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File: ac3f93af280a212⋯.png (28.68 KB, 652x700, 163:175, vaxdeathsjune.png)

0bb06e  No.305901 [Last 50 Posts]


As I have said repeatedly on this site (in the past) "Their" code of ethics states that they have to tell us EVERYTHING they are going to do ahead of time, and when we do nothing to stop it, it is permission given to do it.


Did X-Files Predict The Future? - No, Chris Carter Was Told!

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535662  No.305955


>too young to remember AIDS in the 80s

>too young to realize that X-Files came after AIDS

>too young to know that the headlines read, literally, "Healthy Young Men Dying From Mysterious Illness"

>too stupid to realize that Carter was referencing AIDS

>too retarded to believe that nothing existed before 2016

Literally (((You))). Stop being anti-education and read a book.

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67d3ad  No.305956


>too young to remember AIDS in the 80s too young to realize that X-Files came after AIDS

But it's not AIDS. I'd call it "Sudden Clot Shot Death Syndrome Due To Foolishness" that's about what sums it up.

Kudos and good luck!

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535662  No.305957


Of course it's not AIDS, you dip. I'm speaking of the claim that Chris Carter did an X-files episode about something that's supposedly happening now, instead of pulling from headlines prior to X-files existing.

Also, "Young Healthy People Dying of Mystery Illness" doesn't mean "le omg deh clot shot!" Maybe it's all those idiots snorting bleach and cramming horse paste up their asses for 2 years that are dying.

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67d3ad  No.305958



Wrong, it is happening today, very much the way it was warned in the show, including the spike protein and mRNA gene editing to destroy the immune system, that is exactly why vaccinated people are dropping dead randomly and having blood clots too.

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408710  No.305959

File: 2ce4c90d4afa3c8⋯.png (281.5 KB, 588x328, 147:82, Screen_Shot_2021_07_31_at_….png)


But it IS AIDS.

It's just that the Immune Deficiency Syndrome is NOT Acquired through sexual means, or by blood-to-blood contact, this time. It is acquired through blood contact with the mRNA Gene Therapy that Big Pharma has pushed off on everybody as a COVID "Vaccine", and governments, in collusion with corporate oligarchies worldwide, have made mandatory — and HELL YES, They ARE Dangerous & Killing People — and HELL NO, They Are NOT Effective at preventing COVID, but are Highly Effective at Spreading, YES, AIDS. This New & Improved form of AIDS. And this dangerous gene therapy is now recommended for EVERYBODY, even infants only 6 months old — recommended by the very folks who hate us and want to kill us all, and have made no secret of that fact.COVID is Not Near as Lethal as THEY Are.They want to Control You Through Fear. They want to capitalize and profit off the suffering of billions. They hope it takes them a long time to die, and that they have LOTS of ailments in the meantime, so that Big Pharma and the Medical Community can profit off the idiot Believers in their, yes, RELIGION, as long as possible.

Nope. It'sAIDSalright.

Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome.

Anyone who "Trusts the Science" is a complete and utter Retard —Religitard, really. They Believe in the Religion of Scientism — which has nothing whatsoever to do with SCIENCE. You see, Science actually Welcomes Diversity of Thought and Opinion. It's kinda what Science is all about.

REAL SCIENCE IS NOT DOGMA.This peer-reviewed nonsense that clowns like Fauci are passing off as, '"Science" is so far removed from anything even resembling'' Science, as to be completely nonsensical, and worthy of less consideration than one would give the local witch doctor propitiating spirits, taking strange drugs, and performing interpretive dance.


That's what it is; and there ain't no getting around that. And how was it "Acquired"? Ask yourself that question. WHO is in Control of Your Body Autonomy? Have you ever relenquished that Control to an "Other"? Why? Did you think there would not be a Price?

AIDS is the Price that BELIEVERS Will Pay. It's a FACT. It's Happening, and there is no amount of bullshit that can cover it up.

> inb4 bullshit begins being shoveled in earnest

No amount, Johnny. None. You may as well stop trying. The evidence is clear. AIDS acquired from the Clotshot is REAL.

Not to mention the fact that it could kill you outright, and the younger and healthier you are, the more chance you have of dying from the clotshot — a FAR Greater Chance than you would have of dying from the man-made COVID virus — a virus created in the lab by the very same people who created the mRNA Gene Therapy they're trying to fob off as a "vaccine"; and for the same purpose — to make sick those they can profit off of, and to kill those they can't.

They traffic in Fear & Disinformation.

That's why they seek to Controll ALL Information, and whip up the FEAR — because Fear is a great motivator, and it gets people to act, sometimes even in ways against their own best interests; so, controlling the narrative and whipping up fear is the modus operandi of those whose only goal is to Control "Others".

They wouldn't know his to control themselves, or their impulses to exert control over "others", to save their souls! (If they had any to save, having already sold them long ago.)

They wouldn't know how to control themselves, or their impulses to exert control over "others", to save their souls! (If they had any to save, having already sold them long ago.)

They won't even be able to save their own worthless lives, because "We, the People" are coming for them… And they know it. Which is why they're getting desperate. And why they have to get rid of anyone who still knows how to think for themselves, or at least make sure that no one "Else" will listen to them.ALL Must Be Under Totalitarian Control.

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a58b63  No.305961


I was going to try to make a good post today, or at least a decent one.

But I see that you have made one good post here.


I can't seem to find the mental energy today to even type.

Goddamn aliens stealing my chi with their telepathic mind fuck technology.


Either that or I'm running low on B-complex and water solubles.

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fc3ad6  No.305965

File: 1699b165d38a9e4⋯.jpg (718.04 KB, 2085x2512, 2085:2512, pnd_Summer.jpg)


You could always Enjoy Summer in other ways..

Interacting with the fagfare around here has little more than entertainment value mostly anyway, especially during Summer!

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535662  No.305968


Not one single person has died from the vaccine. Not one. You're a liar and nobody believes you outside this tiny little echo chamber.

You should go be a sheep on FB, where sheep are welcome and loved and given free horse paste sandwiches. Dumbass.

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5ac8d5  No.305970


Colin Powell died.

He had an underlying condition that caused a fatal reaction with the vaxamundo muerte.

Now go exhume him and do a thorough post mortem on him and prove me wrong or stfu.

You are the fuckwad who says hey! come and flood this thread.

The list of documented harm would flood this thread for days.

Btw horse paste also makes for a good anal lube.

Try it with your sugar daddy sometime pimpweed.

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fc3ad6  No.305971

File: 2f91250586d7549⋯.jpg (64.61 KB, 919x509, 919:509, Casey_CIA_liar.jpg)


Truly a Kool AIDS Drinker if I ever did see one!

> inb4 all the numerous proofs, links to proofs, video proofs, VAERS data proofs, every kind of proof imaginable, but (((You))) will still be in here, looking like a fool, talking with your mouth full of horse paste and Kool AIDS, unable to even comprehend PROOF


Also, as far as Entertainment goes, if you'd REALLY like a laugh, read these two links…


> inb4 Wikipedia. Yeah, we know. We also know how to sift through informarion, and we ain't allowing no "nexion" to be formed around here, nor is anyone afraid of becoming an "opfer".


The reason I post these links is to show how laughable the O9A Sinistar Fagshow really IS. If ya can't have a good laugh now and then… I also wanted to draw attention to the fact thatO9A is' AIDS!

Acquired Intelligence Deficiency Syndrome

t. a Recognized Adept in EVERY Lodge.

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64b669  No.305984

I see that Killcen is ALREADY DRUNK

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64b669  No.305985

good job, Killeen

you've reached your personal breaking point

you need to be stabilized in a hospital

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64b669  No.305986

I noticed that killcen never mentioned that the school shooting was a false flag

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64b669  No.305987

must've been too drunk to notice


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64b669  No.305989

BAD NEWS FOR ASHLEY SCHNEIDER : the skinniest girls ALWAYS have the loosest vaginas

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64b669  No.305990

BAD NEWS FOR KILLCEN: the drunkest "in the know" psychics are neither psychic OR in the know

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64b669  No.305991

I wrote a poem today :



the end

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f4795a  No.305994

yes i also regret to fall for the vaxx crap

i did it to get my freedom of movement back and now i will have this shit forever in my body

to all you faggots out there who are still virgins unvaxxed

keep it that way

also feel like my heart is somehow weird lately.

chest feels suffocated on many days

if I die of this kike scam, i hope at least i will wake up far away from this jahannam world

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f4795a  No.305995


by the day killcen is getting loco-er

cardiac arrest scheduled for shocktober

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6f3d01  No.306062

I don't give a fuck what you retards think.


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535662  No.306186


>get vaccine

>walk outside a week later and get hit by a bus


<hurrr deh clot shot keel heeeemmmm

You are truly, spectacularly, and astonishingly retarded.

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6f3d01  No.306320


Pfizer’s own documents admit that mRNA covid vaccines will result in mass depopulation

The latest drop of pages from the secret Pfizer documents reveals that the pharmaceutical giant is fully aware that its Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” will soon result in mass depopulation of the world.


The June 1 dump contains a document called “reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf,” page 12 of which includes disturbing data on getting Pfizer’s Fauci Flu injection during pregnancy and lactation.

It turns out that 90 percent of pregnant women who took the shot ended up losing their babies. This is a shocking figure that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) apparently did not think twice about when granting Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to the jab.

“Pfizer states in the document that by 28th February 2021 there were 270 known cases of exposure to the mRNA injection during pregnancy,” reports Exposé News. “Forty-six-percent of the mothers (124) exposed to the Pfizer Covid-19 injection suffered an adverse reaction.”

“Of those 124 mothers suffering an adverse reaction, 49 were considered non-serious adverse reactions, whereas 75 were considered serious. This means 58% of the mothers who reported suffering adverse reactions suffered a serious adverse event ranging from uterine contraction to foetal death.”

Of 270 tracked pregnancies, Pfizer lost track of 238 of them.

The latest batch of released Pfizer documents also contains a concerning revelation about pregnancies of which the company somehow lost track. Of the 270 pregnancies Pfizer was tracking, a shocking 238 of them just disappeared from the dataset.

Of the 33 pregnancies that Pfizer still tracked, a shocking 23 of them resulted in spontaneous abortion. Two resulted in premature baby death; two resulted in intrauterine death; one resulted in neonatal death; one is listed as “outcome pending;” and only one resulted in a “normal outcome.”

What this means is that almost every pregnant woman who takes Pfizer’s mRNA (messenger RNA) injections for covid will lose her baby. Conversely, only a tiny fraction of fully jabbed women will successfully deliver to term.

Keep in mind that some governments, including that of the United Kingdom, had quietly dissuaded pregnant women from taking Pfizer’s injections – at least up until recently.

“There are no or limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2,” reads a now-altered U.K. government guidance entitled “REG 174 INFORMATION FOR UK HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS.”

“COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is not recommended during pregnancy. For women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination. In addition, women of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose.”


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6f3d01  No.306321


You are retarded, bumping legit news you glow nigger.

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535662  No.306322


Nobody believes your fake ass documents from your fake ass "news" sites.


>bumping 20 seconds after you already bumped

Retard confirmed.

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6f3d01  No.306329


Pfizer’s own documents admit that mRNA covid vaccines will result in mass depopulation

The latest drop of pages from the secret Pfizer documents reveals that the pharmaceutical giant is fully aware that its Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” will soon result in mass depopulation of the world.


The June 1 dump contains a document called “reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf,” page 12 of which includes disturbing data on getting Pfizer’s Fauci Flu injection during pregnancy and lactation.

It turns out that 90 percent of pregnant women who took the shot ended up losing their babies. This is a shocking figure that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) apparently did not think twice about when granting Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to the jab.

“Pfizer states in the document that by 28th February 2021 there were 270 known cases of exposure to the mRNA injection during pregnancy,” reports Exposé News. “Forty-six-percent of the mothers (124) exposed to the Pfizer Covid-19 injection suffered an adverse reaction.”

“Of those 124 mothers suffering an adverse reaction, 49 were considered non-serious adverse reactions, whereas 75 were considered serious. This means 58% of the mothers who reported suffering adverse reactions suffered a serious adverse event ranging from uterine contraction to foetal death.”

Of 270 tracked pregnancies, Pfizer lost track of 238 of them.

The latest batch of released Pfizer documents also contains a concerning revelation about pregnancies of which the company somehow lost track. Of the 270 pregnancies Pfizer was tracking, a shocking 238 of them just disappeared from the dataset.

Of the 33 pregnancies that Pfizer still tracked, a shocking 23 of them resulted in spontaneous abortion. Two resulted in premature baby death; two resulted in intrauterine death; one resulted in neonatal death; one is listed as “outcome pending;” and only one resulted in a “normal outcome.”

What this means is that almost every pregnant woman who takes Pfizer’s mRNA (messenger RNA) injections for covid will lose her baby. Conversely, only a tiny fraction of fully jabbed women will successfully deliver to term.

Keep in mind that some governments, including that of the United Kingdom, had quietly dissuaded pregnant women from taking Pfizer’s injections – at least up until recently.

“There are no or limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2,” reads a now-altered U.K. government guidance entitled “REG 174 INFORMATION FOR UK HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS.”

“COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is not recommended during pregnancy. For women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination. In addition, women of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose.”


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6f3d01  No.306330


Your opinions don't matter.


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3d923a  No.306417

File: 19513f618f6f605⋯.webm (2.15 MB, 886x480, 443:240, sabath.webm)


and that is the best I have ever heard

you poor fucks are inflating away my money with your demand for all types of shit

once we have gotten rid of you, prices for






>thai hookers

will all come down and I will be much richer

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6f3d01  No.306469

File: 3dbaf2fabf0e0a6⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1200x834, 200:139, 0_vaxxed.png)


Blame the commie banksters, not the victims.

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3d923a  No.306498

File: 8065cc0835bd227⋯.webm (3.97 MB, 886x480, 443:240, bums.webm)




decide for one of them

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535662  No.306555


Nobody believes your fake ass documents from your fake ass "news" sites.

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6f3d01  No.306618


Same kind of monopolistic central banking scumbags ran the USSR right into the ground. Why would I think they are any different over here?


It's real news and no one believes you.

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6f3d01  No.306619

Pfizer’s own documents admit that mRNA covid vaccines will result in mass depopulation

The latest drop of pages from the secret Pfizer documents reveals that the pharmaceutical giant is fully aware that its Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” will soon result in mass depopulation of the world.


The June 1 dump contains a document called “reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf,” page 12 of which includes disturbing data on getting Pfizer’s Fauci Flu injection during pregnancy and lactation.

It turns out that 90 percent of pregnant women who took the shot ended up losing their babies. This is a shocking figure that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) apparently did not think twice about when granting Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to the jab.

“Pfizer states in the document that by 28th February 2021 there were 270 known cases of exposure to the mRNA injection during pregnancy,” reports Exposé News. “Forty-six-percent of the mothers (124) exposed to the Pfizer Covid-19 injection suffered an adverse reaction.”

“Of those 124 mothers suffering an adverse reaction, 49 were considered non-serious adverse reactions, whereas 75 were considered serious. This means 58% of the mothers who reported suffering adverse reactions suffered a serious adverse event ranging from uterine contraction to foetal death.”

Of 270 tracked pregnancies, Pfizer lost track of 238 of them.

The latest batch of released Pfizer documents also contains a concerning revelation about pregnancies of which the company somehow lost track. Of the 270 pregnancies Pfizer was tracking, a shocking 238 of them just disappeared from the dataset.

Of the 33 pregnancies that Pfizer still tracked, a shocking 23 of them resulted in spontaneous abortion. Two resulted in premature baby death; two resulted in intrauterine death; one resulted in neonatal death; one is listed as “outcome pending;” and only one resulted in a “normal outcome.”

What this means is that almost every pregnant woman who takes Pfizer’s mRNA (messenger RNA) injections for covid will lose her baby. Conversely, only a tiny fraction of fully jabbed women will successfully deliver to term.

Keep in mind that some governments, including that of the United Kingdom, had quietly dissuaded pregnant women from taking Pfizer’s injections – at least up until recently.

“There are no or limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2,” reads a now-altered U.K. government guidance entitled “REG 174 INFORMATION FOR UK HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS.”

“COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is not recommended during pregnancy. For women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination. In addition, women of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose.”


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19bea9  No.306660





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13e60a  No.307166


What they have planned over there they have planned over here!

A manufactured economic collapse gives them the power to ration supplies, implement social credit scores similar to China, for total population control!

Do not let this happen to you.

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7180a7  No.307549


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7ddf9b  No.307713


Every single white baby must be aborted, no matter what the cost may be. The foreskin gods have decided it!

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b8c18e  No.308021

File: 0f82b23ec373249⋯.jpg (66.48 KB, 497x427, 71:61, You_Have_to_Go_Back_to_Hal….jpg)

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fb72f7  No.308241


Says the communist.

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7ddf9b  No.308245



White*oids e*rotrash aborting all their children is empowerment.

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bd75dc  No.308366

yeah whatever man

let the kikes activate the 5g antennas already and kill me off

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b88183  No.308518


COVID is more deadly to those with neanderthal genes

White people have neanderthal genes

East Asians do not

Really gets your noggin joggin

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565cc8  No.308528


Shills never sleep.

Covid is money.

A positive swab associated with any hospital death is an estimated $100k bonus paid by the gubmint. It also serves to confound any reported cause of death by suggesting complications related to

"co-morbidity" thus obscuring underlying conditions and the need to document them postmortem.

This creates more "talking points" and floods the surface web with more junk science theory and conjecture.

Covid is bad medicine.

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fb72f7  No.308621

Bumping real news.

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8ea3cb  No.308809


Easy solution to avoiding covid: avoid that fake "vaccines"

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b5486e  No.309744

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279882  No.309883

anti-slide real news

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6119a5  No.310133

Pfizer’s own documents admit that mRNA covid vaccines will result in mass depopulation

The latest drop of pages from the secret Pfizer documents reveals that the pharmaceutical giant is fully aware that its Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” will soon result in mass depopulation of the world.


The June 1 dump contains a document called “reissue_5.3.6 postmarketing experience.pdf,” page 12 of which includes disturbing data on getting Pfizer’s Fauci Flu injection during pregnancy and lactation.

It turns out that 90 percent of pregnant women who took the shot ended up losing their babies. This is a shocking figure that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) apparently did not think twice about when granting Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) to the jab.

“Pfizer states in the document that by 28th February 2021 there were 270 known cases of exposure to the mRNA injection during pregnancy,” reports Exposé News. “Forty-six-percent of the mothers (124) exposed to the Pfizer Covid-19 injection suffered an adverse reaction.”

“Of those 124 mothers suffering an adverse reaction, 49 were considered non-serious adverse reactions, whereas 75 were considered serious. This means 58% of the mothers who reported suffering adverse reactions suffered a serious adverse event ranging from uterine contraction to foetal death.”

Of 270 tracked pregnancies, Pfizer lost track of 238 of them.

The latest batch of released Pfizer documents also contains a concerning revelation about pregnancies of which the company somehow lost track. Of the 270 pregnancies Pfizer was tracking, a shocking 238 of them just disappeared from the dataset.

Of the 33 pregnancies that Pfizer still tracked, a shocking 23 of them resulted in spontaneous abortion. Two resulted in premature baby death; two resulted in intrauterine death; one resulted in neonatal death; one is listed as “outcome pending;” and only one resulted in a “normal outcome.”

What this means is that almost every pregnant woman who takes Pfizer’s mRNA (messenger RNA) injections for covid will lose her baby. Conversely, only a tiny fraction of fully jabbed women will successfully deliver to term.

Keep in mind that some governments, including that of the United Kingdom, had quietly dissuaded pregnant women from taking Pfizer’s injections – at least up until recently.

“There are no or limited amount of data from the use of COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2,” reads a now-altered U.K. government guidance entitled “REG 174 INFORMATION FOR UK HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS.”

“COVID-19 mRNA Vaccine BNT162b2 is not recommended during pregnancy. For women of childbearing age, pregnancy should be excluded before vaccination. In addition, women of childbearing age should be advised to avoid pregnancy for at least 2 months after their second dose.”


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f00adf  No.310669

anti-slide warfare mitigation 4 423 fffefew[[p-,9238urhiy34gnunyguygfureygfoury3yuhfceiucfibyhcryhebfkjoflasdfjiop[wec[t9ui-09u=01rqe=-q908uuifewcdhhighfayhu08yq24g80nvmoubmoueb,harhuicbetui4brueiwhbomubrqewbhgtrehbcgfoioifb9urb9guy2786t78%RF68f&*ZAG(&gfD7SG&(d^g*)aDY7G9UYG9Uytfg&(utyfd^*e&gd&(^yadpoi&*udh*

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f00adf  No.310692

anti-slide warfare mitigation DQW 323

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929107  No.310751

anti-slide warfare mitigation #56.789//77nm

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1acbae  No.311232

The Engineered Stagflationary Collapse Has Arrived – Here’s What Happens Next: https://alt-market.us/the-engineered-stagflationary-collapse-has-arrived-heres-what-happens-next/

Peanut Butter Now Faces Shortages In Biden's USSA: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/17/bidens-america-sriracha-peanut-butter-latest-items-short-supply/

Californians now so desperate to escape state they are moving to Mexico to avoid inflation and crime: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-17-californians-desperate-to-escape-moving-mexico-inflation-crime.html

THE PLAN: US LNG is becoming a zero-sum game (due to economic warfare): https://www.energymonitor.ai/analysis/opinion-us-lng-is-becoming-a-zero-sum-game ←– remember this.

A massive explosion tore through a 1400mm natural gas pipeline at Russia's largest natural gas field in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in Siberia today. The cause of the explosion is being investigated, but a source says it appears this was a DELIBERATE ACT of sabotage: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/explosion-rocks-russia-s-largest-natural-gas-field-sabotage

Russia Cuts Natural Gas by 40% to Germany and Italy: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/russia-cuts-natural-gas-by-40-to-germany-and-italy-pump-failures

Russia Declares Only Military Force Will Decide Ukraine Conflict: https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3951.htm

Ukraine strikes Russian Black Sea navy tug carrying weapons to Snake Island using Western-supplied anti-ship rockets: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10926149/Ukraine-destroys-Russian-Black-Sea-navy-tug-carrying-weapons-Snake-Island-downs-helicopter.html

Anti-tank soldiers of the 80th Air Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces destroyed two infantry fighting vehicles of the occupiers using a modern domestic Stugna-P anti-tank missile system: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509408-ukrainian-paratroopers-destroy-two-enemy-ifvs.html

Enemy forces fired mortars and artillery from Russian territory at the Krasnopillia community in the Sumy region on Friday, June 17: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509426-sumy-region-comes-under-fire-from-russian-territory.html

On June 17, Russian cruise missiles hit a high-value target of Kiev forces near the city of Mykolaiv in southern Ukraine: https://southfront.org/in-video-russian-cruise-missiles-smash-into-military-target-in-ukraines-mykolaiv/

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f86fb1  No.311418


The Engineered Stagflationary Collapse Has Arrived – Here's What Happens Next: https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/engineered-stagflationary-collapse-has-arrived-heres-what-happens-next

Communist Biden Regime Wants To Ban Gas-powered Cars After They Deliberately Wreck The Economy: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/17/climate-forum-joe-biden-calls-for-transition-to-zero-emissions-cars-to-combat-high-gas-prices/

▲ MY COMMENT: Notice they don't even have the infrastructure to charge their shitty electric vehicles! This cannot and will not work when you have a vastly spread out population either! What are you going to do, prohibit small town and rural America from traveling because we have no ability to afford electric cars nor the infrastructure to support them!? And how do you power all those electric cars!? What source of energy are you using exactly!? How will that lower prices!? AND how long would it take me to charge an electric car to drive 50 minutes to stockup groceries and essentials at the nearest Costco every month!? THIS IS INSANE AND IT WILL NOT WORK.

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Admitted He Was Planning To DESTROY America's Economy. “I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you we’re going to end fossil fuels” he said in New Castle, New Hampshire: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/16/flashback-joe-biden-i-guarantee-you-were-going-to-end-fossil-fuels/

The absurd suicidal Western movement to ditch fossil fuels is largely focused on transport and industry, but the petrochemical industry will need fossil fuels for decades to come. At present, ethylene, propylene, and benzene are the main petrochemicals being used across the packaging, electronics, plastics, and rubber industries. Most petrochemical products are manufactured using crude oil and natural gas, making many industries highly reliant on the fossil fuel sector: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Petrochemical-Industry-Is-Set-To-Explode.html

China To Invest In Qatar's Giant LNG Project, Leaving Europe In The Lurch: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/china-invest-qatars-giant-lng-project-leaving-europe-lurch

▲ MY COMMENT: How convenient totalitarian China always benefits at the loss of the West when it's the EXACT MODEL our despotic governments want for the Western World.

After Putin Breaks Silence He Warns World Will Never Return To Normal, Western Relations Are DOA:

Russia has cut France and Germany off all gas exports: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas/Russias-Gas-Deliveries-To-Europe-Plunge-Further.html

Italy may declare next week a state of alert if natural gas supplies from Russia continue to be limited, government sources told Reuters on Friday: https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Italy-May-Declare-State-Of-Alert-If-Russian-Gas-Cuts-Persist.html

Mandatory mRNA Clot Shots Take Toll On American Military As Military Aircraft Keeps Falling Out Of The Sky: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-18-why-do-military-aircraft-keep-falling-out-of-the-sky.html

The Ukrainian military from the Air Assault Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have destroyed one Russian tank and two infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) with British howitzers: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509552-ukrainian-paratroopers-destroy-enemy-tank-two-ifvs-with-british-howitzers.html

The Russian forces launched a missile strike on a Ukrainian industrial hub of Kryvyi Rih in Dnipropetrovsk region. Destruction and casualties are reported in the city: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509740-russian-missiles-hit-kryvyi-rih-casualties-destruction-reported.html

Overview Of Russian Strikes On Targets In Ukraine On June 13-17: https://southfront.org/overview-of-russian-strikes-on-targets-in-ukraine-on-june-13-17/

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570e79  No.311825


How The War In Ukraine Continues To Divide Russian Oligarchy: https://meduza.io/en/feature/2022/06/17/in-public-there-are-only-jingoistic-voices

The Religious Implications of the Russo-Ukrainian War: https://godkingandnation.wordpress.com/2022/03/19/the-religious-implications-of-the-russo-ukrainian-war/

Exposing corrupt, morally bankrupt, cruel, despotic population control agendas: https://www.hli.org/resources/exposing-the-global-population-control/

Former top President Ronald Reagan administration advisor Doug Bandow says Ukraine isn't worth nuclear war: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/ukraine-isnt-worth-nuclear-war/

Americans are fleeing America in record numbers and renouncing citizenship as the USSA faces systemic collapse from deep seeded corruption: https://www.cnbc.com/2022/06/17/1-in-4-expats-seriously-considering-renouncing-us-citizenship.html

Lithuania stops transit of sanctioned goods between Russia and Kaliningrad: https://english.nv.ua/business/lithuania-stops-transit-of-sanctioned-goods-between-russia-and-kaliningrad-50250744.html

Public Opinion On Ukraine Shifts As Europeans Back Immediate Peace Over Seeking Russian Defeat: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/public-opinion-ukraine-shifts-europeans-back-immediate-peace-over-seeking-russian

Russia earned what is very likely a record 93 billion euros in revenue from exports of oil, gas and coal in the first 100 days of the country’s invasion of Ukraine, according to data analyzed by the Center for Research on Energy and Clean Air, a research organization based in Helsinki, Finland. About two-thirds of those earnings, the equivalent of about $97 billion, came from oil, and most of the remainder from natural gas: https://www.nytimes.com/2022/06/13/climate/russia-oil-gas-record-revenue.html

Large Explosion, Blaze Engulfs Shanghai Petrochemical Complex In Economic Warfare Attack: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/large-explosion-blaze-engulfs-shanghai-petrochemical-complex

Dozens of countries risk protests, riots and political violence this year as food prices surge around the world, the head of the food-aid branch of the United Nations has warned. Speaking in Ethiopia’s capital, Addis Ababa, on Thursday, David Beasley, director of the UN World Food Programme (WFP), said the world faced “frightening” shortages that could destabilise countries that depend on wheat exports from Ukraine and Russia: https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2022/jun/17/united-nations-wfp-hell-on-earth-ukraine-war-russia

Lukashenka continues to linger with direct order to invade, while Belarus is indeed preparing for the war, writes Ukrainian expert Oleh Zhdanov in his column for nv.ua website: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/6/17/502800/

Jordan Getley, a former British soldier who was hailed as a true hero by friends and family, died while saving his group from Russian invaders: https://en.socportal.info/en/news/former-british-soldier-was-killed-covering-the-retreat-of-his-fellow-ukrainians/

The Armed Forces of Ukraine shot down Russian Su-25 assault aircraft in Donetsk region and captured a pilot: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509817-ukraines-armed-forces-down-russian-assault-aircraft-in-donetsk-region-capture-pilot.html

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570e79  No.311826


Treachery! White House Moves To Strangle US Ammunition Supply To Further Weaken America: https://www.nraila.org/articles/20220616/treachery-white-house-moves-to-strangle-us-ammunition-supply


It's TOO LATE to save the oblivious masses, you need to save yourself and family: https://www.brighteon.com/1d884aaa-66ce-4825-a6e4-3f51ce41c300

Union Pacific Rail to Cut Fuel Shipments by Pilot Flying J Truck Stops and Gas Stations: https://needtoknow.news/2022/06/union-pacific-rail-to-cut-fuel-shipments-by-pilot-flying-j-truck-stops-and-gas-stations/

On May 16th, Dmitry Trenin addressed the Council for Foreign Defense Policy. In that speech were interesting comments on how Russians view the war with Ukraine as it relates to the United States. Here is our analysis on what the implications are, Russia’s true goals seem to be: https://vblgoldfix.substack.com/p/unlocked-what-russia-thinks-will?s=w

Energy Secretary Jennifer demands energy companies to make massive investments to increase oil supply while simultaneously saying they want to shut them down over the next 5 to 10 years. Jennifer Granholm emphasized that the administration is not seeking to destroy oil and gas companies but rather re-tool them. “We are asking the oil and gas companies to diversify,” she said, “and become diversified energy companies.”: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/shellenberger-why-bidens-attacks-energy-are-absolutely-insane

▲ MY COMMENT: One reason the government needs to STAY OUT of economic decision making, they have no clue what they are doing, none what-so-ever. The fact they have the ability to cancel oil and gas projects is absurd too, if we really had a free market system then government would not have any authority to prevent more production of a legal essential industrial commodity!

Ukrainian military officials have said they struck the Russian Navy's Vasiliy Bekh tugboat in the Black Sea using two Harpoon missiles supplied by the US: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/world/us-harpoon-missiles-destroyed-a-heavily-armed-russian-vessel-in-the-black-sea-say-ukraines-military/ar-AAYCs1z?li=BBnb7Kz

The first four M113AS4 armored personnel carriers handed over to Ukraine by the Australian government have left the RAAF Base Amberley. The Australian government’s military assistance package consists of over AUD 285 million worth of support including Bushmaster Protected Mobility Vehicles, M777 Howitzers; anti-armour weapons, ammunition, unmanned aerial systems and a range of personal equipment: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3510610-australia-sends-first-four-m113a4-apcs-to-ukraine.html

Russia's military is citing fresh 'successes' in the Donbas region after reports days ago that Ukrainian forces may have stalled its advance in Sievierodonetsk: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/ukraine-says-prepare-worst-donbas-kharkiv-will-likely-be-next-frontline-city

The Armed Forces of Ukraine have destroyed 11 Russian troops and three military equipment units in southern Ukraine: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3510438-11-russia-troops-three-military-equipment-units-destroyed-in-southern-ukraine.html

Russian warships destroyed a command center of Kiev forces with Kalibr cruise missiles, killing dozens of officers including generals and members of the high command, the Russian Ministry of Defense announced on June 19: https://southfront.org/russia-says-50-senior-officers-of-kiev-forces-were-killed-in-kalibr-missile-strike-video/

On June 19, journalist Alexander Kots released a video showing unidentified Russian loitering munitions hitting two depots of Kiev forces near the city of Bakhmut in the Donbass region: https://southfront.org/in-video-russian-mi-28nm-attack-helicopter-targets-depots-of-kiev-forces-with-loitering-munitions/

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292353  No.312028


Communist Biden Regime Moving To Severely Limit Popular Ammo Used In AR-15s (Better Stock Up): https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-19-biden-admin-moving-severely-limit-popular-ammo-ar15s.html

Always Remember These Are The Demonic Despotic Criminal Monsters Who Want You Disarmed (They Openly Said They HATE Humanity And Desire Total Population Control Over Homo Sapiens): https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-19-harari-humans-now-hackable-animals-free-will-is-over.html

The NWO Blueprint To 'Save The Earth' Mandates 7 Billion Death Sentences And America's Future Chinese-Communist System Would Have No Compunction About Carrying Out Mass Murder Here: https://allnewspipeline.com/The_Globalists_Human_Extermination_Agenda_Is_Now_Irrefutable.php

Ukraine Leader Declares “We Will Definitely Win!”, Russia Then Wipes Out His General Staff: https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3953.htm

Gonzalo Lira In Kharkhov Spells Out How The Lithuanian Cutoff Of Rail Traffic From Russia To Kaliningrad Can Easily Ignite World War Three: https://htrs-special.s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com/Gonzalo+Lira+Important+message+for+Americans.mp4

▲ JIM STONE COMMENTS: He says Ukraine totally got it's butt kicked, that man for man they were probably better than the American army, that America can't match Russia on the battlefield, that America will provoke Russia to attack Lithuania by shutting down a critical rail route and as a result of that and losing on the actual battlefiled, America will nuke Russia.

Russia Warns More Weapons Supplies To Ukraine Won't Force Them To Play By Western Rules Anymore: https://tass.com/politics/1468155

Videos Of Americans Captured In Ukraine Broadcast On Russian TV: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/videos-american-fighters-captured-ukraine-broadcast-russian-tv-us-reviewing-footage

Over the past 48 hours, Russian operational-tactical and army aviation destroyed four warehouses with missile and artillery weapons and artillery ammunition in the areas of the settlements of Maksimilyanovka, Avdeevka, Zelenoe Pole and Georgievka of the Donetsk People's Republic, as well as the launcher of the Buk-M1 anti-aircraft missile system in the area of ​​Seversk Luganskaya People's Republic: https://ria.ru/20220619/ukraina-1796552665.html

The Ukrainian Armed Forces destroyed 28 invaders and enemy equipment, including a howitzer, drones and a tank, in southern Ukraine on June 19: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3510689-ukraines-armed-forces-eliminate-almost-30-invaders-enemy-equipment-in-southern-ukraine.html

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292353  No.312029


A True Warning Made By Russian President Putin: “The ongoing price hike, inflation, problems with food and fuel, gas and energy in general is the result of systemic mistakes in the economic policy of the current US administration and the European bureaucracy… Western nations printed large sums of money to stimulate their economies and used them to buy goods in foreign countries… They pretty much vacuumed, raked away the global markets…Naturally, nobody cared to think about the interest of other nations, including the poorest of them… Those were left with scraps, at astronomical prices…This problem did not arise today or in the past three or four months… And it certainly is not Russia’s fault, contrary to what some demagogues say, trying to blame our nation for everything that happens in the world economy… In essence, it’s the same predatory colonial policy… But, of course, it exists in a new form, a new edition, more refined and shrewd”. https://www.rt.com/news/557357-putin-blame-eu-us-famine/

Here is the Updated List of US-Based Food Manufacturing Plants Destroyed Under Biden's Government: http://greeknewsondemand.com/2022/06/19/here-is-the-updated-list-of-us-based-food-manufacturing-plants-destroyed-under-biden-administration/

President Joe Biden turned America’s financial crisis into a national security one by telling the world that foreign leaders have near-total control over the US economy: http://greeknewsondemand.com/2022/06/18/biden-to-world-russia-oil-sheiks-and-china-control-the-u-s-economy/

Russia Demands Lithuania Lift "Openly Hostile" Blockade, 'Panic Buying' (Fiscal Prepping) Ensues: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/eu-just-implemented-risky-anti-russia-measure-could-trigger-ww3-few-are-taking-notice

▲ JIM STONE COMMENTS: GONZALO LIRA WAS RIGHT. Lithuania just blocked the rail line. Step one to a real WW3. I think Gonzalo is still legit. The rumors about him getting swapped out are all explained by him simply getting a different cell phone that has a camera that shows his face more accurately and does not smooth out the wrinkles. Many cell phones have such poor imaging (even if the photos look good) the imaging is so poor it makes people look 10 years younger because it can't record the wrinkles. Camera positioning explains all other anomalies. Even if he's NOT legit, he was right about this, which is supposed to be the lynch pin that kicks off world war 3:

Greenies BTFO! Germany Rations Gas Amid Russian Cuts, Mandates Return To COAL For Electricity Production: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/germany-rations-gas-amid-russian-cuts-mandates-return-coal-electricity-production

Rolling Brownouts And Blackouts Expected In The Western World Due To Energy Crisis: https://allnewspipeline.com/Blackouts_To_Leave_Tens_Of_Millions_Without_Lights.php

AS THE WORLD BURNS, THE KINGDOM OF LIES DIES: https://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/when-the-lies-come-home/

The European Union has extended sanctions against Russia over the attempted annexation of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol by one year, until June 23, 2023: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-polytics/3510923-eu-extends-sanctions-over-russias-illegal-annexation-of-crimea-by-one-year.html

Ukraine’s Minister of Education calls for removal of Russian literature from schools: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/06/20/ukraines-minister-of-education-calls-for-removal-of-russian-literature-from-schools/

Kyiv braces for heavier fighting as Russia-EU tensions climb: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/wires/afp/article-10930197/Ukraines-Zelensky-visits-southern-battles-rage.html

The Armed Forces of Ukraine repelled Russian assault operations near Myrna Dolyna and Bila Hora on the Sievierodonetsk front and near Bohorodychne on the Sloviansk front: https://www.pravda.com.ua/eng/news/2022/06/20/7353658/

On June 20, the Ukrainian Armed Forces attacked drilling platforms of the Crimean energy company ‘Chernomorneftegaz’ (Chornomorneftegaz) in the Black Sea. The attack took place at 8:00 local time in the sea area southwest of Crimea. There were 12 people in the place of the attack, head of Crimea Sergey Aksenov said. Five people were rescued (three of them were injured). The rest is missing: https://southfront.org/kyivs-forces-attacked-russian-drilling-rigs-near-crimea-casualties-reported/

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292353  No.312030


The controlled demolition of FOOD and ENERGY infrastructure is now under way: https://citizens.news/631158.html

Amid threats of blackouts, Illinois lawmakers call for scrapping Green New Deal: https://justthenews.com/nation/states/center-square/amid-possible-blackouts-illinois-lawmakers-call-scrapping-green-new

Texas Turns To Renewables As Electricity Demand Soars To Record Highs: https://oilprice.com/Alternative-Energy/Renewable-Energy/Texas-Turns-To-Renewables-As-Electricity-Demand-Soars-To-Record-Highs.html

Last week Governor Jay Inslee (D-Washington) gave implicit support to destroying the Snake River dams providing 8% of Washington’s electricity generation. Now he's blaming the deliberate destruction of energy generation on climate change: https://thepostmillennial.com/wa-gov-predicts-summer-full-of-blackouts-destruction-and-death

As Europe continues to struggle to wean itself off Russian oil and gas, coal is going to play an increasingly important role in electricity production: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Germany-Turns-To-Coal-Power-Amid-Natural-Gas-Crisis.html

Just as in the oil industry, the mining industry is suffering from underinvestment as companies focus on shareholder returns. The rising prices of metals combined with supply chain issues and inflationary headwinds will be a major issue for the energy transition: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Mining-Industry-Is-Replicating-The-Oil-Sector-Crisis.html

Telegram has amassed over 700 million monthly active users and is rolling out a premium tier with additional features as the instant messaging platform pushes to monetize a portion of its large user base: https://techcrunch.com/2022/06/19/telegram-tops-700-million-users-launches-premium-tier/

NATO And Western Governments Enraged Russian Telegram Service Became A Go-To Source For Western Political Dissent: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/policy/defense-national-security/telegram-secure-platform-nato-warns

▲ MY COMMENT: This is what happens when governments become lapdogs of social media content moderation, of-course disgruntled Americans and Europeans will go elsewhere to voice their opinions in an uncensored environment!! Why would they possibly expect otherwise!?

JIM STONE UPDATE: Ukraine successfully destroyed several Russian oil platforms. Russia has promised extreme retaliation, stating the West is responsible. We will have to see how this goes, but it is definitely not over. Anyone claiming to know the future outcome of this is just puffing, no one knows where this is going to end up but outlook is not so good. This is a major development. At first I ignored this because I thought only one platform got hit. that's not what happened at all, this was a total wipeout. Worthy of a BIG response.

More than 70 Russian occupiers were killed and injured, and 10 military vehicles were destroyed: https://charter97.org/en/news/2022/6/21/503268/

Destroyed Russian Tanks to Be Paraded in Europe by Ukraine: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/destroyed-russian-tanks-paraded-across-094552619.html

Belarusian battalions positioned on Ukraine’s border as tensions escalate: https://euroweeklynews.com/2022/06/21/breaking-news-belarusian-battalions-positioned-on-ukraines-border-as-tensions-escalate/

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36fd70  No.319898

File: e38c24b9dff990a⋯.pdf (403.81 KB, 2022_07_23_HERE_YA_GO_EVER….pdf)

🦀 Crab PDF 🦀

Reminds You That



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964b76  No.319946

File: 90a83e14720e8e2⋯.png (1022.81 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, yanni.png)

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baaf1b  No.320802



ZZ Watts

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3a7881  No.321231


Biden BTFO by just one yt channel streaming the TRUMP RALLY BEST PRESIDENT FUCK OBAMA AND HILLARY!

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444112  No.321607



>Drag has been appropriated.

That gives me an idea.

Everyone here needs to start calling out trans people forgender appropriationkek! Use their own dumb shit against them.

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b23426  No.321676



Are they wearing Q hats?

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bfeb02  No.321717



the founding fathers were heckin evil raycists who wanted the USA to be a white ethnostate!!

we should burn all of the founding documents of the usa!!

they are divisive!! We need to unite!!

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74188c  No.321999



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b583a7  No.322471


Uvalde dig.

Sorry about the extra space.

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271705  No.322599


ThanQ Baker!

So long, B!

QTeam X'ed you out, fren.

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9628df  No.322660


And remember Q said white hats infiltrated antifa long ago.

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5c83cf  No.323167


Q Research AUSTRALIA #23 overrun with spam.

Will bake #24 when attack subsides.


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388b74  No.323295

That was fast

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c2563a  No.323299


1) just tell the truth.

2). USA

3). The normies that pay attention are smarter than you think.

4). The reactions are priceless. Especially the ones that age 20 years in a couple days.

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9b0d2f  No.323329



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ef2a74  No.323345


Democrat privilege.

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9d01c0  No.323477

British PM Boris Johnson faces confidence vote that could oust him from power

LONDON — British Prime Minister Boris Johnson faces a vote that could remove him from power on Monday after dozens of his own lawmakers wrote letters calling for his ouster.

Johnson has caused fury across the country after the revelation of a string of Covid lockdown-busting parties inside his No. 10 Downing Street residence and office over the past two years. The prime minister and dozens of others have been been fined by police for the parties — having previously tried to deny that they ever took place.

It is a remarkable situation for Johnson, less than three years after he secured a Brexit deal with the European Union, swept to victory in a 2019 election, and garnered predictions that his rule could last a decade.

But the nationwide anger has crucially divided Johnson's Conservative Party, many of whom are worried about polling that suggests the 'partygate' scandal has caused millions of voters to turn against them.


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1aa4e9  No.323803


anon likes what your Putin down

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ac22ac  No.323873


Ok. Not your problem. There. Have a great life.

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79ac3e  No.324265

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9f2f19  No.324289


Watch the water?

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63d1e8  No.324444


Oh look, its my favorite reeeeee-ing red text bitch. What's got your vagina sandy today? You on about your dog girlfriend again or something? Isn't that what it was before?

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ffa29c  No.324522


Woke Societies, [25.06.22 00:09]

[Forwarded from Police frequency]

[ Video ]

Tensions are rising at 8th and Olive Streets in DTLA as the group is met with LAPD officers in tactical gear.


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2698d5  No.324548


Study Moar.

LurQue MOAR!

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6a8d48  No.324633


OK Groomer

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df212d  No.324858


If it wasn't real the pedokike would sue for defamation.

Since it is real he doesn't want discovery.

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0764b8  No.324947



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3d006f  No.325139



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31dc91  No.325289



Both are spot on, I just thought he’d come out for his lawyer and friends son. I also assumed it was tactical to stay out of this, but there are a lot of angry conservatives in NY. Republicans had a terrible turnout yesterday in NY compared to the dems. A trump endorsement could have rallied the troops.

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32a40b  No.325407

Sussman takeaway: It’s OK to lie to the FBI if you’re from the privileged political faction.

I've sat on a DC jury. Two members made up their minds because of defendant's ethnicity. A wealthy white woman who served under Hillary at USAID didn't like guns and wouldn't view the evidence. The judge's instructions required reading the law, but he forbade us to read the law.

It was a felony handgun case. DC prosecutors got caliber of weapon wrong. One prosecutor waved the weapon at the jury. Judge required us to determine if defendant was guilty of "possession" & illegal "carrying" of firearm but would not permit us to read laws defining the terms.

Defendant was obviously guilty. But police & prosecution work was sloppy & judge wouldn't let jury know the law. I had already read the laws enacted after Heller & was the only juror who knew. Judge wanted jury to legislate. I couldn't vote to convict under those circumstances.

In sum: It was a real case. Sloppy prosecution & bad evidence. Judge saw it as an easy handgun conviction to 1) set precedent for weak evidence, 2) undermine Heller, 3) broaden how DC law defines possession & carrying. To get it, he needed to keep jury ignorant of the law.

How legal dictatorships begin: Police collect poor evidence. Prosecution presents clear falsehoods as fact. Judge requires jury to issue verdict based on legal terms without permitting jury to know what those terms mean. Conviction thus sets legal precedent. Happens every day.

My DC jury experience was different from the federal case in the DC circuit, but the jury pool is identical.

Juries are the citizens' last line of defense against abusive government. If the jury pool is prejudiced or biased to the point of being unjust, we are all in trouble.

The Sussman case (OK to lie to FBI if you are of proper political faction) shows that if you are are of the wrong faction and are approached by the FBI for help, you MUST NOT SPEAK TO THEM without an attorney present. There's a chance they will trip you up to bust you as a liar.

It makes me feel sick even to write this, as I worked with the FBI for many years. The Bureau is diseased inside. Even if you are completely innocent and have a patriotic duty,DO NOT SPEAK TO THEM WITHOUT A LAWYER. That is still your constitutional right.

The FBI can't twist your words or trip you up if you keep your right to remain silent. And not even corrupt prosecutors can hold your silence against you.

The FBI is losing a lot of sources because of the situation it has created. A lot of good people have walked away.



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b143fb  No.325419


Next SCOTUS ruling?

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a28cd5  No.325554


Was that movie fro dusk till dawn?

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ce8596  No.326348


1“Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.

Well fuck.

No more going to church!

Bullet = Dodged

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1e091a  No.326489

how could the bride of revelation be a whore

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90f705  No.326810


>fizzed out fast

Because they are defeated and they know it.

Because they know folks are fed up and not gonna put up with their crap any longer.

Because they weak and always have been.

Because their circular arguments are flawed and being torn down at every turn.

Because they know deep in their hearts that abortion is the slaughter of innocents,

Because they really don't care about women's rights, they care about their own selfish motives.

Because they are FOLLOWERS and always will be.

Because they are chicken excrement: unstable, watery, and easily dissipated

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eb770f  No.327334


devil digits seent

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72bd5f  No.327338


You just showed all of us you don't want help. GROW THE FUCK UP YOU PATHETIC MAGGOT. I'm glad you are suffering. I hope you cry yourself to sleep tonight while crying for your mommy.

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75505e  No.327707

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5b7a72  No.328034

ATTN Legacy Media shills

The satanist pedovore mind control era is over.

290 million Americans want the truth; including the truth about the gas lighting of America – MSM media complicity in C_A social subversion operations.

Entertainment company executives who think movies like NORMAL on HBO are the product of creative competition to meet audience demand will be surprised to discover that MI, POTUS and anons of QR all see it as subversive IO, a destructive psyop, one of hundreds run by MSM/legacy media against an unwitting civilian population.

Whether the public is aware, or ever becomes aware, of the harm done by MSM/legacy media content shilling, anons know, POTUS knows and MI knows.

Media companies closely associated with satanic mind control like Disney testify to the destructive nature and subversive power of cult mind warfare tactics.

Media shills and entertainment companies prepared to repent, to admit their role in social and sexual subversion and atone for decades evil must make a 180 reversal; stop destroying, start repairing and rebuilding, and begin undoing the harm they have done to civilization, the US and throughout the world.

A Turkish proverb says “No matter how far down the wrong road you have gone, turn back.”

Repairing damage for legacy media content means initiating a cross platform, all format, surge of error corrected, future positive, neural malware-free news and entertainment content, without subliminal or subsonic embeds, hypnotic induction or “side band” symbolic language technologies targeting our unconscious below the threshold of awareness.

Restoring the integrity of our news and entertainment media means resuming our journey toward the light, as individuals and as a species, and start of the long process undoing the harm done our minds by decades of satanic IO.


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503676  No.328230


>History repeats itself

Rabbi shekels are belong to us

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148153  No.328435


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892cbf  No.328635


not to smart are ya

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bf467e  No.328914

Workin' hard! 💪

Our #Soldiers are hard at work every day because if you stay ready, you don't have to get ready.

Tell us how you stay #AlwaysReady.


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26ced1  No.329206

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f40a57  No.329236

If you are a publicly traded company and you don't proclaim support (with advertising dollars) for:

- lgbt pushed trannies

- open homosexuality and attacks on people's faith

- defunding of police

- liberal communist agenda

- any and all vaccines / mask mandates

- grooming of children as easy targets for homosexual pedophiles (NAMBLA)

- massive buying of cheap chinese shit made by slaves

then the Hedge Funds wreck your stock and bankrupt your company. Just ask JC Penney, Sears, Radio Shack and now Gamestop and AMC Theaters.

The Hedge Funds are the ENFORCERS of the destruction of the US Constitution. That's what the AMC / GME / DWAC fight is about, not money. Money is power, the power to do good or to do evil.

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9a8607  No.329252


Nice quad anon

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0794ae  No.329431


>Big Conway (Twitty) fan and it's his song

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47500c  No.329776


i'm just a little bit over seeing the future at this junction in time

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c0d277  No.330714


remember they wouldn't let Trump fill it up?

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4eb8e3  No.330750

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083671  No.330838


Have #20895, this is #20896, saw notes @150


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f93dc6  No.330849


Global volunteers can post on any board. It was grafitti.

Q logged on and removed that post.

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c45401  No.330928


>dont everyone speak up














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c403b9  No.331386

… you missed it maddie…

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f96306  No.331469

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b38d2e  No.332244


the unmerciful satanic cruelty displayed from the baby killer far left and their cohorts to their fellow Americans is appalling and completely anti-humanity.

a clear bifurcation of equity by those consumed by the dark side - unnatural black magic witch faucksters

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f96306  No.332315


go Alex go!

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b299ba  No.332488

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525a40  No.332852


this guy won a lawsuit and got money because he was the real writer of that "diary"

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944335  No.332919

Anon C47 was so important waaaaa.. waaaaaa…

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6041f4  No.332925



As de numero anons say:

>dem digits

Anon hangin' til the end, hopefully

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26b570  No.333398


To Arcadia!

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bc4069  No.334457

Cheney playing police audio reporting AR-15s in the area of 14th Street & Independence. That's the first I've ever heard of that. No such guns were ever found as far as I know.

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ab725c  No.334728


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0ce4cd  No.334884

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4fe883  No.334995




We were, and are, a 'conduit', Anons.

"Within MILDEC, conduits are information or

intelligence gateways to the deception target. Conduits may be used to control flows of information to a deception target.


Military deception (MILDEC) is an attempt by a military unit to gain an advantage during warfare by misleading adversary decision makers into taking actions detrimental to the adversary.[1][2] This is usually achieved by creating or amplifying an artificial fog of war via psychological operations, information warfare, visual deception, or other methods.[3] As a form of disinformation, it overlaps with psychological warfare.[4] Military deception is also closely connected to operations security (OPSEC) in that OPSEC attempts to conceal from the adversary critical information about an organization's capabilities, activities, limitations, and intentions, or provide a plausible alternate explanation for the details the adversary can observe, while deception reveals false information in an effort to mislead the adversary.


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dbb7a3  No.335260


you are an idiot

someone asks if people just join the cia

and i point out they have a website and go to college job fairs recruiting

something they could have found with a 30 second search

another posts a cat with a gun to it's head on here

and i called them out

glow harder??

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4d0fa4  No.336020

Why/how do they keep our board up?

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785b4c  No.336647

Users from Ukraine have posted several American made FGM-148 Javelins for sale on the Dark Web Marketplace, Thief Marketplace. The posting was made less than three hours ago and the seller advertised shipping available from Ukraine, specifically Kyiv. The seller is charging 30,000 USD for what seems to be just the tube. Unseen is the command Launch Unit, and it is unclear if there is a missile in the tube. A full ensemble of the Javelin usually goes for 206K USD, with the Command Launch Unit valued at around 120K USD and each missile at about 80K USD, so this posting is a steal.

The seller, @weapon_ukraine_big_sale also has several other American weapons systems ranging from Stinger MANPADS, Phoenix Ghost Drones, and smalls arms and ammunition. The United States has reportedly sent 5,500 Javelin tubes to Ukraine, and an unspecified number of command launch units which are needed for firing. The United States has reportedly sent 1/3 of its Javelin inventory to Ukraine in order to combat Russian tanks and other ground vehicles since the February 24th invasion.


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166ab3  No.336817

I lost my wife.

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155b95  No.336848


Not what I was getting at in the least.

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8cef75  No.336950

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86f2c0  No.337007


dc license plates all whine about the part of the constitution that says they don't get senators. They equate their plight with that of the Boston tea party.

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4704b2  No.337507

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2c63bf  No.337534









Every kid ever raperd, God allowed…I missed that or I would have been all over that shit! Fuck You DEMONS!


This dude…Fuck off


.I so love you more

Be Best.

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6e11f7  No.337910

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5b779a  No.338261


they tried to destroy the whole board last summer

even admitted it

'q is gone'

'we're going to change the board to "study of the "Jewish Question"

and even made a dedicated thread on it , that no one ever went to.

Then tried to recruit people from half to make it appear that was what we were really about.

Half chan didn't like Storm Trooper either and kept away.

They had to pay people to come here, like crisis actors.

some anons stuck it out ,and held their nose.(from the stench of these fascist Nazi)

Funny we get accused of being Nazi.

Projection , again.

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7c20f1  No.338617


may be jobless soon



Luke 🇨🇦🍁



Jun 4

And these people think they’re on the right side of history?

just me Kim



Jun 5

Someone needs to show her employer this video. She's a recruiter ? For what and for whom ?

Luke 🇨🇦🍁




fringe minority curtis


Replying to





'is this appropriate for one of your staff.

10:44 AM · Jun 6, 2022·Twitter for iPhone









Replying to



and 2 others


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293e8c  No.338810


not that i know of….but the VPN does that sometimes

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5b34d8  No.339387


>.I mean, is this really hard to figure out?

yes can you go over it one more time, slowly

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5c0175  No.339596


That would actually solve two problems.

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a646cb  No.339648



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66cce7  No.339913


TOO finish off the idiots

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20c8be  No.339978


tried RRN?

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20e765  No.340707


>Walt Disney World is an active crime scene and arrests are being made


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44fd04  No.341177


>working together to end the injustice of poverty.

What they don't say is that they plan everyone to live like an Ethiopian (except the ruling elites) which in their mind means everyone is then equal. Voila, end of the injustice of poverty.


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c9da9d  No.341189


Military is out of gas….they’ve already spent this year’s budget for fuel….


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66f40a  No.341361


Because baker is not interested in anything hivemind, you have your own board


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481667  No.341536

Imagine, if you will, a modern day Job of the Bible where God and Satan made the same deal, but just for fun, this time, God has Job unseat Satan.


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1ce288  No.341600


Catalan Parliament passes resolution recognizing Israeli apartheid

The Catalan Parliament, a regional parliament in Spain, passed Thursday a resolution recognizing that the Israeli occupation is committing the crime of apartheid against the Palestinian people, becoming the first European parliament to do so.

The passed resolution accused the Israeli occupation of applying a system that is "contrary to international law and is equivalent to the crime of apartheid as defined in the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, Article 7.2 (h)."

"A historic moment"

Celebrating the resolution, the left-wing En Comu Podem party tweeted, "Parliament, the first European institution to recognize that Israel is committing the crime of apartheid against the Palestinian people, as noted in Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch."

On her part, MP Susana Segovia Sánchez hailed the Parliament's resolution and considered that "this is a historic moment. Today we call by name the violation of human rights in Palestine."

Floored in March by leftist parties, the passed resolution urges holding the Israeli occupation accountable for its crimes.

"Israel" forcing system of apartheid on Palestinians

It is noteworthy that human rights group Amnesty International released in February 2022 a 211-page report - whose release "Israel" had fought against - asserting once and for all that the Israeli regime is forcing a system of apartheid on Palestinians.

Amnesty called in its report on the UN Security Council to "impose targeted sanctions, such as asset freezes, against Israeli officials most implicated in the crime of apartheid, and a comprehensive arms embargo on Israel."

Similarly, the International Human Rights Watch published a report in April 2021 confirming that "Israel" is committing crimes of apartheid.


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c356df  No.341727


Is it possible to see how many "demons" resides into one human?


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8cf1d3  No.342140


>lurking mode = expert

The triple 111's confirmed your post, I'd noticed.


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60d624  No.342430


cant defund them, they are on HBO now. Not even sure they have any ties with PBS anymore. I think they air old episodes still.


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be8966  No.342439




A 'Mysterious' Flying Whirlpool' over Maunakea on 2022-04-17

"What is it?" "Wow UFO!?"

Though we hope we could keep it a mystery…it seems it is a falling 2nd-stage of the Falcon-9 (2nd Booster Rocket) by SpaceX which was launched about 2-hr earlier from California today. Well, surely it's a rare view!



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bf64b5  No.342591


You die on your hill. Buhbye


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6536f5  No.343580


Oh shit, Q Verified. LETS FUCKING GO


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7e4d3e  No.343893


Blame, blame, blame, blame, blame….

First it was Big oil's fault.

Then it was because of COVID

Next it was Putin's fault.

Now it's our fault? Fuck you Joe!


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e2c1e4  No.344045


Highland Park’s mayor Nancy Rotering also confirmed to WGN Investigates she has a connection to the suspect. She said his father unsuccessfully ran against her for mayor in 2019.



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d1643e  No.344111

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66f40a  No.344942

Had an ignorant liberal come into a clearly conservative politics thread tonight, and say how everything in the thread amused them.

>can't get any worthwhile information out of any of the discussions

were their exact words. No introspection, whatsoever. Wouldn't dare blame themselves for their inability to listen, or even try to understand. Typical ignorant stupidity.


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e0ea4f  No.344964


1/3 of the originally created beings seemed to think so. In my experience that doesn't seem to be true.


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25685f  No.345168


not notable

not news, not satire, either


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745073  No.345441


not defending anyone assfuck your message is stupid.

Not all dems are pedos period. You diminish our message by trying to push that agenda.

Why are you trying so hard?


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3934f3  No.345501


What is a COURT JEW?Part II

Although the phenomenon of "Court Jewry" did not occur until the early 17th century, examples of what would be later called court Jews can be found earlier in Jewish moneylenders

who accumulated enough capital to finance the royalty and the nobility.

Among them was Josce of Gloucester, the Jewish financier who funded Richard de Clare, 2nd Earl of Pembroke's conquest of Ireland in 1170,[7] and Aaron of Lincoln, presumably the wealthiest individual in 12th-century Britain,

who left an estate of about £100,000.[5][8]

Also notable was Vivelin of Strasbourg, one of the wealthiest persons in Europe in the early 14th century, who lent 340,000 florins to Edward III of England on the eve of the Hundred Years' War, in 1339.[9]

By the 16th century, Jewish financiers became increasingly connected to rulers and courts.

Josef Goldschmidt (d. 1572) of Frankfurt, also known as "Jud Joseph zum Goldenen Schwan", became the most important Jewish businessman of his era, trading not only with the Fuggers and Imhoffs,

but also with the nobility and the Church.[10] In the early 17th century the Habsburgs employed the services of Jacob Bassevi of Prague, Joseph Pincherle of Gorizia, and Moses and Jacob Marburger of Gradisca.

At the dawn of mercantilism, while most Sephardi Jews were primarily active in the west in maritime and colonial trade, the Ashkenazi Jews in the service of the emperor and princes tended toward domestic trade.[11]

They were mostly wealthy businessmen, distinguished above their co-religionists by their commercial instincts and their adaptability. Court Jews frequently came into conflict with court rivals and co-religionists.

The court Jews, as the agents of the rulers, and in times of war as the purveyors and the treasurers of the state, enjoyed special privileges.

They were under the jurisdiction of the court marshal, and were not compelled to wear the Jews' badge.

They were permitted to stay wherever the Emperor held his court, and to live anywhere in the Holy Roman Empire, even in places where no other Jews were allowed.

Wherever they settled they could buy houses, slaughter meat according to the Jewish ritual, and maintain a rabbi. They could sell their goods wholesale and retail, and could not be taxed or assessed higher than the Christians.

Jews were sometimes assigned the role of local tax collectors.



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8dfdb3  No.345601


I'm still getting an error where no matter what username is entered it says Username already taken.


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eee5d1  No.345604



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92552a  No.345977


>green text faggot.


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d15c4b  No.346004

23e c7gf24807 rh ueif

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9fea39  No.351965

here you go again! bumping real news!!!!!!!

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67d3ad  No.352181


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82a86d  No.354081

Something new to be aware of (I had no idea this was going on)

When you get a new job, that job often includes training. That training always used to be free. Now companies are having minimum work times required to "pay for" the training, and if you leave before that time you get charged thousands of dollars.


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