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0b643f  No.292131

Today I will explain some new forms of oppression.

*1) In the back of the throat they can install a neurochip that controls the nervous system (It can cause neurological or cardiac diseases).

*2) People or places may have lasers with rays at frequencies not visible and valves that throw liquids (can cause skin diseases).

*3) Cell phones and computers can be remotely activated microphone, they can also emit voices at low volume (It can cause psychiatric illness).

*Advice) If you notice this happening, make a note of the date and place and upload those attacks to an email.

*If you want to see the images or patents you can search for their scientific names "Neural dust", "BCI", Brain gate", "RFID", "high energy visible light", "metasploit".

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1a50f5  No.292135


Holy molly I got myself another boost of cortisol…. yep…. back to the whiskey bottle tonight!!!!

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1a50f5  No.292136


By the way, and on a very serious note: you notice how all newer computers and laptops have those LED-style infrared lights? I've been spooked by those things and won't use computers that have them. One of my music laptops does but it's offline 100% of the time and has Linux installed (it's purpose exists for the amp, mixer and speaker system as well the music storage and Foobar 2000 playlists). Anyway that has an infrared light on that laptop. I kid you not, I covered that up with black electrical duct tape when I got it, as well physically disconnected the mic, camera and WiFi card.

So….. yes….. I do believe.

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1fadd0  No.292144

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65b765  No.292733


you are stupid as shit. an idiot. a moron. retardo.



you're completely insane, killcen

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9e08a2  No.292734


lol @ you being so gullible that you'd fall for THIS ridiculous bullshit

(also : you drink every night, no matter what, because you are an alcoholic)

lol @ your paranoid delusions about a simple POWER INDICATOR LIGHT

hahaha @ infrared

it's just a red LED

(you can't see infrared, Einstein)

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cee27f  No.292752

can be remotely activated microphone?

well, you are a wordsmith, aren't you?

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cee27f  No.292754

LOL @ Killcen not understanding infrared

and of course, anything he's too dense to understand MUST be part of a conspiracy

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cee27f  No.292755

Dear Killcen, your VHS remote control just called you a flaggot, and then said " 'em " instead of "them'

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9b39b0  No.293241

What do you mean by remotely activated microphone? Can even normal computers without conventional microphones listen to the environment? At how much distance can the computer and cellphones listen to people?

I have thought that the cellphone could use like audio engineering techniques to listen people from long distances. Also,I thought that there could be equipment that could transform the environment into binary numbers and then decode the audio on it or anything. What about that?

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366e52  No.293242


Almost any kind of surveillance can be done through electromagnetic frequency and the RF/EM spectrum…. however, there are challenges and hurdles too. For example, without a mic or any wifi involved the data that is taken is rather limited, and can be very slow to render and receive properly. Also, with lots of electronics around there can easily be interference problems as well. If I were working at the NSA, I could potentially use a electromagnetic surveillance device from their 'ANT' toolchain to bug a surrounding area or residence. However, proximity to devices matter A LOT. Other potential electronic interference matters A LOT. The strength of the signal or beacon matters A LOT. Could I grab around ~150kb of data in an hour or so, to simulate what your offline computer is rendering? Perhaps yes. TEMPEST-style EM surveillance is '70s tech.

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244ab0  No.293245


What you are referring to is a simple Command/Control appliance (C2) with an ultrasonic distance sensor. Theoretically yes this can be intercepted but is typically known for being hacked or remotely hijacked to cause disruption to related appliances by geeks who do it "for the lulz". There would be very little benefits to routine RF/EM surveillance unless you were doing something "nefarious" with your VCR (maybe if you were watching snuff or CP on VHS tapes, but at cost and inconvenience to law enforcement).

However, yes, anything that produces radio frequency and electromagnetic frequency at any level can be hacked or intercepted. Even an old 60s vacuum tube powered RCA television set.

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244ab0  No.293246


Anything is possible using radio and electromagnetic frequency. The issue is proximity to exploit that data, render it without interference, collect it and then utilize it, without the help of any online or wifi connection.

If you have a wifi modem you best believe with bluetooth and all the other 802.11-enabled gadgets out there this makes it a lot simpler to intercept, render, collect and transmit info to nefarious sources.

The biggest obstacle is bugging people the way you describe. How would they install that without you knowing it? And what about alcohol consumption wearing down the micro-sensors for example? It's theoretically possible, but seems like too much of a pain in the ass as far as total population control.

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9b39b0  No.293247


Like what kind of surveillance and how surveilled can we be? Like cellphone microphones listening from a far distance, computers without convenional microphones listening, weapons that spy houses from far distance like 1000m distance, satellites being able to spy people's home internal parts, etc…

I am not much savvy about terms like RF/EM, TEMPEST

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244ab0  No.293248


Now that I entered a rabbit hole for which there could be no return for tin-foil debate, I must also ask this question: why did the US government take away VHF & UHF television broadcasting back in 90s? Why did all modern television equipment have to switch to using digital ATSC tuners? This begs the question whether the US government has been using those old VHF/UHF broadcasting frequencies for interception and surveillance purposes. If so, just how powerful is the potential for RF/EM surveillance now days? Did it cut out a lot of unwanted interference over the years? Perhaps my tin foil hat needs to be re-adjusted.


All electronic equipment (analog or digital) produces an electromagnetic frequency. Therefore interference and hacking can occur even without the need for actual internet connectivity (although more burdensome). TEMPEST was simply DoD procedure for this style of surveillance even during the days of early ARPANET.

All 802.11-enabled devices (inside modern computers, cell phones, TVs, smart crap, etc etc) produce wireless radio frequencies. This enables multiple "side channel" attacks / remote interference/interception as the FCC warns on almost all common appliances these days.

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