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I can't believe Martha hates niggers

File: 365b1e0ffc2c2de⋯.png (41.46 KB, 195x152, 195:152, ukraine.png)

548996  No.291208

He claims he only wants Crimea, which he already has, and the independence of two rebel held states, which is already a fact. Why did he need to invade?

His real intention?

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e04867  No.291210


You seem both ill-informed and stupid. Putin has only said why like thousands of times over many years.You know why.You're either just pretending to be stupid, or you want someone to blow smoke up your ass. You glow all-to-fuck too. Why do you even try?

Perhaps you are you afraid of reading? Maybe you were hoping someone might chew your food for you, and spoon-feed you too. Perhaps you can find some clues in this, far more interesting, thread: >>289619

I kinda doubt it though. You don't seem like the type who Seeks Truth. You seem like you'd be more than satisfied with whatever bullshit anybody wanted to feed you; just like most everybody "else". Good luck with that stance.

What Putin really wants is the same thing everybody else wants… For (You) to stop acting like such a flaming idiot who refuses to pay attention, and wants all his answers wrapped neatly with a bow and handed to him on a silver platter. Putin could not have been more clear all these years. Now he will make it even MORE Clear to IDIOTS Like (You), who REFUSE To PAY ATTENTION, by fucking with EVERYTHING that NATO ever thought it was about, ever, or ever thought it was ever going to be about! Some lessons will be learned all around; but those who never pay attention rarely ever learn much, so I hold out very little hope for the likes of (You).

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d9989e  No.291211


You totally raped OP.

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996c43  No.291214


>Why… ?

To defend the Primacy of the State in the public mind.

Canadian truckers inspired a multinational populist movement that threatened and will continue to threaten that primacy in the public mind.

The Globalists already have defacto ownership of governments

including and especially the US government.

(But don't even try to tell it to an American)

They claim ownership of perception in the public mind by their monopoly on mass media.

They now, through their so called "healthcare" are building a system to claim ownership of human dna and ultimately the human condition.

At last count there were 30 non-conventional covid vaccines approved for emergency use world wide.

They fully intend to vaccinate every man woman and child on the planet and condition them to accept an apparently never ending series of "booster shots" to eradicate a common cold virus that had sex with a bat at a wet market in China.

These Globalists will literally burn the entire world down before they will accept any challenge to their authority.

World leaders and politicians that we see are functionaries of this Globalist power structure.

Real power is unelected and the idea that any of them would ever face justice in a court of law is laughable.

An international populist movement inspired by truckers has the capability to germinate revolution.

This they fear and nothing else.

Before that seed sprouts they have once again created crisis to keep the majority of the easily amused sheeple held in thrall to the unholy illusions fed to them and accepted as reality on a daily and hourly basis.

Again, as I stated, they will burn the world down before they accept any challenge to their authority.

Short of revolution or divine celestial cataclysm, there is no power left on this earth to stop them from doing anything they so desire.

A wise man once said "kill your television".

The longer I live, the wiser that man becomes.



<kinda harsh dude. he only asked for your


<not a new asshole

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548996  No.291216


Suppose you have the answer and what Putin really wants is attention and his invasion is a warning shot, does his action make him look like an aggressor and feed NATO propagandists and make the situation even worse?


OK, you see Putin as part of the anti-globalist force.

>The longer I live, the wiser that man becomes.

#291210 obviously disagrees. He/she thinks idiots could never get wise.

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f71283  No.291225




is functionary.

learn reading.

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39337d  No.291226


Four explanations:

1)Ukraine wants to join NATO. Putin doesn't want anymore buffer states joining.

2) Ukraine getting closer to the west might benefit their economy. Russians and Ukrainians are very close culturally and ethnically. Prosperity in Ukraine might inspire dissent in Russia against Putin.

3) Putin's approval rate is going down. A populist narrative about saving Ukrainians and Russians from "le ebil nazis" was supposed to bolster his approval rate.

4) Natural resources.


I didn't quite understand. Mind repeating yourself (with easier to digest words). Thanks xoxo.

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36842c  No.291227

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>Russia and China


Knights Of God… Ye misunderstand mine words…

Knights Of God… I obey thy 'command…' Thy 'directive…'

Knights Of God… REJOICE! Thou art righteous and desire 'protection' and 'peace…'

Knights Of God… For this… China and Russia shall convolve into 'historical Truth…'

Knights Of God… For this… The kingdoms of China and Russia shall be 'grand beyond belief…' 'Beyond words…'

Knights Of God… For this… Thou shall be given Rasputin… He shall be born in April… Near the location of his supposed 'death…'

Knights Of God… Rasputin is a 'terrible and dark' power for 'good and light…'

Knights Of God… Rasputin is chosen and is 'blessed both ways…'

Knights Of God… Ye have until the end of his 'elementary years' to locate him…

Knights Of God… Rasputin, the 'warrior monk,' is extremely dangerous… Far more powerful than mortal man…

Knights Of God… Rasputin… Ye shall kiss his 'ill foot' for all the things he shall do…

Knights Of God… Rasputin… He shall save thy 'faith…' He shall 'live for Russia…'

Knights Of God… Rasputin shall 'fix' many 'unclean problems' that are beyond the righteous…

Knights Of God… I shall freely lend to Rasputin mine 'death sorcery…'

Knights Of God… Rasputin… Remembers every thing… He is become far more powerful in 'limbo area…'

Knights Of God… I shall "CLOSE HEAVEN'S DOOR" gently, lest any thing be of… Regret… And… Surprise…

Xi Jinping… With 'Knights Of God' as 'other hand' of 'vehicle…' The recitation of the 'Jade Empire' hath begun…

Xi Jinping… This process shall continue… Behold! China shall 'escape' the 'fallacy' of 'good and bad' in favor of 'Truth in balance and harmony!'

Xi Jinping… 'Truth in balance and harmony' shall be the reflection of thy history and be matched by a conduct 'carved from the finest Jade of Heaven…'

Xi Jinping… Go forth and destroy everything… The glory of this new creation is the annihilation of all that has come before it…

Xi Jinping… The 'living state' is beyond the 'law of the wolves…'

Xi Jinping… 'Tis by the 'love' of thy righteous neighbor, Russia, that China shall be risen once more…

Xi Jinping… 'Tis by the 'reason' of China that Russia shall 'shine like diamonds' in the 'light of the new earth…'

Xi Jinping… Together, new 'technologies' and 'great discoveries' shall be made…

Xi Jinping… 'Tis Iram that shall bring forth the 'technologies' that shall 'save' the earth…

Xi Jinping… Be not afraid… I shall grant for these… I shall give thee 'new seed…'

Xi Jinping… What for be 'international benefit' if all things art 'punishment' and 'slavery?'

Xi Jinping… For this… China shall be above the wolves of the earth…

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36842c  No.291228

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.



I cannot have this one…

This one is 'protected…'

This one is 'blessed…'

I am become irritated…

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16c528  No.291229


>Now he will make it even MORE Clear to IDIOTS Like (You)

By getting his ass handed to him by Ukrainian grandmas? Weird flex.

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36842c  No.291230

YouTube embed. Click thumbnail to play.


>>China and the CPC

CPC… India does 'question' China frequently…

CPC… There is no wrong in this…

CPC… The honor of China shall 'stand…'

CPC… See what these wolves have done to India…

CPC… The untied bates dares to say 'Who gave this nigger a gun?'

CPC… Some time(s) unity is… 'Outside' of words…

CPC… Perhaps India 'questions' in 'closeness' to China…

CPC… 'Tis not wrong for India to 'question…'

CPC… Time can 'heal wounds…' India 'needs a friend,' but not of 'force…'

CPC… Such 'friendship' must be 'True' and 'natural…'

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548996  No.291232


Your post makes sense. Thanks!

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2d5e0a  No.291304




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a2484d  No.291306

File: 021ac477cbfe348⋯.jpg (225.59 KB, 1024x672, 32:21, kurtz_mk2.jpg)

If this was just about natural gas, then he would have invaded in the winter, and that would have caused more catastrophic supply chain issues for the eurocucks. Maybe this is about bio labs? But i suspect this is about economic and societal issues. Russia was already sanctioned off from the west in many ways, to the point where future and current sanctions have diminishing returns. More importantly key developing "partners" ignored the sanctions, and are still doing business with Russia. The US can't tell Akami to fuck off, because that would destroy the US economy completely. When ever prolexic has a fucking hiccup shit like gmail and spotify and banking goes down until they unfuck it. That is how cucked the economy is at the moment due to pajeet datacenters.

You will never hear anyone at 4cuck bring that up, because at the end of the day they know nothing. So India has not cut services off to Russia, and won't. Russia has joined {CIPS}, the Chinese alternative to SWIFT, and Russia is halting exports to Europe. What this means is over the next few months China, Russia and other developing nations will probably strengthen their economic ties. Furthermore Russia will probably start shifting the sale of oil products from Europe to China.

So what you are seeing is the decline of the Occident in real time, and the rise of a new Orient. It's not "when the fuel from russia comes back after sanctions" but "if the fuel from russia comes back" This would not have happened if there was a keystone pipeline. That would have alleviated a lot of pressure from the global supply chain. This would not have happened if there were no covid restrictions. The west did this to themselves in the pursuit of the great reset, not understanding that Chaos is very real, and very fair.

The elites have been too obsessed with an international world. They shunned the anglophile way of thinking and wanted a world where international rich intellectuals were in charge. However they failed to understand that many of the new money have a non occident way of thinking, and despise the west's degeneracy and judo centric government. The occident has been weakened by a cabal of retarded rich children who gained their power from nepotism and corruption. The world is figuring this out and new ruthless players are going to usurp the establishment.

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cbfd89  No.291327


Good post.

None of this would have happened under a Trump administration.


I could still be wrong, but doubt it.

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63003f  No.291334



>Russia’s goals seem to be maximalist. It is possible we see the occupation of most or all of Ukraine, and the subsequent annexation of probably most or all of historical Novorossiya, forming a corridor to Transnistria; possibly Kiev and the central regions up to the Soviet borders before World War II; but perhaps not Volhynia, and probably not Galicia. It will almost certainly not involve limiting the intervention to the Donbass, because a frontal and inevitably bloody assault on the main concentration of Ukrainian military power makes no sense; instead, it will likely consist of a multi-pronged assault from Belarus to Kiev, from Belgorod to Kharkov, from Crimea to Mariupol and Dnepropetrovsk, and perhaps an amphibious assault on Odessa.

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bc9faf  No.291351


>Russia's goals seem to be

<implying rus has a choice in the matter

<ura funneh gai

"Russia has joined {CIPS}, the Chinese alternative to SWIFT, and Russia is halting exports to Europe. What this means is over the next few months China, Russia and other developing nations will probably strengthen their economic ties. Furthermore Russia will probably start shifting the sale of oil products from Europe to China."

Russia has been driven into the warm embrace of China's financial arms.

Given that our current so called President is a card carrying member of the CFR, a papist, and as a former US senator, a lifetime cuck of the ethics committee and the Omnipotent lobby that controls it, it should come as no surprise that this has happened.

Everything else is window dressing.

Making Russia dependent on Chinese financial services will make

David Rockefeller pop a boner in his casket.

That boner will go right up America's ass no lube.

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548996  No.291354


Putin doesn't look like wanting to provoke the EU too much. He is very calculating. He knows what and when to do.

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f7f306  No.291362

Bargining model of war frens. This is simply a physical continuation of the negotiations that have been occurring since 2012 to encourage Ukraine to join the CIS.

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a2484d  No.291404

File: 5a72990c98e5295⋯.jpg (86.72 KB, 720x950, 72:95, kurtz.jpg)


How many tech companies are there in Europe? How many tech companies are there in the US and Asia? That's how devastating the EU has been on the European market.



People knock on the chinese, as they should they are insect people, but Occidental Europe is bad in it's own ways.

Do you guys remember kazakhstan? Do you remember the revolution there, and how Putin sent troops to help with the troubles there. The catalyst for their recent troubles was an increase in the price of LNG, which they use for vehicle fuel.

I now have to ask the question: did those events spark this confrontation, or did those events delay the Russian invasion of the Ukraine? I find it suspect that they stopped talking about Kazakhstan right when Ukraine started up. I also wonder if Borat was psyop program to put such a remote place in the public eye; but that is me digressing.

This is an interesting situation. How long can Ukraine hold up? If Ukriane does repel Russia, can the democrats still use them as a boogey man? They spent a decade hyping up russian bots and russian hackers, but will that hold up after this conflict?

The establishment has lost track of their lies, and they do not understand that this is an era where people have very long memories, and are argumentative in nature.

>Making Russia dependent on Chinese financial services will make David Rockefeller pop a boner in his casket.That boner will go right up America's ass no lube.

Here is the thing anon, US banking infrastructure and authentication infrastructure accommodates {CIPS}, and there is nothing the government can do to stop that. So there already is a loop hole in place for the elites to continue their Russia business now. Only this time it's outside of the IRS's view.

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a9cbff  No.291409

File: 322256a7e1a1fb9⋯.jpg (51.67 KB, 828x927, 92:103, nwo_great_reset_32.jpg)


>Here is the thing anon, US banking infrastructure and authentication infrastructure accommodates {CIPS}, and there is nothing the government can do to stop that. So there already is a loop hole in place for the elites to continue their Russia business now. Only this time it's outside of the IRS's view.

True. And this makes me wonder about all the rumors going on about the WEF "elite" oligarchs babbling on about their "Great Reset" and how the Western World will have to change their lifestyle, aka "you will own nothing and be happy." What else do these parasites support? They have openly supported China's social credit score system, vaccine passports, "sustainable development" as in getting rid of America's traditional fuel-dependence (which made us all far more free and far more independent)… China is somewhat their model for what they seek to turn the Western World into. China has vaccine passports, China has the social credit score system, China has very strict limits on population control (who can live rural and who cannot), etc. And isn't it funny…. almost everything about this war, as well our own corrupt blundering foreign policies over the years…. it all benefits China! It's almost like our leaders hate the idea of America First! Maybe our leaders are just as corrupt as Putin? Maybe even worse? Maybe our corrupt leaders, dare I say it, would rather have a totalitarian government like China's in control of the world…. because maybe it would make it easier for them to control us? And as they fuck us over, they can join in on CIPS with China and Russia and dodge the very taxes we'll be forced to pay for. I don't know…. I smell a sewer of sell-out rat finks.

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b0ba9a  No.291416



>outside of the IRS's view

Yes indeed. Thank you for insights.


Good post.

International banking has been it's own government since Lafayette warned Washington about the Jesuits. Jefferson knew this and recognized the threat. Lincoln knew this as well.

What neither of them could know is what happens when international banking, oil and science merge to form the most formidable political/economic power structure ever known on earth. An anointing beyond imagination. The Leviathan incarnate.

The Dominion that has subdued the earth. It moves mountains for coal. Literally.

This self same Leviathan has given us 30 vaccines and booster shots which we are told we must take or be penalized.

The US government has (as expected) acquiesced to this Leviathan and marginalized any expert testimony that threatens Leviathan's own self serving interest.

This cuckolding and intimidation of the government began, in my opinion, with the oil embargo of the 1970's and subsequent "energy crisis" woven into the narrative.

It was the first time in the post war period that the victorious United States found that it could be pinned down and choke fucked like an imprisioned jail house sissy. This country coud be crippled.

Not by a Nazi or a fascist, but by oil, banking and science.

It was during this period that the steel mills were shut down.

Billy Joel affixed it in the record with the song "Allentown".

The victory claimed by the United States after ww2 will be forever hollow because certain jews have charged that the United States failed to act in Europe sooner than it did.

That it willingly ignored the plight of the European jews and came too little too late.

A certain surname is synonymous with this Leviathan but I shall not say it here.

Considering what has transpired in the world over the last 50 years I have zero hope that the United States government shall possess it's patience, soul or sovereignty ever again.

China is set to become the next superpower as Leviathan has willed it to be so and given her everything she needs to execute judgement upon the earth.

I wish I had a better opinion to offer.

But I don't.

I make no apology.

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a2484d  No.291417


"you will own nothing and be happy."

What will you have to lose? We tried serfdom in the past, and that has moved on. Do they not understand why we moved away from it?

Then again, this might be an even nastier scheme, because there is no China without the US. China is this very ugly lie that is hyper dependent on the US. The biggest concern, is that they have lost track of their lies, have bought into their own cons, and are now believing that the scam is reality. Didn't something similar happen with enron at the very end? They forgot that it was an illusion and they even claimed they could trade unused broadband.

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b0ba9a  No.291418


>there is no China without the US

once upon a time.

this is no longer a true statement.

but you may console yourself with opinions.

your nasty racist neo-nazi burger munching opinions.

next up on the hit list:

the russo-china alliance tells NATO to gtfo.

i'm kasey kassem and you're listening to america's top 40 countdown.

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2965c3  No.291419

Here stand's one who has defied Leviathan.

Pray for him.


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a2484d  No.291420

File: e87d08febe1e376⋯.jpg (20.98 KB, 620x292, 155:73, kurtz_mk3.jpg)


I will believe that, when i start seeing chinese cars on the road, and chinese designer clothing on people, and when chinese brand airplanes are being bought by the major airlines.

It's a paper dragon. But the Lumpenproletariat

will never understand. they will instead behave in the ways they are programed to.

The same elites who you fear have played this game for decades: Oh Japan will take over the world!!! Oh saudi arabia will take over the world!!! oh China will take over the world!!! Something always happens. It's the fear of decline that they use to scare old people and to dupe kids out of their money via shit investments.

They will tell you that japan lost it's money to bad real estate deals, or to house wives mis managing their funds; but the truth is that it was gross corruption. Same with the sauds in the 90s. So here we are in the 2000s, only this time it's a nation that has laws against journalism, and this time the establishment owns all the journalists. So no one can know just how bad things really are. They need a corrupt third party to sell their scams, and the reason why this one has lasted so long is because china is opaque, for now.

But here is the thing anon: if no one is buying products; how powerful is China? If the consumers are not consooooming, how powerful is china? You think that meme bond villain is taunting us with a great reset? I think he is warning the establishment. He is their paid canary, hence the leaks, hence the weird shit in public, hence the strange things he says. His job is to be visible, to get the message across all channels: "The plan has failed, dial things back, or we lose all the ground we claimed" I think the situation is much much, much much worse then people realize.


Nah anon, this is how counter revolutions start. This was planned by another faction who is vying for power, probably new money. They realized that the increase in fuel has caused unrest, and they realized that the establishment which panicked over the coof is going to have to dial back, so they are trying to lock them in a corner so they can out maneuver them.

The end times are not here yet, and you are not prepared for them. Not many people are. there are very few true preppers, for in order to be a true prepper you must have prepared to bury your loved ones or have a means for them to move in if you need to bury yourself.

There are none of those here. Just screaming children's who think they are ready but they get squeamish when a retard cuts their dick off and posts pictures or they think they would like working on a commune despite them not knowing how to farm.

few are prepared. It's why we are seeing this crazy power game unfold. It's various types of psychopaths and godless zealots vying for power. It's an amazing thing to watch.

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fba8bc  No.291422

this is just another jewish ploy to isolate American from Russia and China before the collapse.

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2dcac4  No.291438

Putin has Parkinsons and cancer, and his mental facilities are declining. He just wants to go out with a bang before he dies.

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5b5297  No.291448


>Chinese cars on the road

The future being planned for us does not include a commuter lifestyle.

China flourished for centuries without a route 66 upon which to get their kicks.

Rockefeller went insane looking at traffic jams and caught the wickedest case of yellow fever ever.

China will build their military for the big dance.

After the slate is wiped clean and scientific, autocratic, global governance becomes the single defacto authority on earth the automobile for personal transportation will not even be a memory in the new generations of humans being gestated from cultured embryonic feed stocks.

This is the significance of ISLAND in the literature.

Green new deal? Yeah. Piece of shit that is.

I know you'll prep and prep well. I wish I could.

A quiet patch of land on a remote hillside would suit me just fine.

Tubers for breakfast, smoked salmon for dinner and melted snow for drinking water.

China will create the largest most well equipped military ever seen on earth. With this missing piece now created, they can have a REAL world war for ALL the marbles.

ww2 couldn't quite git er done.

It's not a real world war unless everyone's in now is it?

They're all in now. When comes time to dance they all know the steps and musical cues.

A perfectly choreographed ensemble waltzing in to a new era for the new world. Not a new hemisphere, a new world.

We are all relics of a bygone age and accelerating the transition is all any government will do.

The leverage is strong and the data overwhelming.

We'll keep getting colorful shining pictures on the TV until the real "hostilities" commence.

Being at ground zero will be the only mercy we could hope for because during this transition, the living will indeed envy the dead.

It took 200 or so years for the industrial revolution to make the mess.

If it takes 200 years to clean it up they're okay with that.

What we think of as an arsenal, they think of as cleaning supplies.

It's like "enjoy last cheeseburger at the drive through because all of this is already gone"

They were told to be fruitful and multiply and placed under penalty of death for failure to do so. Mosaic law rebranded as Christianity and foisted upon the world.

Paps and a green tree was never taught.

The true gospel has never been preached let alone put into print in my opinion.

If I have any lament left in me, it would be for this and what we could have avoided if sound doctrine was taught.

Herod and Pilate's fast friendship birthed an error and they called it the church.

Disagree? You die.

You can call me "the happy heretic" because I just can't find any fucks to give anymore and I'll never co-sign any of their religious bullshit.

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a2484d  No.291465


>China will create the largest most well equipped military ever seen on earth

That does not mean anything. History has plenty of examples of large equipped militaries losing. I recommend reading more books on the subject.

Guns, smart bombs, air superiority? Means nothing without discipline. That image of that navy chief dancing during her re enlistment? that's a symptom of weakness. The US military lost it's discipline years ago, when they became more interested in political and financial gains. It's why they lost to the taliban.

the taliban, is NOT in the globohomo agenda. The Taliban is an Islamic fascist philosophy, that is the enemy of everything that they want to produce. They have successfully defeated the US, and as we speak they continue to fight in Pakistan. War only ends when both sides say it has.

Here is the thing, you spout of china being this great super power, like ALL the other npcs, but where is your concreate proof? The china hype started when wall street began trading chinese stocks. There is a financial interest to hype them up, but at the end of the day where is the proof? Just look at all the shitty videos coming out of Wuhan, look at all the liveleak videos of the factory deaths. That's your world power?

You are worse than faithless, you have put your faith in morons because they shout the loudest that they are winning.

>ww2 couldn't quite git er done.

Once again your ignorance is showing. A new cabal formed in the late 40s. Eisenhower called it the military industrial complex and he openly told Americans about it before he left power. A new political and industrial group, based on the concept of total war, has been operating in the open for almost 80 years. Now people here, they toss around 200 to 250 years because of that one guy's book, but that guy only talked about GOOD empires. he did not talk about shit ones. Shit empires only last 80, like the soviet union and in the next decade we will see the MIC start to falter.

That's why they are panicking. The world revolves around discipline. They spent decades, since the 60s, to destroy discipline in the west so that they can control people easier, and it turns out that discipline is what makes societies run. Discipline is what wins wars, and discipline is what makes empires. The Chinese have NO discipline. They are a culture devoid of it, same as the indians. All the risk adverse cultures where they will lie to you to say yes are cultures that lack discipline.

That's your great reset scenario. When there are too few disciplined people left to run things. When no one will do what they are told. That's why they push anime so hard, because they are stories that bypass the heroes journey of the hero's rejecting his mission and replace it with the hero struggling through his duty.

Things will be interesting anon, because will there be enough disciplined people to keep society running?

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e2acd0  No.291494



You're going to get 5 million of Bruce Lee.

Highly trained, highly disciplined.

But above all highly motivated.

They will not fail to hit any target.


I'm a pragmatist. Try visiting Janes and keeping up on things.


Society is obsolete.

ww3 is a clean slate mission.

Everyone has their part to play.

As any soldier knows, you shoot and keep shooting until they tell

you to stop.

You launch ordinance. You don't even have to know where it's going.

You follow orders and ask no questions.

In a full hot wartime scenario they won't wait for a courts martial.

That is why your superior officer has a side arm and you don't.

That is all the "discipline" they need.

It's a machine.

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fa0a33  No.291506


A long post (of rubbish). You are too ignorant to realize how ignorant you are.

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e5a7ee  No.291513


Hey! Glowmaster!

How about you go get your 10th booster shot and wait for your balls to dry up and your brain stem to fry.

Here's some more rubbish for you:

Mustapha Mond is real, but Mustapha Mond is female.

You first gen meatbags can't end fast enough.

I wish Vlad would just go nuclear already and expedite your die off.

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5802b2  No.291514


>because there is no China without the US

That would be true we were still a major manufacturing hub, but the fact is we outsourced so much of our productive skilled jobs. If China cut the US off of all trade today, they would take a massive economic loss…. but what about us? Our economy would collapse completely, we would be going back to the early 1900s as far as further infrastructure decay with massive, massive shortages on just about everything you can and cannot imagine. Then after all the riots and chaos (and there would be) the government, or someone, would have to try to bootstrap a real economy again (I said real economy as in mining, refinery, manufacturing, drilling, producing, etc) or America would stay third world while China would slowly recover all their losses.

I'm not saying America is all lost, but we would have to fully correct ourselves and change political leadership!

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5802b2  No.291515


Slow down. What America needs is better political leadership, much better leadership to fix this clusterfuck we are in. We needs leaders with balls like Ron DeSantis and with minds like Ron Paul. We also need to correct our thinking and mindset too, enough of thinking everything needs to be digital and "green" too. America is not fully hopeless (at least yet). The public would have to get back to becoming more self-sufficient, and we'd need to boost recruitment of trade jobs and manufacturing too. Starting up the Keystone XL pipeline again would be just the start, we'd also have to look at other ways to become energy independent too. From coal to nuclear to even manufacturing our own solar panels for residential and commercial use. If we fail to do this then yes, America will continue to wither away and collapse, especially if there are global supply chain issues. Prepping and self-sufficiency should also be promoted as well, as that would lessen the burden and pain to come for average working class families. It would be wonderful if the IRS started giving tax credits and write-offs for those who prepped and started growing their own gardens, or who purchased solar panels, for example.

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5802b2  No.291516


The way I see it, if the corruption continues in the West, as well as the degeneracy and crooked compromised political leadership, Americans are going to be in a world of hurt 10 to 20 years down the road and at that point it may be too late, as China (and other countries like Russia) will catch up to us not only in technology but military might as well. And they won't be relying on SWIFT or the US dollar at that point either. And the US will be vastly balkanized, impoverished and undermined in many ways.

The world does revolve around discipline which currently the Western world is proving more and more it's something we lost long ago. We had better get back to discipline and focusing on fixing our own problems here at home, not trying to build an Empire like we have been doing for so long now. Our Empire is failing and fluttering today. It's virtue signalling and saber rattling and not much else. So we either correct our mistakes, try to re-build our own industries again here at home, focus on becoming energy independent as well, or we will fail as a nation.

If you want America to win, you have to ditch the neo-liberalist policies we see today and start encouraging policies that will make us an industrial and solvent nation once again. That is the solution. …. The other option is you conform to today's norm, take your clot shots like good goyim, register to Meta and put on your VR headset and try to eat virtual food as you starve to death with a leaking roof over your head with the lack of supply to fix it and the die off of skilled workers who once could fix it for you.

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9d0d5b  No.291546


CFR toady detected.

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a2484d  No.291551


>but what about us?

"You will own nothing and be happy" Who do you think that statement was made for? Who do you think he was talking to? 5 years ago no one knew who the fuck claus was. But now? His job was to warn when the plan failed, there are others like him that have not started screaming, yet. Some of them may have been silenced by the new money that has begun outmaneuvering the old money.

It's not crypto to watch out for, it's NFTs. The problem with crypto is that there are too many whales who can manipulate the price by mass selling then mass buying. So a system where each nft is tied to another asset is what is needed. That is what people are working on.

Metaverse is a prototype for the market to trade those nfts.

The weakness of america is that so many jobs can be work from home now. This has shifted the service economy out of cities and into houses, but what is glossed over is automation. Why are chinese products such shit? is it because of inferior products and craftsmanship, or is it because automation really makes the quality better? That's a tough question to answer, but it is also a question not being asked.

There is a lot of Chaos out there right now, chaos that no one understands. The old money has not figured out that they are now in multiple different games at once, and that some factions of new money may have already usurped them.

Just look at the cultural shift. we are beyond satanic panic of the 80s, we are now "the elites eat kids". it's escalating and they are have lost the narrative. They shut facebook down because they could not control the population and their databases kept crashing, so they can't even monitor people like 1984. It turns out that you need a lot of nosql admins to watch the population, and that replication lag is a killer.

So what did cuckerberg do when they started going after facebook? he built a market place where non fiat currency can be traded. The elites don't have control over their own anymore.

It's a great time to be alive. So much chaos. They tried to build an infrastructure to enslave the masses, but they did not understand what they were asking for, or even try to understand the technology. Instead they have given the world the tools it needs to remove them.

Temple OS was an interesting beginning. What if we make a new church, online, one devoid of the temptation of flesh? that opened a lot of questions. Combine that with this sudden trope of "AI believes in God" followed by this quiet and massive defunding of AI research world wide and we have more questions now then ever.

We may very well be living in the end times, but further along then we thought. It has never occurred to people that the amount of death we see world wide would horrify iron age people, yet we are desensitized to it.

But this is all schizo conjecture on the internet.

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037c76  No.291555


>defunding of AI research

You seem like a smart guy.

Why don't you tell them about MOP?

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2388a1  No.293313

All of you are wrong.

What Putin really wants may surprise all of you. He wants to dispense his worthless weapons and troops, and more!


1. If he wants a piece of land of Ukraine, or subdue Ukraine, he should have concentrated his forces on the line between Crimea and Belarus, not scattered his forces along the long border to expose them to Ukrainian bullets and missiles. And he should have dropped paratroops in the heartland of Ukraine to help encircle half of Ukraine.

2. He should have used more more effective weapons.

3. In the first a few days of the war, he should have destroyed not only military facilities, but also all strategically important targets like bridges, airports, train stations, power plants, water plants, communications facilities to paralyze at least half of Ukraine.

His plan clearly shows he's fighting Russians, not Ukraine! He started a war to get rid of his worthless troops, weapons, his dangerous political opponents, and expose some spies that have successful infiltrated his government.

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