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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 690a3795244a65b⋯.jpg (10.04 KB, 96x133, 96:133, lies.jpg)

844c05  No.306429

Something about myself: skin color is darker than coal, IQ is lower than toads', but I love truth and that's why I need your help.

While all sorts of niggers share the same or similar characteristics like they can't be honest, can't use their intelligence correctly, most of them can't achieve anything without committing crimes, can't love truth or justice, can't honor agreements, can't be well disciplined, etc.

But when I use the same frame of reference, I can find a lot of people of "superior white races" are despicably niggerish. Most of their "elites" are liars and believe they can fool others. Instead of becoming the sources of knowledge and accurate information, they often do the opposite. One of the most notorious examples is the English niggers who create and spread a lot of lies. And when I expect the "superior white races" to lead me to live a better life, they often lead me to hell. If there are any honorable white people, they are often men and women of working class. So, please tell me how the nigger-dominated white races are superior.

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4f268a  No.306440

File: 614402389d6debb⋯.webm (1.89 MB, 886x480, 443:240, dude.webm)

>While all sorts of niggers share the same or similar characteristics like they can't be honest, can't use their intelligence correctly, most of them can't achieve anything without committing crimes, can't love truth or justice, can't honor agreements, can't be well disciplined, etc.

Eddie Murphy

Michael Jackson

Michael Jordan

Barrack Obama

Venus & Serena Williams

Nelson Mandela

Cassius Clay

Andrew J. Beard

>So, please tell me how the nigger-dominated white races are superior.

they are not superior cumskin

they are just more greedy, more ruthless and have gotten technology in their hands first and used it to enslave everything and everyone they could find overseas instead of using it for the good and commonwealth of all humans.

Because you know, just living a good life making love art and peace is not good enough, they must have all luxury one can imagine.

That system worked to well that today all governments adapted to use a system similar to slavery to run their own countries


>tax slavery

also let me remind you

all your culture is black

all music is based on blues music african american music

youre cumputer are a pajeetian invention

algebra is an indian and best engineers are still indians

as are the digital numbers (1-9)

the only contributions of cumskins to the world are

>industrially planned slavery




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844c05  No.306445


Thanks, but I'm afraid I can't appreciate your reply.

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844c05  No.306446


>Barrack Obama

That mutt committed a serious crime called obamacare and many other serious crimes like making foreign policies in favor of America's enemies.

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4f268a  No.306451

File: 74da511f1390d02⋯.webm (3.76 MB, 886x480, 443:240, where_da_munny.webm)


and yet he owns the magnum p.i. mansion and you don't

crime does pay

going to jail or paying penalties is just a cost to doing business

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8e46e9  No.309730

You don't need to be told the white race is superior, you already know it's true. Like any other race, we have our degenerates, including within the elite, but everyone knows the mud races haven't achieved shit and would still be living in abject squalor without whites. Hell, even with our inventiveness, organisational prowess and industriousness, the lower races are a horror show. The sooner you useless fucks are wiped off the face of the earth, the better.

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b84964  No.309731

good bait 10/10

let me tell you what follows now.

i make another podcast today where i freely talk about jews and niggers, without anyone being able to ban me or delete me.

and you cope about being a fat FBI agent.

i wonder how it feels to work for fucking pedophiles.

love, the jackal's podcast on bitchute

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65f54b  No.310001


>The sooner you useless fucks are wiped off the face of the earth, the better.

I also think so. But the sad truth is the white power is in decline. What can you do to alter it? Do you have no idea?

And you mention the degenerates. They are often more powerful than you. If you can't defeat them, your good dream will never come true.


>the white race

I don't think there's only one white race. Obviously the western and northern white race (Germanic) often secretly sometimes openly dislike the eastern white race (Slavic) and the southern white race (Mediterranean) , and sometimes call them the niggers of Europe. Would you plan to wipe them off the face of the earth too?

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