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File: 5ec5b283448c55a⋯.png (574 KB, 900x506, 450:253, PSA.png)

7877f7  No.312024 [Last 50 Posts]

Have sex with your wife. Ignore your gay urges. Have a child. DON'T be gay. You have to have sex with a woman to be a true fan of our podcast. And you have to make her orgasm.


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063f09  No.312045

The controlled demolition of FOOD and ENERGY infrastructure is now under way: https://citizens.news/631158.html

Amid threats of blackouts, Illinois lawmakers call for scrapping Green New Deal: https://justthenews.com/nation/states/center-square/amid-possible-blackouts-illinois-lawmakers-call-scrapping-green-new

Texas Turns To Renewables As Electricity Demand Soars To Record Highs: https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Renewable-Energy/Texas-Turns-To-Renewables-As-Electricity-Demand-Soars-To-Record-Highs.html

Last week Governor Jay Inslee (D-Washington) gave implicit support to destroying the Snake River dams providing 8% of Washington’s electricity generation. Now he's blaming the deliberate destruction of energy generation on climate change: https://thepostmillennial.com/wa-gov-predicts-summer-full-of-blackouts-destruction-and-death

As Europe continues to struggle to wean itself off Russian oil and gas, coal is going to play an increasingly important role in electricity production: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Germany-Turns-To-Coal-Power-Amid-Natural-Gas-Crisis.html

Just as in the oil industry, the mining industry is suffering from underinvestment as companies focus on shareholder returns. The rising prices of metals combined with supply chain issues and inflationary headwinds will be a major issue for the energy transition: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Mining-Industry-Is-Replicating-The-Oil-Sector-Crisis.html

Telegram has amassed over 700 million monthly active users and is rolling out a premium tier with additional features as the instant messaging platform pushes to monetize a portion of its large user base: https://techcrunch.com/2022/06/19/telegram-tops-700-million-users-launches-premium-tier/

NATO And Western Governments Enraged Russian Telegram Service Became A Go-To Source For Western Political Dissent: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/telegram-secure-platform-nato-warns

▲ MY COMMENT: This is what happens when governments become lapdogs of social media content moderation, of-course disgruntled Americans and Europeans will go elsewhere to voice their opinions in an uncensored environment!! Why would they possibly expect otherwise!?

JIM STONE UPDATE: Ukraine successfully destroyed several Russian oil platforms. Russia has promised extreme retaliation, stating the West is responsible. We will have to see how this goes, but it is definitely not over. Anyone claiming to know the future outcome of this is just puffing, no one knows where this is going to end up but outlook is not so good. This is a major development. At first I ignored this because I thought only one platform got hit. that's not what happened at all, this was a total wipeout. Worthy of a BIG response.

More than 70 Russian occupiers were killed and injured, and 10 military vehicles were destroyed: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/6/21/503268/

Destroyed Russian Tanks to Be Paraded in Europe by Ukraine: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/destroyed-russian-tanks-paraded-across-094552619.html

Belarusian battalions positioned on Ukraine’s border as tensions escalate: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/06/21/breaking-news-belarusian-battalions-positioned-on-ukraines-border-as-tensions-escalate/

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8d2dd4  No.312054


…says the UNEXPLAINABLY HOMOPHOBIC man with no wife no kids, no girlfriend, no one-night stands…. not even a platonic friendship with any woman whatsoever….

triggered by being called out for who and what you are….

an uninteresting, lonely, rejected, overlooked little man

who's only sexual experience occured while masturbating or being molested as a child

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ff0d47  No.312060


Actually Johnny, I'm going to watch one of his videos he posts tonight (or tomorrow morning), he promised to cover some REAL NEWS about the Russia-Ukraine war as well some economic related news about current events and I'd really like to get his take on all the corruption taking place around the world. Should be interdasting! Might add it to a later Russia-Ukraine war update.

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7877f7  No.312061


that is right.

FBI johnny has failed at dividing us.

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8d2dd4  No.312062

File: a0bf89ded7925f4⋯.png (1.67 MB, 1921x1080, 1921:1080, Picsart_22_06_21_10_09_41_….png)



and be sure to watch me point out his epic lack of a sexual companion OR history of heterosexuality

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8d2dd4  No.312063


I couldn't care any less who watches what….

lol @ real new from a NON-WHITE MAKE-BELIEVE RACIST, who thinks he's 'shocking'

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7877f7  No.312064


we will make the podcast tonight

and we will give our super-fans all the information from the "plan of the barbarians"

including the pig farm sabotages, the food shortages and other juicy details.

-the jackal.

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8d2dd4  No.312065


feel free to include HIS LACK of American perspective with YOURS

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8d2dd4  No.312066


hint: at least his lack of knowledge is explained by the fact that he's never been to America

yours?…. self-imposed isolation from real life

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7877f7  No.312068

File: a792854b73ee6b6⋯.jpg (23.02 KB, 623x392, 89:56, formycity.JPG)


you have FAILED johnny

you have been humiliated as an FBI agent.

you had ONE job: to disturb this place and make us fight each other

I came and now people are listening to my podcast and coming together as a COMMUNITY demanding topics covered.

soon we will ban you from the bitchute comments when you are no longer funny and useful. then your humiliation will be complete.

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ff0d47  No.312069


You'll have to do the video, as I don't do videos or broadcast anything, nor do I have equipment to do it (or the bandwidth for that matter as I live rural). HOWEVER, I am looking forward to watching it. And will link it in the upcoming Russia-Ukraine war updates. Pro-Russia or Pro-Ukraine, doesn't bother me, cover it as you see it. Talk about what you think is going to happen, outcomes, how it will effect the global economy, etc. Should be a fun watch!

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7877f7  No.312070


you got it.

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c8f450  No.312074


as the glow intensifies in the vicinity of this one…

extreme decontamination measures recommended after ANY contact with the johnny / jackov parade

in that vein, the best detergent is sunlight, so…


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8d2dd4  No.312097


I guess you missed the part where I explained WHY I consider you to be low class white trash?

lol really?……

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8d2dd4  No.312098


go watch white trash low IQ Ropers

go "rock out" to PHLEGM SPITMAN

go listen to your garbage heavy metal

go worship your gullible imaginary "Jesus"

in fact, go be JAKKOV's only white trash admirer

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8d2dd4  No.312099



like what doctors had to do to the festering disgusting putrid bacterial infection that proliferated behind your eyes and inside your sinuses for several years because you're filthy and too stupid to understand how antibiotics work?

or decontaminate like what you're going to need to do when they finally remove the body cast from your spaghetti noodle body?

imagine you're smelling pretty ripe under there

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8d2dd4  No.312100


or are you talking about decontamination like what you never did to the used syringes when you were running up heroin in Portland, and contracted hepatitis C from sharing used syringes with other disease heroin junkies?

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8d2dd4  No.312101



thank you for demonstrating how little scrutiny or attention to detail you exercise when jumping to the next effeminate old woman gossipy and he tried to remain rumor Mill Facebook trailer park conspiracy theorist genius pattern

HINT: anything he tells you will be just as "real" as the rest of your worthless garbage, because you exercise zero screaming and have no standards of excellence whatsoever

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083631  No.312102


You can be Gay and still make babies, idiot.

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8d2dd4  No.312103


>finally admits he's being embarrassed by my comments and plans on showing his weakness and desperation by deleting them

I'll just replace them with hundreds more, you uneducated, unemployed, non-caucasian, filthy poverty stricken Eastern European son of a prostitute who never even met his father


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8d2dd4  No.312104


not him….

you must be born with a penis to impregnate a woman

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083631  No.312105


… Gay men are born with penises.

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083631  No.312106


OH! Took me a minute … I see what you were saying now. Nicely done.

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8d2dd4  No.312107


by the way.. I don't know who you are, nor does it really matter…

BUT : what I'm about to tell you is all 100% true

he's not even Caucasian….

sorry, but he's not….

much like a Jew, he 'almost appears White'

to the uninitiated

but he's not white..

and notice his fixation on shirtless muscular men

notice his obsession with naked muscular men

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8d2dd4  No.312108


these aren't insults… these are simple observations

he likes to pretend that he's oblivious as to the difference between a video and a podcast

that's his 'plausible deniability' he relies on when he calls his stupid free videos "podcasts"

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8d2dd4  No.312109


a couple days ago, he actually mentioned that he finally got a used window unit air conditioner, what he considered to be a luxury

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8d2dd4  No.312110

because where he lives, people don't have any money.

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8d2dd4  No.312111

A LACK OF MONEY = why he can't afford a meager podcast platform provider subscription

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8d2dd4  No.312112


he can't afford anything because he's unemployed

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8d2dd4  No.312113


he doesn't want you to realize how broke he is, so he calls his tricycle a limousine

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8d2dd4  No.312114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


he quite literally saw this video I created 8 years ago trolling another loser like him on a flash-based mobile platform chat room…

the name of the video is

"Johnny Neptune made me cry"

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8d2dd4  No.312115

File: 9c5d8a196f2b70a⋯.png (726.79 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220621_112016.png)


it appears that a complete lack of creativity is a genetic attribute for his mom Caucasian race

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8d2dd4  No.312116

OOOPS speech to text typo


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a1778c  No.312117


> in that vein, the best detergent is sunlight, so…

I see what you did there..

Looks like some people didn't get the joke.

Some are more focused on their homoerotic fascinations, coupled with deranged obsessions.

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2611cf  No.312118


he's non Caucasian, but he thanks repeating racist catchphrases is shocking and makes him interesting

his lack of real life experience is the source to his lack of experience

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2611cf  No.312119


and I'm always interested in the self-delusional techniques Incorporated by men who demonstrate all of the indicators of repressed homosexuality, like a bizarre obsession with photographs of muscular men with little or no clothing….

yet whom still have the audacity to create threads pretending that they are somehow spontaneously heterosexual

I find it to be a fascinating study in abnormal child psychology

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2611cf  No.312120


i see what you did there

you unwittingly thought you understood the motives and deception tactics of a hepatitis C needle sharing heroin junkie

but that's okay because how would you have known?

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2611cf  No.312121

==JAKKOV : the NON-CAUCASIAN "RACIST" (it's an attention seeking act) who thinks he's demonstrating cutting edge edginess and edgy "shock value" by repeating hackneyed tired washed up racist catch phrases like nigger and Jew

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2611cf  No.312142

File: a99b05038ee3d09⋯.png (1.31 MB, 1080x1340, 54:67, Picsart_22_06_21_12_31_53_….png)

I've never met a heterosexual male who was absolutely fixated on staring at other men's bodies, but has zero interest in looking at women's bodies…

I've never met a heterosexual male who watches WWE wrestling so he can see muscular men's penises through their underwear

I've never met a heterosexual male that's never seen a vagina in real life, but goes out of his way to surround himself with imagery of naked men

and I've never met a white person who wasn't actually White, but just uses racist terminology in a childish, effeminate campaign of attention seeking, thinking Americans see shock value in trendy racist catchphrases like nigger or Jew

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178c60  No.320743



yea, put them down.

only sane thing to do.

Nuke them from space.

96% survival (USA 4% bye bye) = WORLD PEACE

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94f455  No.321269




WATCH: Zookeepers at Cuba’s National Zoo celebrated the birth of a rare baby white rhino



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eb5650  No.322414


Everything is off with it, but you already know.

Here is someting for your discord club.

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fcc1eb  No.322724



Look at them project their own dialectic inversion.


Yep. It's when they display a NEEDfor it when debating, meaning 'imputing it' in the minds of others by dialectic warping of words.

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8af4fd  No.322937


what part of cнаn is hard to understand

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595444  No.322938






what? I do not understand. what verification was provided for


The others I understand, but this one I do not. For the post directed at "BO & Team" on /hivemind/ , why should I attribute the trip in that post to Q and not some TOR rando? Am I missing something?

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3c36fc  No.323142


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cc8b13  No.323318


double RUMP played

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fbecc8  No.323480




Did you idiots really think POTUS & Q were just going to let you run off with the movement they built? You morons aren't that stupid, are you?

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79da81  No.324069


ohhhh a clinical diagnosis HAHAHAHA are we doing the schizo code words again.

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8129b0  No.324231


and is OSS really an FBI agent? is the boldface affliction accompanied by fevers and chills?

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c793c9  No.324288


So you don't think most of the swamp is operating under blackmail?

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254ad1  No.324463

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50cd3f  No.324762



BTW this is a satire piece

Elfman mocking the Hollywood elite

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6494a8  No.324946



FAUCI is a pissant.

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bb93fc  No.325004



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1ad345  No.325075


>Democrat protesters

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d98a11  No.325534

An actor lives a life of sin. The job of an actor is to convince everyone watching that the actor isn't acting; that the actor is really another person. Therefore, the actor's profession is to decieve.

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a50f32  No.325768

Give any mammal hormones of the opposite gender, which the satanic pedovore cultists have done to US population, it will produce a range of symptoms, gender confusion, ambiguous genitalia depending on age and dosage.

Hormone doping alone does not produce epidemic faggotry that is done with a continuous IO for dysphoric faggots: self righteous, pride Moto and continuous supportive flattery – MSM and social media conditioning does that.

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a53b41  No.325976

Are ya winning, anons?

INB4: comfy

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fe3054  No.326483




The Smashing Pumpkins - Tonight, Tonight

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f04980  No.326648


they fear america going back to what it was intended to be now that it's all in the light because they changed it to suit their hidden agendas when everything was still in the dark

while the media at large was covering stupid ass fucking shit like cooking shows rather than showing what's going on in the world and government, running cover for the criminals in suits, they were bleeding america dry

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42281e  No.327041


Personally, I believe it's a two-step script/routine:

TOR exit nodes first get assigned the usual UID depending on IP, in a second step are masked as "000000".

For some reason that 2nd step isn't applied when hovering over a postID from outside the bread that TOR post was made.

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1969e2  No.327167


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59a9d0  No.327478





Hey Baker, this opine isNOTABLEI think

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2591b1  No.327653





the absolute state

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62c9d2  No.327845

anubis is the 'anti-christ' the 'khrist of the inbred' or 'the least inbred' of the (((inbreds))), a jackal ~ (((jakob))) and can only learn that as it is a product of (((inbreeding))) it should never exist as how the (((inbred))) judas was made to hang by Jesus God.

(((inbreeding))) = child rape = endless death = godless creature to be drowned.

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c1a753  No.328093


>clean dickbeaters for drive thru holes

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64192e  No.328140


I am become death.

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632d1e  No.328598


I just know if I click on this, George Webb's gona start his shit up and flood my morning bucket list

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d409b6  No.328785

Chechen special forces are still enjoying the show


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63bfa6  No.328855


Doritos need more flavor.

Joe needs more gusto.

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d409b6  No.329060


P is the rich french family

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fe7724  No.329271


Since the very beginning. Where you been?

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cc350b  No.329944


Marriage is: one man, one woman (Gen. 2:18–24) in covenant (Matt. 19:6) for life (Rom. 7:2, 3).

Recommend reading:

The Divorce Myth by J. Carl Laney

Recommended sites:

Christian Divorce and Remarriage https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxN7-jaU4JtzOHTsUrVKCwQ/videos

Walking by the Spirit Always https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdooAdjR50Q

CPR Ministries https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCxxh4N9weB3eDsbrJZ2PLhw

Marriage Permanence https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKIhZUhYUaLecZHNEDv0hug/videos

The wickedness of Sodom ([Ex 20:14] heterosexual [Lev. 20:10–12] or homosexual [Lev. 20:10,13]) was notorious (Gen. 13:13).

Pr 8:36 http://prolifeprofiles.com/donald-trump-pro-life-profile

"…[S]ome sins are capital crimes that are "deserving of death." Deuteronomy 21:22 uses that phrase, "If a man has committed a sin deserving of death…" Paul used that phrase also in the New Testament when he said, in court and to the judge, "[I]f I am an offender, or have committed anything deserving of death, I do not object to dying" (Acts 25:11), that is, to being executed if convicted of a capital crime." What Does the Bible Say About Capital Punishment? By Bob Enyart | kgov.com

The Bible's Criminal Code by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/criminal-code

Nicer than God http://kgov.com/nicer-than-God

Judge Rightly Is Not Some Guy's Name Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/should-christians-judge

"Stop Me Before I Forgive Again!…" by Bob Enyart http://kgov.com/bel/20061010

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c66543  No.330648

Operation Weka II: Nearly 700 human trafficking victims rescued

INTERPOL-coordinated police action mobilizes 44 countries across four continents

LYON, France – In an INTERPOL-led crackdown on the criminal groups behind human trafficking and migrant smuggling, authorities across 44 countries have rescued nearly 700 victims of human trafficking.

Operation Weka II was carried out from 12 to 17 June, where officers progressed cases and carried out intensified checks at border points. Results so far have yielded a total of 300 arrests, including 88 suspected traffickers and 83 migrant smugglers. Some 100 additional arrests were made for other crimes such as document forgery, organized crime, firearms and drug trafficking, highlighting the poly-criminal nature of organized crime groups.

High-profile arrests

Weka II saw successful outcomes for a number of human trafficking cases linked to previous INTERPOL operations. For example, authorities in Morocco located and arrested a 34-year old man long suspected of recruiting, housing and trafficking women from Nigeria to Morocco, then on to Spain and other European destinations, where they were forced into prostitution. This high-profile arrest is the result of sustained cooperation between countries since Operation Weka I (2021).

In a separate case, police in Côte d’Ivoire arrested an Ivorian man suspected of running a transnational crime group trafficking women from Morocco and Guinea to Spain for the purpose of sexual exploitation.

Identified in the course of 2020’s Operation Turquesa II, this suspect was the subject of an INTERPOL Red Notice published by Spain. He was arrested at the airport in Abidjan when officers cross-checked his passport against INTERPOL’s databases.

“These key arrests show the extent and value of global operations, not only in the moment, but the long-term impact they have in generating leads, exchanging intelligence and establishing networks that are ready to act when the time is right,” said Jürgen Stock, INTERPOL’s Secretary General.


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0f366c  No.331674



your memes are so SKONKA

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321f42  No.332001


I wonder about Ivanka…Trump card or traitor?

Power corrupts.

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f090ec  No.332731


>vaginagens exclusively

>No reason to chew

If you cook it well, you won't have to chew.

It'll be tender like a well-cooked steak, melting on your tongue

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d1b0a9  No.332798


bread 20893

It's in notables above

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663d0d  No.333355


(You) get what (You) want and deserve.

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15637d  No.333810


Fox News Notables.

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e48d01  No.333953


will you ever tire of this larp, babyfist?

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c298e8  No.334187


>Choosy moms

Yeah, that's it.

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334adf  No.334243

big tech is really taking a shitter

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fa5c87  No.334326

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e118d9  No.334643



Yesterday's Q post was very different in feel then before. I'm sure it's a new team or something. It just didn't have the right flow like it used too. It just feels different. I can't explain.

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f43881  No.334743


Miami hosts a gun buyback program to send firearms to Ukraine

Jun 20, 2022

Rebel News

1.57M subscribers

Full Report:https://rebelne.ws/3zKOktA

Miami residents are selling their guns and rifles so that Ukraine troops can have weapons to help with their ongoing conflict with Russia.


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663d0d  No.334861


Shills really want freemasons to look bad…>>312063

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3a54db  No.334975

Trump Truth

Mitt Romney, Elizabeth Warren, other senators send bipartisan letter to Biden urging him to keep Trump’s China tariffs, saying they’re ‘not a driver of today’s inflation’



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02514f  No.335215



This stupid broad deserves some form of compensation for her image being used so much.

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35e0f3  No.335942

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e2a016  No.335985


yea this settles it, fake

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425a84  No.336048

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154c09  No.336057


You speak Jive?

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596f69  No.336139



>that (((inbreed))) have to be killed

oy vey!

annudda shoah is good for (((propaganda)))

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408bb0  No.336324


No pro abortion etc

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9dc08a  No.336540


Yep can’t talk bout vaccines or banker fraud…I wonder who trump works for.

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aee1c6  No.337010


We The Media ⭐️⭐️⭐️, [23.04.22 18:24]

[Forwarded from Paul Serran 👾 (Paul Serran)]

[ Photo ]

here is how they frame their fight:

Christ is Risen and Russia will win! There is no death!

JUST FOR CONTEXT: for the Ortodox Christians, tomorrow is Easter Sunday.

H/T Intel Slava Z 🔥🔥🔥

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b26ee2  No.337225

Sometimes I get so annoyed at the shills. Mostly because they're so shitty. I mean, I KNOW you're a shill. But I have to waste precious seconds filtering so many. But you're not tricking anyone, or convincing anyone.

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c574b6  No.337300


Tomorrow! 10:00am, 6/30/2022

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b15fe9  No.337623



somebody drop it in hm yet?

askin for a fren

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7eee0f  No.338101


That's simply not true. This country was founded by Deists, with religious freedom…not on Zionism.

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fcf9ad  No.338272


Q does not jump through your hoops. Ever stop to think about that fact? KEK!

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566f11  No.338538


Hey yo, baker. Yeah, you know.

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25b06f  No.340982


They had (have?) a plan.

Patriots know the playbook after studying/verifying their comms.

Patriots took their plan, and used it to their advantage; most key was cranking up the speed dial, and setting legal traps all along the way.

Either some, half, or all of the DS knows they are walking into it but have no choice.

Billy wasn't a prophet, ya know. Billy did his part in putting his theories and ideas out there, and also predicting his own death to the detail. Logic says Billy was one of them. Hey, you want to look into something spoopy, though? Go on TS and look at how many Freemasons (openly, like, in their profiles) are there following people.


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68282b  No.341377


I completely forgot there was a rally today.


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f02843  No.341692


The Illuminati plan is simply to enslave the world and never have to face legitimate threats ( so strong). The people who get caught up in their ideas, which on the surface are at least plausible and in some cases may be necessary and justified, fail to recognize that simply people who have wealth pass it on to their children. People who have things handed to them ie wealth and power, connections rarely are worthy of it the same as someone who earns it. Therefore very quickly nepotism and cronyism doesn’t keep the strong or worthy it keeps the opposite. And so their system is as it is today where the leaders have become abject cowards and vile and delusional but with tremendous power. It’s aBIG club of arrogant people.


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3eb948  No.341809



drank himself to death.


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e22f2e  No.341837


The Pope serves man.


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d9d3e5  No.342196


Different password different trip

try again shill


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53eaf7  No.342771


Poor word choice award #2

Libs screaming "illegitimate" before SCOTUS, just like their children that they'll be having in the next year.


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89ff04  No.344595

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5b3710  No.344700

Boris facing a vote on 666



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04f3a7  No.344704

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653bac  No.344937


well, the exact reason why is those are the ones that will take roe v wade down. The others are not voting against it.


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292b43  No.345015


>thats why the post got deleted today, right?

>Careful what [you] wish for


B post getting deleted confirms it was fuckery

confirming babyfist is fuckery agent

confirming Jim aided and abetted said fuckery

but keep kvetching and exposing your little LARP


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ab9294  No.345877

Rep. David Cicilline (D-R.I.): "I don‘t think there is a single incident, and maybe there is one, but I have not found one, of an assailant using an assault weapon that was stopped by a person with a gun. Maybe there's one."



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5ccf7e  No.345956



This movement is about Truth. Posting bullshit doesn't help. If you want to make a point, don't use falsehoods to do it.


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