There was a time when "Johnny Neptune" would ne'er deign to cheat on his gal,Dunkin Donuts, but those days are over.
It is, after all, Wednesday; and on Wednesdays,Donuts are a Dozen for the Price of a Gallon of Gasat Krispy Kreme, niggers!
So there he will be, stuffing his belly full of Krispy Kreme donuts, whilst slirping down a Chai Latte and leaving his phone laying around in various places, hoping someone will steal it so he can start extorting Krispy Kreme too, like he dun Dunkin Donuts..
I know, it's kinda a niggerish thing to do, but what can one expect from donut-munching Lefty'corn that can never shut up, even with his mouth stuffed full of Krispy Kreme?!
Anyway, if you spot him at a Krispy Kreme today near Atlanta, steer clear of his phone, and try not to get any donut chunks on you as you get within a few yards, because, like I said, he never shuts up, and he talks a mile a minute, and I have never seen a time when donut chunks were not being sprayed around the room by him, so, fair warning…
Also, "Johnny Neptune" would like to remind you that, because of the policies and people he supports, the price of EVERYTHING is going up, including Dollars to Donuts to Gas… So you best get you some donuts TODAY, while you still can. Within a few months in cities like Atlanta, niggers might be BBQing fatty donut-munchers like JN for meat!
Also, I'm sorry to do this to you, /pnd/, but I'm gonna have to post something in the next post that is… well, it'll almost speak for itself, I guess, but…