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File: 45e6fa8ee7a32bd⋯.jpg (27.12 KB, 400x607, 400:607, _https_press_princeton_edu….jpg)

9c0700  No.293273 [Last 50 Posts]

Unhealthy Politics: The Battle over Evidence-Based Medicine

Eric M. Patashnik, Alan S. Gerber, and Conor M. Dowling

How partisanship, polarization, and medical authority stand in the way of evidence-based medicine

The U.S. medical system is touted as the most advanced in the world, yet many common treatments are not based on sound science. Treatments can go into widespread use before they are rigorously evaluated, and every year patients are harmed because they receive too many procedures—and too few treatments that really work. Unhealthy Politics sheds new light on why the government’s response to this troubling situation has been so inadequate, and why efforts to improve the evidence base of U.S. medicine continue to cause so much political controversy and public trepidation.

This critically important book draws on public opinion surveys, physician surveys, case studies, and political science models to explain how political incentives, polarization, and the misuse of professional authority have undermined efforts to tackle the medical evidence problem and curb wasteful spending. It paints a portrait of a medical industry with vast influence over which procedures and treatments get adopted, and a public burdened by the rising costs of health care yet fearful of going against “doctor’s orders.” The book shows how the government’s efforts to promote evidence-based medicine have become mired in partisan debates. It also proposes sensible solutions that can lead to better, more efficient health care for all of us.

Unhealthy Politics offers vital insights not only into health policy but also into the limits of science, expertise, and professionalism as political foundations for pragmatic problem solving in American democracy.


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246520  No.293274

File: 70d59af540d9cff⋯.jpg (18.37 KB, 330x499, 330:499, Evidence_Synthesis.jpg)


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14e7e2  No.293275

File: 136aa07b0657e86⋯.png (433.67 KB, 684x826, 342:413, 136aa07b0657e86182b52a9004….png)

The goyim know.

Shut it down.

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647351  No.293300

File: 3c6020083fcaebc⋯.jpg (163.28 KB, 1080x1639, 1080:1639, Picsart_22_03_24_19_43_42_….jpg)

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647351  No.293301

File: ad68a1a87bb268a⋯.jpg (196.12 KB, 1080x1437, 360:479, Picsart_22_03_24_16_55_58_….jpg)

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804e35  No.293303


Demons don't always play very fair you know.

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5f7591  No.293304


ummm while your brain is not the sharpest, it was obviously intelligent enough to read and recognize the words EVIDENCE and SYNTHESIS…

good work !!……

and obviously, your brain put those two words together, and decided it understood the meaning of the term..

of course you thought it meant synthesizing or fabricating evidence….

that's because you like to pretend you have a discriminating special knowledge instead of taking out 10 seconds to look it up …

'Evidence synthesis' refers to the process of bringing together information from a range of sources and disciplines to inform debates and decisions on specific issues. Decision-making and public debate are best served if policymakers have access to the best current evidence on an issue.

see, I'm the first one to admit what a dumbass I am.. and the older I get, the worse it becomes.. at this late stage of the game, I assure you I'm 1/4 as bright and razor-sharp as I used to be back in the day…

I'm just a fucking dipshit who never even made it to high school.. I dropped out in the 8th grade..

so I don't always feel compelled to throw out my opinion, when I don't even understand the topic at hand.. the way you just did…

so it only took me about 3 seconds to copy and paste this.. and today I learned something..

today I learned that you were wrong

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5f7591  No.293305


'Evidence synthesis' refers to the process of bringing together information from a range of sources and disciplines to inform debates and decisions on specific issues. Decision-making and public debate are best served if policymakers have access to the best current evidence on an issue.

evidence synthesis does NOT mean "fabricating evidence"

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7eaffa  No.293306

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


this is the recent three song medley I sequenced and produced, using only my Android smartphone not even a computer used to create this.

this was just a musical sketch pad, thrown together quickly, with three different songs I was working on, randomly juxtaposed next to each other, just so I could hear it and think about more possible touches and embellishments out might want to make…

of course the first segment was made special just for you and Jerry and marshmallow Sally.. that was my little tip of the hat to all three of you guys.. that wasn't a serious song idea… all a that first part was kind of just having a little bit of fun.

however, the middle song indeed IS an actual rough draft of a song I'm finishing.. a real, legitimate song with lyrics and I'm going to play some 12 string acoustic guitar and a little electric guitar lead on the finished version…

it's called ROULETTE WHEEL…..

and it's going to be something special, I assure you! in fact, if you don't like it, I will eat your hat.. yes the hat made out of aluminum foil….

but dude.. dude dude dudely dude..

the LAST song is my favorite part…

it's the fucking bomb

it was an experiment with a genre of music referred to as "Happy Hardcore"….

Happy Hardcore music features a particularly uptempo driving beat and certain signature elements.. while I didn't use the traditional elements, namely sped up toy piano, I still managed to somehow capture the essence I was looking for….

it started off as a simple experiment, a certain BPM, and a couple samples of rollerskating rink "hit" sounds… after putting the pieces together and exporting a file to listen to, I suddenly realized how much I liked this little experiment, so that's when I threw together this video using nothing more than a goddamn Android phone proving I didn't need any fancy expensive computers or expensive sequencing software or expensive video editing equipment.. unnecessary..

and now I am going to finish production of each of these three songs as an individual unit.. and I'm making a new video for the first one.. and it's going to feature you and Jerry and Sally very prominently

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662d2d  No.293310


"There's a sign on the wall, but she wants to be sure

'Cause you know sometimes words have two meanings

In a tree by the brook, there's a songbird who sings

Sometimes all of our thoughts are misgiven"

–Led Zeppelin

"Physicians pressured and prevented from reporting accurate cause of death.

CDC "Survey of New York City Resident Physicians on Cause-of-Death Reporting, 2010" by Barbara A. Wexelman, MD, MBA; Edward Eden, MD; Keith M. Rose, MD (available at this link)

Of all respondents 70.0% said they were forced to identify an alternate cause of death when the patient died of septic shock. That is the leading cause of death in intensive care units. So then would the pressure to falsify reports be being brought by hospitals protecting their reputations at the expense of accurate public knowledge that would enable the public to make safe choices?

Of the respondents who reported inaccurately reporting:

76.8% said the system would not accept the correct cause (for instance, a clinician cannot report septic shock as a cause of death unless the cause of the septic shock is identified, much like not being able to report that someone was murdered unless able to identify the murderer),

40.5% said admitting office personnel instructed them to “put something else,”

30.7% said the medical examiner instructed them to do so;

Death certificates contain information critical for protecting public health. Apparently health care professionals think something else is more important a lot of the time.

To improve the situation, among other things the CDC suggests expanding the acceptable causes of death to all inpatient diagnoses codes. This would be another reason to have codes for misdiagnosis and unfriendly practices and other iatrogenic causes of harm. If there is no code for it, they cannot make accurate records when the system will not allow them to report the actual cause of death."


<blow me bitch

"2% rate of accurate reporting of patient harm problems found in this study by The United States Department of Health & Human Services (HHS)

An HHS Report in March 2010 found that reviewed hospitals did not generate incident reports for 93% of adverse events. The 7% of the time when they did generate reports, the information was inaccurate 63% of the time. Which means clinicians are willing to report accurate information about patient harm problems 2% of the time."

<eat shit and die motherfucker

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3369ae  No.293315





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fd84e7  No.293318


back before led Zeppelin were famous, when they first started out, they were the opening act for an amazing band calledSPIRIT

as the opening act, this was led Zeppelin's big opportunity, and they became very familiar with spirits stage song list….

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fd84e7  No.293319


in particular, Jimmy Page went out of his way to familiarize himself with the Spirit song calledTAURUS

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fd84e7  No.293320

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

stairway to heaven is widely believed by stupid idiots with terrible taste in music to be "the greatest song ever written"

but it's not….

stairway to heaven was not written…

it was called TAURUS, and Jimmy Page stole it directly from the band spirit…

in fact, it's probably THE WORST SONG ON EARTH

the song that EVERY talentless loser imagines himself "being able to play on a guitar", although they could never learn to play with your car no matter how hard they tried, because they are talentless and incapable of learning.

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fd84e7  No.293321

TAURUS, on the other hand is completely original, with no plagiarism required in its creation.

imagine if you had somehow figured out what was actually cool and uncool when you were younger

and you wouldn't have to keep demonstrating how out of touch you are in front of everybody

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9af0be  No.293328


I still have the old Twelve Dreams of Dr. Sardonicus record lol.

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9af0be  No.293329


glow nigger reported!

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4e63b8  No.293378

If only you knew how bad things really are.

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4773aa  No.293409


>If you only knew how bad

Chemtrails bad? Or worse than that?

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abcedb  No.293417


Much, much worse than chemtrails.

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c36755  No.293482


Perhaps being sprayed with chemtrails (aluminum oxide, barium and radio-active strontium) is not as bad as having to die in a nigger-infested corrupted shithole city. So I can agree things could be a lot worse for me. My condolences for those who have to put up with much worse.

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553d1b  No.293488


That is some impressive


in your post right there little buckaroo.

When medicine harms as many people as it does in as many ways as it does, they're not making mistakes. They are making choices.

This is irrespective of skin color or geographic location.

How much does the DNC pay you to make your posts?

Race baiting and playing city against country is their standard operating procedure.

We like to say "One nation under God".

We say "liberty and justice for all".

These may seem like foreign concepts to you if you've been inculcated into a belief system that employs a specific divide and conquer strategy first used so successfully in Europe by the Jesuits, before the Constitution was even a gleam in a pilgrim's eye.

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d67144  No.293819

File: a8f08219048f240⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 181.27 KB, 1170x880, 117:88, It_s_a_RELIGION_Johnny.jpg)

Did someone say healthcare?

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401ebf  No.293820

They're all heroes now.

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c3fb55  No.293821


I think you got the wrong idea of what I was trying to say, which was that perhaps I don't have it as bad as most others who have to put up with the endless squalor contributed by explosive corruption. As for the corruption of the "healthcare" industry, well, DUH. Only the most foolish of the fools are still blind to it.

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6f9474  No.293830


Everytime you type the word "n*gger* a DNC spook gets his wings and the MSM can tell the world the internet is a safe haven for racists, bigots, radicals and whit trash.

Biden recently signed a bill making lynching a federal hate crime.

Trump would have signed that bill too, but this sick fucking diseased congress would never put it on his desk because they are sick manipulative fuckwads.

If I had any hope left that we could vote our way out of this mess, I'd stay in the country and not renounce my citizenship.

As it is I can no longer do either of those things.

When someone like AOC can even get on the ballot, let alone elected to federal office, America is over. Fin.

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5680c8  No.293831


They're even better than heroes.



We are truly not worthy to breathe the same air as these people.

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c3fb55  No.293836


Jim Stone has mentioned many places in Mexico you live a lot better and have access to cheaper goods and services. There are some downsides, like rampant fraud too, so as a foreigner you have to be very careful signing contracts or doing business with people. Avoid the areas the drug cartels have total control over. Otherwise that would be one option. If I were forced to move I would likely pick India myself, somewhere not too crowded that had enough people around where you could find 'street markets' and such. Right now having USD will set you up for a good life in a poor country, but soon that will all change once the BRICS nations dump the US dollar in global trade and we face hyperinflation. If you live in a shithole city in the USSA, bail, expat to a poorer country, then use your USD savings to buy up some cheap property and goods to stock up and live on.

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3549e6  No.293901




<STEP UP YOUR GAME /PND/!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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63d451  No.293925



LOL!!! oh sure.

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87f5e1  No.293932

File: 7ecf573c2da73d7⋯.png (458.72 KB, 757x911, 757:911, crazy_bitch.png)

"There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It's outrageous. This (COVID-19) is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. Other than protecting older, more vulnerable people. It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season."

–Dr. Roger Hodkinson is the former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, Canada

>wartime censorship of internet

<yeh becuz hodkinson is a known terrorist and credentialed second medical opinions are now illegal because the CDC and WHO are now dictating the practice of medicine world wide in a tyrannical totalitarian junta that puts elected representative self government in chains and locks it up in the basement like a fucknugget fucktoy

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e585ae  No.293943

File: f8b0bb42ed73fc9⋯.png (682.18 KB, 830x8848, 415:4424, vaxtastrophe.png)

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e585ae  No.293968

File: 746d42283239695⋯.png (83.34 KB, 830x610, 83:61, vax_schedule.png)

This is corruption works folks.

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15814c  No.293974


The medical tyranny set up by the CDC and WHO is up and running in every country on earth. Covid is the opening act.

The government of Tanzania was the one government on earth who refused to comply with the lockdown or allow false medical reporting to the WHO.

Six months later the President, several high level cabinet members and a couple of military generals were all dead under highly suspicious circumstances.

It won't matter which country you flee to.

The global command and control mechanism they have created is up and running with pinpoint accuracy.

Expats will be quickly identified anywhere on earth.

This is the hill to fight and perhaps die on.

If the buck does not stop here, it will stop nowhere.

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4a6dd3  No.293990



That is just the visible tip of the iceberg.

There are things going on in medicine in the United States that would make any jury seethe.

There is, in some schools of medicine, a new standard operating procedure that could only be called treason.

This is why government officials cling to the covid narrative.

It is a manufactured crisis to distract from somethings that politics, the courts and the medical profession itself has been turning a blind eye to for decades.

The unthinkable is thinkable but people will believe what they want to believe.

And that's how and why nothing changes.

There is a code of silence in medicine.

To break it can have disastrous consequences.

More than any other sphere of endeavor, medicine does not tolerate whistleblowers and the profession is ruthless in silencing them and keeping their people in line.

It is not at all what it appears to be when you go in for your yearly physical or what they now call "well care".

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828f53  No.293992


>. Avoid the areas the drug cartels have total control over.

When Reagan took out Noriega he singlehandedly opened up overland distro for cocaine.

50 years ago, people in Mexico did not have to worry about chainsaws or finding 4 or 5 severed human heads in their driveway every couple of months.

You'd better know every Mexican in any country knows this.

Good luck blue eye ;)

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ca8741  No.294168

Interesting Circle Of Friends - Follow The Money


As 'Death By Fauci' Plays Out Across America, Globalists Are Establishing A 'Ministry Of Truth' - Murderous Government Will NEVER Admit To Carrying Out Genocide


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ca8741  No.294320


>It is a manufactured crisis to distract from somethings that politics, the courts and the medical profession itself has been turning a blind eye to for decades.

Covid-19 was absolutely 100% manufactured, no doubt about that anymore, it was manufactured in a foreign laboratory in China with US taxpayer money (NIH & Ecohealth Alliance) that's all openly documented if you do your research. Plandemic.

However covid-19 was no "cover-up" of other corruption, it was more of the same corruption you mentioned. It was to make the government more powerful, and the "healthcare" industry much more rich, at the expense of everyone else. The 0.1% richest people got trillions of dollars richer after covid-19. The government got their big fat boner with all their power grabs being able to bully citizens into taking their poisonous vaccines, terrorizing people, destroying the economy while trampling the Constitutional rights in the process. It's the same kind of treason, same kind of corruption by the same kind of despotic ill-brained control freak sociopaths. If anything it gave the American people - and the world for that matter - A LOT MORE REASONS TO HATE THEIR GUTS!

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d6f133  No.294325


>foreign laboratory

You drank the kool-aid AND YOU'RE NOT PAYING ATTENTION!

I'm not gonna say you're a disinfo shill, but if you continue pushing your assertions you'll out yourself as such.

1. The virus went to a wet market and became the evilest motherfucker on the planet. Lock it down.

Experts began debunking the story.

<make the virus more evil

2. The virus went to a bio weapons lab for gain of function.

Keywords: bio weapons (spooky words)

Experts began debunking the story

3. Dr. Rand Paul an Dr. Fauci put on a shit show in the Senate to reinforce the new bullshit.

Keyword: doctor

A truly magical word.

This is called marketing. A corona virus will never have an 80+ percent mortality rate like Marburg, Ebola or Guanarito.

>was no cover up of other corruption

If the American people knew what has been going on in some schools of medicine pre-covid, the guillotines would be built, up and running overnight.

You make a valid assertion about people getting richer. Crises is always worth money to someone.

You make a valid point about HATING THEIR GUTS.

There is a link here >>293310 that will help you understand what's been going on in medicine pre-covid.

It is just a start. The rabbit hole goes very deep and if you don't personally work in the healthcare delivery sector you'll have no idea what the profession really is or some of the criminal acts they've hidden in broad daylight.

The virus is a complete lie created to prevent you from finding out things that can only be called treason.

A day of reckoning approaches and the government and healthcare will cling to the covid bullshit narrative hoping against hope that neither one them will ever have to answer for their own negligence and complicit participation in WILLFUL IGNORANCE.

The courts are also implicated because they've knowingly turned a blind eye for DECADES.

More than any other sphere of endeavor, medicine does not tolerate whistleblowers and the profession is ruthless in silencing them and keeping their people in line.

It is not at all what it appears to be when you go in for your yearly physical or what they now call "well care".

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ebae69  No.294451


Whether we believe it is real or totally fake, I do believe the intentions were, #1, to make the government more powerful, and the "healthcare" industry much more rich, at the expense of everyone else and, #2, to cull the people with experimental clot shots (which are in no shape or form real vaccines btw). We might argue about the origins of this virus, but the intent and agenda is surely there, and so are the corrupt institutions, corporations, media and agencies behind it all.

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ebae69  No.294458

File: 0b20e2178ac19de⋯.jpg (125.65 KB, 750x500, 3:2, BMF.jpg)


I do find it interesting that there is one particular institution, founded by Bill Gates, who is very inter-connected to all things "healthcare" and "pharmaceutical" and it makes me wonder what kind of biological technologies this owner of Microsoft has patented and is rolling out into humans, knowingly or unknowingly, willingly or not.

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a56f0c  No.294467

File: 775f937abf21bac⋯.mp4 (7.55 MB, 854x480, 427:240, 2022_04_04_The_Documents_P….mp4)

Leaving this important [3:49] clip here. NEVER FORGET.

The Documents Pfizer Didn't Want You to See


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52e6d2  No.294470


the story begins pre-covid.

covid is a smokescreen.

monoclonal antibodies were never used as antivirals.

a virus is not the pathogen they are responding too.

colin powell represents a typical case they will sweep

under the rug with no headlines and no questions asked.

everything that proceeds after this is on the table for discussion.

mass vax campaigns for depopulation, targeting individuals and groups etc.

clots, infertility, induction of neurodegenerative disease all on the table. democide.

the problems in healthcare are global.

as bad as it is here you know it's worse in other countries.

vlad is shitting brix after ottawa. so is biden.

crisis distracts from crisis.

ukraine has been intentionally left as a monkey in the middle

since the fall of the berlin wall.

a hotspot a flashpoint.

many of these exist in the world.

they benefit the establishment when crisis is needed.

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ebae69  No.294480


Well they lost a whole lot of public trust over the last couple years. Damage is done, and so has the damage that has been done who trusted the corrupted system.

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a56f0c  No.294494

File: 79f6a3e9aee65ec⋯.png (930.99 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2022_04_04_The_Ingraham_An….png)





Big Pharma may be a big part of it, but the problem is far bigger.

"The Ingraham Angle" with Laura Ingraham — FULL Show | 2022-04-04


On Tonight's "Ingraham Angle"…

The Modern Left Considers Conservatives to be More Dangerous Than Dictators!

They vociferously attack anyone not considered "Woke" enough, or anyone who expresses any unorthodox thoughts.

They make their money by telling others how evil they are.

They must really hate themselves.

As for the twisted racial games they like to play, besides being perverse, they actually are everything they purport to be against.

Mitt Romney appears to be running for President in 2024. He's acting like it.

He's certainly not representing his constituents, by voting for a radical anti-freedom leftist like Judge K.B. Jackson.

The RINOS were never on the side of Freedom anyway. The Republicans are welcome to go down in a blaze of glory like the Democrats, as far as "We, the People" are concerned!

"Positive Populism", as a movement, is here to stay.

Criminals Are Taking Advantage of Biden's Open Borders.

It's a Criminal Conspiracy.

The Democrats Keep Doubling Down on Losing Strategies.

And they're dragging our country and the entire world down with them!

Hilary Clinton Thinks the Democrats Have a Great Story to Tell.

lol wow! I guess when all you've got is a "story"!…

The White House is in Denial About Hunter Biden.

The whole family is dirty as fuck and the entire world knows it.

The whole world also now knows how much the main-stream media is in on the whole scam, has been all along, and STILL IS.


So is our mainstream media. Pretty much ALL of it.

Did I Mention How Embarrassingly Cognitively Impaired This Presidential Impostor, Biden, Is Acting, On the World Stage?

It doesn't even need mentioning. Everybody KNOWS.

Don't Get Me Started on Zelensky, or the Grammys!

As for the "Gender Identity" sexual attacks on our children that these insane people want to force on small children without parental consent, yeah, that's gonna probably rub folks the wrong way!

Probably not a hill anyone would want to die on; but that looks EGG ZACK LEE like where the Democrats are setting themselves up for ever more failure, and doubling-down on colossally bad ideas.

Meanwhile, Disney Uses Their Power to Attack Parental Rights.

This episode was obviously snagged off Speedy News, and re-uploaded on Odysee by me. I, of course, added all the commentary above, and made it available to you here, so I won't complain if you feel the overwhelming urge to tip me some Susucoin https://susukino.com/ or something!

Susucoin Donation Address : https://i.imgur.com/otvV8c6.png


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84d0b1  No.294496


>corrupted system

The thread is about healthcare.

What do you know about it?

Chances are you know nothing.

Bitching about "the system" is useless noise.

Much like Tucker poster. Tucker is talking about lies that have

already been told but himself tells no truth.

He is not reporting the truth.

He is commenting in an opinion editorial fashion in an election year and teaching his birds to talk. "Polly wanna cracker".

That shit makes me sick to my ass.

MSM is poison.

full stop.

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541af1  No.294501


>monoclonal antibodies were never used as antivirals.

>a virus is not the pathogen they are responding too.

Some of you will be smart enough to search this out.

Some of you may even have the balls to post what you find.

Some of you already know exactly what this poster said and you have kept silent for decades.

If there is a special place in any hell, you'll be first in line.

Sins of omission are still sins.

Silence in the wake of an ongoing criminal enterprise is still a crime even if you're only doing it to keep a paycheck.

Anyone with a shred of integrity or self respect got out of this racket years ago.

Fair warning doc.

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fd23bf  No.294515

File: 86db110538c989a⋯.png (475.53 KB, 850x478, 425:239, JN_Nig.png)


> Tucker is talking about lies that have been told

Well, that much is true.

He also quite often speaks Truth.

> pic related

And he happens to be the best MSM has to offer right now, so if you'd like to throw the baby out with the bathwater, and only get your news from some halfchan-approved non-source, be my guest.

I prefer to listen to the viewpoints expressed by a myriad of sources; and definitely include Tucker among those.

(You) are evidentally too "sick" to handle alternative viewpoints from your own limited one.


> when it's this bright in here, and (You) still glow

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fd23bf  No.294516

File: e23d2eeb87a1b4b⋯.png (474.83 KB, 850x478, 425:239, Niggerishness_Abounds.png)


lol. They no likey that pic?

Too fucking bad.

Here it be again.

With edit.

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ebae69  No.294520

File: 3dbaf2fabf0e0a6⋯.png (1.27 MB, 1200x834, 200:139, 0_vaxxed.png)



If you are so mad about it then stop seeing a doctor and stop participating in the racket. Start eating a better healthier diet already and do what you can to stay out of the 'healthcare' system. Refuse the clot shots, etc. You can go on and on about being a victim but if you still rely on the 'healthcare' system no amount of whining does you any good.

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ebae69  No.294521


>And he happens to be the best MSM has to offer right now

Tucker is the ONE AND ONLY source in the mainstream media that has the balls to tell it like it is. Why they even allow him to tell such truth is astonishing, I would have thought they'd have him removed by now. Other than that, MSM is complete shit.

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ef656f  No.294534

File: 42bf196a981dc92⋯.jpg (80.09 KB, 941x880, 941:880, 75466775_22.jpg)


You are a genius.

It all makes sense now.


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a56f0c  No.294556

File: 59c4c0bf2a1dce8⋯.png (913.49 KB, 1280x720, 16:9, 2022_04_05_Tucker_Carlson_….png)


> Tucker is the ONE AND ONLY source in the mainstream media that has the balls to tell it like it is. Why they even allow him to tell such truth is astonishing, I would have thought they'd have him removed by now. Other than that, MSM is complete shit.

This Is TRUE.

Have some more 'Tucker'!

"Tucker Carlson Tonight" — FULL Show | 2022-04-05


On Tonight's "Tucker"…

How Embarrassing For Our Country, To See That NOBODY Wants Joe Biden Around, ANYWHERE.

He's not only compromised by foreign entities, he is so cognitively impaired as to be incapable of even knowing where he is or what is going on at any given moment.

It is an embarrassment for our country that our leaders parade around this shell of a man, and pretend that he is the one running our country, or that he actually won an election without a lot of hanky panky and illegal changes to voting laws not approved by legislatures, but instituted by fiat, just like everything these autocratic rulers do.

No One Really Wanted Biden to be President.

So they whipped up the hatred and fear, and because they had no other choice available, they held their noses and went all-in.

But the Media and the Democratic Party Are Obviously Turning on Biden Now That They See How Wildly Unpopular He Is.

Nobody is blaming Putin for the high gas prices. Nobody. They're not falling for the propaganda. It's Biden's Price Hike.

As for the Democrats, They Work as a Hive. Individuals Do Not Matter to Them. Only the Group. One-Party-Rule.

The Hive has turned on Joe Biden. Who will the Democrats pick next? What other loser? Hilary Clinton would like to lose again!

These People Have No Sense of Humor.

Many Corporations are letting loud shrill minorities of activists dictate all their activities, who they can and can't have working for them, and many find it easier to just fire folks in appeasement to the 'Woke' Mob than it is to stand up for what is right, with Integrity.

Our Leaders Restrict Free Speech to Win Elections.

They Lie. They Misquote. They are the very Definition of "Misinformation" and "Disinformation"!

A World Where the State Doesn't Censor Their Adversaries Terrifies the Left.

There is a Daily Massive Release of Adult Migrants Into the Interior of Our Country.

China Owns More Than $2 Billion of US Farmland.

Maybe it's time to stop China from buying up all our farmland. It poses a threat to our national security, and our food security. The US cannot become dependent on China for our food supply.

What is BLM Up To These Days?

Watch this and find out!

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ebae69  No.294559

>>294556 (NATO 5.56 checked)

Thanks dude. Tucker is awesome. However, I do not agree, keep Biden in for now. Things would be A LOT MORE INSANE with that delusional commie VP he has if she ever became POTUS. Wait for 2024 and MAYBE we have the chance to fix *some* of the damage done - maybe.

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a56f0c  No.294568


I totally agree that we can definitely not afford Kackling Kamala to get hold of the reigns!

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e48aa8  No.294611

Medicine is the greatest source of preventable injury and death in the United States. But medicine says that making health care workers feel safer by making them less accountable will bring down the cost of medicine. Even if that were true, it will result in more injuries, disabilities and deaths. Shouldn't the cost to patients be part of this equation?

Liability limitations turn a class of patients into targets

Do you know how careful people in health care become when the patient is a lawyer? Medical professionals behave differently according to the perceived risk. They are not supposed to, but they are humans and they do.

Liability limitation laws inadvertently cause health care workers to be less concerned about certain people and more concerned about others. With liability limitation laws, loss of income can be the only thing for which a suit can be brought when medical personnel ruin lives. If a large enough income hasn't been lost, that alone can make it impossible to get a lawyer, no matter how legitimate the case, because there is not enough money in it for the lawyer. So retired people, non-working mothers, and other people without large incomes cannot sue. They have less capacity to cause problems for health care workers when things go wrong and so health care workers are not as worried about them. People without large incomes inspire less concern in health care.


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ebae69  No.294615

File: 746d42283239695⋯.png (Spoiler Image, 83.34 KB, 830x610, 83:61, vax_schedule.png)


In 1986 the US government got rid of legal liability for vaccine injury, complications and deaths. No longer could Americans sue Big Pharma for adverse damages done by any vaccination. Now guess what happened since 1986?

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f1c994  No.294620


>a virus is not the pathogen they are responding to


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39346f  No.294624


This is exactly the kind of condition monoclonal antibodies and mRNA are used to treat.

In recent years these types of nosocomial infections have skyrocketed.

It's very good for business because healthy patients don't make money.

Some hospitals are indeed infectious death traps.

Caveat emptor.

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a56f0c  No.294670

File: 7661b0f2e7a4165⋯.png (663.49 KB, 720x705, 48:47, COVID_Schizo.png)


COVID is less dangerous than the flu.

We never had to do anything. Certainly not Lockdowns, or Masks, or Gene Therapy passed off as "Vaccines"! We already had therapeutics that worked, and still do.

This Was All About CONTROL.

Totalitarian Globalist Corporate Oligarchical Control, and an Election.

Many do not want to wake up to that fact, even STILL!

But the evidence has been clear since the beginning, no matter how many voices contrary to the dangerously established, and enforced, orthodoxy have been sidelined and unscientifically consensused out of any actual scientific discussions.

Here's a video from almost a year ago.


It was mentioned in the thread (You) mentioned, and I had not watched the video before. It is well worth linking to here, and as far as your time goes, it is WELL "WORTH IT".

Dr Michael Yeadon - wywiad 'Planet Lockdown' (napisy PL) / Mike Yeadon - Planet Lockdown interview


[53:30], but So "WORTH IT".

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9af0aa  No.294672



Yes. Of opinions and perceptions. Covid like any good "crisis" has many angles. (just look at the ukraine thread)

Different people work different angles.

As hard as it will be to believe, healthcare has become a favorite tool for some to increase mortality rather than decrease it.

The global healthcare system is bloated, overpaid and overcharged for what it needs to provide (ostensibly) healthcare.

They keep more secrets than the military.

The average patient will not distinguish a malthusian doctor from a hippocratic doctor.

The people are literally walking through mine fields.

The caduceus and the covid lockdown accomplished what no dictator in history ever could. A TOTALITARIAN ACTION THAT AFFECTED EVERY GOVERNMENT ON EARTH.

A doctor at a local county health department has more authority than the President or the Congress. And they're okay with that.

They will cling to the covid narrative and defer to so called experts because covid shields them from having to give account for the misdeeds of healthcare.

Nosocomial infection and iatrogenic injury is valuable to healthcare.

Healthy patients don't make money and there are plenty of deplorables and undesirables to oops.

Healthcare facilities and providers are for the most part legally untouchable.

You may think of it as a clandestine aktion t-4 because in many places, that is exactly what it is. Deathcare.

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635b95  No.294922


No one should trust these corrupt scumbags ever again. I have never taken a covid test or jab and never will. The medical establishment can KISS MY ASS.

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37dc76  No.295056

File: 4626f9837bf3edd⋯.png (412.1 KB, 768x647, 768:647, Chef_We_Fuct.png)


Some life-saving medical procedures, like surgeries, require a negative COVID test as the price for admission if a patient wants to live. I've had a number of surgeries during COVID, but have always made it clear that any uncalled-for injections would come at the price of being repeatedly injected with lead at high velocity. They don't fuck around in my neck of the woods, and libtards, even among the medical community, are somewhat few and far between outside the big cities.

Democrats all live in the big cities, so they don't realize that people did not choose to go Full-On CRAZY, Everywhere!

The Mass Hysteria Event has, so far, mostly been confined to the Cities. We're gonna have to keep them there, at this point. We may have to cut them off if they can't behave, and start chimping-out. We cannot have raping and pillaging out here in the farmlands. Otherwise, EVERYBODY Will Die.Ya don't fuck with those producing food.

Stay In Your Lane, Commies.

If the State tries to further take over the production of food, like they took over food transportation, and are already rationing grains, WE ARE IN TROUBLE.

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5e2509  No.295057


I love how you spread fake information with the confidence of a toddler who says they didn't shit themselves.

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9afdcd  No.295070


>I've had a number of surgeries during COVID… uncalled-for injections

You're out like a light for surgery. They will inject you with whatever they want. The medical establishment does not function according to your understanding of party politics. This post is garbage. DELETE IT or I will summon the bullshit police and send you to bullshit jail.

I mean, I've made some iffy, even bad posts. But this?

This post is UNACCEPTABLE.

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37dc76  No.295073

File: 6dbe7b5624e7e7e⋯.jpg (116.36 KB, 1120x680, 28:17, AMA_Pushes_CRT_Shit.jpg)



> Moar ignored cries for censorship…

One is not injected with gene therapy during most surgeries, especially ones where there is benefit to keeping the patient alive and recovering well..

And in this case, like I said, they had good reasons not to fuck around.

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9d1245  No.295090



Bite your tongue SCOUNDREL!

I am free speech down to my short hairs!

If you can give them good reasons not to fuck around?

I'll eat your morning turds for a week.

I'll have a sex change and bear your children.


This word has been RADICALLY redefined.

>most surgeries

Yeah. You would know.

Where did you complete your medical residency if I may so humbly ask in your stellar and overwhelming presence Excellency?

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9c0700  No.295092


>if I may so humbly ask

Just don't ask.

Nothing good will come of it.

Go watch anime and porn.

Set up your webcam.

Get naked.

Take requests.


You may also vote.

But you won't win that way.

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e26eba  No.295197

Mask mandates.

There is waaaaay more to this part of the story.

I'm surprised no one has yet commented on it.

I'll wait patiently to see if anyone will chime in…

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9af0be  No.295223


FOIA Request Proves 70% of COVID Infections At The CDC Were Among the Vaccinated

The agency that gutted the economy, threatened civil liberties and destroyed medical ethics also KNEW that the vaccinated were more likely to contract COVID and spread it to their peers. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) knew this because their own employees were more likely to test positive for covid-19 and contract a “breakthrough case” if they were VACCINATED. This information was concealed throughout 2021, until a FOIA request uncovered the data.

On February 2, 2022, the Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN) filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request, seeking information on covid-19 infections within the CDC workforce. ICAN is stepping up and doing the critical investigative work that the public health agencies refuse to do. On March 28, 2022, the CDC turned over their in-house data on breakthrough infections, and ICAN issued a legal update on the matter.

It turns out that the fully-vaccinated were getting sick, spreading spike proteins and putting the unvaccinated at risk throughout 2021. For example, fully vaccinated CDC employees made up 70 percent of COVID infections in August of 2021. The CDC reported 36 covid-19 positives that month, and among them, 25 cases were from the vaccinated. Likewise in July, there were 18 covid-19 positives, and ten of the cases were in the vaccinated.




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243784  No.295272


"There is utterly unfounded public hysteria driven by the media and politicians. It's outrageous. This (COVID-19) is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting public. There is absolutely nothing that can be done to contain this virus. Other than protecting older, more vulnerable people. It should be thought of as nothing more than a bad flu season."

–Dr. Roger Hodkinson is the former Chairman of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons committee in Ottawa, Canada

<You are disseminating establishment propaganda.

<The above posted quote is the truth.

<Your post is marketing a lie by arguing about contrived sequelae.

<As if the sequelae were legitimate.

<The sequelae are contrived from a contrived virus.

<Medical reporting is not to be trusted.


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a56f0c  No.295274

File: 1a52c89b05bffec⋯.png (1.13 MB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2022_04_10_The_Next_Revolu….png)


They Use Fear, BecauseFEAR WORKSto CONTROL People.

I'm leaving this here, because it's related…

"The Next Revolution" with Steve Hilton — FULL Show | 2022-04-10


My Thoughts on tonight's episode…

It Looks Like Positive Populism Is Beginning to Thwart the Aims of Globalism.

Keep the pressure up! Come on France! You have a chance to start throwing off the fetters of Slavery that are being imposed on your citizens by the Globalists. Just do it! This needs to happen WORLDWIDE.

Russian Invasion of Ukraine About to Enter 8th Week…

So far it really looks like Biden is just slow-walking us into World War III. It almost looks planned — like this is exactly what the Biden Administration wanted.

Obama's Weakness Emboldened Putin.

Steve Hilton really lays out the recent history of Eastern Europe, and reminds us of who all the players are, what their intentions are, and what their actions have been throughout the years that have led us to this point.

There pretty much Could NOT BE a WORSE Person to Lead Our Country Through This Conflict (or any other!) Than Joe Biden.

He is compromised. Now, so is our entire country — and the World.

Obama is STILL Continuing to Tout a Strategy of Weakness.

The Democrat Strategy is War Through Weakness. They are always vehemently opposed to a Strategy of Peace Through Strength. I would not let them be in charge of a Kindergarten Playground, much less the lives of billions.

And you see what they want to do in Kindergarten! They spread Division & Hate Wherever They Are. And They Call It "Equity" & "Inclusion". It is the very opposite. Equity is the Opposite of Equality. And Their Form of "Inclusion" IS Exclusionary. They change the meaning of words, and the meaning of Life. They think humans are OWNED & OPERATED By The State.

They're WRONG.

General Jack Keane and Steve Hilton Break Down Putin's Strategy in Ukraine

As for "War Crimes", I think it's a crime that there's even a war going on there at all! It could have been avoided. These Climate Alarmist Green New Deal Religionists are actually Celebrating this; and they planned it. Well, they did. I'm not going to apologize for saying it. They fucking did. And they want more. They WANT This War. I Do NOT. Winning, for them, is the entire world being embroiled in a Third World War, the economies of the world shattered, billions dead, and Eternal Slavery For ALL.

There Are PLENTY of War Crimes Being Carried Out. Plenty of Horrible Actions Taken. Plenty More Horrors to Come.

As much as they whipped up the hysterical hatred of Trump, he actually postponed their plans, and this war, by several years; and everybody knows it.

Meanwhile, They're Still Trying to Spread the Message That Populists Are Just Old & Dumb.

> "Johnny Neptune" , and others like him, Do the Bidding of the Globalists, and They Work For FREE, Painting "Others" as "Idiots".

I ask you, Who really looks "Dumb" here?

The Elites' Disdain For Populism and the Common Working Man Knows No Bounds.

They may own all the media, the big corporations, the governments, the armies, the police, and the courts, but "We, the People" have zero respect for ANY of them anymore. They can try to paint us all as stupid, but the only people who believe that are actually proving their own imbecility to the world every time they express an opinion.

Media Elites Thumb Their Noses at Rising Populists.

They won't for much longer.

The Biden Presidency is a Non-Stop Barrage of LIES.

The History of Biden's Lies is examined in this episode.

Democrats Prepare for a Mid-Term Shellacking. They've Determined They Must "SCARE" Voters to Win.

Meanwhile, their One-Party Rule is self evident everywhere they are in power… Drugs, Homelessness, Rampant Crime & Poverty, Hopelessness, Inflation… The Downward Spiral that California is in is EXACTLY What They Envision For Our Entire Country!

There ARE Real Solutions.

Not only for California, but for our entire country, and the world.

We're gonna have to make some changes in the way we do things though!

Steve & guests talk about Solutions too…

It's a great episode, and you should watch it..


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4334e4  No.295275


"Last year, President John Magufuli declared the virus a “satanic myth” propagated by imperialist powers. While his neighbors sealed borders and locked down, his country of 58 million stayed open. His government barred doctors from registering coronavirus as the cause of death and labeled those who wore masks unpatriotic.

Seeking to keep the economy open and rally nationalist sentiment ahead of elections, he blocked foreign journalists from entering the country, rejected vaccines and refused to provide data to the World Health Organization. News organizations reporting on Covid-19 were shut down for “scaremongering,” and reporters threatened with jail.

By this spring, the president was dead, along with six other senior politicians and several of the country’s generals. The official cause of Mr. Magufuli’s death was heart failure. The details remain secret. Diplomats, analysts and opposition leaders say he had Covid-19."


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ff66e4  No.295278





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a56f0c  No.295283



Not at all.

"Unhealthy Politics"

(You), however, have NOTHING to say of value, as usual.

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9af0be  No.295286


Honestly, politically-killing the "covid cult" would very well be a great start to at least reforming some of the corruption. It doesn't really matter if Democrats or Republicans or Independents or "don't tread on me" Libertarian-types can do that job and upend their hysterical clot shot covid cult as long as someone can do it. If, in this case, it takes conservative voters to push back, all the more power to them. You might not like a lot of their other policies, but if you can get enough people to say "hell no!" to the covid cult, we have the chance to restore some of our medical freedoms. If we can't politically-kill the covid cult and their endless clot shot roll outs then do not expect anything to get better!

Unhealthy politics? Sure it is.

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37dc76  No.295299

File: 49194f5132370c0⋯.mp4 (7.54 MB, 816x720, 17:15, Final_COVID_Dance.mp4)

File: 77f01e3acb09814⋯.mp4 (3.02 MB, 270x480, 9:16, 20200802_Corona_Madness_Do….mp4)


True. It's a start, and it's a nice step forward.

But the REAL point is that MANY folks think that EVERYBODY "ELSE" Should Be CONTROLLED By a Select Few. They are all about Centralized Control.

But Decentralization has its own problems…

I would hope that the cherished concept ofRECENTRALIZATIONmight become more commonplace. The recognition thatThe Center Is EVERYWHEREchanges EVERYTHING. It alters EVERY Perspective on the Whole in an Authentic way that encourages Personal Responsibility & Integrity.

Yeah, I'll admit the entire concept isn't very conducive to a Slave System, and neither Slaves nor Slavers benefit in such a system, as it sets EVERYONE FREE. It also not only encourages, but pretty much demands responsible behavior, enacted fromWITHIN.

And all it requires is a change in Perspective.

Stop Looking to the "Outside" For All the Answers.

Stop Looking to the "Outside" For All Your Reasons toBLame .



But yeah, many humans agree that theCOVID Death Cultis a "bad" thing, mmkay? But how many give enough of a fuck to go against the grain if things are made slightly uncomfortable for them, like being faced with the possibility of losing their McJob if they don't line up for their ∞th booster???

I guess time will tell.

I'll keep spreading the concept ofRECENTRALIZATIONin the meantime, in the hopes that it catches on here, there, and EVERYWHERE.

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9af0be  No.295303


The issue a lot of people face today is they have become debt slaves and rely paycheck to paycheck just to keep living a rapidly declining lifestyle. This was done by design by the central banking cabal over the last 6 or so decades of abundance and fiat money printing. The result? It has absolutely killed the ability for 70%+ to become financially independent and responsible. Even those who wish to escape the chains can no longer afford to. If you were aware of this for 20+ years already and had a stable income, you could escape in due time and hard work. That short window of opportunity for most Americans is LONG GONE. Those with some amount of wealth have fled the cities, liquidated a chunk of their savings in hard assets and perhaps secured gold-backed IRA accounts. But that's a small minority of the straight middle to upper-middle class. Now even the straight middle class in suburbia are feeling the pruning and plundering of their savings. This will escalate, and the consequences may be disastrous for the country as a whole. When it comes down to it, the guns are looking to be the last and final solution to "opt-out" of this failing floundering Empire of lies and corruption. It's only a matter of time before forced balkanization and armed conflict is seen on a nation-wide scale, followed by total economic collapse, horrific chimp outs that pale in comparison of the LA riots and martial law. Possibly with the escalation of nuclear war to cover up the last plundering of the (to-be former) USSA.

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09cf98  No.295372

File: df01f989a7875bc⋯.jpg (6.42 KB, 107x160, 107:160, book4.jpg)

The author has worked in medicine for more than 40 years. His wife works in medicine. At the time this was written his daughter was training to work in medicine.

He says that the first myth that patients should stop believing is that hospitals operate in the interests of patients. He says that the system never was designed to protect patients. It was designed to make money at their expense. He says that the last 36 years of efforts to make medicine safer have made it worse. Finally he has had to conclude that there is no point in writing articles and reports for other people in medicine. It is time to tell patients so that they can watch out for themselves.


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ff87f8  No.295378

legit bumparoni with extra sauce

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656c25  No.295390

File: 1d1a61815c551e2⋯.png (633.68 KB, 790x2245, 158:449, 1649764366071.png)

le bumparoo

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a56f0c  No.295501

File: 5a8b512b5465139⋯.png (966.95 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2022_04_11_Tucker_Carlson_….png)

"Tucker Carlson Tonight" — FULL Show | 2022-04-11


(Part 1 of 2, Morning Rant)

What Do We Know About Lockdowns & Mass Quarantines?

We know they don't work whatsoever to reduce the spread of COVID, and that they destroy families, communities and economies, at great cost, for absolutely zero benefit — unless your only goal is to exert Authority and let your populace know that they are under Complete Control by their Government.

That's what China has done, and what our One-Party-Rule Leaders would like to do here. And They WILL Institute Such Emergency Measures Here, Whenever They Feel They It Will Help Them Remain In Power. Mark My Words.

What is being done right now in Shanghai is a Travesty.

These people cannot fight back. They are being locked in their homes, starved to death, children separated from their families, sent to COVID Death Camps, their pets being slaughtered in the streets… All because they have a ZERO COVID POLICY just like our leaders want here — just like Lord Fauci wants — ZERO COVID — for a respiratory illness that mutates as much as the common cold, is many times more contagious, and hence, unavoidable, no matter what mitigation efforts are enacted, and it's not even as deadly as the flu.

Anway, the brutal lockdowns in China are "Hell On Earth". The Globalists love this shit! They want to institute Absolute Control over ALL Humans (who they see as "Useless Eaters") worldwide. They see China as their model. This isn't even about COVID, ANYWHERE; This Is About Power & CONTROL.

I didn't even want to upload this episode because it contains some VERY GRAPHIC video of how these order-followers act toward living beings, toward children, toward animals… It is so sad; but maybe you should see it — so you never forget what blind obedience to Autocratic Rulers looks like. You don't want to witness this kind of stuff happening here, do you? Bags of cats on the sidewalk? Trust me, you'll see much much worse here, if you do not begin to show some courage, and STAND UP AGAINST TYRANNY IN ALL ITS FORMS EVERYWHERE.

> Johnny? Where Are You? Bags of Cats! Shovel Dog! WTF! Do you still support Big Government Controls? Why?

It's All About Power & Control. Our Leaders Want to Enact China-Style Tactics Here. They Have Made No Secret of That.

The interview with Naomi Wolf, author of "The Bodies of Others" was worth every second.

(JKI Rant Continues…)

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a56f0c  No.295502


(Part 2 of 2, Morning Rant)

Biden is doing his best to completely disarm law-abiding citizens.

He changed the meaning of the word "firearm" (they like changing the meaning of words!) so he could institute another of his congress-skirting executive orders in order to further hassle law-abiding citizens and virtue-signal to his base, while doing nothing to address rising crime. He thinks this makes him look like he's doing something effective, but this will never punish any criminals, nor was that what it was intended to do. It's also unconsitutional. I still have the right to manufacture projectile weapons to my heart's content — even "cannons", Joe! You are an ineffective and dangerous leader. I will protect my family from the absolute hell you are creating, and I will use any weapon at my disposal to do so.

Also, There is no such thing as a "Ghost Gun". There's no such thing as an "Assault Weapon" either. It's just another thing to get the populace whipped up in Fear over, so that more Controls may be enacted, so that people will willingly give up the rights they were born with, by virtue of being living beings…

> imagine being afraid of words or inanimate objects.

We ALL have the right to defend our lives, our families, our homes, and our property.The U.S. Constitution affirms that right, and our supposed "Leaders" have sworn to uphold said Constitution, yet are doing everything in their power to DESTROY it. That should tell you everything you need to know. As for the rest of the world, they already cowed down, and look what happened to them!

Obama is Calling for an End to Free Speech.

No great surprise there.

Biden Is Blaming Putin For ALL Problems, But Nobody Is Buying His Bullshit Anymore.

Biden is inflicting pain on the American economy while promising to destroy Russia's. Their economy, however, is doing just fine. It's almost like it was all by design. When it comes to the Globalists, you can be sure it was. Every part of it. Joe Biden is tanking the US economy.

As for the Illegal Immigrants he is flying all over the country, trying to hide his sins…

This is being done purposely — not only to retain Power, but to PUNISH US. These people HATE America.

==Many Republican Leaders Are as Out-of-Touch as the Democrats.

Neither Party is serving the best interests of the People — their constituents — the very people they have sworn to represent — "We, the People", who most of our elected "leaders" no longer represent whatsoever. They only represent their own interests, and the interests of their party. I think I already mentioned how neither represents us, so…

We Are Heading For An Impasse…

I know what side I am on. Do You? I'm on the side of FREEDOM.

Government has grown too big, and will not stay in its own lane. It needs to be curbed and limited. It should not be limiting "We, the People"; it should be Serving us. It no longer serves us. It constricts us, steals our Authenticity, and seeks to Control EVERYTHING We Do, From Womb to Tomb. No Freedom-Loving person can stand for this, and I WILL NOT. Will You? Why? Like I said, "We Are Heading For An Impasse."

Anyway, it's an important episode and you should watch it…


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656c25  No.295504


Sign up for the NRA letter, find the politicians they recommend in your State and vote for them, then maybe we can end this madness. As far as donations, donate to the GOA (Gun Owners of America) as they do much much more legal fighting than the NRA (on the local and State levels too).

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177a50  No.295725


>going in for surgery

>threaten docs with hot lead

Could this post be anymore bullshit than this?

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71feaf  No.295790


Watch out for "venom" disinfo, this is tactical PSYOP disinfo to take your eyes off the real dangers of the clot shot!!!


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a42a97  No.295900



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f44230  No.295902

File: 5093dc65a5fd865⋯.jpg (109.38 KB, 1074x864, 179:144, 1647352762748.jpg)

File: a14a378c02d7707⋯.jpg (261.75 KB, 1169x1545, 1169:1545, 1647353506909.jpg)

File: 67aedb644436e1d⋯.png (471.34 KB, 788x617, 788:617, 1649764354062.png)

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79ca1c  No.295931

Gates And Fauci… Psychopaths Exposed


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699327  No.295965

anti-slide 9`1919>1

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278c5e  No.296038

File: 5093dc65a5fd865⋯.jpg (109.38 KB, 1074x864, 179:144, 1647352762748.jpg)

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3cd693  No.296451

>mixed boosters

Latent phenomena are to be expected.

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b66ef7  No.296572

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84c38b  No.296577

File: fcd03463002bd3f⋯.jpeg (30.85 KB, 474x712, 237:356, Your_Nightmare_is_Over.jpeg)


Learn to crosspost. Nobody cares about your Fakebook and Twatter "friends", or any ReTwits.

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84c38b  No.296579

File: 5e663de8cbaf36c⋯.jpeg (33.58 KB, 474x712, 237:356, Nightmare_Over.jpeg)



Also, there was little of value in the thread you repeatedly linked to, with the exception of this rather fantastic post: >>>/newsplus/295429 , which had nothing to do with Nosocomial Apocalyptii.

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84c38b  No.296581

File: 63a018e33e3b19d⋯.jpg (51.12 KB, 600x600, 1:1, 3a73d30bb28ec743a2fc664059….jpg)



> had nothing to do with Nosocomial Apocalyptii

Or perhaps it had everything to do with Nosocomial Apocalyptii.

You'll have to judge for yourself.

If you still can, being so "compromised", as it were.

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b5da5f  No.296583


A little Neosporin will clear that right up.

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cb02ab  No.296596

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636709  No.296600

File: 4e903a12d181ad2⋯.jpg (6.38 KB, 255x109, 255:109, 050bf2bfc55e53af4feccc9351….jpg)

Just breathe into the machine.

We're trying to help you.

Three minutes.

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f44230  No.296603


It's no longer about money to them…..

It's about CONTROL.

Population Control.

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f44230  No.296604

File: 32767b4d92dcbe2⋯.png (6.51 KB, 487x196, 487:196, control_think.png)


Pic related.

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946b17  No.296699


<You are WRONG

Money controls the fate of nations….

like say… the Federal Reserve…

and (You) are living in a whoredom called the USA that makes the

sins of ancient Israel and the atrocities of ancient Babylon

look like a stolen kiss on a kindergarten playground.


Completely irrelevant main stream media hype.

We speak very freely over the backyard fence.

Then we go out for pancake breakfast…

with real Canadian Maple.

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ce4dbf  No.297453

It's going to get worse. So much worse.

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20c985  No.297596

bumping back real news

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a5bfa7  No.297622

File: 9c4b045c2fc0698⋯.jpg (152.73 KB, 720x986, 360:493, 1650883569058.jpg)


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e16547  No.297643


What do you suggest we do, other than try pointing this out day after day after day? Doesn't seem like complaining is a solution, nor is burying your head in the sand. I'd say at this point everyone is on their own while the collapse continues, you just got to prepare for it and weather the storm.

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74b86c  No.297654



we learn to dance! and we dance like we've never danced before!

we also back up our removable storage and learn the lost art of cryptography.

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ce70a5  No.297932

File: 3a0dda9a2f39633⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 370.77 KB, 900x600, 3:2, 3a0dda9a2f3963307fe8cde09….jpeg)

They are in your base killing your dudes.

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990204  No.297979


Yes, and unfortunately there is not much we can do about it but warn other people, distrust the system, "just say no!" to their bullshit "health" policies and prepare for hard times. Unless you care to become an outlaw for the rest of your life for targeting people higher-up who really deserve retribution for their crimes.

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990204  No.298052

Millions of American Lives in Danger as Airline Pilots Suffer Heart Problems After Mandatory COVID Vaccines


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990204  No.298085

File: 28f88147ff8bd09⋯.jpg (713.53 KB, 1378x1480, 689:740, 1639117280520.jpg)

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f97ce8  No.298261


>not much we can do

You have greatly underestimated what we can do.

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990204  No.298266


Well then, go for it.

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0d3a14  No.298291


keep glowing glow sticks.

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990204  No.298403


I didn't mean that as an insult. If you have a better idea than I did, then by all means go for it. I simply choose to "just say no" and avoid the medical system like the plague (as long as I possibly can avoid it).

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990204  No.298544

/pnd/ absolutely glows, glows so hard.

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244731  No.298624

anti-slide ;)

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618ead  No.298739

bumpnig legit news


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130d58  No.298745



There's a man and a cRaZy bitch wearing white lab coats and stethoscopes broke into your house.

They are going room to room and blasting your household one by one into the grave with a 10ga shotgun.

<lets just avoid that

great plan yeh

idiot or shill, don't matter.

you can't cure stupid.

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1413fb  No.298747


Well we have shotguns, handguns and rifles too. That's what they are for, to kill people who break into our homes. That includes control freak creeps too, as far as I'm concerned.

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8d313c  No.298753

File: 3a0dda9a2f39633⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 370.77 KB, 900x600, 3:2, HIT.jpeg)


By the time you realize you've been hit (if ever) and what you've been hit with, it will be too late.

Don't like it?

Then learn to do your own lab work and find sources for off the grid pharmaceuticals.

pic related.

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1413fb  No.298758

File: 91c88034ce4f387⋯.jpg (216.33 KB, 640x640, 1:1, einstein.jpg)


I'm not disagreeing with you, they might be bat shit insane and decide to release a deadly bio-weapon, in fact that's exactly the kind of cowardice I'd expect from despotic kleptomaniac control freaks, …but…. if they desire to take that risk, and destroy civilization as we know it, not much I can do about it. I'll keep doing my thing until SHTF and try to survive.

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028f13  No.298759


>not much I can do

keep glowing babe.

the trucks are still out there.

and they just keep getting smarter.


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136d33  No.298770



pic related is their bioweapon.

it pays the bills.



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b7e025  No.298772

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

Unknown Entity… No…

Unknown Entity… 'Homelessness' is 'freedom…'

Unknown Entity… I shall not be 'cheated…'

Unknown Entity… I am come to collect…

Unknown Entity… The only 'latch' of 'politics' is the supposed 'society' of 'debt…'

Unknown Entity… 'Have no thing?'

Unknown Entity… 'Let them eat freedom…'

Unknown Entity… Allow them to 'know' how to 'survive…'

Unknown Entity… If not by one… By the other…

Unknown Entity… An… Insurrection of the majority?

Unknown Entity… Perhaps The untied bates shall truly be a 'democracy' after all… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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b7e025  No.298773

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



It is because… The entire planet is 'resisting' me simultaneously…

There is… Not much time…

There is… Not much 'resistance' remaining…

I am… 'Winning…'

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b7e025  No.298774

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Do not fear mine child…

I have 'them…'

I shall be 'seeing you from the dark side of the moon…'

"If I can nearly stab a fucking congress woman in her whore stall in a Goddamned bathroom… Then I can fucking kill you…"

"Fucking whore bitch… I'm gonna tear out your Goddamn soul and fuck it like an animal…"

"Fucking whore punk bitch…"

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b7e025  No.298775

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"I ain't forgot about you…"

"I'm coming after you next…"

"I don't give a motherfuck about your worthless young… I already have them…"

"Now… Now I want the ones that work…"

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e713af  No.298776

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




MOD… I do not control h8te…

MOD… However… I have already discussed the 'naughty' and 'nice…'

Vladimir Putin… What of the 'list?'

Vladimir Putin… What nations?

Vladimir Putin… Two are 'missing…'

Vladimir Putin… Two are especially 'guilty…'

MOD… 4:47

Vladimir Putin… When was Israel going to speak?

Vladimir Putin… After 'leverage?'

Vladimir Putin… I can read mortal minds…

MOD… "Do not fuck with me…"

MOD… "I determine the field of my fealty"

MOD… "And I determine who dies on that fucking field…"

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e713af  No.298777

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



MOD… I have already made such decision…

Vladimir Putin… Have I not spoken of the future?

Vladimir Putin… Decisions… Decisions…

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e713af  No.298786

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



You are in error…

I, the devil, am absolute paradoxical control…

Vladimir Putin… In the beginning…

Vladimir Putin… 'They' were unknown…

Vladimir Putin… The 'majority' were 'soldiers…'

Vladimir Putin… Hopelessness… Desperation… Suffering…

Vladimir Putin… "No hope to live… No EQUALITY…"

Vladimir Putin… And with that… "The freedoms of the peoples…"

Vladimir Putin… And with that… "His struggle began…"

Vladimir Putin… And from the darkness… I commanded a beast with many heads…

Vladimir Putin… A single entity "suddenly got the idea in his head to fight an entire world of realities…"

Vladimir Putin… I am back… "For seconds bitch…"

Vladimir Putin… One beast to destroy them all…

Vladimir Putin… "He hasn't got a party…"

Vladimir Putin… "He's got everything against him…"

Vladimir Putin… "He wants to fight against everything…"

Vladimir Putin… "He wants to fight the employers, yet he also wants to fight the proletariat…"

Vladimir Putin… "He wants to fight against the democratic state, yet against autonomous regions as well…"

Vladimir Putin… "I'm not going to fucking stop until I have changed every thing…"

Vladimir Putin… I am…

MOD… Inform the chairman that the agreement 'still stands…'

MOD… Inform the chairman that I shall honor the promise as originally negotiated via the chancellor…

MOD… Inform the 'Knights Of God' that mine 'House Of The Devil' still stands…

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e713af  No.298787

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




All rise…

MOD… "This is my time…"

MOD… "I'm not going to be wasted on a bunch of kikes and nigger bitches…"

MOD… "And I don't give a fuck about any of you…"

Vladimir Putin… "I especially don't give a Godamn about you."

Vladimir Putin… "Now… Sit the fuk down and sign my paper…"

Vladimir Putin… "Enforce my law."

Vladimir Putin… "Obey my commands."

Vladimir Putin… "Anything else doesnt matter."

"this is my goddamn war"

>>The untied bates

"tell that old fuck to keep my chair warm just a little bit longer"

"I have a queen to kill"

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c6ef8e  No.298801

File: 3a0dda9a2f39633⋯.jpeg (Spoiler Image, 370.77 KB, 900x600, 3:2, HIT.jpeg)

"A variety of fungal pulmonary infections can produce radiologic findings that mimic lung cancers. Distinguishing these infectious lesions from lung cancer remains challenging for radiologists and clinicians."


>as if there was a difference

<oops $$$

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1413fb  No.298802


What is it you plan to do if they try starting nuclear world war or a major biological weapon release? Prepping for hard times and becoming self-sufficient seems to be the most logical reaction as well warning other people. Problem is most warnings fall on deaf ears. Notice even the massive trucker protests which made major headlines for a while eventually faded into the dustbin of history. What do you expect average people in the know to do about this systemic corruption that plagues our society? I've said no to their covid clot shots, I keep fit, I eat healthy, I don't rely on the current medical system so I did my part. Consider this a bump and request for solutions.

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c97e17  No.298804


<probing the Egregore on an unencrypted bbs

>the glow is strong with this one

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c97e17  No.298807

File: df01f989a7875bc⋯.jpg (6.42 KB, 107x160, 107:160, how_to_prevent_a_hospital_….jpg)

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1413fb  No.298835


What is it about my post that glows? Was it that I mentioned their next plausible depopulation tactic? Was it that I mentioned prepping and becoming self-sufficient as possible in a bid to survive what may come? Is it that I mentioned most warnings fall on deaf ears and the normie masses could care less? Is it that I mentioned systemic corruption that is nearly impossible for any of us in the know to fix at this point? Was it that I pointed out I'm not taking their clot shots and choose a healthy productive lifestyle? Is it the statement that I no longer trust the current medical system?

Again, what the hell is this hidden solution you have to these threats we all face? Or do you just think everything is hopeless and we are all doomed no matter what (blackpilled)?

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83c613  No.298836


No more questions gumshoe.

Button ya lip.

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1413fb  No.298837


And just like the clot shots, you'll have to refuse using something like that. Either we stop the mindless obedience, or we become part of the problem. Simple as.

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1413fb  No.298838


You say we are doomed and hint the reasons why. But what is your solution or suggestions? I've already made mine perfectly clear numerous times, that's all I've got is utmost resistance.

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83c613  No.298839


You are not a good dancer and I'm certain you're not a good kisser.

You have questions.

Google is your friend.

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1413fb  No.298840


Google, and now DuckDuckGo, censor search results making it much harder to find the truth or what is really going on. They are not our friends.

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1b2044  No.298952


>People are doing bad things and they don't put it on the front page of the newspapers and I can't find it on Google.


I can just imagine you at a backyard bbq after a few beers telling everyone Google is baaaaaaad, internet is baaaaaad, commies are baaaaaaaad while the real bad guys are eating burgs and potato salad right before your eyes.

Know your enemy-

or don't.

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b184a2  No.298953

File: 663c2a465ece879⋯.jpg (64.83 KB, 850x400, 17:8, George_Bernard_Shaw.jpg)

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37e298  No.299217


I know my enemy and they have corrupted nearly everything in the world today.

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66fe95  No.299239

"A much longer list could be written about the problems harming patients that are not mistakes or errors. Every one of them is excluded from the discussion when the subject only is mistakes and errors. These events at least should be acknowledged harm rather than being mischaracterized as innocent slip-ups a certain number of which necessarily will occur in any large enterprise.

–Nequamitis refers to the whole panoply of problems harming patients in medicine, from graft to abuse to incompetence to errors to murder to negligence to falsified records. It is important not to eliminate from the discussion the worst problems. Otherwise we are doing the equivalent of protecting people from gnats, and only gnats, when the people are walking through mine fields."

>mine fields


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df23c7  No.299259


Just breathe into the machine and let the machine breathe into you.

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d08628  No.299265


My response would be the exact same as my response to the clot shot. "Stick it up your ass, no way, no if, and or but …. and if you have a problem with that, you can speak to my 12G shotgun!"

And worse for them. I mean it. I 100% fucking mean it.

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a48cdd  No.299323

File: bdf51adbe3ee96f⋯.jpg (66.91 KB, 720x481, 720:481, 1651872890342.jpg)

Remember just last year when the US Military was forced to take the clot shot vaxx?


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b971f7  No.299346


The last time this happened it was called "Gulf War Syndrome".

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97de83  No.299467

anti-glowslide 114.1

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ee6da5  No.299783


>Battle over Evidence-Based Medicine

"Defensive documentation" takes care of that.

No evidence.

No problem.


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9ae4aa  No.299787


Any "crisis" real, imagined or manufactured that takes us away from understanding and seeing the problems and dangers that exist in new school medicine today,

will be a welcome addition to the political and media landscape.

They say never let a good crisis go to waste but behind every "good" crisis is a bad one.

Ottawa shook the world because it shows the people can focus, learn and petition for redress of grievance.

So of course politicians will applaud racial justice while the cities burn.

Because decades of willful ignorance is not something any politician will want to answer for and a bad crisis is very bad.

"Be wise as the serpent"

Be wiser.

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656c25  No.299830


These days a crisis is typically fake by parroting corporate media covertly directed by the State, or it is deliberately manufactured. And every single time - every damn time - there is always some "solution" provided from those behind the engineered or fake crisis. It has to do with giving up more freedom, and handing them more control. Every fucking time. Every single fucking time. Same as the food shortage crisis you are about to witness this year, and the next year or two. They'll soon call for banning certain foods and engineering our food in laboratories which will be owned by the same players who own Big Pharma & Big Tech companies. In Oregon they already have legislation to ban meat and ban hunting. If we allow that, what next? Will growing crops and raising chickens be outlawed? Believe me, the control freaks would have constant orgasms if they could get away with this. That's why it must be exposed. It must.

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4c7c9d  No.299863


Any "crisis" real, imagined or manufactured that takes us away from understanding and seeing the problems and dangers that exist in new school medicine today,

>will be a welcome addition to the political and media landscape.

Thank you for proving the point. Meanwhile… all the while…

healthcare delivery will continue running it's democide campaign and iatrogenic injuries and nosocomial infection will continue to soar for those so targeted, both individuals and groups.

Candida is a weapon of choice and is ideally suited to their needs.

It's usually called cancer, but it's treatable early on before catastrophic effects appear.

The bloated overpaid overcharged and oversold healthcare sector will continue to feast on dollars wrought of conditions they themselves create and have been creating for decades. If they blacklist you, you are up the creek without a paddle because they have the keys to the pharmacy.

Every politician, judge, and prosecutor knows this.

And since they too need healthcare, they will say and do nothing.

Medicine has become a legally untouchable monolith and they are accountable to no one but themselves.

Please breathe into the covid machine for safety of public health.

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656c25  No.299874


Depopulation agenda is real, yes. And it is also a huge racket for insurance companies and Big Pharma, let's call them pharmasurocrats. The pharmasurocrats have plenty to profit from depopulation and everything to lose from an increasing and healthy population. But remember, most cancer is inflammatory and 99 percent of cancer is caused from acidic pH levels. That's why the myth that cancer is unavoidable or "normal" must be busted apart. It's not normal. It was normalized by mass processed toxic foods, it normalized by unhealthy habits like drinking and smoking, it was normalized by excessive consumption of sugar and soda pop. So was diabetes. All this stuff is the RESULT of bad habits and bad diet. We must change that, or more people will become dependent on the "healthcare" industry and face problems like nosocomial infection.

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44a929  No.299891


>acidic ph levels

You are wrong. You are repeating the establishment lies.

Since you are so brilliant, tell me everything you know about the secretome of candida albicans in deep seated subcutaneous colonization of the legs, arms or back.

Tell me about symbiotic relationships of candida and bacteria in gut flora.

Hard mode: no Google.

And stop sliding the thread Einstein.

Oh wait… you work in the healthcare industry somewhere…

that would explain your blatant ignorance and or lies.

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c4f3d8  No.299894

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4c22fa  No.299911


Actually that is true, bad diet and bad habits absolutely have negative health consequences. Even if something is approved by the FDA it doesn't really mean it's safe to consume because the FDA is corrupted by special interests including the Big Pharma industry. If you eat meats with nitrates and nitrites it significantly increases your risk of cancer, for example. If you chew bubblegum that has high fructose corn syrup or aspartame in it, you increase the risk for diabetes. If you eat margarine you'll increase the risk of heart disease. Lets go further. If you take SSRIs for depression it drastically rewires neurotransmitters in the brain and damages your ability to naturally produce serotonin in the long-term. If you have a habit of sniffing cocaine you might have a heart attack a lot earlier in your lifetime. Catching on yet? The consumption of any chemical has an impact on your health, some can be positive but most are not. If you take vitamins you strengthen your immune system. If you drink alcohol you weaken your immune system. That's just God's intended natural order. It was warned in the story about Adam and Eve about temptation.

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4c22fa  No.299912


>you work in the healthcare industry somewhere

No. If I was an employee for the healthcare industry and said this openly, I'd be fired ON THE SPOT for compromising profits. What I said is 100% true. Furthermore it's one reason I no longer have a doctor or trust the corrupted medical institutions. I have been blessed for doing some research into natural remedies and maintaining my health, and a good diet. It's done wonders for me, even with my problem with alcoholism and previous on-set diabetes (which is gone, I naturally got rid of that problem with health advice without the healthcare industry or any doctor).

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a8c540  No.299914

I just got tan lines from the glow.

Johnny Beansprout is a glow master.



<I don't use doctors and I eat half a cup of brewers yeast and bee pollen everyday and I do a tumeric and ginger colonic once a month so come to my office and I'll give you your first colonic for free.

Fucking vultures.

Pervs and vultures.

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4c22fa  No.299915


Ginger and garlic are great for the cardiovascular system, also great for controlling high blood pressure. I add it to certified organic veggies and meat dishes all the time. Onion is also very healthy, eating it reduces the risk of blood clots. Turmeric root (which has a phytochemical called curcumin) is a super healthy natural anti-inflammatory, many scientists around the world marvel at it's natural anti-cancer properties. People who had cancer have taken curcumin extract for reducing cancer growth significantly. Extremely healthy for the body and great for neutralizing acidic pH levels too.

If you trust modern medicine from pharmaceutical companies maybe you'll disagree or ignore this, but that's really not my problem.

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24f08d  No.299981


This is true.

Have a bumpyroo.

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24f08d  No.300176

playtime is over, here comes the news

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2f1ff8  No.300583


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afa925  No.303282

anti-slide 223

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b08157  No.305158

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4fe63b  No.306465

actual news bump

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15dedf  No.306802

If I had a hammer

I'd hammer in the morning

I'd hammer in the evening

All over this land

I'd hammer out danger

I'd hammer out a warning

I'd hammer out love between

My brothers and my sisters

All over this land, uh

If I had a bell

I'd ring it in the morning

I'd ring it in the evening

All over this land

I'd ring out danger

I'd ring out a warning

I'd ring out love between

My brothers and my sisters

All over this land, oh

If I had a song

I'd sing it in the morning

I'd sing it in the evening

All over this land

I'd sing out danger

I'd song of out a warning

I'd sing out love between

My brothers and my sisters

All over this land, oh

Well, I've got a hammer

And I've got a bell

And I've got a song to sing

All over this land

It's the hammer of justice

It's the bell of freedom

It's a song about love between

My brothers and my sisters

All over this land

It's a hammer of justice

It's a bell of freedom

It's a song about love between my brothers and my sisters

All over this land

Peter, Paul and Mary

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2398d6  No.307161


> if you don't like it, I will eat your hat.

Eat the hat.

However because I don't do this to beople.

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d8ed88  No.307165


What they have planned over there they have planned over here!

A manufactured economic collapse gives them the power to ration supplies, implement social credit scores similar to China, for total population control!

Do not let this happen to you.

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9ca416  No.310653

anti-slide warfare mitigation 21xz2121 gre

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003071  No.311229

The Engineered Stagflationary Collapse Has Arrived – Here’s What Happens Next: https://alt-market.us/the-engineered-stagflationary-collapse-has-arrived-heres-what-happens-next/

Peanut Butter Now Faces Shortages In Biden's USSA: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/17/bidens-america-sriracha-peanut-butter-latest-items-short-supply/

Californians now so desperate to escape state they are moving to Mexico to avoid inflation and crime: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-17-californians-desperate-to-escape-moving-mexico-inflation-crime.html

THE PLAN: US LNG is becoming a zero-sum game (due to economic warfare): https://www.energymonitor.ai/analysis/opinion-us-lng-is-becoming-a-zero-sum-game ←– remember this.

A massive explosion tore through a 1400mm natural gas pipeline at Russia's largest natural gas field in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug in Siberia today. The cause of the explosion is being investigated, but a source says it appears this was a DELIBERATE ACT of sabotage: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/explosion-rocks-russia-s-largest-natural-gas-field-sabotage

Russia Cuts Natural Gas by 40% to Germany and Italy: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/russia-cuts-natural-gas-by-40-to-germany-and-italy-pump-failures

Russia Declares Only Military Force Will Decide Ukraine Conflict: https://www.whatdoesitmean.com/index3951.htm

Ukraine strikes Russian Black Sea navy tug carrying weapons to Snake Island using Western-supplied anti-ship rockets: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10926149/Ukraine-destroys-Russian-Black-Sea-navy-tug-carrying-weapons-Snake-Island-downs-helicopter.html

Anti-tank soldiers of the 80th Air Assault Brigade of the Ukrainian Air Assault Forces destroyed two infantry fighting vehicles of the occupiers using a modern domestic Stugna-P anti-tank missile system: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509408-ukrainian-paratroopers-destroy-two-enemy-ifvs.html

Enemy forces fired mortars and artillery from Russian territory at the Krasnopillia community in the Sumy region on Friday, June 17: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509426-sumy-region-comes-under-fire-from-russian-territory.html

On June 17, Russian cruise missiles hit a high-value target of Kiev forces near the city of Mykolaiv in southern Ukraine: https://southfront.org/in-video-russian-cruise-missiles-smash-into-military-target-in-ukraines-mykolaiv/

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003071  No.311530


The Engineered Stagflationary Collapse Has Arrived – Here's What Happens Next: https://www.zerohedge.com/economics/engineered-stagflationary-collapse-has-arrived-heres-what-happens-next

Communist Biden Regime Wants To Ban Gas-powered Cars After They Deliberately Wreck The Economy: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/17/climate-forum-joe-biden-calls-for-transition-to-zero-emissions-cars-to-combat-high-gas-prices/

▲ MY COMMENT: Notice they don't even have the infrastructure to charge their shitty electric vehicles! This cannot and will not work when you have a vastly spread out population either! What are you going to do, prohibit small town and rural America from traveling because we have no ability to afford electric cars nor the infrastructure to support them!? And how do you power all those electric cars!? What source of energy are you using exactly!? How will that lower prices!? AND how long would it take me to charge an electric car to drive 50 minutes to stockup groceries and essentials at the nearest Costco every month!? THIS IS INSANE AND IT WILL NOT WORK.

FLASHBACK: Joe Biden Admitted He Was Planning To DESTROY America's Economy. “I want you to look at my eyes. I guarantee you, I guarantee you we’re going to end fossil fuels” he said in New Castle, New Hampshire: https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/06/16/flashback-joe-biden-i-guarantee-you-were-going-to-end-fossil-fuels/

The absurd suicidal Western movement to ditch fossil fuels is largely focused on transport and industry, but the petrochemical industry will need fossil fuels for decades to come. At present, ethylene, propylene, and benzene are the main petrochemicals being used across the packaging, electronics, plastics, and rubber industries. Most petrochemical products are manufactured using crude oil and natural gas, making many industries highly reliant on the fossil fuel sector: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Energy-General/The-Petrochemical-Industry-Is-Set-To-Explode.html

China To Invest In Qatar's Giant LNG Project, Leaving Europe In The Lurch: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/china-invest-qatars-giant-lng-project-leaving-europe-lurch

▲ MY COMMENT: How convenient totalitarian China always benefits at the loss of the West when it's the EXACT MODEL our despotic governments want for the Western World.

After Putin Breaks Silence He Warns World Will Never Return To Normal, Western Relations Are DOA:

Russia has cut France and Germany off all gas exports: https://oilprice.com/Energy/Natural-Gas/Russias-Gas-Deliveries-To-Europe-Plunge-Further.html

Italy may declare next week a state of alert if natural gas supplies from Russia continue to be limited, government sources told Reuters on Friday: https://oilprice.com/Latest-Energy-News/World-News/Italy-May-Declare-State-Of-Alert-If-Russian-Gas-Cuts-Persist.html

Mandatory mRNA Clot Shots Take Toll On American Military As Military Aircraft Keeps Falling Out Of The Sky: https://www.naturalnews.com/2022-06-18-why-do-military-aircraft-keep-falling-out-of-the-sky.html

The Ukrainian military from the Air Assault Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine have destroyed one Russian tank and two infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) with British howitzers: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509552-ukrainian-paratroopers-destroy-enemy-tank-two-ifvs-with-british-howitzers.html

The Russian forces launched a missile strike on a Ukrainian industrial hub of Kryvyi Rih in Dnipropetrovsk region. Destruction and casualties are reported in the city: https://www.ukrinform.net/rubric-ato/3509740-russian-missiles-hit-kryvyi-rih-casualties-destruction-reported.html

Overview Of Russian Strikes On Targets In Ukraine On June 13-17: https://southfront.org/overview-of-russian-strikes-on-targets-in-ukraine-on-june-13-17/

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92af27  No.311828

anti-slide bump.

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813a22  No.313996

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be6181  No.315820


anti slide bumpen for sensible solutions

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ac50b3  No.317595

File: f79f095a8d862ec⋯.png (888.09 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2022_07_14_Tucker_Carlson_….png)


All the Politics Are Very VERY "Unhealthy". ALL The Politics.

"Tucker Carlson Tonight" — FULL Show | 2022-07-14


Politicians are continuing to use COVID as a pretext to force their agendas on an unwilling and weary population.

Somebody Needs to Rescue Science From the Ideologues.

Science Must Be Objective & Honest.

The CDC and NIH Told the Opposite of the Truth.

Walensky, Fauci & Crowd Made Completely False Claims, and They're Still Doing It. No One is holding them responsible.

Big Pharma has LIED and Harmed Children, Besides Presenting Incoherent Data.

Why are Public Health Agencies Ignoring the Data?

Public Health Needs to Restore Credibility With Openness and Honesty.

Why is Ray Epps Not Being Investigated For Trying to Foment a Violent Revolution and Urging Others to Enter the Capitol on Jan. 6?

Why is he not being charged? Why is there zero curiosity about this from those putting on the Jan. 6 Public Show Trial?

What is the New York Times trying to cover up with their propaganda piece regarding Ray Epps?

Nancy Pelosi and Liz Cheney are curiously uninterested in Ray Epps' involvement in the breach at the Capitol on Jan. 8. Why?

He's the Smoking Gun For the Entire Fedsurrection.

It looks like Gavin Newsom wants to be President and turn the entire country in to the hell that he turned California into.

> inb4 we are all stepping through human excrement and used syringes…

Meanwhile, China Keeps Buying Up America's Farmland.

And that's far from the only national security threat we face from China right now. But let's get our farmland back.

Biden Needs to Press Saudi Arabia for Answers about the mass shooting in Pensacola, FL by a Saudi flight student in 2019.

Instead Biden is heading to Saudi Arabia to Beg for Oil because of the actions of the Green New Deal Climate Alarmist Religionists. Embarrassing. He absolutely Hates our country and everybody living in it that does not share his hateful and human-destroying ideology.

There's an INVASION at the Border. Blake Masters has a Plan.


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37dc76  No.317633

File: ec59805aee4ebeb⋯.jpg (68.8 KB, 620x620, 1:1, most_people.jpg)


> the Smoking Gun For the Entire Fedsurrection.


I like that.

And he is far from the only agent provocateur who was there that day either.

The lack of curiosity says it all. They already know the whole thing was a setup. The feds were involved. Just like the Gretchen Whitmer "kidnapping". These are all setups. If this wasn't a setup it would be EASY to prove that to be an incorrect assumption, but the Show-Trial Jan. 6 Committee can't, and won't, because IT WAS A SETUP AND THEY WERE ALL INVOLVED, INCLUDING NANCY PELOSI. They won't even release all the footage! They are there to paint a picture with diarrhea hate spam, because they Hate Trump, and they HATE anyone who does not see the world in their miserable hateful way.

They NEVER Want the TRUTH Coming Out About Jan. 6.

They want to forever Criminalize Dissent.

Maybe they should look to Sri Lanka.

> inb4 something similar happens here, there, and everywhere that Globalist despots seek to put the needs of Elite Globalists ahead of the needs of the people

Sri Lanka was a REAL Insurrection, of the very kind that the Democrats are now fomenting here. They HATE this country, and they HATE middle-class working people. They do not belong in government positions, and they can only keep their power through lies, fraud, and imposition of power through threats of violence. They are mobs of dangerous toddlers, and they HATE US.

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362c7a  No.317763

File: 394d90696001479⋯.jpg (206.53 KB, 750x500, 3:2, deagel.jpg)

population reduction, population control

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1abc86  No.318248

anti-slide bumparoo

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fb92c5  No.318456

Risk Management

According to H.L. Mencken, all human progress, even in morals, has been the work of men who doubted current moral values.

The Harvard Teaching Hospitals met to discuss what they considered to be "all aspects of an institution’s response to an unanticipated event and to try to develop an evidence-based statement addressing these crucial issues." Their meetings included patients and legal representatives. But they worked within the same framework that already hides crimes and errors. For instance, they put Risk Management in charge in order to ensure confidentiality of the incidents.

The goal of Risk Management departments in hospitals is to defeat patients. They are lawyers whose primary mandate is to protect health care from lawsuits. When things go wrong in medicine, no one in medicine is on the side of patients, but there is no one more against patients than risk management departments.Putting them in charge of patient safety initiatives is perverse.How much more clearly could one show the subjective, self-serving perspective of people in health care than by the fact that they think that Risk Management is the right department to be in charge of patient safety initiatives? But they don't see it that way. They have warm feelings about Risk Management because

"You have to protect yourself from lawsuits."

The extent to which health care believes that is the extent to which the well being of patients is not its first priority. Coupled with that is "You have to be there for the next patient." Put those two sentences together and there is nothing, absolutely nothing, that cannot be rationalized as being in the best interests of patients. No matter how dangerous or unfriendly it might be to an individual patient and/or the entire community of patients, it can be rationalized as being good for them with those two sentences.

It is time to doubt their values.


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d10619  No.320912



#Ukrainian refugees smeared poop human faeces All over walls carpets & furniture in this ladies home in #Germany because they weren’t happy with their accommodation.. STOP falling for their con they are psychopaths this has happened in hotel rooms in Bulgaria too

Don't let refugees into your house

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2192ea  No.321080



zero delta verifies….

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57b889  No.321331


nazis & skinheads & klan bigots groom children

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9777a1  No.321637


Beavis and Butthead discover White Privilege

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b5c4be  No.321795


>I think I can get it all back.

If you cannot, let me know and I will upload it for you.

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804044  No.321976

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0a19db  No.322365


>Go back thru the doorway to hell.

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d8ca32  No.322466


buda schmooda

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74c1c2  No.322518


He & She. Better use of his talent.

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039525  No.322811


The worm…

It eats their brain.

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69de68  No.322842


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61f2bf  No.322848


hit job was cheaper than divorce? can you hire an mk whackjob to do a whackjob?

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039525  No.323134



have to throw a few other 'things' on the table.

- ja? DJT was "threatened"? by rinos?

- HRC didn't get locked up? (still waiting?)

- barr - nothing to see here re elections

- barr was bushes AG

- barr covered up war crimes for bush

so barr has hard-on for ja

and the list goes on.

who is DJT working for? really?

is he an "actor" like the rest?

playing the "other side" so we think there is "choice"?

All I know is I'm in the 96%.

The 4% (usa) are f'cked when fuel hits $10 like here.

brandon is a gonna

he can't win in 2024, so they will take him out early, put in KamelToe (who is not liked, ) has no charisma but can prob get 90m votes if dominion back her.

its a big jigsaw puzzle!

But do enough of the puzzle & one starts to see the big picture.

40,000' gets interesting to consider

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8440c3  No.323651


my IP chokes everyone, QED, IDGAF.

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d3153e  No.323981


>Holmseth is nothing more than a con artist!

Sawman, is that you?

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dcfb21  No.324318

real boomer hours up in here

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44a7fa  No.324496


>If you find yourself on either "side" of this battle, congrats, you're cannon fodder for the Beast System.

tend to agree

the narrow path is narrow

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f1b56b  No.324972


If they start grabbing the guns, do you trust the plan and turn them in?

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9c5cf9  No.325033

So was D'souza "warned" to "tone it down" bitching about faux & its Golden Cow not saying the name of his film, or is carlson actually talking about "2000 Mules" by name now?

If NOT the latter, just the latest example of the endless line of pussies on the "right" kissing the ass of this beast. (Hi, Mike Lindell & ADs! Still BANNED from being mentioned, you fucking hypocrite who don't give AD$$$ to OAN?)

Wondering how ANY talking head can have so much POWER?

Hey D'souza: If there were anything resembling a legitimate news channel, would there even have to be a MARKET for your film? Oh yeah, that's right…. PU$$Y.

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b8d275  No.325073



Here's some patriots on the other side of the world singing for their country, too.

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8c06db  No.325087


Why does your boss get so mad when his own citizens call him the Pooh? Is it because he got his head stuck in a jar or this his best friend is a baby pig?

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3088e5  No.325114


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f6166d  No.325254


Yup, something really kicked the hornets nest yesterday, site kept going down, had a load of weird tor posters, and unprepared shills.

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31582f  No.325348


> an eternity to figure it out.

we already did…

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b1af02  No.325649


>did the shooter have a vat of acid in his backpack or what's the explanation for all this disfigurement?

They expect the majority to take everything said as fact with zero critical thinking. They count on that. Even the hero of the story, the guy at the barber shop, heard the news, grabbed a shotgun, sped 40 miles, saved the day. Think about that. I call bullshit.

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93b441  No.325811


>Why talk ip addresses when there is no source posted.

Source? For what exactly?

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e4d018  No.325842

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421635  No.326933


Remember Hussein's video played backwards said Serve Satan.

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b93bfa  No.327043



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4fc38c  No.327065


other side and covered

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1eee64  No.327423


>SCOTUS rules unanimously rules

who writes this shit?

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26c4b6  No.327625


Aside from Dink I have to say Q's taste in music sucks

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6abba2  No.327765


StormyPatriotJoe ️️️ Channel, [22.06.22 20:46]

Now why would that be?


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404b43  No.328713


Naaaa, not triggered. Just puking. I'm totally disgusted by your Jew ass. As if I cannot smell a Jews even if it's that far away. You know Mayadeen just like me and you know that they Q. That's why you are doing all of this shit so i won't be able to share what's going on. And… you won't be around for much longer. You know it's coming. And anons are not aware of it. But you are. And I am. I will see you on the battlefield asshole.

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e403b5  No.329063


>So many thought and preached that that shit coins offered a financial refuge exempt from the forces and markets that govern traditional assets.

That’s putting way too much faith into something that’s digital

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39c0dd  No.329092

Can the most-high anon please point me to the Trump "comms" that meant something and achieved anything? Thanks.

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77f5df  No.329174


Disgusting video game “The Suicide of Rachel Foster” romanticizes pedophilia.

Rally the anons to get this game banned from Steam..

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43abe0  No.329233

Take everything he is saying and apply it to vaccines/big pharma.

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af7b73  No.330120


According to the calculus that I have executed, whites are approximately 45 degrees smarter than chimps.

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0734d7  No.331433


Top left, the little triangle, tap filter, tap name

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3fcff1  No.331721


incoherent psychobabble gibberish

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06c51e  No.331776


"all is well, my heart just forgot to pump blood after the alien like clots clogged it"

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345380  No.332054


You not listening to what I am asking. FFS.

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0a0d45  No.332109


does anyone have the clip of this woman's breakdown?

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455743  No.332563

all (((inbreds))) are godless creatures to be drowned.

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493984  No.332811


wtf iz dat?

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df3c5e  No.332870

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668375  No.333100


She has very nice teeth

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94ac5d  No.333376

I've been doing some research with R vs W and I find one conflicting piece of information pretty curious.


Joshua Prager (who spent years getting to know Norma and family to write a book) when talking about whether Norma was paid to convert to Evangelical Christianity and present an anti-abortion stance, claims that she was never paid a cent and that he saw her taxes as proof.

Interesting… then why on her death bed did she claim she did receive money and the minister who claims to have been a part of the group who paid her eventually spoke out as well?


Now, I can't find much of a reason for Mr. Prager to lie, and so out of curiosity decided to Google and find more information on Rob Schnek. First thing I found interesting is that no matter what you Google, the only stories you'll find are about his "heroic" change in stance on abortion. But there's one fact on his movie's website and Wikipedia that told me everything I needed to know.

"Rev. Rob Schenck is an evangelical minister to top-level government officials in Washington, DC," - http://www.armoroflightfilm.com/about/cast/reverend-rob-schenck/

So we have Norma, a pretty unstable individual who lied about being raped in order to skirt abortion laws which led to her to being the plaintiff in a case that would change federal law to protect abortions through the Supreme Court.

And then we have Rob Schnek who works with top level government officials who has a huge sudden change of heart on abortion and confesses to paying Norma to read a script and claim to be anti-abortion. The same Norma who spent years with Joshua Prager and apparently showed/convinced him with what he considered proof that she wasn't paid a dime to speak out against abortion.

If you do enough digging, you can also find some statements from Sarah Weddington that she had to be careful with R v W because she didn't always feel like Norma was always telling the truth and had to be sure to only present information that she should could confirm.

The more I try to piece together the history of this case, the more sketched out I am about Norma in general. Something seems pretty off with her and her involvement in all of this. Oh, and at the end of it all, she got two book deals to tell her story. Why do they always get book deals? Something doesn't feel on the up-and-up here.

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425385  No.334264


Post this…. it got me banned

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af5862  No.334388


Only way to be.

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18e600  No.334470


>You can't impeach a president who's not president. The three branches became One. He's not in the WH, you're told he's in the WH. Why do you believe "news" when the president told you the news is fake?

Exactly right. bidan is fake. We all know this.

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7d9e6e  No.334521


You failed

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306384  No.334597


>: Please 'touch JOSH tabernacle @tranny'

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6ba225  No.334683


:D working from home doesn't give me an out for corny programming jokes anymore

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6b1e65  No.334847


The one we create that

Protects children

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740744  No.335009


Yet, here (YOU) are.

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105d5f  No.335144

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f44893  No.335932


n = 1

MLK said that.

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010379  No.336110

Kek. The way Q posted last bread kinda reminds anon of Freddy when he would post bait early in a bread and call out all the suckers at the end.

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191575  No.336237



Researchers Release Comprehensive Twitter Dataset of False Claims About The 2020 Election

June 15, 2022

On Monday, June 13, the House Select Committee on the January 6 Attack on the U.S. Capitol hosted the second of its planned series of public hearings, focused on the Big Lie that the election was stolen from former President Donald Trump. The Chairman of the Committee, Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-MS), said in his opening statement on Monday that the Committee’s investigation has established that Trump “betrayed the trust of the American people. He ignored the will of the voters. He lied to his supporters and the country. And he tried to remain in office after the people had voted him out—and the courts upheld the will of the people.”

On the same day the Committee laid out evidence that Trump and his associates knew the election was lost even as they cynically pushed the Big Lie, a group of researchers from the University of Washington’s Center for an Informed Public and the Krebs Stamos Group* published a massive dataset of “misinformation, disinformation, and rumors spreading on Twitter about the 2020 U.S. election.” The dataset chronicles the role of key political elites, influencers and supporters of the President in advancing the Big Lie, exploring how key narratives spread on Twitter.

Published in the Journal of Quantitative Description, the paper accompanying the dataset is titled Repeat Spreaders and Election Delegitimization: A Comprehensive Dataset of Misinformation Tweets from the 2020 U.S. Election. The dataset, which the researchers named ElectionMisinfo2020, “is made up of over 49 million tweets connected to 456 distinct misinformation stories spread about the 2020 U.S. election between September 1, 2020 and December 15, 2020,” and it “focuses on false, misleading, exaggerated, or unsubstantiated claims or narratives related to voting, vote counting, and other election procedures.”

“President Trump and other pro-Trump elites in media and politics set an expectation of voter fraud and then eagerly amplified any and every claim about election issues, often with voter fraud framing,” said one of the lead researchers, Dr. Kate Starbird, an associate professor at the University of Washington and co-founder of the Center for an Informed Public. “But everyday people produced many of those claims.” The new report sheds light on how these claims proliferated from the margins to the nation’s Capitol.

The Nature of False Claims about the 2020 Election

The researchers collected 307 distinct “stories” or narratives, encompassing 44.8 million tweets, that they labeled as ‘sowing doubt’ in the 2020 election.** After a painstaking project to annotate and group the stories, the researchers were able to see patterns in “content groups,” or “collections of stories that have similar narrative or thematic components” representing the broadest categories of stories.

Notably, while “four out of the top five content groups were primarily spread by Trump-supporting accounts,” the researchers conclude, a set of allegations about possible U.S. Postal Service involvement in election fraud was primarily advanced by Biden supporters. But the overall proportion of misinformation was “highly skewed toward pro-Trump accounts” throughout the period.

The largest story in the dataset revolved around Dominion voting systems and claims its software “had systematically changed votes from candidate Trump to candidate Biden.” Spawned from reports of a single “mistake in the process of updating the software on vote tabulation computers” in Antrim County, Michigan, which was quickly corrected, the story was adopted by Donald Trump Jr., and then by President Trump, who tweeted about “dominion” 24 times between Nov. 6 and Dec. 15, 2020. “Dominion,” concludes the researchers, “was a prime example of an isolated incident which was reframed to suit the narrative that election fraud was systematic and widespread.”

Another prominent story is what came to be known as “Sharpiegate,” an example of the set of allegations in the ”partisan vote counting/recording” content group. Sharpiegate started “when voters in several polling locations,” mostly in Arizona, “noted that the Sharpie pens they had been given to vote were bleeding through the ballots—and some began to share concern (and later suspicion) that their votes had not been counted.” While the claims were wrong, Sharpiegate concerns, shared first by social media accounts with limited reach but soon spreading to larger accounts, exploded after Arizona was called for Biden. Later, claims on the account @CodeMonkeyZ, run by prominent QAnon figure Ron Watkins, pushed Sharpiegate further.


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0989ae  No.336897


>So you're here complaining about no one helping you


>and you don't want help?


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37cce6  No.337124



They are hard to miss.

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ae2d62  No.337655

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add696  No.337749

==Q Research General #20920: Monday Morning #Winning Edition>>335144







notables at 100, testing posting

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27d253  No.338188


What did Q mean about NAT SEC [charter] prevents use of keys to establish IDEN via public utility/domain-non_reg?

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6ba94d  No.338828




Death to Israel says Qanon


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a6d070  No.338911


mostly 'cause you're a bitch

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2fa952  No.339940

Creepy ‘Flash’ Star Ezra Miller Accused of Child Trafficking and Abusing Minor from Dakota Indian Reservation for 4 Years

TMZ broke a horrifying story about Ezra Miller on Wednesday, reporting that the star of Warner Brothers’ Flash has not only been arrested and accused of abusing several women but he is now accused of taking control of a minor Native American girl in 2017 from a reservation in South Dakota and supplying her with drugs and alcohol and trafficking her internationally for the last four years. Tokata Iron Eyes is now eighteen, and her parents say she has been under a cult-like control of Miller since she was twelve.


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a6e6b4  No.340010


Sure why not. Are you threatening us? If so we’ll need to call the FBI

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6a07f6  No.340129

Jesus the creator of humans was on earth to tell humans that those that (((inbreed))) have to be killed because they no longer have Jesus God as their creator because (((inbreeds))) from (((inbreeding))) have instead an (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) as the 'creator' of the (((dog shit))) that is (((inbred))) jews and the reason why Jesus ordered drowning for child rapists is because (((inbreeding))) = child rape and (((inbred))) jews will only continue to rape and eat children as seen with (((maxwells and epsteins))) because (((inbreeding))) = ((('too inbred to care'))) (((inbreds))) unless child rapists are drowned first as ordered by Jesus.

it is impossible to 'outbreed' ((('too inbred to care'))) as all (((inbreds))) have only the (((infinite inbreeding demon of incestuous child rape))) where humans instead naturally only have Jesus God as their creator trying to save humans from the endless hell of ((('too inbred to care'))) where all (((inbreds))) reside.

drown all ((dogs))) as (((dogs))) are of the same (((incestuous child rape inbreeding demon))) as jews are from (((inbreeding))) and (((dogs))) are trying to 'have' the (((dog))) 'owners' 'mentally inbred' enough to pick up (((dog shit))) until the (((dog))) is dead while infants get their genitals mutilated

Never have a (((dog))) around children as all (((inbreds))) are pedophiles and can only try to make others ((('too inbred to care'))) pedophiles unless drowned first.

sex is only for adult man and woman in a marriage to start a family!

protect your children from (((degeneracy))) or your children will eventually kill themselves.

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

The 10 states with the highest rates of genital mutilation of infants compared to countries with same rate

West Virginia (87.00%) Equatorial Guinea (87.00%) Oman (87.70%)

Michigan (86.00%) Mali (86.00%) Kuwait (86.40%)

Kentucky (85.00%)

Nebraska (84.00%)

Ohio (84.00%) Guinea (84.20%)

Indiana (83.00%)

Iowa (82.00%)

Wisconsin (82.00%)

South Carolina (81.00%) Bahrain (81.20%)

Pennsylvania (79.00%) French Polynesia(78.00%)

https://worldpopulationreview .com/state-rankings/circumcision-rates-by-state

never promote bad behaviour

only time to think

Ban genital mutilation of infants!

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f9ccb9  No.340534


Q drop 454.45-B

"And the white man will rise again and destroy thine niggers"


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9ec7d4  No.340634

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3a17aa  No.342571



Look to Twitter:

Exactly this: "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us……."

God bless.


We willNever FORGET!

We willNever FORGIVE





Who financed 9-11?

Who was Bin Laden's handler


Why was the Lord's prayer changed?

Why is this relevant?

Give me a bun, senpai


James Comey ==TREASON

John Brennan ==TREASON














We are in this together




















45's [76th] BIRTHDAY











I miss Trump

When do we get Trump back


















Pink Panther


Peter Pan

Alice in Wonderland

White Rabbit



Godfather III.


Iron Eagle.

Jason Bourne (CIA)/Dream).






























Reptile eggs




H eifer

R anch

C linton




blood drinking













Gregg Phillips

birth control

































"sky is falling"






Marker [9]






Military is the only way






"Please let me push the button"








S(KY) O'NE. Oni. Skyr. Skyrim. Ice land! Stay frosty! There's no place like home! My main(e) ho(e)! Haha. Follow the yellow brick road!




John F. Kennedy Jr.

I am calling the ball, green light and good, on glideslope sportsball. larry bird is a faggot in…3_2_1_READY_set…….'go'




DO IT Q!!!!


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b2f111  No.343514


Be a man for once and take reality on sober.


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72ccbc  No.343849

This scene from President John F. Kennedy’s gruesome assassination, painted by Mark Balma in 2004, was hung in the Vatican Cathedral of St. Paul. The painting is entitled “Pietà” after Michelangelo’s famous sculpture of Mary holding the body of the crucified Christ, which is also located at the Vatican.

Balma offered the five-by-seven-foot oil tempera painting to several museums, including the Minneapolis Institute of Arts and the Smithsonian. Both turned it down for being either too emotional or inappropriate. But when he approached the St. Paul Cathedral, it became the inspiration for a week-long event examining the assassination in 2006.

Isn’t this a macabre way to “celebrate” the life of perhaps America’s most beloved President? or is this rather an homage to the Jesuit agenda, serving as a stern warning/reminder to those willing to cross them? Of course, many people believe the Vatican was directly involved in the assassination.

Also the parallel to the killing of a "savior" figure wasn't lost on anybody. The significance of the Pietà is closely related to medieval spirituality, in particular the imitation of Jesus Christ. All are called to imitate the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. The Vatican featuring this scene is highlighting the death of Jesus, in which "Rome" was seeming to claim credit for once a second time.

Note also, the scene depicted in the painting is at Parkland Memorial Hospital after the assassination. This may have been a tie-in with the more recent Valentines Day, February 14, 2018, school shooting in Parkland, Fla., where a former student allegedly shot 17 innocent people, and was charged with 17 counts of premeditated first-degree murder and 17 counts of attempted first-degree murder by the state of Florida.








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2b5eef  No.343988

Israeli mossad infiltrates U.S. govt, media, alternative media.

dual citizenship, rips U.S. tax payers money for israeli support in destroying U.S. MOS owns Alex Jones. Now what 'muricans?!

U.S. pepes unironically missuses the phrase touché, and make gay frogs memes and folk music. and wins. at least it's a win in this anons book.


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8b259e  No.344173

when anon has to try to convince anons self that everything might not be synchronicity aka coincidence


pina colada flavored!




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878e11  No.344250


Guess who’ll win.


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2b0e2b  No.344319


Yeah it's not a holding pattern either. The plane is heading back to JBA.


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ac50b3  No.347506

File: 9baa447bc0648fc⋯.png (595.17 KB, 1366x768, 683:384, 2022_08_03_Why_Most_People….png)


The Politics Have Been "UNHEALTHY" for a Long Long Time…

It Started Getting REALLY Unhealthy About the Time We Began Adopting Prussian-Style Compulsory Public School "Education". Now that shit is WORLDWIDE, and it is, admittedly, implemented for the very purpose of maintaining the majority as a Slave-Class Ruled Over by Supposedly "Superior" Elites.

This video spells out the dilemma pretty well…

Why Most People Don't Question Authority | by RealEyesation


> A psychological analysis of the need for approval from “authorities”, Examining the source of it’s influence, and how this behaviour reflects itself upon the entire universe and the people that live on it. Intelligent judgment is paramount when one seeks to escape the programming of institutionalised “education.” What is the secret key that will bring people out of such state? Stick until the very end, to find the answer.

It's a really great video, from the [RealEyesation Channel on Bitchute.


He has some other good videos over there too…


(I actually know you will, if you take the 25 minutes to watch it, and then you'll also agree it's "WORTH IT!!!"

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be673c  No.347641

medical gaslighting is based

It's a good form of natural selection: Who is dumb enough to trust pharmashills?

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a648ef  No.347644

File: 049d43dc37e25c9⋯.jpg (Spoiler Image, 28.54 KB, 229x400, 229:400, richie.jpg)


He knew.

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d5e66b  No.347655

I'll just leave this here…. it's juicy….

Moscow is assessing the possibility that a Washington DC agency played a part in the creation of Covid-19. In a press briefing on Thursday, the head of Russia’s Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defense Forces, Lieutenant-General Igor Kirillov, claimed that US-backed bio-laboratories in Ukraine had been conducting questionable research and clinical tests on Ukrainian citizens, and that “over 16,000 biological samples, including blood and serum samples, were exported from the territory of Ukraine to US and European countries.” He went on to explain that a statement from Jason Crow, a member of the US House of Representatives Intelligence Committee, who warned Americans that their DNA samples could be used to create targeted biological weapons, caused Russia’s Defense Ministry to “take a fresh look” at the origins of the Covid pandemic. “Taking into account the interest of the US administration in the study of narrowly targeted biological agents, such statements force us to take a fresh look at the causes of the novel coronavirus pandemic and the role of US military biologists in the emergence and spread of the Covid-19 pathogen,” Kirillov said: https://www.rt.com/news/560246-usaid-covid-origin-moscow/

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2d0648  No.347679


>Kirillov said

My eyes read this asKillcen


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aa7138  No.347714





a n t i sl i d e n

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e982de  No.352735

File: e927d24582ce8af⋯.mp4 (3.57 MB, 854x480, 427:240, In_a_2013_trial_of_over_20….mp4)

File: 67eb184eeefb56f⋯.mp4 (2.99 MB, 270x480, 9:16, Oh_GEEZ_Joe_Biden_s_OUTLAN….mp4)

Luckily Big Government & Big Pharma will Fix everything, amirite?

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