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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: bf36623620915c4⋯.jpg (80.53 KB, 780x618, 130:103, remotecrab.jpg)

b258e9  No.304157 [Last 50 Posts]

The WEF needed a distraction and a shooting did the trick!!

Ever since Sandy Hook all back doors to schools have been locked everywhere, and police inspect it.

Numerous people familiar with the topic are posting about this online, and one familiar with Texas schools even got a mail through about that to here.

I'll tell you why all schools are zero access now, and it's not any shooting hazard -

They likely staged Sandy Hook so they could have an excuse to make schools ZERO ACCESS to everyone, including parents, without approval beforehand. Before Sandy Hook parents could walk right in. Now you can't do that. WHY? Easy answer: Because they don't want parents walking into the schools and witnessing what the schools are doing to the children. The transgender woke crap. You have to be approved to even get in.

Sandy Hook was probably done more for that reason than gun control. Sandy Hook was likely done to ensure locking doors and a sign in process to keep parents from knowing what is going on got installed on ALL SCHOOLS. And they did it, no parent can walk in and discover JACK. Now they can completely shred the children and never get caught.

Who will the children follow? TikTok mom who's troubled by even nuking a hot dog let alone talking for a half hour, or the school, that has them for hours a day? They don't want TikTok mom waking up. Lock the damn doors and throw her in jail if she ever manages to show up IN THE SCHOOL without approval. The schools absolutley would jail a parent that somehow just managed to sneak in without them knowing. All because of Sandy Hook!

If you WANT to believe the shooting actually happened, the NYT reported that The cops just let it happen which makes it a staged op anyway:


CONCLUSION: The police were there to supervise a staged event and only entered when the staging was complete and they had their story. They had scamming parents for Sandy Hook too. Yesterday "the police stood down for almost an hour" was NOT in the story line.

I am sure that if any kids did get "killed" the parents are going to be told the results are too gruesome to witness so just do a cremation or closed casket because "trust us you don't want to see the body" and SOON, very soon, there will be more stained mattresses on Epstein's island (which is still in full swing by the way).


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b258e9  No.304158


You can bet your bottom dollar they are creating fake fly and wasp robots to surveillance us, even in our own homes!!! I bet there is almost nothing we can do to prevent this massive abusive police state which the German gestapo during WWII would have marveled in jealousy over had they known the future.

By the way, NOW you know why Snowden always yanked a blanket over himself and his laptop at the press meetings. People like Greenwald asked Snowden why he did that with a priceless response: "you'd be surprised if you really wanted to know why!"

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b258e9  No.304159

NEXT UP: piezoelectric nano-bots!!!!

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b258e9  No.304160


Recall what Herr Schwab said at the Davos control freak orgy:

'We have the means to IMPOSE global change!'


I do believe they are not lying. They now have the tech to enslave EVERYONE, and honestly, a global nuclear war that destroys us with them may be the better case scenario!!!

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b258e9  No.304161

I bet the NSA will place this new tech in their "ANTS" catalog (figuratively and literally speaking)!

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e44113  No.304162


>everything that happens is just a distraction to hide what my neighbor's dog told me that one time I stepped outside my basement faraday cage to grab another pack of freeze dried hot pockets

>so i'm gonna post about it on a monitored surface web image board for clout

You literally drop the collective human IQ every time you breathe.

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b258e9  No.304166


It's not my fault you are retarded.

And I don't give a FLYING FUCK what you think!!!

Got it, bitch!?



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b258e9  No.304171

Have another bump, no fuckaroos given!!!!!!!!!

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e44113  No.304179


>being this butthurt

Damn, spaz. Take your meds.

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4696d3  No.304184


Why would the faraday cage be in a basement? Do you know how faraday cages work?

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8c24eb  No.304186


I don't take toxic meds!!!!

I drink bottles of whiskey and vodka, almost every other night!! It helps me with my patience honestly! I'm very ill-tempered IRL.

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8c24eb  No.304199


>If you WANT to believe the shooting actually happened, the NYT reported that The cops just let it happen which makes it a staged op anyway:


No. 1 red flag of any false flag operation: law enforcement is given orders to STAND DOWN and not take care of a problem. When this happens you know it was planned to happen.

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fae79a  No.304207

Why do you cuck for cops that only support what their gubernat handlers tell them to do?

Revolt against cops pussy

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4696d3  No.304217


In what way am I cucking? I quite like that the majority of cops near me are generally even-handed with casual transgressions and take a lot of shit for having to clean up after niggers and whatnot.

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aa515d  No.304225


Here's the complicated issue: not all cops are bastards. Some are yes, not all. I know a great gunsmith, totally pro-2nd and all that, was a sheriff's deputy back in the day. There are some great cops out there, and they want this country to remain free.

However….. the dirty complicated fact is their jobs tend to attract ill-intentioned bullies too. Control freaks as well who love climbing the latter and bossing others around. That's just a fact. There are bad apples in the mix of badges and worse, for one another, they have to deal with one another every fucking day lol.

What we need is some kind of reform. We need reform that kicks the bad cops out, and keeps well-intentioned cops in. The problem is, if we get rid of all cops, you'll get anarchy. You'll get robbery and crime everywhere, and it would force civilians to go vigil ante. And groups can form gangs and you get this whole mess, sometimes even worse than corrupted cops.

That said….. If the US government and politicians really care about American lives, both Congress AND States will legislate into law a bill that allows law enforcement to disobey stand down orders of any kind during a mass shooting. Any cop can disobey orders in order to save more lives. Also, if stand down orders are given, not only will the orders be made public WITH NAMES BEHIND THE ORDERS MADE PUBLIC but also investigated for criminal negligence and manslaughter. That will end the mass shootings pretty fucking quick.

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e44113  No.304226


>not all cops are bastards

Yes, they are. The saying is "A few bad apples spoils the bushel", meaning you have to toss the whole bushel, not just get rid of the bad ones

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aa515d  No.304234


That sentiment brings about despotism and totalitarianism itself.

With that logic, I could say there are a lot of bad apples living in major cities. Well then, should we nuke all the cities and kill everyone living there? If there are some burglars in a store, would you suggest bombing the whole store and killing everyone in the store just to stop the burglary? That kind of logical makes criminals out of everyone, and punishes everyone, for the actions of a few bad people. Maybe we ought to get rid of the human race because there are bad human beings too?

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127dc2  No.304238

File: a90fbc4fec792d2⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1014.01 KB, 703x1024, 703:1024, JN_Autismo.gif)

File: 134794db849fe6a⋯.png (1.23 MB, 1429x2081, 1429:2081, JN_Autismo.png)


Thanks for (((You)))r input Antifa.

Now trottle on back to 4chan with that 'tude.

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e44113  No.304265


Your logic has taken many leaps.

Let me explain how ACAB works:

>cop does bad thing (bastard)

>every other cop knows it, but shrugs and says nothing (also bastards)

All cops are bastards. Silence is compliance.

You're trying to equate a specific group (cops) with the general public. It's not the same thing. In every situation, whether it's a robbery or a school shooting, someone(s) are always trying to stop it or to help - and it's NEVER a cop. In Uvalde, cops sat on their hands for 40 minutes doing nothing while Ramos was killing children. Spare me that "they were ordered to stand down" crap, too. If you knew someone was in a building slaughtering children and you were in full gear with an arsenal, would YOU obey a stand-down order?

If yes, you're a bastard. (ACAB)

If not, then you're not a bastard (and probably not a cop).

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127dc2  No.304276

File: e13136c980f2015⋯.mp4 (5.95 MB, 720x576, 5:4, Michigan_J_Communigger.mp4)


I actually had this conversation with someone yesterday.

First of all, let me address this:

> You're trying to equate a specific group (cops) with the general public

That's right where (You) went off the deep-end.Cops ARE Members of the General Public.They live amongst us.They ARE Us.Sorry to break it to (You) like that, but that's the way it is.

I was young once too. I used to hate cops. Could not ever see them as human beings the moment they chose to put that uniform on, because they were sworn to protect regulations and codes that I didn't like, and I still don't like —I Only Recognize "Natural Law".

But I have children, and I know what it is like to hate Conformity-Enforcement and Conformity-Enforcers for your whole life, only to find that you must become one yourself, and that it is you who must enforce conformity, as a parent. That changes one's stance on a good number of things.

Highly Recommend Having Children.

It will change your perspective on a number of things.

Anyway, to get back to the conversation I had yesterday, I don't personally want to be a cop or act like a cop, ever. But I DO, Every Day Now.

Why is that, and how is that? Well, let me tell ya! You see, mobs of insane Leftists have been tearing down our cities, crime is rampant, the courts and the criminal justice system are broken, so…

I do not go anywhere without being armed. (Yes, I have a Concealed Carry Permit.)I AM the Police Now.You see how that works? I am a man. An armed man. I will stop any and all threats to public safety in my vicinity, and I would expect the same of any other real man. I AM RESPONSIBLE. I don't know how I can make things simpler for you; but it is me — I PERSONALLY Have Accepted Responsibility for the safety of myself, my family, my friends, the people in my vicinity, my community; and if there is ANYTHING I Can Do to Help De-Escalate a bad situation — I Will. I have, on numerous occasions, dealt with very violent situations, even knives being pulled on me, without drawing a gun. I DO have a lot of experience on the streets. I am NOT one of those idiots who just wants to pack a gun around, hoping to get the chance to use it on people. I KNOW what it is like to live after killing, and will do all in my power to avoid it — but I WILL Also Nuetralize Any and ALL Threats to Human Life, Within My Power To Do So.

I do not need to follow orders, and am pretty well known for not doing so. But I WILL Police My Community! I won't be one of the ones running and hiding when somebody starts popping off shots in the supermarket. I will execute the motherfucker before the cops even get there, and before he hurts anybody else. (There's a LOT of folks like me. Criminals should remember that.) And nope! I would NEVER be a cop! But I kinda AM One, every time I step out my front door.

So, yeah, like you, I used to think that All Cops Were Bastards. But Then I Grew Up.

I will laugh when you force yourself to put on the hat of Conformity Enforcement, just like so many of us have had to! It's gonna hurt!

And Yes, I DO Speak From Experience.

I'll take the cops over Mobs of Leftard Lunatics ANY Day!

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e44113  No.304279


>m-muh power fantasy

The armed guard in the grocery store in Buffalo did get shots off, did hit center of mass, but the terrorist had on gear.

The fully geared cops in Uvalde were doing nothing except tackling, detaining, pepper spraying, and drawing their weapons on parents who were trying to do what you're claiming you will do.

You are clueless and ALL COPS ARE BASTARDS.

I'm 50 and have 6 kids and all cops are still bastards.

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127dc2  No.304280

File: a88e049310e0b30⋯.webm (1.1 MB, 640x360, 16:9, a88e049310e0b300d3708afa8….webm)

File: e3d2f4be974ea75⋯.webm (3.62 MB, 640x360, 16:9, e3d2f4be974ea75892c47e7b6….webm)


(You) Are OBVIOUSLY a Leftist Who Lives In a Leftist Shithole. That's Why (You) Think ACAB Makes Sense, and Why (You) Spout It Out.

(You)r Kind Likes to See Everyone as Part of a GROUP. (You) Do Not Recognize Individuals as Human, Only part of a GROUP — a Group (You) HATE. (You) Need to GROW UP, and (You)r Kids Think So Too.

The Hordes Are Coming — and They're Coming For (You).What Will (You) DO?Blame? Lash out at ''"Others?

(You)'re lashing out at the wrong people, and espousing the wrong ideas, while attacking the right ones. There is nothing wrong with someone feeling responsible for their community, and being willing to put their life on the line to stop threats to innocents who cannot defend themselves. Stop trying to pretend there is something wrong with that stance, or that everyone should just roll over and let shit happen.

> hurr durr you can't stop someone wearing body armor so you shouldn't even try! Hurr durr, I think I'll go call someone a bastard on da interwebz to make myself feel more powerful! Hurr durr, I don't like thing…'

I don't give a fuck how many kids (You) have, with that stance,(You) Need to GROW UP.

We get it. (You) Feel "Victimized" by Certain GROUPS, Like Cops. (You)'ve Been Led Down the Marxist Path By Design; and YES, (You) ARE a Marxist!

> only Marxists use the terminology ACAB. It pretty much marks (You) as Antifa.

Wake Up!

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e44113  No.304281


I live in rural Ohio.

Just admit that you don't know shit and are only "backing the blue" because of some retarded republican trumpist narrative that any cop anywhere actually gives a shit about you.

Grow the fuck up, kid.

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df3988  No.304284



fun fact: a .44 magnum 240gr load will deliver a staggering 700lbs of kinetic energy to any assailant within 50 yards.

even with gear it is enough to break ribs and will knock a 300 lb man completely off of his feet.

within 15 yards will lift him off his feet and blow him back 3 yards.


tell me about gear.

you can up the load and get 1000 foot pounds out of this round.

hydrostatic shock alone has a 50% percent chance of being lethal

within 15 yards against any assailant wearing gear.


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4696d3  No.304292


Have you really had so few interactions with law enforcement that you believe this to be the case, or are all the cops in your corner of the world just bastards? Assuming you live in the US, it's extraordinarily easy to relocate to a nicer part of the country, and I recommend doing exactly this if you're frustrated and miserable where you are. Just leave the attitude at home if you want to get on well in your new community.

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45dd8a  No.304294

File: 0eca2b47e305ae0⋯.jpg (75.44 KB, 1023x682, 3:2, PicsArt_05_12_10_29_49.jpg)


> Just admit that you don't know shit

Perhaps (You) should take (You)r own advice. How much (You) don't know is OBVIOUS. (You) make it obvious every time (You) try to say something. There really isn't anyone who has ever met me, even when I was a child, who did not recognize the vastness of my experience, on a whole host of matters, but I will always feel I have much more to learn. (You) don't take that open stance of being willing to learn anything, and (You) think (You)r limited experience gives (You) the right to poo poo the experience of "Others". Well, not without pushback it doesn't!

As for

> "backing the blue"

That's not the stance I'm taking, or that of anyone I know. We are taking the stance of protecting our homes, our families, our friends, and our communities, from Mobs of Violent Toddlers who use Mob Violence to get their way, and from Lone Wolves who are angry and frustrated, filled with hate, people that (You) actually sound very much like, so if I were (You), I wouldn't be touching a weapon in public with that 'tude!

> because of some retarded republican trumpist narrative that any cop anywhere actually gives a shit about you.

There (You) go again, thinking everything is about TRUMP! Wew Lad!TDS!(You)' ve got it bad!

> thinking that any cop anywhere actually gives a shit about you.

Nope. I know better. Never have' thought that, and never will. I have EXPERIENCE, remember?

Would I rather have some semblance of law & order than complete chaos and utter anarchy?YES.

I have been all over the world and have seen every kind of approach to controlling the behavior of "Others". I think I will continue to focus on Controlling Myself, and I Will Accept Personal Responsibility for those around me who may not be able to protect themselves as well as I can from those who have not learned to control themselves, considering my experience and my capabilities. If that makes me a "Bastard" in (You)r eyes, or the eyes of "law enforcement" for that matter, it will not change my stance. I would still put my life on the line for (You) and (You)r family, just like cops do.

The question is, Would (You)?

Also, shouldn't (You) be paying attention to the REAL Threats, the REAL Enemies?

Cops? They're literally nobodies. (You) wanna Hate on Nobodies, with No Power? For Why? Because Antifa told (You) to scream ACAB everywhere, or (You) thought that stance made (You) part of something important?

All it does is make sure that everyone can see that (You) are continuing to take an immature stance, and that(You) Need to GROW UP.

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45dd8a  No.304296

File: 607d845e7173c47⋯.png (407.17 KB, 756x426, 126:71, Watters_World_FULL_Show_20….png)

File: 0b95346b7def6e9⋯.jpg (30.75 KB, 538x720, 269:360, Unboxing.jpg)


I'm actually going to give (You) the benefit of the doubt and assume that (You) meant, "All Blind Order-Followers Who Break "Natural Law" Are Bastards.

Because I can get behind that!

But making blanket-statements is kind of the hallmark of immaturity and lack of experience.

Also, I agree with >>304292 that having numerous interactions with law enforcement may change (You)r mind on that all-or-nothing approach (not that I'd recommend that!) But yes, I have seen cops be capable of thinking for themselves, showing mercy, and recognizing learning opportunities for what they are. Not all are blind order-followers. (You) do seem like (You)'d be one though. (You) seem like the type to spraypaint "ACAB" on a business window, or on a cop car. Maybe (You) will learn. Maybe (You) won't. It actually took me awhile. In fact, when I was 50, I was still quite the immature little shit. In many ways I still am. But I have an open stance, I am willing to learn, and I have NOT Divided MyselfWITHINThrough Hatred, Anger, Rage, or Blame.

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e44113  No.304300



>m-muh power fantasies

>m-muh self-aggrandizing

>m-muh inability to type the word "you" properly

You're an idiot. Even if you're right, you should still be shot in the face by the next mass shooter.

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45dd8a  No.304302

File: 33de390ba625755⋯.jpg (127.05 KB, 976x904, 122:113, You_You_You.jpg)


That's why (((You))) are on a different Intel Agency list than the one I'm on.

> Even if you're right, you should still be shot in the face by the next mass shooter.

(((You))) act like a petulant child who just got told to go stand in the corner. I get why (((You)))'re lashing out, but (((You))) are beginning to look like something ((("Else"))) to anyone with half a brain cell.

I apologize for my arrogant stance and my blistering assessment of (((You)))r stance, but (((You)))r buttons shouldn't be so easy to push, especially with something as simple as a (((You))).

But,(((You))) Do (((You)))!


………… too easy ………….

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4696d3  No.304303


I hate the government as much as the next guy and I decided to nope out of working for THE MAN when I realized that I was just too tired to try to shake people awake from the inside. I still got to some people but really I was just trying too hard to be good at my job and most people are just variously stupid or actively in on in it.

So other than generally sounding like an angry communist, what do you think you might do to improve your situation or even the world around you?

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34e2fa  No.304409


>nano machines

and I always thought Kojima really overdid that one …

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900603  No.304414


Amazing tbh

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c91269  No.304536

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ac64bb  No.306463

bumping true news

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95dd5e  No.307169


What they have planned over there they have planned over here!

A manufactured economic collapse gives them the power to ration supplies, implement social credit scores similar to China, for total population control!

Do not let this happen to you.

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07d7c3  No.307192

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Johnny Depp?

Chris… That is a rather 'strange' 'response.'

Chris… I have learned much from the humans…

Chris… I am not aware nor do I 'understand' such a thing…

Chris… Mine perception is too 'different' from that of a human to comprehend…

Chris… The correct answer to 'hole meets shape' is Jim Carrey…

Chris… The correct answer to Steve is 'The Island…' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

The correct answer to 'The Thirteenth Floor' is "WHAT IS LIFE?" SCRATCH







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07d7c3  No.307194

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Johnny… The ritual…

Johnny… The 'thing' that was never 'previously done…'





Johnny… "He has difficulty dealing with people…"

Johnny… "He had a severe social disability and withdrew him self from society…"

Johnny… "He made up his own rules…"

Johnny… "Hitt


Johnny… "He knows who you are…"

are best 'Jack Sparrow…' HAHAHA

ot human…"

Johnny… Not capable of what is called 'love' or 'feel…'


Johnny… He is like you and afraid of a darkness… HAHAHAHAHAHA

nd likes to be afraid of the sleep… He cannot stand light and loves to be afraid of a certain darkness… Fear is power…" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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5e0aee  No.307198

bumping more indigenous news

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6fcc8d  No.308237

anti-slide 2134

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a14b9e  No.308247


I spam as a way to accelerate and enflame the resistance

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522103  No.310697

anti-slide warfare mitigation uu8554-05.6

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3d44d9  No.318262

Bumping anything and everything that will disturb Johnny more than he is already disturbed.

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b85d69  No.318265


I believe and suspect Johnny is a disinfo agent working for Mossad and/or CIA!!!

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be4532  No.320916



Your question, exactly!

Very effed up!

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5f636f  No.320958

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0cab9c  No.321300




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cc6af4  No.321354


Is he admitting he is one of the less than 10 here?

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2453b5  No.321598



once again lying through their teeth

demographics don't lie

>women lie

>men lie

>numbers don't lie

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2a24ea  No.321785


By the time they're done with it, you won't want it.

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56ade6  No.322759


I read a redux of Jim's tora "briefing" after he colluded with the J6 committee. IIRC, he said that the J6 committee was coming after anons, for being domestic terrorists, in furtherance of their election campaign narratives.

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4a76c1  No.322976

Q lets do it!

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43a521  No.322994

Did you fags see Laura's angle last night?

These people are arrogant and stupid.


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7037ce  No.323148



Really digging deep, huh?

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e5e98a  No.323254


Lol. That is like passing a law saying it is legal to commit crimes against humanity. They cited Nuremberg, which implies they read it and the KNOW what it says.

Nuremberg sets a precedence and they are liable under it.

I wonder why Jews didn't raise Hell about this anti-Semitic California law.

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d9d474  No.323312

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a2e531  No.323447


Question! Who can throw a baseball from the mound, well from the front edge, the the catcher better? Fauci or Biden?

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8aff4c  No.323507

So what are the new crumbs? Let’s go!

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f79b01  No.323517


at least he shvaed his unibrow

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35fd6a  No.323826


last bread links below



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d1e49e  No.323930

I'm starting to think this Movie we're all watching is a Leslie Nielsen flick. One absurdity after another.

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e46b63  No.323950


Trump it is commsped.

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fb21e0  No.324011



Sun Valley 2022 Guest List Includes Elon Musk, Shari Redstone, David Zaslav, Anderson Cooper (EXCLUSIVE)


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acb338  No.324356


the only thing (((inbreds))) can 'achieve' is to make more people understand that they have to be killed.

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31fb46  No.324584

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e46b63  No.325239



Potus > Q delta 144 mins


Councel > Counsel

From: Sunday, 3 June 2018, 13:34:00

To: Sunday, 3 June 2018, 15:58:00

Result: 2 hours, 24 minutes and 0 seconds

The duration is 2 hours, 24 minutes and 0 seconds

Or 2 hours, 24 minutes

Alternative time units

2 hours, 24 minutes and 0 seconds can be converted to one of these units:

8640 seconds

144 minutes

2 hours (rounded down)

0.03% of 2018

10.00% of a 24 hour day

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e31c04  No.325624


>The American College of National Security Leadersis a consortium

Don't recognize any of these people. probably means needs digs

Meet the ACNSL Team

Jamie Barnett

Jamie Barnett


Rear Admiral James Barnett, USN (Ret) has had a distinguished career in the public and private sector. A surface warfare officer, he has over 30 years of experience in the United States Navy and Navy Reserve, rising to the rank of Rear Admiral and serving as Deputy Commander, Navy Expeditionary Combat Command and Director of Naval Education and Training in the Pentagon. Among other personal awards, he has received four Legion of Merit medals.

Scott OMeara1

J. Scott O'Meara


Scott O’Meara became the Secretary of ACNSL in October 2021. A former Marine with over 35 years of service, Scott retired as a Brigadier General. He served as Assistant Deputy Commandant for Plans, Policies, and Operations and Chief of Staff for Combined Joint Task Force Operations Inherent Resolve, Director of Strategy and Plans. Brigadier General O’Meara holds an MBA from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, and a MS in National Resource Strategy from the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University. His distinguished career spans both DoD and industry where he focused on strategy development, joint and combined operational matters, and interagency coordination. He is known for leading and managing large organizations through strategic intent, aligning narrative, and presence, and influencing change through communication and collaboration.

Bob McBrien

Robert McBrien


Bob McBrien became the Treasurer of the American College of National Security Leaders in September 2021. He was a leader and innovator in the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), the U.S. Treasury Department’s sanctions organization, for nearly 25 years. Mr. McBrien is an authority in the employment of U.S. economic sanctions programs and was a participant in the U.S. counter-terrorism program from its 1972 inception to his retirement and in counter-narcotics programs since 1985.

His career began as a Special Attorney in the Justice Department’s Organized Crime and Racketeering Section. He moved to the Treasury Department where he worked closely with the U.S. Secret Service, Customs Service, and ATF and began his career-long involvement in the U.S. counterterrorism program and with intelligence issues. He retired in 2011 after 42 years of government service. A career Senior Executive Service member, he was the Associate Director for Global Targeting in the Office of Foreign Assets Control. Following retirement from the Treasury Department, Bob served as a contractor to the Defense Department, advising on sanctions, illicit finance, and countering threat networks. He now consults, provides expert witness services, and serves on boards of advisers to a private sector company and to the Center on Economic and Financial Power of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. He is a distinguished graduate of the National War College and was a visiting scholar on terrorism at the Center for Strategic and International Studies. He also mentors graduate and undergraduate students at St. Louis University.

https:// acnsl.net/meet-the-acnsl-team/

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246d3d  No.325792


Kek! Used to be afraid around here. Now, ready for feds to kick in the door and don't care. When its time, its time.

Just be straight with the Lord, all else is what should happen.

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62d9cc  No.325827


This is why sodomy was illegal.

Same for faggotry in general.

They spread disease. not even deadly diseases and open sores stop them from spreding it.

There is a fag culture called bug chasers. They spread aids on purpose. I bet they are spreading monkey pox on purpose too.

Bug chancers are bioweapons and should be put down and burnt as hazmat.

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9be803  No.325960


plays fine for me…

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5afe74  No.326068

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8567bf  No.326871


Pope shocked by killing of Jesuit priests in Mexico

The two Mexican priests killed in Cerocahui belonged to the Jesuit order, of which Pope Francis also belongs.

Pope Francis on Wednesday condemned the killing of two Jesuit priests and a lay person in Mexico, saying it was a shocking reminder of the level of violence in the country.

"So many killings in Mexico," Francis said at the end of his general audience for thousands of people in St. Peter's Square.

The state prosecutor's office in Chihuahua, along the U.S. border, said three people were killed in the town of Cerocahui after a man took refuge in a church to protect himself from an attack.

Two of the victims were Jesuit priests, the same religious order to which the pope belongs.

The Jesuits and the Vatican Love migrants, aka "trafficking."


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0160ec  No.327443

The Jerusalem Post


An #Egyptian court sentenced 10 people to death and more than 50 others to life in #prison on Tuesday after they were convicted of supporting or carrying out attacks against security forces and sabotage of state infrastructure.


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597d73  No.327488







Those Tor posts seem to be right about one thing this place is comped by clowns

Hey Baker why isn't any of these noted?

Why have you noted something that was noted when it happened on the 24th?


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cead94  No.327672



Marine marksmanship lvl 1-2.

8 brocade qigong lvl 3.

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857fdc  No.328019

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c16ef8  No.328118

Maxwell: I am sorry for the pain you have experience. I hope my conviction and harsh incarceration brings you peace and finality. I hope this date bring a terrible chapter to the end.

Judge Nathan: Thank you, Ms. Maxwell. I'll get to the statement of judgment.


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a1b750  No.328134

Hiii and welcome my name is Dave and you're listening to the X22 Report and the title of tonight's episode is…

Let's talk about your health.

Let's talk about your privacy.

Let's talk about being prepared.

Now, we know that…

The Deep State, they…

And Trump, he…

Hm. That's very interesting!

And we'll be talking about that in just a second, but first…

We'll have to wait and see what happens.

The Communications Blackout.

Is that going to work? NO.

It's all fake phony and false.

And I do believe, it's starting to seem that way.

People are starting to realize that.

The Patriots are in control.

Listen everybody thanks for listening stay safe and most of all be prepared.

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e967eb  No.328196


American_Beauty17🌹️️️, [24.06.22 22:48]

[ Photo ]

Note the verbiage here. “It had to be DONE this way”

Is the storm upon us now?

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972b13  No.329165


Who are you?

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49ef42  No.329790


Any finance/stock fags out there tracking defense companies profits and valuations? Probably could have cut a fat hog on Northrup Grumman, Lockheed Martin, General Atomics, Boeing and a dozen others.

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8cd670  No.329885


Jesus spoke in parables.

Jesus wasn't speaking the rest of it.

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d2c480  No.330023


darker font I thought it said PRO LEFT for a moment.

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2e7985  No.330262


>My favorite UFO pictures are the blurry ones.


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f13655  No.330535

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7958ca  No.330776


Colorado, someone once determined that carbureted vehicles produce less emissions at altitude with lower octane fuel. So we get crap gas.

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abce25  No.331005


Fauxi has an ouchi

He'd've brought pie

But is instead about to die

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0fc2fe  No.331335


Yes, more accurately:






I have seen this all years ago, and yes thought then how absurd it all was… especially dimbulb Bush mouthing along with the words. But DAMN!!!!!!!

Those kids would be about thirty years old now. I wonder where they are today? What they think back about that morning? And especially, now in hindsight… what they think about that particular vocabulary lesson they had that day, in front of a President, his entourage and all the cameras????

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5b11ee  No.331344



For the Honkistanis

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e35aee  No.331677


I could see this happening!

With Biden’s hasty decision to shut Russias energy markets off to the world, it what always just a matter of time before this occurred!

You could see it, I could see it, Stevie a wonder could see it coming! This is the affects of idiots running a country, they know nothing about and know not how to deal with.

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435339  No.331880


re Muckrakers, excellent title, it's exactly what happened. And CNN - that new boss means business! Good on him.

Rep. Lauren Boebert to take legal action against American Muckrakers PAC for claims it made about her

June 17, 2022

"GOP Congresswoman Lauren Boebert plans to take action against a Democratic-aligned PAC she says made “false and derogatory” claims against her.

Boebert attorney Jonathan Anderson wrote to David Wheeler of American Muckrakers PAC on June 15, informing him of her intention to file a civil defamation suit against Wheeler and Muckrakers.

“This group’s vile conduct demonstrates why people are fed up with politics. I am not going to stand by and pretend this is normal behavior,” Boebert said in a statement. “This political committee, funded by far-left Democrat donors and run by two left-wing political operatives, published pages of false statements knowing they were completely fabricated. The law on this type of defamation is clear and this conduct will be subject to civil and criminal penalties.”

American Muckrakers has claimed that Boebert worked as a paid escort and had two abortions. The allegations were made by an anonymous person in a series of redacted text messages to the PAC.

The group has also alleged Boebert was involved in an off-roading accident that severely hurt a passenger, and questioned her husband’s work as a consultant in the oil and gas industry.

“We have irrefutable evidence that each one of these statements is patently false,” her attorney wrote.

He added that Wheeler could also be criminally liable, noting that Colorado law prohibits the circulation of “knowingly or recklessly” false information.

Anderson also accused Wheeler of making “multiple knowingly false statements” in letters to officials in Utah and Colorado that urged them to investigate the off-road accident and questions around Boebert’s large mileage reimbursement last year and a tax lien she paid off. That effort could create “substantial criminal liability” for the PAC, Anderson alleged.

Anderson did not respond to questions about when the suit would be filed or if he has made a complaint to the Attorney General’s office or Secretary of State’s office; Colorado law makes it a criminal offense to spread false information with the goal of influencing an election.

The Colorado Attorney General’s Office said it could not confirm whether it has received an official complaint.

While admitting some errors in Muckraker’s claims, such as originally giving the wrong year for the off-road accident and posting a photo of a woman that may not be Boebert, Wheeler is standing by the information he said he’s received.

“I've had messages with the source during the writing of this and she stands 100% by the information she sent us,” he said in a Tweet. He added the PAC won’t stop posting additional information about the controversial first-term congresswoman, but he will give it to her attorney for review prior to publication “to tell us why we shouldn’t post it. If they can prove it’s bogus, we won’t post it.”

The PAC came to national attention after it released a damaging video of another firebrand freshman congress member, Madison Cawthorn, which helped sink his reelection campaign. However, Cawthorne already had a number of troubling incidents on his record, including driving with a revoked license, announcing a run in another district before switching back to his current one, and making outrageous (and turns out false) claims that some of GOP colleagues in Washington were doing drugs and going to orgies.

The PAC announced shortly after Cawthorn’s primary defeat that they would look into Boebert.

In her run for reelection, Boebert is facing a primary challenge from state Sen. Don Coram, who is touting his rural and bipartisan credentials. The primary will be held on June 28."


The old dirty tricks just ain't what they used to be, ain't what they used to be..

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72e486  No.332022


How could child porn be a misdemeanor?

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31dcc6  No.332352


in a world run by thieves, it's an honor to be attacked

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4e3b3b  No.332763


Bruce Lee Fight Scene - ONCE UPON A TIME IN HOLLYWOOD (2019)


Dec 1, 2019

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965a92  No.333227

Whisteblower’s Lawyer: Pfizer Got Away With Vaccine Fraud Because Government Was Co-Conspirator

By Debra Heine

May 30, 2022

Pfizer has asked a U.S. court to throw out a whistleblower’s lawsuit on the basis that the company can’t be guilty of fraud, abuse, and protocol violations in its COVID Vaccine clinical trials because its contract with the U.S. government allowed them to skirt regulations and federal laws that typically apply to government contracts.

In other words, Pfizer was allegedly able to make false statements to the government, and lie about the safety and efficacy of its product, “because the government was in on it with them!” according to Robert Barnes, the lead lawyer in the case.


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81a588  No.333511


They made the retardation so obvious. Doctors for example have absolutely no excuse so they ARE complicit. The deceiver and the deceived are wrong. Not in all cases but here the deceived bare a lot of the responsibility.

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741be3  No.333654


Ahhh, One Belt One Road. Was this guy mentioning Turtle, by any chance?

Baked Potato is disposable now; Apparently the RINOs will remain "protected" by the so-called "conservative" blowhards.

From May of ’18: Peter Schweizer: Mitch McConnell’s Deep Financial Ties to China ‘Unprecedented’ in U.S. History

Schweizer warned that deep financial ties between the American political class and Beijing are particularly dangerous at a time when our national security apparatus has identified Communist China as the greatest long-term threat faced by the United States.

“It gets even worse because James Chao – that would be Elaine Chao’s father – and her sister Angela Chao a couple of years ago served on the board of directors of a Chinese company called CSSC Holdings. ‘CSSC’ stands for China State Shipbuilding Corporation. This is the financial arm of one of the largest military contractors in Beijing,” he said….

Schweizer also referenced China’s massive “One Belt, One Road” infrastructure project, which stretches across the developing world and includes naval facilities, roads, and other resources of interest to the Chinese military. Both the Obama and Trump administrations agree that One Belt, One Road represents a “geostrategic challenge to the United States and the Western allies.”

“Elaine Chao’s sister Angela Chao has been on record saying One Belt, One Road is a wonderful thing,” he noted. “That yes, it’s going to be good for China, but it’s also going to be good for the developing world. She explicitly says, ‘I want to be part of seeing this be a successful Chinese initiative.’

“The problems don’t begin and end with the financial ties to the shipbuilding corporation. It goes far deeper than that. This is a very serious challenge to our strategic balance with the Chinese government… Schweizer pointed out that McConnell has not attempted to refute the facts of his family’s commercial ties to the Chinese government, but instead insisted those ties will not influence his votes in the Senate.

“My response is just, give me a break,” he sighed. “The Chinese government has been very explicit about this, that they believe the way they can deal with the American challenge to their strategic goals and plans is basically by buying off our political class. They’re doing that with Mitch McConnell. As I highlight in the book, they also did this in the Obama administration with Joe Biden’s family.” https://archive.is/wip/udADV


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43952d  No.334585


HRA is in the building!

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841d3b  No.335142


Does anon have the gif of the dark hair woman busting the top of her one piece black swimsuit? She takes a slight bow at the end.

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e52d4a  No.335145


Is someone seriously floating a trial balloon about Gavin for President?

Holy crap!

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7c97a2  No.335396



sharing on twitter

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d85996  No.338080


Trips of truth. I'm so happy those trips weren't wasted on a clockfag.

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0a1ccd  No.338206

good shit there!


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80ed32  No.338338

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015f26  No.338461


Everyone is barouck the scribe?

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694098  No.338710


>2024 olympics training…..no joke

Oh…. I thought he was break dancing!

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a5bbe8  No.338745



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3a4881  No.338749


>waiting is the hardest part

It was nice to think we would see it in this lifetime but it’s become hard to believe it will happen. The many variables, as described, could cause world war, many casualties. The greatest challenge is accepting that we may not see it. Either way.. still cool. Our great grandchildren or further will see it. Still have hope we see it, though. Not giving up hope

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721396  No.339046

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3d44d9  No.340293



to see 8kun die this way…

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941465  No.340294


LOL at the only popular boards here being Q larp. I heard a lot of people from 8chan bailed to Discord and Telegram if you don't mind using them. I'm staying on the clearnet, don't really care what's popular or not.

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c05744  No.340370

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>Russia and China and Iram

The Incorruptible One… Time(s) are indeed 'running out' rapidly… However…


The Incorruptible One… There is a 'higher power' that is meant for the 'righteous…'

The Incorruptible One… Know that time(s) 'shall tell' a means far greater than 'nuclear…'

The Incorruptible One… Gaze upon thy 'material sciences' and 'radio technologies' and know that thy supposed 'solitary confinement' has blessed thee with 'knowing' and 'secrets' unawares…

The Incorruptible One… Observe China and the 'onset of future solar technologies' and know that there is indeed a 'greater salt reactor' yet to exist…

Vladimir Putin… Supposing a so called 'solution?' HAHAHAHAHAHA


Vladimir Putin… And what of war betwixt Israel and I?











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c05744  No.340378

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia and China

The 'complex assembly' shall be 'constructed…'

The 'weapon' must be 'completed…'

CCP & PLA… The only means to 'avert' the so called 'crises…' I shall allow such 'remedy…'


CCP & PLA… The 'highest diplomatic assembly' must be 'sent' to 'address the grievances…'

CCP & PLA… Taiwan 'anticipates' a 'direct confrontation' with China…

CCP & PLA… If China 'firmly upholds' the 'clear irrevocable intention' to not 'destroy Taiwan…' Such 'nexus' shall be 'castrated…'

CCP & PLA… Japan seeks 'vehicle' of 'frustum' and 'ultranatural force' against China with 'collusion' via 'known actors…'

CCP & PLA… Know that such 'entanglement' shall 'extend possession indirect unlimited' thru South Korea…

CCP & PLA… The intention is clear… If the 'object of possession' is an 'axis of existential crises;' North Korea is the 'target…'

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c05744  No.340382

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




CCP & PLA… ?????? !!!!!! ???????

CCP & PLA… The Philippines?


CCP & PLA… whisper whisper whisper 'nuclear' whisper whisper whisper

CCP & PLA… whisper 'water' whisper whisper 'the prophecy' whisper whisper

CCP & PLA… whisper whisper 'time' whisper whisper 'the mystery' whisper

CCP & PLA… whisper whisper whisper 'all good things' whisper whisper

CCP & PLA… 'unto the righteous' whisper whisper 'to those who wait patiently…' HAHAHAHAHAHAHA


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1e2ad5  No.340557

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5b50e4  No.340730

BOEING KC-135R/T Stratotanker 57-1453. Call Sign DIXIE30.

BOEING B-52 Stratofortress 61-0015. No Callsign. Nose Art: "The Last Laugh"

Just finished air to air refueling NE of Memphis, TN. A conscious uncoupling. kek


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30a9b3  No.341012


give me the 1.7 trillion and lets see what I can do.


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bec3c0  No.341103


love you too


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f389ed  No.342073


>Mornin' Ralph… Please pass the Covfefe.


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f78cf6  No.342101


Becker News, [21.06.22 21:36]


10 Republican "sell-outs" join Democrats to pass gun control package that includes "red flag" laws


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2b74b4  No.342273

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30de47  No.342606


Cali libs are losing their damn minds


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9fa446  No.342629



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e77f5d  No.342811



just searched "abortion made it easier for women to be whores" and this was the first vid

it was all an attack on the family unit from the very beginning

it has nothing to do with rights


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73aa06  No.344710


This sucks. I love Frosted Flakes and Raisin Bran and no, Post Raisin Bran doesn’t measure up, it just doesn’t. My wife and kids tell me I like “old people cereal”, but I’ve always liked FF and RB since I was a kid and, full disclosure, I am old.


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9d171e  No.345247



>Beginning July 16, 2022,

That's a Saturday. Suicide weekend?


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fd0f69  No.345466


seent, snipah


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ea5eab  No.345701


Fist I heard about Qtown, it was 17mi away.

And no, I havn't watched it yet.

Watched the two previous speakings just yesterday.


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5793cb  No.345805


I'm not a pedo, you fuck. I get that it's easier to call people shills and pedos when you can't hold your side of a discussion, but jeez guys, this place is shite. Yeah WE. Like the majority of the fucking planet. You think I can be an entire army to fight the globalists by myself? DERRRR.

Normally I agree with your sentiment that we should follow intensely all the news and information in the world, so we know where we're at and can counter their propaganda and all that jazz, but dude, you have to admit, that after we all had a "great awakening" and spent 24/7 following global elections, propaganda and every fucking CEO and billionaire and politician and "celebrity", after digging and diving and memeing and all of it for years, we made NO progress. Elections are fake, so it doesn't matter who you fucking vote for, like why discuss the midterms when last go-around had Joe Biden win the most votes of all time and get away with it? We literally got no results from doing what we did for years, so it's time to accept that they made more progress than we did, and we have to try a new strategy. It doesn't MATTER who is in power, or why, or how, if we fucking BURN THEIR BUILDINGS DOWN AND HANG THEM, get it? It didn't matter what taxes the King wanted to put on the colonies, when you assemble and army and KILL THEM. Do you not concur? Did we all not try and push the alternatives, like Farage, Bernier, LePen, Trump, Bolsonaro, etc around the world? It did fuck all, mate. Sorry you don't like that. We all got the fucking jab and MORE communism. That's what our fucking plan and actions achieved for us.


I'm not a shill, and that's the dumbest thing I ever heard. We're in a GROUP of people here, we discuss our states, provinces, countries, and even entire regions like Europe or Asia, wtf are you talking about? I say WE, because there is WE the people, and then the fucking SLIME at the top that wants to kill us all off so they can live in their fucking little utopian pedo land without having to deal with us fucking SHEEP. I can't say the word we or that makes me a shill? You're a fucking retard.


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