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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

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87e6ec  No.311022

because cowards can't defend themselves without a weapon, because it's a replacement for their no longer functional penis..

and just like a little boy with a plastic ulcer and plastic cap gun who's pretending to be a cowboy, SLIM WHITMAN IS ALSO A MAKE BELIEVE COWBOY

not to mention the fact that he's got zero talent, JUST LIKE A SNIVELING COWARD

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87e6ec  No.311023

I know a sniveling coward from this board, who actually threatened that he would participate in a violent civil War, to retaliate against a stolen election

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87e6ec  No.311024

AND EVERYBODY KNOWS : sniveling chickenshit cowards love slim Whitman!!!

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285de1  No.311026

I've heard that slim Whitman is the polka yodeling cowboy favorite of sniveling cowardly alcoholics all across America

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285de1  No.311027


yodeling originated in the Swiss Alps

polka music originated in Poland

cowboy music originted in MEXICO

(thats right … MEXICO)



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40caa2  No.311132


what about machismos?

do they overcompensate with bodybuilding that they are beta faggots who have been bullied in school


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a17fc4  No.311147



and has NEVER been sexually attracted to a woman in his entire garbage 3rd world Slavic life

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