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The holocaust never happened

File: 6cb9ca8e08dd6f0⋯.png (92.27 KB, 1021x696, 1021:696, PeterStrzokSethRich.png)

330ebb  No.31058

Idk how this hasn't been posted yet, but discuss!

Pg 123


Also I recently found that the largest holding investment firm for Crowdstrike, the 3rd party company who investigated the alleged "hack" for the DNC, sold half their shares towards the end of the Q4 of 2019 around 250 Million USD valuation. That seems odd. Remember, Crowdstrike claimed Russia was guilty of the "hack", and the FBI or legal authorities to this day never was allowed to check the DNC servers themselves.


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241647  No.31085

File: 314b020fbc412b6⋯.png (358.91 KB, 614x450, 307:225, Yoshitaka_Sakurada.png)


>What a great time to release this

So much censorship under 'muh national security', the pedo politicians are very well protected.

Nothing is likely to happen and the kike shills will try derail this bread if it grows.

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330ebb  No.31087


The timing is suspect I think the impeachment hearing is to distract from this, but I'm not sure the exact reasoning. From my understanding Judicial Watch has been requesting these documents for months and were getting railroaded the whole time until recently. I'll do more research

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241647  No.31088


With half of the document redacted they are being railroaded. That's disgusting levels of censorship. it gets worse every fucking year. God damn kikes and their good goyim every time.

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330ebb  No.31089


True but it still gives a lot of information. They railroaded long enough past the point of Strzok being under fire because if this would have come up during the hearings, he would have been grilled about it. Page as well.

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241647  No.31102


Isn't he getting assfucked right now though by a newer case against him?

Who would actually prosecute this because the glowniggers won't do shit.

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2ccda5  No.31162


>Idk how this hasn't been posted yet, but discuss!

what faggotry

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ac3656  No.31246

File: 72532160c461d96⋯.jpg (41.41 KB, 319x445, 319:445, 515H94qcsiL._SY445_.jpg)

If we can just expose the DemonKKKrats, the White race will be saved in no time! This is the same kind of unimportant bullshit that the "patriot movement" obsessed over during the Clinton years, and got nowhere with.

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44c866  No.31278


You’re proving incapable of understanding what this board is for.

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330ebb  No.31279



Yea discuss, as in share your insight on the topic of above, but I forgot this place was sub 80IQ faggots. Well at you least you two met each other, and since its 2020 no one cares

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5b5d67  No.31479

File: c87f65823a2b9c1⋯.jpg (158.73 KB, 1013x480, 1013:480, This_2.jpg)


Fucking this.

The Republifag Party is a piece of flotsam we can hold onto for a short breather, but it's still 75% the enemy of the white race. Even hardworking cucks like James Allsup have dramatically failed to make headway in the Zionist Party, which has publicly punished Based Steve King for even suggesting there might be such a thing as white America.

Remember that boomercuck Republicans are, ultimately, just another speedbump to overcome, not allies. Their only virtue is that they at least don't brag openly about how cool America will be once the whites have been put down, the way every single Democrat does at the moment.

Reminder that as you read this, you're still not getting anything done in the real world.

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094e5a  No.31575


There needs to be political infiltration and takeover of both parties on our part. That is the only way to stop it. Not enough good white people are running for congressional office or in local or state elections. The only way to fix this is to take back the power from them and start to overturn everything they did. This does not come without personal sacrifice and a lot of work.

If you think random acts of violence is going to get us anywhere you are wrong, and this has been proven, its further exploited against us. Anyone who does goes to prison or is shot by cop. Violence solves nothing at this point. WE have to take back the political power and we have to do it in a very smart cunning way to gain mass support too.

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44c866  No.31586


>oy vey goyim you have to work within a system that exists solely to exterminate you and which has rules in place which literally prevent you from ever gaining power again

>there are no other options

>you literally cannot do anything else, ever

>oy vey never physically fight back that has never worked goyim oy vey it is wrong to be violent lol violence never solved anything

>remember when we brainwashed you to believe that as a kid ha ha history books are all lies violence bad goyim

Just kill yourself. You’re not human. You’re not one of us. Every word you’ve ever said is a lie.

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4ca9af  No.31591


I recommend you read "Zero Tolerance" by Alexander Slavros.

You're not going to "out Jew the Jew" they control the parties through banks and their complete control over the nature of our currency. Even if you scrounge up a million it's nothing comared to the trillions they have and the complete control over the media and land which they will use to make you broke and poor.

They control the system, they won't make the same mistake twice. As they did in 1933, it's 2020 they have changed and adapted it's time for us to do so in response.

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6246a9  No.31703


Yes. There was the Revolution of 1933 in Germany that died twelve years not a slave, and there was the Revolution of 1933 in the United States of America from which we're still suffering.

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4ca9af  No.31722


More like 1913 or better yet 1788.

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32abcc  No.76575

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