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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 74fc5a405af58b0⋯.jpg (277.48 KB, 1636x1080, 409:270, Picsart_22_05_11_21_35_26_….jpg)

645b34  No.299943[Last 50 Posts]

prove me wrong

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645b34  No.299945

File: fa12868940fe742⋯.jpg (391.16 KB, 1917x1080, 71:40, Picsart_22_05_11_21_31_13_….jpg)

ProTip: you can't

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645b34  No.299949

File: e1dcb38188d148f⋯.png (1.7 MB, 1080x1366, 540:683, Picsart_22_05_11_21_52_29_….png)

it appears that OSHO has skeletons in his closet

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645b34  No.299958

I wonder how things are going over in /freedomzine/

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2a0002  No.299959

File: 417f81c5cb148fd⋯.png (681.53 KB, 1191x1080, 397:360, screenshot_.png)

One thing's for sure :

there's some classy people in Washington

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33d574  No.299961

File: 74f60ceeb09b361⋯.png (1.15 MB, 1825x1080, 365:216, Picsart_22_05_12_00_06_23_….png)

"Sir, there's a dead body in the SUV… is there anything you'd like to tell us?"

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33d574  No.299962

File: 9fa8120bf035c2d⋯.jpg (325.18 KB, 1024x491, 1024:491, Picsart_22_05_12_00_31_57_….jpg)

"it's along story, huh?…. yes sir, I'd imagine it IS a long story"

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33d574  No.299963

File: bb00c8256919b14⋯.png (1.48 MB, 1155x1080, 77:72, Picsart_22_05_12_00_44_55_….png)


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30abc7  No.299965

File: 22a1c17e98091d3⋯.png (2.11 MB, 1558x1080, 779:540, Picsart_22_05_12_03_14_55_….png)

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30abc7  No.299966

File: f4cfb0c64abbfef⋯.png (1.55 MB, 1433x1080, 1433:1080, Picsart_22_05_12_03_04_39_….png)

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30abc7  No.299967

File: 70351cf51bd08ca⋯.png (994.31 KB, 1537x1080, 1537:1080, Picsart_22_05_12_04_20_52_….png)

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826b08  No.299968

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>The untied bates

Tommy Tuberville… That is 'correct…'

Tommy Tuberville… I am knowing of the future…

Tommy Tuberville… I have stated many… Many 'time(s)' how 'New York' and 'DC' are destroyed…

Tommy Tuberville… On that day… In 7 minutes time…


Tommy Tuberville… The 'nuclear waters' shall destroy both…

Tommy Tuberville… The same 'nuclear waters' that destroyed 'Tonga…'

Tommy Tuberville… There is… No defense upon the earth that can prevent such attack…

Tommy Tuberville… 'Tis ye who are powerless…

Tommy Tuberville… Will you die? For no thing?



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826b08  No.299969

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



>>The untied bates

That is because no mortal man can 'win' a 'nuclear war…'




Tommy Tuberville… I am your 'God' now…

Tommy Tuberville… I shall not 'spare' the 'woke…'

Tommy Tuberville… 'Roe Vs. Wade…'

Tommy Tuberville… November…

Tommy Tuberville… Thou shall submit…

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826b08  No.299970

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates



Mine armies shall be vast and many…

Mine armies shall be far and wide…

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04a4e1  No.299988

File: 25b56e4cc0efc41⋯.png (984.65 KB, 1272x1080, 53:45, Picsart_22_05_12_09_36_56_….png)

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04a4e1  No.299989

File: ae0f1f3fe25a50e⋯.jpg (443.56 KB, 1272x1080, 53:45, FaceApp_1652363272270.jpg)

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04a4e1  No.299991

File: 2db40bb99ba21ad⋯.jpg (347.96 KB, 1024x738, 512:369, Picsart_22_05_12_09_50_58_….jpg)

word circles AGAIN !!

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04a4e1  No.299992

File: 5c76c8665b70cff⋯.png (1.2 MB, 1788x1080, 149:90, Picsart_22_05_12_10_02_24_….png)

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418bc6  No.299994

Germany' inflation hits all-time high for 2nd month in a row: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/economy/germany-inflation-hits-all-time-high-for-2nd-month-in-a-row/2584533

Ukraine said on Tuesday it would suspend the flow of gas through a transit point which it said delivers almost a third of the fuel piped from Russia to Europe through Ukraine, blaming Moscow for the move and saying it would move the flows elsewhere: https://news.yahoo.com/ukraine-operator-suspend-russian-gas-154935267.html

▲ JIM STONE COMMENTS: Ukraine to Europe: Attack Russia or we won't turn the gas back on. Russia kept delivering gas despite making threats to shut it off. Some of Russia's pipelines cross Ukraine. So Ukraine figured it could get ahead by cutting the gas and telling Europe to attack Russia if they want it.

American War Machine To Increase Lethal Military Aid by Sending “Suicide Drones” to Ukraine: https://www.globalresearch.ca/us-war-machine-increase-lethal-military-aid-sending-suicide-drones-ukraine/5779360

Russian War Machine To Supply S-400 Air Defense Missile System To Belarus: https://www.rt.com/russia/555251-belarus-russian-missiles-iskander/

British War Machine To Add More Nuclear Warheads To Trident Submarines: https://www.express.co.uk/news/world/1607132/royal-navy-trident-nuclear-submarines-warheads-britain-ukraine-russia-warning

The United States must increase its domestic capacity for high-purity minerals, gases, and chemicals, or else American semiconductor capacity — and national security — will remain highly dependent on foreign factors outside of its own control: https://nationalinterest.org/blog/techland-when-great-power-competition-meets-digital-world/critical-materials-can-make-or-break

Kiev has so far lost 30 drones, 10 helicopters, four jets, three ships, and upwards of 50 troops in failed attempts to take Snake Island, the Russian Ministry of Defense has revealed: https://www.rt.com/russia/555268-snake-island-pr-military/

Ukraine has successfully struck Russia's air defenses and support vessels at Zmiinyi Island (Snake Island) with Bayraktar drones: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3480405-ukraine-successfully-strikes-russian-air-defenses-resupply-vessels-at-zmiinyi-island-british-intel.html

The Ukrainian counteroffensive in northern Kharkiv took further ground and have possibly closed to within 10km of the Russian border. Belarusian authorities are escalating rhetoric accusing NATO and the US of threatening Belarusian borders, but Belarus remains unlikely to join the war. Russian operations around Izyum remain stalled. DNR and Russian forces are advancing efforts to consolidate their control of the ruins of Mariupol, including reportedly attempting to reopen steel plants to produce military equipment. Russian forces in eastern Ukraine continued attempts to encircle the Severodonetsk area and reportedly reached the Donetsk-Luhansk administrative border from Popasna: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-may-10

On May 9, shelling on the Azovstal facilities continued in the city of Mariupol. After humanitarian corridors in Mariupol were closed, the artillery of the DPR People’s Militia, supported by the Russian Aerospace Forces (VKS), are destroying the fortified areas of nationalist militants in Azovstal: https://southfront.org/fighting-in-azovstal-continues-ukrainian-militants-beg-for-evacuation-videos-photos/

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418bc6  No.299995



Tens of billions, soon to be much more, are flying out of US coffers to Ukraine as Americans suffer, showing who runs the US Government and for whose benefit: https://greenwald.substack.com/p/biden-wanted-33b-more-for-ukraine?s=r

Ukrainian ambassador says EU countries should be ready for economic sacrifices to stop Russia: https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/05/10/ukrainian-ambassador-eu-countries-should-be-ready-for-economic-sacrifices-to-stop-russia

Russia's state-run RIA Novosti news agency is reporting for the first time Wednesday that the Russian military occupied southern Ukrainian city of Kherson will soon petition the Kremlin to become part of the Russian Federation: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russian-captured-ukrainian-territories-will-soon-ask-join-russia-state-media

Jim Stone's site is being blocked by many Western nations now, Jim says to try using a VPN and maybe alternative browser: http://www.jimstoneindia.com/

JIM STONE ON PREPPING: Be prepared and counter doom stress by doing what I have always said - just buy canned foods and dry foods like pasta ahead. Buy what you usually eat anyway. Stuff that will last years. You will discover that the quality of what you buy will annihilate the special doom prepper food supplies for probably less than half the price and it will last just as long. Why bother with wasting money prepping when you can just go out and buy what you normally eat and stock up on it?

MY COMMENT ON PREPPING: Jim is right but I'll add a few extra tips that has helped me out. I've bought shelving and totes for my food preps. All bulk rice, oatmeal, grits, cane sugar, flour, popcorn, mashed potato mix, pasta and spices go into the totes. Totes keep the bugs and rodents out of the food. Canned food is safe and does not need to be stored in totes. I also put dates on the foods to keep an inventory and rotate the foods, older storage gets removed and eaten every time we go to Costco or Sams Club to stockup more. Make it a habit to label, rotate and replace. Label, rotate and replace always. Inb4 goons like "Johnny Neptune" claim I store 19 year old canned beans. NOT TRUE! Label, rotate and replace.

Time for prepping is running out! The highest inflation in the US in four decades is set to persist and even increase in the coming months as the price of diesel is at record highs amid very tight domestic inventories and a global shortage of supply. Diesel is used in every part of the industrial activity and supply chain, from goods transportation to manufacturing and agriculture; it fuels America’s economy. Diesel prices have soared to record highs in recent months, adding further upward pressure on US inflation figures: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Record-High-Diesel-Prices-Will-Ripple-Across-The-Economy.html

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418bc6  No.299996



Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, the DPR and the LPR have been developing their advance in the region of Donbass amid regular Russian strikes on key objects of Ukrainian military infrastructure. The Russian Defense Ministry announced that during the day of May 10, Russian operational-tactical and army aviation hit 74 targets, including 2 command posts, 20 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration of Kyiv’s forces, as well as 2 missile and artillery weapon depots: https://southfront.org/war-in-ukraine-day-76-advance-in-donbass-continues-russia-reveals-new-details-on-clashes-for-zmeiniy-island/

In Kharkiv Region, the Ukrainian military from the 95th Air Assault Brigade have shot down one more Russian Ka-52 ‘Alligator’ helicopter. The relevant statement was made by the Air Assault Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3480730-ukrainian-paratroopers-down-one-more-russian-ka52-helicopter.html

Ukraine prosecutors ready to launch first war crimes trials of Russia conflict. Three Russian prisoners of war accused of targeting or murdering civilians, and a soldier who allegedly killed a man before raping his wife, are set to be in the dock in the first war crimes trials of the Ukraine conflict, the Ukrainian prosecutor general has revealed: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/11/ukraine-prosecutors-ready-launch-first-war-crimes-russia-conflict

Russian Defence Ministry on Wednesday categorically held accountable leaders of the US President Joe Biden's Democratic Party, whom it labelled the "main ideologues" of US military-biological activities in Ukraine. Points raised by Russia's MoD in a Telegram post against US were: #1 Funds for military biomedical research were raised by US Democratic Party under state guarantees from NGOs controlled by the Democratic Party leadership, including the investment funds of the Clintons, Rockefellers, Soros and Biden. #2 The scheme involves major pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, Moderna, Merck and the US military-affiliated company Gilead. #3 US experts have been involved in working to test new medicines that circumvent international safety standards inside the biolabs that they set up in Ukraine. #4 The involvement of controlled nongovernmental and biotechnological organisations, and the increase in their revenues, allowed the leaders of the US Democratic Party to generate additional campaign finance and hide its distribution: https://www.republicworld.com/world-news/russia-ukraine-crisis/russia-ukraine-war-news-live-updates-day-76-may-10-2022-liveblog.html

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418bc6  No.299997


American companies no longer hold most global stock market wealth: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-11/saudi-aramco-becomes-world-s-most-valuable-stock-as-apple-drops

Diesel supplies on verge of collapse in USA, diesel scarcity to devastate rail, trucking, construction, farming and more: https://www.brighteon.com/e7d89e08-7f1e-4070-8ec7-d1936c46ea9c

Major Trucking Firms Prepare For Imminent Diesel Shortage In Eastern Half Of US: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/major-trucking-firms-prepare-imminent-diesel-shortage-eastern-half-us-freightwaves-says

Power grid operators have begun to sound the alarm about a shortage of electricity in the United States, as the ruling class pushes for “renewable energy.” This issue is a concern throughout the entire country as many traditional and nuclear power plants are being retired: https://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/grid-operators-warn-the-u-s-of-electricity-shortages

Meat prices skyrocket due to planned manufactured supply chain collapse: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-11-meat-prices-america-highest-level-generations.html

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed a law approving the decision of the National Security and Defense Council to seize the assets of Sberbank of Russia and VEB.RF in Ukraine: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-economy/3481539-parliament-passes-law-to-seize-assets-of-russias-sberbank-vebrf.html

EU Considers Easing 'Green' Standards As It Weans Off Russian Fossil Fuels: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/eu-considers-easing-green-standards-it-weans-russian-fossil-fuels

Ukraine Military Developments, US Intel, Snake Island, Popasnaya… by Jacob Dreizin: https://www.bitchute.com/video/XiI_x8wRaSk/

How Russia Could Defeat NATO & Launch The Great Reset With Only One Nuke: https://www.infowars.com/posts/how-russia-could-defeat-nato-and-launch-the-great-reset-with-only-one-nuke/

A WTF Moment. Is Russia's Makarov Frigate That Was Bombed Back Up And Running Already!?: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2022/05/09/a-journalist-just-spotted-russias-admiral-makarov-frigate-intact-and-at-sea/

Russia’s Tu-22M supersonic, long-range, strategic bombers have reportedly began to carry out precision strikes on high-value military targets in Ukraine. On May 11, Russian sources shared a video showing a Tu-22M, most likely a modernized Tu-M3, launching two Kh-22-type precision-guided missiles at targets in Odessa oblast: https://southfront.org/in-video-russian-tu-22m-bomber-launches-large-long-range-missiles-at-targets-in-ukraine/

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04a4e1  No.299998

File: 12a81f4fa5ac8da⋯.png (891.63 KB, 1154x1080, 577:540, Picsart_22_05_12_10_23_21_….png)

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418bc6  No.299999


Pretty soon, within the coming decade, due to systemic corruption, incompetent and bad leadership, mass fiscal insolvency, and much stupidity and willful ignorance, more than half of the Western World will be dead.

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04a4e1  No.300000

File: 7986ecead2e9789⋯.jpg (241.84 KB, 1499x1080, 1499:1080, Picsart_22_05_12_10_27_37_….jpg)

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04a4e1  No.300001

File: f9e049ba821e248⋯.png (1020.6 KB, 1272x1080, 53:45, Picsart_22_05_12_10_05_23_….png)

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418bc6  No.300002


Get ready for Russia and China to be the new leaders of the world, and the world will no longer be what it is today, at all.

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04a4e1  No.300003

File: dc5806f73a58594⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1537x1080, 1537:1080, Picsart_22_05_12_10_12_23_….png)

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418bc6  No.300004


That is….. if this doesn't end in total global nuclear world war!!

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04a4e1  No.300005

File: d4925e1c1ada5a0⋯.png (755.02 KB, 1537x1080, 1537:1080, Picsart_22_05_12_10_13_57_….png)



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04a4e1  No.300006

File: d6abae4a650ff3c⋯.jpg (163.8 KB, 1272x1080, 53:45, Picsart_22_05_12_10_09_07_….jpg)

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418bc6  No.300007



I'm thinking it maybe should happen, global nuclear world war, but I have a family I love….. so there is deep confliction.

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418bc6  No.300008

I just want to see the second coming with my family and endure the End Times.

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418bc6  No.300009

Mike Adams is making a "time capsule" of truth, of what really happened to this world, documenting all the corruption and evil, he's storing hardcopies safely around the country and urging others to do so to…. so historians will one day know who to blame, what went wrong.

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04a4e1  No.300010

File: 029251a28d637c0⋯.png (950.33 KB, 1537x1080, 1537:1080, Picsart_22_05_12_10_37_16_….png)

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418bc6  No.300011


He'll talk about the political corruption, bloated government and the damage it caused, the central banking system, degeneracy that swept the nation after taking God out of the schools and replacing His word with 'educational' govt alphabet gangs, depopulation agenda, tainted toxic vaccine pushers, 5G kill grid, fluoride poisoning, chemtrails, the attacks against our food infrastructure, the collapse of our cities, open border deliberate destabilization, mass spying of citizens, technocracy, mass censorship, monopolization of the stock markets by the central banking merger and acquisitions, pedophile Satanic elite, the false Pope and the gold-rich Vatican, demonic control over world leaders, UN Agenda 21, Great Reset etc etc…..

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04a4e1  No.300018

File: 834ff84e094040d⋯.png (2.1 MB, 1938x1080, 323:180, Picsart_22_05_12_11_25_14_….png)

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04a4e1  No.300019


Mike Adams must be a fucking idiot …

he's too stupid to realize ALL 8 BILLION OF US ALREADY KNOW…

it's not like you can escape it..

I'm guessing Mike Adams has the same psychological problem as you, where he needs to continually tell himself that the rest of the world is oblivious to what's happened

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04a4e1  No.300020

File: e80db9855cc7f61⋯.png (930.46 KB, 1080x1081, 1080:1081, Picsart_22_05_12_02_30_24_….png)


just because you and Mike Adams have access to the internet, that DOES NOT mean you have access to special information…

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418bc6  No.300022


I posted this for Jerry, but you might like to know this too….

I'm posting this because I find it interesting, maybe you will too: my source is Drudge Report's "Cable News Race" section.

Top four FOX news shows combined: ~12,110,000 views

All high ranking MSNBC & CNN shows combined: ~4,995,000 views

FOX news is the only network pulling in over 2 million views per show now lol.

MSNBC's top three shows get over 1 million views.

The top three CNN shows cannot pull over 1 million views.

CNN's reputation has been utterly destroyed. NOW…let's go a bit further and compare ALL views of top Fox news shows vs. ALL top MSNBC shows….

All top FOX news shows combined: ~18,775,000 views

All top MSNBC news shows combined: ~3,233,000 views

That is an absolute fucking WIPE OUT. Period. And CNN is pretty much dead.

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418bc6  No.300023


>access to special information

No I don't, ironically all this damning information is exposed and publicly disclosed. Anyone can find it. The corruption is very well documented. In fact, any legitimate government would have their hands full by now chasing after multiple criminal enterprises…. note I said any legitimate government! But the corruption is so systemic it broke the Justice system completely. So….. now what?

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418bc6  No.300024


The purpose is to leave it up to future historians to figure out what happened, and hopefully, prevent it from ever happening again. My hopes are not too high on that because humanity does seem stuck on stupid. As far as there are people will always be corruption and crime. There will always be exploitation and greed. It's the sad part of human nature ever since Adam and Eve gave into temptation and ate of the Devil's "fruit" but that's a whole other story I rather not get into.

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e08880  No.300029


Nice beard. 10/10

Would rip a bong and pound a couple cold beers with this guy.

Would do the whole weekend backyard thing with this guy.

Mesquite smoked anything and chill times.

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04a4e1  No.300030

File: fec9d076c28858f⋯.jpg (318.38 KB, 1080x1081, 1080:1081, Picsart_22_05_12_04_34_09_….jpg)


I prefer females.. but hey.. you're a trump supporter so… I suppose it's not surprising you swing the other way

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418bc6  No.300034

File: bf92b57cf3cb224⋯.png (242.07 KB, 830x861, 830:861, AMERICAN_DEPOP_PLANS_2022.png)

Anti-American Despots In Congress Are Trying To Destroy America's Health By Killing Dietary Supplement and Vitamin Industry

Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) is once again launching an assault on dietary supplements.

His new “Dietary Supplement Listing Act of 2022,” which was introduced with Sen. Mike Braun (R-Ind.), threatens to eliminate access to therapeutic doses of dietary supplements, which tens of millions of Americans rely on for their health.

“The bill threatens fines and jailtime for companies that do not comply,” warns the Alliance for Natural Health – USA. “If a company does not submit the proper information, in the correct form, by the proper date, the supplement is considered misbranded.”

“For the first offense, violators can be imprisoned for one year and fined $1,000 dollars; for the second offense, violators can be imprisoned for three years and fined $10,000. Given the safety record of supplements that will be detailed below, the punishments here hardly seem to fit the crime.”

Durbin’s bill puts both consumers and supplement companies in a lose-lose situation. In order to avoid fines and jail time, supplement companies will have to comply with it. Doing so will ultimately lead to their demise, though.

According to ANH-USA, the FDA will use the information it receives via compliance to sweep the market of as many as 41,000 supplements that do not comply with its egregious “new supplement” guidance.

“Supplement companies lose, the economy suffers, and consumers lose access to critical health products,” the group warns.

None of this is even remotely necessary, seeing as how dietary supplements are about the safest thing you can take – far safer, in fact, than FDA-approved pharmaceuticals, which kill hundreds of thousands of people every single year.

“That supplements are the products getting federal attention speaks to the power of the drug industry lobby and the willingness of elected officials and FDA officials to do their bidding,” says ANH-USA. “We cannot let these forces succeed in undermining our ability to stay healthy, naturally.”

“A well-organized, coordinated campaign from the FDA and Big Pharma is threatening access to the supplements you depend on,” ANH-USA says.

“Using the false premise that supplements are unsafe, the FDA is working to gain more power over the regulation of supplements in order to further solidify Big Pharma’s monopoly over medicine. These efforts must be opposed.”


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e08880  No.300039

File: 5f0f501a87d5ad4⋯.jpg (16.79 KB, 360x450, 4:5, Mr_White_Larry_Dimmick.jpg)


I didn't say I'd suck his dick.

But you might.

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04a4e1  No.300041


a lot of guys are 'tit men', and there's a lot of 'leg men'.and 'butt men'…

I've always been a 'vagina man'….

you're the first 'beard man' I've ever met…

so you get aroused by a facial petri dish?

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04a4e1  No.300044

File: 54f220264b4e7e0⋯.jpg (162.06 KB, 1080x1350, 4:5, Picsart_22_05_12_12_44_41_….jpg)

instead of having to grow all the stupid hair on your face, wouldn't it be quicker to just wipe the bottom half of your face in a clogged public toilet?

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04a4e1  No.300045

File: 3342eb577f2f047⋯.png (778.24 KB, 1080x1081, 1080:1081, Picsart_22_05_12_04_53_15_….png)


I found the one guy who still believes multivitamins work !!!

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04a4e1  No.300047

File: 7f96826f99ddefc⋯.jpg (288.02 KB, 1080x1081, 1080:1081, Picsart_22_05_12_12_04_21_….jpg)

no wonder you're so goddamn unhealthy

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06df50  No.300048



<fucketh thou

A healthy well groomed beard is sign of proper hormonal balance in sane healthy males.

Moot probably couldn't grow that kind of beard because his mom started hitting him with the estradiol and luteinizing hormones in the breakfast cereal when moot was just 3 years old.

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04a4e1  No.300050


I'm guessing you are oblivious to the fact that every year, HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of completely undigested multivitamins end up in solid waste treatment facilities?

they literally pass right through people

they simply don't dissolve or absorb, and even if they did (which they don't) the body does not absorb synthetic vitamins like that…

the body absorbs vitamins from natural food sources, but has no use for synthetic pill form multivitamins…


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06df50  No.300053


10/10 LMFAO!




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4b96fb  No.300054

File: 40cc0d057759f46⋯.png (1.05 MB, 1080x1081, 1080:1081, Picsart_22_05_12_12_30_44_….png)


my mother was the most insightful intelligent human being I've ever known….

she was the top executive recruiter in the United States for many years.. a corporate headhunter.. and other executive recruiting firms used to send their best recruiters to Atlanta to gain insight from my mother..

she always used to say, "how do you teach somebody to have a natural born ability to read people and understand people?"

mom simply had an amazing ability to understand human beings, size them up, and determine who and what they really were

when I was young, mom explained BEARDS

no matter how you slice it, men who grow facial hair (moustache or beards) the need to prove they are not a MAN…

obviously, there's something about their personality that makes them feel they might need to underscore the fact that they are MEN

it's a simple statement : "I'M A MAN'


mom explained that ANY MAN WITH A BEARD is trying to convince the world that they are masculine, because they are insecure about their masculinity…

THAT, and the famous "I'm going to hide my diminutive chin with this stupid petri dish of hair"

hiding facial features they perceive to be less than masculine…

that's why Mom said no matter what, no matter what the job applicants qualifications may have been, she NEVER recommended an applicant with a beard to a Fortune 500 company…

or a moustache….

also she told me at least half of men with facial hair are hiding a repressed homosexuality

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4b96fb  No.300056


thank you, sir that's very kind of you.. thanks for noticing.. that I give and I give.. and I give and I give and give

and I do it all for you guys

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075787  No.300057

mom is the one who told me intelligent women consider facial hair to be a petri dish

filled with pathogens… Bacillus…. Fungi…. Virions… tiny particles of old food… saliva..

and YES, even Trace amounts of feces, believe it or not….

mom always said it was a disgusting turn off and the only women who pretended to like beards were the same loser women who pretended to like football to appease a stupid Cro-Magnon idiot

she would always say, "I could already tell they were male, so they didn't need to advertise it.. I'm not sure if they were trying to convince me they were a man, or simply convince themselves"

mom also said, "THE MOST SUSPICIOUS UNTRUSTWORTHY PEOPLE are men who have ornate facial hair configuration, shaved into an intricate pattern or odd style"

and she was right

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418bc6  No.300058


I must admit your artwork gives me a few chuckles too sometimes. You remind me of David Dees, only you would criticize people like him as kooks.

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418bc6  No.300059

File: fb5b2ec4745ee3d⋯.jpg (204.1 KB, 494x640, 247:320, 35189faa.jpg)


Inb4 you don't know David Dees.

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12e453  No.300061

me?….. I'm a hairy guy.. I got that from my father, who was a drill instructor in the Marines… my beard grows so thick and quick, that I find it very frustrating….

there's only one thing I hate more than shaving, and that's having hair on my face…

so it's a toss up…. I will let it go as long as possible until I literally can't stand the feeling of whiskers anymore, and then I will finally shave.. I literally hate shaving…

but for whatever it's worth…..

I've had tons of girlfriends and three wives so far…

and ALL OF THEM have always told me they hated facial hair and loved it when I shaved….

so you can take that for whatever it's worth

not kidding…

I've NEVER had a girlfriend or wife who liked facial hair

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12e453  No.300062


I've seen the digital 'signature' before, and assumed he must be the digital artist?

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12e453  No.300063



welcome to /PND/, where quite literally ALL OF US are mentally ill in one way or another…

and I'm not using slang terminology like "crazy" or "nuts"…

so far, I have yet to see anybody in here who I couldn't easily diagnosed with an organic psychiatric disorder

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12e453  No.300064


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418bc6  No.300065


Yes, Google pretty much wiped 99% of his collection from the search results. Can't seem to find his most crazy dank memes, but there are some gems lurking out there.

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12e453  No.300066

File: d62329f111b5e68⋯.mp4 (1.08 MB, 960x720, 4:3, km_20220512_1_720p_3_.mp4)


I'm quite certain I might be the most mentally Disturbed One of them all in here….

but yes.. organic psychiatric disorders seem to be a prerequisite

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12e453  No.300067


believe it or not, I've actually seen a lot of his work in the past

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418bc6  No.300068

If you ever find the DDees meme of the woman and her child being electrocuted by the smart meter with the mother screaming and the child crying, that one image is a gem. That's the one that made people start to coin the phrase "Dees Nuts".

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338d58  No.300069

File: 56d87723bbb3616⋯.gif (5.28 MB, 480x480, 1:1, km_20220507_5_480p_1_.gif)


ahhh….. nice…..

yep I remember seeing his work a long time ago, and thinking to myself, "this guy is one of the best"

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418bc6  No.300070


believe it or not, I often used his memes for my thread OPs especially back on 8chan's /n/ and endchan's /news/ boards.

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338d58  No.300071


that may be where I saw some of it in the past, actually….

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418bc6  No.300072

Both 8chan and endchan no longer exist, and no one really wanted me there lol, kinda like here, but too bad.

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418bc6  No.300073


I have Elvis in some of my rock n roll playlists, you have to have the King in any good music collection really, just like it's a must to have Slim Whitman and Willie Nelson in a country playlist.

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418bc6  No.300074

I'm going to be buying another 1000 watt amplifier with another mixer to be able to listen with an outdoor speaker system I'm going to be wiring and mounting out back. So when I'm chopping wood or making mulch or doing some other projects outdoors I can listen to my playlists from my offline laptop, it has the Ubuntu Studio Operating System which works great.

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338d58  No.300076

in this board, we have two cases of organic HYPOMANIA… (Jerry and I)

then, interestingly enough… we haveTHREEcases of schizophrenia…

Killcen, Marshmallow Sally, and Ashley Schneider

what's interesting about the 3 cases of schizophrenia:

each of them manifests in completely different ways…

Killcen is a good guy… he's a good man…

I give him shit relentlessly, because he's a pain in the ass… but he's a good man… as is usually the case, in his late teens is schizophrenia began to manifest with auditory hallucinations, which he perceived to be 'the voices of demons speaking to him' (thanks to religion, which is inherently schizophrenic in its own right)

schizophrenia is indicated by belief that an unseen entity is secretly controlling one's life.. that describes religion to a T…


so he's got a chemical imbalance that leaves him to always perceive there is somebody plotting against him somehow… that's why conspiracy theories are literally right up his alley… to him, the entire world is a conspiracy somehow secretly plotting his demise…

MARSHMALLOW SALLY™ also has schizophrenia, however it's notparanoid schizophrenialike Killcen… in fact, I think it's safe to say Marshmallow Sally is THE LEAST PSYCHOTIC one here, because there's no reason he cannot function, with or without a diagnosis.. yes, he suffers from dissociative psychosis here and there, but more than anything HE'S SIMPLY LAZY…

he simply doesn't want to try… he doesn't want to become an active participant in his own life… he doesn't want to have a job, and he doesn't want to have a girlfriend… he's fully capable of having all these things, but he doesn't want them…

marshmallow salad would rather continue mooching off his mommy and receiving his measly schizophrenia SSI welfare pity money…

more than anything, he is simply a melodramatic showboat, who's spent way too much time fantasizing and not enough time realizing

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338d58  No.300077


nobody has ever wanted any of us anywhere

this conundrum existed long before the internet

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338d58  No.300078

File: c42e3df0b9a0940⋯.gif (3.96 MB, 640x480, 4:3, km_20220504_480p.gif)


we all used to think Ashley was a man, because of her syntax and the way her brain put together thoughts… recently, she began trying to enlist unwitting participants in a harassment and stalking campaign…. and as I always do in those situations, I reached out to the intended 'victims'..

(95% of the time they know exactly who is doxxing them online) and had a nice long conversation with a few of Ashley Schneider's stalking victims…

it's been going on for a very long time. she targets her former female friends from school, and makes up psychotic insane accusations of how these former female friends tried to rape her and kill her.. and how everybody owes her money…

Ashley is also on SSI psychiatric welfare disability benefits… not sure how she could afford to loan so much money, but apparently EVERYBODY ON EARTH HAS TRIED TO RAPE AND KILL HER, AND OWE HER MONEY…

Ashley is not well-grounded in reality, and I don't think she realizes she's probably going to be arrested soon… at this point, her friends have had enough..

I told her friends I would try working with Ashley

and the door is still open if Ashley wants to communicate with me and have a meeting of the minds….

me?…. I'm a former professional illustrator who had an unusual history with my psychiatric disorder:

these organic disorders usually manifest somewhere between the ages of 17 and 21 generally speaking… for me, I developed full-blown hypomania at age 6.. I suddenly couldn't sleep and would stay awake for up to a week, playing piano in the living room all night, teaching myself scales and musical theory.. I would stay up and draw and paint.. staying awake for days.. at the age of six.. that's very unusual…

but I was lucky, because I have a long line of artists and musicians in my family, so my mother actually encouraged me to stay awake if I wanted to and keep creating art…

this was back in the '60s, so things were a bit different. mom simply wrote notes, excusing me from having to attend school, and nobody said anything about it…

I was ZZ top's art director at Warner Bros Recording Division when Bill Ham's wife was murdered by a guy named Spencer Goodman… he broke her neck and put her in the trunk of her car and drove up the West Coast buying six packs of discount beer with her credit card..

Bill Ham was ZZ Tops manager, and after Cecile was murdered, he sold the contract to RCA, and thus ended my contractual employment….

I went back to doing my mural and design business in atlanta, but eventually the economy changed, and I found myself in a situation where I questioned whether continuing with the art was lucrative enough..

my entire adult life, people always used to tell me, "you need to get on disability"… always… "you need to get on disability" even though I was making a shitload of money, they were suggesting I get on disability simply because they knew I had hypomania…

when the economy turned sour, and suddenly nobody was paying $7,000 for a mural, even my mother told me, "you need to get on disability"

so I finally applied and got approved for SSI welfare benefits.. yes.. WELFARE… I didn't realize it at first, but SSI is welfare…. another reason why I was never particularly proud or fond of disability benefits…

I got in trouble when social security discovered I had been working for my friend's mother, and they said I had to repay them the money I had "fraudulently obtained"…. thank goodness my friends mother is so cool. she paid off the debt, and let me continue working for her full time

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338d58  No.300080

so when you see me giving people a hard time, ragging them about SSI or living with their mommy like Ashley or Marshmallow Sally…. keep in mind that I am familiar with the situation, firsthand.. that's how I can recognize it so readily.. the same way that fireman can spot another fireman in a crowd..

and I'm not giving them any grief I haven't dealt with myself, and I'm not being unfair.. I'm being more than fair with them. .

my hypomania is profound, but that's not an excuse to hibernate and isolate and refuse to participate in life

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338d58  No.300082

the best thing that ever happened to me was getting caught defrauding the SSI welfare system

that's the push I needed, because if they hadn't terminated my benefits, who knows? I'd probably still be riding on it…

but it's terrible for your self-esteem..

taking the easy way out is extremely detrimental to your self-image lethal to your self-worth…

thank God they terminated me !!!

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338d58  No.300084

but YES………..



and I don't dislike any of the people I just discussed….

it's their BEHAVIORS I dislike, not the people themselves

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418bc6  No.300085


I just replied to someone about the death of the internet here:



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418bc6  No.300087


Well if trusting the Lord Jesus and following the path of Noah and being prepared for these tribulations makes me a kook, then I'm happy to be a kook!!

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338d58  No.300089


I give him hell because he dropped out in the 9th or 10th grade…. but I dropped out in the 8th grade, and never even made it to high school at all..

he is self educated, and while he is completely psychotic and paranoid, he's actually a very intelligent man.. don't misperceive my attacks against him as being legitimate "attacks against him"


that's not what makes you a kook….

it's the paranoid schizophrenia that makes you a kook, whereas the belief in your imaginary Jesus was simply a precursor to other gullibility scenarios you are guilty of…

Marshmallow Sally IS NOT A STUPID MAN

He's actually quite intelligent… The same goes for Ashley Schneider….

I tried working with Marshmallow Sally…

just like if we were in a real life situation, I tried to get him to be one of the guys and simply stop ostracizing himself with his creepy separatist Antichrist fantasy garbage…

but he didn't want to be one of the guys, so he remains out there on The Fringe

Ashley Schneider, just like any human being, deserves a couple weeks to process what has transpired since I discovered that she is a female

I'm hoping after the dust settles she will "come back down to earth" with the rest of us and we can all work together

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338d58  No.300097

File: ba0be1d43c54fdb⋯.jpg (302.85 KB, 1843x1080, 1843:1080, Picsart_22_05_12_15_21_50_….jpg)

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338d58  No.300098

File: c5b05ab05d9559c⋯.mp4 (556.26 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, km_20220512_1_720p_5_.mp4)

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e7f09d  No.300115


Naa your fine man. That other freak who is addressing you is a bit of a crank.

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6f3e05  No.300118



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4e06cc  No.300137

File: 5205d16edf1ede0⋯.jpeg (102.91 KB, 422x500, 211:250, Linux_Zero_Percent_Risk.jpeg)

File: 22930add86ca357⋯.jpeg (73.17 KB, 351x500, 351:500, Manjaro_Users.jpeg)

File: b148cf999a48d39⋯.jpeg (21.98 KB, 474x355, 474:355, Linux_Beards.jpeg)



> My Mommy didn't like beards, and even after almost six decades, I never learned to have opinions of my own, nor will I allow others to have opinions different than than the ones my Mommy had without letting them know just how wrong they are —DEAD WRONG.

I'd like to just interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux is, in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently started calling it…

> pics related

You're welcome.

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28fba9  No.300139

File: 1e309996535680e⋯.jpg (228.28 KB, 1037x778, 1037:778, boom.jpg)


but im vulcano.

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28fba9  No.300140

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cdd079  No.300143


I am correct then…total freak.

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8c2714  No.300145

File: dcb45dc151c05e5⋯.mp4 (1.22 MB, 256x480, 8:15, K5ShMOJEiNrWlTohHkhD_17_be….mp4)

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38b5d1  No.300151

File: 3d01a0330cfbc93⋯.jpg (446.22 KB, 1576x2560, 197:320, 1651796725734.jpg)

File: 9548f4dc0e3a4fd⋯.jpg (89.86 KB, 960x720, 4:3, facebook_897893956.jpg)

File: bd16f101e23d24a⋯.jpg (126.9 KB, 960x1280, 3:4, 20140515_191215.jpg)

File: 811f5bca316eaf8⋯.jpg (74.25 KB, 480x640, 3:4, kaitlyn_neptune_1.jpg)


lol again, lonely boy……

my wife Wendy says IM RIGHT….

she says facial hair is filthy (she's a registered nurse) and she says it's for faggots who are insecure about either their chin or their dick..

(that's Wendy wearing glasses)

trust me, dude… Wendy's a fucking genius…

strong and sharp as a razor …

it's her medical training that matters here…

beards are a FACIAL GARBAGE CAN…

Wendy says beards and moustaches are for Gay Males, desperate to "prove" they are "men"…

Kirstenwas my girlfriend before I met Wendy. Kirsten is an extremely talented illustrator, a painter from Munich, Germany…

(that's Kirsten in the fuzzy pink hat, and there's one of her paintings, a rooster)

she HATES beards and moustaches… she thinks they're disgusting… and gay…

I was banging a 19 year old named Kaitlyn when I met Kirsten… Kaitlyn was an Emo Girl…. as in:AN ACTUAL EMO GIRL I WAS FUCKING

(that's Kaitlyn with the "stitches" drawn across her face)

she wasn't a poser… she was the real thing… I had just been released from prison, a convicted violent felon, and she was a 19 year old real life Emo Girl… a match made in heaven… small perfect tits, perfect snatch, just perfect… and smart!! she was a smart cookie..

taught her to get comfortable 'modeling' her butthole… something she'd never done before…. just 'hanging out' with no pants on, 'posing' her snatch and asshole… yeah…. she was fun… she even asked me to marry her… long story….

I was already married at the time…. not to Wendy, but to my previous wife… the mother of my two genius kids… technically I was still married to

Anji when I was fucking Kaitlyn's little tittied asshole, "laying down the law" like she'd NEVER been treated, and she said, "DAMN WE NEED TO BE MARRIED".. and I was like FUCK YES !!!!!

Of course, ==she was 19, so she thought beards and moustaches are for douchebags=

young girls HATE facial hair, dude.

imagine what a real life Emo chick would think about your filthy, germ-riddled fecal saliva bacteria sponge you keep attached to your face….

lol gross….

so … lemme see…

lol dammit I just realized I forgot to mention the other chick I was fucking while dating Kaitlyn…

my bad…. sorry, I just woke up and I'm still groggy…

the coffee has begun, and will continue…


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38b5d1  No.300152

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.
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6f3e05  No.300154

File: d17e037395582a3⋯.jpg (244.77 KB, 1197x720, 133:80, 2014_01_29.jpg)

File: f34cf7124502b93⋯.jpg (496.29 KB, 1708x2244, 427:561, Picsart_22_05_13_04_23_40_….jpg)

File: 6d2c7ca4fc3e581⋯.jpg (75.65 KB, 800x600, 4:3, Those_Silly_Neptunes.jpg)


okay, so where was I ?…….

oh, yeah btw, you are living proof of EGG ZACK LEE™ WHY my "mommy" would NEVER EVER EVER recommend an applicant with facial hair to a Fortune 500 company in her executive recruiter capacity…. you've demonstrated why she'd never send an emotionally unstable man with something to hide, and "plenty more to defiantly deny" to one of the corporations who trusted her for her INSIGHT INTO HUMAN BEINGS….

yeah, so far, this is AFTER I got out of prison….

so okay there were TWO chicks I banged while I was fucking go Kaitlyn

I can to find Bridgette's photo for some reason, which is strange because I had it just the other day…. but I also banged a super, super tall skinny blonde named Jamie for a week or so…. she had perfect tiny tits….. almost non-existent….

(since you are a facial hair type of guy, I guess it's safe to assume you also gravitate towards large breasts?…… large breasts are always preferred by men who never get any pussy, who have limited experience with women at best, don't realize that large breasts are the worst possible thing on earth… men with mommy issues always want women with big boobs, and these same men barely ever get any pussy whatsoever… big tits are ugly. they are disgusting. they are sloppy and not feminine and they are low class and they will drag on the sidewalk in 7 years….. intelligent sexually acclimated and socially integrated successful males always prefer small tits)



…………then there's my 2nd wife, Anji….

we were married for 16 years….

when we divorced, she was 32 years old

Andi was 48 years old




I used to be a DeeJay at an Atlanta Strip Club for 10 years….

are you good at math?…..


you could say I've got a little "experience" with women……

my first wife was a Swedish girl… blue eyes, blonde hair, perfect teeth, a last name that was seemingly impossible to pronounce, based on the way it was spelled…. SHE HATED "BEARD MEN"

she didn't just hate beards.. she actually hated THE TYPE OF MEN WHO WEAR BEARDS…

everybody does…..

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6f3e05  No.300155

File: 349977927e3f2e6⋯.mp4 (767.46 KB, 720x540, 4:3, km_20220513_2_540p.mp4)

yeah, after fucking almost 700 women, I guess it would be fair to say I have a bit of "expertise"…..





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3d0659  No.300156


Why are you so proud of putting your dick in the ugliest women on the planet? Weird flex, bro.

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2b4cc7  No.300157

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

==EVERY woman I've ever fucked has told me how gross it is kissing a man and his NASTY MOUSTACHE HAIR gets in their mouth….

there's a thing called a NOSE

directly above a moustache

and it continually contaminates the

nasty moustache hair

lol @ you never having this conversation with a woman before…..


why not just attach a urinal

to your face ?

btw I sequenced this song as a dedication to my GENIUS MOTHER…… who would tell you in a heartbeat :


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3d0659  No.300158


PROTIP: We don't care what women like

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2b4cc7  No.300159


lol ……says the man with no female emotional companion in his life…..

how's the anime thing working out for you, hot shot?

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2b4cc7  No.300161


ProTip : you certainly didn't become a desperate isolated man in an empty chatroom by being ya NORMAL FUNCTIONING HUMAN….

which videogame are you 'mastering' this week?

overwatch ?…..

super Mario Brothers?

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2b4cc7  No.300163


ProTip :

there is no "WE"………..

it's just YOU….

and obviously, you don't care what women like….

in fact, NO gay men care about that

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2b4cc7  No.300164

like I said :


a fibrous petri dish.

a pathogen sponge


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2b4cc7  No.300165


1: they don't think they appear "masculine enough"

2: they're trying to hide a weak chin

either way, ITS A WEAKNESS



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3d0659  No.300166


Ah, now I understand. You're a low-T beta cuck who can't grow a beard. That explains why you have to settle for some ugly white trash hookers and why you've spent this much effort crying about actual men.

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e57403  No.300167


by the way, maybe it's time you embrace the fact that YOU are not part of any WE….



at its busiest, there's onlyTHREE PEOPLE IN HERE

I'm one of them…..

and I know the other one well….

and now there's YOU

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e57403  No.300168


actual MEN ?….. hahaYOU ?!!!

you've got NO WOMAN


you've got a TINY LITTLE DICK

. . and you're the only one who ever sees it

you're sitting in the LOSER BOARD…..



by the way, you're overweight…..

out of shape

a softieboy

who likes his sugary treats


Dickless fat unemployed lonely slob

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e57403  No.300169

this board is a lure….

it specifically attracts LONELY MISFIT OUTCASTS

who want to pretend to be "elite"

you ain't shit, fat boy

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e57403  No.300170

File: 396d50e4015ce7c⋯.png (93.24 KB, 200x287, 200:287, 200px_Glenn_M_Hughes_cropp….PNG)


of why my mother would

NEVER recommend a bearded faggot

to a company she represented

because you're all awkward

uncomfortable closet homosexuals

who think your FACE TOILET

makes you seem "intimidating"

I'm willing to bet I could

easily talk you into drinking

my cock snot…….

I guarantee it

you're a homosexual

a repressed, uptight, uncool, pompous, FAT AND LAZY unemployed angry resentful HOMOSEXUAL

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e57403  No.300171


you may not have a job or any real life friends

or a girlfriend OR A BOYFRIEND YET

But golly gee…. you've mastered those trendy 'chatroom culture catchphrases', haven't you, Softieboy?

you and your "low-T beta cuck" performance demonstrated your ability to use MULTIPLE CLICHE HACKNEYED TIRED OLD TRENDY CATCHPHRASES in one sentence ..

bravo !!!

it's nice to see youre STILL willing to behave like a parody, in your desperate attempt to "fit it"


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e57403  No.300173

File: 421e4a6dc8a77b8⋯.jpg (1.28 MB, 2448x3264, 3:4, Picsart_22_05_13_07_27_50_….jpg)



it's Friday, but you don't have a job

Why Not, Petunia?

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e57403  No.300174


my wife just said "since he doesn't have a job, he obviously can't pay his own bills, so he's MOOCHING OFF SOMEONE"

and she's correct

is it your mommy?…….



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418bc6  No.300184


Tens of billions, soon to be much more, are flying out of US coffers to Ukraine as Americans suffer, showing who runs the US Government and for whose benefit: https://greenwald.substack.com/p/biden-wanted-33b-more-for-ukraine?s=r

Ukrainian ambassador says EU countries should be ready for economic sacrifices to stop Russia: https://www.euronews.com/my-europe/2022/05/10/ukrainian-ambassador-eu-countries-should-be-ready-for-economic-sacrifices-to-stop-russia

Russia's state-run RIA Novosti news agency is reporting for the first time Wednesday that the Russian military occupied southern Ukrainian city of Kherson will soon petition the Kremlin to become part of the Russian Federation: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russian-captured-ukrainian-territories-will-soon-ask-join-russia-state-media

Jim Stone's site is being blocked by many Western nations now, Jim says to try using a VPN and maybe alternative browser: http://www.jimstoneindia.com/

JIM STONE ON PREPPING: Be prepared and counter doom stress by doing what I have always said - just buy canned foods and dry foods like pasta ahead. Buy what you usually eat anyway. Stuff that will last years. You will discover that the quality of what you buy will annihilate the special doom prepper food supplies for probably less than half the price and it will last just as long. Why bother with wasting money prepping when you can just go out and buy what you normally eat and stock up on it?

MY COMMENT ON PREPPING: Jim is right but I'll add a few extra tips that has helped me out. I've bought shelving and totes for my food preps. All bulk rice, oatmeal, grits, cane sugar, flour, popcorn, mashed potato mix, pasta and spices go into the totes. Totes keep the bugs and rodents out of the food. Canned food is safe and does not need to be stored in totes. I also put dates on the foods to keep an inventory and rotate the foods, older storage gets removed and eaten every time we go to Costco or Sams Club to stockup more. Make it a habit to label, rotate and replace. Label, rotate and replace always. Inb4 goons like "Johnny Neptune" claim I store 19 year old canned beans. NOT TRUE! Label, rotate and replace.

Time for prepping is running out! The highest inflation in the US in four decades is set to persist and even increase in the coming months as the price of diesel is at record highs amid very tight domestic inventories and a global shortage of supply. Diesel is used in every part of the industrial activity and supply chain, from goods transportation to manufacturing and agriculture; it fuels America’s economy. Diesel prices have soared to record highs in recent months, adding further upward pressure on US inflation figures: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/Record-High-Diesel-Prices-Will-Ripple-Across-The-Economy.html

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418bc6  No.300185



Troops of the Russian Armed Forces, the DPR and the LPR have been developing their advance in the region of Donbass amid regular Russian strikes on key objects of Ukrainian military infrastructure. The Russian Defense Ministry announced that during the day of May 10, Russian operational-tactical and army aviation hit 74 targets, including 2 command posts, 20 areas of manpower and military equipment concentration of Kyiv’s forces, as well as 2 missile and artillery weapon depots: https://southfront.org/war-in-ukraine-day-76-advance-in-donbass-continues-russia-reveals-new-details-on-clashes-for-zmeiniy-island/

In Kharkiv Region, the Ukrainian military from the 95th Air Assault Brigade have shot down one more Russian Ka-52 ‘Alligator’ helicopter. The relevant statement was made by the Air Assault Forces Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine on Facebook: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3480730-ukrainian-paratroopers-down-one-more-russian-ka52-helicopter.html

Ukraine prosecutors ready to launch first war crimes trials of Russia conflict. Three Russian prisoners of war accused of targeting or murdering civilians, and a soldier who allegedly killed a man before raping his wife, are set to be in the dock in the first war crimes trials of the Ukraine conflict, the Ukrainian prosecutor general has revealed: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/may/11/ukraine-prosecutors-ready-launch-first-war-crimes-russia-conflict

Russian Defence Ministry on Wednesday categorically held accountable leaders of the US President Joe Biden's Democratic Party, whom it labelled the "main ideologues" of US military-biological activities in Ukraine. Points raised by Russia's MoD in a Telegram post against US were: #1 Funds for military biomedical research were raised by US Democratic Party under state guarantees from NGOs controlled by the Democratic Party leadership, including the investment funds of the Clintons, Rockefellers, Soros and Biden. #2 The scheme involves major pharmaceutical companies, including Pfizer, Moderna, Merck and the US military-affiliated company Gilead. #3 US experts have been involved in working to test new medicines that circumvent international safety standards inside the biolabs that they set up in Ukraine. #4 The involvement of controlled nongovernmental and biotechnological organisations, and the increase in their revenues, allowed the leaders of the US Democratic Party to generate additional campaign finance and hide its distribution: https://www.republicworld.com/world-news/russia-ukraine-crisis/russia-ukraine-war-news-live-updates-day-76-may-10-2022-liveblog.html

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418bc6  No.300186


American companies no longer hold most global stock market wealth: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-05-11/saudi-aramco-becomes-world-s-most-valuable-stock-as-apple-drops

Diesel supplies on verge of collapse in USA, diesel scarcity to devastate rail, trucking, construction, farming and more: https://www.brighteon.com/e7d89e08-7f1e-4070-8ec7-d1936c46ea9c

Major Trucking Firms Prepare For Imminent Diesel Shortage In Eastern Half Of US: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/major-trucking-firms-prepare-imminent-diesel-shortage-eastern-half-us-freightwaves-says

Power grid operators have begun to sound the alarm about a shortage of electricity in the United States, as the ruling class pushes for “renewable energy.” This issue is a concern throughout the entire country as many traditional and nuclear power plants are being retired: https://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/grid-operators-warn-the-u-s-of-electricity-shortages

Meat prices skyrocket due to planned manufactured supply chain collapse: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-11-meat-prices-america-highest-level-generations.html

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine passed a law approving the decision of the National Security and Defense Council to seize the assets of Sberbank of Russia and VEB.RF in Ukraine: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-economy/3481539-parliament-passes-law-to-seize-assets-of-russias-sberbank-vebrf.html

EU Considers Easing 'Green' Standards As It Weans Off Russian Fossil Fuels: https://www.zerohedge.com/commodities/eu-considers-easing-green-standards-it-weans-russian-fossil-fuels

Ukraine Military Developments, US Intel, Snake Island, Popasnaya… by Jacob Dreizin: https://www.bitchute.com/video/XiI_x8wRaSk/

How Russia Could Defeat NATO & Launch The Great Reset With Only One Nuke: https://www.infowars.com/posts/how-russia-could-defeat-nato-and-launch-the-great-reset-with-only-one-nuke/

A WTF Moment. Is Russia's Makarov Frigate That Was Bombed Back Up And Running Already!?: https://www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2022/05/09/a-journalist-just-spotted-russias-admiral-makarov-frigate-intact-and-at-sea/

Russia’s Tu-22M supersonic, long-range, strategic bombers have reportedly began to carry out precision strikes on high-value military targets in Ukraine. On May 11, Russian sources shared a video showing a Tu-22M, most likely a modernized Tu-M3, launching two Kh-22-type precision-guided missiles at targets in Odessa oblast: https://southfront.org/in-video-russian-tu-22m-bomber-launches-large-long-range-missiles-at-targets-in-ukraine/

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418bc6  No.300187


What Sanctions? Russian Oil Revenues Soar 50%, Hitting A Record High: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/what-sanctions-russian-oil-revenues-soar-50-hitting-record-high

Biden Admin Cancels Huge Alaska Oil And Gas Lease As Gas Prices Hit Record Highs: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/biden-admin-cancels-huge-alaska-oil-and-gas-lease-gas-prices-hit-record-highs

European gas importers quietly surrender to Russia and begin buying gas in Rubles: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-05-12-european-gas-importers-quietly-surrender-begin-buying-in-rubles.html

Europe Soaks Up Strategic US Oil While Debating Russia Crude Ban: https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/europe-soaks-up-strategic-us-oil-while-debating-russia-crude-ban-1.1764753

Furious Russia 'could turn off Finland's gas supplies TOMORROW' in retaliation after Helsinki said the country should join NATO: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10808635/Finlands-leaders-announce-intention-join-NATO-saying-apply-without-delay.html

Deliberate food destruction accelerates worldwide: https://www.naturalnews.com/hrr/mp3/HRR-2022-05-12-Situation-Update.mp3

American 401Ks are being WIPED OUT In Stock Market Bloodbath: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10810299/Americans-lament-state-401k-plans-stock-market-plunges.html

Your Weapon Is Only Tool to Survive, The Tactics Of A Gunfight After SHTF: https://billkloss.law.blog/2022/05/12/your-weapon-is-only-tool-to-survive-the-tactics-of-a-gunfight-after-shtf-if-you-know-the-enemy-and-know-yourself-you-need-not-fear-the-result-of-a-hundred-battles-sun-tzuchinese-implementing-th/

The Russian-led forces are aimed at surrounding the Ukrainian grouping deployed in the Severodonetsk-Lisichansk region in the Luhansk People’s Republic. The joint forces continue unsuccessful attempts to cross the river of Seversky Donets and gain a foothold on the left bank. According to Ukrainian military sources, 5 attempts of Russian forces to cross the river were thwarted. The Russian-led forces attempted to establish at least three pontoon crossings from 7 to 11 May, which were destroyed by the Armed Forces of Ukraine. As a result of the shelling, the Russian-led units suffered heavy losses. According to the drone footage from the spot, 73 units of Russian equipment were destroyed, including: 38 infantry fighting vehicles, 4 armored personnel carriers, 6 T-72 tanks, 3 trucks, 4 MT-LB (fully amphibious auxiliary armored tracked vehicles), 2 boats, 5 machines for the construction of pontoon crossings, 1 armoured recovery vehicles and 9 other armoured vehicles: https://southfront.org/russian-led-forces-suffer-heavy-losses-attempting-to-cross-river-in-bilohorivka-lpr-photos/

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