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/pnd/ - Politics, News, Debate

and shitslinging
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File: d11ec7f5fd0de48⋯.jpg (1.07 MB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Caca_4_.jpg)

1d2803  No.315736 [Last 50 Posts]

Straight truth, brother.

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1d2803  No.315741

You're all in denial of the poop.

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6ee3d6  No.315769


9-5, poop clan chiming in, let's fucking fart my guys.

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6ee3d6  No.315775

File: f07cd6363319444⋯.jpg (28.95 KB, 640x480, 4:3, poo73.JPG)

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6ee3d6  No.315776

File: 02c069616043676⋯.jpg (718.61 KB, 1600x1200, 4:3, fecal.jpg)


Fecal frustrastion.

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6ee3d6  No.315777

File: 2ca84f2b6bb514d⋯.jpg (160.73 KB, 1137x978, 379:326, dung.jpg)


but king of the hill.

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6ee3d6  No.315782

File: af230dd31da3cca⋯.jpg (62.31 KB, 537x378, 179:126, chk.jpg)


chk em

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6ee3d6  No.315785

File: 484a711face772a⋯.jpg (115.76 KB, 1152x605, 1152:605, wew.jpg)

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6ee3d6  No.315786

File: bb5ef4beda8aae3⋯.jpg (23.88 KB, 250x250, 1:1, poocandle.jpg)


I deny nothing

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1d2803  No.315810

That's some shit, soul brother!!

Shit is the fucking shit, bitch!!!

Sit and spin on the shit!!


Oh shit!!! That was a WET FART!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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3075c4  No.315829

literal shitslinging

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6ee3d6  No.315839

File: 545739c38ee37e4⋯.jpg (56.4 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, fukinshitinkoontz.jpg)


where the fuck do you think you are 4cuk where logical discussion is rampant???!1!

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2dfb54  No.315905

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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1bcbfd  No.315971

File: 7fcc32e2d88b51c⋯.jpg (58.47 KB, 355x592, 355:592, plumberbummer.jpg)

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c321d4  No.316259

Groove tonight, set your farts alight.

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5d74a6  No.316261

Talking to demons again?

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5d74a6  No.316263

Cousin Steven Paul Smith AKA Elliott Smith.

And Doctor Micheal Trenton Reznor.

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5d74a6  No.316264


Michael my cousin?

Meant Michael Trenton Reznor.

Of Nine Inch Nails.

I'm a daemon.

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5d74a6  No.316265

Worship Satan at fdl, wi.

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5d74a6  No.316267

Steven is near Lakeside.

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5d74a6  No.316269

You can buy Ryan and Mike's art in fdl, wi.

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45338f  No.316302

Shaft is dead, but alive in our hearts and in the minds of funk fakers who think that keepin' it real isn't what you need to fade in on.

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646b03  No.316398

No groove tonight? Says who?!

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646b03  No.316424

You ain't the boss of me, bitch!!

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646b03  No.316456

Groove in progress.


What we all live for.




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dbc782  No.316493

File: 287967b291f2b57⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 5.95 MB, 616x640, 77:80, poop_groovin.gif)

Watch me move

Imma funk this shit up

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dbc782  No.316494

File: 287967b291f2b57⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 5.95 MB, 616x640, 77:80, poop_groovin.gif)


They say that cat Shaft is a bad mo-

(Shut yo' mouth)

But I'm talkin' 'bout Shaft

Who's yo daddy bitch!

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4bbd64  No.316501


who is the funky cat with the sick moves?

is that ben affleck?

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45338f  No.316546

Trance groove is the next level.







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45338f  No.316583

Groove, brother.

Groove, sister.


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64fd98  No.316715

Groove extended family.

Unless you're "trans".

Then groove off a cliff.

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3f254d  No.316842

An oven works as well.

Power the world with your scarred corpse.

"Gender confirmation surgery"?!


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64fd98  No.316910

Time to 41% up this place.

Tranny please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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64fd98  No.317188

50% or higher!

C'mon trannies. I KNOW you can do it!!!!!!!!

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9ca2fb  No.318094

Trannies in the house?!

Crazy shit, brother!

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9ca2fb  No.319146

Shit but no poop.

That is the REAL tragedy.

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131015  No.321088



You’re seeing it.

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aeca49  No.321408




tyb here's some notes to start with

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36ea1b  No.321506



> anons ignore you

>notable calls are just ignored.

Anons read the board.

It doesn't need to be 'notable' to be noticed.

It difficult to say with any certainty what gets 'ignored' or 'seen'

Anons archive their own shit off the board as they go.

Notables been pretty much useless since end of 2018 anyways.

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c491f7  No.321805



They're just spreading democracy anons.

Nothing to see here.

> https://leavittinstitute.org/about-tli/

> https://leavittinstitute.org/about-tli/chelom-leavitt/


Chelom Leavitt graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in Economics in 1988. She then attended the J. Reuben Clark Law School and earned a J.D. in 1992. During her 20 years of private practice, Chelom focused on mediation and alternative dispute resolution. In 2004 Chelom and David took their family to Ukraine to help the ABA with the CEELI program. Their relationships and experiences in Ukraine prompted the creation of TLI in 2005.Chelom began the duties of president of TLI in 2006. In 2010-2011, she was invited to be a Ukrainian Fulbright Fellow and taught as a Fulbright visiting professor in the Psychology Department at Shevchenko National University in Kyiv, Ukraine. Following her fellowship, she received a master’s degree in Marriage, Family, and Human Development from Brigham Young University in 2011. She received her PhD at Penn State in the Human Development and Family Studies department. Chelom recently accepted a faculty position at Brigham Young University in the School of Family Life. Chelom and her husband, David, have seven children and reside in Orem, Utah.


The Leavitt Institute for International Development (TLI) is dedicated to spreading democracy, ethics, and the rule of law in developing nations.

Organized in 2005 by David and Chelom Leavitt, TLI operates under the premise that seasoned legal professionals can share their experience and knowledge in order to help push democratic reforms.

TLI began with private donations from the Leavitt family and friends and a small handful of volunteers. Today, TLI operates in multiple cities in eastern Europe, teaching and shaping the minds of the next generation of leaders.

As part of its efforts, TLI involves some of the brightest international relations specialists and legal minds throughout the world to teach democratic principles, rule of law, and ethics. TLI teachers are experienced judges, prosecutors, criminal defense attorneys, and legal counselors from the United States and Canada. They lecture on a variety of subjects and make a lasting impression on the minds of their students.

TLI relies on the support of legal professionals willing to travel to developing nations and share their knowledge with ambitious law students. Each professional’s donation of time and resources is small, but its impact is being felt throughout the world.

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3fdddd  No.322801



Biden is President.

That's why its all fucked up.

In reality none of it matters.

'They' control it all.

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9f7930  No.323073


Can you feel it?!

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934b8b  No.323530


oh look, a monkey in a suit

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71a27d  No.324031


New Notables:

-Putin is a legend

-Maxwell is as good as dead

-Whitmer is a coke addict

-Q will post this evening at 7:53 EST

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2e43cc  No.324285

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c7202b  No.324573


I know who this is.

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92472b  No.324662



Not without bewbs. Rules are rules.

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17ee39  No.324776


Get back in your mom and try again sucker.

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4d0b10  No.325047



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2146cc  No.325072

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914bc6  No.325170


+2 weeks now…

Poor lil' fighter…

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69d9b8  No.325272


Aint that the fucking truth.

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655e6f  No.326003


Nice timestamp.

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4c6da6  No.326541

babуlon has already fallen


the corpse is simply still twitching

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60a5dd  No.326732

State vs. Church

Myanmar army troops set fire to Catholic church in Karenni State

A column from LID 66 torched and mined the religious site after suffering casualties in clashes with area resistance forces, a KNDF spokesperson says

The military torched a Catholic church in Demoso Township, Karenni (Kayah) State, on Wednesday and laid landmines in the surrounding area before leaving, the spokesperson for a local resistance force said.

Junta forces occupied the church compound in Daw Ngay Khu in the morning, and within hours had set fire to the main worship building, the community hall and the priest’s home, according to the information officer for the Karenni Nationalities Defence Force (KNDF).

“There was a clash. They came into the village and began to set up a base in the church compound. They torched the church when they left,” he told Myanmar Now.


Anon opines: In the civilized west, this sort of persecution is outsourced to contractors like BLM and Jane's Revenge.

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7a6ef7  No.326972


>avuncular, unctuous

Lay it down, anon.

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f895ef  No.327056

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55248f  No.327587


Not only pizza hut.


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ae91cc  No.328174


>Its a year since McAfee left…


For the notes, ya know?

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6f6e4b  No.329489


>We have in total 16 low-orbit satellites, with 0.5 to 10 meters global remote ultra-high optical resolution sensing and imaging capabilities

Can you see my balls from space?

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bdd33a  No.329975


Shit wrong pic

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d1ade2  No.330310


Hollywood Liberals Lose Their Minds Over SCOTUS Decision On Roe

They aren’t the most stable people in the world.

But we all knew that!

The Majority should be in a psych ward

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e0c51c  No.331023



Good meme

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33c0f4  No.331025


Not a shill.

Don’t call me names.

It hurts muh feels.

You fuck.

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c0eea7  No.331152

Will caca rescue us?!

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24dc0b  No.331163

Since you are a glow nigger slider, EVERY THREAD YOU BUMP I WILL MIRROR TRUTH!!!!

66% Republicans, 63% Independents and 46% Democrats have lost trust in their corrupt government:



It is so much worse than most people would want to know even when they ask to know.

Just forget about trying to disarm the public for a moment and focus on what they are doing right now. They have rolled out mass NSA surveillance (originally meant for terrorists and foreign agents) against the American population. They're depopulating us by deliberately destroying our economy, killing us with toxic-laced "vaccines" while spraying aluminum oxide, barium salts and radioactive strontium in the skies every day (chemtrails/geo-engineering), they've opened up our borders so anyone and everyone from the third world can flood in and replace the native populations within the next two decades, they openly lie to us about everything even when caught red-handed, they give taxpayer money to incentivize absurd abusive perverted sexual mutilation propaganda to our children in public schools, they have violated basic HIPAA laws that protect our medical privacy from third parties, they bring our military into endless wars which we forever lose and then the corrupt VA denies basic care to the veterans, they created massive amounts of national debt to consolidate power and wealth among themselves while driving everyone else to inflationary poverty, they have shut down nearly all domestic oil and gas leases that would have helped solve price inflation….. you can't even make this shit up. They've deliberately destroyed this country.

>>320462 (OP)

Trust is to be earned idiot. Not immediately and endlessly privileged! And you lost the trust! Well done assholes.

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24dc0b  No.331177

7/26/22 Part 1

West Point graduates sign letter challenging corrupt leadership of US military academy: https://justthenews.com/government/security/west-point-graduates-sign-letter-challenging-leadership-military-academy

▲ MY COMMENT: This is EXACTLY what I first warned about from the 7/21/22 Part 1 update! Check that one out, it's all mirrored. I specifically said the clot shot mandates and so-called "woke" policies are destroying the military's credibility and causing their recruiting base to rapidly plummet and IT IS!!! Even veterans on Youtube backed me on this issue!! And NOW THIS report comes out! We all told you so!!!


Newest Poll Indicates Most Americans Know Our Government Is Corrupted (66% Republicans, 63% Independents and 46% Democrats Lost Trust): https://reason.com/2022/07/25/most-americans-think-government-is-corrupt-a-third-say-armed-revolution-may-be-necessary-soon/

▲ MY COMMENT: Trust is to be earned, NOT immediately and endlessly privileged! Those who lose trust are obviously doing wrong!!!

Upper middle-income Americans have built up less savings, lost more in the market downturn and face higher average inflation in 2022: https://www.wsj.com/articles/the-upper-middle-class-is-getting-squeezed-11658741402

While Blackstone may be preparing to snap up some $50 billion in real estate during the coming crash, a constellation of out-of-state institutional investors, led by private equity firms and real estate investment trusts, have been swooping in to buy mobile home parks - where they've been raising rents and neglecting to perform necessary repairs. In short, corporate vultures are taking advantage of one of the most vulnerable demographics in the country; some 22 million low-income Americans across 43,000 communities - many of whom are elderly and the disabled who are surviving on social security, disability payments and other forms of fixed income. The purchases are putting residents in a bind, since most mobile homes — despite the name — cannot be moved easily or cheaply. Owners are forced to either accept unaffordable rent increases, spend thousands of dollars to move their home, or abandon it and lose tens of thousands of dollars they invested: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/private-equity-vultures-target-trailer-parks-hiking-rents-and-neglecting-repairs

MY COMMENT: No one needs to be told by government we are in a recession. In fact, we are not in a recession anymore. America is in the middle of another GREAT DEPRESSION! I am getting sick and tired of "recession this" "recession that" reporting. It is far far worse today and America has far more poverty today than we did during the first great depression! It was simply unreported and swept under the rug!!! EBT Cards ARE the modern "Food Stamps" and millions rely on them today! Worse: At least during the first great depression there were a lot more farmers and ranchers, and the average family knew how to garden, hunt, fish, raise and even butcher livestock to eat. Today you have cities full of people who have next to no skills what-so-ever that rely on the supply chain for everything! Imagine what happens when the supply chain fully breaks down and we face hyperinflation! You see all those mainstream articles promoting cannibalism today? That's exactly what these despotic criminals want for your future!!

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24dc0b  No.331178


7/26/22 Part 2

Russia is ready to develop a new global reserve currency alongside China and other BRICS nations, in a potential challenge to the dominance of the US dollar. President Vladimir Putin signaled the new reserve currency would be based on a basket of currencies from the group's members: Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa: https://www.businessinsider.in/stock-market/news/russia-and-china-are-brewing-up-a-challenge-to-dollar-dominance-by-creating-a-new-reserve-currency/articleshow/92437095.cms

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban on Saturday called for peace talks between the US and Russia to end the war in Ukraine and said the EU needs a new approach to the conflict: https://news.antiwar.com/2022/07/24/hungarys-orban-says-us-russia-peace-talks-needed-to-end-ukraine-war/

Ukrainian Foreign Affairs Minister Dmytro Kuleba calls European energy dependence an "addiction" that needs to stop: http://ukranews.com/en/news/871605-only-way-out-in-putin-s-gas-war-against-europe-is-to-strike-back-kuleba

▲ MY COMMENT: I get the fact Putin can be an asshole but Europe needs oil and gas. Whether or not it comes from Russia or anywhere else, first world countries need oil & gas. If you do not have oil & gas you simply become third world, it's just the way it goes, it's not an addiction, it's a lifestyle necessity for first world living standards! Anyone claiming this is an "addiction" should be forced to live a year off-grid to see how the third world lives. No air conditioning. No central heating. No modern refrigeration. No electrical stoves. No television. No internet. And I am one who has solar power so I know the deal, I paid 10K for a 3000 watt inverter with 12 panels that can power SOME basic appliances, yes. But even then that energy is heavily rationed as 3000 watts is not much! I really only power it up for emergencies to keep my frozen foods from spoiling and the well pump going, along with a few lights. Otherwise to cook during a crisis I use a small portable propane stove. Well worth the investments but no way to live 24/7.

Videos of Russian trains arriving with additional armored war machines, have been published on various social media the past three days and one thing has become clear: there is a GIANT escalation coming against Ukraine: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/trainloads-of-additional-russian-armor-arriving-against-ukraine-giant-escalation-coming

Rumors are now exploding that the US has decided to assassinate Ukrainian President Zelensky claiming he's not useful to them anymore. MY COMMENT: I do not see why Western governments would do this honestly. If they were willing to do this, why not listen to what Viktor Orban said and just force Ukraine into some kind of peace agreement with Russia instead? FACT: The ONLY reason Zelensky is fighting Russia is he knows the US and NATO are on his side and are supplying them with decent equipment to fight!!! The very second Zelensky is told otherwise and is cut off the MIC big bux $$$ I would not doubt he and his administration would be scrambling for a peace deal and waving the white flag!! He knows Ukraine would be FUCKED, himself included, if he did not have the US and NATO on his side!!! As for Zelensky and Putin being covert Jews: Jews can and do kill other Jews too, corruption can have conflicts from within, it does not mean they all agree with each other, it simply means they use us "goyim" as their cannon fodder and I think that's their modus operandi for various agendas fought!!

On July 25th, the [Russian] military of the Donetsk People’s Republic declared the beginning of mop up operations in the Vuhlehirska power station located on the western outskirts of the city of Svetlodarsk: https://southfront.org/battle-for-vuhlehirska-power-plant-remaining-ukrainian-forces-are-surrounded/

The Ukrainian military repelled another attempt of assaults by Russian aggressors in Donetsk region in the Kramatorsk and Bakhmut directions. The enemy was repulsed: http://ukranews.com/en/news/871642-afu-repulse-assaults-and-repulse-enemy-in-2-directions-general-staff

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80b398  No.331534

Donald J. Trump / @realDonaldTrump

06/08/2022 14:51:43

Truth Social: 108443356608331509

A perfect night of Endorsements, 16-0, and some of them tough races!


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a4f321  No.331826



I thought so too.

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8b7836  No.331846


You need a booster, don’t you?

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42368f  No.331885


You have been spamming this all day and then called me stupid when I called you out. Stop trying to sow division and confusion for the newer anons on here.

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00d738  No.332303

Address the mental health crisis…

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8b7836  No.332496


GASP rices

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45886a  No.332912


In the 246 years since early Americans first declared and eventually won their independence from Great Britain, “we the people” have managed to work ourselves right back under the tyrant’s thumb.

Only this time, the tyrant is one of our own making: the American Police State.

The abuses meted out by an imperial government and endured by the American people have not ended. They have merely evolved.

“We the people” are still being robbed blind by a government of thieves.

We are still being taken advantage of by a government of scoundrels, idiots and monsters.

We are still being locked up by a government of greedy jailers.

We are still being spied on by a government of Peeping Toms.

We are still being ravaged by a government of ruffians, rapists and killers.

We are still being forced to surrender our freedoms—and those of our children—to a government of extortionists, money launderers and corporate pirates.

And we are still being held at gunpoint by a government of soldiers: a standing army in the form of a militarized police.

Given the fact that we are a relatively young nation, it hasn’t taken very long for an authoritarian regime to creep into power.

Unfortunately, the bipartisan coup that laid siege to our nation did not happen overnight.

It snuck in under our radar, hiding behind the guise of national security, the war on drugs, the war on terror, the war on immigration, political correctness, hate crimes and a host of other official-sounding programs aimed at expanding the government’s power at the expense of individual freedoms.

The building blocks for the bleak future we’re just now getting a foretaste of—police shootings of unarmed citizens, profit-driven prisons, weapons of compliance, a wall-to-wall surveillance state, pre-crime programs, a suspect society, school-to-prison pipelines, militarized police, overcriminalization, SWAT team raids, endless wars, etc.—were put in place by government officials we trusted to look out for our best interests.

As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People and in its fictional counterpart The Erik Blair Diaries, the problems we are facing will not be fixed overnight: that is the grim reality with which we must contend.

Yet that does not mean we should give up or give in or tune out. What we need to do is declare our independence from the tyranny of the American police state.


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bc54ab  No.333097



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42368f  No.333158


No plastic dumpsters were harmed in the making of a town destruction. I lost my stuff, my bad. I had a lot of pics. No appliances in the ruins, no marble slabs, nothing but Waste Management dumpsters.

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929c90  No.333190

I, flash or flush the toilet, thank you

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babe05  No.333220


>there's a HUMAN CULL story nearby…. in 3, 3, 1 . . .

You reworking the countdown?

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f90a30  No.333302


Smart Anons use the filter judiciously.

Top Tip: Only shills care if you filter.

Don't believe iy, then filter me. See if I give a fuck.

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11ef4a  No.333691



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3e10f8  No.334496

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d94877  No.334544


this place is what you make it

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fdfb26  No.334852


Yup and the data inside came from 2003, think its gotten better?

Nope very implausible, its worse

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fbb47a  No.335030


Interesting only in the sense I have just reached my 10 day hold on a rifle in Washington state. Hold is initiated because someone can't get their shit together. Waiting to hear from my FFL, seems to be ghosting me

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a338de  No.335254

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6926f5  No.335274

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f590d2  No.335467


Political regime change, Saied publishes draft of new constitution

Tunisian President Kais Saied published on Thursday the new constitution that will be the subject of the upcoming referendum.

The Tunisian Government Gazette noted that the new constitution involves a change of the country's political regime to a presidential system, which gives additional powers to the president.

It also noted that this constitution will limit the role of parliament, with the exception of its role in monitoring the president and government.

President Saied, the gazette said, will continue to rule by decrees until a new parliament is elected in December.

In addition, the new constitution prevents the judiciary from going on strike, while also guaranteeing the freedom of thought, opinion, press, congregation, and publishing.

The proposed constitution says the position of president is a right for every Tunisian that does not hold a different nationality, the president may only renew his candidacy for one additional term, and the president will be the one exercising executive power with the assistance of a government headed by a prime minister.

Journalists' syndicate: Approval, opposition and boycott of referendum must be respected

Tunisia's journalists' syndicate called for the guaranteeing of the right of all factions that believe in a democratic civil state to express their stances in the media, noting that the role of the elections committee is to guarantee plurality, fairness, and the right of all opinions to be broadcasted in media, rather than be excluded.

The syndicate further stressed that positions in favor of or against, or even calling for the boycott of the referendum, are stances that must be respected, and their right to be expressed must also be respected.

It also reiterated its stance against the systematic policy of exclusion being adopted by the Tunisian television organization.

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684678  No.335525

Contaminated Soil? As an avid gardener, I grow crops from seed & sell plant starts. This year, I lost over a dozen trays of starts! One of the homesteaders I subscribe to on YT also had a similar experience. What is going on??


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c2841d  No.335692


>not even a close second


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0ed03c  No.336987


Former milanon.

<That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, –That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

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90ebce  No.337080


This sounds like that nigger who came here, pretending he was a personal friend of Q, worked on his satellites and was part of designing space force lol.

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98780a  No.337129



- There is no guarantee that the abortion one will be one of them.

- If not, the next decision release date is Thursday.

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86d41c  No.337215

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0f97c1  No.337220

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62f558  No.337289


sauce, please! for this twat

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30a614  No.337806


81 million bots voted for Biden.

Bots for Biden.

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8c3d93  No.337865


>Has the pope made any comments?

I thought this one was important

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b1196c  No.337914

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b34b69  No.337966

Musical interlude

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7437bd  No.338262

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6fdd23  No.338353


Freedom from globalism, the state, the feds, the tyrants and the tyranny.

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4df529  No.338628



Nice time stamp.

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8d8bf2  No.338684





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61be43  No.339194


I'll say it again. First in line for coffee date with Cassidy.


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ff5d0a  No.339318


I dont think people like Jesse or her actually have sex with love, its fucking and moving on

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a200a6  No.339487


boobs look like a pair of onions

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37f450  No.339661



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84c8e5  No.340781

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48fd59  No.340911


>Q bears a striking resemblance to Bolshevik Psy-Op "Operation Trust".


>Read it for yourselves.

you set the time machine to the wrong date. Operation Trust fags were here 2 years ago


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257172  No.341451


It's not because sugar is a means monopoly, but because they are using it to make population sick and 'dependent' on the government.


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561ab7  No.341537


they are just out of their miind and very desperate

As I said "French Revolution"

next step they bring out the guillitine

Lucky DJTrump has his own private security detail

We are lucky he's so rich.

A man of ordinary means could never beat them.


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31bdaa  No.341886


Manchin doesn't support a gas tax holiday either.


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4d874a  No.341931


how would djt have control of brandons acc & why would he?

brandon does ok on own <useful idiot>


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eb905e  No.342265


What if I told you it wasn't the Jews?


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fd2f23  No.343048


when he was lurking around a Trump rally

which I believe was the real target he just could not pull it off


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b57c3b  No.343075


So exactly 1,701 dyas after Q1 (a sort of "Q+") he's probably landing atQuincyInt Airport, outside Quincy, IL in a tiny town with his first name in it.

Within 24 hours of Q's reappearance after 561 days gone.


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ff7ac3  No.343210


Mine were in private Christian schooling.

I admit little experience over past 2=decades with public school system. Stuck in the corruptest of blue states.


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1726da  No.343240


I don't know what your intention is, or what you mean to achieve with this meme, but the first, second and third postulates are false.

Jews don't always lie, just the evil ones most of the time.

Also, it's not just shills who say such things, but anons.

'Always' is too harsh.

The meme is weak; but continue to post it if it spins your tiny wheels.


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bcca99  No.343389


Correct. Tool gave their label a huge "go fuck yourself". Keenan is a smart dude. That band is very talented.


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6ca2b9  No.343652


Ding, ding, ding!!!


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2a7110  No.343691


Guess what? It was Covid.

Kovtun died Saturday of a COVID-19-induced illness. Russian news reports said he died at a hospital in Moscow.

A former agent for the KGB and its post-Soviet successor agency FSB, Litvinenko defected from Russia in 2000 and fled to London. He became involved in exposing corruption and links to organized crime in the Russian intelligence service.


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500deb  No.343736


I suppose it will eventually come to that. Or it’s funding could be eliminated


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bd6083  No.344093


>Please get me one too! Thanks!

I am sorry but it requires that (you) are just that; skull & bones, now are you too?


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024477  No.344239


Look at the poor Hobbit, living like that is worse than death.


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69adc0  No.345111

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20c8d3  No.345527


“It all depends on the behavior of Russia. Can we really live in a world where Putin’s let back into the New World Order?”

Confirmation that Putin is a good guy and left the NWO.


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aed521  No.345950


computing = 1/0

quantum = 1-16


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