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File: 0bc593d3711b9cb⋯.jpg (21.53 KB, 620x372, 5:3, 2696.jpg)

c3f72c  No.304210 [Last 50 Posts]







If the US government and politicians really care about American lives, both Congress AND States will legislate into law a bill that allows law enforcement to disobey stand down orders of any kind during a mass shooting. Any cop can disobey orders in order to save more lives. Also, if stand down orders are given, not only will the orders be made public WITH NAMES BEHIND THE ORDERS MADE PUBLIC but also investigated for criminal negligence and manslaughter. OK? That will end the mass shootings pretty fucking quick.

And don't try sliding or deleting this thread, I saved it to UTF-8.

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c3f72c  No.304216

Bumping for eternal glowing fear that this common sense could actually happen!

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f3a983  No.304224

Ohhhhhhh wow, what's this here?

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8c6ef6  No.304229


Exactly what part of you came here believing any of us want to end mass shootings? A good mass shooting is our fuckin' Super Bowl and World Series all rolled into one.

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f3a983  No.304231


See, now this is yet another time and prime perfect example of why I come on the board and call you a GLOW NIGGER for supporting false flag murder operations for State-sponsored gun confiscation!

BREAKING: Mother trying to save children at Uvalde was handcuffed by federal marshals:


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f3a983  No.304232


So instead of the feds trying to arrest, or take down the killer, they ALLOWED him to kill, all while doing everything to stop those who would have stopped the killer.

This is what is known as a "false flag operation" being orchestrated for a political agenda!

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f3a983  No.304233

I wonder how many glow on these image boards today? Is it all bots and glowies now? Are there any good honest caring people on image boards anymore? Or is that something of the past with the glowbot propagandist campaigns they recently legalized for use against US citizenry?

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011aee  No.304266

File: ac9fcc4c0a1550d⋯.jpg (21.18 KB, 439x290, 439:290, days_without_jewish_tricks.jpg)

op suck copium form circumcised dick

solving jewish question is only solution

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4c9607  No.304269


Maybe don't be a schizophrenic pedo?

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8f5bff  No.304289


Also allow law abiding teachers to pack heat as long as they have no felony record. That way teachers can help prevent shootings too.

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8f5bff  No.304290


Glow nigger detected.


Glow nigger detected.

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8c6ef6  No.304301


>arm teachers

You realize that means the school shooter instruction manual will then include "take the teacher out first", right? Also, as much as everyone on this board cries and scream and bawwws about "woke" trannie teachers indoctrinating "our precious babies" … do you really want to arm them? Blue haired woke trannies are generally very law abiding and you want to give them the option of shoving a gun in a kid's face for using the wrong pronouns? Cool.

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c0f8b8  No.304304


I don't think arming teachers would ever be mandatory. That would be silly and undesirable, even if manhy of them might be good targets.

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f82f6f  No.304305


If teachers are that unstable they shouldn't be allowed around children in the first place. Of-course they'd get the standard criminal background check if they'd choose to carry.


Sure. That and having some reform when it comes to how cops respond to mass shootings would help. I think any "stand down" order given should be criminally investigated, cops should not be ordered to stand down and do nothing when there is a shooting going on, they have an obligation to respond and arrest (or in many cases take down) the active shooter. Having common sense reform would prevent what happened the other day. No more begging cops to respond to an active shooter for 45+ minutes.

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8c6ef6  No.304307


It's mostly the idea of it that I don't understand. Conservatives have been screaming since Sandy Hook that teachers need to be armed. It makes no sense to me that the same people who don't trust teachers with books, pronouns, math, or history would so readily trust them with guns.

Then again, conservatives don't care about children.


>they'd get the standard criminal background check

Why? Ramos didn't get a background check. Texas doesn't have one. So, background check to teach kids, but not to shoot them? Cool.

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f82f6f  No.304309


>Ramos didn't get a background check. Texas doesn't have one.

Anyone who buys a gun in the United States has a quick background check from their gun dealer from an FBI database. If your record shows you have a felony, you can't buy a gun and it is ILLEGAL to sell a felon a gun. Period. However, in most States, including my own State, the background check only takes about 10 to 15 minutes tops, if you don't have a felony you can legally purchase the gun and walk out the door.

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8c6ef6  No.304310


>if you don't have a felony you can legally purchase the gun and walk out the door

Maybe it's time we up that criteria. Ramos didn't have any felonies … but then he went and murdered 19 elementary kids and a couple of teachers. He did, however, post all kinds of shit on instagram and whatever that would easily show he was not mentally stable.

Also, there is literally no reason - outside of someone who runs a farm needing to deal with feral hogs or coyotes - that anyone needs an AR-15.

The 2nd Amendment is not sacred and even SCOTUS agrees. No right granted by law is absolute. There is no "natural" or "god given" right to own an AR-15. I say reinstate the assault weapons ban, confiscate the ones in circulation, and require a hunting license to rent a long gun (must be returned).

Handguns may be sold, purchased, and carried openly and freely.

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c0f8b8  No.304311


What does "conservative" have to do with anything? The pervasive principle in the US is that if you let the state caretake your child at a public fool, then the state is responsible for that child's wellbeing. Obviously, that would necessarily include being able to protect a child from a gunman, which therefore must include the ability to respond with equal or superior force.

It doesn't have to be from a teacher. That's up to the individual local community. Apparently this school did have some kind of whatever the fuck they try to sugarcoat having an armed guard on the premsises, but he apparently he wasn't even there or was distracted or something. And then even afer they piled up a bunch of other armed responders, it was like keystone cops time. So you can't really tell me that there's a problem with armed responders. The problem was clearly with the response, and we'll just have to wait to find out what exactly went so terribly wrong.

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c0f8b8  No.304313


>there's something special about an AR

why do gun grabbers keep repeating this obvious bullshit? do they expect to convince anybody who's actually even touched a gun before?

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8c6ef6  No.304315


I don't know … maybe because literally every mass shooting in the United States since Jesus walked the earth was perpetrated with an AR-15,, yet no sustenance hunter in the history of sustenance hunting has ever used one?

The AR-15 clearly has one, single purpose: to kill humans efficiently. Ban them.

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8c6ef6  No.304317


>must include the ability to respond with equal or superior force

We're talking about school teachers here. When we start arming teachers, they're going to need the training. Soon as the State mentions that to the conservative tax payer, their assholes will pucker up so much that they'll whistle while they walk.

Or did you expect teachers to pay for their own training?

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f82f6f  No.304318


No. There are already enough gun control laws in place, like red flag laws, which if actually enforced would have stripped him from owning guns. He had a history of making death threats, why didn't the feds do anything about that? Why didn't Facebook report him for his extremism? There were plenty of chances and the government refused to enforce their laws (likely because this was another false flag!)



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8c6ef6  No.304320


>There are already enough gun control laws in place

There are barely any, you fucking moron. I can wake up tomorrow morning, walk into a gun shop and buy as many guns as I can afford and 10s of thousands of rounds of ammo and walk out with it all in my truck without problems. WHAT GUN CONTROL LAWS?!

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9edad7  No.304321

>end sexually frustrated mentally ill people

>end spree killings


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8c6ef6  No.304323


Well, that pretty much gets rid of everyone posting here …

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f82f6f  No.304324


Back in the day, before government had anything to do with public schooling, there were fucking rifle clubs in high school that would have designated areas for sport shooting outside the schools. This kind of violence today was unheard of back then, ironically. It makes me wonder what the hell has happened to this country the last 5 decades when all the government has done was expand their power and control, creating more laws and regulations, incrementally stripping us of our Constitutional rights one by one, and where the fuck has that gotten us? Has it worked out so far?

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9bdd14  No.304325


>one purpose

Heads up there glow sticks!

The AR is a fine varmint rifle.

Perhaps the finest ever made.

Maybe when a few of those charming wild boars set up housekeeping on your homestead, maybe then you'll quit with the lies and hyperbole.

But since flyover country isn't really "your thing" I really don't see you cleaning up your act anytime soon.

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000000  No.304329

The dumbest proposal I've heard so far.

Right wing dunderheads will think of anything, no matter how stupid it sounds, just to avoid even thinking about banning assault rifles, high-capacity mags and introducing basic background checks.

They will conjure up elaborate myths in their peanut brains and will dissemble when you ask them how come mass shootings virtually only happen in America.

They will point to mental health problems and other socioeconomic contributing factors but never pause to think why are we giving unfettered access to guns to such a society overfilled with crazy and frustrated people. And will never advocate to address these same social ills with government programs.

Let me tell you how gun control laws will really be enacted in the US: when one of these psycho killers manages to shoot his way into Senate and off ten of those senile, dribbling furnace-dodgers they'll ban the guns the next fucking morning.

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f82f6f  No.304330


Red flag laws exist. If you make death threats you can be stripped of your 2nd Amendment right without being charged. That's already LAW.

Background checks exist. If you are a felon or have a felony record in your past, you cannot buy a firearm and dealers cannot legally sell to you. Some States go further and have longer waiting times and permits, like Illinois.

Fully-auto guns are already illegal, unless you have a special permit with the ATF and go through extensive background checks, plus the cost for the permit.

That's the laws on the top of my head but I assure you there have been much more added over the years.

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8c6ef6  No.304331


>The AR is a fine varmint rifle

My god … how did farmers and ranchers deal with varmits before the AR? It's amazing we didn't go extinct! PRAISE JESUS FOR THE AR!!!

God, you're dumb.

>wild boars

Show me one mass/spree shooter who had to worry about feral hogs. Exactly what reason does some 18 year old living in the Bronx need with an AR? Lot of feral hogs in the city? Show me one spree/mass shooter who NEEDED that AR. Just one.

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c0f8b8  No.304332


Why bring up ammo when foaming away about gun control? lol.

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8c6ef6  No.304333


>Red flag laws

There are no federal red flag laws. Only some states have them.

>Background checks exist.

There's a federal check, but Texas has no background checks. If you're a felon in Texas, so be it; but Texas doesn't report its crime database to the FBI; so you would still pass that background chek.

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8c6ef6  No.304334


>why bring up ammo when talking about guns?

Son … do … do you know how guns work?

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c0f8b8  No.304335


Teachers frequently have incentives to take various courses in order to improve their payscale. It's part of the Total Quality Management (TQM) plan of yore. Presumably, many districts would prefer to have the district itself certify a teacher in some way would a teacher want to undertake the responsibility of being armed in school.

But obviously any such teacher would want to obtain competency in his or her own free time anyway. Is this a real question or are you merely insane?

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f82f6f  No.304336


If you bought 10s of thousands of rounds of ammo today you'd be a pretty wealthy fucking man. It's OBVIOUS you don't own a gun. You work for the DNC don't you?


There are so many other varieties other than "muh ebil AR" "hurrrr durrrr". The only reason you want that banned is because they are very reliable for anything from hunting to self-defense to a SHTF scenario.

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fbfce0  No.304337


with a governmental eugenics program you could breed the perfect humans perfectly fit for life, beautiful, strong, desirable, courageous whatever is best.

Imagine a world with only good looking intelligent happy people.

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c0f8b8  No.304338


Why else would I have pointed out that you are both irrational and disingenuous to jump to ammo control under cover of screaming for "gun control" like the child-hating psychopath communist you are?

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f82f6f  No.304340


Ammo is expensive as heck today thanks to the retards who scared the living hell out of America for the last 15+ years over gun control. Demand has gone up so high it's raised the cost of almost every caliber out there. I remember the days I could buy 100 rounds of 22LR or 9mm and it was a drop in the bucket. I remember I used to buy 12G buckshots at 5 per $1. The price is easily quadtripled today than 20 years ago.

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a057b6  No.304343



The reason is that the alphabet agencies and the tyranical traitors now holding high office in this country have wanted to repeal the second amendment since Dolly Madison hosted her first State Dinner.

And don't call me dumb glowstick. You'll fuck up your karma.

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8c6ef6  No.304344


>It's OBVIOUS you don't own a gun.

Why are you such an illiterate nigger?

I said, "IF I WANTED TO, I COULD!" Are you so deeply autistic that you can't handle hypothetical situations? Why does the FBI keep hiring spergs?

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8c6ef6  No.304345


>hurrr we gonna fight da gubment

Then go assassinate Joe Biden. Do it. You won't, because I know you're a liar. You don't want to defend against the government, you just want to compensate for your micropenis.

If you TRULY though Biden was a tyrant, then you are a weak soyboy coward for not Boothing him right now. Go do it.

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f82f6f  No.304347

File: ffb0efa82404258⋯.webm (909.49 KB, 402x720, 67:120, China_Gulag.webm)

File: 059a647c61da585⋯.jpg (70.48 KB, 656x743, 656:743, China_Gulag_WEF.jpg)


The real reason they want to prohibit it is the same reason all other governments have: governments can't afford to continue their power grabbing and thievery if people were able to actually fight back or be able to take up arms to defend what they have. You are not going to force relocate millions of people off their property who are armed. You are not going to shove millions of people into some gulag cargo trains who can easily shoot at you and prevent it. You are not going to force people to take clot shots if they can tell you to talk to their shotgun. And you cannot do PIC RELATED to people who are armed en mass. That's the sad truth. They want their Great Reset, and they know we don't want anything to do with it, and they know we are armed, and they are upset about it.

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a1b5b5  No.304348


Incitement or enticement to commit a felony is a felony.

Enjoy being on the watch list shit for brains.

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c0f8b8  No.304349


Yikes dude. You sound unstable.

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8c6ef6  No.304350



>deflecting this hard

So, you don't want to defend the 'Murrican people from teh gub'ment. Thank you for finally admitting it. The 2nd Amendment is about nothing more than your micropenis. Enjoy watching it repealed in your lifetime.

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a1b5b5  No.304352


You are clearly a danger to yourself and those around you.

Expect the van.

Expect the next 5 years of your life to spent on a government skull ranch where your entire function and understanding will be irreversibly modified in ways that Pavlov could only dream of.

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8c6ef6  No.304355



If Joe Biden is still President tomorrow, then you've proven you're soyboy retards screaming from mommy's basement. There is no getting around that. Proof is in action, not words.

And don't hop IPs. We see every IP you use. None of your little VPNs matter, we know who you are and will make sure everyone knows you're a mincing soyboy faggot forever. Enjoy!

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8c6ef6  No.304356

Why do you thin Vanawatch has gone down so much in the last few hours? We're archiving you. HILARIOUS!

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c0f8b8  No.304357


lolno I want to defend myself from you

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bd6312  No.304358



The only "action" we need around here is to see you permabanned.

But Watkins is such a staunch advocate for free speech that we'll probably not see that happen, even though you are soliciting felonies

from board users.

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b39ace  No.304359


> Then again, conservatives don't care about children.

Thanks for your input, Joy Reid.

You can now go back and brag to your friends about how you really put the "white supremacists" in their place.

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70a165  No.304360




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c0f8b8  No.304361


>Texas doesn't have

The typical background check is federal as a condition of maintaining an FFL and not being shut down but a communist agency like the AFT. Of course it's not from the Great State of Texas. It's an FBI background check.

Why are you people so fucking stupid? Have no never bought a gun in your life?

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b39ace  No.304362

File: ea36463a6897809⋯.jpg (434.1 KB, 2661x1967, 2661:1967, Taste_and_see_that_the_Lor….jpg)


> Let me tell you how gun control laws will really be enacted in the US: when one of these psycho killers manages to shoot his way into Senate and off ten of those senile, dribbling furnace-dodgers they'll ban the guns the next fucking morning

Well, I guess we can see that you gun-confiscation nuts already have a plan! None of your other violent plans have worked to convince everyone that only the police and military should be allowed to have guns, and that they should use those guns to take away the rights of anyone else to defend themselves or their families against the hordes, of which (((You))) are a not only a part, but one of their shrillest voices.

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b39ace  No.304363

File: 9e7d8c90a2a8bc8⋯.mp4 (3.86 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 20200705_Fuck_Off_You_Sick….mp4)


> with a governmental eugenics program you could breed the perfect humans perfectly fit for life, beautiful, strong, desirable, courageous whatever is best.

> Imagine a world with only good looking intelligent happy people

We've got (((You)))r number now.

That's why all (((You))) "race supremacists", Zionists, and other "Supremacists", are on the exact same page.

In fact, I may make a thread about it later.

Here's a couple opposing viewpoints, neither of which I agree with, but both are thought-provoking, for those who still like to THINK, rather than getting worked up by Emotions. And no, this isn't about gun-control. It's about (((You))) learning some Self-Control, instead of constantly seeking to Control "Others".



> inb4 refusal to educate oneself and automatic rejection of materials without inspection because closed minds know better, amirite?

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ab7113  No.304364



2 for 2.


>>304329 <–––

so um… did anyone notice the ID in this post?

kinda unexpected.

so like… how can i get cool ID like that?

do i need a gold account or what's the deal?

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b39ace  No.304365


> so like… how can i get cool ID like that?

Post from Tor.

I guess they turned it back on then.

See ya. Going back Tor.

Also, you've always been able to use Tor, even to post images, if you use Lokinet.

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b39ace  No.304366


You can also route all your traffic through Tor using a Whonix Gateway.

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4adf94  No.304368


Tor posting is not happening.

It is not functional with the link given to the needed resource.

Watkins needs to update his system if he wants Tor posting on 8kun.

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70ced7  No.304371


good luck waiting for that old fag to do anything for the boards and anons

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5da56c  No.304378


Neither blanket gun control nor no restrictions at all will help anything. This is a systemic problem in the western world specifically, mainly anglosphere. The restrictions being proposed now or already enacted may slow down the rate of shootings but it won't stop them outright. Without a system in place where the state cares about peoples mental conditions and doesn't force you to spend hundreds of dollars on each trip to get psychiatric help, this will continue to happen.

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9335f4  No.304381

Funny enough , the rise of mass shootings and the rise of the internet coincide with one another.

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159e3b  No.304385


"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false."

–CIA Director William Casey (1981-1987)

Repealing the second amendment is a tall order, but somebody's gotta do it. Right?

So, how do you like the southern border these days?

How's that new black market narco economy working out for ya?

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c0f8b8  No.304386


It's none of the state's damn business. Why would you want a pile of evil jewish communists to care about whether you have wrongthink or not?

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7b778f  No.304391

File: 1b6c85c8b1d0b33⋯.jpg (203.81 KB, 680x680, 1:1, how_to_pretend.jpg)


Society is going to have to start treating young men, and manhood in general, with MUCH More Respect. There is a price to pay for telling men that they are bad and evil, and that Masculinity is Toxic. Society is paying that price now. It's no wonder they're angry. They are no, allowed to be men, or have any masculine characteristics.

And the Women? Look what Feminism did to Females! It removed everything that made them feminine and turned them into willing Slaves to the Almighty dollar, just like men had been for centuries. Feminism was always a Corporate Lie, to get women working, not having families, not caring for children, all indoctrinations left up to the State, the Corporate Oligarchy. That young men are pissed off about it is no surprise! That they have so little imagination to think that shooting up a school will solve any of the "problems" they see is bewildering though. I get it. They want to hurt Society, and they want to hurt Women in particular; especially those few women who still give a shit about life, children, and families. They hurt inside, and they want to hurt others in ways they know will actually HURT! There is nothing a human cares more about than their own children, and psychopaths know this, that's why psychopaths ALWAYS consider children to not only be a viable target, but a preferable one — folks will actually care, they will pay attention, and they might even do what the psychopath wants — and that's really the point.

Protip: Psychopaths and Parasites run our schools and our government.

Until we do something about that, there will be no peace, and the mass shootings will continue. You see, peace cannot be imposed. That ain't Peace. That's the lull between wars. REAL Serenity can only be found if one is willing toLOOK WITHIN.

We, as a Society, need to do this, but we cannot, until enough of us do it on an Individual level. We Can, and we MUST.

The alternatives are to ghastly to imagine (although Moarfæces, the Sallified Antichrist, keeps trying to imagine himself as an awesome "Agent" of Accelerationism, all "Agency" is just a hoodwink, really!)

ENJOY This Day, /pnd/fags!

I'm gonna gonna go shopping then hit the garden with full force…

Highly Recommend Doing Something Productive.

The Internet is far more "Toxic" than "Masculinity" ever will be.

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fbfce0  No.304405

File: 0598e8b6a12e584⋯.mp4 (7.32 MB, 640x360, 16:9, why_do_we_fall.mp4)


look maestro,

We all know that the government eugenics program is the solution not only to the mentally ill spree / serial killers problem but also to the incels, the ugly people, the morbidly obese people, the sicklish people, the people with genetic diseases and all the people who are unhappy alive and trapped inside an existence they loathe day after day which drives them to suicide in the end.

Imagine a world where every single human is a winner:

>good looking –→ enables one to sex

>intelligent -→ enables one to earn well

>healthy -→ never again children in wheelchairs or with down syndrome

>confidence -→ no more emo types and weaklings

it would be a literal paradise for everyone.

Since everyone would be a winner in the genetic lottery

Also you could breed the perfect human for each task in society. For example if you need 300 coal miners in 3 years. You simply breed the perfect coal miners. You breed them big and strong, muscular, with good health system and dust resistant lungs and ears that can tolerate dynamite sounds.

We literally do this already with animals but somehow doing it with humans is morally incorrect

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d2cb99  No.304411


They're going to produce more epsilons than alphas.

Semi moron is optional as needed.

But epsilons will be the bulk of the new GMO humanity.

Dysgenics will far outpace the output of eugenics.

The "not beautiful people" won't have a clue that they're not beautiful.

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d2cb99  No.304416


>dust resistant lungs


good luck with that one.

oh man that is funny.

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7f4563  No.304420


What…maybe they will do away with lungs altogether and just inject oxygen through the asshole. Turns out rats can live a very long time underwater if they have a oxygen supplemented through their asshole. I guess they have started testing human with this too.

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7f4563  No.304422

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7f4563  No.304423

'intestinal ventilation' such a pleasant name for it.

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fbfce0  No.304427

File: 64236fbf5e04894⋯.mp4 (4.34 MB, 300x240, 5:4, Y2Mate_is_The_Dark_Knight_….mp4)


you can mitigate this problem by using DNA matieral of only the most sophisticated human specimens available on our planet. Movie stars, sportists, models, whatever man.

Even if most of the newly created humans are not perfect, they will still be better then the specimens you can find in the wild. I would not worry about those. However, I would worry about chronic disease like in dogs. Dogs are bred in a similar way (only strongest with healthiest / beautifullest etc.) and they tend to develop problems with their hips after a few generations. We would need a way to avoid situations like those (overbreeding)


you laugh but who tells you it cannot be done

biotechnology and genetic engineering is only in its children shoes

there are companies working on a vaccine that will make limbs grow again from crippled veterans. A french university has a new technology based on algae that can make blind people see again (partially only as of now). Why not exchange the gene for human teeth with that of the shark? you would never again worry about caries since they would just grow again any time you lose one.

It was just an example you know.

to stimulate your fantasy

200 years ago if you told someone people would be flying he would have called you a mad man. Today another continent is only 8 hours away.




that seems like these japanese "inventions" that are completely useless. forgot the name. shindoku or something.

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7b778f  No.304429

File: 47c6f46b209d0e6⋯.jpg (305.79 KB, 1920x1178, 960:589, You_Know_WHO_is_Into_Eugen….jpg)


Sorry bro, but you're WRONG.

I've heard all the same arguments before.

It's like the Christians, imagining a Heaven where everything is hunky dory and wonderful (except it wouldn't be very long at all before people would not even know what "hunky dory wonderful" really meant, and they'd be seeking.out something "Else".)


You can't have the "Good" without the "Bad", even if the only reason is for Comparison! Ya just can't separate ANY opposites, EVER. They can't exist without each other, and do not make sense without the complementary idea.

This Maxim holds for EVERY Conceivable Idea.

> '''and FUCK YES, Eugenics is about IDEAS — Ideas about what traits are desirable, and what traits are not (which presumes you have all the data, but the data being infinite, that just plain AIN'T HAPPENIN'!)

The Christfags would call it "Playing God".

I call it Plain Presumption. Pretty Fucking Unwarranted too. WHO Decides? Let Me Guess…(You)?or (((You)))?

(((Who))) has already been practicing Eugenics on humans for thousands of years? Have (You) really thought this through? Maybe (((You))) have, and that's why (((You))) are spreading this Blasphemy against All that IS.

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7b778f  No.304430

File: c9fdcf2ae047f05⋯.png (1.07 MB, 927x1265, 927:1265, eris_goddess_of_chaos.png)



Let Chaos Be In Control. You won't find a more Sublime Controlling Factor.

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7b778f  No.304431



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7f4563  No.304432


Creation is an act of destruction but only because one ceases the relentless march. Destruction for destruction sake is rather dull.

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7f4563  No.304433


or shall I say it is rather jewish.

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7b778f  No.304439


Destruction is also an act of Creation.

The Tower Trump Tarot Card comes to mind… Atu XVI

Also the Trimurti of Brahma, Vishnu & Shiva (Creation, Preservation, Annihilation).

These ideas can't really be fully separated; which goes back to my earlier assertion.

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7f4563  No.304441


Do you think the humanity tries to exist in a fixed unchanging state?

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fbfce0  No.304447


bruh this is simple logic.

If a child has mother and father who are both beautiful, both healthy and both intelligent with good careers and earning well, the PROBABILITY is low that the offspring will be white trash low IQ meth head type of human.

This is all about probabilities.

Maybe you played pokemon as a youngster and were engaged in breeding them with perfect stats. This is the same system. You take the best possible parents and the offspring is not always perfect, but in competition it will blow away all the run off the mill pokemons easily

this is what eugenics is all about. not to make everyone the same but to maximize the probability of good genetic makeup for each specimen.

>only good with bad

imagine if you were fathered by Brad Pitt

would you waste your life away on a burmese cartoon board for neo nazis and pedophiles? of course not. Maybe you would not be as great movie star as daddy but you would at least not be as you are now. you would start the competitive game with a good hand (genes). The worst that could happen would be for you to be a normalfag and enjoy life with your normalfag genes.

>playing god

why not

if we can eradicate down syndrome forever

if we can eradicate autismos forever

if we can eradicate multiple sclerosis or cancer forever

why not do it?

God also created us to poop into the free nature and yet we build toilets to defecate.

>who decides

we, the people. Who are the ones we worship? is it doctors and scientists or is it movie stars, models and basketball players?

Personally I would be for a system where someone must have some type of accomplishment for his DNA to be put into the hall of fame DNA database. nobel prize or bodybuilding champ or model of the year or whatever.

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df0afa  No.304485


So (((You))) admit that (((You)))r opinion is sheer Kikery then.

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b0b4f6  No.304490


(((I)))) admit that (((my)))) oppinion is irrelevant because it is not popular with the sheeple and therefor will never be implemented.

For example when you see what rich people do is they don't really care about politics. They care about business. And politics is a cost for them to doing business. So here and there they might buy themselves a politician whoar which will do what benefits them. But generally they rightfully noticed that politics is for losers only. Professionaly build multi million dollar business conglomerates that economically enslave millions of peoples and entire governments

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7f4563  No.304500

File: fd7d3231b99f8cb⋯.png (8.47 KB, 597x176, 597:176, 4chan_comment_how_we_break….png)


Nothing in the universe is irrelevant. This is why they have to kill people who will not change their minds on their position. If your ideas were irrelevant they could leave you alone. But it is because they mean more than you might imagine to the future that they can't afford to treat you as irrelevant. All this PRESSURE…PRESSURE…they put on us to change is solely because we matter BIGLY. So bigly that their only option is to mass slaughter what is not cooperative with their agenda.

I will never give in. I am fixed in my thinking.

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b0b4f6  No.304504


you are what we call an independent thinker

even if the goyims get to pick up your thoughts and finally find them appealing for example like in communism they will never come into fruition. why?

because a bunch of sociopathic sons of bitches will hijack your revolution and install a carricature of what you originally intednded to do. they will kill all the free thinkers that brought the idea of revolution and incarcerate anyone they deem problematic.

This is why it is lost time to try teach people about freedom and concepts like that. You are better off to invest your free time into building a business empire that will give you lots of power. Then you can leverage this power to push further any agenda you like most

This is how the professionals do it (google, faceshit, amazon) compared to the cucks who got riled up the wall in the october revolutions aftermath

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7f4563  No.304524

File: 43960a83b445bb0⋯.png (9.93 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, fauci_gates_more.PNG)

File: c102331bd318088⋯.jpg (123.8 KB, 1200x845, 240:169, traitors_to_european_peopl….jpg)

File: e298bb7861606a8⋯.jpg (78.98 KB, 990x974, 495:487, bill_gates_schneerson_rabb….jpg)


>because a bunch of sociopathic sons of bitches will hijack your revolution and install a caricature of what you originally intended to do. they will kill all the free thinkers that brought the idea of revolution and incarcerate anyone they deem problematic.

I decided that to avoid this very problem I would stay anonymous, even to the parasites. It has worked really well if I don't say so myself.

Also faceshit and google etc are all owned by jews groomed from their inception. To the parasitic class competition is a sin. So I took the lower road, the only one that was still open to the common man or woman.

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128e10  No.304530

File: b80a757a59f6602⋯.jpg (14.73 KB, 255x197, 255:197, hohoho.jpg)


>So I took the lower road, the only one that was still open to the common man or woman.

Others did not.

They took a higher road and put ass on the line.

God bless Ottawa.

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b0b4f6  No.304561

File: 0968d85f1dfdec0⋯.mp4 (11.66 MB, 640x480, 4:3, Yelle_A_Cause_Des_Garcons_….mp4)


>Jerry Epstein

lol I read about this guy again lately

there was a story about a ranch in new mexico where he wanted to build a breeding enclave where he would impregnate lots of women with his "superior sperm". basically his personal harem to save humanity or whatever he called it

wasnt there another curious story of that science guy in a wheelchair who attended one of Jerries legendary parties orgies

I wonder what perverted stuff they had going on there

What happened to that Jizzlain Maxwell girl?

Did they jail her or did her lawyer get her out in the end?

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b39ace  No.304571


Nice you remembered reading that.

The way I remembered reading it, his name was "Johnny" Epstein.

He was known for planting seed. Apples, I believe?

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9edad7  No.304619





Yeah fuck him, no matter his name

the slick underage girl afficiando, you know whom I mean

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52efcc  No.304647


White boy can dance.

Nothing is going to happen to Jizzy. That family is in power right now and was/is instrumental in enslaving all of humanity.

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c51acf  No.304798



oh that was a good one

yeah I read she is claiming stuff like Jimmy threatened her and she was forced to do blah blah. Pretty convenient that the only guy who could prove or disprove it is already dead.

I guess in a few years she will be aquitted of all charges, sent back home and be given a lump sum as excuse for accusing her of anything

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8540b2  No.304863



Sandy Hook bulldozed.

Bat man theater bulldozed.

The entire area where the shooting at Columbine "happened" got bulldozed.

Robb elementary bulldozed

Why bulldoze after a mass shooting? Easy: To stop legit people from going in to confirm the official story. Said bulldozings are a distinctly Jewish tactic because they provide total erasure and complete loss of an ability to confirm history. Facts then simply become "whatever they say" and they are guaranteed to stay that way.


A MASSIVE screwup was made with the crisis actors

Two different crisis actor dads claimed the same daughter with the same name and same honor roll certificate as their daughter, both dads claiming the same last name and were broadcast on two different networks:

If this is dad and stepdad with the same last name, IT HAS TO BE DAUGHTER AND STEPDAUGHTER. Don't get punked by bullshit, this video DESTROYS the whole damn psyop.

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8540b2  No.304864

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8540b2  No.304868



No matter what I'm still not giving up my guns. No police department in America is going to risk their lives going door to door to enforce gun confiscation either. That would take decades and it would mean civil war, mass death and economic collapse. And it would be decades of defection and division even after the civil war. America was founded on guns, and we will always have guns to our dying days.

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8540b2  No.304869


>All this PRESSURE…PRESSURE…they put on us to change is solely because we matter BIGLY. So bigly that their only option is to mass slaughter what is not cooperative with their agenda.

Eventually that is what they intend to do, and that is why they know they must disarm most Americans before they start the killing. Because if we have the means to kill them too, that's what would happen if they came to kill us. And they all KNOW IT!!!!

>I will never give in. I am fixed in my thinking.

Me too. Live free or die trying.

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880dce  No.304877

Most gun violence in America is related directly or indirectly to black market narcotics distribution.

If the patent medicine laws were repealed and these substances legalized like weed it would greatly reduce the amount of gun violence on the streets.

It would however put the government in the cross hairs of some very disgruntled purveyors of these powders by effectively eliminating their revenue streams and or profit margins.

As long as prohibition continues there will be gun violence.

If prohibition is ended the violence moves from the streets to

the halls of the government that ended it.

Damned if you do damned if you don't situation.

The only other alternative is to follow China's hardline policy of executing users, addicts and distributors under state law.

This would rapidly bankrupt the prison system.

Other than these options, nothing will change.


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15e44c  No.304879


Very true. Which is why I would support some kind of reform. Decriminalize the drugs, making them legal with some stipulations, regulation and required permits. Those who use the drugs, much like liqueur, understand the ramifications of taking those drugs and if they were to behave violently or belligerently the legal consequences would remain the same as being sober. It was smart to decriminalize liqueur in that matter, it would be smart to decriminalize other drugs the same way too: age restrictions, legal disclaimers, permits for sale, etc. As far as drug cartels targeting politicians and government officials for reforming drug laws? Well that's what we have a military for: dealing with acts of war.

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15e44c  No.304880

File: fab85fc49ebeb77⋯.png (36.56 KB, 800x750, 16:15, rmnshooter.png)


I'm going to take this a step further: every single police officer who stood down and refused to respond to this shooting event should be fired, have their badges stripped and investigated for dereliction of duty. There absolutely needs to be reform when it comes to dereliction of duty and stand down orders given. Both should be criminal when lives are at stake. The military, for the most part, would agree with this. If police want to train like the military, and have similar weaponry, they should have the same responsibility to protect and defend life! That would weed out any of the bad apples in LE real quick too.


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880dce  No.304881


Study Pablo Escobar.

His organization was able (presumably still is) to carry out assassinations anywhere in South America against anyone.

Politicians, judges, chiefs of police and the military with ease.

Escobar could deploy assasins around the globe, but this would take more effort and greatly increased risk of exposure.

A risk he was willing to take time and time again. Anywhere.

When you have a demonstrated ability to carry out assassinations against anyone, anywhere, government will think twice, three times before enacting law or policy which might put them at risk.

So we see that shit rolls downhill and the game is played.

I see it as the most insidious form of chemical warfare.

A device of the devil roaring to and fro seeking whom he may devour.

The leverage is insane and the money is big, easy and most importantly, invisible.

It is a conundrum with no easy solutions.

It could be stopped, theoretically.

The political will does not exist.

And if it does, there will be literal hell to pay.

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880dce  No.304884


Decriminalization would not end the violence.

Only legalization like cannabis would have any impact.

Turf wars would still happen.

And law enforcement would be compelled to take sides, insuring monopoly for the big fish at the top and their loyal footsoldiers at the bottom thus creating more disgruntled elements ready to target law enforcement for siding with the "competition".

The whole damn game is, in a word, fucked.

Beyond fucked.


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c51acf  No.304910


drugs should have been legalized 2 generations ago already

people have always been trying to get high

and they always will

government once again creates a problem (the illicit drug market) and then offers us the solution for said problem (DEA; FBI, mass surveilence, etc)


government is actively involved in drug trafficking. the colombians, mexicans, whatever gang. they all work for the CIA. google CIA, plane crash, 4 tons, cocaine florida and report back what you find

you literally cannot operate such a giantic enterprise without the government either putting its protective hands over you or at least looking away as you commit crime.

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c08d42  No.304914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>The untied bates

Shootings shall intensify and increase…

Türkiye shall have no mercy…

There is no life nor salvation for Türkiye in the eyes of AllahRa for ever and ever until the end of time amen…

I shall continue to tear Türkiye apart and slaughter the masses…

Only upon the death of Erdogan shall I consider any mortal thing…

Only the death of Erdogan can satisfy and no thing else…

I also seek to collect the family of Erdogan…

I shall settle for no thing less than the absolute genocide of the vine of Erdogan…

Türkiye and the UAE shall suffer me to absolute completion…

I have 'tied' the UAE to Israel and the demise of The untied bates… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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c08d42  No.304915

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I, the devil, shall drag thee for sin beyond will and further than ones ability to defy…

For every attempt… Ye shall find struggle…

I allow no human to hide from me…

Thou shall not escape truth or me…

For every time the peoples of Latvia attempt to deny me… The cock shall crow upon the earth and the dead shall howl in fear…







You cannot hide from me… You cannot undo that which you have done… You cannot escape from mine truth and command…

I, the devil, am… You, Latvia, mine servant in the depths of oblivion… Do not mind the screams mine child… Home is this away… HAHAHA

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c08d42  No.304919

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.











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15e44c  No.304921



If the government wanted to clean up the corruption, they would, but sadly they have become a big part of it. If we can drone innocent civilians in other countries, and "terrorists" then we certainly could drone drug lords and cartel hideouts too! The "war on drugs" is bullshit just like the "war on poverty" and the "war on terror" and all the other hyperbole governments claim like protecting us plebs from evil. Nothing ever good has come from expanding governmental powers, absolutely nothing but the exact opposite. As for the false flag attacks we all know the memo: police told to stand down, cops wait out the shooting till enough are dead, media blitz, politicians call for more power grabs and disarming law abiding civilians, people question contradictory information and bullshit agenda, they end up bulldozing the places and act like nothing happened until the next false flag staged terror event.

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c51acf  No.304931




this guy legit schizophrenic?

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4cdba2  No.305071


These drugs were legal 2 generations ago.

Patent medicine laws made them illicit.

This created the black market and drove up the prices.

If you know what you are doing and are connected to the right people

you can go from rags to riches. The risk offers rewards unlike anything else in the economy these days.

The DeLorean automobile stands as a testament to the lure of fast big money.

If the prohibition continues nothing will change.

If the prohibition ends, the people who end it will be hunted like animals.

It is a fucked beyond belief situation.

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c08d42  No.305113

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

Now that… Is better…

Unknown Entity… Inform the secretary that I shall accept the generous offer of the governor of Texas…

Unknown Entity… He and I both desire a standing army and this shall be our avenue to achieve that…

Unknown Entity… Contact Jamie Dimon and inform him that I shall Trump his pawn with an Amundi…

Unknown Entity… Jamie Dimon needs to be afraid… I shall raise his corruption with uncertain aircraft inspections…

Unknown Entity… I shall also lever 'Quantum Duplex' to potentially poison him with 'food uncertainty…'

Unknown Entity… Yes… And thank you for the cooperation…

Unknown Entity… Inform Mr. Bridges that I no longer have a desire to massacre Texas in the intermediate frame…

Unknown Entity… Enforce mine order of peace en direkt… I desire a calm in Texas…

Unknown Entity… I desire the activity to split en farce upon both California and Washington…

Unknown Entity… Remind the governor that I am indeed the devil incarnate and that ONLY TRUE LOVE CAN DESTROY THIS…

Unknown Entity… I do enjoy a politician that 'sees' the 'higher opportunities' available…

Unknown Entity… Push guidance on the instruction and 'raise' of mine warriors…

Unknown Entity… I shall respect a 'certain' calm, however, you have mine IRON EAGLE to prepare for…

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c08d42  No.305114

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

Texas… The IRON EAGLE poses the highest threat to the preexisting 'authority…'

Texas… Unity betwixt both 'sides' of the 'aisle' insinuates a charismatic ability to collapse both ideas into the purist form…

Texas… There is cause for concern… A reflex of sorts… That remains 'unsorted' by the professor of the confessor…

Texas… I shall there for warn thee advance that the individual shall 'organize' the h8te that exists in both halves…

Texas… Is it not obvious?

Texas… Why for is there such need for division? Why for has the moment taken the highest guise of the hardest division?

Texas… At this moment… Unity… Is REICH…

Texas… Raise them well… I shall take mine collect on the rising edge of mine 'white light…' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Texas… Do not be afraid… Mine interest is collect far beneath the usury you are accustomed too… HAHAHAHAHAHA

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c08d42  No.305116

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Unknown Entity… Inform the governor that if he were to make the mistake of introducing morality back into society…

Unknown Entity… I shall have to protect him…

Unknown Entity… Such assets are beyond price and conceptually beyond valuation…

Unknown Entity… If the governor introduced a paradigm of honor and morality…

Unknown Entity… 'Tis beyond question that I, the devil, shall have to respond to any threat against him or the office…

Unknown Entity… If the governor used the common thread of Christian ideals to foment unity with the Latin American community…


Unknown Entity… Such displacement shall have to be burdened by a different party…

Unknown Entity… For this reason the ULAF shall have to then 'stand down' or perhaps cooperate with 'local authorities…'

Unknown Entity… If this be the case… I shall have to stake posit of 'church and state' for lack of 'separation…'

Unknown Entity… Such is the 'creed' and 'calling card' of 'respect' and 'power' within the 'cartels…' Those who respect death… Fully…

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c08d42  No.305117

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




IMF… There is no escape from me…

IMF… I shall reward only those nations who adopt 'sound money' and 'comply' within the parameters of interspecific camaraderie…

IMF… Any inhuman behavior exhibiting 'alien' sympathy shall be met with execution and death…

IMF… Any resistance to the restoration of 'natural order' shall be annihilated in all forms…

IMF… I have confounded the 'money…'

IMF… En reflex I shall revert the 'victim humans' into animals for thy witness…

IMF… Said humans shall be incapable of symbology and the recognition of icon…

IMF… Is there not a 'genetic abnormality' being 'suddenly studied?'

IMF… I, the devil, shall not be pushed… Rather… I, the cart, shall yank and drag thy ass… To bleed upon mine plate for offer… HAZAHUA

IMF… I, yizod, the one by and or of many names shall not be ignored… Thy ignorance has met little success and to show for no thing…

IMF… Be gone from me o' useless beggars and be a fly no more…

IMF… I have a 'history' and 'religion' to 'overwrite…'


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c08d42  No.305118

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Take note of thy fortunes… HAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… Is it strange? How suddenly… There is an abundance of grain… And money… And soon… Housing…

Vladimir Putin… What for be the ingredients of the 'most perfect' nest?

Vladimir Putin… Before there was 'engagement' within the 'current frame' of 'war…'



Vladimir Putin… I am the devil, but even I must obey…

Vladimir Putin… 'Tis not often that a mortal is blessed to 'grasp the snake' so freely…

Vladimir Putin… HAHAHAHA Make Russia great again… HAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… "Hold thy breath and recite the lord's prayer…"

Vladimir Putin… I am to bless China next…

Vladimir Putin… I shall smash mine fist into the earth and India shall be 'sorted…' HAHAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… I shall not deny Russia the works… However… India shall not exist a thorn…

Vladimir Putin… I have within mine grasp all of Pakistan…






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39e49e  No.305184


>We all know that the government eugenics program is the solution not only to the mentally ill spree / serial killers problem but also to the incels, the ugly people, the morbidly obese people, the sicklish people, the people with genetic diseases and all the people who are unhappy alive and trapped inside an existence they loathe day after day which drives them to suicide in the end.

Do you really think our government today actually cares about people like you or me, or desires such a utopia where freedom and individual independence is respected?

Big government interventionism back in the 70s and early 80s created industrial outsourcing from America and the loss of middle class jobs. Big government interventionism created the federal student loan program which has bankrupted a lot of the youth into insolvency and debt dependence. Big government interventionism led to crooked banks being bailed out back in 2008 after predatory loaning obscene costly mortgages (and fraud continues today thanks to govt bailouts). Big government interventionism lead to endless wars and the failed "war on terror" throughout the Middle East. Big government interventionism lead to the "war on drugs" and now overdoses are systemic and common occurrence across America. Big government interventionism lead to mass unwarranted surveillance which did nothing to stop crime rates or terrorism. Big government interventionism lead to entire cities locking down during Covid, bankrupting small businesses and the rapid increase of wealth redistribution to the Davos oligarchy. Big government interventionism in schools lead to a failing educational system. Big government interventionism in the energy sector is leading to rising inflation and unstable gas prices. So anyone who thinks big government interventionism can solve anything is sadly and utterly mistaken and delusional.

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39e49e  No.305186

File: df0c1d423853f3a⋯.png (98.96 KB, 601x938, 601:938, 1652370615978.png)

File: 67aedb644436e1d⋯.png (471.34 KB, 788x617, 788:617, 1649764354062.png)

File: 10509c7a985cd98⋯.jpg (127.36 KB, 750x500, 3:2, done.jpg)

File: 746d42283239695⋯.png (83.34 KB, 830x610, 83:61, vax_schedule.png)


With the track record governments have for fucking things up for the economy and society, I'd say mandatory eugenics and gene editing programs would lead to the exact opposite you are predicting. They would make men sick and weak, unable to critically think for themselves, easy to brainwash and control, easy to manipulate, easy to cull when desired, completely dependent on crony special interests like Big Pharma too. Mark my words due, every fucking time they mention something about "utopia" it ends up becoming a complete and utter dystopia for most people. And it makes perfect sense too, when the corrupt have corrupted the government itself.

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c77f8f  No.305402


of course not

but I care about you my sons

I care about we, the people


thats anyways just jobs non of you spoiled western brats would ever do. we need bangladeshian, turk and chinese women to work 16 hours per day in sweatshops and put rubber bands in underpants because you spoiled brats don't want to do this shit work. you would rather be shitfluencers, instagram whores or pro gaymers

> led to crooked banks being bailed out back in 2008

>be america

>anon does not approve bank bailout

>let all banks die


<where is my savings account

<where is my pension fund

<you fuckers give me my money back

I agree that there was a problem but the problem was the abolishing of the Glass Steagall act. This was installed after the great depression to forbid normalfag banks from engaging in speculative wall street games.

but thanks to president clinton this act was removed and normalfag banks were free to speculate the living shit out of normalfags bank accounts. And today we are all specualtors. This is why the stock market cannot be allowed to fail anymore since we all get sucked into the black hole then.

>muh drugs

yeah fucken legalized it already

oh wait, the CIA is fucked then and cannot fund assasinations, proxy wars and regime change games anymore

Cocain Import Agency


yes ban this shit. osama is dead, isis is anally devasted and the taleban are the good guys now.

>covid lockdows

yeah fucken retarded. and all that for a influenza virus with lethal rates of less then one percent. one could think the boomers were just fearful of their own asses since they were the ones who died mostly and they threw everyone else including the economy under the bus to not get infected themselves.

>failing educational system

yeah privatize it

fuck school anyways, they just teach you to be a sheep

>inflation and shit

yeah all government made I agree with your stuff you see

>So anyone who thinks big government interventionism can solve anything is sadly and utterly mistaken and delusional.

yeah but the incels and druggies and hobos will not voluntarily submit themselves to euthanasia nor will they change their defunct lifestyles. so we need someone to clean up the mess once and for all

nobody will castrate himself voluntarily either. just like chemical reactions need activation energy, we need someone to get this stuff rolling


that is very well possible I agree

why have an entire nation of chads. they are hard to control. do what they want. not the slave type. let us rather have millions of these cucks who are sexually frustrated and let them be radicallized on the internet until they are like the taleban and become a force we cannot win a war against and they take over the country and start to forcefully mandate their incel ruleset on the entire nation whit nobody left to oppose them since they are the majority

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d41a3f  No.305430



Students inside were calling 911 and begging for help. The officers stayed outside for almost an hour during the mass shooting.


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d41a3f  No.305431

Students inside were calling 911 and begging for help.

The officers stayed outside for almost an hour during the mass shooting.




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d41a3f  No.305475



She was under a gag order and spoke up anyway. This video has all the fluff taken out and is almost all her talking so you don't have to waste time.

She said that when she went in, she could hear gunshots and got right by the room the shooter was in and There was not a SINGLE COP anywhere in the school. This means they lied about having a hit squad in there, they had no one in there at all. Obviously the "shooter" still did not need to be real and it could have been acted with blanks (that's what I think) but this testimony totally destroys EVERYTHING anyway.

MY COMMENT: No doubt in my mind this was another false flag operation to push their non-stop gun grab agenda. We know they want the guns out of civilian hands and WE KNOW WHY. Pretty obvious when dealing with despotic corrupt leadership!

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d41a3f  No.305489

The mother who bravely rescued her own children during the Uvalde mass shooting finally spoke out about the lack of police response to the deadly school massacre.

Angeli Gomez, a mother of two children at Robb Elementary School, explained on Thursday how she was handcuffed by U.S. Marshalls for attempting to rush the school.

“Right away, as soon as I parked my car, US Marshals started coming towards my car saying I wasn’t allowed to be parked there,” Gomez told CBS News. “He said, ‘We’re going to have to arrest you because you’re being very uncooperative,’ and I said, ‘Well, you’re going to have to arrest me because I’m going in there, and I’m telling you right now — I don’t see none of y’all in there.’”

“I told one of the officers, ‘I don’t need you to protect me. Get away from me. I don’t need your protection. If anything, I need you to go in with me to go protect my kids,'” she said.

Gomez said the police were too busy corralling the parents outside the school to bother with actually neutralizing the shooter and protecting the children.

“Nothing was being done,” Gomez said. “If anything, [law enforcement] were being more aggressive on us parents that were willing to go in there.”

Gomez explained that while in the school, she didn’t see “one officer” inside the building while “gunshots were still active.”

“They were not in there. There was no one in there,” she said.

“They could have saved many more lives. They could have gone into the classroom and maybe two or three would have been gone but they could have saved the whole, more, the whole class,” she continued. “They could have done something, gone through the window, sniped him through the window. Something, but nothing was being done.”


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d41a3f  No.305490

Now another school will be bulldozed. The media will shut their mouths. Wait for the masses to forget, they have short attention spans after all. Bribes in place to sweep it all under the rug, officials paid in royalty to swiftly end their investigations with some bs justified excuse and sob story: "unfortunate accidents do happen from time to time, law enforcement do make mistakes." Media will make a one article mention, not in the headlines but the back pages…. MONTHS LATER. Everyone either forgot it ever happened, nor do they care.

Some only really "cared" when there was an agenda to push.

*looks around and stares down /pnd/*

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e20b92  No.305494


Bumping real news

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0e5a4b  No.305500


it is funny because after all these times you would expect them now to have perfected the art of false flags

government will always be incompetent shmucks as it seems

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d41a3f  No.305505

California votes down mandatory reporting requirements for students who issue mass shooting threats

but they sure don't mind banning law abiding citizens from owning rifles…..


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e65841  No.305740

Well well.

Uvalde police now refusing to cooperate with state investigation into mass shooting


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f15e4a  No.305788


Bumping legit news.

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a594f8  No.306060

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a594f8  No.306315


I endorse Ohio's approach, get rid of "gun-free zones" and allow teachers to arm and defend themselves and those children. All these "gun-free" zones are magnets for criminals to kill disarmed civilians.


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2a458f  No.306317

How to end it

Well to begin with, things never discussed.

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a594f8  No.306339


How to end it? Easy!

#1: Criminalize "stand down orders" during any reported public shooting event. Mandate cops respond to any shooting event ASAP.

#2: Get rid of "gun-free zone" laws. Allow law abiding citizens to carry for self-defense purposes, even if it requires permit to do so.

#3: Enforce already existing 'red flag' laws. If someone makes death threats (as typically shooters do in the past) in most cases that is enough to warrant seizure of guns. There are plenty of laws out there to prevent this already. Direct death threats and terror threats are not exactly legally protected as free speech. That's enough to warrant - at the very least - surveillance.

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2a458f  No.306340


I mean deeper lying issues. What motivates them in the first place?

inb4 money

But this is totally unelaborated. And I don't mean people must be bought in that sense.

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a594f8  No.306345

File: 8c74d11b2633396⋯.jpg (106.32 KB, 596x625, 596:625, modernsexed.jpg)


It could be a number of things, bullying for example. Could be peer rejection. Could be the way the school is handling kids too, for example, how does the school treat kids, do they treat them like normal human beings, normal children…. or are they subverting them while pushing radical political and sexual ideologies? Could it be governmental "zero tolerance" policy which is prohibiting kids from, well, from being kids? Is it all the SSRI use and drugs they push on kids today? I think it's pretty much ALL THE ABOVE.

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2a458f  No.306346

File: 9714df019f62e28⋯.gif (612.95 KB, 498x498, 1:1, deepthought.gif)


The image in your post (^:


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2a458f  No.306347


It would be even deeper.

>It could be a number of things, bullying for example. Could be peer rejection. Could be the way the school is handling kids too, for example, how does the school treat kids, do they treat them like normal human beings, normal children…. or are they subverting them while pushing radical political and sexual ideologies? Could it be governmental "zero tolerance" policy which is prohibiting kids from, well, from being kids? Is it all the SSRI use and drugs they push on kids today?

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a594f8  No.306348


In the end it's deep seeded anger. Anger to exactly what can be heavily debated. Perhaps interview those students who decided to shoot up schools in the first place? In fact that would make an awesome documentary: "why did they do what they did." I'm sure we would learn a whole lot of crazy shit we still are not aware about as far as governmental schooling.

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2a458f  No.306352


>interview those students

They can't bring it under words. And psychologists or psychiatrists won't be of much help either (possibly unless there is someone else who does more).

They lack peace.

So the only logical explaination is all the mistakes in religion, how money flows, erotisism, and certain other at least often mentioned issues.

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2a458f  No.306361

I've been looking for information on how shooters think. Or first let's say school shooters. To me I think it would be enough information to be able to prevent some.

But how? It's in things seldomly and NEVER talked about.

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a594f8  No.306362


You can't blame this on religion when the government-run public school system does not allow prayer or religious teaching in schools today. You could try blaming Catholic schools but it's seldom I hear about shootings at private schools. As for money, I think it's well worth the cost to home school children these days. Public schools are corrupted to all hell and now they have turned into ghettos.

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2a458f  No.306363


>You can't blame this on religion

In my view it's in things hardly and even never discussed.

In case of religion, there is a common view on religion. Or e.g. some people are a convinced atheist. Schools have nothing to do with it. Rather recognition for all the mistakes in religion. Most people being capable of pragmatic thought know. It would not be new at all. (Btw, personally I do believe in God. Though I also see their mistakes very well. My faith stems from the fact that, to say it secularly, the existence of a spiritual world is provable).

But very important, closely related to this: mistakes in erotisism. No one combines these two. While it is not meant, and important things like homosexuality are not forced upon people. Even to accept it's existence.

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2a458f  No.306364

>I've been looking for information on how shooters think. Or first let's say school shooters.

I'm sorry. Here I think the best thing would be someone like Brenton Tarrant. And in second instance school shooter(s).

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1814a5  No.306404

File: 41eb1b45a37dcb1⋯.png (1.1 MB, vlcsnap_2022_06_05_22h40m3….png)

join the league of shadows and take revenge to all the normalfags who bullied you anons

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a594f8  No.306593


All I know is the public school system has been tainted by corruption just like nearly every other single institution in America today. I'm not blaming them for the killings, but I do place blame where due, and that's pushing radical political and sexual ideology on children, and the fact they have "zero tolerance" policies doesn't exactly help those kids when they simply need to blow off some steam. They're treated more like cattle than human beings. For God's sake, I'd have to admit if I were treated the same way I'd likely desire retribution as well, and that's the sad mess about all of this. So either we reform the schools, or maybe we make laws that allow teachers to pack heat to defend their students and classes, and make "stand down orders" illegal during a shooting, requiring cops to respond. Either or. Perhaps reforming both issues in the schools and law enforcement.

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a594f8  No.306600


When I was a kid we didn't have "zero tolerance" policies in public schools. You know what would happen to some of those bullies during or after school? Some of them would get the shit beat out of them from those who decided not to tolerate their shit behavior anymore. Guess what? That's not illegal today thanks to zero tolerance. That one policy allowed bullies to get away with almost anything, and the students can't even throw a punch at them without getting into serious trouble. Same thing with goofing off in the hallways, or making out with some chick in a janitor's closet. Zero tolerance was meant to zombify students and turn them into obedient cattle. How do I know all this? Because I know a retired high school teacher who told me all about it before. He told me a lot more about how fucked up these public schools are today, how they got rid of traditional curriculum, how they are forced to pass kids who fail because the teachers get blamed if kids refuse to learn, etc. He was so relieved when he finally got to retire and he warned me those new kids growing up are going to be MESSED UP.

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a594f8  No.306602


>That's not illegal today thanks to zero tolerance.

That's *now* illegal today thanks to zero tolerance. Sorry for the typo..

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2a458f  No.306720

Hm, here you said documentary >>306348

And the image in the OP, this is Michael Moore.

These things, as far as I see it leads to more as one documentary, as important as the Bible. I mean like it or not. It had or has it's influence. But of course this would be different.

Not everything can be discussed. But I would have to say everything just as it is, when it must be said.



Like I said before: things deeply embedded.

MAYBE public school systems or other institutions are at the limits of what they can do under the current circumstances.

It would need input from some place else. Like the students themselves or others.

School shooters or other problems you described are caused by, or, better to begin with, it's better to say: there is reason to believe, this is caused by mistakes in what is commonly regarded as truth.

The truths that really matter are defined by the following "institutions". Or however to call them.

• Politics

• the religious organisation

• the medical organisation

• (other, not defined at this point)

Their definition leads to circumstances that are acceptable to everyone to a certain level. It is not clear if something is behind this, determining the exact level. And more important HOW it would do this. This measurement is important because this decides how happy or unhappy most people will be in life. And more serious. In practice it determines life or death. And it's important to realize, someone can be alive, and healthy, though the circumstances can mean the opposite. While these things are never discussed. And can't or can hardly be discussed.

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2a458f  No.306725


Maybe it is not regarded as plausible, the problems of this world can be posted or solved here.

But then, where does this truth stem from?

I don't mean to be conceited in any way.

But the issue of the school shooter. Knowing how things work and are it is like a sum

[Knowing how things work and are] + [The exact thoughts a (school) shooter had, leading to the deed] = The possibility to do something about it.

To pick one from the previous post: the medical organisation. Here they are to blame, not defining truth as is commonly trusted. To begin with, a (school) shooter does not have a mental illness.

The political organisation. At this point it must be said that reproach can not go to them. It can be criticism or facts leading to better circumstances. But not baseless, subjective, unfriendly reproach.

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2a458f  No.306736

Another example. Too short to be acceptable. I think it would need elaboration later.

But racism. In a sense of positive discrimination, but different, it is very important that there are people clearly opposing other people.

I.e. black people. Natively speaking, Africa, things are not going well there.

At the point where it is important opposing people, racists exists, it is the same in wartime. Like how Russians are called, or what is said about them, according to what they do in Russia or elsewhere. ("Vatnik". Or "Holols", Ukrainians).

And i.e. as long as Africa is not doing well, and more issues like their stay on other continents beyond Africa, understandably it may absolutely not stop and if anything, is justified until it is solved.

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2a458f  No.306737

>>306736 (Me)

On this, criticism may be possible from different sides. But I would have to say: trust me. Or rather, if possible, criticize at a right time.

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2a458f  No.307562

No more reply. But the next thing would be about the money in general.

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c3d68b  No.307684


arent most shooters niggers? Why not just get rid of niggers and their handlers, the jews.

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578eb6  No.310082

File: 55f672101652f44⋯.png (206.33 KB, 800x3358, 400:1679, poytner.png)

BLOCKBUSTER: The Poynter institute for Journalistic studies is asking MAJOR questions about the Uvalde shooting.

Questions like: Why can't we report anything? Why are you blocking us from investigating this so we can do accurate reporting on what happened?

There is 10X more than this capture HERE: https://www.poynter.org/reporting-editing/2022/police-bikers-blocking-stonewalling-journalists-reporters-uvalde/

They really go into detail about how much the journalists are being interfered with by crooked spooks.


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945362  No.310089


This should come as no surprise. Since 911 and the mountains of bad paper signed into law, the government has placed itself into the information management business like never before.

What we are living in now is called tyranny. The free press does not exist in corporate mainstream media and any dreamers, throwbacks or nostalgia hounds who wish to reclaim rights in the current tyranny will quickly find themselves red flagged, blacklisted and befallen of the bad luck.

The above quoted post alone, all by itself, constitutes a fire that needs extinguishing.

With 17 publicly declared intelligence agencies and an army of tens of thousands of information management specialists at their disposal, The Lobby and it's puppet government formerly known as the United States of America can ruin anyone and anything.

Including the courts.

Docket watching is a full time job for some people and heaven help the clerk, prosecutor or judge who hears the wrong case or permits it to be heard.

Remember this if BLM starts burning cities again.

You're on your own and if you don't have the wherewithal to defend your property or business interests from the riots, rest assured you'll get no help from the state as the police have been placed on permanent stand down.

The New Normal.

Oh happy day! THANK YOU JESUS!

Quick question: how will God (real or imagined) protect anyone from tyrannical government? It didn't happen for the Waldensians, it didn't happen for European Jews during the holodomor or holocaust. How do you suppose it will happen for us? Divine protection?


Get armed. Learn self defense. Stay armed.

Believe nothing of what you hear and only half of what you see.

Be ready for anything and kill your TV.

The TV is disinfo.

Your business burning to the ground is not disinfo.

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4d3678  No.310113


Amen. I was one of the first "cable cutters" back in the day before it ever became a movement. After the 9/11 false flag operation by Mossad and the CIA I couldn't stand the propaganda anymore, let alone the shows were turning to crap too. So it was a year after 9/11 I decided no more paying for TV service. Don't get me wrong, I still have DVD box sets of my favorite shows but that's about it as far as television entertainment. All news I get are from reputable news sites like Zero Hedge, Jeff Rense and Jim Stone.

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ecec36  No.310670

anti-slide warfare mitigation 24 4FAE

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d69a8c  No.312179




Today we learned that Uvalde police had body armor, ballistic shields, could have stopped the shooter in three minutes, the door to the classroom was never locked, and no attempt was made to open it. School Police Chief Pete Arredondo allowed this to happen. The question is why?






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d69a8c  No.312180

Today we learned that Uvalde police had body armor, ballistic shields, could have stopped the shooter in three minutes, the door to the classroom was never locked, and no attempt was made to open it. School Police Chief Pete Arredondo allowed this to happen. The question is why?





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d69a8c  No.312182


I'm glad people are waking up to their tactics.

Stand down orders are very, very common in false flag operations. When the government needs an agenda pushed, they'll stage a terror attack, the cops will be told not to interfere (aka to STAND DOWN and allow it to take place)…. the media, which is nearly all controlled by the same oligarch class which runs our corrupted 'government', then proceed in cover-ups, lies and propaganda to push their agendas.

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494599  No.312328

ANOTHER BOOOM: Ever wonder why none of the people shot in these false flag shootings bleed?

The link to the above video on Youtube is HERE: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2HLfwQ30Vj4

It is for real.

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494599  No.312329


Here is a LEGIT shooting: https://vidmax.com/video/213519-armed-bank-robber-gets-shot-in-the-neck-by-fast-acting-guard-graphic

In the linked one minute video, a guy tries to rob a bank in Brazil and gets shot. Look at the results. Both the robber and the guard leave blood everywhere. INSTANTLY. In all of the false flags, they can't ever explain why there was no blood, unless it's easy to prove fake blood. WHY????


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494599  No.312330



MY COMMENT: OK, so what they must be doing is setting up a young patsy to blame the "crime" on every time, if indeed this is fake, while the "shooter" (likely an agent) and the "students" (crisis actors) are playing out a simulated (faked) "shooting" (shooting with blanks). No one really dies, all "parents" are crisis actors too. The question is, how do they get the school to go along with it? Or do they have operatives in those schools to have it set up without them even knowing what is going on? That's the MAIN QUESTION that we need to find out, and also note ALL THESE SCHOOLS get bulldozed afterwards….. every single one of them just like this one will be. So maybe these "schools" were actually closed down already and hadn't been open in decades??? Is there anyone that can conform this, because I believe that is what some people said around the Sandy Hook area if I recall, some locals said "that's so strange, the school had been shut down for years!" So yah, I think maybe they do these in areas where they were going to bulldoze the buildings anyway, and the feds exploit those buildings to STAGE false flag operations. Who wants to bet this is what actually happens!?

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494599  No.312331



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494599  No.312332

Yep, Jim's site was fucked with again, linked media was replaced and Youtube quickly replaced the original video.

Glow niggers in action once again because they were CAUGHT RED HANDED.

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494599  No.312333


Note never to trust Youtube for ANYTHING, always mirror to Bitchute and Rumble (and always have a backup of a backup!)

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a7522c  No.312334

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>The untied bates

Rand Paul… As previously stated…






"da military said u done gone and took ma guns" SLAM


"constitutional smack on dat ass bitch" BANG


"a president what? a president who? a press of not? a press of ur ball in ma fist nigguuuh" DUH




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a7522c  No.312335

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Very specifically the power known as a 'Congress' en untied bates

Rand Paul… If thou art to heel…

Rand Paul… If compliance is not 'found…'

Rand Paul… If no answer to call for call to answer.?.?-!.!.

Rand Paul… Powell shall deliver to thee mine assassins en masses upon thy asses…








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a7522c  No.312336

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

Rand Paul… I declared mine 'war' upon The untied bates long before the 'drawing of a blood…' SCRATCH


Ron Paul… Because I, the devil, 'feel like it…' SLAM


Ron Paul… Like when mine 'wife' 'afflicts airplane/airline/explodes/crashes/she is going to start sequentially killing each of you/hacks into AF1 to spy on each and every move/confine/isolate/rape…' BANG


Ron Paul… "Lose Lips?" No… I, the devil, can 'see' the future(s) and 'hear the minds…' CORRUPTION


Ron Paul… 'tug of war with me?' 'nigguh i was invited piratically as outlined in the GODDAMNED instructions' GODDAMN


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a7522c  No.312338

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates









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a7522c  No.312339

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>The untied bates

Rand Paul… Any supposed 'resistance' to mine command shall 'send the rats…'

Rand Paul… As previously stated repeated, over and over and over and over and repeatedly and over and over and repeat

Rand Paul… Thou shall be subject to the 'assassin en direkt' or the 'butt of military gun' via 'inter-governmental nexus' via 'legal cartus…'



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a7522c  No.312340

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

Rand Paul… 'They' have attempted to 'introduce distortion' to 'thwart' mine domination…



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494599  No.312346


Why don't you go tell Uncle Suicidal Sam that all Americans ever wanted was their Constitutional freedoms and a fair free market economy where consumers have choices, not the government which only wants to control and prohibit choice and competition? Why don't you go tell Uncle Suicidal Sam to stop being so fucking selfish and stop wrecking our nation in a non-stop childish conniption fit? We are kinda getting fed up with Suicidal Sam's routine of fuckery, lies and lust for power. Wouldn't it be nice to chill the fuck out, live and let live?

PS: I think Rand Paul has a good idea, if they want a nationwide red flag law, then at least have it go through DUE PROCESS and A WARRANT, with legit confirmation of illegal activity by the (violent) person they wish to disarm. Make no room for lies or abuse. I would not be against that and I'm pro-2nd Amendment all the way!

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9a9443  No.312480


>Wouldn't it be nice

The people running the country and more importantly, the people running the people who run the country don't do "nice".

They don't do honest, fair or lawful.

After the covid lockdown it's fair to say their spheres of influence and control have taken full control of every sovereign nation on the planet.

It is a tyranny of Orwellian proportions and the normans have not yet perceived the danger.

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b90f48  No.319086

Someone asked for the false flag shooting thread where the police stood down for an hour.

Now someone gets the the false flag shooting thread where the police stood down for an hour.

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b90f48  No.319087



by the fucking way…..

the chief who oversaw that MOST OBVIOUS false flag operation was fired recently after an investigation into negligence and incompetence…..

that's the least he deserves….. and the rest of that force should be fired too, btw.

criminal negligence.

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bf13df  No.320846


Turkey accuses NATO members of supporting terrorism

Recep Tayyip Erdogan claims Germany and France are among states supporting terrorists

Finland and Sweden aren’t the only countries in Europe that support terrorists, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has claimed during an address to parliament on Wednesday.

The Turkish leader accused France, Germany and the Netherlands of aiding organizations that are deemed by Ankara to be terrorists, such as the Kurdistan Worker’s Party (PKK) and FETO, which is suspected of attempting a coup in Turkey in 2016.

Commenting on the possibility of Finland and Sweden joining NATO, Erdogan stated that the bloc is “a security organization, not a support for terrorist organizations,” adding that there are other NATO members guilty of aiding extremists.

“They protect these terrorist organizations together with the police of Sweden, Finland, Germany, France and the Netherlands,” said Erdogan, apparently referring to the recent PKK ‘Long March’ demonstrations that have been taking place in those countries.

Yesterday, Turkey’s Foreign Ministry officially summoned the ambassadors from Germany and France to hand them a note of protest for allowing the PKK’s unhindered activity in their countries.

“How can Turkey approve of Swedish, and Finnish NATO bids, given that terror affiliates freely roam, hold rallies there?” asked Erdogan, adding that Ankara has still not received any indication or any written guarantee from the two Nordic countries that they will fulfill any of Turkey’s demands.

He also accused the two countries of trying to manipulate public perception of the PKK group by changing the spelling of the organization and rebranding it as the PYD/YPG. Erdogan insisted that these countries were only fooling themselves.

Finland and Sweden both decided to break with their history of neutrality on May 15, citing Russia’s military offensive against Ukraine as motivation for them to join NATO. Their membership bids were welcomed by Washington and its European NATO allies, however, Turkey and Croatia have threatened to obstruct the applications unless their national security concerns are addressed.

Ankara has demanded that both Sweden and Finland immediately cease support for what it describes as an anti-Turkish terrorist organization, and extradite their members to face trial. It also demands the lifting of sanctions that the two Nordic countries have imposed on it.

President Erdogan has insisted that unless these conditions are fulfilled there is no way that Ankara will give the green light for the two countries to join the US-led military alliance. On Sunday, he even stated that as long as he is the president of Turkey, he will never allow a nation supporting terrorism to joint NATO.


Pot meet kettle

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c509b1  No.320896


What's the point of winning if you cheated?

Son, it's all true losers have.

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42796f  No.321040




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bb088e  No.321324



Get a Dilated Eye Exam ???

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dab5ee  No.321413



looks like a space flick

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67abce  No.321443



I'll take cringe tweets from traitors that won't age well for $500.

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5029bd  No.321814


First marriage and Black Dick are back

Q said he was getting the band back together.


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6a9c8e  No.322580




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1ed1a1  No.323408

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205316  No.323581


WOW what a shocker bro!!

niggers working against white people???

Say it aint so!

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8b10bc  No.323677



mis-key, not AFLB, kek.

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341c22  No.323779

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e13dc4  No.323796


Well, I done dropped the Final and baked the new bread

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bc88bf  No.323943


Phoenix Just had the world cup playoff game, mexico vs ? at cardinals stadium.

Clown must be activated.

more gun control faggotry

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70cbb5  No.324122



without Jesus, there is no Trinity

let go of pride

He is there, waiting

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f4d7c8  No.324159


Must be with the officer that "Allowed entry" by unlocking the doors. Yeap. In my dreams

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5a177b  No.324968


>banned means banned

Not so much it would seem! KEK

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299125  No.325342

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99d133  No.325464


I'm sorry, I'm removing you from my train tracks. You love to use that word JEW so much, use it without me for now on.

Your shit language just loops into more meaningless horseshit and trick loops to get me to hate Jews.


into muh placibo filter. enjoy ghost talking

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06da57  No.325532


It would be stupid not to.

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c4b2e5  No.325576


ST. THOMAS — Two incidents that occurred during the wee hours of Monday morning in St. Thomas resulted in five water trucks and one propane tank being destroyed by fire, the V.I. Police Department confirmed to the Consortium following an inquiry. The incidents are being investigated as arson, according to police spokesman Glen Dratte.

cabal's reach knows no bounds? …. water is the most precious resource in the VIs…..next up, mysterious fires at the desalination plants? VIs used to 'owned' by the Knights of Malta and Roths and Rocks 'had' a large presence here…. things that make you say hmmmm

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4953e5  No.325697


>honest men and women

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2c3b7b  No.325841

The absolute retards are starting to sound like a young adult fantasy novel. The plot they're trying to weave has many, many holes though. Looks a bit like Swiss cheese in my mind's eye. In the face of defeat they still stick to their lies. There's still time to turn to the light, absolute retards, and do what is right for humanity.

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16ad54  No.326043

Yeshua: The Kingdom Rises Part 1

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b7b892  No.326090


I don't know Jack kek

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ce3ddd  No.326111





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fcce7a  No.327244

Cash Rules Everything Around ME

CREAM get the money.

Dollar Dollar Bills yall

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7e7bd3  No.327281

The hell. He's back?

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230bdd  No.327801

Problem is, if you have a knack of knowing who someone is quickly, they resent you coz they know fk all really about ya.

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a2f8d6  No.328189


Another one was she was there to get Diet Cokes…and a couple of time got Diet Pepsis.

Get DC, but got DP (dems).

She was a lure…the irresistible insider. He is the master.

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8cb85c  No.328443


Trips chkt!

Trip 7’s

Trips of truth.

To bad kikes!

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046ca3  No.328574

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e28980  No.329017


How could he be a misinformation agent when he has press passes and see's everybody? Lots of cool people go on his show, why would they if he was not a good guy?

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3b8280  No.329100

Records Show Arizona Woman Who Was Indicted For Illegally Collecting Ballots in 2020, Ran Sophisticated Ballot Harvesting Operation

As previously reported, Guillermina Fuentes, 66, was indicted in 2020 for illegally harvesting ballots for Democrats in Arizona.

A second accomplice, Alma Yadira Juarez, also pleaded guilty for her role in a local ballot trafficking operation during the 2020 primary election.

Local residents busted the Democrat operatives and exposed their ballot collecting scheme.

David Lara and Gary Snyder, who were featured in Dinesh D’Souza’s documentary “2000 Mules” recorded and photographed ballot traffickers stuffing ballot boxes on the day of the August 4th, 2020, Primary Election.

The evidence was presented to the Arizona Attorney General, resulting in a guilty plea by Alma Yadira Juarez. Guillermina Fuentes, who serves on the San Luis School District Board, faces four felony charges. Juarez admitted to prosecutors that Fuentes, 65 gave her the ballots.

According to records obtained by the Associated Press, Guillermina Fuentes ran a very sophisticated ballot harvesting operation in the border city of San Luis.

The Associated Press if finally catching up with TGP’s reporting on this story.

Fuentes used her status as a well-known Democrat operative to convince voters to give her their ballots or let her fill out their ballots.

AP reported:

An Arizona woman indicted in 2020 on accusations of illegally collecting ballots apparently ran a sophisticated operation using her status as a well-known Democratic operative in the border city of San Luis to persuade voters to let her gather and in some cases fill out their ballots, according to records obtained by The Associated Press.

Guillermina Fuentes, 66, and a second woman were indicted in December 2020 on one count of ballot abuse, a practice commonly known as “ballot harvesting” that was made illegal under a 2016 state law. Additional charges of conspiracy, forgery and an additional ballot abuse charge were added last October.

Investigators said it appears she used her position as a powerful figure in the heavily Mexican American community to get people to give her or others their ballots to return to the polls.

The alleged illegal ballot collection by Fuentes and her co-defendant happened in plain sight outside a cultural center in San Luis on the day of the primary election, the reports show. Fuentes was at a card table set up by supporters of a slate of city council candidates and was spotted with several mail-ballot envelopes, pulling out the ballots and in some cases marking them.

The ballots were then taken inside the cultural center and deposited in a ballot box.


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3d0f79  No.329140



Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19044.1706]

(c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

C:\Users\fifth>ping 8kun.top

Pinging 8kun.top [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=163ms TTL=49

Reply from bytes=32 time=162ms TTL=49

Reply from bytes=32 time=163ms TTL=49

Reply from bytes=32 time=182ms TTL=49

Ping statistics for

Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

Minimum = 162ms, Maximum = 182ms, Average = 167ms

C:\Users\fifth>tracert 8kun.top

Tracing route to 8kun.top []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

1 74 ms 77 ms 76 ms

2 84 ms 77 ms 74 ms

3 75 ms 74 ms 74 ms

4 74 ms 75 ms 73 ms eth.8.1.bb1.ash0.phoenixnap.com []

5 * * * Request timed out.

6 * * * Request timed out.

7 153 ms 156 ms 175 ms ams-ix.retn.net []

8 167 ms 155 ms 157 ms ae1-5.RT.SRV.MEP.NL.retn.net []

9 166 ms 163 ms 162 ms GW-MIRhosting.retn.net []

10 165 ms 176 ms 166 ms

11 366 ms 547 ms 445 ms

12 161 ms 169 ms 179 ms v441479.hosted-by-vdsina.ru []

Trace complete.


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c0e21f  No.329204


more than just incorrect,

it's called lying to the American people on primetime television

liz is a woman scorned, a very dangerous animal

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0a71e1  No.329590

Don't know why,

but this old time song is in my head.

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3bc16d  No.329654

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a37c72  No.330254


Q DROP #154

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 11/14/2017 21:25:29 ID: wmN+33xv

4chan/pol: 149467690

Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden’s handler?

Why was the Clowns In America tasked to hunt/kill/capture UBL?

Why not MI?

If we found UBL, eliminated his security, why would we immediately kill him and not take him alive?

Why wouldn’t we want to capture UBL alive and extract other possible T-level events?

Perhaps someday people will understand ‘they’ had a plan to conduct ‘another’ mass extinction event.

WWI & II - orchestrated and planned by select families?

Fantasy land.

Remember, the more people there are, the more power the people have.

Why do D’s push for gun control ‘directly’ after every tragic incident?

Why is this so very important to their agenda?

We, the people, are who they are afraid of.

We, the people, are who they fear will one day awake.

Our Father who art in heaven,

Hallowed be thy name.

Thy kingdom come.

Thy will be done

on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread,

and forgive us ourtrespasses,

as we forgive those whotrespassagainst us,

and lead us not into temptation,

but deliver us from evil.


Q DROP #306

Q !ITPb.qbhqo 12/09/2017 13:12:19 ID: 571cae

8chan/cbts: 60141

News unlocks map.

Future proves past.

Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

What can be connected?

Do you believe in coincidences?

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.

Godfather III.




Q is telling us that the clowns orchestrated 9-11


Q is telling us that the Clowns and the Vatican are connected yet who controls whom?


Notice the light/easy NEWS digging required to demonstrate that CATHOLICS "THRIVE" AT THE C EYE A?

Many Director's of the C EYE A have been Catholics. George Bush contemplated changing his religion to Catholic, his Father was Director.


Why was the Lord's prayer posted?

Which version?

Why is this relevant?

The Catholic version was posted to show the Catholic/Vatican connection to the C EYE A and even to 9-11!

Protestants use "Debts" and "debtors" whereas Catholics and Anglicans use "Trespass" and "trespasses".

What just came out re: the Lord's prayer?

Notice the news stories 18 months later when Pope Francis changed the Lord's Prayer/Our Father?

News unlocked the map. Future proved the past.

What can be connected?

Again, The Catholic version was chosen to show the Catholic/Vatican connection to the C EYE A and even to 9-11!

Do you believe in coincidences?

Fuck no! Not on this level anyways. There are no coincidences on this level.

Godfather III.

This sig/signature is not what many anons believe (mafia fighting vatican).

The Godfather sig is the Vatican/Church/Pope signature and when anons line up all the "Godfather III" sig drops, it's pretty easy to SEE.

Re-review the map post relevant news drops.



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861b53  No.330357


Aw shucks, I'm just taking Notes right now, baker ghosted.

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1ae5c6  No.330398


stand and take the shot in the face or hop in an acid bath. He chose to stand, and possibly live.

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2b2874  No.330844


Hey Kthulu kid, misquoting again? His name is self sacrifice and an acknowledgement to that name is to do what you see the father does. Jesus taught that. I don't have time for your childess behavior tonight, go in piece.

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5eb557  No.331763


"GCHQ to use AI to tackle disinformation about child sex abuse and trafficking"

There. Fixed it for them.

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975ec4  No.332252

AFP News Agency


#BREAKING Chinese leader Xi Jinping to visit Hong Kong: Xinhua


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2396c2  No.332453


Jan 11, 2020


On March 21, 1998, Meyer was having lunch at a Cracker Barrel with his brother and two potential Belgian investors. The four clinked their glasses to toast their commitment to uplifting the world, but after taking a sip of his cranberry juice, Meyer clutched his throat, sprang to his feet, and ran outside. Rushing after him, his brother Stephen found him down on his knees, vomiting violently. He quickly muttered his last words, “They poisoned me.”

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6deecd  No.332632


Just wait until musk agrees with Trump to get Equal Time, then Newsmax, and Fox and before you know it… NCSWIC

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9019cb  No.333243


Which makes one wonder how many family lines in the world trace back to these>>304266

>The kids were raised in orphanages with fake history.

And the indoctrination continued at the World's Fairs

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782a14  No.333970

Whomever gave my .top machine AIDS, dick move.

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fdc567  No.334118




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1769d3  No.334284

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6af756  No.334588

In the everyday world we attach “me” to our body and to that “me” we attach multiple defined identities. Religious, racial, social, economic –

How real are those defined identities?

To some of us they're extremely real.

To others, including most of the satanist pedovore cult con artists we contend with, none of those identities are real.

Our ethnic, racial and religious identities, to the cultist’s way of thinking, are simply masks, sheep's clothing, to be worn or exchanged at convenience.

Pedovores assume and discard Catholic, Jewish, evangelical protestant, and secular humanist identities as easily as they express right wing, left wing or centrist ideological positions. These labels are meaningless to pedovores who use our treasured identities as protective camouflage for the abduction and ritual abuse of our children as well as economic depredation.

Ideologies and dogmas are cognitive malware. They make effective smokescreens.

Whatever identity mask they adopt, cult pedovores need and seek access to vulnerable children.

We have found satanist pedovore cultists running major charitable organizations, respected foundations and reputable institutions which are collectively responsible for hundreds, if not thousands, of national and international programs targeting “at risk” ie vulnerable children – all under pretext of helping.

Children's Defense Fund is a prime example of a pedovore social subversion weaponized as a charitable construct. CDF is endorsed by the biggest “stars” and executives in the entertainment business.


Most of the same people were also involved in starting the National Center for Missing and Exploited children, which gave pedovores both access to children and a heads-up early warning system because the creepy sham center for M&E children started the “Amber Alert Service” run by the evil pedovore Laura Silsby, arrested for kidnapping “orphaned” children (parents alive) in Haiti.


Pedovores are con artists, they steal your wallet and offer to help you look for it.

Similarly, when communities ask themselves, "who's going to care for our orphans?" Pedovores always have their hands up, and may style themselves Catholics Jews or evangelicals in order facilitate access.


Pedovores don't believe in national, religious or ethnic identities. cultists are identity-shifters who embed themselves in ethnic, religious or ideological communities and seek control of fund raising and identity defining structures.

Pedovores run such organizations today, hiding behind the benign philanthropic reputation of do-gooder charities, fake foundations and NGOs.

This is information war, and that's how IW is fought.


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4e33c9  No.334694


Q is not here anymore because this place is run by jews. 8chan used to be nazi central now it's mossad.

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7e013f  No.334698


shills flood the shill bread, because they know real anons will post in whichever bread has the more posts.

But I'm weary of bread wars. idgaf anymore until Q starts posting regularly.

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4a56b4  No.335204

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e51218  No.335465


Ours ot their's

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e3a7ea  No.335793


We have things to do.

Q not a Q is a slide.

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341c48  No.335875

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af4ffa  No.335958


They thought it was coming yesterday.

They were wrong.

Follow the pen.


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c2b6fc  No.337229


Again, in what way? Everything we know is a lie. Unless it’s aliens or some thing I can’t see it being 99% anymore.

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e8807d  No.337283


High land

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478c10  No.337312

WhY wOn'T tHoSe AnOn fUcKeRs 'aLLoW tHemSeLveS tO bELiEvE' iN oUr DiViSiOn cOde aNd tUrN aGaInsT eAcH oThEr?


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c5f6e6  No.337366

Snickerpie just said that nationwide protests are planned for tomorrow; pro-abortion groups are calling for people to disturb any and all 4th of July celebration events.

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ff8056  No.337610






Pole Shift

they are prepping DUMBS and Space Platforms


Ark I is a self-sustaining space colony built to ensure humanity could survive disasters that make Earth uninhabitable such as nano-weapon disasters or particle accelerator mishaps.



Noah’s Ark 2.0

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79d883  No.337878


Only if you're incapable of thought without presumption of telling him what he should do or not do

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3c513e  No.338198


Is this guy a graduate of the William Shatner school of acting?

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79f95f  No.338281


He's right you know!

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a45b28  No.338622


That meme had to have been under budget.

Probably made ahead of time.

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79e63c  No.338652


Well, it is also an expression of disgust, disdain or in this particular case, abject awe and admiration. Throw lust in there for the hell of it!!! kek

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82a0a5  No.339443

>Kek good luck enforcing that ban faggot.

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8b2e09  No.339967

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e91fae  No.340463


Don't get your hope up.

The military is faggot.


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06ca79  No.340594


TOTALLY expected.

That's the norm for 5yrs here.


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622f3d  No.340738



my cia friends.


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fcee77  No.340763


At least with new George Drops you don't have to worry about legit or not, you only have to worry if big tech deleted it or not.


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bf08c5  No.340979


>we have to be strong

>physically and mentally capable of the unbelievable


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6c60aa  No.341218

Breaking News | FinancialJuice





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c7ae48  No.341594


Gen 49:16  Dan shall judge his people, as one of the tribes of Israel.

Gen 49:17  Dan shall be a serpent by the way, an adder in the path, that biteth the horse heels, so that his rider shall fall backward.

Gen 49:18  I have waited for thy salvation, O LORD.

Ahhhh Yes Dan… They are fucked now


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3f1fb2  No.341602


stay away from people who are injected as much as possible

ivermectin , c , zinc , quercitin , b vitamin complex

gargle with iodine diluted,

Listerine , after exposure.

neti pot , saline wash.

there are groups on telegram that deal with this.

and yes, there are remedies.. many natural remedies. artemisia, lion's mane, chaga, fennel tea, linden flower..

melatonin, famatodin

if you can get ciccona bark i.e. quinine or Hcq

it works

you seemingly have to keep up the regime/ or the symptoms return.

but they will go away for most people

the frontline docs say some don't recover. and you let up on the regime it can come back

early treatment is most important.




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7a0689  No.342683


My ETs, will.

What you don't understand, is the evil ones already control the world.

But who has good intentions? The ones that stay in the dark, or the ones that came to light?


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ca93e5  No.342890


>Jim generally comes off as incompetent and aloof

Possibly intentionally. Better to have everyone assume you're a fat retard so that you can carry out whatever it is you're trying to do in peace. Not saying he isn't one, but "haha I was just pretending to be retarded" is a viable intelligence gathering tool.


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6bb406  No.342967



Q tards? That’s new.


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79d8c3  No.342975


come on down and get a DNA test faggot


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225e6c  No.343331


>Are you expecting me to knock on your window or door. I don’t get it.

Come to my window

Crawl inside, wait by the light of the moon


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869df1  No.343381


>Maybe it’s all deception.

Probably. Lockdowns and now a bank run. Something is afoot.


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75baa7  No.343559

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.


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6a16ed  No.343621


300 million people are worth saving from a handful of Evil Elites.


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e52faf  No.343799

Thank you, Baker!


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bf73f6  No.344256

She's right.

Saul Alinsky’s 13 Tried-and-True Rules for Creating Meaningful Social Change

13. “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.


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6e7429  No.344316


Not following you friend, I am burnt out; as my dog awoke me choking to death.


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91eb1f  No.347775


Are Q drops like cough drops for choking dogs?

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c56d77  No.354074

bumping very true news

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