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c56df3  No.291220

After Russians "discovered" Nazi gas chambers where 6 million jews were gassed, who would still believe what Russians say?

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17a34c  No.291459


You can always spot the guy who has no real knowledge about anything, because he's the one who is always claiming to know the truth.

I suppose it's kind of hard for you to verify ANYTHING that doesn't take place in your mother's spare bedroom, while you stare at your computer…

You're unable to verify what a vagina feels like…

You're unable to verify if being employed gives one a sense of accomplishment and maturity…

You are unable to verify whether or not a firm handshake and looking somebody directly in the eyes builds a sense of trust.

I guess the only thing you're really capable of verifying is The longer you sit on your ass, unless your mother expects you to eventually move out on your own.

You've repeatedly promised her that you'd look for a job one day, but here you sit, day after day…

At least when the Russians say they're going to do something, they actually do it.

(nobody blames you for being jealous of those who are successful, because we would be jealous as well if we were you)

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137648  No.291507


Kike, does it hurt you much that people actually know that 6 million jews were gassed in tiny gas chambers in Auschwitz alone?

I have to admit that I had been wrong for a long while. I thought that 6 trillion jews were gassed there.

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273ff6  No.291700

I don't believe what the Russians say, I don't even listen.

What I do instead is wait to hear what the Jews and what Western liberals say, and then assume that the opposite is true unless it is something it's something that I can verify personally–in which case I assume that they told the truth by accident because they misread their script, and look more closely for whatever lie was so important in that sentence that they made the slip-up.

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5800d3  No.291781


I do the same.

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7b3175  No.292767

Russian communist Jews made up the 6 million lie. And now those same Communist Jews are running Ukraine and telling the same lies to the world. Let's not fall for it a 2nd time ok.

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35081b  No.292846

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a5fb25  No.292912

When would Russians apologize for their lies and pay reparations to their German victims?

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5de5a0  No.292934


>>Russian communist Jews made up the 6 million lie

>>made up 10 million lie

is what the cum guzzlers declared. Has been the official number for a long time in cccp school books a.o… Look it up.

Remember: propaganda and manipulation has to start early.

>>now those same Communist Jews are running Ukraine and telling the same lies to the world

>>those same

not exactly. Boomers die - also, what is a pillow?

I'd rather watch Putin's 'friends' closely, e.g. those oligarchs. It's obvious to all with a functioning brain and two good eyes.

Keep the record straight.


When's the next ice age?

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a5fb25  No.293021


>When's the next ice age?

Do you think Russians are proud of their lies?

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