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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: bb41bda65d67d6c⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 19.43 KB, 369x379, 369:379, pgi9cd5z3z391.jpg)

a4d348  No.305556

The whites are the most discriminated ever, probably because they are regarded as the main threat to the people who control the institution.

If you are an American white, you have about 3% the chance to get admitted into the Ivy League institution than if you are a Jew. It's almost as if it is about the university's Jewish headmaster. (3 of last 4 Harvard's presidents are Jews, because it's how the Jewish financiers want it to be.)

Jews own Reddit, Discord, FB, Instagram, Whatsapp, Google, Youtube, etc so there's almost no place to post facts about Jews. Due to the media's influence, almost no Americans use Telegram as well. Let me see about this website.

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d77298  No.305613

File: 78b8a305c56f6ae⋯.mp4 (10.63 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Aliz_e_Ella_elle_l_a_Live_….mp4)

but they dont own 8chan

that is owned by a patriotic and freedom loving shady businessman with your best interests in his mind

he doesn't even have enough computers to data mine you

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