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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: b1ee853240c4e16⋯.png (41.71 KB, 658x1010, 329:505, bmusk.png)

File: 4555ec327ba3347⋯.png (34.23 KB, 532x211, 532:211, wokevirus.png)

4277ed  No.302848


Prediction: Musk is considering moving SpaceX to Brazil but everything will fall apart before he is able to.

Here is why he would bail out of the United States:

All of a sudden he's going to Brazil to talk to Bolsonaro. Right now he's only doing it to try to prevent the election from being stolen, but he's probably laying the groundwork for bigger things, like moving SpaceX. He can clearly see America is coming to a close and probably wants to set up shop elsewhere. I think the U.S. will come to a close before he even gets a chance, his assets will either be nuked or seized. We are that far down the drain. Anyway, there is this:


MY COMMENT: Yes I think he and a whole lot of other millionaires and billionaires fully understand Fabian-socialism/communism has swept up the Western world and we going under pretty fast. Pretty sure Musk thought "fuck no!" to doing any deals in Europe too lol. The writings are all over the wall at this point, unless there is some kind of miracle correction, and that would have to be a total paradigm shift. That said, we all know, we are prepping for the collapse and how bad it gets all depends on how bad others want to make this, that's my honest conclusion. If you are scared of what is to come, better get the hell out of the big and mid-sized cities if you can afford to do so. If you have savings, start looking for ways to liquidate it into property, real assets AND firearms. You need firearms if you want to stay alive and protect your private property and assets. It's just stone cold reality, do or die. I'm well aware of all the 'legal' bullshit that can happen too, and you'll have to plan all responses in advance. Crypto is rigged and so is the stock market, and so is paper gold-silver ETFs. Anything digital or paper is rigged for 0 when all is said and done. Land, roof over your head, cans and totes worth of storeable food, fresh water source or rain water collection/filter system, tools and accessories, firearms/ammo/cleaning kits/lube, off-grid plans & preps: all of this you best be thinking about because when we go third world there will be no going back. Hunting, fishing, growing gardens, bartering, while fending off the bad actors, will be the future. We are going back to the 1800s from what I can tell.

>inb4 you'll own nothing and be happy

Kiss a stubborn ass criminals because hell no that's not how you make peace with others best believe.

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4277ed  No.302852


If that happens again I'll global report it like I did last time.

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4277ed  No.302857

LOL. I see this thread is being slid pretty fast, wonder why?

B U M P.

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427010  No.302863

The non-White traitors to White nations are planning on shutting down the entire economy by shutting down oil/gasoline.


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6ece0a  No.303028

Good night losers.

And sweet dreams.

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35f6ea  No.303075


you always go to the stupidest website to get your bullshit fake information


shouldn't you be pretending to understand medicine right now?

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35f6ea  No.303076


congratulations on having a double-digit IQ

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35f6ea  No.303077


at least Jerry thinks you are correct occasionally

that makes one of us

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9f3ce3  No.303191


Don't care what you think either.

Extra bumparoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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ba98aa  No.303250


Its better than yours.

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24259c  No.303338


Good to see there is another smart person in here then.

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24259c  No.303540

China correctly blames US government for involvement in biological terrorist activity ($$$ POWER $$$ PROFIT $$$ CONTROL $$$): https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10845749/Conspiracy-theories-swirl-China-monkeypox-deliberately-leaked-US.html

Gain Of Function on Pox Viruses Confirmed: https://rumble.com/v15qehf-mind-blown-gain-of-function-on-pox-viruses-confirmed..html

Here We Go Again: https://sputniknews.com/20220523/here-we-go-again-billgatesbioterrorist-trends-as-netizens-blame-billionaire-for-monkeypox--1095722737.html

Why did the US government buy 13 million monkeypox vaccines from a biotech company backed by Fauci?: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-23-government-buys-monkeypox-vaccines-fauci-backed-company.html

MONKEYPOX just part of the controlled demolition of the world: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-23-monkeypox-just-the-latest-engineered-distraction-controlled-demolition-human-civilization.html

World War III will include releasing biological weapons against populations by mass murdering demonic despotic scumbag governments: https://allnewspipeline.com/Monkeypox_Weaponized_In_Deep_State_Labs.php

Pfizer Tells Federal Judge That Pfizer Owns the Federal Government And Is Thereby Immune To Law: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/05/24/pfizer-tells-federal-judge-that-pfizer-owns-the-federal-government-and-is-thereby-immune-to-normal-contract-law/

You can’t make this up. Bill Gates claimed the movie “Outbreak”, an action film in which the US government quarantines and plots to nuke a small town infected with a deadly Ebola variant, “nails it” as a model to prevent another pandemic: https://infowarsarmy.com/posts/bill-gates-says-movie-outbreak-outlines-model-for-how-to-prevent-another-pandemic/

▲ MY COMMENT: These despots are OPENLY CALLING for the murder of American citizens, TREASON. This should make it very clear the criminal mindset that has infiltrated our once great country!

Biden Admits His Corrupt Government Is Deliberately Crashing The US Economy For "Green New Deal" Great Reset: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/watch-biden-admits-sky-rocketing-energy-prices-are-part-green-transition

▲ MY COMMENT: Confirming everything we warned you about was TRUE.100% FACT.

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6eddcd  No.304097

Criminal Davos Cabal Orders Governments To Stop Protecting Civilians And Give Up National Sovereignty (Sit Back And Watch Corrupted Governments Obey Their Crime Bosses!):


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1afa43  No.304858


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