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My name is Nate Higgers

File: 31eaf7e7aeb28d3⋯.jpg (101.29 KB, 1480x832, 185:104, gordon_gekko_2_.jpg)

120088  No.292845

A hatchet stock, is picking a stock to dump on a broad scale, because it's a dead animal. There is no bonus percentage to this, puts are a myth, they're a way to hide this. Don't bother, it makes you look dirty, it's how you signal overseas spies and cops (that assumes you're a criminal, here, and those spies and cops, are your authors and soldiers, on our soil).

Figure out who has a saggy belt, and shows their butt crack, when they bend over, or walk down the street.

Then figure out, what they're wearing, where they're eating, who they're shopping for, what politics they support, their favorite president, their joke line reel (but never their favorite comedies, always take those, every single time, and make sure you know, before you take any advice outside study).

Whatever is on that list, dump as a social movement, a mass heap.

It's worthless garbage, this kid was marked by British Freemasons playing the crotch smooth trick on their denim, by point out they had a penis, no matter how they did it. Even helping a kid by telling them not to worry about it.

And yes, British Freemasons, have saggy belts, their butt crack shows.

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