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9e4bf7  No.291723

I shouldve realized this would happen… DUHHH

now theyre going to need some fancy footwork to get out of this mess

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247dce  No.291724

File: 3ed4e3f3fd8c121⋯.png (962.56 KB, 1080x1263, 360:421, Picsart_22_03_14_17_02_22_….png)

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f1a3d6  No.291726

File: b55f711dc60696a⋯.jpg (219.05 KB, 1486x836, 743:418, i_will_break_you.jpg)


Yeah, like we're gonna be scared of a manlet who shits his pants when a real man stares him down.

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6a0b06  No.291737


These are thespians.

Images like these are called: iconography.

Shortly after this photo was taken these two thespians met up at an undisclosed location, grilled a couple of steaks, smoked a couple of cigars and cracked a bottle of scotch.

Within days the Russian diplomats were "expelled" and the Trump Russian collusion narrative was set in motion.

It lasted 4 years and effectively nullified the American vote.

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247dce  No.291739


The "COLLUSION" was Trump's terminology….

an amateurish childish distraction technique implemented by an illiterate moron who actually thought Finland was a city in Russia until Bolton explained what Finland really is…

nobody but Trump ever mentioned collusion

collusion wasn't the terminology used when Trump's illegal use of Russian intelligence was being discussed…

and although you have seen the video many times, where the illiterate child-rapist caveman gave the cue for the Russians to release the rearranged data, of course you are going to deny it's validity…

if you admitted that you realized Trump and the Russians actually DIDconspire, it would make your idiotic assertion that "the Democrats rendered the American vote moot" seem even more embarrassing than it already is…

yeah…. the damage to the American electoral system was caused by the Democrats, right?


it had nothing to do with Trump's idiotic temper tantrum refusal to admit he had lost, right?…

and being a true Trump turd like you are, of course you are going to emulate his childish behavior and simply refuse to admit when you are wrong as well

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0c21e4  No.291751

EMERGENCY!!!!! NO MORE Power and Internet

Hear this out, this is coming to you this month:

1. Power will only go off temporarily to share the shit out of us.

2. Internet will remain offline for a good while.

3. No social media, Netflix, forums and most games via consoles won't work.

4. Most people loose the little "social content" that they have.

5. Daddy government steps in and issues rationed access to internet, not rationed by bandwidth but my time and method.

Internet is public private, using government sponsored networks. The internet is made out of a part privately owned part gov owned patched together network. You got a contract with a company, you pay your bills and they provide you either with a simcard/esim or with a connecting using your plug at home.

Lights will go out and internet will go out. Most ISPs will turn AOL and disappear, not be able to operate at all.

Wired internet will disappear. Fibreoptics will still exist and operate but they just hook up to 4g/5g modems that do the last mile to the users. Meaning even if you use internet at home it will be wireless via 4g/5g using a small wireless modem.

That new internet will be fully operated by your government. In many countries you already have to present your ID/passport to get a simcard but its still using the old internet and routing technology.

The new internet is completely virtualized, you will get a government issued SIM and a unique permanent IP address that contains your unique identifier.

This is how and why:

Exploding energy prices followed by "Cyber-attacks" will end the internet as we know it. Internet will be off for a while, usage will be "rationed" not by restricting bandwidth but by changing the method of using it.

You will be issued access to the internet trough your Government issued ID, That ID number will be part of your new IP address. That new IP address will be static and permanent as long as you live or are a registered citizen. You will own that IP address. Across devices using SDN technology.

When accessing a website or making a post your post will be directly connected to your identity.

That ID will be visible for everyone.

People can copy past that ID together with the link to the post and you will get a knock on your door.

Goal is to end anonymity on the internet completely. Restrict information.

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247dce  No.291752


speaking of thespians…..

Your illiterate child-raping 74 IQ Caveman was flat broke when approached to do THE APPRENTICE, due to his "amazing genius business decisions", and he needed that NBC money bad….

he even described himself as "an actor who plays the role of a successful businessman"…

obviously just because you are an actor does not necessarily mean you are a good actor…

because only an idiot would have believed Trump was a successful businessman, if since the 1980s they had been aware of the truth behind the idiotic image, the way I did ..

if I was aware Trump was a broke idiot moron pretending to be successful, then anybody could have been aware of it.. I didn't have any special access to any insider information, it was all readily available right there on the TV set if you had been paying attention…

unless perhaps you are just so young that you had not been born yet, which would mean all of your beliefs are skewed by a lack of experience

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0c21e4  No.291753


Today we are using IPs that change and static IPs but the process to identify a user is not as straight forward as they want to it and it does now scale.

You can download Wikipedia, Stackoverflow, WebMD for medical advice and using a virtual machine or a raspberry pi you can secure your self before the big internet blackout. Archive all the important things.

Covid > keep everyone at home > shift the social interaction including work over the internet, set up shortages and supply chain issues

Ukraine > Neon gas needed for chip manufacturing, energy crisis, "cyber-warfare aka pulling the plugs".

Two years of shifting from IRL social interaction and work to digital and now the killer move, turn off the internet and issue gov internet SIMs using software defined networking with a permanent IP that is tied to your unique ID.

Covid passport was a dry run.

Most people rely on the internet for basic information like cooking timers, recipes, medical information of dosage or medical interaction, wikipedia is an extension of their brain to many. Imagine all that outsourced "brainpower" suddenly missing.

Where ever you want to spent the next 30 years in you better make a move right now. This is the last window of opportunity to travel.

Unless you are allowed to fly and can play 7000-15.000 for a flight that's it.

Energy prices and "demand destruction" will end aviation as we know it for the next 50 fucking years. If you want to immigrate do it now.

Also the west will turn very much like the Soviet Union when it comes to travel, you can travel if you are being moved for your important gov work or if you are very rich, otherwise forget it.

Travel/relocation will be a very privileged thing while mass migration into the US and Europe will be still a thing.

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0c21e4  No.291754


They are changing the fucking face of this planet.

When it hits, you will stay wherever you are.

I know it sounds crazy but when they are done with us, visiting another city will be like traveling to another country that is 10 flight hours away.

If you want to be smart about it do this:

Get a raspberry pi or old computer/laptop or Nuc.

Download an archive of Wikipedia, mebMD (yes its shitty but better than nothing! and its perfect when you want to search for something quick and semi accurate), download all python libraries or libs of things you would need if you still want to write software, download offline repos. Entertainment, audiobooks, books, manuals and instructions to fix shit.

Create a small private offline internet for your self and you will feel like a little winner during those times.

Also a lot of shit will break, meaning information will get lost. Download archives of news, headlines, newspapers etc because:

HISTORY WILL BE REWRITTEN for whats happening after that.

Enemies will become "friends" and memory will fade making them the best "ally" as they always have been. Ideology will be substituted, truths will be changed.

The internet will 'come back' after they have purged it of all the info they deem to be a "danger to our democracy." They won't get rid of the internet entirely because it how the prince of the power of the air infects people with degeneracy but it will change and be much more heavily regulated.

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247dce  No.291755




here's a perfect example of how stupid you are ,:

you just painted yourself into a corner, because now you have only 16 days for your idiotic far-fetched paranoid delusion prediction to either come true… or end up making a fool out of you again



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0c21e4  No.291757




Prepping For A Power Outage: What To Stock Up On

While authorities typically give out notices in advance of a blackout, SHTF scenarios will feature abrupt power outages that last for a long time. Days without electricity could put you and your family’s safety on the line if you’re not prepared for a sudden power outage.

MY COMMENT:THIS!Never expect any notice before/during a real SHTF crisis! You do need to be prepared NOW for it, before it happens. In fact, the major indication of SHTF/another major world war would be the power grid and/or internet going out without notice. You have about 8 hours before full-blown panic kicks in! Then suddenly, once all the mindless consumers "get it" they'll all be flocking to the stores to grab up as much supplies as they can manage, likely fighting over the supplies! You NEVER ever want to be one of those poor fools!



WHAT THIS LIST DID NOT MENTION:A LOT!You most definitely want a wood burning stove or fireplace during winter with plenty of wood stocked up! Of-course this is likely not allowed in most communist-run cities or metro areas, but most of America outside the cities have those utilities. It's most common out in the rural areas, out where I live everyone has wood stocked up for winter! There are some who don't even have power or internet today, they are THAT old fashion and I admire them for it. You'll also need guns/ammo to protect your family and property. Arm the kids during a crisis, they will be of help, just make sure they know how to shoot and safely handle the gun! You'll want a solar generator that can trickle charge 12V batteries and power inverters to hook the 12Vs up to, maybe a couple 2000 watt inverters. That's enough to cover the very basics like the box freezers and fridge! Have 4 or 5 12V batteries routinely charged ready to go, when you use a couple make sure you are charging the others! Rain water is a great source of water IF done right! You need plenty of water purification tablets, cheese cloth and water filters. Before drinking, you need to strain the water out with cheese cloth into a bucket, then you need to add the purification tablets in to kill the bacteria, then you need a really good water filter to clean all the chemicals out of it, then boil the water after it's filtered properly and PRESTO! Clean water from the sky! While you are guarding your family, you could become bored in the rural areas as nothing much will likely happen if you are very rural, so buy some crossword puzzle books and some cards to play Blackjack with the family. Also, if you drink a lot like I do, you better have at least 50 liters of Vodka stashed somewhere, just make sure the kids don't get to them, last thing you need is drunk kids playing cowboys and indians in the house!

AS WARNED: Do Prepare For ISP Bans And Blackouts To Cover Up Genocide/Civil War During USSA Demise



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0c21e4  No.291758


So the Covid PLANDEMIC Agenda has failed, at least in most of America fortunately. They failed to enforce their ID 2020 vaccine passports… and their "Great Reset" agenda flopped. Undoubtedly these criminals are angry and upset about it!

So now the same criminals have a NEW event planned… and it involves a major cyber attack on America! Predictably hitting the Mid-West, I say that because the Mid-West has pretty much given these assholes the finger! And will continue to!

Don't be shocked if this were to happen either, prepare for this! This is what happens when criminals are allowed to run amok.



SHTF Prepping Thread



Prepping For A Power Outage: What To Stock Up On


While authorities typically give out notices in advance of a blackout, SHTF scenarios will feature abrupt power outages that last for a long time. Days without electricity could put you and your family’s safety on the line if you’re not prepared for a sudden power outage.

MY COMMENT:THIS!Never expect any notice before/during a real SHTF crisis! You do need to be prepared NOW for it, before it happens. In fact, the major indication of SHTF/another major world war would be the power grid and/or internet going out without notice. You have about 8 hours before full-blown panic kicks in! Then suddenly, once all the mindless consumers "get it" they'll all be flocking to the stores to grab up as much supplies as they can manage, likely fighting over the supplies! You NEVER ever want to be one of those poor fools!

WHAT THIS LIST DID NOT MENTION:A LOT!You most definitely want a wood burning stove or fireplace during winter with plenty of wood stocked up! Of-course this is likely not allowed in most communist-run cities or metro areas, but most of America outside the cities have those utilities. It's most common out in the rural areas, out where I live everyone has wood stocked up for winter! There are some who don't even have power or internet today, they are THAT old fashion and I admire them for it. You'll also need guns/ammo to protect your family and property. Arm the kids during a crisis, they will be of help, just make sure they know how to shoot and safely handle the gun! You'll want a solar generator that can trickle charge 12V batteries and power inverters to hook the 12Vs up to, maybe a couple 2000 watt inverters. That's enough to cover the very basics like the box freezers and fridge! Have 4 or 5 12V batteries routinely charged ready to go, when you use a couple make sure you are charging the others! Rain water is a great source of water IF done right! You need plenty of water purification tablets, cheese cloth and water filters. Before drinking, you need to strain the water out with cheese cloth into a bucket, then you need to add the purification tablets in to kill the bacteria, then you need a really good water filter to clean all the chemicals out of it, then boil the water after it's filtered properly and PRESTO! Clean water from the sky! While you are guarding your family, you could become bored in the rural areas as nothing much will likely happen if you are very rural, so buy some crossword puzzle books and some cards to play Blackjack with the family. Also, if you drink a lot like I do, you better have at least 50 liters of Vodka stashed somewhere, just make sure the kids don't get to them, last thing you need is drunk kids playing cowboys and indians in the house!

AS WARNED: Do Prepare For ISP Bans And Blackouts To Cover Up Genocide/Civil War During USSA Demise


6 Totally Insane Things That WILL Happen If Our Power Grid Goes Down

1. All commerce will cease.

2. Communications will shut down.

3. Without electricity, all forms of fuel that our society relies on will stop flowing.

4. And of course, many of those farms will lack water, as will your plumbing.

5. When the grocery stores are stripped bare, the pharmacies won’t be far behind.

6. And finally, one of the most shocking things that people will have to deal with, is the lack of GPS.

In summary, law and order will break down at every level, and death will be around every corner.


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247dce  No.291759





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0c21e4  No.291760


I've been thinking writing about this issue recently. This is something I got prepared for a while back ago, a decade maybe longer. I really got this down well and would like to share what I know. I assume most hardcore preppers already do the same, so this is NOT for you guys because you are already aware of what I will have to say.

Communist revolutions are dangerous and violent, they are empowered by systemic corruption, insolvency, greed and moral decay. The middle class and lower class are always the ones culled in a communist revolution, never the uber rich as they are well protected and have offshore safe havens and get-aways. It tends to be the rich who fund communist revolutions anyway as a means to cull the population. It is always the struggling lower and middle classes that get robbed and killed in communist revolutions. ALWAYS.

Now that this FACT is settled lets talk about one of their many hostile tactics to rob, rape and/or kill you. Communists have many radical tactics. They can blow up a levee or dam to flood out communities they cannot loot or control. They'll also use arson to subjugate their victims too. Sometimes they'll disrupt transportation, much like Antifa derails Amtrack trains and cargo shipments across the midwest! Very common tactics. Another thing communists will do is use a hijacked corrupted government to target families, often at night or early in the morning when people are sound asleep. Or sometimes they'll use mobs to do that too. Depends on the situations at hand. Gun grabs and gulag kidnappings go hand-in-hand during communist revolutions. They know very well the most vulnerable point in time for their victims is when they are sleeping! This is one area in which I have prepped pretty well for!

I have some mitigation tactics for those who plan this for me, and I'll be happy to share these tips with all of you:

(1) First off get used to sleeping in clothing, next to some boots by the side of your bed, cargo pants and a flannel shirt are great and comfy enough to sleep in. (2) You'll want to have a loaded handgun next to your bed, maybe on the nightstand, or you can sleep with it locked on safety mode. Either way have a loaded gun ready to use if you were to wake up during a B&E job or gulag kidnap gun grab. (3) You want something that is battery operated by the side of your bed or mounted to the wall next to you which will allow you to see in the dark. It could be night vision goggles, it could be a handheld portable LED light, it could be a small lamp hooked up to a 12V-powered 200 watt inverter. Maybe a heavy duty flashlight. Whatever it is, make sure you can see good in the dark, and make sure you can use it off-grid!! Have it handy and practice with it in the dark till you can utilize it within 5 seconds when need be. (4) Hardcore entry point fortification and some kind of alarm system that will alert you during a breach at night. When I talk about "entry point fortification" what I mean is having katy bars, floor locks, multiple dead bolts (with long strike plates + 3" stainless steel screws) to reinforce your exterior doors. If you have any patio glass door you need to knock it out and replace it by building an extended wall over it. Windows should also be covered or barred up from the inside, you can easily use wood bits to drill holes through the 2x4s around the frames of the windows and use stainless steel bolts with washers and nuts to mount thick plywood and/or warehouse shelving beams against the windows. Just make sure you get the measurements down correctly and have them leveled.

Basic review:

1) Well clothed, ready to hop out of bed and get into defensive mode.

2) Have a firearm handy next to where you sleep, with extra ammo nearby too.

3) Some kind of battery operated lighting or night vision goggles.

4) Some kind of alarm system for the hardened entry points encase they are breached.

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247dce  No.291761



I used to actually like you.. I used to actually respect you


you are an embarrassment

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0c21e4  No.291762


This was a warning posted from someone who works with a major ISP online sounding the alarm for a TOTAL PLANNED GOVT TAKEOVER OF THE INTERNET AS WE KNOW IT!!!!!!!!!!

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247dce  No.291763




you take the cake

it's not just that you're gullible

(and you are extremely gullible)

and it's not just the fact that you are an uncontrolled rating alcoholic with paranoid schizophrenia who refuses to take his medication

it's much worse than that


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247dce  No.291764



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0c21e4  No.291765


You have been warned!!!!!

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247dce  No.291766


nobody cares WHERE you Cherry picked your latest paranoid conspiracy garbage.. that doesn't matter


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247dce  No.291767



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247dce  No.291768


I have been warned…

you actually think you are important

your life is so irrelevant

you have achieved nothing

you are overwhelmed by your own irrelevance






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247dce  No.291769

I'm not joking.. you are a fucking idiot. you actually make niggers seem brilliant

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247dce  No.291770




eat my shit directly from the source, plastering your lips firmly around my rectum as a gigantic steaming 24-in turd slowly slides out of my colon directly down the back of your throat

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247dce  No.291771

I used to relate to you and admire you, even though you were a bit of a nutcase

but recently you have become a major liability

you have become an embarrassment

and I can no longer honestly stand up for you

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247dce  No.291772

when your incessant need to pretend that you have special insider knowledge becomes so predictable that I can actually set my watch by it, that means you have become a parody..

at this point, your organic psychiatric disorder (unmedicated paranoid schizophrenia, which by definition inherently means you always believe somebody is plotting against you) has now reached a level where you have become a satire

you have zero integrity


you have nothing but failure as a track record.. you've never gotten a single thing right in 23 years

and you have reached point where your daughter needs to have you institutionalized for your own safety

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247dce  No.291773

enjoy your 16 days…..

They'll go by quickly

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247dce  No.291774

LOL perhaps you should've thought about how you'd deal with being wrong in 16 days before a kneejerk DOOMSDAY WARNING?

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edb9ee  No.291797


Dude….. I'm justNOWreading your words


You lied when you said this was from some employee of a "MAJOR ISP"….

you're lying again……

this was all fromYOU

another paranoid dream, after emptying an entire bottle of whiskey and passing out surrounded by hundreds of rusty expired cans of black eyed peas

This is YOUR psychosis …

Not some ISP employee

This is your INSANE way of trying to distract from the fact thatyou were wrong about COVID

You made a fool out of yourself…

You looked like a fool

And now the pandemic is over

And you've got egg on your facqa Minnie

You realize everyone knows you were wrong about covid

you were wrong about COVID being a bioterrorist attack, you were wrong about the vaccines, you were WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG WRONG

it turns out that all of your COVID garbage was nothing more than the typical ramblings of an extremely mentally ill man who refuses to see a psychologist, and instead self-medicates withdisgusting alcohol

a paranoid man, with paranoid schizophrenia, who suffers from paranoid delusions

And when you're occasionally NOT in a state of psychosis (which is normal, because schizophrenia has ebbs and flows) you are still addicted to stress and fear, your bloodstream is filled with cortisol, and you like the way stress feels, so even when you're NOT in the middle of a psychotic episode, YOU FABRICATE MORE PARANOIA…

it what you do…


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edb9ee  No.291798

File: bfb9d710bfa91ef⋯.png (666.65 KB, 2300x1009, 2300:1009, Picsart_22_03_15_06_53_32_….png)

there was no "employee from a major ISP" who said any of this garbage.

This is all straight out of your mentally ill head

This is your way of changing the subject…

this is your attempt to make a NEW CONSPIRACY STORY ABOUT COVID

none of your previous "COVID conspiracies" came true…

So now you're claiming COVID was a way to prepare people for the 'REAL conspiracy', which is the 'upcoming rationing of the internet'

Hahahaha dude….. do yourself a favor

Go see a psychiatrist and get on an atypical antipsychotic… You have an illness…

Go get help

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edb9ee  No.291799


it's gross….

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