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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: bde29aebbc5f621⋯.jpg (267.93 KB, 1080x1166, 540:583, Picsart_22_03_20_23_42_09_….jpg)

045fbd  No.292798 [Last 50 Posts]

we all know that Sally thinks the "Antichrist" would inexplicably create "quatrains", like Nostradamus.

but Nostradamus was Jew….

hmmm….. so Sally emulates a fucking Jew?

a "FAKE Jew", no less…. odd….

I wonder what other inconsistencies he's guilty of

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045fbd  No.292799

File: c68d4340dfe1f97⋯.jpg (287.24 KB, 1619x1080, 1619:1080, Picsart_22_03_20_23_35_24_….jpg)

if Marshmallow Sally emulates a FAKE JEW, I'm sure he's got some other weird idiosyncrasies and flubs.

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045fbd  No.292800

File: 078e9a6a10020e7⋯.jpg (279.11 KB, 1619x1080, 1619:1080, Picsart_22_03_20_23_34_22_….jpg)

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045fbd  No.292801

File: 213829c1746f001⋯.jpg (95.52 KB, 1387x1080, 1387:1080, Picsart_22_03_20_23_38_29_….jpg)

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045fbd  No.292804

so…. Sally imitates a Jew

and Hitler WAS a Jew


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8b9216  No.292805

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Jade Emperor… Time(s) are rapidly 'exhausted…'

Jade Emperor… The 'system' is 'prepared…'

"I am preparing to use nuclear force…"

"I intend to use nuclear force…"

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045fbd  No.292806


your syntax isn't based in antiquity

you're slipping, and using contemporary slang

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8b9216  No.292807

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates…

"I am preparing to use nuclear force…"

"I intend to use nuclear force…"

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045fbd  No.292808


suddenly, your character begins speaking like a black resident of NYC ?

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045fbd  No.292809


CONTINUITY : something you lost

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045fbd  No.292810

For Christs sake STAY IN CHARACTER

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8b9216  No.292811

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"I am preparing to use nuclear force…"

"I intend to use nuclear force…"

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045fbd  No.292812

You can't bounce back and forth between "Ye Olde Archaic Speak" and modern urban nigger lingo

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045fbd  No.292813


Your fake Jew idol Nostradamus would've NEVER worded it that way

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045fbd  No.292814

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


I am 80% done with my remix

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8b9216  No.292815

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"I am preparing to use nuclear force…"

"I intend to use nuclear force…"

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8b9216  No.292816

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"I am preparing to use nuclear force…"

"I intend to use nuclear force…"

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045fbd  No.292817


ahhh…. fascinating…..

I'm preparing to empty my testicles into my wife

I intend to use her butthole

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045fbd  No.292818


take a wild guess which one of us will succeed first

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8b9216  No.292819

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"I am preparing to use nuclear force…"

'Tis a 'toss' betwixt 'let's find out' and 'eternal suffering…

"I intend to use nuclear force…"

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8b9216  No.292821

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.





"I am preparing to use nuclear force…"

'Tis a 'toss' betwixt 'let's find out' and 'eternal suffering…

"I intend to use nuclear force…"

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8b9216  No.292822

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates…


The 'system' shall 'launch itself…'

The 'system' shall 'strike' without 'guidance…'

I, the devil, shall throw the 'spear…'

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8b9216  No.292823

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



"First is last and last is first…"

I did speak in the beginning…

>>The untied bates…


I 'spoke' at great length of the 'world of water…' HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

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e434ec  No.292824

File: dfd260eb44339c5⋯.jpg (40.54 KB, 480x360, 4:3, I_Intend_em_Flaggots.jpg)

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8b9216  No.292825

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates…

Whilst thou had 'tried' mine supposed 'patience…' HAHAHAHAHA

Ye are unknowing of 'defense…'

Who so ever did say where?

Who for is the '4th?'

I shall strike that place which is 'defenseless…'

I shall strike 'Antarctica…'

I always did 'stake upon mine,' the waters of the earth… HAHAHAHA

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e434ec  No.292826

File: dfd260eb44339c5⋯.jpg (40.54 KB, 480x360, 4:3, I_Intend_em_Flaggots.jpg)

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8b9216  No.292827

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates…

Mine time(s) draw near…

I shall 'conduct system…'

I shall 'spirit' into thy 'weak ones…'

I shall 'deliver' a number…

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8b9216  No.292828

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>The untied bates…

'Tis 'unfortunate' that ye have poisoned mine…

The 'crows' shall cooperate… HAHAHAHAHA

Such… Loyalties in… 'Hard time(s)…' HAHAHAHAHAHA

'Tis desirable that even the beasts of mine earth seek revenge…

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8b9216  No.292829

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



Jade Emperor… I shall continue 'preparing' the 'nature' of the earth…

Jade Emperor… The 'system' is 'prepared' to 'receive…'

Jade Emperor… I shall continue to make 'alterations' to the earth for this purpose…

Jade Emperor… Who ever did say 'spear' is 'necessary?'

Jade Emperor… Who ever did speak for me?

Jade Emperor… Who ever did say where I shall 'strike?'

Jade Emperor… I do with Japan as I desire… When I desire…

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045fbd  No.292830

I do with Japan as I desire… When I desire…

basically, just masturbating to anime

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045fbd  No.292832


I just read the words in your picture, and


damn you

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045fbd  No.292833

the pandemic was a disappointment

so few people died

let's keep our fingers crossed

that maybe this time

we get better results

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045fbd  No.292835

File: a719d05b15d4d04⋯.jpg (15.65 KB, 420x315, 4:3, nostradamus_33_20201219423….jpg)


hell yes, Sally !!

this is much more like your idol, THE FAKE JEW

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e6530a  No.292836

File: 7c139d7ffc56505⋯.jpg (27.12 KB, 420x315, 4:3, Nostradam_em_Flaggots.jpg)

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0d598c  No.292882



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6095df  No.294731

File: e2d792c18178148⋯.png (785.96 KB, 1600x1600, 1:1, Hitmenforhire.png)


>I wonder what other inconsistencies he's guilty of

Probably shitting up an image board with meaningless posts, word salad nonsense and bad attempts at glow humor. Oh wait…

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252c70  No.312192

File: dfd260eb44339c5⋯.jpg (40.54 KB, 480x360, 4:3, I_Intend_em_Flaggots.jpg)

It appears that Sally has reverted to his same old boring behaviors as of late; obsessing on Jews and niggers the way Johnny Neptune obsesses on forcefully finger-flicking the Purity-Phalluses of "Persona".

I'm guessing that falling into old behavior patterns is not only easy, it is par for the course around here.

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474e8e  No.320956


Thank God those evil raycis whites are going extinct!

Black power mutha fucka!! Das rite!! ✊🏿💪🏿

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81c6a3  No.321160



But i do find it entertaining

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71ea73  No.321369




grew up underneath the pattern

heard them long before we finally saw them at night




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5278ce  No.321625




they don't forget

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ea998e  No.321772


If your Linux can read windows you can use that. Had a friend who use to use window stuff on his Linux. You just need to use the window browser.

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0f0256  No.321817

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719e7d  No.321918



That is a registration mark for printing. Industry slang: they call it the bug. A timing light flashes every complete revolution of the cylinder and the bug should show up right in the flash if everything is lined up correctly.

I didn't watch the presentation. What was said about this bug?

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104d0f  No.321995

U.S. Fleet Forces Retweeted

Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III




United States government official

"I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory."

- Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, June 6, 1944.



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66f3d0  No.322406


Yeah i might have saw it. dont matter both are larps

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184ff6  No.322493


I would start looking here …

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e4d2ea  No.322618


I asked him to delete it last bred in reply to his post. It was there at the time and now it's gone. Could still be fuckery I suppose but nuthin wrong with getting a little excited.

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62f4db  No.322680


A meme of Stacie standing on the edge fo Guam and it starts to tip over.

funny sheet there.

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e4174d  No.324409


>Eye of Ra


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fabfd2  No.324559



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98a725  No.324829


you tryin to get that movie cancelled, because that's how you'll get that movie cancelled these days.

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a60b18  No.324922



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3de82a  No.325077




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f3b5c1  No.325187


Watkins the data miner?


Try GoFundMe.

As bad as it is, at least they verify shit.

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5aa490  No.325568


And we have a nice Ebake with the same numbers to go with it! So lame.

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4a0711  No.325617


WATCH LIVE: Biden on Supreme Court overturning Roe v. Wade, NewsHour

Patriots' Soapbox News Network - LIVE 24/7, Banned…well, pretty much everywhere


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a60b18  No.326018

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1768bd  No.326376





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1eaa0b  No.326711

"Give me moar CNN for dinner."


echo 1>lpt0

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954da1  No.327010


Demoralization shill.

Seems to be up there with "why won't anons do something" fedposter and "don't you think drumph is just the antichrist i bet he bathes in babyblood" shills.

Apparently all they have left after all other tactics failed. Ha.


27c100 this anon's hitting the road, looks like the boss man's on it now, hang in there, remember they want to drive the real bakers off, #1 rule in forum sliding is drive out the real people and assume positions of control. If enough bakers ignore it, give up, well, we know how that tune plays. FIGHT! (Peacefully of course ;)


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54dc01  No.327319


kek, my only (you) from Q

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5b22a8  No.327417

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235081  No.327851


You were less annoying when you red text shill'd about your girlfriend non stop.

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7127a2  No.327948


Niggers may chimp out,

cops may choke them out,

politicians may ignore both.

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d1109c  No.328057


pharmaceutical king pin leper king juw swears to fake twats by proxy

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abcacf  No.328085


Jesus loves you, move past your ego and seek Truth.

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7b8fff  No.328159



>Now what?



>One day all those numbers will fall into place…



>12 and 0 Last Night.

Trump card coming

we are getting closer to 0:00


12 and 0

21 and 0

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63f395  No.328901




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4c15ae  No.328987


>we shouldn't use their words anymore.

>It's gun restrictions.

>gun restrictions that only apply ot law abiding citizens, not gun control.

I made this meme long time ago. It stil holds true.

I am pretty consistant with my words even if they are wrong.

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53521c  No.329109


Daniel’s a K$H asshat.

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a3a579  No.329308



Ready for whatever's gonna happen to happen.

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b48cf9  No.329470

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51492b  No.329581


Oh good! I always got bummed out when they say "Free Beer tomorrow" since I don't drink

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358c6a  No.330056


how do you do, fellow qanon?

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f03ce0  No.330288




When does it become mathematically impossible to all the panicked doubters?

Guess who's back.

The ban page on 8kun does indeed show that the B post was removed and blocked from projectdcomms by the actual board owner 2 days ago.

Assuming the ban page hasn't been messed with, that means whoever removed the post did it with Q's password.

Assuming Q was smart enough to have separate passwords for his tripcode and his private board, that would mean that any potential hacker would have to crack two separate passwords in order to pretend to be Q.


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370dc7  No.330577


that actually sounds tasty.

Not drinking however but it sounds good

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17e105  No.331817

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73f210  No.332115

oh oh grmupy old angry mean saggy decrepit defunt bag of bones on screamin and hostile

belligerent baby killer in chief

portraying self as scholar

sniff scholar

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fb7e05  No.332117


Then @Q can get their red check and they would be WITH us

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851488  No.332203


The only "real" about this ancient brainwashing is that brainwashing works. A slave society, enamored with "King worship" will commit any numbers of horrors to save their precious monarchy built on lies.

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fe4f70  No.333523

[Forwarded from t.me/RichLDNRDGorillaBroadcast @RichLDNRD + TruthSocial]

The author of this piece (of garbage) from 2016 repeatedly attempts to get Pepe's creator to take a stance against its supposed adoption by the all those 'alt-right Nazi's' who have (gasp) appropriated it.

However, what's clear is that this bottom-feeder from The Atlantic has an agenda to push and simply won't be thwarted from using the article to smear Trump supporters regardless of the replies he's getting.

To his credit the artist keeps batting down the authors obvious effort to make the interview into a condemnation of "wrong think" (read here: anything that doesn't align with a leftist worldview).


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2e447a  No.333547



everything has meaning

what is irrelevant?

no it's not


interesting comment by Eric Trump considering Webb just pointed out the Sgt. at Arms was murdered on the way to the Inquisition Witch hunt panel?

and this from "Q ' at TS if no on saw it yet.

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5e8e50  No.333717


She claimed to have been paid for her role in the trial but i've never been able to find out who paid her to do it.

She later said the rape she claimed during the trial was fakenews.

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b01833  No.333730

The View, er… I mean The Five is on. They're somewhat bearable to watch. So sad to see how Faux is showing their true colors now. When you trade your integrity for money you deserve neither.

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c5c129  No.333891


[y]es, Patriot Front Hole are Feds.

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24f56e  No.334165


Socialism from a survivors view.

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795ad8  No.334490

Type in “Joe Biden drinking out of a toilet” into DALL•E


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23f9fb  No.334541


More Clowns.

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43d51f  No.334553


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9ab056  No.334603


>Hows the box today?

Bad as any day, and some extra trouble just today, I was wondering what I shall do with it.


>What truth would that be? KEK

It's the kind of truth that was caused by choices…but I already went thru it many times before, it's just that now I have a condition and at the time I could think about all that on a remote island but that's not for now it seems impossible to even go there.

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9c60ca  No.335008



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d5f655  No.335078


She works for Danny now, leave her alone.

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2c5444  No.335805

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cd52ed  No.336405


That happened yesterday

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83fcd8  No.336639


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f424bc  No.336713

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2d1492  No.336717


It aggregated online, it is shimmering, the lag is causing issues. Just be patient…

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7e4fca  No.336756


God motivated me before I knew about Q. I was born a good person so nothing to undo. Q tool the veil of reality off. I’m only here now to find out the truth, and boobs, the same as everyone else.

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3366dd  No.336941

It's really faggot in here right now.

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99fb65  No.336955

CONSTANTA, Romania (Reuters) - French President Emmanuel Macron said on Wednesday that Ukraine would have to hold talks with Russia at some point, in order to try and bring an end to the war between the two countries.

"The Ukrainian President and his officials will have to negotiate with Russia," said Macron, while on a visit to Romania and Moldova.

Macron arrived in Romania on Tuesday for a three-day trip to NATO's southern flank including Moldova before possibly heading to Kyiv on Thursday on a visit with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz and Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, two diplomatic sources said.

Macron has been criticised by Ukraine and eastern European allies for what they perceived as his ambiguous backing for Ukraine in the war against Russia.

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82912e  No.337064



private ryan

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df9328  No.337337


See the progression?




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ff1c2a  No.337688


> for mother

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f89802  No.337764

male lesbian serial killer is wiretapping you for the FIB

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1b57a4  No.337942


not until you take the booster

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8880ef  No.338141


Along with the other 90%.

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36c5cc  No.338494



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6e23f9  No.338784

can they take anymore bad news?

Stay Tuned

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725b04  No.339009

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday overturned Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that had provided a constitutional right to abortion. The ruling is expected to lead to abortion bans in roughly half the states, although the timing of those laws taking effect varies.

Some Republican-led states will ban or severely limit abortion immediately, while other restrictions will take effect later. At least one state, Texas, is waiting until after the Supreme Court issues its formal judgment in the case, which is separate from the opinion issued Friday and could take about a month.

In anticipation of the decision, several states led by Democrats have taken steps to protect abortion access. The decision also sets up the potential for legal fights between the states over whether providers and those who help women obtain abortions can be sued or prosecuted.

Here is an overview of abortion legislation and the expected impact of the court’s decision in every state.


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7e190a  No.339512


Masonic Alice?

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f24194  No.339521

Jan 6th hearings in prime time.

Red Carpet Event, one might say.

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88efe4  No.339541

I fell in love with my rapists.

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dcb160  No.339721


I've talked with the Q Shaman one time and seen him twice. We are not affiliated. As for Austin Steinbart, I thought he was in the monkey house.

I have never met him.

I noticed that troll posts, that's why I thought I should talk.

By the way, my conversation with Jake Angeli was public at the Qcon in Phoenix.

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2ad780  No.340110

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1a55d8  No.340147


Controversial Beijing-backed Confucius Institutes opening again in US under a new name

Brendan TaylorJune 29, 2022 11:20 am

According to a report by the National Association of Scholars, Confucius Institutes, the controversial Beijing-backed language and cultural learning centres that were mostly closed across the US after being designated as foreign missions by the State Department, are rebranding and reopening.

According to the report, of the 118 Confucius Institutes that once existed in the United States, 104 were closed as of June 21 and four are in the process of closing, according to VOA.

Of these, “at least 28 have replaced their Confucius Institute with a similar programme, and at least 58 have maintained close relationships with their former Confucius Institute partner,” according to the report.

Perry Link, a professor of Chinese language studies at the University of California, Riverside, was taken aback by the June 21 report, which updates a March 2018 report.

Link told VOA Mandarin that he was initially struck by “how many Confucius Institutes have been shut. I didn’t expect the rate of closures to be so high. Second, they still exist in another way with another name. I think this is expected. I just didn’t expect it to happen so soon.”

In October 2021, the Chinese state-owned Global Times quoted a spokesperson for the Chinese embassy in Germany as saying, “China firmly opposes the politicisation of academic and cultural exchange activities.”

Critics saw the institutes as a tool to monitor and interfere with campus speeches and activities, as well as an overseas propaganda machine for the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). For example, the Confucius Institute objected to North Carolina State University’s plan to invite the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader, to speak on campus in 2009.


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7ea8c9  No.340489


Justice Served


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ffac61  No.340627


Don’t know how. I’m old and it takes all my extra time just to read each bread.


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cde2a9  No.340690


She's right, you know.


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dd792c  No.340824


If that was true, then you wouldn't need to reply.


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7be974  No.340907

Over target!


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c68f66  No.341661


Just asking.

Calm down, anon.


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8219fe  No.341902

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737fae  No.341934

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e2ae59  No.342275


Zookranian LGBT+miliCorns at odds with Belensky - Zelarus

I think I got it…

soros wires the checks for the big guy.


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3e2a93  No.342280

Awarded Knighthood of the British Empire for their roles September 11, 2001

Former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani (C) with his Knighthood of the British Empire (KBE) medal, New York Fire Department Commissioner Thomas Van Essen (L) and New York Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik with their Commander of the British Empire (CBE) medals, pose for a photograph at Buckingham Palace February 13, 2002 in London. Giuliani received his Honorary Knight Commander of the Order of the British Empire from Queen Elizabeth ll in recognition of his leadership following the September 11 attacks on New York. (Photo by Sion Touhig/Getty Images)



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59e2b6  No.342367



GLOW harder


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e8bc47  No.342845


>This bitch gets it….

pushing daisies for how long now?


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bf902e  No.343118


R v W


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de0ff0  No.343177


OK, clap in time

We will, we will, rock you


We will, we will, rock you


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e1fcc3  No.343208




>This. That's a pretty simple, yet solid, point that continues to be dismissed.

agreed. logic.

yet the shills are trying their best to sow discord since Q hasn't performed a parlor trick for them.


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a925b8  No.343713

The Real Toria Brooke / @wqnderwqman

06/19/2022 19:09:04

Truth Social: 108506653920433623

NEW —Adam "Standard Hotel" Schiff says this week the Jan. 6 committee will show evidence of @realDonaldTrump involvement in the fake elector plot. (NBC News)

What about Schiff illegally letting Stephen Colbert employees into the Capitol on Thursday, June 16, 2022?



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fa807a  No.343717


Take the doctors heart he ain’t using it.


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83ea63  No.343810

U.S. Army


“The 1-148th (Field Artillery Regiment) is really good at what we do, but with the new (Precision Guidance Kit), we are even better."

@IDNationalGuard Soldiers conducted their first live-fire training using the #USArmy's modernized M1156 PGK.

➡️ https://www.nationalguard.mil/News/Article/3046487/idaho-army-national-guard-fires-precision-guided-munitions/

9:34 AM · Jun 15, 2022 · Sprinklr



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30c46e  No.344055


Sunlight cooks Fauci’s


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6e86fa  No.344114

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16cec6  No.344215



dont be influenced by this jewish hoax. Q is back.


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917131  No.344216


Most diaspora Jews (95%) are zionist traitors:


Https://archive.vn/u5Se5 - “American Jews, Politics and Israel”


95% of Jews have favorable views of Israel…




Moments after Jewish congressional candidate Laura Loomer yesterday told Paul Ramsey she's a free speech absolutist, she said Americans who support BDS must be stripped of their First Amendment rights, imprisoned and regarded as terrorists for collaborating with Palestine.

Link to the video:








More Loomer insanity:













"If elected, Ron DeSantis tells Jewish audience, he'd be nation’s most pro-Israel governor"


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803221  No.344257


more work towards a famine.

the enemy will use the famine as an excuse to flood Europe with more hostile violent low iq rapefugees.

The European people need to stop them. Their govts are even worse than ours. The EU itself isn't even elected. The guy in charge of immigration isn't even European nor did he go to school there.


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07bb05  No.344356


Jim on Monday


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