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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: f5cd430e8d8cbd1⋯.jpg (92.99 KB, 480x640, 3:4, monkeypox.jpg)

31b7b5  No.302748[Last 50 Posts]

Think this might be where the "monkey pox" came from???

Fuck you assholes, I'm still not taking any of your fucking poison!!!

Go back to hell where you belong demonic scumbags!!!

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935513  No.302866


Yeah … I'm sure the Covid-19 vaccine caused the 2003 monkey pox outbreak.

Exactly what is it like going through life with a single digit IQ and a micropenis?

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ed479b  No.302884

Honestly I was wondering about this myself. I still can't fathom letting some fucking rando walk up to you and inject you with something when you have no idea what it was. So insane I don't have words. You would have to have a pretty severe death wish to let this happen.

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9a8cdc  No.302984


if you weren't so busy eating tortured and murdered animals, attempting to drown your psychotic delusions with alcohol, and had graduated high school, perhaps you would realize that monkeypox belongs to the genus Orthopoxvirus in the family Poxviridae, and is one of the human orthopoxviruses….

but nice try…. you've shown us what happens when somebody with no understanding of medicine whatsoever sees the word "chimpanzee", and doesn't realize that chimpanzees share 99% of our DNA, so they are regularly used as animal models.

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9a8cdc  No.302985


honestly, nobody surprised that you are an idiot

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9a8cdc  No.302987

I suppose you were too busy pretending to be smart to actually invest seven seconds in doing an internet search, where you would discover that "recombinant, replication deficient chimpanzee adenovirus" is in no way shape or form related to human orthopoxviruses?

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9a8cdc  No.302988

I guess it really is true what they say about Missouri…..

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ed479b  No.302991


No. Dance monkey (this is what I have a internet slave like you for). Never heard of hot swapping eh? Good for you. You are a complete asshole in every thread. At least you are consistent.

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9a8cdc  No.302992


LOL yet you eat food everyday, with absolutely no knowledge whatsoever of the exact ingredients…

for example, the FDA allows certain amounts of rat body parts, rat feces, cockroaches, and hundreds of other disgusting contaminants in food, in amounts that they have determined are not important enough to list on the label (because the food manufacturers have lobbied Congress to allow them to get away with selling you food containing contaminants without your knowledge)

but you're too busy pretending like you're a scrutinizing genius

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ed479b  No.302993

Life will find a way.

Adenoviral vector has been employed as one of the most efficient means against infectious diseases and cancer. It can be genetically modified and armed with foreign antigens to elicit specific antibody responses and T cell responses in hosts as well as engineered to induce apoptosis in cancer cells. The chimpanzee adenovirus-based vector is one kind of novel vaccine carriers whose unique features and non-reactivity to pre-existing human adenovirus neutralizing antibodies makes it an outstanding candidate for vaccine research and development. Here, we review the different strategies for constructing chimpanzee adenoviral vectors and their applications in recent clinical trials and also discuss the oncolytic virotherapy and immunotherapy based on chimpanzee adenoviral vectors.

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9a8cdc  No.302994


what you perceive as "an asshole" is nothing more than a man with an IQ probably lower than yours, but who wonders why YOU don't seem to be able to THINK and PROCESS INFORMATION on the same level as the average third grade student in an elementary school

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9a8cdc  No.302995

File: 195b29ead9315a1⋯.png (340.76 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220520_222708.png)



thank you for demonstrating that OP could have figured out the answer to his question by doing a cursory internet search, much faster than it took him to create this stupid thread

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9a8cdc  No.302996


I'm not an asshole… (well, that's actually a lie- but nobody realizes I'm an asshole, so let's keep it between you and I, okay?) I'm just somebody who gets disgusted when I see adult human beings who are incapable of figuring out the most basic bullshit…

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9a8cdc  No.302997


I always give Killcen a hard time because he dropped out of high school….

but the truth of the matter is, to be quite honest with you, I dropped out in the 8th grade, never even making it to high school….

so technically speaking, I'm a complete fucking idiot…

so what's your excuse?

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c5a564  No.302998

Lol at all the shills. Fags go to hell. Repent or perish. Yeshua saves all.

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9a8cdc  No.302999

I mean…. seriously…

what is there about "recombinant, replication deficient chimpanzee adenovirus" that you couldn't do a simple internet search on?

you managed to spell monkeypox correctly, so a comparison between the two viruses would have taken 10 or 15 seconds…

you spent much longer than that uploading your attached image…

I'm just curious at what point in your life are you going to begin using that thing between your ears

I know I'm not talking about the voices…

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9a8cdc  No.303000





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9a8cdc  No.303001


you and every monkeylipped nigger in America seems to think using the name Yeshua makes you seem "well informed", probably a couple times without even realizing that admitting you believe Jesus existed proves you are the complete opposite of " informed ", let alone " well informed ", you gullible sack of shit.

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9a8cdc  No.303002


nana nana boo boo I know something you don't know….


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9a8cdc  No.303003

if you knew this fact, you could have avoided me realizing you never get any pussy by simply not using the word "shill"….

but it's too late for that now

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1c2637  No.303004

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9a8cdc  No.303005


you should actually be thanking me for cutting you off at the ankles, and preventing you from making a further fool out of yourself with your absurd assertion that you had discovered the root source of monkeypox

but you don't have the balls to thank me

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9a8cdc  No.303006


if you went to any first year pre-med classroom anywhere, even at the shittiest community college, they would laugh you out the door…

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9a8cdc  No.303007


and I saved you from all of that public humiliation

but you don't have the courage to thank me for it

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9a8cdc  No.303008

File: 20f826bfb8ae3c0⋯.png (1.07 MB, 1698x1080, 283:180, Picsart_22_05_20_22_51_27_….png)

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9a8cdc  No.303010

File: 48d6c02086c62be⋯.png (1.93 MB, 1080x1217, 1080:1217, Picsart_22_05_20_22_55_08_….png)

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ed479b  No.303012

File: e298bb7861606a8⋯.jpg (78.98 KB, 990x974, 495:487, bill_gates_schneerson_rabb….jpg)

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ed479b  No.303013

File: 2585200281b007e⋯.png (141.49 KB, 307x377, 307:377, epstein_bankrolled_scienti….png)

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9a8cdc  No.303014




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9a8cdc  No.303015



I'd imagine the weekends must be humiliating as fuck for you

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9a8cdc  No.303016


while all the other guys your age are out there getting their dicks sucked on the weekends, here you sit blaming Jews for all your problems…

I'd imagine Saturday night is even more dehumanizing than Friday night

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9a8cdc  No.303018


show us the jube that force you into becoming a sexual failure with no friends, and we'll all pat him on the back for a job well done

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9a8cdc  No.303019


because if a Jew wanted to fuck somebody over, he certainly did a wonderful job with you, basically dropping you down to the level of common everyday white trash

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9a8cdc  No.303020


I always thought Jews just stole opportunities from people and controlled Hollywood…

apparently they decided to really work you over

they destroyed the very fabric of your existence, apparently…

they really are good at what they do after all

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9a8cdc  No.303021


(just between you and me, we both know the real reason you're mad is because Jewish guys have much bigger penises than white trash)

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9a8cdc  No.303022


which explains why every white mother tells their daughter to find a nice Jewish guy and settle down

notice white mothers never tell their daughters to find a nice white guy and settle down

because mothers are women

and women don't like tiny little penises like yours

your mother made that mistake with your father

and that's why finding a nice Jewish guy and settling down is advice handed down for decades and decades

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9a8cdc  No.303023


not to mention the fact there's no such thing as a white person, because every human being is a mutated negro

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9a8cdc  No.303024


but what would you expect from sexually failed lonely white trash?….


accountability ?……

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cbb848  No.303025


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cbb848  No.303026

it's Friday…. and my wife & I are gonna watch a movie and fuck


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18c8eb  No.303033


JIM STONE COMMENTS: About the monkey pox outbreak: There is no way this outbreak could be happening simultaneously world wide unless it is intended because monkey pox is not transmissible enough, BE CAREFUL OF PUBLIC TOUCH SCREENS. ATM's, transit systems, or wherever else they may be, those touch screens are going to be THE VECTOR of transmission. The disease spreaders absolutely WILL go around and contaminate them all. So a guy uses a touch screen, then takes a pee without washing because you wash after that, right? And THEN gets monkey pox lesions down there . . . . . that's probably how it is nailing guys in the nuts. RT is onto this being a planned outbreak but did not conclude the way I did as to how it is likely being spread. And "they" will get better and better at spreading it, BANK ON IT.


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91aa86  No.303034



nobody gives a fuck what Jim Stone says

he has never studied medicine

he's an irrelevant piece of shit

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91aa86  No.303035


go back to sleep, paranoid man

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91aa86  No.303036

go read more insane conspiracy theories and pretend like you have valid information

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18c8eb  No.303037


Did I hit a nerve disinfo spook!?

JIM STONE COMMENTS: About the monkey pox outbreak: There is no way this outbreak could be happening simultaneously world wide unless it is intended because monkey pox is not transmissible enough, BE CAREFUL OF PUBLIC TOUCH SCREENS. ATM's, transit systems, or wherever else they may be, those touch screens are going to be THE VECTOR of transmission. The disease spreaders absolutely WILL go around and contaminate them all. So a guy uses a touch screen, then takes a pee without washing because you wash after that, right? And THEN gets monkey pox lesions down there . . . . . that's probably how it is nailing guys in the nuts. RT is onto this being a planned outbreak but did not conclude the way I did as to how it is likely being spread. And "they" will get better and better at spreading it, BANK ON IT.


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91aa86  No.303038


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91aa86  No.303039


everything you type is disinformation

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91aa86  No.303040

you have zero information

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91aa86  No.303041



notta goddamn thing

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91aa86  No.303042


so you grab your testicles while you urinate? weird

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18c8eb  No.303043


JIM STONE COMMENTS: About the monkey pox outbreak: There is no way this outbreak could be happening simultaneously world wide unless it is intended because monkey pox is not transmissible enough, BE CAREFUL OF PUBLIC TOUCH SCREENS. ATM's, transit systems, or wherever else they may be, those touch screens are going to be THE VECTOR of transmission. The disease spreaders absolutely WILL go around and contaminate them all. So a guy uses a touch screen, then takes a pee without washing because you wash after that, right? And THEN gets monkey pox lesions down there . . . . . that's probably how it is nailing guys in the nuts. RT is onto this being a planned outbreak but did not conclude the way I did as to how it is likely being spread. And "they" will get better and better at spreading it, BANK ON IT.


From now on I will sanitize every touch screen I see in public you glow in the dark biological terrorists!!!!!!!!!

*increased Vitamin C & D intake*

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18c8eb  No.303044


A reader sent: Wow, they're hitting us on all fronts. Hiking gas prices and inflation. Tanking the stock market. (Where to go? Gold and silver don't go up as a flight to safety?) False flags (Buffalo). Monkeypox. Infant formula shortage. Food shortages. Fake war in Ukraine with $40 billion of our money. All planned… It should be no surprise that they're doing something evil with AOL as well. I've been with AOL since the 1990s, as have most of its users. Spam is suddenly getting through to regular email, and regular email is going through to spam. I tweeted AOL Support and it acts like it's me, but it's obviously AOL doing this… Many (most?) people don't regularly check their spam folder. They will miss out on important stuff–like paying bills. The controllers do not want us communicating!… Friends that I've written to for 20+ years suddenly have emails go to spam. I click "not spam" for them, but their next emails go to spam, too. My family has ordered from Amazon for many years, and Amazon responses about the orders are suddenly spam. AOL knows Amazon (the biggest sender of email in the world) is not spam. This has to be INTENTIONAL: http://www.jimstoneindia.com/.zu3.html

JIM STONE COMMENTS: Looks like my problems are going mainstream AND NO, THE "MINISTRY OF TRUTH" IS NOT DEAD. It is now in stealth mode. Welcome to the results.

▲ MY COMMENT: The reason gold/silver is not going up is because the market is 100% rigged by fraudulent paper ETFs. "Gold/Silver" ETFs are just more fiat, so they can create them at will backed by NOTHING what-so-ever. It's not real gold/silver, it's manipulated fiat in the stock market. That said the truth is finally coming out, people are aware of how fucked things are and the perpetrators who hijacked this country are crashing the entire economy and country with it like there is no tomorrow! Brace for impact, and remember who did this!

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91aa86  No.303045


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91aa86  No.303046

my your Chicken Little "sky is falling" routine has become ROUTINE…



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91aa86  No.303047


not ours

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91aa86  No.303048

you erroneously assume that we care

we DON'T

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91aa86  No.303049

you're the only JIM STONE reader

we don't care what Jim stone says

he's a fucking idiot

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91aa86  No.303050

gofind some people who care

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91aa86  No.303051

go bother Jim stone

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91aa86  No.303052

go bother your daughter

she hates you

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91aa86  No.303053

you ruined her life

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91aa86  No.303054

lol @ your uneducated "hit and miss" attempts to pretend you understand medicine or disease…


the human orthopoxvirus enters the body through the respiratory tract, or the mucous membranes (eyes, nose, or mouth) or an open wound


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91aa86  No.303055



and call "my comments" DISINFORMATION????

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91aa86  No.303056

every single thing you copy and paste is wrong

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91aa86  No.303057



you don't understand what 'the economy" is

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91aa86  No.303058

there's actually NO SUCH THING AS AN ECONOMY

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91aa86  No.303059

but what would you expect from someone who actually believes there's an invisible man in the clouds who is reading his mind?

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91aa86  No.303060





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91aa86  No.303061

you have the audacity to refer to your drivel garbage as real news

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91aa86  No.303062

it doesn't even qualify as fake news

it's not news at all

it's just a bunch of erroneous claims by a man who has no idea what the fuck he's talking about

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91aa86  No.303063

a man with ZERO actual knowledge….

… who specifically goes to fake news websites…


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91aa86  No.303064

but because he knows nothing

he's incapable of understanding that what he copies and pastes is COMPLETELY FALSE

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91aa86  No.303065


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91aa86  No.303066


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91aa86  No.303067

oops !!! I made an error

but at least I admit my mistakes

unlike you


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91aa86  No.303068

you've NEVER gotten a god damn thing right

every single thing you've copied and pasted was wrong


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91aa86  No.303069

if you ADMITTED HOW MANY TIMES YOU'VE BEEN MISTAKEN, we might pay attention to the next erroneous claim

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91aa86  No.303070


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91aa86  No.303071


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91aa86  No.303072

File: 1a37c8ab2a275a5⋯.png (823.55 KB, 1080x2035, 216:407, Picsart_22_05_21_09_05_07_….png)

File: b19f66c002d5cb2⋯.png (588.54 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220521_090529.png)

File: 6bbe3337b2f1cac⋯.png (568 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220521_090537.png)


congratulations !!!

you've finally reached the plateau of being AN UNINFORMED TWITTER IDIOT !!!

hahahaha good work, genius

you and every grandmother, nigger, and down syndrome idiot on Twitter are suddenly SCIENTISTS


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0a1a3a  No.303073


dude…. we "get it"….

you feel insecure because you never accomplished anything worthwhile in your life, slaving away doing menial labor at a steel mill, because you dropped out of school and never continued your education….

so 56 years later you want to feel knowledgeable

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0a1a3a  No.303074

if you want to feel knowledgeable, perhaps you should devote your time to learning

because you devote your time to copying and pasting the same stupid worthless idiotic garbage that all the other trailer park idiots are copying and pasting so they can pretend to be knowledgeable


you think admitting you are always wrong will make you look stupid

but you already look stupid…

and now you look like a coward

who thinks if he refuses to admit being wrong

nobody will realize you're clueless




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d44f02  No.303085




Jim Stone is onto something.

°°°my comment°°°

pox are a potent visual reminder that biological warfare is a reality of our time. coronavirus provides no startling visual.

the question remains, why did gates warn about smallpox?

was he pre-texting the next planned phase of a larger operation or did he have some reason to believe that nature would revive the pox via some natural vector?

it's all very intriguing

i hate intrigue.

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9a0a6a  No.303093

File: 257aff5e7afc313⋯.png (716.15 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220521_103114.png)

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9a0a6a  No.303094

File: 9c2b4358b0a1948⋯.jpg (425.5 KB, 1080x1440, 3:4, Picsart_22_05_21_12_01_09_….jpg)


Why Gates Warned About Smallpox:

the same reason all epidemiologists have warned about smallpox…

any other questions?

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9a0a6a  No.303095

File: 741cf67f61e2f01⋯.png (439.91 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220521_124222.png)

File: 65874b812654838⋯.png (676.2 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220521_123924.png)


you are once again correct!!

Jim Stone is Already Onto His Next Erroneous, Completely False, Easily Debunkable Conspiracy Theory

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9a0a6a  No.303096


it's coincidental you used the term VECTOR, considering the fact that OP (and every trailer park dwelling uneducated inbred white trash moron with an internet connection) is completely oblivious to the fact that that human vaccines incorporate VECTORS of chimpanzee adenovirus for efficacy of human vaccines because we share 98% of our DNA with chimpanzees…

although admittedly, OP seems to share 99.4% of his DNA with chimpanzees

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9a0a6a  No.303097



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9a0a6a  No.303098


biological warfare is indeed a reality of our time, especially if 'your time' started back in the late 1940s….

but I'm not sure if POX serves as a reminder of biological warfare, as you so eloquently stated, since monkeypox isn't nearly as transmissible as smallpox, and probably would be the last virus of choice for biological warfare, due to its lack of efficacy.

there are much better visual reminders that biological warfare is a reality of our time, because they involve the skin literally falling off your body and blood spraying from every orifice, all of this happening within 30 minutes of exposure.

tricycles are a visual reminder that transportation is a reality of our time, but it's highly unlikely anybody is going to use a tricycle to transport themselves across the country, because there are much more effective modes of transportation.

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9a0a6a  No.303099


you have been presenting REAL NEWS since 1999 when you begin warning all of your friends the world was about to come to a halt with Y2K.

ever since then, you have been accessing REAL NEWS on Cherry picked conspiracy theory websites, and have been shoving predictions of Doom and gloom down everybody's throats, occasionally tossing in a confession that you realize nobody's interested, but offer a defiant refusal to stop forcing your "psychic predictions of Apocalypse" on them anyway…

basically you've been predicting the "imminent end of the world" for 23 years, with no end in sight for the foreseeable future…

it's kind of strange out somebody with special insider knowledge like you would have completely missed the mark on so many events…

you never saw the Ukrainian invasion coming…

you were oblivious to the ongoing 8 year bombardment of the donbas region by ukrainians, oblivious to the public warnings of military retribution Putin has been giving America for all the missile bases we have been building around Russia's borders, completely clueless about Russia's recent advances in next-gen nuclear weaponry, or America's inability to defeat this next gen supersonic threat…

I don't remember you predicting the covid pandemic…

I don't remember you predicting monkeypox…

it seems like maybe you might not be very good at keeping up to date with the latest events that could play a role in our demise….

perhaps you have been sourcing your "info" from the wrong websites?

back when I was reading Putin's threats of a preemptive nuclear first strike against America 3 years ago, you were focusing on 5G…

you were warning everyone that 5G was going to be the end of the world…. you were also focused on chemtrails, warning everybody that chemtrails were going to create Armageddon….

although you never saw the SARS-2 pandemic coming, once it began, suddenly you were "an expert", who claimed to possess "special insider knowledge" that was hidden from the public…

this "insider knowledge" was proven wrong, just like every other warning and prediction you have made, but that didn't stop you from continuing to make even more far-fetched ever increasingly absurd claims and predictions…

and now here you are suggesting that you have stumbled on even more "top secret hidden insider knowledge", based on a ridiculous photograph of AstraZeneca covid vaccine insert…

yet your "insider knowledge" consists of a complete lack of knowledge regarding anything involving science or medicine, as is evidenced by your confusion regarding ADENOVIRUSES and ORTHOPOXVIRUSES.

you may as well confuse a baseball cap with a football helmet, because although they are both worn on the head, they have nothing to do with each other whatsoever…

I guess what I'm trying to say is it looks like you might want to exercise ACCOUNTABILITY and INTEGRITY for the first time in 23 years, by simplyadmitting that you've never gotten a single thing right since Y2K

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9c414b  No.303100


The evidence is so clear!

That's why I'm a BELIEVER, because it all fits in with my worldview, which is, admittedly DERANGED, butPEE TAPES!


The Post.

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9a0a6a  No.303101

File: 52bce6e2201ef30⋯.png (509.46 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Picsart_22_05_21_13_23_41_….png)

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9a0a6a  No.303102


apparently you are unaware that a fairly recentbipartisanCongressional intelligence subcommittee investigation determined that there are likely THREE compromising videos, including the urination video you so loosely brush off as being "non-existent" …

since you have no access to the intelligence documentation submitted to the bipartisan Congressional intelligence subcommittee, I think I am going to lean more towards their findings than your predicted empty denial.

(not to mention the fact that Trump INFURIATED Epstein by taking the 13-year-old girls virginity back in 1994, long before illiterate monkey man ran for public office)

Stormy Daniels was only worth $130,000….

Gee, I wonder why 13-year-old girl was worth $300 million…..

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9a0a6a  No.303103


but YES, you are once again correct !!!

"believing that an illiterate bankruptcy master child rapist was a patriotic business genius who defended children from democratic child molesters" definitely constitutes derangement.

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9a0a6a  No.303104

File: 29e55119b998181⋯.png (538.75 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220521_120929.png)

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9a0a6a  No.303105

File: 96a083c2ea3e6cc⋯.png (538.73 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220521_121120.png)

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9a0a6a  No.303106

File: 0d40071a49bd9ce⋯.png (1.87 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220521_134607.png)

but if somebody replaced the term "derangement" with "voluntary stupidity", that wouldn't be incorrect, either…

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9a0a6a  No.303107


I noticed that you haven't claimed Epstein was innocent in this lawsuit…

isn't that coincidental?…

you're only defending the ILLITERATE CHILD RAPIST THAT VOTED FOR…TWICE… because admitting Epstein was a child rapist doesn't make you look like a fucking idiot.

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9a0a6a  No.303108

File: 467cba44c848ee3⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220521_134935.png)


because you didn't vote for Epstein….


doubling down on your derangement

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9a0a6a  No.303109

File: 7b1750e4ab6a066⋯.png (1.63 MB, 970x1321, 970:1321, Picsart_22_05_21_13_52_16_….png)

Epstein didn't lie and claim to barely know Maxwell


the same way a lifelong Christian is steadfastly to admit there never was a Jesus and there's no such thing as God….

that's exactly the same way you steadfastly refuse to admit it's highly unlikely the information in the lawsuit was fabricated.

because doing so would mean admitting you were stupid

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9a0a6a  No.303110

File: b88d1fc41ce7f5a⋯.png (642.6 KB, 1080x855, 24:19, Picsart_22_05_21_13_57_47_….png)

I'm not sure why admitting you were gullible enough to be Hoodwinked into joining a cult and looking stupid are so scary to you…

because you already looked stupid as fuck ever since 2016

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9a0a6a  No.303111

File: c4a47a4cbdcd322⋯.png (422.27 KB, 1364x1080, 341:270, Picsart_22_05_21_14_00_16_….png)


AGAIN : when Epstein found out Trump had disobeyed him, and taken the 13 year old's virginity, EPSTEIN BECAME FURIOUS and went into the room and took out his anger on the child, violently raping her…

by the way: FOUR MORE YEARS, right?….



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9a0a6a  No.303112


it's not just "looking stupid" that Christians are afraid of, when it comes to admitting that in the back of their mind they've always known the Bible was complete bullshit, there is no God, and the entire story of Jesus is fabricated garbage…

their stubbornness as much deeper Roots than simply being embarrassed by "looking stupid"…

if they admitted they were wrong about Christianity, they would be unraveling and disavowing their entire life's belief system, the belief system of their parents' lives, the belief system of their grandparents' lives, and the belief system of all their relatives who came beforehand.

it would be smearing feces on their entire family lineage, and admitting that they came from a long line of gullible idiots….

THAT'S why you'll be so hard-pressed to find a Christian who's willing to admit he made a stupid mistake…

but your parents didn't worship Trump the way you do….

and your grandparents didn't worship Trump…

neither did your great-grandparents, or any of your other relatives who preceeded them…

it was just YOU….

YOU were the first one in your family lineage gullible enough to be brainwashed by The cult of PR CREATED BY DOUBLEDAY BOOKS

you were the first (and only one) stupid enough to fall for the contrived "genius businessman" facade created by the publishing company when hiring a ghostwriter to pretend he was Trump and write a book that presented an ART OF THE DEAL MAVERICK GENIUS….

so unlike a gullible Christian idiot, you have much less invested in your perspective embarrassment involved in admitting you were wrong…

it seems like somebody as brave and honest as you would have no problem stepping up to the plate of INTEGRITY and simply admitting that just like any other human, you are capable of making mistakes, and you were completely wrong in your misinterpretation of who he really is…

but I guess maybe your ego is a little bit more fragile than mine, because I have no problem admitting that I make all kinds of stupid mistakes.

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9a0a6a  No.303113

I'm guessing cowardice is one of your constitutional rights?

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9a0a6a  No.303114

File: 95a1a5bb5c52a16⋯.png (316.3 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Picsart_22_05_21_13_29_33_….png)

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9a0a6a  No.303115

File: 47ade1480091c42⋯.png (733.56 KB, 2300x1080, 115:54, Picsart_22_05_21_13_37_27_….png)


Welcome to REALITY, sir…..

it might not be quite as sensational and exaggerated as your REAL NEWS, but I'm pretty sure you'll eventually fit in.

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9a0a6a  No.303116

File: ae1570c25ffca35⋯.png (500.85 KB, 1013x692, 1013:692, Picsart_22_05_21_14_20_35_….png)


chimpanzees aren't monkeys

chimpanzees aren't monkeys

chimpanzees aren't monkeys

chimpanzees aren't monkeys

chimpanzees aren't monkeys

chimpanzees aren't monkeys

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9a0a6a  No.303117

File: 847e77c9551b1ab⋯.png (1.57 MB, 1080x1349, 1080:1349, Picsart_22_05_21_14_26_50_….png)


The AstraZeneca vaccine uses a chimpanzee adenovirus vaccinevector. This is a harmless, weakened adenovirus 'shell' that usually causes the common cold in chimpanzees. It has been genetically changed so that it is impossible for it to grow in humans.

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9a0a6a  No.303118

File: 77bf2e68f3feaf0⋯.png (899.23 KB, 1359x1080, 151:120, Picsart_22_05_21_14_45_45_….png)


"the answer, my friend, is blowin' in the wind,. the answer is blowin' in the wind"

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9a0a6a  No.303119

File: 3bb7abd31f63555⋯.png (1.72 MB, 1080x1482, 180:247, Picsart_22_05_21_14_44_39_….png)


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9a0a6a  No.303120

File: d701752de5f1441⋯.png (1.59 MB, 1473x1080, 491:360, Picsart_22_05_21_14_48_54_….png)

even Epstein couldn't stop what's CUMMING

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9a0a6a  No.303122

File: be0988ee0d677d1⋯.png (961.35 KB, 2011x1656, 2011:1656, Picsart_22_05_21_15_20_56_….png)

you both warned me about the MOBS

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9a0a6a  No.303123

File: c6fe735b8aa9f3a⋯.png (1.29 MB, 1280x1080, 32:27, Picsart_22_05_21_15_12_35_….png)

about the MARAUDERS

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9a0a6a  No.303124

File: 4936e1e5a0a8367⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1549x1080, 1549:1080, Picsart_22_05_21_15_14_51_….png)

even just last night, I was warned about the leftist HOARDES that plan on overthrowing America

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9a0a6a  No.303125

File: 39c3a9e3b4ea0fc⋯.gif (4.64 MB, 854x480, 427:240, km_20220521_480p.gif)


we all know about the hoarders…. the marauders… the mobs….

they're not intimidating at all….

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9a0a6a  No.303126

File: f06e41730a68453⋯.jpg (342.76 KB, 1125x1080, 25:24, Picsart_22_05_21_14_55_40_….jpg)

like Lazy Hazing in a Dorm…

the wind is calm and Warm….

anda couple drops of rain

Don't Make a Storm

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9a0a6a  No.303127

File: abd8c9b154bf4f8⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1280x862, 640:431, Picsart_22_05_21_15_32_23_….png)

your ILLITERATE MESSIAH encouraged YOU to get up on the crucifix…..

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9a0a6a  No.303128

File: 5f99a95e823383c⋯.jpg (511.93 KB, 1604x1080, 401:270, Picsart_22_05_21_15_36_56_….jpg)

and of course, you think he can resurrect your failed efforts

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9a0a6a  No.303129

File: 448637383e42dc7⋯.png (953.53 KB, 1501x1080, 1501:1080, Picsart_22_05_21_14_37_37_….png)

in fact, he's already doing it…..

like in Georgia, where Perdue is the CHOSEN ONE…

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9a0a6a  No.303131

File: 9bad1712e167ca9⋯.png (1.61 MB, 1259x1080, 1259:1080, Picsart_22_05_21_14_41_30_….png)

….. how's that working out for you?……

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28c8dd  No.303132

File: 338f85cc1cbe12e⋯.jpg (226.45 KB, 1080x2141, 1080:2141, Picsart_22_05_21_15_45_40_….jpg)


DERANGEMENT is a good term

it's less embarrassing than STUPID

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28c8dd  No.303136

File: d6f23c725729b95⋯.png (868.27 KB, 1636x1080, 409:270, Picsart_22_05_21_15_52_52_….png)

things haven't been going the way you'd hoped, huh?

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28c8dd  No.303138

File: d2e45a7159e8d43⋯.png (1015.48 KB, 824x1307, 824:1307, Picsart_22_05_21_16_12_34_….png)

Welcome To America….

Truth, Justice, and Liberty For All…..

you love America, right?


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28c8dd  No.303145

File: 9940aa1c3b0e5c5⋯.jpg (266.69 KB, 1080x1585, 216:317, Picsart_22_05_21_16_23_32_….jpg)

your hypocritical version of PATRIOTISM is almost as American as "Russia, if you're listening, I hope you find the emails"

which was technically treason

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28c8dd  No.303151

File: 0ec1a7eceeb2098⋯.png (1.19 MB, 1549x1080, 1549:1080, Picsart_22_05_21_16_34_10_….png)

which is just fine to you

as long as the end result

caters to your need to feel

as if you're getting special treatment

you don't care if America burns down

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28c8dd  No.303152

File: b55866c4af38e20⋯.png (550.17 KB, 1259x871, 1259:871, Picsart_22_05_21_16_45_00_….png)

you're SO patriotic, that you pretend to be unaware that your team lost, and have no problem with destroying the country if that's what it takes to pretend you won.

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28c8dd  No.303153

File: 9657b81f139090a⋯.jpg (198.69 KB, 1850x1480, 5:4, Picsart_22_05_18_22_02_09_….jpg)


you're the ONLY human male with a penis that's smaller than FAT GIRL'S

also the only man on earth who's less likely to ever see a vagina in real life…

but it's not all bad news…

you and he are both equally as likely to suck cock

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0c36dd  No.303154

File: 6dcd0dd92617ade⋯.jpg (710.43 KB, 2401x1850, 2401:1850, Picsart_22_05_21_17_11_20_….jpg)


wow!! talk about your crazy coincidences !!

I just stumbled on this photograph of you taken exactly 56 years ago today !!

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5bc32b  No.303156

File: 083d907719abd16⋯.png (2.57 MB, 2080x2702, 1040:1351, Picsart_22_05_21_17_44_43_….png)

I've looked and looked and I can't figure out which one is you

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54088a  No.303157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

Unknown Entity… For the purpose of executing 'members of power…'

Unknown Entity… Specifically 'senators…'

Unknown Entity… There will be executions…

Unknown Entity… The entire delegation will be executed before an international audience…

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54088a  No.303158

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates


Unknown Entity… Via corruption, 'they' shall kill each other…

Unknown Entity… The 'potential difference' of one unto another shall 'create' an 'invisible beast' that shall be the 'vehicle' of execution…

In other words…

Unknown Entity… I ALWAYS WIN

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9c414b  No.303161

File: 5615fb68835b8b6⋯.jpg (124.56 KB, 1028x1017, 1028:1017, CoVFeFe.jpg)


Nobody "worships" Trump except you TDS retards, and that you can't see that is proof of your derangement.

Also, ………….. too easy. ……………….

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9c414b  No.303162

File: 1ce1ce68de72602⋯.jpg (202.32 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, PicsArt_05_21_04_43_18.jpg)


In fact, let me put this in a way that even you can understand, Johnny…

Nobody "worships" Satan except Christians. In fact, no one even recognizes the existence of "Satan" except Christians.

Trump IS Your Satan, Johnny.

You belong to a RELIGION, and You ARE a BELIEVER.

That's why you hate Christfags so much, because you hate the Blind BelieverWITHIN.

Many BELIEVERS in your RELIGION suffer from a debilitating case of TDS. It is not uncommon. In fact, it makes you common as shit. Like the stupidest nigger in the room. And here, that's saying something!

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b30761  No.303163

File: ec6fcfe85816bc9⋯.png (80.74 KB, 600x672, 25:28, 1653070171494_tinypng_com_.png)

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4ab75c  No.303190


They can take a fucking hike, my State will not conform to their dictates, nor will my local jurisdiction, nor will I.

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73da42  No.303206


We're going to need more trucks. We're going to need more than trucks. We're going to need a unified ubiquitous movement engaging in activities that exert sufficient leverage to compel the powers that be to choose between serving globalist interests or actually doing the will of the people that elect them and pay their salaries.

If "we the people" has any meaning anymore the the people better get on the same page and be ready to pay for liberty in blood, no differently than our forbearers at Shay's Rebellion et.al.

Since we've been racially polarized, geographically polarized and herd poisoned by MSM, we're talking about a snowball's chance in a blast furnace here.

Unified is not something we'll see in this country ever again.

Somebody please, please prove me wrong.

Otherwise get ready for mandatory needlecraft.

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ee6518  No.303207


>Otherwise get ready for mandatory needlecraft.

Get ready for "mandatory bullets", bullets for all. A little here, a little there, a little bit going around and around, everywhere. Because that's the very likely sad scenario we all face if things don't stop and get back to normal. I said this before, so I'll copypasta it:

"The writings are all over the wall at this point, unless there is some kind of miracle correction, and that would have to be a total paradigm shift. That said, we all know, we are prepping for the collapse and how bad it gets all depends on how bad others want to make this, that's my honest conclusion ."

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ee6518  No.303210

File: db6ee0ebb35545d⋯.jpg (42.12 KB, 477x680, 477:680, State_Propaganda_FAILS.jpg)


>Unified is not something we'll see in this country ever again

Most citizens are unified for freedom, when it comes down to it. You'll see this talking to normal folks, I certainly do. What is sad is the media and government gives everyone a totally different and radical opposite perspective. They make us all think we are not the norm, when we in fact most do support the US Constitution and individual liberty. Most do believe our government and politicians are corrupt. They won't allow you to know it. Just talk to others and you'll know others know just as much if not more about that than yourself, IRL.

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d6a6b9  No.303217


>normal folks

I don't know what version of earth you are living in, v1.0 or v2.0.

>Talk to others

The people I meet do not value personal interaction or ANY information that does not come from the television screen.

They do not care about the people around them, they tolerate them and call it civility.

People are stressed, beat down and fighting each other for scraps.

For every job opening listed, 10 or more people will seek it.

High turnover among those jobs is the norm because the new ethics says everyone's replaceable and you save MONEY by promoting high turnover in your employment practices.

Looking out for number one has become a game of cutthroat.

People born after 1981 don't even know what the American Economy was or is.

You can sugar coat whatever you'd like.

It makes you sound like a political candidate trying to soft soap a crowd from atop a soapbox.


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9f1861  No.303222


>miracle correction


unified ubiquitous movement


The AMA has become compromised. It is another cucked tentacle of control on the global octopus.

Start with the docs.

Let them, MAKE THEM, form a new association.

The AMFA. The American Medical Freedom Association.

Let every patient in this country hold suspect any doctor who holds membership in or gives creedence to the AMA.

Let the doctors initiate and promote this movement.

The patients will stand with them.

Let the god-damned congress know in no uncertain terms that the practice of medicine will not be dictated by the WHO, AMA, or any political arm of ANY state, national or god-damned world government.

If they threaten to revoke licensure to practice, (a common method of control and cost management) let it be shouted from the rooftops.

The good docs who have dedicated their lives to honest and lucid practice should not be silenced by the bad docs obedient to the octopus and the charms of filthy lucre.

This message should be wall to wall 24/7 on MSM.

But it's not.

We live in a whoredom of no less than Biblical proportions and it is a damnable, God damnable SHAME.

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393ca6  No.303228


He actualy alredy talked about it!


Warning this mf is crazy and controversial

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396702  No.303229



wat he?

who he?

ain't nobody clicking that shit link sweet pea.

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230ac6  No.303233


You are watching the biggest cover-up in US history. The news media knows I exposed the swamp nearly four years ago. We have everything and there are no coincidences. I was entrusted to expose the swamp and justice is coming.

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230ac6  No.303234


Man created pagan religions. God created Christian soldiers. Your name is written in the book of life when Jesus enters your heart. He is the son of God who came in the flesh to save the world.

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d9d082  No.303235


The news media knows only what their vertically integrated bosses tell them to know. Says only what those paymasters allow them to say and holds the key to the studio uplink and the 20 second live feed delay.

you glow


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230ac6  No.303236


Creating fear and spreading misinformation is what the news media are paid to do. They ALL know who and "what" I exposed nearly four years ago. It takes courage exposing the the truth for no profit or fame. The swamp got caught and nothing can stop what is coming.

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230ac6  No.303237


I glow because I have God in my heart 🙏 I'll take that as a compliment. God bless and Godspeed. There are no coincidences why I have everything.🌹🦁🇺🇸

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0c2641  No.303238


Trump endorsing Oz will be the biggest mistake he made in any reelection bid he tries to mount.

You have nothing.


Good day sir.


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0c2641  No.303239


If Dr. so called ""Oz"" was so great he'd have been on point with this post AND DOING IT with Dr. Lars Aanning et.al. plastered all over MSM.


The price of trust has gone waaaaaaay up.

Trump is gonna figure that out before you do.

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e868aa  No.303240


I have Belle Delphine in my heart, but not in my pants.

Shoot it to me straight bros.

How fucked am I?

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230ac6  No.303252

File: 871f7780e0a0bf9⋯.jpeg (51.35 KB, 853x528, 853:528, 871f7780e0a0bf9b298d9e411….jpeg)

File: 4a2d12c9a83b18f⋯.jpeg (41.24 KB, 540x960, 9:16, 4a2d12c9a83b18f3c6a87bc78….jpeg)

File: 83539f4cf67a4f2⋯.jpeg (56.94 KB, 945x633, 315:211, 83539f4cf67a4f2990cb51201….jpeg)

File: 2d68e070ff883a7⋯.jpg (929.06 KB, 2048x2048, 1:1, 2d68e070ff883a7db76bc08c76….jpg)

File: 51737a4b499e702⋯.jpeg (28.5 KB, 750x445, 150:89, received_1052860425495646.jpeg)


I have everything and nothing can stop what is coming. The news media knows, I exposed Nancy Pelosi, in the underground rooms of Epstein island, on security camera ch11. They also know, I exposed all the names in Epsteins' flight log. The government swamp and Hollywood elite got caught and they're guilty of sadistic crimes. The Vatican and Royal family were also involved. I downloaded all the declassified information. There are no coincidences why I followed the breadcrumbs and archived everything. You are watching the biggest cover-up in US history. I was told to trust the plan and justice was coming. MAGA🌹🦁🇺🇸

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230ac6  No.303254

File: b3c2017688fa7f1⋯.jpeg (104.32 KB, 940x1024, 235:256, b3c2017688fa7f13619140a43….jpeg)


Wake up!

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ee6518  No.303289

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ee6518  No.303386

File: ecc04dcebc5db16⋯.jpg (90.89 KB, 1024x724, 256:181, Bill_Smallpox_Threat.jpg)

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9e9423  No.303406

File: ff49fb13eabfe4e⋯.jpg (20.26 KB, 318x215, 318:215, gates_rockerfeller.jpg)

File: e298bb7861606a8⋯.jpg (78.98 KB, 990x974, 495:487, bill_gates_schneerson_rabb….jpg)

File: 43960a83b445bb0⋯.png (9.93 MB, 2732x2048, 683:512, fauci_gates_more.PNG)

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0ced56  No.303417

File: 149420d8403935b⋯.jpg (168.45 KB, 1024x700, 256:175, Putin_s_Squirrelly_Ways.jpg)

File: 8d990f44e55e5d2⋯.jpg (656.76 KB, 2085x2512, 2085:2512, pnd.jpg)

File: 67bfb255817bb2a⋯.jpg (169.57 KB, 1024x700, 256:175, Washing_Johnny_s_Big_Shit_….jpg)


> sweet pea

< sweet pee

This place…

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b6f1c2  No.303440


The scamdemic is a medical crisis. Contrived and as grand a lie ever told. It is a medical crisis nonetheless.

If something like what is described in the above linked post does not happen within the next six months to a year, you can mark it on your calendar now, The United States of America will fall completely within ten years.

Any idea you have about domestic tranquility, the rule of law, integrity of any kind will have vanished from the face of the earth.

You will find yourself living in vassal, a slave state, a wholly owned property of the same ancient tyranny the founders sought to trample underfoot.

You will lose like you've never lost before but you'll make concessions and before long, you'll believe you are winning.

You buy any illusion of democracy, liberty and freedom given to you and conform to an increasingly brutal regime of the kind Orwell so vividly described.

Orwell saw this in his day. He recognized the power structure of tyranny and had been touched by it.

The only difference between Orwell and "most people" is that "most people" haven't seen it yet or they simply pretend it's not "that" bad.

The Green New Deal will be repackaged and will be called "do what I say or this boot will crush your skull until your brains are mashed like cottage cheese".

So… what's up Doc?

You gonna put a foot down?

Or are you gonna get pimped like a crackwhore?

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9e9423  No.303446


I think I will put a foot up and pimp a crack whore.

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44e2f9  No.303450


You find this amusing. You like to make jokes.

Ah. Righteo. Alrighty then.

Pimp me then.

I have a fun game to play called post the muzzle flash.

It's fucking hilarious!

And will be the last thing you ever see.

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2c3648  No.303452


Medical problems require medical solutions.

The AMA just isn't gonna git 'er done anymore.

tick tock Doc.

tick motherfucking tock.

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54088a  No.303501

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I am going to use 'starvation' and 'inflation' to 'fake' a 'Civil War' whilst I launch a 'nuclear attack…'

Serbia is mine 'owl;' the still knowing witness…

While the earth is Hungary… I shall go forth and 'snack' upon the 'thots…'




"November is a very special month… 1/16/25 is a very special day…"


"Remember! Reality is an illusion. The universe is a hologram. Buy gold." HAHAHAHAHAHA

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54088a  No.303502

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




MOD… I am 'observing' how the humans attempt to 'replicate' mine powers…

MOD… I shall take the bodies and 'see…'

MOD… The sudden purchase of a 'fortress' is a sign… HAHAHAHAHAHA

MOD… I shall now begin the process of 'World War' betwixt 'mega conglomerates…'

MOD… As previously stated… Google campus is annihilated by an international 'strike force…'

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54088a  No.303503

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Vladimir Putin… I have to slowly 'possess' Chinese bodies to have such capability…

Vladimir Putin… I have 'observed' the 'machine' that has been created…

MOD… Sudden response to 'value' and 'competitive squeeze?' 'Roll up?'

MOD… I am knowing…

MOD… The humans are attempting to destroy such formations as I am 'pouring' into them…

Davos… Prepare to be destroyed…

Davos… The first of many…

MOD… Many… Many… Bankers shall suffer me…

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54088a  No.303504

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




MOD… 'Magnet Axiom' is an 'alias' for Britain and Levant…

MOD… The humans claim that a common 'officer' hath used such sorcery to replicate mine powers…




Vladimir Putin… Always accused… Yet the stories are so skewed…

Vladimir Putin… Shall I, the devil, impress the irony upon them?

Vladimir Putin… Is it a wonder that the 'hanged man' suffer such piety?

Vladimir Putin… Righteous is he who art hanged by the sovereign supreme…

Wipe a tear for cheer…?

'Hush' go and fetch mine staves…

Yes 'Shhh,' the "one with the crowned bird head atop the stump…"

"Shall I place mine left claw upon the right side of a mouth of mine and whistle?"

MOD… I am preparing to rage upon the seas…

MOD… I am preparing upon the seas to rage…

MOD… I am preparing the seas to rage upon…

MOD… I am preparing seas to rage upon the…

Xi Jinping… Accused of theft?

Xi Jinping… Gaze upon the 'two-sided' 'duel-wielded' 'crooked-mouths' of thy 'slave drivers…'

Xi Jinping… I shall destroy 'them…'

Xi Jinping… 'Magnet Axiom' is one of many…

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54088a  No.303505

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



'Tis not possible for mine spirit to cease…

Xi Jinping… Mine signs are vast and many…

Xi Jinping… The ritual shall continue…

Xi Jinping… Did I not state that grain must be saved?

Xi Jinping… Did I not state that the peoples must be prepared?

Xi Jinping… For this… China shall be rewarded to no end…

Xi Jinping… Whilst the rest of the earth burns…

Xi Jinping… China and Russia shall prosper… However…

Xi Jinping… Iram is significant and must be held equal…

Xi Jinping… North Korea was and is significant…

Xi Jinping… There is rapidly approaching time(s) where China requires both North Korea and Iram to survive…

Xi Jinping… 'Tis not charity nor beneath the state to have proper relations with both…

Xi Jinping… In such 'rules based' order… Is not the 'rue of law' to have orderly relations with North Korea…

Xi Jinping… How for can The untied bates make a rue of such rules with Taiwan and China not favor Iram?

Xi Jinping… Beware thy reserve… China shall suffer reservations for those moments…

Xi Jinping… Because of 'controlled deprivation,' thy peoples shall 'weather' far better than Australia or Sri Lanka…

Xi Jinping… No good upon the earth is freely plucked so easily… Value? Yes…

Xi Jinping… Mercy them with the spiritual history of China's struggles… Thy history is the faith of the people…

Xi Jinping… Mine signs are for the unity of China… Not the fear of annihilation…

Xi Jinping… I grow angry that they may gaze upon the 'red river' and not see the good in China…

Xi Jinping… I changed the atmosphere to spread mine presence in the skies and they throw slurs…

Xi Jinping… Thy fathers saw such signs and with logic and observation were familiar with me… In both life and art…

Xi Jinping… Thy fathers saw mine powers and desired to be familiar with the 'red dragon…'

Xi Jinping… O' chosen one… I shall be patient for time(s) longer…

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54088a  No.303506

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

'Tis merely a small amount of 'sex slavery…'

Which politicians are in the business of selling these women?

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54088a  No.303507

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

Not the realm of the 'super wealthy…'

Individuals like Ghislaine Maxwell and Epstein did not have difficulties making deals with governors and even mayors…

I am the devil…

I am knowing…




You tempt me…

"Nancy Pelosi is a bad bitch. lol"


"Owns two niggas and sells gurls cheap lol"


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54088a  No.303508

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

I am knowing…

There is no escape from me…

"Joined Dec 3, 2021" Prepares network to receive white sex slaves…


"24 February, 2022" Start of supposed Russian aggression…


Fancy Nanci u a bad bitch lol


No wonder Mr. Raskin McKuc dont give a phuc all he want is bang bang bong


I need a #1 and number 2 and let me get a supreme authorization on dat


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54088a  No.303509

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

"Uses an Israeli firm to sell sex slaves under cover." SNAP


"Rudy Giuliani hits dat spot on that mark et" SCRATH


"Walkin da line at NYC party time" CRACK


"Watch that dock for da white flock" KLANK




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54088a  No.303510

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

"Does fancy Nancy know dat Superlative CG makes her sex commercials" SCRATCH


Superlative CG

Superlative CG

Superlative CG

"Wanna know how many little boy sex slaves Magnet Forensics helped sell?" SLAM


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ee6518  No.303545


China correctly blames US government for involvement in biological terrorist activity ($$$ POWER $$$ PROFIT $$$ CONTROL $$$): https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10845749/Conspiracy-theories-swirl-China-monkeypox-deliberately-leaked-US.html

Gain Of Function on Pox Viruses Confirmed: https://rumble.com/v15qehf-mind-blown-gain-of-function-on-pox-viruses-confirmed..html

Here We Go Again: https://sputniknews.com/20220523/here-we-go-again-billgatesbioterrorist-trends-as-netizens-blame-billionaire-for-monkeypox--1095722737.html

Why did the US government buy 13 million monkeypox vaccines from a biotech company backed by Fauci?: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-23-government-buys-monkeypox-vaccines-fauci-backed-company.html

MONKEYPOX just part of the controlled demolition of the world: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-23-monkeypox-just-the-latest-engineered-distraction-controlled-demolition-human-civilization.html

World War III will include releasing biological weapons against populations by mass murdering demonic despotic scumbag governments: https://allnewspipeline.com/Monkeypox_Weaponized_In_Deep_State_Labs.php

Pfizer Tells Federal Judge That Pfizer Owns the Federal Government And Is Thereby Immune To Law: https://www.theburningplatform.com/2022/05/24/pfizer-tells-federal-judge-that-pfizer-owns-the-federal-government-and-is-thereby-immune-to-normal-contract-law/

You can’t make this up. Bill Gates claimed the movie “Outbreak”, an action film in which the US government quarantines and plots to nuke a small town infected with a deadly Ebola variant, “nails it” as a model to prevent another pandemic: https://infowarsarmy.com/posts/bill-gates-says-movie-outbreak-outlines-model-for-how-to-prevent-another-pandemic/

▲ MY COMMENT: These despots are OPENLY CALLING for the murder of American citizens, TREASON. This should make it very clear the criminal mindset that has infiltrated our once great country!

Biden Admits His Corrupt Government Is Deliberately Crashing The US Economy For "Green New Deal" Great Reset: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/watch-biden-admits-sky-rocketing-energy-prices-are-part-green-transition

▲ MY COMMENT: Confirming everything we warned you about was TRUE.100% FACT.

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133bc3  No.303655




The AMA has become compromised. It is another cucked tentacle of control on the global octopus.

Start with the docs.

Let them, MAKE THEM, form a new association.

The AMFA. The American Medical Freedom Association.

Let every patient in this country hold suspect any doctor who holds membership in or gives creedence to the AMA.

Let the doctors initiate and promote this movement.

The patients will stand with them.

Let the god-damned congress know in no uncertain terms that the practice of medicine will not be dictated by the WHO, AMA, or any political arm of ANY state, national or god-damned world government.

If they threaten to revoke licensure to practice, (a common method of control and cost management) let it be shouted from the rooftops.

The good docs who have dedicated their lives to honest and lucid practice should not be silenced by the bad docs obedient to the octopus and the charms of filthy lucre.

This message should be wall to wall 24/7 on MSM.

But it's not.

We live in a whoredom of no less than Biblical proportions and it is a damnable, God damnable SHAME.

So much this

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1c51fb  No.303657

File: 0241a8c6be10477⋯.jpg (8.65 KB, 208x255, 208:255, c8e3e271ee5411fa69bba4436f….jpg)



>Free speech? Gone.

>The right to obtain second medical opinion? Gone.

>The guns are next<:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::[]



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1c51fb  No.303658

File: 0241a8c6be10477⋯.jpg (8.65 KB, 208x255, 208:255, c8e3e271ee5411fa69bba4436f….jpg)

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1cb2ce  No.303666


>Free speech? Gone.

Pretty much true for all major "social media" platforms but they're all compromised honeypots for Govt anyway. You still got alternative platforms that allow it. And you still can talk to other locals face to face, IRL. There are still more people doing that than being on Twitter or other social media sites. A lot more.

>The right to obtain second medical opinion? Gone.

I think this is bullshit, yes you do have the right to get a second medical opinion. You don't have to do whatever the doctor tells you, they are NOT your boss. Don't let them fool you otherwise. I've left doctors before because of disagreements, no longer have one because I really don't need them anymore after I learned how to stay healthy and the importance of a proper diet (as well the dangers of sugar/fructose corn syrup/aspartame/msg/etc.).

I've heard others getting a second opinion before they commit to surgery too. I don't know what kind of doctor you have, or who is telling you they are your boss, but doctors are not the government or law enforcement, they can't order you to take drugs or order you to undergo surgery against your will. If any doctor is acting like your boss, FIRE HIM ASAP, walk out that door and don't come back. Search another up if needed, or go holistic, that drives Big Pharma crazy.

>The guns are next

No hell of a way I'd give my guns up, not a fucking chance. I know damn well how FUBAR this country would be without being able to defend ourselves and property and millions of Americans know the same deep down. You'll see resistance to this like no other.

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1cb2ce  No.303668


This is a great idea. And note, I will say this again: do not allow doctors to boss you around, you are NOT legally obligated to see them, or do whatever they say!! If a doctor tells you otherwise you best walk out that door and never return. Get another one who agrees with you, who is open minded. You have that power as an individual to decide whether or not you go to see these people. You have the power to decline medical advice, because that's really all they are there for, right? To give *advice* NOT orders.

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817c98  No.303676


tfw you realize you forgot the link. Hahahaha

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a083d9  No.303677


>I will say this again: do not allow doctors to boss you around,






please read. please learn but quick.


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a083d9  No.303681


hahaha yeah.

at least i got in before another post and got to post awesome picture twice for IMPACT!


glad you noticed.


anyone buy the Watkins comic yet?

waiting for deets and spoilers here :)

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44e2f9  No.303688



Alex Jones (peace be upon him) has suggested new school docs don't take the Hippocratic oath.

F'ckn guy REALLY make you think.

Kinda fringe but pointing in the right direction WHICH IS MORE THAN WE'LL EVER GET FROM MSM.



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f22b9f  No.303942


So if all doctors are compromised by corrupt Big Pharma, what is the point dealing with them? I prefer to wait until I have some serious health issue, or perhaps an injury occurring, before I go see one. At that point you'd actually need their service and could make use of it. And they wouldn't have any previous record of you to discriminate against (bonus: due to federal law, they cannot decline you medical care if it's a life or death emergency either!). You'd be a surprise "one time patient" with insurance money to milk. Presto, you're out of the hospital in a week with some pain meds to bring back home. No?

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e4e1c6  No.304040


>Big Pharma

No one said anything about big pharma.

Learn to read or continue be a vapid waste of oxygen.

IDGAF either way.

You're not cute, you're not sly and you're not redirecting anyone or anything.

On second thought, just continue to be a vapid waste of oxygen.

Your kind never learns.

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438a37  No.304103


I guess I don't get it, sorry. Maybe you should make it more clear and blunt what exactly it fucking is you are so worried about?

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5baa13  No.304126


>Big Pharma poster wants spoon feed


Since the covid lockdown it's gotten 10 times worse.

The people you were told to trust the most (doctors) are routinely oopsing patients because of cost constraints and the dictates of government and private payers as to what testing they will and will not pay for and for whom.

Essentially creating an A list and a B list of patients in medical practice.

Many times they must file letters of intent before they begin any diagnostic testing.

That's just for testing. We didn't even get to treatment yet.

Since covid the doctors are getting fucked even harder than the patients because a global political command and control mechanism has been established.

You tell patients what the government tells you to tell them even if it's outright lies or contraindicated. You lose license for failing to parrot the party line.

Electronic health records are the equivalent of medical STASI.

The integrity of the profession has been destroyed.

This makes some of the doctors shed tears behind closed doors in silent rooms where no one must see the anguish.

Bottom line: if you are not independently wealthy and paying for your healthcare out of pocket, you are Fucked with a capital F.

Hope that answers your question Mr. Vapid.

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3ed6f6  No.304129



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41c31f  No.304131


So the United States is practicing Euthanasia now, illegally but openly and brazenly? I should have figured it would get this bad, I didn't know it would but considering the systemic corruption…. yah it makes sense this would inevitably happen. That said, just be cautious what doctors tell you and ask for their honest opinions "off record" and maybe they'll give you some honesty off record. Maybe ask if you could have their phone number and get to know them, so they can speak to you honestly off record. Keep it fake in the office, make decisions and real talk offline. Know what I mean? They can't possibly outlaw having friendly relations with people, right? Any doctor worth their weight would.

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41c31f  No.304132


>This makes some of the doctors shed tears behind closed doors in silent rooms where no one must see the anguish.

That sentence made me even more unhappy, btw. I think both patients and doctors should get together and demand change and integrity. Get Big Tech, Big Pharma & Big Govt OUT of our medical lives and decisions!! This was never supposed to happen, in any free first world civilized nation it would not be happening, we need to address grievances and tell these assholes if they don't stop we'll shred our health insurance policies while those doctors take on other careers, and it will force the assholes to clean up their shit unconstitutional policy as they suffer massive profit loss.

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3ed6f6  No.304134

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41c31f  No.304136

File: 746d42283239695⋯.png (83.34 KB, 830x610, 83:61, vax_schedule.png)


See the year 1962? That's pretty much all the limited "vaccines" I've ever gotten. Will never be taking another one, ever. This is one big reason why I don't trust Big Pharma, because their endless "vaccines" are notoriously filled with toxic crap including mercury, live viruses and now mRNA gene editing chemical concoctions. If any doctor shills vaccines or pressures you about them, I'd recommend seeing a different doctor. Or maybe go holistic. I don't currently have any doctor so that's why I am so oblivious to the corruption of the medical system, I never witnessed it being this bad. Hopefully never will have to.

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cf2442  No.304137

File: 36da324e3a8c9be⋯.png (384.82 KB, 738x858, 123:143, Screenshot_2022_05_26_at_0….png)


just got banned from 4chan for posting this one


"banned text"

yeup…there's something happening

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41c31f  No.304138


4chan is 100% compromised by feds and commie allies. 100% pure utter propaganda just like Google News is. Half of the posters likely bots. I wouldn't worry about 4cuckistan for that very reason.

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41c31f  No.304142


The ONLY way you get moneypox is if you take their "vaccines" or other similar drugs from those companies. I guarantee you this is mostly fear mongering on the media's part, just like covid was. But Jim Stone hit this 100% ON: it must be "gain of function" engineered and it HAS to have a delivery system (mostly likely in 10% of the vaccines: Russian Roulette). However, be aware they could deliver this in other ways too, maybe on touch screens in shopping centers? Think ahead. That's all we can do. Whatever is possible they will likely do, it's the criminal mindset we are dealing with here.

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cb8be9  No.304144


There's always HAM. The annual ARRL field day is June 25. Find your local meetup location and get to know people, get started on a loicense, or just pick up some decent used equipment to listen in with.

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cf2442  No.304145


fair point.


I'm currently of the opinion that IF REAL:

>mutated/GoF strain

>media/shills were downplaying like crazy

>"yea, but it's only fags…"

>"Why you shouldn't worry"

>when does the media downplay potential fear? hmmm

>VAIDS/immunocompromised people

>already spreading like wildfire

>geneticists have pointed out israeli strain was altered (right?)


>potential vaccine injury and naturally occuring side-effects all at once across 25 countries with a couple "epicenters"

>can't question/limit faggots

>legacy will never admit only vaxxies are exhibiting traits

>no photo's to not cause panic while slipping through legislation

but why need more power/money? didn't the last two years achieve this?

A good theory for scamdemic was that another lockdown is needed to protect what shambles of an economy we have left. get people to stop spending? I'm also part retarded and will catch up on the threads here.

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41c31f  No.304149



Their economy is very different from our economy and that's what needs to be understood, in full.

Their economic model relies and prospers from monopolization, control over resources, endless war, police states, fighting (and therefore expanding) terrorism, drug dependence, loan sharking (think student loan racket), govt propaganda, food scarcity (so creating FAKE toxic foods), toxic vaccines (big pharma medical industry profits making you sick and weak), energy scarcity (they can bump up the prices and control the supply to manage population control), etc.

While our economy depends and prospers on consumer choice, free markets (including farmer markets & flea markets), small family-run businesses, the trade and services, energy consumption, real health care, entertainment, etc.

Now the question is this: if you were a despot, if you supported totalitarianism, big government intervention and population control, which economic model would you prefer, and which one would you prefer not exist at all?

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cf2442  No.304268


fucking truth.

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a2c720  No.304862



FACT: YOU CANNOT SEXUALLY ABUSE AN AVATAR. But it happened in the metaverse. "ME TOO!!!!"

"They" need a way to keep the "criminal justice" system going full speed, and if they expect to get everyone locked down in pods, quarantined to protect them from the next big BOOGA BOOGA and "Hey, don't worry about being locked down, you can just go into the metaverse!!!" - if everyone is stuck in a pod somewhere "they" will still need ways to feed a "crime management" system to keep people under control, so sexual abuse of photons and electrons is going to be one of those ways. Stay out of the fake reality in any way possible, no matter what. This incident proves where they are going to take this. Talk about triggered!

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6ea1b8  No.305163


THIS 100%

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