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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: e9250332440e474⋯.jpeg (307.77 KB, 1241x1387, 17:19, twitter_govt_propaganda_e….jpeg)

File: db6ee0ebb35545d⋯.jpg (42.12 KB, 477x680, 477:680, State_Propaganda_FAILS.jpg)

1e0450  No.299253

Chili peppers could be the secret ingredient for beating all forms of cancer


It’s no secret that chili peppers give many meals their spicy kick. Now, a new study is looking at the best way to use this ingredient as a treatment for cancer. Researchers at Marshall University say capsaicin — the substance which gives chili peppers their hot and spicy taste — can also keep multiple forms of cancer from growing.

The biggest hurdle scientists have to overcome, however, is finding the best way of delivering capsaicin to patients. Researchers say their report is the first to examine sustained release formulations of capsaicin as an anti-cancer drug. These delivery methods include solid dispersion systems, liposomes, phospholipid complexes, and nanoparticles.

“This review article is the first to provide a comprehensive overview of capsaicin formulations in human cancer,” says corresponding author Dasgupta Piyali Dasgupta, Ph.D. in a university release. “Previous publications in the literature only briefly address sustained release formulations of capsaicin.”

On a positive note, the team found that capsaicin displayed an ability to significantly stifle the growth of a wide range of human cancers. Previous studies have also found that the chili pepper compound could serve as a key weapon in the fight against lung cancer.

However, the team also found giving patients capsaicin in more traditional ways (like pills) has a number of factors working against it. Along with showing a poor ability to absorb into the human body, a capsaicin pill is literally too hot for some patients to handle.

“Oral use of capsaicin is associated with unfavorable side effects such as stomach cramps, nausea, a burning sensation in the gut and gastrointestinal irritation,” says Professor of Biomedical Sciences Monica Valentovic, Ph.D. “A strategy to overcome these drawbacks is the development of different delivery systems, such as encapsulating capsaicin in long-acting sustained release drug delivery systems could allow for more consistent capsaicin levels that could be more efficient as anti-cancer agents.”


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1e0450  No.299264

Bumping for glow niggers.

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7595ef  No.299268

Bumping for septic relief.

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77f06c  No.299274

File: fd815c2bfbacfb8⋯.jpg (578.21 KB, 1402x1900, 701:950, govt_propaganda.jpg)

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77f06c  No.299275

File: ffb0efa82404258⋯.webm (909.49 KB, 402x720, 67:120, China_Gulag.webm)


"China guides people into the future."


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77f06c  No.299276


Our "leaders" or.... otherwise?

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6bf981  No.299619

anti-sliding real news

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87faa9  No.299767

total news bump.

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d2e670  No.299908

bumping rational news

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f842de  No.299919

File: 555210a7805d599⋯.png (1.37 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, PicsArt_05_11_05_18_39.png)


> a new study is looking at the best way to use this

inb4 'pop it in da pooper!'

The "Killcen" Pepper.

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abb3fb  No.299921

Please breathe into the Covid breathylizer machine for three minutes.

For safety of public health.

Then you can go put Killcen peppers or whatever else you'd like up your butt.

I'm just gonna put this clip on your nose and you breathe through your mouth into the machine.

Three minutes.

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abb3fb  No.299923

You're gonna hear some clicking and hissing and humming sounds from the machine. That's normal. Just keep breathing into the machine and I'll be back in about 3 minutes.

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f767c6  No.299938

bumping natural news

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adfac9  No.299982


Good point :)

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adfac9  No.300177

bumping legit news

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bd2a97  No.300886


>Then you can go put Killcen peppers or whatever else you'd like up your butt.

Lol, it would be a lot more healthy to eat hot peppers than to trust Big Pharma clot shots or their "breathylizer machines" with God-only-knows what's in those.

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2bcd82  No.302738

bumping anti-septic news

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ea5f01  No.303283

antislide 776

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601021  No.304855

bumping back true news

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