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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 375d3425f968a0e⋯.mp4 (2.85 MB, 480x360, 4:3, help_kill_killcen_.mp4)

a30cb0  No.299459 [Last 50 Posts]

One of the best doctors in America announced yesterday that Killcwn is definitely going to have a massive heart attack very soon, probably this year, and it's going to be one of the most painful horrible frightening events of his life..

the last event of his life, to be accurate

he's my friend, and I don't want him to suffer in needlessly

I'm giving him a special one time offer -


and we will simply overdose you with fentanyl, so you can go out on your own terms

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c6130d  No.299500

File: 4fb978c04ccdc58⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_22_05_09_11_16_48_….png)

It turns out that WOW this upcoming heart attack is going to be HORRIBLE !!! I had no idea how bad it was going to be until one of America's best doctors explained it to me the other day.

Yeah, dude…. this is going to beSOpainful and scary, and it's not just chest pain, because it's actually going to be a cavalcade of horrible physical symptoms, all at the same time..

just for starters, it's going to begin with a horrible debilitating case of nausea, so overwhelming that you will lose the strength and ability to even stand up and get back into the chair again.

your entire body is going to feel like you have a poisonous toxin surging through your bloodstream, where every cell in your body signals the fact that you are not going to survive this.

but it's not going to be fast….

you will actually end up suffering for at least 3 hours, in excruciating, agonizing pain, unable to muster up the strength to call for help.

when they find you in the morning, they're going to wonder why they didn't hear anything, and slept through your exquisitely torturous demise.

but I'm here to help you, because I'm your friend. I can guarantee a peaceful and completely painless alternative option to the dehumanizing experience of the massive coronary that's just around the corner

FENTANYL is an opioid that's 1,000 times more potent than heroin.

it's a Hot Topic in the media these days, so it's surprising how often misinformation about fentanyl is distributed to the public through the media… it seems like people simply have a hard time wrapping their head around it… for example, even seasoned Drug Squad Law Enforcement Officers regularly mispronounce it "FENTANOL", and if anybody should know the correct pronunciation, it seems like it would be the police who specialize in drug investigations… also, you'll regularly see news stories that claim fentanyl is 50 times stronger than heroin, or 100 times stronger than heroin, I've even seen more specific erroneous numbers, like "325 times stronger than heroin"…. none of those numbers is accurate.. FENTANYL IS 1,000 TIMES STRONGER THAN HEROIN OR MORPHINE…

in other words, imagine just ONE TINY MILLIGRAM OF MORPHINE…. fentanyl is so strong, that you would need 1,000 MILLIGRAMS OF MORPHINE just to equal 1 mg of fentanyl.

that's why fentanyl is measured in MICROGRAMS instead of milligrams… in fact, 1 milligram of fentanyl is enough to kill 250 people




actually, YES ….

there is absolutely zero physical pain or agonizing associated with an opioid overdose.

in fact, it's probably THE most pleasant, desirable method of dying… it's the complete opposite of what most people might think when they imagine a horrible overdose scenario.



it's really quite simple… YOUR LUNGS STOP WORKING, but you will be so encapsulated in a pleasant euphoria, for all practical purposes completely unconscious, with a smile on your face, off in "la la land", having blissful visions of yourself playing as a child, with the sun in your face and spring breeze blowing through your hair…

you will literally experience NOTHING UNPLEASANT…

you won't even experience the mild nausea often associated with opioids, because the fentanyl is so strong that it will take you all the way to the end without stopping to allow you to experience an itchy nose or mild nausea…I

there is no better way to die….

it's actually a miracle drug….

the world has gone insane, and the News keeps getting worse and worse with each passing day, where we have reached the point of nuclear war being the most likely scenario, but everybody has become conditioned, so nobody even seems to care…

well, I DO CARE….

I care about YOU, Killcen….

I want the best for you…

and unfortunately, we have reached that point…

we don't get to control the timeline…

but your timeline has run out, and at this point you only haveTWO OPTIONS:


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9df481  No.299502

*Operation Killcen [Kill Censorship] is now boosting curcumin and garlic intake. Breaking out the ginger smoothies. 1,000,000+ vitamins and supplements will be ordered from Dr. Mercola. Nothing can stop this now!*

*Beep Boop*

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09a0a9  No.299505

>best doctors

Covid has cucked the entire medical profession.

The bad doctors will silence the good ones.

see also: Dr. Lars Aanning

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a83669  No.299518

File: 29dd0fcb0e5e9b7⋯.jpg (265.91 KB, 1528x1080, 191:135, Picsart_22_05_09_14_56_41_….jpg)

we are all familiar with the WORLD'S DOOMSDAY CLOCK….

and everybody knows we are running out of time

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a83669  No.299519

File: 63eeccc57f2363b⋯.gif (235.64 KB, 390x480, 13:16, Picsart_22_05_09_14_15_13_….gif)


however, we are the lucky ones because even though Doom and Gloom are in our near future, we are still going to be around for a long time compared to you…

I'm afraid your own personal DOOMSDAY CLOCK is on your VCR, and it's flashing 12:00

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15a479  No.299528

File: e36fa95a2dbe3a4⋯.jpg (191.21 KB, 1080x1637, 1080:1637, Picsart_22_05_09_15_39_53_….jpg)

I just want to see you with a smile on your face

no…. no..

not THAT KIND of smile…..

that's your "I just read a conspiracy theory that says everybody's going to die this week" smile…..

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15a479  No.299529

File: 4a1414f6905be9d⋯.mp4 (914.82 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, smile_.mp4)

I was thinking less of a "maniacal enjoying everybody's demise" smile, and more of a natural "hey I am happy for the first time in decades" smile…

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15a479  No.299532

File: 78a22fbb2105f68⋯.jpg (187.46 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, Picsart_22_05_09_20_42_47_….jpg)

….and I've got just the thing to make you smile again….

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c7574d  No.299533

File: 50f74f5d5719cfe⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 49.69 KB, 90x90, 1:1, image_2019_05_04_17_18_24.jpg)

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c7574d  No.299534

File: 6341b66a3c03ce4⋯.jpg (64.5 KB, 728x1084, 182:271, PicsArt_05_09_05_57_18.jpg)

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15a479  No.299535

File: 1b999eb4bc0b7fd⋯.mp4 (1.15 MB, 1048x720, 131:90, mind_if_I_smoke_.mp4)

it will be nice seeing you NOT freaking out about another conspiracy thingy…..

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2de18c  No.299537

File: 0d9f91b0e71f608⋯.jpg (366.67 KB, 1600x899, 1600:899, PicsArt_05_09_06_10_16.jpg)


Hate to break it to (You), "Johnny" , but my "Sources", which, as (You) know, are quite credible, say thatYou)Will Be the First among us oldfags to go skipping off to oblivion by ceasing this life. In exactly which manner has yet to be particularly determined (by Kali), but that you are utterly PETRIFIED there can be no doubt. Projecting (You)r Fear onto "Others" cannot hide (You)r Terror. It's OK to be afraid, but HAVE SOME COURAGE, MAN!

We can see how scared (You) are of not being able to breathe, and (You) imagine a heart attack would be worse, and (You) hope to get Chillcen to get as worked up by fear as (You) are, and maybe give himself a heart attack; but Chillcen is chill. He's got him a good drinky stinky in hand, a chill buzz and he's pissed off enough I can't see him dying before Jesus actually decides to both exist and actually return for his aluminum wrapped ass! (You), however, seem like (You)'re already on (You)r last gasping breaths!

The progression shows in every speech-to-text post. No wonder (You)'re afraid and projecting(You)r Fear into "Others"!

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2de18c  No.299546

File: b6b761b9785f869⋯.png (732.52 KB, 1080x1491, 360:497, PicsArt_06_08_09_43_19.png)

File: 8ef0ca3cbedd0cc⋯.jpg (165.35 KB, 1920x1080, 16:9, PicsArt_04_24_01_54_53.jpg)


So, by all means, KEEP SMOKING.

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4eda6a  No.299555

File: 4871d72f20a63cf⋯.png (1.4 MB, 1731x1080, 577:360, Picsart_22_05_09_19_45_08_….png)

I figured you wouldn't mind if I smoked…

since you're dead….

nice funeral home, btw….

you can tell the funeral home is in rural Missouri, because they have an outhouse instead of a restroom….

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4eda6a  No.299556

File: 0390f78bf557ff1⋯.mp4 (1.56 MB, 1280x720, 16:9, why_not_right_.mp4)

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4eda6a  No.299557

File: 633cac0f046ec72⋯.jpg (265.96 KB, 1731x1080, 577:360, Picsart_22_05_09_19_56_56_….jpg)

you know what they say…..

You only live once

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4eda6a  No.299558

File: 555d17ae244c10c⋯.jpg (328.74 KB, 1080x1920, 9:16, Picsart_22_05_09_22_42_01_….jpg)

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4eda6a  No.299559


lol whatever you say, dude….. hahaha

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4eda6a  No.299560

File: 7d1f03af3955ee1⋯.jpg (192.39 KB, 1080x1262, 540:631, Picsart_22_05_09_23_08_15_….jpg)

interesting "FEAR" theory….


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c165b3  No.299561

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

I have 'spilled' and 'poured' into all that is human 'expression:'




Motion Picture

Art self… All of art…

"I have already stated the demands…"

"Only true love can temporally destroy me…"

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c165b3  No.299562

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

How many?

How many are there?

Unknown Entity… How many 'songs' share this 'signature' and 'profile?'

Unknown Entity… How many 'films' contain 'the song?'

Unknown Entity… How many have 'heard' mine words?

I am coming to kill you…

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c165b3  No.299563

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

Many… Many… Time(s)…

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c165b3  No.299566

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Many… Many… Time(s)…

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c165b3  No.299567

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>299564 and Russia

Many... Many... Time(s)...

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36b183  No.299568

File: acc4e333e10fa04⋯.jpg (234.4 KB, 1080x1084, 270:271, The_Antichrist.jpg)





Here we go... The most Fearful of All!

Poor Baby Anti-Jewsus!

And the glownig.


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c165b3  No.299569


>>299564 and China

Many... Many... Time(s)...

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c165b3  No.299570

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>299568 and China

Many… Many… Time(s)…

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c165b3  No.299571

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>299568 and The untied bates

Many… Many… Time(s)…

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c165b3  No.299572

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>299568 and Russia

Many… Many… Time(s)…

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c165b3  No.299573

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>299568 and The untied bates

Eagle… Many… Many… Time(s)…

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c165b3  No.299574

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Taking… Many… Many… Time(s)…

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c165b3  No.299575

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates and Russia and China

Me… Mine… Many… Time(s)…

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c165b3  No.299576

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Me… Mine… Many… Time(s)…

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c165b3  No.299577

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Xi Jinping… Upon the breaking of 'the promise…'

Xi Jinping… The ritual of 'fear death…'

Xi Jinping… I am come once again…


The 'seers' shall fail…

"I, am, the hand…"








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c165b3  No.299578

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Gaze upon the whole of the earth…

The time of 'fear death' ritual is done…

By the 'second' who art The untied bates…

By the 'first' who art the 'witness…'

I am come…

It is written…








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c165b3  No.299579

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Xi Jinping… Now is '5…'

Xi Jinping… Now is nearly '6…'

Xi Jinping… Now is time of the offering of 'warrior seed…'

Xi Jinping… Mine armies shall cover the whole of the earth…

Xi Jinping… Now is the time of 'Shhh' and 'Hush…'

Xi Jinping… Do not cry mine child… 'Tis a wast of good suffering…

Xi Jinping… I am the devil…

Xi Jinping… Offer to me the cradle of China…

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c165b3  No.299580

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





Always with them…



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cc3f9c  No.299701

File: 121b5eb468ae19b⋯.png (915.5 KB, 1080x1732, 270:433, Picsart_22_05_10_11_19_11_….png)

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cc3f9c  No.299702

File: 002910e1e5cc88c⋯.jpg (836.14 KB, 2081x3700, 2081:3700, Picsart_22_05_10_15_45_57_….jpg)

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97a234  No.315880


This is probably true.

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7e3ce3  No.320785



, 1-800-662-HELP (4357)

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040682  No.320893



"there are more than 340 million chickens in the us"

there are about 350 million guns in the us


i think not

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f5a13f  No.320985



>I could be your girlfriend.

You know the rules, tits or gtfo

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f9d6db  No.321274



Cope harder faggot. Q was horse shit and still is

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336047  No.321310


>National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (front)

>Children's Defense Fund (Front)

>Podesta/Alefatis Pizzagate

>Dan Schneider/Pedowood

>Epstein Sex Island/Blackbook

>Pentagon Child Porn Servers

>Oakland County child murders

>Peter Scully Dark Web Child Torturer Live Streamer

>The Franklin Coverup/BoysTown Ring

>Drasius Kedys Pedo Ring

>Chilean Senator Pedo Ring

>North Fox Island Child Killing Ring

>Madeline McCann Disappearance

>Brooke Shields Child Actor

>Cardinal George Pell Vatican Ring

>Colonel Michael Aquino Pedo Cult

>G4S Security Human Trafficking

>Dyncorp Human Trafficking

>Dolphin Square Ring

>Planned Parenthood Organ Trafficking

>Jersey Island Child Killings

>Elm Guest House Ring

>UK Grooming Gang Police Cover up

>Clinton Hitlist

>Clinton Haiti Child Trafficking

>Joe Biden Child Groper

>McMartin Pre-schoolRing

>Presidio Military Daycare Ring

>Dutroux Affair Coverup

>Israeli Resort in Colombia tied to sex trafficking

>NXIVM Sex Cult

>Pennsylvania 300+ Priests Pedo Ring

>Sandusky Pedo Ring

>Roman Polanski Scandal

>Jared Fogle "Subway" Pedo Ring

>MJ Scandal

>Savile Scandal

>Oprah's School For Girls Abuse

>JonBenet Photographer Child Abuse Arrest

>The Finders Cult

>Tuam Church Child Mass Grave

>Lanarkshire Orphanage Child Mass Grave

>Dozier School for Boys Child Mass Grave

>Nancy Schaefer CPS Assassination

>Andrew Breitbart Podesta Assassination

>Boko Haram Girls Michelle Obama

>FBI Ted Gunderson exposes child trafficking

>Muslim Child Training Camp Cover up

>Portugal Elite Sex Ring

>Brazil Celebrity Spirit Healer Pedo Ring

>Tucson/Cemex Trafficking Camp

>Italy Foster Care Pedo Ring

>Norway Pedo Ring Bust

>Hampstead, UK, cover up

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d003d6  No.321678


I am going to just assume new Q is the FBI

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20b367  No.321743


>You didn't answer the question.

>Who is Jesus Christ to you?

My Perfect Elder Brother.

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dfc751  No.321790

Imagine a great man like Dr Zelenko loses his life while these two mass murdering scumbags give each other awards

4.3K viewsDr Jane Ruby, edited



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28ba99  No.321981


>probably just be considered 'Contempt of Court'.

ok, but it being THE highest court, that surely notches it up a bit…

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169a47  No.322115

Granholm: The only way out of these boom and bust cycles is to break that sole reliance, and that means diversifying our fuel sources by deploying clean energy.

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9ef388  No.322181


3) Historical facts on US military and biological activities:

In the next slide, Russia builds on the former slide of US using animal

vectors to target humans, livestock, and crops. They go on to show the numbers of infectious human, animal, and plant diseases that were unleashed on Cuba in the 80s, amid tensions between US and Cuba during the Cold War.

Castro directly accused the US CIA of using biological weapons on Cuba, and the numbers would suggest it was not accidental. And given we know the US has these capabilities, it’s highly probable Castro was telling the truth. That’s not an endorsement of Fidel Castro, but the US are not innocent.

Russia then goes to show supporting reports of CIA involvement with African Swine Fever outbreak in Cuba.

4) Analysis of Tularemia and Hepatitis outbreaks:

In this slide, Russia addresses the agreement between the Ukrainian Ministry of Defense, Black and Veatch (Think Biden), and the US Defensive Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA). They show formal documentation for legal “ EXPANSION” of laboratories. The US was supposed to go in and destroy the post-Soviet WMDs, not take them over and expand production.

They then go on to show the expansion of labs and US biological activity in Ukraine is what led to the Hepatitis outbreaks all over Ukraine since 2017. The outbreaks correspond directly to US DTRA funded labs, in relation with Black and Veatch.

5) Training of Ukrainian specialists in the Field Epidemiology Training Program:

Here Russia goes over US documentation showing US training Ukrainians to compile and analyze data. Essentially just showing further proof of agreed government collusion between the US and Ukraine.

There is however one extremely important nugget highlighted in the middle.

Ukrainian Health Specialist flew to Atlanta, Georgia, to meet with CDC “to discuss possible CDC assistance in developing guidelines for infectious disease surveillance in laboratory networks and in assessing laboratory systems in Ukraine and the development of a strategic plan for establishing a laboratory network.”

UMMMMMMM so we have the US DTRA and CDC on paper agreeing to “establish a laboratory network” in Ukraine?

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a70021  No.322437


The von der Leyens ……. why do I have the feeling that there is a Payseur connection there…..????

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ccddb0  No.322575


>To me, it looks like a train platform on the southern outskirts of Munich

Pretty sure it's the outskirts of Berlin. Sign on the right says train goes to Henningsdorf, which is Berlin region if I am not mistaken

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507531  No.322965

So THIS is why TRUMP has repeatedly stated, "The US is now a 3rd world country."

"The pedo networks are being dismantled.

The child abductions for satanic rituals (ie Haiti and other 3rd world countries) are paused (not terminated until players in custody)." ItsHappenig


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b6af69  No.323369


I don't work well with psychologists, they're sloppy in the battlefield.

I like to stay invisible and only deal in TRUTH, the moment you add a psychologist or start trusting them and ttheir narratives, you add lies and expose locations of the invisible. They aren't even real doctors, and were considered quacks until they found politics.

I can tell you HOW-TO change this in 24 hours but I am unable to deal with all the psychiatry karans down the line. That's why a LAW must be bound to a new oath. It instantly changes their behavior. You could call it a "reverse climate change."

I can fix this in 24 hours. with a new LAW and OATH.

oath: I swear to fight against commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist maoist lenonist nazist eugenicist fascist pedoist and identity frauds +old oath+ so help me god. Change law to reflect this with some teeth and short time say “24 hours” to wind down connections to these new national security threats the founding fathers missed.

Hopefully the sheriff makes a possy and arrests these fools soon, because if I HAVE to reform a new government, this is how it will happen. I get to say how I want government to be because they LIED and government isn't how they said. So not knowing how government actually IS, leaves me free to say whatever the fuck I want now since their shit don't work anyway.

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0b01c7  No.323498



On the QClock

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c618fe  No.323589


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a096ad  No.323705

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609b97  No.324616


Follow the bloodlines???

Have you ever looked at blood-types under a microscope? Google it…

The Type O- blood-type, appears to be "pure", for lack of a better term. It appears "clean", while all other types, appear the same, but with some kind of attachment, that appears foreign to it. Like a parasite attached.

Did the fucking parasite kikes expand "Greater Israel" into people's blood-streams? (kidding… Kinda).

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aeedb7  No.325136

A Washington state school board director who owns a sex shop is making headlines after announcing she will teach sex education classes for children as young as 9 on topics such as "sexual anatomy for pleasure" and "safer sex practices for all kinds of sexual activities."

"The class for 9- to 12-year-olds is an introduction to topics related to relationships, puberty, bodies, and sexuality. We focus on what makes healthy vs. unhealthy friendships and romantic relationships, the science of how puberty works, consent and personal boundaries, defining ‘sex’, and discussing why people may or may not choose to engage in sexual activities," Jenn Mason, owner of sex shop WinkWink in Bellingham and school board director for the Bellingham School District, told KTTH radio host Jason Rantz.

Mason announced there will be four, three-hour sex education classes held at WinkWink next month as part of an event billed the "Uncringe Academy." The classes, which Mason will teach, are broken down by age, with 9- to 12-year-olds in one class and 13- to 17-year-olds in another class.

Class topics include, "What IS sex? Kinds of solo and partnered sexual activities," "Sexual anatomy for pleasure and reproduction," "Gender and sexual identities," "Safer sex practices for all kinds of sexual activities," among others. The description of the classes stipulates that the "workshops are divided by age and presentation of topics will vary for developmental appropriateness (sic)."


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085622  No.325213



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6beb7d  No.325221

Ratio around 1/91

When Gold SIlver Ratio reaches 1/100

Moving 80% Gold to Silver


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190db5  No.325320

Does he have human stuck in his teeth, or is just very uncouth? This creature is disgusting

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05dcdb  No.325678

Can you spot Cassidy Hutchingson??

Anyone have a copy of the yearbook 2015?

Does the yearbook have a section in the back with messages from THE PARENTS to their Seniors in that yearbook?

Who are Cassidy's parents?



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27ab37  No.326323










>all same









kaiser caesar tzar and shah belong together but king and khan are not related by word roots, don't know about cain

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9af436  No.326660

why aren't the therapists being outed? i mean fuck HIPAA bc covid right? but not when it comes to "school shootings"

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e9106e  No.326745




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5fbd1f  No.327189


>Human Trafficking


Bullshit slide after bullshit slide after bullshit slide

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3a78dc  No.327327

Argh some of us behind enemy lines need to fight for the beautiful pacific NW- you cant have my state!

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485f77  No.327530


>just a cuck chasing teh gahynigg cuck feels fill authority



>snapchat filters need shaved unibrows


>does his carpet match the drape

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435b21  No.327645



She will realize she will never be hired by government or organizations ever. No one will employ her. Her karma will be great and she just ruined her life. Sorry to say but that’s what will happen

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f46863  No.328269


@intheMatrixxx, [02.07.22 00:49]


[ Album ]

Devin truths that Kash found Scavino, and the opening of the video he retruthed says “Qooking” with a Q and closes with “Nothing can stop what is coming isn’t just a catch phrase.”

Another clue that Scavino may have taken over on 8kun…

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508fe4  No.328700

Biden accomplishments

1. Highest gas prices

2. Worst inflation

3. Plummeting crypto prices

4. Highest rent prices ever

5. Created new incomprehensible language

If you’re reading this and voted for Biden and you still don’t regret it then you are the American problem.


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415b36  No.328815


Go look at the obituaries, my neighbor has finally conceded the obit page has gone from 3-4 deaths in a week to 3 or 4 pages and the causes are often not listed. Look for yourself, people are dying, Covid is a hoax, the vax and tests are the poison.

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9195f0  No.328937


See new Tweets


Washington Free Beacon


Reporter: "The Chevron CEO… said that your administration has largely criticized the oil and gas industry and …would need to take a change in approach in order to make progress in reducing energy prices."

Biden: "I didn't know they'd get their feelings hurt that quickly."


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620643  No.329490


>We're expecting specific things, specific weapons.

It sounds like a threat. We know that Ukraine has lots of dirt on the Bidens and other corrupt US politicians (looking at you fuckin' Romney).

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7c60d4  No.329772


>what Brothers?

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754827  No.330106



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f8afdf  No.330438


Nice Zero-Delta.

Still No Trips.

Close. Real close.

TripCode + Zero Delta = Q

Damn. You guys sure are trying hard, I'll give you that.

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e69b06  No.330657


>anon is just over here realizing…


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6851d1  No.330918

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5b7cae  No.331000



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415c95  No.331364


Muh Black African Negroid nigga all them white women needed to paid first you dumbass idiot….. lmao

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f2a25a  No.331408


>assures me than I remain

Kek! Sure thing. Just don't let grammar kitty put you in the oven.

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6967fb  No.331457



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6b1f7f  No.331892


what did they get?

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cb484f  No.332349

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a4e0f6  No.332822

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ce26f1  No.332846


one shitpost a[t] a time.

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549b67  No.333132


YOur only purpose here is to anger people

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a6570c  No.333295


outsources gaylord juw asshole factory

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46eb8d  No.333496


Remember when DJT2 was shooting that Q rifle?

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d4a1ba  No.333584




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994319  No.333725


Jew is a CRYPTO word with NO DEFINTION without a fight.


et viola!

Elections are broken chain of custody and Rigged, with no chance of getting fixed.

Get the commie marxist socialist globalist terrorist nazi lenonist maoist fascist eugenicist pedoist or identity fraud off the ballot

Like they should been doing ANYWAY.

et viola!

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d3a7ad  No.333988

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05b5c8  No.334021


Notes coming up

Notetaker needed to grab previous bread notables first

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862ee0  No.334161


LronHubbard juwpacabra gets post election loser facejob

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332488  No.334182


The worst is when they get you right when your life force is at critically low levels. That’s when they cause destruction.

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486161  No.334559


It not only flopped. It flopped in prime time.

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41a4b1  No.334564


When Kari told him he doesn't cover the stolen election he interrupted her: Yes I did, yes I did, I addressed the 3 questions you gave. (See, I'm fair and balanced.)

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698cef  No.334565

muh lag. feels ddos'y. Godspeed.

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f435ce  No.334890



>the the

Don Jr with a typo on May 30 as well

neopferious > nefarious

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a09d3e  No.334964

Every time I start speaking freely, BO and Jim lose their fucking mind.

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e836a2  No.334984


Curious. Energy plants now the target as well as food plants/

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37a853  No.335534


great job decreasing the signal to noise ratio

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c3298a  No.335615




ha ha

baker prefers his stats

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7c0e99  No.335678



Frustrated Black Staffers Deserting Biden White House in a Move Dubbed ‘Blaxit’

“The exodus has raised concerns among outside observers who push for the diversification of government ranks.”

June 3, 2022 at 03:00pm

Like all Democrats, the Biden administration puts on a big show to demonstrate their commitment to diversity. Yet many black staffers are leaving the Biden administration that some have dubbed the move “Blaxit.”

They claim they’re not being listened to or provided opportunities for advancement.

We mentioned this in a recent post about the many woes of the Biden White House.

Daniel Lippman reports at Politico:

Biden sees exodus of Black staffers and some frustration among those who remain

At least 21 Black staffers have left the White House since late last year or are planning to leave soon. Some of those who remain say it’s no wonder why: They describe a work environment with little support from their superiors and fewer chances for promotion.

The departures have been so pronounced that, according to one current and one former White House official, some Black aides have adopted a term for them: “Blaxit.”….


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b8fe6c  No.335747


I think this is my Congressman.

Illinois did some redistricting.

I used to be in the 3rd Congressional Dist. with Marie Newman as my Congressional Rep., but I think I am in the 6th Dist. now.

Illinois is losing residents because it is such a corrupt state.

Democrats in Illinois enacted an aggressive gerrymander that could deliver them 14 of the state’s 17 districts.

Who benefits: Big boost for Dems

Last updated Nov. 23, 2021, 3:49 p.m. CST


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056e07  No.335794

Knowledge is power


It is going to be a rodeo

Phase 1 AM

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4792c7  No.335906

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1eb90a  No.336564



Notes for incoming Baker (take them or leave them)











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867be6  No.336617



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99363c  No.336755

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544ad4  No.336874



I can make shit up too.

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93b432  No.336952

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466d6f  No.337054

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814858  No.338199


you may not see this but shill attack going on since last night fills up bread in 2 minutes fastest i have seen it …anons are not here responding to posts weeks ago. hang tight and hold the line.

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840fac  No.338290


Don't forget to bring a towel

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be4bf1  No.338465



See new Tweets


Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈




A stampede almost broke out at the pro-gun control March for Our Lives rally at the National Mall in Washington D.C. after attendees thought there was a shooter.


0:01 / 0:20


7News DC

Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈


Another angle of the near stampede on the National Mall at the pro-gun control rally (March for Our Lives) following a false alarm about a shooter. Video by @TaraPoAm



0:12 / 0:40


Tara “PoAm” Szczepanski

10:36 PM · Jun 11, 2022·Twitter for iPhone

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1d3923  No.338636



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17dba1  No.338803

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75d8e6  No.339336


I always filter Mr Pig with ‘ID +’ that way all the dumbfucks who reply to Mr Pig get filtered too.

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43dabd  No.339760


They shot and killed an unarmed female veteran.

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1d8fcd  No.341557


HIGHLAND was specifically organized & designed to DISTRACT [MAIN EVENT]- watch the news.






High risk.

High value targets.

Please pause and give thanks to those who would die to save our republic.

Bottom to TOP.




High Priority.

Be alert next 10 days.

FF attempts may be carried out in attempt to change narrative (neg optics).

High possibility of ‘multiple day’ coverage event forcing pause on news.

See something > Say something.

Fire when ready.

High priority targets today/tomorrow.



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ca586e  No.341771



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a41680  No.342152


Where’s that little frog guy that pinches nipples?


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6f0066  No.342227


He, She, THEY?

Does it natter?


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de9144  No.342445


Steal a Tesla n power your home.


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db9936  No.342626


Alan Alda ruined Mash.


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a66f09  No.342633


Pretty much all of it.

But then again, like I said…

You're too stupid and disingenuous to keep talking to.


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a41680  No.343257



So lobsters, beavers, cranes, grey wolves, and bald eagles got it all figured out, while literally every mammal on the planet (especially Dolphins) use sex just to say hi, sometimes. Humans don't get to do it that way, though, because there's some really shitty humans that fuck it up for the rest of them.


>Jacob wanted…

Doesn't matter. He worked for 14 years for twice the headache. He could've just beaten the ever living shit out of Laban and took Rachel, telling Leah to keep up if she could see them running, and then r-u-n-n-o-f-t; but he didn't. Point is, he ended up with two wives because human nature.


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864330  No.343436


I think Rh neg is a hoax. The bullshit artists want women to get a shot after their first born.

I know a woman who is RH neg and had five kids ( the first kid was RH neg btw) before the shot came out. The only problem was the morning sickness pills given during the fifth pregnancy.. Baby was born with only eight fingers. Then the parents stopped having kids for fear of another birth like that.

Seems like the medical establishment has been trying to maime and kill us for decades.

Those you trust the most.

P.S. famliy has no Nephilim characteristics in fact are European Caucasian, so there. Of course they could be a target, but the babies were born in the midwest where everyone was caucasions.

Rh- blood is rare.

Nephilim blood.

Moms with Rh- blood are not compatible with Rh+ partner after the first pregnancy.

Very weird.

They have to get a shot of RhoGAM.

Before RhoGAM, the second child, if it was Rh+, would die in utero. Killed by the mom's Rh- blood.

Most Rh- blood is European, hardly any Asian.

But Rh- mom and Rh- dad have no problems having kids.

Makes ya kinda wonder, before RhoGAM existed, if they had genealogy records to keep track of that stuff.


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a1ce58  No.343558

SPECIAL EPISODE: Bo Polny 6/28/22

WeLoveTrump…by NOAH Published June 28, 2022

I recorded a Special Episode with Bo Polny last night on my show, The Daily Truth Report.

And I think you’re really going to like this…

We had to do a Special Episode because so often we’re talking about what’s coming next, but today we paused to celebrate how right Bo has been on some MAJOR topics.

Did you know Bo has been saying that Roe vs. Wade would be overturned since September of 2020?

Yes folks, almost two years before it actually happened.

Back when NO ONE thought it was possible!

But Bo did.

Bo saw it in the time cycles and he was telling everyone.

And oh did we get some haters…

People saying that was impossible, never going to happen, stop promoting “hopium”.

I remember them all.

Well guess what?

Bo was right.

So we had him back on the show to revisit some of those OLD clips and I think you’re really going to love this.

We also review his latest comments on the crypto market and how deadly accurate that has been as well, down to the day-by-day moves.

More on that in a minute.

Back to Roe vs. Wade.

Bo says this is the first domino to fall, but it won’t be the last in 2022.

And don’t you think we should listen to him with extra attention at this point?

I do.

The next two dominoes to fall will be big — bigger than even Roe vs. Wade — but Roe had to come first.

This is a really special episode and I hope you enjoy it!




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dc7a45  No.343757

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7211ad  No.343909


mostly peaceful protestors.


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5b41fa  No.344142


Pentagon releases report on US military aid to Ukraine

The Pentagon released Friday a report on US military aid to Ukraine, highlighting that Washington has supported Kiev with approximately $5.6 billion since the beginning of the war.

In its report, the Pentagon underlined that "the United States has committed approximately $6.3 billion in security assistance to Ukraine since the beginning of the Biden Administration."

According to the report, the United States security assistance committed to Ukraine includes:

Over 1,400 Stinger anti-aircraft systems;

Over 6,500 Javelin anti-armor systems;

Over 20,000 other anti-armor systems;

Over 700 Switchblade Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems;

126 155mm Howitzers and 260,000 155mm artillery rounds;

108 Tactical Vehicles to tow 155mm Howitzers;

19 Tactical Vehicles to recover equipment;

High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems and ammunition;

20 Mi-17 helicopters;

Hundreds of Armored High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles;

200 M113 Armored Personnel Carriers;

Over 7,000 small arms;

Over 50,000,000 rounds of small arms ammunition;

75,000 sets of body armor and helmets;

121 Phoenix Ghost Tactical Unmanned Aerial Systems;

Laser-guided rocket systems;

Puma Unmanned Aerial Systems;

Unmanned Coastal Defense Vessels;

22 counter-artillery radars;

Four counter-mortar radars;

Four air surveillance radars;

Two harpoon coastal defense systems;

M18A1 Claymore anti-personnel munitions;

C-4 explosives and demolition equipment for obstacle clearing;

Tactical secure communications systems;

Thousands of night vision devices, thermal imagery systems, optics, and laser rangefinders;

Commercial satellite imagery services;

Explosive ordnance disposal protective gear;

Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear protective equipment;

Medical supplies to include first aid kits;

Electronic jamming equipment;

Field equipment and spare parts;

Funding for training, maintenance, and sustainment."

"The United States also continues to work with its allies and partners to identify and provide Ukraine with additional capabilities to defend itself," the report concluded.

On its part, Moscow has repeatedly drawn attention to the danger of Western countries increasing arms supplies to Ukraine.

The Russian Ambassador to the United States, Anatoly Antonov, warned that the militarization of Ukraine directly threatens European and global security interests.

Despite the warnings, the Pentagon this week announced $1 billion in additional military aid for Ukraine.

It is noteworthy that in May, the White House announced that US President Joe Biden approved legislation providing $40 billion in aid to Ukraine.

The law will deliver almost $20 billion in military aid to Ukraine, nearly $9 billion in economic support, more than $4 billion in humanitarian relief, and another $4 billion in foreign military finance through the State Department.

This comes as the Labor Department had said that the US Consumer Price Index grew by 8.6% from the beginning of the year till May, which is the fastest acceleration of rate since 1981. The cost increased in May.

Biden has been blaming domestic inflation in the US on Russia at a time when he has been pushing for West-led sanctions on Russian oil, which is sinking the world into further crises.


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64a029  No.344151


It's hivemind horseshit


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1599ed  No.344668

"Indian children in the residential schools die at a much higher rate than in their villages. But this does not justify a change in the policy of this department, which is geared towardsa final solutionof our Indian problem." - Duncan Campbell Scott, Deputy Superintendant of Indian Affairs @4:45


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6f0066  No.344736

What would your life be like without pain, heartache, grief or anger? What would that look like to you? You are The Universe’s most perfect creation and has already seen your life without the challenges. All that is left is for you is to start experiencing it. Free will is yours.


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254d3b  No.344932


>Triple Vaxxed Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Infected with Covid… AGAIN


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c92d17  No.345039





Don't save the world until I return!


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5867e1  No.345131

.@rweingarten: Here’s the truth: America can’t get back on its feet without you. Parents can’t go to work without their kids in school, and kids can’t reach their full potential without the work you do.



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9e07dd  No.345433


Bushima holdings as in designer fetal dna holdings


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a75038  No.345455



Not one Nom/not able for the "OUR FATHER" dig on Fathers Day, Anons?

Do (you) think most anons Understand that Q pretty much said that the VATICAN > CIA > DID 9-11?

Do (YOU) THINK that this is common knowledge or something?

Did (you) witness all hell break loose last year between this anon, MNR and OSS when this was posted?

Do (you) know your board history?

Do (you) know why INTHEPAYTRIXXX made 5-6 videos all about why P absolutely must = PAYSEUR and how many times that slide was posted? nommed? baked? while the truth was being ignored?

Do (you) think that ALL THAT was some sort of fucking COINCIDENCE?



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