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File: e1833026f54766e⋯.jpg (29.01 KB, 728x90, 364:45, e46d87f2f1f24047b16686cec4….jpg)

15b2d4  No.295322

wow @ Ron and his saggy pseudoparent JIM

pathetic, really

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15b2d4  No.295323

LOL @ Ron only getting a measley $40,000 in campaign donations hahaha

most candidates rake in millions….

O N L Y $ 4 0 , 0 0 0 !!!!!


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1c2882  No.295324

I bet someone told Ron that he could take all the donations he wanted and spend it on whatever he wants because "if someone gives you money, then it's yours!" but didn't tell him about campaign finance and the FEC …

This will be the greatest story of "fuck around and find out" since Goliath met David.

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15b2d4  No.295330


lol yes !!!

he's the oy 40,000 that's under investigation

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15b2d4  No.295331


or oy

either way is fine with me

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15b2d4  No.295332

can you imagine being SO EMPTY INSIDE that you actuallyPAID MONEY TO BE CONSIDERED A QANON LOSER???

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63bb71  No.295339

File: 5eae3e23e24386f⋯.png (506.45 KB, 1080x2300, 54:115, Screenshot_20220411_212604.png)

by the way, forgive me for not being a QFAGGOT…

but WTF does "FE" mean ?

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63bb71  No.295342

File: 0475294320bb8ce⋯.jpg (28.73 KB, 300x250, 6:5, 5427eb699a5349f7892cbd85e8….jpg)


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