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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: f149cf4a58ae287⋯.jpg (118.67 KB, 1081x1280, 1081:1280, 27.jpg)

01c0ff  No.305508

Demi Rose OFF Leaks! more in: http://liveonlyffa.com/demi-rose-full/

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c954b4  No.305554


>Demi Rose OFF Leaks!

If it itches, scratch it.

If it leaks, go to the doctor.

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1151f8  No.305564

File: 5d2432333e36517⋯.jpg (138.34 KB, 858x912, 143:152, 1635546049690_compressor_i….jpg)

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616c0e  No.305606

>instagram thots

>be white girl

>be not fat

>be not ugly

>think you are abigail shapiro with khazarian mega milkers

they are basically average white women who think they are better looking then they are

but this is not even the spectacular thing

the spectacle is that they think they deserve to be rich just for that

they think they are entitled to your money just because they exist

imagine that

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