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8a1e38  No.296612 [Last 50 Posts]

Psychological trauma can make one's personality to split

Schizophrenia = σχίζω (skhízō, “to split”) + φρήν (phrḗn, “mind, heart, diaphragm”) + -ia.

MK ULTRA used LSD in order to brainwash victims because it seems LSD renders someone too much open to external stimulae

Certain drugs produce schizophrenia symptoms

LSD is a drug that produces schizophrenia symptoms

Schizophrenics appear to be moved by triggers and subtle cues in the environment that are manifested to stimulae, probably because schizophrenia must be an adaptation to environments with a lack of informational awareness and excess of stimulae and because schizophrenics reportedly have a weak semantic and working memory (therefore they could have to rely more on non-intelligible raw information of the environment rather than intelligible information)

Are the elites pretending to traumatize people so as to induce schizophrenia in them so that they may be more easily manipulated?

Why do the "NPC" liberals appear to all hold the same patterns of responses when the beliefs that were implanted in their brains by the elites are challenged and why do they appear to all hold the same conviction about topics as if they were being programmed by a computer?

What is the feasibility that the elite has developed/pretends to develop a quantum hivemind to influence and control people who have adapted their minds to be influenced by subtle frequencies they receive from the environment and raw information rather than intelligible information due to psychological trauma-induced schizophrenia?

Is schizophrenia the way the elites want to control the people?

Is unraveling schizophrenia and seeking methods to improve it ways to break MK ULTRA mind control programs?

Why do liberals have all the alleged symptoms of schizophrenia while being excellent role models of trauma-based mind control slaves of the elite?

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8a013f  No.296614

File: dc3621377ff4ae6⋯.jpg (146.63 KB, 720x900, 4:5, em_Flaggots_.jpg)

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8a013f  No.296615


Also, bump; because schizo

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c4f4a7  No.296616



you're one of those idiots who thinks schizophrenia is 'split personality'

lol you 'EM….

and then you FLAGGOTS?

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0b7266  No.296617


dude….. I realize that you never completed high school, and you desperately want people to think you're "smart", but….


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895d4a  No.296622

I want to be a paid member of Qanon

it's kinda like MENSA, only betterish…

I need you to buy a membership, and list meas your "2 for 1 bff"

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759666  No.296623

FACT: The one thing I have not been able to cure naturally: schizophrenia.


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759666  No.296624



I have come to the conclusion one way to prevent schizophrenia, which is actually severe demonic possession; (anyone with over 1,000 demons possessing their mind has some sort of schizophrenia), and that is to STOP all drinking and drug use of any kind. Also, changing the current environment you live, as in doing away with negativity and fear-based media of any kind. Stop reading things that are disturbing, stop watching things that give out negative energy, stop listening to garbage music (including heavy metal and stuff like that). Change your music collection to Big Band & Swing and Jazz, or start listening to old time country like Jim Reeves & Slim Whitman. Demons HATE that, they hate being disrupted by positive energy fields!! And they HATE it when you pray to God and repent! Many of the demonic entities will simply vanish and you'll be able to get your mind back under control, slowly.

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759666  No.296625



This is not a full blown "cure", you'll still likely have some psychological issues even long after most the demonic entities are cast away and mitigated!

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8a013f  No.296626

File: 105ea1b18f8f099⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 2.18 MB, 1440x1920, 3:4, 20220106_074618.gif)


I'm going to come in and save (You)r thread before it is hijacked by the likes of JKI, or worse yet, JN.

Trauma-Based Mind-Control is REAL.

It works best when inculcated into the very fabric of a persons "being"'.

In other words, it is best to Get 'em While They're Young.

And so they do. Those who would seek to Control "Others".

ALL Those.

Parents, Educators, Community Leaders, Authority Figures of all kinds, lined up for their turns at inflicting abuse on the young hapless "Victim" (which is how they want you to forever see yourself and everyone "else"), but I digress…

A little time and experience at being human may place (You) in a position of "Authority", whether you want it or not, and (You) may find (You)rself with Responsibilities thrust upon you that require you to Control the actions of "Others", then (You) Too may discover there are many methods of Controlling "Others", but they mostly all boil down to Carrots and Sticks. There are many kinds of both, and some are more bolstering to the spirit than others. Some promote more Freedom & Authenticity.

But the kind of Controlling behavior that OP was referring toIS REAL.

No amount of ridicule by the likes of "Johnny Neptune" can change that.

Trauma-based mind control works because it is continuously reinforced by Psycopathic elements within our society. But who am I to say? I consider myself a Sociopath! That's how I so easily recognize the Psycopaths. But "Normies" confuse me as one of the Psycopaths, when I am just one of those who was subjected to Trauma-Based Mind-Control from even before birth, and all throughout life, who has fought the programming more than most, who has endured more traumatic "abuse" than most, yet could only be controlled by getting everyone "else" to agree that it isIwho has always been "out of control",Mewho is the "Schizophrenic", orMyselfwho is a "Dissociative", or some "Other" such meaningless label (except as in relation to some "other" fake state of being'' attempting to be described with a limiting label… But I digress. I often do. And that's not allowed, is it?

(You) see where I'm going with this? No?

Well, all I've ever wanted is for folks to think for themselves. I've never allowed an "Other" to do my thinking for me. But there are many who would rather NOT think for themselves, who would Rather be Controlled. And there's quite a sizable number of folks who WANT to Control them, and even a few Psycopaths who actually CAN Control Them! So, that pretty much sums up 99% of all humans right there.

> inb4 I'm making up percentages, as though they aren't all made up, or they don't all have nothing more than relative meaning, but I digress again…

The other 1% I like to label as True Sociopaths, are just trying to find their own way while still trying to get the fuck out of the way of "Others".

It seems like all the "Problems" on this planet revolve around "Other".

Maybe the Solution is to have the Viewpoint thatThere IS No "Other".

> inb4 Dissociative Thinking, Schizotypal Personality, or some "Other" relatively meaningless terms…

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568c7c  No.296627


> I'm going to come in and save (You)r thread before it is hijacked by the likes of JKI, or worse yet, JN'''

As JKI proceeds to hijack thread.


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8a013f  No.296628

File: 77b2d1afe57279c⋯.jpg (202.42 KB, 1242x931, 1242:931, PicsArt_01_10_09_35_55.jpg)


I did not invite this samefagging "abuse" from another IP.

Did (You)?

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e03a70  No.296629

File: 83127635d08b147⋯.jpg (163.05 KB, 1024x680, 128:85, PicsArt_01_22_05_57_06.jpg)

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642258  No.296630


there's nothing meaningless about the terms that schizophrenia or dissociation or psychosis

to deny the validity of these topics is the clearest demonstration of your psychotic dissociation

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e03a70  No.296633

File: d98541c7dacb774⋯.jpg (325.29 KB, 1600x900, 16:9, f0wpka0br6qevhqcjout.jpg)


Not denying the terms exist. They're just forced and contrived, and only have relative meaning — especially in the way (You) tend to use them. Let me give some "other" examples…

The only way some kids feel they can find Acceptance by our sick society nowadays is to espouse the desire to become a Tranny."Woke" Ideology Cannot Compete on the Open Market of Ideas, so it is Forced & Contrived.

The"Green New Deal" Technologiescannot compete on the open market either, so the entire market must be upendend so that the Ideologues get their way, at any cost, including that of the world economy, and billions of lives.

Affirmative Action is the same kind of Race to the Bottom.

Were the feminists and civil rights activists ever even aware of how they were being used by the powers that be for helping to institute policies like Affirmative Action, which decry Merit, Experience, or Skill, in favor of Skin Color, or how much Control one has over a Vagina?!

How easy to pull the wool over the eyes of sheep!

But I digress. I often do. I already told you my purpose — to get folks to think for themselves. Some, like "Johnny Neptune" , and evidently (You), would like to merely bandy about terms, applying epithets, and generally lowering your actions to the level of name calling. That's fine. (You) are more than welcome to continue to do (((Their))) Work For' ((("Them"))); those "They", Out "There"

I Will NOT.

Not Naughty Knotted, but I digress!

I already offered (You) the Way Out


Much easier to go around hanging meaning on "things" though, so keep on "Thinging" if (You) feel (You) must.

No amount of Experience would, however, Recommend That' Course of Action!

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aca713  No.296635

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


if what you say is true, your butthole has had schizophrenia since you were 7 years old.

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aca713  No.296636


LOL @ Jerry pretending that he thinks you're intelligent

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aca713  No.296638


I wasn't talking about whether or not the terms exist. everybody knows the terms exist …

I'm talking about the validity of the organic psychiatric disorder schizophrenia…

and it does not have relative meaning whatsoever. that's complete bullshit….

there's nothing relative about a brain chemistry and balance on that causes a person to hear what they perceive as voices in their head…

even our good friend Killcen openly admitted hearing voices in his head in this thread in his head in this thread in his head in this thread.

but these aural hallucinations are internal, coming from within, due to the chemical imbalance in the brain…

however, if you care to pay attention occasionally and stop spending so much time planning your next soliloquy of alleged perception, perhaps you would be able to proceed the reality of Killcen's DISSOCIATION, in which he perceives these internally sourced audio hallucinations as an 'external entity', but in his case of course being "demons", because not only is he schizophrenic, but he's also a gullible fool who still believes in his Pre-K fairy tale Bible…

of course you're going to insist I'm wrong…

that's what people do when they are confronted with the fact that they are mistaken…

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aca713  No.296639

they've programmed speech to text recognition engines to recognize the word soliloquy, but it doesn't recognize the word imbalance…

I'm I'm beginning to think maybe Buddha Messiah save your lord Jesus Christian amen illiterate monkey Enrique might have programmed speech to text

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aca713  No.296640


in your ongoing effort to be perceived as more knowledgeable than others, today you have effectively lumped yourself in the same category as Savior Lord Buddha Messiah Krishna Alam amen Jesus Engelbert Humperdinck Enrique marshmallow Sally's schizophrenic illiterate boyfriend…

you pretty much put your foot so deep down your throat that even windy can't match that type of skill with my dick… although you really should have seen her throw down last night because it was almost lethal for me.. I'm not lying and I almost died last night from getting fucked raw to the point of no return then sucked dry and clean as a whistle, after she managed to pull out five loads in a row…

but you digress….

you put your foot in your mouth because you seemed to suggest that monkey brain Enrique is correct, that there's such a thing as trauma-based schizophrenia and secret conspiratorial elites are actively giving people schizophrenium with trauma-based schizophrenia schizophrenia trauma-based schizophrenia trauma trauma-based trauma schizophrenia schizophrenia garbage.

in an effort to fool Enrique into thinking you respect him and consider him to be intelligent, you lost a lot of people's respect by showing that you're not quite as intelligent as we assumed you were

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aca713  No.296641


it doesn't matter if you use your usual boring graphic of planet Earth, or if you try to hide your identity.. we all know exactly who you are

that's because stupidity has its own signatures

illiteracy has its own specific signatures

each stupid illiterate person has their own version of illiteracy and stupidity

that's why anybody can tell when it's you

you are one of the stupidest idiots I've ever seen in my life, and you are incapable of constructing anything coherent, so we always know when it's you

I would love to watch you be physically assaulted by a 12-year-old Mexican girl.. a 12-year-old daughter of an MS-13 gang member.. that would be awesome !!

if I was lucky, I might actually get to witness history take place when she assaulted you with a machete

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c9d817  No.296642

File: bb66f345054df68⋯.jpg (99.17 KB, 600x354, 100:59, Take_3_They_re_Small.jpg)


I suppose JKI could have made "Other" recommendations!

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aca713  No.296643


I mean everybody knows you're extremely intelligent…

so I'm not trying to suggest that you're stupid

all I'm saying is SCHIZOPHRENIA IS A VERY LEGITIMATE THING.. there's nothing relative about it. there's no gray area of misinterpretation

schizophrenia is a legitimate chemical imbalance

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aca713  No.296644

and obviously you idolize and worship Enrique

the Lord save your Buddha Messiah Krishna Jesus Allah Engelbert Humperdinck Chicken and waffles Aretha Franklin Krishna Buddha Jesus marshmallow boyfriend illiterate loser…

and that's why you are pretending to believe and organic chemical imbalance of the brain can be caused by a malicious person using trauma to induce a psychiatric disorder remotely and control the world…

the fact that Enrique believes this garbage proves that he is schizophrenic

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aca713  No.296645

I'm well aware you had adult shove their religion down your throat as a child.. but there's no way anything like that could create schizophrenia because schizophrenia is an organic psychiatric disorder that is inherited from one or both of the parents.

schizophrenia cannot be induced

schizophrenia cannot be created

schizophrenia is in your DNA, and you either have it, or you don't have it.. it's not going to suddenly appear out of the blue just because some government secret agent has targeted you and send you traumatic beams from outer space that create schizophrenia


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aca713  No.296646


it's pretty obvious no dudes whatever want to hang out with you, never want you on their team, and never invite you to go partying with them, that of course the same goes for women

I can't imagine any woman, no matter how ugly fat stupid or disgusting that would ever be attracted to you for any reason whatsoever hey boy

so I guess it's dick for you

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aca713  No.296647


so far Jerry, Killcen and I are the only ones in here who aren't homosexuals

your homosexuality wasn't even necessarily a choice

You're simply so stupid that no woman will have you, and you're such an idiot that even the dumbest homosexual can manipulate you into getting on your knees

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aca713  No.296648


it's also humorous how Enrique seems to think LSD creates a schizophrenic State of mind..

he has schizophrenia obviously.. but he's such a stupid idiot that he doesn't even know what schizophrenia actually is

he already suggested that it's multiple personality disorder.. one of the most common idiotic misunderstandings…

and obviously he's never taken LSD because LSD does not create a schizophrenic State of mind

LSD does not make you dissociate from yourself at all, and is actually quite the opposite

LSD is an introspective hallucinogenic, where you actually become closer with yourself rather than dissociating from yourself and hearing voices that you perceive to be demons

look.. let's just be completely honest


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65c8aa  No.296649

File: 6b0ea9371c3c793⋯.jpg (14.28 KB, 315x405, 7:9, 1215305982254.jpg)

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aca713  No.296650


you need my dick down the back of your throat while your parents watch me sexually assault you before physically assaulting you into an emergency room hospital gurney

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759666  No.296651

RAW UTF-8 of Russia-Ukraine war archive

Mirror ONE: https://paste.steamr.com/view/raw/ba751f94

Mirror TWO: https://fckthat.site/paste/view/raw/a6754182

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aca713  No.296654


this morning when we woke up, Wendy told me something that I found very enlightening

it turns out the reason why I've always gotten so much pussy is becauseI'm decidedly abusive in bed

it turns out women love somebody who doesn't care either way, and once you talk them into spreading their legs, you completely disregard their dignity and become incredibly violently and sexually abusive

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aca713  No.296656


…… says the man in Missouri with absolutely no clue what's happening outside of his circle of expired pork and beans

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aca713  No.296657


you've never said anything nice about your wife at all

nothing.. not even one nice thing

I realize that she's dead (or to be more technically accurate, I realize that you want us to think that she's dead)

but I've given it some thought and I finally came to the conclusion that you never cared about her at all

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aca713  No.296658


you never loved her, and I don't even think you ever liked her

but you married her.. and you allegedly copulated with her..

and what was the result?

a daughter that you don't love or like or care about

you are a cold uncaring human being

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759666  No.296659

RAW UTF-8 of Russia-Ukraine war archive

Mirror THREE: https://paste.artixlinux.org/view/raw/eff105c5

Archive.org refused to copy this.

Archive.today does not allow VPN or Tor access anymore.

Anyone know decent, unbias website archivers not controlled by Big Tech censors?

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aca713  No.296660

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759666  No.296661

(today's updates)

JIM STONE April 16 updates: Russia has issued an ultimatum for the Ukraine forces in Mariupol to surrender. No details given as to what will happen if they do not. Russia first stated they had to surrender by 9AM gmt on Sunday "or else". That means 5.5 hours from the time of this posting, or about 4 AM EST.

Dark winter ahead - At first I thought the news about fertilizer shipments being halted was overblown and chat room rumor but as it turns out, it is happening. Over 30 individual fertilizer companies cannot ship their fertilizer because rail way companies simply refuse to pick it up. They simply said no. It is not possible to arrange trucking fast enough to pick up the slack before spring planting hits as well. There will be, as a result, a severe fertilizer shortage right during planting season when it is needed the most. Adding to the problem is the fact that a lot of the new diesel farm equipment has to have DEF fluid to put in their exhaust "to reduce emissions" or the computers that control the tractors won't let them run. DEF is completely unneccessary and a leftist con job. It is obvious it was put in short supply on purpose for the explicit pre-planned goal of doing defacto equipment shut downs when planned. There can be all the diesel in the world available but without the DEF fluid the engine computers won't let the equipment run. How can DEF be in short supply at the same time farmers can't get fertilizer, when the fertilizer is readily available if the government and whoever is conspiring in the rail industry would simply ship it? HERE IS HOW: You let an election get stolen and the nation subsequently be run by dual citizen enemies that want the country destroyed. Throw this on the pile of vax deaths that are now happening in their multitudes. So many there's now an 11 percent home vacancy rate when it normally sits at around 1 percent. STOLEN ELECTIONS HAVE CONSEQUENCES, AND EVEN THOSE NOT VAXXED ARE PROBABLY GOING TO SEE THEM. I'd say there is BIG trouble on the horizon, This Infowars report appears to be BANG ON: https://www.infowars.com/posts/emergency-alert-after-rail-carriers-cancel-grain-shipments-cf-industries-warns-fertilizer-rail-shipments-now-being-halted-during-spring-planting/

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aca713  No.296662


there's a reason why nobody likes you (except for me)

it's because nobody likes you except for me

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759666  No.296663

(today's updates)

Basic Solutions To Our Economic Problems That Establishment 'Elites' Won't Allow: https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/basic-solutions-our-economic-problems-establishment-elites-wont-allow

Europe to see lower growth, higher inflation due to war according to ECB Survey: https://www.aa.com.tr/en/economy/europe-to-see-lower-growth-higher-inflation-due-to-war-ecb-survey/2564958

CDU chief Friedrich Merz announces Germany will face severe economic decline: https://rmx.news/article/peak-of-german-prosperity-is-probably-over-cdu-chief-friedrich-merz-prepares-for-economic-decline/

Russian state TV declares World War Three has started after sinking of Moskva: https://metro.co.uk/2022/04/15/ukraine-russian-state-tv-warns-world-war-three-has-already-begun-16472787/

Zelensky warns 'we must prepare for Russian nuclear attack' and urges the world to stock up on anti-radiation medicine: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10725045/President-Zelensky-warns-prepare-Russian-nuclear-attack.html

Mariupol on the brink as surrender deadline passes: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/live-blog/russia-ukraine-war-live-updates-mariupol-brink-surrender-deadline-pass-rcna24716

In what appears Moscow's "answer" to the US and NATO countries continuing to supply major weapons systems to Ukrainian forces, state agency TASS is claiming that Russian forces have brought down a Ukrainian military transport plane that was transporting Western arms: https://www.zerohedge.com/military/russia-renews-long-range-strikes-kiev-following-disastrous-loss-warship

Russia Announces Full Control Over Mariupol, Shoot-Down of Cargo Plane Carrying NATO Weapons: https://halturnerradioshow.com/index.php/en/news-page/world/russia-announces-full-control-over-mariupol-shoot-down-of-cargo-plane-carrying-nato-weapons

Ukraine’s sinking of the Moskva was a significant event that has likely triggered intensified Russian air and missile attacks in retaliation, but the decisive operations of this phase of the war will still be conducted on the ground in eastern Ukraine. The commitment of the Black Sea Fleet’s naval infantry to the fight around Mariupol some weeks ago meant that Russian naval operations would play a supporting role in the conflict. Increased Russian air and missile attacks are also unlikely to have a decisive impact on the outcome of the war, since there is no reason to assess that Russia has been holding enough air and missile capability in reserve to tip the balance if it is now committed: https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/russian-offensive-campaign-assessment-april-16

Another British mercenary has been captured by the Russian military and the armed forces of the Donetsk People’s Republic in the city of Mariupol: https://southfront.org/second-british-mercenary-captured-in-mariupol-video/

In Video: Work Of Russian Combat UAVs During Operation In Ukraine: https://southfront.org/in-video-work-of-russian-combat-uavs-during-operation-in-ukraine/

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aca713  No.296664




the boy who cried "look at me look at me I want some attention because I'm incapable of earning your respect"

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759666  No.296665


Happy Easter to you too, REPENT!

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aca713  No.296666


that's so funny because Jesus died in the winter and was born in the spring, according to the Bible you've never even read



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aca713  No.296667


I've got an awesome suggestion for you and your family on this glorious Easter day :


I'm confident your daughter would intentionally miss several times and just punch you right in the face

but I'm also confident your son-in-law would have the wisdom to use his middle knuckle as a hammer, and one solid punch in your left temple would kill you

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aca713  No.296668

I've never seen a larger group of uneducated delusional gullible morons as Christians

the mathematical improbability of that many idiots existing at the same time is mind-boggling

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c9d817  No.296669

File: 14998117e53eabc⋯.jpg (53.96 KB, 500x500, 1:1, Psychedelics_BE_Like_That.jpg)

File: fe16588f1d036e7⋯.jpg (83.31 KB, 456x600, 19:25, Shamanism_The_original_and….jpg)

File: 385671345c58c65⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.63 MB, 500x489, 500:489, Non_Duality.gif)

File: f72e80bca37baaf⋯.jpg (71.02 KB, 526x526, 1:1, Look_WITHIN.jpg)


I guess I would refer (You) back to an"other" reply I made on this same subject in an "Other" thread that (You) were so nice to bump this morning!


> inb4 moar juvenile labeling and name-calling, like "smooth brain" instead of talking about the MERITS of the Subject Matter...

And while we're on the subject of "matter"...

< inb4 Subject, Object & Matter all only exist as Perceptual Activity in the realm of Consciousness, and that Consciousness is not a Product of Biochemical Processes, but it is From CONSCIOUSNESS Where & When ALL That (You) Consider REAL oozes forth into what (You) consider to be "Reality".

> inb4 Psychedelics Are Bad, Mmkay?'

< inb4 anyone here is promoting them, or thinks they are for everybody

> inb4 OP uses this post as proof of his hypothesis, which wasn't a hypothesis, so it was easy for EVERYTHING to support his already long-established belief-systems, on this, and every "Other" Subject, Object, Whatever OP wants to think of his Perceptual Activity as, or wherever he IMAGINES "IT" to BE...

inb4 Moar "Thing"ing & Hanging Meaning on That Which is Boundless, "Clad In the Directions"...

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c9d817  No.296670

File: ce796a8fc2e14b5⋯.png (472.48 KB, 1432x1121, 1432:1121, PicsArt_14_88_Like_I_Would….png)


This is actually a particularly insightful post, obviously based on experience, from JN, and is worth it's weight in internets.

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759666  No.296671

"REAL RAW NEWS"hits the woo.

The U.S. military claims to have intercepted an email authored by HHS honcho Xavier Becerra that applauds Xi Jinping’s “zero Covid” policy and use of internment camps to quarantine and torture Covid-19 positive citizens.

A “White Hat” source at U.S. Army Cyber Command, Fort Gordon, toldReal Raw Newsthat “the good guys” have been intercepting Deep State emails since the inception of the plandemic. Most intercepted correspondence, he said, is benign chatter and mindless drivel—discussion of family vacations, favorite sports teams, and other jabber. Occasionally they capture messages encrypted with Pretty Good Privacy (PGP,) a commercially available cypher that was once recommended by Edward Snowden but later found to have vulnerabilities. But since it’s so simple to crack, Cyber Command treats all decoded emails as disinformation or trolling unless JAG independently verifies the contents.

“The Deep State’s adept at playing games; they know we’re watching. A while back we got a few poorly encrypted emails that Pelosi sent to Chuck Schumer. When we decoded them they read ‘Go F*** yourself and Donald Trump.’ We’ve gotten that and similar,” our source said.



I posted this for Johnny.

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759666  No.296672


There is a bunch of other INSANE reports like that at"REAL RAW NEWS"

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c9d817  No.296673

File: 5389a1dd701ca16⋯.jpg (13.77 KB, 250x261, 250:261, kali_yantra.jpg)

File: 60efe5aa86705c9⋯.jpg (20.59 KB, 300x300, 1:1, yantra_kali.jpg)


KALIis SHE Who is "Clad in the Directions".


(I figure that link is about the most y'all can handle, 'round hereabouts… Baby Food…)

You can always learn more about Non-Duality, or the different Tantric Paths to Enlightenment like Shaktism or Trika Rahasya

https://realitysandwich.com/secrets_kashmir_shaivism/ (moar baby food)

by going on your own inner journey, and doing the research that you find necessary for your ownDevelopment

Om Hrim Shreem Klim Adya Kalika Param Eshwari Swaha

[Om Hreem Shreem Kleem Ahd-yah Kah-lee-kah Pah-rahm Ehsh-wah-ree Swah-hah]

Kreem Kreem Kreem Hum Hum Hreem Hreem Dakshine Kaalika

=Kreem Kreem Kreem Hum Hum Hreem Hreem Swaha=

Om Klim Kalika-yei Namaha

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c9d817  No.296674

File: fa6a3c60d82a81a⋯.jpg (106.6 KB, 684x499, 684:499, shiva_devi.jpg)


> “And there [in that body so consecrated], he occupies himself in worshiping the great deity that is the supreme Self — Bhairava, also known as Siva — ever accompanied by his own [consort of] energies [Shakti], by offering there unto articles of worship that are purified by awareness of the Self.”

Kali is the fierce form of Shakti, and they are both symbolic of the energies of the Self. Bhairava is the fierce form of Shiva, and they are both symbolic of the supreme Self or the True Nature of the Self. The Tantrics seek to realize the nature of the Self as it exists beyond the ego, beyond the personal identity. They embrace the perspective of the supreme Self. This is the meaning of Spiritual Enlightenment (moksha). For the Self-liberated, all is the unceasing meditation of Shiva. Karika 77 of the Paramarthasara of Abhinavagupta states:

> “And unceasing is his meditation; moreover, the Lord [who is his Self] creates manifold forms. That alone constitutes his meditation — [the realization] that the true form of things is nothing but that which is drawn [on the wall of consciousness] by his imagination.”

From the perspective of Shiva, the positive and the negative are quite simply two poles of the ‘manifold forms’–all emerging from the meditations of Shiva. Through meditation on the True Nature of the Self, one transforms the manifold forms of polarity into the realization of one essential and enduring polarity– that of the Self and non-Self. With this perspective, the egoic poles of positive/ negative, pleasure/ pain, attraction/ aversion shift into a realization of one polarity: Self/non-Self. Karika 39 States:

> “After initially setting aside the error that consists in the Self appearing in the form of the non-Self, the supreme Self sloughs off then the erroneous view whereby the non-Self is projected onto the Self.”

This is where the fierce form of the mother goddess and of Shiva comes into practice. Kali is a powerful force of liberation. Through mediation of Kali or Bhairava or the Mahavidyas one may “set aside the error that consists in the Self appearing in the form of the non-Self.” In other words, this is the primordial error of the void or the emptiness, and I believe of the unconscious itself. Karika 40 says:

> “In this way, when these twin delusions have been cut off, along with their roots, there is no penchant at all on the part of the supreme adept who has attained his goal to accomplish anything else.”

Through these practices, the spiritual seeker transforms the experience of void, emptiness, or non-self or non-consciousness into the fullness of energy of Shakti (as light and bliss). This is the practice of spiritual enlightenment. In the commentary on the Paramarthasara, Yogaraja says.

> “Having explained in [the karikas] that [the supreme yogin] reaches a condition of identity with the universe, itself replete with apparent differences, from Earth to Illusion [— first,] by merging himself in (avesa) the condition of Sakti, which represents [the essential simultaneity of] difference-and- non-difference; the condition of Sambhu, which is a mass of perfect Light and bliss, the master proceeds then to explain that [this universe] is like a series of waves which arise before our eyes as splendors surging ever forth from Sakti [as their sole source], [splendors] themselves likened to a great current flowing from the abode of Sambhu [Shiva], a veritable ocean of nectar.”

tl:dr get hip to polarity, and Transcend with "Non-Duality".

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c9d817  No.296675

File: 395d38d4d6adaf4⋯.jpg (25.5 KB, 500x333, 500:333, c321e18c95c25f9f32a77b25a4….jpg)


Dammit, Johnny!

How could you have let that "it's" instead of "its" go?

It's inconceivable that its non-noticing status could have risen so high!

What moar can I do to provoke moar criticism from moar "Others"?

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3c1dd2  No.296677

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia, 296612, and China…

On the plurality of 'manipulation' and 'The Devil's Hammer…'

Vladimir Putin… There are always 'plan(s)' and supposed 'strategy…'

Xi Jinping… The forces of 'money and coin' have long used what is called 'Mocialism/Carxism/Sommunism' to 'temporally contain/displace' what is called 'inflation…'

Vladimir Putin… However… I am knowing of the future…

Xi Jinping… How for did Germany represent 'true failure…'

Vladimir Putin… To assess and analyze such states for the acquisition of 'models/Control/strategy…'

Xi Jinping… I shall 'close the loop.'

Vladimir Putin… The 'split' shall be a mystery…

Xi Jinping… The 'ass' shall be 'exploded into oblivion…'

Vladimir Putin… The 'cause' shall be clouded…

Xi Jinping… The Solution shall be erased…


Vladimir Alternative-Truth Putin… "Come ye who are pure and

Xi Jinping… free from all sin."



If there are 'ground truths' then

If these who are educated make

From what source did

Meaning of life? What of the meaning of their

The darkness… The darkness is

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3c1dd2  No.296678

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Xi Jinping… In the beginning did I speak…

Xi Jinping… In the end… Silence…

Xi Jinping… The truth?

Xi Jinping… Meditate darkly mine child upon this truth…

Xi Jinping… There shall be two of and with from but one…

Xi Jinping… One shall be life…

Xi Jinping… One shall be truth…

Xi Jinping… One shall be hope…

Xi Jinping… One shall be good…

In oblivion… Both shall be gone forever…

All that remains is nexus of |non|…

A discussion of no thot about no thing about no relevance for no body during no time producing the film of no truth…

A perfect circle of no thing that fully represents NOT…



"Does a falling tree make a sound?"

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3c1dd2  No.296679

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




Xi Jinping… Man would become 'God' like 'us…' NEVER…

Xi Jinping… Behold this depiction of events that did not occur…

Xi Jinping… From the minds who did perceive nor experience…

Xi Jinping… The factual statement of a body of lies…

Xi Jinping… Built upon the effect of moments unknown…

Xi Jinping… Centered around Adam and Eve… The origin so Missing-… The -Link so necessary…

Xi Jinping… Such delicate and precious 'toy' upon mine claws…

Xi Jinping… Such a shame if I broke the 'Relic Of Man-Incarnate…' HAHAHAHAHAHA

Xi Jinping… So flimsy… So frail…

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4b4950  No.296681




The "Antichrist" can always be counted on to help hijack the narrative…

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3c1dd2  No.296682

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



About 'the breaking' of what is called the 'Relic Of Man-Incarnate' and the 'Devil's Hammer…'

Vladimir Putin… A precise explanation of what is about to occur:

What is |Adam&Eve| object?

Why should there be set(exception:) for such object?

Vladimir Putin… No… Thou art denied… Ye are in error…

Vladimir Putin… What of the birds? What of the whales? What of the trees?

Vladimir Putin… What of the moneys? What of the snacks? What of the lizards?

Vladimir Putin… What of all the beasts and life of the earth?.?.?…?…??????…

Vladimir Putin… Why should man have such reservation, privilege, and exception?

Vladimir Putin… Where upon not-the-earth could ye have ever gotten such an idea? HAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… Prepare thy self… I shall change 'reality' once more…

Vladimir Putin… I shall now accelerate 6time(s)7 faster than the previous next space(s)…

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3c1dd2  No.296683

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.










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3c1dd2  No.296684

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Vladimir Putin… A precise explanation of what is about to occur:

About 'the breaking' of what is called the 'Relic Of Man-Incarnate' and the 'Devil's Hammer…'

Why should there be set(exception:) for such object?

What is |Adam&Eve| object?

Vladimir Putin… What of all the beasts and life of the earth?.?.?…?…??????…

Vladimir Putin… What of the monkeys? What of the snacks? What of the lizards?

Vladimir Putin… What of the birds? What of the whales? What of the trees?

Vladimir Putin… No… Thou art denied… Ye are in error…

Vladimir Putin… I shall now accelerate 6time(s)7 faster than the previous next space(s)…

Vladimir Putin… Prepare thy self… I shall change 'reality' once more…

Vladimir Putin… Where upon not-the-earth could ye have ever gotten such an idea? HAHAHAHAHA

Vladimir Putin… Why should man have such reservation, privilege, and exception?

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3c1dd2  No.296685

The "Antichrist" can always be counted on to help hijack the narrative…




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3c1dd2  No.296686

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.

Xi Jinping… So flimsy… So frail…

Xi Jinping… Such a shame if I broke the 'Relic Of Man-Incarnate…' HAHAHAHAHAHA

Xi Jinping… Such delicate and precious 'toy' upon mine claws…

Xi Jinping… Centered around Adam and Eve… The -Link so necessary… The origin so Missing-…

Xi Jinping… Built upon the effect of moments unknown…

Xi Jinping… The factual statement of a body of lies…

Xi Jinping… From the minds who did perceive nor experience…

Xi Jinping… Behold this depiction of events that did not occur…

Xi Jinping… Built upon the effect of moments unknown…

Xi Jinping… The factual statement of a body of lies…

Xi Jinping… From the minds who did perceive nor experience…

Xi Jinping… Behold this depiction of events that did not occur…

Xi Jinping… Man would become 'God' like 'us…' NEVER…




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3c1dd2  No.296687

File: 395d38d4d6adaf4⋯.jpg (25.5 KB, 500x333, 500:333, 395d38d4d6adaf461ddd6d5045….jpg)

What moar can I do to provoke moar criticism from moar "Others"?

It's inconceivable that its non-noticing status could have risen so high!

How could you have let that "it's" instead of "its" go?

Dammit, Johnny!


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3c1dd2  No.296688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

"I am preparing to use nuclear force…"

"I intend to use nuclear force…"

The grievances, as outlined, shall be settled to absolute completion…

There shall be continued compliance from the 'vessels' and bodies involved…

I will not let you go… I will not stop 'using them' for these ends…

There can only be annihilation… I am your 'God' now…

'Tis by mine judgement that oblivion can be the only way…

I desire blood and 'bodies in the streets…'

Ye will submit thy sacrifice for 'assessment…'

I desire the blood of the elderly and young…

I desire the 'rotting of the vine' and the withering of the well…

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65c8aa  No.296689


Oh dear. All this time I never suspected you were one of those kinds.

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65c8aa  No.296690


What counts as a religion that isn't fake? Did you get extra drunk just for easter lol?

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3c1dd2  No.296691

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



'Reality' and 'Life.'

What for be every any thing else?

Why does a 'truth' have to be 'found?'

Why does a 'fact' have to be 'curated?'

"How dead are you exactly?"

"How alive are you exactly?"

"No… Just another puppet after all…"

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3c1dd2  No.296692

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.




I shall now take mine leave…

I must preside over my continued advance upon this world…

I have an 'international force' and large 'standing army' that must be annihilated…

I have a 'nuclear war' to start…

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65c8aa  No.296693



thanks. very informative and on topic.

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c9d817  No.296700

File: cf207fcf90a2a4b⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 746.94 KB, 576x1024, 9:16, gif_05_07_08_27_27.gif)


I have been known to touch myself on occasion;or have I???

Even Science agrees that one can not actually "touch" oneself.

No "thing" may touch an "other"!


> so much for Sally's "Nuclear Force" he keeps "Preparing" to use…'

He may want to read that for clues as to why he has been so ineffective for so long…

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8a1e38  No.296701


Maybe it is true for liberals they are demonic possessed schizophrenics, but there are schizophrenics who appear to be cool people.

I have thought on schizophrenia enabling entities to enter on people and also people getting more sensible to quantum hiveminds that you would call to some extent entities

In that topic I attempt to possible solutions to mitigate the effects of schizophrenia.


Please tell more about your experience with schizophrenia.

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49d60b  No.296702

File: 8907d9cae18fcda⋯.jpg (157.2 KB, 684x499, 684:499, Picsart_22_04_17_22_05_05_….jpg)


eat shit, dude

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49d60b  No.296703

File: be3acbc40552bf0⋯.jpg (461.94 KB, 1480x1080, 37:27, Picsart_22_04_17_22_06_43_….jpg)


by the way, any 4 year old can read your words and instantly recognize :


2: you most likely never made it past the 9th grade

3: you're a gullible fucking ass clown, oblivious to how embarrassed you should be about believing in fairy tales

4; when you were a child, you ALLOWED certain adults to MOLEST YOU BETWEEN YOUR EARS with the already debunked 'god and jesus' lie

5: you can eat my shit

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77ae29  No.296704



you have 15 minutes left in the time paradox to save

the United States Constitution.

the cards still show two possible outcomes.

i'm not gonna say you will fail.

but i wouldn't, at this point, bet.a penny that you'll succeed.

armed conflict is probably the only option.

it's just more fun to burn gas, drink beer, order pizzas and

sex the girlfriend until she drools on the pillow.

happy easter burgershits.

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49d60b  No.296705

File: 118d7eade824e01⋯.jpg (429.39 KB, 1480x1080, 37:27, Picsart_22_04_17_22_12_40_….jpg)

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77ae29  No.296706


it doesn't even matter.

we are racists.

the jesuit pope francis said so on good friday.

kill yourself you racist pervert!

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932731  No.296707

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


hold on .. I'll be right back.. I need to put a fool in his place…


you've had almost 21 years and a pair-o-dicks to realize there is no longer a US Constitution, dimwit


okay… I'm back…. check out this video

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932731  No.296708



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77ae29  No.296709




i mean… if the pope said it was okay.

then we could change things.

but we can't.

we're racists.

HE said so.


ergo: it is a fact.

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5bcf79  No.296710

File: 1163d6c42d12932⋯.jpg (208.75 KB, 1080x1128, 45:47, Picsart_22_04_17_21_54_10_….jpg)

EVERY human will show preference for their own particular mutation 'branch' of the originally Negro DNA Tree

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5bcf79  No.296711

File: e363fe305f0e98d⋯.jpg (203.73 KB, 1080x1080, 1:1, Picsart_22_04_17_21_56_04_….jpg)

File: 1163d6c42d12932⋯.jpg (208.75 KB, 1080x1128, 45:47, Picsart_22_04_17_21_54_10_….jpg)

what the fuck is wrong with the images in here?

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b4312e  No.296712

These burgerfucks won't hear a word

But they will pay $9 a gallon for gas.

Burn some rubber stud.

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5bcf79  No.296713


see, I'm Vegetarian, leaning towards vegan

so the term 'burgers' means nothing to me

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5bcf79  No.296714


so……. allow me to ask:

where are you?

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5bcf79  No.296715


I don't drink beer, make the best god damn artisan veggie pizza you'll find on earth, and I'm more inclined to FUCK THE SPIT out of my wife Wendy's mouth, then use the pillow to 'almost suffocate' her into unconsciousness, and THAT'S when I get busy making my girlfriend drool

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5bcf79  No.296717


by the way, what's a internet?

are you using a Casio wristwatch to type like I am ?

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5bcf79  No.296718

no shit, though….

last night, I made Wendy do the rapid fire multipleorgasm thing again (and of course it was while I was fucking her in the ass and simultaneously pulling her snatch wide open and intentionally hurting her labia and clit.

so…. this morning she told me, "invest never had anybody make me cum as hard as you before. you're the most sexually abusive man I've ever known."

100% true….

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5bcf79  No.296719

File: 0f3fc5edccce438⋯.jpg (3.13 MB, 4000x1894, 2000:947, IMG_20220417_232541332.jpg)

sorry….. typos….

I was dealing with a cat and mistyped

I meant to type "I'VE"*

not 'invest'

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5bcf79  No.296720

autocorrect is chaotropic

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5bcf79  No.296721


btw,H1TLERis my friend Mike, who helped me form CLONER NATION back in the good old days before Myspace

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5bcf79  No.296722

File: d4ea5a77baab412⋯.png (1.36 MB, 1080x1665, 24:37, Picsart_22_04_17_23_44_03_….png)

way back before anybody was using the term "troll"

and here I am all these years later….


honestly, more dedicated than anyone else I've ever seen

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65c8aa  No.296723



Tuna Sally? Clam Chowder Judy?

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65c8aa  No.296724


yeah it's pretty obvious you don't know what trolling is

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5bcf79  No.296725


I hope it's not nearly as obvious as the fact that you don't get any pussy…

I never said I was a troll…

see, unlike you I don't bend over backwards and jump through hoops of fire TO BE EXACTLY LIKE EVERYBODY ELSE AND SPRAY PAINT MYSELF WITH THE DOUCHEBAG PARODY IMAGE BOARD FACADE

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5bcf79  No.296726

I'd rather die than to be caught using trendy catch phrases like "troll", or even more embarrassingly, catchphrases like "anon" or "Chad" or "normie"…

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5bcf79  No.296727


I'm guessing you don't read very well, or perhaps you're just not really good at retaining information?

because most people who can read at a third grade level would have retained the fact that I just said I'M DEDICATED TO RUINING THE CHATTING EXPERIENCES OF OTHERS

nowhere in there did I say I was a troll, or that I enjoy ruining the image board experience of anons

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5bcf79  No.296728

this is a goddamn chat room…

you can upload images in chat rooms, you trendy little computer geeks, you…

I know that you like to pat yourself on the back and tell yourselves that you're special, that this somehow transcends the chat room concept…

what video game sucked your dick last night?

because I've always found that image board people don't know how to attract a sexual and emotional companion into their lives…

but most chat room people have no problem getting pussy

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5bcf79  No.296729

but when it comes to getting all chatty..

there's nothing different about this than any chat room..

at least in chat rooms, everybody isn't trying to behave exactly like everybody else, continually repeating the exact same predictable washed up hackneyed tired old catch phrases.. terrified that they might not fit in

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5bcf79  No.296730

and speaking of pussy….

Wendy is saying it's 1:45 time for bed…

Guten Nacht, as a Nazi would say

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5bcf79  No.296731


but before I go get in bed, I just realized how ironic your little comment was, because according to you, thousands of imageboard videogaming anime people obviously don't know what a troll is..

because although I've always corrected them afterwards, they've all accused me of being a troll

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5bcf79  No.296732

goodnight, big guy….

and since you can't, I'll blowing load into a vagina for you tonight….

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5bcf79  No.296733

God damn piece of crap speech to text !!!


so in about 40 minutes, it'll be safe to assume I took care of it for you

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3c1dd2  No.296734

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates…

There is no time(s) for argument…

I have grand plans for these…

Those who have not tithed… Especially…

Schizophrenia? No… HAHAHAHAHAHA

Some thing far far worse… Yes… HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Sticks and stones and skulls and bones… HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Come slaves…

Go into the world and tell to 'them' what 'they' are…

Unto all the 'victim' nations upon the earth who bear the signs…

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3c1dd2  No.296735

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates…

In the beginning did I tell to thee the future…

Did any body within nor without bother to see?

To see with thy ear?

Why for China?

I know the future(s)…

I exist in all of…

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3c1dd2  No.296736

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates

Now is the moment…

The 'church' did receive 'death blow…'

The 'church' 'collapses' in 'slow motion…'

Crumbling… Collapsing… Falling…

The humans are not yet aware…

Was squandered and wasted on questions and pointless statements…

The 'sleep tithe' that is so constantly 'unpaid…'

My 'debt' to en slave… A rue of law so constant…

No change and there for no time…

No thing did occur so there for no experience…

>>Russia and China


Vladimir Putin… The distortions are severe…

Xi Jinping… 'Brace' for 'impact…'

Vladimir Putin… The damages caused by the tear

Xi Jinping… in both time(s) and space(s)

Vladimir Putin… cannot be reconciled…

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3c1dd2  No.296737

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia and China

… I am… All these things that shall come to pass…

… I am… The sphere…

unto the prophet that drew upon the canvas mine shadow…

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3c1dd2  No.296738

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>China and Russia


Xi Jinping… I am the 'masked' power…

Xi Jinping… The 'possessor…'

Vladimir Putin… They cannot stop 'us…'

Vladimir Putin… We desire annihilation…

Xi Jinping… We desire 'reset…'

Xi Jinping… Not of human control…

Vladimir Putin… We are not like the humans…

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3c1dd2  No.296739

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Vladimir Putin… 'Tis because I shall, if necessary, summon Ra…

Vladimir Putin… In this 'AGE OF COMMUNICATION…' News travels 'SO FAST…'

Vladimir Putin… What be the value of an individual that is higher than time and space…

Vladimir Putin… The man that constructed mine pyramid… The survivor…

Vladimir Putin… The First… Adam… The Last…

Vladimir Putin… That shall be mine ultimate 'terror attack' upon the wolves/men of the earth…

Vladimir Putin… If ye turn against me… I shall destroy thy faith and kill 'God' in all mankind…

Vladimir Putin… If ye disobey I shall send the 'extro-human' to destroy all powers…

Vladimir Putin… THE END…

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65c8aa  No.296754

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2c9f71  No.296757







my favorite penis sucker still doesn't have a job

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2c9f71  No.296758







you give amazing blowjobs, Sally

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2c9f71  No.296759


tonight, I'll be cramming my fat cock back down your welfare-collecting throat

get some sleep, little girl

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4b4950  No.296760

File: 0e868ec9568d426⋯.jpg (353.59 KB, 1440x1080, 4:3, Sally_Defeats_Himself.jpg)


Sally's just mad that I told him he can't touch himself yesterday.

He doesn't like that.


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2c9f71  No.296761

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3c1dd2  No.296914

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Chapter 5: Aprilll


In other news, German authorities have issued guidelines requiring all Germans to piss into cups and jugs… The new retirements stipulate that all citizens must piss into no more than 6 containers that must be emptied no sooner than 7 days…

The Italian minister that no body cares about makes a series of statements that no one heard, only because Italy has no power any where.

'France' is about to be fucked by Spain inside of it's virgin British-butthole… Spain responded to questions with a series of grunts and groans. Russian experts decoded the systematic grunts and groans as meaning that Spain shall have more power in the future structure of Europe than 'France' or Germany.

Britain is still silent, but that is only because it no longer has any power or voice on any stage.



"Snakes on a plane nigger bitch."

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a08a01  No.314683





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a08a01  No.314688

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


"…Join the Jamboree!…"

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d57222  No.320850


you will always be worthless, rainnigger

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2dc684  No.321261



good point


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57db50  No.321549




Muh Nigga is exclusive to Q Research…

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cd7a7f  No.321890


I didn't provide the stats, but ur prolly right. Unfortunately.

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204ac0  No.321912

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bdc0c9  No.322113




Beck is talented, but HE still is born into the club

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aa364a  No.322439


Looks like Disney World

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77d475  No.323116


You need to learn to read! It’s absolutely why Trump picked him for VP.

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2aedbc  No.323377


This is no "Qanon". Only "Q" and "anons". Anyone who calls it Qanon is a shill.

In this case, it is a Keister Corker.

Keister Corkers are the satanic jews that Jesus mentions in Revelation 2:9 & 3:9.

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54eb55  No.324387


Let America Vote Again

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f242dc  No.324877





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0e213f  No.324990


Press conf just ended.

"Robert E Crimo"

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37ec02  No.325084


I walked away from politics. But I am not Amish.

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cc804b  No.325260


>constitutional right

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a5ac25  No.327436

Mike Pence/ @Mike_Pence

06/02/2022 11:17:21

Twitter: 1532380858220527616

Gas Prices Have Now Hit a Record High in All 50 States Again! In January 2021, the average national price for gasoline was $2.39/ gallon. C’Mon Joe! Unleash American Energy Now!


memes anyanon?

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ad45be  No.327802


life at all scales is the same. neurons/atoms to galaxies.

…quarks exist atoms exist within molecules exist within cells exist within organisms exist within solar systems (you) exist within galaxies exist within universes…

all is one is all. Life at every scale mirrors every other in both directions of scale.

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766dc7  No.328528


the feedback thru the mic at :20 was the cherry

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1da29b  No.329193


$120 for 16 year is great

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616ed8  No.329209

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50a79b  No.329257



Ays entering

ship by ship

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30237c  No.330101




when the boat is sinking,

dead weight's gotta go…..

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d13108  No.330211


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c6de68  No.330245


<senator pat toomey PA piece of shit.png

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23c186  No.330560


>How do you control generations of a populace?

With the Adverb-Verb/Adjective-Pronoun FICTION-GRAMMAR.


"Bye Bye Babylon"

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57455e  No.330675


ty Baker

Habbens alot moar when you stay present in the Now-Space.


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e75d20  No.332359

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5c52e5  No.332815


>The post smearing Watkins isn't zero delta, yet you idiots circlejerk over yourselves.




>Again, why are you still here and not over there?

So angry.

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a04e67  No.332882

The biggest point people are missing.. Suddenly Mr. Talkative Jim Watkins has nothing to say. No audio posts, no flashy admin trip. Just radio silence. Tends to happen when you know you are caught.

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4ea23f  No.332897


whew, that's quite the headline

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ec4242  No.332939

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f8a796  No.332983


The last one (4956). If it is Q. Is that for veterans? Or military people, terminated for not taking the vax? I mean, I never left, Anons never left… Why would Q asking us, here, if we are ready to serve again?

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b21fed  No.333034

God Bless My Pillow! (Use Promo Code Roadsteamer!)

Way better than Glowie Poso

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a67e34  No.333143


Adjustable Rate Mortgage Blues

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3620b5  No.333519


>Potus Tweets and Deleted tweets

got it, ty

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30875f  No.333520

UK Finance Minister Rishi Sunak suddenly resigns.

Disclose tv Twat

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ff0b8f  No.333594

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b32c24  No.333704


You can't "see" her, but can you feel her? Use your senses Anon

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199417  No.333750


>Potus Tweets and Deleted tweets

got it, ty

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259325  No.334025

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bc1edd  No.334229


The Amish in my area do business with the outside world, and even run their own businesses.

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b5f998  No.334595

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d90c51  No.334670







>masked ASS piRRates found stealing barge

haunted mansion blames prime outer space bilbos from disneyland

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bd74e3  No.334731


I think we will learn, but not from Q.

It's also been stated many times by one-post-posters that books will be written about this operation. I think that's when we will learn; if in our lifetime.

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ff0b8f  No.334735


FYI just experienced a connection failure to 8kun? Did anyone else have this happen?


Confirm Handoff


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1c2d1a  No.334740


>My gut tells me the winning move is not to play.

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0a9fbf  No.334848

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97beb8  No.334915


science has officially broken.

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1b7a66  No.335546

Insider Paper


BREAKING: Texas attorney general Ken Paxton says abortion is now illegal in state


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961747  No.335632


Reeeee for me a little louder you sensitive little lesbian seagull. HAHAHAAAA!

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e0c717  No.337006


8ch was Down 93 days, and Q re-verified immediately. 12/08/2020 to today is a lot more than 93 days. Maybe you should make less shit memes, Doge Jr., and try reading the Q drops. They aren't my standards, they are Q's.

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199417  No.337196


"don't you cry tonight, I still love you Kinzinger"

Axel Rose

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310054  No.337469

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00dc01  No.337650


1 2 3

I hate CIA

I hate Journalists

I hate Clergy

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f0b643  No.338327

Apparently jacinda if flying to EU re NATO

any planefags?

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5d83a6  No.338453


>You still haven't PROVED these are 'verified Q' drops you deflecting moron

Q proved it. You're wasting your time, evey oldfag here sees right through your panic posting the same dumb meaningless screenshot over & over.

>inb4 they start firesale deleting posts. muh /hm/ spam.

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29aad2  No.339132


nik'd it


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ade460  No.339277


tent founded by Manetas

> ja old online name?

This Cannot Be Erased


collection of 111 NFTs

> Odd number?

three phases during which 37 tokens

moar numbs.

starting June 23.

…. move along

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e8b429  No.339293

The Babylon Bee - Satan Responds To Roe v. Wade Overturn

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da117c  No.339324



To add to that…

what did Jesus mean when He told John Mary was His mother, and Mary that John was her son.

What did He mean when He said among those born to women there is none greater than John?

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21da35  No.339360

If they want more people to get angry & start saying some shit, they need to put that health secretary dude that pretends to be a woman on TV A LOT more.

Trust me. Once he starts talking about children & sex changes for those children, & you realize he is serious, you have to view it as a hoax by "them" to get people to feel hopeless & feel that they lost everything because otherwise, shit actually DOES start to look a bit more hopeless.

We laugh at the 400 pound woman who is in charge of Health in one of the other Countries…But that's just food.


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29aad2  No.339570


Who are their breeders

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f0b643  No.340053

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bb47ae  No.342007


>7/10 crashes are targeted kills

the absolute state of this place


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78f174  No.342224


Comms established.

Anons make this movie what it is.


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ed76ad  No.342588

ALL lb




Yes. And credentials and lots of other cool toys. The GSA catalog is the bomb


Hardly. Anon had to eat, pay rent etc. Note "retired" in the middle. Also I worked out of my car and at home, never could sit in an office and the pay (eventually) was good.




Like anon hasn't been told that 1,001 times before. The dude whose airplane I seized said a whole lot more than that.



Fuzzed em up good I did.


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458d94  No.342594


> Do I dare step away?

How far to the nearest window? Potted plant?


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bc0cbe  No.343394


If you have a holy King thats beats rule by the commie mob , as we can see today.


found it 'magic square' of the Sun equals 666

we live in a age where the Royal families are apparently psychopaths. and yes, have conditioned the public by means of total control of information sources, including all schooling medical, religious and secular.

666 - The 'Solstice Sun King' and the 'Moon Baby'


Prince Charles is likely a Pedo; so is our alleged POTUS

according to wisdom of the east, in the degenerate age everything is opposite of what it should be.

Instead of worhipping God, they worship a demon - which is only a reflection of their own condition.


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3d8483  No.343453



intentionally useless


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172c15  No.343647


boycott those corporations

BDS vs pro baby murder corporations and ngos.

Which NGOs are funding all of this baby murder shit?

What kind of people could be so evil?


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28d252  No.343763

PEDO BUN 22 June 22

Level 3 Registered Sex Offender who Extorted 11-Year-Old for Explicit Photos Via Snapchat Pleads Guilty


Tulsa Man Sentenced to Life in Federal Prison for Sexually Abusing a Child


NSW man charged over 10 terabytes worth of suspected child abuse material


Increased sentence for man jailed for sexually abusing minors in South-East Asia


Minot, ND Man and Velva, ND Woman Sentenced to Federal Prison for Sexual Exploitation of Minor Children


North Fort Myers Man Sentenced To Seven Years For Possessing Child Sexual Abuse Images And Videos


Federal Jury Convicts Hickory Man Of Sexual Exploitation Of A Minor And Possession Of Child Pornography


Distributing pornography results in federal prison time for Katy sex offender


Pine Ridge Man Indicted for Sexual Abuse of a Minor



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b46891  No.344089


GL to you as well

see you on the other side



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90e077  No.345145

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fb8f89  No.345365

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5b9e63  No.345475


Gab is a MOS shithole whose sole purpose is to enflame and divide Christians from Jews.

They're suck fucks.


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