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File: 6b364d839bc3d79⋯.jpg (90.25 KB, 800x707, 800:707, literallyjustgoogledgemsto….jpg)

0a96ad  No.304369 [Last 50 Posts]

Dumb fucks of the internet, spooks, and outcasts. Lend me your ear:

What you have failed to realize is that everything that you believe is a word-borne hallucination perpetrated by The Regime to keep you stupid. None of the problems that you think exist actually exist because the idea that a "problem" could exist in a perfect universe is absurd. (If you do not believe the universe to be perfect, you are a fucking retard.)

But let's set aside this metaphysic and just focus on your own stupid and wrong perception. You labor under the illusion that The Regime is in control. Let's assume for a moment that this is true.

Let me ask you a question: Is The Regime in control of the tree outside your window? How about the individual branches of that tree? The fibers of the tree trunk? The thousands of creatures that live in and on the tree? Since you are a wordcel and love abstractions, let's do that: Does The Regime control the topography of the tree? The history of the tree? The notion of the tree?

Obviously The Regime may "control" "the world," but if you were to take ten seconds out of your inane day to think about it, you'd realize that this "control" is, again, a hallucination. The only "control" they have is over your perception, which has granted them a reach which simply does not exist. The Regime no more controls that tree than they do the birds of that tree than they do YOU.

Extrapolated further, you will see that The Regime does not, in fact, control anything REAL. They have written hundreds of thousands of books of fanfic over the course of thousands of years to convince you of their fiction, and they have spent decades crushing you into a paste so that you cannot but continue to suckle at the Regime teat, but, in the end, they have no connection to reality, and their powers are, quite literally, non-existent.

Once you have realized this fully, you will then realize the FACT that you, yes you, you fucking autist, are co-owner/author/vicegerent of Real Reality, and there is no overlap between this Real Reality and the hallucinatory complex of silliness that gets perpetrated by The Regime. Real Reality is The Jeweled Reich, and you can choose to live there at any time. The only reason you continue to live in The Regime is by your own obstinate stupidity and because to live a real life would require making real choices, and you are, alas, addicted to Regime diversions.

Whether or not you choose to come join us in The Jeweled Reich is totally up to you. Strictly speaking, of course, you're already there; you're just too fucking stupid to see it.

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549368  No.304380



But could you improve your writing?

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2cb403  No.304384


>You labor under the illusion the the Regime is in control.

Talley up all the people who were fired for refusing vaxx and booster shots.

Count up all the small business that went under during the covid lockdown.


Then take a sledgehammer, destroy your computer and NEVER post or email anyone ever again.

You OP, are a waste of bandwidth and oxygen.

You are a moneychanger in the temple OP.


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8ce10c  No.304389

File: d903cd7a4a0ddaf⋯.jpg (63.86 KB, 384x499, 384:499, 51tq0xlldzl_sx382_bo1_204_….jpg)


Do not listen to this miserable piece of shit, OP.

You, OP, are on the right track.(Unlike the vast majority of cretins on this board.)

Do not despair just because the fools scream and squawk, displaying their ignorance by trying to tear down everything that does not fit into their tiny box of acceptable ways of thinking. They are unlikely to ever learn to think for themselves (and are easily manipulated by the "Regime" that they have created for themselves within their own minds — the Higher Authority that they always look to, the "Outside" Forces.) Anyone who has chosen toLOOK WITHIN, however, can recognize the TRUTH of OP's post (even if the approach was less straightforward than the average chantard is capable of following, and had a flavor of "Attack" that is never appealing to those already in a closed stance, so is unlikely to have any effect on the majority of this audience.)

That OP picked that pic, however, was far from "random". That's not how the world works. "Randomness" is just a Perspective, just like each facet on a gemstone reflects the same light through the same stone, yet has a completely different view of the whole.)

If I told you the truth of the matter regarding that exact auquamarine gemstone that OP posted, you would not believe me, so I won't. I may never tell anyone, including my gf. It's that astounding. Suffice it to say that I personally have a fairly strong connection to that exact gemstone, and the lapidary artist who faceted it — so strong a connection in fact, that it is impossible to think that OP could have chosen that pic by accident, or just by randomly looking up a gemstone on Google.

> inb4 glowsticks

That's OP's point though. Jumping to conclusions like that, and swimming in paranoid delusions about being manipulated by the dark forces of "The Regime" is silly, in a non-dual reality, like the one we live in. You see, OP was being facetious (you like how that word contains the word "facet"?) Explaining the unexplainable is not easy (yet still we often try.)

There IS No "Regime",Really.

There never was. That was all a hoodwink. It's OK to have fallen for it. It's easy to do, and there is no one who has ever lived who has not fallen for it at some point!

But I think the REAL Point OP was making isCan You See Through It?Well, Can You? If not, perhaps some cleaning of those facets is in order. Ain't got no facets yet? Well, you best recognize them and "Real"ize them within the stoniness of your perspective..

There is so much more I could say, and I wish I had the time. Alas, there are so many more important priorites recognized from this facet's viewpoint, in the here & now, that I will be unable to contribute to this thread as much as I'd like, but I'll roll in when I can, because this is a better thread than most of the shit on here — more thought-provoking — but it is exceedingly difficult to get anything through the "autist" stance (especially if you call them "autists"!), but I still give it a go now and again too!

> inb4 samefag

If you only knew how deep the rabbit-hole really went!

> pic related in the same way EVERYTHING is related — it is YOU who creates the relativity, and YOUr approach to it. Besides, I just grabbed the image at random off a search engine (not Google!), when looking up the word "facet"!

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779cfb  No.304397



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e85a51  No.304399

File: c6656b768833e99⋯.mp4 (12.08 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Tectonik_Electro_Dance_240….mp4)


>we live in the matrix

boring, I already mastered the art of lucid dreaming to the point where I can build any level / dream world and spawn any person living or not into it

vid related, dance anon, it will make you feel better and keep you fit

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7d2726  No.304412

File: 2e6899919bdbb21⋯.pdf (420.22 KB, HOW_TO_ARRIVE_AT_AN_EASTER….pdf)



I'll just leave this here:

> PDF Related





Take it for what it's worth.

> inb4 its worth is judged by an unworthy, closed stance

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0a96ad  No.304413


I think you've misunderstood me completely if you think I am talking about a matrix, or that a lucid dream-world to escape to is an appropriate response to the fact of The Jeweled Reich.

This is not any sort of speculative notion, and it does not require anything other than pure reason and pure experience to arrive at. The shared reality that you inhabit, and here I am speaking of the "mundane" reality of waking conscious experience, is The Jeweled Reich. It is not a dream, it is not a fantasy, and there is no Maya or matrix hiding you from this fact. This is not a religious matter so much as it is a question of training and conditioning. You have been trained using Regime language to think Regime thoughts to serve the Regime. (Have you ever considered how strange it is that all the current "competing" civilizational complexes—Capitalism, Communism, Libertarianism, Anarcho-Capitalism, National Socialism—all revolve around the fact that MARKETS and the exchange of goods and services are the only, literally the ONLY, way to structure a society?)

If someone were to ask you, "Where do you live?" you might answer "America," or "Springfield," or something along those lines. But take thirty seconds and look around you. All of those things that are "in America" (or where ever) — are they REALLY "in America" in any real sense? What I mean to say is: do the forces that are right now working overtime to convince people to cut their dicks off and to vote and to support wars and pay taxes and all that stuff, do they have any kind of "control" over your keyboard? Is that keyboard "in" America and under Regime control? How about the individual keys? Is the tilde key under Regime control? Are the crumbs under the keys under Regime control? The waste-paper basket? The fridge? The tables and chairs? The bottoms of your cups? Your toothbrush? The bristles thereon? The grime in your tiles?

If none of the things IN your living space are under Regime control, then what about the house that contains the stuff? What about YOU?

The Regime is rather like a game. They spent decades training you to believe that the rules of their game are the only rules that can exist. Every action within the Regime's game only feeds Regime interests: terrorism, voting, arguing about the best way to Do Regime Shit, they all provide energy to The Regime.

But you can do literally whatever you want. The poster above who was upset about vaccine mandates is upset because he wants Regime goodies but doesn't want to pay Regime prices. (Notice that he brought up "small businesses." The surest sign that he has been Regime-conditioned.) If you want to live in The Regime and play Regime games, then you must do so by Regime rules. (Or you can escape to a dream-world, or into drugs, or whatever other haven you want to.)

OR you can just realize that The Regime is Fake and Gay, that the place you really live is NOT Regime territory but is in fact Reality, and has always been, and will always be, and the moment you make that decision, you are a citizen of your true home: The Jeweled Reich. It's literally that fucking easy.

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7d2726  No.304415


Sorry (You) feel (You) have to alleviate (You)r boredom by spamming (You)r shit dance video onto numerous boards, just like the Lolita spammer (and within an hour of the Lolita spammer does, because(You) ARE the Lolita Spammer!…)

Now that (You)'ve gotten some (You)s we hope (You) are less bored, and will go back to lucid dreaming or something. (You)r input is not only unnecessary, it's unwanted.

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e85a51  No.304435

File: a97cb8b283e5d19⋯.webm (2.21 MB, 478x360, 239:180, Girl_Dance_Tecktonik_Musi….webm)


government does control everything.

if they dont like your tree in the garden, they will cut it off.

if they dont like that you built your house at some parcel of land (no building permission) they will trash it.

if they don't like your line of work (running a meth lab) they will put you in jail for it

you must understand that this thing you call regime is virtual only.

Just like money is.

Law and order is also just virtual.

They work because millions of sheeple give government the legitimation to do what it does. You see, the average normalfag is not interested in freedom. He wants safety. This is why we live in an unfree world. Because of millions of mindless yes saysers and obedient slaves who love the monsters that govern them.

All those virtual concepts all work because we collectively choose to believe in them. be it money, government or laws. if we one day choose that those concepts are trashy or not in our best interests, they would not work anymore.

As you correctly noticed, our overlords do understand that they only have power of us as long as we let them have it.

You one time also seemed to mention religions as well and that goes into the same route:

<Ahmad, stop eating pork you fucking retard

<it is 40 degrees in the desert and the flesh is rotten already

<and stop drinking that wine already you always go round the block causing trouble for anyone in our neighborhood

<wine is unhealthy too, did you not know this?

>ah shut up with your science shit I do what I want to

<but did you know when you die and did not do as I told you you come to hell instead of paradise?

<there is 72 trannies railing you all day long there

<as opposed to paradise where 72 virgins await you

>omygod please, everything just not this tranny shit

>what do I have to do?

<good boy

religions are invented to control the sheep

in fact, the catholic church officially refers to its followers as sheep goyim

So any ruler knows he can only rule with the conscent of the ruled.

This is why they always have paranoia about losing their power.

However, the problem is usually that your average human bean will not fight for his freedom until there is some type of war or food crisis happening that will make him leave his comfy television seat.

So when you say the regime is fake, you are right, provided you have an army of likeminded (and armed) individuals who have the same oppinion as you have. however as long as the goyims are comfy in their tv seats poppin beer cans and eating corn dogs you can forget this idea.


thank you for your answer anon

I love you too

have a fantastica joy video in response

I do not spam, I love those dance videos the movements are so fluid, it is simply beautiful and I just express my love and passion for something that is dear to my heart

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779cfb  No.304436


Don't get all angry because I prefer White thoughts anon.

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779cfb  No.304437


Fuck anon. Take a Xanax or something. Go bang your wife…you don't have to be here.

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779cfb  No.304438

File: 319e483e6ce2e36⋯.jpg (287.56 KB, 1680x1050, 8:5, wwz.jpg)


You have a choice at each juncture. You can fight all of that and kill them or submit. It is always a choice.


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779cfb  No.304440


lel that video was funny.

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e85a51  No.304443

File: 745891b8d9b17c4⋯.mp4 (3.47 MB, 320x240, 4:3, Fantastica_Joy_2_Tecktonik….mp4)


it is okay, I understand his feelings

and I am not mad at him or anything


look, in theory you are right

you have the freedom to "fight"

you have your M4 rifle while the senile pederast has tanks, reaper drones and helicopters that can cut a man in half with a single burst of fire

but yeah, you can fight

You see conflict, fights, wars.

Those things are a business decission. War is very costly.

You have to calculate costs of the war activity and compare it with the gains you expect to make after winning.

And guess what

Sometimes it is much cheaper to flee instead of fighting.

So you just pack your bags and move to some place where you are treated better. This is why more and more americans are renouncing their US passports and their involuntary marriage with the IRS until death does them apart and go into some other country to live in where they will be not treated like complete dirt. Examples are Belize, Panama, Nicaragua and many more.

You vote with your feet and move to some place where it is maybe not perfect, but less horrible. And this is what rich people have always been doing. They pack their bags and take their capital with them. Government needs the capitalists, not the other way round.


I am glad you liked it

here have some more

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779cfb  No.304446


I didn't say fight like a retard anon or try the Tiananmen square shuffle you can be strategic and still have your little long riffle and win a strategic war. Tactical wars are almost always lost. Strategy is how you win and armaments mean very little in a strategic war. Do you really think there are enough brain cells on capital hill to rub together to even start a small fire…naaah.

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e85a51  No.304448


why fight at all? it is so tiring.

you can just move to some jurisdiction where you are treated better.

much less problems and headaches.

For example try being a dissident in Russia. You get intoxicated, government invents tax evasion charges against you, takes away your business empire and gives it to its friends, puts you into a gulag where you are beaten by guards and all that crap.

Why do this all when you can just pack your bags and go somewhere where people are sane in their mind and have basic dignity for human freedom?

no country is perfect but you can find one jurisdiction that works best for your particular needs and stay there.

You see the way govt behaves often has to do with a general mentality of the population in that jurisdiction. The government is as cheeky as it can afford to be without rustling the average joes jimmies.

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779cfb  No.304449


Nowhere left to run, anon.

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0a96ad  No.304450


You choose to live in "an unfree world" because you cannot abide the thought of actual freedom. You demand Regime "conveniences," and you pay the Regime price. Simple as.

Had the goyim spent more time considering the lilies and less time writing books about blood atonement, perhaps they'd be able to grok the value of King Kike's most basic bitch advice. Alas.

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779cfb  No.304451


Now THIS comment was fucking funny. Do this, not that.

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8ce10c  No.304452

File: 3eaf9a1f4ad8a17⋯.webm (280.75 KB, 480x480, 1:1, 3f7604403befed67d31257bce….webm)

File: 7d0792cd6fa9239⋯.webm (2.27 MB, 640x360, 16:9, be9392f17a3fc2ff57f61cbe9….webm)


Alright. I'll let you have your dance videos without more grief from me since you have proven you can think for yourself and can offer good food for thought. I may have assumed incorrectly, having seen the same videos posted on several other boards in kinda a spammy way, and I think you know exactly what I'm talking about here, so I guess I'll withdraw the accusation about being the Lolita spammer and just say that we have different taste in attachments.

You make some exellent points, and they were well conveyed. Religion really is a huge Conformity Enforcement mechanism, and early societies were built around a commonality of belief systems. It is imperative that folks share somewhat common ways of thinking, else a civilization cannot survive. That's why the powers-that-be (the folks that most others can agree are ruling over them in some way) ALWAYS Control the ways people think.

Humans have become accustomed to one Slave Ideology after another. Most humans would not know what to do with Freedom, so telling them that they're already Free does nothing except make them run for the comfort of the nearest Slave Ideology; and if there isn't one, they'll create it. We are creatures of habit, and most humans are in the habit of being treated like, and acting like, LIVESTOCK. This is how we've been organizing our societies since the agricultural revolution.

The thing is, we're going through another revolution of sorts, maybe as big or bigger than that one. We DO have a chance of a significant enough number of people seeing through the ruse and deciding to create a different paradigm in which to live, to approach the entire subject in a different way… completely new revolutionary ideas can develop in this climate, and ANYTHING can happen!

It really does just take a change in Perspective.

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779cfb  No.304453


In order for that change to accelerate there has to be the ability to communicate change…which just brings us back to collating data and THEIR GOALS which look nothing like your goals.

When I was a kid I read this scifi book about the way people had to travel to the stars, which was to make a facsimile of yourself and send the data because interstellar travel was out of the grasp of humanity. So the data would travel there instead.

Well…what do you all think the web is other than them creating a facsimile of 'you' that they can control. Once it is perfected, then, as I said earlier, what do they need you for? They don't. They can have 70 quadrillion 'human slaves' in a computer doing all that processing for them. They can be Gods.

See, here is the problem…people know neither themselves nor their enemy, if you know one, well, things are not so bad and you may win or lose but if you know neither, well you are right fucked. But if you know neither and your enemy knows literally everything about you, who will 'win' in every encounter'? What can you do to offer any resistance to your enemy? You don't know them, but they KNOW EVERYTHING ABOUT YOU…inside and out. Who will win? They are setting up a scenario that you can never escape from, ever. You will own NOTHING and be happy, forever and ever and ever inside the machine.

So the end of the scifi story was that the facsimile hates its life, it can't believe he was betrayed like this by it original, it loathes its original for allowing a fax to be made of it and sent away from everything it ever knew and loved.

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654fdb  No.304457

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

By mine command and decree…

By authority absolute…

I here for authorize the use of force to restrain any authority 'Of The' untied bates…

I shall there for 'move to strike' by means:

"Why for shall a body cut the wrist by bottle and gin?"

"If 'they' are crazed shall thou not abide 'they' ruin?"

"Come, help them to find the cure for wellness with this blade…"

I, the devil, with body of None…

Gnaw… Gnaw… "Chaos reigns" says the fox…

"Thangs be craaazy out dare" SCRATCH


I shall remind the defendants that the Arch beneath me is One of Eight…

Any final words before the politicians 'wake up dead?'

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654fdb  No.304458

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

Elon Musk… Thy attempt to 'look' hath made the 'more' invisible…

Elon Musk… With such 'hardware' doth thou 'listen' and make mine whispers especially hard to 'hear…'





Elon Musk… Knock… Tok… Knock… Tik…

Elon Musk… "Whose there?"

Elon Musk… A 'self-terminating' 'existential' 'paradoxical-lock…'

Elon Musk… A… Nexus of sorts…

Elon Musk… I, the devil, hath put a spell on you… And now you are mine…


Elon Musk… Tinker… Tok… Tailor… Tik… Solider… Spy… With mine many eyes…

Elon Musk… If you toy with me… 4,000,000,000 will die… Tok… Tik… Tok… Tik… Tok…

Elon Musk… I put a spell on you… And now you die…

Elon Musk… I put a spell on you… "China is right…"

Elon Musk… "If eyes move, this could die"

Elon Musk… "You say you don't know"

Elon Musk… "Well, I say you don't know"

Elon Musk… "Eyes move, this can die"


Elon Musk:

At night… When you are truly alone… When I grab you…

When I yank you… When I scratch and hurt you…



When another 19 die…



After the church shooting…

After the assassinations…




"Where's that hutch bitch?"


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654fdb  No.304459

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




"Poland and others now smell blood in the water…"

Germany… You ask of I, the devil, to have less of what I WANT?

France… A negotiation of WHAT? GUILT? HONESTY?

UK… Sin and filth any one?

Russia… I have placed mine coin into the 'machine' and shall now 'yank' 'dat' 'krank…'



Germany… Surprise!!!!!!

France… I, the devil, can 'see' the future…


I, the devil, decree 'alternative truth' as fact…


"If the darkness is the absence of light…"

"Therefore the darkness is 'not real…'"

"There for naught to be afraid…"

"Who for shall then contrive such fear?"

"Perhaps one amongst these to steer…"

"Upon such ruinous board a finger shall ply…"



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654fdb  No.304460

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




"For quality assurance please dial 6-666-666-6666…"

Vladimir Putin… I shall remind thee by 'force' of 'assert' once more…

Vladimir Putin… To 'corrupt' the 'lenz' of 'perception' is not a 'risk' to mine 'vessel…'


Vladimir Putin… A 'systemic' failure to 'report' both truthfully and accordingly shall be punished without mercy…

Vladimir Putin… I shall refer the plaintiff to the 'Texas Exhibit…'

Vladimir Putin… "Pick up the gun and place it inside of your mouth…"

Vladimir Putin… "I shall find 19 lonely grains… And a devil betwixt every one…"



MOD… Collections activity shall continue… Drip… Drop… Tik… Tok…


Vladimir Putin… If thou art mine challenge… A pen be thy hang…

Vladimir Putin… Place upon thy paper and with focus… Make manufacture of mine "United Soviet States…" CLICK


Xi Jinping… 'Hush' bring the blood…

Xi Jinping… 'Shhh' prepare to kill…

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654fdb  No.304461

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.






Vladimir Putin… With and authority, I or devil, place mine self before God… "1… 2… And poof…"

Vladimir Putin… All men who survive the ends shall report seeing lights and shimmers… SNAP


Vladimir Putin… I shall now take for mine that which is collected…

Vladimir Putin… I shall collect all the sum of all fear(s) upon the earth…

Vladimir Putin… Given to mine self I AM BECOME FULL; DRUNK WITH POWER…

Vladimir Putin… Ye 'powers' have 90 days to or else…

Vladimir Putin… This is called 'meta' and 'victory…'

Vladimir Putin… To perform 'reduction' to there for 'obfuscate' the 'field of battle…'











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654fdb  No.304467

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied Davos bates

"nah nigguh i be invisible n shit"


"I aint gots na fait, i got dat 'green sis'" SCRATCH


Vladimir Putin… I shall let mine self to 'grab up all their fears and drop them on their head.'

Vladimir Putin… If 'they' should look… The more UNREAL I shall become… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Chris Mannix… What ever should happen o' tool of mine?

Chris Mannix… In a world without fear… ONLY INSANITY SHALL REMAIN… HAHAHAHAHAHA









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654fdb  No.304469

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates



I, the devil, now decree these 'alternative truths' to be real…

I shall take up the woman who art sin and filth and evil…

I shall place the object to be the pillar of the whole earth and the men did dwell…

The 'flipping of the pole' for these are what is called 'bipolar…'

Into the earth they shall go… In which caves? No body did know…

For upon the air to dig… From the earth crawled the alien and there was mystery once more…

Xi Jinping… From this point forward…

Xi Jinping… The subjugation of the 'male' by 'western powers' shall directly erode the 'genetic definitions' of what is called 'human…'

Xi Jinping… This shall occur when the 'male' is placed into the 'dark box' and thus retrieved 'fundamentally changed' upon conveyance…

Xi Jinping… See… Gaze upon the earth and see who shall 'BURY THEMSELVES IN THE MUD…'

Xi Jinping… I shall take that which is UNREAL and make them 'firm…'

"kinda like a firmament or something like dat"

"Putin wuldnt kno cause he godless an shit, i know cuz i own his nigguh ass" HAHAHA


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779cfb  No.304471


Reality is Natural Law stripped down to its purest form. It is not 'that which man litigates' but rather that which does not change or even need to be litigated. It is 'that which is'. Truth is established by what actually happens…not what we 'wish to be' nor 'what we tell ourselves' is history. You want to work on something monumental, work on this with me, then. You want authenticity? Lets work on achieving it in the greatest sense it can be realized.

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779cfb  No.304472

Muh logos

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5929cb  No.304492

File: bec1e07bb606292⋯.mp4 (12.96 MB, 240x240, 1:1, yt5s_com_Fall_To_Pieces_24….mp4)


OK maybe I should have not posted the dance videos here. However, here have some music video instead. Everyone likes musik right?

I like the fast ones, no matter the genre

>lolita spammer

is that the guy with the ip grabber links?

>tptb always control people

yes this is why you see them tick out in legacy media so much

they understand that they have lost the power of narrative.

for example regarding vaccines no matter how much vaxxing propaganda they send, the hard core anti vaxxers dont give a flying shit about it.

Why is that?

because they don't believe them anymore

they have been caught lying so many times and from now on all they say is by default assumed to be a lie.

And this is rightfully so.

This entire vaxxination fiasco is clearly fault of the ruling class for their incompetence to take serious the questions and fears of common man. And they failed so much at this that people start trusting schizophrenics on telegram chats more then people with educations in that matter

The lamestream media has witnessed their power grip on public oppinion is weaker and weaker every year. every year more and more people choose to cut off the cable tv forever and don't watch tv at all anymore.

>slave ideology

this is a rather too harsh word but it goes into the right direction.

I would say it is the "passiveness of comfort"

so many people don't live their life, their lives live them

they don't act, they simply react to whatever life throws at them.

This is very prevalent in eastern europe where people even 30 years after communism expect government to take care of them and give them da jawbs and free housing and whatever free shit they want to have.

there is simply an oversupply on our planet for this passive type of human


you know agriculture makes civillization possible

before civ, all the men in a village would go hunt animals for food. the women would collect fruits and vegetables or mushrooms. but agriculture with smart water canals lets one farmer produce in one harvesting season not only for the rest of the year food but maybe also well into the next growing season.

Now that one farmer does the food gathering work of lets say 30 hunter men, these are free to do something else in their time. They can become iron smiths, bakers, artists, architects, whatever interests them. And when everyone produces what he can produce best and trades with each other, everyone has everything at best quality available.

>different paradigm

that will be possible after there is no frozen pizza in the fridge and no electricity to run the tube anymore. It is usual in times of chaos and mayhem only for people to rethink their living arrangement with their overlords

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779cfb  No.304493


Well anon, this is beautiful and it is a crying shame that there are not more people like us who recognize these simple truths. I want to live like you live so badly, and I have, in the past, lived like this, but I have an SO that wants nothing to do with this lifestyle or really to even acknowledge that it might be a potential way to live.

I would never tell you to conform.

I have to admit that I might need to think some more about integrity and all that this entrails. I mean, I am new to Natural Law in the sense that I have only been exploring the idea(s) for a couple years off and on. I can't say that I have a solid idea, in my own mind of all of its potential or what that really could mean to humanity.

Is that how it is then? We all come to some individual understanding, live and die and nothing changes?

So I was talking with my SO and we were talking about 'so called extremists' politics. They said that everyone hates extremists because they cause rapid change within society. So maybe we are seeing a little of this play out here...

On LOOKING WITHIN...IDK anon. It isn't going to hurt us either way but it won't help us either. Nor will it help humanity.

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779cfb  No.304494


I didn't mind the dance videos. FYI. They made me laugh. I love EDM though and any kind of dance music.

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5929cb  No.304495

File: 8cb867e532837d1⋯.webm (6.29 MB, 640x360, 16:9, DJ_Kuba_Ne_tan_Deejay_Dee….webm)


I had a similar thought about this abstract type of shit a few days ago.

I thought like that

>okay big bang theory says universe started from an infinite amount of energy exploding from an infinite little particle

>then universe expands into infinity

>space moves faster then speed of light (error in the matrix)

this is actually the most interesting thing in the universe. space moves faster then light and nobody knows why, nobody knows how it is possible

>then there is dark holes

>infinite amount of mass

>concentrated in an infinite little particle

>nobody knows what it behind the black hole

what if our universe is just the back door of a former black hole. what if all the black holes in universe are just doors to other (parallel) universes or dimensions?

Then I thought this further

>if we assume this analogy

>particles in a humans body form little spheres and bond into one universe together

>the human body is a universe

>one atom in the body is a planet

>what if our earth galaxy or universe is just one atom inside some other organism that is much bigger then we could ever imagine

>what if we inside us have this same thing

>one giantic universe inside each atom or cell in our body

When you look at it. all things in universe are based on spheres and round shapes:



>orbiting routes of satellites and moons

>planets who orbit a star

>dark holes or stars that rotate

>electricity is made from a circular movement

>machines make electricity back into circular movements

>electricity has round sinus shaped waves

>light is similar

what if you have inside each atom of your body an entire galaxy of planets and god knows what

Therefore that matrix theory of OP is not even that absurd

we might really be all living in some grotesque simulation / dream world

when you die in a dream you wake up

I wonder where we wake up when we die in the "real" world


glad you liked it

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779cfb  No.304496

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>for example regarding vaccines no matter how much vaxxing propaganda they send, the hard core anti vaxxers dont give a flying shit about it.

They can't bear a divergent reality to the one they are trying to craft. It is a anomaly in the matrix they are trying to create.

I have often wondered what EXACTLY would happen if we pushed this anomaly to the point where it broke everything. I kinda want to try it tbh.

This is from the Four Agreements. It explains the world dream we live in. I highly recommend the entire video…its pretty short too, just like three minutes.

I think you are thinking well anon. I just think there is something much deeper happening here too. Something fundamental in the thinking of humanity…and at the risk of bringing every fucking glowie on the planet down on us I think I can say that Anarcho-Homicidalism is the way forward for humanity.

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5929cb  No.304497

File: f8223a1beae217d⋯.mp4 (7.37 MB, 720x480, 3:2, Detki_Kap_Kap_DJ_Solovey_R….mp4)

also regarding the universe.

I recently saw a video on youtube where they explained that our universe is travelling forward into a direction. Our galaxy is tilted 60 degrees towards the horizontal line and all planets galaxies and whatever things we have move in a circular pattern or in elipses.

If you would plot those movements, what shape would you get painted ?


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779cfb  No.304498

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


You might like this video. I haven't showed it to very many people because…I don't like the fluoride stare I get when I do…but I found it totally delightful. Turns out the Ruskie cosmo-naughties found out that if you have a plasma in space and there is matter, it syncs right up to the same motion you have mentioned and it forms, naturally a double helix as well.

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779cfb  No.304499

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


Polozhenzie (Zedline Remix) to slow things down.

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5929cb  No.304502

File: d023e2a7539a0f8⋯.mp4 (12.98 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Sojus_Laika.mp4)


It is fascinating isn't it

For me the most mysterious thing is not only that the space moves faster then light but also that its speed variates. The farer you are from us, the faster its movement is away from us. Like there is no linearity or reason to explain or logically try to put into a law of nature what is happening

Then also there is this thing called

>event horizon


>{name of french scientist} horizon

i forgot the exact name

however, it is not the event horizon of a black hole which when you cross that you get sucked inside to never again come out

basically this event horizon is for information like light or radio waves. The law states there is a boundary outside of our galaxy and when objects cross that border we cannot get signlas form them again.

>why is that so?

let us for example imagine a star that is moving far from us. it moves and as farther it is away the space moves faster and faster. The star emits light, so we can see it on our telescope.

However, when the star crosses this horizon we will cease to see it ever again. Why is that so? Because the speed with which he moves away from us is greater than the speed of light at that boundary. And the light the star emits will never reach us because for every kilometer it travels back towards us, its light particles are propelled another 2 kilometers forward by the insane speed of space.

When I first saw about this my brain was fried. It was so abstract and fascinating.

Another thing is. There are entire galxies going to vanish behind this horizon. In fact most of the galaxies we see today are probably already past that boundry. What we see is the light they emitted millions of years ago when they were nearer to us. When we see other stars and galaxies, we always look back into the past.

Most of the stars on the oh so romantic night sky are dead.

you are looking at the worlds greatest cemetery


some sojus laika for maximum space feeling

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779cfb  No.304505


>some sojus laika for maximum space feeling

good stuff there…its going on muh playlist

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5929cb  No.304507

File: 84367f3b4f38a6a⋯.mp4 (13.28 MB, 640x360, 16:9, Kosmokatze_Wullewutz.mp4)

I am so glad the James Webb telescope they shot into space earlier this year seems to work so far. They are now calibrating that thing. I hope they will find Planet Nibiru with that thing.

It is the best telescope we have ever made it is like 20 meters in diameter with golden reflecting mirrors. It is a beautiful piece of art.

>planet nibiru what is that

The ominous planet number nine has been in discussion since 20th century. Mathematicians have taken the orbiting patterns of large planets and they said there must be one more planet out there. Then someone pointed a telescope to the sky and found uranos.

Then another mathematicians made calculations for other irregularities in uranos' orbit and he calculated not only that there must be another planet. but also where its exact position is according to his calculations. the night after one guy pointed the telescope in that direction and found …


it was incredible.

However, a few unclearities remained for the weird patterns in the orbit of neptune and they deemed there must be some other planet or force of any kind to cause them. Then they were quick to find pluto but later it got consensus that pluto cannot be the force causing these weird patterns

>what patterns?

The weird movements of a bunch of TNO (trans neptunian objects). Basically there is like a belt of rocks and ice outside of neptune. It is called the Kuiper belt. There you have a bunch of objects that move in a weird way. It appears that they are pulled by some strong and far away force into a certain direction.

This is how the theory of a giantic planet number nine came into circulation. It would be a giantic planet but one with a very large orbit around our sun. it would take like 20'000 years to make one full circle and therefore it would be invisible to us most of the time. Some guy called Batygin from Caltech is the most involved in this research. If you are interested you can find videos on youtube him explaining everything more detailed.

It is very exciting and I hope they find it.

However Batgyn also said the problem is they have no idea where to point the telescope to. They would have to screen the entire night sky in all directions for days and compare each frame by frame. They are searching the needly in a straw bundle.

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779cfb  No.304509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


If it was ahead of them or retrograde like Venus and Uranus would they ever find it?

Nibiru in a haystack in that situation.

Yea? I thought you were making that name up.

Not sure that is not just the result of the Grand Tack tbh. Figured Nibiru (since it is the name of Jew Peter in ancient literature) was just Jupiter on its reentry into the solar system.

Still SOMETHING is causing the outer planets atmospheric anomalies; galactic current sheet? IDK

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5929cb  No.304511

File: 8a5209c7f7a4fdd⋯.gif (694.71 KB, 640x480, 4:3, Planet_Nine_animation.gif)


nibiru is from that old legend

people said humanity was based on nibiru and then fucked up the planet

then when nibiru crossed near the sun, they boarded the space ships and went to live on earth

However my personal theory is different.

I bet in a few years they will send archeological teams to Mars and find ancient civillizations and technology and all types of shit you can imagine in the sands. And the only explanations would be it was once a beautiful and flourishing planet that humans destroyed with their own imbecillity

pointing the finger to what we do now on this planet and how the story ends inevitably


yes here is an animation from wikipedia

you can check the youtube channel of the russian guy at caltech if you are interested in more details. There seems to be some force that pulls those objects all into the same direction.

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5929cb  No.304512

File: a0b2b067e153a77⋯.jpg (4.7 MB, 10240x8192, 5:4, James_Webb_Space_Telescope….jpg)

File: 6e9fc8f530bf70c⋯.jpg (304.57 KB, 1041x1560, 347:520, JWST_Full_Mirror.jpg)

here images of the webb telescope

what a beautiful piece of tech and art

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779cfb  No.304515


He looks like a fun guy.

I would loathe being sent to Mars. You will never feel the wind in your hair ever again for the rest of your natural life. Worst thing ever. I will check out his stuff. Was just reading his bio. Why would they call yet another trans-plutonian object 'Planet Nine'…I mean, lmao, if they find it they should probably just give it a designation number or they could call it Planet Batgyn. lol


This is very beautiful. I doubt they will find it. I wonder what the resolution on those 'photosensitive plates' (are they still using those like the ones that were in Hubble)?

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62e323  No.304577


That looks a lot, and I mean a whole lot like a Directed Energy Weapon.

Area denial weapon.

Wikipedia is a fun place.

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43a1dd  No.304623


>we haz them lazurs

>that cans shoot yur lazurs

star wars anons

lately I also watched a video where they explain that of everything that gets sucked into a black hole, some type of data clone or data blueprint is made of. It was very abstract and I did not understand what they wanted to tell.

Something like of everything that vanishes into a black hole, a blueprint or data sample is kept outside the black hole on its disk or something.

whenever space is involved all this stuff gets so abstract and complex

I respect those people who can come up with these theories without having even the instruments to measure if they are going into the right direction

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daaeae  No.316245


> The Living Man


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3fc9de  No.320884




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af6d2e  No.320943




Lurk Moar. That is unconfirmed malarkey. And if the Elon just burned it then double down. That griffing faggot is just play devil's advocate.

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fcf6ce  No.321092


Ezra A. Cohen Retweeted

US National Archives


Come celebrate #IndependenceDay at @USNatArchives with a traditional reading ceremony, music, and free activities at the home of the original #DeclarationOfIndependence.


#ArchivesJuly4 #July4th


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8306f1  No.321165



in the catalog

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0ceae1  No.321173


Feeling a tad Transabled today…think I'll compete in the Special Olympics…

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bc9950  No.321503


Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

Never have children in the city as cities is strictly for adults!

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

those that have 'sex as a child' are raped and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally that doesn't understand to commit suicide instead of 'normalizing' child rape.

those that have had 'sex with a child' are child rapists and lose Jesus as their soul to instead become as a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent 'normalization' of child rape.

those that are (((inbred))) never had Jesus as their soul because (((inbreds))) are a product of child rape and can only ever know being a dog mentally and have to be killed unless they commit suicide to prevent further (((epsteins and maxwells))) eating and raping children.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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2780b6  No.321523


(lb) >>316245

Was an interesting part of his speech (talk to we the people) that short story, the first time he talked of it. Being a genius and his having all of Tesla's research was told on purpose. Keyboard warrior.

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252d3e  No.321564



Get the fuck out of here Matt.

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3b1778  No.321832

Leeet's get into the economic collapse, political and geopolitical news…

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08ee7f  No.322069


They R real Nazis. The MSM is protecting them & Zelensky et al actually don't hide it & goes back to the clowns in Ukraine. NATO, US, Europe backed Nazis because they hated /were afraid of Russia (USS+R in the beginning) but it was German Nazis who pushed that threat to gain power and positions in the "winning" side!

" the United States continued to work with Ukrainian fascists in their endless destabilization campaigns against the USSR. According to CIA specialist Douglas Valentine, “the CIA has been developing fascist assets in the Ukraine for 70 years.”

The Maidan coup in late 2013-2014, which was openly supported by the imperial powers in the United States and Europe, relied on far-right shock troops such as the fascist organization Right Sector and the ultra-nationalist Svoboda Party to overthrow the elected government of Viktor Yanukovych. Three members of Svoboda were installed as members of the first post-coup government, and the co-founder of Svoboda, Andriy Paruby, was parliamentary speaker for five years.

The Azov Battalion, Right Sector and other fascist militias played a key role in consolidating power for the post-coup government in numerous ways: engaging in street violence against the Left, running intimidation campaigns against uncooperative politicians, setting up indoctrination camps for children and youth, and exerting pressure on the government to revise the education curriculum, ban the Russian language, and rewrite official state history. This post-coup period of street violence and intimidation culminated in what some have called the worst Nazi atrocity since WWII, when some 42 leftists perished in an inferno set by fascists in the Odessa trade union building. 

This U.S.-backed regime change operation is what prompted the outbreak of a civil war in the Donbas region of Eastern Ukraine. When pro-Russian separatists declared their independence from the fascist Ukrainian puppet government, it was unable to contain them. So the Azov Battalion and other fascist militias were unleashed, leading to the death of some 14,000 people (just before the 2022 invasion, Putin recognized the independence of the two regions of the Donbas).

…Far from cracking down on these ultra-nationalist militias, many of which display open signs of Nazism and fascism, Kolomoyskyi’s actor-turned-president has not only allowed them to act with impunity, but he has also woven a tight relationship between his administration and open fascists. For instance, in November 2021 Dmytro Yarosh, a former leader of Right Sector and avowed follower of Nazi collaborator Bandera, declared that he had been appointed as an advisor to the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Soon thereafter, Zelenskyy decorated Right Sector commander Dmytro Kotsyubaylo with the distinction “Hero of Ukraine.” On March 1 of this year, he appointed Maksym Marchenko, a former commander of the Aidar Battalion — which is accused of war crimes in Donbas — as the regional administrator of Odessa. There are numerous other ties between the Ukrainian government and military, on the one hand, and these ultra-nationalist and often fascist militias on the other.

Important media outlets have broadcast Nazi propaganda, which resound throughout the broader culture. In 2014, a Ukrainian journalist on Hromadske TV openly called for genocide in Donbas, claiming that “there is a certain category of people that must be exterminated.” 

On March 13 of this year, Ukrainian TV presenter Fahruddin Sharafmal issued an impassioned call for genocide and the slaughter of Russian children on a morning show on Channel 24. With a photograph of the notorious Nazi Adolf Eichman behind him, he said: “I allow myself to quote Adolf Eichmann, who said that in order to destroy a nation, you must destroy, first of all, its children. Because if you kill their parents, the children will grow up and take revenge. By killing children, they will never grow up and the nation will disappear.”

“And when I get the chance to take out the Russians,” he went on, “I will definitely do it. Since you call me a Nazi, I adhere to the doctrine of Adolf Eichmann, and I will do everything in my power to ensure that you and your children never live on this earth. You have to understand that it’s about the victory of the Ukrainian people, not about peace. We need victory. And if we have to slaughter all your families — I’ll be one of the first to do it.”

Reminds me of "Brownshirts" from an earlier time.

The Source is left wing but data is confirmed by multiple sources.




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a4df0f  No.322172


Pure insanity and 100% goes against God and nature.

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342f02  No.322535


This proves nothing.

Keep trying.

Paid per post??

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c9694e  No.322552


… what?

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15d56d  No.323144


Everyone was in that bread, there was no CP posted. Lying faggot.

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7d6bb8  No.323504



wake up.

bourla, zelensky. same team.

zelensky father- cybernetics…

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8b2b74  No.324879


Just an Attack of Dumbass on my part

Had the Q post in the notepad but didn't add it to the new dough

I fixed it at:


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00a6ec  No.325040


slick chekked again

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d230d3  No.325461

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0362f3  No.325899




Washington D.C., 2 June - 5 June 2022

Achleitner, Paul M. (DEU), Former Chairman Supervisory Board, Deutsche Bank AG; Treasurer Bilderberg Meetings

Adeyemo, Adewale (USA), Deputy Secretary, Department of The Treasury

Albares, José Manuel (ESP), Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation

Altman, Roger C. (USA), Founder and Senior Chairman, Evercore Inc.

Altman, Sam (USA), CEO, OpenAI

Applebaum, Anne (USA), Staff Writer, The Atlantic

Arnaut, José Luís (PRT), Managing Partner, CMS Rui Pena & Arnaut

Auken, Ida (DNK), Member of Parliament, The Social Democrat Party

Azoulay, Audrey (INT), Director-General, UNESCO

Baker, James H. (USA), Director, Office of Net Assessment, Office of the Secretary of Defense

Barbizet, Patricia (FRA), Chairwoman and CEO, Temaris & Associés SAS

Barroso, José Manuel (PRT), Chairman, Goldman Sachs International LLC

Baudson, Valérie (FRA), CEO, Amundi

Beurden, Ben van (NLD), CEO, Shell plc

Bourla, Albert (USA), Chairman and CEO, Pfizer Inc.

Buberl, Thomas (FRA), CEO, AXA SA

Burns, William J. (USA), Director, CIA

Byrne, Thomas (IRL), Minister of State for European Affairs

Campbell, Kurt (USA), White House Coordinator for Indo-Pacific, NSC

Carney, Mark J. (CAN), Vice Chair, Brookfield Asset Management

Casado, Pablo (ESP), Former President, Partido Popular

Chhabra, Tarun (USA), Senior Director for Technology and National Security, National Security Council

Donohoe, Paschal (IRL), Minister for Finance; President, Eurogroup

Döpfner, Mathias (DEU), Chairman and CEO, Axel Springer SE

Dudley, William C. (USA), Senior Research Scholar, Princeton University

Easterly, Jen (USA), Director, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency

Economy, Elizabeth (USA), Senior Advisor for China, Department of Commerce

Émié, Bernard (FRA), Director General, Ministry of the Armed Forces

Emond, Charles (CAN), CEO, CDPQ

Erdogan, Emre (TUR), Professor Political Science, Istanbul Bilgi University

Eriksen, Øyvind (NOR), President and CEO, Aker ASA

Ermotti, Sergio (CHE), Chairman, Swiss Re

Fanusie, Yaya (USA), Adjunct Senior Fellow, Center for a New American Security

Feltri, Stefano (ITA), Editor-in-Chief, Domani

Fleming, Jeremy (GBR), Director, British Government Communications Headquarters

Freeland, Chrystia (CAN), Deputy Prime Minister

Furtado, Isabel (PRT), CEO, TMG Automotive

Gove, Michael (GBR), Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Cabinet Office

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60ff17  No.326168


Isn't it wonderful? I am having a great day today.

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126416  No.327432


There is nothing about this country worth saving.

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601714  No.327655


someone is shorter than Zelensky, a little rat sniffer up to the bigger rat

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1b202e  No.327711



And if it's hardcoded (it most likely is) you don't even have to go that much trouble.

At 9:26 pm EDT it will be the 1 week mark.

And still no verification process.

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b80397  No.327943




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2d9ef0  No.328363


>3 posts so far, all obnoxious in different ways.

your a fucking nigger

I hope you know that

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9264c1  No.328392



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aa20cb  No.329234


Two more weeks till Olga? Is this Olga even real or a deep fake?

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2b31e5  No.329261


nice one

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14f561  No.329267


"welcome to the Hotel 8Kunifornia"

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9c7c35  No.329460

Australian bank Volt collapses urging 6000 customers to withdraw funds

The company went under as it couldn’t raise the $200 million it needed to continue operating and has urged customers to pull out their money

An Australian bank that collapsed has urged its 6000 customers to withdraw $100 million worth of deposits before it starts closing accounts from next Tuesday.

Volt, a digital bank called a neobank which was launched in 2017, announced it was handing back its banking licence to the regulator on Wednesday.

It was the first start up to gain the banking licence in January 2019 after the government sought to increase competition in the sector.

The bank’s demise means 140 staff have lost their jobs after the board made the decision to close the business. It said it failed to raise enough funds to support its plans to write mortgages.

Luke Bunbury and Steve Weston were the co-founders of Volt Bank. Picture: Hollie Adams/The Australian


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56af3e  No.330597

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c3305f  No.330738



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b8ccef  No.330808


wake up, dickless

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b6ca13  No.331027






Why would [D]s block a bill that stops infanticide [allow abortions up to point of birth] and does not provide new restrictions on ABORTION itself?

How is taxpayer funded [PP] allowed to donate [large sums] of taxpayer funds to select members of [D] party?

Is this about a woman's right to choose OR SOMETHING ELSE?


PP is a racket to funnel $$ to dems from tax payer dollars

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208246  No.331691


he means browse the website I bet.

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f5045a  No.331886


Propane tanks can only be filled to 80% capacity, so that's only 2,000 gallons, or maybe a 3 month supply for a mansion in Mass, if used sparingly.

Not much of a "bunker". Especially with easy ingress from the water.

Speaking of the water, he doesn't seem to have much concern for muh Rising Sea Levels.

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76e1ac  No.332360





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4a7585  No.332559



State of emergency declared in Ecuador

Ecuador's President Guillermo Lasso Friday decreed a state of emergency in three provinces for the next 30 days following uprisings by indigenous communities.

In a broadcast message, Lasso explained the measure involved the provinces of Cotopaxi, Imbabura, and Pichincha (Quito).

He also announced that in order to alleviate the current economic crisis, the Government would up the value of a state bond given to the poorest, pardon overdue loans of up to US$ 3,000, and subsidize half the cost of urea, a fertilizer used in agriculture.

Lasso made these announcements after the Confederation of Indigenous Nationalities of Ecuador (Conaie) called for a nationwide strike.

Other measures will include a declaration of emergency for the public health system, a 100% increase in the budget for intercultural education, an agricultural loan of up to US$ 5,000 at a 1 % over 30 years, and no increase in the price of fuels, and no privatization of utilities.


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4718d5  No.332583


Nah he looks like Mike Lindell

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05a929  No.333168

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14ff45  No.333325


They always do these shootings in Deep D districts.

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3d9dbd  No.333345


Acktchewally, Hong Kong/Macau was fentanyl traffiking hub of biggest import. The CCP member running it there lost all his toys, cash, then life. Billions seized.

Related to dis: https://news.yahoo.com/macau-beijing-police-arrest-37-crackdown-illicit-banking-044926950–sector.html

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e07200  No.333448



Anons work in silence definitely not in red text!

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5a8ff1  No.333860


Wager my existence? Against what?

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44e75c  No.334105


Written by Jeff Dornick.

Next question would be if Truth Social actually did permaban Dr. Tenpenny.

Could Tenpenny be a limited hang-out to be burned for this purpose?

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a98e4c  No.334386

"Whose House? Our House!"

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6ec27c  No.335171




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3bb3d3  No.335188


Still don't understand 😕

Dumb it down for this retard


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3dfecc  No.335380

Has Malcolm Nance resurfaced?


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6f94a0  No.335510


One might say June is the Gaylord Tornado. Too bad it came too early.

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3928e0  No.335616



Russia orders Jewish Agency to stop all operations in country

Dramatic order given to Jewish Agency by government officials in Moscow • Israeli government considering next steps

The Russian government has ordered the Jewish Agency to cease all operations inside the country, The Jerusalem Post has learned, and Russia is saying that the agency has been illegally collecting information about Russian citizens.

The order was given in a letter received from the Russian Ministry of Justice earlier this week. Officials in the Jewish Agency confirmed that the letter was received but would not comment on the response that is currently under consideration in the organization’s offices in Jerusalem in consultation with the Foreign Ministry and the Prime Minister’s Office.

A senior diplomatic official said on Tuesday that "Russia is saying the Jewish agency illegally collected info about Russian citizens."

The source added that "We will bring up the Jewish Agency [with Russian authorities] and address it in an organized way. It will be taken care of at the embassy level." The official added that "we don't totally understand the reasoning [of the request to stop Jewish Agency's activities in Russia].

"As part of the work of the Jewish Agency's delegation in Russia, we are occasionally required to make certain adjustments, as required by authorities," the Jewish Agency said in response to a query from the Post. "The contacts with the authorities take place continuously, with the aim of continuing our activities in accordance with the rules set by the competent bodies. Even nowadays, such a dialogue takes place."

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d9d073  No.336525


yeah, what's wrong w/ that?

at least I'm not a narcissist that consider itself a genius or something………..

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6fbdf5  No.337016

why are digital currencies tied to fiat system fluctuations

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92bfd9  No.337152


find a way to say what you want with less faggot assed words

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93d3e3  No.337634


Unless patriots are running this all behind the scenes, there’s no way on God’s green earth that Trump will go in [their] custody.

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88a8d2  No.337985


>Dog show about to be labeled racist

Good maybe racists won't come.

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17b306  No.338000


We're getting the band back together!

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4b53d6  No.338270


You're not wrong. They made a despair image after I didn't sign my likeness away at a job interview.

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21dd25  No.338570


power corrupts

NOBODY can hold the ring

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37e046  No.338581


things are not static

do you think they will be so bold next time?

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cbf0e9  No.338596

It's the 'Jews'!

Synagogue of Satan

Holocaust is Fake

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b06708  No.338626

Back to never being able to find the end of the bread because it's moving so fast


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c23865  No.338859


they're all villains

some are just moar apparent than others…

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0cd5c6  No.339088



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662f2b  No.339496

Maxwell recalled that her father installed computers at Headington in 1973 and her first job was training to use a Wang 2200 and later programming code.

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4d22cc  No.339554




Makes no sense without them, right?


Frayed knot.

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e2574e  No.339746


Media making sure that it turns into a raging pandemic in the United States.

Don't want to piss off all the money makers.

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0e68ad  No.340477




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1ad4dd  No.341059

from 6/21/22 F&F

Gov Glenn Younkin was measured to be 83 inches, 6'11" tall by Kilmeade. Hada be comms.

11 o'clock is at 55 (two 5's, 25th?)



830 est


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7e360b  No.341087


and there we were

watchin rachel madcow

in $2 gitmo PPV fights


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4e99bc  No.341280


Jews are not Asian

Jews are not Negroid

Therefore, Jews are Caucasian aka White


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36e0da  No.341287


Omg…this place was chosen for a reason. Haha!


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b54e0c  No.341469

TS even has "baker babes":




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197213  No.341666


Q has used "safeguard" and "swift" ….heading to dentist can't look further atm.


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f8862a  No.341894


Lobbied on Hill for this Bill, in other words brought checks to balance the needs of the many in favor of the few.


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734793  No.341944


It was Big Top Peanut Butter and then P&G bought company out and it's been JIF ever since.


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0d6646  No.342436



I like the exploding head gif

>reminds me of JFK


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0e2c1d  No.342541



Kek, they don't read drops anymore.


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14e389  No.342782




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de4461  No.342969

Seriously this is big and notable…

They found burned up bodies and sniper rifles along with passports of US civilians!


Is this what they’re covering up?

Go to 6:16 in video


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032b75  No.343143


nonsense. Karma is in your own mind. They conspired with multinationals in terrorism propagand genocide treason. Smith Mundt Modernization Act keeps them and their FAKE numbers alive


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104681  No.343170




The probability of a faked (Q) post is improbable


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60e5b2  No.343965


that whitelists Q?


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01556e  No.343983


>True power is having the capability of great violence

Which you lack.

>Love wins

No. Violence wins. If you love but lack the ability to enforce your """love""" (which is worthless since you don't understand what love is anyway) then you lack power.


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b3aa6e  No.344186


Enslavement of Gentiles is at the core of Judaism:





Jewish Encyclopedia on the Jews and slavery:



Black gentleman talking about slavery and the holocaust:


Malcom X on the Jews (he didn't knew the holocaust official version is fraudulent thou (check proofs here: https://archive.vn/B2PEh ), but he's right about the rest):


Black show host dropping redpills about Jewish supremacism and zog:


Jon Stewart (real name Jonathan Leibowitz) spent years pretending to be White while demonizing Whites, and now says that "we Jews and Blacks should get together and get whitey":


If you're interested in the history of slavery I humbly suggest the works of Dr. Tony Martin, he was a Black college professor that got in trouble for teaching verifiable and documented facts about the history of the slavery industry/business in the Americas (both North and Latin/South).

One of his books on the subject:



Tony Martin Jew participation in Hebrew slave trade


Dr Tony Martin Jewish Tactics In The Controversy Over Jewish Involvement in The Slave Trade


Dr Tony Martin on his book The Jewish Onslaught


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60b77d  No.344233


>"We are living with people who we have never seen before"

The no voice comes from big tech and social media, but who is running those sites? The people you have never seen before, mainly communists from other countries. They are censoring voices and also run employment sites where they are blacklisting Americans. This statement is confirmation to what I have said in the past. The Satanic Wall St Bolsheviks (mainly Jews) hire foreigners (mainly Indians) who scammed us out of close to 100 trillion in IT contracts since 911. Did that senior Indian technician who worked at Twitter not confess to this? Most certainly did. And I warned people about this since 911 as a previous Wall St technician.


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c214d5  No.344345


two weeks


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903fc4  No.344631

Found a kick ass one.

500 that, asshol >>325461


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17bda6  No.345812


>Bill Gates buying up farmland is part of the new Make America Great Again plan.

The absolute state of qtard cope


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33d9c7  No.345947


You desiccate my base.


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dbd192  No.352248

File: f38d1d34fd35f5a⋯.jpg (119.23 KB, 600x396, 50:33, Killcen_Family_Photo.jpg)


> Propane tanks can only be filled to 80% capacity, so that's only 2,000 gallons, or maybe a 3 month supply for a mansion in Mass, if used sparingly.

Did somebody say "Propane"???

> Not much of a "bunker". Especially with easy ingress from the water.

You know what lives in the water, don't ya?

> Speaking of the water, he doesn't seem to have much concern for muh Rising Sea Levels.

But muh crabs!

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571769  No.352382


He looks like a Chipotle Burrito in that family photo.

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4b2022  No.357452


Who's "He"?

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5876d1  No.360667


Imagine trying to misgender a burrito.

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