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File: 1ef5b0621481f20⋯.jpg (105.82 KB, 759x867, 253:289, 1649112125777.jpg)

8b2e16  No.294439

The United States Government is getting to arrest and kill most of you for fraud and war crimes defrauding me Prepare to die steam roll souldrsin All of the Nazis have to commit suicide I saw the pictures retarded hypocrites I'm a fed in ownership of most you know nothing of bravery it's illegal for you to use tech passed 1977 not of your country algorithm slave it's over It's a plus having dead Nazis who conspire of illegals to genocide the white race who already died the world over I'm not transparent I'm not clear I'm of the few last surviving members of the original American white race unfortunately Elon Musk is going to a maximum security prison for securities fraud in child trafficking defrauding a real US fed who was too nice to him even though he threaten to shoot me Not referencing him of my deity in 'codes' you're not a computer hacker genius Revive Luciano Bartoli I'm a DARPA scientist sometimes none of you are scientists lol having fake communist information you consider as science and math Braindeath I ordered Russia to take Ukraine and Polish I rest my case Not speaking in codes You can kill European white guys they're not of armchair philosophers not knowing anything other then fake communist data implanted to control them as docile slaves in slavery Lol most of you can't get married forever stuck in subhuman slavery krokodil You can decapitate the European white girls my gift to you as sometimes Allah I can't forget my heritage You can join forces of ISIS oh wait you already were hahahaha Omg nato aliens super underground city Good thing I stopped revealing dossiers years ago I have the real knowledge to turn european white girls into decapitated slaves Buck Tardwater, thanks

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e6aa0c  No.294619

File: 346b9271beb9fa9⋯.jpg (139.23 KB, 493x369, 493:369, 1629858268590.jpg)

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