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File: 22015ca57dca029⋯.jpg (1.84 MB, 2764x2200, 691:550, schizophrenia_by_associati….jpg)

e39bf3  No.292602

Hello. Welcome to the Shill Awareness Post. It is a post I have created so that people may discuss shills and help me to create a text about them. The text is below, and you can help me to build it by producing a useful discussion in the comment section.

Ways shills want to induce schizophrenia on individuals:

1- By exposing them to sensory overload. Sensory overload appears to cause schizophrenia and that is why Mary Jane and LSD appear to cause characteristics that are resembling with the characteristics of schizophrenia. They may use videos, images, audio, and employ exaggerated features such as many colors, shades, scenes passing quickly.

2- Loose associations: Shills want people to draw loose associations between seemingly unrelated topics. They may do that by expecting people will count with their good faith that the seemingly unrelated topics being presented must be that way because of their degree of complexity and or obscurity so that they may be willing to trace "forceful" associations, which trains a mental pattern on them that is similar to schizophrenics. Cognitive dissonance appears to be related to that.

3- Making people's semantic memory recall words based on phonetic resemblance rather than meaning. Schizophrenics appear to have that thing. Notice for example how shills employ words that may resemble others that may have different meanings:

Meds - Medicine

Schizo - Schizophrenic

Schitzo - Schizophrenic

Flaggot - Faggot

Sauce - Source

Em' - Them

4- They appear to use neuro-linguistic programming to attempt to induce schizophrenia in people. Schizophrenics appear to miss certain words in messages that make them be syntactically correct and make sense, so shills may purposefully miss words on texts, and they also tend to "jump" from unrelated topics in sentences in a conspicuous way, probably because of their mental framework of making loose associations between things, and shills also do that on messages. They also appear to use the so-called Meta-Model violations so to attempt to make people schizophrenic, and you can notice them on the shill comments at 8kun.top PND. Notice they may sometimes use phrases such as "Take your meds schizo", and then use simply "Meds; take em'", then simply "Meds". That is sort of

Check that message:


Attempt to find neurolinguistic tricks there and the ones I have mentioned.

Inducing schizophrenia appears to be basically inducing cognitive patterns that are akin to the ones that may be experienced by schizophrenics: Sensory overload, loose associations, "jumping", missing information, etc… I suppose they can be trained just as the so-called cognitive biases, that aren't anything but inveterate and persistent mental patterns as per the common usage of the term. For example, one can train the cognitive bias called pareidolia by attempting to draw figures and shapes from things like clouds.

2- Cognitive dissonance: Shills insert information that is dissonant so that people may develop a pattern of accepting cognitive dissonance. Thinking well, cognitive dissonance appears to be loose associations to absurd.

3- Tl;dr is a shill term created to discourage people from writing long texts and accustoming them to read short texts. If someone really respects you and is not willing to read what you write, the person would not say the person has not read what you have written because that is disrespectful.

4- Shills want to introduce a deviant language to "alt-right" groups so they may isolate themselves from contacts with people outside that group and may seclude more and more by adopting a language that is more and more "inaccessible" to outsiders. It is better to use formal language without slang.

5- How shills threaten you: They appear to write sentences that are supposed to be interpreted as threats but technically are not. They miss certain elements for the sake of people drawing a meaning out of them and they may appear uncertain rather than certain. For example, instead of saying "Do not do that or we will kill you", they may say "Do not do that or", and instead of saying "We will kidnap your family", they may say "We will take them". In the first sentence, the informational emptiness is at "or" and in the second it is in the words "We" and "Them" which are pronouns that are not referring to anyone. It appears to be a sort of neuro-linguistical programming trick. Maybe they do that so to see how people may react, maybe because uncertainty may make people more fearful, and that may be a way of them not being legally accountable for what they do.

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e39bf3  No.292603

File: 373806ad1fdea87⋯.png (701.13 KB, 1134x881, 1134:881, Schizophrenia_by_associati….png)

Hello. Welcome to the Shill Awareness Post. It is a post I have created so that people may discuss shills and help me to create a text about them. The text is below, and you can help me to build it by producing a useful discussion in the comment section.

Ways shills want to induce schizophrenia on individuals:

1- By exposing them to sensory overload. Sensory overload appears to cause schizophrenia and that is why Mary Jane and LSD appear to cause characteristics that are resembling with the characteristics of schizophrenia. They may use videos, images, audio, and employ exaggerated features such as many colors, shades, scenes passing quickly.

2- Loose associations: Shills want people to draw loose associations between seemingly unrelated topics. They may do that by expecting people will count with their good faith that the seemingly unrelated topics being presented must be that way because of their degree of complexity and or obscurity so that they may be willing to trace "forceful" associations, which trains a mental pattern on them that is similar to schizophrenics. Cognitive dissonance appears to be related to that.

3- Making people's semantic memory recall words based on phonetic resemblance rather than meaning. Schizophrenics appear to have that thing. Notice for example how shills employ words that may resemble others that may have different meanings:

Meds - Medicine

Schizo - Schizophrenic

Schitzo - Schizophrenic

Flaggot - Faggot

Sauce - Source

Em' - Them

4- They appear to use neuro-linguistic programming to attempt to induce schizophrenia in people. Schizophrenics appear to miss certain words in messages that make them be syntactically correct and make sense, so shills may purposefully miss words on texts, and they also tend to "jump" from unrelated topics in sentences in a conspicuous way, probably because of their mental framework of making loose associations between things, and shills also do that on messages. They also appear to use the so-called Meta-Model violations so to attempt to make people schizophrenic, and you can notice them on the shill comments at 8kun.top PND. Notice they may sometimes use phrases such as "Take your meds schizo", and then use simply "Meds; take em'", then simply "Meds". That is sort of

Check that message:


Attempt to find neurolinguistic tricks there and the ones I have mentioned.

Inducing schizophrenia appears to be basically inducing cognitive patterns that are akin to the ones that may be experienced by schizophrenics: Sensory overload, loose associations, "jumping", missing information, etc… I suppose they can be trained just as the so-called cognitive biases, that aren't anything but inveterate and persistent mental patterns as per the common usage of the term. For example, one can train the cognitive bias called pareidolia by attempting to draw figures and shapes from things like clouds.

2- Cognitive dissonance: Shills insert information that is dissonant so that people may develop a pattern of accepting cognitive dissonance. Thinking well, cognitive dissonance appears to be loose associations to absurd.

3- Tl;dr is a shill term created to discourage people from writing long texts and accustoming them to read short texts. If someone really respects you and is not willing to read what you write, the person would not say the person has not read what you have written because that is disrespectful.

4- Shills want to introduce a deviant language to "alt-right" groups so they may isolate themselves from contacts with people outside that group and may seclude more and more by adopting a language that is more and more "inaccessible" to outsiders. It is better to use formal language without slang.

5- How shills threaten you: They appear to write sentences that are supposed to be interpreted as threats but technically are not. They miss certain elements for the sake of people drawing a meaning out of them and they may appear uncertain rather than certain. For example, instead of saying "Do not do that or we will kill you", they may say "Do not do that or", and instead of saying "We will kidnap your family", they may say "We will take them". In the first sentence, the informational emptiness is at "or" and in the second it is in the words "We" and "Them" which are pronouns that are not referring to anyone. It appears to be a sort of neuro-linguistical programming trick. Maybe they do that so to see how people may react, maybe because uncertainty may make people more fearful, and that may be a way of them not being legally accountable for what they do.


Picture: How shills may attempt to make people draw loose associations.

The picture of that comment consists of another example.

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b218d0  No.292613


before I proceed to rip you a new asshole, let me begin by stating that you obviously don't know anything about schizophrenia.

your claims about "Mary Jane" and Lysergic acid diethylamide are ridiculous, and the fact that you used the term "Mary Jane" demonstrate a certain immaturity and lack of real first hand knowledge


before I begin tearing your 'text' to shreds, why don't youdefine schizophrenia for us

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b218d0  No.292614


Schizophrenics appear to have that thing.Notice for example how shills employ words that may resemble others that may have different meanings:

Meds - Medicine

Schizo - Schizophrenic

Schitzo - Schizophrenic

Flaggot - Faggot

Sauce - Source

Em' - Them

(hahahaha!! you fucking idiot)

Schizophrenics appear to have that thing.


AGAIN: you obviously don't know Jack fucking shit about psychology, in particular schizophrenia.

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b218d0  No.292615


>5- How shills threaten you: They appear to write sentences that are supposed to be interpreted as threats but technically are not. They miss certain elements for the sake of people drawing a meaning out of them and they may appear uncertain rather than certain. For example, instead of saying "Do not do that or we will kill you", they may say "Do not do that or", and instead of saying "We will kidnap your family", they may say "We will take them". In the first sentence, the informational emptiness is at "or" and in the second it is in the words "We" and "Them" which are pronouns that are not referring to anyone. It appears to be a sort of neuro-linguistical programming trick. Maybe they do that so to see how people may react, maybe because uncertainty may make people more fearful, and that may be a way of them not being legally accountable for what they do.

dude …. you are a weirdo….

what planet did you grow up on?

you overthink things, weirdo

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b218d0  No.292616



your stupid graphic, with all of it's insane arrows and circles, and alleged 'connections' between your psychotic misperceptionsis a classic textbook example of schizophrenia

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b218d0  No.292618


if you approached any delusional paranoid schizophrenic who's walking around arguing with the voices in his head, wearing several layers of clothes in the hot Sun, you could find apiece of paper in his pocket that's eerily similar to your INSANE PSYCHOTIC BULLSHIT GRAPHIC IMAGE

complete with arrows and circles and imaginary connections between imaginary accusations…

seriously….. your picture is NUTS….

obviously, you're unstable as fuck….

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b218d0  No.292629

File: 99c26844784fdeb⋯.jpg (2.3 MB, 2764x2200, 691:550, Picsart_22_03_20_00_42_51_….jpg)


here… I added a few more connections that you missed

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b218d0  No.292630

File: e1f8e3911102684⋯.jpg (2.77 MB, 2764x2200, 691:550, Picsart_22_03_20_00_47_16_….jpg)

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b218d0  No.292631


lol @ neurolinguistics hahahaha you dipshit

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b218d0  No.292632


let's just be honest, psycho……

You've been diagnosed with schizophrenia, haven't you?

that's the reason you mentioned it in your psychotic drivel….

you certainly seem to display schizophrenic behavior, with your insane (and stupid) graphic

I say you're nuts…. You're sure as fuck aren't sane.

you're a weirdo….. and not in a cool way….

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b218d0  No.292633


it must be a challenge for you to hold down a job, huh?

what with all these racing, incomplete thoughts in your head…. the "external entity" that keeps talking to you….

hard to flip french fries with that type of dissociated chaos going on….

have you already applied for SSI Disability?

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b218d0  No.292634

File: ea117b564942cd8⋯.png (1.53 MB, 1654x1080, 827:540, Picsart_22_03_20_01_34_37_….png)

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e2cc12  No.292635

File: 7f8d7c4a1ec5852⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1540x1080, 77:54, Picsart_22_03_20_01_47_41_….png)

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9c57fa  No.292636

File: 7f8d7c4a1ec5852⋯.png (1.11 MB, 1540x1080, 77:54, Picsart_22_03_20_01_47_41_….png)

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9c57fa  No.292637

File: 608e4899cc2ce1a⋯.png (1.01 MB, 1664x1080, 208:135, Picsart_22_03_20_01_58_54_….png)

schizophrenics appear to have "that thing"

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9c57fa  No.292638


recently, somebody in here called me a FLAGGOT

and suddenly I heard voices in my head

then, instead of saying "them", they said " 'Em "…

and I began drawing a bunch of red lines

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9c57fa  No.292639

File: d4bd2e62fdaf527⋯.jpg (204.29 KB, 2898x2898, 1:1, Picsart_22_03_20_02_04_17_….jpg)


if there's one thing I truly hate, it's when people call others a FLAGGOT

that's not very cool of 'Em…..

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9c57fa  No.292640

File: a8177fb44ea4cac⋯.png (604.11 KB, 1080x1140, 18:19, Picsart_22_03_20_02_12_48_….png)


here's directions to a qualified psychiatrist who can make the 'shill' stop talking in your head…

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9c57fa  No.292641

File: d195709786387aa⋯.jpg (119.17 KB, 1457x1080, 1457:1080, Picsart_22_03_20_02_19_34_….jpg)

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9c57fa  No.292642


3- Tl;dr is a shill term created to discourage people from writing long texts and accustoming them to read short texts.If someone really respects youand is not willing to read what you write, the person would not say the person has not read what you have writtenbecause that is disrespectful.

LMMFAO @ you anticipating "respect"

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9c57fa  No.292643


Does your mother ever hear you talking to the shill in your head at night time?

perhaps she could help you apply for SSI

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9c57fa  No.292644


CONGRATULATIONS on your anti-shill "discussion"

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9c57fa  No.292645

File: d8fb67c22ec8f8e⋯.png (917.61 KB, 1531x1080, 1531:1080, Picsart_22_03_20_02_37_53_….png)


you're such a flaggot, dude

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b46128  No.292646


how's the big discussion going so far?

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803331  No.292745

File: de175199a4b9010⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 1.06 MB, 327x327, 1:1, For_OP.gif)

File: aa1c0ee9df41d99⋯.gif (741.63 KB, 1024x341, 1024:341, gif_12_28_10_29_52.gif)

File: df7e5f30ad1a9d7⋯.gif (86.27 KB, 300x100, 3:1, Psychedelic_JKI.gif)

File: 5162573b49aa8ee⋯.gif (Spoiler Image, 2.58 MB, 474x296, 237:148, We_re_ALL_Crazy.gif)

ITT a schizo flaggot, off his meds, blames "others" for his cognitive dissonance, hoping that by pointing out the behavior of 'em to still more "others", and pretending that the behavior of "others" is purposefully directed at him, he can somehow feel less powerless, and maybe even find the peace-of-mind he so desperately craves. It appears he may be looking in the wrong direction…


tl;dr OP may feel more comfortable elsewhere, in another forum…

Maybe "He Has to GO BACK."

> Meds

> We Will Take 'Em

< GIFs all related

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4b7ff4  No.292764

Hi /pnd/ I'm kinda new here and I'm wondering if "flaggot" posting is thing here. Do I want to flaggot post? Is FUD posting okay?

I'm trying to develop a style so any input from a veteran poster would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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c88538  No.292803

File: a518a135e7a5f3e⋯.gif (159.3 KB, 300x100, 3:1, pnd_banner_em_Flaggots.gif)



(You) are already well on (You)r way to being based and schizo-pilled.

No need to fill the board with flaggot-posts, although most veteran posters still welcome 'em. As for "style", posts that completely lack any at all seem to be most highly valued; so I wouldn't waste too much time trying to develop a style. (You)'ll fall into one naturally enough, and with any luck it'll be as annoying as the rest of 'em.

As for FUD, one cannot imagine a scenario where this board, or this planet, needs more of that! Besides, "Johnny Neptune" already has that stance covered here.

We could always use more banners though… >>275750

> GIF related

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aa6315  No.292831

File: 140c50d87c7df34⋯.gif (1.85 MB, 921x1024, 921:1024, PicsArt_12_28_10_48_10.gif)

File: 1312f45b2663d68⋯.gif (1.64 MB, 792x1024, 99:128, PicsArt_12_29_12_27_38.gif)

File: 8f042c361cc18f6⋯.jpg (208.63 KB, 1245x1080, 83:72, PicsArt_05_29_10_27_58.jpg)

File: 3fe97774b3975fa⋯.png (1.8 MB, 1188x1594, 594:797, Nummy.png)

File: aeafd92e0ed7117⋯.jpg (116.7 KB, 962x592, 13:8, So_Right.jpg)


Regarding shills workin' the schizos 'round hereabouts, you're right about how they're always usin' those techniques on 'em.

The schizophrenia-inducing effects of simple contractions are well known, and can't be overstated.

> also GIFs

< GIF related

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aa6315  No.292834


Wrong GIFs. Wrong machines. Wrong types of schizophrenia to induce.

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