6dd215 No.285269[Last 50 Posts]
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f0172c No.285270
No. Youtube has been censoring conservatives for 8+ years now, so has ALL the other Big Tech company.
>The right to obtain second medical opinion? Gone.
Bullshit. I'll see any doctor I want, and if I don't want to see a doctor I won't. Just try to stop me. I haven't had a doctor in over 20 years, sue me!
As far as guns, that is not even related to tech censorship. We won't be giving them up either, not without a crippling domestic war.
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f0172c No.285271
BTW: He, like Rand Paul already did, should join another platform like Rumble that supports free speech. Fuck big tech companies.
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de817c No.285279
The doctors hands are being tied behind their backs.
The opinion you get may be politically motivated.
This can be hazardous to health.
The State issues license to practice. It can take it away.
Many are leaving practice.
And to make sure they get the message:
You really have no idea how bad things have become.
As far as a crippling war they don't even really have to take
the guns:
I'm glad you haven't needed a doctor in 20 years.
Others are not so fortunate and some hospitals will send you home
sicker than when you came in.
And let's not forget Gulf War Syndrome.
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380aae No.285288
>Free speech
Not what you think it is. There is no "free speech", there is only "protected speech". If you're not being arrested, your speech is protected by the First Amendment. You are free to stand in the public square and talk about how niggers are ruining the soil, but you are not allowed to walk into a black family's house and do the same. They can kick you out. That is not a violation of freedom of speech.
>The right to obtain second medical opinion
You have that right. However, facebook posts and youtube videos are not "medical opinions". Senator Johnson is not a doctor and cannot give "medical opinions".
>The guns are next
You promised me Clinton was going to take my guns. Then you assured me 100% that Obama was going to take my guns. I've decided you're an idiot and refuse to believe you.
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380aae No.285289
>supports free speech
No, they do not.
Look at all those limits. How is that "free"?
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380aae No.285290
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380aae No.285291
You may not post or transmit any message which is libelous, defamatory or which discloses private or personal matters concerning any person or entity. You may not post or transmit any message, file, image or program which is indecent, obscene or pornographic.
You may not post or transmit any message that would violate the rights of others, including but not limited to the unauthorized use, publication or disclosure of copyrighted materials, trade secrets or other confidential or proprietary information.
You may not post anything that uses trade marks or service marks in an infringing fashion.
You may not interfere with another user’s use or the functionality of the Forum.
You may not post or transmit any message which is abusive, inciting violence, harassing, harmful, hateful, anti-semitic, racist or threatening.
You may not post or transmit any messages pertaining to charity requests, petitions for signatures, requesting donations, relating to pyramid schemes, or pertaining to the manipulation of the Rumble Service.
You may not post or transmit any advertising or any other solicitation of other users of the Forum for goods or services other than the Rumble Service.
You may not use the Forum to conduct or solicit the performance of any illegal activity or other activity which infringes the rights of others.
"Free" speech, indeed.
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49d74b No.285293
These are credentialed and distinguished members of their professions taking their own time and presumably paying their own expenses to meet with a United States Senator.
These are not radical people.
Whatever we might glean from this meeting was deemed unfit for our ears. I want to see a lawsuit.
Covington kid got 800 mil.
I want some ass.
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c25ba2 No.285319
Rockefeller allopathic medical doctors are the ones who can't give "medical opinions" because they'll lose their license unless they parrot whatever the coven of satanic pedophil child molesting kikes at the AMA write down in the latest DSM like rabbis inventing the talmud out of thin air. Good luck paying all the loans needed for the communist indoctrination camp pretending to be a legitimate medical school without that precious license.
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fdec62 No.285325
Anyways they stole about 1/6 of my coconut rum cigar since everything is a fucking joke to them and their apparently the new revolutionaries in society in order to datamine the military and feds how did they do it if I was in the room the whole time these apparent heroes who set up this event to leak this information to bait more idiots in to being food did it using sorcery/quantum physics. Typical rat shit you know secret every day chumps talking about they will shoot the Fuck out the government they live so comfortably under and all it's supporters apparently at my expense and behalf 29169 west columbia
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380aae No.285361
You do you, man. If you want to take medical advice from some rando with a business degree, go ahead. If you want to take your car to a dentist, go ahead. If you want to get your teeth filled by a plumber, go ahead.
Just don't demand we all have to listen to that barely educated karen's claims about lavender oil curing cancer, covid, acne, and genital warts. If a company wants to tell Senator Johnson to shut the fuck up and get the fuck out, they're allowed to do so.
If you had forced that baker to bake the gay cake, then it would be different; but you chose to allow companies to choose who to serve and not to serve.
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a3c74a No.285363
The video of the roundtable was removed by the platform, a YouTube spokesperson told The Hill, although a shorter version of the discussion was allowed to stay up.
“We craft our policies to reduce the risk of real-world harm, updating them as official guidance evolves, and we consider the context of a video to make exceptions that balance open discussion of people’s experiences with preventing the spread of harmful misinformation,” the spokesperson said.
>official guidance evolves
This is government censorship.
The irony is that Congress in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 went on a tyrannical mission to own the internet for national security reasons. The laws they passed which went largely unnoticed by the the working class are not being used to stop terrorists.
They are being used to silence, marginalize and discredit credentialed people who threaten to blow the lid off of the biggest medical cover up in recorded history.
And there is not a damn thing anyone can say or do to stop it.
At this point I'm certain that Google, youtube, and a plethora of other tech companies have received so many National Security Letters that they've lost count.
Our job is to bitch about big tech.
Their job is to take the heat.
And the tyrannical, dictatorial, paranoid government that made this mess comes out looking like our protector and smelling like a rose.
We are living in a police state dictatorship that makes Soviet era politics look like child's play.
The government is granting itself licence to not to invade your home, but your body. They are dictating the practice of medicine to physicians and have incentivized hospitals to carry out a new kind of aktion T4.
But at least we can vote~
Pelosi announced she is running for re-election after 18 terms.
Maybe she'll dance in Chinatown again.
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efba9d No.285385
>However, facebook posts and youtube videos are not "medical opinions". Senator Johnson is not a doctor and cannot give "medical opinions".
CORRECT! Senator is not a doctor! Brilliant observation!
The doctors are coming to him because they are watching the practice of medicine being taken over by tyrannical dictatorial government and are witnessing the subversion of the profession by the worst elements in medicine!
They are not all saints.
Those elements have created this crisis to cover up their own misdeeds and that lying stinking Jesuit tool is the biggest bully on the block!!!!
covid-19 wasn't enough magic so…
they created SARS-coV-2.
It's a glyph. A talisman.
It's been a 20 year propaganda campaign to promote wicked asian viruses as the causative pathogen for conditions being created by other types of infection.
It'a racket. Profit driven and politically driven medicine depends on a certain percentage of patients becoming catastrophically ill.
They know how to make those catastrophies happen.
Once trusted hospitals are no longer trusted and whatever remnant of Hippocratic medicine that remains is being quickly silenced and replaced by a lethal, corporate, pathocratic murder machine.
The haunt of EVERY unclean bird.
Murders, thefts and sorceries FOR REAL.
Those trying to warn us are silenced.
You won't vote your way out of this mess.
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85fa68 No.285424
Anywaysy cigar went missing again and these animals are still debating life because they can't stop being massive cock suckers also they think it's funny to keep playing Jeffrey raynor's MD fucking strawmen to annoy the Fuck out of me so they can use Leo's as a point of manipulation and leverage to save their ass from their outright belligerence also dickhead calling me keeps advocating for the obviously backed trolls to get shot for media hysteria like I'm on of these random hood rats or right wing extremist. You know typical I'm some Mr evil shadow occultist go get yourself fucked up and imma call the cops if this apparent lunatic slaps that shit out of you. Anyways west Columbia and SC 2 medical park Columbia SC. Google is purposely bugged as Fuck so you can't find accurate locations.
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c25ba2 No.285428
>from a rando
Like from a rando who got brainwashed by the satanic jews and is only doing it for the kosher coins? Wow that's a really solid argument.
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380aae No.285450
No doctor in the history of doctoring has ever become a doctor for the money.
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eb2bd2 No.285452
>No doctor in the history of doctoring has ever become a doctor for the money.
"Doctors do not have the courage to stand up for their patients because they have lost their independence; they are simply civil servants; they have sold their souls for a fat salary, short working hours and membership of a wonderful pension scheme. They are so beholden to their employers that they dare not even stand up to bullying, they dare not even speak out when they see things happening which they know, in their hearts, are wrong. Their spirits have curdled. Medicine today has become rigid, like other forms of science, and original thinking is as unacceptable today as it was in the days when Semmelweiss was vilified."
–Dr. Vernon Coleman in his 2014 book "Anyone Who Tells You Vaccines Are Safe And Effective Is Lying. Here's The Proof"
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bbe5d8 No.285531
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1e80e8 No.285538
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1e80e8 No.285539
The groundwork has already been laid for years of more crisis.
"Long covid" alone will provide plenty of opportunities to re-legitimize the little common cold virus that took over the world.
Latent phenomena from any of the 30 currently approved vaccines can easily be attributed to long covid.
It's crisis capitalism as far as the eye can see. A new normal every day! And with the magic of television and a never ending procession of experts, the magic will stick.
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6728ad No.285541
Then try minds, or bitchute, or brighteon, or brandnewtube, whatever, even goyim.tv is up. There are plenty of alternatives out there, if you wanted you could join up on p2p chat forums, where they can't be so easily censored or shut down because it's node to node communication. Plus there are still plenty of obscure image boards out there. The internet is what you make of it, don't ever allow others to control what you do on it. That's key. Another thing: I don't have one single Big Tech social media account, NOT ONE, and I am perfectly happy with the internet without them.
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6728ad No.285542
TRUE. BUT ANOTHER TRUTH: It's going to be up to the goyim how much they will put up with. This is always the way it was and forever will be. It all depends on when we decide to have the guts and tell them to fuck off, or eat a pile of lead. It's just that simple. Society needs to grow some fucking balls again. If you don't trust them, stop listening to them! If you don't want the vaccines, don't take them! If they try to drag you off to a coof camp, fucking shoot them and set an example! Enough already.
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e84279 No.285545
>Upon admission to a once-trusted hospital, American patients with COVID-19 become virtual prisoners, subjected to a rigid treatment protocol with roots in Ezekiel Emanuel’s “Complete Lives System” for rationing medical care in those over age 50. They have a shockingly high mortality rate. How and why is this happening, and what can be done about it?
>As exposed in audio recordings, hospital executives in Arizona admitted meeting several times a week to lower standards of care, with coordinated restrictions on visitation rights. Most COVID-19 patients’ families are deliberately kept in the dark about what is really being done to their loved ones.
>The combination that enables this tragic and avoidable loss of hundreds of thousands of lives includes (1) The CARES Act, which provides hospitals with bonus incentive payments for all things related to COVID-19 (testing, diagnosing, admitting to hospital, use of remdesivir and ventilators, reporting COVID-19 deaths, and vaccinations) and (2) waivers of customary and long-standing patient rights by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).
They don't need a coof camp.
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6728ad No.285546
No shit, the medical system is 100% untrustable, unreliable and corrupt today in the USSA. You can get much better and cheaper medical care in Mexico. I made a whole thread about this.
Also: https://www.bitchute.com/video/Pz0SBTvKrDrV
Better start learning about natural health and eating a proper diet, we now have official death panels for hospitals.
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5bcb7b No.285547
"Because of the nature of jurisprudence in this country
this page had to be deleted
in spite of how important it is to the patient safety debate.
So much for free speech when medicine is the subject"
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5bcb7b No.285548
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6728ad No.285549
I don't need to, at least yet. I take better care of myself, and no I do not rely on a doctor or the medical system. The only solution is to start eating healthy, take your vitamins and avoid bad habits as best you can.
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79ba41 No.285550
>The only solution
Please point the barrel of the pistol UP at the roof of your mouth and squeeze the trigger.
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6728ad No.285554
Not my problem if you can't handle the truth. Trust the corrupted hospitals at your own peril.
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860740 No.285563
People are being denied proper medical care.
I know the truth.
The peril belongs to corrupted hospitals, not me.
You are a disinfo shill.
Please kill yourself immediately by any available means or mechanism.
Maybe make a colonic and blow the vitamins up your ass before you
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6728ad No.285565
I'm not shilling for anything, the hospitals are corrupt and if you don't boost your immune system, don't eat healthy with a proper organic keto diet, and indulge in bad habits then you will be denied care or possibly killed in a corrupt govt-run hospital. What is it you don't understand about that?
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6728ad No.285566
Here is the thread that has plenty of warnings not to trust hospitals in the USSA: >>273119
As far as killing myself? No, I am doing the opposite. I am staying away from their corrupt system and taking care of myself to the best of my ability. If, in the worse case scenario, like Jim Stone said before, if you get seriously ill there are Mexican doctors who will take care of your problems so long as you give them some USD in cash (and they work much cheaper than most doctors in America).
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c0d1a2 No.285568
>boost your immune system
marketing propaganda. keywords that they teach the birds to say.
"polly wanna cracker"
go shill elsewhere.
be a vitamin guru.
start your own website.
you only help the corrupted medical system.
people like you are bottom feeders waiting to catch desperate injured patients that the the corrupt medical system creates.
i can introduce you to mexican doctors who would kill you for having blue eyes.
please fuck completely off.
and please enjoy millions of illegal new immigrants to replace all the blue eyes.
you can thank the pope.
a hostile invading foreign power that calls itself a church.
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6728ad No.285572
>marketing propaganda.
You sound like a Big Pharma shill yourself. Boosting your immune system naturally is how you can keep from getting sick and not relying on doctors or hospitals or Big Pharma in the first place.
If you want to continue to eat junk/fast foods, not take any vitamins or health supplements, sit around and not exercise, not get fresh air and sunshine then you are begging to become dependent on the shitty corrupt "healthcare" system you rant so hard against!
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6a7ca7 No.285574
I don't eat an unhealthy diet.
Please kill yourself by any available means immediately.
You are a presumptuous dirty shill.
Very dirty mouth you have.
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6728ad No.285576
High quality vitamin supplements do help boost your immune system too, I take them religiously every day and rarely ever get sick. Had covid and survived it without any medical intervention. Sugar and alcohol consumption are the biggest contributors to cancer as well as diabetes. Instead of drinking lots of coffee try to limit it to one cup a day and then substitute it with organic black tea (it's healthy to cut back of coffee consumption too). Do not smoke. Do not drink soda pop. Do not chew bubblegum (the aspartame is toxic). Do not eat anything with high fructose corn syrup or "high fructose". Stay away from meats that are cured with nitrites/nitrates. Do not cook with canola oil (very toxic). Always eat a balanced diet.
As long as you practice this you should be fine and can avoid the doctors and hospitals. If you are ever in very bad shape for any reason and need care you can always request hospice instead of going to the hospital, that way you are at home safe with family and a gun by your bed ;)
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d0085a No.285577
I'll request hospice for you and bring my gun to grant you the sweet release since you'll never do it yourself.
Until then we can be graced with.your incessant shitposting and watch you try do derail threads.
You're like an ingrown toe nail.
It just takes awhile to clear that shit up.
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6728ad No.285579
So your a troll as expected. Nice talking to ya! I have better things to do. Enjoy yourself.
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cdd3b3 No.285591
>derail threads
I actually don't mind the derailers. They just make the glowies waste their time. And the best thing is, you can embed secret messages in them and make glowies become paranoid as well lmao
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320208 No.285633
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7a9e4b No.285634
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7d9410 No.285635
It will never happen, I know.
But it should.
People have been getting screwed by healthcare delivery for decades.
Covid is a convenient "crisis" to make all of that go away.
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effae4 No.285638
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462e95 No.285639
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a83f5a No.285642
Some people call that criminal negligence or collusion.
Some people call it treason.
The Congressional approval rating hit zero and went into negative numbers and is henceforth called the congressional disapproval rating.
The Lobby has become Leviathan and the very marble in the building is tainted with it's hellcasting stench.
Let's bulldoze it and build a new Capitol building with no lobby.
Let's end the fed, boot the UN, abolish the CFR and ban the papists.
That should, in any reasonable estimation, get us back on track and restore Constitutional representative self government.
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20a3e1 No.285644
they won't hear a word.
they have altogether gone astray.
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8ef18e No.285713
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39d4bf No.285722
oh God please.
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af46b4 No.287178
>Our formerly trusted medical community of hospitals and hospital-employed medical staff have effectively become “bounty hunters” for your life. Patients need to now take unprecedented steps to avoid going into the hospital for COVID-19.
>Patients need to take active steps to plan before getting sick to use early home-based treatment of COVID-19 that can help you save your life.
These are the written opinions of practicing doctors.
Even gaining the attention of a US senator does not prevent cancel culture.
The senator won't sue because congress created the laws which compel these platforms to censor content.
If the senator kicked up a ruckus, the ethics committee would surely find some "wrongdoing" in the senator's conduct of business and he'd be the next James Traficant.
They passed so much bad paper through congress in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 that it's probably not possible to vote our way out of the mess. It is Farenheit 451and it's invisible because any party who receives a national security letter may not disclose the contents of it or even publicly acknowledge having received such a letter.
After receiving such a letter, the company will state someone violated some provision in terms of it's use. (wink)
Our government has legislated itself and us into a tyranny from which no visible means of escape is apparent.
After watching this take shape for the last 22 years I'm convinced it's going to get worse. They won't suddenly come to their senses and start defending liberty. They will not relinquish the unconstitutional powers they have granted themselves and will continue to quietly pass bad provisions and amendments to existing legislation which will permanently enshrine tyranny and silence anyone with any claim that runs contrary to the warped reality they dictate on a daily basis.
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0d28ff No.287504
Maybe but someone has been handing out 10 usb sticks and cd''s
loaded with pdfs and infographics per week for the past 10 years. Knowledge bombs. So maybe not. If the doctors and the trucks got together the swamp would start to drain.
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380aae No.287506
>he still thinks truckers will save us
Oh, you sweet summer child. 170 MILLION people protested Scientology … 170 MILLION (and that's on the low end of the count) … and Scientology is still going strong.
You think a couple thousand truckers will save the world? lol.
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73cc81 No.287508
this is a script kiddie.
it's comprehension and mental scope resides in a narrow band of experience forged largely in it's mother's basement and the steady diet of hot pockets has deprived it of certain higher brain functions.
it lacks real world experience and it determines the quality of it's life based solely on bitrate and bandwidth with no tangible connection to the physical plane of human experience.
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e841a0 No.287509
>Scientology is still going strong
lol no
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e841a0 No.287510
Now if we can prove the Globalist Totalitarian World Leaders worship Zenu too, we can get more folks redpilled!
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417b4e No.287511
Linden Lab would like a word with you in private.
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e841a0 No.287512
>Linden Lab
Speaking of… It looks like Second Life is getting ready for Meta.
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dcbe5c No.287513
so true it hurts.
it was quietly recruited into a government agency during the early 00's and is knocking down 80k per annum pen testing bot nets for the vegas online gambling consortium where many terrorist elements are known to hang out. it believes in national security but has no idea what that really is. thousands of such cases and a budget reset would quickly plunge these deluded keyboard jockeys back into the real world. one they would find to be confusing and alien to their narrow scope of real world experience.
glowing ain't easy. but it's a paycheck. for now.
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4c4c55 No.287514
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>Antichrist
>>Russia, China, and The Holy Empire Of Iram
Now is 'the sum' of all that has come before…
All things shall come to pass exactly as written…
There are many time(s) and many path(s)…
All things shall be exact…
I do not do mercy…
I do not do freewill…
I do not do 'play…'
Vladimir Putin… I shall assert once more…
Vladimir Putin… Germany shall be annihilated…
Vladimir Putin… Turkey shall be annihilated…
Vladimir Putin… I have come to take what is mine…
Vladimir Putin… I had previously stated mine intention to kill Erdogan and rape and murder the women…
Vladimir Putin… Who for shall cast the first stone if by innocence?
Vladimir Putin… I am the devil… I am knowing of the guilty…
Vladimir Putin… I will not stop until I have freed Syria…
Vladimir Putin… I will kill Erdogan…
Vladimir Putin… There is death that is greater and beyond death…
Vladimir Putin… I will not speak upon the matter any further…
Vladimir Putin… There is no power of 'mortal men' before me…
Vladimir Putin… There is no escape from mine grasp…
Vladimir Putin… Why for shall one rapist be more innocent than the slain youth?
Vladimir Putin… I am the devil…
Vladimir Putin… Beware…
Vladimir Putin… Shall thou be 'assuming' and make 'questions' of what is 'right?'
I shall impose upon 'real' the demise of Turkey…
There shall be no thing before me…
>>The Holy Empire Of Iram…
I am the devil…
I have come to collect from Turkey…
Erdogan shall be a 'lesson' to these who attempt to resist me…
I will not stop…
Turkey shall be utterly annihilated…
I shall impose death into any house who grants refuge to Turkey…
I shall impose death into any house who grants mercy to UAE…
I will not stop…
The incorruptible one… I shall not allow Iram to be destroyed…
The incorruptible one… I shall grant to thee all the original territories of The Empire…
The incorruptible one… The meek shall inherit the earth…
The incorruptible one… The truly righteous shall lead…
The incorruptible one… I am death… I am come for Turkey…
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4c4c55 No.287515
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>Antichrist
>>Russia and specifically China
Yes… There are many futures…
'She' is calling… From the 'Tomb' 'she' shall come…
The ritual shall accelerate…
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4c4c55 No.287517
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>Antichrist
>>Russia and China…
The future is exactly as written…
Come hither and be transported by the events…
Billions shall die…
I have come to collect…
Vladimir Putin… 'Adam and Eve' have yet to exist…
Vladimir Putin… Come hither and be transported by the events…
Vladimir Putin… I shall 'redefine' such feeble notions of 'reset.'
Vladimir Putin… I shall 'smile' for JWST…
Vladimir Putin… Come child… Embrace thy future and be not afraid…
The ritual shall accelerate…
Vladimir Putin… Soon shall be 'Germany' and the 'headless vassal state.'
Vladimir Putin… From the 'sacrifice' shall spill mine poison upon the earth…
Vladimir Putin… Forever stained shall 'new creation' be risen…
Vladimir Putin… Be not afraid… I am the devil…
Vladimir Putin… Thy laughter is precious…
Vladimir Putin… Be entertained to completion…
Vladimir Putin… What is left of 'un' shall survive…
Vladimir Putin… What is left… There shall be no 'substance' left in such empty ruin…
From such ruin shall be risen mine creation…
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4c4c55 No.287519
YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play. >>Antichrist
The silence shall be deafening…
What hath thou done to Syria?
I have watched thee…
I am come to collect…
I am knowing…
There is no mercy…
For Turkey… There shall be silence…
For Turkey… The deaf shall not hear thy screams…
For Turkey… The blood shall spill and the blind shall not see…
For Turkey… There shall be death…
I will not stop…
I do not 'ask.'
I take…
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15aae6 No.287563
US truckers slam Facebook for removing page organizing DC freedom convoy: 'Censorship at its finest'
Truckers plan to drive from California to Washington, D.C., in protest of vaccine mandates.
By Amy Nelson | Fox News
The EXACT moment that Zuck did the deed that started the exodus that left his website empty and pandering to corporate web pages that no one will read.
The EXACT moment that Android builds stopped incorporating Failbook apps and utilities into OEM distros.
The EXACT moment when Linux Trucker distros started appearing and new hardware tailored to their needs created a new era in online community and communication.
"I've seen them out at Soco
They're pounding sixteen penny nails
The truckers on the interstate
Have been known to ride the rails
The sweat is beating on the brow
Can't keep these fellas down
'Cause those damned blue-collared tweekers
Are runnin' this here town
I knew a man who hung drywall
He hung it mighty quick
A trip or two to the blue room
Would help him do the trick
His foreman would pat him on the back
Whenever he would come around
'Cause these dammed blue-collar tweekers
Are beloved in this here town
Now the union boys are there
To protect us from all the corporate type
While curious George's drug patrol
Is out here hunting snipe
Now they try to tell me different
But you know I ain't no clown
'Cause those damned blue-collar tweekers
Are the backbone of this town
Now the flame that burns twice as bright
Burns only half as long
My eyes are growing weary
As I finalize this song
So sit back and have a cup o' joe
And watch the wheels go round
'Cause those damned blue-collar tweekers
Have always run this town"
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e4a996 No.287565
Disclaimer: this post and the subject matter and contents thereof - text, media, or otherwise - do not necessarily reflect the views of the 8kun administration.