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797c8e  No.306473 [Last 50 Posts]

Some background: I'm a man in his mid 20's and haven't gotten laid yet. This was a choice originally, I had multiple opportunities as a teenager which I passed up essentially because of religious guilt. Eventually, I got over said religious guilt, and got over the shock of becoming an atheist from having been religious, and decided to recommence dating. In February 2020.

Needless to say things have been difficult, and here I am, now in my mid 20's (I wasn't in 2020) and still haven't had a gf since 19.

The public is still in shock from covid apparently, because attending public events, joining different leagues and so on has mostly just introduced me to people ten or so years my senior, and I have never dated online, so that's a skill to pick up I suppose.

But the point of this post is this: I recently set out on the internet to ask a simple question: is lack of sexual experience actually all that much of a problem assuming you are a socialable person with your life together and in decent physical shape. What I managed to find is incels complaining about all the times they were rejected by women and how if you don't get laid by age 18 you never will.

So here I am incels; I know this is where you are. What the fuck makes you the authority on anything you kissless motherfuckers? Nobody asked you your opinion. You can't get laid because you're a smelly autist with nothing to talk about other than how mad you are you're a virgin. Fucking prove me wrong.

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b78151  No.306482

Pulitzer Prize winning investigative journalist Glenn Greenwald on Fox News interview: “In what way does this war serve the interests of the American people?… It doesn't… Obviously, it serves the interest of a tiny sliver of people in Washington, weapons manufacturers, people in the security state who get money and power from these sorts of things…And right at the moment, when their market for these weapons disappeared, when the U.S. finally got out of Iraq and Afghanistan, lo and behold, there's this new market in Ukraine.” https://www.foxnews.com/media/ukraine-war-serves-interests-tiny-sliver-americans-defense-contractors-greenwald

▲ Glenn Greenwald On The Ingraham Angle: https://video.foxnews.com/v/6307278071112 // https://www.bitchute.com/video/xqUNF4gUUkA/

The war in Ukraine may be impossible to stop, and the United States government deserves much of the blame: https://www.almendron.com/tribuna/the-war-in-ukraine-may-be-impossible-to-stop-and-the-u-s-deserves-much-of-the-blame/

When it comes to manipulating things, it appears Russia lacks American style finesse:

The African Union has requested America to lift Russian sanctions due to food crisis: https://www.rt.com/business/556561-africa-wants-russian-sanctions-lifted/

Biden Mandates More Ethanol In Gasoline Which Will Erode Engines, Cause More Pollution And Raise Corn Prices: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/biden-mandates-more-ethanol-gasoline-expect-many-negative-repercussions

Complying with Russia’s rubles-for-gas demand would violate the EU’s own sanctions. However, countries that refuse could be cut off from Russian supplies. On 27 April, Moscow halted its gas exports to Bulgaria and Poland. Putin warned he would do the same to other European countries that refuse to pay in rubles. On 10 May, Reuters reported that Germany is already preparing a crisis plan in case of an abrupt halt to Russian gas imports: https://www.energymonitor.ai/policy/how-can-the-eu-end-its-dependence-on-russian-gas#

The US Empire can’t get the hemisphere together because it’s coming apart (unity is breaking up fast for the USSA): https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2022/06/05/us-cant-get-hemisphere-together-because-its-coming-apart/

World War II Survivor Has A Dire Warning For Americans: https://allnewspipeline.com/MSM_Behaves_Like_National_Socialist_Media.php

Russian General Roman Kutuzov has been killed on the battlefield in eastern Ukraine’s Donbas region, Russian state-owned media reported Sunday: https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2022/06/06/russian-general-reported-killed-in-ukraine-a77898

Russian troops continue to conduct hostilities at the contact line with available forces, pulling up additional armaments. Battles are raging at the border of Kherson Region and Mykolaiv Region, and in Kherson Region’s Beryslav District. The enemy wants to regain the lost positions and opens fire on villages. The situation is difficult in such communities as Kalynivka and Velyka Oleksandrivka: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3501019-enemy-keeps-two-boats-and-submarine-carrying-20-kalibr-missiles-in-black-sea.html

Ukrainian forces continued to conduct limited and localized but successful counterattacks against Russian positions throughout Ukraine on June 5, including retaking large areas of Severodonetsk—the city in Luhansk Oblast the Kremlin has concentrated the majority of its forces on capturing. A Russian Telegram channel claimed that Ukrainian troops launched a counterattack north of Kharkiv City, indicating that Ukrainian forces continue to pressure Russian defensive lines near the Russian border: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-june-5

According to the latest operational update of the Ukrainian Navy, the Russian Black Sea Fleet was pushed back from the Ukrainian coast at a distance of more than a hundred kilometres: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/06/06/russian-black-sea-fleet-pushed-back-over-100km-from-ukrainian-coast/

Trial Of Foreign Mercenaries In Donetsk People’s Republic Began: https://southfront.org/trial-of-foreign-mercenaries-in-donetsk-peoples-republic-began/

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b78151  No.306483

India Seeks Even More Russian Oil: https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/India-Seeks-Even-More-Russian-Oil.html

Modi’s Multipolar Moment Has Arrived: https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/06/06/modi-india-russia-ukraine-war-china-us-geopolitics-multipolar-quad/

Ukraine is smouldering. The EU is paying a fortune to import LNG. Yet the global oil and gas industry is still flaring off as much gas as the EU buys from Russia each year: https://www.energymonitor.ai/tech/decarbonising-gas/opinion-the-insanity-of-flaring-during-a-global-gas-crisis

Americans who favored exporting natural gas to Europe will regret their decision due to higher electricity bills: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/perfect-storm-factors-sends-us-natural-gas-prices-soaring

The Russian Foreign Ministry has placed sanctions on US Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm along with 60 other top officials: https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Russia-Sanctions-US-Energy-Secretary.html

Globalism, central bank money printing are the real root causes behind inflation and shortages: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-06-globalism-central-banking-root-causes-inflation-shortages.html

Russia has reportedly reached an agreement with Turkey to erect a de-mined 'grain corridor' which would provide safe passage to Ukrainian grain cargo ships out of the Black Sea port of Odessa via joint military escorts: https://www.dailysabah.com/business/economy/turkey-russia-agree-on-ukrainian-grain-exports-from-odessa-izvestia

Russian Foreign Ministry Sergey Lavrov was set to fly Sunday for an official trip to Serbia, but his plane was blocked by the countries surrounding Serbia, which includes Bulgaria, North Macedonia and Montenegro. All three countries, including the tiny Serb breakaway nation of Montenegro, are NATO members: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/nato-countries-surrounding-serbia-close-airspace-russian-fms-plane-hostile-action

Ukraine officials hit out at Macron after suggestions Russia should not be humiliated over its invasion of Ukraine: https://www.euronews.com/2022/06/05/ukraine-officials-hit-out-at-macron-after-suggestions-russia-should-not-be-humiliated

Ukrainian Intelligence Service Destroyed Enemy Armoured Vehicle With Unique Copper Core Cumulative Bomb: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/6/3/500995/

On the Donetsk and Luhansk fronts, Ukrainian troops repulsed 10 Russian attacks and destroyed 11 pieces of Russian equipment on Monday, 6 June: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/06/6/7350936/

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b78151  No.306484

Jeff Rense Interviews William Gheen About Coming American Famine And Details Deliberate Destruction Of Global Supply Chains: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oOYqvd4SWeE

Soon Comming To Every City And Town In America! German Supermarkets Now Limiting Food Purchases Of Consumers: https://twitter.com/WallStreetSilv/status/1533859892762750977

If the military conflict in Ukraine does not come to an end soon, the resulting famine could trigger political instability in Africa, Italian Foreign Minister Luigi di Maio warned during a press conference on Saturday: https://www.rt.com/news/556657-italy-famine-africa-war-ukraine/

AS PREDICTED: In Latest Flailing Attempt To Slow Soaring Energy Costs, Biden Invokes Defense Production Act To Push Agenda 21 Green New Deal Great Reset Agenda: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/biden-invokes-defense-production-act-accelerate-solar-fuel-cells-latest-flailing-attempt

Due To Russian Oil Sanctions, Poland To Lift Ban On Burning Coal & Wood For Alternative Energy: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/collect-branches-fuel-poles-told-burn-wood-keep-warm-amid-putinflation

▲ MY COMMENT: Good idea. I have a wood burning stove and heat my homestead every winter just fine. It cuts energy costs, plus it's a great solution for heat during the winter after economic collapse/grid-down SHTF. Just remember to clean the chute once every year!! You DO NOT want a constant build-up of creosote in the chute because that can eventually lead to over-heating, which leads to house fires! SO CLEAN THE WOOD STOVE CHUTE EVERY YEAR!! This may suck for those afraid of heights but you'll have to get over that fear and do it to prevent dangerous flammable creosote build-up!

Britain is joining the US is supplying longer range rockets to Ukraine, despite fresh threats from Russia's president Vladimir Putin who says he is ready to expand strikes to decision-making centers: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/06/uk-to-send-long-range-rocket-artillery-to-ukraine-despite-russian-threats

What Happens To Europe And America After The Russian-Ukraine War? Just Look At The Archived 2017 Deagel Global Population And GDP Projection For 2025: https://ncrenegade.com/what-happens-to-europe-when-russia-wins/

New video from the Donbass front lines was shared by servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. The AFU positions in a kindergarten were shelled by Russian artillery. As a result of shelling, several Ukrainian solders were injured: https://southfront.org/in-video-ukrainian-soldiers-hiding-in-kindergarten-hit-by-russian-artillery-blame-civilians/

In Kharkiv region, the Russians mine the territory on the route of the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine towards Rubizhne. "In Kharkiv direction, the enemy's main efforts are focused on holding the occupied frontiers, border areas north of Kharkiv city, and restraining the advance of our troops. The enemy remotely delivers mines on the route of the offensive of our troops towards Rubizhne," the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine posted: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3501362-russian-troops-mining-territory-on-route-of-ukraines-army-offensive-in-kharkiv-region.html

In Siverodonetsk, Luhansk region, the situation is currently stable, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have strengthened their positions and are holding their ground in the city against the Russian onslaught: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3501682-ukrainian-troops-strengthen-positions-in-siverodonetsk-holding-ground-mayor.html

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b78151  No.306485

FLASHBACK: Nuland-Pyatt 2014 Ukraine Coup Leaked Phone Call: https://rumble.com/vwjn3v-2014-ukraine-coup-victoria-nuland-geoffrey-pyatt-leaked-phone.html

Bilderberg/Davos Cabal Meeting In Secret Behind Closed Doors In Washington DC (Likely Talking About Ways To Further Destroy And Undermine America): http://greeknewsondemand.com/2022/06/04/bilderberg-meeting-behind-closed-doors-in-dc-and-mainstream-media-is-not-allowed-to-talk-about-it/


▲ MY COMMENT: I truly believe America has been deeply compromised by powerful people who hate our country, they want to see the middle class, our Constitutional freedoms and our economy completely destroyed and nullified. Chances are very high these despotic nimrods are feudalists, they wish to bring back monarchy and feudalism!!!

Czechia’s blackout risk grows and people should prepare for the worst: https://rmx.news/czech-republic/czechias-blackout-risk-grows-and-people-should-prepare-for-the-worst/

The key oil alliance between Saudi Arabia and Russia remains strong despite the shift in the geopolitical environment caused by the Ukraine War: https://oilprice.com/Geopolitics/International/Why-Saudi-Arabia-Isnt-Giving-Up-On-Its-Russian-Oil-Alliance.html

Russian top official tells the truth about Big Pharma and engineered bioweapons while US government officials LIE to protect big pharma crooked special interests: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-07-russian-official-truth-big-pharma-engineered-bioweapons.html

Ukraine Biological Weapons Laboratories Funded By Former CIA Director Leon Panetta: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/06/02/vital-the-italian-boss-of-obamas-coronavirus-ukraine-laboratories-funded-by-former-cia-director-leon-panetta/

American weapons sent to Ukraine are ending up for sale on dark web: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-07-american-weapons-sent-to-ukraine-for-sale-dark-web.html

Documents of Polish Colonel found in Severodonetsk, the documents may be considered the first evidence of the participation of Polish military personnel in hostilities against Russia: https://www.veteranstoday.com/2022/06/06/nato-fighting-in-donbass-documents-of-polish-colonel-found-in-severodonetsk/

Ukrainian government is upset the European Union is easing sanctions on Russian technology: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3501945-eu-eases-sanctions-on-russia-without-any-explanations-podolyak.html

Russia on Tuesday claimed to have taken control of 97% of one of the two provinces that make up Ukraine’s Donbas, bringing the Kremlin closer to its goal of fully capturing the eastern industrial heartland of coal mines and factories: https://apnews.com/article/russia-ukraine-kyiv-moscow-411ca8f38524e0d2b120479acef4ad56

Kremlin Declares "Land Bridge" Complete From Western Russia To Donbas To Crimea: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/kremlin-declares-land-bridge-complete-western-russia-donbas-crimea

Ukrainian ‘barrier troops’ blow up bridge to prevent retreat: https://www.rt.com/russia/556720-ukraine-barrier-troops-bridge/

In the past 24 hours, Russian missile and artillery troops hit 39 command posts, 47 firing positions of Ukrainian artillery batteries and 426 areas of amassed manpower and military hardware…The artillery strikes wiped out a 155mm M109A3 self-propelled artillery gun supplied by Norway, two US-made 155mm M777 howitzers and also seven field artillery guns and mortars, including a 203mm Pion self-propelled artillery system…The strikes also eliminated over 400 nationalists, 10 pieces of armor, three Grad multiple launch rocket systems, 10 special vehicles and also three S-300 anti-aircraft missile launchers near Kramatorsk: https://tass.com/defense/1461581

$40B Ukrainian “Aid,” My ASS: https://capitalisteric.wordpress.com/2022/05/16/40b-ukrainian-aid-my-ass/

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b78151  No.306486

How the West miscalculated its ability to punish Russia: https://asiatimes.com/2022/06/how-the-west-miscalculated-its-ability-to-punish-russia/

The European economy is collapsing – immigration, fuel shortages, cold, hunger. It’s coming. It will have effects. Only Russia will be able to supply collapsing Europe’s need for fuel, food and commodities. Putin won’t play ball unless Europe agrees to break with Washington: https://tapnewswire.com/2022/06/will-europe-break-with-washington/

The EU's 3 biggest shipping countries have doubled Russian oil shipments since the invasion of Ukraine: https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/eus-3-biggest-shipping-countries-060039401.html

New York billionaire and refiner John Catsimatidis is out with a new warning that soaring fuel prices and rising interest rates could produce a hard landing for the US economy. "Somebody's on the path to destruct America, and somebody's got to say 'guys, enough is enough'. You know what the cost has been to the American people because of the rising gas prices - the cost of the rising food prices - it's going to go even higher with $120 oil", Catsimatidis said: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/us-oil-billionaire-warns-somebodys-path-destruct-america


There is a war on for humanity! Freedom vs. Subjugation: https://allnewspipeline.com/We_Are_Fighting_The_War_Of_The_Ages.php

Ukraine, Russia exchange bodies of fallen soldiers in Zaporizhzhia Region: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3502561-ukraine-russia-exchange-bodies-of-fallen-soldiers-in-zaporizhzhia-region.html

Zelensky Vows Full De-Occupation Of Entire Territory After Macron's 'Don't Humiliate Russia' Remarks: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/zelensky-vows-full-de-occupation-entire-territory-after-macrons-dont-humiliate-russia

Russian State TV Warns A Nuclear War Would Ensure Only 'Mutants' Survive: https://www.newsweek.com/russian-state-tv-vladimir-solovyov-nuclear-war-nato-support-mutants-survive-ukraine-1713352

Russian Foreign Ministry Cyber Expert Andrei Krutskikh strongly advised the United States to quit attacking Russian computer systems, with him warning “We do not recommend that the United States provoke Russia into retaliatory measures - a rebuff will certainly follow, it will be firm and resolute…However, the outcome of this mess could be catastrophic, because there will be no winners in a direct cyber clash of states”: https://mid.ru/ru/foreign_policy/news/1816353/

Russian troops have destroyed a building of the Ukrainian State Border Guard Service in Sumy Region: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3502478-enemy-destroys-building-of-state-border-guard-service-in-sumy-region.html

Russian forces have likely established control over the majority of the residential sector of Severodonetsk and conducted assaults against Ukrainian positions in the industrial zone in the past 24 hours. The operational environment within the city remains fluid. Russian forces continued efforts to advance on Slovyansk southeast from the Izyum area and west from Lyman, attempting to break through Ukrainian defenses that have halted most direct frontal assaults from Izyum. Russian forces are likely attempting to reinforce their operations in the Severodonetsk-Lysychansk area from both the Toshkivka-Ustynivka area in the south and Kupyansk from the northwest. Russian forces began withdrawing troops from positions in Zaporizhia Oblast, likely either to rotate damaged units into rear areas or to reinforce Russian defenses in northwestern Kherson Oblast, though ISW cannot currently confirm the destination of these forces. Russian forces failed to regain advanced positions on the western (now Ukrainian-occupied) bank of the Ihulets River on June 7: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-june-7

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b78151  No.306488

Russia and China’s War On The US Dollar Is Just Beginning: https://nationalinterest.org/feature/russia-and-china%E2%80%99s-war-dollar-just-beginning-202866

Global crime syndicates insist on replacing conventional farming and raising livestock with protein alternatives grown indoors that don’t actually contain animal flesh. While some people believe this to be healthy, the problem with this synthetic approach is that it is more chemical-focused: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-08-globalists-promote-synthetic-meat-discourage-growing-food.html

▲ FLASHBACK: Globalists Flock To Doomsday Bunkers While World Bank Tells Peasant Class NOT To Store Food: https://www.lewrockwell.com/2022/03/no_author/elite-flock-to-doomsday-bunkers-world-bank-tells-peasant-class-not-to-store-food/

/PND/ THREADS ON MANUFACTURED FOOD SHORTAGES: >>>/pnd/298841 ; >>>/pnd/298428 ; >>>/pnd/299775 ; >>>/pnd/294322 ; >>>/pnd/297664 ; >>>/pnd/295699

Ukraine and Russia produce almost a third of the world's wheat and barley and are major exporters of metals. Disruptions to these supply chains as well as rising costs for many raw materials have pushed up the cost of food and other basic goods and services: https://www.euronews.com/next/2022/06/08/why-war-in-ukraine-is-hitting-europe-s-economy-so-hard

Norway government launches new monitoring scheme to track all food purchases of private citizens: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-08-norway-launches-surveillance-scheme-track-food-purchases.html

In 1964, a majority of Americans trusted the government. Today, American trust in the corrupted subverted compromised government is near historic lows: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/american-trust-in-government-near-e2-80-98historic-lows-e2-80-99-pew-finds/ar-AAYfyq8

Governmental Leadership In America Has Failed, Polls Show Rapid Decline In Public Trust As Price Inflation, Commodity Shortages, War, Debt Insolvency, Illegal Immigration And Terror Are All Increasing: https://www.express.co.uk/news/politics/1619260/Joe-Biden-US-Ukraine-Zelensky-trust-poll-crisis-news

Texas LNG Export Terminal Shuttered For Three Weeks After Organized Terrorist Attack Against American Energy Industry: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/small-explosion-texas-lng-export-terminal-sends-us-natgas-crashing


Record UK Gasoline Prices See Biggest Daily Surge In 17 Years: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/record-uk-gasoline-prices-see-biggest-daily-surge-17-years

Russian Army managed and overcame the river barrier Seversky Donets and occupied the settlement Tetjanivka on the south bank of the river just opposite Svyatogorsk. The Russian Ministry of Defense is now talking about decimated Ukrainian army. Only in Svyatogorsk the Ukrainians had 300 losses, and in the wider Donbas an additional 320 dead. At the same time, the Russians are preparing a large -scale attack on Zaporizie in order to occupy the last fort of the Ukrainian forces in Gulyaipole: https://warnews247.gr/apodekatistike-o-oukranikos-stratos-perase-ton-potamo-seversky-donets-i-rosiki-stratia-epithesi-keravnos-pros-ntonbas-kai-zaporizie/

The Ukrainian forces shelled the central part of Donetsk, wounding two women and a child, according to a correspondent. The new attacks comes despite the fact that the Ukrainian Army has had to retreat from a a big part of the DPR territory in the recent days, leaving their positions in the cities of Krasny Liman, Svyatogorsk and other settlements: https://sputniknews.com/20220608/powerful-explosion-hits-central-donetsk-1096121868.html

"On the night of June 9, the Russian military shelled the Novobavarsky district of Kharkiv city. As a result of the enemy shelling, three people were killed and five more were injured. In addition, a restaurant was completely destroyed and an educational establishment was damaged," the Kharkiv Regional Prosecutor's Office posted on Telegram: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3503231-death-toll-of-kharkiv-night-shelling-rises-to-three.html

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5b8b16  No.306497

File: 3fa089b847f9fe3⋯.webm (5.35 MB, 853x480, 853:480, but_you_do.webm)


>Incels are insufferable faggots

yes but christcucks who refuse sex because of moralfaggotry are so much better than them.

> is lack of sexual experience actually all that much of a problem a

of course it is sherlock

women want what other women want

i.e. charles manson

If no woman wants you, there is something off with you by female logic.

Your best bet to get a gf is probably to pretend to be in a relationship already or better, already married.

>Nobody asked you your opinion.

but you do

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3073f5  No.306501



Haven't done that for a long time buddy. And in case you didn't notice, this is not me asking questions, this is a confrontation as much as there can be one over the internet to anonymous posters who pop up everywhere to try and make everyone as miserable as they are. Are you an incel? If not you aren't part of this fight, go stand on the sidelines and watch. If you are then fuck you I clearly don't need your "If I was you" advice. If you were me you would have gotten laid at age 15 when you had your first chance instead of believing in anything other than cummies.

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5b8b16  No.306507

File: 118a3d34ba0e957⋯.webm (2.1 MB, 853x480, 853:480, time_for_fear.webm)


okay then let me activate my ejection seat button and catapult into the setting sun and leave you alone in your thread

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7f8d56  No.306509

>>306507 You want to do me a real favor? If you know any incels, tell them I'm here and I'm ready to fling shit. Tell them one of their own broke ranks and has decided everything they blame on women is actually their own fault. I never counted myself among them but it might get them here.

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5b8b16  No.306511

File: c56126a95ed0912⋯.jpeg (28.6 KB, 474x315, 158:105, th_2480950534.jpeg)


Hi, Elliot Rodger here

If you want a gf, just do this:

>get a sexy haircut

>get a pair or porno sunglasses

>get fancy designer clothes

>get yourself a BMW sports car

>start talking like a supreme english gentleman using fancy words like "magnificent" because when you talk like an Englishmen, girls will think you are a prince or at least an inbred cousin of the royals

this method works every single time 100% guaranteed

See you vaxxed fags in heaven soon

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ee6d5d  No.306512


Neptune here, the ANTI-INCEL

success breeds success

and lack of success breeds lack of success

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ee6d5d  No.306513

File: f3d74f2c1d6f039⋯.jpg (315.51 KB, 1080x1506, 180:251, Picsart_22_06_10_00_57_06_….jpg)

you're correct about the effects of the pandemic on social activities

but that's not going to effect your chances either way

you'll either succeed, or you won't

it's up to you

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7f8d56  No.306514

>>306512 Wonderful, Neptune. I didn't know the wit of a Roman God was required to write fortune cookies. Where are all the incels? Am I on the wrong image board or did they all bitch out?

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ee6d5d  No.306515

but at least you're on the right track

you WANT to succeed….

incels are merely cowards

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ee6d5d  No.306516

File: e5824759a35cab6⋯.jpg (316.6 KB, 1080x1506, 180:251, Picsart_22_06_10_00_59_59_….jpg)


this board only has like 4 or 5 ppl tops

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ee6d5d  No.306517

incels are afraid of failing

so they refuse to try




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7f8d56  No.306518


Tbh fam I haven't tried dating apps yet. Took a look around on them though. Lots of 5/10 girls, probably won't be that hard. I still lost 2 1/2 years of my life dodging vaccine mandates and nigger riots when I could have been getting laid. I could have had an 8/10 girl now I'm gonna be stuck with the dummies because of a fake pandemic. Pussy is pussy I guess.

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5b8b16  No.306520

File: 02ae6fffba5fff0⋯.webm (7.11 MB, 886x480, 443:240, maude.webm)


good luck casanova and report back

make us proud

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7f8d56  No.306521

>>306520 You can be sure I will not be doing that, me being in this position is pretty much a freak accident at this point and I have real life friends. I seriously was here to go tell a bunch of incels they suck as humans but I guess this ain't no 4/pol/.

4/pol/ blocks my IP for whatever reason. Probably because I'm not a federal agent.

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ee6d5d  No.306522

File: 3d3e3c2ba1f6c61⋯.jpg (325.79 KB, 1080x1506, 180:251, Picsart_22_06_10_01_10_45_….jpg)


hint: you'll never find anything real

without the real world

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ee6d5d  No.306523

TEXTING : how not to communicate

DATING APP: how not to find a gf

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ee6d5d  No.306524


yep this certainly isn't /pol/

thank god

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ee6d5d  No.306525

File: d555788d356681c⋯.jpg (186.28 KB, 1080x1506, 180:251, Picsart_22_06_10_01_17_08_….jpg)

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d258ea  No.306526

File: bf6c7073e36d4b4⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 2304x1728, 4:3, www_plus613_com_BareButt.JPG)


Yes, and the Way for You to Succeed is to Suck Seed…

As for OP, he is correct that blaming women won't solve anything, and most stances that incels take are not very attractive to women.

There are plenty of semi-desperate women out there who are pretty clean and will fuck you if you don't act like a psycho Marshmallow Sally, or a Sinistar7 Fagboi. It's not as big of a deal as you're making it out to be. There are a lot of ways of working with sexual energies, with or without partners, and I guarantee you that even Johnny is a virgin when it comes to most of them. In other words, getting laid is no big deal, but there are a LOT of "big deals" surrounding the whole conjugal process that may or may not be dragged in. Pay attention. Surrender to the process but keep your wits about you. Learn something. Go deeper.

tl;dr Experience can only be gained through Experience.

Stop trippin' on it, and just DO IT. Face your fear, stop beating yourself up, and lashing out with anger at others you see as going down a path of useless spinning-of-wheels, and move forward with what seems authentic for you.

Protip: You won't find any girls worth participating in sexual activity with here on 8kun.

Go find a cool activity you enjoy that females might participate in…

> inb4 video games or D&D

Physical activities are best activities, and will help you with your shyness about touching, which you obviously have.

Everything's gonna be OK.

> inb4 Neptunic ridicule…

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3e983d  No.306527


I've been trying the physical activities thing for a few months now and unless I'm gonna start dating cougars it's not working out. Public life still seems to be stalled after the last two years. I have a close friend who used to have a new girlfriend like every two months before covid tell me my best bet right now is dating apps because of the death of public life, and I spent a while trying to prove him wrong, and it seems he is right.

Not that I'm going to just quit going outside, but I will be adding dating apps to my search soon.

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ee6d5d  No.306528

no ridicule from me, sir

you send it up perfectly

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ee6d5d  No.306529



you SUMMED it up perfectly

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ee6d5d  No.306530


relax because you'll never find anything worthwhile by looking for it

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ee6d5d  No.306531


when I meet a girl I'm gonna fuck, I know it instantly, and so will she….

just don't go looking for it…

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ee6d5d  No.306532


I feel sorry for today's youth

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ee6d5d  No.306533


what a fucked up generation to be born into, huh?

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ee6d5d  No.306535


my best advice ?….. pay attention….


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ee6d5d  No.306536


study the behavior of CATS……

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ee6d5d  No.306537


become a cat ………..

and women will respond

trust me

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f7bee8  No.306538


I get the idea, I'm not literally without experience with women.

Considering we're on an anonymous board I'll just come out and say it I had a few relationships in highschool fall apart basically because I wouldn't fuck the woman I was with for religious reasons. It's pretty fucked up to tell kids they will be eternally damned for getting laid, because kids are stupid and might actually believe it. So yeah, I basically know how being with women works right up until you point you start fucking. Like right up until that point. I've slept with women in the literal sense but not in the metaphorical sense. I just got pissed off at some incel rage and wanted to take it out on somebody.

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ee6d5d  No.306539

you might think I'm joking….. I'm not

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ee6d5d  No.306540


lol bloody good show, old chum!!

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ee6d5d  No.306541

*smiles, lights a doobie of moon rocks, kisses my wife, and puts down my phone for 30 minutes*

seeya later

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ee6d5d  No.306542


it's amazing how a tiny Doobie of MROXX lasts for hours

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ee6d5d  No.306543

shit burns SO SLOW

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f7bee8  No.306544

>>306543 Well, enjoy your drugs, I'm leaving.

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ee6d5d  No.306556


and you enjoy YOUR drug (an imaginary god)

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35b42b  No.306797


> 556 Checked

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1cc7a0  No.306949



>physical activities

yeah like dance halls

this is why I have been telling you shmucks to dance for 2 weeks already.

If you can't dance you can't duck. every girl will second this.

>but all the club girls are muh beaches and shores

yeah even if you don't dig them you can befriend them

because women love to play matchmaker and she might have a girl who does not enjoy normie shit and is looking for some guy just like you are and she might set you up with her.

before you date a girl, learn to be friends with one


go to night clubs and dance. girls love that shit and eventually you will find one you like

>muh covid

yeah you might die trying to live freely or cocoon yourself in your fuhrer bunker

freedom of choice


>you just don't go looking for it

this. so much

never be obsessed about it. just go somewhere to have a good time. if something happens, it happens, if not, no problem. there is always a next time. if you get thirsty people will notice and there is nothing more of a turnoff

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b2bdc0  No.307540


There is a difference between "Don't go out specifically looking for women thirsty af" and actually going out expecting to meet women your age and everybody being at minimum ten years older than you. That isn't being a panting creep, that's just noticing lack of opportunity.

> You should be able to be friends with a woman first

I assume you didn't read all my responses throughout this thread. I've been friends with women, I've been with women, I just didn't go all the way.

>Go to clubs

I'm not going to do that. Clubs are full of women seeking men for hookups to entertain them while they go and do the career life and let their eggs rot.

>They have friends

I suppose so. I'm frankly just frustrated right now with the lack of people out there looking to meet somebody. If it wasn't for that I wouldn't have ended up here frankly. Those friends also are on dating apps I assume.


I don't care and I haven't cared in a year and a half frankly. Problem is everyone else does. When I say "covid" for myself I am talking about things such as having to spend time last year figuring out how to live life around forced vaccinations and the jump in local crime committed by a racial group that is protected by the state. Covid itself? Don't care. Covid was an operation more than it was a disease.

Look I'm not really meant to be here complaining about this. I'm not a socially awkward freak that can't relate to anyone let alone women. I'm a man who was voluntarily celibate for a long time and just when I went to go about changing it the fucking rug was pulled out from under me.

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a30312  No.307686


How come jewy text is so obvious these days. In the roman era, the insectoid jewlings used to be much more crypto? Has the foreskin ick they inherit from their hatchery become weaker?

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62a871  No.313472

Well boys I went and did it. I went and got a hooker. Still not totally sure why I did. Either way I can say this: I preferred making out with the girlfriends I had in the past to fucking a hooker. I don't want a woman with no connection to me, and not one that just lays in place reluctantly either. I prefer romance. Anyway, I guess I will now be on my way to trying to find a legit girlfriend that I can actually enjoy my time with instead of fucking like both parties are running an errand.

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5a3f46  No.319049


the supply of foreskin iss going down. That's when the their jewing becomes inconsistent.

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e88eb9  No.320762



please guise… pay attention to us!

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24aba9  No.320880




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2c2fff  No.321614



Kash doing a trilogy of books.

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d61b59  No.321974

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a70e71  No.322712


that's the one

looking for that!



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3f063f  No.323453


repost nb!

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1821e1  No.323483

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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840c1d  No.323718


I find that interesting.

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d2fad2  No.323840


ty baker can I have another

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64e765  No.323929


>You know what would be rad…

>If we got some Q drops during the rally.

>Those were good times.

Yeah, and it'd be great if I could shit gold coins instead of turds…but here we are.

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fc2fcf  No.324065


> People asking for a Q proof don’t understand how trip codes work I guess.

^^^ this

The tripcode is more than adequate

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5d0e3f  No.324149


you must post shitty memes, cant see them


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5fde90  No.324250


Future Proves Past.

Heb 11:1, Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen..


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8dd2e2  No.324391

The stock market drop is a GOOD SIGN that the Cabal desperation is through the roof. ALL of their shorts (attacking certain companies to bankrupt them) are being exposed and all their ammo is being extended. We're not even close to a market crash. The military has all the gold.

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655e24  No.325343


>Or we could actually shut down the taxpayer funded gov agencies that perpetuate these incidents.

Agreed, but prefer both. Please do not overlook the co-conspirators. Picrel.

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ef88bc  No.325866

Republicans launch counter-programming to Jan. 6 Committee hearings with Stefanik, Scalise, Jordan media event

The 10:45 a.m. press conference Wednesday is set to be a show of unity by two high-profile members of GOP leadership and two of the Republicans House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., rejected from the committee. Jordan himself was subpoenaed by the committee, along with a handful of other members including Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.


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69fbfa  No.326204




Okay so anon from last bread replied with this picture >>306512

Latitude 18.4985 Longitude -64.4999

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570f16  No.326364



Anon a bit slow on the uptake, we're 13 minutes past the day (here); wanted to mentionthink mirror 7/1in US; if in EU don't need to mirror it. :)

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3fa2ad  No.327141


No it doesn't, you're blind.

All these things are done in parable, so some although ever seeing never perceive.

You do not perceive.

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1a4e61  No.327203


Your Trump and q, and lindsay, and mitch mcconell, and fucking aliens……………..

you are all fucking corrupt.

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bb3f39  No.327326

Film your hospital

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c21705  No.327368


Nice try, moloch worshipper.

You're going to hell

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ecbb8e  No.327973

White hats are fake. Prove me wrong.

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4645de  No.328410


I will get errors if I open a new tab, but they resolve without having to refresh.

Maybe your browser is cluttered or crappy.

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f3b208  No.328693

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f033f0  No.329364


ty naker

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b588bb  No.329458

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0c1438  No.329594



open your wallet, give me some cash to raise my baby.

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686487  No.330214


filtered because you're a shill. I recognize your shitty low-effort memes when you write random text on random images. fuck you and your whole crew

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b21117  No.330454


Been a real long time since I've seen this one.


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009513  No.330886


discrimination saves lives

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cf6505  No.331610

Anyone got this video….o7

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e727e9  No.331660

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cf87fd  No.331685


Because you can't handle one tripcode differently from another due to the salt rotation effecting all tripcodes the same. It literally cannot be done. All Jim says is that Ron Watkins somehow did it. The only way that would be possible is if you knew Q's password, then hard coded it to tie to the old tripcode. Is that what you are saying happened?

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0fe46e  No.331727

Been out for a month, did I miss anything?

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d6fd63  No.333164


Yeah just ignore voter fraud and pretend you can unelect politicians who only 'won' because of the fraud Barr ignored.

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cacdd3  No.333467

Trump steals the Beast and sets a new track record driving in reverse…

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43c7f9  No.333619

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22c5a1  No.333655


Throughout my education - from K through university - I encountered many combat veterans who became teachers or professors. There were janitors and superintendents, too. I propose giving the appropriate tools to serious men and women who wish to contribute a vital function to their communities. Deputize the volunteers, educate and train them, and call them the school crisis response team. The remaining issues can be worked out.

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b45d7e  No.333771

Top US Energy Officials Appear To Be Stonewalling FOIA Requests For Secret White House Meetings

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has appeared to stonewall an information request from the Institute for Energy Research (IER) asking for correspondence between Chairman Richard Glick and White House officials in light of the agency’s recent climate-related pipeline policies.

“I am concerned about an apparent lack of transparency at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,” IER President Tom Pyle wrote to Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee leadership on May 25.

“Given that the White House has announced their intention to nominate Chairman Glick to another full term on the commission, it is of the utmost importance that this committee determine whether Commissioner Glick was indeed being truthful when he denied any White House involvement in the development of the controversial pipeline policy statements,” Pyle said.

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has appeared to put off an information request related to the agency’s communications with White House officials.

The Institute for Energy Research (IER), a Washington, D.C.-based energy policy group, requested copies of all email correspondence between FERC Chairman Richard Glick and the White House beginning in September 2021, in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request dated March 29, according to documents shared with The Daily Caller News Foundation. The IER filed the request after Glick said under oath, during a March 3 Senate hearing, that he hadn’t consulted with any Biden administration higher-ups about implementing policies blocking domestic natural gas pipeline development.

“Absolutely not,” Glick — who President Joe Biden nominated to lead the commission in early 2021 — said in response to a question from Republican Louisiana Sen. Bill Cassidy about potential communications with “anyone higher up in the administration” regarding FERC’s recent pipeline policy proposal.

On Feb. 17, the Democratic-majority FERC approved two measures to require more stringent climate and greenhouse gas emissions analyses of natural gas pipelines prior to approval. Glick characterized the policy change as “long overdue” in a statement at the time.

IER asked FERC to provide Glick’s correspondence with the White House by April 26, 20 weekdays after filings the FOIA request. However, nearly three months have elapsed since the initial FOIA request, FERC has delayed its response and IER said the agency has yet to provide the documents

IER President Tom Pyle said he was concerned the commission was employing delaying tactics to avoid complying with the information request in a letter to Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Chairman Joe Manchin and Ranking Member John Barrasso on May 25.

“I am concerned about an apparent lack of transparency at the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission,” he wrote to the senators on May 25.

“Despite FERC’s own tracking numbers indicating its FOIA officer is not overburdened, and despite a history of being a remarkably timely processor of FOIA requests, FERC has failed to offer even the most basic required information in response to any of IER’s FOIA requests,” Pyle continued. “FERC has instead offered what appear to be delaying tactics.”


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83708f  No.333846

Sock on Cock ready to go

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7db017  No.333943

The Court holds in Vega v. Tekoh that a violation of Miranda v. Arizona does not provide a basis for a federal civil rights claim under Section 1983.


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688301  No.333972

The only bad thing about wesley snipes in demo man is that he hurt people. I have no idea what you're gonna do. That's the precipice.

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5785d6  No.335422



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28f4d0  No.335424


>” symptomatology”

What a fag!

Why can’t he just say “symptoms”?

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fe554a  No.335677

CodeMonkey is lowering himself to be a politician in ARIZONA'S 2nd a district that is a hot-zone for native American women abuse and murders.

CodeMonkey is elected it's better not to have Trump's endorsement.

Trump's people gave us Joe Biden.

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20ba10  No.335854


yeah i know, you've tyb'd with this a few dozen times, why should i click your shit?

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b671da  No.335883


no he doesnt

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f578aa  No.336417

"Lawrence was temporarily suspended from Twitter for posting this."


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908c30  No.336512

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79c04b  No.336785

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87729c  No.337116


Kek tomorrow is also a decision day.

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d91b86  No.337460


If hard ai exists,

wouldn't someone use it to make captchas useless?

that would be the ultimate censorship for 8kun

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f853c6  No.337631



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c777e7  No.338229


Corn ready for to be cut come November.

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59a0cf  No.338386


>Had a lot of offspring and that's who's apparently running the mess we are in now. Those and their close relatives / associates?

i have read stories …we'll see what happens.

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1b8ed1  No.338561


Perhaps, so why are you here?

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797a81  No.338875



So Nixon ties to the history of RvW as in that recent drop.

Might be a timeline of the Nixon years will be useful.

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0439e3  No.338899


At this point, everyone that has denied Q and is also doing everything Q asked to help save humanity is a WEF alum. At some point, anons are gonna have to do some reconciling.

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55de3f  No.338939

"we walk on liquid gold"

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7ef970  No.339241



Being an oxide it’s electronegative so the electrons repel from these things making them into dancing knives in the bloodstream

Literally spinning razor blades

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de124e  No.339363


1 pbtid

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5724ac  No.339574

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2d7f08  No.340001

or an a10 gun.

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165940  No.340036


broke back badder

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bbb05c  No.340764


And yet, on a Sunday morning at mid bread (+/-) there are still the same 98UID that have been here every sunday morning. So where is everyone???


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d0c0fe  No.340940


Sauce it..Q's policy…you made that up also, didn't you…all to make (you) happy…you thought (you) were king of the board until "Q" came back…now you are just dust int the wind!!!…


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d136a7  No.341496


well they better make sammiches


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5c4084  No.342316


>what makes you think Scavino knows anything about Q

Not endorsing anything in your post or responding to whether or not the new drops are authentic. Just answering this question specifically.


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0aca35  No.342474



Don't know handoff for this bread, next bread yes.

Took handoff from previous baker.


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afe9ad  No.343110




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97e447  No.343129


the hamster judges the wheel


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490eb5  No.343256


>masked, fat bellied man next to half-naked girl

looks like it.

less classy, to be honest.

both of them.


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8b1132  No.343259


Definitely, it was a All Shills On Deck moment, the 15 minutes should've been over by naow


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04fafa  No.343346


Politicians/lawmakers, laws, lawyers, cops who enforce their laws, district attorneys who protect the ruling class only, and Judges who capture/imprison the wrong people.


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b48995  No.343446

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9b35ec  No.343541

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9a76f1  No.343687


Okay you Talk you are Q what is the Orgin of Russiagate?


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45f276  No.343760


>[P]lus = [P]edo


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93e9d0  No.343889

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158e80  No.344249

(pb) >>306538

>"I know it’s not looking good for our Country right now, with a major War raging out of control in Europe, the Highest Inflation in memory, the worst 6 month Stock Market start in History, the highest Energy Prices EVER, and that is the Good News," Trump posted.

That's the Good News? That's just what I want to hear.


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c5f6ed  No.344392




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9ea9e3  No.344482


Judge Dies by Suicide Amid Tax Probe, Legal Woes for Close Friend Allegedly Tied to Organized Crime: Reports

Apr 6th, 2022, 11:49 am

A western New York judge who reportedly laid on railroad tracks last year and waited for a slow-moving freight train to pass over him has died by suicide, according to Buffalo CBS affiliate WIVB and the New York Times. Federal agents had searched the judge’s home last month, and a former client and friend was recently charged federally, both news organizations noted.

The cause of death for Acting State Supreme Court Justice John L. Michalski, 61, is unclear in the available news reports. The New York Times said Michalski was found dead at his home.

In New York State, the Supreme Court is a trial court of general jurisdiction; it is akin to a superior court system in other states. The highest court in New York is called the Court of Appeals.

The client who appears connected to the federal probe, according to WIVB, is Peter G. Gerace, Jr., a man who operates a gentleman’s club in Cheektowaga. The TV station said “[l]aw enforcement raided the club in December 2019.”

“Two sources told News 4 Investigates last year that the Geraces are close friends with the Michalskis,” the television station reported. “In fact, Michalski married Gerace and his former wife, Katrina Nigro, in September 2014, according to the marriage certificate.”

Buffalo NBC affiliate WGRZ spoke with Nigro in 2021. She alleged that the club was a known site for “drug dealing” and that Gerace was a “drug dealer (and) sex trafficker.” Gerace’s lawyers suggested to WGRZ that Nigro was lying.

The WGRZ piece also noted the connections between Michalski and Gerace.

On Sunday, Feb. 28, 2021, Michalski laid on the railroad tracks at the Depew Amtrak station at around 11:43 a.m., WIVB said. A group of train buffs saw what happened next.

“He was on the platform basically looking back and forth to see if there was a train coming, which kind of did look a bit weird,” Alex told the TV station (but asked that his last name not be broadcast). “I thought he might have been a rail fan like us, but I had a little bit of concern when he walked out onto the tracks and when he lay on the tracks, I was like ‘oh, no, this isn’t good.'”

Alex recorded on video what happened next. The TV station only broadcast some of it because the judge was injured when a freight train passed over him. A hospital told WIVB that Michalski suffered a “serious leg injury.”

WIVB sued after it received only a heavily redacted police report and no official video regarding the incident. A judge determined that because the material involved a suicide attempt that it should be sealed for privacy concerns.

The same day Michalski laid on the railroad tracks, Gerace was arrested in Florida. The Miami Herald described Gerace as a “nephew of reputed Buffalo mob boss Joseph A. Todaro Jr.,” as did another Florida newspaper; and the Buffalo News immediately noted that the federal prosecution was part of a federal probe into alleged organized crime.



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83a707  No.344701

FIFA Announces 2026 World Cup Host Cities in North America

The 2026 FIFA World Cup was won by a joint bid from the North American countries of Mexico, Canada, and the United States. The 2018 World Cup, hosted by Russia, saw a total of 3.572 billion people watch the games, and roughly 6.8 million tourists traveled to host cities to watch the games.

While FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 is still set to begin in November, FIFA is already announcing where in North America the 2026 games will be held.

On Thursday, FIFA announced the North American cities that will host the 2026 World Cup. Individual cities across Mexico, Canada, and the U.S. watched live as the organization announced 16 cities which they selected from a list of 22, each city hoping to win their bid.

In order to reduce travel, said FIFA president Gianni Infantino, the organization grouped cities by regions; East, Central, and West. Infantino said the decision was to “ensure fans did not have to travel too far, to ensure everyone has a fantastic experience.”

The cities that will be lucky enough to host the 23rd quadrennial international men’s association football championship will include: Toronto (BMO Field), Boston (Gillette Stadium, Foxborough), Philadelphia (Lincoln Financial Field), Miami (Hard Rock Stadium, Miami Gardens), and New York in a joint bid with New Jersey (MetLife Stadium) in the East region.

Those in the Central region include: Kansas City (Arrowhead Stadium), Dallas (AT&T Stadium), Atlanta (Mercedes Benz Stadium), Houston (NRG Stadium), Monterrey, Mexico (Estadio BBVA), and Mexico City (Estadio Azteca).

The Western region will encompass Vancouver (BC Place), Seattle (Lumen Field), San Francisco (Levi’s Stadium, Santa Clara), Los Angeles (SoFi Stadium, Inglewood), and Guadalajara, Mexico (Estadio Akron).

All games in the United States will be played at a National Football League stadium, and seven of the 11 American stadiums (MetLife Stadium, Gillette Stadium, AT&T Stadium, Mercedes Benz Stadium, NRG Stadium, Lumen Field, and SoFi Stadium) utilize artificial turf.

Cities that lost their bids included Cincinnati, Denver, Nashville, Orlando, Pasadena, Washington, DC (which went for a joint bid with Baltimore), and the Canadian city of Edmonton.

Folks in Kansas City, Missouri, watched as they learned they would be one of 11 cities to host the World Cup in 2026. The city known for their steaks and barbecue has a population of about 500,000 people, making it one of the smallest cities to be chosen apart from Miami and Atlanta.


This is interesting


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17914f  No.344980

For a While, I was upset and doubtful of the plan or the movie we are watching… Now, I've become comfy. I ditched most entertainment. Documentaries, this board, and books. Ready Moby-Dick. I've come to conclude that whatever happens, it will be epic.


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6cfe44  No.345265

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71d324  No.345272

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c66346  No.345324

Today is :18

D5 marker


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20b2df  No.345389




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d493d0  No.345764



August 23, 2001

McDonald's Hamburgers, a worldwide chain as a purveyor of Coca-Cola, is caught up supposedly in an embezzlement racket.

The Bush Justice Department has focused on an employee of McDonald's long-time marketing adjunct, Simon Marketing, their Chief of Security. The FBI says it involves rigging and siphoning off a purported 13 million dollars from McDonald's prize contests.

Sources in narcotics law enforcement and the field of Federal criminal prosecution contend, however, the true nature of the scandal is being covered up by the George W. Bush Justice Department. Sneering at and hooting at the Bush Justice Department, they tell confidants that they call the U.S. Attorney General "John Ashcan", to signify a continuation, they say, of cover-up artist Janet "Butch" Reno.

Those ahead of the curve say that patriotic Americans must leave their cocoon of denial. Howsoever it has happened, the biggest business in the United States is the distribution of dope principally from Southwest China and Colombia. It exceeds any business you can mention. IBM and General Motors, by comparison, are children's' lemonade stands.

A full understanding of the profound and complex details would convince any reasonable person that what appears to be only the crimes of misappropriation of game prize monies are really an epidemic of corruption that reaches up to America's highest tribunal, the U.S. Supreme Court.

Some background.

The matter revolves, in part, around a Massachusetts-based games promotion firm, Cyrk, Inc., and through a complicated series of mergers and moves, to Simon Worldwide, Inc., and division, Simon Marketing. The founder of Cyrk, a Balkans-linked marine biology professor whose hobby was graphic design, picked a Slavic word for the name of the firm, meaning CIRCUS. Has it become a misleading if not evil three rings of criminality?

The business formed a partnership with Asian trading company, Li & Fung which acquired a one-third interest in the company. This deal gave Cyrk access to the trading company's manufacturing arrangements in Asia. The nature of the business had reputed links that were part of the British opium dynasty, that sought to subjugate China starting in the 19th Century.

Among the reputed links to Simon Marketing are the Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank which financed the opium trade starting more than 150 years ago. In recent years, in a taped interview, the manager of what was the bank's unit in Chicago clearly admitted the same to us.

The bank's parent, Hong Kong & Shanghai Bank Corp., HSBC, was in the process of merging in 1999, with the reputed international criminal banking center, tied to the Russian mafia and Colombia/U.S. dope cartel, Republic National Bank of New York, headed by international gold smuggling tycoon Edmond Safra.

In the midst of the merger dealings, Safra was apparently murdered in his lavish villa in the smugglers' haven of Monaco. The crime against the ailing Safra was blamed, some claim falsely, on one of Safra's male nurses. [See "Murder In the Gold Market"].

pt 26


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8407f8  No.345857


> no one ever

what about DJT?


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