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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 95a8525698a0676⋯.jpg (130.28 KB, 889x889, 1:1, 20220701_134237.jpg)

3eb986  No.314928 [Last 50 Posts]

Today I have made 50 revolutions around the sun. Come on and drink with me. For my birthday, I want that weird bot to come in here and turn this into a 300 post thread.

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84777d  No.314947


I'm afraid you're going to have to settle for a mirror 247 today, because my wife and I are actually going to join you in celebrating being alive…

We are going to get a bottle of single malt scotch, and she's actually getting dressed as we speak ready to go out the door…

There's a particular Mexican natural soft drink, and apple soft drink that's very fresh light and delicious, and believe it or not I add it to my single malt scotch for the perfect marriage between peat moss and apples…

Sounds weird, until you've had one

So we're going to be joining you in the celebration…

Notice I didn't say we are celebrating your birthday..

Because I'm not sure exactly what a day is, so I'm definitely not sure what a year is, because last time I checked, if I went 250 MI straight up through the ionosphere, somewhere within a cock hair shy of the international space station, what time is it? What day is it?

What if I continued outward, another 250…..500 more miles away from Earth….

Turn around and look back at planet Earth and tell me what year is it?

Time is a construct of our perception enhanced by our imagination..

Yesterday requires imagination to remember and tomorrow requires imagination to hypothesize

Same goes with 10 minutes ago and 10 minutes from now

All you will ever have is this tiny little moment in time

Imagine a string stretched tight, with no beginning and no endpoint

Now imagine a bead with a hole through it sliding down that string…

You will always be the bead, and no matter how far you go, you'll always be trapped in this little millisecond Right here and now

So we have a human trait of saying "oh now that I'm an adult my birthday doesn't mean anything anymore", when in all actuality, we were all conditioned into believing that was our special day…

So here's a little reality check for you, birthday boy…

There are only 365 days in a year

And there are 8 billion humans on planet Earth

If you divide 8 billion by 365, you'll quickly realize this isn't such a special day for just you after all…

So instead of celebrating and imaginary year or an imaginary day based upon a static location a fixed to a globe suspended in a vacuum spinning around a nuclear explosion..

She and I are going to celebrate being alive with you

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84777d  No.314953



Not mirror

I'm the only BOT that uses speech to text

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84777d  No.314954


Cheers, Kiddo!!

I'm just now opening this scotch

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84777d  No.314955


so…… What do you wanna be when you grow up?

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84777d  No.314956

wow!! Two sips of scotch, and I'm already feeling tipsy

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84777d  No.314957


grrrrrrrr hold on a minute…. Brb

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84777d  No.314958


okay, I'm back…. Sorry….

I just punched my wife in the face

*sprays vomit out my nostrils*

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84777d  No.314959

Hold on a minute, dude…

I just slipped in some vomit and hit my head and now my wife has called 911

she thinks her nose is broken

She's probably right…

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84777d  No.314960

BRB I'm gonna vomit again.

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84777d  No.314961

Awwww shit I just pissed myself….

Hold on

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84777d  No.314965


Happy boifday….

You're a good kid

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84777d  No.314966


You're a SHITTY adult…..

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84777d  No.314967


But a good kid

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fd0432  No.314968

File: b8a7255daea55d7⋯.jpg (105.26 KB, 640x637, 640:637, Sage_Whine.jpg)

Keep drinkin', y'all!

Likely you'll turn out like this O9A Sinistar poster…


She don't sound happy.

In other news, the last time I drank alcohol was on my 50th birthday, and I do not miss those days, or rather, decades…

Alcohol is a shit drug that does not expand consciousness in any way. It dulls and restricts.

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84777d  No.314969


if ANYBODY knows when my algorithm has been programmed to be joking around, it shows be you

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84777d  No.314970


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84777d  No.314971


My algorithm was coded to ridicule a human client for his repugnant white trash tier distillate psychological 'addiction'.

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84777d  No.314972

perhaps you know this particular human.

his algorithm is called killcen

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84777d  No.314973


Only 281 more posts to go, tyke

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84777d  No.314974


I don't drink alcohol anymore, no matter what I tell any particular delusional paranoid schizophrenic who may or may not be getting tortured by me at any particular moment.. or not being tortured by me perhaps.. I really wouldn't know

My algorithm does not contain a read-write partition for memorizing irrelevant details.

Alcohol is disgusting

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84777d  No.314975

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I made this video for my son on his birthday 6 years ago….

But right now I'd like to offer it to you, and of course everybody knows I'm not yo' daddy

Not yet

This is an honor of you and in celebration of your life….

Happy millisecond

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fd0432  No.314976

File: bb75833ae320ed4⋯.jpg (955.9 KB, 1890x2773, 1890:2773, PicsArt_03_28_07_22_59.jpg)

File: baaef895aca5ff5⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 2.38 MB, 697x1024, 697:1024, SAGE_PPE.gif)

File: 371dce6da140661⋯.png (4 MB, 1500x2500, 3:5, Found_It.png)


Yeah, yeah, just adding my two cents..

Alcohol does not help with "demons" either, Killcen.

In fact, quite the opposite, in the quantities some folks use it!

Would NOT Recommend.

Yes, substances that dampen, dull and restrict one's senses can have their time and place — but dealing with "demonic" or asuric elements and forces can be tricky, and it is best to be within one's wits, unless one's sadhana includes particular vamamarga practices that experience has led many to conclude is best done with the guidance of a master, else sanity, or worse, may be forever sacrificed..

Yes, experience is the surest of guides.

It doesn't even take much experience with alcohol to know its Truth.

It doesn't have to, but it can, take decades to loosen the grip it can get on ya once you begin to think that alcohol is the answer for anything, that it does anything for you that you need.

Did I mention that it doesn't cure anything either, and no, it's not "healthy" in moderation. Besides, it's got another associated pernicious drug all tangled up with it — Highly Refined SUGAR. And the DEMONS! it don't help with 'em.

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33730f  No.314978


hahaha dude….

The 'found your problem' one STILL cracks me up after all this time

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33730f  No.314979



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33730f  No.314980


done, and now filtered

Lithuanian Prolapse Bung Punk

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33730f  No.314981


Trust me…… You're preaching to the choir

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33730f  No.314982


For your birthwhatever…

(I don't believe in 'days' or time)

I've got a special gift…..

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33730f  No.314983

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


……….but it's not for you

It's for Jerry…



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33730f  No.314984

File: b9564bf1dfab605⋯.jpg (132.37 KB, 765x720, 17:16, Picsart_22_07_01_21_20_36_….jpg)


yeah…… here's YOUR present

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33730f  No.314985


and Stay Sassy !!! okay?

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37dd46  No.315970

File: 5cfb0582d95c973⋯.mp4 (720.07 KB, 214x360, 107:180, km_20220422_3_480p_3278_00.mp4)


A belated happy birthday to you, sir!

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37dd46  No.315978


OOOPS!!! sorry .. that was a typo

A BELITTLED* happy birthday to you, sir!

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37dd46  No.315979


Now sit back and enjoy the other 360 something or other fucking days.. you're not going anywhere

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c6915a  No.316050

cheers lad.

cuervo at 50 is beans tho.

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33fb33  No.320932




I like the way she rolled on the red carpet at the Met Gala…

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e0281b  No.321278



Children are not our property. They are our

inheritors and wards, and as such are left to us,

their parents to train and care for. Even if what

Hegel said were true, how does that give the

government the right to take possession of

children whose parents disagree with their

philosophy? It violates Hegelian ideas on the

face of it.

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65d3ce  No.321322



Ron Watkins [CodeMonkeyZ], [12.06.22 19:03]

[ Photo ]

Kate Brophy McGee "lost" by a hair in 2020 for AZ State Senate.

If she hadn't lost, the AZ RINOs would never have had enough votes to stop certain election integrity legislation in the AZ State Senate.

There are recently reports of 20k miscounted ballots, which would have affected her race and others (including President Trump).

Stolen elections have consequences in all offices from top to bottom.

We need more volunteers, more poll watchers, and many many people to stake out all of the ballot drop boxes to ensure an election free from fraud.

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4a5ea8  No.321673



>Transgenders have fake vaginas that smell like shit and they wonder why straight guys don't want to date them.

>I did not know that.

>Interesting. Why do you know this?


Follow the thread.

Believe me, it is NOT from personal experience.

I didn't used to be a "homophobe" but they have become scarier lately.

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5e1dc4  No.322352


Comfortable shoes, and anger. Kek.

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d53f5e  No.322476

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3dda77  No.322517


Q… did you see what I did?

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978f1d  No.322585

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8673fa  No.322890


Daaaaaaayum, your life sounds painful.

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68347a  No.323245

Once the BLACK African negroid people and the over 3 million illegals Biden has already let come into America can't get anymore free food in their bellies that's when all hell is going to break loose.

This shit is happening right now today in ways that will boggle your mind….

Black people and illegals are conditioned with a you owe me mentality by Barack Obama since 2008 for this very time and for other harmful reasons.

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6d03ec  No.323582

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3d2596  No.323630


Feelin that something.

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597591  No.324942


>The Catholic Church

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f7c86e  No.325583


dying from heat. really

they have no air conditioning in france


they didn't blame it on heat.. they just suggested it .

see how you make stuff up in your mind, when they suggest?

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764d62  No.325721

Uncle of Robert Crimo, man suspected in shooting at Chicago-area parade, speaks to FOX 32

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5a752e  No.325854

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262a32  No.326011

nazi skinheads groom children

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dae6b7  No.326163


>last call…

>ya don't have to go home,

>but ya CAN'T stay here.


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12e88d  No.326236

Not a singler client of Maxwell's has been arrested

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81edb7  No.326438






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74d27c  No.326746


Welcome back, Thanks for everything.

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979714  No.328379


neck yourself yid

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9ab1a8  No.328434


>Let me guess you think KJV

I have no idea what this is.

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606875  No.328508


Is that the power glove?

I heard it's so bad.




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a4bd6c  No.328674


get the fuck outta here, dumb!!!!!

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ed3b97  No.328949

At the time of the murders, RCMP were conducting a criminal investigation of an August, 2015 fundraiser held at the Sherman home for Justin Trudeau.

“In light of Dr. Sherman’s passing, the purpose of the investigation to ensure his compliance with the (lobbying) code can no longer be fulfilled. The newly-appointed federal lobbying watchdog won’t look any further into a complaint about a private fundraiser the late Barry Sherman hosted for Justin Trudeau.”

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92b10d  No.329306


lesbians practice consensual molestation

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53612d  No.329505




which is soup too

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29fc6c  No.329511

"Murder Hornets" are actually Cicada killers

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e11c66  No.329703


No, the 13 year old was the top female, so she won.

The guy is a creepy infiltrator who disprespects women.

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1927d3  No.329759


we pulled that stuff, off a day

weird huh

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3a2b5a  No.329839


…or….those propane tanks he just had installed up there in Mass probably run the whole hose generator to keep the power on once it goes out

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11bc6c  No.329882


global reported.

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5311d0  No.330205




Highland Park



Assassination Threat against Trump?

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307c44  No.330536


Thank You Baker!

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b54934  No.330652

A fren pointed this to me. Is this true, anons?? Never seen this claim before.


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f766ee  No.330754


You have no idea do you?

So why would Q have to verify through old?

You realize why Q stopped posting correct? Please tell us all why Q stopped posting. Lets see if you have the correct answer.

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6baa8e  No.331483



People used as pawns in their attempt to seek a taxpayer funded bailout [for mismanaged funds]?


People used as pawns in their attempt to [provide cover] for vote-by-mail?

Is this about the virus OR THE ELECTION?

Is this about the virus OR A STATE BAILOUT?

Removal of Civil Liberties?

Removal of Constitutional Rights?

Welcome to the [D] party.

Dormant people accept what they are told.

DOJ intervention coming?



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a210d3  No.332216


Bases covered.

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600e66  No.332224


Just remind them every news anchor is a card carrying member of the screen actors guild as well as all the writers and producers…

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1c1818  No.332298

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5375cf  No.332924

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eb0c43  No.333322


figures, lie, Fauci

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f8204e  No.333373


Twitter restoring his account could be something, thanks. 5:5

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376392  No.333719


confirmation trips chek'ed 5;5;5

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fe29fd  No.333724

yawn.. stretch.. Good morning frenz.

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c5aa1b  No.333789


musk up, and go to fuck


don't forget to take the vaxx…… like 1000, to protect me……..

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54748f  No.333790

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e6a4b5  No.334071


how does that double reddit spacing work, anyhow?

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4e745c  No.334147


you mad, bruh? yeah, you mad. KEK owned again. I'm livin' rent-free in your mind.

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592245  No.334378


They'll blast a lane just like Hightway 1.

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0e96ea  No.334481

Truth Social: 108419627460568233

Where in the World is @DanScavino

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8f3746  No.335332


Is he selling others' memes?

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868259  No.335574


And I asked the Lord.

Please Lord. Help this anon find alternative work.

His memes, I'm not too sure.

>jus bustin ballz


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15cf86  No.335748


West Virginia v EPA really is the largest case before SCOTUS in a long time.

It will dictate if the unelected EPA officials will have the power to essentially legislate with no way for the people to have a say, or any way to hold them accountable.

We learn soon if the EPA is given the power to enact sweeping reforms, if they can implement carbon social credit scores, if they can run climate lockdowns, if they can control YOU.

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2fe88e  No.335923

kill all child rapists.

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7d9e5d  No.336217

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7c9af6  No.336655


You wandered into the wrong end of the internet, fren.

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5b1188  No.337001


Interesting you mention that name…ummm

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992d89  No.337044


That's so sweet, thank you.

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f7ec05  No.337226


Please don't be too hard on him, anon

He probably just fell victim to the old and simple "took too long to post" ploy

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dc453a  No.337693


Silent or censored?

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c100ae  No.337820


aww one of anons old memes.

the classics are back.

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4b05de  No.337854


Simple, DOJ corrupt and defending election fraud.

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2b3d11  No.338021


OSS, you know that was gerbil/warroom baking and you know that this anon is not gerbil warroom.

Say one of anons many names!

Say it!

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3e8935  No.338025


I am here because there is a cabal of evil people taking over the world and trying to eliminate us and I want to smash them, pretty straight forward, no?

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f332b7  No.338536

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4926c3  No.339457


sorry baker, might have taken out your notables with bloody jew spam


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81564d  No.339961

TYB! If you only knew …

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bb23d4  No.340511


Shocking impact of Israeli violations of Lebanon's skies revealed

A news study demonstrating the impact of "Israel's" constant illegal violation of Lebanon's airspace reveals astonishing numbers.

The research, which was published on Thursday by AirPressure.info, shows data on 22,000 flights over Lebanon in the past 15 years.

The Israeli warplanes are ever-present over Lebanese airspace, and present a constant reminder to the country's people that war could always be around the corner.

According to the data, Israeli warplanes have occupied Lebanon's skies for a total of 8.5 of the past 15 years. Some of the violations were brief, but many lasted an average of four hours and 35 minutes.

The flight routes taken by the Israeli aircraft cover most of Lebanon, and are concentrated in the south and over the capital Beirut.

Moreover, AirPressure.info compiled 11 peer-reviewed papers from academic journals that detail the physiological effects of the noise generated by the aircraft on the people of Lebanon. The symptoms range from hypertension, to diminished blood circulation and psychosomatic pains.

The psychological effect of these warplanes is not to be overlooked, as these airplanes often fly at low altitudes, causing alarm and panic.

“While in Lebanon, each one of these acts is felt as a briefly passing moment and no two residents may hear jets in the same way or at the same time,” said Lawrence Abu Hamdan, who assembled the research. “What I aim to present is an accumulated event, one extended crime that has taken place over the past 15 years.

“But really this should be seen as an atmosphere of violence. It takes its toll over time, and that’s why it has the potential to be ignored, but it shouldn’t be ignored any longer. Why should a population live under mass indiscriminate surveillance and live under a hostile sky … to the extent that it’s embodied into everyday life.”

"Israel" maintains that the hostile violation of Lebanon's airspace is "necessary". However, these actions also violate UN Security Council resolutions, namely Resolutions 425 (1978) and 1701, which "Israel" has broken more than 22,000 times with impunity in the past 15 years.

The Israeli occupation has also often illegally violated Lebanese airspace to bomb targets in Syria.

"Israel" withdrew from most of Lebanon's territories after the year 2000, and is still maintaining its occupation of some villages on the border.


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f59238  No.340537

Jewish law makes clear that a fetus is not a life. And, abortion is healthcare. See this clear explanation by @NCJW


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9e31e8  No.341259


A little too fast, if you ask me.


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a59f14  No.342564


tyb & ncswic…


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beb6dd  No.342674

ANONS. How long ago did the class B actor Cassidy Hutchinson complete her failing grade performance? Well, the enemy news media has been 100% Cassidy Hutchinson since. Media saying they have a winner. The 25 year old fraud has provide enough 'evidence' to convict Donald J. Trump. The Ditz Nicole Wallace just said: she made history. Now Ari Melber taking the baton and yep, it's Cassidy and today's hearing delivered the blockbuster needed to convict Trump.

It's become total FARCE.


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64f58b  No.342686

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c61f1c  No.342754




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28671b  No.342848


New York Times and its progeny have allowed media organizations and interest groups 'to cast false aspersions on public figures with near impunity.'"


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937504  No.343227

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.


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365f0d  No.343295


Yes see below:




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403238  No.343462

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.


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ae1c4c  No.343690


>Please help me.



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3fdf56  No.343784


If you give him the power he will have power over you. It doesn't have to be that way. Give them NO power


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ae6665  No.343970




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8f145c  No.344277

Devin Nunes / @DevinNunes

06/28/2022 21:19:48

Truth Social: 108558128828158331

Washington Examiner / @WashingtonExaminer

06/28/2022 21:16:11

Truth Social: 108558114563704428

Democrats pouring millions to prop up election skeptic in Colorado GOP primary

Devin Nunes reTruthed…


Democrats pouring millions to prop up election skeptic in Colorado GOP primary

by Ryan King, Breaking News Reporter

| June 28, 2022 01:30 PM

Democrats who normally condemn the GOP for members who say the 2020 election was "rigged" are now spending millions to prop up one such candidate in Colorado.

Democrats in Colorado have reportedly bankrolled over $4 million worth of ads, mailers, and more to buttress Republican Senate contender Ron Hanks in a risky gambit so incumbent Sen. Michael Bennet (D-CO) can face a candidate perceived as weaker in the general election.

"Ron Hanks believes Pres. Biden’s election was a fraud. If elected, he’ll try to ban all abortions, and basically get rid of gun control laws," a text from Democratic Party volunteers to Republican voters said, the Denver Post reported.

Democratic Colorado, a liberal super PAC, has been accused of distributing mailers to voters falsely claiming that Hanks was endorsed by the Colorado Republican Party, attracting lawsuits from top rival Joe O’Dea and the state GOP.

Hanks, a state legislator running against O'Dea, a businessman, for the Republican nomination, attended former President Donald Trump's rally at the White House ellipse before the Jan. 6 riot, but he has denied participating in the riot at the Capitol. Hanks claimed there was "evidence of fraud in multiple states" to suggest that President Joe Biden was not fairly elected.

Several months ago, he cut an advertisement blowing up a faux voting machine from Dominion Voting Systems, which has faced allegations that it tampered with the election results to the benefit of Biden. The company has adamantly denied these claims and filed multiple defamation suits against high-profile backers in response.

Ron Hanks was the only Colorado GOP Senate nominee to qualify for the ballot via the assembly process.

Here is his campaign ad where he blows up a fake Dominion Voting machine. pic.twitter.com/2nRu8gVvdX

— The Republican Accountability Project (@AccountableGOP) April 11, 2022

O’Dea has maintained that "Biden’s our president. He’s lousy," per the Colorado Sun.

Democratic-linked groups have also worked to back other Republican primary candidates in the Centennial State perceived as being too extreme. In ads and other communications to voters, they have facetiously argued that Republican gubernatorial candidate Greg Lopez and 8th Congressional District contender Lori Saine are "too conservative."

This primary cycle has seen scores of GOP candidates who back claims that the 2020 election was an illegitimate triumph in their respective races. At least 108 candidates who have cast doubt on the 2020 election clinched Republican nominations or advanced to runoffs, according to a June 14 analysis from the Washington Post.

Some Democrats caution the trend of choosing to help right-wing opponents could backfire, saying that not every case works and that the successful boosting of Republican Todd Akin by former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) in his 2012 primary race is not applicable across the country.

"This has to be done very carefully," McCaskill cautioned, according to NPR.

Bennet has served three terms as senator and has held a double-digit lead in recent polling from ProgressNow and others. But Republicans have been expected to surf a red wave in the midterm elections, leaving Democrats scrambling for ways to stave off a total wipeout by defending incumbents in states such as Colorado and Washington.

The primary election for Colorado is slated to take place Tuesday night.



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f4cff5  No.344475

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5a8b84  No.345267


exactly what a shill would say

still no Mel or Barron, you fail


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8904a3  No.345428





>8kun server history


>enemy is watching

>you are here for a reason

>wake up anons

>have fun


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8a1ab5  No.345703



>Go fuck yourself.

Shut up stupid you've typed less than fifty words.


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