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File: 0f26f75006f5a53⋯.png (81.71 KB, 391x134, 391:134, putin.png)

951c20  No.295979

If you are a fool that believes what the lying media tell you, you may think Putin is evil and deserves assassination. But when you start to see the truth, you only see one of the greatest historical figures who's sent by God and is going to accomplish his God assigned missions: to stand up to the evil globalists' aggression, to defeat multiculturalists' corruption of the young, to foil a jewish plan to control Ukraine, to preserve liberty (it's funny that slaves of globalists think they are free!), and to ultimately save humanity!

It's time to worship Putin, a man of God!

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365fc3  No.295981

File: d5f4a1e0512e7e1⋯.jpg (29.95 KB, 236x345, 236:345, Dollars_to_Donuts_The_Iris….jpg)

File: 149420d8403935b⋯.jpg (168.45 KB, 1024x700, 256:175, Putin_s_Squirrelly_Ways.jpg)


lol. (You) should take a gander through (You)r mommy's living-room curtain right now down the street where we're setting up! We'll follow that up with a goose. Stepping Up!


> inb4 "Johnny Neptune"

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240c8b  No.295986

This is what Putin's soldiers are doing to to our National Socialist brothers in Ukraine:


>LOTSKYNE, Ukraine — When the Russian soldiers came to town, they went door to door confiscating residents’ guns, cellphones and sometimes even their homes. They asked everyone to identify the “Nazis” in the neighborhood, also referring to them as “Banderites” — a group of Ukrainian nationalists formed during World War II.

>Then, in one southern Ukrainian village, the Russians stormed through the front yard of a 59-year-old math teacher and took him away in their armored vehicle, his wife said.

>Tatiana Bozhiko said they accused her husband, Serhii, of sympathizing with Ukraine’s right-wing Azov Battalion. But Serhii never served in the military or belonged to any militias, she said. Tatiana suspected his real crime was that he had the most pro-Ukrainian viewpoints in town and didn’t hide them.

>When Tatiana saw her husband the next day, his face was covered in bruises and his arm was in a sling, she said. He had been shot in the elbow. The Russians still didn’t release him.

>Everyone had a story about the Russians searching for people the Kremlin and Putin have claimed are fascists — part of Moscow’s false propaganda that was used to justify starting an unprovoked war against Ukraine. People in the villages said they told the soldiers there were no Nazis there.

Where "nazi" is the slur for anyone who opposes the jews and is racially conscious.

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18c61f  No.296443


>National Socialist brothers in Ukraine

No, the media lied. Often the opposite of what media say is true.

What do those "National Socialist brothers" serve? Ukraine controlled by the jews, and the globalists.

What do they fight against? The Russians.

Do they expect Putin not to fight them?

>Where "nazi" is the slur for anyone who opposes the jews and is racially conscious.

But this time it seems that the "Nazis" could be loved by the jews if they serve the jews. It's because they are not true Nazis.

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116416  No.296460



Ok retard

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586de7  No.297198

God be with him.

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