatens to Stop Production, Sending Gas Prices Rocketing: https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/06/biden-takes-aim-americas-largest-oil-field-threatening-stop-production-sending-gas-prices-soaring/

Amid worldwide fertilizer and food shortages, the corrupt despotic EU is pushing to ruin country's agriculture industry: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/dutch-farmers-livid-over-eus-green-nitrogen-rule-block-border-between-holland-and

As small farming and ranching operations struggle to bounce back from the COVID-19 pandemic and supply-chain disruptions, the federal government is preparing to throw another hurdle their way (deliberate sabotage of our food supply!): https://www.zerohedge.com/political/secs-new-esg-rule-hurts-americas-small-farms-ranches

FLASHBACK ▲ List of American food production facilities deliberately sabotaged for planned mass starvation, subjugation and social credit score ration roll outs: https://allnewspipeline.com/Alarming_Chart_Shows_Rapid.php

“Putin has size and quantity on his side in the war against Ukraine. No matter how heroic Ukrainian resistance has been, it is not infinite, especially as casualties rise and weapons and logistics stocks are depleted. Putin no doubt sees, rightly or wrongly, the weaknesses and flaws in the Western alliance that, over time, will not be contained and can be exploited. In that context, energy and food will be exploited to divide the alliance. Europe is dependent on Russian gas and oil. And the cost of gasoline in America, assuming it will remain high, is a huge problem for President Biden and his domestic support, exacerbated by swelling inflation that may constrain a longer term consensus to allocate many billions of dollars to support Ukraine. Putin learned in his engagement in Syria, migration can be a powerful weapon. With an outbreak of massive global starvation and food shortages, the implications for migration are self-evident. With 5 million displaced Ukrainians and substantial numbers seeking refuge in Poland, Romania and elsewhere, starvation will drive orders of magnitude more people to find safety and sustenance in Europe and the U.S. The West may not be able to handle this. Putin sees that the U.S. has been forced into planning for a two-front war directed against Russia and China. Putin fully appreciates the folly of such a strategy. Napoleon and Hitler ultimately were defeated by embarking on two-front wars, invading Russia in 1812 and the USSR in 1941, respectively: https://thehill.com/opinion/national-security/3537223-whats-putins-next-move/

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d07a29  No.316119


I mean.. of course you're mature enough to be able to look at a picture of a naked man and not become afraid or paranoid, because it's not like you're going to suddenly become around, right?….

So I'm sure you're comfortable with it.. I'm sure you're comfortable with your own body as well

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70c683  No.316120



Western 'leaders' showed new military resolve but the same illusions on inflation and energy…Democracies are suffering both hypertension and high cholesterol…Hypertension takes the form of global inflation, which keeps ratcheting up the economic and political pressures within and between advanced economies…Cholesterol manifests as green-energy policies that, like arterial plaque, create blockages as they accumulate…The buildup of green subsidies and regulations has put Western economies in a perilous situation: a sudden price spike or outright shortage could cause an economic heart attack: https://www.wsj.com/articles/nato-serious-group-seven-sweden-finland-inflation-green-energy-fossil-fuels-11656596852?mod=hp_opin_pos_6#cxrecs_s

Biden's Sanctions Are A Windfall For Russia, Foreign Policy Failure! The strangest part of this idea that Americans must suffer to hurt the Russians is that these policies aren’t even hurting Russia! On the contrary: Russia has been seen record profits from its oil and gas exports since the beginning of the Ukraine war: http://ronpaulinstitute.org/archives/featured-articles/2022/july/04/foreign-policy-fail-bidens-sanctions-are-a-windfall-for-russia/

BIDEN ADMINISTRATION INTENTIONALLY MISSED MANDATORY OIL LEASE DEADLINE, SHUTTING DOWN ALL CONTRACTS UNTIL NEXT YEAR: https://www.foxbusiness.com/politics/biden-administration-misses-major-oil-lease-deadline

The People Crafting US Policy Aren't In America: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/people-crafting-us-policy-arent-america

Russia preparing to END all Western relations and economic trade with Western World: https://www.rt.com/russia/558321-rus-pivoting-toward-nonwest/

Russia and Venezuela will continue to expand their cooperation in the oil sector, and are working on new agreements to circumvent Western sanctions in finance and logistics: https://sputniknews.com/20220704/russia-venezuela-to-expand-oil-sector-cooperation-working-on-pact-to-circumvent-western-sanctions-1096937993.html

The Shevchenko District Court of Kyiv seized 315 wagons of mineral fertilizers totaling 360 million hryvnias (about $12 million) owned by Russian and Belarusian companies. This was reported by the press-center of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/7/4/505199/

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70c683  No.316121



Eighteen more Russian APCs destroyed by Ukraine in latest combat losses update: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/07/05/russian-apcs-destroyed-ukraine-combat-losses-2/

On July 5, Russian Ministry of Defence claimed that over the past 10 days, 170 foreign mercenaries have been killed in Ukraine, 99 of others refused to take part in hostilities and left the territory of Ukraine. On July 4, the point of temporary deployment of foreign mercenaries in the area of the toen of Liman in the Mykolaiv region was destroyed by Russian missiles: https://southfront.org/hard-month-for-foreign-mercenaries-in-ukraine/

The Armed Forces of Ukraine successfully repelled the Russian assaults near Krasnopillia in Slovyansk direction. In Donetsk direction, the main efforts of the enemy are focused on taking control of the Bakhmut – Lysychansk highway and capturing Bilohorivka: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3522631-ukraines-armed-forces-repel-enemy-assaults-near-krasnopillia-fighting-ongoing-in-bilohorivka-area.html

Former Russian military commander Igor Girkin, an ardent Russian nationalist who commanded militants during the 2014 war in Donbas, posted a scathing critique of the Kremlin’s handling of the war on his Telegram channel and questioned the significance of the seizure of Lysychansk. He suggested that Russian forces had paid too high a price for a limited gain. In a series of Telegram posts published prior to Putin’s meeting with Shoigu on July 4, Girkin complained that Russian forces have failed to meet the announced goals of the “second stage of the special operation” (the operations in eastern Ukraine following Russia’s retreat from Kyiv) to his nearly 400,000 subscribers. Ukrainian forces are increasingly targeting Russian military infrastructure with indirect fire and US-provided HIMARS systems deep in occupied territory. Ukrainian forces reportedly struck Russian ammunition depots in Dibrivne, Kharkiv Oblast, (close to the frontline) on July 4 and Snizhne, Donetsk Oblast, (approximately 75 km from the frontlines) overnight on July 3-4 following a strike on one of four Russian ammunition depots in Melitopol on July 3: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-july-4

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70c683  No.316122


Are You Prepared for Nuclear War in 2022? https://www.trunews.com/#/stream/are-you-prepared-for-nuclear-war-in-2022

NATO To Drastically Increase High-Readiness Forces By 650%: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/nato-drastically-increase-high-readiness-forces-well-over-300000

Another Food Processing Plant Shutters Operations, Adding To Long List Of Closures: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/another-food-processing-plant-shutters-operations-adding-long-list-closures

List of American food production facilities deliberately sabotaged for planned mass starvation, subjugation and social credit score ration roll outs: https://allnewspipeline.com/Alarming_Chart_Shows_Rapid.php

83% Of Americans Cut Back On Spending As Economy Careens Towards Collapse: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/shocking-poll-finds-83-americans-cut-back-spending-economy-careens-towards-crisis

India is facing a “severe and protracted” power crisis due to the price inflation of coal, which the country uses to generate as much as 75 percent of its power, Indian media report, citing S&P Global Commodity Insights. India found itself in the middle of a power shortage as several factors combined, including rising coal prices, which discouraged imports, leaving stockpiles at critically low levels, and a heat wave that pushed demand earlier this year much higher: https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/India-Coal-Crisis-Is-Far-From-Over.html

Danish government urging citizens to ration energy use, hot showers and cleaning/drying dirty laundery: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-06-28/danes-urged-to-take-shorter-showers-as-energy-crisis-worsens

The United States will boost its military forces in Europe because of threats from Moscow following Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Joe Biden said as NATO leaders hold their annual summit in Madrid: https://www.euronews.com/2022/06/29/nato-summit-joe-biden-says-us-boosting-forces-in-europe-over-russian-threat

A Russian politician and former regional military commander has suggested that Europe will "totally croak" if Russia militarily targets Europe's biggest oil hub in the Netherlands. Andrey Gurulyov, an MP at the state Duma, was speaking on state TV when he said that if Russia decided to target the Netherlands, where some 40 percent of Europe's oil is received and processed, Europe would "croak," according to a report by Yahoo News: https://uk.news.yahoo.com/putin-ally-moscow-torpedo-dutch-ports-europe-is-not-invincible-133139824.html

Ukrainian Elite Unit Claims Sabotage Ops Inside Russia: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ukrainian-elite-unit-claims-sabotage-ops-inside-russia

Another 16 Russian forces Armoured Personnel Carriers (APCs) were destroyed by Ukrainian forces on Tuesday, June 28, according to Ukraine’s military update on Russia’s combat losses since February 24: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/06/29/russian-apcs-ukraine-combat-losses/

Russian artillery destroyed up to 100 militants of the Nazi Kraken formation and about 10 units of military equipment near Pitomnik. The AFU were forced to leave their positions and withdraw to Kharkiv. The Russian Aerospace Forces destroyed four Ukrainian control points, including the territorial defense battalions “Kharkiv-1” and “Kharkiv-2” in the Kharkiv region. The building of the Mashgidroprivod plant in Kharkiv was destroyed as a result of a Russian missile strike: https://southfront.org/military-situation-in-the-kharkiv-region-ukraine-on-june-29-2022-map-update/

More than 1,000 soldiers of the Ukrainian armed forces were killed and many officers were captured near the city of Lisichansk, an aide to the interior minister of the Lugansk People's Republic (LPR), Vitaly Kiselev, said on Tuesday: https://tass.com/world/1472931

West Copes with Huge Ukrainian Losses: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0cZLquO2QTE

Russia claims mall bombing was ammo depot detonation: https://sputniknews.com/20220628/fire-at-mall-in-kremenchug-occur-due-to-detonation-of-western-ammunition-stored-nearby-russian-mod-1096741552.html

Ukrainian forces are likely conducting a fighting withdrawal that may include pulling back from Lysychansk and Luhansk Oblast in the near future and which probably aims to force the Russian offensive to culminate prematurely. The Luhansk People’s Republic (LNR) Ambassador to Russia Rodion Miroshnik and Russian milbloggers claimed that Ukrainian forces began a large-scale withdrawal from Lysychansk towards Siversk, Kramatorsk, and Slovyansk on June 28. Although ISW cannot confirm independently Miroshnik’s claims of an ongoing withdrawal, Ukrainian forces may continue the fighting withdrawal that began in Severodonetsk to Ukrainian strongholds around Siversk, Kramatorsk, and Slovyansk: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-june-28

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70c683  No.316123


MY COMMENT ON RUSSIA DEBT DEFAULT RUMORS: Rumors are going around over the internet that Russia will default on their national debt. NOT EXACTLY. What happened is Russia simply said they are willing to pay debts owed to Western banks and corporations in Russian Rubles. The US government has sanctions against Russian Rubles for trade. So Western banks and corporations are being told by the US government that they cannot accept Russian Rubles for payment. Russia pretty much responded 'too bad, that's your loss, we will only pay our debts in Russian Rubles.' THE PROBLEM: This does not harm Russia as much as it harms banks and corporations who won't be paid back. The US government literally screwed over ANY Western banks and corporations who did business deals with Russia. This will now go to national courts. The question is, who will the victims sue? The US government or Russia? ANOTHER PROBLEM: IF they sue Russia and win, why would Russia care? Do you think a country at war is going to obey an enemy court? THIS IS WHAT THE WESTERN WORLD GETS FOR ABANDONING FREE MARKET CAPITALISM!!!

Canada has issued further sanctions on Russia and Belarus in an attempt to damage their defence sector in the ongoing war with Ukraine: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/06/27/canada-sanctions-russia-and-belarus-to-end-putins-war-of-choice/

Since Germany is refusing to pay for Russian natural gas imports in rubles as requested by President Vladimir Putin, the country now faces long-term supply shortages that threaten to cripple its economy: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-27-germany-stage-two-emergency-gas-plan-shortages.html

Biden Drains US Strategic Oil Reserve To Lowest Since 1986 As UAE Warns Not To Expect Any Help From OPEC: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/biden-runs-us-strategic-oil-reserve-lowest-1986-uae-warns-not-expect-any-help-opec

Western Leaders' Fantasies Doom Their Own Citizens To Cold And Hungry Winter: https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3960.htm

As a country, we are not looking at the future and establishing relationships with emerging countries like we should to ease the dependency on Chinese products and services. This will hurt us in the long run. Everything we buy and sell comes and goes by truck, if we can get a truck at any price. Inflation will continue until the country is self-sufficient in oil and gas. The current political policy may not change until 2024. Therefore, inflation will be our consistent companion for a while, then stagflation! We see the environment for the oil industry becoming even worse than the previous months. Biden is promoting a very caustic attitude toward the oil industry, which doesn’t help the country in any way. Most will be lucky to have a job with two more years of this disaster. You can’t ignore the economic fundamentals leading to a likely recession, and the administration [in Washington] is either stubborn or as paralyzed as a deer in headlights. Government overspending and transfer programs have inflated the money supply while resulting in unchecked corruption and waste. We will be paying that bill for generations, and what a colossal waste of resources and missed opportunity: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/dallas-fed-tumbles-two-year-low-hope-crashes

Texas GOP pushing for referendum to secede from the so-called “United” States of America in 2023: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-27-texas-gop-pushing-to-secede-from-bidens-america.html

Demolition of supply chains is pre-civil war SABOTAGE to shape the battlefield for domestic WARFARE against We the People: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-23-demolition-of-supply-chains-is-pre-civil-war-sabotage-to-shape-the-battlefield-for-domestic-warfare-against-we-the-people.html

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70c683  No.316124


Jackal's Russia-Ukraine War Coverage (Part 2): https://www.bitchute.com/video/wBseI5ZnfAsq/

Jackal's Russia-Ukraine War Coverage (Part 1): https://www.bitchute.com/video/NdZiJ72Gxvlj/

Ukrainian Women Selling Pornography To Fund War Efforts: https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-women-selling-nudes-raise-money-troops-2022-6

Russian missile strike hits shopping mall with more than 1,000 people inside, Ukraine claims: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/russian-missiles-hit-kremenchuk-shopping-center-1000-civilians-ukraine-rcna35482

Ukrainian paratroopers have shot down Russia’s Ka-52 ‘Alligator’ helicopter with the Starstreak high-velocity missile (HVM) system. The relevant statement was made by the Air Assault Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facetard: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3516901-ukrainian-paratroopers-down-russias-ka52-with-starstreak-hvm-system.html

40 Russian soldiers' are blown up in first Ukrainian strike using US HIMARS rockets – as second strike with the American weapons kills Putin's 56th officer of the war: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10956271/Ukraine-strikes-Russian-command-post-Donbas-using-HIMARS-video.html

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d07a29  No.316125

File: 666fec8f6b22e74⋯.png (3.2 MB, 2125x3042, 2125:3042, Picsart_22_07_05_23_15_13_….png)


Every year, we hold an election in here.. and the three of us vote on who gets to become our new leader….

The one we all call "OUR FÜHRER"

It's a time honored tradition in here, and I'm one of the three voters…..

And it's important each candidate is comfortable looking at male genitalia


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d07a29  No.316126

File: 0a4947f27cc29c5⋯.png (2.46 MB, 2125x2496, 2125:2496, Picsart_22_07_05_23_17_01_….png)


And the candidate who's most comfortable wins every year….

And they get three new IRL MEMEBERS

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d07a29  No.316127

Basically, you're just like Sketch™

a "dancing" queen

(that's not dancing)

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d07a29  No.316128

File: ddec546815fa41e⋯.jpg (322.71 KB, 1519x1080, 1519:1080, PicsArt_12_27_02_25_37.jpg)

That's why I've been leaning towards voting for you

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d07a29  No.316129

File: 23eb2d35ac116d0⋯.jpg (291.03 KB, 1720x1080, 43:27, Picsart_22_01_12_07_42_46_….jpg)

…..and anybody who says we have massive dumps simply doesn't realize that Marshmallow Sally was ALMOST elected /PND/ Secretary of Defensiveness, but our cloud storage AI noticed an algorithmmic oddity…

YES, just like you and JAKKOV™, Sally also has tons of downloaded penis pics…

But our proprietary AI scan noticed he only collects pics of really small penises

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d07a29  No.316130

File: d7d6ef8da545e9f⋯.jpg (140.54 KB, 632x571, 632:571, Screenshot_2022_07_06_00_5….jpg)

REALLY small penises

so we impeached Sally

before he was even nominated

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70c683  No.316134


BY THE WAY…. I just want you to know, even IF you were anywhere actually LEGIT (considering your odd behavior of covering your face and trying so hard to recruit people not very likely!) …. EVEN IF YOU ARE LEGIT do you know what kind of people you are up against waiting to ENTRAP YOU and CHARGE YOU for crimes, to break up your little Nazi group!?

Better understand what kinds of bastards are out there and how they operate!!!! Check the new thread, all about it!!!

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70c683  No.316135

File: ba4d20fffe6006f⋯.jpg (107.29 KB, 563x531, 563:531, fedcrowd.jpg)



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2f973f  No.316386

File: 7c312c87827df3d⋯.jpg (254.11 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, Picsart_22_07_07_06_19_04_….jpg)

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2f973f  No.316387

File: 3387eda3e468333⋯.jpg (1.17 MB, 2770x2804, 1385:1402, Picsart_22_07_07_05_47_12_….jpg)

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2f973f  No.316389

File: 4c740d820b6c598⋯.jpg (414.88 KB, 1313x2003, 1313:2003, Picsart_22_07_07_09_12_42_….jpg)

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2f973f  No.316390

File: 0e7cbac9cb0710d⋯.png (2.43 MB, 1080x1465, 216:293, 0e7cbac9cb0710d4b803f6b2e8….png)

File: 651952231e13bf4⋯.jpg (326.67 KB, 1024x520, 128:65, 651952231e13bf4c401d61badf….jpg)

File: 35f5420578cfde4⋯.png (461.2 KB, 768x1024, 3:4, 35f5420578cfde48234686448a….png)

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4bb9a4  No.316531


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659490  No.320849


Man I can’t wait til god wins like he’s done for the last two centuries. That was cool.

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80eec4  No.321516


The Times of Israel


Ketubah of Moe Howard from Three Stooges auctioned for $21,889


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359cfe  No.321638



Sir, Yes Sir!

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ea63de  No.321677



>I don't trust the plan. The plan is blank. fuck the plan


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ecc8d2  No.321729



>Or…is he in protective custody?

wonder how many are?

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9c581f  No.322079


Bolter shells are explosive. Standard bolter shells are .75 calibre. Heavy bolter rounds are 1.00 calibre.

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da0506  No.322085



it's blatantly obvious you are a front-hole

a dried up old roastie at that, full of bitter vetch

you don't want boobs posted because you know you can't compete because of your innate female insecurities

bitter old roasties like you are a net deficit to western societies

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837793  No.322245


Remember when Q posted a bunch of pictures of the same guy wearing various mil uniforms and holding a sign about "not joining the army/navy/AF/marines to fight a war for Israel"?

Lots of "oldfags" validated that.

Was it?

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165be3  No.322344



Fake Q ain't got no taste whatsoever.

probably a result of him having had the coof: all good taste gone.

… or they never had it in the 1st place

Just fake, weak-ass namefagging shitposting left w/o humor or effect

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58a505  No.322532


newspaper on the wall

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355a3b  No.322612


>Has anyone found a cure to long covid yet?

keep taking IVM once a week until it's gone

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1390be  No.323786


NEW - American billionaire family Pritzker has set their sights on a new "God-like" goal: using gender ideology to remake human biology as we know it.

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4899f4  No.323809


Did I just feel an earthquake?

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8481c4  No.323884


Well he covered up bushes war crimes, so seems fitting.

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63ecf1  No.323985


Bless Dr. Zelenko

May we all live like we are dying.

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708a4d  No.324114


hillary upset because more black babies will be born now

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e94bf8  No.324145


Actually I was waiting to see when the big labor dispute with truckers in South Korea would start to have an effect. Car production is way down over there, supply chain issues. No car building, no need for catalytic converters, so demand for palladium goes down

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3c333c  No.324228

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f7a2fb  No.324639


I know, I f7ckered up.

I meant he.

Tks for the correction.

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7cf8c4  No.324778

They listed the people they were going after, after they got rid of HawthornMTG and Gaetz are on their list. probably funded by AOC +3. They can’t win, so they destroy


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db1663  No.324910


Stay between the flags for 5 years!

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2bf7e6  No.324920


That's my Question; Why isn't it in the dough (Q Drops section)?

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e00f6d  No.325180



Fuckin' Hot Wheels?

I wouldn't trust that guy to tell me the color of the sky.

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3612f7  No.325311


You're talking self responsibility and dignity, which is the enemy to a large portion of the U.S population. Gibs me dat!

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6032af  No.325352


MBS is /ourguy, what part of the movie is this?.

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4af411  No.326086


She's representing Kekistan with those colors

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707a52  No.326509



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f42e9b  No.327018


One wife isn't mentioned until the NT when talking about men who would make good church leaders. Lots of supposedly Godly men in the OT had more than one wife, and also many concubines if they were wealthy.

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8f52cc  No.327042


Ok Pocahontas 🙄

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4a0e95  No.327154



You have no ideas, about my response.

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4b8e25  No.327210


only federal agents are allowed to fight

regular citizens are allowed to do nothing other than to accept each and every form of tyranny brought down upon them or else they are "violent extremists"

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842b6b  No.327286


>People get sick & tired of numbers & spooky coincidences & blah blah when they're being systematically murdered & stuff

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df93ed  No.327642


It looka like a post

What do you think it is?

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f85f96  No.328179


>It’s twins 16th birthday today

I have twin granddaughters.

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f7303f  No.328217

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6d2bb6  No.328274




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cdf3ff  No.328360



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80a65c  No.328485

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d3d4bd  No.328724

OK so from the oustide is does look a lot like babyfist et al have brute forced Q's trip via salt rotation until they got the same trip with a different password. Then they deleted the turd in the bed on dcomms like they have been begging for all along.

all these OMG im q but i cant log in anymore because password changed are to add to their current larp.

watch the video with Jim where babyfist confesses at Jim's behest. tell me it's not the same MO: "anons wouldn't terror for us so's we were forceded to so exhort them"

Q and Q+ and Q group are here 24/7, as are anons.

discernment is better than any trip code

all that said, and I have never directly addressed Q that I can recall, and not like he knows, and probably their palantir cum quantum computer variant predicted babyfist's every move, trust babyfist to be babyfist himself, right? so like dude, use a three bang tripcode next time so they can't brute force it.

fuck the "new old" dough too, it's gerbil's efforts in parallel with babyfist.

dan scavino, you rock, you rule, Scavino for Speaker or VP or wherever he can have the greatest effect.

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eddf17  No.328839



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ca3de8  No.329207


the only thing i hate worse than aussies is canadians

why cant we send them all back to africa?

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fc7e38  No.329559


Trump Supporters Channel 🇺🇸, [22.06.22 16:03]

This (https://elamerican.com/uvalde-school-to-be-demolished/) is the scene of a horrific crime where there are many unanswered questions, all revolving around a major law enforcement scandal and cover up. And now they're destroying the evidence.


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45ab8c  No.329629


I don't know what it is about girls shuffle dancing that I find so mesmerizing. Where's that one where the ladies are dancing to an Elvis remix? My fav.

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12ffc1  No.329912


i got the cure for everything that ails him, starting with a "vaccination" to prevent lead poisoning.

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fdb11b  No.330480


>Why do people care what these literal whos are saying about anything?

People don't care. The media does. She works for someone important to them.

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472b99  No.330531


>auth'd by Rusty

You mean the guy who flew a drone on Epstein's isle? I'm unaware of what the hell you expect me to care about here. Sure it was great getting evidence for anon's but fuck off namefaggot. He got himself kicked off of youtube on purpose so even he probably knew these assholes were gonna game his ident.

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e49891  No.330925







>FBI Warns of Attacks on Food Plants after Attacks on Food Plants

"Someone should ask the FBI what their demands are"

(saw a dozen breads ago or so, kek)

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49083a  No.331643


A lot of people feel they deserve an explanation, me not so much!

What’s the deal buddy, we go back together real far.

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d2d041  No.331792


it is done

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db7750  No.332240

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5bce2c  No.332246


The Epoch Times, [15.06.22 21:10]

Childhood Trauma and Violence Are Risk Factors Existing in Majority of US Mass Shooters

READ: https://www.theepochtimes.com/childhood-trauma-and-violence-are-risk-factors-existing-in-majority-of-us-mass-shooters_4533400.html?utm_medium=epochtimes&utm_source=telegram

@EpochTimes |📱Download Our App (https://app.adjust.com/y91pc85)

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f397e8  No.332566

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baf88b  No.333043

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607c18  No.333182


The part where they can't distinguish love from sex…that part…

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c72d69  No.333514


No, I have not.

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89fa9c  No.333951


Be proud.

Pick your phone.

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68581c  No.334068


liberal fems refusing the sexy time

liberal soys sterilizing themselves

gene pool increase looks to be trending up in the foreseeable future

win win

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a1cb65  No.334141


Wave after wave

DNA activations


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63f891  No.334448


and no sex.

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0fd6dd  No.334592


He said it would be on Google by end of May. He failed.

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f6df88  No.334598

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6ffc88  No.334937


>The Catholic Church

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48260b  No.335158


>He's Vaccine injured

Prove to me this anon is vaccine injured…prove te me you actually give a shit!

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d48d4d  No.335301


I didn't ignore anything. Jesus said ALL THESE THINGS ARE DONE IN PARABLE.

You have the choice to seek the Truth of what it says, or how I like to put it, look past the words and see the Word. It's up to you whether you seek the Truth or not.

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39a385  No.335564




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0879af  No.335699

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904603  No.336085

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81593f  No.336266


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/J31ipo7YCJQ" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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25d863  No.336278


No chance yet huh

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1481cb  No.336899


A good last message from Zelensky (apart from the cleansing bit (of innocents only))

finishes at 6.35, ad after

vaccinating kids with CV-19 'vaccine' is evil- it's either a death sentence or a life of sterility

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d30526  No.337008


>You constantly post but don't speak openly. Tell them who the girl is coward.

No because like I said I will prefer to live a private life with my future wife, end of story.

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f0ffb5  No.337056


I'm Austin Steinbart. Who are you?

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81593f  No.337117

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fb3447  No.337205


It's an ancient trick (magic).

It works better when some of the "prescribed penalties" are eternal and administered by "God", but can be mitigated by giving sufficient financial and/or political support to the Temple Masters.

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709f40  No.337905

i bet Dan is laughing his ass off rn

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f5510f  No.337963


Translation: Have a good night, see you later!

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f6b41e  No.338041


We The Ultra Media ⛈⛈⛈, [25.06.22 11:11]


[ Album ]

8Bit is the original board owner for QResearch on 8Kun where Q Posts. You may want to read his thread on truth social.


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a9bdcb  No.338073

Tucker reporting from Braziland the dangers of China creating a beach head there, etc.

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979ff7  No.338193

Do you REALLY want to know how they get those black eyes, what it's called, and why they do it?

Will you believe me if I told you, or will you revert to childish insults, calling names and probably calling me a jew, because the truth, differs from your truth?

I know all about the "Eye of Ra" why it's done, who it's done to, etc.

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45adf3  No.338295

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3410cc  No.338358


>711 not even 1 meme on this


Q Research General #20961: New Days Ahead Full Edition




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b5aab1  No.338732

The Senate has reached a deal on gun control legislation Sunday after 10 RINO Republicans are reported to join Democrats in a 60-vote threshold.

The deal does NOT include Joe Biden’s proposals to ban “assault weapons” or “high-capacity” magazines and raise the minimum age of purchasing firearms to 21, but it does expand background checks for individuals under 21.

Additionally, the deal includes Republican proposals like expanded mental health services and school safety measures.

However, the agreement would incentivize states to pass their own “red flag” laws to establish gun purchase restrictions on individuals a judge has deemed a threat.

Biden thanked the Senate for getting a gun control deal ironed out despite the fact it doesn’t ban “assault weapons.”


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5b7f0d  No.339025



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e68868  No.339045


Trips ^^^


May be linked to his next post TO15581

What tricks are played now to hide Biden’s secret migrant flights? This iAero flight went from El Paso, TX, to Jacksonville, FL, today and then its flight plan was Jacksonville to… Jacksonville 🤔 but mysteriously it was “diverted” to HPN, aka White Plains, landing after 10pm

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8fe142  No.339257


Why is there a "Need" for symbolism?

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4a46c6  No.339289


This is where the Shills love to remind us all that Ignatius came from a Family of Coversios which is supposed to lead us to the thought that all Jesuits are Jews!


Like Bernhard Stemple, the Jesuit journalist who both edited and wrote parts of "Hitler's" Mein Kampf.

Few understand the awesomeness.

Much better than any Fiction.


Kick ass Rally that just so happened to be at the Faith and Freedom conference kek

We Love You, Bossfag!

no homo

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abb774  No.339620

Q all anons are pumped you are back. IT HAS NOT BEEN EASY. Please let's get some ass kicking going. The lunatics are running the asylum. We are all ready to serve our country! MEMES AT THE READY!

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4d0cf6  No.339674


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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74657a  No.339943

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69cab7  No.340047

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cefcd0  No.340140


Do a dildo with Obama and Harris fighting for position to swallow it.

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45b1a8  No.340612

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bf1372  No.340888

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45b1a8  No.340898







FREEDOM RALLY, ERIC of Liberty Party; on Medical Tyranny

great rant on the NWO , WHO Cult who are Trying to Kill us All

Amazing how their all agitated about "no more right to kill unborn child"

but pretty much ties into "forcing death-clot injections on born babies"

and not raising a peep about it?

Or even looking into it?

I know they are a death cult; is that why they easily agree to take an injection with is for their own death; eugenics for the cult?

Is it a spiritual submissions to the will of the "Serpent Cult"?


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a3ee78  No.341014


Chelsea beats Arsenal 4 to 3


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3918c9  No.341053



Kudos to the creator.


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5331b2  No.341538


That contract ended when he was cheated out of office.


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f3fa12  No.341564


What price freedom?


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8d3cfe  No.341716


I like the way you think. Makes perfect sense to me.


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448cdf  No.341861

Q I know you’re lurking right now just had a quick question..

Who is the ‘first arrest’ that will ‘shock the world’?

Pic rel?



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b6e176  No.341877


I have never opposed Q.


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c48adf  No.342138

So Q is legit back yeah?

Am excited.


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095891  No.342483


bitch be fuckin wit us


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c0ac8f  No.342734


He lined them all up like the misfit recruits they are.


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881027  No.342928

Reallyinteresting historical perspective of meritocracy. The ruling familes of history were not interested in success but the status quo. If you have time watch it explains the leftists and their belief that we all should be like them and obey our masters.

And it also reveals the DS is and always has been a meritocracy, they didn’t earn it by accomplishment, but they got it by the ability to cheat. The Mafia runs the planet

One of my takes, leftists are inherently stupid, and far far right are equally the same is another conclusion.

They reason of meritocracy dying, and replaced with technocracy is why they started dumbing down America in the late 50’s and 60’s. The government that backed public school on the early 1900s only wanted us to be machine operators. They realized they failed in the early 60s, because the education stimulated the minds of many and so “they” (Trilateral Commission was created), and they had to insert marxist communist education to ruin the future of the “not meritocracy” and creating the Technocracy. Just my take, not saying its true

Trilateral Commission under Carter Brezinski realized that the 1960-70s youth had to much free speech so in 1973 they passed the Trilateral Commission and they infiltrated education, unions and the economy and applied this plan. Good article on the beginning of TC


#Meritocracy #Foucault #IQ

Meritocracy or ElseDr. Adrian Wooldridge & Dr. Jordan B. Peterson


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97c258  No.343162

I have a more interesting task for you anons. Try to decode this [obj] in message


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19f21c  No.343189



packing the court with pedo enablers and retards, there goes the supreme court


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0f665e  No.343258




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4c34de  No.343316

From NightShift, no sauce but the idea needs carry over:

Anons, pay attention to the Buffalo shooter story. For the first time the inside story behind most of these shooters is coming out. The 'retired FBI agent' that was coaching the shooter was his HANDLER.

Here's how they develop these shooters:

1. Find a mentally disturbed individual through police reports.

2. Assign FBI handler (or paid contractor, usually ex FBI)

3. FBI handler guides the individual to FBI paid psychiatrist.

4. FBI paid psychiatrist puts individual on cocktail of mood stabilizers (destabilizers) and anti depressants (causes depression).

5. FBI handler coaches and instructs individual in weapons and creates a cash flow (usually from drug or human trafficking) for the individual.

6. 5g is used (unclear if it is in concert with certain drugs) to further destabilize individual.

7. When needed, the FBI handler activates / coaches the individual with a specific target with specific instructions while in the background the FBI handler coordinates with local government/authorities/unions/corporations as applicable to provide a clear path for the activated individual.

Now this is important to understand - The FBI has THOUSANDS of handlers handling TENS OF THOUSANDS of 'ready to activate' MK ULTRA shooters.

Pay attention to Buffalo - the Alliance is starting to reveal the methodology. Soon they won't be able to walk down public streets.


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748b99  No.343497




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2ba43b  No.343593


The Smile on Hillary's face is an expensive thing to maintain, every American must suffer to pay for that sunny smile


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754d1f  No.343913


You sauce it, you didnt listen to them. Dont be lazy agent orange


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d98505  No.344303


QUESTION. Any anons see this post?


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2ee83c  No.344733


>DDG “caucuses” and “10 lost tribes”


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f8dfc5  No.344783


It’s easy?


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76878c  No.345356


Biden couldn’t start a war if his son’s crack infested dick was going into his grand daughters daughters brothers daughters daughters life depended on it.


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fc19b4  No.345369

Anons I just seen this out there on the DarkWeb.

Nothing is off the table in the upcoming MAGA PATRIOTS free for all… 100% off the hook totally insane brutally against the democrats.


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d49473  No.345371

no, just a veteran saving new eyes the effort for the benefit of experience


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729643  No.345422

Q makes me moist.


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e50b91  No.345771








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4b2ae9  No.345869

Breads are moving !! …"Q" or Q either way feeling pretty comfy tonight !!!

Fuckin Kek


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5e4911  No.345938

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