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b72fdb  No.297780

The Savior Messiah Buddha Is Back Again With Some Special Info




I am the savior.

I am online again because I want to share some special information that I have never shared before, knowledge and wisdom once last time before fully disconnect with the rest of this world.

If you have already know to me and especially my way of speaking, you will realize whether I am the real one or not.

I don’t have much time so this time I will only online for less than 30 days, and most likely within only 2 weeks from this post if there is no “connection” with others.

This time I will share my post on infosavior.wordpress.com.

You can contact directly via above websites/forums or P2P chat apps:





I don’t use email or social media since they are too stupid, technology like toy and I would prefer meet face to face in person rather than sharing/using real info on the internet.

But again it is does not matter since it is just information from myself, the only thing matter is whether you can “evolve” to “God” level and beyond that or not.

Best Regard,

The Savior Messiah Mahdi Maitreya Kalki Christ Buddha



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235a6a  No.297783

File: 8783054b7a13af8⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.16 MB, 1080x1080, 1:1, 20200310_202533.gif)

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496dbe  No.297789

In times of war, governments planned to use food scarcity as a weapon: https://criticalunity.org/news/nwo/population/1435-kissinger-s-1974-plan-for-food-control-genocide

▲ Despotic WEF Davos Criminals Are Engineering Food Supply Collapse: >>>/pnd/297664

Why is the US government ignoring arson attacks on domestic food infrastructure? Subjugation by starvation could be a goal: https://newspunch.com/biden-fbi-continues-ignoring-attack-on-food-supply-2-dozen-major-fires-and-counting/

Destruction of Food Begins in Shanghai with Fences Installed to Keep People Locked Down: https://medicalkidnap.com/2022/04/24/destruction-of-food-begins-in-shanghai-with-fences-installed-to-keep-people-locked-down/

Ukraine wants UN to broker Mariupol evacuation with Russia: https://www.euronews.com/2022/04/25/ukraine-wants-un-to-broker-mariupol-evacuation-with-russia

Russia ready to cooperate with UN for safety of Ukraine civilians: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/russia-ready-cooperate-un-safety-ukraine-civilians-guterres-makes-controversial-visit

In a major reversal following Chancellor Olaf Scholz only days ago voicing strong resistance, it appears Berlin has bowed to the mounting pressure among allies and approved new tank deliveries to Ukraine from Germany's own stock, which Scholz had previously said was depleted: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/major-reversal-after-warning-nuclear-war-germany-approves-tanks-ukraine

World military spending last year reached all-time high of $$$ 2.1 Trillion $$$: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/economy/world-military-spending-last-year-reached-all-time-high-of-21t/2573351

Get ready for a war economy, supply chain collapse, hyperinflation, unrest etc: https://www.theorganicprepper.com/how-prepared-nightmare/

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c964d7  No.297812


The Russian war machine gets some $1 billion/day for its oil and gas from Germany/the European Union. Ironically, Russia's invasion has led to a spike in prices, which benefits its war effort. This can only be countered with a boycott of Russian oil and gas and sharply increased deliveries of energy products to the EU from elsewhere, the United States being the main source. Arming the Ukrainians while providing Russia with the money to wage war against them is not a winning formula. This dysfunctional dynamic won’t end until the U.S. government stops turning a blind eye to the all-important, energy supply side of our domestic and foreign policy… America won’t ramp up its production of fossil fuels because the Biden administration and its progressive base are committed to very long-term, and yes, debatable climate change policies. This is an administration that has adopted a “whole of government approach” to curtailing fossil fuels and to increasing their cost with the aim of reducing peoples’ consumption. The three most powerful adversaries of America are the ruthless dictatorships in Russia, China, and Iran, and they could not be more delighted with America’s withdrawal from fossil fuels. Arguably, that withdrawal played a role in Putin’s decision to invade Ukraine: https://nationalinterest.org/feature/curtailing-russian-aggression-ramping-us-energy-production-202004

Former US President Donald Trump warns "incompetence" (corruption!) will cause the world to be blown to pieces:

▲ JIM STONE RESPONDS: I'll be frank: At this point, a nuclear war would be better than what k-dom has planned for us. THE PROBLEM: I'd bet $50 that the Russians would run a nuclear war as incompentently as how Musk "took over Twitter". All the enemies would still be alive and we'd all be cursed anyway. Why is it that no one ever figures out F*** ALL when it comes to actually forumlating a real opposition to evil? The only effective nuclear war would be done with tsunami bombs that put Washington DC under 3,000 feet of water. That would probably pop the seals on their coward tunnels. Anything short of that would be stupidly incompetent.

Former US Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch accidentally admitted that Vladimir Putin would never have invaded Ukraine if President Trump had been reelected: https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/watch-former-ukraine-ambassador-slips-admits-putin-wouldnt-have-invaded-under-trump

Putin claims Western governments plan to kill journalists: https://www.rt.com/news/554493-putin-west-plot-terror/

A senior European Union official said Tuesday that the bloc plans to cut Russian oil and gas imports to zero by the end of 2027, with his remarks coming as EU leaders continue to deliberate on moves to accelerate reducing the region’s dependence on Russian energy: https://www.zerohedge.com/energy/european-union-cut-russian-oil-and-gas-imports-zero-2027

As Russia targets eastern Ukraine, Kyiv cautiously reopens: https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2022/4/25/as-russia-targets-eastern-ukraine-kyiv-cautiously-reopens

Russian troops have destroyed six traction substations, – units that power the railways – which are being used for delivery of “foreign weapons and military hardware to the Ukrainian forces in the Donbass,” Defense Ministry spokesman Major General Igor Konashenkov announced on Monday: https://www.rt.com/russia/554519-russia-hits-supply-ukraine/

Russian forces conducted precision missile strikes against five Ukrainian railway stations in central and western Ukraine on April 25 in a likely effort to disrupt Ukrainian reinforcements to eastern Ukraine and Western aid shipments. A series of likely coordinated Russian missile strikes conducted within an hour of one another early on April 25 hit critical transportation infrastructure in Vinnytsia, Poltava, Khmelnytskyi, Rivne, and Zhytomyr oblasts. Local Ukrainian counterattacks retook territory north of Kherson and west of Izyum in the past 24 hours. Russian forces continue to make little progress in scattered, small-scale attacks in eastern Ukraine. Ukrainian forces are successfully halting Russian efforts to bypass Ukrainian defensive positions around Izyum, and Russian forces are struggling to complete even tactical encirclements. Russian forces resumed ground attacks against Mariupol’s Azovstal Steel Plant in the last 24 hours. Russian officers may assess they will be unable to starve out the remaining defenders by May 9 (a possible self-imposed deadline to complete the capture of Mariupol). Russian forces are accelerating efforts to secure occupied Mariupol but will likely face widespread Ukrainian resistance: https://understandingwar.org/backgrounder/ukraine-conflict-updates

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83979e  No.297831


You are the king spammer. I've never read any of your posts. But when you post, other spammers must be seething.

Please post more!

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235a6a  No.297936

File: 2f5183779273b0f⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.7 MB, 1024x879, 1024:879, OP_Knows_Where_to_Go.gif)

File: 9ea42056516b9ce⋯.jpg (62 KB, 497x427, 71:61, OP_Knows_Where_to_Go.jpg)

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