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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: aedf000d31997d6⋯.jpg (273.32 KB, 628x467, 628:467, Screenshot_2022_06_27_19_0….jpg)

941e09  No.313790 [Last 50 Posts]


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515f4a  No.313795


States don't run the railroads, kid.

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509dd7  No.313797

it's missoura nigger.

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e32898  No.313808





"As a country, we are not looking at the future and establishing relationships with emerging countries like we should to ease the dependency on Chinese products and services. This will hurt us in the long run. Everything we buy and sell comes and goes by truck, if we can get a truck at any price. Inflation will continue until the country is self-sufficient in oil and gas. The current political policy may not change until 2024. Therefore, inflation will be our consistent companion for a while, then stagflation! We see the environment for the oil industry becoming even worse than the previous months. Biden is promoting a very caustic attitude toward the oil industry, which doesn’t help the country in any way. Most will be lucky to have a job with two more years of this disaster. You can’t ignore the economic fundamentals leading to a likely recession, and the administration [in Washington] is either stubborn or as paralyzed as a deer in headlights. Government overspending and transfer programs have inflated the money supply while resulting in unchecked corruption and waste. We will be paying that bill for generations, and what a colossal waste of resources and missed opportunity."

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515f4a  No.313809


As bad as infrastructure is, this isn't the result of anything concerning infrastructure. The train hit a very large truck driven by a very stupid man who apparently thinks the train should have swerved out of the way.

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e32898  No.313810


The train was headed to or from Shitcago I believe. Still, yes we live in a third world nation. No, our government does not properly maintain public infrastructure. That's why we see so many Amtrak trains derailed the last 20+ years. So many bridges collapse over the last 20+ years. So many public municipalities seeing contamination and leaks in the water supplies and pipelines. So many tiny old small towns turning back into nature. So many ghetto complexes falling apart with rats infesting the streets. ETC. ETC.

Yah, nigger, we live in a CORRUPT third world country. God bless our bad leadership, right?

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509dd7  No.313818


That was another failed op confim glowniggers, this faggot needs replacement, or you fags need to reroll your retardation, or if preferred, cast him into rape scenes beyond your pizzerias cheesiest. Post a le irresistible cringe mock offset that can fool le masses, and we have hashing it out on our tates with infinite eggs.

also break time lads, take a piss on me, you deserve it.

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509dd7  No.313822

File: 26ce4e2484504a9⋯.jpg (331.75 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, boones.jpg)


legit 6x great unc saying hello good people of the south and world.

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941e09  No.313826








Yes… You are CORRECT !!!

Missouri is nothing but white trash blue collar human garbage…

And I heardONE /PND/ REGULARlives only 38 miles from the incident, but wasSUCH A COWARDthat he didn't drive and try to help people…

I heard he's drunk again

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941e09  No.313827



they always use the trendy catchphrases UNC

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941e09  No.313828








that was RUDE AS SHIT for you to suggest that people in the Tri-Cities area of Washington State are even more worthless White trash trailer park hillbilly cowards than the scumbags in MISSOURI…

it's true….Sure

But it's rude….

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941e09  No.313829


You should ask your mom to suggest a vasopressin nasal spray to your pediatrician

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941e09  No.313830

File: 6779368c87cc0a5⋯.jpg (149.54 KB, 752x1024, 47:64, Picsart_22_06_28_00_25_47_….jpg)


and if she can't afford the $35, then you can buy a plastic shower curtain liner for $1 at one of those stores that 'you people' shop at… where everything's $1

and just lay it on your mattress under the fitted sheet

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941e09  No.313831


lol @ thinking the term 'legit 6x great unc' means jack shit….

Fuck yourself, peasant stock limpwristed bitchfart

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941e09  No.313832


You LITERALLY talk exactly like a West Virginia Homosexual Swashbuckling "M'Lady" faggot…..


It's SO easy to tell that you're an isolated lonely overlooked effeminate fruity bitch

because NOBODY that talks like you had a girlfriend or real life buddies

You're obviously a smug, fat, pompous, isolated shut-in

no woman would EVER fuck a loser who uses your sissified vocabulary

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941e09  No.313834

File: f0bd42a2158ffad⋯.jpg (362.73 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Picsart_22_06_28_00_42_43_….jpg)


But you did an excellent job demonstrating the telltale vocabularic and syntaxual structure of the stereotypical parody of the lonely chat room culture "fantasy leader" role-play loser with the ladies 'wannabe intimidator' who sits all alone, by himself in a room, facing the computer, his only friend, pretending as if he's barking out orders to his "imaginary legion of loyal followers and admirers", after being banned from 4chan

I bet you suck dick extra slow and deep, Sassypants

Just like your spineless father before you

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941e09  No.313835



Even the guys who don't deserve it, who never earned it.. they usually end uptaking a piss on youjust like the paying customers

Just like your skank ass white trash trailer park nigger fucking mother

Except for when I understand, she lets Mexicans and niggers actually take a piss inside of her, not just on the face and in the mouth like you do

It's cheaper than massengill

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941e09  No.313836

File: 427f894b2e4b5ed⋯.jpg (103.23 KB, 1260x442, 630:221, Screenshot_2022_06_28_00_5….jpg)

If you had any balls, like your Jeep truck stop parking lot stink hole discount prostitute of a mother, you'd go ahead and let them urinate into you, not just on you

I'll trade your mother a pack of Marlboro lights for anal, if a couple of my friends can help me punch her in the face a few times afterwards…

I'm dead serious. I know she could use cigarettes….

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941e09  No.313837


I'm just a surprise your father had such little self-respect that he would marry a walking public urinal like her

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941e09  No.313838


But the Apple never falls far from the tree, so it's obvious your father wasn't much of a ladies' man ….

So just like you, he doesn't have any spine to stand up and do anything about it if my friends and I take it a little bit too far, and break a couple bones before we sell her to a group of Mexicans

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941e09  No.313839


Legit 6X Punk

As In: a prison fuckboi

Unable to prevent other men from passing him around, like a community reusable condom….

and after stretching you so loose that you can no longer retain a simple fart, SELL YOU to MS13, just like your worn-out shithole prostitute of a mother

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941e09  No.313840


Dear Legit 6x punk,

Please tell "all your loyal followers" WHY NO WOMAN IS FUCKING YOU ….

or are you not courageous enough to simply tell the truth about the incessant masturbation and self-prostate-stimulation?

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941e09  No.313841

File: 49b8329cb722655⋯.jpg (433.34 KB, 1200x1600, 3:4, Picsart_22_06_28_01_10_01_….jpg)


Do you prefer PUNK or PUNC?

hey…. We're ALL still waiting…


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941e09  No.313842


fucking white trash loser with the ladies

you ain't shit, bitch……

I'd be HONORED to meet you

face to face

any time

ANY TIME, coward

100% true:

Not joking


a boxing match

Just for fun

You and me, bitch

Just for fun

And you get the first swing for free

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941e09  No.313843



I'll pay for your round trip ticket

Dead serious, tough guy

I'll fly you into Atlanta


boxing event, bare knuckles…

Just you and me, Capt Jack Sassypants

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941e09  No.313844

I've noticed that NONE OF YOU seems to want to help children with cancer

Because my offer stands

Let's do it, coward….

Come box me for charity

Your mother's asshole is SO LOOSE, little man

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941e09  No.313845



any time you think you've got what it takes to go face to face with me, ILL PAY FOR A ROUND TRIP FLIGHT….

and just for fun….

for charity…..

I'll gladly beat your fucking face in

You're worthless trailer park gas station men's room prostitute of a mother won't even recognize you after the charity event

AND YOU'LL BE HELPING CHILDREN WITH CANCERwhen also requiring a facial reconstruction specialist


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941e09  No.313846



I'm right here


I'm right here, little boy

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941e09  No.313847

come visit Atlanta

tough guy

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941e09  No.313848


you can't fight…..

Can You?

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941e09  No.313849


neither can I…..

come to Atlanta

You'll probably win the boxing match

C'mon, little lady

Come Let ME Find Out

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941e09  No.313850


After I beat you into the sidewalk as you got out of the Uber……

I'd drag my sweaty old nutsack back and forth across your face

Kind of like an inverted "bring your son to work day", where the prostitute stays at home, while you find out what a typical day at work is really like for her…

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941e09  No.313851


hint: BATHE this week

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941e09  No.313852


Admit it, Mr. 'take a piss on me"…..

You wouldn't have the courage to defend your mother if we were taking turns gang raping her

You would actually run out of the house

You wouldn't try to defend her

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941e09  No.313853


Dude, I'd kick your mother SO HARD in the face

And you wouldn't have the balls to stop me from fucking her bleeding face afterwards

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941e09  No.313854


Because you're a real tough guy when you're playing dungeons & dragons or fantasizing about being a swashbuckling pirate / vampire / goth girl

but you've NEVER stood up to a man before

So you're NEVER going to have the balls

you couldn't even stop someone from beating your mother, punching her in the back of the head hard as FUCK


the jackhammer…..

Then hammering every worthless hole she's got

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941e09  No.313855


any time you're ready, white trash coward….

Let me know…..

My name's Johnny….

I'll be right here waiting for your answer, bitch

Son of a niggerfucking scumbucket whore

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941e09  No.313856

And who knows ?

After your mother's done, maybe YOUD like to gag on a Coke can cock, too?

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941e09  No.313857


I'll be more than happy to blow a load down your faggot fucking coward throat


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941e09  No.313858


You've offered to pay round trip airfare for any of these fucking Sissy wannabe white supremacist fantasy Neo-Nazi roleplay image board pole smoking faggots…

And NONE OF THEM has ever been in a fist fight

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941e09  No.313859

not even ONE of you has the balls

to come fight me

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941e09  No.313860


Tell your mother I'll give her a couple oxycontins

That'll help with the pain

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941e09  No.313861


In fact, I'll make sure the first 5 punches don't knock you unconscious….

And I'll save the hum-dinger for the 6th punch

And that way, you can honestly say you truly are a legitimate 6x punching bag

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941e09  No.313862


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e54efb  No.313875


MY COMMENT ON RUSSIA DEBT DEFAULT RUMORS: Rumors are going around over the internet that Russia will default on their national debt. NOT EXACTLY. What happened is Russia simply said they are willing to pay debts owed to Western banks and corporations in Russian Rubles. The US government has sanctions against Russian Rubles for trade. So Western banks and corporations are being told by the US government that they cannot accept Russian Rubles for payment. Russia pretty much responded 'too bad, that's your loss, we will only pay our debts in Russian Rubles.' THE PROBLEM: This does not harm Russia as much as it harms banks and corporations who won't be paid back. The US government literally screwed over ANY Western banks and corporations who did business deals with Russia. This will now go to national courts. The question is, who will the victims sue? The US government or Russia? ANOTHER PROBLEM: IF they sue Russia and win, why would Russia care? Do you think a country at war is going to obey an enemy court? THIS IS WHAT THE WESTERN WORLD GETS FOR ABANDONING FREE MARKET CAPITALISM!!!

Canada has issued further sanctions on Russia and Belarus in an attempt to damage their defence sector in the ongoing war with Ukraine: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/06/27/canada-sanctions-russia-and-belarus-to-end-putins-war-of-choice/

Since Germany is refusing to pay for Russian natural gas imports in rubles as requested by President Vladimir Putin, the country now faces long-term supply shortages that threaten to cripple its economy: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-27-germany-stage-two-emergency-gas-plan-shortages.html

Biden Drains US Strategic Oil Reserve To Lowest Since 1986 As UAE Warns Not To Expect Any Help From OPEC: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/biden-runs-us-strategic-oil-reserve-lowest-1986-uae-warns-not-expect-any-help-opec

Western Leaders' Fantasies Doom Their Own Citizens To Cold And Hungry Winter: https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3960.htm

As a country, we are not looking at the future and establishing relationships with emerging countries like we should to ease the dependency on Chinese products and services. This will hurt us in the long run. Everything we buy and sell comes and goes by truck, if we can get a truck at any price. Inflation will continue until the country is self-sufficient in oil and gas. The current political policy may not change until 2024. Therefore, inflation will be our consistent companion for a while, then stagflation! We see the environment for the oil industry becoming even worse than the previous months. Biden is promoting a very caustic attitude toward the oil industry, which doesn’t help the country in any way. Most will be lucky to have a job with two more years of this disaster. You can’t ignore the economic fundamentals leading to a likely recession, and the administration [in Washington] is either stubborn or as paralyzed as a deer in headlights. Government overspending and transfer programs have inflated the money supply while resulting in unchecked corruption and waste. We will be paying that bill for generations, and what a colossal waste of resources and missed opportunity: https://www.zerohedge.com/personal-finance/dallas-fed-tumbles-two-year-low-hope-crashes

Texas GOP pushing for referendum to secede from the so-called “United” States of America in 2023: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-27-texas-gop-pushing-to-secede-from-bidens-america.html

Demolition of supply chains is pre-civil war SABOTAGE to shape the battlefield for domestic WARFARE against We the People: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-23-demolition-of-supply-chains-is-pre-civil-war-sabotage-to-shape-the-battlefield-for-domestic-warfare-against-we-the-people.html

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e54efb  No.313876



Jackal's Russia-Ukraine War Coverage (Part 2): https://www.bitchute.com/video/wBseI5ZnfAsq/

Jackal's Russia-Ukraine War Coverage (Part 1): https://www.bitchute.com/video/NdZiJ72Gxvlj/

Ukrainian Women Selling Pornography To Fund War Efforts: https://www.businessinsider.com/ukraine-women-selling-nudes-raise-money-troops-2022-6

Russian missile strike hits shopping mall with more than 1,000 people inside, Ukraine claims: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/russian-missiles-hit-kremenchuk-shopping-center-1000-civilians-ukraine-rcna35482

Ukrainian paratroopers have shot down Russia’s Ka-52 ‘Alligator’ helicopter with the Starstreak high-velocity missile (HVM) system. The relevant statement was made by the Air Assault Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facetard: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3516901-ukrainian-paratroopers-down-russias-ka52-with-starstreak-hvm-system.html

40 Russian soldiers' are blown up in first Ukrainian strike using US HIMARS rockets – as second strike with the American weapons kills Putin's 56th officer of the war: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10956271/Ukraine-strikes-Russian-command-post-Donbas-using-HIMARS-video.html

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b0a40c  No.320933



Direct Sunlight.

It burns!

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18668f  No.321181



Now go away before I taunt you again

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7c89b2  No.321305



Dubs chek't. We're gonna need a couple of mermites full of hobo coffee this morning.

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fec37c  No.321346


Julie Green | Monkeypox | Is Monkeypox Lockdown Near? Are Power Outages and Blackouts On the Way?


"Monkeys will be in the news"

and "they are giving themselves away"

rebuke it


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7dbb1f  No.321493



>wakey, wakey

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d5e8d1  No.321533



probably a good joke too, do you think?

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b6c154  No.321854


What are ya gonna do?

Run around screaming Thou Shalt Nots while murdering people who laugh at you braindead cucks?

Fuck right off.

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1e3fc5  No.321863



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dc9e61  No.322253

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7c406e  No.322569


I smell OSS.

Post conflicting drops, claim fuckery, send people to hivemind.

Cui Bono?

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8dccf9  No.322738


Real Time News, [01.07.22 08:33]

QUARTER of Americans say they are ready to take up arms against the government: Poll also finds that more than a third of those currently own guns



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ecefb4  No.322825


I heard this commercial less than an hour ago. I was sure it was that lil nas, but I could not find any information about the song. When you go to the youtube vid. It is just 15 second and no mention of who sings it.

Don't you think they would want people to know who's song it is?

I did plenty of searches and while I found info on the drink and that it is new, no mention of the song

One of the posters to the video mention the song title and yes, lil nas.

Satan's lil boy who loves to give the devil a blow job.

This is so disgusting. I can't believe it.

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3ef13e  No.322881


My libtard cousin just sent me this and I don’t know how to respond. Please help me!!

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00f5ca  No.323450

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22d41b  No.323646


Try arresting the most popular president in history?

The cuffs go on… society gets ripped apart.

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eb154c  No.323692

Why would people shill this thread?

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47acae  No.323976


water is poisoned in Revelation

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26c1c3  No.324198


anon misses Rick James

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225c2a  No.324233



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2d4100  No.324272


We can't even take a shit in private anymore?

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f5fc92  No.324765

Inside info out of Tulsa: The shooter was the father of a patient that died under the surgeon’s care. Shooter was 35-40 - so patient may have been a child. Surgeon was not a pediatric surgeon, however.

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3bde98  No.325413




EU Renews Digital COVID Pass Despite 99% Negative Public Feedback


EU Renews Digital COVID Pass Despite 99% Negative Public Feedback

"I am shocked and disgusted by the freedom-killing decisions taken in the EU … as regards this 'European certificate' …"

8:10 AM · Jun 25, 2022·Zero Hedge Publisher II

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32c720  No.325773

Anons know, share with normies.

When the masses wake up and find out how bad it is…Prepping and stockpiling will be impossible.


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5bfe61  No.325898


Sorry to hear RIP, was hoping he would have lived and been saved then testified to Christ.

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875c37  No.326606


Certainly a few Judges knew about it.

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adf3c4  No.326829


That movie is just another piece of war propaganda and it is actually pro war and also pro war crimes.

Rob Ager made a few very good videos about it, like for example that dying Germans wouldn't scream, but US soldiers are. Germans are not portrayed as humans.

And in fact the movie goes from pseudo-realistic portrayal (*), to comical nonsense.

Lesson learned "better kill the enemy whenever you can, otherwise the enemy will get back at you", not unusual for war propaganda.

(*) to my knowledge Nazis forced young German teenagers to operate the MGs at that place, because there were not many others left. They had the enemy in front (US soldiers) and another enemy in the back (Nazis). If the movie would have shown that, it would have shown the true horror.

But instead, nope. German soldiers as skin headed 35-40 year olds, which is bollocks to my knowledge.

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0799dc  No.327124


Are you pulling together a dough, from all the ebakes?

I am exhausted but can do it…

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d1ff66  No.327752


didn't ignore but killed him >>313875

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3c0914  No.328296



still chasing, hope to catch up completely by 650

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752584  No.328339

Its funny you idiots agree with "the cabal" 100% on "racism"

like the one thing yall just agree completely with leftists on


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787318  No.328340


I think Trump wants Kari on a tight leash and then expsoed, while captive and useful at this time. she is valuable just like Lindsey Graham mCCain best buddy

LINDSEY he too is a seat holder just like Kari may be on her way to being

CONTROLLED in valuable seats








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a7884c  No.328474



What is a crowd of 100 people doing at a strip mall?

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a66c04  No.328672

Author: Jay Wallis (WFAA)

Published: 10:59 PM CDT June 4, 2022

Updated: 10:59 PM CDT June 4, 2022

Facebook Twitter

DALLAS — A Dallas drag show that promoters called family-friendly and appropriate for kids brought both supporters and protesters to it on Saturday afternoon.

Dallas bar Mr. Misster held the event "Drag the kids to pride" drag show Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the city's Oak Lawn neighborhood. The organizers called it a family-friendly spin-off of their Champagne Drag Brunch that would allow kids to dance with performers on stage.

During the event, drag performers danced and walked down the aisle in the center of the room. At times, the dancers would take dollar bills from some of the children. Kids also walked with the dancers down the aisle during the event.

Protesters also showed up outside the event, many saying they were upset that kids were involved with the drag show.

One woman who was protesting, Dasy, who didn't want to give her last name, first saw the poster for the event near where she lives. She was at the bar after the event with a "Stop grooming the kids" poster.

"I live in this community," Dasy said. "I have for several years. I don't believe that I should be seeing signs advertising for children to be dancing on stage with men in thongs and in inappropriate clothing and makeup. I do not in any way condone the behavior that these people are engaging in, but what drags me out here is its kids now."

The organizers said this event was a safe environment separate from their normal operations. After the event, Mr. Misster released this statement:

"We host our Champagne Drag Brunch every Saturday at 2pm for guests that are 21+ but we have partnered with some of our major community partners to host a special Pride Drag Brunch for all guests, including guests that couldn’t normally attend our regular show because of the drinking age restriction, to raise money for a local LGBTQ+ youth organization. We are more than happy to open our doors to celebrate Pride in a family friendly, safe environment, separate from our normal operations of 2 p.m. - 2 a.m. on Saturdays because we believe that everyone should have a space to be able to celebrate who they are. Mr. Misster is a place where everyone is welcome to feel accepted, safe and included. We had a group of protestors outside yelling homophobic threats, transphobic remarks and vile accusations at these children and parents. It is so sad to see that in 2022, there are people that still want to protests others celebrating who they are, but our staff and wonderful officers helped keep us safe and kept the protestors at bay.

AJ Crews has been working at Mr. Misster for about two years. He said Saturday's event allows people to express themselves.

"There were a lot less people drinking today so that would make it more kid friendly just because there were so many people here," Crews said. "Everyone just came from all walks of life, and you know, just enjoyed pride."

One of the groups protesting the event Saturday was the organization Protect Texas Kids. They also provided a statement:

"We decided to organize this protest when we saw advertising for the event a few weeks ago - we researched the bar and quickly found out that it’s a gay bar, and we were also pretty concerned when we saw the signage on the bar’s website that says “it’s not gonna lick itself.” We just launched our organization and this was our first event.

The mission was to raise awareness that an event like this, a drag show for children, was happening right in Dallas. We also hoped that if we raised awareness, the event might be canceled or modified so that children couldn’t be present.

We were very happy with how the event went overall. The police were able to come in and remove all of the children and their families from inside of the bar. There were a lot of people in attendance who didn’t have kids, so those people were able to stay and the event continued."

Contrary to part of this statement in regard to removing children and families, the Dallas Police Department said officers showed up to "assist with crowd control" and help the crowd "disperse in a safe manner."

Mr. Misster also said the bar had received several hundred threatening emails, Google reviews and phone calls from protestors.


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a6aaf7  No.329579


> 1 post trying to make anons doubt the military.

Nice try fucktard shill

Kill yourself

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d9396e  No.329616

'they'are going to bring amerikkka back, all the back.

If amerikkka falls the world falls.

Thewholeworld will be saved? after 9/10ths of the population on this planet is culled.

Could this also mean, sterile men and women are counted as culled?

Could this mean young sick people who are 'sick-injured' from the vax+ are included as already being culled?

Could this mean that statistics of human starvation are beinggamedto be counted as the culled?

The ranchers had to be in on it

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714154  No.330713



Even Verified Caker Baker is crawling out from under his rock for No Wrongsauce Notables Allowed duty.

This shit show is really getting good now.

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8f830b  No.330747


Thats true, but most are not perverse, when they started adding letters to justify shit, it was intended

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9d9035  No.330789


completely and totally camera conscience


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0bdd9a  No.331034

Drug running. Money laundering. Human trafficking, Prostitution.

All managed and supervised by Federal Bureau of Investigation for 100 years.

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99da68  No.331365


Jesus pete… how much do pay Jim that you think you have "whining like a little bitch" privileges? He owes you nothing. Maybe you should thank him for giving you a place to post your bullshit.

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05db33  No.331903


Occam's Razor says Dan's post was about Roe and not Babyfist. Dan doesn't even know who Babyfist is FFS.

Grow up faggot.

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8406d0  No.332245

If the left doesnt know what a woman is. And men can get pregnant and have periods. And we cant call it breast feeding its chest feeding now. Then why cant some one who identifies as a man speak on these issues? Some one meme this into reality

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9d98fb  No.332716


USA Baby

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7383f8  No.332792


Well, Ho Lee Fuk. Notable.

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25edd9  No.332893


AshkeNazi facial proportions.

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42516c  No.333406



Clearly a red text fail!

Poor motherfucker ….

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c86cfd  No.333482

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6d505e  No.333689



in two more weeks Jerry Brown is gona get the CCP to invest though.


Another good point just like the border is open and migration replacement (which they won't call what it is genocide of Americans)

Another good point just like why does state department and Military give passing background check to people on the ballot when they are national security threat in the category of commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi lenonist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud who would knowingly and ARE toppling our country.

Just like the smith mundt modernization act, COG, NDAA, Patriot Act, Clearforce, IIA, Dynology, Fake corporate news proxies for state department and office of disinformation vs 1st amendment

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892e42  No.333986


if she had only done just one more bicep curl in from of dateline, ah the mockery that is life alas. Yeah that story is fake as shit. I am learning stuff right now about that entire thing. Bitch never even had an abortion wtf

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5cb55a  No.334027


>This won't work

says the highest ranking asshat.

the real issue is that there is a better way to do it. cold FISSION in an electrolytic cell was invented 30 yrs ago.

easy and dirt cheap, it has been ruthlessly suppressed by the gov't and the mil/industrial complex who want to keep all their dangerous toys.

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abdd2d  No.334030


Always look forward tot he latest edition of FLOTUS mag-a.

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18cc61  No.334064


Perhaps your mom should have aborted you.

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5b243a  No.334275


Cause you're a whiny little bitch?

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696b5e  No.334353


>Breaking news

"trump dump all fish food - japs upset kill expensive fish"


she's dual citizen jewish israeli with links to uk ruling class though

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10d138  No.335038


Dub dubs chk'd

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a32e36  No.335297



Another framing phrase to limit your ability to think about something deeply. AT THIS POINT why bother right?

It's important to learn these things to inoculate yourself against disinformation campaigns.

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9054a3  No.335403

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f353f8  No.335646


1-800-662-HELP (4357)

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d3c5b4  No.337877


We are Everything thing you have tried to destroy

do you really think you have any power, in this place?

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6b5bdd  No.337912


Yemeni journalist assassinated by car bomb in Aden

A Yemeni journalist was killed by a car bomb in Aden, the country's second-largest city and the main center point for the Saudi-backed forces, a security official said on Thursday.

The official, who spoke on condition of anonymity, added that “unidentified assailants had planted an explosive device in the vehicle of journalist Saber Al-Haidari, who works for a number of foreign media outlets."

The bomber struck on Wednesday night as "Haidari was driving home, killing him and injuring others in the car," according to the official.

Furthermore, the official compared the attack to the November car bombing that killed pregnant Yemeni journalist Rasha Abdullah Al-Harazi. It is worth noting that her husband, journalist Mahmud Al-Atmi, was also injured in the attack.

On its account, Reporters Without Borders said that Haidari "was killed yesterday (Wednesday) night after an explosive device was placed in his car."

He was a correspondent for China's Xinhua News Agency, according to the report.

Saudi-led military aggression launched in 2015 has left hundreds of thousands dead and millions more displaced in what the United Nations calls the world's worst humanitarian crisis.

Yemeni journalists attempting to cover the war on Yemen have constantly faced threats of retribution.

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3ef5e2  No.337915


holy fuck you're dumb. get the fuck out of here and never come back.

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68f9a5  No.337959


All them bused illegals bringing their disease shit into country?

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6adeab  No.338117


Plaindrew sweeting profusely

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e62748  No.338174



Hey Thanks! Kool-Aid Man!

The fourth wall is a performance convention in which an invisible, imaginary wall separates actors from the audience. While the audience can see through this wall, the convention assumes the actors act as if they cannot. From the 16th century onward, the rise of illusionism in staging practices, which culminated in the realism and naturalism of the theatre of the 19th century, led to the development of the fourth wall concept.

Breaking the fourth wall is violating this performance convention, which has been adopted more generally in the drama. This can be done by either directly referring to the audience, the play as a play, or the characters' fictionality. The temporary suspension of the convention in this way draws attention to its use in the rest of the performance. This act of drawing attention to a play's performance conventions is metatheatrical. A similar effect of metareference is achieved when the performance convention of avoiding direct contact with the camera, generally used by actors in a television drama or film, is temporarily suspended. The phrase "breaking the fourth wall" is used to describe such effects in those media. Breaking the fourth wall is also possible in other media, such as video games and books.


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aac8cb  No.338197

Al those ZERO's meant "Zero Days(s)"

I see what you did there, Old Deuteronomy.

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097dfa  No.338919


Texas could vote to secede from US in 2023

Texas Republicans are advocating for a vote on whether the state should split from the United States. The call for Texans to be able to vote on the subject in 2023 was one of several initiatives accepted in the Texas Republican Party's platform following last week's state conference in Houston.

Under a section titled "State Sovereignty", the platform states, "Pursuant to Article 1, Section 1, of the Texas Constitution, the federal government has impaired our right of local self-government. Therefore, federally mandated legislation that infringes upon the 10th Amendment rights of Texas should be ignored, opposed, refused, and nullified."

"Texas retains the right to secede from the United States, and the Texas Legislature should be called upon to pass a referendum consistent thereto."

2023 referendum

The platform declares that Texas Republicans want the state Legislature to adopt a measure in the next session "requiring a referendum in the 2023 general election for the people of Texas to determine whether or not the State of Texas should reassert its status as an independent nation."

The US Constitution includes no provision for states to secede, and the Supreme Court concluded in Texas v. White in 1869 that states cannot separate from the Union unilaterally.

"If there was any constitutional issue resolved by the Civil War, it is that there is no right to secede," the late Justice Antonin Scalia once wrote.

Nonetheless, modern secessionist efforts have remained in the state for decades—and, according to the Tribune, cries to separate get stronger when a Democrat is president.

It's unclear how popular the initiative is among Texans, but the Texas Nationalist Movement's website claims nearly 500,000 Texans support its efforts to "make Texas an independent nation again."


A previous attempt was defeated, so what changed now?

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bffc74  No.339190

Pro-abortion activists vandalize DC pregnancy center with red paint, ‘revenge’ message

Pro-abortion radicals are lashing out in anticipation of losing Roe v. Wade.


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436530  No.339255







Just for you GlowFag MotherFucker….





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6a6740  No.339359

i can't believe putin lost his daughter

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2e5966  No.339495


night shift + bewbs

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8e928a  No.339627


The Washington Pundit, [10.06.22 13:19]

[Forwarded from RT News & Sputnik(🇿🇦 Mirror)]

Healthcare workers call in sick because of gas prices


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046874  No.339705






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35e59a  No.339716


Fullhouse, chek'd

Hillary Clinton is shifty and frankly, she is a angry liar.

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bc84f1  No.339793

‘It’s a Cult That’s Very Obsessed With Language’

“Because if you want to control people, you have to control the way they think. And to control the way they think, you have to control their language,” she said. “It’s a cult that is very obsessed with language.”


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8afa07  No.339841

Julian Assange appeals to UK court against extradition to US

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has appealed against the British's government decision last month to order his extradition to the US.

The appeal was filed Friday at the High Court, the latest twist in a decade-long legal saga sparked by his website's publication of classified US documents. No further details about the appeal were immediately available.

Assange's supporters staged protests before his 51st birthday on Sunday, with his wife Stella Assange among people who gathered outside the Home Office on Friday to call for his release from prison.

Julian Assange has battled in British courts for years to avoid being sent to the US, where he faces 17 charges of espionage and one charge of computer misuse.

American prosecutors say the Australian citizen helped US Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning steal classified diplomatic cables and military files that WikiLeaks later published, putting lives at risk.

To his supporters, Assange is a secrecy-busting journalist who exposed US military wrongdoing in Iraq and Afghanistan.


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406f8c  No.340538


tucker, the first arrest


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962793  No.340632


Yeah, it was only like 5 days ago. They disappeared for well over a year, only to come back in force when "Q" showed up. This could mean Q is legitimate still, it could also mean Jim knows he has to keep up the appearance that this board is under attack by using controlled opposition. No one actually knows anything for sure, anyone pretending to knows even less.


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10c912  No.340769


>Democrat protesters


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aa7e16  No.340837

The DPR clarified the procedure for the implementation of the death penalty.

1. The execution of a convicted person is carried out non-publicly.

2. Execution is carried out for each sentenced person separately.

3. The body of the executed person is not handed over to relatives.

4. The body of the executed is secretly buried.

5. The method of carrying out the sentence is execution.


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974f2b  No.340869


I'm on the Nevada side. I have a mature apple, plumb and a pear. Used to have a cherry and a peach but my away from home to much job killed those before I got the drip system in.

I start everything in March and April in the greenhouse and transplant after Memorial day. Beets I do from seed twice a year. Now and after labor day. Too hot to do three plantings in the summer here. I Have volunteer carrots all over the place this year as I let one go to seed last year and forgot to harvest them.


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b25c73  No.341021


what the fuck…what the fucking fuck


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f85acb  No.341442

Those Christchurch videos were posted here while it was happening a few years ago, same as how the summer of love peaceful riots get posted here too so we can all see what's going on though, etc. Anons reporting because msm and social media censor it all and try to keep us in the dark. If we can't post anything, how are we supposed to share what's going on?


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33f606  No.341575


Do you ever miss your grandma, God????????????

Who created you????


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589e4c  No.341627


NotableQ 30 interpretation update


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a3fbec  No.341924




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6e4eca  No.342317


Fuck that,

Here is your permit.


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db2581  No.342362


The robotic rabbits have been activated


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07f7e9  No.342388


Roger that!

Mash 'em together!

Wednesday 06.29.22



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ed3dd9  No.342468


We should have genocided all the filthy fucking prarie niggers like the bible tells is to instead of letting them live


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4892b3  No.342554


"We love you. You're very special."


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57feeb  No.342703


>I have a right to investigate

dude, just collect news headlines and make the new thread when this one's full. That's it. This site's just a news aggregator at this point. You're ranked lower than a reddit mod, bitch.


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8d8a8c  No.343358

Senator Elizabeth Warren is now questioning the legitimacy of the Supreme Court.



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c77647  No.343805

Statins Increase Diabetes Risk by 38%

According to a 2020 report from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services,1 34.1 million U.S. adults had diagnosed or undiagnosed diabetes in 2018. There were slightly more men than women, and more white, non-Hispanic people with diabetes than Black, Asian or Hispanic people combined.

Just two years later, these numbers have gone up, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,2 with 37.3 million people having diagnosed and undiagnosed diabetes. A total of 96 million over the age of 18 have prediabetes, which is 38% of the U.S. adult population.

These numbers demonstrate that diabetes is already at epidemic proportions in the U.S. A study published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 3 found that adults taking statin medications to control cholesterol levels have a higher risk of developing insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes than the general population. However, researchers have repeatedly failed to find evidence that high cholesterol is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.

As I have discussed in many previous articles, three factors have a far greater influence on your cardiovascular disease risk and, to some degree, are interrelated. These are insulin resistance,4 chronic inflammation5 and high iron levels.6 Unfortunately, these primary contributors are rarely the focus of cardiovascular disease prevention and treatment in conventional medicine.

Instead, statins, also called cholesterol-lowering drugs, are the go-to defense in Western medicine, which led to the drug once holding the infamous title of the most profitable drug. Dr. Malcolm Kendrick7 is a general practitioner in Cheshire, England, and the author of three books, including “A Statin Nation: Damaging Millions in a Brave New Post-Health World.” He estimates that the pharmaceutical industry has grossed more than $1 trillion from statins.

Statins Increase Risk of Diabetes by 38%

A team at Erasmus University Medical Center in The Netherlands published the study found in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology.8 The researchers wrote that several epidemiological studies had shown an association between statins and diabetes, but this team sought to analyze the associated glycemic traits with Type 2 diabetes.

They included 9,535 people in the Rotterdam Study who did not have diabetes at the start of the study. They followed the participants for 15 years and found those who used statin medications had a higher concentration of serum fasting insulin and insulin resistance as compared to those who had never used a statin.



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